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By: Yelena
Introduction-week 1-4
Tonal work
During the first week we worked on shading and pencil control.
I think my piece is quite pretty and i like how the lines on the
flower go from darker to light and back to dark again but i think
in the shaded sections i could’ve used a darker pencil like 7b
since i only used hb-6b.
Water colours
This lesson we were
experimenting with water
colours and the colour wheel. I
think the saturation of the
colours were well represented
but they were runny and hard to
work with. I think i would switch
to gouache paints since they are
a like a mix of watercolor and
acrylic and they won’t add
creases to the paper.
Tonal and water colour piece
(I can’t remember what it was called.)
This piece was a mix of working with
watercolor/acrylic and tones with pencil.
I think that the image itself is quite
emotional since it depicts a boy drawn in
detail but sitting on empty land. It shows
that he is too detailed to be with the
doodles stick figures but not detailed
enough to be with the sky which is the
only thing that’s full of life and colourful. I
like how i used a range of shades and
wacky shapes to fill the sky (hb-7b
pencils were used). If i were to do it again
i think i would have made the dividing
lines more pronounced and used an
8b/9b pencil to add areas of extreme
darkness though i could not find one.
Sculpture mind mapping
Themes- spiral, opening, hold
Opening a new chapter in
Opening up to someone Opening paint bottles your life
Butterfly coming out of a
Opening your mind to new
Flowers blooming
opening Opening in the sky i.e
Opening a book silver lining on clouds
A nut shell being opened

eggs/ shells being cracked

Seed pod opening
Opening your eyes Birthday presents Going through an open
Sculpture mind mapping
Themes- spiral, opening, hold
Fingers drawing spirals

Whirlpools in water

Spiralling out of control

spiral Feeling dizzy

A nut shell being opened Snail shells

Sculpture mind mapping
Themes- spiral, opening, hold
Holding a bouquet of
Holding in emotions
Holding an animal

Holding a door for hold Holding back tears


Holding an egg in your hands
Being held in a cage
Holding your feelings in
Opening sculpture/review

Unfortunately, my sculpting clay hadn’t

arrived by the time we did this so i had to
improvise and use a flour based clay.I
think a butterfly coming out of a cocoon is
a good symbol for opening and new
beginnings. Flour clay is difficult to shape
since it can barely stand on its own but if i
was to do this again i would use the brown
sculpting clay which is more sturdy and
easier to work with.
Module 1
Cabinets of curiosity
Lead lesson starter sketch
The image depicts a
bird working an
office job,doing
taxes while there is
a whole other world
of people and
planes inside of
Joy Broom
A closer look
I think that overall this research page
was very good even though it was
difficult to find information about
Joy Broom’s life and date of birth (which
is roughly 1924. I think the creative
pieces represented her art style well but
if i was to paint them again i would use
oil paint instead of gouache because it
bled a lot when i added water and dried
almost instantly. (you can re-wet
gouache but i didn't use watercolour
paper so there was a higher risk of rips)
Symbolism and random pairings
These are a couple of the ● string
random items i found around ● Dior sunglasses
my house to start with. ● Wooden elephant
In the image you can see ● 2 Seashells in a
(left to right horizontally) cork jar
● Nail file ● Disposable glove
● Match box
● Compact mirror
● Rose quartz tree
● Beats by dre
● Earrings
● Ring
● Makeup brush
● Clay penguin
● Ash tray (with
sandalwood, incense
and crystals)
● Jewellry box
I think that even though these items are
“random” they all portray similar meanings. I
noticed that a lot of the objects were circular
which could represent the circle of life/ the
lifecycle of a teenager. A lot of the objects are
crystals which are usually used in meditation
and healing.
Pairing 1
Sunglasses and
I think that the sunglass symbolise the
exciting things in life and enjoying it to
the fullest while the string could
symbolise not wanting to let go of your
past. This is because the glasses are old
dior from around the 90’s and they were
discontinued which could show that you
had an exciting youth but you don’t want
to put it behind you as you grow older
which is why you are using the string as
a tie to make sure your old habits don’t
If you look at the gloves with the
ashtray and crystals then you’re
being foolish by protecting Pairing 2
yourself from something
harmless and healing since Headphones, glove
ashtrays are usually used to put and ashtray I think that the gloves symbolise
out cigarettes which are harmful
protecting yourself from
and crystals are known to have
something that is completely
healing properties which is why it
harmless (like germaphobes or
would be strange for you to not
clean freaks). If you look at it
want it.
with the headphones (which are
old and slightly
I think the pair is depicting someone worn out) you could be trying to
not wanting to accept change and protect yourself from aging and
growth because they’re afraid of
losing your youth.
unaware of the benefits of change
because if you don’t do anything
different in life you will never learn
anything new

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