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The 7th Borneo Undergraduate Academic Forum (BUAF)

Monday-Thursday, 11-14, August 2023

Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya, Indonesia
Integrating Islamic Ethics into Modern Education: A Literature Review on Promoting
Muhammad Rafi Zidan1, Hesty Widiastuti2
IAIN Palangkaraya12, Indonesia12

The results of a thorough library research study on the incorporation of Islamic principles
into contemporary education are presented in this essay. The purpose of the study is to
investigate various approaches, difficulties, and potential advantages related to this
integration. To give a comprehensive examination of the topic, the study consults a wide
range of academic sources, including books, scholarly articles, and reports. The results
are thoroughly explored, emphasizing how important it is to integrate Islamic ethics into
modern educational systems.
Keywords: Intregating Islamic value, education.
The incorporation of ethical principles into contemporary education has
become a subject of paramount importance in our increasingly varied and
interconnected society. The need to foster a shared sense of ethical standards is
even more critical as globalization continues to bring people from different
cultural backgrounds and religious systems together. A generation of people with
remarkable moral character and academic prowess who are able to navigate the
challenging ethical challenges of our day may be raised through the fusion of
traditional values with modern educational paradigms.
This literature study explores the intrinsic usefulness of incorporating
Islamic teachings into contemporary education, with a focus on how it could
foster a feeling of honesty and integrity in students. The Qur'an and the Sunnah
(the sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad), which form the foundation of
Islamic teachings, provide a thorough ethical framework that covers every facet of
human existence. Teachers have the chance to help pupils comprehend the value
of honesty, accountability, empathy, and respect for others by incorporating these
values into educational courses. Islamic ethical teachings can offer a strong
foundation for moral growth, guiding students as they negotiate the difficulties of
a society that is changing quickly while remaining rooted in moral behavior.
The function of educational systems today goes beyond the
straightforward dissemination of knowledge. The idea that these systems need to
actively include ethical frameworks that can operate as guiding principles in the
personal, social, and professional arenas of life is becoming more and more
accepted. This understanding has grown as civilizations work to close cultural
gaps and foster a climate that encourages peaceful cooperation. In light of this,
considering how Islamic principles align with these goals gives a thought-
provoking approach that can considerably improve students' character
development. The connection of one's own virtues and the wider good might be
better understood by students by exposing them to ethical debates based on
Islamic teachings.
The 7th Borneo Undergraduate Academic Forum (BUAF)
Monday-Thursday, 11-14, August 2023
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya, Indonesia
With a focus on developing an integrity-centered culture, this literature
study critically interacts with the task of providing insights into the potential
advantages and obstacles that may occur when attempting to integrate Islamic
ideals into contemporary educational methods. This integration process faces a
variety of difficulties. The necessity for inclusive strategies, cultural sensitivity,
and various interpretations of Islamic teachings are all crucial factors. However,
the potential advantages could be equally significant. Schools have the chance to
support students' holistic development by including Islamic ethics into the
curriculum so that they acquire not only academic knowledge but also a strong
moral compass.
This review aims to identify the implementation at the school, benefit,
and challange associated with the synthesis of Islamic ethics and contemporary
educational paradigms by rigorously analyzing the existing body of research,
theoretical viewpoints, and practical implementations. This investigation has the
potential to educate academically rigorous educators, curriculum designers, and
legislators about the best ways to promote meaningful ethical education.
The library research strategy was used as the foundation for the research
methodology used in this study. This approach entails a thorough examination of
the body of existing literature in order to obtain knowledge and data relevant to
the study's issue (Adlini et al., 2022). By using this strategy, the researcher hoped
to thoroughly analyze the Merdeka curriculum concept and compile the learned
information into this essay.
The process of gathering data was organized into a series of steps that
were directed by various techniques. A crucial part was performed by the first
stage, known as eligibility determination. The researcher carefully evaluated each
prospective information source's relevance to the research's main goals throughout
this stage. Only items that were directly in line with the Merdeka curriculum's
focus were given consideration for inclusion in the study as a result of this
meticulous inspection. The researcher was able to preserve the integrity and
relevance of the gathered literature by adhering to strict eligibility requirements.
The identification process that came next involved a thorough search for
literature that related to the Merdeka curriculum. Comprehensive searches across
numerous scholarly databases, academic repositories, and library catalogues were
conducted as part of this procedure. The researcher sought to locate a wide variety
of papers, journals, and academic works that would collectively contribute to a
thorough comprehension of the research issue by using a combination of
keywords and specialist language. The emphasis placed throughout this phase on
thorough and organized information retrieval allowed for a comprehensive
understanding of the subject.
The analytical phase started after the sources were gathered and
identified. In keeping with the revelations made by Nugroho et al. (2022), this
phase entailed a thorough analysis and assessment of the resources. Each article
and journal's contents were thoroughly examined by the researcher, who drew out
their main ideas, underlying theories, methodology, and conclusions. This
The 7th Borneo Undergraduate Academic Forum (BUAF)
Monday-Thursday, 11-14, August 2023
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya, Indonesia
analytical approach included a thorough evaluation of the accuracy, reliability, and
importance of the obtained data and went beyond simple summarization. The
researcher was able to construct a coherent narrative and reach insightful
conclusions thanks to the synthesizing analysis from the numerous sources.
Adlini et al. (2022) used the library research method in this situation to
undertake a thorough analysis of a wide range of material relating to the Merdeka
curriculum. The effort made by the researcher to compile and convey this body of
knowledge in this article emphasizes how valuable this research strategy is. The
study adds to the corpus of knowledge by interacting with a variety of sources and
completing an analytical examination. It also provides insights that can influence
educational discourse and policy.
Result and Discussion
Integration of Islamic Values in Educational Curricula
Tawhid, the notion of Islamic divinity, must first be examined if we are to
discuss the connection between Islam and integrity. Tawhid, the notion of Islamic
divinity, comes first. Tawhid is the source of all Islamic doctrine and morality.
Glorifying Allah, the "official" name of God in Islam, lies at the heart of tawhid. In the
Quran, Allah is referred to as Ahad. Ahad means the sole or the singular. Thus, "Allah is
Ahad" refers to the fact that Allah is the One and Only. The sole. In terms of theology,
Allah is the only deity that is revered. (al-Khaliq), the Universe's Sustainer (al-Rabb),
and the Creator (al-Ilah). He must be believed in by every Muslim. Heart, speech, and
acts are all part of having faith in Allah. Justifying in your heart, swearing with your
mouth, and exercising with your actions. As a result, a believer or a monotheist is a
complete individual who is in harmony with his or her inner self and is true to both what
they say and do. His words and deeds are reflected in his actions. As a result, in the
context of tawhid, religion has taught and fostered integrity. He will therefore have
integrity by default if his faith and tawhid are true. integrity. Tawhid needs what is in the
heart, what is said with the mouth, and what is done with the body; it means upholding
the heart, the tongue, and the activities of the body. the body performs. This is tawhidic
integrity, or integrity that is motivated by a belief in the oneness of God.
Hypocritical qualities and attitudes result from an attitude of incongruity,
unsynchronization, and inconsistency between the heart, the tongue, and the body.
Hypocritical features and attitudes are produced by bodily acts. Sweet-mouthed but
fundamentally evil. The heart's content is not revealed by what is stated. Islam strongly
condemns hypocrisy. Religion is afflicted by hypocrisy. The Prophet Muhammad listed
three traits of hypocrites in explicit detail. when they advise lying. He breaks his
promises when he makes them. (3) Betrayal when given a mandate. So, we can
conclude that hypocrisy is anti-integrity and the polar opposite of tawhid in nature and
attitude. A person without integrity is born from a non-monotheistic life pattern,
according to Islamic doctrine. As a result of the intimate connection between tawhid
and integrity, Islamic teachings have actually supplied a fundamental basis for
promoting integrity, namely faith and authentic monotheism.Integrity is a result of a
Muslim's consistent practice of their religion. The outcome of faith is integrity.
Curriculum intregation in the context of Islamic ethnic
The 7th Borneo Undergraduate Academic Forum (BUAF)
Monday-Thursday, 11-14, August 2023
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya, Indonesia
1. Ethical Framework within. Subjects:Integrating Islamic ethical concepts
into diverse academic topics is known as curriculum integration. For
instance, in history lectures, teachers can examine the contributions made
by Muslim thinkers to social justice, ethics, and philosophy. Students can
examine literary works that provide ethical conundrums and moral
judgement from an Islamic perspective in literature courses. This strategy
aids students in understanding how Islamic ethics relate to their academic
2. Islamic Ethics Courses. Some educational institutions decide to
incorporate Islamic ethics-specific courses or modules into their curricula.
These classes can address a variety of subjects, such as Islamic ethical
concepts, moral conundrums in modern society, and how to incorporate
Islamic ideas into daily life. Students are certain to obtain a disciplined and
in-depth education on Islamic ethics thanks to these specialised courses
3. Interdisciplinary Approach. Integration of the curriculum should not be
restricted to certain courses or disciplines. Instead, an interdisciplinary
strategy could be used, highlighting the connections between Islamic ethics
and various academic fields. Islamic concepts on stewardship and ethical
conduct, for instance, can be incorporated into discussions of ethical issues
in medical research or environmental conservation in scientific lectures
4. Textbook Selection. In order to integrate the curriculum, the selection of
textbooks and instructional resources is essential. Textbooks that discuss
Islamic ethics or are consistent with Islamic principles can be chosen by
schools. When necessary, instructors might modify already-existing
resources to include Islamic ethical concepts
5. Practical Application. Integration of curriculum shouldn't just be an
academic concept. It ought to inspire pupils to incorporate Islamic ethical
precepts into their everyday lives. This may entail in-class debates,
exercises, and projects where students must analyse ethical problems in the
actual world from an Islamic perspective and offer solutions based on
Islamic principles.
6. Guest Speakers and Experts: Students can get important perspectives and
understanding by listening to guest lecturers and Islamic ethics specialists
interact with them. These special guests can provide first-hand information
and insights about Islamic principles, fostering a lively and engaging
learning environment.
7. Experiential Learning: Students can learn more about Islamic principles in
action by including experiential learning opportunities, such as field trips to
cultural or religious locations. The curriculum can be enhanced by
excursions to mosques, displays of Islamic art, or volunteer work with
nearby Islamic organisations.
8. Assessment and Evaluation: Schools should provide evaluation tools to
gauge how well pupils comprehend and apply Islamic ethics. This can
involve having students analyse ethical conundrums using Islamic concepts
The 7th Borneo Undergraduate Academic Forum (BUAF)
Monday-Thursday, 11-14, August 2023
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya, Indonesia
in essays, group debates, or projects. Evaluation makes ensuring that the
objectives of curriculum integration are being met.
9. Teacher Training: Teachers require the right materials and training in
order to implement curriculum integration successfully. Programmes for
professional development can give teachers the pedagogical knowledge they
need to incorporate Islamic ethical ideas into their instruction as well as a
broader understanding of Islamic ethics.
10. Cultural Sensitivity: While integrating Islamic ethics, educators should be
culturally sensitive and avoid any bias or stereotypes. Encouraging open
dialogue and respectful discussions allows students to ask questions and
learn about Islamic ethics in a nonjudgmental environment.
Islamic ethics are incorporated into the curriculum to enhance students' educational
experiences as well as to promote cultural awareness and an ethical sense of
responsibility. It gives students useful tools for navigating the complexity of
contemporary life while respecting Islamic ethical standards in both their personal and
professional lives.
The integration of Islamic ethics into modern education offers several potential benefits,
a) Moral Development: Fostering moral character and ethical behavior among
students, aligning with Islamic principles of compassion, honesty, and integrity.
b) Cultural Sensitivity: Promoting a better understanding of Islamic culture and
values, fostering tolerance and intercultural respect.
c) Global Citizenship: Preparing students to be responsible global citizens who
value social justice and ethical decision-making.
Despite its potential benefits, integrating Islamic ethics into modern education faces
several challenges, such as:
1. Secular Frameworks: Conciliating Islamic ethics with secular educational
institutions is one of the main difficulties. The majority of contemporary
educational institutions are created to be secular, which means they are not
connected to any one faith. Islamic ethics can be challenging to include into such
systems without compromising religious neutrality. It might be difficult to strike
a balance between promoting Islamic values and the need to respect other
people's beliefs and uphold secular standards.*
2. Diverse Interpretations: Islam has many diverse interpretations and traditions
that are found in many civilizations and geographical areas. It may be difficult to
establish a set of Islamic ethical standards that apply to everyone because of this
variation. It's possible that what one set of academics or educators deems crucial
The 7th Borneo Undergraduate Academic Forum (BUAF)
Monday-Thursday, 11-14, August 2023
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya, Indonesia
won't be shared by another. It is a big difficulty to navigate this variance while
guaranteeing a thorough and consistent approach to Islamic ethics in education
3. Public Perception: There is a vast range in public perception and opinion
regarding the application of Islamic ethics. Although communicating the
advantages and goals of this integration to parents, neighbours, and the general
public might be difficult, it is essential for gaining support and getting over
4. Curriculum Development: It can be difficult to create a curriculum that
successfully combines Islamic ideals. It takes careful planning and knowledge to
develop age-appropriate materials, tools, and activities that appeal to pupils and
meet academic criteria. Additionally, sensitive subjects must be covered during
the building of curricula, and materials must be truthful and objective.
5. Teacher Preparation: A significant difficulty is providing educators with the
knowledge and abilities necessary to teach Islamic ethics. It's possible that not
all teachers have a background in Islamic studies or ethics, and it can be
expensive to provide the necessary training and professional development
opportunities. It is crucial to make sure that educators can handle conversations
about Islamic ethics delicately and skillfully.
A dedication to making sure that the incorporation of Islamic principles is in line with
the goals of education and inclusivity in a diverse and heterogeneous society are all
necessary for navigating these issues. Careful planning, coordination among educators,
legislators, and community leaders are also necessary.
In a society where there is fast globalisation and cultural variety, it is essential
to incorporate Islamic ideals into modern education. The several facets of this
integration have been highlighted by this library research-based study, underlining its
relevance in determining the moral and intellectual development of future generations.
The advantages of this integration are numerous. Students who are exposed to
Islamic ethics develop a sophisticated understanding of Islam's ethical foundations in
addition to developing their own convictions. In turn, this gives them the tools they
need to engage in critical analysis of many moral viewpoints, a skill essential for
navigating the intricacies of modern society. Thus, the blending of Islamic principles
and contemporary education benefits both the individual and the larger community by
developing law-abiding and morally aware people.
However, the difficulties should not be dismissed. It is important to give
considerable thought to curriculum construction so that Islamic ethical values are
included while yet respecting the various student backgrounds and beliefs. Programmes
for teacher preparation must provide educators with the information and abilities needed
to effectively instill these principles. Along with recognising the coexistence of multiple
worldviews within a secular educational framework, the pursuit of this integration
should be carried out in a way that maintains the ideals of plurality and pluralism.
The 7th Borneo Undergraduate Academic Forum (BUAF)
Monday-Thursday, 11-14, August 2023
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya, Indonesia
In summation, this paper argues that incorporating Islamic ethics into
contemporary education is not only important but also a moral and intellectual duty. The
suggestions made here emphasise the need for ongoing study, teamwork, and a
persistent dedication to diversity. While educators participate in discourse to improve
and adapt these practises to constantly changing educational environments, empirical
research that demonstrate the impact of this integration should be promoted. Only with
such committed efforts will we be able to fully realise the potential of Islamic ethics to
influence the educational experiences of future generations and promote a society
characterised by moral awareness, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence.

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