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 SENTENCE COMPLETION: Sentence completion exercises can be employed to enhance various skills.

In this
case, students are presented with incomplete sentences and are required to listen for the missing
information. This exercise helps students become more aware of their strengths in processing different types
of data, such as dates or prices. Additionally, sentence completion exercises can be used to improve both
general information comprehension and the ability to grasp specific details. By engaging in these exercises,
students develop their listening skills and become more adept at extracting and comprehending information
 Vimeo is a popular video-sharing platform that allows users to upload, share, and watch videos. It was
launched in 2004 as an alternative to YouTube, with a focus on providing a higher-quality video experience
and a more artistic and professional approach to video content. Vimeo caters to a wide range of users,
including filmmakers, artists, musicians, and businesses, who use the platform to showcase their work,
promote their brands, or simply share videos with a specific audience.

Oscar Wilde's life was significantly impacted by his relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas, also known as "Bosie,"
and the subsequent involvement of Bosie's father, the Marquess of Queensberry. Lord Queensberry strongly
disapproved of Wilde's relationship with his son and held negative views about homosexuality.

The turning point in Wilde's life came when Lord Queensberry left a calling card at Wilde's club with the
inscription "For Oscar Wilde, posing sodomite." This act prompted Wilde to take legal action against Lord
Queensberry for criminal libel. However, the trial ended up exposing Wilde's own same-sex relationships and his
association with a perceived immoral lifestyle.

During the trial, evidence was presented, including letters and testimonies, that implicated Wilde in homosexual
relationships. As a result, Wilde was charged with "gross indecency" under the Criminal Law Amendment Act of
1885, which criminalized homosexual acts.

The trial led to Wilde's eventual conviction and subsequent imprisonment. He was sentenced to two years of
hard labor, which took a severe toll on his physical and mental well-being. Wilde's reputation was destroyed, and
his literary career was abruptly halted.

It was the combination of Lord Queensberry's intervention, the subsequent libel trial, and the revelations during
the legal proceedings that led to the downfall of Oscar Wilde's life and ultimately led to his ruin. The social and
legal attitudes towards homosexuality at that time played a significant role in shaping the outcome of Wilde's
personal and professional life.

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