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“Hold on tight Pete” shouted my mother.

“Don’t lean on the side” yelled my father from the seat

behind me.

I felt like I was flying as the roller coaster sped down the
first slope. It wasn’t extremely steep, but I was relieved
when we got to the bottom.

Then the coaster almost came to a complete halt. This was

even higher than the first slope because I could see across
the entire carnival grounds. The vibrant colours all around
were exciting and beautiful. Everything looked tiny and far
away. Even the people appeared no bigger than miniature

The coaster began to roll again. Soon we were increasing speed. My baseball cap flew off
and luckily my dad caught it. My cousin Kirk, who was sitting beside dad, screamed. I
thought to myself, “Don’t be a scary cat Kirk!” I closed my eyes and hoped we would soon
be at the bottom.

When I felt the coaster gradually slowing down, I opened my eyes again. I saw an even
larger slope ahead. Slowly, gradually the coaster climbed upwards once again. I hated the
way the coaster vibrated, jerked and clanked. It seemed like it would topple off the
track at anytime.

I knew how terrified I would be on the ride down but I

decided not to scream like Kirk.

When we reached the top of the final slope, the people

below seemed liked ants. I thought,” This will be some ride
down!” Whooooosh! The coaster flew down at breakneck
speed! I was right. This was the scariest of all! So I joined
Kirk with a good loud scream!
I. Write T for true and F for false ideas. II. Answer the questions below
Correct the false ones

1. The boys were at the circus. ________________ 1. Who said, “hold on tight!?” ___________________
2. Who said, “Don’t lean on the sides?” ____________
2. They were with other family members. _________
3. Who said, “Don’t be a scary cat?”____________
3. Kirk was scared. _______________
4. Who were sitting at the back? _________________
4. Pete was sitting next to his father. ______________
5. Where were the author and his family?
5. Pete and Kirk were brothers. __________________ ____________________________________________
6. The roller coaster never slowed down. ___________ 6. Which ride were they riding? __________________
7. The people below looked like tiny ants. ___________ 7. Who screamed first? _________________________

8. The roller coaster vibrated._________________ 8. What was Kirk’s relationship to the author?
9. Pete screamed in the end. _____________________
9. What happened to the baseball cap? ____________
10. Everyone laughed at him. _____________________
11. Pete cap flew off but his mother got it.
_____________ 10. Who was wearing a baseball cap? _____________
12. Pete thought the ride down would be the worst. 11. Who caught the cap? _______________________
12. How does the author describe the colours at the
grounds? _________________________________
13. To what insect were the people below compared?
Answer the questions below
1. The boys were at the circus (carnival/ roller coaster).
False 1. Who said, “hold on tight!?” Mother
2. They were with other family members. True 2. Who said, “Don’t lean on the sides?” Dad
3. Kirk was scared. True 3. Who said, “Don’t be a scary cat?” Pete
4. Pete (Kirk) was sitting next to his father. False 4. Who were sitting at the back? Kirk & Dad
5. Pete and Kirk were brothers (cousins). False 5. Where were the author and his family? Carnival
6. The roller coaster never slowed down. 6. Which ride were they riding? Roller Coaster
7. Who screamed first? Kirk
Then the coaster almost came to a complete halt
8. What was Kirk’s relationship to the Pete?
False Cousins
7. The people below looked like tiny ants. True 9. What happened to the baseball cap? It flew off
8. The roller coaster vibrated. True 10. Who was wearing a baseball cap? Pete
9. Pete screamed in the end. True 11. Who caught the cap? Dad
10. Everyone (no one/nobody. They didn´t laugh at him ) 12. How does the author describe the colours at the
laughed at him. False grounds? Exciting and beautiful
11. Pete cap flew off but his mother (father) got it. False 13. To what insect were the people below compared?
12. Pete thought the ride down would be the worst. Ants
True 14. Why did they appear that way? The riders were
high of the ground.

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