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Mayes 1

Carlee Mayes

Professor Jan Bishop


19 JUNE 2023

Week one was an incredibly helpful topic. I learned how to navigate GTC4ME and was taught how to get

into and check our GTC email. That was extremely helpful because I have not been in school for over ten

years. I was struggling with checking my email and I was also unaware students get to use Microsoft 365

for free while they are a student and learned that in week one as well.

I gained a little bit of experience with Self-Service during the application and admissions process into

Greenville Tech, and an advisory helped me build my schedule for Summer and Fall before I began

school. But learning all the tiny details of navigating my calendar was quite helpful.

We also tackled Blackboard, and boy am I grateful for that. I had no idea what I was doing.

Learning how to turn in assignments and view the calendar and gradebook was what I considered the

most helpful information in this class. I also appreciated learning how to calculate my GPA and the

refresher of MLA format.

The Zoom meeting was a great kickoff for week two. I enjoyed seeing my professor's face and

although I use Zoom very often in my job, I appreciated the refresher of those tiny details I may forget

sometimes. The Learning Express library is an incredible tool that I will be able to use throughout my

entire Greenville Tech journey. I also took the advice from the COL 107 & 111 Library Research Guide

and invested in a USB drive to save my files in case something happens to my computer. As much as I

would like to believe, it had been a long time since I had used a computer for anything other than my

job. Filtering through all the sources of information can be confusing. The RADAR framework has helped
Mayes 2

me tremendously. I used the acronym any time I am not sure if I can trust a source or not. Rational,

Authority, Date, Accuracy, and Relevance.

Week three’s “Time Management” activity really helped me get a perspective of things. I am a

single mother of 2 that gets no help, I work one full-time and one part-time job, and I have now added

part-time college student the list. I was wasting a ton of my time on social media. When you’ve got the

responsibilities that I have, wasting time is not an option. That activity helped me prioritize my time

better so I could study and spend more time with my children. From that activity, I also began keeping a

physical calendar with me. I struggle with the calendar on my phone that I have not written myself. I

tend to forget to put things in it or even forget I even have one. I do still struggle with telling my friends

and family “no.” I feel bad when I am unable to be available for them, but even here recently I have

already struggled with school because I did not want to tell my mother “No” to going out with her. But I

am running out of options. I cannot let my studying fall behind. I am doing this for myself and so my

children can have a better life.

During week four, the final week of the course, we participated in the Jung Typology

Assessment. I always love this test. I always get either ISTG or INTJ. I must be just on the edge for

Sensing and Intuition. My other answers are always the same: Introvert, Thinking and Judging. Professor

Bishop was extremely helpful in explaining what our scores mean in the Zoom meeting. I relate to the

Judging score the most. If you only knew how many lists I make in a day!

This four-week course did exactly what it needed to do. It introduced me to college at Greenville

Tech. I appreciate all the hard work Professor Bishop has put in this course to help us learn. I feel much

more confident going into my second semester in the Fall. Thank you again Professor for all your help!

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