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Luciana Sanmiguel 6/06/2023

Estudios Latinoamericanos y Colombiano Numero de palabras: 730

Social stuidies


The identity of the indigenous peoples of

Colombia today
A identidade dos povos indígenas da Colômbia
O que ser indigena na socidade colombiona? ser indigena na socidade Colombiana implica
diferentes comdiciones e practicas sociales, culturales e economicas que largo da história tam
mantido sua identidade com umas caracteristicas de sua cultura. Os povos indigenas em
Colombia reprecentam uma divencidade de culturas e tradições. Os indigenas o largo do
tempo tan tido que enfrentar muitos desafios como a discriminaçõe: (Amnesty International.
(s.f.). Pueblos indígenas. Recuperado el 7 de junio de 2023, de
tenci%C3%B3n%20sanitaria%20y%20la%20vivienda). menciona que "As Pessoas indigenas
sufrem excusão e disoriminaçãe só por identificarce como pertencentes a grupos indigenas. A
disariminaçõe afeita na su vida diaria e limita a muitos de sus dereitos como na educaçõe"
solo por identificarce como indigenas. Outro desafio que tam tenido que viver é a violência
por parte da guerrilla de Colomba Já que les quitam seu território e podem chegar no ponto
de matá-los ou fazer um deles.

What does it mean to be indigenous in the Colombian society? being indigenous in the
Colombian society implies different social, cultural and economic conditions and practices that
throughout history have maintained their identity with some characteristics of their culture.
Indigenous peoples in Colombia represent a diversity of cultures and traditions. Indigenous
peoples have had to face many challenges such as discrimination for a long time: (Amnesty
International. (s.f.). Indigenous peoples. Retrieved on June 7, 2023, from we-do/indigenous-
tenci%C3%B3n%20sanitaria%20y%20la%20vivienda). mentions that "Indigenous people
suffer exclusion and discrimination just for identifying themselves as belonging to indigenous
groups. The discrimination affects their daily lives and limits many of their rights, such as
education" only because they identify as indigenous. Another challenge that they had have to
live is the violence by the Colombian guerrilla, since they claim their territory and can go so
far as to kill them or make one of them.

Nowadys, Idigenous of Colombia can be identified by for example: one element Indigenous
identity is based on the conection with their lands, which include natural assets such as water,
animals, plants, and forests, as well as spaces where we organize ourselves socially, with their
own economy, authorities, and justice. These territories have been theirs since before the
Conquest, and they have fought to defend them from systematic policies of plunder during the
Colony and the Republic. The most precious natural assets, which are considered resources for
the dominant system, are found on their lands, which has led to the denial of their existence
and their identity as indigenous people. In addition to the conection they have with their land,
other elements including their languages, cultures, religion, community life system,
institutions, forms of production and distribution of goods, harmonious relationship with
nature, self-righteousness, and their own authorities.

According to DW Spanish. (2019, March 20). Indigenous people claim their rights in
Colombia. DW.COM.
colombia/a-48267103, The struggle of indigenous groups in Colombia for their rights,
especially in relation to land. Indigenous people have been discriminated against since
Colombia's independence in 1819, and despite of efforts to improve their legal situation,
landowners, war, and a high crime rate have contributed to the loss of their lands. indigenous
groups have been fighting for their rights in recent years and have made some progress, but
they still face many challenges.

Despite the challenges and difficulties, Colombian indigenous peoples have managed to
maintain their identity and culture today. In addition, their contribution to the conservation of
biodiversity can be highlighted, which demonstrates the importance of preserving their
traditional knowledge and practices. It is important that cultural diversity be recognized and
respected and that the inclusion and participation of indigenous peoples in society be promoted.
With all this information something very important that can be asked: What are the challenges
and opportunities facing indigenous communities in Colombia as they seek to maintain and
express their distinct cultural identity in the midst of ongoing social, economic, and political

-Ministerio del Interior de Colombia. (s.f.). Pueblos indígenas. Recuperado el 7 de junio de 2023, de

-Amnesty International. (s.f.). Pueblos indígenas. Recuperado el 7 de junio de 2023, de

-ONAMIAP. (2015, 10 junio). ¿Qué nos identifica como pueblos indígenas?. ONAMIAP.

-DW Español. (2019, 20 de marzo). Indígenas reclaman sus derechos en Colombia. DW.COM.

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