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Introvert Self-Care

Weekly Checklist

Being an introvert can be exhausting, especially when you have to attend a social event and meet with

different people (oh my, such a scary thought!). Thus, in this checklist, we prepared six different categories of

self-care activities that you can do everyday to help you recharge that empty social battery again.

Just tick for each day in the respective box whenever you have done it.
If you unable to fill them all, that's okay because you're the master of this checklist, not the other way around ;)

Physical Self-Care M T W T F S S
Hug your favourite stuffy toys
Lie on the bed without doing anything
Stay in the low-light room to turn down your sensory stimulation
Drink something warm a soothing (beverage of your choice)
Put on your most comfortable clothes and just stay at home
Have warm bath or shower (savour that alone time...)
Do a short 10-15 minutes exercise alone at home
Take a short 20 minutes nap

Emotional Self-Care M T W T F S S
Enjoy aromatherapy with your own preferred oils
Get fresh air outside (alone of course!)
Create your own recharging space
Cook or bake something delicious (have a cheat day, if you must!)
Vent to your journal by writing, drawing, doodling, anything!
Listen to your favourite music. Karaoke your throat out >.<
Say out loud a word of self-affirmation
Praise yourself while patting your shoulder

Social Self-Care M T W T F S S
Go for a brisk walk or jog on your own
Turn off your social media for a while
Reflect on your thoughts, feelings and physical body sensations
Go out with ONE person closest to you (or stay in)
Watch movies, series, dramas alone
Take a long drive, or ride the public transportation alone
Take care of a plant or a pet
Have a solo date night (yes, date with yourself!)

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Psychological Self-Care M T W T F S S
Stop comparing yourself to the other extroverts
Do a 3-5 minutes breathing exercises
Focus on your senses and be mindful of the stimuli around
Clean your house (your mind will be decluttered as well!)
Have a solo morning or night routine
Congratulate yourself for any milestone, no matter how small
Watch sunrise or sunset
Write a journal and record your daily significant experience

Occupational Self-Care M T W T F S S
Re-read your favourite interesting book
Practice self-interview (ask yourself questions about your life)
Write a letter to your future self
Arrange your tasks according to their priority and urgency
Do a brain dump and write your heart out
Organise your work station
Learn a new skill
Watch an educational video (e.g., Ted Talk, documentaries etc.)

Spiritual Self-Care M T W T F S S
Meditate to slow down your thoughts
Spend time for a worship ritual
Be in nature
Read and reflect on religious texts
Take a pause
Develop a purpose for the day
Read a new book
Unplug from the technology

Reflection (to be filled at the end of the week)

1. Which self-care routines have become easy and automatic
for me? Is there any way I can upgrade it more?

2. Which routine am I still struggling with? Is it still important for

me? If yes, is there any way I can make it simpler? If no, what

other routine can I add to replace it?

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Learn more in this

online course:

"Special for introverts to understand deeper about their

personality and empower their identity as a strength."

(language delivery: Malay)

Topics covered:
Definition, facts, myths and history of the human personality from the perspective

of psychology. A bit heavy but crucial to understand. Presented in casual way.


5 signs of an introvert, the biology behind it and 4 common types of introvert.

Before empowering yourself, make sure to understand yourself first!


Do introverts more prone to depression? Are they easily becoming overthinking and

lead to anxiety? Through scientific explanation, this section will go deeper on this.


Get to know 10 strengths of an introvert and how you can utilise it as your identity

without feeling insecure by other people with different personalities. A plan of action.


Copyright of @ 2023 | All rights reserved

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