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Manual de operacao e manutengao [Re 4) 4) 1B} Litronic PREFACIO Este manual de instrugées para 2 manutenc3o e operacéo foi escrito especialmente para 0 operador e para o pessoal de manutencao da sua escavadora hidraulica LEBHERR. Ele contem: ~ 08 regulamentos de seguranca ~ as instrug6es para a operacdo + as instrugées para a manutencao ‘© manual para a operacdo e manutencdo deve ser lido e estudado atentamente antes da maquina ser coloda em funcionamento pela primeira vez e, posteriormente, em intervalos regulares por toda pessoa que trabalha com ena maquina, p.ex., pessoas incumbidas: = da operagao, inclusive montagem e desmontagem, eliminacdo de falhas coperacionais, remocao de residuos de producao, manutencéo, eliminagao de combustiveise lubrificantes; - da conservagao (manutencéo, inspeccéo, reparacéo); - dotransporte. Isso facilita a familiarizagéo do operador da escavadora hidraulica com a mesma e evita falhas causadas por operacao imprépria. Se seguir estas instrucdes, a sua escavadora hidraulica prestar-Ihe-4 bons servicos de forma regular e fiavel, com excelente rendimento, durabilidade prolongada e custos reduzidos de reparacao e imobilizagao. © manual de instrucées para 2 operacdo e manutencao deve ser juntado as instrugdes para a prevencdo contra acidentes e para a proteccéo do meio ambiente, de acordo com os regulamentos nacionais existentes, (© manual de operacdo e manutencéo ¢ parte integrante da maquina. Coloque um exemplar a mao no escaninho da cabina do operador. Solicitamos a sua compreenso pelo facto de nao podermos aceitar reinvidicagées de garantia em caso de operacao imprépria, manutencao insuficiente, utilizagéo de combustiveis no permitidos ou devido a nao ‘observancia dos regulamentos de seguranca. LIEBHERR anulara, sem aviso prévio, todas as eventuais obrigacdes contraidas pela firma LIEBHERR e/ou por seus revendedores, como p.ex. direito de garantia, contratos de manutencéo, etc., caso utilizar em quaisquer operacdes de manutencdo e reparacdo, pecas nao originais LIEBHERR ou outras que ndo ‘tenham sido vendidas por ela. Este manual de instrugdes comtém todas as informagées necessarias para a ‘operacéo e para a manutencao de sua escavadora hidraulica Litronic. Contudo, se ainda necessitar de maiores explicagbes ou informacées, tera a sua disposigéo 05 seguintes departamentos da firma LIEBHERR: “Documentacéo Técnica”, "Centro de Treinamento de Vendas” e “ Assisténcia Técnica”. 0.1 INDICE Prefacio ..... coer) ceceeses seers OF indice 5 ceeeees OB Informagées sobre o manual de instrugées para a operacéoe manutencao Os DESCRICAO DA MAQUINA, DADOS TECNICOS Descrigao técnica, datos técnicos Diagrama de escavacdo Capacidade de carga PRESCRICOES DE SEGURANCA Utilizago regulamentada «ees. coe coe 24 Prescri¢des gerais de seguranca 22 Prevenco contra acidentes ciceeeees 23 Prevengéo contra incéndio e explosdo ...... —— we 23 Indicagdes de seguranca para o funcionamento da escavadore cette 23 Indicagées de seguranca para o arranque cote cotter 24 Indicagées para um trabalho prudente oe vctteeeeeee 24 Estacionamento seguroda maquina ........ cee foteeeees 26 Transporte seguro da maquina cece coe Boop ESSE ESESEED 26 Reboque seguro da maquina ... — viene 27 Providéncias para uma manutengdo segura ......... 7 Indicag6es suplementares para méquinas com elevacéo da cabina do condutor v2.10 Placas de indicacao na escavadora hidréulica ......... cee : 244 INSTRUMENTOS DE OPERACAO E CONTROLO Obancodo operador ...... a OOO BEEBE 31 Instrumentos de controle e operagio da cabina ... ceo ciseeeesee BZ Unidade de comutaao viteeetees cies cece BA Indicador digital de vigilancia : . : 3.6 Saida de informagées através do Menu no écranLcD ee 3.12 Orgaos de comando e controlo para o equipamento especial ........... oe 319 Equipamento da cabina do condutor nen veces 3.23 Comutagdesdeemergéncia 2... eee — ceeteteeeeees 3.26 AOPERAGAO E 0 FUNCIONAMENTO. Verificagdes antes do funcionamento . Indicagées de seguranca para o funcionamento Para colocar em funcionamento do motor diesel Paragem do motor Processo de arranque desconhecido : Servico de emergéncia das bombas de trabalho . Indicag6es para um trabalho prudente Fungées de translago : Localizagio das duas alavancas de comando © accionamento do mecanismo de rotacao Posicéo de trabalho © accionamento do equipamento de trabalho Aquecimento e ar condicionado Transporte da escavadora Reboque da escavadora : Montagem e desmontagem de equipamentos 0.3 5/ 6/ WW 8/ LUBRIFICANTES E COMBUSTIVEIS Informagbes gerais Tabela de lubrificantes e combustiveis Especificagdes de lubrificantes e combus Plano de lubrificacao Motordiesel ...... Mudanca de leo na engrenagem do distribuidor das bombas Mudanca de dleo da engrenagem de transmissdo Mudanca de éleo da engrenagem do mecanismo de rotacao Oleo no sistema hidraulico Lubrificagdo da cremalheira de rotacao Lubrificacao do equipamento : Lubrificasao central (equipamento especial)... Lubrificacdo do balde de maxilas MANUTENGAO Medidas de seguranca ao fazer a manutencdo Sistema de alimentagio Motor diesel Mecanismo de movimento Sistema hidréulico Travoes do mecanismo de translacao e de rotacao Ajuste dos parafusos de fixacao Filtro de ar Sistema eléctrico Aquecimento e climatizador . i¢d dos dentes do balde . ico das pecas em desgaste Soldadura na maquina Plano de manutencéo Escavadora hidraulica utilizada para elevacdo de cargas Dispositivo de alarme contra sobrecarga PECAS ANEXAS E EQUIPAMENTOS ESPECIAIS Cabina do operador ajustavel Adaptador hidraulico de mudanca rapida Adaptador mecénico de mudanca répida Peso em lastro hidraulicamente desmontavel Alteragao mecénica da largura do chassis maquinas com rasto regulavel ‘Ajuste da via apoiada hidraulicamente ... Ajuste da via completamente hidraulica Filtro do crcuito secundério do leo para o circuitohidréulico Usilizagdo de produtos hidréulicos ecolégicos em méquinas de movimentos de terra LIEBHERR Bomba de abastecimento 0.4 51 52 54 5.10 ga 61 64 66 68 6.10 6.18 6.15 6.16 6.18 6.20 6.22 6.23 6.23 6.25 73 75 81 8.2.4 8.29 84 85.1 855 857 86 a7 88 INFORMAGOES SOBRE O MANUAL DE OPERACAO E MANUTENGAO DAR 944B Litronic wees. 03/2002 ++. 8504070 CP EDICAO: ... REFERENCIA Este MANUAL DE OPERAGAO e MANUTENCAO é valido para as escavadoras R944B Litronic a partir dos seguintes nameros de série: TIPO Nr° SERIE HD-s 650 / 9873 HD-SL 651 / 9873 v 652 | 9873 EW 653 / 9873 VH 732 / 9873 Recomendamos-lhe que preencha o quadro abaixo, logo que receba a sua escavadora. Isso ser-Ihe-a atil quando encomendar pecas. Nr° de série da maquina: Ano de fabrico: CE 2002 Data de entrega ae / 8 / as ‘Améquina corresponde & norma de seguranca da CE 89/392/EWG, 89/336/EWG, 91/368/EWG e 93/44/EWG. As indicagoes para emissao de som foi medida segundo a norma CE 2000/14/EWG. ‘A LIEBHERR reserva-se ao direito de introduzir quaisquer modificacées técnicas em relacdo aos dados e figuras constantes neste manual. ‘As garantias e obrigacdes da LIEBHERR dependem das cléusulas aplicéveis & sua actividade em geral e as suas condigées ndo séo em nenhum caso alterdveis pelas instrug6es incluidas neste manual. As instrugées e fotografias ou desenhos deste manual ndo podem ser reproduzidas, usadas por qualquer razéo e/ou distribuidas, sem 2 autorizacdo do autor. Todos os direitos sao reservados. | Fabricante: LIEBHERR S.A. 2 Avenue Joseph Rey -F 68005 COLMAR 0.5 Technical Description Hydraulic Excavator Operating Weight 36,2-41,1 t Engine Output. 180 kW (245 HP) Bucket Capacity 0,60-2,60 m? R944B Technical Data Engine ating peri80 9249 120 8W 245 Ht 2000 PM Fad ISO oo ee one ‘ye Seyler ine crete. as Besaconed —— too! tng apt «ok cae Sect ineeton eres oes Serco Teduced emissions cooing water-cooled and integrated motor oll cooler Ar cleaner Sry-fype air claner with pre-cleaner, primary and alety elements Fuel tank fos" Standard sensor controlled engine idling Electrical system Voltage — 2av Batores 2x IOAN V ‘Starter three phase curent 24 V/5.4 KW ‘Aternator 24 Vis A (| Hydraulic System Hydraulic pump Tor attachment and travel ave Lsbherr variable flow, swash plate double pump Max. flow BA min Max. pressure 80 bar ‘lectro-hydraulie with electronic engine ‘speed sensing regulation, pressure com Densation, flow compensation, automatic fl flow optimizer Pump regulation Hydraule pump for swing div reversible, variable lo, swash plate pump, losadhloop circuit Max. flow 45 Umi, Max. pressure 350 bar Hydraue tank. ‘aa01 Hydraule system 601 Hiydraule oft 1 fll flow fiter in return tne with integrated fine fiter area (Sym) Hydraulic oll cooler _ compact cooler, consisting of a water and ‘ahydraule oll cooler and hyarestticaly Sven fan faglustment of machine performance and ‘the hydraulics va a mode selector to match application MODE selection upr____ tering FINE for precsion work and iting through very ‘sensitive movements E00 for especially economical and environ mentally Menaly operation POWER ___for maximum digging power and heavy duty jobs ‘Slepiass adjustment of engine output via RPM. adjustment the cpm. at each selected mode (£| Hydraulic Controls via monoblock control valve with integrated safety vaves 10 b00m and stick ‘or uppercariage swing drive Power distribution Flow summation Glosed-oop cireuit Servo exeuit| ‘Attachment and swing ~ proportional via joystick levers Travel = proportional via foot pedals or removable hand tvers ‘Additional functions ___ via foot pedals or joystick toggle switch 2 wrsupiemne is) Swing Drive Dive by Lisoherr swash pate motor Porson, Lier eSmabt lanl eduction gear Swng ng Lther,celod ste ace bal boars sag i, tora oth Swing speed _ 308 A Sepess Swng toca Sie im Holding bake et mate (oping apple, pressure pein Option feria controled psitning brake Fh operator's Cab co Lut ram deep crawn components oie fey mouned,soune nouaioe Wea “inoows rot wheion sors ovate, Sor wih siding window Operator's eat shock aber superon,adustbl to perators weigh Say aqustale seat oytcks grated iio adhtebe set concates itoring inet ion quot oteren operas Conditions va the LCD elspa. Automatic, monitoring, display, warning (acoustical ‘and optcal signa) and saving machine ‘malfunction data, for example, engine over heating, low engin oll pressure or low hydra ol evel standard air conestioning, combined oolerTheater adcivonal ust fiter in fresh Heating system . Shecwsaated (S060 teste cat) = 7508 oor Te nour ie = 108 SB i | Undercarria: veri ey heavy cy rarow gauge BBS heavy cy de gg ive (Saar aah pate ctr with te tyted bake vakes on bolt ses Tanai, Dether purely rducion pers Travel esd few rage "38 kv Rrra “83h Drawoar pull max —__ B58 Rackcompotants ——B? mantenance toe Tack lo! e arr ers 92 face sects and greased Trak pads tae eure Sei ose ———— wat nls ering ape pressure ‘asd) sake vaios (ogre ito rave tor [2 attochment ‘ype_______cambnaton of resistant sto! plates and Cast steel components LUebrerr cylinder with special seal-system, ‘Shock absorbed Pots sealed, low maintenance Lubrication easily accessible centralized lubecation Hydraulic connections —— pipes and hoses equipped with SAE spit- ange connections standard equipped with 20 t iting eye Hydraulic cylinders Bucket 1275 1125 540 4915 2400 i 500 600 750, 500 600 2a98 3000 3150 3198. 3200 3195 3195 3195 3995 3395 5725| Nowzocovrxzrmoo> 3350 3395 8725 Stick |Goose- Longth| neck Boom 6,30 m v2.10 | 7400 260 | eso 3330 | S860 a10 | 400 wi2to | 3600 260 | 3400 330 | 3550 aio | 3860 x|210 | 10950 260 | 10900 330 | 0950 4.10 | 11000, 4000 3750 3800 11900 +400 11500 11900 11400 11800 +1900 11400 11450 11850 1350 11400 TROUBLE 3 Backhoe Attachment with Gooseneck Boom 6,30 m Digging Envelope 1 203 4 = Stk ents m| 210 260 390 410 2 Ta agg Se a) 65 7s Tas a Moc resent qeundiev! m| 860 1040 1700 1180 a Max. dump height m| 705 725 760 800 Max. ten rig m|1020 1040 1078 1120 a Digging force SAE KN] 196 1640 141121 7 ‘| 200 ter 144 123 igang fore 150 vo] 205 ros be : | 209 173 148 196 Breakout force SAE wo] 205 os os “es s ‘| 28 198 198 198 Breskout force 150 wi] 208 218 ats ts tl 250 218 28 at °. . Operating Weight 7 and Ground Pressure Cperating weght nclides basic machine wih gooseneck boom Ps 30 match 280 m an bucket 180 me 7 Undercrige | ws | wa. : inal | 600 7] — OT Benwee7es43 270m woe 15 oso Seo 7240360 st zo Gondprsse —tgomelaae O71 088 [ape OTT Oss 409590 51H DBO Optional: heavy duty counterweight (ear Cty courterveght resses tho operating weight by 1380 kg Sr ground pressure 0.09 gm) Buckets Coutng with trm|700 003 9004050 1200-1880 1500-1650 165012009 Capacty 180 7451 m/070 060 080 440480480 7518 220-200 Wa, possible Hos um|ie0 ‘eo 180 tao t80 80180 ta) ts 120 mate welght HO-SL vm|i80 eo 190 a0 $80 feo 180 te0 180.120 Wott wth Leber teth 220 oles 1380 Toro. ties taro too 1488 tars Tea 450 Wg ot HO-bocket with her teth 2 208 ig|t010 = 335060900 S teste ‘Max. stick length for machine stebility per 150 10567: Hs undoreartage mano 410 a0 440 «440-390-260 ax0 2102.10 HDS undereariage mato 430 10 410 30 880 260 200260 With Liebher teath 2 16 21 For applications over surlace class 6, according to VOB, part C, DIN 18300 Ripper bucket wit teeth sze 61 Optional side cutters with teeth 20 increase cutting width by approx, 140 mm, = Weld-on set of adapters = Set of bolt-on side euters 4 ToRstBLinone Lift Capacities with Gooseneck Boom 6,30 m Stick 2,10 m Stick 2,60 m Height | Under- | Radius of load from centerline of machine (m) Height |Under- | Radius of load from centerline of machine {m) (m) carriage | 4,! 6,0 758 10,5 (m) carriage | 4,5 oO 75 9,0 | 10,5 a Ee vos [ee | ros (22, os ie 90 ose 98 Hos 73 bos. 73 lost 69 os 84a ( 8.46) | 700,78 68 bos eu 43 bos. 12.28 (12.28) 3.5#( 9.58) 45 Nose ‘894( 8.98) | 687,78) pees eas pees naar age 45 bos |i 8 (11.28) 745 | hos. tise 288] 82 ( it) ee ips HD-SL | 76.9 | os. | Stick 3,30 m Stick 4,10 m Wott nde sie el Rt ad Sto ent = ox 10.8 [22 10,8 [ee 99 os. 9.0 | ost 73 \os 5,08 (5,08) 75 los 2,60 (2,68) 68 Hose 640 6.48) | 9,963.38) 69 bos 4286.28) tes aisarteees saltbs sry 2 es seedbaceibnct 6 es cae oe oO |HD-SL | 19,08 10.08] | 76.0 los |roaeirza| 0 (308 ‘The lift capacities ae stated in metric tonnes (ton the backhoe buckets load hook, and can be ited 260° on firm, level supporting surface, Values quoted in brackets are valid forthe undercariage when in longitudinal postion. Capacities are vald for 600 mm wide triple grouser pads, Indicated loads are based on 'SO 10567 standard and do not exceed 75 % of tipping or 87 % of hydraulic capacity (ndcated via #). Maxinur load forthe backhoe bucket’ iting eye is 20 t. Without bucket (1,10 m, the fit capacities wil increase by 1185 kg, without bucket cylinder, line and lever they increase by an adtional 490 kg. Liting capacity of the excavator i ited by machine stability, hyaaulic capacity and maximum permissible load ofthe load hook \When lifting loads, the hydraulic excavator must be equipped with automatic check valve on its hoist eyinders and overload warning device according to European Standard, EN 4745. TOROWBL¥nic 5 Backhoe Attachment with Hydr. Adjustable Boom 4,50 m Digging Envelope 1 203 4 Stick lengths m| 210 260 330 4,10 ax. dlaging depth 715 780 860 Max. reach at ground level sm] 10,90 1140 1205 12,85 Max. dump height m| 95 975 1030 1095 Max teeth heght 1m] 12,60 13.00 1960 14.25 Digging force SAE kn] 196 168 141321 t| 200 167 144 123 Digging force 180 kN) 205 170145128 i] 209 173 148 126 Breakout force SAE kN] 225 195195195 t| 229 199 199 199 Breakout fore ISO kN] 285 218 215218, t] 250 219 219 219 Operating Weight and Ground Pressure ‘Operating weight includes basic machine with hydraulically adjustable oom 4,50 m, stick 2,60 m and bucket 1,80 mv Undeccariage Hos. Pad width vim] 500 600 750 S00 600750 Weight kg | 38440 asco 39420 | 36520 39020 59620 Groundpresswe kgiem’|0g9 07 061 log 076 O62 ‘Optional: heavy duty counterweight (Heavy duty counterweight increases the operating weight by 1380 kg ‘and ground pressure by 0,03 kg/cm) 900 1050 120013501500 1650165018000 080 110 19046047598 220.260 101801801180 «11801180150 1.20, 1180 1,80 1801480180180 150120 107011851270 139014951875 «1695 1650 1190 12601360 14451525670 410 430° 410-980-260 2.10 20210 410 410 410 410-330 260-280 260, 40 2s 20: 16. ° 20. 2. Bb S ws we eS om Buckets ‘cutting width mm|700 8003) Capacity 150 7451 m|0,70 0,60 Max. possible HO-S vm] 180 1.60 ‘material weight HO-SL vine] 1120 1.80 Weight with Liebherr teeth 2:20 kg|965. 1380 Weight of HD-bucket with Liebherr teeth Z 202) kg] 1000 ‘Max. stick length for machine stability per ISO 10567: HD-S undercarriage m/410 4,10 HO-SL undercarriage m|410 410 ‘ith Liebher teeth 2 16 "For applications over surface class 6, according to VOB, part C, DIN 18300 ‘Ripper bucket with teeth size 61 ‘Optional side cuters with teth 20 inerease cutting wicth by approx. 140 mm — Weld-on set of adapters ~ Set of bolt-on side cutters 6 ToRas@ tiene Lift Capacities with Hydr. Adjustable Boom 4,50 m Height | Under- | Radius of load from centerline of mathine {m) tm) |earriage | 4,5 | 6,0 | 7,5 HOS | aar( ase] 105 Jost | ast, so] Ho-s —|rose(ines) 95 (sex 91 Ios |rosraen| 96r(o5n) gis [HOS [ier asrcosa] 5 Jose [ruses 103 css} 6,0 2S | 42 1458] 53 coq Host |suseiiasa) 99 aan] 0-8 |ssaisan| ortian] 405 Jost fice nsan| 95 te] Hos fia san! a7 1150] wos. [7 san] 29 (150| Hos [12s (sam 43 (an HO-SL —[itsensar) a1 Oram] fos tte cen 37 fase wos. [129 penn a3 frat ros [rit pao 76 fay os. [ies pata e2 (ram wos. [iz nea 22 crs ose [ns ean ao (am oss fis (tan| to (tay ose fae tao] t3e 9 nos Stick 3,30 m Under- | Rev of load fr anlage | 4,5 | 0,0 fos sense ross. sat sen ros Salaun ros. fiat ean| sanen ms | ar 008 | tor ean Hos. | Sea | ser on Hos | ewan aat(aay| aaron Host | arvars/astiaan| 71 gam Hos | rsasr¢3e) soso78| 64 (3s Hose |:useiias6) 96 0079] 69 158) Hos |:z9 (isan)e6 (ran| 63 am) Host (139 (isa9)e2 13y| 87 wm) ays [HDS |i28 nz] aceiian| 60 wre 5 Irost [ins tiszn| so (nan | 96. 079 [Hos fa asen 56 Ban Host 185 954s) 62 as aays [HOS {114 asa] 53 Bam +5 lose |s27 cas] 58 68m Hos {sto (es0 50 gan 739 Jno. |r23 ssp]ao may] ss aon Hos [113 809) 70 1.49] 47 7H TMS Nese 4 son] 78 (1.19 | 53 7A Hos [112 jn] see( sen 76° rose |izini2n) sari 568) a9 id aig2) ssc sons) 450.) sae) aso) 387) 4087) 35610 a) 4s 7a a74878 86 B38 50 Ban se(709 50 70" 4 00H 48 go) 42 6a) 46 a8 39 69H 4 aH 36 67) 40 87) 34 678 38 674 soaa sama9 2883) 3263) 282) 312) 2861) sop) 1s ee 5 os tS Be Ea Stick 4,10 10,5 20 78 6,0 as 3,0 HOS HOS. HDs HOS. HOS “45 HOS. Radivs of lead from 4,35 raat Tea] ast 748] aa 220] 24228] 33894 30( 35] sa7eia7n| T4738) sr( 0) 0( 30 84 cr a7ec274|s90 (06 135 (54 asrcsan| sor 604) 38608 27 vse] 36 seq] 86 2 (80) its naa) 28 (6a) i sea 25 1668 iia 1s. a7 (san aiH¢ a] 8a( 0] 32 08:4) 42 (5) lar isan) see sas) 25 1508) 38 (568) 8 (509 29 (598 iy 630] 24 (a3 a8 (san 22 ces 12 qs0m| 25 1500 soni] 86 128] {159 tise] tas] tias] iiae] (nas) 74 1179] a2 hi] 73 pean] a 120 10 ( 924] 1a (saa load tro 6,0 son 509 01 $0 51 514) 5 518 Sau( 52H (528) 0 608 on 608 Bacay saa nes 87 1099 94 (1099 85 1139 0 may 82 129 a9 (2m 18 (129 a4 28 72 (8 80 54 to 0m Ta 0178 Be (08 8 (918 ssnsn se(638 65 788 70 0aA 68 pan 1 Bee 85 gay, 88 Bam &¢ gan) 68 Bom 58 Bam 85 Gen 56 Be 82 82 Be Ba 48 am 54 Bia e209 arian 7,3 atm S707 941638) 921499 | sanisan 34839 siege owe est 88 a7 63 ass 87 Bs seam 58 Bea 53 88 50 Ban 51 Bae 57 B99 | 48 aan 53 aan ssrian sert4an 1 centerline of machi 82 am | 44 674 4a B74 44.02) se024 40 a8 351030 sara 32898) 35088) 32600, 35800 aga) 3485) 3063) 8363) 2882) ange 2860) 2860) pss) pass) The it capacities are stated in metic tonnes (on the backhoe bucket's load hook, and can be lited 960° on fim, level supporting surface Values quoted in brackets are valid forthe undercariage when in longitudinal poston. Capacities are valid for 600 mm wide triple grouser pads with acjusting cyinder in optimal postion. Indicated loads are based on ISO 10567 standard and do not exceed 75% of tipping or 87% of hhydeaulc eapactty (nicated via 4). Maximum load for the backhoe bucket’ iting eye is 20. Without bucket (1,10 ms, the lift capacities wil Increase by 1185 kg, without bucket cylinder, ink and lever they increase by an adclional 490 kg. Liting eapacty ofthe excavator is limited by ‘machine stabilly, hydraulic capacity and maximum permissible load of the load hook \When iting loads, the hydraulic excavator must be equipped with automatic check valve on its hoist cylinders and overload wang device according to European Standard, EN 474-5, roRauetionc 7 Backhoe Attachment with Mechanically Adjustable Boom 4,50 m oan Digging Envelope 123 4 5 6 nL] | Stick lenaths m| 230 260 390 4:10 28 : Wax digging depth ors 7a BE ‘Max reach at ground level m| 985 10.30 1095 11.70 Max. dump height m| 690 7.10 7.40 7,80 i Max. teetn height m|1050 1020 1058 1090 Digging force SAE kN] 196 164 141321 1} 200 167 144 123 8 Digging force IS kN] 205 170 145124 t] 209 173 148 126 ‘0: Breakout force SAE KN] 225 195 195195, t] 228 199 199 199 5: Breakout force ISO wn] 245 215 21525 250 219 219 219 1 with stick 2,10 m, main boom retracted 2 holes 2 wath stick 2,10 m, main boom retracted 1 hole ‘Bwith stick 2:10 4 with stick 2160.m 85 with stick 3:30 m 6 witn stick 4:10.m 20 Operating Weight and Ground Pressure Operating weight includes basic machine with mechanically adjustable ‘boom 4,50 m, stick 2,60 m and bucket 1,80 Undercarriage 28 Sane Ree nr oe ee we we en Pad with Weight (Ground pressure Buckets Cutting wiath mm|700 003 -900—«1050-««1200 «1350 «+1500 «1650 «1650 ~—1€000 Capacity 180 7451 m/0,70 060 090 110 1,90 4.60 1,75 485 2202.60 Max. possible HOS vms]1€0 1,80 1.80 118011801180 1180480150 1.20, material weight HO-SL vm|180 1180 1180180 ©1480, 180 1180 «1150120 ‘Weight with Lebher teeth 2:20 kg]965 1380 107011851270 1390 14a5.—«1575—1695 +1850 Wight of HD-bucket with Liebherr teeth Z 202) kg} 1040 — 1150 1260 136014451525 1670 = = ‘Max. stick length for machine stability por ISO 10567: HD-S undercarriage m/4i0 410 4.40 404,103.80 2602.30 2102.10 HD-SL undercariage ml4t0 430° 440410410410. 3.30 260 260-260 With Liebher teeth Z 16 ®For applications over surface class 6, according to VOB, part C, DIN 18200 Ripper bucket with teeth size 61 Optional side cutters with teeth 20 increase cutting width by approx. 140 mm. = Weld-on eat of adapters, = Set of bolt-on side cutters 8 ToRaue Linc Lift Capacities with Mechanically Adjustable Boom 4,50 m Stick 2,10 m Stick 2,60 m Might [Under | Rada of od tom catrine of mech (m) Haigh nde | Reds of oe rom ceneine of machine) tat learioge "4,8 6,0) 75) 9,0 TOS) “a eemage nat Soot Srataestarees fe x | 10-8 Jos. 10,5 | oe 99 hos 7.26( 728] 98 Host 654 ( 6.50) Be [ae tae wag sales cia, oa Satan Green lee, rae ts fauousl ea ea ke te umanlae toms sca. |fieno)o tune em roe titan ce fifa et oa | oon ies Slam) 69 aay | camry resis fay es Gn eu ay | srg he 2 am |e an | Sa tee fit fay sti] ao to | Saat Be faa temo coal se Con | rest toe ficou) 1 ca a2 a2) | S08) voce is fos tag| S362) | aot) HO-SL —[110e¢r10n] 78 (2,18) 57 @3) | 43770) HO-SL [121 (1539) 81 112,18) | eago) rca. [hs (uy te tv a 3 | S208) tba [iy fee an ao cs | ate) ress fit fn tan on sexs fx tayo tay So aay | arsy HO-SL/1N6 (1246H] 75 (1030) 55 18) HD-SL 11,7 (138q] 75 1098) 42840 vous, | ileus 4s an Ss [ntstm|se (mm 33 eon | em oars he tbe, | iay satan es ee se | a Stick 3,30 m Stick 4,10 m alg | Udor Wait | der J cette of mh (ni) tal |curege tal” scrape wa" "5e" tos se io 10.8 [oo 08 [oo | Be ox am] sam ree ‘ 99 bros. S04, 608) | 3.747874) 99 | os. 430439) ies sesh wales Sin | asa Bs ‘alee lies. hem | ivan re oT sein se les ee [rea a ‘3 his | sonia 0 |e Sem | cxton ro, frau an aor a | Sth asles rata tn | | 2.08 ES face eng Bar| camry 5 Nes, 77] eae | 9 | Sanh sca’ [iran es Sur a | aa) ao [Blas oan may| ne |S | read fs |ce tome tug oan | capa) 0 |. | teas| esta] 2 Gan |r a | rset an | sas | 3809) Ss oa" [on uc tr oval et aan | oo) | oe vos. [as tomes may han | S360) | foe (0 laa anche (0 2} 22 a © og fre FES Meare cass ea) sees (ems far Gass Sag / om] S022) 2 eae voc {ra cul tao] ae 495 S180) rics. |s Geel tay | ors |23 68) | 22 coe aga |S» faba Gan aa ae | ase) cays 8 [is tao ar tan | be | ee) | 25 an 18 Jie [stun] fan | 2 ay | Ss) 8 fle. (us feu ttn] eh aes | ae | aon ae [tO [ie taser (sa] se tan | Sonar vay (ea, [ae geiles fas] 2) aay | on cag eae | eaten ea tg] 3 08 tba fic tay eam | ar ea | ean vos. | tenor Seen rss. [tee (ao s3 gay | aot 76, | ose 768 Nos ‘T2A( 7.28), 5.68, 56) | 3.7403,74) ‘The it capacities are stated in metic tonnes () on the backhoe bucke's load hook, and can be lifted 360" on fim, level supporting surface, Values quoted in brackets are valid for the undercarriage when in longitudinal position. Capactes are valid for 600 mm wide tiple grouser pads. Indicate loads are based on ISO 10567 standard and do not exceed 759% of tipping or 87% of hydraulle capacity (indicated via). Maximum load for the backhoe bucket’ lifting eye is 20 t Without bucket (7,10 mth lit capacities wil increase by 1185 kg, without bucket cylinder link and lever they increase by an addtional 490 kg. Liting capacity ofthe excavator i limited by machine stabilty, hydraulic capacty and maximum permissibie load ofthe load hook \When iting loads, the hydraulic excavator must be equipped with automatic check valve on its hoist cylinders and overload warning device according to European Standard, EN 474-5. ToAswaumne 9 Backhoe Attachment with Straight Gooseneck Boom 6,80 m Digging Envelope = 1 23 4 ching “Max. digging dept os Neetu gondied— elante teoe inte. wean corm mses ‘soo ‘sao 220 ' Nes ecdnage mises sea0 1200 aso 7 ing foe SAE wel 106 104 tt et t] 20,0 167 144 12,3 ' Deon rc 150 ae ‘| 208 973 tas 8 areata re SAE Mee ee ae ® t} 229 199 199 199 eretot tee 60 wl ae 3s me Bs ®. t] 250 219 21,9 219 Operating Weight of 7 and Ground Pressure e tl Cpr witht nce bua ractna wth sae gooseneck : Prana sie tacos ead voact ater 14 5 Undercaniage | Hos Host 207 6 I Pad width mm)500 600 750 [500 600 750 5 tae Toro sophia ure fare ss LJ Ground pressure kg/om’| 0,84 0,71 088 |085 072 059 se hiOn Ron es Rasen Cpa hey tycoon ns Fila day ccrtevlgt ress he operating welt by 180089 0 9 30 25 20 15 1 5 Of and ground pressure by 0,03 km/em?) Buckets caning wn rm|700 soo oan 1050 12091980 1030 10501000 eelgieaasi (90-8 Bg go AO ies 220200 Nec pesobe wos vm|ia> tao te 18) tap to im ta ae not wee a wlio te ie ie im ie tis 120 Hagen lobiertsanz20 Fa 08 aoe — Heo seer pa age ve e winch ait 208 igltoo 31502501980 tas sas tor Then ack gi for machinn stabiity por 186) 105671 sb untrearent mae aie tn 430 430 980280240 290240 ipsa lei Moat te Sto 89035 Ban Ba Ban 1 With Liebherr teeth Z 16 ®1For applications over surface class 6, according to VOB, part C, DIN 18300 Ripper bucket with teth size 61 Optional side cutters with teeth 20 increase cutting width by approx. 140 mm. = Weld-on set of adapters ~ Set of bolt-on side cutters 10 ToRaWBLienc el Lift Capacities with Straight Gooseneck Boom 6,80 m Stick 2,10 m Stick 2,60 m Height | Under- | Radivs of load from centerline of machine (m) Radivs of load from centerline of machine (m) im) |comage "4,5 | 60°) 7,5 | 9,0 | 10,5. 45 | 8,0 | 7,5 | 90 | 10,5 ‘oe | 108 Jos. | | wos ener wos 99 bos. HO-SL 73 | canin tos ss 030 8 |e oan | os fia( ean | 19 fn 60 [8 favenaie| ar roep| ez wos frecrcaze|as {agn] es ea | cans 0 |yo-s favenaia| ae foeo| asarm os. |toaronan| av{ aan] s9 am | soe agg (8 far esan/ee gran] seme | asc | tos (an ant Joost [tea asznlo2 man] ssermy | azo | HO-St 4 1088) 4204) 3.0 ("3 1 tag] ssney | tos 73 tia no! nok tina | toa nose |e team] ay fan tone ns [3 apa) | sora as [POS {100 ean] oa gaan iano) re shea) | dara 3 |i. faz faze ar Caan ura ois ios os stan) | ees fo (ros. fice rao cesm has} frsetnan| 7 cian| S80} | aKa vost {ia Quan] Gm ae ae tm) 69 03m cays [HOS [ne paon|ea Gran seen ‘ta fara] ts (080 +8 Jims. fia pete 8 gran ea | 8m] 20 (2a) nao [PS |oa na es (ean Soe Sn] 8 (oan 0 |i. [aeiay| or (san olin vos | rae ap] ean Sian wos. | rae an] eat gen oe Stick 4,10 m of load from centerline of machine (m) ‘Under. | Radius of from centerline of machine (m) 0.) 7,5, | 9,0") 10,8 a5 ry. 10,8 seen ie son aaa aan ros aoinon (ca | aren "Ds ‘tot | 289 ea ean| can a Cinazn | bse tain | cana | se49 nos sian | ata 66a 669 | eaten | Saran ros Sm | aan fat an | 60 ta | 48 Ban tos Stepan | «7 tan | sora fat ran] 19 Gam | 30 an nos Stan | 81 ean | Soraan zsenase ea tore prac jos 21/290] 63 fen | «3 wan | 29 4am feseasr| a7 pont | 86 mam | ca Gan ros. (ean | Saeed | ca in | a8 Kam 30 [ros [asicsn|ey Cran| sr aay |c2 ra) | s1kan gg [ums |i cuan|ae taan| sean | <2 0m | 1 BaD 0 |i. [aa gsan|aa tran| a wa | se 62 | Satay 0 |io-s. fusyean| eo fan | se ga | 47 ram | 35 B29 1,5 [HOS [112 (18a8) 74 208i] 53 39 | 38 68) | 30K5H 1,5 (HOS [11,7 18,98) 7.7 (11.5% | 5.4 B04 | 40 7.0) | 30 G4) 5 |r. as eo) e2 120n| $0 oat | ta Pa} | asec wos. fio tan] ax tan | ao om | se fo} | 88 BA) © EE PRESSE teia| sg eat ce een] geen MF rms fae maa aad mu | 4 0) a ost {ive pame|t7 tan| as eo} | 42 9} | S3am Host [rat ian|ra cam 82 fry | a2 aay | 32 83) cays [OS [ios tsan|es tian | 2 aa [a7 Br) wos fie faro|oe tien] 4a aa) | a8 Bs) 28 Ba) ose {ia tan|rs than] se ae) | 4: Br) os. |i hss Gran] 84 map| ts) | a2 62 3,0 |r. fos taan/sa com se naa | ar Bry os” fae tan) ar caan| a7 we | 38 Ren 9 ros. fia faan|ss tmm| se nan | £7 S18 o-se {ris ten] 4 an 9 fan | ta an cajg [HOS | soe enn|eo (1am 0 87m os foe (ron)a7 (s0n| 42 gov | 7 5 |i. | sevoeg| 27 (rm | ss Bn ost |rentien| ss (son| as 6 | 41 Kan tos os [er ren] n(n | aan -60 [ios 60 |fos. | ren teq| ear coy| cin | ‘The lift capacities ae stated in metic tonnes (ton the backhoe buckets load hook, and can be ifted 360° on fim, lavel supporting surface Values quoted in brackets are valid for the undercariage when in longitudinal positon. Capacties are valid for 600 mm wide triple grouser pads, Indicated loads are based on ISO 10567 standard and do not exceed 75 % of tipping or 87 % of hydraulic capacity (ndicated via 8). Maximum load forthe backhoe bucket's iting eye is 20. Without bucket (1,10 ms, the lt capacities wil increase by 1185 kg, without bucket cylinder, link and lever they increase by an addtional 490 kg, Liting capacity of the excavator i limited by machine stability, hydraulle capacity and maximum permissible oad ofthe load hook |When iting loads, the hydraulic excavator must be equipped with automatic check valve on its hoist cylinders and overload warning device according to European Standard, EN 474-5. ToRouBLiene 11 Lift Capacities with Gooseneck Boom 6,30 m and Heavy Counterweight Stick 2,10 m Height |Under- | Radius of load from contertine of machine {m) tm) caoge 75") 19.5 Fos. 99 Nos 785 Nios. 60 Jos. ttm Hos | zecoay 45 ros |rearcean| HDS [sa (5) 85.888) 940 ros. |ss:eisi9|t00 can] 71809 ays [HOS [27 1609) a8 ise) ezean 5 lost |s40 69H) 84 (1199) 68098 Hos |iza (ini) 82 ian] 60869 Ho-SL [188 (rin) 90 jan] 651850 23 eam) 1 (214) soa 38 (62m) 89 (214) Ss 4H 2s (ean) 02 coal 39 (44a) 20 C00] zen aa] eapan 7582 sani sae | 298( 794 Taev.99 7a4(79H| 7087.99 s26nc2en) av 3a | 67 3m 2ee26H) (048 | 73 Gan 84 1548] 88 a9] 6s ase 48 1a] 87 (oan | 6e wom 128 1836) a3 tian | 60 2m 39 ream] a1 ism | 68 2m 23 w79R| 60 (238 | 58 aR a8 (ron 8a can| 04 BaR 2a case] a0 (naa | 5a Bt 38 (64) 88 crga| 63 om Hos 2 rane] a 049 75 Jost 59 1400) 39 1049 Hos |raoe(ice] Host |ro0e(a0e| 9,0 | 10,5 sarge 3138) 51 Bae Saab5a5 58 Ban 54 BaF 3H 51 03H) 45 can | 50 788 4 pan 40 038 Stick 2,60 m Height | Under- (mo) |carriage | 4,5 | 6,0 Hos 10.5 |foe | Hos | 9,0 [108 Hos 7.3 [ipa HOS 69 |hos. Hos 94996] 43 |hos. ani 220] Hos |raaemez9] 93 03m] 30 Ios. fisanitezm|io2 (034 ays [HOS {isa tse] a7 ca HOS. {14a ssn] 95 (16H co [Hos {125 «zz as czss] wos. |1s8 cas] 91 (2st) Hos |23 cea) a1 234) 7105 Taos. [a7 teen) a cam] Hos {ies qsa4] ar (sq) 73 Hos. [ise 1529] ee (158] wags [2S [s2errzan) 04 (309 WS Jos. |rzeeaan) 92 ( 320] -3,0 Hos HOS. HOS. HDs HDs HO-SL hos HOS HOS Host HOS. Hos. m 4,5 | 60 sae( 849 | asl a9 eon 83 tn |rcorncen a fon rea tar] 83 nen, tea Gan] a3 tren 23 Gran] as can far tron] ae ram at neva 9 tam fas tn] ar tana zz nsan] v9 129 ae san] a7 ran feeetan| 82 (209 freertea a0 {20m 7, 73 eaepan ea an 69.038) 5 om 70 Bom 8 eas 66 (88 58 BA | 6« Ban 57 an 62 pan 57 sh 83 aan sspm Ss arcs seray se 858) 50850 2oseee eornee ‘aattan s2ate2a 52638 5340538 50 Bam 55 3H) 28 oH) 52 6 45 73H 50 73m) 44 08H 38 3H 30; se 038 Radius of load from contertine of machine {mn} 10,5 Radius of load from contortine of machine (m) 2eresn 2oreaH sara suas 2orean 20238 ‘The lift capacities ae stated in metic tonnes (ton the backhoe buckets load hook, and can be itted 960° on firm, level supporting surface. Values quoted in brackets are valid forthe undercariage when in longitudinal position. Capacities are valid for 600 mm wide triple grouser pads, Indicated loads are based on ISO 10567 standard and do not exceed 759% of tipping or 87 % of hydraulic capacity (indicated va 8). Maximum load for the backhoe buckets iting eye is 20. Without bucket (1,10 mi), the it capacities wil increase by 1185 kg, without bucket cylinder link and lever they increase by an akitional 490 kg. Liting capacty of the excavator i limited by machine stability, hycraulc capacity and maximum permissible oad ofthe load hook. \When iting loads, the hydraulic excavator must be equipped with automatic check valve on its hoist eyinders and overload warning device according to European Standard, EN 474-5. 12 ToRoWs Nome Lift Capacities with Hydr. Adjustable Boom 4,50 m and Heavy Counterweight Stick 2,10 m Stick 2,60 m Rattivs of load from centerline of machine (mn) Height |Under- | Radivs of oad from contertine of machine (m) 45 7,5 | 9,0 | 10,5 (m) | careiage 0 | 7,5 | 9,0 | 10,5 ass{ se] 5 [HOS | s1( 39] Host sarah) e689) wos — | aae{ 29) r74( 778] ase) ae roe 86a asa] Host | a2e{ ean) 778177] 4sr1asa) sraeiven|ioa rosa) 70 arm | zis [Hos | aoriacn| soni son! 73 99 sven 1051050) 78 7H "5 Jost | wat( aon) s0e( 900) za00, 4ae(4sh 100 (090) 77 aM | 479m 6,0 HS frazece7a}i0n 088] 72 B50 | <9 679 145488) 108 (oom Ten | 53.608 MO Neos |rarnczzn|ioaeogn| 77 aH | 53 erm 142 588) 98 cae] oewon | «773m ays (HOS |ustosan) a7 azo] zona | 49 024 183 san] a2 can) 74 gam | s2ran 37 see] 2 154) €8 gam | 4er2n geensen] soernisa] 74 gon | sor2n [rose | saensas} ns c2n) 75 an | 53 028 3,0 [HS |raetnsoo| 94 cise] 69 fon | 48 c25 MO Jost [rer cson] sense) 73 aoe | 2 029 86 sam] 92 tas) 68 aay | garry ays [HOS [38 1509 88 gan | 48 019 4s tsam)| 9 tsaq) 71 eam | cary 5 Jose |e tsa 72 was | 50.719 2 1818] 88 (158) 63 wa | 2088 fo [Hos fine rsa] 63 aan | 43 pm 43 (604) 94 (150) 67 won | 4aeae Ho-st [148 (ison] 98 (r45] 69 wes | 48 (72) 25 (bee) 83 (9A 87 wom | 400) Hos 128 (60H 69 70) 58 0:8 | 41 ae 139 (688) 91 (9H) 62 lon | «Sem Host [40 16a] 82 C170) 65 8 | 45 (848 128 (ah) 8 (sn) 88 Pe mos |28 (684) a2 1206] 55 ain | sarin Host [39 (65H) 90 1209 28 1sa8) 79 (929 42 sae] a (92 ssrasy 139 ssp] 6 188) 81 73m er san) 7100 7] ze nsan) 719( 718] m Radius of load from contertin 3m centerline of machine (mn) 4,5 | 60 | 7,5 7,5 | 9,0 | 10,5 | svt se snfarn as 5 arr 648 S9r4oe | aaa 9H aa Bea] Sat 805 garidan | 248088 601( 689) osepsey | 472.479 7,5 [08 524( 626] Sar | 4701679 94( 6] sarisen | 4721679 5 lose S2a( 529] sorBan | 4781679 re( ane! s3e( gam] 1247098 | 51 50 6,0 [3 f01( 606] srewi8 | 52 669 | a7 99 rel ara] a3e( sam] 77 7.95 | 58 sn 18 Host an{ son) arapan | sorGen | sae9q jg [HOS jesrcusa] a7 corn] 70 156 | 50 v.09 | scion 4,5 [HOS | sitcaral aee( aan] r0 279 | 52 mn | 38 BON MB Jwo-se |rasersa|tos naa] 74 59 | 55 coq | 3842 Host | aiaf ote) aati aap] 75 029 | $6 (78 | 40 ON 138 seq] 99 0134) €8 7m | 4s can | 340574 3,0 [HOS [42 sin] sarcase| 68 sy | 52 oq | 36 Gm 28 san] sseiniaa] 73 re | sa can | 37674 "8 Jost |isiaisia|s01 coon 55 38 | 39 674 ss sz] 61 19] a7 rm | 47 oan | 32660 ays [HOS |ssahnsan] ax onan] Songan | sar6en ase sz4| 97 (aa) 720070 | 52 70m | 36056q Host [ras isan] 97 cas) 54 Ban | 38 Ben 35 risen) a8 ciaq] 63 wan | <5 con | 31618 fo [HOS ise (sen) so oraq 4 am | 32 Ban as sen) 97 113] 6¢ om | 4a com | agin Host |rearisen| ge (1124 51 ap | 38 Ba 127 q6in) 3. can] 60 am | 42 Bah ays (HES [130 Gen) 98 (129) 61 wan | 44 an | ar BH 41 (68) 92 C84) 68 an | 46 om | Host 4 seq] 93 129) 67 ae | 48 Bon | 38 B18 23,0 [#25 [124 as] 81 c88] 57 fan | 40 Brn 23,0 [HOS |:24 600) 31 cise] 50 wan | 41 7H | 28 B3m #9 Jost |s36 1559] 08 (198) 44 678 #8 ros. [sae tesa) ao cian] ed wan | 45 BH | 23 B5q 25 nan) 8a (| cays [HOS |i29 0890) 80 o2m] 55 aay | 39 Gan ie neon a8 cM Hose [a7 tea ep ttm] @t ean | Se Wa nos” |raettan| san sa] Hos ize pon) 77 (ara) sere GO |e |rizvcrizn| 5641568 760 Troe [isa son a8 (91m) orien | ‘The it capacitos ae stated in metric tonnes onthe backhoe bucket’ load hook, and can be ited 260° on fr, evel supporting surtace Valves quote in brackets are valid for the undercarage when in ongtudna posivon. Capacities are valid for 600 mm wide ple rouser pads with adjusting eyiner in optimal poston, Incicted loads are based on ISO 10567 standard and do not exceed 75% of tipping o 87% of Iycraule capacty ncicated va). Maximum load forthe backhoe Bucket’ iting eye 20, Without bucket (10 m, theft capaci wil increase by 1185 kg, without bucket cylinder, ink and lever they increase by an adtonel 490 kg, Ling capacity ofthe excavator fs bite by machine stably, hydraulic capacity and maximum permisibe load of the load hook ‘When liting loads, the hydraufc excavator must be equipped with automatic check valve on ts holst cylnders and overoad warning device according to European Standard, EN 474-5 TORS Utne 13 Lift Capacities with Straight Gooseneck Boom 6,80 m and Heavy Counterweight Stick 2,10 m Height |Under- | Radius of load from contorline of machine (mo) (m) |carriage | 4,5 | 6,0 | 7,5 Hos 105 Ios. HOS a 874 99 |ro-s am a7 HDS ar( 984] 70818 7.5 bros. sas( a6] 780818 6,0 [2S frrenave}io0 nose! sei Host |:arstisin}scan aan] 751879 ae gs29] 94 1120] 669 szensanioz (za) 72639 86 (eos) 6249 95 (120) 88054 4 ¢28a} 50186q a9 25] 651885 sen S729) 0 bap2e ne 1274 sry fazer a6 ase] s38sm HOS | sar( sen] 79 (244/589 739 |rosi | gar( aon) sani gan! oes) HOS. (5 Host. 5iH( 5] HDS [post Stick 3,30 m Height |Under- | Radius of load from centerline of (m) carriage | 4,5 | 6,0 | 7,5 hos sas 480] 105 los. a4 aa] fo [#8 834{ 63) cari "8 Hos. 34634) «34 4H a5 [HS (868) 8241825 8 los. 68( 669) 6241525 HOS raat zen] 3 728 69 Sos. aa( Tap] 7200029 ays [HS fresenese| 98 cat) 68 eam MS Jost |izsrtasn|saiego) 74 as Hs [139 (554) a0 2m] 36 Bos) Ho-se_ [153 1884] a9 (1.28/70 om) Hos | 126-1884) 83 1205] 60 B39) Host |139 (1890) 92 (290) 66 fas) Hos |:20 (1399) 79 23m] 57 B90) Wo-st {139 (1399) a7 (23m 63 Bay Hos |rt8 (29) 77 13H) 58 om Host fiat sam) a5 (1158) 61 oH HDs [ing cen] 77 cam] 55 c. Most |senge) as oar] 62 0 ways [HOS | 808908) 1740 779) 57 679 MS ost | a6r/ aan) 7701 779) 5741579 Hos HO-SL “The litcapat sso san avan Siam 3079 soc aca) 49023) asrpen sare | 51 Be 55 Gua a Sa man rar 35 (40m 30 04 35 Kaa 48 03h | 38 Kan a am aner Stick 2,60 m eight | Under. tm). |cariage | 4,5 tos 10,5 [23 nos 99 Vos tos 75 | host. Hos. |roaroon © Nos. | ozs; os [eae Sl ro-se [saan rasa Hos [as tes ros. fir peor vos {ee fea] hos [ia fam © Trost — |r0r 300) ros |e ga wos. [ras cao mos [rn ose [rant os | rat 109 os | Tee 739 ros Hos. Stick 4,10 m eight (mm) 45 10,5 2.0 3 | 69 Nos tos 43 los wos fuze) 3 Vos. |rsze(ras) wos ior fea) VS those jes caaal mos [rez ose 0 Those 135 (1598) nos lis par ros. [iar far wos {rr tea 930 lose fia ieee ros [neta ost |nartte| os | rer ram 76 Nos 768 ( 7.68 1341 736] 7341730] eae] sat 3a] 334 aa a¥( a5 96 (i 04 oe 86 a] 7 ea] 82 (236] a1 236] 78 1239] a7 (239] ra quay] as ie] 73 (338) a7 (93H 5a 5 Bas( 8] 98 55 ns] 283 rose] 02 casa] 86 1158] ae 1139 0 2] aa (2 17 Cal 5 (hi 78 (09H) 4 1a] 78 ( 908] 84 { 308] 50 | gon | 6 7,3 | 9,0 a0 rate 30 wa8 | 50 gan 76 wan | S168 4 Bon | 69 758 73 aan | 53 758 63 aq | 47 0. 68 gam | 82 074 60 5m | 45.07) 68 034) | 50 7.7m 58 bat | ae Dan 89 at | 48 748 57 078 | 44 Bm 2 a7 | 4a Bem Sr 028 63 72, aan aanuan 7,5 | 9,0 sorfs0% Sor 0% amram | 25080 4 25H 5h stags | 4anjean raise | eat aa sarpan | 524625 sarisan | S2v62H eaeeay | 50 Gam GatiBae | 58 8 65 gan | 48 08 ra way | 52 038 61 00m | 45 can 87 gon | 50 944 Se eam | 43 Bae 83 pan | ¢3 gan 55 pia | 42 G29 at aa | 8 G28 54 Ban | 42 G44 60 gan | 46 Bam 55 69m | 42 (am 8 am | 47 Kan 8 asain Radius of load from centerline of machine (m) Radius of load from centerline of machine (m) 10,5 308,306 30#0309 36 jes are stated in metric tonnes (ton the backhoe buckets load hook, and can be lited $60" on fim, level supporting surace, 4a re eam Values quoted in brackets are valid forthe undercarriage when inlongtudinal postion. Capacities are valid for 600 mm wide triple grouser pads. Indicated loads are based on !SO 10567 standard and do not exceed 75% of tipping or 87 9% of hydraule capacity (indicated via #), Maximum load forthe backhoe bucke's iting eye is 20 Without bucket (1,10 mi), the it capacities willincrease by 1185 kg, without bucket cylinder, link ‘and lever they increase by an addtional 490 kg. Lifting capacty ofthe excavator is limited by machine stabilty, hydraulic capacity and maximum permissible load ofthe load hook \When iting loads, the hydraulic excavator must be equipped with automatic check valve on its hoist cylinders and overload warning device according to European Standard, EN 474-5, 14 Tonauezone e =>) Undercarriage (a) Operator's Cab so so Two-peed al Deep erawn cab shal components : Track gs on rend Sa re yirn : [fe time eect veh ters 5 Decrwin sng window : Treva te compaalyhlorated nto tho inderariage sound ete ot tap : tore + Ramprotectve shade for font window : Tracks sealed and greased + Watterand wer ; “Took guide ot opectet and in contr 2) Sia estate lth suspension seat ; Comeioni Teck 710 De 2 Scatera conels independent adhustale : Sprocel wih at sector $_Romovebe tan forte pean : Ratoreed base pa carter iece S| fetenanine ei Coat hook : Dome igre i (om Inld ear minors : [a Uppercarriage $ © Faso istalaton pop : Engine rood wth Mt hlp + Cigar ighterand aty : Cosrabe too box 5 Remove cst foo mat : Fetal ons suaces S Slee and ete ay i Talk $Datatnsrumertaon ; Maintenance reo swig brake ck ®_Dagtainstuents oof emp engine RPM andi pressure. = Maintonace ee HO-Sateres + Data nour metre rem eutace : Na smth or che creut [| Blevabl let secon of ont ino = Sanaineuaon + Ahir soc roo utewsete i echnical swing lock uperiower 1) power eat chert wi ourabl hea rat and Dect fa ark or pare | oe ¢ Foot pedal swing posting brake 2 Wag beacon ; Enea tot 2) Resmhar noc ts ‘ Customized coors Gainer : Fmore lass ‘ a Hydraulics slo [4 cecronc pup reuaon : Attachment so Stoloc werk ose esector 2 cytnders wih shock absorbers ‘ Preeure orge far coraled owaing of atachents wth Sased pots : engin turned + Geroazod tbe pons : Feral tank cht ae Sooo] SAE opt tango igh posure tree : Pressure compensation + Zotiing eyeon bctts : ow compencaton 2 Wonigtton boom : Fier th grated fie itera fn) + Teta Gates bucket and sick : Pronretert eos $ Silay check vanes or hott opinger . Aaatonal ya outs + Ovetoad wang cove 3 Be-dopadae yr of + ycormochanfl quick change coupler ‘ Furor secondary cet {Liber fm ae gape : (uch decomest ane compos si Spall pptcaton bucket : Fv neo sick for clam operation s Bott ink adr om apeston 5 Engine $0 worway selector valve for bucket 3 Dietinjtion «| Gunomeed eae : Turbo changer ‘ Dyrtype a leaner wre-cleaer, main and seety element = ‘Sensor controlled engine ialing Engine cold starting aid 15 = Standard, 0 = Option © cvtions and/or special atcments,soppied by vendors ether than Liebert, are only tebe instaed withthe Cowiodge sed approvel et ckher te rte worry DRauBthone 18 i : i i ' § a a : Liebherr-France SAS 2, Avenue Joseph Rey, B.P. 287, F-68005 Colmar Cedex ‘@ +33 (0)389 21 35 10, Fax +33 (0)389 213793 \, E-Mail: Technical Description R 944V Hydraulic Excavator Serene Operating weight 40,7 up to 44,1 ¢ Engine output 164 kW (223 HP) Bucket capacity 0,60 to 2,60 m> Adjustable undercarriage, transport width 3,00 m = & ngine ating per 80 #209 Bagine operation Dprimaty and eafety clements Fost et Hydraulic System Hydraulic pump or atachment and ‘Savel drive [Liebherr variable Sow, swash plate oubie pamp Max gow. 2260 bmn Power {or maximum digging power and ‘Beary duty jobs Super-Finiah adjustable working speed for grading REM adjustaca La Hydraulic Controls Power distribution via monobiock contol valve with Integrated safety valves Flow gummation ____to boom and suck Gloned-ioop cizcult for upperearviage swing érive Servo circle ‘Betachment and swing —_- proportional via joystick levers ‘Ravel ~~ proportional via foct pedals oF Removable hand levers = Speed preselection Aditional functions ‘ia foot pedals oF joystick toggle 4 Technical Data | S= Swing Drive Drive by. Liebuerr swash plate motor ranemiaion ‘Liebherr compact planetary reduction ‘Fear ‘Swing ring Exebuers, sealed single race ball bearing Swing ving. internal tects Swing speed Ong sis staples ‘Swing tongue 127 ae Holding brace psu tse oping applied presse Option: pedal controled positioning brake a Operator’s Cab cap ____ aut trom deep drasrn components esi ently mounted, sound insulated, ated ‘rindows, front window stores overhead, Operator's seat Joysticks ‘Monitoring eating system —__ Nolse emission (andes) = 7250 aesSEwey FA SE iee = areas) a i: = undercarriage Yewion sciestabe mdererings ‘Drack gauge 300 = ——— ‘Track gauge 3.50 Dave. ranenisston Eqebherr planetary reduction gears ‘Travel speed low range ~27 ee ‘high range ~42 Jams Drawhar pull max —__ 400 ‘Track components ——D 7, maintenancetree camserroliers 10/8 ‘Tacx pau ‘triple grouser Digzing locks et dics (opsngepplig presre Brake vatves, ‘tegrated into travel motor Type ‘vex-type, combination of resistant steel ydrauic cylinders ___Eishner liners wit special sel cvinders List = eae shock absorbed Pivots Sinica iow maintenance Lubrication Sasiy acctasible centralized lubrication Hydrau- Mechan- mm | Sick _| Goose- Straight A500 emgts | neck” cally cally Goose $0 [doom adjustable adjustable neck 5 ts (880m boom boom boom 2 Sit | tom 350m som 6 res ms am =m Sm zm 2 2. 2 seo ss00 800 S000 x 05 260 7400 7900 7900 $250 — f00 330 6600 7400 7300 7600 2 85 “106200 6800 6700 7000 6 et 3 Bw nto asso gona 00 5 iors, 50 Bas S00 Std 0 x (530 Seo Srso 3003400 3 sotmeson 000-9500 ho sso atso 80 Sato | 210 10950 11900 11400 11500 | 2,60 10900 11900 11400 41500 |3s0 | ioss0 © tuso0 i100 11450 40 | i300, © isso «115011400 x 1 Dimensions Digging envelope 2 with sek 210 m 2 wim sex 260 = 5 wits sex 330 m wits sue C10 m Stick lengths m 210280350 tao Max. digging depth sm “615-685 —~785~—~—«=IS Max reach at ground level m 9901035110080 ‘Max dump height m oT 7357780 ‘Max teeth height m 10301080 1ngs 1128 Digging force keNrt i960 s6ane7 sauies 221 Breakout force Nn dows isass ieee ines ‘Max. breakout force &N/t rragesoe Operating Weight and Ground Pressure Operating weight includes basic machine with 6,50 m gooseneck boom, 260 m stick and 1,95 m* bucket. (Thdeeanage adjustable undercarsage om Pad width e500 500, ; ‘Weigat ig 40700 31500 Weuwe ss ess set Om Ground pressure Tglent 086 078 Optional: heavy duty counterweight (Heavy duty counterweight increases the operating weight ‘by 1800 kg and ground pressure By 0,08 kglem?. Buckets Gating wid Tm | 700750" 900 1080 1800 1950 1500 1650 1650 18005 ‘Capacity 180 7451 ‘m | 0.70 0.60 0.90 110 130 150 175 195 220 2,60 ‘Max. possible material weight Yer 180 1.80 180 480 180 180 180 180150 120, ‘Weight with Liebherr teeth Z 20 ‘kg | 920 13001020 105012201360 14501480 1560 1830, ‘Weight of HD-bucket | with Licbherr teeth 2209 kg | 1020 - 1120 1170 1520 14901520 1630 - - ‘Max stick length for machine stability per 1SO 10567: ‘with Vaunderearriage ml S10 410410410 410410830260 26060, » With Liebherr teeth 216 2 For applications aver surface class 6, according to VOB, part C, DIN 18300 5 Ripper bucket with teeth size 61 Note Optional side cutters with teeth 20 increase cutting width by approx. 140 mm. Weld-on set of adapters 7 set of bolt-on side cutters Backhoe Attachment with 6,30 m Gooseneck Boom with stick 2,10 m with stick 2,60 m Height Radius of load Som centerline of machine inm | (Height Hadius of load from centerline of machine ta m= Linm 4s 6a. 75) 90 | 105 nm 45 | 60 25 90 | 105 i 32.0 T 105 30.5 30 20 T 75 75: r 80 S(T BOBO 50) 0S) 35 BR TEP) 98 (85) 82 6H) 45m GHS) 6-( 85) BBO) 3.0 148-657) 108 (089) 80 65) | GOEL) 4S 063 tae) 07 (209/77 GS) 8802) 88 rt) 103 (BT) 74 GS) $7 (60°) 3017872) 120 Gia) 15189 (742) 105 (25>) 0185 GPS) 10307) 74 GS) @ Tas 8s Ges) 100 GRE) 73 OH) TAS _as7 GMs) 10 027) 73 OS) =O eras) 108 GEE 73.0 iS (85) 101 LT] TA 8) 451i Ger) 45 ier Ger) 84( 84 = 6.0 301 with stick 3,30 m with stick 4,10 m Weight | Radius of load from centerline of machine inm | | Height | Radius of load from centerline of machine nm iam 45 | 60 | 75 | 90 ) 305 inm | 45 60 28 30 1105 720 T 320 505 T [os T 30 T (20 75. BA 75 25°08) 80 SGN) | 8a OAD, 60 eG) a5 3 ( S39] 735 | $5" 6S) ; as SG) | 55°65) 30a GSS) se(88)/ 81 GR) 6012) 30 HS GES) SECA) TOS) 81 GH) NAT) 25 160-(60:) 108 G4), 77 GO) | 58 1) 2516 (0455) 105-057) 78 GO) 89 2) 83°02) 058 ray 108 (239) 14 OH) 58 OS) O61 Ger) 104 C8) 1502) 58 OH) TiS 18S gre) 100 Gas) 72 GID) S570) Tae 188 (74) 100 W259) 72 OS) 55 OH) =3.0_ 158 Gee) 99 GBI] 72 G2) 3.0 184 (70) 99 CEH) TE OH) 85 TO) Tas Mar cer) ior cose) 45 1857557) 99 GLE] TE) 60) 91 $5) L Te. ise (124) 90=( S09) I |All values are stated in (t) and can be lifted 360° with machine on firm, level supporting surface, equipped with 600 mm. pads. Poads in (...) can be lifted over end only. Indicated loads are based on SAE standard J 10567 and do not exceed 75% of Sipping or 87% of hydraulic capacity: Load point is the liting eye on the attached backhoe bucket and the loads are limited to 20 t ‘Without bucket (1,10 me), lift capacities will increase accordingly by 1050 kg and without bucket cylinder, link and lever, they increase by an additional of 490 kg. + Rating limited by hoist cylinder © Rating limited by stick cylinder ‘When used within the countries of the “European Union” and when lifting a load, this excavator has to be equipped with an overload warning device and its hoist cylinders with automatic check valves, according to the Buropean Standard EN4G?45. Lift Capacities with 6,30 m Gooseneck Boom TT Digging envelope nom 1 with stick 210 m 2 With ste 280 m Swath stick 330 m | 4 With etek 420m Z Stick lengths mao ama ja | Sax digging dope m SS aS Sa TAA Max seach a - | ground level = i ian Max dump height = mS 855 Max teeth height mB oem sin i870 force ere ssam00 seuse7 saunas i589 are Operating Weight and Ground Pressure Operating weight includes basic machine with 4,50 m_ | bydranltcally adjusteble booms, 2,60 m stick and 1.95 m° : [oasecaage aia ia * (aaa Seon 0 s: |_Weight ‘kg | 42200 42800 ®. = [Ground pressure kgfem* 70.89 O75 Loewe Se eT te Optional: heavy duty counterweight (Heavy duty counterweight increases the operating weight by 1500 kg and ground pressure by 0,03 kg/em". Buckets Gating width mam | 700 750900 i050 50 185015001680 1680 18000 Capacity 150 7451 m | 070 060 0.90 110 180 150 1,75 195 220 260 ‘Max. possible material weight Um? 150 150 180 180 180 180 180 180 150 120 | ‘Weight with Liebherr teeth Z 20 ‘eg 920 1900 1020 1050 1920 196014501480 1560 1890 ‘Weight of HD-bucket with Liebherr teeth Z 200 kg 1020 - 1120 1170 1520 1490 15201690 - - ‘Max. stick length for machine stability per ISO 10567: with Vuundercariage Bai 410 410 410 ai0_ 410330360360 360 » With Liebherr teeth Z 18 ' For applications over surface class 6, according to VOB, part C, DIN 18300 ® Ripper bucket with teeth size 61 Note (Optional side cutters with teeth 20 increase cutting width by approx 140 mm. Weld-on set of adapters 2 Set of bolt-on side cutters Backhoe Attachment with 4,50 m Hydr. Adjustable Boom 6 with stick 2,10 m with stick 2,60 m Height | Radius of load fom centerline ofmachineinm "Height | Radius of load Som centerline of machine in inm 45 | 80 75_| 90 | 105 nm 45 80 75_| 90 1 105 32.0 12.0 105 (89, 105 9,0 _ sas" aos') 83°38) 90 (Re ID 6049 (49 12 C3) 88 OS) | SS_OHD 6.0 a0" (40) OGLE) Be GH) | BOGS) 425 165-(6s) 112 LS), $1 GF) | 38 08) 45 60°16) 112 GL) 82 GE) 6008) 3.0159 W607) 1085 (209) BIS) STH) 3.0161 165)/108 Gen) 89 GS) S805) [ i 75 _ (ii G21") 108-084) 84 GOH [757959597 95" (839 80" 807) [ t T5385 (66) 108 019) 80 GE) SS OS) TS iR0 (6s) TOSS) BEI) | STOH) O62 677/106 (209) 73 @3) 53.02) 0162 Gary 108 Gus) 77 GS) S505) Tas 169 (75) 103 1239/72 @2) SINGH) Tas 16s GTO OA (BE) 73 OH) $365) 3.0160 6s) 102 LT! TO Cs) TSO go G2) 103 G2} 7065) T4528 (28) 835 ( $5) Tas 1s 0885) 850 8) 6.0 = 8.0 with stick 3,30 m with stick 4,10 m Height | Radius of load from centerline ofmachine nm "Height | Radius of load from centerline of machine in mt mm | 45 | 60 751 80 | 105 jam 45 60. 28 90 | 105 12,0 12,0 105 EEG 105 SP CSr)) 885) 30 Ber( 86") 55°68) [ 3.0 53° (53) S64) | 35 GED 25 72 (72°) 69° (69°) | 497499 | 75 S57 (55°) 55° 667) 49797) 6.0 sa°( 85) 88°( 88) 862) AI ET) 60 Bar (84°) 68 6H) | 89S) KORO 45 GO GSH) IGN) 8: GH) kt OH) ST, 45 10a" GOH) AI (At) 81° (62) | Sa GED AS G2) 3.0162 (66) 108 GET) 79 GE) 8 CH) 43 OF) 0157S) 320 Gus) 7H GH) 8E OS) 4S a) TS 159 (60) 107 GIS). 78 Gt) | 88 09) | a2 OH) 25 158+ (68:) 10618) 78 Gi) 60 TS) 46D) 018 GEV IOS Ces! 77 GE) |S CH) 4 CH) 0 SPSS) NOS LTH] THEO) ST OD) 42 GH) THE tt csraiine Gay) 7S G2) | $a 02) TiS 189084) 105 GLP) 75 GO) $5 GS) 40 GH) [3.0 1s88 Gnss)102 G23) 72 G2) [52 GE | = 3.018165) 104 6209] 73 05) | $2 09 35 GH) Tas is9 (659/100 GES) BGT) | Tas 187 (69) 100 (219) 68 OS) | AGT) Teo wos aos), 475( 7) L 5,0 15071509) 80F( 800) 446) ‘Al values are stated in (9) and can be lifted 360° with machine on firm, level supporting surface, equipped with 600 mm pads. Poadis in (...) can be lifted over end only. Indicated loads are based on SAE standard J 10567 and do not exceed 75% of pping or 87% of hydraulic capacity. ‘Load point is the iting eye on the attached backhoe bucket and the loads are limited to 20 t. ‘Without bucket (1,10 a), Lit capacities will inereace accordingly by 1050 kg and without bucket cylinder, link and lever, they inerease by an additional of 480 kg. Rating limited by hoist cylinder ‘Rating limited by stick cylinder ‘When used within the countries of the “Buropean Union” and when lifting load, this excavator as to be equipped with an overload warning device and its hoist cylinders with automatic check valves, according to the European Standard ENG?ES. Lift Capacities with 4,50 m Hydr. Adjustable Boom Digging envelope 1 with stick 2,10 m, main boom retracted 2 holes 2. with stiek 210 m, main boom retracted 1 hole 3. with stick 210 m 4 with stieke 2/60 m 5 with stiek $30 m 6 with stick 4.10 m ‘Stick Jengths m 210260850 Max digging depth Om ~—~SS—SCS CTS ‘Max reach at id level m 985 sass n0 ‘Max dump height m 70) 722780730 ‘Max teeth height m 1051030106120 Digging force wave e620 seuneT saunes s2unes Breakout force MeNie 22523 185n9 OSES i958 ‘Max. breakout force N/t mraanson Operating Weight and Ground Pressure Operating weight includes basic machine with 4,50 m mechanically adjustable boom, 2,60 m stick and 1,95 m* eeeees * a Vadereaiage ‘adjusable mdeeamage wo wm a we mS On Pad width mm 500 600, ‘Weight eg 300 3180 ‘Ground preseure ‘igen 087 073 Buckets Cating wit an 7007509800 1080 190019501500 1650 1650 _15008 Capacity 180 7451 mi 070 060 090 110 130 150 475 1.95 220 2.60 ‘Max possible material weight Gm? 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 180 180 180 150 120 ‘Weight with Liebhecr teeth Z 20 eg 9201900 1020 1050 1220 19601450 1480_1560_ 1590 Weight of HD-bucket vith Liebher: teeth Z 200 kg 1020 - 1120 11701520 14301520, 1600 = = ‘Max, stick length for machine stability per ISO 10567: "with Vaunderearriage ml ai0 410 410 450 430 440 830260 260 260 » With Liebherr teeth Z 18 1 For applications over surface class 6, according to VOB, part C, DIN 18300 ' Ripper bucket with teeth size 61 Note Optional side cutters with teeth 20 increase cutting width by approx. 140 mm. = Weld-on set of adapters 2 Set of bolt-on side cutters Backhoe Attachment with 4,50 m Mechanically Adjustable Boom 8 with stick 2,10 m with stick 2,60 m Height | Radius of load fom centerline ofmackine nm "Height | Hadius of load from centerline of machine in m fam 45 80 25 90 | 105 iam 45 60 25. 90 | 105 12,0 32.0 305 105 20 Tea) i 30 ae ( 66) 75 [essa 6s 1 75: a5" ( 855), 65° 65) 50 Was" AESH|IOO GOO) 85 BH) 451465146) tO GRO) 81 GO) OAT 30 167 (675) 108 (20) 78 GH) S808) 15 te9" (0495) 103 (aS) 7A GF) STH) 6.0 waar (9a) 105- COs) 8 4554 G54) 4 GLE), 80 3.0 36067") 106 (1295) 77 4.52097 GOS") 301 (285) 73 Ones? es") 98 G8) 74 39.1 SCR) 0 isa dss) 88 (2a) 12 GS) 3505) TiS _1iee= (tas) 97 Os) 74 BA Ta HOF a00) $8 GLI 7a GP) TSO 8 ( 855) 8 ( 2) BERD TBO TLE (Ebi) Sar ( 829) 70 =as | [eas G06) =80 | ese i with stick 3,30 m with stick 4,10 m Height | Radius of oad from centerline ofmaciine inm Height | Radius of load from centerline of machine in m fam | 45 | 60 | 78 | 90 | 105 | mm | 45 | 60 | 75 | 90 | 105 20 | | (T20T 1 105) 1 105 20 aR) 30] ST 75. ea 68)/ 61 62) 75. S26") rat) 60 801 800) 75S) AD 80 35 (5960 (68°) 52°62) 45 merge ios ose] 82 OH) 89 OH (as ED ase Cra as a wT BSD 3.0 ies) IND (LA) 7S GI) 5808) [0 ra ase 207 G07) 90_ (86 68) Tas 8) 45189 (ie) 105 (BR) 14 GH) SE OP) 28 te (6°) 108 GAT) 75 GF) 87 GH) 4 GS) 0 isa 6a"). 99 G22-) 71 GH) 84 OS) 0155 707/100 ae) 72 GA) S58) 43 65 TiS 18 082) 97 GIS) 10 6H | 54 CO [aS i862) 67 (AS) 79 GR) Ss OH) AT a) 307 Gar) 87 GN) 70 07) | SAGE TBO 1635 (493) 85 G08) 68 GN | 82 GE) Tas $892) (1) SEGA) i T4515 0189) 88"( $89] SEE 8.0 r 60 Tae 7) SEF (SE) ‘All values are stated in (t) and can be lifted 260° with machine on firm, level supporting surface, equipped with 600 mm Poads in (...) can be lifted over end only. Indicated loads are based on SAE standard J 10567 and do not exceed 75% of ‘Spping or 87% of hydraulic capacity. Lond point is the liking eye on the attached backhoe bucket and the loads are limited to 20. ‘Without bucket (1,10 m®), ft capacities will increase accordingly by 1050 lg and without bucket cylinder, ink and lever, they increase by an additional of 490 kg. + Rating limited by hoist cylinder © Rating limited by stick cylinder ‘When used within the countries of the “Buropean Union” and when lifting a load, this excavator has to be equipped with Ru overload warning device and its hoist cylinders with automatic check Valves, according to the European Standard EN4TES. Lift Capacities with 4,50 m Mechanically Adjustable Boom Digging envelope 1 with sick 210 m 2 With stick 260 = 2 With etek 230 4 itn etek 20 Stick Jeng, Max digging dep Max reach at ground level Max. dump height Max tet height Digging force Breakout force ‘Max. breakout force Bua Ble iat unit seit 380 052 375 205 ser 260 20 S80 65070 1100 mo azas 0 $57 1020 mo sr 18D seangy revsee sues 385193 1S5Es 185058 arise Operating Weight and Ground Pressure Operating weight includes basic machine with 6.80 m ‘straight gooseneck boom, 2,60 m stick and 1,95 m? bucket ([Trierariage ‘adjustable undercarriage (Pea waa mm 500 600. [Weise eg 40700 31300 ‘Ground pressure glen? 086 a7 Optional: heavy duty counterweight (Heavy duty counterweight increases the operating weight bby 1900 kg and ground pressure by 0,03 kg/em*) Gating wide Tm | 700 7505 S00 105012001350 1500 1650 1650 16000 Capacity 1$0 7451 O70 060 090 110 1280 150 475 195 2.20 2.60 ‘Max possible mazerial weight Umi 450 160 180 450 180 180 180 180 150 120, ‘Weight with Liebherr teeth Z 20 eg 920 1500 1020 1050 1220 1360. 145014801560 _ 1590 ‘Weight of HD-bucket swith Liobhers teeth Z 200 kg 1020 - 1120 117015201450 1520 1630 = = ‘Max. stick length for machine stability per ISO 10967: ‘wits Viunderearriage lai 410 10 410410410 330260 B80 260, » With Liebherr teeth Z:18 » For applications over surface class 6, according to VOB, part C, DIN 18300 ® Ripper bucket with teeth size 61 Note ‘Optional side cutters with teeth 20 increase cutting width by approx. 140 mm. = Weld-on set of adapters Set of bolt-on side cutters Backhoe Attachment with 6,80 m Straight Gooseneck Boom 30 with stick 2,10 m with stick 2,60 m ‘Height Radius offoad fom centerline fmathineinm “Height | Radius of load fom centerline of machine in m iam 45 60 75 | 90 | 105 inm 45 60 25 90 | 105 220 70 10.5 105 T 30 a ( 899 3.0 [ass 75. TOs GOI)! 82° G2) 75 Tarecsry 72) 6,0 95 (SS) 107 GOT] 83 OO) 6.0 _ 120 (NT |s0Re GOR) BA ET | SFR 45 _ 67-057) 112 GLE) 8 OH) SRE) 3514s (esta) 81 GR) 80 1S) 3.0 TOs (2H) 78 OF) 8360) 3.0165 (715/008 (22) 77 GE) 58 BO) 15. foo (2s) 13 GS) 5802) 45 s25" (25) 102 WM) TA GH) 87 OO) 0 ae Gea] $8 Gate) 7 OH) | SSH) O87 usr) 88 Gar) 1287) HS 1295 (29) 97 GOS) 7A OH) TESS (as ss GL) Ts OH) 53 6S) 78.0100" (10071 86° 86H) 65"(659) = 3.01455 159) 95° ( 95) 7275) =45 45 Be (8H) = 80 8.0 f with stick 3,30 m with stick 4,10 m Height Radius of load fom centeriine ofmachine intm | Height | Hadius of load from centerline of machine nm inm 48 50. 751 80; 105 inm 45 60 751 90) 105 12.0) 320 105) SOS 105 30 es (65) SO 30 aren 75. e8 (685) 65°65) OS OSD 75. 45°65) 60 TE (785) 75705) | 89° 9) 50) S79 3464) SGT, ny Tear Gage) eo (ta) 45 Te (Ta) (75) Bi Ga) a 4) 3.0 108 Le) 75) 38) 8 ee) 30147 Gar) TOS (OS) 79 GF) $8 2) es GS) 15: 103 (te) MA 3508) 44° 64) 15 168 (1653/05 Wis) 75 GH) 88 OF) 44 60) Osea" ee) 99 C25) TS SOP) 0 a54 (60100 WAH) 72 GH) 84 OF) | 43 G2) TES ass) 87 cis) 7a 3202) Tae 180 629) 97 (22) 70 G4) | $30.8) 2 GE) 30 OBEY OF GOS) 10 GO) 54 6H) 73.0146 (469] 96 Git) 68 GE) 53 6H) Tas 275) 78 ( 78) 38° GS) S45 _ (1 LT] 99F( 925) 69 (709 | 49742) 80 8.0 185 ( 765) 60° (60) 40D) ‘All values are stated in (t) and can be lifted $60° with machine on firm, level supporting surface, equipped with 600 mm Poads in (...) cam be fted over end only. Indicated loads are based on SAE standard J 10567 and do not exceed 75% of Spping or 87% of hydraulic capacity. Load point is the liting eye on the attached backhoe bucket and the loads are limited to 20 t Without bucket (1,10 mo), ft capacities will increase accordingly by 1050 kg and without bucket cylinder, link and lever, they inerease by an additional of 490 ky. ‘= Rating limited by hoist cylinder © ating limited by stick cylinder ‘When used within the countries of the “Buropean Union” and when lifting a load, this excavator has to be equipped with 2p overload warning device and its hoist cylinders with automatic check valves, according to the European Standard EN ATES. Lift Capacities with 6,80 m Straight Gooseneck Boom u with stick 2,10 m with stick 2,60 m ‘Height | Radius of load from centerline of machine nm “Height | Radius of load fom centerline of machine in m inm 45 60. 75 | 90 | 105 fom 45 60 75 | 90 | 105 120 12.0 30.5 (ios 20, 30 75. 75: 60. Sea EO, 60 705) 45 FUP) OH (9H) BEE) 45 _ He GREY S58), 80 (604 30187 BF Ha 129) 87 OI) 30 sas (44) TOS GOS) 88 GH) BEET) ES arene) ins es) 8 BT) To GTO) 17 (20) 83 OS) 84 OF) 0 ams ans) ne GOT 82 GH) W13_(7) 13 (ar) 82 GS) 60° (60) TiS 165-65) TEE 2H) 8 OH) aaa) Ia (AP) BF OH) TSO a ae TES 158 (S87) 12 GL), 82 GE) Tass dah) BIBT) S40( 8) = 60 [ [ with stick 3,30 m [ with stick 4,10 m Weight | Radius of oad fom centerline of machine inm | | Height | Radius ofload from centerline of machine in m= inm 45 so | 75 go | 105 | mm | 45 1 60 25. 90 1105 120 (Tz0 L 705 T Fes 30 i (so 75: see) 75 25 eS) 30. Tarren) 8a BAD 80 eee) 45 B85, 7359) | SS" GS) 45 BEG 55°65) 30 1a SR) SS ( 88) 82-82) 65 TE) 30 TSS) SEC RED) TSS) 65-6) aN BSD £3 180-080) 113-29) 85 GOD tC) 4S 146" (0465) 105" (1059) GE (RH) ES C2) 83° 3") O74 Gna) sa GRE) 82 (96) 62 OH) 0 16 GRP)IA G8) 82 02) 63 05) Tie (arse) 1u0 26) 807) 62 Ca") TAS 12 Tay to case] 80 GE) 62 OH) 3.0 i542) 120 G2), 800) 3.0170 G70) 108 Gade) 78 Os) 6 CO) as Hair (42) 105 C05) T4515 (55) 109 GLEN! 78 GE) Tso 81 85) = 6.0245 (245), 9 SO) [Al values are stated in (t) and can be lifted 360° with machine on firm, level supporting surface, equipped with 600 mm pads. Poads in (...) can be lifted over end only. Indicated loads are based on SAE standard J 10567 and do not exceed 75% of ‘Epping or 87% of hydraulic capacity. ‘Load point is the lifting eye on the attached backhoe bucket and the loads are Limited to 20 t. ‘Without bucket (1,10 m), lft capacities will increase accordingly by 1050 lig and without bucket cylinder, link and lever, they increase by an additional of 490 kg. + Rating Limited by hoist cylinder © Rating limited by stick cylinder ‘When used within the countries of the “European Union” and when lifting a load, this excavator has to be equipped with an overload warning device and its hoist cylinders with automatic check valves, according to the Buropean Standard ENa765. Lift Capacities with 6,30 m Gooseneck Boom and Heavy Counterweight with stick 2,10 m with stick 2,60 m Height | Radius ofload fom centerline of machine inm "Height | Radius of load fom centerline of machine in m inm 45 | 60 75. go) 105 som 45 80 75 | 90 | 105 32.0 32.0 105 sa (ar) 305 7878) ds) 85° 855) 90 884) 18° ( 78) ETD 7S seit Gas") 10s= 0s) SEED 75 93( 83") 83°83") 800) 30149 (es) 12 CEI), SHEL) | OA GHD 0 1a0" G40") 120" GO) BH) 45163 (1657) 1S 1S) 87 GH) eC) 35 160-60) 126-15) 88 2) 3.0160 (060) 114 20) 85 OS) | 6 OF) 3,0 165-65) 115 (20) BF G3") 25 ter (6s) a4 (1) 88 G2) Ot OS) 35168 (6S) Ud GL), 8S G2) 0167 GAT TE CAO) SOS) 59) 0 i676) aS GS) 8S OS} BATH) =a5 ys (183) 79 829 SE GE) TAS ano UPON aR! BOS) | 8866) TSO 68 6s) tna GLP) REL) = 3.0 EMC XSIEAMCE Tas 109-1297), 685 ( 65) = 45 = 80 = 60 with stick 3,30 m with stick 4,10 m Height | Radius of load fom centerline ofmachine Imm “Height | Radius of load from centerline of machine in m inm 45 80 75_| 90 | 105 inm | 45 69. 25 90 | 105 12.0 12.0 Be (SH) 108 SSB 105 Si (32) 8° OH) 3.0 85" ( 65) S65) 3.0 53° (53) Sa 6a) Se ED 75 7a" (725), 69° 68) ASD 5 S57 (55°) $865) | 49° 65") 6.0 SS (ES) 85 88) 822) 65 OT) (807 Be (6a) 67 G4) SHES) BORED $5 180-50 ine GLI) 87 GS) ar OS) | aD 45 OR ORY 81°81) 82° G2) 67 TH) | SOR) 3.0164 GOA) 115 (8.70) 8S GF) 6S CH) 48 GM) [SO GST GST) MILI] 85 GS 39 | 49 GO) ES use GGH) US (Sy Se OE) ee Oo) aT GE) ES tees SCS) OOH) 657) 48 GH) 0164 GE) AISLE) BA Os) 62 OH) 4S GH), [0 nes GS ie GLTA| 83 GODT eA C2) 47 GH) TES NGF GT) HA (199) 82 G2) 59 C2) TAS 184-164) 102° G17] EF OO) | 62 79) 45 GH) 23.0 1a (G23) 19 OF) | 58 65) 23.0 168-65) 112 (20/81 OS) $8 0) | SEES) T4165 65) 120 GLI) TER) Tas 16H (6H) 11 GEE) 17 GS) ANT) 38.0 108-20) 47 47) 8.01505 (50), 80 ( 80) A) ‘All values are stated in (1) and can be lifted 360° with machine on firm, level supporting surface, equipped with 600 mm pads. ‘EOads in (...) can be lifted over end only. Indicated loads are based on SAE standard J 10567 and do not exceed 75% of, Spping or 87% of hydraulic capacity. [bad point is the lifting eye om the attached backhoe bucket and the loads are limited to 20 t Without bucket (110 mi), Li capacities will increase accordingly by 1050 lg and without bucket cylinder, ink and lever, they increase by an additional of 490 kg. + Rating limited by hoist cylinder ‘Rating limited by stick cylinder ‘When used within the countries of the “European Union” and when lifting a load, this excavator has to be equipped with in overload warning device and its hoist cylinders with automatic check valves, according to the European Standard ENG?ES. Lift Capacities with 4,50 m Hydr. Adjustable Boom and Heavy Counterweight 1s with stick 2,10 m with stick 2,60 m Height | Radius of foad from centerline of machine lnm (Height | Radius ofload Som centerline of machine nm iam | 45 | 60 75: go | 108 inm 45 60 75 90 | 305 720 120 305 108 S859 30 TIS) Gore Gass), oH 75. ar (87) OED TAS GSS) 1075 0079) 8 BO 60 tao GE wo oR) ArT) SE RAT (G57) SRE GRE) 87 (8) SSE 454s eo) nena) OS G2) 68 OH) His (ae) 84 Gr) 8460) 30 fr-Griyns (22) 85_GH) | St GH) TO (26) 81 OS) 6208) a5 2s" (2st? aT) 82 OH) 63 BH) AGRA) ins Gat) 79 OH) SIGH) 0 uareasry 108 wae) 80 @F) 620.7) 12S" (25-) 08" GOS} 79 6H) TiS Me desytos Gu) 78 GH) 64 EH) 100- G0) $4°( 86), 65" (654) 38.058 GES), 855 ( 95) 72 OH) (eas Ban (8) Teo [eo with stick 3,30 m_ with stick 4,10 m. Height Radius of load fom centerline ofmaciine im m [Height | Radius of load from centerline of machine in m inm 45 | 80 | 75 so | 108 iom | 45 69. 75 90 | 105 (Tiz0 5a (0) 108 eee 65°C 657) SO" OD 3.0 43°49) BF BT esr a8") 5°65) OS GS) 25 32°65) 6S) TEC TE) FSCS) | 89° 6.0 EFSF 59° 69) SSH) 25_ 1a GSP) Ine GbE) BEE) 68 C4) 45 FETA 7S 75) 122) 6a EA) 3.0 a6i- (61°) 126 (HH), 85 G2) 64 CT) | 39S) 30147 ery ios (as) a7 BF) 65 CA) TS 165 (66) 113 Gee) 62 GE) 62 0) 4H) 35 v68+ (65) 1150S) 83 O59) OS OF) 0 t4a® es") 108 (25>) 79) 0 160° 807) 119 285) 19) 81) TES BR CSS) 107 Gis) 78 2) 6002) TAS 162" 62) 107 dae) 7 Ge) S80) 47 GE) 730 27 Gh) 862) 30146" (469) 108) | 78 GE) 58 6H) =as 55 65) Tas IL GLP), 9a ( se) TOTO) AEH) 80 60 ABE TE) 602 ( BO] Ae OH) ‘All values are stated in ( and can be lifted 260° with machine on firm, level supporting suztace, equipped with 600 mm seas. PGBs in (...) can be lifted over end only. Indicated loads are based on SAB standard J 10567 and do not exceed 75% of Spping on 87% of nydraulic capacity. * Tobe fount is the lifting eye om the attached backhoe bucket and the loads are limited to 20%. ‘Wrasokt bucket (110 m2, Ui capacities will increase accordingly by 1050 kg and without bucket cylinder, link and lever, Gey increase by an adaiidonal of 490 kg. + Rating limited by hoist cylinder © Rating limited by stick cylinder ‘When used within the countries of the “European Union” and when lifting a load, this excavator has to be equipped with Rn overload waring device and its hoist cylinders with automatic check valves, according to the European Standard EN 4745. Lift Capacities with 6,80 m Straight Gooseneck Boom and Heavy Counterweight Standard Equipment ‘Undercarriage © Two-speed travel ‘Track guides on idler end Life time lubricated track rollers ‘Travel drive completely integrated into the under carriage frame ‘Uppercarriage © Engine hood with lift help © Lockable toot box ‘© Handrails, non slip surfaces © Tool Kit ° ° ° ° Maintenance-free swing brake lock Maintenance-free HD-batteries ‘Sound insulation ‘Mechanical swing lock upper/lower Hydraulics © Electronic pump regulation Stepless work mode selector Pressure storage for controlled lowering of attachments Flow compensation iter witt integrated fine filter area Preseure test ports ‘Direct injection ‘Turbo charger Ditype aif ceaner w/precleaner, main and safety Sensor controlled engine idling )perator’s Cab Deep drawn cab shell components All tinted windows Door with sliding, window Alsround adjustable roof Dap Rain protective shade for front window ‘Washer and wiper Gaway adjustable cloth suspension seat Seat and consoles independently adjustable Removable handle for travel pedals ‘Air conditioner Coat Book. Radio installation prep-kit Cigar lighter and ashtray ‘Removable custom floor mat Storage and Literature tray Digital instrumentation Digital instruments for oil temp. engine RPM and oil pressure Digital hour meter visible from outside Attachment Cylinders with shock absorbers ‘Two-way selector valve for bucket/clam Diteh cleaning buckets w/rear cutting edge ‘Work light on boom Y¥ sealant between bucket and stick. i [ Optional Equipment ‘Track guides at sprocket and in center Customized colors Electric fuel tank filer pump Foot pedal swing positioning brake Extended tool st Customized colors Additional hydraulic circuits Bio-degradable hyd of Filter for secondary circuit . ° ° © Engine cold starting aid ‘Removable lower section of front window AMIPM stereo radio wleassette ‘Air power seat adjustment ‘eeacon Additional flood lights Armored glass Safety check valves for hoist cylinder, high mounted Overload warning device Hyer or mechanieal quick change coupler Licbherr line of clams and grapples Quick disconnect hose couplers Special application buckets Hiya lines, on stick, for clam operation Bucket link holder f/clam application Customized colors Options and/or special attachments, supplied by vendors other than Liebherr, are only to be installed with the knowledge and approval of Liebherr to retain warranty. Standard and Optional Equipment as LIEBHERR-FRANCE S.A. 2, Avenue Joseph Rey, BP. 287, F-68005 Colmar-Cedex, © 036921 2030, Fax 0389235158 ‘Wis compliments: 2. REGRAS DE SEGURANCA © trabalho com a maquina apresenta perigos corporais e de vida, com os quais vocé, na fungio de operador, condutor da maquina ou tecnico de manutengo, poderé se deparar. Podera evitar perigos ¢ acidentes, se ler e respeitar atenciosamente as diversas regras de seguranca. Isto aplica-se especialmente a0 pessoal que lida com a maquina ocasionalmente, p.ex. nos procedimentos de montagem e manutencéo. A seguir, encontrara as regras de seguranca; a observancia conscienciosa destas regras garantira sua seguranga e também a de terceiros, assim como evitara danos na maquina, Este manual contém precaucées de seguranca descritas e salientadas através das indicaces_PELIGRO, ATENCAO ou ADVERTENCIA; estas indicagées referem-se & descricao de trabalhos que possam apresentar perigo. Eis 0 significado das indicagées neste manual: ine /\ 00 Indica uma situacdo extremamente perigosa, a qual possivelmente podera apresentar um risco de morte ou de ferimentos graves, caso as medidas de seguranca nao sejam observadas. [ '\ ATENCAO [ Chama a atencdo para as praticas de seguranca ou adverte que determinadas operacées poderao provocar ferimentos ou causar danos 4 maquina, caso as medidas de seguranca nao sejam observadas, DSR ADVERTENCIA A nota de ADVERTENCIA indica procedimentos de operacio e de manutencdo, cuja observncia garantira imediata prontidao para o uso e uma longa durabilidade da maquina, assim como facilitara a operacéo da mesma i oe eee ap! ibe 90 foal de trabatho ~_* ee a J Para ‘os paises membros da Unio Eurepéia, a norma 89 / 655 / CEE contém as notas de seguranca minima para o usuario, UTILIZAGAO REGULAMENTAR A utilizaggo regulamentar de baldes retro standard, baldes de maxilas, pincas de rotacdo hidraulica, baldes de carga, implica que a escavadora podera ser utilizada somente para soltar, levantar, carregar ou sacudir terra, pedras, rochedos partidos ou outros materiais, e para o carregamento dos mesmos em um camigo, navio, equipamento triturador ou em uma esteira transportadora, Maquinas a serem utilizadas como guincho esto sujeitas a condig6es especiais e deverdo ser guarnecidas com 0s dispositives de seguranca. Um outro tipo de utilizacao, como p.ex. para demolir rochas ou edificios, para cravar estacas, etc., requer equipamentos assim como dispositivos de seguranca especiais. Para trabalhos que indicam um perigo por quedas de objectos devera a cabina ser equipada com Aispositivos de proteccao apropriados do tipo FOPS. © transporte de pessoas ou produtos de carga, etc. néo correspondem a utilizacdo regulamentar. O fabricante/fornecedor nao se responsabilizara por danos provenientes de tal utilizacao. O usuario sera 0 nico responsavel pelos riscos. A observancia do manual de operacéo e manutengio, assim como das condicées de inspeccéo e de manutengéo também faz parte da utilizagdo regulamentar. 21 REGRAS GERAIS DE SEGURANGA. @ Deveré familiarizarse com 0 manual de operagéo e manutencéo, antes da colocacéo inicial em funcionamento da maquina. Certifique-se de ter lido e entendido as instrugées adicionais referentes a eventuais equipamentos especiais de sua maquina. Somente as pessoas com autorizacio expressa poderao operar, efectuar trabalhos de manutencéo ou reparar a maquina. A idade minima prevista pela lei devera ser respeitada, Empregue somente pessoal treinado ou instruido, e defina claramente a competéncia do pessoal com respeito ao manejo, & montagem, e 8 reparacdo. Permita-Ihe recusar as ordens adversas @ seguranca, provenientes de terceiros. sto também diz respeito as regras de transito. © pessoal pertencente 20 quadro de treinamento, em fase de _—_ensino, aprendizagem, ou instrugdo, 6 poder lidar com a maquina sob a instrugao de pessoal experiente Verifique, pelo menos ocasionalmente, se o trabalho do pessoal esta de acordo com as regras de seguranca e perigo descritas no manual de operagao e manutencdo. Use vestuario adequado quando estiver a ‘trabalhar com ou na maquina. Evite usar anéis, relégios de pulso, gravatas, lencos, blusdes desapertados, ou roupas soltas. Havera perigo, de ferimentos, p.ex. poder ficar preso ou ser retraido. Para determinados trabalhos necessitara de éculos de proteccio, sapatos de seguranca, luvas —protetoras, coletes _reflectores, protectores auriculares, etc Informe-se com © encarregado sobre regras especiais de seguranca para o local de trabalho, Antes de deixar o banco do operador, coloque sempre a alavanca de seguranca para cima ‘Ao entrar @ sair, nao se apoie na coluna de direccdo, nem nas alavancas de comando. Caso contrario, poderé accionar_ movimentos involuntarios que poderao provocar acidentes. Nunca saite da escavadora. Use os degraus, escadas, corrimaos e pegas previstos para a entrada e saida da maquina Utilize ambas as maos para se apoiar, & posicione-se de frente para a maquina, 2.2 Familiarize-se com a saida de emergéncia através da janela da frente. Se nao forem dadas outras instrucées, proceda 0s trabalhos de manutencdo e reparacéo observando as seguintes precaucées -estacione a maquina em terreno firme e horizonzal e pouse o balde no chao, ~coloque todas as alavancas de comando na posicéo neutra; coloque a alavanca de seguranca para cima, - deslique 0 motor e retire a chave da ignicao. Antes de trabalhar no circuito hidraulico, accione em ambas as direccdes os aparelhos de comando auxiliar (alavancas e pedais), com a chave de ignicéo ligada e a alavanca de seguranca colocar para baixo, de forma a livertar as presses hidraulicas dos circuitos principais e de assistencia. Em seguida, devera feduzir. a presso interna do depésito hidraulico, conforme descrito neste manual Fixe todos os objectos soltos na escavadora. Nunca opere com a escadora sem efectuar uma inspeccao visual prévia. Verifique se todas as placas de adverténcia esto afixadas e legiveis, Observe todas as indicacdes com respeito a perigos e a seguranca. Para algumas aplicagdesespeciais, a escavadora devera estar. munida de Gispositivos especificos de seguranca. Neste aso, inicie a operacdo somente quando estes Gispositivos estiverem instalados e em funcionamento. Nao efectue alteracdes, montagens ou transformacées na maquina que possam comprometer a seguranca da mesma, sem a permisséo do fabricante. Isto tambem se aplica & montagem e ao ajuste de dispositivos e valvulas de seguranca, assim como a soldadura de pecas portantes. PECAS ADICIONAIS E ACESSORIOS Pecas adicionais e acessérios de fabricacdo alheia, ou fabricados pela firma LIEBHERR, mas que nao sejam destinados @ instalacéo ou & montagem adicional, no poderao ser instalados ou montados @ escavadora, sem 2 permisséo prévia escrita da firma LIEBHERR. Para isto, a documentacéo técnica necessaria devera ser colocada a disposicao da firma LIEBHERR,

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