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AR 323 - ARCH31 S1



1. C
2. A
3 B
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. B


1. The major acoustical problem in acoustics halls are the way the floor levels or raked
seating of the auditorium are being designed improperly. A poorly designed auditorium
can affect the sound quality inside of it causing different acoustical defects that every
user might face. Improper use of absorption materials as well the external noise can also
be one of the acoustical problems that may occur in a Multi-purpose Hall. Therefore,
using the right absorptive material and making the auditorium floors slope upward toward
the rear can help in making the acoustic halls to have a better sound quality.
2. Based on my understanding, there are lot of ways to control noise through different land
use planning, firstly, having a proper site planning could help in controlling the noise,
having a concentrated external parkings could help in lessening the noise in an area
since cars are one of the main source of noise that users are facing on. Another way is
that using the landscape embankments as another form of barrier between the source of
noise to the receiver can help in reducing the noise, trees can also be a big help in
reducing noise. A proper zoning as well as putting the right orientation for the building
can be a big help in shielding the traffic noise coming from different sources.

3. The four factors that affect the acoustics are temperature, wind, bodies of water as well
as the clouds and rain. These factors are the common natural elements that acoustics
can face during the entire process. It also occurs uncontrollably but can probably be
reduced by designing properly as well as using the right acoustic materials.

4. The use of vegetation can help in reducing noise since most of the trees can reduce the
noise however, in order to do that it shouldn't be just one tree but a lot of trees, trees can
serve as a barrier from the source between the recipient of the noise. Earth beams can
also help in reducing the noise as well as installing some thin-wall barrier since it can
provide a useful attenuation.

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