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Factors Affecting the Choice of Grade 6 Pupils of Bagadion

Elementary School

A/Y 2023-2024


Bien, August John R.

Beraquit, Gregorio Jr. R.

Gumatay, Jessa Mae S.

Pelagio, Ericka Mae R.

Vargas, Eduardo Jr. B.


Imee B. Recto

Chapter I


After graduating from primary school, students may still

need to figure out where they want to go in high school or what

lessons they would like to take. Students plan to attend

secondary high school but need to know what career they want to

pursue. Students must work hard to achieve a brighter future.

They may or may not consider the people and information they

receive in their environment. Several factors may influence

learners' and parents' decisions. It can be a good source of

insight for private higher education institutions to provide

quality services that meet the community's needs, expectations,

and demands.

School choice is a term that refers to the various ways in

which students can obtain their K-12 education. Learners are

allowed to select their preferred school. School choice allows

public education funds to follow students to the schools or

services that best meet their needs, whether that is a public

school, a private school, a charter school, a home school, or any

other learning environment that families prefer.

A study by Pafili & Mylonakis, 2011 school choice sometimes

depends on how students perceive the world and their future. Some

may need more knowledge and consciousness about how they should
process information from personal, social, economic, political,

spiritual, and environmental aspects of putting into context and

realizing a successful profession. Several factors from the

social environment influence the students' career choice, mainly

the parents as an immediate family who play an active role in

choosing the proper education for their children.

  As a sign of respect for the parents and culture of the

Filipinos, parents or the elderly are being consulted first by

their children because they will primarily provide the financial

support to enter college (Laguador, 2013).

     According to Aguado, Laguador, and Deligero (2015),

enrolling in a particular school is the student's personal

choice. However, advice from brothers and sisters and teachers is

taken into account in their decision-making process. Being known

for its standards and being the home of board top-notchers are

some of the qualities parents and students consider when deciding

where to study. The willingness of one's high school classmates

and friends to attend that school also influences one's decision.

It is also stated that students from public schools are more

likely to be influenced by their parents, siblings, friends, and

relatives, and they have a higher level of interest in the degree

program than that of the private school.

     Similarly, Lethbridge (2009) examined the variables that

students considered influential or significant during the

secondary high school selection process. As stated by this study,

parents are the most influential people and information sources.

Students reported that campus visits were significant factors to

consider. Former learners' recommendations were also established

as another source of influence, as were the institution,

reputation of the program, variety of courses offered, and

proximity to home as essential factors in their choice.

     Since parents have the most influence and control in this

decision-making process, they are sometimes directly responsible

for selecting a school for their children. ISCA, or Independent

Schools Council of Australia, conducted a study in 2017 to

investigate the factors influencing school choice among parents

of children attending independent schools. The findings indicate

that parents have long-term goals for their children's education

most notably, the school will provide the foundation for them to

grow into mature, well-rounded individuals. As a result, parents'

most common factors when selecting an independent school include

good teachers, overall educational excellence, good facilities,

and a supportive and caring environment. Personal interaction

with the school and its community is also the most influential

factor for parents when selecting a school.

Another study of Wellham (2010) also conducted a study at

Caloundra City Private School on the key factors influencing

parents' choice of school for their children. The findings

indicate that the social background and status of the family

influence school choice, which includes the status composition of

parents' education, parents' occupational status, income, and

family material possessions. Other factors and reasons include

the school curriculum, environment and facilities, performance,

educational quality, and proximity and location.

  Factors influencing parents' choice include the school's

neatness, brand-new equipment, abundant resources, and the

sufficiency of professional classrooms. Following this are

educational philosophy, which includes the principle of being

daring in innovation and revolution, and campus and facilities,

which includes entry access control practice. Other

considerations include extracurricular activities, school

specialties, location, and transportation.

     As a result, it is supported that there are factors

considered by both students and parents when selecting a

secondary school. Though different studies present different

factors, some are familiar to those studies, which could be the

top factors considered by grade school students in secondary

school choice.

     This study will benefit the faculty, staff, parents, and

students of Bagadion Elementary School in Brgy. Bagadion. It will

make recommendations for developing the Bagadion High School to

address the factors influencing the school choice of Grade 6

students at Bagadion Elementary School.



This study explores the factors that affect the school

choice of Grade 6 students in Bagadion Elementary School.

Specifically, the research questions are:

1. What factors influence Grade 6 students' school choice,

such as location, academic programs, facilities, extracurricular

activities, and social environment?

2. How do these factors differ across gender and

socioeconomic groups?

3. What sources do Grade 6 students and their families use

to gather information about potential schools, and what sources

do they find useful?

4. How do Grade 6 students and their families weigh the

importance of different factors when making school choices, and

what trade-offs do they make between different factors?

5. How satisfied are Grade 6 students and their families

with their school choice, and to what extent do their

expectations match their actual experiences? 

By addressing these research questions, this study aims to

increase our understanding of the factors that influence the

school choice of Grade 6 students in Bagadion Elementary School

and to identify potential strategies to improve the school

selection process and enhance student satisfaction with their

school choice.   


     To address the Factor Affecting Grade 6 Students' School

Choice at Bagadion Elementary School. The Respondents are

Bagadion Elementary School Grade 6 Students for the School Year

2023-2024. In addition, we are collecting information through

survey questionnaires. Selected experts assist in the validation

of survey questionnaires. The schools mentioned were those with

which the researchers were associated. This study aims to look

into the variables affecting Grade 6 students' school choice at

Bagadion Elementary School.


SCHOOL. An institution for educating children

CHOICE. An act of selecting or making a decision when faced with

two or more possibilities

QUALITY EDUCATION. A global goal that aims to empower people with

knowledge, skills, and values for a better future.

FINANCIAL SUPPORT. The provision of monetary resources, including

money or capital and credit

PRIMARY SCHOOL. A school for children between the ages of about

five and eleven.

SECONDARY SCHOOL. A school for young people between the ages of

11 and 16 or 18

SOCIAL. Connected with activities in which people meet each other

for pleasure

ECONOMICAL. Providing good service or value about the amount of

time or money spent

POLITICAL. Connected with the state, government, or public


SPIRITUAL. Connected with the human spirit, rather than the body

or physical things

CONSCIOUSNESS. The state of being able to use your senses and

mental powers to understand what is happening

TOP-NOTCHER. A person or thing that is excellent or of the

highest quality

EXTRACURRICULAR. Outside the regular academic curriculum or the

regular duties of a job or profession

 QUESTIONNAIRE. A list of questions or items used to gather data

from respondents about their attitudes, experiences, or

opinions. Questionnaires can be used to collect quantitative and

qualitative information.

Aguado, C. L., Laguador, J. M., & Deligero, J. C. L. (2015).

Factors Affecting the Choice of School and Students’ Level

of Interest towards the Maritime Program. Asian Social

Science, 11(21).

Research Related Literatures ON School Choice FOR Senior HIGH

School - RELATED Literature ON SCHOOL - Studocu. (n.d.).

Studocu. Retrieved April 11, 2023,




Beswick, R. L. K., & Education, U. of L. F. of. (1989). A study

of factors associated with student choice in the university

selection process.

Mawene, D., & Bal, A. (2018). Factors Influencing Parents’

Selection of Schools for Children with Disabilities: A

Systematic Review of the Literature. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL




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