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The Level of Parental Involvement in the Academic Performance of the

Students of Rosario National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Subject
Practical Research 2


Background of the Study

Parental involvement in student's academic performance has been a topic of interest for many
years, with research indicating that parental involvement has a significant impact on student
success. However, several studies suggest that as student progress into higher levels of
education, such as high school, the level of parental involvement declines. This is a cause for
concern as high school is a crucial period for students to achieve academic success and prepare
for tertiary education.

The level of parental involvement in high school students' academic performance has far-reaching
implications for both individual students and society. Students with involved parents are more likely
to have higher grades, better attendance, and fewer behavioral problems. They are also more
likely to graduate from high school and attend college. Conversely, students with uninvolved
parents may struggle academically and may be less likely to achieve their educational goals.

Therefore, it is essential to examine the level of parental involvement in high school students'
academic performance. This study aims to address this gap in knowledge by investigating the
factors that influence parental involvement and its impact on academic achievement. The findings
of this study could provide insights into developing effective strategies for improving parental
involvement in high school students' academic performance.

In the Philippines, this area of research has gained a significant amount of attention in recent
years. The education system in the Philippines places a great deal of emphasis on the role of
parents in shaping the academic success of their children. This is largely because of the cultural
value Filipinos place on education and the strong connection between education and socio-
economic success.

Studies have shown that parental involvement has a positive impact on students' academic
performance, behaviour, and attitudes towards learning. In the Philippines, the extent of parental
involvement varies. Some parents are highly involved, attending school events, meetings,
volunteering in the classroom, and monitoring their children's academic progress. However, there
are also parents who are less involved for various reasons, including work or time constraints, lack
of awareness, or lack of interest.

The level of parental involvement in the Philippines has been analyzed through various factors,
such as socio-economic status, parents' educational attainment, and geographic location. Studies
found that parents' socio-economic status and educational attainment are significant predictors of
their level of involvement. Additionally, parents in urban areas tend to be more involved than those
in rural areas, which may be due to the greater availability of educational resources in urban

Overall, there is a need to continue studying parental involvement in the academic performance of
students in the Philippines to better understand the factors that influence this phenomenon. By
doing so, educators, policymakers, and parents can work together to develop effective strategies
to support parental involvement in education and ultimately improve the academic performance of

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the Profile of respondents in terms of;

1.1 sex;

1.2 age;

1.3 parent’s work;

1.4 educational attainment of parents/guardian;

1.5 no. of siblings;

2. What is the level of parental involvement in the academic performance of the students?

3. How does the parental involvement affect the academic achievement of the student?

Scope and Delimitation

The study focuses on the level of parental involvement in the academic performance of the
students of Rosario National High School in the academic year 2023-2024. A stratified random
sample of 171 students will be select to participate in the study. The study specifically aims to
identify the types of parental involvement, the level of involvement of parents, and the correlation
between parental involvement and academic performance (First quarter general average) of the

Furthermore, the study is limited to the students of Rosario National High School only and does
not include other schools in the area. The study only considers the level of parental involvement in
terms of attendance of parents in parent-teacher meetings, participation in school activities,
monitoring of homework and academic progress of their children, and communication with
teachers. The study does not include other factors that may influence the academic performance
of the students, such as student motivation, teacher effectiveness, and school resources. The
study only considers parental involvement in relation to academic performance and does not
consider other aspects of students' development. The study is limited to the academic year 2023-
2024 only.

Significance of the Study


Parental involvement has been consistently shown to positively impact student academic
performance. Students with involved parents tend to have higher grades, better attendance, and
are more likely to graduate from high school and attend college. Parental involvement can foster
intrinsic motivation and engagement in learning among students. When parents actively participate
in their children's education, students develop a deeper appreciation for the learning process,
leading to improved academic outcomes and a lifelong love of learning. Parental involvement can
contribute to a reduction in behavioral problems among students. When parents are actively
engaged in their children's education, they are better equipped to identify and address potential
issues early on, helping prevent behavioral difficulties from escalating and affecting academic


Parental involvement can strengthen the bond between parents and their children. By actively
participating in their children's education, parents gain a deeper understanding of their children's
interests, challenges, and aspirations, fostering open communication and a sense of connection.
Actively engaging in their children's education can boost parents' self-efficacy and confidence in
their ability to support their children's learning. This newfound confidence can empower parents to
advocate for their children's needs and become more involved in school activities. Parenting is a
demanding role, and parental involvement can provide parents with a renewed sense of fulfillment
and purpose. By actively contributing to their children's success, parents feel a sense of
accomplishment and satisfaction, enhancing their overall well-being.


Parental involvement can foster open and effective communication between parents and teachers.
When parents are actively involved, teachers gain valuable insights into students' learning styles,
home environments, and potential challenges. This open communication allows for a more
collaborative and tailored approach to education. Parental involvement can share the responsibility
for student success and reduce the burden on teachers. When parents are actively engaged,
teachers can focus more on individual instruction and differentiated learning, enhancing the overall
quality of education. Parental involvement can provide teachers with much-needed support and
recognition for their efforts. When parents are actively engaged, teachers feel valued and
appreciated, boosting their morale and motivation.

Parental involvement can contribute to a more positive and supportive school climate and culture.
When parents are actively involved, they become stakeholders in the school's success, leading to
a sense of ownership and shared responsibility for student well-being. Parental involvement can
foster stronger ties between the school and the community. When parents are actively engaged,
the school becomes a hub for community engagement, fostering a sense of connection and
support for the school's mission. A school with high levels of parental involvement can gain a
positive reputation and enhance its standing within the community. This reputation can attract
more students and resources, further contributing to the school's success.

Future Researchers

The study of parental involvement in Rosario National High School can provide valuable insights
into effective strategies for enhancing parental engagement. Future researchers can draw upon
these findings to develop and refine best practices for promoting parental involvement in diverse
educational settings. The study can contribute to a deeper understanding of how cultural and
contextual factors influence parental involvement patterns. This understanding can inform future
research that aims to address the unique needs of different student populations and communities.
The findings of the study can guide the development of targeted intervention programs aimed at
enhancing parental involvement among specific groups of parents or students. These programs
can be tailored to address the identified barriers to parental engagement and promote positive
outcomes for students.

Definition of Terms

Attending school events: Participating in school activities and events, such as parent-teacher
conferences, school plays, and extracurricular programs.

Communication with teachers: Maintaining open communication with teachers to stay informed
about their child's progress, challenges, and needs.

Grades: Numerical or letter-based evaluations of student understanding and mastery of course


Helping with homework: Providing support and guidance with homework assignments,
reinforcing concepts learned in school.

Parental involvement refers to the active and ongoing participation of parents or primary
caregivers in their children's education. It encompasses a wide range of activities.

Setting high expectations: Establishing clear and consistent expectations for academic
performance and overall behavior, encouraging children to strive for their full potential.
Student Academic Performance: Student academic performance refers to the level of
achievement and proficiency demonstrated by students in their academic endeavors. It is typically
measure through various assessment methods. In regards with this research, it refers to the first
quarter general average of the students.


Review of Related Literature

An investigation led by Zhao, Wei, and Lin (2018) revealed that parental involvement in students'
academics and positive attitudes towards school were significantly correlated with students'
academic performance. The study emphasized the significance of parent-child communication
quality, parental academic control, and parental academic support.

Another study led by Agboola, Alabi, and Sodeinde (2020) found a positive link between parental
involvement and students' academic achievement. Their study revealed that parents who showed
interest in their children's education helped to improve their academic outcomes. They noted that
parental involvement enhances the students' academic growth process and serves as a motivation
for students to strive to excel academically.

A study led by Alcala and Uy (2020) discovered that high levels of parental involvement, such as
parent-teacher communication and supervision of homework, were associated with better
academic performance among high school students. The study also found that parental
involvement positively impacted students' attitudes towards learning, leading to improved
motivation and engagement in academic activities.

In 2021, Hussein, Ismail, and Sahari (2021) conducted a study that entitled the impact of parental
involvement on Grade 12 students' academic performance in East Malaysia. The results of the
study revealed that parental involvement significantly affected students' academic performance.
The authors found that parents who were more involved had children who scored higher on their
exams. The study concluded that parental involvement was a crucial factor in enhancing students'
academic performance.

Another study led by Alqahtani (2021) focused on Saudi Arabian high school students and their
parent's involvement. The results of the study showed that students whose parents were more
involved in their education had a significantly higher grade point average than those whose
parents were less involved. The study reported that the level of parental involvement had an
impact on both the students' academic achievement and their motivation towards learning.
Another study led by Tiamzon and Casalme (2018) evaluated the level of parental involvement
and its relationship to the academic performance of students in an elementary school in the
Philippines. The study found that parental involvement had a positive impact on student academic

The study conducted by Erlinda V. San Juan (2019) investigated the impact of parental
involvement on the academic performance of students in public elementary schools in the
Philippines. The study found that parental involvement has a significant positive impact on student
academic performance in both math and science. The authors also found that home-based
parental involvement, such as helping students with their homework and talking to them about their
studies, has a stronger impact on student academic performance than school-based parental
involvement, such as attending parent-teacher conferences and volunteering at the school.

In a study led by Daraug et al., (2020) the authors examined the effects of parental involvement on
the academic performance of Filipino students in the senior high school level. The study found that
high levels of parental involvement had a significant positive effect on student academic

The study led by Jovit M. Delos Reyes and Ma. Theresa B. Mendoza (2020) highlighted that the
impact of parental involvement was stronger for students from low-income families. The study
found that parental involvement has a significant positive impact on student academic
performance. The authors also found that home-based parental involvement has a stronger
relationship with student academic performance than school-based parental involvement.

The study conducted by Jomar C. Aboy and Michael P. Ramos (2021) aimed to investigate the
relationship between parental involvement and academic performance of grade 12 students in the
Philippines. Their study found that there is a significant positive correlation between parental
involvement and student academic performance. The authors also found that home-based
parental involvement has a stronger relationship with student academic performance than school-
based parental involvement.

Research Methodology

 This chapter presents

A. Research Design
This study will use a quantitative research design that aims to describe the level of parental
involvement in the academic performance of students at Rosario National High School. A survey
questionnaire will be use to collect data from the students of Rosario National High School.

B. Sample size/Sampling Scheme

The participants of this study will be the students of Rosario National High School. A stratified
random sample of 171 students will be select to participate in the study.

C. Instruments Use for Data Collection

To achieve the objective of this study, the researcher will use the scale method of data collection
to get the information on the level of parental involvement in the academic performance of
students at Rosario National High School.
D. Data Gathering Procedure
Asking Permission: To gather data on the level of parental involvement in the academic
performance of students at Rosario National High School, we first need to obtain permission from
relevant authorities. This involves preparing a research proposal and presenting it to the school
principal for approval.

Administration of Questionnaires: Once we have obtained permission, we will distribute

questionnaires to students through their respective advisers or homeroom teachers. We will
ensure that respondents understand the instructions before completing the questionnaires. We will
collect completed questionnaires within a specified period.

Collecting and Encoding Data: After collecting the questionnaires, we will check for
completeness and accuracy before coding responses using a standardized coding scheme for
analysis. We will input the data into statistical software such as Excel for analysis. We assure that
all information will be treat with utmost confidentiality.

E. Data Analysis

In order to measure the level of parental involvement of the respondents, Scale and Descriptive
equivalent were use.

Parental Involvement in Home Learning

Scale Descriptive Equivalent
5 -------------------------------------------- Always
4 --------------------------------------------- Often
3 --------------------------------------------- Sometimes
2 --------------------------------------------- Rarely
1 --------------------------------------------- Never

Parental Involvement in School Communication

Scale Descriptive Equivalent
5 -------------------------------------------- Strongly agree
4 --------------------------------------------- Agree
3 --------------------------------------------- Neutral
2 --------------------------------------------- Disagree
1 --------------------------------------------- Strongly disagree

Parental Involvement in Student Motivation

Scale Descriptive Equivalent
5 -------------------------------------------- Strongly agree
4 --------------------------------------------- Agree
3 --------------------------------------------- Neutral
2 --------------------------------------------- Disagree
1 --------------------------------------------- Strongly disagree

Overall Parental Involvement

Scale Descriptive Equivalent
5 -------------------------------------------- Very satisfied
4 --------------------------------------------- Satisfied
3 --------------------------------------------- Neutral
2 --------------------------------------------- Dissatisfied
1 --------------------------------------------- Very dissatisfied


Dear Respondents,

The researcher is in the process of completing basic research entitled: The Level of
Parental Involvement in the Academic Performance of the Students of Rosario National High

This study aims to determine the level of parental involvement in the academic performance
of the students. This study can be useful for you to have a better understanding of the level of
parental involvement in the academic performance.

We would like to ask your cooperation by answering the questionnaire honestly and
completely. Any information you will provide shall highly appreciated and we assure that all
information will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you very much for your kind response in this matter.

Respectfully yours,

The Researchers
Section 1: Profile of the Respondents
Name:__________________________________________________ (Optional)
Sex: ____Male ____Female Age : _____(Please specify)
Section 2: Parental Involvement in Home Learning
Instructions: Please indicate the frequency of each Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
activity the following scale. (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1. My parents help me with my homework.
2. My parents provide me with a quiet place to
3. My parents encourage me to read for pleasure.
4. My parents talk to me about my school day.
5. My parents attend my parent-teacher
6. My parents help me set goals for my
7. My parents check my report cards and grades.
8. My parents talk to me about my expectations
for my schoolwork.
9. My parents help me create a study schedule.
10. My parents provide me with the resources I
need to succeed in school.
11. My parents encourage me to participate in
school activities.
12. My parents volunteer at my school.
13. My parents communicate with my teachers
about my progress.
14. My parents attend school events.
15. My parents are aware of my school policies and
16. My parents believe that education is important.
17. My parents set high expectations for my
academic achievement.
18. My parents believe that I am capable of
succeeding in school.
19. My parents encourage me to think critically and
solve problems.
20. My parents help me develop my interests and
Section 3: Parental Involvement in School Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Communication agree (4) (3) (2) disagree
(5) (1)
Instructions: Please indicate your agreement with
each statement using the following scale:
21. My parents communicate effectively with my
22. My parents are aware of my academic
23. My parents are involved in my school's
decision-making process.
24. My parents feel comfortable communicating
with my teachers.
25. My parents feel respected by my teachers.
26. My parents believe that open communication
between parents, teachers, and students is
Aboy, Jomar C., and Michael P. Ramos. 2021. "Parental Involvement and Academic Performance
of Grade 12 Students in the Philippines." Journal of Educational Research and Practice,12(2),107-

Agboola, O. A., Alabi, O. O., & Sodeinde, O. A. (2020). Parental involvement and academic
achievement: Evidence from a Nigerian university. Journal of Educational Research and Practice,
12(2), 131-140. Https://

Alqahtani, M. (2021). Parental involvement and academic achievement of Saudi Arabian high
school students. Journal of Educational Research, 114(2), 111-122.

Alcala, M. J., & Uy, J. M. (2020). The impact of parental involvement on academic performance
and attitudes towards learning among high school students. Journal of Educational Research and


Daraug, M. A., Dela Cruz, M. A., & Gomez, M. A. (2020). Parental involvement and academic
performance of senior high school students in the Philippines. Retrieved from

Deyos Reyes, J. M., & Mendoza, M. T. B. (2020). Parental involvement and academic
performance: A study on the moderating effect of family income. Journal of Educational Research,
113(5), 309-318.

Hussein, M. A., Ismail, M. N., & Sahari, N. (2021). The impact of parental involvement on Grade 12
students' academic performance in East Malaysia. Journal of Education and Practice, 12(1), 1-10.

San Juan, E. V. (2019). The influence of parental involvement on academic performance: A study
in public elementary schools in the Philippines. University of the Philippines Diliman. Retrieved
Tiamzon, M. L., & Casalme, M. A. (2018). Parental involvement and academic performance of
elementary students in the Philippines. Asian Social Science, 46(5), 135-145. Parental involvement
and academic performance of elementary students in the
Philippines/links/60c688ab4585157774d6c27f/Parental involvement and academic performance of
elementary students in the Philippines.pdf

Zhao, Y., Wei, Y., & Lin, J. (2018). Parental involvement and academic achievement: A
longitudinal study in Chinese context. Journal of Educational Research, 111(1), 32-42.

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