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Parental involvement” refers to parents actively
participating in their children’s school activities and
education. This participation can include attending parent-
teacher conferences, volunteering in the classroom,
assisting with homework, and communicating regularly
with teachers to remain updated and informed about their
progress.” child’s academic performance.
A strong partnership between parents and schools is
crucial for a child’s success in education and life.
Socializing and educating children is a shared obligation
between parents who must be involved in the education
process for a child to achieve academic success (Mella et
al., 2020). The act of parents or guardians participating in
their children’s education and development is known as
parental involvement.
Parental involvement encompasses a variety of
actions, attitudes, and behaviors that parents engage
in to support their children’s learning and well-being
at home and school. These actions include financial
and academic support, communication, volunteering,
advocacy, and positive role modeling.
This study explores the relationship between parental
engagement and academic performance, highlighting the
importance of parental involvement in a child’s academic
success. It identifies effective forms of parental
involvement and potential barriers to it. The research
aims to develop effective parental involvement practices,
promoting collaboration between families and schools,
and enhancing student achievement.
This study will use Garvey’s student development theory
as the foundational framework to improve student
performance by focusing on the growth and evolution of
a student’s intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and
moral capacities. The theory covers various issues such
as parent-student relationships, teaching, cultural
differences, and equality, among others, to help students
become well-rounded individuals.
Additionally, Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory will be
used to highlight the impact of social, political, and
communal settings on development. The ecological
theory will be used to help students at San Pablo
National High School improve their academic, social,
socioeconomic, and critical thinking skills, and learning
outcomes through parental involvement. This theory
emphasizes increased control, communication, and direct
discussion of the learning process’s specifics.

Ha. Parental involvement has a profound effect on

students’ academic achievement.

This study will focus on the impact of parental involvement on the academic achievement of
Grade 11 Students. It will also aim to identify significant differences in educational achievement
between students with highly involved parents and those with less involved parents.
The researchers will limit the study to 60 male and 60 female Grade 11 section GAS students in
the first semester of the 2023-2024 school year of San Pablo National High School. The
respondents will be from Grade 11 students from various strands/track(GAS,STEM,ICT,HE).
Each of the respondents will answer through a question paper that will be given to them. The
students selected will come from the grade 11 section Rose to avoid bias and get their objective


To make this study feel more genuine, readings

pertinent to the themes of investigation are performed
and presented in this chapter.
Parental school involvement is consistently linked to
positive outcomes in children’s academic achievement.
Parental expectations had a more significant impact on
academic achievement than parental control, which had a
small negative effect, as Cahit et al. (2020) claimed.
Investigation has shown that parents actively engaging in
their children’s education can significantly impact their
academic success.
However, controlling children’s studies, ambitions,
and success will lead to students’ miserable school
Moreover, the meta-synthesis indicates that parental
involvement is associated with improved academic
performance and higher grades.
Students tend to have better academic outcomes when
parents actively engage in their child’s education by
monitoring homework, providing educational resources,
and assisting with studying. This involvement
demonstrates to students that education is essential and
encourages them to take their studies seriously.
Nevertheless, school, family, and community
connections influence students’ academic performance,
which is also widely recognized as a crucial factor in
promoting academic success.
The children’s school achievement is consistent, positive,
and convincing. For parents with limited influence over
the child’s peer relationships, the direct parental result
remains an opportunity to leverage those factors for their
benefit, including academic achievement. Exploring the
Impact of Parental Influence on Children’s Academic
Success nature should be considered when designing
policies, practices, and interventions by Valerie J. Shute
et al.(2011).
Parental involvement pertains to participation and
communication between parents and their children.
Parents have in their children’s education. Some schools
foster healthy parental involvement, but parents
sometimes hesitate to involve themselves with their
children’s education, as Melisa T. Bartolome et al.
Moreover, parents sometimes hold back on their
children’s education because they need more time,
limited knowledge or confidence, fear of overstepping
boundaries, trust in the education system, and language
and cultural barriers.
However, As claimed by Rachel L. Buno and Elsa C.
Callo(2022), Parental Involvement In the Management
of Learning Development among Primary Learners.
The Philippine University (2016)found that parental involvement
was positively correlated with higher levels of student
engagement in school. The study suggested that when parents
take an active interest in their child’s education and school life,
they can help to create a positive school culture that encourages
students to be more engaged in their learning and take ownership
of their education. This can lead to increased student motivation
and academic achievement. Therefore, parents must be involved
in their child’s education and work collaboratively with teachers
and school administrators to foster a supportive learning
Research has shown that when parents are involved in their
child’s education, it can positively impact their academic
performance. And success. The new normal in education
conveys that parent’s involvement is necessary for
different activities to manage the students’ learning,
especially at the secondary level, who need the most
parental support. Parental involvement in a student’s
academic life positively impacts their performance and
success. It fosters a supportive environment, increases
motivation, enhances discipline, promotes regular
attendance, and improves communication.


This chapter presents the researchers’ research design. It

also demonstrates the research environment’s
justification. It also includes the many methods and
techniques used to identify participants, research
procedures or protocols to be followed in the field, data
collection instruments, and statistical tools used to
evaluate the data.

This study aims to evaluate the impact of parental

participation on academic achievement. A
quantitative research study design will be used. The
study will employ a survey questionnaire to get
information from parents, teachers, and students.
The descriptive correlational survey method will
determine the influence of parental involvement on
students’ academic achievement. The researchers will
conduct a survey using a questionnaire distributed to
Grade 11students of in a selected public school in San
Pablo. The descriptive survey method will allow the
researchers to describe and analyze the data collected
from the respondents.
According to Creswell (2014), the descriptive correlational
approach is a research design that involves describing and
examining the relationships between two or more variables.
This approach helps explore the relationship between parental
involvement and academic achievement, as it can help identify
patterns and trends in the data. This approach is beneficial
when researchers aim to comprehensively understand a
particular phenomenon, investigate the connections between
different variables, and assess the current state of a particular
group or situation.
The first instrument that will be adapted is from
Walker’s(2007)Parental Involvement in School
Questionnaire(PISQ)is a self-report instrument measuring
parental involvement in children’s school activities. It assesses
school-based, home-based, parent-teacher communication, and
attitudes towards education. The questionnaire is scored on a 5-
point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly
The questionnaire has been found to have good internal
consistency and test-retest reliability.
The second instrument that will be adapted is from
Hill’s(2004) Parental Involvement in Middle School
Inventory(PIMSI)to measure parents’ involvement in
their middle school-aged children’s academic and social
activities, including attendance, grades, and test scores.
The participants will be from Grade 11 sections with 200
selected students from various strands/track(GAS, STEM,
ICT, and HE) and 60 male and 60 female students as
samples. The research study will be conducted at San
Pablo High School in the 2023-2024 academic year. The
study will examine the relationship between parental
involvement and academic achievement among 11 th-grade
The study will use a simple random sampling technique to gather data from
Grade 11 Rose students, the chosen section of Grade 11 at San Pablo
National High School. An estimated 200 students from the Grade 11
sections will be selected, and 40 students will be chosen as the sample.
Data will be collected through a survey questionnaire distributed to the
selected students. The questionnaire will contain questions regarding
academic achievement and parental involvement The collected data will
then be analyzed using statistical methods such as descriptive statistics,
correlation analysis, and regression analysis.
The researchers will seek permission from the school principal and
the research teacher to conduct the study. This gathering procedure
aims to collect data from Grade 11 student. The researchers will
then distribute the questionnaires to the respondents during class
hours. The respondents will be given ample time to answer the
questionnaire. The researchers will collect the questionnaires
immediately after the respondents have completed them.
The statistical analysis of the data is divided into
two parts. The first part involves using descriptive
statistics such as means and standard deviations to
analyze and interpret the data regarding parental
involvement and students’ academic performance.
In the second part, the Pearson correlation
coefficient was used to determine if there is a
significant relationship between parental
involvement and students’ academic achievement.
Before beginning the testing process, writing a request
letter and having it approved is essential. Once approved,
the researcher can retrieve the letter and select the
principal, class advisers, and other faculty members for
data collection. The researcher uses a designated time
slot to avoid distractions during data-gathering.
Sufficient time is given to the students to answer the
interview questions.
After ensuring the validity and reliability of the data
collection, formulating appropriate study questions, and
modifying the respondent list as needed, copies of
distributed questionnaires are completed and returned.
The respondents and researchers agree to keep the
answers to the questions confidential. The collected data
is then organized and tabulated using statistical
treatment. At this stage, the expertise of a statistical
consultant is required to ensure accuracy.

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