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c238L4 (Pages I 2)


APRIL 2022


(20L9-2020 Admissions)
Time : T\vo Hours and a HaIf Maximum : 80 Marks

Part A
Answer thz follnwing questinns.
Each questinn 2 marks.

1. What do you mean by product simplification ?

2. What do you mean by captive product pricing ? Give an example.

3. What do you mean by branding ?

4. What is an advertising copy ?

5. Who is a Wholesaler ?

6. Explain the holistic marketing concept.

l- What is meant by exading ?

8. What is meant by trade discount and cash discount ?

9. Define Marketing.

10. What is meant by packaging ?

11. What are industrial goods ?

12. What is meant by Unique Selling Proposition ?

13. What are departmental stores ?

L4. What do you mean by internet marketing ?

15. What is meant by product positioning ?

(L5 x 2 = 30, Maximum ceiling 25 Marks)

Turn over
2 C23814

Part B
Ansuer the following questians.
Each question carries 5 marks.

16. What are the benefits of E-marketing over traditional marketing ?

t7. Explain the need or importance of market segmentation.

18. What do you mean by skimming and penetration pricing ?

19. Explain any five factors that influence the choice of distribution channel.

20. Explain the steps or the process ofpersonal selling.

2t. What do you mean by a consumer product ? Explain the various classes or tlpes of consumer

22 Write notes on the selling concept and marketing concept.

23 Briefly explain demographic segmentation and its components.

(8 x 5 = 40, Maximum ceiling 35 Marks)

Part C

Answer any two questinns.

Each question carrics l0 marks.

24. What are the four types of consumer behaviour ? Also, explain the consumer decision-making

25. What do you mean by marketing mix ? Explain in detail the 4 Ps of marketing as weII as the
extended Ps.

26 What is Advertising ? Explain the role or the importance of advertising.

What do you mean by Product Life Cycle ? Explain various stages or phases of Product Life Cycle.
(2 x 10 = 20 marks)
Part A (Answer all questions)
1. Product Simplification mean$ limiting the number of products a dealer deals. Sometimes il becomes
necessary for a company to stop the prcduction ofunprofrtable products.

2. Captive product pricing is a pricing strategy devise.d to attract a large volurne cf c':stomers to a one-
time purchase ofa lower-priced core (or main) product that requir€s accessory (or captive) products
for the main product to fun€tion. Captive pricing happens when an accessory product is necessary to
purchase in order to use a core product. Classic examples of this include products like razor blades
for razors and toner cartridges for prhters

3. Branding stnply meaus naming a producl for its identification and distinction. It means giving a name
to the product by which it should become known and familiar among the public. In other words, it is
the practice of giving a specific name or mark to a product or group ofproducts ofone seller.

4. The Advertising Copy: Ad Copy is the soul of any advertisement. Ao advertisement copy is all the
wpitten o1 spoksn matter in an advertisement expressed in wo:dq or sentenqes and figures designed to
convey the desired messages to the target consumers.

5. A Wholesaler is a middleman distributor that deals in the distribution of goods ftom manufacturers to
retailers. The rvholesaler buys in large quantities that attract discounts and lou,er prices

5. Holistic merketing is a concept that considers all the different parts of a business as one single entity.
It is based on th.e premise that the whole is greater than the sum of its pafls. As such, tbere is a shared
aim and purpose for all the activities related to a business.

7. Grading is the process of scrting individual rmits of a proCuct into rvell.defined classes or grades of
qu4litv. It is tle division of pror,lucts into differeot calegories on the basis of units possessing similar
feat0res. It helps in fixing different prices for different categories of the product.

8. Trsde discount is executed nhen a buyer is initiating a buy order. A cash discount is executed when
the buyer iritiates payme . Trade discount is not re.corded as the amorut payable is ealcrrlated after
deducting the discount from the invoice itself. While trade discount is the reduction in the list price
of the product, whereas cash discount is offered by the firms to its customers to encourage early

9. Marketing is a term. It comprises of all activities performed by frms to direct and
facilitate florv of good-s and service-s Iiom producers to bu,vers- It is a two-way exchange process in
s,hich needs and rvants ofboth buyers and sellers are satisfied. It is the exchange ofvalue befween
bwer and seller. Barreft simplv sees rnarketing as. "primarilv concemed with the management of

10. Packaging is the subdivision of the packing function of marketing. It involves more than simply
placing products in containers or covering them with wrappers.

11. lndustrial Gaods: It is rceant for ..rse in the proCuctico of other goods ol fcr sorce business or
insti+"utional pnrposes. Industrial goods are classified into four- production facitities aud equipments,
production materials, production supplies and managernent materials-
12. Unique Selling Proposition or USP is the one feature or the perceived benefrt ofa good which makes
it unique from the rest ofthe compethg brands in tbe markct. It is that very reason rvhich motivates a
buyer to purchase that product even though it might be costlier than other products-

13. Departmental stores: A dqrartrnental stcres caries several product line, invariably all that is required
by a 1yp!qa1 house he!d. It includes food, slotbirg, appliarce$, other hoqse hold gooals, fumishing.s and
gifts etc. It is a central location and a rmified control. In a typical deparbment store each protluct line is
managed independently by specialist buyers.

14. Internet Marketing: It is also known as digital marketing, web marketing, online marketing, search
marketing or e-marketing, is referred to as the inarketing {geaerally p;omotion) ofpmduc,ts or services
over the Intemet-

15. Product positioning is the prccess of determining nerv products' position in the minds of consumers.
Itincludes analyzllg the market a!-rd co$pe.tltals' positions, deining the positjorr of a rew product
among the existing ones, and communicating a particular brand's product image.

PA.RT B (Ansrver all questions)

16. The benefits of e-marketing over traditional marketing

r Reach (Access llorn anyxhere).
. -Scope
o Interactiviry (2417 availabiiity)
e Inmediacy
r Demogaphics and Targeting
o Adaptivity

17. Need And Importance of Market Segmentation

A. ADVANTAGES TO FIRMS o lncreases sale volume. . Helps to win competition. o Enables to
take decisions- . Helps to prepare effective marketing plan. o Helps to understand the needs of
consumers. o Makes best use ofresources. o Expands markets. . Creates innovations. o Higher markets
share. . Specialised naarketing. . Achieves marketing goals.
B. ADVANTAGES TO CONSUMERS r Crtstomer oriented. o Quality pmduct at reasonable price. .
Other benefits such as discounts, prize etc.

18. Penetration pricing is the pricing tecbnique of setting a relatively lorv initial entry price, a price that
!s often lorver than the evenfiral market price, The expectatiolr is that the initial low pricq rvill secrtre
market acceptance by breaking dorvn existing brand loyalties- Peletration pricing is most commonly
associated *,ir.h the marketi:rg objecti.,'e cf increasing market share or eles vo!'.:me, rather than short
tetm profit maximization.
Price skimming is a producl pricing strategy by rvhich a finn charges the highest initial price that
customers rvill pay and then lorvers it over time. Pice skimming, also knorvn as skim pricing, is a
prieing strategy in which a firm charges a high initial pnce and then gradually lowers the price to
attract more price-sensitive customers- The pricing strategy is usually used by a first mover who faces
little to no competition
19. Factors influencing choice of distribution channel (any frve)
r 'l \In+rrre n€ Drnzlnnr
. 2. Nature of market I
. 3. Competitors' Channel
o 4. The financial ability ofchannel members
c 5. The Company's finarcial pcsitioc
r K /-nct nf r-ha...l
o 7. Economic factors
. 8. The legal restrictions
. 9. Marketing policy of the company

20. Process of perseual selling

a. Prospecting
b. Pre approach
c. Approach
d. Presentation and demonstration
e. Managing objections
a e^l^

21. Consumer Product:- '?roduct bought by fmal consumer for personal consumption".Consumer
products divided into four classes.
o Convenience product
. Shopping Product -

. Specially Products
. Unsought Products

22. The selling concept

It holds that consumers and businesses, ifleft alone, rvon't buy enough ofthe organization's product.
llre orgqtizatiol qlust therefore ludedake_al aggessjve se!!i!!g ald prornotiol
The marketing concept
to a customer- ceotered, sense-and-respond philosophy. The marketiog concept holds that the key to
achieving organizational goals is being effective than competitors in creating delivering, and
ccmmunicating supflior custcmer./alue to your chosen target markets.

23. Demographic Segmentation: Demos means people and graphein means to measure or to study. In
Demography means study of people or population. In Demographic segnentatio& the market is
segment€d on the hasis of demographic variables sucft as age, se{, family size, f-amily life cycle,
income, occupation, education etc. Demographic variables or characteristics are the most popular bases
for sepenting the market.
(a) Age (b) Sex (c) Family Life Cycle. (d)Religion (e) Income (0 Occupation (g) Family Size (h)

Part C (Ansrver any trvo questions)

24. Types of Consumer Behaviour

a) Complex Buying Bebaviour
b) Dissonance Reduction Buying Behaviour-
c) Variety Seeking Buying Behaviour
d) Habitual Buying Behaviour

Consurner buyhg pracess (cansumer decision making process)
r FssogrLitioa of al unsatisfied qeed
. Identification oI altematives
. Evaluation of altematives
. Pnrcbase decision
. Post purchase behaviour
25. The marketing mii refe6 to the set ofactions, or tactics, that a company usesto prohlbte its brand or
product in the market. A marketing mix includes multiple areas of focus as part ofa comprehensive
marketing plan.

Elemcnts or components of the marketing rnir

4 P's : Produet Priee, Plaee (replaosd by Physical Distribution) ani Promotion
Extended P's : Packaging and People

26. Advertising is a means of communicatioo, which calls customer's attention towards the product or
sewice, throuoh mass media. A-lleric.aa Marketing A-ssociatron defioed i! as, "Aly paid form of oon -
personal presentation of ideas, goods, or services by an identffied sponsor."
Role/ Advantages /Importance of Advertising
1. Manufgctures and Advertisilg(-{dvantages to Manufactun'es): a. It maintains the existing
market and explores the new. b. It increases the demand for the product c. It helps to build up or
increase goodwill of the company. d. It conti'ols product price. e. It helps to intioduce a trew product
into the narket .
2. Middlemen and Advertising(Advatrtages to Middlemen): a. It guarantees quick saies b. It acts as
a salesman. c. It iacreases the prestige of the dealers- d. It makes retail pnce maintenance possible. e.
Jt enables the dealers have a product information.
3. Sales-force and Advertising(Advantages to salesmen) a. It creates a colourful backgromd for a
salesmen tc begin his tork. b. It reduces his burden ofjob. c. It helps to develop self confidence and
initiative among the salesmen.
4. Consumers and Advertising(Advantages to consumers): a. It ensures better quality product at
reasonable price. b. It provides product related information to the customers and thereby makes the
purchasing an easy task. c. It helps the consumers to save time by providing infomation related to the
availability ofproduct. d. Helps the consumers iu intelligent buying.
5. Society and Advertising(Advantages to smiety): a. It helps to uplifu t he living standards b. It
helps to generate gainfirl employment opportunities, c. It provides new horizons of knowledge. d. It
up-bolds the culture of a nation.

27. Meaning and Definition of Product Life Cycler Product's life begins yrith its noa*et introduction,
then goes through a period dunng which its trarket grows rapidly, eventually it reaches at maturity
and then stands unmoved. Afterwards, its market declines and finally its life comes tq q4 end. Thus,
a product passes through different stages. The stages tbrough u,hich a product passes are collectively
known a.s product life cycle. Product life cycle is the length of fime from a product first being
introduced to consumers until it is removed from the market. A product's life cycle is usually broken
dovm into four stagesj introduAion, growth, maturity, and decline.

Product Life Cycle Stages

. Introdurtion
. Growth
. Maturiry
. Decline
o Death (Four stages excluding 'death' strges' is also correct)

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