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5/23/22, 4:39 AM Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex Sentences

Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound- CLASS : 
Complex Sentences
20 Questions DATE  : 

1. Even though I have Jolly Ranchers, there aren't very many left.

A Compound-Complex B Complex

C Simple D Compound

2. I won't change my mind, but you can ask someone else if you don't like my answer.

A Compound B Compound-Complex

C Complex D Simple

3. I like the Eagles, but they had a rough year.

A Compound-Complex B Simple

C Complex D Compound

4. I dropped my books on the counter and got a snack.

A Simple B Compound

C Complex D Compound-Complex

5. Your brother and his friend broke the window in the living room.

A Complex B Simple

C Compound-Complex D Compound

6. If you do your homework, your grades will improve.

A Simple B Compound

C Complex D Compound-Complex 1/5
5/23/22, 4:39 AM Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex Sentences

7. The test is tomorrow, so you should practice on Quizzes because it will help.

A Simple B Compound-Complex

C Compound D Complex

8. The student fell asleep in class, and he didn't finish his rough draft.

A Compound B Compound-Complex

C Simple D Complex

9. When you finish your essay, check it carefully before you turn it in.

A Compound B Complex

C Compound-Complex D Simple

10. The class was really loud for the substitute, so the teacher gave several students detention
because she warned them before she left.

A Simple B Compound

C Complex D Compound-Complex

11. His parents divorced when he was young.

A Simple B Compound-Complex

C Complex D Compound

12. Throughout his early life, he struggled with poverty, but he became successful after he
finished college.

A Simple B Compound-Complex

C Compound D Complex

13. His father moved to Mexico.

A Complex B Compound-Complex

C Simple D Compound 2/5
5/23/22, 4:39 AM Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex Sentences

14. Langston Hughes was an American novelist, but he was also famous for writing poems and

Simple Compound-Complex

Complex Compound

15. Hughes's grandmother shared her love of literature with him.

A Compound B Simple

C Complex D Compound-Complex

16. All of the following words are subordinating conjunctions except:

A although B because

C if D that

17. All of the following words are relative pronouns except:

A that B because

C who D which

18. What is the correct definition of a complex sentence?

It has two independent clauses connected It has two independent clauses connected
with a comma and a conjunction or a with a comma and a conjunction or a
semicolon and at least one subordinate semicolon.

It has one independent clause that can It has one independent clause with at least
stand alone as a sentence. one subordinate clause.

19. What is the correct definition of a compound sentence?

It has two independent clauses connected It has one independent clause.

A with a comma and a conjunction or a B

It has one independent clause and at least It has two independent clauses and at
one subordinate clause. least one subordinate clause. 3/5
5/23/22, 4:39 AM Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex Sentences

20. What is the correct definition of a compound-complex sentence?

It has one independent clause. It has one independent clause and at least
one subordinate clause.

It has two independent clauses. It has two independent clauses and at

least one subordinate clause. 4/5
5/23/22, 4:39 AM Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex Sentences

Answer Key

1. b 2. b 3. d 4. a

5. b 6. c 7. b 8. a

9. b 10. d 11. c 12. b

13. c 14. d 15. b 16. d

17. b 18. d 19. a 20. d 5/5

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