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Atolba, Rizel D.


1. Hasty generalization
"The fact is that everything he's saying so far is simply a lie. I 'm not here to call out
his lies, everybody knows he's a liar."-Joe Biden
2. False dichotomy
" Well he wants to shut down this country and I want to keep it open. "-Donald Trump
3. Ad hominem
"You were a senator, you're the worst president that America has ever had."-Joe
4. Slippery slope
" If you got in, if you ever became president with your ideas you want to terminate my
tax my taxes. I'll tell you what you lose half of the companies that have poured in
here will leave and plenty of companies that are already here, they will leave for
other places. They will eave and you will have a depression the likes of which you've
never seen. "-Donald Trump
5. Red herring
" We have a higher deficit with china now than we did before. We have the highest
trade deficit and no wonder your son goes in and he takes out billions dollars to
manage."-Donald Trump
6. Appeal to fear
"Well close your eyes remember what those people look like coming out of the fields
carrying torches. Their veins bulging speeding spewing just spewing anti—Semitic
bile and accompanied by the Ku Klux Klan a young woman got killed."-Joe Biden
7. Distorting the facts
" There has never been an administration or president who has done more than I've
done in a period of three and a half years. "-Donald Trump
8. Straw man
"He wants to make sure that methane is not a problem, can you now emit more
methane without it being a problem. Methane this is a guy who you says that don't
have to have mileage standards for automobiles that exist now this is the guy who
says that well the fact that, it's all true and here's something about."-Joe Biden
"The green new deal and it's not 2 billion or 20 billion as you said. It's 100 trillion
dollars I’m talking about they want to rip down buildings and rebuild the building it's
the most where airplanes are out of business, where two car systems are out, where
they want to take out the cows too. You know that's not true either right this is a this
is a 100 trillion that's more money than our country could make in 100 years."-
Donald Trump
9. False analogy
"Frankly he ran the h1 n1 swine flu and it was a total disaster far less lethal but it was
a total disaster had that had, this kind of numbers 700,000 people would be dead
right now. "-Donald Trump
10. Appeal to authority
"Ask make a big difference his own of cdc said if we just wore mass between head
now if everybody wore masks in social distance between now and January. We'd
probably save up to thousand lives a hundred it matters and they've also seen the
opposite no serious person said the opposite."-Donald Trump
"No, well look seriously Dr. Fauct said that he did not ask him a minute left and then
assessments are not good, then he changed his mind he said."-Joe Biden

C-SPAN (2020). Second 2020 Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Joe

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