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Name :

Agreement and Disagreement Class :

A. Preparation task.
Put the phrases (a–h) in the correct group (1–2).
Groups Phrases
1. Agreeing a. I think I disagree
b. I think you are wrong
c. I think so
d. Don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think so
2. Disagreeing e. I agree
f. I’m not convinced
g. This is a good idea
h. Yes, definitely
B. Read and complete the dialogue.
Salma and Adam discuss a wall magazine competition.
Competition Present Fifteen Receive Read
Provide True Interested Imagine Interesting
Salma : Only a few students (1) _______________ our wall magazine now.
Adam : That’s (2) _______________. I think they got bored with the content.
Salma : We have to work harder on our wall magazine.
Adam : I agree with you. But what should we do?
Salma : What if we do a wall magazine (3) _____________________ this year?
Adam : Hm…
Salma : We can get information about what the students are (4) ___________________ in at the moment.
Adam : I think that will be (5) ____________________.
Salma : Yes, each class must send the team.
Adam : There would be (6) ___________________ teams, then.
Salma : You’re right. They must (7) _______________ the best wall magazine that they could make.
Adam : Wow, I can (8) __________________ how exciting that is.
Salma : I agree with you.
Adam : Well, who will be the judges and what will the winners (9) ____________________?
Salma : What if we ask the school to (10_________________ the prize. And the Bahasa Indonesia teachers will
be the judges.
Adam : Yeah, we should try it.
C. Answer the questions.
1. What are they talking about?
2. How many teams will join the competition?
3. Who will be the judges?
4. What does Salma suggest to Adam?
5. Does Adam agree with Salma’s suggestion? How do you know?
D. Put the words in the correct order.
1. you’re - I - right – think >>>

2. we - like – So, - agree! - looks – it >>>

3. the shape – I – change – should – agree – totally – that – we >>>

4. they fit - get me - think that - wrong, but - I don’t - Don’t >>>

5. what - a bit empty. - you mean, - I see - but - it looks >>>

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