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Phrase: A few words.

No Subject-Verb-Object

Clause: A few words. Has Subject-Verb.

Sentence: Has Subject-Verb-Object

A simple sentence is known as a primary clause which has complete meaning, thus independent.

I have been asked to take up another course

Complex Sentence: Primary/ Independent + Dependent Clause using comma.

Since the day I passed, I have been asked to take up another course.

Compound Sentence: Two or more independent clauses connected with conjunctions.

Since the day I passed, I have been asked to take up another course, but I never was interested in
the subject.

He died… I was born. Writer is starting off with a supporting sentence to give a basic description
about the grandfather.

What I knew of him… grandmother. Supporting sentence to brief the background.

Writer is moulding a para and exiting the setting, and establishes the grandmother’s background in
the next.

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