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Social acceptability and product attributes of

smart apparel: their effects on consumers’
attitude and use intention

Sonia Bakhshian & Young A. Lee

To cite this article: Sonia Bakhshian & Young A. Lee (2021): Social acceptability and product
attributes of smart apparel: their effects on consumers’ attitude and use intention, The Journal of
The Textile Institute, DOI: 10.1080/00405000.2021.1898138

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Social acceptability and product attributes of smart apparel: their effects on

consumers’ attitude and use intention
Sonia Bakhshian and Young A. Lee
Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA


We aimed to investigate the influence of social acceptability along with functional, expressive, aes- Received 28 October 2020
thetic, and tracking attributes on consumers’ attitude and intention of using smart apparel. An online Accepted 26 February 2021
survey was conducted with a nationwide convenience sample of 563 U.S. men and women whose age
was 18 years old and over. Participants first watched a short video clip of introducing a smart apparel
Smart apparel; social
prototype and then completed the survey. SPSS 26 and Mplus 8.3 were used to run the data analysis. acceptability; product
The results demonstrated the importance of considering social acceptability of smart apparel along attributes; user intention
with functional and expressive attributes to predict consumers’ attitude and intention of its use. Social
acceptability along with expressive and tracking attributes were the most significant determinants for
predicting consumers’ attitude and intention of using smart apparel. This study assists future research-
ers to gain better insights into social acceptability for predicting consumers’ expectations of wear-
able technology.

Introduction smart apparel in the market. Thus, companies must consider

social acceptability of smart apparel as a key factor when it
Wearable technology, interchangeably called as ‘wearables’,
comes to design and develop new products embedding
refers to “many different forms of body-mounted technol-
wearable technology (Narayanaswami & Raghunath, 2002).
ogy, including wearable computers, smart clothing, and It is also essential for industry professionals to fully under-
functional clothing” (Dunne, 2004, p.5). Within a short stand the interplay between the product attributes and its
time, it has gone from being nonexistent to being every- social acceptability (Wasik, 2014). For wearables, the techno-
where for different purposes such as fitness and wellness, logical side is required to be fashionable and deliver wearers’
safety and security, fashion, and lifestyle (Chae, 2010; Eike personal message (Kelly, 2016).
& Bakhshian, 2018; Ghahremani Honarvar & Latifi, 2017). Despite the immense popularity of wearable technology
According to MarketsandMarkets (2019), the market value and ongoing studies focusing on the key characteristics of
of wearable technology is expected to grow with the rate of smart apparel such as functional, expressive, and aesthetic
11.2% from 2016 to 2025 and will reach to 56.8 billion dol- attributes, little attention has been given to examine the
lars by 2025. Smart apparel is a subcategory of wearable social acceptance of smart apparel and its relationship with
technology, which integrates information technology such as consumers’ wearing intention. Thus, the overall purpose of
sensors into fashion (Ariyatum et al., 2005; Chae, 2010). this study was to examine consumers’ attitude and intention
The smart apparel market has tremendously grown during of using smart apparel by investigating the effects of their
the last few years and significantly influenced individuals’ social acceptability and four perceived attributes of func-
lifestyles by shaping their decision-making patterns and pur- tional, expressive, aesthetic, and tracking on their attitude
chase behavior. According to the Research and Markets’ and intention of using smart apparel.
(2019) report, the smart apparel market will grow from $1.6
billion in 2019 to 5.3 billion dollars by 2024, which is
26.2% increase.
Literature review
Due to the co-existence of technology and fashion within This study used a modified theoretical framework integrat-
smart apparel, social acceptability is one of the distinctive ing theory of reasoned action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980),
challenges of such products (Wasik, 2014). Smart apparel technology acceptance model (Davis, 1989), and functional,
will not be socially acceptable if the product is opposed to expressive, aesthetic (FEA) consumer needs model (Lamb &
social standards and is discerned as a disruptive and annoy- Kallal, 1992). The framework in this study also incorporated
ing item causing disorders in an ordinary human interaction two other constructs: (a) tracking dimension of wearables
(Baraniuk, 2015). This will eventually lead to the failure of followed by Bakhshian and Lee (2018) holistic framework

CONTACT Sonia Bakhshian Department of Consumer and Design Sciences, 308 Spidle Hall, Auburn University, Auburn, AL,
36849 USA
ß 2021 The Textile Institute

towards wearables and (b) social acceptability of wearable Social acceptability is one of the important determinants
devices introduced by Kelly (2016). The major concepts of consumers’ adoption of wearable technology (Kelly,
from these frameworks were used for developing a proposed 2016). Lee (2016) addressed the positive influence of social
research model, which was used to examine the influence of acceptability of smart bikewear on consumers’ attitudes
social acceptability along with functional, aesthetic, expres- toward its use. Nam and Lee (2020) reassured the import-
sive, and tracking attributes on consumers’ attitude and ance of social acceptability when using smart apparel and
intention of using smart apparel. suggested future researchers conduct further research using
this concept relating to other consumer behavioral concepts
and product attributes. Hypotheses linking social acceptabil-
Social acceptability of smart apparel ity with product attributes and other key variables used in
Social acceptability is recognized as one of the most distinct- this study were presented under the relevant sections below.
ive challenges of smart apparel because of coexisting fashion
and technology within the product (Wasik, 2014). The inte- Functional attributes
gration of fashion and technology in smart apparel can cre-
ate a new type of self-identity consisting of aesthetic, Functionality, referring to the physical comfort and utilitarian
functional, and expressive elements (Wasik, 2014). Smart aspects of the apparel (Lamb & Kallal, 1992), is one of the
apparel is not socially acceptable if it is negatively disrup- most important attributes of wearables technology. Physical
tive, is perceived as annoying, confounds ordinary human comfort defines as “a mental state of physical well-being
interaction, and/or runs against social norms (Baraniuk, expressive of satisfaction with physical attributes of a garment
2015; Ogle et al., 2013; Rogers, 2003). such as air, moisture, heat transfer properties, and mechanical
Social acceptability construct, named as the wearable properties such as elasticity, flexibility, bulk, weight, texture,
acceptability range (WEAR) scale, was developed and intro- and construction” (Sontag, 1985, p.10). Previous studies
duced by Kelly (2016). Her WEAR Scale was originally con- reported the significant effect of functional attributes on con-
structed based on statements derived from relevant sumers’ perceptions of using wearable devices (Buenaflor &
Kim, 2013; Salahuddin & Romeo, 2020), their adoption atti-
literature, expert reviews, and consumer interviews, reflect-
tude (Rauschnabel et al., 2015), and purchase intention of
ing the fundamentals of several theories (i.e. technology
smart apparel (Hwang et al., 2016; Lee, 2016). Bakhshian and
acceptance model (Davis, 1989), theory of planned behavior
Lee (2019) reported a significant positive influence of func-
(Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980). The scale originally included mul-
tional attributes of wearables on consumers’ perception of pur-
tiple dimensions with 97 items (i.e. aesthetics/design, avail-
chasing wearables. Hwang et al. (2016) also reported the
able/ordinary, consequences, ergonomics, functionality,
positive significant influence of functional attributes on con-
judgment, norms, others’ reactions, others’ thoughts, self-
sumers’ attitude and purchase intention of solar-powered
identity, qualities of the device or the wearer). After two
clothing. Limited study is available to examine the potential
rounds of expert reviews, 49 items were confirmed for the relationship among functional attributes of smart apparel and
further use. Kelly’s final scale contained 14 items and was its social acceptability. Based on previous findings, the follow-
validated for the use of wearable devices (Apple watch, ing hypotheses were proposed:
Google glasses, and Bluetooth headsets). No items in this
14-item scale were related to aesthetics or functional attrib- Hypothesis 1a. Functional attributes of smart apparel positively
influence consumers’ attitude towards smart apparel.
utes which are important features of smart apparel. Thus, in
this study, we started with the 49 items of the WEAR scale, Hypothesis 1b. Functional attributes of smart apparel positively
influence consumers’ intention of using smart apparel.
revalidated this scale with the use of smart apparel, and
used the validated scale to examine the influences of differ- Hypothesis 1c. Functional attributes of smart apparel positively
ent product attributes (functional, expressive, aesthetic, and influence social acceptability of smart apparel.
tracking) on social acceptability and its influence on con-
sumers’ adoption of smart apparel.
Narayanaswami and Raghunath (2002) argued that social Expressive attributes
acceptability is a critical component for designers and prod- Expressive aspects are considered as one of the important
uct developers to be considered when developing wearables. clothing attributes (Stokes & Black, 2012), which refer to
The technological aspects of smart apparel need to convey a the symbolic and communicative aspects of clothing and
wearer’s personal message while simultaneously being fash- basically associate with its psychological and social-cultural
ionable (Wasik, 2014). Thus, it is crucial that designers aspects (Lamb & Kallal, 1992, p.43). Few studies addressed
understand the interrelationship of symbolic aspects of the influence of expressive attributes on consumers’ adop-
wearables for users along with their social acceptability tions of wearables (Bakhshian & Lee, 2019; Hwang et al.,
(Dunne et al., 2014). To clarify the importance of consider- 2016; Lee, 2016). Bakhshian and Lee (2019) found the
ing this dynamic interrelationship, Profita et al. (2013) rec- importance of expressive attributes, along with functional,
ommended that designers avoid placing wearable devices on aesthetic, and tracking dimensions when predicting consum-
the suggestive part of the body since users may feel embar- ers’ attitude and intention of using wearables. There is still
rassed or awkward. lack of studies to address the possible influence of expressive

attributes of smart apparel on its social acceptability. Thus, To date, limited research is available to investigate the
in this study, the following hypotheses were postulated: influence of tracking attributes on consumers’ adoption of
Hypothesis 2a. Expressive attributes of smart apparel positively
using wearables. Koo (2017) explained that individuals who
influence consumers’ attitude towards smart apparel. use wearables for tracking their physical conditions and
gaining a healthier lifestyle mostly consider wearables as
Hypothesis 2b. Expressive attributes of smart apparel positively
influence consumers’ intention of using smart apparel.
easy to use and useful products. Bakhshian and Lee (2019)
reported the positive significant influence of tracking attrib-
Hypothesis 2c. Expressive attributes of smart apparel positively utes along with functional, aesthetic, and aesthetic dimen-
influence social acceptability of smart apparel.
sions, on consumers’ perception of using wearables. There is
still a lack of research to reassure the influence of tracking
Aesthetic attributes attributes on consumers’ attitude and intention of using
smart apparel and its social acceptability. Thus, the follow-
Wearable technology can be considered as fashion items, so ing hypotheses were proposed:
consumers tend to select and purchase them based on its aes-
Hypothesis 4a. Tracking attributes of smart apparel positively
thetic criteria such as color, design, shape, and texture and influence consumers’ attitude towards smart apparel.
these high-tech products can be a means of visual communica-
Hypothesis 4b. Tracking attributes of smart apparel positively
tion (Chattaraman & Rudd, 2006; Coorevits & Coenen, 2016;
influence consumers’ intention of using smart apparel.
Page, 2015). It is crucial to consider aesthetic attributes as one
of the main determinants of consumers’ decision making Hypothesis 4c. Tracking attributes of smart apparel positively
influence social acceptability of smart apparel.
because aesthetic attributes can influence consumers’ emotions
and cognitive attention and consequently impact their con-
sumption patterns (Jeong et al., 2016).
Previous studies discussed the influence of aesthetic Social acceptability, attitude, and intention towards
attributes on consumers’ adoption of wearable technology using smart apparel
(e.g. Dehghani et al., 2018) as well as smart clothing (e.g. Attitude refers to an individual’s favorable or unfavorable
Bakhshian & Lee, 2020). Hwang et al. (2016) reported the reaction to their surrounded environment which is exhibited
positive influence of aesthetic attributes of smart solar- in their beliefs, feeling, or behavior (Ajzen & Fishbein,
power jacket on consumers’ attitude and purchase intention. 1980). Intention defines as the willingness to perform or not
This finding was assured by the findings from Lee’s Lee to perform a behavior expected by attitude (Ajzen &
(2016) study using smart bike jacket. Bakhshian and Lee Fishbein, 1980). Venkatesh and Davis (2000) provided a
(2019) also reported aesthetic attributes as one of the deter- more specific definition of attitude and intention of using
minants that positively influences consumers’ attitude and new technology. They defined attitude as any negative or
intention of using wearables. The potential influence of aes- positive individual’s feeling towards applying new technol-
thetic attributes of smart apparel on its social acceptability ogy and intention as an individual’s conscious plan about
has not been fully examined by previous studies. Thus, the doing or not doing a specific behavior in the future
following hypotheses were proposed: (Venkatesh & Davis, 2000). Lederer et al. (2000) described
Hypothesis 3a. Aesthetic attributes of smart apparel positively attitude as a determinant to evaluate an individual’s desir-
influence consumers’ attitude towards smart apparel. ability of using new technology.
Numerous studies reported the significant positive influ-
Hypothesis 3b. Aesthetic attributes of smart apparel positively
influence consumers’ intention of using smart apparel. ence of attitude on consumers’ intention of using wearable
technology (e.g. Bakhshian & Lee, 2019; Kim & Shin, 2015;
Hypothesis 3c. Aesthetic attributes of smart apparel positively
Koo, 2017; Rauschnabel et al., 2017; Rauschnabel & Ro,
influence social acceptability of smart apparel.
2016). The significant influence of attitude on consumers’
intention of purchasing smart apparel is also reported in the
Tracking attributes studies by Chae (2010), Hwang et al. (2016), Lee (2016),
and Turhan (2013). The positive influence of social accept-
Tracking attributes of wearables make consumers be able to
ability on consumers’ attitude of using smart apparel was
track their fitness, mental (e.g. sleep pattern), and physical con-
proved by Lee (2016); however, limited research has been
dition (e.g. heart rate) (Koo et al., 2018). This tracking ability
done to examine the potential influence of social acceptabil-
distinguishes wearable technology-embedded products from
ity on consumers’ intention of using smart apparel. Based
other devices in the market. There are number of studies
on the previous findings, we proposed the follow-
which considered tracking attributes of wearables as an exter-
ing hypothesis:
nal factor which impact perceived usefulness and perceived
ease of use (Gao et al., 2015; Koo, 2017). Although the effect Hypothesis 5a. Social acceptability of smart apparel positively
influence consumers’ attitude towards smart apparel.
of tracking attributes on perceived ease of use and perceived
usefulness has been investigated for some types of wearables, Hypothesis 5b. Social acceptability of smart apparel positively
limited research is available on examining relationships among influence consumers’ intention of using smart apparel.
tracking attributes, consumers’ social acceptability, attitude, Hypothesis 6. Attitude towards smart apparel positively affects
and intention towards using wearables. intention of using smart apparel.

Method from Kim and Shin (2015) and Venkatesh and Davis (2000),
respectively. Functional, expressive, and aesthetic attributes,
A quantitative research methodology was employed for this
consisting of seven items for each construct, were derived
study. University’s Institutional Review Board approval was
from Chae (2010). Four items of tracking dimension were
obtained before the data collection.
adopted from Koo and Fallon (2017).

Sample and data collection procedure

Using a convenience sampling method, both female and Data analysis
male consumers aged 18 years old and over living in U.S.
SPSS 26 and Mplus 8.3 were used to analyze the quantitative
were recruited via Amazon Mechanical Turk, an online sur-
data; specifically, SPSS 26 for frequency and descriptive ana-
vey marketplace. The survey questionnaire, using the
lysis, reliability check, and correlations among all constructs
Qualtrics platform, was first pre-tested by a few disciplinary
experts in fashion to make sure about the clarity and con- and Mplus 8.3 for testing the measurement model fit and
sistency of the content. The online survey started with an hypothesized paths. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was
informed consent letter, describing the study purpose, the first conducted to examine whether the 49 items of the
survey procedure and incentive, eligibility to be a study par- extended WEAR Scale measure a single construct of social
ticipant, and a participant’s right when participating in acceptability of smart apparel. After EFA of social accept-
the survey. ability measure, each measurement model for all constructs
To control diverse spectrum of participants’ understand- was validated by running confirmatory factor ana-
ing for smart apparel, we provided the following definition lysis (CFA).
of smart apparel at the beginning of the survey, “a garment Structural equation modeling (SEM) was then followed to
incorporating a body mounted wearable device that provides test research hypotheses (H1-H6) using the maximum likeli-
interactions for users through sensing signals, information hood (ML) estimation method. The following fit indices
processing, and arousing response.” Participants also were were used to examine the model fit: Tucker Lewis index
asked to watch a 2-minute video clip presenting a prototype (TLI) and comparative fit index (CFI), where greater than
of smart apparel developed by one of the researchers. The .90 or .95 indicates “reasonable or good fit” (Hu & Bentler,
clip introduced the variety of design features (e.g. trans- 1999). Also, root mean square error of approximation
formability) of smart apparel. Then, participants were (RMSEA) and standardized root mean square residual
guided to respond the survey questions based on this (SRMR), with equal to or less than .08 demonstrated “good
defined term and video clip they watched. Participants took fit,” were examined. Convergent validity and discriminant
approximately 10–15 min to complete the survey and validity were checked at the stage of performing CFA.
received the incentive of 50 cents as their compensation. TagCrowad software was used for the data analysis of open-
ended questions, especially for identifying the most fre-
quently occurring keywords in the text. The word cloud tool
Survey instrument
assists researchers to narrow down unnecessary information
The survey questionnaire consisted of four sections: (a) and quickly and visually understand the most repetitive and
open-ended questions asking participants’ own definition on significant keywords of the text source (Park et al., 2012).
the words, “wearable technology” and “smart apparel,” their
experience of using any type of smart apparel, and their
willingness of its use in the future; (b) a short video clip
introducing the features of smart apparel; (c) close-ended Results and discussion
questions including the measurement items of the main Sample characteristics
constructs; and (d) demographic characteristics (e.g. age,
gender, ethnicity, education, income). A total of 563 usable responses was used for data analyses.
All seven constructs (social acceptability, functional The participants’ ages ranged from 18 to 80 years with the
attributes, expressive attributes, aesthetic attributes, tracking mean age of 34. Fifty-seven percent of the participants were
attributes, attitude, intention), validated and reported as reli- belonged to the generation Y (born between 1980 to 1996),
able, were adapted and modified from previous studies (see followed by 19% of the baby boomer generation (born
Table 1) and measured on a 7-point Likert-type scale, rang- between 1946 and 1964), 17% of generation X (born
ing from “strongly disagree” (1) to “strongly agree” (7). between 1965 and 1979) and 7% of generation Z (born after
Measurement items of social acceptability for smart apparel 1997). Of the participants, 56% were females and 44% were
were derived from Kelly’s (2016) work on developing a males. Seventy-one percent of the participants held bache-
measure of the social acceptability of a wearable device lor’s degrees or higher and the rest had some college educa-
(WEAR Scale). Her WEAR Scale items were modified based tion with no degree. The majority was White/European
on the nature of this study. Total 49 items of WEAR Scale American (71%), followed by Asian (11%), Black/African
were used for this study. Four items of attitude and three American (7%), and others (e.g. Hispanic American/Latino,
items for intention measures were adopted and modified American Indian/Alaska Native).

Table 1. Results of the final measurement model.

Standardized Cronbach’s
Constructs/items factor loading a AVE ITC
Social Acceptability .92 .77
Design/ Aesthetics .93
1. This smart apparel is aesthetically pleasing. .88 .84
2. This smart apparel is stylish. .96 .91
3. This smart apparel is fashionable. .87 .83
Others’ Thoughts and Reactions .91
1. This smart apparel would be generally accepted by the vast majority of people. .88 .84
2. The wearer of this smart apparel would get a positive reaction from others. .84 .77
3. The majority of people probably think this smart apparel is ok to wear in public. .81 .78
4. I think my peers would find this smart apparel acceptable to wear. .83 .77
Functional attributes .91 .72
1. Comfortability .83 .76
2. Fit-ability .85 .78
3. Protectability .67 .64
4. Ventilation quality .75 .74
5. Insulation quality .77 .75
6. Not bulky .70 .65
7. Convenient to wear and transport .81 .77
Expressive attributes .88 .68
1. Helping me to perform an appropriate gender role .67 .65
2. Helping with my self-image a confident individual .79 .75
3. Being able to positively impact my commitment to my job .88 .74
4. Conveying the importance of my job to others .89 .81
Aesthetic attributes .89 .70
1. Style feature .81 .73
2. Color .81 .71
3. Texture .82 .72
4. Uniqueness .61 .62
5. Unique design feature .69 .71
6. Sleekness .77 .71
Tracking attributes .93 .73
1. Tracking my physical health condition .91 .86
2. Tracking my mental health condition .88 .85
3. Tracking my healthy lifestyle .91 .86
4. Tracking and managing my productivity .81 .78
Attitude .95 .79
1. Using smart apparel is a good idea. .88 .87
2. I generally have favorable attitude to smart apparel. .94 .90
3. I like the idea of using smart apparel. .93 .89
4. Using smart apparel is a good idea. .88 .87
Intention .97 .81
1. I predict I will use smart apparel in future. .95 .92
2. I plan to use smart apparel in future. .96 .93
3. I expect my use of smart apparel to continue on the future. .96 .93
Note. AVE ¼ average variance extracted. ITC ¼ item-total correlation.
 p < .001.

Exploratory factor analysis results of social ergonomics (.90). Factor loadings of all 15 items were above
acceptability measure .70, which is within the range of the acceptable and good
cut-off value (Hu & Bentler, 1999).
EFA, using the ML estimation method with Promax rotation
(Corner, 2009), was first conducted to examine whether the
49 items of the extended WEAR Scale measure a single con- Measurement model testing results
struct of social acceptability of smart apparel, or whether
multiple constructs underlie it. A total of 11 factors, includ- To test the construct validity, the proposed model shown in
ing 49 items with Cronbach’s a of .94 for the extended Figure 1, consisting of the seven constructs (15-item social
WEAR Scale, were initially structured and evaluated by the acceptability including 3-item of design/aesthetics, 5-item of
following criteria: Kaiser’s criterion, eigenvalue above 1, and norms, others’ thoughts, and reactions, and 7-item of conse-
factor loadings above .70 (Matsunaga, 2010). Among the 49 quences, judgement, and ergonomics; 7-item functional; 7-
items, EFA resulted in eliminating 34 items with a factor item expressive; 7-item aesthetic; 4-item tracking; 4-item
loading lower than .70 (Matsunaga, 2010), which yielded a attitude, and 3-item intention), was tested through CFA
three-factor, 15-item WEAR Scale (see Table 2). using the ML estimation method. The final measurement
As shown in Table 2, a three-factor component with each model with 35-item seven constructs resulted in an accept-
Cronbach’s a value consists of 15 items: (a) 3 items regard- able model fit: v2 (839) ¼ 1946.51, p < .001, TLI of .91,
ing aesthetic attributes of smart apparel (.93); (b) 5 items CFI of .92, RMSEA of .06, and SRMR of .06 (Hair et al.,
derived from norms, others’ thoughts, and reactions (.91); 2010) after deleting the following 12 items (3 items of
and (c) 7 items derived from consequence, judgment, and expressive, 1 item of aesthetic, and 8 items of social

Table 2. EFA results of smart apparel: three factors with 15 items.

Dimensions Items Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Cronbach’s a
Consequences rude (R) .79 –.05 –.09 .90
socially stigmatizing (R) .79 .01 –.09
embarrassment (R) .78 .10 .00
privacy issue (R) .74 –13 –.09
annoying (R) .74 .04 .13
Ergonomics movement restriction (R) .71 .00 .10
Judgement undesirable (R) .72 .04 .05
Norms interested .02 .74 .01 .91
Reactions publicly acceptable –.05 .94 –.04
positive .00 .90 –.10
Thoughts Ok in public –.04 .76 .12
acceptable to wear .07 .72 .12
Design/Aesthetics pleasing –.00 –.03 .99 .93
stylish .00 .02 .86
fashionable –.03 .06 .82
Note. R ¼ reverse coding.

Figure 1. Overall research model and structural path testing results (N ¼ 563).
Note. R2 ¼ Variance explained. Values of standardized path coefficient in parenthesis. Solid lines for supported hypothesis and dotted lines for non-supported hypothesis.
 p < .05;  p < .01;  p < .001

acceptability. Removal of these items resulted item-total cor- was higher than its correlations with any other construct at
relations all over .30 (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). p < .01. As shown in Table 4, the AVE for all constructs
Standardized factor loadings ranged from .61 to .96 (see were higher than cut off value of .50 (Fornell &
Table 1). This re-specification of the measurement model Larcker, 1981).
was based on the theoretical grounds while considering the
values of standardized factor loading, standardized residuals,
Structural model and hypothesis testing results
item correlation, and modification indices (Hair et al., 2010;
Kline, 2005). Table 3 presents the improvement in fit from SEM was performed to test the research hypotheses (H1-
the initial measurement model to the final measurement H6). The results of SEM showed v2 of 1946.51 (df ¼ 839, p
model along with the recommended fit values by Hu and < .001), TLI of .91, CFI of .92, RMSEA of .06, and SRMR
Bentler (1999). of .06, confirming an acceptable model fit (Hu & Bentler,
As shown in Table 1, Cronbach’s a values were all higher 1999). The value of R2 proved the adequate model fit of the
than .70 (Hair et al., 2010), ranging from .88 to .97. proposed model of this study, where 71% of consumers’
Convergent validity and internal consistency were also satis- intention of using smart apparel was explained by the fol-
fied (Hair et al., 2010). Discriminant validity of each con- lowing determinants: functional, expressive, tracking, social
struct was tested using the average variance extracted (AVE) acceptability, and attitude. The results also revealed that
and ranged from .68 to .81. The AVE for each construct 86% of attitude and 31% of social acceptability were

Table 3. Goodness of fit summary: initial measurement model versus final measurement model (N ¼ 563).
Measurement Model
Fit Index Initial Model Final Model Recommendation by Hu and Bentler (1999)
Chi-square (v2) 4126.184 1946.51 p  .001
df ¼ 1010 df ¼ 839
p < .001 p < .001
v2/df 4.08 2.32 < 3.0 good
CFI .85 .92 > .90 reasonable
TLI .84 .91 > .90 reasonable
RMSEA .07 .06 < .06 great
SRMR .10 .06 < .06 great
Note. v2/df ¼ normed fit chi-square; CFI ¼ comparative fit index; TLI ¼ Tucker-Lewis index; SRMR ¼ standardized root mean
square residual; RMSEA ¼ root mean square error of approximation.

Table 4. Correlation coefficient among latent constructs.

Variables Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Intention 3.86 1.88 1
2. Attitude 5.03 1.50 .70 1
3. Social Acceptability 4.61 1.31 .69 .77 1
4. Functional 5.80 1.01 .23 .41 .31 1
5. Expressive 4.19 1.46 .50 .37 .38 .20 1
6. Aesthetic 5.21 1.15 .39 .47 .37 .67 .41 1
7. Tracking 4.91 1.54 .42 .43 .30 .38 .36 .41 1
 p < .01.

explained by their determinants including functional, as aesthetic characteristics of smart apparel may not play a
expressive, and tracking attributes. Figure 1 presents the significant role on predicting consumers’ attitude, intention,
overall research model and structural path testing results of and social acceptance of its use.
this study. H4 was fully supported. Tracking attributes of smart
As shown in Figure 1, SEM analysis supported the fol- apparel have a strong positive influence on social acceptability,
lowing ten hypotheses: H1c, H2a, H2b, H2c, H4a, H4b, attitude, and intention of using smart apparel (b ¼ .101, p <
H4c, H5a, H5b, and H6. The rest of hypotheses (H1a, H1b, .05; b ¼ .155, p < .001; and b ¼ .170, p < .001, respectively),
H3a, H3b, and H3c) were not supported. H1 was partially which align with previous research findings about the positive
supported. No significant influence of functional attributes influence of tracking dimension on consumers’ attitude and
on consumers’ attitudes was found (H1a; b ¼ .025, p ¼ intention of using wearables (Bakhshian & Lee, 2019; Hwang
.639), which aligns with Hwang et al. (2016) finding. H1b et al., 2016; Lee, 2016). The outcome of this study demon-
was not supported, demonstrating the negative influence of strates the positive significant influence of tracking dimension
functional attributes on consumers’ intention of using smart on social acceptability, which has not been reported before.
clothing (b ¼ .202, p < .01). This result may be related The potential interpretation of this result can originate in the
with the participants’ limited experience of smart apparel nature of tracking attributes of smart apparel. When it comes
use; around 60% of the participants had experience of using to using smart apparel by individuals, it is not just about wear-
wearable devices such as smartwatch but only 25% had ing it as a usual piece of garments, but it is more about
experience of using smart apparel. Lack of experience of actively engaging with their clothing through using tracking
using smart apparel might potentially impact individuals’ options. Thus, we may interpret as the more tracking features
perceptions and evaluations regarding functionality aspects smart apparel has, the more social acceptability it can receive
of such products. H1c was supported, demonstrating the from the public.
positive influence of functional attributes of smart apparel H5 was fully supported. Social acceptability has positive sig-
on its social acceptability (b ¼ .156, p < .05). nificant influence on both consumers’ attitude (H5a; b ¼ .847,
H2 was fully supported. Expressive attributes of smart p < .001) and intention of using smart apparel (H5b; b ¼
apparel have a positive significant influence on social .717, p < .001). The results were partially aligned with Lee’s
acceptability, attitude, and intention of using smart apparel (2016) finding, where she reported the positive significant effect
(b ¼ .363, p < .001; b ¼ .081, p < .05; and b ¼ .144, p < of social acceptability on consumers’ attitude of using smart
.01, respectively). This result demonstrates that the symbolic apparel. It can be interpreted as consumers naturally have
and psychological aspect of smart apparel, which reflects the more favorable attitude and intention towards using smart
wearer’s self-image and identity to others, can be a signifi- apparel when they get confirmation from their surrounded peo-
cant determinant of consumers’ social acceptability, attitude ple through accepting smart apparel they wear. H6, proposing
and use intention of smart apparel. None of H3a, H3b, and the positive influence of consumers’ attitude on their intention
H3c were supported, demonstrating no influence of aes- of using smart apparel, was also supported (b ¼ .021, p <
thetic attributes on attitude (b ¼ .082, p ¼ .144), social .001). This result is well aligned with the previous study find-
acceptability (b ¼ .106, p ¼ .230), and intention of using ings in terms of using wearables (Bakhshian & Lee, 2019;
smart apparel (b ¼ .114, p ¼ .069). This can be interpreted Hwang et al., 2016; Kim & Shin, 2015; Koo, 2017; Lee, 2016).

Conclusion human computer interaction. The proposed research model

was validated in this study, which assists future researchers
to gain better insights into social acceptability for predicting
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of consumers’ expectations of wearable technology. This pro-
social acceptability along with functional, expressive, aes- posed model also considers as a roadmap when future
thetic, and tracking attributes on consumers’ attitude and researchers conduct similar consumer behavioral research
intention of using smart apparel. The results of this study on smart apparel or wearables in general, or while product
demonstrate the positive influence of expressive and track- designers plan to develop new wearables. Future research
ing attributes as well as social acceptability on consumers’ can apply and expand this model by focusing on other key
attitude towards smart apparel. The positive impact of func- determinants that influence the behavioral patterns of using
tional, expressive, and tracking attributes on social accept- smart apparel.
ability of smart apparel was found. The intention of using In the fashion discipline, little research has been done to
smart apparel was also positively influenced by attitude, develop a measure of social acceptability of smart apparel.
social acceptability, functional, expressive, and track- In this study, Kelly’s (2016) WEAR scale, the only theory-
ing attributes. based measure available for wearable devices, was adopted
Among all factors, social acceptability, expressive, and and revalidated for its use on smart apparel. The revalidated
tracking attributes are the most significant determinants for WEAR scale items in this study can be applicable for
predicting consumers’ attitude and intention of using smart researchers in the fashion discipline to adopt and use in
apparel. This clarifies that industry professionals (e.g. their research on examining consumers’ social acceptability
designers, developers, manufacturers, marketers) must con- of smart apparel. This scale also can be a useful tool for
sider social acceptability of smart apparel along with other industry professionals to evaluate social acceptability of a
product attributes, especially expressive and tracking, during newly proposing smart apparel because the scale provides
the product design and development stage. This also assures essential criteria for evaluating these products from the
that smart apparel needs to be accepted by its users and met wearer’s perspective.
their needs, expectations, and perceptions, which will lead
to the success of smart apparel in the market.
Limitations and future research
The original conceptual framework of this study was
developed addressing the importance of all five dimensions The findings of this study should be considered in light of
(functional, expressive, aesthetic, tracking, social acceptabil- the following limitations. First, the data were collected by
ity) holistically together when it comes to studying consum- distributing an online survey using MTurk. Although utiliz-
ers’ attitude and intention of using smart apparel as well as ing MTurk enabled us to obtain the study sample from
designing or developing smart apparel. However, the find- diverse U.S. geographical locations, the sampling pool was
ings of this study demonstrate that not all product attributes restricted to those who only had access to MTurk. Thus, it
have significant influences on social acceptability, attitude, is recommended for future researchers to conduct a similar
and intention of using smart apparel. It is interesting to study with the U.S. representative sample to obtain more
note that functional attributes of smart apparel influence its comprehensive data. Only 25% of the participants had prior
social acceptability; on the other hand, social acceptability is experience of using smart apparel. It is suggested to conduct
not influenced by aesthetic attributes of smart apparel. This this study again with the sample of smart apparel users and
result may be because of the items that represent the aes- revalidate the findings of this study. The study sample was
thetic attributes variable (e.g. color, texture, masculine/fem- skewed towards the individuals who obtained a high educa-
inine design, sleekness, uniqueness) in this study. These tion; thus, another model test is recommended with the
specific aesthetic features may not be important determi- sample consisting of a wide education range.
nants of predicting social acceptability of smart apparel, Although the quantitative research methods allowed to
especially for individuals with the minimal experience of its examine the influence of key determinants (e.g. social
use. It is noteworthy that social acceptability construct has acceptability, product attributes) on consumers’ attitude and
an aesthetic/design dimension including style, fashionable, intention towards using smart apparel, it has limitations to
and pleasing features. Thus, it can be interpreted that being provide the underlying reasons for non-supporting hypothe-
stylish, fashionable, and pleasant would be more important ses. In this regard, a qualitative research approach is useful
criteria when it comes to evaluate social acceptability of to explore detail reasons underlying the relationships among
smart apparel. variables in terms of using smart apparel. Despite the limita-
tions, this study is unique in a way to introduce the social
acceptability scale of wearables to the fashion discipline and
further examine its relationship with other variables such as
The findings of this study have implications for both aca- product attributes, attitude, and intention.
demia and the apparel industry. This study used a modified
theoretical framework integrating the key concepts within
different theories and models adapted from various fields
Disclosure statement
such as consumer behavior, product development, and No potential conflict of interest was provided by the author(s).

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