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Skill: Memory and Concentration ::Worksheet Number :18

Directions for Questions from 1 to 3:

A certain island has a language where North is coded as ‘west’, West is coded as
‘South’, South is coded as ‘East’ and east is coded as ‘north’. Then -

1 - Which direction does the ‘12’ mark face in a clock held vertically straight according to
direction conventions in that language?

a) North b) West
c) East d) South

2 - A person on that island runs north and moves for 40 m then west for another 20 m, then
south for a 20 m , then west for another 20 m.Then he stops. Which direction from the
starting point is the person standing with respect to the initial point in that language?
Please note that the directions in which the person runs are as per the code on the island.

a) West-south b) East-south
c) West-west d) North-west

3 - If I am facing the rising sun and then I turn left three times, which direction do I face
in the coded language?

a) West b) South
c) North d) East

4 - How many 'zeroes' are there in the following sequence which are immediately preceded
by a nine but not immediately followed by seven?

a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4

5 - If all the ZEROES in the numbers given below are removed, then how many numbers
will still be greater than 30?
102, 360, 720, 705, 960, 260, 502

Note: You CANNOT rearrange the remaining digits in the number after removing 0's

a) 2 b) 3
c) 4 d) 5

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6 - If all the odd numbers are deleted then what will be the sequence of the remaining

a) 6 4 2 8 4 b) 6 2 4 4 8
c) 6 2 4 8 4 d) 6 2 6 8 4

7 - Which of the following options has the name of months written in alphabetical order of
their names?

a) April, May, June b) October, November, December

c) March, April, August d) August, July, June

8 - The number of letters skipped between adjacent letters in the series increases from 1 to
4. Which one of the following series does NOT observe the rule given above ?


9 - If ‘cylinder’ is called ‘cone’, ‘cone’ is called ‘cube’ and ‘cube’ is called ‘sphere’, then
which of the following has six flat faces?

a) Cylinder b) Cube
c) Cone d) Sphere

10 - Raman is talking to a lady, he says, “You are mother of my mother’s sister’s brother”.
What is the relation of this lady with Raman?

a) Sister b) Daughter
c) Maternal Grand mother d) Mother in law

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