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Handbook oƒ

2nd Edition

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Shimon Y. Nof

Springer Handbook
of Automation
Second Edition

With 809 Figures and 151 Tables

Shimon Y. Nof
PRISM Center and School of Industrial Engineering
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN, USA

ISSN 2522-8692 ISSN 2522-8706 (electronic)

Springer Handbooks
ISBN 978-3-030-96728-4 ISBN 978-3-030-96729-1 (eBook)

1st edition: © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023
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This Springer Handbook is dedicated to all of us who
collaborate with automation to advance humanity
Foreword: Automation Is for Humans
and for Our Environment

Preparing to write the Foreword for this outstanding Springer Handbook of Automation, I have
followed Shimon Y. Nof’s statement in his original vision for this Handbook: “The purpose
of this Handbook is to understand automation knowledge and expertise for the solution of
human society’s significant challenges; automation provided answers in the past, and it will be
harnessed to do so in the future.” The significant challenges are becoming ever more complex,
and learning how to address them with the help of automation is significant too. The publication
of this Handbook with the excellent information and advice by a group of top international
experts is, therefore, most timely and relevant.
The core of any automatic system is the idea of feedback, a simple principle governing
any regulation process occurring in nature. The process of feedback governs the growth
of living organisms and regulates an innumerable quantity of variables on which life is
based, such as body temperature, blood pressure, and cells concentration, and on which the
interaction of living organisms with the environment is based, such as equilibrium, motion,
visual coordination, response to stress and challenge, and so on.
Humans have always copied nature in the design of their inventions: feedback is no
exception. The introduction of feedback in the design of man-made automation processes
occurred as early as in the golden century of Hellenistic civilization, the third century BC.
The scholar Ktesibios, who lived in Alexandria circa 240–280 BC and whose work has been
handed to us only by the later roman architect Vitruvius, is credited for the invention of the
first feedback device. He used feedback in the design of a water clock. The idea was to obtain
a measure of time from the inspection of the position of a floater in a tank of water filled at
constant velocity. To make this simple principle work, Ktesibios’s challenge was to obtain a
constant flow of water in the tank. He achieved this by designing a feedback device in which
a conic floating valve serves the dual purpose of sensing the level of water in a compartment
and of moderating the outflow of water.
The idea of using feedback to moderate the velocity of rotating devices eventually led to
the design of the centrifugal governor in the eighteenth century. In 1787, T. Mead patented
such a device for the regulation of the rotary motion of a windmill, letting the sail area
be decreased or increased as the weights in the centrifugal governor swing outward or,
respectively, inward. The same principle was applied two years later by M. Boulton and J. Watt

viii Foreword: Automation Is for Humans and for Our Environment

to control the steam inlet valve of a steam engine. The basic simple idea of proportional
feedback was further refined in the middle of the nineteenth century, with the introduction
of integral control to compensate for constant disturbances. W. von Siemens, in the 1880s,
designed a governor in which integral action, achieved by means of a wheel-and-cylinder
mechanical integrator, was deliberately introduced. The same principle of proportional and
integral feedback gave rise, by the turn of the century, to the first devices for the automatic
steering of ships and became one of the enabling technologies that made the birth of aviation
possible. The development of sensors, essential ingredients in any automatic control system,
resulted in the creation of new companies.
The perception that feedback control and, in a wider domain, automation were taking the
shape of an autonomous discipline occurred at the time of the Second World War, where
the application to radar and artillery had a dramatic impact, and immediately after. By the
early 1950s, the principles of this newborn discipline quickly became a core ingredient of
most industrial engineering curricula; professional and academic societies were established and
textbooks and handbooks became available. At the beginning of the 1960s, two new driving
forces provoked an enormous leap ahead: the rush to space and the advent of digital computers
in the implementation of control system. The principles of optimal control, pioneered by R.
Bellman and L. Pontryagin, became indispensable ingredients for the solution of the problem
of soft landing on the moon and in manned space missions. Integrated computer control,
introduced in 1959 by Texaco for set point adjustment and coordination of several local
feedback loops in a refinery, quickly became the standard technique for controlling industrial
Those years saw also the birth of an International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC),
as a multinational federation of scientific and/or engineering societies each of which represents,
in its own nation, values and interests of scientists and professionals active in the field of
automation and in related scientific disciplines. The purpose of such a federation, established
in Heidelberg in 1956, is to facilitate growth and dissemination of knowledge useful to the
development of automation and to its application to engineering and science. Created at a time
of acute international tensions, IFAC was a precursor of the spirit of the so-called Helsinki
agreements of scientific and technical cooperation between east and west signed in 1973. It
represented, in fact, a sincere manifestation of interest, from scientists and professionals of
the two confronting spheres of influence in which the world was split at that time, toward a
true cooperation and common goals. This was the first opportunity after the Second World
War that scientists and engineers had of sharing complementary scientific and technological
backgrounds, notably the early successes in the space race in the Soviet Union and the advent
of electronic computers in the United States. The first President of IFAC was an engineer from
the United States, while the first World Congress of the Federation was held in Moscow in
1960. The Federation currently includes 48 national member organizations, runs more than 60
scientific conferences with a three-year periodicity, including a World Congress of Automatic
Control, and publishes some of the leading journals in the field.
Since then, three decades of steady progress followed. Automation is now an essential
ingredient in manufacturing, in petrochemical, pharmaceutical, and paper industry, in mining
and metal industry, in conversion and distribution of energy, and in many services. Feedback
control is indispensable and ubiquitous in automobiles, ships, and aircrafts. Feedback control
is also a key element of numerous scientific instruments as well as of consumer products, such
as smartphones. Despite of this pervasive role of automation in every aspect of the technology,
its specific value is not always perceived as such and automation is often confused with other
disciplines of engineering. The advent of robotics, in the late 1970s, is, in some sense, an
exception to this, because the impact of robotics in modern manufacturing industry is visible to
everyone. However, also in this case there is a tendency to consider robotics and the associated
impact on industry as an implementation of ideas and principles of computer engineering rather
than principles of automation and feedback control.
Foreword: Automation Is for Humans and for Our Environment ix

In the last decade of the previous century and in the first decade of the present century,
automation has experienced a tremendous growth. Progresses in the automobile industry in the
last decade have only been possible because of automation. Feedback control loops pervade
our cars: steering, braking, attitude stabilization, motion stabilization, combustion, emissions
are all feedback controlled. This is a dramatic change that has revolutionized the way in which
cars are conceived and maintained. Industrial robots have reached a stage of full maturity,
but new generations of service robots are on their way. Four-legged and even two-legged
autonomous walking machines are able to walk through rough terrains, service robots are able
to autonomously interact with uncertain environment and adapt their mission to changing tasks,
to explore hostile or hazardous environments, and to perform jobs that would be otherwise
dangerous for humans. Service robots assist elderly or disabled people and are about to perform
routine services at home. Surgical robotics is a reality: minimally invasive micro robots are
able to move within the body and to reach areas not directly accessible by standard techniques.
Robots with haptic interfaces, able to return a force feedback to a remote human operator,
make tele-surgery possible. New frontiers of automation encompass applications in agriculture,
in recycling, in hazardous waste disposal, in environment protection, and in safe and reliable
In the second decade of this century, artificial intelligence and machine learning have
characterized the beginning of a new age in automation. Intelligent machines now match or
in some cases outperform human performance in a range of activities, including ones requiring
cognitive capabilities. The development of sophisticated algorithmic systems, combined with
the availability of large amounts of data and processing power have been instrumental in
this respect. Automation and artificial intelligence are changing the nature of work. As
intelligent machines and software are integrated more deeply into the workplace, workflows
and workspaces will continue to evolve to enable humans and machines to work together. In the
manufacturing industry, this “fourth” revolution is characterized by widespread cooperation
between humans and robots, by integration of physical systems and virtual reality, and by
extensive interconnection of machines via Internet. Rapid developments in embedded and high-
performance computing, wireless communication, and cloud technology are inducing drastic
changes in the architecture and operation of industrial automation systems. Model-based design
is now accessible by individual users via widely available commercial software packages: a
well-known firm advertises that “a robot that sees, acts and learns can be programmed in an
Increased automation will eventually contribute to higher productivity and wealth. A model
developed in 2019 by the McKinsey Global Institute predicts that automation could raise
productivity growth globally by 0.8–1.4% annually. Their model suggests that half of today’s
work activities could be automated by 2055, but this could happen up to 20 years earlier or
later depending on various scenarios. In the short term, jobs might be adversely affected, but in
the long range this will be offset by the creation of new types of work not foreseen at present.
It is foreseeable that a substantial shift will occur in workforces, similar to the shift away from
agriculture that occurred in the developed countries in the twentieth century.
At the dawn of the twentieth century, the deterministic view of classical mechanics and
some consequent positivistic philosophic beliefs that dominated the nineteenth century had
been shaken by the advent of relativistic physics. Today, after a century dominated by the
expansion of technology and, to some extent, by the belief that no technological goal was
impossible to achieve, similar woes are feared. The clear perception that resources are limited,
the uncertainty of the financial markets, the diverse rates of development among nations, all
contribute to the awareness that the model of development followed insofar in the industrialized
world will change. Today’s wisdom and beliefs may not be the same tomorrow. All these
expected changes might provide yet another great opportunity for automation. Automation
will no longer be seen only as automatic production but as a complex of technologies
that guarantee reliability, flexibility, and safety for humans as well as for the environment.
x Foreword: Automation Is for Humans and for Our Environment

In a world of limited resources, automation can provide the answer to the challenges of
sustainable development. Automation has the opportunity to make a greater and even more
significant impact on society. In the first half of the twentieth century, the precepts of
engineering and management helped solve economic recession and ease social anxiety. Similar
opportunities and challenges are occurring today.
This leading-edge Springer Handbook of Automation will serve as a highly useful and
powerful tool and companion to all modern-day engineers and managers in their respective
profession. It comes at an appropriate time and provides a fundamental core of basic principles,
knowledge, and experience by means of which engineers and managers will be able to quickly
respond to changing automation needs and to find creative solutions to the challenges of today’s
and tomorrow’s problems.
It has been a privilege for many members of IFAC to participate with Springer Publishers,
Dr. Shimon Y. Nof, and the over 250 experts, authors, and reviewers in creating this excellent
resource of automation knowledge and ideas. It provides also a full and comprehensive
spectrum of current and prospective automation applications, in industry, agriculture, infras-
tructures, services, health care, enterprise, and commerce. A number of recently developed
concepts and powerful emerging techniques are presented here for the first time in an organized
manner and clearly illustrated by specialists in those fields. Readers of this new edition of the
Springer Handbook of Automation are offered the opportunity to learn proven knowledge from
underlying basic theory to cutting-edge applications in a variety of emerging fields.

Rome Alberto Isidori

September 2022
Foreword: Automation Is the Science
of Integration

In our understanding of the word automation, we used to think of manufacturing processes

being run by machines without the need for human control or intervention. From the outset,
the purpose of investing in automation has been to increase productivity at minimum cost and
to assure uniform quality. Permanently assessing and exploiting the potential for automation
in the manufacturing industries has, in fact, proved to be a sustainable strategy for responding
to competition in the marketplace, thereby securing attractive jobs.
Automation equipment and related services constitute a large and rapidly growing market.
Supply networks of component manufacturers and system integrators, allied with engineering
skills for planning, implementing, and operating advanced production facilities, are regarded,
together with data science and Artificial Intelligence, as cornerstones of competitive manufac-
turing. Therefore, the emphasis of national and international initiatives aimed at strengthening
the manufacturing base of economies is on holistic strategies for research and technical devel-
opment, education, socio-economics, and entrepreneurship. As a result, progress automation
technologies enable industries to provide high product varieties from production lines up to
highly customized products.
Meanwhile our understanding of the world of product has also changed considerably.
Physical products have become cyber-physical entities existing in the physical world as well
as in a digital world and are expected to interact in the so-called Metaverse in the future. They
come as a bundle of hardware, software, and physical as well as digital services. Automation
has expanded into almost every area of daily life: from smart products for everyday use,
networked buildings, automated or autonomous vehicles and logistics systems, collaborative
robots, to advanced healthcare and medical systems. It includes the well-known control of
physical systems as well as data automation. In simplified terms, automation today can be
considered as the combination of processes, devices, and supporting technologies, all enabled
by advanced digitization.
As a world-leading organization in the field of applied research, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
has been a pioneer in relation to numerous technological innovations and novel system
solutions in the broad field of automation. Its institutes have led the way in research,
development, and implementation of industrial robots and computer-integrated manufacturing

xii Foreword: Automation Is the Science of Integration

systems, service robots for professional and domestic applications, autonomous vehicles
advanced systems for office automation and e-Commerce, as well as automated residential
and commercial buildings. Moreover, our research and development activities in advanced
manufacturing and logistics as well as office and home automation have been accompanied
by large-scale experiments and demonstration centers, the goal being to integrate, assess, and
showcase innovations in automation in real-world settings and application scenarios.
On the basis of this experience we can state that, apart from research in key technologies
such as sensors, actuators, process control, and user interfaces, automation is first and
foremost the science of integration, mastering the process from the specification, design, and
implementation through to the operation of complex systems that have to meet the highest
standards of functionality, safety, cost-effectiveness, and usability. Therefore, scientists and
engineers need to be experts in their respective disciplines while at the same time having the
necessary knowledge and skills to create and operate large-scale systems.
The Springer Handbook of Automation is an excellent means of both educating students
and also providing professionals with a comprehensive yet compact reference work for the
field of automation. The Handbook covers the broad scope of relevant technologies, methods,
and tools and presents their use and integration in a wide selection of application contexts:
from agricultural automation to surgical systems, transportation systems, and business process
I wish to congratulate the editor, Prof. Shimon Y. Nof, on succeeding in the difficult task of
covering the multifaceted field of automation and of organizing the material into a coherent and
logically structured whole. The Handbook admirably reflects the connection between theory
and practice and represents a highly worthwhile review of the vast accomplishments in the
field. My compliments go to the many experts who have shared their insights, experience, and
advice in the individual chapters. Certainly, the Handbook will serve as a valuable tool and
guide for those seeking to improve the capabilities of automation systems – for the benefit of

Stuttgart Hans-Jörg Bullinger

January 2022
Foreword: Automation Technology:
The Near Limitless Potential

The Springer Handbook of Automation (2nd Edition) is a truly remarkable resource volume
that will be indispensable to engineers, business managers, and governmental leaders around
the globe for years to come as they strive to better address the evolving needs of society. This
technology, or rather set of technologies, will be an essential tool in that effort. Some of my
comments will be specific to robotics which represents one of the key building blocks for
automation systems. Many of the characteristics associated with robots are clearly impacting
the design of other automation system building blocks.
My perspective was shaped by nearly five decades of experience while employed at both
General Motors R&D and its Manufacturing Engineering organization. I began my career
as a researcher in robotics and machine vision. I went on to eventually lead GM’s robotics
development team and to be an inaugural director of its Controls, Robotics & Welding
organization which supported plant automation throughout GM worldwide. From there, I had
the opportunity to lead GM’s global manufacturing research team. I am proud to have received
the Joseph F. Engelberger Robotics Award in 1998 for “contributing to the advancement of the
science of robotics in the service of mankind” in part because I believe that this stated goal is
so profoundly important. I was responsible for the first visually guided robot in the automotive
industry and several other industry firsts but even more important contributions came from an
impressive set of collaborators that I had the great fortune to have worked with. These included,
to name but a few, Joe Engelberger (father of robotics), Vic Scheinman, Brian Carlisle, Bruce
Shimano, John Craig, Seiuemon Inaba, Jean-Claude Latombe, Oussama Khatib, Shimon Y.
Nof, Berthold Horn, Marvin Minsky, Gary Cowger, Gerry Elson, Dick Beecher, Lothar Rossol,
Walt Cwycyshyn, Jim Wells, and Don Vincent. I wish to thank these people for their many,
many contributions to the field and for all that I learned from them. That said, I am writing
today more as an observer or witness since I was there when many of the key breakthroughs
were achieved and as seismic changes rocked the underlying automation technology.
GM had the vision and was able to pioneer many significant and successful robotics
and automation solutions along with a few less successful efforts. Other industries too have
advanced the use of innovative robotics and automation systems that similarly improved
competitiveness. GM was the first company to ever use a commercial robot in production.
That first one was built by George Devol and Joe Engelberger’s company, Unimation, and was

xiv Foreword: Automation Technology: The Near Limitless Potential

used to perform a simple material handling function back in 1961. GM later was the first to
use a robot to perform spot welding, first to implement a line of spot-welding robots, first to
use a robot dedicated to painting, one of the first to do assembly with robots, first to install
a COBOT (Collaborative Robot) designed to work with people vs. being kept isolated from
people for safety reasons, first to implement fixturing robots, etc. GM’s huge buying power also
played a significant role in rapidly transforming the robotics industry away from less reliable
hydraulic machines to much more reliable, fast, precise electric ones that were controlled by
computers. This brought huge performance gains and much lower costs which in turn resulted
in accelerating the global implementation of automation systems across all industries. These
were exciting times pivotal to the advancement of automation technology, but I think I need
to also focus briefly on automation technology from a social point of view since it too is both
important and is so often misunderstood.
The adoption of automation is portrayed in the media as either something good and desirable
(occasionally) or something bad to be avoided (unfortunately, more likely) but this was always
a false choice. Media tried to paint it as a battle between “blue collar” workers and “steel
collar” workers (i.e., robots). Automation fundamentally improves efficiency, among its other
many benefits. We live in a world that is globally competitive, and this means those countries
that squander opportunities to improve efficiency for political or social reasons can expect an
inevitable declining standard of living over time. There may be a time lag but this conclusion
is inescapable. Clearly the introduction of automation can cause displacement of workers but
nothing can protect their jobs if those workers are allowed to become non-competitive in the
global market. I had the opportunity to speak with a VP of the United Auto Workers (UAW)
at an MIT tech conference in the 1990s. I was shocked when he shared with me that the UAW
has always been in support of automation. He went on to explain that this support was subject
only to two conditions. First, he said that workers who are either impacted or displaced by
automation must always be treated with dignity and respect. Second, workers should be allowed
to share in the benefits that accrue from that automation. This resonated with me then and I
never forgot. Of course, it makes great sense. I cannot say that displaced workers were always
treated properly but they clearly deserved that. In general, I can say that workers were allowed to
share in the benefits, at least in the automotive industry, in that those workers have long enjoyed
much higher wages and better benefits than available to workers in similar manufacturing
jobs in other industries. This of course was essentially paid for by the ever-higher production
Other automation benefits include dramatically expanded production volume, lowered costs,
increased quality and safety, lessened energy demands, and the enablement of innovative
products not conceivable without automation. For example, modern microcomputers and
electronic chips which are so ubiquitous in our world could not be produced without automa-
tion. Similarly, smartphones, modern communication technology, and many other consumer
products would not be possible. Automation in a very real sense is one of the most successful
strategies ever devised to meet increasing demand from the global market and simultaneously
address critical social issues facing our planet – including climate change, food production,
and a host of other issues. To be sure, there is a balance to be struck in our world between
consumer demands and social issues, but the tools of automation dramatically enable much
better outcomes than would be possible without them.
Two of the hallmarks of a professional in our modern society are that they use the right
tools and they consistently produce high-quality results day in and day out. Automation
can be thought of as giving people improved tools to do their jobs better, faster, and more
economically. We can trace it back to the invention of the wheel and simple hand tools to
enhance human performance. This in turn eventually led to power tools to perform even better
and to lower the burden of often dirty, difficult, and dangerous jobs. This led to increasing
levels of automation and ever-improving performance. There is no end in sight for what can be
accomplished with unfathomable opportunities yet to be discovered.
Foreword: Automation Technology: The Near Limitless Potential xv

One interesting trend in mechanical automation has been what I think of as the robotization
of automation by using the characteristics inherent in robots to improve both flexibility and
adaptability in other automation system elements. That is, we are seeing robot technology per-
meating many aspects of automation and even consumer products resulting in more flexibility
or, in some cases, programmability. Beyond the mechanical aspects, we also see the penetration
of AI techniques to improve the logic or thinking aspects of our automation systems. The
first robots were large, rigid, expensive, powerful machines with limited programmability and
limited accuracy. Robots themselves have been adapted to the needs of many new application
areas. Material handling and spot-welding robots typically have very large work envelopes
along with great strength and speed. Fixturing robots have nearly the opposite characteristics
with small work envelopes, high rigidity, and slow speed. Painting and sealing robots need to
be able to execute complex motions very smoothly with a constant tip speed.
Lastly, one of the most important metrics for automation technology has always been
availability (or up-time). Automation systems do not accomplish much if you cannot keep
them working. My recent technical pursuits have centered around Vehicle Health Management
(VHM) primarily for consumer cars and trucks. One of the goals of VHM is to be able to predict
problems before they happen so that action can be taken in time to mitigate or avoid the issues
entirely. VHM is built on advanced analytics, and many of the same techniques that apply to
automobiles can be used to great benefit in manufacturing automation systems to keep them
operational and more available. This gives us yet another reason for tremendous optimism as
automation technology continues to evolve and advance. I believe that this new edition of the
Springer Handbook of Automation lays out a solid foundation for the automation innovators
and leaders of the future by capturing the lessons of the past and delivering a comprehensive set
of tools upon which automation will continue to advance for the benefit of our global society.

Detroit Steven W. Holland

July 2022
Foreword: The Dawn of the Smart
Manufacturing Era Enables High-Quality

In recent years, the term cyber-physical system (CPS) is often used to refer to production
systems as well as robots, NC machine tools, and other production machines that automate
these systems. “Physical” refers to things one can see and touch in the real world, while
“cyber” refers to virtual space within a computer that models the real world. In the “physical”
world, achieving high quality with customer satisfaction is one of the most important factors
for a product to become globally competitive. Manufacturing high-quality products requires
advanced manufacturing techniques such as high-precision machining and assembly, as well as
the large role that skilled experts play. In many industrialized countries, however, the number of
skilled experts is declining due to many factors, including lower birthrates, aging populations,
and higher education. Smart manufacturing is expected to solve this problem by utilizing
robots, IoT (Internet of Things), and AI (Artificial Intelligence), leading to the production of
high-quality products without requiring high levels of expertise. Also, with the introduction
of collaborative robots, humans and robots can work together in the same space. In addition
to allowing humans and collaborative robots to work together, this also enables a division of
labor between humans and robots, where most of the work is done with robotic automation
and the more advanced tasks are performed by humans. A mobile robot equipped with a
collaborative robot on an automatic guided vehicle (AGV) can freely move to where it is needed
and continue to work. In addition, the United Nations has been actively promoting Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) to help reduce environmental burdens. If smart manufacturing
becomes a reality, it can be optimized by using the robots, machine tools, and the cells and
production systems that encompass them in the “cyber” space of CPS. These optimized results
can then be implemented in the “physical” world. For example, one can find a robot layout that
minimizes power consumption, which is in line with the concept of SDGs. Also, the breakdown
of a production machine can cause major damage to a factory. Collecting and analyzing large
amounts of operation data using IoT is making it possible to predict part failures in advance
to prevent serious damage. AI applications are also advancing, allowing the automation of
advanced tasks such as bin-picking (picking up randomly located objects inside a bin) with 3D
vision sensor and pass/fail judgement in assembly operations. Thus, with the help of robots,
IoT, and AI technologies we are about to open the door to a new era of smart manufacturing.

xviii Foreword: The Dawn of the Smart Manufacturing Era Enables High-Quality Automation

This automation handbook contains a significant amount of information about cutting-edge

technologies including smart production, manufacturing, and services related to automation.
I am confident that it will provide a new vision for beginners, students, teachers, system
integrators, robot engineers, and business owners.

Yoshiharu Inaba
Doctor of Engineering
Chairman, FANUC Corporation
Foreword: Automation of Surgical Robots

Between the first and current editions of this book, over 12 years have passed in which surgical
robots have progressed from their infancy to childhood stage.
Twelve years ago, surgical robots struggled to gain acceptance in operating rooms in order
to prove their clinical benefits. With more applications of surgical robots and a larger number of
live operations, robots have been able to demonstrate their advantage in three main areas: higher
accuracy, better accessibility that allows for minimal invasiveness, and reduced radiation, all
of which translate to better patient outcomes. Given the growing number of surgical robot
companies, the question in some disciplines is no longer “do I need a robot?” but rather “which
robot should I use?”
There are more than a dozen companies that offer regulatory approved surgical robots as of
the end of 2021, and the number of cases performed with robotic assistance is on the order of
a million per year, spanning chirurgic, orthopedic, cardiovascular, urology, ENT, radiotherapy,
and other fields.
In recent years, a new player has emerged: Artificial Intelligence applied to Machine Learn-
ing. Machine learning has benefited all disciplines of medicine because it allows computers
to analyze millions of cases and determine the best procedure for the patients, whether it is
diagnostic or therapeutic. This enabling technology will become more and more dominant in
this and other fields as better algorithms and larger databases are utilized.
Even though machines make mistakes, it turns out that the experience computers can gain
from millions of cases far outweighs the experience a single person can gain in a lifetime.
Although it is still debatable whether a computer can diagnose better than a human, the odds
are shifting more and more in favor of computers, much to our dismay.
The majority of today’s surgical robotic procedures are performed in a remote manipulation
mode, in which the robot follows the surgeon’s hand motion. Some robots use a semi-active
mode, in which the robot directs the surgeon to the correct trajectory while the surgeon
performs the actual surgical procedure (e.g., cutting, drilling). Only two robots are currently
approved for active procedures, in which the robot holds the surgical tool and performs the
procedure autonomously. This, I believe, will change dramatically when the next edition of
this book comes out in a few years. Since robots are no longer an unknown in the operating
room, more active robots will be designed and regulatory approved, and the operating room

xx Foreword: Automation of Surgical Robots

staff, particularly the younger ones, will be more accepting of them. When enhanced robot
capabilities are combined with the dramatic rise of machine learning, a new era of autonomous
surgical robots is on the horizon.
The shift of the surgeon from a dexterity-talented person to a decision-maker would be a
major impact of surgical robots on surgery. Because robots will play a key role in the precise
execution of the planned surgery, the surgeon will choose the best treatment option, and robots
that excel at precise manipulation will carry out the treatment with precision.
Robots can be made in a variety of sizes, from large size to miniature ones capable of treating
the human body from within. Several companies are working on small robots that are on the
verge of science fiction, capable of monitoring and administering therapeutic procedures from
within the human body. There are currently no FDA-approved robots capable of performing
these tasks, but in the long run, miniature robots that live unharmed in the human body and are
capable of detecting and treating, e.g., dangerous lesions at an early stage, are by far the best
and most efficient surgical robots as compared to the invasive ones.
Surgery is a cautious profession. In today’s world, having a robot disrupt the long tradition
of surgery and shift the paradigm is a revolution. Combined with more autonomy and machine
learning, the use of robots and automation in this conservative life-threatening field becomes
closer to the topic of this excellent and very informative Springer Handbook of Automation,
whether we like it or not. This new edition indeed adds expanded coverage of medical robotics
and automation.

Haifa, Israel Moshe Shoham

August 2022

There are at least three good reasons to create this new edition:

1. We want to understand automation better, realizing its exponential growth over the years
and in the past decade, and its wider and deeper impact on our life.
2. We want to know and clarify what has changed and evolved in automation over the past
decade, the future trends and challenges as we recognize them now.
3. We want to clarify and understand how automation is so helpful to us, as it has come to our
rescue during the recent pandemic period, and at the same time we keep wondering, can we
limit it from ever taking over our freedoms?

We love automation…

• When it does what we need and expect from it, like our most loyal partner: Wash our laundry
and dishes, secure financial transactions, supply electricity where and when it is needed,
search for answers, share music and movies, assemble and paint our cars.
• And more personally, image to diagnose our health problems and dental aches, cook our
food, and help us navigate.
• Who would not love automation?

We hate automation and may even kick it …

• When it fails us, like a betraying confidant: Turn the key or push a button and nothing
happens the way we anticipate – a car does not start, a TV does not display, our cellphone
or digital assistant is misbehaving, the vending machine delivers the wrong item or refuses
to return change.
• When planes are late due to a mechanical problem and business transactions are lost or
ignored due to computer glitches.
• Eventually those problems are fixed and we turn back to the previous paragraph, loving
automation again.

We are amazed by automation and all those people behind it. Automation thrills us when
we learn about its new abilities, better functions, more power, faster response, smaller size,
and greater reliability and precision. And we are fascinated by automation’s marvels: In
entertainment, communication, scientific discoveries; how it is applied to explore space and
conquer difficult maladies of society, from medical and pharmaceutical automation solutions
to energy supply, remote education, and smart transportation (soon to be autonomous?), and
we are especially enthralled when we are not really sure how it works, but it works.
It all begins when we, as young children, observe and notice; perhaps we are bewildered
that a door automatically opens when we approach it, or when we are first driven by a train or
bus, or when we notice the automatic sprinklers, or lighting, or home appliances: How can it
work on its own? Yes, there is so much magic about automation.

xxii Preface

This magic of automation is what inspired a large group of us, colleagues and friends from
around the world, all connected by automation, to compile, develop, revise, update, and present
the new edition of this exciting Springer Handbook of Automation: Explain to our readers what
automation is, how it works, how it is designed and built, where it can and is applied, and where
and how it is going to be improved and be created even better; what are the scientific principles
behind it and what are emerging trends and challenges being confronted. All of it concisely yet
comprehensively covered in the 74 chapters which are included in front of you, the readers.
Flying over beautiful Fall colored forest surrounding Binghamton, New York, in the 1970s
on my way to IBM’s symposium on the future of computing, I was fascinated by the miracle of
nature beneath the airplane: Such immense diversity of leaves changing colors; such magically
smooth, wavy movement of the leaves dancing with the wind, as if they are programmed with
automatic control to responsively transmit certain messages needed by some unseen listeners.
And the brilliance of the sunrays reflected in these beautiful dancing leaves (there must be some
purpose to this automatically programmed beauty, I thought). More than once, during reading
the new and freshly updated chapters that follow, I was reminded again of this unforgettable
image of multilayered, interconnected, interoperable, collaborative, responsive waves of leaves
(and services): The take-home lesson from that symposium was that mainframe computers hit,
about that time, a barrier – it was stated that faster computing was impossible since mainframes
would not be able to cool off the heat they generated (unless a miracle happened). As we all
know, with superb human ingenuity computing and automation have overcome that barrier and
other barriers. Persistent progress, including fast personal, cloud, and edge computers, better
software, machine learning, intelligent automation, and wireless communication, resulted
in major performance and cost-effective improvements: client-server workstations; wireless
access; local and wide area networks; multi-core, AI, and vision processors; web-based
Internetworking, grids, cyber-physical systems, and more have been automated, and there is so
much more yet to come. Thus, more intelligent automatic control and collaborative automation
and more responsive human–automation interfaces could be invented and deployed for the
benefit of all.
Progress in distributed, networked, and collaborative control theory, computing, commu-
nication, and automation has enabled the emergence of e-Work, e-Business, e-Medicine,
e-Service, e-Commerce, and many other significant e-Activities based on automation. By this
new edition, all of them have become common and evolved to c-Work, c-Business, c-Medicine,
c-Service, c-Commerce, c-Precision Agriculture, and more. And for the next edition, we
anticipate all of them will drop the e- (electronic) and c- (cyber collaborative), since all activities
with automation will inherently be automated electronically and cyber-collaboratively.
It is not that our ancestors did not recognize the tremendous power and value of delegating
effort to tools and machines; furthermore, of synergy, teamwork, collaborative interactions, and
decision-making. But only when efficient, reliable, and scalable automation reached a certain
level of maturity could it be designed into systems and infrastructures servicing effective supply
and delivery networks, social networks, and multi-enterprise practices.
In their vision and mission, enterprises expect to simplify their automation utilities and
minimize their burden and cost, while increasing the value and usability of all deployed
functions and acquirable information. Their goal: Timely conversion into relevant knowledge,
goods, services, and practices. Streamlined knowledge, services, and products would then be
delivered through less effort, just when necessary and only to those clients or decision-makers
who truly need them. Whether we are in commerce or in service for society, the real purpose
of automation is not merely better computing or better automation, but let us increase our
competitive agility and service quality!
The Springer Handbook of Automation Second Edition achieves this purpose well again.
Throughout the 74 chapters, divided into 10 main sections, with numerous tables, equations,
figures, and a vast number of references, with numerous guidelines, frameworks, proto-
cols, models, algorithms, theories, techniques, and practical principles and procedures, the
149 co-authors revise and present proven and up-to-date knowledge, original analysis, best
Preface xxiii

practices, and authoritative expertise. Plenty of case studies, creative examples and unique
illustrations covering topics of automation from the basics and fundamentals to advanced
techniques, case examples, and theories will serve the readers and benefit the students and
researchers, engineers and managers, inventors, investors, and developers.

Special Thanks To stimulate and accomplish such a complex endeavor of excellence and
bring to you this new edition, a Network of Friends (NoF) is essential. I wish to express
my gratitude and thanks to our distinguished Advisory Board members, who are leading
international authorities, scholars, experts, and pioneers of automation, and who have guided
the revision and development of this Springer Handbook, for sharing with me their wisdom and
advice along the challenging streamlining editorial effort; to the Advisory Board members and
co-authors of the original edition of this Handbook, upon whose efforts and expertise we have
built and updated this new edition; to our co-authors and our esteemed reviewers, who are also
leading experts, researchers, practitioners, and pioneers of automation. Sadly, several personal
friends and colleagues, Professors Yukio Hasegawa, Ted Williams, Christopher Bissel, Tibor
Vamos, and Daniel Powers, who took active part in helping create this Springer Handbook and
its new edition, passed away before they could see it published. They left enormous voids in
our community and in my heart, but their legacy will continue to inspire us.
All the new and revised chapters were reviewed thoroughly and anonymously by over 100
reviewers and went through several critical reviews and revision cycles. Each chapter was
reviewed by at least five expert reviewers to assure the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, and
high quality of the materials, which are presented in this Springer Handbook Second Edition.
The reviewers included:

• Vaneet Agrawal, Purdue University

• Praditya Ajidarma, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
• Juan Apricio, Siemens
• Parasuram Balasubramanian, Theme Work Analytics, India
• Ruth Bars, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
• Avital Bechar, Volcani Institute, Israel
• Saif Benjaafar, University of Minnesota
• Sigal Berman, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
• Radhika Bhargava, Twitter
• Jeff Burnstein, Association for Advancing Automation
• Barrett Caldwell, Purdue University
• Brian Carlisle, Precise Automation
• Jose A. Ceroni Diaz, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, Chile
• David Hongyi Chen, PRISM Center, Purdue University
• Xin W. Chen, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
• Chris Clifton, Purdue University
• Juan Diego Velasquez de Bedout, Purdue University
• Juan Manuel de Bedout, Raytheon Technologies
• Alexandre Dolgui, IMT Atlantique-Nantes, France
• Puwadol Oak Dusadeerungsikul, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
• Yael Edan, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
• Florin Gheorghe Filip, Romanian Academy, Romania
• Kenichi Funaki, Hitachi, Japan
• Micha Hofri, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
• Steven Holland, General Motors
• Chin-Yin Huang, Tunghai University, Taiwan
• Alf J. Isaksson, ABB, Sweden
• Kazuyoshi Ishii, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
• Alberto Isidori, University of Rome, Italy
xxiv Preface

• Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela, Aalto University, Finland

• Wootae Jeong, Railroad Research Institute, Korea
• Sally Johnson, John Carroll University
• Hoo Sang Ko, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
• Samuel Labi, Purdue University
• Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, University of Paris-Saclay, France
• Steven J. Landry, Pennsylvania State University
• Seokcheon Lee, Purdue University
• Louis Zekun Liu, Purdue University
• Freddy A. Lucay, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
• Ramses Martinez, Purdue University
• Joachim Meyer, Tel Aviv University, Israel
• Mahdi Moghaddam, PRISM Center, Purdue University
• Mohsen Moghaddam, Northeastern University
• Gerard Morel, University of Lorraine-Nancy, France
• Francisco Munoz, Javeriana University Cali, Colombia
• Gaurav Nanda, Purdue University
• Ricardo Naon, Purdue University
• Win P.V. Nguyen, PRISM Center, Purdue University
• Brandon Pitts, Purdue University
• Rashed Rabata, PRISM Center, Purdue University
• Vingesh Ram, Purdue University
• Rodrigo Reyes Levalle, American Airlines
• Oliver Riedel, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany
• Jasmin Shinohara, University of Pennsylvania
• Keiichi Shirase, Kobe University, Japan
• Nir Shvalb, Ariel University, Israel
• Jose Reinaldo Silva, University of Sao Paolo, Brazil
• Maitreya Sreeram, PRISM Center, Purdue University
• Hak-Kyung Sung, Samsung Electronics, Korea
• Yang Tao, University of Maryland
• Itshak Tkach, University of London, UK
• Mario Ventresca, Purdue University
• François B. Vernadat, University of Lorraine-Metz, France
• Edward Watson, Louisiana State University
• James W. Wells, General Motors
• Wenzhuo Wu, Purdue University
• Sang Won Yoon, Binghamton University
• Zoltan Szabo, MTA SZTAKI, Hungary

I wish to express my gratitude and appreciation also to my resourceful coauthors, colleagues,

ASME, and PRISM Center at Purdue and PGRN, the PRISM Global Research Network, for
all their support and cooperation leading to the successful creation of this Springer Handbook
of Automation Second Edition.
Special thanks to my late parents, Dr. Jacob and Yafa Berglas Nowomiast, whose brilliance,
deep appreciation to scholarship, and inspiration have kept enriching me; to my wife Nava
for her invaluable support and wise advice; to Moriah, Jasmin, Jonathan, Moshe Chaim,
Erez, Dalia, Hana, Daniel, Andrew, Chin-Yin, Jose, Moshe, Ed, Ruth, Pornthep, Juan Ernesto,
Richard, Wootae, Agostino, Daniela, Arnie, Esther, Hao, Mirek, Pat, David, Yan, Oak, Win,
Gad, Micha, Guillermo, Cristian, Carlos, Fay, Marco, Venkat, Masayuki, Hans, Manuel, Sigal,
Laszlo, Georgi, Arturo, Yael, Mohsen, Dov, Florin, Herve, Gerard, Gavriel, Lily, Ted, Isaac,
Dan, Veronica, Rolf, Steve, Justin, Mark, Arnie, Colin, Namkyu, Wil, Aditya, Ken, Hannah,
Preface xxv

Anne, Fang, Jim, Hoosang, Praditya, Rashed, Karthik, Seokcheon, John, Shelly, Jennifer,
Barrett, Hyesung, Kazuyoshi, Xin, Yehezkel, Bezalel, Al, Hank, Russ, Doug, Francois, Tom,
Frederique, Alexandre, Bala, Coral, Tetsuo, Oren, Asher, and to the late Izzy Vardinon,
Yukio, Kazuo, and Tibor, for sharing with me most generously their thoughts, smiles, ideas,
inspiration, encouragement, and their automation expertise. Deep thanks also to Springer’s Tom
Ditzinger, who inspired me to create this Handbook; to Springer’s project manager, the talented
and creative Judith Hinterberg; Juby George, Rajeswari Tamilselvan, and the entire Springer
Handbook production team for their valuable help and vision in completing this ambitious
The significant achievements of humans with automation – in sustaining and improving our
life quality, innovating and solving serious problems, and enriching our knowledge; inspiring
people to enjoy automation while bewaring of its risks, and provoking us to learn how to
invent even better and greater automation solutions; the wonders and magic, opportunities and
challenges with emerging and future automation – are all enormous. Indeed, automation is an
essential and wonderful augmenting power of our human civilization.

West Lafayette, Indiana Shimon Yeshayahu Nof Nowomiast

December 2022

Part I Development and Impacts of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions,
Its Impact, and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Shimon Y. Nof
2 Historical Perspective of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Christopher Bissell, Theodore J. Williams, and Yukio Hasegawa
3 Social, Organizational, and Individual Impacts of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue and Tariq Samad
4 Economic Effects of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Piercarlo Ravazzi and Agostino Villa
5 Trends in Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Christopher Ganz and Alf J. Isaksson

Part II Automation Theory and Scientific Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

6 Linear Control Theory for Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
István Vajk, Jenő Hetthéssy, and Ruth Bars
7 Nonlinear Control Theory for Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Alberto Isidori
8 Control of Uncertain Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Vaneet Aggarwal and Mridul Agarwal
9 Artificial Intelligence and Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Sven Koenig, Shao-Hung Chan, Jiaoyang Li, and Yi Zheng
10 Cybernetics, Machine Learning, and Stochastic Learning Automata . . . . . . . 233
B. John Oommen, Anis Yazidi, and Sudip Misra
11 Network Science and Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Lorenzo Zino, Baruch Barzel, and Alessandro Rizzo
12 What Can Be Automated? What Cannot Be Automated? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Richard D. Patton and Peter C. Patton

Part III Automation Design: Theory, Elements, and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285

13 Designs and Specification of Mechatronic Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Rolf Isermann
14 Sensors, Machine Vision, and Sensor Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Wootae Jeong

xxviii Contents

15 Intelligent and Collaborative Robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335

Kenji Yamaguchi and Kiyonori Inaba
16 Control Architecture for Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Oliver Riedel, Armin Lechler, and Alexander W. Verl
17 Cyber-Physical Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Cesar Martinez Spessot
18 Collaborative Control and E-work Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
Mohsen Moghaddam and Shimon Y. Nof
19 Design for Human-Automation and Human-Autonomous Systems . . . . . . . . . 433
John D. Lee and Bobbie D. Seppelt
20 Teleoperation and Level of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
Luis Basañez, Emmanuel Nuño, and Carlos I. Aldana
21 Nature-Inspired and Evolutionary Techniques for Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
Mitsuo Gen and Lin Lin
22 Automating Prognostics and Prevention of Errors, Conflicts,
and Disruptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Xin W. Chen and Shimon Y. Nof

Part IV Automation Design: Theory and Methods for Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533

23 Communication Protocols for Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
Carlos E. Pereira, Christian Diedrich, and Peter Neumann
24 Product Automation and Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
Kenichi Funaki
25 Process Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
Juergen Hahn and B. Wayne Bequette
26 Service Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
Christopher Ganz and Shaun West
27 Infrastructure and Complex Systems Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
Florin Gheorghe Filip and Kauko Leiviskä
28 Computer-Aided Design, Computer-Aided Engineering,
and Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
Jorge D. Camba, Nathan Hartman, and Gary R. Bertoline
29 SafetyWarnings for Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661
Mark R. Lehto and Gaurav Nanda

Part V Automation Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681

30 Economic Rationalization of Automation Projects and Quality of Service . . . 683
José A. Ceroni
31 Reliability, Maintainability, Safety, and Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699
Elsayed A. Elsayed
32 Education and Qualification for Control and Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
Juan Diego Velasquez de Bedout, Bozenna Pasik-Duncan,
and Matthew A. Verleger
Contents xxix

33 Interoperability and Standards for Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729

François B. Vernadat
34 Automation and Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 753
Micha Hofri

Part VI Industrial Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773

35 Machine Tool Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775
Keiichi Shirase and Susumu Fujii
36 Digital Manufacturing Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805
Chi Fai Cheung, Ka Man Lee, Pai Zheng, and Wing Bun Lee
37 Flexible and Precision Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 829
Brian Carlisle
38 Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841
Tae-Eog Lee, Hyun-Jung Kim, and Tae-Sun Yu
39 Nanomanufacturing Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865
Ning Xi, King Wai Chiu Lai, Heping Chen, and Zhiyong Sun
40 Production, Supply, Logistics, and Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893
Manuel Scavarda Basaldúa and Rodrigo J. Cruz Di Palma
41 Automation and Robotics in Mining and Mineral Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909
Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela and Greg Baiden
42 Automation in the Wood, Paper, and Fiber Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 923
Birgit Vogel-Heuser
43 Welding Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 935
Anatol Pashkevich
44 Automation in Food Manufacturing and Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 949
Darwin G. Caldwell
45 Smart Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973
Andrew Kusiak

Part VII Infrastructure and Service Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987

46 Automation in Data Science, Software, and Information Services . . . . . . . . . . 989
Parasuram Balasubramanian
47 Power Grid and Electrical Power System Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015
Veronica R. Bosquezfoti and Andrew L. Liu
48 Construction Automation and Smart Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1035
Daniel Castro-Lacouture
49 Agriculture Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055
Yael Edan, George Adamides, and Roberto Oberti
50 Connected Vehicles and Driving Automation Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1079
Yuko J. Nakanishi and Pierre M. Auza
51 Aerospace Systems Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1115
Steven J. Landry and William Bihlman
xxx Contents

52 Space Exploration and Astronomy Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1139

Barrett S. Caldwell
53 Cleaning Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1159
Norbert Elkmann and José Saenz
54 Library Automation and Knowledge Sharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1171
Paul J. Bracke, Beth McNeil, and Michael Kaplan

Part VIII Automation in Medical and Healthcare Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1187

55 Automatic Control in Systems Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1189
Narasimhan Balakrishnan and Neda Bagheri
56 Automation in Hospitals and Health Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1209
Atsushi Ugajin
57 Medical Automation and Robotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1235
Alon Wolf, Nir Shvalb, and Moshe Shoham
58 Precision Medicine and Telemedicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1249
Kuo-Liang Chiang and Chin-Yin Huang
59 Wearables, E-textiles, and Soft Robotics for Personalized Medicine . . . . . . . . 1265
Ramses V. Martinez
60 Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1289
Sara Abedi, Soongeol Kwon, and Sang Won Yoon

Part IX Home, Office, and Enterprise Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1309

61 Automation in Home Appliances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1311
Hoo Sang Ko and Sanaz Eshraghi
62 Service Robots and Automation for the Disabled and Nursing
Home Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1331
Birgit Graf and Jonathan Eckstein
63 Automation in Education, Training, and Learning Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349
Kin’ya Tamaki and Kazuyoshi Ishii
64 Blockchain and Financial E-services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1371
Hong Wan, Kejun Li, Yining Huang, and Ling Zhang
65 Enterprise and Business Process Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1385
Edward F. Watson III and Andrew H. Schwarz
66 Decision Support and Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1401
Daniel J. Power and Ramesh Sharda
67 E-commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1411
Francisco Munoz, Clyde W. Holsapple, and Sharath Sasidharan

Part X Automation Case Studies and Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1431

68 Case Study: Automation Education and Qualification Apprenticeships . . . . . 1433
Geanie Umberger and Dave Harrison
Contents xxxi

69 Case Study: IBM – Automating Visual Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1439

Rishi Vaish and Michael C. Hollinger
70 Case Study: Infosys – Talent Management Processes Automation
with AI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1451
Parasuram Balasubramanian and D. R. Balakrishna
71 Case Study: Intel and Claro 360 – Making Spaces Safe During Pandemic . . 1459
Cesar Martinez Spessot and Luis Fuentes
72 Case Study: Siemens – Flexible Robot Grasping with Deep
Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1467
Juan Aparicio Ojea and Eugen Solowjow
73 Case Study: 3M – Automation in Paint Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1475
Carl Doeksen and Scott Barnett
74 Automation Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1481
Puwadol Oak Dusadeerungsikul and Win P. V. Nguyen

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1503
About the Editor

Shimon Y. Nof is Professor of Industrial Engineering at Purdue

University and Director of the NSF and industry funded PRISM
Center for Production, Robotics, and Integration Software for Manu-
facturing and Management. He earned his BSc and MSc in Industrial
Engineering and Management from Technion, Israel Institute of
Technology; his Ph.D. in Industrial and Operations Engineering
from the University of Michigan.
His professional merits include experience in full-time industrial
and governmental positions and visiting professorships at MIT and
at universities around the world. He was Secretary General and Pres-
ident of the International Foundation of Production Research and
Chair within the International Federation of Automatic Control. He
pioneered knowledge-based/AI robotic facility design and control
models, robot ergonomics, and collaborative control theory with
task-administration algorithms and protocols.
As an experienced author and editor, his impressive list of publi-
cations include the Handbook of Industrial Robotics and the Inter-
national Encyclopedia of Robotics and Automation. He is also the
editor of the Springer Book Series on Automation, Collaboration,
and E-Services.
Shimon Y. Nof is a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial and
Systems Engineering, and the International Foundation of Produc-
tion Research, recipient of the Joseph Engelberger Award and Medal
for Robotics Education, and Member of the Inaugural Book of Great
Teachers of Purdue University.

Advisory Board

Ruth Bars
Department of Automation and Applied Informatics
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest, Hungary

Ruth Bars graduated at the Electrical Engineering Faculty of the

Technical University of Budapest. She received her candidate of
sciences degree in 1992 from the Hungarian Academy of Sci-
ences and her PhD degree based on research in predictive con-
trol. She is honorary professor at the Department of Automation
and Applied Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and
Economics. Her research interests are predictive control, advanced
control algorithms, and developing new ways of control education.
She is the coauthor of the books Predictive Control in Process
Engineering, from the Basics to the Applications (2011) and Control
Engineering and Control Engineering: Matlab Exercises (2019).

Jeff Burnstein
Association for Advancing Automation
Ann Arbor, USA

Jeff Burnstein is the President of the Association for Advancing

Automation (A3), the leading North American trade group repre-
senting over 1000 global companies involved in robotics, artificial
intelligence, vision, motion control, and related automation tech-
nologies. Burnstein joined the association in 1983 and has held a
variety of senior positions, culminating in his promotion to President
in 2007. He is a frequent commentator in the media, often discusses
automation issues with policy makers, and regularly speaks at global
conferences on issues such as the impact of automation on jobs and
the future of automation beyond the factory floor. Burnstein also
serves on the Executive Board of the International Federation of
Robotics (IFR).

xxxvi Advisory Board

Xin W. Chen
Department of Industrial Engineering
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Edwardsville, USA

Xin W. Chen is Professor in the School of Engineering at Southern

Illinois University Edwardsville. He received his MS and PhD
degrees in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University and BS
degree in Mechanical Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong Uni-
versity. His research interests cover several related topics in the area
of conflict and error prognostics and prevention, production/service
optimization, and decision analysis. He is the author of the 2022
book titled Network Science Models for Data Analytics Automa-
tion – Theories and Applications in Springer ACES Automation,
Collaboration, and E-Services Book Series.

Juan M. de Bedout
Aerospace Technologies, Raytheon Technologies
Waltham, USA

Juan M. de Bedout is the Vice President of Aerospace Technol-

ogy at Raytheon Technologies. In this role, he works closely with
the company’s businesses to shape the technology strategy for a
broad portfolio of aerospace offerings. Prior to this role, Juan was
the Vice President of Advanced Technology at Collins Aerospace,
where he was responsible for helping to shape advanced technology
planning and investment, drive the vitality of the central engineer-
ing teams, streamline engineering supplier planning, and promote
continuous improvement throughout Collins’ businesses. Before
joining Collins, Juan was the Chief Technology Officer for General
Electric’s Grid Solutions business, after serving in the Company for
18 years in roles of increasing responsibility from his start at the
Global Research Center in 2000. Juan has Bachelors, Masters, and
Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University,
where his graduate work was focused on automation and controls.
Advisory Board xxxvii

Alexandre Dolgui
Department Automation, Production and Computer Sciences
IMT Atlantique, LS2N-CNRS
Nantes, France

Dr. Alexandre Dolgui is an IISE Fellow, Distinguished Professor,

and the Head of Automation, Production and Computer Sciences
Department at the IMT Atlantique, campus in Nantes, France. His
research focuses on manufacturing line design, production planning,
and supply chain optimization. His main results are based on the
exact mathematical programming methods and their intelligent cou-
pling with heuristics and metaheuristics algorithms. He is the author
of 5 books and more than 260 refereed journal papers. He is the
Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Production Research,
an Area Editor of Computers & Industrial Engineering and Member
of the editorial boards for several other journals, including the
International Journal of Production Economics. He is a Fellow
of the European Academy for Industrial Management, Member of
the Board of the International Foundation for Production Research,
former Chair (currently vice-chair) of IFAC TC 5.2 Manufacturing
Modelling for Management and Control, Member of IFIP WG 5.7
Advances in Production Management Systems, etc. He has been Sci-
entific Chair for a large number of leading international conferences.

Yael Edan
Agriculture, Biological – Cognitive Robotics Initiative
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Beer-Sheva, Israel

Yael Edan is a Professor in Industrial Engineering and Director

of the Agricultural, Biological, Cognitive Robotics Initiative. She
holds a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering and an M.Sc. in Agricultural
Engineering, both from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology,
and Ph.D. in Engineering from Purdue University. She performs
R&D of robotic and sensory systems focusing on human-robot
collaboration with major contributions in introduction and applica-
tion of intelligent automation and robotic systems in agriculture.

Florin Gheorghe Filip

The Romanian Academy
Bucharest, Romania

Florin Gheorghe Filip received his MSc and PhD degrees in

Automation from the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest in 1970
and 1982, respectively. In 1991, he was elected as a member of
the Romanian Academy, where he served as Vice President from
2000 to 2010. He was the chair of IFAC Technical Committee
“Large-scale complex systems” (2003–2009). His scientific interests
include complex systems and decision support systems. He has
authored/coauthored some 350 papers and 13 monographs.
xxxviii Advisory Board

Kenichi Funaki
Hitachi Ltd.
Tokyo, Japan

Kenichi Funaki received his doctoral degree in Industrial Engi-

neering and Management from Waseda University, Tokyo, in 2001.
Funaki began his career at Production Engineering Research Lab-
oratory, Hitachi Ltd. in 1993 and has over 20 years of experience
in developing production, logistics, and supply chain management
systems. He conducted joint research projects with world class
institutes, including Gintic Institute of Manufacturing Technology
(currently SIMTech) in Singapore, the Institute for Computer Sci-
ence and Control of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (SZTAKI),
and the Supply Chain and Logistics Institute at Georgia Institute of
Technology, where he stayed as a Research Executive in 2008 and
2009. In the last decade, he has been engaged in open innovation
strategy and practice with various types of collaboration such as joint
research with universities and institutes, co-creation program with
world-class leading companies, and joint business development with
startups with innovative ideas.

Steven W. Holland
General Motors R&D (retired), VHM Innovations, LLC
St. Clair, USA

Steve Holland retired from General Motors R&D as a Research

Fellow following 49 years of service. He pioneered applications of
robotics and vision- and computer-based manufacturing. He served
in a variety of GM leadership roles: Robotics Development; Con-
trols, Robotics and Welding plant support; and as Chief Scientist
for Manufacturing. He has been a leading proponent of prognostics
and vehicle health management for the global automotive industry
which continues via his consulting company: VHM Innovations,
LLC. Steve is a recipient of the Joseph F. Engelberger Robotics
Award and is a Fellow of IEEE, PHM Society, and SAE. He holds
technical degrees from Kettering and Stanford Universities.
Advisory Board xxxix

Chin-Yin Huang
Department of Industrial Engineering & Enterprise
Tunghai University
Taichung, Taiwan

Chin-Yin Huang is Professor of Industrial Engineering and Enter-

prise Information at Tunghai University, Taiwan. He has a Ph.D.
degree from Purdue University, USA. His research interests include
Healthcare Management, Data Analytics, Ontology, and Industry
4.0. Prof. Huang is currently Vice President of International Foun-
dation for Production Research. He also serves as the Chairman
in the Asia Pacific Region. He is Board Member of Asia Pacific
Industrial Engineering and Management Society. In addition, he is
the Director of International Industrial Affairs of IIE in Taiwan.
He is former Dean of General Affairs, Tunghai University. Prof.
Huang has been serving as a professional consultant and advisor
in government, universities, hospitals, and the manufacturing sector.
He has published many papers in international journals with topics
ranging from production/supply chain integration to data analytics,
manufacturing/service automation, and AI applications.

Kazuyoshi Ishii
Academic Foundation Programs
Kanazawa Institute of Technology
Kanazawa, Japan

Kazuyoshi Ishii received his PhD in Industrial Engineering from

Waseda University. Dr. Ishii is a professor at Kanazawa Institute of
Technology, Japan, since 1988. He is a Fellow of IFPR, APIEMS,
and ISPIM. His research field covers production management, qual-
ity management, product/service development management, human
resource, and education/learning management.

Alberto Isidori
Department of Computer, Control, Management
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Rome, Italy

Alberto Isidori was a Professor of Automatic Control at the Univer-

sity of Rome Sapienza from 1975 to 2012, where is now Professor
Emeritus. His research interests are primarily in analysis and design
of nonlinear control systems. He is the author of several books and
of more than 120 articles on archival journals and the recipient
of various prestigious awards, which include the Quazza Medal of
IFAC (in 1996), the Bode Lecture Award from the Control Systems
Society of IEEE (in 2001), the Honorary Doctorate from KTH of
Sweden (in 2009), the Galileo Galilei Award from the Rotary Clubs
of Italy (in 2009), and the Control Systems Award of IEEE in 2012.
He is a Fellow of IEEE and of IFAC and the President of IFAC in
the triennium 2008–2011. Since 2012, he has been a corresponding
member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
xl Advisory Board

Steven J. Landry
Pennsylvania State University
State College, USA

Steven J. Landry is Professor and Peter and Angela Dal Pezzo Chair
and Department Head in the Harold & Inge Marcus Department of
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at The Pennsylvania State
University. He received his MS in Aeronautics and Astronautics
from MIT and his Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering
from Georgia Tech. He has over 2500 heavy jet flight hours as a
USAF C-141B pilot. His research interests are in aviation systems
engineering and human factors.

Oliver Riedel
Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and
Manufacturing Unit
University of Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Germany

Prof. Oliver Riedel studied Technical Cybernetics at the University

of Stuttgart and earned his doctorate at the Faculty of Engineering
Design and Production Engineering. For over 25 years, he has
been involved with the theory and practical application of virtual
validation methods in product development and production. After
working for 18 years in the international IT and automotive industry,
he was appointed professor at the University of Stuttgart and is
managing director of the Institute for Control Engineering of Ma-
chine Tools and Manufacturing Units (ISW), holds the chair for
Information Technology in Production, and is managing director
of the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO). Oliver
Riedel specializes in information technology for production and
product development, IT-engineering methods, and data analytics.

José Reinaldo Silva

Mechatronics Department – Escola Polité-cnica
Universidade de São Paulo
São Paulo, Brasil

José Reinaldo Silva is a senior associate professor at Escola Polité-

cnica, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. His research
deals with Engineering Design methods to automated systems, using
formal methods and artificial intelligence. In this area, he has more
than 130 articles and book chapters. He is a member of the Design
Society, ACM, IFAC special groups, and other international forums
of discussion on the design of automation systems.
Advisory Board xli

Hak-Kyung Sung
Mechatronics & Manufacturing Technology Center
Samsung Electronics
Suwon, Korea

Hak-Kyung Sung received his Master’s degree in Mechanical En-

gineering from Yonsei University in Korea and his PhD degree in
Control Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, in
1985 and 1992, respectively. He is currently the Vice President in
the Mechatronics and Manufacturing Technology Center, Samsung
Electronics. His interests are in production engineering technology,
such as robotics, control, and automation.

François B. Vernadat
Laboratoire de Génie Informatique, de Production et de
Maintenance (LGIPM)
University of Lorraine
Metz, France

François B. Vernadat received his PhD in Electrical Engineering

and Automatic Control from University of Clermont, France, in
1981. He has been a research officer at the National Research
Council of Canada in the 1980s and at the Institut National de
Recherche en Informatique et Automatique in France in the 1990s.
He joined the University of Lorraine at Metz, France, in 1995 as a full
professor and founded the LGIPM research laboratory. His research
interests include enterprise modeling, enterprise architectures, en-
terprise integration and interoperability, information systems design
and analysis, and performance management. He has contributed to 7
books and published over 300 papers. He has been a member of IEEE
and ACM, has held several vice-chairman positions at IFAC, and has
been associate or area editor for many years of Computers in Indus-
try, IJCIM, IJPR, Enterprise Information Systems, and Computers
& Industrial Engineering. In parallel from 2001 until 2016, he held
IT management positions as head of departments in IT Directorates
of European institutions in Luxemburg (first European Commission
and then European Court of Auditors).
xlii Advisory Board

Birgit Vogel-Heuser
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Technical University of Munich
Garching, Germany

Birgit Vogel-Heuser graduated in Electrical Engineering and

obtained her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the RWTH
Aachen in 1991. She worked for nearly 10 years in industrial
automation for the machine and plant manufacturing industry. She
is now a full professor and in charge of Automation and Information
Systems in the Department of Mechanical Engineering TUM-
School of Engineering and Design at the Technical University
of Munich. Her research work focuses on improving efficiency
in automation engineering for hybrid technical processes and
intelligent distributed field-level control systems. She is a member
of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech),
Senior Editor of IEEE T-ASE, and IEEE Distinguished Lecturer.
Advisory Board Members
of the Previous Edition

• Hans-Jörg Bullinger, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Munich, Germany

• Rick J. Echevarria, Inter Corp., Santa Clara, USA
• Yael Edan, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel
• Yukio Hasegawa (), Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
• Steven W. Holland, General Motors R & D, Warren, USA
• Clyde W. Holsapple, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA
• Rolf Isermann, Technical University Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
• Kazuyoshi Ishii, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Hakusan City, Japan
• Alberto Isidori, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
• Stephen Kahne, Embry-Riddle University, Prescott, USA
• Aditya P. Mathur, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA
• Gavriel Salvendy, Tshinghua University, Beijing, China
• George Stephanopoulos, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
• Hak-Kyung Sung, Samsung Electronics, Suwon, Korea
• Kazuo Tanie (), Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan
• Tibor Vámos (), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
• François B. Vernadat, Université Paul Verlaine Metz, Metz, France
• Birgit Vogel-Heuser, University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany
• Andrew B. Whinston, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA


Sara Abedi Department of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering, Binghamton

University; SUNY, Binghamton, NY, USA
George Adamides Department of Rural Development, Agricultural Research Institute,
Aglantzia, Cyprus
Mridul Agarwal Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Vaneet Aggarwal Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Carlos I. Aldana Department of Computer Science, University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara,
Juan Aparicio Ojea Rapid Robotics, San Francisco, CA, USA
Pierre M. Auza Nakanishi Research and Consulting LLC, New York, NY, USA
Greg Baiden School of Engineering, Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON, Canada
D. R. Balakrishna Infosys Ltd., Bengaluru, India
Neda Bagheri Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern Univer-
sity, Evanston, IL, USA
Departments of Biology and Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
Narasimhan Balakrishnan Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, North-
western University, Evanston, IL, USA
Parasuram Balasubramanian Theme Work Analytics Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India
Scott Barnett Application Engineering, Robotics and Automation, 3M Abrasive Systems
Division 3M Center, St. Paul, MN, USA
Ruth Bars Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest,
Baruch Barzel Department of Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
The Gonda Interdisciplinary Brain Science Center, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Manuel Scavarda Basaldúa Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Neenah, WI, USA
Luis Basañez Institute of Industrial and Control Engineering (IOC), Universitat Politècnica
de Catalunya, BarcelonaTech (UPC), Barcelona, Spain
B. Wayne Bequette Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA

xlvi Contributors

Gary R. Bertoline School of Engineering Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette,

William Bihlman Aerolytics, LLC, Lafayette, IN, USA
Christopher Bissell Department of Communication and Systems, The Open University,
Milton Keynes, UK
Veronica R. Bosquezfoti School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN, USA
Paul J. Bracke Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA, USA
Barrett S. Caldwell Schools of Industrial Engineering and Aeronautics & Astronautics,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Darwin G. Caldwell Department of Advanced Robotics, Istituto Italiano Di Tecnologia,
Genoa, Italy
Jorge D. Camba School of Engineering Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN,
Brian Carlisle Brooks Automation, Livermore, CA, USA
Daniel Castro-Lacouture Purdue Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
José A. Ceroni School of Industrial Engineering, Pontifica Universidad Católica de Val-
paraíso, Valparaiso, Chile
Shao-Hung Chan Computer Science Department, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, CA, USA
Heping Chen The Ingram School of Engineering, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX,
Xin W. Chen Department of Industrial Engineering, Southern Illinois University,
Edwardsville, IL, USA
Chi Fai Cheung Behaviour and Knowledge Engineering Research Centre, Department of
Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Kuo-Liang Chiang Department of Pediatric Neurology, Kuang-Tien General Hospital,
Taichung, Taiwan
Rodrigo J. Cruz Di Palma Dollarcity, Antiguo Cuscatlan, El Salvador
Juan Diego Velasquez de Bedout Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Christian Diedrich Institute for Automation Engineering, Otto von Guericke University
Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
Carl Doeksen Robotics & Automation, 3M, St. Paul, MN, USA
Puwadol Oak Dusadeerungsikul Department of Industrial Engineering, Chulalongkorn
University, Bangkok, Thailand
Jonathan Eckstein Formerly University of Stuttgart, Department Human-Machine Interac-
tion, Stuttgart, Germany
Yael Edan Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Agriculture, Biological,
Cognitive Robotics Initiative, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
Norbert Elkmann Fraunhofer IFF, Magdeburg, Germany
Contributors xlvii

Elsayed A. Elsayed Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rutgers University,

Piscataway, NJ, USA
Sanaz Eshraghi Department of Industrial Engineering, Southern Illinois University
Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL, USA
Florin Gheorghe Filip The Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
Luis Fuentes Claro 360, Mexico City, Mexico
Susumu Fujii Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
Kenichi Funaki Corporate Venturing Office, Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
Christopher Ganz C. Ganz Innovation Services, Zurich, Switzerland
Mitsuo Gen Department of Research, Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute (FLSI), Iizuka, Japan
Research Institute of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan
Birgit Graf Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA,
Department Robot and Assistive Systems, Stuttgart, Germany
Juergen Hahn Department of Biomedical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Troy, NY, USA
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy,
Dave Harrison FASTPORT, Inc., West Fork, AR, USA
Nathan Hartman School of Engineering Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN,
Yukio Hasegawa System Science Institute, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Jenő Hetthéssy Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest,
Micha Hofri Department of Computer Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester,
Michael C. Hollinger Sustainability Software, IBM Corporation, Austin, TX, USA
Clyde W. Holsapple School of Management, Gatton College of Business and Economics,
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA
Chin-Yin Huang Department of Industrial Engineering and Enterprise Information, Tunghai
University, Taichung, Taiwan
Yining Huang Operations Research Graduate Program, North Carolina State University,
Raleigh, NC, USA
Kiyonori Inaba FANUC CORPORATION, Yamanashi, Japan
Alf J. Isaksson ABB AB, Corporate Research, Västerås, Sweden
Rolf Isermann Institute of Automatic Control, Research group on Control Systems and
Process Automation, Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany
Kazuyoshi Ishii Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Academic Foundation Programs,
Kanazawa, Japan
Alberto Isidori Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering, University
of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
xlviii Contributors

Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela Department of Biotechnology and Chemical Technology, Aalto

University, Espoo, Finland
Wootae Jeong Korea Railroad Research Institute, Uiwang, South Korea
Michael Kaplan Ex Libris Ltd., Newton, MA, USA
Hyun-Jung Kim Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon,
South Korea
Hoo Sang Ko Department of Industrial Engineering, Southern Illinois University
Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL, USA
Sven Koenig Computer Science Department, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
Andrew Kusiak Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Seamans Center,
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA
Soongeol Kwon Department of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering, Binghamton
University; SUNY, Binghamton, NY, USA
King Wai Chiu Lai Department of Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong SAR, China
Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes CNRS, CentraleSu-
pelec, Paris-Saclay Univ., Paris, France
Steven J. Landry Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA
Armin Lechler Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Unit,
University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
John D. Lee Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin-
Madison, Madison, WA, USA
Ka Man Lee Behaviour and Knowledge Engineering Research Centre, Department of Indus-
trial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon,
Hong Kong
Tae-Eog Lee Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, South
Wing Bun Lee Behaviour and Knowledge Engineering Research Centre, Department of
Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Mark R. Lehto School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN,
Kauko Leiviskä Control Engineering Laboratory, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Jiaoyang Li Computer Science Department, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
Kejun Li Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, North Carolina State University,
Raleigh, NC, USA
Lin Lin International School of Information Science and Engineering, Dalian University of
Technology, Economy and Technology Development Area, Dalian, China
Andrew L. Liu School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Contributors xlix

Ramses V. Martinez Purdue University, School of Industrial Engineering and Weldon School
of Biomedical Engineering, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Cesar Martinez Spessot Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR, USA
Beth McNeil Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Sudip Misra Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technol-
ogy Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India
Mohsen Moghaddam Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Northeastern
University, Boston, MA, USA
Francisco Munoz School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN,

Departamento de Ingeniería Civil e Industrial, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Cali,

Yuko J. Nakanishi Nakanishi Research and Consulting LLC, New York, NY, USA
Gaurav Nanda School of Engineering Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN,
Peter Neumann Institut für Automation und Kommunikation – ifak, Magdeburg, Germany
Win P. V. Nguyen Grado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, VA, USA
Shimon Y. Nof PRISM Center and School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University,
West Lafayette, IN, USA
Emmanuel Nuño Department of Computer Science, University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara,
Roberto Oberti Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science, University of Milan,
Milan, Italy
B. John Oommen School of Computer Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Department of Information and Communication Technology, University of Agder, Grimstad,
Anatol Pashkevich Department of Automation, Production and Computer Science, IMT
Atlantique, Nantes, France
Bozenna Pasik-Duncan Department of Mathematics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS,
Peter C. Patton School of Engineering, Oklahoma Christian University, Oklahoma City, OK,
Richard D. Patton Lawson Software, St. Paul, MN, USA
Carlos E. Pereira Automation Engineering Department, Federal University of Rio Grande
do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil
Daniel J. Power College of Business Administration, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar
Falls, IA, USA
Piercarlo Ravazzi Department of Manufacturing Systems and Economics, Politecnico di
Torino, Torino, Italy
l Contributors

Oliver Riedel Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Unit,
University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Alessandro Rizzo Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di Torino,
Torino, Italy
Institute for Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, New York University Tandon School
of Engineering, Brooklyn, NY, USA
José Saenz Fraunhofer IFF, Magdeburg, Germany
Tariq Samad Technological Leadership Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Sharath Sasidharan Department of Management and Marketing, Marshall University,
Huntington, WV, USA
Andrew H. Schwarz Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Bobbie D. Seppelt Autonomous Vehicles, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI, USA
Ramesh Sharda Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA
Keiichi Shirase Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
Moshe Shoham Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Tech-
nology, Haifa, Israel
Nir Shvalb Faculty of Engineering, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel
Eugen Solowjow Siemens, Berkeley, CA, USA
Zhiyong Sun Department of Industrial Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Institute of Intelligent Machines, Hefei Institute of Physical Science, CAS, Hefei, China
Kin’ya Tamaki School of Business, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan
Atsushi Ugajin Hitachi, Ltd. Healthcare Innovation Division, Toranomon Hills Business
Tower, Tokyo, Japan
Geanie Umberger The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA
Rishi Vaish Sustainability Software, IBM Corporation, San Francisco, CA, USA
István Vajk Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest,
Alexander W. Verl Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing
Unit, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Matthew A. Verleger Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Engineering Fundamentals
Department, Daytona Beach, FL, USA
François B. Vernadat Laboratoire de Génie Informatique, de Production et de Maintenance
(LGIPM), University of Lorraine, Metz, France
Agostino Villa Department of Manufacturing Systems and Economics, Politecnico di Torino,
Torino, Italy
Birgit Vogel-Heuser Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Automation and Infor-
mation Systems, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
Contributors li

Hong Wan Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, North Carolina State Univer-
sity, Raleigh, NC, USA
Edward F. Watson III Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Shaun West Institute of Innovation and Technology Management, Lucerne University of
Applied Science and Art, Horw, Switzerland
Theodore J. Williams College of Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Alon Wolf Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa,
Ning Xi Department of Industrial Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Kenji Yamaguchi FANUC CORPORATION, Yamanashi, Japan
Anis Yazidi Computer Science Department, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway
Sang Won Yoon Department of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering, Binghamton
University; SUNY, Binghamton, NY, USA
Tae-Sun Yu Division of Systems Management and Engineering, Pukyong National Univer-
sity, Busan, South Korea
Ling Zhang Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, North Carolina State Uni-
versity, Raleigh, NC, USA
Pai Zheng Behaviour and Knowledge Engineering Research Centre, Department of Industrial
and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon,
Hong Kong
Yi Zheng Computer Science Department, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
Lorenzo Zino Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di Torino,
Torino, Italy
Engineering and Technology Institute Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen,
The etherlands
Part I
Development and Impacts of Automation
Automation: What It Means to Us Around
the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 1
Shimon Y. Nof

Contents 1.6.6 Quantum Computing and Quantum Automation . . . . . . . 36

1.1 The Meaning of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
1.1.1 Definitions, Formalism, and Automation Examples . . . . . 4
1.1.2 Domains of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

1.2 Brief History of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1.2.1 First Generation: Before Automatic Control (BAC) . . . . . 12
1.2.2 Second Generation: Automatic Control Before Abstract
Computer Control (ABC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.2.3 Third Generation: Automatic Computer/Cyber Control Introducing automation and this handbook, the meaning
(ACC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 of the term automation is reviewed through its definition
1.2.4 Perspectives of Automation Generations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 and related definitions, historical evolution, technological
1.3 Automation Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 progress, benefits and risks, and domains and levels of
applications. A survey of 506 respondents, including uni-
1.4 Flexibility, Degrees, and Levels of Automation . . . . . . . 15
1.4.1 Degree of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 versity students and professionals around the world, adds
1.4.2 Levels of Automation, Intelligence, and Human insights to the current and evolving meaning of automa-
Variability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 tion to people, with regard to: What is your best example
1.5 Worldwide Surveys: What Does Automation Mean and your own definition of automation?; Where did you
to People? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 encounter automation first in your life?; and, what are the
1.5.1 How Do We Define Automation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 top contribution and top risk of automation to individuals
1.5.2 When and Where Did We Encounter Automation First
in Our Life? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 and to society? The survey responses include five main
1.5.3 What Do We Think Is the Major Impact/Contribution aspects of automation definitions; ten main types of first
of Automation to Humankind? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 automation encounter; and six types of benefits, six types
1.5.4 What Do We Think Is the Major Risk of Automation of risks, and ten types of best automation examples. The
to Humankind? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.5.5 What Do We Think Is the Best Example most exciting contribution of automation found in the
of Automation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 survey (as it was found in the previous, original survey)
1.6 Emerging Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
is to encourage/inspire creative work, inspire innovation
1.6.1 Automation Trends of the Twentieth and Twenty-First and newer solutions. Minor variations were found in dif-
Centuries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 ferent regions of the world. Responses about the first
1.6.2 Bioautomation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 automation encounter are somewhat related to the age of
1.6.3 Collaborative Control Theory and Collaborative
Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
the respondent, e.g., pneumatic versus digital, wireless,
1.6.4 Risks of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 and cyber control, and to urban versus farming childhood
1.6.5 Need for Dependability, Survivability, Security, environment. The chapter concludes with several emerg-
Continuity of Operation, and Creativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 ing trends in nature-inspired and bioinspired automation,
cyber collaborative control and cyber physical automa-
tion, and risks to consider, avoid, and eliminate.

S. Y. Nof ()
PRISM Center and School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, IN, USA

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 3

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
4 S. Y. Nof

Keywords automation became evident. In this chapter, we review these

related definitions and their evolvement, and survey how
Assistive automation · Automatic computer/cyber people around the world perceive and understand automation.
control · Automatic control · Automation platform · Paraphrasing from this author’s definition [1] automation
Before automatic control · Before computer control · can be described as follows:
Collaborative automation · Cyber intelligence ·
Cyber physical automation · Flexibility · Industrial As power fields, such as magnetic fields and gravitation, in-
automation · Industrial revolution fluence bodies to organize and stabilize, so does the sphere of
automation. It envelops us and influences us to organize our
life and work systems in a different way, and purposefully, to
stabilize life and work while effectively producing the desired
1.1 The Meaning of Automation
From the general definition of automation, the automation
What is the meaning of automation? When discussing this formalism is presented in Fig. 1.1 with four main elements:
term and concept with many colleagues and leading experts platform, autonomy, process, and power source. Automation
in various aspects of automation, control theory, robotics platforms are illustrated in Table 1.1. Autonomy, process,
engineering, artificial intelligence, cyber systems, and com- and power source are illustrated by examples of automation:
puter science during the development of this second edition ancient to early examples in Table 1.2, examples from the
of the Springer Handbook of Automation, many of them Industrial Revolution to 1920 in Table 1.3, and modern and
have different definitions; they even argue vehemently that emerging examples in Table 1.4.
in their language, or their region of the world, or their This automation formalism can help us review some early
professional domain, automation has a unique meaning and examples that may also fall under the definition of automa-
“we are not sure it is the same meaning for other experts.” tion (before the term automation was even coined), and
Yet there has been no doubt, no confusion, and no hesitation differentiate from related terms, such as mechanization, cy-
that automation is powerful; it has tremendous and amazing bernetics, artificial intelligence, robotics, virtualization, dig-
impact on civilization, on humanity, and it may carry risks, italization, and cyberization (which are explained throughout
even dangerous risks to individuals and to society. this handbook chapters.)
So, what is automation? This chapter introduces the mean- Automaton (plural: automata, or automatons): An au-
ing and definition of automation, at an introductory, overview tonomous machine that contains its own power source and
level. Specific details and more theoretical definitions are fur- can perform without human intervention a complicated series
ther explained and illustrated throughout the following parts of decisions and actions, in response to programs and external
and chapters of this handbook. A survey of 506 participants stimuli.
from around the world (compared with 331 participants in the The term automaton is used for a specific autonomous
previous, original survey) was conducted about the meaning machine, tool, or device. It usually does not include automa-
of automation, and is presented in Sect. 5. tion platforms such as automation infrastructure, automatic
installations, or automation systems such as automation soft-
ware (even though some use the term software automaton
1.1.1 Definitions, Formalism, to imply computing procedures). The scholar Al-Jazari from
and Automation Examples al-Jazira, Mesopotamia, designed pioneering programmable
automatons in 1206, as a set of dolls, or humanoid automata.
Automation: Operating or acting, or self-regulating, inde- Today, the most typical automatons are what we define as
pendently, without human intervention, and the science and individual robots.
technology that enable it. Robot: A mechanical device that can be programmed to
The term evolves from automatos, in Greek, meaning perform a variety of tasks of manipulation and locomotion
acting by itself, or by its own will, or spontaneously. Automa- under automatic control.
tion involves machines, tools, devices, installations, systems, By this definition, a robot could also be an automaton. But
and systems-of-systems that are all platforms developed by unlike an automaton, a robot is usually designed for highly
humans to perform a given set of activities without human variable and flexible, purposeful motions and activities, and
involvement during those activities. There are many varia- for specific operation domains, e.g., surgical robot, service
tions of this definition. For instance, before modern automa- robot, welding robot, toy robot, etc. General Motors imple-
tion (specifically defined in the modern context since about mented the first industrial robot, called UNIMATE, in 1961
1950s), mechanization was a common version of automa- for die-casting at an automobile factory in New Jersey. By
tion. When automatic control was added to mechanization now, millions of robots are routinely employed and integrated
as an intelligence feature, the distinction and advantages of throughout the world. Cobots (collaborative robots) are a
1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 5

Automation =

xOrganization Process
xProcess control xAction
xInstallation Power source
xAutomatic control xOperation
xIntelligence xFunction

Fig. 1.1 Automation formalism. Automation comprises four basic elements. See representative illustrations of platforms, autonomy, process, and
power source in Tables 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, and the automation cases below, in Sect. 3

Table 1.1 Automation platform examples

Platform Machine Tool Device Installation System System-of-systems
Example Mars lander Sprinkler Pacemaker AS/RC (automated ERP (enterprise Internet
storage/retrieval resource planning)

Table 1.2 Automation examples: ancient to early history

Autonomous Autonomy: Process without
Machine/System action/Function control/intelligence Power source Replacing human intervention
1. Irrigation channels Direct, regulate water From-to and on-off Gravity Manual watering Water flow and
flow gates, predetermined directions
2. Water supply by Direct, regulate water From-to and on-off Gravity Practically Water flow and
aqueducts over large supply gates, predetermined impossible directions
3. Sundial clocks Display current time Predetermined Sunlight Impossible Shadow indicating
timing otherwise time
4. Archytas’ flying Flying, playing, Predetermined sound Heated air and Real birds; human Mechanical bird or
pigeon (fourth century chirping, moving and movements with steam (early play toy motions and
BC); Chinese some feedback hydraulics and sounds
mechanical orchestra pneumatics)
(third century BC)
Heron’s mechanical
chirping birds and
moving dolls (first
century AD)
5. Ancient Greek temple, Open and close door Preset states and Heated air, steam, Manual open and Door movements
automatic door positions with some water, gravity close
opening feedback
6. Windmills Grinding grains Predefined grinding Winds Animal and human Grinding process

major recent development of robots that can work safely Science fiction author and scientist Isaac Asimov coined
with other robots and with humans, also in close proximity. the term robotics in 1941 to describe the technology of robots
Bots are software (nonmechanical) robots that can perform a and predicted the rise of a significant robot industry, e.g., in
variety of software-based tasks. his foreword to [2]:
Robotics: The science and technology of designing, build-
Since physics and most of its subdivisions routinely have the
ing, and applying robots, computer-controlled mechanical “-ics” suffix, I assumed that robotics was the proper scientific
devices, such as automated tools and machines. term for the systematic study of robots, of their construction,
maintenance, and behavior, and that it was used as such.
6 S. Y. Nof

Table 1.3 Automation examples: Industrial Revolution to 1920

Autonomous Autonomy: Process without
Machine/System action/function control/intelligence Power source Replacing human intervention
1. Windmills Flour milling Feedback keeping Winds Nonfeedback Milling process
(seventeenth century) blades always facing windmills
the wind
2. Automatic pressure Steam pressure in Feedback control of Steam Practically Pressure regulation
valve (Denis Papin, piston or engine steam pressure impossible
1680) otherwise
3. Automatic grist mill Continuous-flow Conveyor speed Water flow; steam Human labor Grains conveyance
(Oliver Evans, 1784) flour production line control; milling and milling process
process control
4. Flyball governor Control of steam Automatic feedback Steam Human control Speed regulation
(James Watt, 1788) engine speed of centrifugal force
for speed control
5. Steamboats, trains Transportation over Basic speed and Steam Practically Travel, freight
(eighteenth to very large distances navigation controls impossible hauling, conveyance
nineteenth century) otherwise
6. Automatic loom (e.g., Fabric weaving, Basic process control Steam Human labor and Cloth weaving
Joseph Jacquard, including intricate programs by supervision according to human
1801) patterns interchangeable design of fabric
punched card program
7. Telegraph (Samuel Fast delivery of text On-off, direction, Electricity Before Movement of text
Morse, 1837) message over large and feedback telecommunication, over wires
distances practically
8. Semiautomatic Assembly functions Connect/disconnect; Electricity; Human labor Complex sequences of
assembly machines including process control compressed air assembly operations
(Bodine Co., 1920) positioning, drilling, through belts and
tapping, screw pulleys
insertion, and
9. Automatic Chassis production Parts, components, Electricity Human labor and Manufacturing
automobile-chassis and products flow supervision processes and part
plant (A.O. Smith Co., control, machining, handling with better
1920) and assembly process accuracy

Robotics and Automation Common to both robotics and automation are use of
Robotics is an important subset of automation (Fig. 1.2). automatic control, and evolution with computing, commu-
For instance, of the 27 automation examples in Tables 1.2, nication, and cyber progress. As in automation, robotics
1.3, and 1.4, two examples are about robots, example 4 in also relies on four major components, including a platform,
Table 1.2 and example 7 in Table 1.4. Beyond robotics, autonomy, process, and power source, but in robotics, a robot
automation includes: is often considered a machine, thus the platform is mostly a
machine, a tool, or device, or a system of tools and devices.
• Infrastructure, e.g., water supply, irrigation, power supply, While robotics is, in a major way, about automation of motion
and telecommunication and mobility, automation beyond robotics includes major
• Nonrobot devices, e.g., timers, locks, valves, and sensors areas based on software, decision-making, planning and op-
• Automatic and automated machines, e.g., flour mills, timization, systems collaboration, process automation, office
looms, lathes, drills, presses, vehicles, and printers automation, enterprise resource planning automation, and
• Automatic inspection machines, measurement worksta- e-services. Nevertheless, there is clearly an overlap between
tions, and testers automation and robotics; while to most people a robot means
• Installations, e.g., elevators, conveyors, railways, satel- a machine with certain automation intelligence, to many an
lites, and space stations intelligent elevator, or highly automated machine tool, or
• Systems, e.g., computers, office automation, Internet, cell even a computer may also imply a robot.
phones, and software packages
1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 7

Table 1.4 Automation examples: modern and emerging

Autonomous Autonomy: Process without human 1
Machine/System action/function control/intelligence Power source Replacing intervention
1. Automatic door Opening and closing Automatic control Compressed air or Human effort Doors of buses, trains,
opener of doors triggered by electric motor and buildings open and
sensors close by themselves
2. Elevators, cranes Lifting, carrying On-off, feedback, Hydraulic pumps, Human climbing, Speed and movements
preprogrammed, or electric motors carrying require minimal
interactive supervision
3. Digital computers Data processing and Variety of Electricity Calculations at Cognitive and
computing functions automatic and speeds, complexity, decision-making
interactive control and with amounts functions
and operating of data that are
systems; intelligent humanly impossible
control; mobility
(after (9) below)
4. Automatic pilot Steering aircraft or Same as (3) Electrical motors Human pilot Navigation, operations,
boat e.g., landing
5. Automatic Switch gears of Automatic control Electricity, Manual Engaging/disengaging
transmission power transmission hydraulic pumps transmission rotating gears
6. Office automation Document Same as (3) Electricity Some manual work; Specific office
processing, imaging, some is practically procedures
storage, printing impossible
7. Multirobot factories Robot arms and Optimal, adaptive, Hydraulic pumps, Human labor and Complex operations and
automatic devices distributed, robust, pneumatics, and supervision procedures, including
perform variety of self-organizing, electric motors quality assurance
manufacturing and collaborative
production processes control, and other
intelligent control
8. Medical diagnostics Visualization of Automatic control, Electricity Impossible Noncontact testing and
(e.g., computerized medical test results in automatic virtual otherwise results presentation
tomography [CT] and real time reality
magnetic resonance
imaging [MRI])
9. Wireless services Remote prognostics, Predictive control; Electricity Practically Monitoring remote
automatic repair, and interacting with impossible equipment functions,
exploration radio frequency otherwise executing self-repairs
(RFID) and sensor
networks, IoT, IoS
10. Internet search Finding requested Optimal control, Electricity Human search, Search for specific
engine information multiagent control practically information over a vast
impossible amount of data over
worldwide systems
11. Cell phones, Smart Mobile and remote Same as (3) and (7) Electricity Stationary phones, Remote interaction with
phones communication, and (9) and (10); computers, and computing and
knowledge sharing, intelligent user digital cameras communication
collaboration interface and equipment
interaction controls;
machine learning
12. Remote meeting Telework, Same as (11) Electricity Face-to-face Remote access and
platforms tele-learning and meetings collaborative automation

Cybernetics: The scientific study of control and commu- on applying technology to replicate or imitate biological
nication in organisms, organic processes, and mechanical control systems, often called today bioinspired, nature-
and electronic systems. It evolves from kibernetes, in inspired, or system biology. Cybernetics, a book by Norbert
Greek, meaning pilot, or captain, or governor, and focuses Wiener, who is attributed with coining this word, appeared
8 S. Y. Nof


Examples: 1. a) Just computers;

b) Automatic devices but no
• Decision-support systems (a)
• Enterprise planning (a)
3. Robotics
• Water and power supply (b)
• Factory robots • Office automation (a+b)
• Soccer robot team • Aviation administration (a+b)
• Medical nanorobots • Ship automation (a+b)
• Smart building (a+b)

2. Automation including robotics

• Safety protection automation able to

activate fire-fighting robots when needed
• Spaceship with robot arm


1. Automation without robots/robotics

2. Automation also applying robotics

3. Robotics

Fig. 1.2 The relation between robotics and automation: The scope of automation includes applications: (1a) with just computers; (1b) with various
automation platforms and applications, but without robots; (2) automation including also some robotics; and (3) automation with robots and robotics

in 1948 and influenced artificial intelligence research. physical automation. Realizing the increasing role of cyber
Cybernetics overlaps with control theory and systems in automation, the current automation era of automatic com-
theory. puter control, ACC, is now termed automatic computer/cyber
Cyber: A prefix, as in cybernetic, cyberization, cyber control.
physical, cyber security, or cyborg. Cyber has also assumed Artificial intelligence (AI): The ability of a machine
a meaning as a noun, meaning a combination of computers, system to perceive anticipated or unanticipated new condi-
communication, information systems, artificial intelligence tions, decide what actions must be performed under these
(including machine learning), virtual reality, and the Inter- conditions, and plan the actions accordingly. The main areas
net. This meaning has emerged because of the increasing of AI study and application are knowledge-based systems,
importance of these integrated automation systems to society computer sensory systems, language processing systems, and
and daily life. Recently, cyber physical systems (CPS) have machine learning. AI is an important part of automation, es-
been developed as integrated automation in which cyber tools pecially to characterize what is sometimes called intelligent
and techniques are intertwined to collaborate and control automation (Sect. 4.2).
1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 9

It is important to note that AI is actually human in- The main evolvement of automation has followed the
telligence (including biological intelligence as observed by development of mechanics and fluidics, civil infrastructure, 1
humans) that has been implemented on machines, mainly and machine design, and since the twentieth century, of com-
through computers and communication. Its significant ad- puters, communication, and cyber. Examples of ancient au-
vantages are that it can function automatically, i.e., with- tomation that follow the formal definition (Table 1.3) include
out human intervention during its operation/function; it can flying and chirping birds, sundial clocks, irrigation systems,
combine intelligence from many humans (cumulative and and windmills. They all include the four basic automation el-
collaborative intelligence), and improve its abilities by au- ements, and have a clear autonomous process without human
tomatic learning and adaptation (machine learning); it can be intervention, although they are mostly predetermined or pre-
automatically distributed, duplicated, shared, inherited, and, defined in terms of their control program and organization.
if necessary, restrained and even deleted. With the advent But not all these ancient examples replace previously used
of these abilities, remarkable progress has been achieved. human effort: Some of them would be impractical or even
There is also, however, an increasing risk of running out of impossible for humans, e.g., continuously displaying time,
control (Sect. 6), which must be considered carefully as with or moving large quantities of water by aqueducts over large
harnessing any other technology. distances. This observation is important, since, as evident
Collaborative automation (CA): The science and tech- from the definition surveys (Sect. 5):
nology of designing, integrating, building, and applying au-
tomation systems, devices, and technologies that collaborate 1. In defining automation, over one-third of those surveyed
effectively. CA accomplishes this effectiveness by AI and associate automation with replacing humans (compared
cyber techniques. For example: (1) Automation platforms to over one-quarter in the previous survey), implying
that support and optimize human-human collaboration, such somber connotation that humans are losing certain ad-
as online meetings, file sharing, and online learning vantages. Many resources erroneously define automation
(2) Automation installations enabling and optimizing as replacement of human workers by technology. But the
machine-machine collaboration and system-system collab- definition is not about replacing humans, as many au-
oration, such as cobots interacting as a team with assembly tomation examples involve activities people cannot practi-
lines, and sensor networks collaborating to enable IoT cally perform, e.g., complex and fast computing, wireless
(Internet of Things) and IoS (Internet of Services) telecommunication, additive, nano- and microelectronics
(3) Automation infrastructure enabling and optimizing manufacturing, and satellite-based positioning. The defi-
human-automation collaboration (human-in-the-loop), such nition is about the autonomy of a system or process from
as assistive cobots helping the elderly, smartphones, and human involvement and intervention during the process
wearables assisting humans in their health care routines (independent of whether humans could or could not per-
The common goal and challenge of collaborative automa- form it themselves). Furthermore, automation is rarely
tion is to optimize the interactions between and among hu- disengaged from people, who must maintain and improve
mans, between and among robots and machines, and between it (or at least replace its batteries).
and among humans, robots, and machines. 2. Humans are always involved with automation, to a certain
degree, from its innovation and development, to, at certain
points, supervising, maintaining, repairing, and issuing
Early Automation
necessary commands, e.g., at which floor should this
The creative human desire to develop automation, from an-
elevator stop for me? Or, what planning horizon should
cient times, has been to recreate natural activities, either
be considered by this decision automation function?
for enjoyment or for productivity with less human effort
and hazard. The following six imperatives have been proven
Describing automation, Buckingham [4] quotes Aristotle
about automation:
(384–322 BC): “When looms weave by themselves human’s
slavery will end.” Indeed, the reliance on a process that
1. Automation has always been developed by people.
can proceed autonomously and successfully to completion,
2. Automation has been developed for the sake of people.
without human participation and intervention, is an essential
3. The benefits of automation are tremendous.
characteristic of automation. But it took over 2000 years
4. Often automation performs tasks that are impossible or
since Aristotle’s prediction till the automatic loom was de-
impractical for humans.
veloped during the Industrial Revolution.
5. As with other technologies, care should be taken to pre-
vent abuse of automation, and to eliminate the possibilities
of unsafe automation. Industrial Revolution
6. Automation is usually inspiring further creativity of the Some scientists (e.g., Truxal [5]) define automation as ap-
human mind. plying machines or systems to execute tasks that involve
10 S. Y. Nof

more elaborate decision-making. Certain decisions were al- Process Continuity

ready involved in ancient automation, e.g., where to direct Process continuity is already evident in some of the ancient
the irrigation water. More control sophistication was indeed automation examples, and more so in the Industrial Revolu-
developed later, beginning during the Industrial Revolution tion examples (Tables 1.2 and 1.3). For instance, windmills
(see examples in Table 1.3). could provide relatively uninterrupted cycles of grain milling.
During the Industrial Revolution, as shown in the ex- The idea of continuity is to increase productivity, the useful
amples, steam and later electricity became the main power output per labor-hour, and increase resilience, the ability to
sources of automation systems and machines, and autonomy continue productively and responsively despite disruptions.
of process and decision-making increasingly involved feed- Early in the twentieth century, with the advent of mass
back control models. production, it became possible to better organize workflow.
Organization of production flow and assembly lines, and
automatic or semiautomatic transfer lines increased produc-
tivity beyond mere mechanization. The emerging automobile
Modern Automation industry in Europe and the USA in the early 1900s utilized the
The term automation in its modern meaning was actually concept of moving work continuously, automatically or semi
attributed in the early 1950s to D.S. Harder, a vice president automatically, to specialized machines and workstations. In-
of the Ford Motor Company, who described it as a philosophy teresting problems that emerged with flow automation in-
of manufacturing. Toward the 1950s, it became clear that cluded balancing the work allocation and regulating the flow.
automation could be viewed as substitution by mechanical, More recently, with intelligent automation, optimized oper-
hydraulic, pneumatic, electric, and electronic devices for a ations have increasingly enabled and improved process con-
combination of human efforts and decisions. Critics with tinuity with effectiveness and longer-term resilience. These
humor referred to automation as substitution of human error continuity abilities by human-automation systems have been
by mechanical error. Automation can also be viewed as the vital during the recent pandemics, both in terms of supplies
combination of four fundamental principles: (1) mechaniza- continuity, and vaccines and therapies developments and
tion, computerization, digitalization, and cyberization; (2) distribution.
process continuity; (3) automatic control; and (4) economic,
social, and technological rationalization.

Automatic Control
A key mechanism of automatic control is feedback, which
Mechanization, Computerization, Digitalization, is the regulation of a process according to its own output,
and Cyberization so that the output meets the conditions of a predetermined,
Mechanization is defined as the application of machines set objective. An example is the windmill that can adjust
to perform work. Machines can perform various tasks, at the orientation of its blades by feedback informing it of the
different levels of complexity. When mechanization is de- changing direction of the current wind. Another example
signed with cognitive and decision-making functions, such is a heating system that can stop and restart its heating or
as process control and automatic control, the modern term cooling process according to feedback from its thermostat.
automation becomes appropriate. Some machines can be Watt’s flyball governor (1769) applied feedback from the
rationalized by benefits of safety and convenience. Some position of the rotating balls as a function of their rotating
machines, based on their power, compactness, and speed, can speed to automatically regulate the speed of the steam engine.
accomplish tasks that could never be performed by human Charles Babbage’s analytical engine for calculations applied
labor, no matter how much labor or how effectively the the feedback principle in 1840.
operation could be organized and managed. With increased
availability and sophistication of power sources and of au-
tomatic control, the level of autonomy of machines and me-
chanical system created a distinction between mechanization Automation Rationalization
and the more autonomous form of mechanization, which is Rationalization means a logical and systematic analysis, un-
automation (Sect. 4). derstanding, and evaluation of the objectives and constraints
With the advent of digital computers, it became clear that of an automation solution. Automation is rationalized by
these “digital machines” add computational and cognitive considering the technological and engineering aspects in the
dimensions to automation. The terms computerization, and context of economic, social, and managerial considerations,
more recently, digitalization and cyberization have been used including also: human factors and usability, organizational
to express the different processes increasing the power of issues, environmental constraints, conservation of resources
relatively more intelligent automation. and energy, and elimination of waste.
1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 11

Soon after automation enabled mass production in facto- millions of colored dots on a color television or computer
ries of the early twentieth century and workers feared for screen. 1
the future of their jobs, the US Congress held hearings in 3. Safety: Automation sensors and devices can operate well
which experts explained what automation means to them in environments that are unsafe for humans, for example,
(Table 1.5). From our vantage point several generations later, under extreme temperatures, nuclear radiation, or in poi-
it is interesting to read these definitions, while we already sonous gas.
know about automation discoveries yet unknown at that time, 4. Quality and economy: Automation can save significant
e.g., mobile computers, robots, smart phones and personal costs on jobs performed without it, including consistency,
digital assistants, the Internet, drones, and more. accuracy, and quality of manufactured products and of ser-
A relevant question is: Why automate? Several prominent vices, and saving labor, safety, energy, and maintenance
motivations are the following, as has also been indicated by costs.
the worldwide automation survey participants (Sect. 3.5): 5. Importance to individuals, to organizations, and to
society: Beyond the above motivations, service- and
1. Feasibility: Humans cannot handle certain operations and knowledge-based automation reduces the need for
processes, either because of their scale, e.g., micro- and middle managers and middle agents, thus reducing or
nanoparticles are too small, the amount of data is too eliminating the agency costs and removing layers of
vast, or the process happens too fast, for instance, missile bureaucracy, for instance, Internet-based travel services
guidance; microelectronics design, manufacturing, and and financial services, and direct communication between
repair; and Internet search. manufacturing managers and line operators, or cell robots.
2. Productivity: Beyond feasibility, computers, automatic Remote supervision, telepresence, and telecollaboration
transfer machines, and other equipment can operate at change the nature, sophistication, skills and training
such high speed and capacity that it would be practically requirements, and responsibility of workers and their
impossible without automation; for instance, controlling managers. As automation gains cyber intelligence and
consecutive, rapid chemical processes in food produc- competencies, it takes over some employment skills
tion; performing medicine tests by manipulating atoms and opens up new types of work, skills, and service
or molecules; optimizing a digital image; and placing requirements, and new business opportunities.

Table 1.5 Definitions of automation in the 1950s. (After [3])

Source Definition of automation
1. John Diebold, President, John It is a means of organizing or controlling production processes to achieve optimum use of all
Diebold & Associates, Inc. production resources – mechanical, material, and human. Automation means optimization of
our business and industrial activities.
2. Marshall G. Nuance, VP, York Automation is a new word, and to many people it has become a scare word. Yet it is not
Corp. essentially different from the process of improving methods of production which has been going
on throughout human history.
3. James B. Carey, President, When I speak of automation, I am referring to the use of mechanical and electronic devices,
International Union of Electrical rather than human workers, to regulate and control the operation of machines. In that sense,
Workers automation represents something radically different from the mere extension of mechanization.
Automation is a new technology, arising from electronics and electrical engineering.
4. Joseph A. Beirne, President, We in the telephone industry have lived with mechanization and its successor automation for
Communications Workers of many years.
5. Robert C. Tait, Senior VP, General Automation is simply a phrase coined, I believe, by Del Harder of Ford Motor Co. in describing
Dynamics Corp. their recent supermechanization which represents an extension of technological progress
beyond what has formerly been known as mechanization.
6. Robert W. Burgess, Director, Automation is a new word for a now familiar process of expanding the types of work in which
Census, Department of Commerce machinery is used to do tasks faster, or better, or in greater quantity.
7. D.J. Davis, VP Manufacturing, The automatic handling of parts between progressive production processes. It is the result of
Ford Motor Co. better planning, improved tooling, and the application of more efficient manufacturing
methods, which take full advantage of the progress made by the machine-tool and equipment
8. Don G. Mitchell, President, Automation is a more recent term for mechanization, which has been going on since the
Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. Industrial Revolution began. Automation comes in bits and pieces. First the automation of a
simple process, and then gradually a tying together of several processes to get a group of
subassemblies complete.
12 S. Y. Nof

6. Accessibility: Automation enables better accessibility to flexible assembly system, or robot cell, which are suitable
knowledge, skills, education, and cultural engagement for for medium-demand volume and medium variety of flex-
all people, including disadvantaged, limited, and disabled ible tasks. Its purpose is to advance from mass production
people. Furthermore, automation opens up new types of of products to more customer-oriented and customized
services and employment for people with limitations, e.g., supply. For higher flexibility with low-demand volume,
by integration of speech and vision recognition interfaces, stand-alone numerically controlled (NC) machines and
and by cyber collaborative augmentation and assistive robots are preferred. For high-demand volume with low
devices of work and play. task variability, automatic transfer lines are designed. The
7. Additional motivations: Additional motivations are the opposite of flexible automation is fixed automation, such
competitive ability to integrate complex mechanization, as process-specific machine tools and transfer lines, with
advantages of modernization, convenience, improvement relatively lower task flexibility. For mass customization
in quality of life, and improvement in resilience with (mass production with some flexibility to respond to vari-
automated systems. able customer demands), transfer lines with flexibility
can be designed (see more on automation flexibility in
To be automated, a system (of humans and automation) Sect. 4).
must follow the motivations listed above. The modern and • Office automation: Computer and communication ma-
emerging automation examples in Table 1.4 and the au- chinery and software used to improve office procedures
tomation cases in Sect. 3 illustrate these motivations, and by digitally creating, collecting, storing, manipulating,
the mechanization, computerization, digitalization, process displaying, and transmitting office information needed for
continuity, and automatic control features. accomplishing office tasks and functions [7, 8]. Office
Certain limits and risks of automation need also be con- automation became popular in the 1970s and 1980s when
sidered. Modern, computer-controlled automation must be the desktop computer and the personal computer emerged.
programmable and conform to definable procedures, proto- Later, it expanded as part of business and enterprise au-
cols, routines, and boundaries. The limits also follow the tomation.
boundaries imposed by the four principles of automation: (1)
Can it be mechanized, computerized, and digitalized?; (2) Is Other examples of well-known domains of automation
there continuity in the process?; (3) Can automatic control be have been factory automation (e.g., [9]), health care automa-
designed for it?; and (4) can it be rationalized? Theoretically, tion (e.g., [10]), workflow automation (e.g., [11, 12]), and
all continuous processes can be automatically controlled, service automation (e.g., [13]). More domain examples are
but practically such automation must be rationalized first; illustrated in Table 1.6.
for instance, jet engines may be continuously advanced on Throughout these different domains, automation has been
conveyors to assembly cells, but if the demand for these applied for various organization functions. Five hierarchical
engines is low, there is no justification to automate their flow. layers of automation are shown in the automation pyramid
Furthermore, all automation must be designed to operate (Fig. 1.3), which is a common depiction of how to organize
within safe, legal, and ethical boundaries, so it does not pose automation implementation.
hazards to humans and to the environment.

1.2 Brief History of Automation

1.1.2 Domains of Automation
Automation has evolved, as described in Table 1.7, along
Some unique meanings of automation are associated with three automation generations. (In the current third gener-
the domain of automation. Several examples of well-known ation, events are organized by their approximate time of
domains are listed here: widespread application.)

• Detroit automation: Automation of transfer lines and as-

sembly lines adopted by the automotive industry [6]. 1.2.1 First Generation: Before Automatic
• Flexible automation: Manufacturing and service automa- Control (BAC)
tion consisting of a group of processing stations and robots
operating as an integrated system under computer control, Early automation is characterized by elements of process
able to process a variety of different tasks simultaneously, autonomy and basic decision-making autonomy, but without
under automatic, adaptive control or learning control [6]. feedback, or with minimal feedback. The period is generally
Also known as flexible manufacturing system (FMS), from prehistory till the fifteenth century. Some examples of
1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 13

Table 1.6 Examples of automation domains (Each example is shown as a pair of a domain, and under it, an example illustrating it.)
Accounting Agriculture Banking Chemical process Communication Construction Design Education 1
Billing software Harvester ATM Refinery Print press Truck CAD Television
(automatic (computer-
teller aided
machine) design)
Energy Engineering Factory Government Health care Home Hospital Hospitality
Power windmill Simulation AMR Government Web Biosensor Oven Drug delivery CRM
(autonomous portals (customer
mobile relations
robot) management)
Leisure Library Logistics Management Manufacturing Maritime Military Office
Movie E-books RFID (radio Financial analysis 3D printer Navigation Intelligence Copying
frequency software satellite machine
Post Retail Safety Security Service Space Sports Transportation
Mail sorter E-commerce Fire alarm Motion detector Vending machine Exploratory Treadmill Traffic light

ts n
MEN s–
network level
s– nt

Communication layer





Enterprise resource planning level


rs –


Communication layer



Management/manufacturing execution system level


Communication layer

Control level

Machine and computer controllers


Communication layer

Device level
Sensors, actuators, tools, machines, installations, infrastructure systems

Power source

Fig. 1.3 The automation pyramid: organizational layers

basic automatic control can be found earlier than the fif- also be found later, whenever automation solutions without
teenth century, at least in conceptual design or mathematical automatic control could be rationalized.
definition. Automation examples of the first generation can
14 S. Y. Nof

Table 1.7 Brief history of automation events

Period Automation inventions and innovations (examples) Automation generation
Prehistory Sterilization of food and water, cooking, ships and boats, irrigation, wheel and axle, First generation: before
flush toilet, alphabet, and metal processing automatic control (BAC)
Ancient history Optics, maps, water clock, water wheel, water mill, kite, clockwork, and catapult
First millennium Central heating, compass, woodblock printing, pen, glass and pottery factories,
AD distillation, water purification, wind-powered gristmills, feedback control, automatic
control, automatic musical instruments, self-feeding and self-trimming oil lamps,
chemotherapy, diversion dam, water turbine, mechanical moving dolls and singing
birds, navigational instruments, and sundial
Eleventh – Pendulum, camera, flywheel, printing press, rocket, clock automation, flow-control
Fifteenth century regulator, reciprocating piston engine, humanoid robot, programmable robot, automatic
gate, water supply system, calibration, and metal casting
Sixteenth century Pocket watch, Pascal calculator, machine gun, and corn grinding machine Second generation: automatic
control before computer
control (ABC)
Seventeenth century Automatic calculator, pendulum clock, steam car, and pressure cooker
Eighteenth century Typewriter, steam piston engine, Industrial Revolution early automation, steamboat,
hot-air balloon, and automatic flour mill
Nineteenth century Automatic loom, electric motor, passenger elevator, escalator, photography, electric
telegraph, telephone, incandescent light, radio, X-ray machine, combine harvester,
lead–acid battery, fire sprinkler system, player piano, electric street car, electric fan,
automobile, motorcycle, dishwasher, ballpoint pen, automatic telephone exchange,
sprinkler system, traffic lights, and electric bread toaster
Early twentieth Airplane, automatic manufacturing transfer line, conveyor belt-based assembly line,
century analog computer, air conditioning, television, movie, radar, copying machine, cruise
missile, jet engine aircraft, helicopter, washing machine, parachute, and flip-flop circuit
1940s Digital computer, assembler programming language, transistor, nuclear reactor, Third generation: automatic
microwave oven, atomic clock, barcode, and computer simulation computer/cyber control (ACC)
1950s Mass-produced digital computer, computer operating system, FORTRAN programming
language, automatic sliding door, floppy disk, hard drive, power steering, optical fiber,
communication satellite, computerized banking, integrated circuit, artificial satellite,
medical ultrasonics, and implantable pacemaker
1960s Laser, optical disk, microprocessor, industrial robot, automatic teller machine (ATM),
computer mouse, computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, random
access memory, video game console, barcode scanner, radiofrequency identification
tags (RFID), permanent press fabric, and wide area packet switching network
1970s Food processor, word processor, Ethernet, laser printer, database management,
computer-integrated manufacturing, mobile phone, personal computer, space station,
digital camera, magnetic resonance imaging, computerized tomography (CT), email,
spreadsheet, and cellular phone
1980s Compact disk, scanning tunneling microscope, artificial heart, deoxyribonucleic acid
DNA fingerprinting, Internet transmission control protocol/Internet protocol TCP/IP,
camcorder, cybersecurity, and computer-supported collaborative work
1990s World- Wide Web, global positioning system, digital answering machine, smart pills,
service robots, Java computer language, wWeb search, Mars Pathfinder, and wWeb TV
2000s Artificial liver, Segway personal transporter, robotic vacuum cleaner, self-cleaning
windows, iPod, softness-adjusting shoe, drug delivery by ultrasound, Mars Lander,
disk-on-key, and social robots
2010s Voice assistant, reusable space rockets, iPad, self-driving car, home LED light bulbs,
gene editing, solar powerwall battery backup, IBM Watson supercomputer, wearable
technology, 4G network launch, Uber, virtual reality headset, consumer drones, movie
streaming, cryptocurrencies, image recognition, online social media, precision
medicine, and cloud computing and storage
2020s (Emerging) 5G wireless standard, edge computing, autonomous electric vehicles,
shared autonomous transportation, AI-based health care and telemedicine, AI-based
assistants (“avatars”), global IoT/IoS, quantum computers, quantum cyber, and
quantum Internet
1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 15

Table 1.8 Automation generations

Generation Typical Example 1
BAC Waterwheel
before automatic control; prehistoric, ancient
ABC Hydraulic automation Automobile
automatic control before computer control, sixteenth Pneumatic automation Hydraulic elevator
century to 1940 Electrical automation Door open/shut
Electric telegraph
ACC Electronic automation Microprocessor
automatic computer/cyber control, 1940 to present Micro automation Digital camera
Nano automation Nanomemory
Mobile automation Cell phone
Remote automation Global positioning system (GPS)
Assistive automation Home automation
Collaborative automation Wearables

1.2.2 Second Generation: Automatic Control differentiate short-term, current innovations and distinguish
Before Computer Control (ABC) them from other recent, yet older innovations.
For Industry 4.0, what is the meaning? Some scientists
Automation with advantages of automatic control, but before differentiate four clear industrial generations: 1.0 fire; 2.0
the introduction and implementation of digital computers, agriculture; 3.0 electricity; 4.0 scientific methods. Others
belongs to this generation. Automatic control emerging dur- claim: 1.0 steam engines; 2.0 electricity; 3.0 computers; 4.0
ing this generation offered better stability and reliability, wireless Internet; 5.0 AI, cyber.
more complex decision-making, and in general better control Similarly, for automation scientists, we differentiate: 1.0
and automation quality. The period is between the fifteenth Computerized; 2.0 Computer integrated; 3.0 Internetworked
century and the 1940s. It would be generally difficult to ra- and mobile; 4.0 Cloud-based and machine learning; 5.0
tionalize in the future any automation with automatic control Cyber-physical and cybernetic.
and without computers; therefore, future examples of this These multitude of ideas and perspectives, often being
generation will be rare. revised to include the next innovation, reflect the rapid ad-
vancements over a relatively short period. Only future human
generations will be able to reflect back on the long-term
1.2.3 Third Generation: Automatic generational implications.
Computer/Cyber Control (ACC)

The progress of computers and communication, and more re- 1.3 Automation Cases
cently cyber systems and networks has significantly impacted
the sophistication of automatic control and its effectiveness. Twelve automation cases are illustrated in this section to
This generation began in the 1940s and continues today. demonstrate the meaning and scope of automation in differ-
Further refinement of this generation, based on the significant ent domains.
innovations in automation solutions and applications, can be
found in Sect. 4, discussing the levels of automation.
See also Table 1.8 for examples discovered or imple- These 12 cases cover a variety of automation domains.
mented during the three automation generations. They also demonstrate different levels of intelligence pro-
grammed into the automation application, different degrees
of automation, and various types of automation flexibility.
1.2.4 Perspectives of Automation The meaning of these automation characteristics is explained
Generations in the next section.

The three main generations of automation defined above re-

flect a clear, historical perspective of the long-term evolution
of automation by our human civilization. Readers may ask: 1.4 Flexibility, Degrees, and Levels
“Then, what is being meant by the terms Automation 4.0, of Automation
Automation 5.0? and the related terms Industry 4.0, Industry
5.0?” These terms reflect current, on-going attempts by busi- Increasingly, solutions of society’s problems cannot be sat-
ness professionals and researchers (including this author) to isfied by, and therefore cannot mean the automation of just a
16 S. Y. Nof

a) b) PLC

Process & machinery

Inputs and outputs
interface Steam turbine


Governor valve
T&T valve

Fig. 1.4 (a) Steam turbine generator. (b) Governor block diagram paper mills, sugar, hydrocarbon, petrochemical and process industries,
(PLC: programmable logic controller; T&T: trip and throttle). A turbine palm oil, ethanol, waste-to-energy, other biomass burning facilities, and
generator designed for on-site power and distributed energy ranging other installations. (With permission from Dresser-Rand)
from 0.5 to 100 MW. Turbine generator sets produce power for pulp and

Case 1 Steam Turbine Governor (Fig. 1.4) single, repeated process. By automating the networking and
Source Courtesy of Dresser-Rand Co., Houston integration of devices and systems, they are able to perform
( different and variable tasks. Increasingly, this ability also
Process Operates a steam turbine used to drive a requires cooperation (sharing of information and resources)
compressor or generator and collaboration (sharing in the execution, interactions, and
Platform Device, integrated as a system with
responses) with other devices and systems. Cyber collabo-
programmable logic controller (PLC)
rative automation is rapidly emerging with higher levels of
Autonomy Semiautomatic and automatic
activation/deactivation and control of learning-based, predictive, and feedforward control, enabling
the turbine speed; critical speed-range better quality, responsiveness, resilience, and agility by au-
avoidance; remote, auxiliary, and tomation. Thus, devices and systems have to be designed with
cascade speed control; loss of generator
inherent flexibility, which is motivated by the application and
and loss of utility detection; hot standby
ability; single and dual actuator control; clients’ requirements. With growing demand for service and
programmable governor parameters via product variety and individualization, there is also an increase
operator’s screen and interface; and in the expectations by users and customers for greater re-
mobile computer. A manual mode is
liability, responsiveness, and smooth interoperability. Thus,
also available: The operator places the
system in run mode which opens the the meaning of automation also involves the aspects of its
governor valve to the full position, then flexibility, degree, and levels.
manually opens the T&T valve to idle To enable design for flexibility, certain standards and mea-
speed, to warm up the unit. After
sures have been and will continue to be established. Automa-
warm-up, the operator manually opens
the T&T valve to full position, and as tion flexibility, often overlapping with the level of automation
the turbine’s speed approaches the rated intelligence, depends on two main considerations:
(desirable) speed, the governor takes
control with the governor valve. In
1. The number of different states that can be assumed auto-
semiautomatic and automatic modes,
once the operator places the system in matically;
run mode, the governor takes over 2. The length of time and amount of effort (setup or transition
control process) necessary to respond and execute a change of
Collaborative automation Governors can collaborate with state (sometimes called response time).
preventive maintenance systems, and
with self-repair devices in case of
1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 17

Case 3 Telephone (Fig. 1.6)

Source Photos taken by the author of his past telephones 1
Process Automated transmission of information over
distance, telecommunication. In recent years,
cellphones and smartphones automate also the
integration of photography, navigation, and an
increasing number of other applications (“apps”)
Platform A hardware-software system, increasingly a mobile
computer platform
Autonomy As a human-operated automation device, the
telephone’s autonomy is limited to programmable
commands, such as alarms, timers, signal, location,
search, and updates
Collaborative Communication is an essential component of
automation automated collaboration, and a telephone is a device
that enables it. While automatically interacting with
Fig. 1.5 Bioreactor system configured for microbial or cell culture the Internet, including IoT and IoS, it enables and
applications. Optimization studies and screening and testing of strains automates humans’ collaboration, and
and cell lines are of high importance in industry and research and human-machine collaboration
development (R&D) institutes. Large numbers of tests are required and
they must be performed in as short a time as possible. Tests should
be performed so that results can be validated and used for further
process development and production. (With permission from Applikon

Case 2 Bioreactor (Fig. 1.5)

Source Courtesy ofApplikon Biotechnology Co., Schiedam
Process Microbial or cell culture applications that can be
validated, conforming with standards for equipment
used in life science and food industries, such as good
automated manufacturing practice (GAMP)
Platform System or installation, including microreactors,
single-use reactors, autoclavable glass bioreactors,
and stainless steel bioreactors
Autonomy Bioreactor functions with complete measurement
and control strategies and supervisory control and
data acquisition (SCADA), including sensors and a
cell retention device
Collaborative Bioreactors collaborate with sensor networks to
automation adjust and optimize their processing protocols

Fig. 1.7 (a) The historic Waterloo Boy tractor, celebrating its 100th
anniversary in 2021, with the author in Waterloo, Iowa. (b) Autonomous
tractor, with RTK-GPS, real-time kinematic positioning unit (on top) for
precision farming in Israel, Autumn 2021
Fig. 1.6 Telephone: (a) Landline telephone. (b) Cellphone
18 S. Y. Nof

Case 4 Tractor (Fig. 1.7)

Source With permission: Fig. 1.7a – John Deer Tractor &
Engine Museum at Waterloo, Iowa; photo credit:
N.C. Nof. Fig. 1.7b Prof. H. Eizenberg, Newe Ya’ar
Research Center, Volcani Institute, Israel
Process Tractors are designed to deliver mobility and high
power for integrated tools in agriculture,
construction, and transportation processes, such as
land clearing, soil cultivating, crop treatment and
harvesting, livestock care, heavy load moving, and
A classic example of how automation is first
designed to replace workers’ effort, and later to
enable unforeseen benefits, tractors were originally
designed to replace human and animal farm work.
Increasingly, integrated with additional automation
functions and tools, they have added and enable
processes of construction, transportation, forestry,
and precision farming.
Platform A vehicle platform with high power engine, designed
to engage tools. Modern tractors integrate
automation systems for safety, comfort, and
intelligent control.
Autonomy Self-driving tractors can operate independently,
control their steering, navigation, acceleration, and
braking, and can activate and deactivate engaged
tools according to programs and sensor-based
Collaborative Tractors are engaged in all forms of collaborative
automation automation: Farmer-tractor-tools; tractor
collaboration with other vehicles, or tool exchangers;
tractor-tractor in-field collaboration for tool and
information sharing, scheduling, and exchange; and
remote knowledge-based monitoring of tractor’s
engines for reliability and engine health

Case 5 Digital Photo Processing (Fig. 1.8)

Source Adobe Systems Incorporated San Jose, California
Process Editing, enhancing, adding graphic features,
removing stains, improving resolution, cropping and
sizing, and other functions to process photo images
Platform Software system
Autonomy The software functions are fully automatic once
activated by a user. The software can execute them
semiautomatically under user control, or action
series can be automated too Fig. 1.8 Adobe Photoshop functions for digital image editing and
Collaborative Human-automation collaboration is enabled processing: (a) automating functional actions, such as shadow, frame,
automation reflection, and other visual effects; (b) selecting brush and palette
for graphic effects; and (c) setting color and saturation values. (With
permission from Adobe Systems Inc., 2008)

The number of different possible states and the cost of

changes required are linked with two interrelated measures
of flexibility: application flexibility and adaptation flexibility and transitions, such as errors and conflicts, or significant
(Fig. 1.16). Both measures are concerned with the possible design changes.
situations of the system and its environment. Automation Application flexibility measures the number of different
solutions may address only switching between undisturbed, work states, scenarios, and conditions a system can handle. It
standard operations and nominal, variable situations, or can can be defined as the probability that an arbitrary task, out of
also aspire to respond when operations encounter disruptions a given class of such tasks, can be carried out automatically.
1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 19

Case 6 Robotic Painting (Fig. 1.9)

Source Courtesy of ABB Co., Zürich 1
Process Automatic painting under automatic control of car
body movement, door opening and closing,
paint-pump functions, fast robot motions to optimize
finish quality, and minimize paint waste
Platform Automatic tools, machines, and robots, including
sensors, conveyors, spray painting equipment, and
integration with planning and programming software
Autonomy Flexibility of motions; collision avoidance;
coordination of conveyor moves, robots’ motions,
and paint pump operations; and programmability of
process and line operations
Collaborative Robots collaborate in real time with other robots and
automation material handling equipment to adjust their own
operation speed

A relative comparison between the application flexibility of

alternative designs is relevant mostly for the same domain
of automation solutions. For instance, in Fig. 1.16 it is the
domain of machining.
Adaptation flexibility is a measure of the time duration
and the cost incurred for an automation device or system to
transition from one given work state to another. Adaptation
flexibility can also be measured only relatively, by comparing
one automation device or system with another, and only for
one defined change of state at a time. The change of state
involves being in one possible state prior to the transition,
and one possible state after it.
A relative estimate of the two flexibility measures (dimen-
sions) for several implementations of machine tools automa-
tion is illustrated in Fig. 1.16. For generality, both measures
are calibrated between 0 and 1.

1.4.1 Degree of Automation

Another dimension of automation, besides measures of its

inherent flexibility, is the degree of automation. Automa-
tion can mean fully automatic or semiautomatic devices
and systems, as exemplified in case 1 (Sect. 3), with the
steam turbine speed governor, and in case 7 (Sect. 3), with
a mix of robots and operators in elevator production. When a
device or system is not fully automatic, meaning that some,
or more frequent human intervention is required, they are
considered automated, or semiautomatic, equivalent terms
implying partial automation.
A measure of the degree of automation, between fully
manual to fully automatic, has been used to guide the design
rationalization and compare between alternative solutions.
Fig. 1.9 A robotic painting line: (a) the facility; (b) programmer using Progression in the degree of automation in machining is
interface to plan offline or online, experiment, optimize, and verify illustrated in Fig. 1.16. The increase of automated partial
control programs for the line; and (c) robotic painting facility design
simulator. (With permission from ABB)
20 S. Y. Nof

Fig. 1.10 Pharmaceutical pad-stick automatic assembly cell

Case 7 Assembly Automation (Fig. 1.10) matic, the degree of automation is less than 1. Practically,
Source Courtesy ofAdapt Automation Inc., Santa Ana, there are several methods to determine the degree of automa-
California tion. The derived value requires a description of the method assumptions and steps. Typically, the degree of automation is
Process Hopper and two bowl feeders feed specimen sticks associated with characteristics of:
through a track to where they are picked and placed,
two up, into a double nest on a 12-position indexed
dial plate. Specimen pads are fed and placed on the 1. Platform (device, system, etc.)
sticks. Pads are fully seated and inspected. Rejected 2. Group of platforms
and good parts are separated into their respective 3. Location, site
4. Plant, facility
Platform System of automatic tools, machines, and robots
5. Process and its scope
Autonomy Automatic control through a solid-state
programmable controller which operates the 6. Process measures, e.g., operation cycle
sequence of device operations with a control panel. 7. Automatic control
Control programs include main power, emergency 8. Power source
stop, manual, automatic, and individual operations
9. Economic aspects
10. Environmental effects
Collaborative Interactive interfaces enable reprogramming
In determining the degree of automation of a given appli-
cation, whether the following functions are also supposed to
functions is evident when comparing the drilling machine be considered must also be specified:
with the more flexible machines that can also drill and,
in addition, are able to perform other processes such as 1. Setup
milling. 2. Organization, reorganization
The degree of automation can be defined as the fraction 3. Control and communication
of automated functions out of the overall functions of an 4. Handling (of parts, components, etc.)
installation or system. It is calculated as the ratio between 5. Maintenance and repair
the number of automated operations and the total number of 6. Operation and process planning
operations that need to be performed, resulting in a value 7. Construction
between 0 and 1. Thus, for a device or system with partial 8. Administration
automation, where not all operations or functions are auto-
1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 21

(1) CAD 1
(2) DNC, bidirectional link from
Receiving control computer

Monorail 200 ton

Incoming Sheet metal Cart
queue crane
Laser O2 N2 Outgoing Pallet for incoming Pallet for outgoing
laser Laser queue
processing operator* for returns returns
operator* PressBreak
#1 laser
#2 operator #2
PressBreak Cart
(3) MIS and CIM (accounts payable and shipping data) operator #1
bidirectional link through computer to intranet

Pallet for incoming

wand Engraver Controller
Sanding station Buffing/grinding station
Pallet for incoming Pallet for outgoing
Downstream Pallet for outgoing returns returns returns Master
Sanding operator* Master buffer* engraver*
* Operator can be human and/or robot

Fig. 1.11 Elevator swing return computer-integrated production sys- (DNC) of work cell machine and manufacturing activities; and (3)
tem: Three levels of automation systems are integrated, including (1) link to management information system (MIS) and computer-integrated
link to computer-aided design (CAD) for individual customer elevator manufacturing system (CIM) for accounting and shipping management.
specifications and customized finish; (2) link to direct numerical control (Source: [14])

Case 8 Computer-Integrated Elevator Production (Fig. 1.11) For example, suppose we consider the automation of
Source [14] digital document workflow system (case 10, Sect. 3) which
Process Fabrication, and production execution and is limited to only the scanning process, thus omitting other
management workflow functions such as document feeding, joining, vir-
Platform Automatic tools, machines, and robots, integrated tual inspection, and failure recovery. Then if the scanning is
with system-of-systems, comprising a
automatic, the degree of automation would be 1. However,
production/manufacturing installation, with
automated material handling equipment, fabrication if the other functions are also considered and they are not
and finishing machines and processes, and software automatic, then the value would be less than 1.
and communication systems for production planning Methods to determine the degree of automation divide into
and control, robotic manipulators, and cranes.
two categories:
Human operators and supervisors are also included
Autonomy Automatic control, including knowledge-based
control of laser, press, buffing, and sanding • Relative determination applying a graded scale, contain-
machines/cells; automated control of material ing all the functions of a defined domain process, relative
handling and material flow, and of management to a defined system and the corresponding degrees of
information flow
automation. For any given device or system in this domain,
Collaborative Automation systems, including CAD, DNC, MIS,
the degree of automation is found through comparison
automation and CIM, interact through cyber collaborative
protocols to coordinate and optimize concurrent with the graded scale. This procedure is similar to other
design, concurrent engineering, and workflow graded scales, e.g., Mohs’ hardness scale and Beaufort
automation wind speed scale. This method is illustrated in Fig. 1.17,
22 S. Y. Nof

which shows an example of the graded scale of mecha- – Number of mobility and motion functions
nization and automation, following the scale developed by – Program steps
Bright [17].
• Relative determination by a ratio between the autonomous To illustrate the method in reference to decisions
and nonautonomous measures of reference. The most made during the process, consider an example for case 2
common measure of reference is the number of decisions (Sect. 3). Suppose in the bioreactor system process there is
made during the process under consideration (Table 1.9). a total of seven decisions made automatically by the devices
Other useful measures of reference for this determination and five made by a human laboratory supervisor. Because
are the comparative ratios of: these decisions are not similar, the degree of automation
– Rate of service quality cannot be calculated simply as the ratio 7/(7 + 5) ≈ 0.58.
– Human labor The decisions must be weighted by their complexity, which
– Time measures of effort is usually assessed by the number of control program
– Cycle time commands or steps (Table 1.9). Hence, the degree of
automation can be calculated as:



Fig. 1.12 (a) Municipal water treatment system in compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Federal Act. (courtesy of City of Kewanee, IL;
Engineered Fluid, Inc.; and Rockwell Automation Co.). (b) Wastewater treatment and disposal. (Courtesy of Rockwell Automation Co)
1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 23

Case 9 Water Treatment (Fig. 1.12) It is interesting to note that the progression in our ability
Source Rockwell Automation Co., Cleveland to develop and implement higher levels of automation fol- 1
( lows the progress in our understanding of relatively more
Process Water treatment by reverse osmosis filtering system, complex platforms; more elaborate control, communication,
and water treatment and disposal. When preparing to cyber, and solutions of computational complexity; process
filter impurities from the city water, the controllers
activate the pumps, which in turn flush wells to clean and operation programmability; and our ability to generate
water sufficiently before it flows through the renewable, sustainable, and mobile power sources.
filtering equipment or activating complete system for
removal of grit, sediments, and disposal of sludge to
clean water supply (Fig. 1.12)
Platform Installation including water treatment plant with a
network of pumping stations, integrated with 1.5 Worldwide Surveys: What Does
programmable and supervisory control and data Automation Mean to People?
acquisition (SCADA) control, remote
communication software system, and human
supervisory interfaces With known human variability, we are all concerned about
Autonomy Monitoring and tracking the entire water treatment automation, enjoy its benefits, and wonder about its risks. But
and purification system all individuals do not share the same attitude toward automa-
Collaborative Human-automation interaction and automated tion equally, and it does not mean the same to everyone. We
automation supervisory control protocols enable error often hear people say:
prevention, recovery, and dynamic activation of
backup resources, to assure the quality of treated
water • I’ll have to ask my granddaughter to program the video
• I hate my cellphone.
degreeof automation  • I can’t imagine my life without a smartphone.
sum of decision steps made • Blame those dumb computers.
automatically by devices • Sorry, I do not use elevators, I’ll climb the six floors and
= meet you up there!
(total sum of decision steps made)
= 82/ (82 + 178) ≈ 0.32.
Now designers can compare this automation design In an effort to explore the meaning of automation to
against relatively more and less elaborate options. Ratio- people around the world, a random, nonscientific survey was
nalization will have to assess the costs, benefits, risks, and conducted during 2020–2021 by the author and his team, with
acceptability of the degree of automation for each alternative the help of the following colleagues who coordinated surveys
design. in the respective countries: Carlos E. Pereira, Jose Reinaldo
Whenever the degree of automation is determined by a Silva (Brazil), Jose A. Ceroni (Chile), George Adamides
method, the following conditions must be followed: (Cyprus), Ruth Bars (Hungary), Praditya Ajidarma (Indone-
sia), Sigal Berman, Nir Shvalb (Israel), Funaki Kenichi,
1. The method is able to reproduce the same procedure Masayuki Matsui, Ryosuke Nakajima, Katsuhiko Takahashi,
consistently. Kinya Tamaki, and Tetsuo Yamada (Japan), Rashed Rabata
2. Comparison is only done between objective measures. (Jordan, UAE, and USA), Jeong Wootae (Korea), Arturo
3. Degree values should be calibrated between 0 and 1 to Molina (Mexico), Anthony S.F. Chiu (Philippines), Ana-
simplify calculations and relative comparisons. Maria Suduc, Florin G. Filip (Romania), Chin-Yin Huang
(Taiwan), Oak Puwadol Dusadeerungsikul (Thailand), Xin
W. Chen, and Seokcheon Lee (USA). Since the majority
1.4.2 Levels of Automation, Intelligence, of the survey participants are students, undergraduate, and
and Human Variability graduate, and since they migrate globally, the respondents
actually originate from all continents. In other words,
There is obviously an inherent relation between the level while it is not a scientific survey, it carries a worldwide
of automation flexibility, the degree of automation, and the meaning.
level of intelligence of a given automation application. While In the current survey, we invited a wider range of re-
there are no absolute measures of any of them, their meaning spondents from more countries, compared with the original
is useful and intriguing to inventors, designers, users, and edition’s survey. The new survey population includes 506
clients of automation. Levels of automation are shown in respondents from three general regions: Americas; Asia and
Table 1.10 based on the intelligent human ability they rep- Pacific; Europe and Middle East; and two respondents’ cate-
resent or replicate. gories:
24 S. Y. Nof

a) The chaotic workflow The freeflow workflow

Multiple steps and software One streamlined solution

Pre- Mono digital

flight Edit Join
Save Notify
Convert Impose

Pre- Color digital

flight Edit Join
Save Notify Prepress Manage
Color Convert Impose

Pre- Offset
flight Edit Join
Save Notify
Color Convert Impose


Fig. 1.13 Document imaging and color printing workflow: (a) streamlined workflow by FreeFlow. (b) Detail shows document scanner workstation
with automatic document feeder and image processing. (Courtesy of Xerox Co., Norwalk)

Case 10 Digital Document Workflow (Fig. 1.13) 1. Undergraduate and graduate students of engineering, sci-
Source Xerox Co., Norwalk ( ence, management, and medical sciences (S = 395)
Process On-demand customized processing, production, and 2. Nonstudents, professionals in automation (P = 111)
delivery of print, email, and customized websites
Platform Network of devices, machines, robots, and software Five questions were posed in this survey:
systems integrated within a system-of-systems with
media technologies
• How do you define automation (do not use a dictionary)?
Autonomy Integration of automatic workflow of document
image capture, processing, enhancing, preparing, • When and where did you encounter and recognize au-
producing, and distributing tomation first in your life (probably as a child)?
Collaborative Automatically provide guidance for human repair • What do you think is the major benefit of automation to
automation person to overcome problems and prevent failures in humankind (only one)?
the operation
• What do you think is the major risk of automation to
• Give your best example of automation
1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 25


Manufacturing Supply
resource chain
planning management

Customer Human
relationship resource
management management


Welding robot automation

Hybrid welding automation Sensing measurement automation


Grinding, deburring automation Process monitoring automation

Welding line automation

Fig. 1.14 Automation and control systems in shipbuilding: (a) produc- automation. Automatic ship operation systems examples: (f) overview;
tion management through enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. (g) alarm and monitoring system; (h) integrated bridge system; (i) power
Manufacturing automation in shipbuilding examples: (b) overview; management system; and (j) engine monitoring system. (Source: [15])
(c) automatic panel welding robots system; (d) sensor application in (with permission from Hyundai Heavy Industries)
membrane tank fabrication; (e) propeller grinding process by robotic
26 S. Y. Nof

c) d)

e) g)


Integrated bridge system

Engine monitoring system

Power management system
Alarm and monitoring system

Fig. 1.14 (continued)

1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 27

h) 1



Fig. 1.14 (continued)

28 S. Y. Nof

Case 11 Shipbuilding Automation (Fig. 1.14) As indicated above, the overall most popular response
Source [15]; Korea Shipbuilders Association, Seoul (http:// (no. 1; 36%) is based on partially wrong understanding.; Hyundai Heavy Industries, Co., Replacing human work may represent legacy fear of automa-
Ltd., Ulsan ( tion, lacking recognition that most automation applications
Process Shipbuilding manufacturing process control and are performing tasks humans cannot accomplish. The latter
automation; shipbuilding production, logistics, and
service management; and ship operations is also a partial, yet positive, meaning of automation as
management addressed by the responses “Automation helps do things
Platform Devices, tools, machines, and multiple robots; humans cannot do” (included as one of the responses counted
system-of-software systems; and system-of-systems in response no. 4).
Autonomy Automatic control of manufacturing processes and Responses no. 2 and 5 (total 33%), and response no. 3
quality assurance; automatic monitoring, planning,
(total 17%) represent a factual meaning of how automation
and decision support software systems; integrated
control and collaborative control for ship operations is implemented, and its impact. They focus on automation
and bridge control of critical automatic functions of enablers, such as information technology, sensors, and com-
engine, power supply systems, and alarm systems puter control, and imply that automation means improve-
Collaborative Automation systems collaborate at: the enterprise ments, assistance, and promotion of human value. Response
automation resource planning level to automatically prevent
no. 3 is found in Asia and Pacific, (S = 18%, P = 24%), and
errors and recover from schedule conflicts; at the
manufacturing automation level, by applying best Europe and Middle East (S = 18%, P = 24%), yet are scarce
matching workflow protocols to select and assign in Americas, S = 8%, P = 0%, which may reflect cultural
available tools to robots’ required tasks; and at the meaning more than a definition.
ship operating system to automatically activate
dynamic lines of collaboration among repair teams

1.5.2 When and Where Did We Encounter

The responses are summarized in five Tables 1.11, 1.12, Automation First in Our Life?
1.13, 1.14, and 1.15. Note: Not all survey participants chose
to respond to all five questions. The top answer to this question, worldwide, is: automated
To enable effective analysis and presentation of the survey manufacturing machinery or factory (19%) followed closely
results, responses to each of the five questions were catego- by transportation examples (18%). In the Americas region,
rized in groups based on the similarity of their meanings. however, the top category for the first automation encounter
(Percentage shown in the five survey tables is of the number is computing and communication, perhaps because of the
of S or P, respectively, who responded to this question, out of cellphone impact. It is also the second top category in Europe
all S or P responding in that region.) and Middle East (even though this category is only fourth
worldwide). This question presents an interesting change
from the previous survey. The top answer now, automated
manufacturing machinery or factory, was then the top answer
1.5.1 How Do We Define Automation? only in the Americas, but only the third in the other two
regions. In those regions, the top answers were shared be-
The top overall and regional response to this question is tween transportation examples and vending machines, which
(Table 1.11, no. 1): partially or fully replace human work appear now as second and third.
(variation: partially or fully replace human work without or
with little human participation); 36% total worldwide. This
response reflects a meaning that corresponds with the defini-
tion in the beginning of this chapter, described as incomplete: 1.5.3 What Do We Think Is the Major
Most modern automation enables work that people cannot Impact/Contribution of Automation
perform by themselves, as reflected in all other respondents’ to Humankind?
definitions (Table 1.11, nos. 2–5). In the previous edition
survey, it was also the top response worldwide and regionally; Six groups of impact or benefit types are found in the survey
51% total worldwide. responses overall. The most inspiring impact and benefit
Overall, the five types of definition meanings follow three of automation found is the answer in group no. 4, encour-
main themes: Automation replaces humans, works without age/inspire creative work; inspire newer solutions.
them, or augments their functions (responses no. 1 and 4, The most popular response is (both now and in the previ-
total 50%); how automation works (responses no. 2 and ous survey): Save time, increase productivity/efficiency; 24/7
5, total 33%); and automation improves work and systems operations (31% overall). It is the consistent top response in
(responses no. 3, total 17%). all three regions.
1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 29

1.5.4 What Do We Think Is the Major Risk are followed, as the second overall risk category, by the risk
of Automation to Humankind? of dependency on automation, in Asia and Pacific, and in 1
Europe and Middle East. Interestingly, that risk is almost not
The automation risks found in all regions are distributed over considered in Americas, whereas there the third top category
a wide range of responses that are classified in six categories. is no risk, which is almost not considered in Europe and
The top automation risk identified in the three regions are: Middle East. Another interesting note is that while 36%
job loss or unemployment – in Asia and Pacific, as well as of worldwide respondents defined automation as fully or
in Europe and Middle East; safety or war – in Americas, partially replacing human work, only 29% identified the
mostly with loss of control. These top two automation risks major risk of automation to be loss of job or employment.

a) Voice & Communications Fiber loop to

security equipment other sites
Power link
advantage HMI GE JungleMUX

Corp. LAN

High speed between relays

Ethernet LAN

Data concentration/
protocol conversion Status
GE IP server analogs
GE D20
D20 I/O modules
Ethernet relays GE UR relay

Transformer Bay monitor and

monitor and GE D25 control
control GE iBOX

GE hydran GE multlin Legacy relays

GE GE Legacy
tMEDIC multlin relays
Radio to DA system

b) D20EME Ethernet memory Up to four power supplies

expansion module

Power switch/fuse panel

10.5 in
14 in
D20ME or D20ME II 19 in
Main processors (up to seven) Modem slots (seven if MIC
installed, eight otherwise)
Media interface card (MIC)

Fig. 1.15 Integrated power substation control system: (a) overview; (b) substation automation platform chassis. (Courtesy of GE Energy Co.,
Atlanta) (LAN local area network, DA data acquisition, UR universal relay, MUX multiplexor, HMI human-machine interface)
30 S. Y. Nof

Case 12 Energy Power Substation Automation (Fig. 1.15) functions and services mean to us harmonious expression,
Source GE Energy Co., Atlanta ( similar to good music (when they work).
prod serv/products/substation automation/en/ Clearly, there is a mixture of emotions toward automation:
downloads/po.pdf) Some of us are dismayed that humans cannot usually be as ac-
Process Automatically monitoring and activating backup curate, or as fast, or as responsive, attentive, and indefatigable
power supply in case of breakdown in the power
generation and distribution. Each substation as automation systems and installations. On the other hand,
automation platform has processing capacity to we sometimes hear the word automaton or robot describing
monitor and control thousands of input–output points a person or an organization that lacks consideration and
and intelligent electronic devices over the network compassion, let alone passion. Let us recall that automation
Platform Devices integrated with a network of
is made by people and for the people. But can it run away by
system-of-systems, including substation automation
platforms, each communicating with and controlling its own autonomy and become undesirable? Future automa-
thousands of power network devices tion will advance in micro- and nanosystems and systems-
Autonomy Power generation, transmission, and distribution of-systems. Bioinspired automation and bioinspired collab-
automation, including automatic steady voltage orative control theory will significantly improve artificial
control, based on user-defined targets and settings;
intelligence, and the quality of robotics and automation, as
local/remote control of distributed devices;
adjustment of control set points based on control well as the engineering of their safety and security. In this
requests or control input values; automatic reclosure context, it is interesting to examine the role of automation in
of tripped circuit breakers following momentary the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
faults; automatic transfer of load and restoration of
power to nonfaulty sections if possible;
automatically locating and isolating faults to reduce
customers’ outage times; and monitoring a network 1.6.1 Automation Trends of the Twentieth
of substations and moving load off overloaded
and Twenty-First Centuries
transformers to other stations as required
Collaborative This case illustrates collaborative automation at
automation multiple levels: At a local substation, at a regional The US National Academy of Engineering, which includes
energy grid, interaction with other energy grids, and US and worldwide experts, compiled the list shown in
with cyber physical infrastructure; at each level, Table 1.16 as the top 20 achievements that have shaped
optimizing operations and cyber collaborative
a century and changed the world [19]. The table adds
interactions among the substation devices and other
networked subsystems columns indicating the role that automation has played in
each achievement, and clearly automation has been relevant
in all of them and essential to most of them.
1.5.5 What Do We Think Is the Best Example The US National Academy of Engineers has also com-
of Automation? piled a list of the grand challenges for the twenty-first cen-
tury. These challenges are listed in Table 1.17 with the
Finally, ten areas of best automation examples are found in anticipated and emerging role of automation in each. Again,
the survey. Overall, the majority of the best examples are of automation is relevant to all of them and essential to most of
automation in transportation, followed by manufacturing line them.
and machinery, even though in Asia and Pacific the order is Some of the main trends in automation are described next.
reversed. The next three areas are human-assistive technolo-
gies, data analysis or coding, and smart home technologies,
even though the latter area was ignored in Americas. In 1.6.2 Bioautomation
Asia and Pacific, however, the best examples in human-
assistive technologies come third, followed by smart home Bioinspired automation, also known as bioautomation or
technologies. evolutionary automation, is emerging based on the trend of
bioinspired computing, control, and AI. They influence tra-
ditional automation and artificial intelligence in the methods
they offer for evolutionary machine learning, as opposed to
1.6 Emerging Trends what can be described as generative methods (sometimes
called creationist methods) used in traditional programming
Many of us perceive the meaning of the automatic and and learning. In traditional methods, intelligence is typically
automated factories and gadgets of the twentieth and twenty- programmed from top down: Automation engineers and pro-
first century as outstanding examples of the human spirit and grammers create and implement the automation logic, and
human ingenuity, no less than art; their disciplined organi- define the scope, functions, and limits of its intelligence.
zation and synchronized complex of carefully programmed Bioinspired automation, on the other hand, is also created
1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 31

Fig. 1.16 Application flexibility

and adaptation flexibility in
machining automation. (After
Adaptation flexibility (within application) 1
NC machining center
with adaptive and
optimal control
Machining center
with numerical
control (NC)
machine with
control (NC)
milling ili
machine with x ib
Drilling conventional Fl
machine with control

0 1
Application flexibility (multiple applications)

Through control-mechanism,
From the Through variable influences in the Origin of
testing determined work
worker environment the check
Reacts to the execution
Type of the
Variable Fixed in the React to
Selects from deter- Changes actions it- machine
machine signals
mined processes self inside influences reaction

Manual Mechanical (not done by hand) Energy source

10 Signals pre-selected values of measurement, including error correction
11 Registers execution

12 Changes speed, position change and direction

13 Segregates or rejects according to measurements

14 Identifies and selects operations

15 Corrects execution after the processing

16 Corrects execution while processing

17 Foresees the necessary working tasks,

18 Prevents error and self-optimizes current execution

1 Manual
2 Manual hand tools
3 Powered hand tools

4 Machine tools, manual controlled

5 Powered tool, fixed cycle, single function

6 Powered tool, programmed control with a sequence of functions

7 Machine system with remote control

8 Machine actuated by introduction of work-piece or material

9 Measures characteristics of the execution

according to the measured signal

adjusts the execution

Steps of the automation

Fig. 1.17 Automation scale: scale for comparing grades of automation. (After [17])
32 S. Y. Nof

Table 1.9 Degree of automation: calculation by the ratio of decision types (example)
Automatic decisions Human decisions Total
Decision number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sum 8 9 10 11 12 Sum
Complexity (number of program steps) 10 12 14 9 14 11 12 82 21 3 82 45 27 178 260

Table 1.10 Levels of automation. (Updated and expanded after [18])

Level automation Automated human attribute Examples
A0 Hand tool, manual machine None Knife, scissors, and wheelbarrow
A1 Powered machine tools (non-NC) Energy, muscles Electric hand drill, electric food processor, and paint sprayer
A2 Single-cycle automatics and Dexterity Pipe threading machine and machine tools (non-NC)
hand-feeding machines
A3 Automatics, repeated cycles Diligence Engine production line, automatic copying lathe, automatic
packaging, NC machine, and pick-and-place robot
A4 Self-measuring and adjusting, Judgment Feedback about product: dynamic balancing, weight control.
feedback Feedback about position: pattern-tracing flame cutter, servo-assisted
follower control, self-correcting NC machines, and spray painting
A5 Computer control, automatic Evaluation Rate of feed cutting, maintaining pH, error compensation, turbine fuel
cognition control, interpolator
A6 Limited self-programming Learning Sophisticated elevator dispatching, telephone call switching systems,
artificial neural network models
A7 Relating cause from effects Reasoning Sales prediction, weather forecasting, lamp failure anticipation,
actuarial analysis, maintenance prognostics, and computer chess
A8 Unmanned mobile machines Guided mobility Autonomous vehicles and drones, nano-flying exploration monitors
A9 Collaborative networks Collaboration Internet, collaborative supply networks, collaborative sensor
networks, and networked learning
A10 Originality Creativity Computer systems to compose music, design fabric patterns,
formulate new drugs, play with automation, e.g., virtual reality
games; adaptive avatar tutors
A11 Human needs and animal needs Compassion Bioinspired robotic seals (aquatic mammal) to help emotionally
support challenged individuals, social robotic pets, assistive and nursing
A12 Interactive companions Humor Humorous gadgets, e.g., sneezing tissue dispenser, automatic systems
to create/share jokes, and interactive comedian robot
NC, numerically controlled; non-NC, manually controlled

Table 1.11 How do you define automation (do not use a dictionary)? [S: Students; P: Professionals]
Automation definition responses Americas (%) Asia and Pacific (%) Europe and Middle East (%) Worldwide (%)
S P S P S P S P Total
1. Partially or fully replaces human work without or 61 70 38 6 30 30 40 22 36
with little human participationa
2. Uses machines/computers/robots/intelligence to 30 10 16 20 26 32 20 24 21
execute or help execute physical operations,
computational commands, or tasks/mechanisms
of automatic machines
3. Improves work/system in terms of labor, time, 8 0 18 24 14 19 16 20 17
money, quality, and productivity, and promotes
human value
4. Functions and actions that assist humans/enable 2 20 20 18 12 3 15 12 14
humans to perform multiple actions/help do
things humans cannot do
5. Integrated system of sensors, actuators, and 0 0 8 38 17 16 8 26 12
controllers/information technology for
organizational change
Total no. of respondents (491) 61 10 264 50 69 37 394 97
a Note: This definition is inaccurate; most automation accomplishes work that humans cannot do, or cannot do effectively
1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 33

Table 1.12 Where did you encounter and recognize automation first in your life (probably as a child)? [S: Students; P: Professionals]
Asia and Europe and 1
First encounter with automation Americas (%) Pacific (%) Middle East (%) Worldwide (%)
S P S P S P S P Total
1. Production machinery: Automated manufacturing machine, 11 20 20 25 16 18 18 22 19
factory/robot/ agricultural combine/fruit classification machine/milking
machine/automated grinding machine for sharpening knives
2. Transportation: Car, truck, motorcycle, and components or garbage 11 0 26 21 7 13 18 16 18
truck/train (unmanned)
3. Service: Vending machine: snacks, candy, drink, tickets/automatic teller 5 10 18 0 12 13 15 6 13
machine (ATM)/automatic check-in at airports/barcode
scanner/automatic bottle filling (with soda or wine)/automatic toll
collection/self-checkout machine
4. Computing and communication: Computer (software), e.g., Microsoft 19 40 6 6 19 11 10 11 10
Office, email, programming language/movie, TV/game
machine/calculator/clock, watch/tape recorder, player/ telephone,
answering machine/radio/video cassette recorder (VCR)
5. Building: Automatic door (pneumatic; 16 0 8 0 9 8 10 3 9
electric)/elevator/escalator/pneumatic door of the school bus
6. Home: Washing machine/dishwasher/microwave/air conditioner/home 2 0 8 0 16 26 8 10 8
automation/kitchen mixer/oven/toaster/bread machine/electric
shaver/food processor/kettle/treadmill
7. Game: Toy/amusement park/Lego (with automation) 6 0 5 9 9 5 6 7 6
8. Health care: Medical equipment in the birth delivery room/X-ray 0 0 5 38 0 0 3 20 6
machine/centrifuge/oxygen device/pulse
recorder/thermometer/ultrasound machine
9. Delivery: Automatic car wash/conveyor (to deliver food to 24 30 0 0 6 5 5 5 5
chickens)/luggage, baggage sorting machine/water delivery
10. Light and power: Fuse breaker/light by electricity/sprinkler/switch 6 0 5 2 4 0 5 1 4
(power, light)/ traffic light
Total no. of respondents (496) 63 10 265 53 67 38 395 101

Table 1.13 What do you think is the major impact/contribution of automation to humankind (only one)?
Europe and
Major impact or contribution of automation Americas (%) Asia and Pacific (%) Middle East (%) Worldwide (%)
S P S P S P S P Total
1. Save time, increase productivity/efficiency; 24/7 48 30 24 19 40 50 30 21 31
operations/mass production and service/increase consistency,
improve quality/save cost/improve security and safety/deliver
products, service to more people/flexibility in
manufacturing/save resources
2. Advance everyday life/improve quality of 27 20 27 17 33 14 18 10 25
life/convenience/ease of life/work/save labor/prevent people
from dangerous activities/save lives/extend life
expectancy/agriculture improvement
3. Medicine/medical equipment/medical 0 10 18 13 7 14 13 8 13
system/biotechnology/health care/computer/transportation
(e.g., train, traffic lights)/ communication
(devices)/manufacturing (machines)/robot; industrial robot/
banking system/construction/loom/weather prediction
4. Encourage/inspire creative work; inspire newer 13 30 10 21 7 5 10 9 11
solutions/change/improvement in (global) economy/
foundation of industry/growth of industry/globalization and
spread of culture and knowledge/Industrial Revolution
5. Detect errors in health care, flights, factories/reduce (human) 8 10 11 19 4 9 9 9 10
errors/identify bottlenecks in production
6. Assist/work for people/do things that humans cannot do/ 3 0 11 11 7 9 9 6 9
replace people; people lose jobs/help aged/handicapped
people/people lose abilities to complete tasks
Total no. of respondents (502) 62 10 266 53 67 44 395 107
34 S. Y. Nof

Table 1.14 What do you think is the major risk of automation to humankind (only one)?
Europe and Middle Worldwide
Major risk of automation Americas (%) Asia and Pacific (%) East (%) (%)
S P S P S P S P Total
1. Job loss/unemployment 31 30 27 24 42 26 31 25 29
2. Dependency 2 0 27 24 26 29 23 13 23
3. Safety/war 28 50 20 20 14 14 20 21 20
4. Social/economic inequality 7 10 18 20 12 11 16 16 15
5. Maintenance 8 0 5 6 5 17 5 9 6
6. No risk 25 10 2 12 2 3 6 8 6
Total no. of respondents (489) 61 10 266 51 66 35 393 96

Table 1.15 What do you think is the best example of automation (only one)?
Europe and Middle
Best example of automation Americas (%) Asia and Pacific (%) East (%) Worldwide (%)
S P S P S P S P Total
1. Transportation 44 40 30 12 20 31 31 29 29
2. Manufacturing line/machinery 28 20 27 25 20 14 26 20 25
3. Human-assistive technologies 10 0 15 17 5 8 13 8 12
4. Data analysis/coding 15 30 7 15 18 14 10 16 11
5. Smart home technologies 0 0 9 25 14 17 6 19 11
6. Kitchen appliances 3 0 6 2 9 0 6 1 5
7. Safety/war 0 10 3 0 0 8 2 4 2
8. Medical equipment 0 0 2 0 5 6 2 2 2
9. Banking/finance 0 0 1 4 5 3 1 3 2
10. Agriculture 0 0 1 2 5 0 2 1 1
Total no. of respondents (502) 62 10 266 53 67 44 395 107

and implemented by automation engineers and programmers, researched for future automation, in areas such as neuro-
but follows a bottom-up decentralized and distributed ap- fuzzy techniques, biorobotics, digital organisms, artificial
proach. Bioinspired techniques often involve a method of cognitive models and architectures, artificial life, bionics,
specifying a set of simple rules, followed and iteratively and bioinformatics. See related topics in many following
applied by a set of simple and autonomous human-made or- handbook chapters, particularly 8, 9, 10, 21, and 55.
ganisms. After several generations of rule repetition, initially
human-made mechanisms of self-learning, self-repair, and
self-organization enable self-evolution toward more complex 1.6.3 Collaborative Control Theory
behaviors. Complexity can result in unexpected behaviors, and Collaborative Automation
which may be robust and more reliable, can be counterintu-
itive compared with the original design, but can potentially Collaboration of humans and its advantages and challenges
become undesirable, out-of-control, and unsafe behaviors. are well known from prehistory and throughout history,
This subject has been under intense research and examination but have received increased attention with the advent
in recent years. of communication and cyber technologies. Significantly
Natural evolution and system biology (biology-inspired better enabled and potentially streamlined and even
automation mechanisms for systems engineering) are the optimized through e-collaboration (based on communication
driving analogies of this trend: concurrent steps and rules via electronic means), and further enhanced by cyber
of responsive selection, interdependent recombination, collaborative techniques, it is emerging as one of the most
reproduction, mutation, reformation, adaptation, and death powerful trends in automation, with telecommunication,
and birth can be defined, similar to how complex organisms computer communication, and wireless communication
function and evolve in nature. Similar automation techniques influencing education and research, engineering and
are used in genetic algorithms, artificial neural networks, business, health care, telemedicine, and service industries,
swarm algorithms, reinforcement machine learning, and and global society in general. Those developments, in turn,
other emerging evolutionary automation systems. Mech- motivate and propel further applications and theoretical
anisms of self-organization, parallelism, fault tolerance, investigations into this highly intelligent level of automation
recovery, backup, and redundancy are being developed and (Table 1.10, level A9 and higher).
1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 35

Table 1.16 Top engineering achievements in the twentieth century Table 1.17 Grand engineering challenges for the twenty-first century
[19] and the role of automation [20] and the role of automation 1
Achievement Role of automation Anticipated and emerging role of
Relevant Achievement automation
Essential Supportive Irrelevant Relevant
1. Electrification × Essential Supportive Irrelevant
2. Automobile × 1. Make solar energy ×
3. Airplane ×
2. Provide energy from ×
4. Water supply and ×
3. Develop carbon ×
5. Electronics ×
sequestration methods
6. Radio and television ×
4. Manage the nitrogen ×
7. Agricultural × cycle
5. Provide access to ×
8. Computers × clean water
9. Telephone × 6. Restore and improve ×
10. Air conditioning and × urban infrastructure
refrigeration 7. Advance health ×
11. Highways × informatics
12. Spacecraft × 8. Engineer better ×
13. Internet × medicines
14. Imaging × 9. Reverse-engineer the ×
15. Household appliances × brain
16. Health technologies × 10. Prevent nuclear terror ×
17. Petroleum and × 11. Secure cyberspace ×
petrochemical 12. Enhance virtual reality ×
technologies 13. Advance personalized ×
18. Laser and fiber optics × learning
19. Nuclear technologies × 14. Engineer the tools of ×
20. High-performance × scientific discovery

30 years. Collaborative e-work is motivated by significantly

Interesting examples of the e-collaboration trend include improved performance of humans leveraging their collab-
wikis, which since the early 2000s have been increasingly orative automatic software and physical agents. The latter,
adopted by enterprises as collaborative software, enrich- from software automata (e.g., constructive bots as opposed
ing static intranets and the Internet with dynamic, assistive, to spam and other destructive bots) to automation devices,
timely updates. Examples of e-collaborative applications that multisensors, multiagents, and multirobots, can operate in a
emerged in the 1990s include project communication for co- parallel, autonomous cyberspace, thus multiplying our pro-
planning, sharing the creation and editing of design docu- ductivity and increasing our ability to design sustainable
ments as codesign and co-documentation, and mutual inspi- systems, operations, and our life. A related important trend
ration for collaborative innovation and invention through co- is the emergence of cyber collaborative middleware for col-
brainstorming. More recently, collaborative insight systems laboration support of cyber physical device networks and of
have emerged for group networking in specific domains human team networks, organizations, and enterprises.
and projects. During the recent pandemic, cyber-supported More about this subject area can be found in several
video meetings enabled international conferences and remote chapters of this handbook, particularly in Chs.  9,  15,
learning to fill in the gap created by the need for distancing  17,  18,  21,  22, and  62.
and limited travel.
Beyond human-human automation-supported collabora-
tion through better and more powerful communication and 1.6.4 Risks of Automation
cyber technologies, there is a well-known but not yet fully
understood trend for collaborative e-work, and more re- As civilization increasingly depends on automation and looks
cently, cyber collaborative e-work (also called cc-work). for automation to support solutions of its serious problems,
Associated with this field is collaborative control theory the risks associated with automation must be understood
(CCT), which has been under development during the past and eliminated. Failures of automation on a very large scale
36 S. Y. Nof

are most risky. Just a few examples of disasters caused Automation singularity follows the evident acceleration of
by automation failures are nuclear accidents; power supply technological developments and discoveries. At some point,
disruptions and blackout; Federal Aviation Administration people ask, is it possible that superhuman machines can take
control systems failures causing air transportation delays and over the human race? If we build them too autonomous, with
shutdowns; wireless communication network failures; and collaborative ability to self-improve and self-sustain, would
water supply and other supply chain failures. The impacts they not eventually be able to exceed human intelligence? In
of severe natural and human-made disasters on automated other words, superintelligent machines may autonomously,
infrastructure are therefore the target of intense research and automatically, produce discoveries that are too complex for
development. In addition, automation experts are challenged humans to comprehend; they may even act in ways that we
to apply automation to enable sustainability and better mit- consider out of control, chaotic, and even aimed at damaging
igate and eliminate natural and human-made disasters, such and overpowering people. This emerging trend of thought
as security, safety, and health calamities. will no doubt energize future research on how to prevent
automation from running on its own without limits. In a way,
this is the twenty-first-century version of the ancient and still
1.6.5 Need for Dependability, Survivability, existing human challenge of never play with fire.
Security, Continuity of Operation, Automation creativity is related to the concern with au-
and Creativity tomation singularity, but in a positive way. People ask: Can
automation be designed to be creative and generate “out of
Emerging efforts are addressing better automation depend- the box” solutions to our challenging problems? “Out the
ability and security by structured backup and recovery of box” here means solutions that humans have not prescribed
information and communication systems. For instance, with to the automation, or cannot create by themselves due to
service orientation that is able to survive, automation can various limitations. For example, to tackle the challenge of
enable gradual and degraded services by sustaining criti- climate change, humans have designed solutions that are
cal continuity of operations until the repair, recovery, and difficult to implement. Can collaborative automation, based
resumption of full services. Automation continues to be on collaborative intelligence, generate creative, simple, or
designed with the goal of preventing and eliminating any revolutionary solutions that are also practical? If successful,
conceivable errors, failures, and conflicts, within economic automation creativity can augment our human civilization
constraints. In addition, the trend of collaborative flexibil- by helping solve complex problems that require new ideas
ity being designed into automation frameworks encourages and perspectives. It would possibly be able to also solve the
reconfiguration tools that redirect available, safe resources problems of automation singularity.
to support the most critical functions, rather than designing
absolutely failure-proof system.
With the trend toward collaborative, networked automa-
tion systems, dependability, survivability, security, and con- 1.6.6 Quantum Computing and Quantum
tinuity of operations are increasingly being enabled by au- Automation
tonomous self-activities, such as:
An emerging area of interest to automation scholars and
• Self-awareness and situation awareness engineers is the area of quantum computing, which has al-
• Self-configuration ready seen intensive research and progress over the last three
• Self-explaining and self-rationalizing decades. Recent surveys (e.g., [23, 24]) indicate promising
• Self-healing and self-repair impacts over the next five to ten years and beyond. Quantum
• Self-optimization computing algorithms have shown significant superiority
• Self-organization and faster computing relative to current computing in areas
• Self-protection for security relevant to robotics and automation, for example: (1) integer
and discrete algorithms; (2) solving problems with expo-
Other dimensions of emerging automation risks involve nential queries; (3) general search, and search in unstruc-
privacy invasion, electronic surveillance, accuracy and in- tured data storage; and (4) solving graph theory problems,
tegrity concerns, intellectual and physical property protection and more. There are challenges ahead, however, including
and security, accessibility issues, confidentiality, etc. Increas- reliable, stable, and scalable quantum computer hardware,
ingly, people ask about the meaning of automation, how can and further progress required in algorithms, software, and
we benefit from it, trust it, yet find a way to contain its risks operating systems. Nevertheless, the promised impacts on
and limit its powers. At the extreme of this concern is the automation in an area we can term as quantum automation
automation singularity [21, 22]. merit investigation and study of this field.
1 Automation: What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its Impact, and Outlook 37

1.7 Conclusion 8. Oliverio, M.E., Pasewark, W.R., White, B.R.: The Office: Proce-
dures and Technology, 7th edn. Cengage Learning (2018)
9. Machi, M., Monostori, L., Pinto, R. (eds.): INCOM’18, information
What is automation and what does it mean to people around control problems in manufacturing. In: Proceedings of 16th IFAC
the world? After review of the evolution of automation, its Symposium, Bergamo, Italy (IFAC PapersOnLine 2018)
design and its influence on civilization, and of its main 10. Felder, R., Alwan, M., Zhang, M.: Systems Engineering Approach
contributions and attributes, a survey is used to highlight to Medical Automation. Artech House, London (2008)
11. Cichocki, A., Helal, A.S., Rusinkiewicz, M., Woelk, D.: Work-
the meaning of automation according to people around the flow and Process Automation: Concepts and Technology. Springer
world. Emerging trends in automation and concerns about (1998)
automation are also described. They can be summarized as 12. Taulli, T.: The Robotic Process Automation Handbook: A Guide to
addressing three general questions: Implementing RPA Systems. Apress (2020)
13. Karakostas, B., Zorgios, Y.: Engineering Service Oriented Systems:
A Model Driven Approach. IGI Global, Hershey (2008)
1. How can automation be improved and become more use- 14. Lenart, G.M., Nof, S.Y.: Object-oriented integration of design and
ful and dependable? manufacturing in a laser processing cell. Int. J. Comput. Integr.
2. How can we limit automation from being too risky when Manuf. 10(1–4), 29–50 (1997)., special issue on design and im-
plementation of CIM systems
it fails? 15. Min, K.-S.: Automation and control systems technology in Korean
3. How can we develop better automation that is more au- shipbuilding industry: the state of the art and the future perspec-
tonomous and performs better, yet does not take over our tives. In: Proceedings of 17th World Congress IFAC, Seoul (2008)
humanity? 16. Nof, S.Y., Wilhelm, W.E., Warnecke, H.J.: Industrial Assembly.
Chapman Hall, New York (1997)
17. Bright, J.R.: Automation and Management. Harvard University
These topics are discussed in detail in the chapters of this Press, Boston (1958)
handbook. 18. Amber, G.H., Amber, P.S.: Anatomy of Automation. Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs (1964)
19. Century of Innovation: Twenty Engineering Achievements that
Acknowledgments This chapter is a revised and updated version of the Transformed our Lives. NAE: US National Academy of Engineer-
original edition chapter, so first I repeat the original acknowledgment, ing, Washington, DC (2003)
which appeared in 2009: “I received with appreciation help in preparing 20.
and reviewing this chapter from my graduate students at our PRISM 21. Special Report: The singularity. IEEE Spectr. 45(6) (2008)
Center, particularly Xin W. Chen, Juan Diego Velásquez, Sang Won 22. Priyadarshini, I., Cotton, C.: Intelligence in cyberspace: the road to
Yoon, and Hoo Sang Ko, and my colleagues on our PRISM Global cyber singularity. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 33(4), 683–717 (2021)
Research Network, particularly Professors Chin Yin Huang, José A. 23. Gyongyosi, L., Imre, S.: A survey on quantum computing technol-
Ceroni, and Yael Edan. This chapter was written in part during a visit ogy. Comput. Sci. Rev. 31, 51–71 (2019)
to the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, where I was 24. Gill, S.S., Kumar, A., Singh, H., Singh, M., Kaur, K., Usman, M.,
inspired by the automation collection at the great Industrial Engineering Buyya, R.: Quantum Computing: A Taxonomy, Systematic Review
and Management Library. Patient and knowledgeable advice by librar- and Future Directions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.15559 (2020)
ian Coral Navon at the Technion Elyachar Library is also acknowl-
edged.” For the new edition, I repeat my appreciation for the help I
now received from the same colleagues listed above, and in addition, to
Professor Avital Bechar, distinguished members of our Advisory Board,
and several anonymous reviewers. Rashed Rabata, a former PRISM Further Reading
Center graduate researcher, helped me analyze the current automation
survey. Alon, U.: An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of
Biological Circuits, 2nd edn. Chapman Hall/CRC (2019)
Axelrod, A.: Complete Guide to Test Automation: Techniques, Prac-
tices, and Patterns for Building and Maintaining Effective Software
References Projects. Apress (2018)
Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS): Guidelines for Safe and
1. Nof, S.Y.: Design of effective e-work: review of models, tools, and Reliable Instrumented Protective Systems. Wiley, New York (2007)
emerging challenges. Prod. Plann. Control. 14(8), 681–703 (2003) Dorf, R.C.: Modern Control Systems, 14th edn. Pearson, Upper Saddle
2. Asimov, I.: Foreword. In: Nof, S.Y. (ed.) Handbook of Industrial River (2020)
Robotics, 2nd edn. Wiley, New York (1999) Dorf, R.C., Nof, S.Y. (eds.): International Encyclopedia of Robotics
3. Hearings on automation and technological change, Subcommittee and Automation. Wiley, New York (1988)
on Economic Stabilization of the Joint Committee on the Economic Evans, K.: Programming of CNC Machines, 4th edn. Industrial Press,
Report, US Congress, October 14–28 (1955) New York (2016)
4. Buckingham, W.: Automation: Its Impact on Business and People. Friedmann, P.G.: Automation and Control Systems Economics, 2nd
The New American Library, New York (1961) edn. ISA, Research Triangle Park (2006)
5. Truxal, J.G.: Control Engineers’ Handbook: Servomechanisms, Noble, D.F.: Forces of Production: A Social History of Industrial
Regulators, and Automatic Feedback Control Systems. McGraw Automation. Oxford University Press, Cambridge (1986)
Hill, New York (1958) Parasuraman, R., Sheridan, T.B., Wickens, C.D.: A model for types
6. Groover, M.P.: Automation, Production Systems, and Computer- and levels of human interaction with automation. IEEE Trans. Syst.
Integrated Manufacturing, 5th edn. Pearson (2018) Man Cyber. 30(3), 286–197 (2000)
7. Burton, S., Shelton, N.: Office Procedures for the 21st Century, 8th Rabiee, M.: Programmable Logic Controllers: Hardware and Program-
edn. Pearson Education (2013) ming, 4th edn. Goodheart-Wilcox (2017)
38 S. Y. Nof

Rainer, R.K., Prince, B.: Introduction to Information Systems, 9th edn.

Wiley, New York (2021)
Sands, N., Verhapen, I.: A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowl-
edge, 3rd edn. ISA, Research Triangle Park (2018)
Sheridan, T.B.: Humans and Automation: System Design and Research
Issues. Wiley, New York (2002)
Wiener, N.: Cybernetics, or the Control and Communication in the
Animal and the Machine, 2nd edn. MIT Press, Cambridge (1965)

Shimon Y. Nof is the director of the NSF-industry-supported PRISM

Center for Production, Robotics, and Integration Software for Man-
ufacturing and Management, and professor of industrial engineering
at Purdue University since 1977. Fellow of IFPR and IISE, he is the
former president of IFPR and former chair of IFAC CC5 Committee for
Manufacturing and Logistics. Nof is the author or editor of 16 books,
and editor of Springer’s ACES book series on automation, collaboration,
and e-services. His research, education, and industry contributions
are concerned with cyber collaborative automation, robotics, and e-
work; collaborative control theory (CCT); systems security, integrity,
and assurance; and integrated production and service operations with
decentralized decision support networks.
Historical Perspective of Automation
Christopher Bissell, Theodore J. Williams, and Yukio Hasegawa

Contents Yukio Hasegawa. The three parts were written by leaders

2.1 A History of Automatic Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 and pioneers of automation, at the time the original
2.1.1 Antiquity and the Early Modern Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 edition of this handbook was published in 2009. Our
2.1.2 Stability Analysis in the Nineteenth Century . . . . . . . . . . 40 distinguished editorial advisory board members have
2.1.3 Ship, Aircraft, and Industrial Control
recommended to keep these chapters as originally
Before World War II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.1.4 Electronics, Feedback, and Mathematical Analysis . . . . . 44 published, for their authentic historical value. Additional
2.1.5 World War II and Classical Control: Infrastructure . . . . . 45 historical perspectives, specific to chapter topics, are
2.1.6 World War II and Classical Control: Theory . . . . . . . . . . . 47 provided throughout this Handbook.
2.1.7 The Emergence of Modern Control Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.1.8 The Digital Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.1.9 The Socio-technological Context Since 1945 . . . . . . . . . . 50 Keywords
2.1.10 Conclusion and Emerging Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Automatic control · Industrial automation · Robotics ·
2.1.11 Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
History of robotics and automation
2.2 Advances in Industrial Automation: Historical
Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.3 Advances in Robotics and Automation: Historical 2.1 A History of Automatic Control
Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 (by Christopher Bissel)
Automatic control, particularly the application of feed-
back, has been fundamental to the development of automa-
Abstract tion. Its origins lie in the level control, water clocks, and
Editor note: This chapter includes three parts: 2.1 A pneumatics/hydraulics of the ancient world. From the sev-
History of Automatic Control by Christopher Bissell; enteenth century onward, systems were designed for tem-
2.2 Advances in Industrial Automation: Historical perature control, the mechanical control of mills, and the
Perspectives by Theodore J. Williams; and 2.3 Advances regulation of steam engines. During the nineteenth century, it
in Robotics and Automation: Historical Perspectives by became increasingly clear that feedback systems were prone
to instability. A stability criterion was derived independently
toward the end of the century by Routh in England and
Hurwitz in Switzerland. The nineteenth century, too, saw the
development of servomechanisms, first for ship steering and
Christopher Bissell: deceased. later for stabilization and autopilots. The invention of aircraft
Theodore J. Williams: deceased. added (literally) a new dimension to the problem. Minorsky’s
Yukio Hasegawa: deceased. theoretical analysis of ship control in the 1920s clarified the
C. Bissell ()
nature of three-term control, also being used for process ap-
Department of Communication and Systems, The Open University, plications by the 1930s. Based on servo and communications
Milton Keynes, UK engineering developments of the 1930s, and driven by the
T. J. Williams need for high-performance gun control systems, the coherent
College of Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA body of theory known as classical control emerged during
Y. Hasegawa and just after World War II in the USA, UK, and elsewhere,
System Science Institute, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan as did cybernetics ideas. Meanwhile, an alternative approach

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 39

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
40 C. Bissell et al.

to dynamic modeling had been developed in the USSR based impairing the quality of flour. A number of techniques were
on the approaches of Poincaré and Lyapunov. Information developed to sense the speed and hence produce a restoring
was gradually disseminated, and state-space or modern con- force to press the millstones closer together. Of these, perhaps
trol techniques, fueled by Cold War demands for missile the most important were Thomas Mead’s devices [3], which
control systems, rapidly developed in both East and West. used a centrifugal pendulum to sense the speed and – in some
The immediate postwar period was marked by great claims applications – also to provide feedback, hence pointing the
for automation, but also great fears, while the digital com- way to the centrifugal governor (Fig. 2.1).
puter opened new possibilities for automatic control. The first steam engines were the reciprocating engines
developed for driving water pumps; James Watt’s rotary
engines were sold only from the early 1780s. But it took
2.1.1 Antiquity and the Early Modern Period until the end of the decade for the centrifugal governor
to be applied to the machine, following a visit by Watt’s
Feedback control can be said to have originated with the collaborator, Matthew Boulton, to the Albion Mill in London
float valve regulators of the Hellenic and Arab worlds [1]. where he saw a lift-tenter in action under the control of a
They were used by the Greeks and Arabs to control such centrifugal pendulum (Fig. 2.2). Boulton and Watt did not
devices as water clocks, oil lamps, and wine dispensers, as attempt to patent the device (which, as noted above, had
well as the level of water in tanks. The precise construction of essentially already been patented by Mead) but they did try
such systems is still not entirely clear, since the descriptions unsuccessfully to keep it secret. It was first copied in 1793
in the original Greek or Arabic are often vague, and lack and spread throughout England over the next ten years [4].
illustrations. The best-known Greek names are Ktsebios and
Philon (third century BC) and Heron (first century AD)
who were active in the Eastern Mediterranean (Alexandria, 2.1.2 Stability Analysis in the Nineteenth
Byzantium). The water clock tradition was continued in the Century
Arab world as described in books by writers such as Al-
Jazari (1203) and Ibn al-Sa-ati (1206), greatly influenced by With the spread of the centrifugal governor in the early nine-
the anonymous Arab author known as Pseudo-Archimedes of teenth century a number of major problems became apparent.
the ninth–tenth century AD, who makes specific reference to First, because of the absence of integral action, the governor
the Greek work of Heron and Philon. Float regulators in the could not remove offset: in the terminology of the time it
tradition of Heron were also constructed by the three brothers could not regulate but only moderate. Second, its response to
Banu Musa in Baghdad in the ninth century AD. a change in load was slow. And thirdly, (nonlinear) frictional
The float valve level regulator does not appear to have forces in the mechanism could lead to hunting (limit
spread to medieval Europe, even though translations existed cycling). A number of attempts were made to overcome these
of some of the classical texts by the above writers. It seems problems: For example, the Siemens chronometric governor
rather to have been reinvented during the industrial revolu- effectively introduced integral action through differential
tion, appearing in England, for example, in the eighteenth gearing, as well as mechanical amplification. Other
century. The first independent European feedback system approaches to the design of an isochronous governor
was the temperature regulator of Cornelius Drebbel (1572– (one with no offset) were based on ingenious mechanical
1633). Drebbel spent most of his professional career at the constructions, but often encountered problems of stability.
courts of James I and Charles I of England and Rudolf II in Nevertheless the nineteenth century saw a steady progress
Prague. Drebbel himself left no written records, but a number in the development of practical governors for steam en-
of contemporary descriptions survive of his invention. Essen- gines and hydraulic turbines, including spring-loaded designs
tially an alcohol (or other) thermometer was used to operate (which could be made much smaller and operate at higher
a valve controlling a furnace flue, and hence the temperature speeds) and relay (indirect-acting) governors [5]. By the end
of an enclosure [2]. The device included screws to alter what of the century governors of various sizes and designs were
we would now call the set point. available for effective regulation in a range of applications,
If level and temperature regulation were two of the major and a number of graphical techniques existed for steady-state
precursors of modern control systems, then a number of design. Few engineers were concerned with the analysis of
devices designed for use with windmills pointed the way the dynamics of a feedback system.
toward more sophisticated devices. During the eighteenth In parallel with the developments in the engineering sector
century, the mill fantail was developed both to keep the mill a number of eminent British scientists became interested in
sails directed into the wind and to automatically vary the governors in order to keep a telescope directed at a particular
angle of attack, so as to avoid excessive speeds in high winds. star as the Earth rotated. A formal analysis of the dynamics
Another important device was the lift-tenter. Millstones have of such a system by George Bidell Airy, Astronomer Royal,
a tendency to separate as the speed of rotation increases, thus in 1840 [6], clearly demonstrated the propensity of such
2 Historical Perspective of Automation 41


30 30 2
30 30

30 30

46 46

45 45

B 28

44 44
38 37 33 35
A 45

40 35 41
38 37




Fig. 2.1 Mead’s speed regulator. (After [1])

a feedback system to become unstable. In 1868, James conditions for stability in terms of the coefficients of the
Clerk Maxwell analyzed governor dynamics, prompted by an characteristic equation. Unable to derive a solution for
electrical experiment in which the speed of rotation of a coil higher-order models, he expressed the hope that the question
had to be held constant. His resulting classic paper On gover- would gain the attention of mathematicians. In 1875, the
nors [7] was received by the Royal Society on 20 February. subject for the Cambridge University Adams Prize in
Maxwell derived a third-order linear model and the correct mathematics was set as the criterion of dynamical stability.
42 C. Bissell et al.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 feet

0 0.5 1 2 3 4m

Fig. 2.2 Boulton and Watt steam engine with centrifugal governor. (After [1])

One of the examiners was Maxwell himself (prizewinner work of I.A. Vyshnegradskii in St. Petersburg appeared in the
in 1857) and the 1875 prize (awarded in 1877) was won French Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences in 1876,
by Edward James Routh. Routh had been interested in with the full version appearing in Russian and German in
dynamical stability for several years, and had already 1877, and in French in 1878/1879. Vyshnegradskii (generally
obtained a solution for a fifth-order system. In the published transliterated at the time as Wischnegradski) transformed a
paper [8], we find derived the Routh version of the renowned third-order differential equation model of a steam engine with
Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion. governor into a standard form:
Related, independent work was being carried out in Con-
tinental Europe at about the same time [9]. A summary of the ϕ 3 + xϕ 2 + yϕ + 1 = 0,
2 Historical Perspective of Automation 43

where x and y became known as the Vyshnegradskii param- very soon came up with his version of the Routh–Hurwitz
eters. He then showed that a point in the x–y plane defined criterion [10]. The two versions were shown to be identical
the nature of the system transient response. Figure 2.3 shows by Enrico Bompiani in 1911 [11].
the diagram drawn by Vyshnegradskii, to which typical pole At the beginning of the twentieth century, the first general
constellations for various regions in the plane have been textbooks on the regulation of prime movers appeared in a 2
added. number of European languages [12, 13]. One of the most
In 1893, Aurel Boreslav Stodola at the Federal Polytech- influential was Tolle’s Regelung der Kraftmaschine, which
nic, Zurich, studied the dynamics of a high-pressure hy- went through three editions between 1905 and 1922 [14]. The
draulic turbine, and used Vyshnegradskii’s method to assess later editions included the Hurwitz stability criterion.
the stability of a third-order model. A more realistic model,
however, was seventh order, and Stodola posed the general
problem to a mathematician colleague Adolf Hurwitz, who
2.1.3 Ship, Aircraft, and Industrial Control
Before World War II

The first ship steering engines incorporating feedback ap-
L D N peared in the middle of the nineteenth century. In 1873,
Jean Joseph Léon Farcot published a book on servomotors in
which he not only described the various designs developed
in the family firm, but also gave an account of the general
principles of position control. Another important maritime
F application of feedback control was in gun turret operation,
and hydraulics were also extensively developed for transmis-
sion systems. Torpedoes, too, used increasingly sophisticated
feedback systems for depth control – including, by the end of
the century, gyroscopic action (Fig. 2.4).
During the first decades of the twentieth century, gy-
roscopes were increasingly used for ship stabilization and
autopilots. Elmer Sperry pioneered the active stabilizer, the
gyrocompass, and the gyroscope autopilot, filing various
x patents over the period 1907–1914. Sperry’s autopilot was
a sophisticated device: an inner loop controlled an electric
Fig. 2.3 Vyshnegradskii’s stability diagram with modern pole posi- motor which operated the steering engine, while an outer
tions. (After [9]) loop used a gyrocompass to sense the heading. Sperry also

m a k i j l d u
o r s
m' v
g f

y x
w h q n

b c

Fig. 2.4 Torpedo servomotor as fitted to Whitehead torpedoes around 1900. (After [15])
44 C. Bissell et al.

designed an anticipator to replicate the way in which an

experienced helmsman would meet the helm (to prevent 47
oversteering); the anticipator was, in fact, a type of adaptive
control [16]. 49
Sperry and his son Lawrence also designed aircraft au-
tostabilizers over the same period, with the added complexity 15 45

of three-dimensional control. Bennett describes the system 33

51 35
used in an acclaimed demonstration in Paris in 1914 [17]:
For this system the Sperrys used four gyroscopes mounted to 31
b 39 53
form a stabilized reference platform; a train of electrical, me- a
chanical and pneumatic components detected the position of the
aircraft relative to the platform and applied correction signals 43 55
to the aircraft control surfaces. The stabilizer operated for both
pitch and roll [ . . . ] The system was normally adjusted to give
an approximately deadbeat response to a step disturbance. The
incorporation of derivative action [ . . . ] was based on Sperry’s
intuitive understanding of the behaviour of the system, not on 21
any theoretical foundations. The system was also adaptive [ . . . ] 3
adjusting the gain to match the speed of the aircraft. 37 17 13

Significant technological advances in both ship and air- 18 11

craft stabilization took place over the next two decades, and 9
29 27 25
by the mid-1930s a number of airlines were using Sperry
autopilots for long-distance flights. However, apart from the
stability analyses discussed in Sect. 2.1.2 above, which were 5 7
not widely known at this time, there was little theoreti-
cal investigation of such feedback control systems. One of
the earliest significant studies was carried out by Nicholas
Minorsky, published in 1922 [18]. Minorsky was born in
Russia in 1885 (his knowledge of Russian proved to be Fig. 2.5 The Stabilog, a pneumatic controller providing proportional
important to the West much later). During service with the and integral action [19]
Russian Navy he studied the ship steering problem and,
following his emigration to the USA in 1918, he made the the end of the decade three-term controllers were available
first theoretical analysis of automatic ship steering. This that also included preact or derivative control. Theoretical
study clearly identified the way that control action should be progress was slow, however, until the advances made in
employed: Although Minorsky did not use the terms in the electronics and telecommunications in the 1920s and 1930s
modern sense, he recommended an appropriate combination were translated into the control field during World War II.
of proportional, derivative, and integral action. Minorsky’s
work was not widely disseminated, however. Although he
gave a good theoretical basis for closed-loop control, he was 2.1.4 Electronics, Feedback,
writing in an age of heroic invention, when intuition and prac- and Mathematical Analysis
tical experience were much more important for engineering
practice than theoretical analysis. The rapid spread of telegraphy and then telephony from
Important technological developments were also being the mid-nineteenth century onward prompted a great deal
made in other sectors during the first few decades of the of theoretical investigation into the behavior of electric cir-
twentieth century, although again there was little theoretical cuits. Oliver Heaviside published papers on his operational
underpinning. The electric power industry brought demands calculus over a number of years from 1888 onward [20],
for voltage and frequency regulation; many processes using but although his techniques produced valid results for the
driven rollers required accurate speed control; and consider- transient response of electrical networks, he was fiercely
able work was carried out in a number of countries on systems criticized by contemporary mathematicians for his lack of
for the accurate pointing of guns for naval and antiaircraft rigor, and ultimately he was blackballed by the establishment.
gunnery. In the process industries, measuring instruments It was not until the second decade of the twentieth century
and pneumatic controllers of increasing sophistication were that Bromwich, Carson, and others made the link between
developed. Mason’s Stabilog (Fig. 2.5), patented in 1933, Heaviside’s operational calculus and Fourier methods, and
included integral as well as proportional action, and by thus proved the validity of Heaviside’s techniques [21].
2 Historical Perspective of Automation 45

The first three decades of the twentieth century saw im- The third key contributor to the analysis of feedback
portant analyses of circuit and filter design, particularly in in electronic systems at Bell Labs was Hendrik Bode who
the USA and Germany. Harry Nyquist and Karl Küpfmüller worked on equalizers from the mid-1930s, and who demon-
were two of the first to consider the problem of the maximum strated that attenuation and phase shift were related in any
transmission rate of telegraph signals, as well as the notion realizable circuit [25]. The dream of telephone engineers to 2
of information in telecommunications, and both went on to build circuits with fast cutoff and low phase shift was indeed
analyze the general stability problem of a feedback circuit only a dream. It was Bode who introduced the notions of
[22]. In 1928, Küpfmüller analyzed the dynamics of an gain and phase margins, and redrew the Nyquist plot in its
automatic gain control electronic circuit using feedback. He now conventional form with the critical point at −1 +i0.
appreciated the dynamics of the feedback system, but his He also introduced the famous straight-line approximations
integral equation approach resulted only in approximations to frequency-response curves of linear systems plotted on
and design diagrams, rather than a rigorous stability criterion. log–log axes. Bode presented his methods in a classic text
At about the same time in the USA, Harold Black was published immediately after the war [26].
designing feedback amplifiers for transcontinental telephony If the work of the communications engineers was one
(Fig. 2.6). In a famous epiphany on the Hudson River ferry major precursor of classical control, then the other was the
in August 1927 he realized that negative feedback could development of high-performance servos in the 1930s. The
reduce distortion at the cost of reducing overall gain. Black need for such servos was generated by the increasing use
passed on the problem of the stability of such a feedback of analogue simulators, such as network analyzers for the
loop to his Bell Labs colleague Harry Nyquist, who published electrical power industry and differential analyzers for a
his celebrated frequency-domain encirclement criterion in wide range of problems. By the early 1930s, six-integrator
1932 [24]. Nyquist demonstrated, using results derived by differential analyzers were in operation at various locations
Cauchy, that the key to stability is whether or not the open- in the USA and the UK. A major center of innovation was
loop frequency-response locus in the complex plane encircles MIT, where Vannevar Bush, Norbert Wiener, and Harold
(in Nyquist’s original convention) the point 1 + i0. One of Hazen had all contributed to the design. In 1934, Hazen
the great advantages of this approach is that no analytical summarized the developments of the previous years in the
form of the open-loop frequency response is required: A theory of servomechanisms [27]. He adopted normalized
set of measured data points can be plotted without the need curves, and parameters such as time constant and damping
for a mathematical model. Another advantage is that, unlike factor, to characterize servo-response, but he did not give
the Routh–Hurwitz criterion, an assessment of the transient any stability analysis: Although he appears to have been
response can be made directly from the Nyquist plot in terms aware of Nyquists’s work, he (like almost all his contem-
of gain and phase margins (how close the locus approaches poraries) does not appear to have appreciated the close rela-
the critical point). tionship between a feedback servomechanism and a feedback
Black’s 1934 paper reporting his contribution to the devel- amplifier.
opment of the negative feedback amplifier included what was The 1930s American work gradually became known else-
to become the standard closed-loop analysis in the frequency where. There is ample evidence from prewar USSR, Ger-
domain [23]. many, and France that, for example, Nyquist’s results were
known – if not widely disseminated. In 1940, for example,
Leonhard published a book on automatic control in which he
me + n + d(E ) introduced the inverse Nyquist plot [28], and in the same year
a conference was held in Moscow during which a number
of Western results in automatic control were presented and
Amplifier circuit E+N+D
b (E + N + D) m discussed [29]. Also in Russia, a great deal of work was
being carried out on nonlinear dynamics, using an approach
mb (E + N + D) developed from the methods of Poincaré and Lyapunov at the
turn of the century [30]. Such approaches, however, were not
widely known outside Russia until after the war.

Feedback circuit 2.1.5 World War II and Classical Control:

b Infrastructure

Notwithstanding the major strides identified in the previous

subsections, it was during World War II that a discipline of
Fig. 2.6 Black’s feedback amplifier. (After [23]) feedback control began to emerge, using a range of design
46 C. Bissell et al.

and analysis techniques to implement high-performance sys- and Instruments was the most important for the develop-
tems, especially those for the control of antiaircraft weapons. ment of feedback control. Following the establishment of
In particular, World War II saw the coming together of engi- the O.R., the NDRC was reorganized into divisions, and
neers from a range of disciplines – electrical and electronic Division 7, Fire Control, under the overall direction of Harold
engineering, mechanical engineering, and mathematics – and Hazen, covered the following subdivisions: ground-based
the subsequent realization that a common framework could antiaircraft fire control; airborne fire control systems; ser-
be applied to all the various elements of a complex control vomechanisms and data transmission; optical rangefinders;
system in order to achieve the desired result [19, 31]. fire control analysis; and navy fire control with radar.
The so-called fire control problem was one of the major Turning to the UK, by the outbreak of World War II
issues in military research and development at the end of various military research stations were highly active in such
the 1930s. While not a new problem, the increasing impor- areas as radar and gun laying, and there were also close
tance of aerial warfare meant that the control of antiaircraft links between government bodies and industrial companies
weapons took on a new significance. Under manual con- such as Metropolitan–Vickers, British Thomson–Houston,
trol, aircraft were detected by radar, range was measured, and others. Nevertheless, it is true to say that overall coor-
prediction of the aircraft position at the arrival of the shell dination was not as effective as in the USA. A body that
was computed, and guns were aimed and fired. A typical contributed significantly to the dissemination of theoretical
system could involve up to 14 operators. Clearly, automation developments and other research into feedback control sys-
of the process was highly desirable, and achieving this was to tems in the UK was the so-called Servo Panel. Originally
require detailed research into such matters as the dynamics established informally in 1942 as the result of an initiative
of the servomechanisms driving the gun aiming, the design of Solomon (head of a special radar group at Malvern), it
of controllers, and the statistics of tracking aircraft possibly acted rather as a learned society with approximately monthly
taking evasive action. meetings from May 1942 to August 1945. Toward the end of
Government, industry, and academia collaborated closely the war meetings included contributions from the USA.
in the USA, and three research laboratories were of prime im- Germany developed successful control systems for civil
portance. The Servomechanisms Laboratory at MIT brought and military applications both before and during the war
together Brown, Hall, Forrester, and others in projects that (torpedo and flight control, for example). The period 1938–
developed frequency-domain methods for control loop de- 1941 was particularly important for the development of mis-
sign for high-performance servos. Particularly close links sile guidance systems. The test and development center at
were maintained with Sperry, a company with a strong track Peenemünde on the Baltic coast had been set up in early
record in guidance systems, as indicated above. Meanwhile, 1936, and work on guidance and control saw the involve-
at MIT’s Radiation Laboratory – best known, perhaps, for ment of industry, the government, and universities. However,
its work on radar and long-distance navigation – researchers there does not appear to have been any significant national
such as James, Nichols, and Phillips worked on the further coordination of R&D in the control field in Germany, and
development of design techniques for auto-track radar for AA little development of high-performance servos as there was
gun control. And the third institution of seminal importance in the USA and the UK. When we turn to the German
for fire control development was Bell Labs, where great situation outside the military context, however, we find a
names such as Bode, Shannon, and Weaver – in collaboration rather remarkable awareness of control and even cybernetics.
with Wiener and Bigelow at MIT – attacked a number of In 1939, the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, one of the two
outstanding problems, including the theory of smoothing and major German engineers’ associations, set up a specialist
prediction for gun aiming. By the end of the war, most of the committee on control engineering. As early as October 1940
techniques of what came to be called classical control had the chair of this body Herman Schmidt gave a talk covering
been elaborated in these laboratories, and a whole series of control engineering and its relationship with economics, so-
papers and textbooks appeared in the late 1940s presenting cial sciences, and cultural aspects [33]. Rather remarkably,
this new discipline to the wider engineering community [32]. this committee continued to meet during the war years,
Support for control systems development in the USA and issued a report in 1944 concerning primarily control
has been well documented [19, 31]. The National Defense concepts and terminology, but also considering many of the
Research Committee (NDRC) was established in 1940 and fundamental issues of the emerging discipline.
incorporated into the Office of Scientific Research and De- The Soviet Union saw a great deal of prewar interest in
velopment (OSRD) the following year. Under the director- control, mainly for industrial applications in the context of
ship of Vannevar Bush, the new bodies tackled antiaircraft five-year plans for the Soviet command economy. Develop-
measures, and thus the servo problem, as a major priority. ments in the USSR have received little attention in English-
Section D of the NDRC, devoted to Detection, Controls, language accounts of the history of the discipline apart from
2 Historical Perspective of Automation 47

a few isolated papers. It is noteworthy that the Kommis-

siya Telemekhanikii Avtomatiki (KTA) was founded in 1934, Imaginary
KG (iw) Plane
and the Institut Avtomatikii Telemekhaniki (IAT) in 1939 axis
Center of = – M 2
(both under the auspices of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, circles M 2–1
which controlled scientific research through its network of
M = 1.1
Radii of = M 2
institutes). The KTA corresponded with numerous Western circles M 2–1
manufacturers of control equipment in the mid-1930s and M = 1.3
M = 0.75
translated a number articles from Western journals. The early
days of the IAT were marred, however, by the Shchipanov M = 1.5
affair, a classic Soviet attack on a researcher for pseudo- M=2
science, which detracted from technical work for a consid- 3
–3 –2 –1 +1 +2
erable period of time [34]. The other major Russian center of 3
2 Real axis
research related to control theory in the 1930s and 1940s (if 2
not for practical applications) was the University of Gorkii 2 1
(now Nizhnii Novgorod), where Aleksandr Andronov and 0.5
colleagues had established a center for the study of nonlinear 1cps
dynamics during the 1930s [35]. Andronov was in regular K= 0.5
contact with Moscow during the 1940s, and presented the
emerging control theory there – both the nonlinear research at 1
0.5 cps
Gorkii and developments in the UK and USA. Nevertheless,
there appears to have been no coordinated wartime work on K=1
control engineering in the USSR, and the IAT in Moscow K=2
was evacuated when the capital came under threat. However,
there does seem to have been an emerging control community
in Moscow, Nizhnii Novgorod, and Leningrad, and Russian Fig. 2.7 Hall’s M-circles. (After [37])
workers were extremely well informed about the open liter-
ature in the West.
that would give the desired amplitude ratio. As an aid to finding
the value of K he superimposed on the polar plot curves of
2.1.6 World War II and Classical Control: constant magnitude of the amplitude ratio. These curves turned
out to be circles . . . By plotting the response locus on transparent
Theory paper, or by using an overlay of M-circles printed on transparent
paper, the need to draw M-circles was obviated . . .
Design techniques for servomechanisms began to be devel-
oped in the USA from the late 1930s onward. In 1940, Gor- A second MIT group, known as the Radiation Laboratory
don S. Brown and colleagues at MIT analyzed the transient (or RadLab), was working on auto-track radar systems. Work
response of a closed-loop system in detail, introducing the in this group was described after the war in [39]; one of the
system operator 1/(1 + open loop) as functions of the Heav- major innovations was the introduction of the Nichols chart
iside differential operator p. By the end of 1940 contracts (Fig. 2.8), similar to Hall’s M-circles, but using the more
were being drawn up between the NDRC and MIT for a convenient decibel measure of amplitude ratio that turned the
range of servo projects. One of the most significant con- circles into a rather different geometrical form.
tributors was Albert Hall, who developed classic frequency- The third US group consisted of those looking at smooth-
response methods as part of his doctoral thesis, presented ing and prediction for antiaircraft weapons – most notably
in 1943 and published initially as a confidential document Wiener and Bigelow at MIT together with others, including
[36] and then in the open literature after the war [37]. Hall Bode and Shannon, at Bell Labs. This work involved the
derived the frequency response of a unity feedback servo application of correlation techniques to the statistics of air-
as KG(iω)/[1 + KG(iω)], applied the Nyquist criterion, and craft motion. Although the prototype Wiener predictor was
introduced a new way of plotting system response that he unsuccessful in attempts at practical application in the early
called M-circles (Fig. 2.7), which were later to inspire the 1940s, the general approach proved to be seminal for later
Nichols chart. As Bennett describes it [38]: developments.
Formal techniques in the UK were not so advanced.
Hall was trying to design servosystems which were stable, had
a high natural frequency, and high damping. [ . . . ] He needed a Arnold Tustin at Metropolitan–Vickers (Metro–Vick)
method of determining, from the transfer locus, the value of K worked on gun control from the late 1930s, but engineers had
48 C. Bissell et al.

2.1.7 The Emergence of Modern Control

Loop gain (dB)
–0.5 +0.5
–24 The modern or state-space approach to control was ulti-
–20 mately derived from original work by Poincaré and Lyapunov
–1–0.2 at the end of the nineteenth century. As noted above, Russians
had continued developments along these lines, particularly
–12 –2 during the 1920s and 1930s in centers of excellence in
–3 400 Moscow and Gorkii (now Nizhnii Novgorod). Russian work
–8 –4
–0.4 +3 of the 1930s filtered slowly through to the West [45], but it
–4 –6 +4 was only in the postwar period, and particularly with the in-
0 –12
200 +5 troduction of cover-to-cover translations of the major Soviet
–0.6 +6
w journals, that researchers in the USA and elsewhere became
+4 familiar with Soviet work. But phase-plane approaches had
–0.8 100
w +9
+8 already been adopted by Western control engineers. One of
1.0 60
+12 the first was Leroy MacColl in his early textbook [46].
+12 40 The Cold War requirements of control engineering cen-
+16 1.5 tered on the control of ballistic objects for aerospace appli-
+20 2 cations. Detailed and accurate mathematical models, both
20 4 6 linear and nonlinear, could be obtained, and the classical
+24 techniques of frequency response and root locus – essentially
10 8 +24
+28 approximations – were increasingly replaced by methods
–180 –160 –140 –120 –100 –80 –60 –40 –20 0
Loop phase angle (deg)
designed to optimize some measure of performance such
as minimizing trajectory time or fuel consumption. Higher-
order models were expressed as a set of first-order equations
Fig. 2.8 Nichols chart. (After [38]) in terms of the state variables. The state variables allowed
for a more sophisticated representation of dynamic behavior
little appreciation of dynamics. Although they used harmonic than the classical single-input single-output system modeled
response plots, they appeared to have been unaware of the by a differential equation, and were suitable for multivariable
Nyquist criterion until well into the 1940s [40]. Other key problems. In general, we have in matrix form
researchers in the UK included Whitely, who proposed using
the inverse Nyquist diagram as early as 1942, and introduced x = Ax + Bu,
his standard forms for the design of various categories y = Cx,
of servosystem [41]. In Germany, Winfried Oppelt, Hans
Sartorius, and Rudolf Oldenbourg were also coming to where x are the state variables, u the inputs, and y the outputs.
related conclusions about closed-loop design independently Automatic control developments in the late 1940s and
of allied research [42, 43]. 1950s were greatly assisted by changes in the engineering
The basics of sampled-data control were also developed professional bodies and a series of international conferences
independently during the war in several countries. The z- [47]. In the USA, both the American Society of Mechanical
transform in all but name was described in a chapter by Engineers and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers
Hurewizc in [39]. Tustin in the UK developed the bilinear made various changes to their structure to reflect the grow-
transformation for time series models, while Oldenbourg ing importance of servomechanisms and feedback control.
and Sartorius also used difference equations to model such In the UK, similar changes took place in the British pro-
systems. fessional bodies, most notably the Institution of Electrical
From 1944 onward, the design techniques developed dur- Engineers, but also the Institute of Measurement and Control
ing the hostilities were made widely available in an explosion and the mechanical and chemical engineering bodies. The
of research papers and text books – not only from the USA first conferences on the subject appeared in the late 1940s
and the UK, but also from Germany and the USSR. Toward in London and New York, but the first truly international
the end of the decade perhaps the final element in the classical conference was held in Cranfield, UK, in 1951. This was
control toolbox was added – Evans’ root locus technique, followed by a number of others, the most influential of which
which enabled plots of changing pole position as a function of was the Heidelberg event of September 1956, organized
loop gain to be easily sketched [44]. But a radically different by the joint control committee of the two major German
approach was already waiting in the wings. engineering bodies, the VDE and VDI. The establishment of
2 Historical Perspective of Automation 49

the International Federation of Automatic Control followed A development often neglected in the history of automatic
in 1957 with its first conference in Moscow in 1960 [48]. control is the programmable logic controller (PLC). PLCs
The Moscow conference was perhaps most remarkable for were developed to replace individual relays used for sequen-
Kalman’s paper On the general theory of control systems tial (and combinational) logic control in various industrial
which identified the duality between multivariable feedback sectors. Early plugboard devices appeared in the mid-1960s, 2
control and multivariable feedback filtering and which was but the first PLC proper was probably the Modicon, devel-
seminal for the development of optimal control. oped for General Motors to replace electromechanical relays
The late 1950s and early 1960s saw the publication of a in automotive component production. Modern PLCs offer a
number of other important works on dynamic programming wide range of control options, including conventional closed-
and optimal control, of which can be singled out those by loop control algorithms such as PID as well as the logic
Bellman [49], Kalman [50–52], and Pontryagin and col- functions. In spite of the rise of the ruggedized PCs in many
leagues [53]. A more thorough discussion of control theory industrial applications, PLCs are still widely used owing to
is provided in Chs.  9,  11, and  10. their reliability and familiarity (Fig. 2.9).
Digital computers also made it possible to implement the
more advanced control techniques that were being developed
2.1.8 The Digital Computer in the 1960s and 1970s [56]. In adaptive control the algorithm
is modified according to circumstances. Adaptive control has
The introduction of digital technologies in the late 1950s a long history: so-called gain scheduling, for example, when
brought enormous changes to automatic control. Control en-
gineering had long been associated with computing devices –
as noted above, a driving force for the development of servos
was for applications in analogue computing. But the great
change with the introduction of digital computers was that
ultimately the approximate methods of frequency-response
or root locus design, developed explicitly to avoid compu-
tation, could be replaced by techniques in which accurate
computation played a vital role.
There is some debate about the first application of digital
computers to process control, but certainly the introduction
of computer control at the Texaco Port Arthur (Texas) re-
finery in 1959 and the Monsanto ammonia plant at Luling
(Louisiana) the following year are two of the earliest [54].
The earliest systems were supervisory systems, in which
individual loops were controlled by conventional electrical,
pneumatic, or hydraulic controllers, but monitored and opti-
mized by computer. Specialized process control computers
followed in the second half of the 1960s, offering direct
digital control (DDC) as well as supervisory control. In DDC
the computer itself implements a discrete form of a control
algorithm such as three-term control or other procedure. Such
systems were expensive, however, and also suffered many
problems with programming, and were soon superseded by
the much cheaper minicomputers of the early 1970s, most
notably the Digital Equipment Corporation PDP series. But,
as in so many other areas, it was the microprocessor that had
the greatest effect. Microprocessor-based digital controllers
were soon developed that were compact, reliable, included
a wide selection of control algorithms, had good communi-
cations with supervisory computers, and comparatively easy
to use programming and diagnostic tools via an effective
operator interface. Microprocessors could also easily be built
into specific pieces of equipment, such as robot arms, to
provide dedicated position control, for example. Fig. 2.9 The Modicon 084 PLC. (After [55])
50 C. Bissell et al.

the gain of a controller is varied according to some measured rather prescient remarks at an ASME meeting in the fall of
parameter, was used well before the digital computer. (The that year, Brown and Campbell said [58–60]:
classic example is in flight control, where the altitude affects
aircraft dynamics, and needs therefore to be taken into ac- We have in mind more a philosophic evaluation of systems
count when setting gain.) Digital adaptive control, however, which might lead to the improvement of product quality, to
better coordination of plant operation, to a clarification of the
offers much greater possibilities for:
economics related to new plant design, and to the safe oper-
ation of plants in our composite social-industrial community.
1. Identification of relevant system parameters [ . . . ] The conservation of raw materials used in a process often
2. Making decisions about the required modifications to the prompts reconsideration of control. The expenditure of power
control algorithm or energy in product manufacture is another important factor
related to control. The protection of health of the population
3. Implementing the changes adjacent to large industrial areas against atmospheric poisoning
and water-stream pollution is a sufficiently serious problem to
Optimal and robust techniques too were developed, the keep us constantly alert for advances in the study and technique
most celebrated perhaps being the linear-quadratic-Gaussian of automatic control, not only because of the human aspect, but
because of the economy aspect.
(LQG) and H∞ approaches from the 1960s onward. Without
digital computers these techniques, that attempt to optimize
system rejection of disturbances (according to some measure Many saw the new technologies, and the prospects of
of behavior) while at the same time being resistant to errors automation, as bringing great benefits to society; others were
in the model, would simply be mathematical curiosities [57]. more negative. Wiener, for example, wrote [61]:
A very different approach to control rendered possible by
modern computers is to move away from purely mathematic The modern industrial revolution is [ . . . ] bound to devalue the
models of system behavior and controller algorithms. In human brain at least in its simpler and more routine decisions.
fuzzy control, for example, control action is based on a set Of course, just as the skilled carpenter, the skilled mechanic,
the skilled dressmaker have in some degree survived the first
of rules expressed in terms of fuzzy variables. For example: industrial revolution, so the skilled scientist and the skilled ad-
ministrator may survive the second. However, taking the second
IF the speed is “high” revolution as accomplished, the average human of mediocre
AND the distance to final stop is “short” attainments or less has nothing to sell that it is worth anyone’s
THEN apply brakes “firmly.” money to buy.

The fuzzy variables high, short, and firmly can be trans-

lated by means of an appropriate computer program into It is remarkable how many of the wartime engineers
effective control for, in this case, a train. Related techniques involved in control systems development went on to look
include learning control and knowledge-based control. In the at social, economic, or biological systems. In addition to
former, the control system can learn about its environment Wiener’s work on cybernetics, Arnold Tustin wrote a book
using artificial intelligence techniques (AI) and modify its on the application to economics of control ideas, and both
behavior accordingly. In the latter, a range of AI techniques Winfried Oppelt and Karl Küpfmüller investigated biological
are applied to reasoning about the situation so as to provide systems in the postwar period.
appropriate control action. One of the more controversial applications of control
and automation was the introduction of the computer
numerical control (CNC) of machine tools from the late
1950s onward. Arguments about increased productivity were
2.1.9 The Socio-technological Context Since
contested by those who feared widespread unemployment.
We still debate such issues today, and will continue to do
so. Noble, in his critique of automation, particularly CNC,
This short survey of the history of automatic control has con-
remarks [62]:
centrated on technological and, to some extent, institutional
developments. A full social history of automatic control has
yet to be written, although there are detailed studies of certain [ . . . ] when technological development is seen as politics, as it
should be, then the very notion of progress becomes ambigu-
aspects. Here I shall merely indicate some major trends since ous: What kind of progress? Progress for whom? Progress for
World War II. what? And the awareness of this ambiguity, this indeterminacy,
The wartime developments, both in engineering and in reduces the powerful hold that technology has had upon our
areas such as operations research, pointed the way toward consciousness and imagination [ . . . ] Such awareness awakens
us not only to the full range of technological possibilities and
the design and management of large-scale, complex, projects. political potential but also to a broader and older notion of
Some of those involved in the wartime research were already progress, in which a struggle for human fulfillment and social
thinking on a much larger scale. As early as 1949, in some equality replaces a simple faith in technological deliverance . . . .
2 Historical Perspective of Automation 51

2.1.10 Conclusion and Emerging Trends • L.E. Harris: The Two Netherlanders, Humphrey Bradley
and CornelisDrebbel (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge
Technology is part of human activity, and cannot be divorced 1961)
from politics, economics, and society. There is no doubt that • B. Marsden: Watt’s Perfect Engine (Columbia Univ. Press,
automatic control, at the core of automation, has brought New York 2002) 2
enormous benefits, enabling modern production techniques, • O. Mayr: Authority, Liberty and Automatic Machinery
power and water supply, environmental control, information in Early Modern Europe (Johns Hopkins Univ. Press,
and communication technologies, and so on. At the same Baltimore 1986)
time automatic control has called into question the way we • W. Oppelt: A historical review of autopilot development,
organize our societies, and how we run modern technological research and theory in Germany, Trans ASME J. Dyn.
enterprises. Automated processes require much less human Syst. Meas. Control 98, 213–223 (1976)
intervention, and there have been periods in the recent past • W. Oppelt: On the early growth of conceptual thinking in
when automation has been problematic in those parts of control theory – the German role up to 1945, IEEE Control
industrialized society that have traditionally relied on a large Syst. Mag. 4, 16–22 (1984)
workforce for carrying out tasks that were subsequently • B. Porter: Stability Criteria for Linear Dynamical Systems
automated. It seems unlikely that these socio-technological (Oliver Boyd, Edinburgh, London 1967)
questions will be settled as we move toward the next genera- • P. Remaud: Histoire de l’automatiqueen France 1850–
tion of automatic control systems, such as the transformation 1950 (Hermes Lavoisier, Paris 2007), in French
of work through the use of information and communication • K. Rörentrop: Entwicklung der modernenRegelungstech-
technology ICT and the application of control ideas to this nik (Oldenbourg, Munich 1971), in German
emerging field [63]. • Scientific American: Automatic Control (Simon Shuster,
Future developments in automatic control are likely to New York 1955)
exploit ever more sophisticated mathematical models for • J.S. Small: The Analogue Alternative (Routledge, London,
those applications amenable to exact technological modeling, New York 2001)
plus a greater emphasis on human–machine systems, and • G.J. Thaler (Ed.): Automatic Control: Classical Linear
further development of human behavior modeling, including Theory (Dowden, Stroudsburg 1974)
decision support and cognitive engineering systems [64]. As • (Added for this new edition) Bissell, C., and Dillon, C.
safety aspects of large-scale automated systems become ever (Eds.): Ways of Thinking, Ways of Seeing (Springer ACES
more important, large-scale integration and novel ways of Book Series 2012)
communicating between humans and machines are likely to
take on even greater significance.
2.2 Advances in Industrial Automation:
2.1.11 Further Reading Historical Perspectives

• R. Bellman (Ed.): Selected Papers on Mathematical (by Theodore J. Williams)

Trends in Control Engineering (Dover, New York 1964) Automation is a way for humans to extend the capability
• C.C. Bissell: (electronic re- of their tools and machines. Self-operation by tools and
source) machines requires four functions: performance detection,
• M.S. Fagen (Ed.): A History of Engineering and Science process correction, adjustments due to disturbances, and
in the Bell System: The Early Years (1875–1925) (Bell enabling the previous three functions without human inter-
Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill 1975) vention. Development of these functions evolved in history,
• M.S. Fagen (Ed.): A History of Engineering and Science and automation is the capability of causing machines to carry
in the Bell System: National Service in War and Peace out a specific operation on command from external source.
(1925–1975) (Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill In chemical manufacturing and petroleum industries prior
1979) to 1940, most processing was in batch environment. The
• A.T. Fuller: Stability of Motion, ed. by E.J. Routh, increasing demand for chemical and petroleum products by
reprinted with additional material (Taylor Francis, London World War II and thereafter required different manufacturing
1975) setup, leading to continuous processing and efficiencies were
• A.T. Fuller: The early development of control theory, achieved by automatic control and automation of process,
Trans. ASME J. Dyn. Syst. Meas. Control 98, 109–118 flow, and transfer. The increasing complexity of the control
(1976) system for large plants necessitated applications of comput-
• A.T. Fuller: Lyapunov centenary issue, Int. J. Control 55, ers, which were introduced to the chemical industry in the
521–527 (1992) 1960s. Automation has substituted computer-based control
52 C. Bissell et al.

systems for most, if not all, control systems previously based the capability to respond to other external environmental
on human-aided mechanical or pneumatic systems to the conditions or signals when such responses are incorporated
point that chemical and petroleum plant systems are now within its capabilities. Automation, in the sense used almost
fully automatic to a very high degree. In addition, automation universally today in the chemical and petroleum industries,
has replaced human effort, eliminates significant labor costs, is taken to mean the complete or near-complete operation of
and prevents accidents and injuries that might occur. The chemical plants and petroleum refineries by digital computer
Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture (PERA) for hier- systems. This operation entails not only the monitoring and
archical control structure, the hierarchy of personnel tasks, control of multiple flows of materials involved but also the
and plant operational management structure, as developed for coordination and optimization of these controls to achieve
large industrial plants, as well as frameworks for automation optimal production rate and/or the economic return desired
studies are also illustrated. by management. These systems are programmed to compen-
Humans have always sought to increase the capability sate, as far as the plant equipment itself will allow for changes
of their tools and their extensions, i.e., machines. A natural in raw material characteristics and availability and requested
extension of this dream was making tools capable of self- product flow rates and qualities.
operation in order to: In the early days of the chemical manufacturing and
petroleum industries (prior to 1940), most processing was
1. Detect when performance was not achieving the initial carried out in a batch environment. The needed ingredi-
expected result ents were added together in a kettle and processed until
2. Initiate a correction in operation to return the process the reaction or other desired action was completed. The
to its expected result in case of deviation from expected desired product(s) were then separated from the by-products
performance and unreacted materials by decanting, distilling, filtering,
3. Adjust ongoing operations to increase the machine’s pro- or other applicable physical means. These latter operations
ductivity in terms of (a) volume, (b) dimensional accuracy, are thus in contrast to the generally chemical processes of
(c) overall product quality, or (d) ability to respond to a product formation. At that early time, the equipment and
new previously unknown disturbance their accompanying methodologies were highly manpower
4. Carry out the previously described functions without hu- dependent, particularly for those requiring coordination of
man intervention the joint operation of related equipment, especially when
succeeding steps involved transferring materials to different
Item 1 was readily achieved through the development of sets or types of equipment.
sensors that could continuously or periodically measure the The strong demand for chemical and petroleum prod-
important variables of the process and signal the occurrence ucts generated by World War II and the following years
of variations in them. Item 2 was made possible next by of prosperity and rapid commercial growth required an en-
the invention of controllers that convert knowledge of such tirely different manufacturing equipment setup. This led to
variations into commands required to change operational the emergence of continuous processes where subsequent
variables and thereby return to the required operational re- processes were continued in successive connected pieces of
sults. The successful operation of any commercially viable equipment, each devoted to a separate setup in the process.
process requires the solution of items 1 and 2. Thus a progression in distance to the succeeding equipment
The development of item 3 required an additional level (rather than in time, in the same equipment) was now nec-
of intelligence beyond items 1 and 2, i.e., the capability essary. Since any specific piece of equipment or location in
to make a comparison between the results achieved and the process train was then always used for the same opera-
the operating conditions used for a series of tests. Humans tional stage, the formerly repeated filling, reacting, emptying,
can, of course, readily perform this task. Accomplishing this and cleaning operations in every piece of equipment were
task using a machine, however, requires the computational now eliminated. This was obviously much more efficient
capability to compare successive sets of data, gather and in terms of equipment usage. This type of operation, now
interpret corrective results, and be able to apply the results called continuous processing, is in contrast to the earlier
obtained. For a few variables with known variations, this can batch processing mode. However, the coordination of the
be incorporated into the controller’s design. However, for a now simultaneous operations connected together required
large number of variables or when possible unknown ranges much more accurate control of both operations to avoid the
of responses may be present, a computer must be available. transmission of processing errors or upsets to downstream
Automation is the capability of causing a machine to carry equipment.
out a specific operation on command from an external source. Fortunately, our basic knowledge of the inherent chemical
The nature of these operations may also be part of the external and physical properties of these processes had also advanced
command received. The devise involved may likewise have along with the development of the needed equipment and
2 Historical Perspective of Automation 53

Level 4b
Management Sales
information orders 2
Scheduling and control hierarchy (Level 4) Level 4a
Operational Communi-
scheduling and
and production cations with
supervision other areas

Supervisor's Intra-area cations with
(Level 3)
console coordination other super-
visory systems

Supervisor's Supervisory cations with
(Level 2)
console control other control

Operator's Direct digital

console control

(Level 1)

Specialized dedicated
digital controllers

All physical,
Process chemical or
spatial trans-
(Level 0)

Fig. 2.10 The Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture (PERA). Hierarchical computer control structure for an industrial plant [77]

now allows us to adopt methodologies for assessing the electronic technologies as the next advances. Pneumatic tech-
quality and state of these processes during their operation, niques were then used only where severe fire or explosive
i.e., degree of completion, etc. Likewise, also fortunately, conditions prevented the use of electronics.
our basic knowledge of the technology of automatic con- The overall complexity of the control systems for large
trol and its implementing equipment advanced along with plants made them objects for the consideration of the use
knowledge of the pneumatic and electronic techniques used of computers almost as soon as the early digital computers
to implement them. Pneumatic technology for the necessary became practical and affordable. The first computers for
control equipment was used almost exclusively from the chemical plant and refinery control were installed in 1960,
original development of the technique to the 1920s until its and they became quite prevalent by 1965. By now, computers
replacement by the rapidly developing electronic techniques are widely used in all large plant operations and in most small
in the 1930s. This advanced type of equipment became ones as well. If automation can be defined as the substitution
almost totally electronic after the development of solid-state of computer-based control systems for most, if not all, control
54 C. Bissell et al.

Level Output Task

Define and modify

Corporate officer Strategy objectives

Division manager Plans Implement objective

Plant manager management Operations control

Department manager

Foreman Control Supervisory control

Operator Direct control

Observer Outside
Sensors communi-

Fig. 2.11 Personnel task hierarchy in a large manufacturing plant

systems previously based on human-aided mechanical or many locations this involves only a watchman role and an
pneumatic systems, then for chemical and petroleum plant emergency maintenance function. This capability has further
systems we can now truly say that they are fully automated, resulted in even further improvements in overall plant design
to a very high degree. to take full advantage of this new capability – a synergy effect.
As indicated above, a most desired by-product of the This synergy effect was next felt in the automation of the raw
automation of chemical and petroleum refining processes material acceptance practices and the product distribution
must be the replacement of human effort: first, in directly methodologies of these plants. Many are now connected
handling the frequently dangerous chemical ingredients in directly to the raw material sources and their customers
the initiation of the process; second, that of personally mon- by pipelines, thus totally eliminating special raw material
itoring and controlling the carrying out and completion of and product handling and packaging. Again, computers are
these processes; and finally that of handling the resulting widely used in the scheduling, monitoring, and controlling
products. This omits the expenses involved in the employ- of all operations involved here.
ment of personnel for carrying out these tasks, and also Finally, it has been noted that there is a hierarchical
prevents unnecessary accidents and injuries that might occur relationship between the control of the industrial process
there. The staff at chemical plants and petroleum refineries plant unit automatic control systems and the duties of the
has thus been dramatically decreased in recent years. In successive levels of management in a large industrial plant
2 Historical Perspective of Automation 55

Level 4b
Company or plant general
management and staff 1

(Level 4)
Level 4a 2
Plant operational management Communi-
and staff cations with 2 3
other areas
4 5


6 7


Area operational management
(Level 3) cations with 8 9
and staff
other super-
visory levels

Unit operational management Communi-

(Level 2) cations with
and staff

Design phase
10 11 12
other control
level systems

(Level 1) Direct process operations

Implementation view

13 14 15

Operations Construction and

installation phase
Physical communication
only) with plant processes

16 17 18

phase 19 20 21
Fig. 2.12 Plant operational management hierarchical structure

from company management down to the final plant control

actions [65–76]. It has also been shown that all actions Fig. 2.13 Abbreviated sketch to represent the structure of the Purdue
Enterprise Reference Architecture
normally taken by intermediary plant staff in this hierarchy
can be formulated into a computer-readable form for all
operations that do not involve innovation or other problem-
solving actions by plant staff. Figures 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, and The bodies of human beings are smaller than those of
2.13 (with Table 2.1) illustrate this hierarchical structure and wild animals. Our muscles, bones, and nails are smaller
its components. See more on the history of automation and and weaker. However, human beings, fortunately, have larger
control in Chs.  3 and  4; see further details on process brains and wisdom. Humans initially learned how to use tools
industry automation in Ch.  31; on complex systems au- and then started using machines to perform necessary daily
tomation in Ch.  36; and on automation architecture for operations. Without the help of these tools or machines we, as
interoperability in Ch.  86. human beings, can no longer support our daily life normally.
Technology is making progress at an extremely high
speed; for instance, about half a century ago I bought
2.3 Advances in Robotics a camera for my own use; at that time, the price of a
and Automation: Historical conventional German-made camera was very high, as much
Perspectives as 6 months income. However, the price of a similar quality
camera now is the equivalent of only 2 weeks of the salary of
(by Yukio Hasegawa) a young person in Japan.
Historical perspectives are given about the impressive Seiko Corporation started production and sales of the
progress in automation. Automation, including robotics, has world’s first quartz watch in Japan about 40 years ago. At that
evolved by becoming useful and affordable. Methods have time, the price of the watch was about 400,000 Yen. People
been developed to analyze and design better automation, and used to tell me that such high-priced watches could only be
those methods have also been automated. The most important purchased by a limited group of people with high incomes,
issue in automation is to make every effort to paying attention such as airline pilots, company owners, etc. Today similar
to all the details. watches are sold in supermarkets for only 1000 Yen.
56 C. Bissell et al.

Table 2.1 Areas of interest for the architecture framework addressing development and implementation aids for automation studies (Fig. 2.13)
Area Subjects of concern
1 Mission, vision, and values of the company, operational philosophies, mandates, etc.
2 Operational policies related to the information architecture and its implementation
3 Operational strategies and goals related to the manufacturing architecture and its implementation
4 Requirements for the implementation of the information architecture to carry out the operational policies of the company
5 Requirements for physical production of the products or services to be generated by the company
6 Sets of tasks, function modules, and macrofunction modules required to carry out the requirements of the information architecture
7 Sets of production tasks, function modules, and macrofunctions required to carry out the manufacturing or service production mission
of the company
8 Connectivity diagrams of the tasks, function modules, and macrofunction modules of the information network, probably in the form of
data flow diagrams or related modeling methods
9 Process flow diagrams showing the connectivity of the tasks, function modules, and macrofunctions of the manufacturing processes
10 Functional design of the information systems architecture
11 Functional design of the human and organizational architecture
12 Functional design of the manufacturing equipment architecture
13 Detailed design of the equipment and software of the information systems architecture
14 Detailed design of the task assignments, skills development training courses, and organizations of the human and organizational
15 Detailed design of components, processes, and equipment of the manufacturing equipment architecture
16 Construction, checkout, and commissioning of the equipment and software of the information systems architecture
17 Implementation of organizational development, training courses, and online skill practice for the human and organizational architecture
18 Construction, checkout, and commissioning of the equipment and processes of the manufacturing equipment architecture
19 Operation of the information and control system of the information systems architecture including its continued improvement
20 Continued organizational development and skill and human relations development training of the human and organizational architecture
21 Continued improvement of process and equipment operating conditions to increase quality and productivity, and to reduce costs
involved for the manufacturing equipment architecture

Furthermore, nowadays, we are moving toward the au- by the American Congress. Professor Gilbreth of Purdue
tomation of information handling by using computers; for University developed the new motion analysis method, and
instance, at many railway stations, it is now common to contributed to the rationalization of human operations. Mr.
see unmanned ticket consoles. Telephone exchanges have Dancan of WOFAC Corporation proposed a human prede-
become completely automated and the cost to use telephone termined time standard (PTS) method, which was applied to
systems is now very low. human operation rationalizations worldwide.
In recent years, robots have become commonplace for In the robotic field, those contributions are only part of
aiding in many different environments. Robots are machines the solution, and people have understood that mechanical
which carry out motions and information handling automat- and control engineering are additionally important aspects.
ically. In the 1970s I was asked to start conducting research Therefore, analysis of human operations in robotic fields
on robots. One day, I was asked by the management of a are combined with more analysis, design, and rationalization
Japanese company that wanted to start the sales of robots to [78]. However, human operators play a very challenging role
determine whether such robots could be used in Japan. After in operations. Therefore, study of the work involved is more
analyzing robot motions by using a high-speed film analysis important than the robot itself and I believe that industrial
system, I reached the conclusion that the robot could be used engineering is going to become increasingly important in the
both in Japan as well as in the USA. future [79]. Prof. Nof developed RTM, the robot time and
After that work I developed a new motion analysis method motion computational method, which was applied in robot
named the robot predetermined time standard (RPTS). The selection and program improvements, including selection of
RPTS method can be widely applied to robot operation sys- robots and programs of both stationary and mobile robots.
tem design and contributed to many robot operation system Such techniques were then incorporated in ROBCAD, a
design projects. computer-aided design system to automate the design and
In the USA, since the beginning of the last century, a lot implementation of robot installations and applications.
of pioneers in human operation rationalization have made A number of years ago I had the opportunity to visit the
significant contributions. In 1911, Frederik Tailor proposed USA to attend an international robot symposium. At that time
the scientific management method, which was later reviewed the principle of “no hands in dies” was a big topic in America
2 Historical Perspective of Automation 57

due to a serious problem with guaranteeing the safety of 5. Bennett, S.: A History of Control Engineering 1800–1930. Peregri-
metal stamping operations. People involved in the safety of nus, Stevenage (1979)
6. Airy, G.B.: On the regulator of the clock-work for effecting uniform
metal stamping operations could not decrease the accident
movement of equatorials. Mem. R. Astron. Soc. 11, 249–267
rate in spite of their increasing efforts. The government de- (1840)
cided that a new policy to fully automate stamping operations 7. Maxwell, J.C.: On governors. Proc. R. Soc. 16, 270–283 (1867) 2
or to use additional devices to hold and place workpieces 8. Routh, E.J.: A Treatise on the Stability of a Given State of Motion.
Macmillan, London (1877)
without inserting operators’ hands between dies was needed.
9. Bissell, C.C.: Stodola, Hurwitz and the genesis of the stability
The decision was lauded by many stamping robot manufac- criterion. Int. J. Control. 50(6), 2313–2332 (1989)
turers. Many expected that about 50,000 pieces of stamping 10. Hurwitz, A.: Über die Bedingungen, unterwelcheneine Gle-
robots would be sold in the American market in a few years. ichungnur Wurzelnmitnegativenreellen Teilenbesitzt. Math. Ann.
46, 273–280 (1895), in German
At that time 700,000 stamping presses were used in the
11. Bompiani, E.: Sullecondizione sotto le quali un equazione a coeffi-
USA. In Japan, the forecast figure was modified to 20,000 cientirealeammette solo radici con parte reale negative. G. Mat. 49,
pieces. The figure was not small and therefore we immedi- 33–39 (1911), in Italian
ately organized a stamping robot development project team 12. Bissell, C.C.: The classics revisited – Part I. Meas. Control. 32,
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39. James, H.J., Nichols, N.B., Phillips, R.S.: Theory of Servomech- 67. Williams, T.J., Bernus, P., Brosvic, J., Chen, D., Doumeingts, G.,
anisms, Radiation Laboratory, vol. 25. McGraw-Hill, New York Nemes, L., Nevins, J.L., Vallespir, B., Vliestra, J., Zoetekouw, D.:
(1947) Architectures for integrating manufacturing activities and enter-
40. Bissell, C.C.: Pioneers of control: an interview with Arnold Tustin. prises. Control. Eng. Pract. 2(6), 939–960 (1994)
IEE Rev. 38, 223–226 (1992) 68. Williams, T.J.: One view of the future of industrial control. Eng.
41. Whiteley, A.L.: Theory of servo systems with particular reference Pract. 1(3), 423–433 (1993)
to stabilization. J. Inst. Electr. Eng. 93, 353–372 (1946) 69. Williams, T.J.: A reference model for computer integrated man-
42. Bissell, C.C.: Six decades in control: an interview with Winfried ufacturing (CIM). In: Int. Purdue Workshop Industrial Computer
Oppelt. IEE Rev. 38, 17–21 (1992) Systems. Instrument Society of America, Pittsburgh (1989)
43. Bissell, C.C.: An interview with Hans Sartorius. IEEE Control. 70. Williams, T.J.: The Use of Digital Computers in Process Control,
Syst. Mag. 27, 110–112 (2007) p. 384. Instrument Society of America, Pittsburgh (1984)
44. Evans, W.R.: Control system synthesis by root locus method. Trans. 71. Williams, T.J.: 20 years of computer control. Can. Control. Instrum.
AIEE. 69, 1–4 (1950) 16(12), 25 (1977)
45. Andronov, A.A., Khaikin, S.E.: Theory of Oscillators. Princeton 72. Williams, T.J.: Two decades of change: a review of the 20-year
University Press, Princeton (1949), translated and adapted by S. history of computer control. Can. Control. Instrum. 16(9), 35–37
Lefschetz from Russian 1937 publication (1977)
46. MacColl, L.A.: Fundamental Theory of Servomechanisms. Van 73. Williams, T.J.: Trends in the development of process control com-
Nostrand, Princeton (1945) puter systems. J. Qual. Technol. 8(2), 63–73 (1976)
47. Bennett, S.: The emergence of a discipline: automatic control 74. Williams, T.J.: Applied digital control – some comments on history,
1940–1960. Automatica. 12, 113–121 (1976) present status and foreseen trends for the future. In: Adv. Instrum.,
48. Feigenbaum, E.A.: Soviet cybernetics and computer sciences, Proc. 25th Annual ISA Conf, p. 1 (1970)
1960. Commun. ACM. 4(12), 566–579 (1961) 75. Williams, T.J.: Computers and process control. Ind. Eng. Chem.
49. Bellman, R.: Dynamic Programming. Princeton University Press, 62(2), 28–40 (1970)
Princeton (1957) 76. Williams, T.J.: The coming years... The era of computing control.
50. Kalman, R.E.: Contributions to the theory of optimal control. Bol. Instrum. Technol. 17(1), 57–63 (1970)
Soc. Mat. Mex. 5, 102–119 (1960) 77. Williams, T.J.: The Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture. In-
51. Kalman, R.E.: A new approach to linear filtering and prediction strument Society of America, Pittsburgh (1992)
problems. Trans. ASME J. Basic Eng. 82, 34–45 (1960) 78. Hasegawa, Y.: Analysis of Complicated Operations for Robotiza-
52. Kalman, R.E., Bucy, R.S.: New results in linear filtering and tion, SME Paper No. MS79-287 (1979)
prediction theory. Trans. ASME J. Basic Eng. 83, 95–108 (1961) 79. Hasegawa, Y.: Evaluation and economic justification. In: Nof, S.Y.
53. Pontryagin, L.S., Boltyansky, V.G., Gamkrelidze, R.V., (ed.) Handbook of Industrial Robotics, pp. 665–687. Wiley, New
Mishchenko, E.F.: The Mathematical Theory of Optimal Processes. York (1985)
Wiley, New York (1962) 80. Hasegawa, Y.: Analysis and classification of industrial robot char-
54. Williams, T.J.: Computer control technology – past, present, and acteristics. Ind. Robot Int. J. 1(3), 106–111 (1974)
probable future. Trans. Inst. Meas. Control. 5, 7–19 (1983)
55. Davis, C.A.: Industrial Electronics: Design and Application, p. 458.
Merrill, Columbus (1973)
56. Williams, T.J., Nof, S.Y.: Control models. In: Salvendy, G. (ed.)
Handbook of Industrial Engineering, 2nd edn, pp. 211–238. Wiley,
New York (1992)
57. Willems, J.C.: In control, almost from the beginning until the day
after tomorrow. Eur. J. Control. 13, 71–81 (2007)
58. Brown, G.S., Campbell, D.P.: Instrument engineering: its growth
and promise in process-control problems. Mech. Eng. 72, 124–127
59. Brown, G.S., Campbell, D.P.: Instrument engineering: its growth
and promise in process-control problems. Mech. Eng. 72, 136
60. Brown, G.S., Campbell, D.P.: Instrument engineering: its growth
and promise in process-control problems. Mech. Eng. 72, 587–589
(1950), discussion
61. Wiener, N.: Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Christopher Bissell graduated from Jesus College, Cambridge, in 1974
Animal and the Machine. Wiley, New York (1948) and obtained his PhD from the Open University in 1993, where he
62. Noble, D.F.: Forces of Production. A Social History of Industrial was employed since 1980. He wrote much distance teaching material
Automation. Knopf, New York (1984) on telecommunications, control engineering, digital media, and other
63. Nof, S.Y.: Collaborative control theory for e-Work, e-Production topics. His major research interests were the history of technology and
and e-Service. Annu. Rev. Control. 31, 281–292 (2007) engineering education. Dr. Bissell passed away in 2017.
2 Historical Perspective of Automation 59

Yukio Hasegawa was professor of the System Science Institute at

Theodore J. Williams was professor emeritus of engineering in Purdue Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. He enjoyed construction robotics
University. He received BS, MS, and PhD in chemical engineering from research since 1983 as Director of Waseda Construction Robot Research
Pennsylvania State University and MS in electrical engineering from Project (WASCOR) which impacted automation in construction and
Ohio State University. Before joining Purdue, he was senior engineering in other fields of automation. He received the prestigious first Engel-
supervisor at Monsanto Chemical, St.Louis. He served as chair of the berger Award in 1977 from the American Robot Association for his
IFAC/IFIP Task Force, founding chair of IFIP TC-5, as well as president distinguished pioneering work in robotics and in robot ergonomics since
of AACC, ISA, and of AFIPS. Among his honors is the Sir Harold the infancy of Japanese robotics. Among his numerous international
Hartley Silver Medal, the Albert F. Sperry Founder Award, Gold Medal contributions to robotics and automation, Professor Hasegawa assisted,
by ISA, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from ISA. Professor as a visiting professor, to build the Robotics Institute at EPFL (Ecole
Williams passed away in 2013. Polytechnic Federal de Lausanne) in Switzerland. He passed away in
Social, Organizational, and Individual Impacts
of Automation 3
Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue and Tariq Samad

Contents as different as aviation, automotive, healthcare, industrial

processes, the built infrastructure, and power grids. Hu-
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
manity has benefited in multifarious ways as a conse-
3.2 Impact of Automation and Control: Value Chain quence, through increased physical, social, and economic
Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
well-being. Yet, these same developments have also been
3.3 A Historical Case Study of Automation and Its at the center of concerns related to sustainability, equity,
Impact: Commercial Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
and ethics. These concerns are being exacerbated with
3.4 Social, Organizational, and Individual Concerns . . . . 64 emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, ma-
3.4.1 Unintended Consequences chine learning, pervasive sensing, internet of things, nan-
of Automation Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.4.2 Sustainability and the Limits of Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 otechnologies, neurotechnologies, biotechnologies, and
3.4.3 Inequities of Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 genetic technologies, which are being incorporated in a
3.4.4 Ethical Challenges with Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 new generation of engineered systems: smart cities, au-
3.5 Emerging Developments in Automation: Societal tonomous vehicles, advanced weapon systems, assistive
Implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 devices, and others. To ensure responsible innovation in
3.5.1 Smart Cities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 these areas, new conceptual approaches are needed and
3.5.2 Assistive, Wearable, and Embedded Devices . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.5.3 Autonomous Weapon Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
more attention must be paid to ethical and related aspects.
3.5.4 Automotive Autonomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Further advances in automation and control will be re-
3.5.5 Renewable Energy and Smart Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 quired to sustain humanity and the planetary ecosystem,
3.6 Some Approaches for Responsible Innovation . . . . . . . 70 but the social, organizational, and individual impacts of
3.6.1 Ethics Guidelines and Ethically Aligned Designs . . . . . . . 70 automation must be kept in mind as these advances are
3.6.2 Conceptual Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 pursued.
3.6.3 Ethical Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.6.4 Standards, Policies, and Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.7 Conclusions and Emerging Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Automation · Control technologies · Systems and
control · Cyber-physical-human systems · Societal
challenges · Societal impact · Environmental impact ·
Abstract Responsible innovation · Education · Ethics

Automation and control technologies have been a key

enabler of past industrial revolutions and thus of the world
we live in today, with substantial footprints in sectors 3.1 Introduction

F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue () Automation is embedded throughout the fabric of our world

Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes CNRS, CentraleSupelec, today. It has had transformational impacts on people, on
Paris-Saclay Univ., Paris, France
e-mail: industrial and governmental organizations, and on society
as a whole. The quality of life enjoyed by many of us, the
T. Samad
Technological Leadership Institute, University of Minnesota, usually safe and reliable operation of complex engineered
Minneapolis, MN, USA systems, the products and conveniences we have become
e-mail: used to, longer lifespans, and greater prosperity – advances

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 61

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
62 F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue and T. Samad

in automation have had much to do with these enhancements This chapter reviews the broader impacts that automa-
of the human condition. tion has had and continues to have, and it also discusses
Automation is a technological specialization that impacts prospects for the future. The rest of this chapter is organized
all sectors of society and industry [4, 23, 36]. When well as follows. First, in Sect. 3.2, we discuss the footprint of
designed and operated, automation can result in substantial automation, highlighting the value chains involved that en-
benefits. These benefits are broad ranging. Several categories gage (and impact) numerous stakeholders. Although exam-
can be identified that, overall, speak to the pervasiveness of ples are discussed throughout this chapter, in Sect. 3.3, we
the positive impact of automation. present a case study in which we review the evolution of
First, automation can enable human labor to be safer technology in one specific automation domain, commercial
and more productive; supported by automation, a manu- aviation, and we point out some of the principal human,
facturing plant (for example) can produce the same output organizational, and social impacts that have resulted. Some of
with fewer workers. Repetitive, “turn-the-crank” tasks can be the concerns arising from automation are discussed in Sect.
taken up by machines. Unsafe working environments can be 3.4. Ethical concerns are discussed in particular. Section 3.5
addressed with automation, reducing accidents and adverse reviews a number of emerging domains in the development of
health effects for workers. For the owners and managers which automation is playing a prominent role; these domains
of enterprises, reducing human workers can be financially encompass transportation, health, infrastructure, and other
advantageous too. Labor productivity and safety extends to sectors. Some recommendations for how future research and
the domestic environment as well, where automation has development can be more ethically aware are presented in
made such tasks as cleaning, laundry, food preparation, and Sect. 3.6, before concluding remarks.
home temperature control easier. We can also note that bet-
ter automation improves safety and health not only of the
workers involved in an enterprise or system but of others 3.2 Impact of Automation and Control:
affected by it as well. For example, better automation to Value Chain Considerations
support aircraft pilots provides safety benefits both to them
and to the flying public. The impacts of automation are gained directly by people,
Automation also enables efficiency: The use of energy organizations, and society. In addition, there are indirect
and materials can be reduced. Such reduction directly re- impacts as well. Automation is an enabling technology for
duces operational costs, so that enterprises can do more with developing automation products and services faster, better,
less and accrue financial benefits accordingly. But it would and cheaper. In that respect, automation can be seen as an
be a mistake to correlate reduced resource use solely with “exponential” technology in terms of its compounding effect.
financial savings. Such reduction also has environmental The enablement can extend through a value chain of products
benefits, and these are increasingly critical today. Because and services.
of automation, operations can be more sustainable, be less An example can help clarify the distinction between di-
polluting, and result in reduced greenhouse gas emissions. rect and indirect impacts. Thermostats for home temperature
Finally, automation can dramatically improve the quality control are devices that automate the regulation of indoor
and quantity of outputs. Yields can be increased, variances temperature in living spaces. In the absence of thermostats,
decreased, downtimes reduced, and reliability enhanced. occupants of homes would have to rely on manually adjusting
Higher production rates have often been a motivation for heating or cooling devices – furnaces, fans, windows, doors,
investing in automation. Automation is also seen as a etc. Thermostats thus save human labor. If properly used, they
solution for improving quality, particularly when precision can also reduce energy use. Because they operate automati-
and consistency beyond the capabilities of human workers cally, thermostats also help keep occupants more comfortable
are required. than if control had to be done through manual actions.
Despite these benefits, both realized and potential, au- Thermostats are automation devices and benefit their users
tomation, no less than other areas of technology (but perhaps (and others) directly. But thermostats are also products of
more, given its definitional connection with human workers automation. They are manufactured in factories, and these
and other stakeholders), cannot be seen as neutral in its factories rely on sensors, robotic machinery, assembly lines,
impacts on society, nor as impervious to influences from programmable logic controllers, manufacturing execution
society on its development and deployment. The different systems, and a host of other automation components and
categories of benefits noted above can be in conflict with systems. This automation reduces human labor and will gen-
each other – reducing emissions, for example, may impose erally also reduce energy and material use, thereby reducing
additional costs in terms of equipment and processes. Thus production costs. The automation will also help the man-
the societal impacts of automation are not universally a good ufacturer make thermostats that are closer to specification,
for all, even if on average the net outcome may be positive. minimizing variance and enhancing production output.
3 Social, Organizational, and Individual Impacts of Automation 63

The automation components and systems used in factories the system. Humans are no longer passive consumers or
are themselves produced in other factories, and the chain actors. They are empowered decision-makers and drive the
extends to upstream factories and other systems, all the evolution of the technology.
way to resource extraction/harvesting (e.g., petroleum for the Adding this human dimension, the footprint of automation
plastic components, energy generation from renewable and becomes even more extensive, and therefore the impact of
fossil sources, and other primary resources that also rely on automation too.
automation for their exploitation). In fact, the chain is more
like a web. Factories, energy generation, resource extraction,
and other systems are all networked together, forming the 3.3 A Historical Case Study of Automation
ecosystem that our modern economy and industrial infras- and Its Impact: Commercial Aviation
tructure represents.
This picture, expansive though it may seem at first glance, As an example of how automation technologies have resulted
is still not comprehensive – the full ecosystem is a much in increasingly sophisticated engineered systems, which have
broader network. For example, the value chain sketched thereby effected society in substantial, even revolutionary
above is only for the manufacturing of thermostats. But from ways, in this section we review advances in the automation
a life cycle perspective, other functions and processes – other of commercial aviation.
value webs – are involved. Thus, the design of a thermostat The first flight of a heavier-than-air powered aircraft was
requires computer-aided design tools, laboratories, and test in 1903 by the Wright brothers. In their Wright Flyer, au-
equipment, and, at the other end of the life cycle, recycling, tomation was nonexistent. The Wright brothers relied on their
incineration, and landfill deposition are part of the big picture physiological sensors (their eyes, ears, and vestibular appara-
as well. tus), processed these signals in their brains, and manipulated
Furthermore, the human impacts of today’s industrially the control surfaces by their bodily actions. The first autopilot
driven economy are multifarious too and relate to the value was demonstrated in 1914 [39] and relied on the Sperry
network in multiple ways. Organizations associated in one gyroscope. Autopilots made their commercial aviation debut
form or another with automation technologies employ a with the Boeing 247 in 1933 [6]. With the autopilot, what we
significant – if hard to quantify – fraction of total global now call “inner-loop” flight control was automated. Sensing,
employment, and virtually all people are users of automation control computations, and actuation at the lowest level did
technology (for example, two-thirds of the population of the not require direct pilot engagement. Instead the pilot could
world own mobile telephones, each of which is a product indicate the desired state of the aircraft (e.g., altitude, pitch,
of automation and incorporates automation systems such as and roll) and the inner-loop control would affect control to
control loops [5]). follow the desired-state pilot input.
As technology, and in particular automation technology, The next major step in the evolution, initiated with the
advances, the connections with human elements become Boeing 707 and the McDonnell-Douglas DC-8, was the “han-
increasingly intricate. These connections are being explored dling qualities controller.” With this automation innovation,
in the emerging field of cyber-physical-human systems the control system would maintain the aircraft’s heading, and
(CPHS). One classification of CPHS comprises the following a new heading command would result in a state trajectory to
[35]: (1) human-machine symbiosis (e.g., smart prosthetics effect the new heading, taking into account factors such as
and exoskeletons); (2) humans as supervisors/operators of passenger comfort, aircraft capabilities, and fuel consump-
complex engineering systems (e.g., aircraft pilots, car drivers, tion. Today, commercial aircraft employ flight management
process plant operators, and robotic surgery operators); systems (FMSs). Through an FMS, a pilot can provide a
(3) humans as control agents in multiagent systems (e.g., planned flight route in terms of space-time waypoints, and
road automation, traffic management, and electric grid); under normal conditions the airplane will follow the way-
(4) humans as elements in controlled systems (e.g., home point sequence through its automation [21]. Figure 3.1 illus-
comfort control and home security systems); and (5) trates this architecture, whose loops-within-loops structure
humans work in parallel with digital entities (e.g., digital recapitulates the historical evolution.
twins) in both physical and virtual spaces, i.e., parallel How has the technological evolution affected societal
intelligence. These CPHS are being designed to address development and people? The impacts have been manifold.
major technological applications that contribute to human We examine how automation in aviation has changed the
welfare in a wide range of domains, including transportation, roles of cockpit crew and the broader society.
aerospace, health and medicine, robotics, manufacturing, Advances in automation (including in flight control as
energy, and the environment. This perspective is profoundly outlined above but also in other areas such as communica-
different from the conventional understanding where humans tions) initially led to an increase in the number of personnel
are treated as isolated elements who operate or benefit from in the cockpit. At its peak, in the 1940s and 1950s, five
64 F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue and T. Samad

Flight New
route heading Desired
Flight command aircraft
management Control
“Handling state
system surface Aircraft
qualities” movements state
controller Aircraft
loop” flight
controller structure

Feedback of aircraft state (via sensors)

Fig. 3.1 Today’s flight control system architecture. The role of the human pilot has steadily been “upgraded” since the Wright Flyer. ([37]; ©
Elsevier B.V)

crew members were involved, in one form or another, in There is another critical improvement that the air travel
the operation of the aircraft: the pilot and copilot, who were industry has seen over time, with automation as its central
responsible for the real-time control of the airplane; the radio enabler. Commercial flight is considerably safer than it used
operator, responsible for communications with the ground; to be. In terms of fatalities per revenue-passenger-kilometers,
the flight engineer, who was responsible for engines and the ratio has decreased 81-fold since 1970, to a five-year
fuel management; and the navigator, who would monitor average of 40 fatalities per trillion revenue-passenger-kms.
the position of the aircraft and, if needed, replan the flight A number of specific automation subsystems and ca-
route. The latter three roles were made obsolete as a result of pabilities have been implemented in commercial aviation
technological advances (for example, GPS navigation made that have enabled the improvement in safety and reliability.
the flight navigator role unnecessary). Today’s commercial These include Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast
aircraft only employ a pilot and copilot in the cockpit. (ADSB), the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
Thus, as in many other fields, the development of au- (TCAS), and Terrain Avoidance Warning Systems (TAWS).
tomation resulted in the termination of some jobs and job See [16] for a summary of recent developments and future
categories. However, at the same time and also driven by challenges in aircraft control and air traffic management.
technological advances, the business output of commercial But whereas the substantial overall automation-enabled
aviation increased substantially, leading to many more jobs improvement in aviation safety is unquestionable (see
overall. From 1958 to 1996, for example, employment in Fig. 3.2), automation can also cause accidents if poorly
commercial aviation (not just cockpit crew) grew fourfold designed or incorrectly used. Examples include the crash of
[15]. As noted below, this quadrupling has gone along with American Airlines Flight 965 in Cali, Colombia, in 1995
a much larger increase in the business output: “Over time, [32]; and the crashes of two Boeing 737 MAX aircraft in
fewer employees are hired for a given amount of additional Asia and Africa in 2018 and 2019 [2, 20].
business because technological and operational progress al-
lows for more efficient use of both old and new employees.”
Similar increases in labor efficiency have occurred across 3.4 Social, Organizational, and Individual
many technology-enabled sectors, not only aviation. Concerns
The impacts on the general population of the growth of
commercial aviation have indeed been dramatic. Over the Although advances in automation have been a key contrib-
same period of 1958–1996, passenger miles flown in the utor to much of modern life and quality of life, they have
USA grew about 13-fold. Flying has become a commonplace also raised concerns in various respects. If the technology-
experience. Even until 1971, less than half of US adults had society nexus was complicated before, with the emerging
traveled by an airliner. In 1997, that figure was 81%. Be- technologies of today a compounding of potential interplays
tween 1960 and 1996, the output of the air transport industry is imminent. With self-driving cars, facial recognition sys-
(passenger-miles and cargo) increased 16-fold compared to a tems, gene editing technology, quantum encryption devices,
3.6X increase for the entire business sector. robotics systems, exoskeletons, and other new and emerging
3 Social, Organizational, and Individual Impacts of Automation 65

Often, it is the combination of automation and human op-

3,500 erators that result in system failure. Examples are numerous,
3,000 including the Chernobyl [44] and Three Mile Island nuclear
2,500 plant accidents [11] as well as the aviation accidents noted
The pervasiveness of unintended consequences in human-
machine automation [42] has led to the hypothesis of “risk
1,000 homeostasis,” which states that people have an inherent level
500 of risk sensitivity; if technologies are implemented to reduce
0 risk, people will react in ways that increase the risk. Advances
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2018 in automotive safety provide some evidence for the hypoth-
esis. Thus, if safety technologies such as antilock brakes are
Fig. 3.2 Improvement in aviation safety: reduction in fatalities per tril- implemented, people will start to brake later or otherwise
lion revenue-passenger-kilometers (five-year averages). (Adapted from: change their driving habits to negate the improvement [50].
Javier Irastorza Mediavilla [29])

3.4.2 Sustainability and the Limits of Growth

technologies, the concerns go well beyond loss of employ-
ment and increasing inequality. The evolution of automation Technology, in general, and automation, in particular, are
is rapidly resulting in, or exacerbating, major concerns about growth engines. They allow us to do more with less, to create
societal impacts, beyond the benefits noted elsewhere in this more products at lower cost, and to extract more resources
chapter. Many of the consequences of emerging technologies and consume more energy, even if the consumption is more
are unknown or poorly understood. In light of such concerns, efficient. In technological and economic circles, growth in
Lin and Allhoff [24] raise the question whether there should itself is often taken to be a desideratum in its own right.
be no restrictions, some restrictions, or a total ban on the But untrammeled growth is unsustainable. Our resources –
development of a concept. whether minerals, clean water and air, or energy supplies –
are finite. Marketing machinery to stimulate continuously
increasing demand, resource extraction systems (enabled by
3.4.1 Unintended Consequences automation) to harvest the raw materials needed to satisfy the
of Automation Technology demand, and enterprises geared to increasing production (en-
abled by automation) in alignment with the demand may lead
Automation and control technologies are implemented with to good things in the near term but depletion of many good
objectives in mind that relate to improvements in one or more things soon thereafter. As Edward Abbey [1] said, “Growth
desired parameters, such as costs, outputs, emissions, and for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.”
productivity. But it is hard to predict with any certainty what The concern about unfettered growth was voiced by
the outcome will be of a new technology [7]. Especially when Meadows et al. in their 1972 book [27], The Limits to
the technology involves human operators or users, surprising Growth. The book included simulation results based on
feedback effects can occur that may offset, negate, or even computer models for resource consumption that suggested
reverse the potential positive impacts. This topic of “unin- the message of the title. An updated version, three decades
tended consequences” is discussed at length in [47], with later [28], reinforces the message and emphasizes the need
numerous examples – such as that companies that downsize for holistic understanding and structural change with an
expecting improved worker productivity to make up for fewer emphasis on feedback and dynamics: “The third way to
workers can find productivity decreasing. respond is to work on the underlying causes, to step back
Complex systems can also have hidden bugs that may and acknowledge that the human socioeconomic system
not manifest themselves until well after the system has been as currently structured is unmanageable, has overshot its
designed, installed, and commissioned. In 1990, the AT&T limits, and is headed for collapse, and, therefore, seek to
long-distance network in the USA collapsed, with about change the structure of the system . . . . In systems terms,
50% of calls failing to go through over a period of about changing structure means changing the feedback structure,
nine hours. AT&T lost more than $60 million in uncon- the information links in a system: the content and timeliness
nected calls, and business nationwide had unmeasurable fi- of the data that actors in the system have to work with, and the
nancial losses. Ultimately, the cause was traced to an incor- ideas, goals, incentives, costs, and feedbacks that motivate
rect “break” statement in a C-language program [9]. or constrain behavior” (pp. 236–237, italics in the original).
66 F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue and T. Samad

Automation and control have been central to growth in In some cases, these impacts and influences of automation
modern times – growth of economies, population, and pros- can be controlled, by incorporating ethical principles in the
perity – and they are thus implicated in concerns of unsus- design methodologies for complex systems as well as in their
tainability of growth. But automation and control can be part operational algorithms. As an example, in the context of
of the solution as well, and indeed as disciplines that are Industry 4.0, [48] addresses the engineering of ethical behav-
the repository of expertise in feedback structures and their iors in autonomous industrial cyber-physical-human systems
effects, they will be crucial in creating a more sustainable with ethical controllers “embedded into these autonomous
and equitable future. systems, to enable their successful integration in the society
and its norms.”

3.4.3 Inequities of Impact

3.4.4 Ethical Challenges with Automation
The impacts and influences of automation can be beneficial
or adverse, but labeling a specific subfield or product of Ethical concerns increase with the development of tech-
automation as a force for good or ill is ill-advised. It is nologies [30]. Moor establishes “that we are living in a
the web of influences and the domino effects involved that period of technology that promises dramatic changes and
make absolute determinations of the value of technology in which it is not satisfactory to do ethics as usual. Major
complicated. technological upheavals are coming. Better ethical thinking
Disagreements may also arise on whether a specific in- in terms of being better informed and better ethical action
stance of use is for the betterment or not of humanity. A in terms of being more proactive are required.” Khargonekar
military armament – say a cruise missile, reliant on au- and Sampath [19] add, “While the fundamental canons of
tomation for its guidance and control – may be justified by ethics go back thousands of years in various societies and civ-
some on the basis of the putative evil nature of its target ilizations, and have a strong basis in the pro-social nature of
and may be vilified by others because of a different per- human beings, accelerating socio-technological changes in a
ception of the target, and by others yet based on a general globally connected world create novel situations that require
distrust of such destructive, killing devices, regardless of us to be much more agile and forward-looking.” They also
the intention of a specific use. The global society, through noticed that “these issues will span across safety and security,
nongovernmental organizations such as the United Nations, transparency, bias, and fairness arising from integration of
could be said to have come to a consensus on some uses of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML), human
military technology – antipersonnel mines, cluster bombs, rights issues, and jobs. They will also include potential loss
and poison gas come to mind. The consensus, however, is not of autonomy and empowerment with increased levels of
universal. automation [34], broader problems of equitable access to
But the ambivalence on the morality and ethics of tech- technology, and socioeconomic considerations.” New ethical
nology is not limited to military systems. challenges with automation have indeed recently arisen and
Factory automation is another example that can be cited. will continue to grow. Some will be brought into light in the
From water mills for the milling of flour to sewing machines next section when societal implications of some emerging
for clothing, to assembly lines in automobile manufacturing, developments in automation will be considered.
and to today’s Industry 4.0, it is easy to point to the advan- As recalled by Kvalnes [22], “one notable example is that
tages that workers and society have gained, but in many cases, of the programming of self-driving cars. It is likely that these
at least in the short term, some people and segments of society cars can contribute to considerably safer traffic and fewer ac-
have suffered as well. cidents, as these vehicles will be able to respond much faster
Today, automation in manufacturing may be seen as a and more reliably than fallible human drivers. However, they
boon by companies because of its potential for cost re- also raise ethical questions about how to prioritize human
duction – and these companies will claim with some jus- lives in situations where either people inside or outside the
tification that the end result will be cheaper products for car will die.” Kvalnes mentions also that the distinction
people and businesses to buy, thereby benefiting society and between proscriptive and prescriptive ethics is useful to bring
not just the corporations and their employees. On the other out the full scope of the ethical dimension of automation:
hand, automation will generally result in job losses, financial “Proscriptive ethics can also be called avoid-harm ethics,
hardship for the former workers, and economic downturns which brings attention to the possible pitfalls of behaviors
in communities, and even if these consequences are felt in and decisions. In the context of automation, it is an ethics that
specific geographies, among specific skill sets, and over a warns us against mass unemployment, lack of control over
limited time horizon, they are nonetheless real and significant decision-making procedures, and the scary scenario where
for those affected. the bots are smarter than humans and begin to communicate
3 Social, Organizational, and Individual Impacts of Automation 67

with each other in ways incomprehensible to human beings. police officers, and healthcare facilities. If successfully im-
Prescriptive ethics can also fall under the name of do-good plemented, smart cities ecosystems will improve the quality
ethics and concerns itself with how behaviors and decisions of life of citizens and will decrease greenhouse gas emissions
can improve and advance human conditions. It is important to mitigate climate change.
to keep in mind that there is a prescriptive dimension to the Key components of the research agenda where automation
ethics of automation, in that bots can improve the services has a main role to play [23, Sect. 5.17] for making smart cities
available to human beings through safer traffic; higher quality a reality include the following: (1) sensing and cooperative
and precision in medicine; improved control over health, data collection, (2) security, safety, privacy, and energy man-
security, and environment issues in workplaces; and so on.” agement in the collection and processing of data, (3) dynamic
See additional details on automation and ethics in other resource allocation, (4) data-driven control and optimization,
chapters of this Handbook, particularly in Ch. 34. and (5) interdisciplinary research. What is unique in this
setting is that the developed devices are not merely used
for communication but also for monitoring and actuating
3.5 Emerging Developments physical processes. One major impact is regarding “security”
in Automation: Societal Implications that goes beyond protecting the privacy of citizens and
their ability to use their communication devices; it includes
Automation has currently, and will have more and more safety-critical physical processes whose malfunction due to
in the future, a prominent role in many sociotechnical de- malicious interference can have catastrophic repercussions.
velopments, including their interactions with human, and It stands to reason that the deployment and operation of
will greatly support, in many domains, the globally desired emerging technologies in smart cities needs to be guided by
energy and ecological transition with huge societal impacts. principles requiring developers to clearly inform users of
In this section, some emerging developments in automation, these technologies about their potential risks and negative
at different stages of maturity, and some of their societal impact, to track unintended consequences making appro-
implications are sketched. Although from different disci- priate adjustments, and to actively protect against security
plines, these examples have common factors: they have the threats and vulnerabilities. Besides the impact on security
potential to greatly improve the quality of life, there is a just evoked, the degree and magnitude of technological
tremendous economic pressure to develop them as quickly as integration in these new cities can amplify socioeconomic
possible, the methodologies used are often extensively based inequality, displace segments of the workforce, create a new
on AI/ML, they combine emerging technologies, and they precarious worker class, and pose issues of safety, privacy,
raise important concerns. and resource sustainability among others.

3.5.1 Smart Cities

3.5.2 Assistive, Wearable, and Embedded
The emerging smart city is a sociotechnical ecosystem of Devices
people (residents, workers, and visitors), of technology, of
information, and of administrators of the city and urban au- Automation has impacted the development of assistive de-
thorities. The concerned technological fields are numerous. vices for people with disabilities with the development of
They include energy (efficiency, demand response, renew- powered wheelchairs and prostheses. More recently, automa-
able integration, distributed energy resources, and microgrid tion plays also an important role in wearable robots which are
optimization and control), transportation (logistics, traffic active devices developed to repair, support, correct, and/or
management, and fuel efficiency), water system management assist the capabilities (whether of action or perception) of
(clean water, water distribution, water treatment, and conser- physically impaired people, such as powered exoskeletons
vation), security (emergency response and city monitoring), for paralyzed patients, bionic prostheses for limb amputees,
environmental monitoring and control, and e-government. or artificial retinal implants for blind persons. Models and
The information flow of this ecosystem is based on a network controllers for designing these systems are very challenging,
of sensors and actuators embedded throughout the urban see [23, Sect. 5.10].
terrain interacting with wireless mobile devices and with an Such mobility aids promote independence and enhance
Internet-based backbone with cloud services. The collected quality of life. For children, the opportunities afforded by
data may involve traffic conditions, occupancy of parking mobility aids are crucial not only to their physical devel-
spaces, air/water quality information, the structural health opment but also to their social and cognitive development.
of bridges, roads or buildings, as well as the location and Control paradigms will become increasingly centered on the
status of city resources including transportation vehicles, individual for whom a particular assistive device is being
68 F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue and T. Samad

developed, which will further enhance independence and tensively on complex AI/ML algorithms. As a result, the
quality of life. This will ensure that a broader group of indi- behavior of these weapons is often unpredictable; they are
viduals will more keenly embrace the resulting technological triggered by their environment at a time and place unknown
interventions, which in turn will improve success rates and to the user who activates them. These algorithms also tend
longevity, reducing the need for revision surgery. to be “black boxes” and their development process also lacks
On the negative impact side, the growing number of users transparency; thus, the algorithms, and hence the weapons,
(both physically able and impaired) of these devices “worn can be subject to bias, whether by design or not, and they can
intimately” in everyday life is raising ethical concerns, for be effectively out of control since explanations for their be-
instance the issue of privacy of users as data is collected by havior will be unavailable. These unpredictability, unreliabil-
these artificial parts of the body and the security of these ity, vulnerability, and uncontrollability characteristics raise
devices. They also raise broader questions surrounding the questions regarding compliance with IHL; such compliance
inviolability of the human body – both physical and psycho- requires that human control be retained at the different stages
logical integrity and human dignity in general – especially of the “life cycle” of an AWS to ensure that technological
when implants and/or heavy invasive surgical techniques are advancements do not outpace ethical deliberations [8, 12].
required. When these devices come from nanotechnologies, “ . . . Autonomous machines with the power and discretion
they also raise unprecedented challenges in terms of pre- to select targets and take lives without human involvement
dictability and categorization, in part because nanosystems are politically unacceptable, morally repugnant and should be
are able to get through what were before considered as prohibited by international law,” said UN Secretary-General
“natural” boundaries in the human body, and in part because António Guterres at the Third Artificial Intelligence for Good
they will be deployed inside discrete devices, sometimes Summit, 2019. These concerns are even more amplified
invisibly, in direct interface with the humans or in their with the development of biological weapons, where the con-
close environment. Further, there is a need to consider the vergence of recent developments in biotechnology with AI
limits on developing devices that at their current stage of increases the possibilities for misuse.
development can reduce some human abilities to gain or Automation technology could bring complementary ex-
enhance others and that can boost sensorimotor performance pertise in order to ensure meaningful human control of au-
of the human body (human enhancement technologies). They tonomous weapon systems following the recommendations
also raise concerns about the transformations of our forms [17] “that the behavior of autonomous functions should be
of life. Finally, there are questions surrounding the respect predictable to their operators, that those creating these tech-
for human diversity, nondiscrimination and equality, and the nologies understand the implications of their work, that pro-
change from medicine to anthropotechnics where bodies are fessional ethical codes are developed to appropriately address
worked on to the point where the distinction between man the development of autonomous systems and autonomous
and machine is no longer clear. Thus, in the face of these systems intended to cause harm, that designers not only take
new possibilities offered by technology, it is pertinent for stands to ensure meaningful human control, but be proactive
developers, users, and society in general to see that ethical about providing quality situational awareness to operators
considerations must guide innovation approaches. and commanders using those systems.”

3.5.3 Autonomous Weapon Systems 3.5.4 Automotive Autonomy

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) de- According to the World Health Organization [51], 1.35 mil-
fines an autonomous weapon system (AWS) as follows [49]: lion people died worldwide in 2016 because of traffic inci-
“Any weapon system with autonomy in its critical functions. dents, and about 90% of these deaths were caused by human
That is, a weapon system that can select (i.e., search for error. The importance of these statistics is underpinned by
or detect, identify, track, select) and attack (i.e., use force the United Nations (UN), which has incorporated ambitious
against, neutralize, damage or destroy) targets without human goals to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries within the
intervention.” As any weapon developments, AWS designs, UN Sustainable Development Goals. These figures could be
in which intensive automation technology is a key element, indeed significantly reduced if the human driver was helped
should be subject to arms control measures which “can help in case of drowsiness, fatigue, or lack of concentration.
ensure national and human security in the 21st Century, and Autonomous vehicles (AV) are key technologies to realizing
must be an integral part of our collective security system” these improvements.
[40], in particular through the international humanitarian law Maximum safety and minimum energy expenditure with
(IHL) which governs the choice of weapons. comfort characterizes the definition of ideal human mobility.
We are witnessing an arms race to develop increasingly SAE International [34] has defined six levels of driving
autonomous weapons [41]. This new weaponry relies in- automation as follows:
3 Social, Organizational, and Individual Impacts of Automation 69

• With human supervision: environmental components (obstacles, roads, ego-vehicles,

– Level 0: No automation – the human driver takes all environment, and driver behavior) efficiently and to antici-
actions necessary for driving. pate possible hazardous events. Level 2 is the highest level
– Level 1: Driver assistance – the vehicle is equipped allowed by European legislation today and is available com-
with driving aids (advanced driving assistance sys- mercially. There is currently a race for reaching levels where
tems, ADAS) that can amplify emergency maneuvers machine supervision is involved. For instance, “Germany
(antilock braking systems and enhanced stability pro- will be the first country in the world to bring autonomous
grams), alert the driver to the presence of a danger vehicles from research laboratories onto the road - we have
(blind spot detection and lane departure warnings), now come one decisive step closer to this goal . . . We need
or make driving more comfortable (adaptive cruise speedy implementation for innovations in the transformation
control, which respects a safe distance from the vehicle process, so that Germany can continue to be the number
in front). one international leader in autonomous driving,” commented
– Level 2: Partial automation – the driver benefits from federal minister Andreas Scheuer [3].
driving assistance that includes steering and control of As Snell [43] mentions, “there is little doubt that au-
acceleration and braking; the driver no longer needs tonomous vehicles, more commonly known as self-driving
to touch the pedals but must keep their hands on the cars, are set to be transformational. The market is set to reach
steering wheel at all times and continue to supervise roughly $42 billion by 2025 with a compound annual growth
the driving. rate projected at 21% until 2030. Not only will this disrup-
• With machine supervision: tion be immense, giving birth to new types of businesses,
– Level 3: Conditional automation – the driver is au- services, and business models, but their introduction will
thorized to temporarily remove their hands from the trigger similarly immense ethical implications.” The short
steering wheel, which can delegate responsibility for article [43] analyzes very clearly the ethical challenges pose
driving to the car in certain situations, for example, in by AV: “One of the key challenges for autonomous vehicles
traffic jams on expressways. is centered around how they value human life. Who decides
– Level 4: High automation – the driver is no longer who lives and who dies in split-second decision-making?
required to supervise the driving of the vehicle, but Who decides the value of one human life over another? And,
remains inside the vehicle and can take back control more importantly, how is that decision calculated? Being on
at any moment. a road is inherently dangerous, and this danger means that
– Level 5: Full automation – there is no driver anymore, trade-offs will occur as self-driving cars encounter life or
because the vehicle is capable of driving itself, parking, death situations. It is inevitable. And with trade-offs, you
and going to pick up customers. need ethical guidelines.”

Advanced driving assistance systems have been tradition-

ally associated with driver/passenger comfort and safety en- 3.5.5 Renewable Energy and Smart Grids
hancement and are generally divided into four main elements:
perception, localization and mapping, path planning, and Electric power networks are among the largest and most com-
control (Level 1). On the other hand [23, Sect. 5.2], energy plex man-made systems. They connect hundreds of millions
efficiency, which is significant with respect to CO2 emissions of producers and consumers, cover continents, and exhibit
and carbon footprint of mobility, has been largely addressed very complicated behaviors. The transition toward a low-
through power train or energy management systems. In an carbon economy leads to an even more complex system
autonomously driving vehicle, the architecture must support of systems [23, Sect. 5.6]; as a result, there are still many
simultaneous lateral and longitudinal autonomous control. poorly understood phenomena caused by the interaction of
Hence, the active safety systems (integrated into motion such a large number of devices and the large spatial di-
control) must cooperate with the power train control systems. mensions. Currently, major changes to the grid structure are
Therefore, a completely new and expanded architecture is being implemented, in particular to support the large-scale
emerging where the advanced driving assistance systems introduction of renewable energy sources, such as wind farms
fully cooperate with the power train management systems and solar plants. Two crucial features of these electric power
to generate a safe motion control vector for the vehicle. Ad- sources must be addressed: most renewable sources are small
ditionally [14], multiple studies consider adding connected generating units, dispersed over a wide geographical area,
vehicle technologies, such as vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and and their primary energy outputs are by nature not control-
vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) technologies, where essential lable and fluctuate over time. Integration of these highly
information is shared to create an enhanced cooperative mo- intermittent, randomly variable, and spatially distributed re-
bility environment. This extended and improved cooperative sources calls for new approaches to power system operation
perception allows vehicles to predict the behavior of the key and control.
70 F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue and T. Samad

The safety and security of these smart grids are crucial 3.6.1 Ethics Guidelines and Ethically Aligned
challenges for the years ahead. Experience has shown Designs
that such critical infrastructure systems do fail. When this
happens, the consequences may be disastrous in terms of There are multiple initiatives and commissions around the
societal, health, and economic aspects. For example, if world (from academia, universities, learned societies, inside
a large geographical area experiences a blackout for an disciplines, and at international bodies and governmental
extended period, huge economic and societal costs may agencies) working on setting up recommendations. Let us
result. In November 2006, a local fault in Germany’s power mention for instance two of them, addressing, respectively,
grid cascaded through large areas of Europe, resulting in artificial intelligence and autonomous and intelligent sys-
ten million people left in the dark in Germany, France, tems, both linked to current and future developments of
Austria, Italy, Belgium, and Spain. Similar cascading automation:
blackouts have taken place in the USA. Let us mention
the recent one in Texas due to bad weather conditions, 1. Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI from the European
see Commission
Malicious attacks which may occur directly at strategic
locations in the network or remotely by compromising A public document prepared by the European Commis-
communication commands or automation software could sion’s High-Level Expert Group on AI [13] mentions: “The
also happen, again with huge economic and societal issues. Guidelines put forward a set of 7 key requirements that AI
Monitoring and control of these infrastructures is becoming systems should meet in order to be deemed trustworthy. A
more multiscale, hierarchical, and distributed, which makes specific assessment list aims to help verify the application of
them even more vulnerable to propagating failures and each of the key requirements:
targeted attacks. See [23, Sect. 4.4] for some research
perspectives. • Human agency and oversight: AI systems should em-
power human beings, allowing them to make informed
decisions and fostering their fundamental rights. At the
3.6 Some Approaches for Responsible same time, proper oversight mechanisms need to be en-
Innovation sured, which can be achieved through human-in-the-loop,
human-on-the-loop, and human-in-command approaches.
Some of the main questions around societal concerns are the • Technical Robustness and safety: AI systems need to be
following, see [31] for instance: resilient and secure. They need to be safe, ensuring a fall
back plan in case something goes wrong, as well as being
• How should we assess and control the (short-, medium-, accurate, reliable and reproducible. That is the only way
and long-term) impacts – physical, mental, biological, to ensure that also unintentional harm can be minimized
social, and ecological – on humans and the environment and prevented.
arising from the application of emerging technologies, and • Privacy and data governance: Besides ensuring full respect
automation in particular? for privacy and data protection, adequate data governance
• How should we design and manage systems with unpre- mechanisms must also be ensured, taking into account the
dictable reactions and less than fully reliable outcomes? quality and integrity of the data, and ensuring legitimized
• How should we we develop principles and guidelines access to data.
that attribute specific duties and responsibilities to the • Transparency: The data, system and AI business models
stages of research, design, development, and adoption of should be transparent. Traceability mechanisms can help
technologies? achieve this. Moreover, AI systems and their decisions
• How should we focus on education and public awareness should be explained in a manner adapted to the stakeholder
at all levels, including engineers, scientists, and policy- concerned. Humans need to be aware that they are inter-
makers, toward the development of ethically aware and acting with an AI system, and must be informed of the
responsible products and services? system’s capabilities and limitations.
• Diversity, non-discrimination and fairness: Unfair bias
We can identify three types of approaches on how to must be avoided, as it could have multiple negative im-
address these questions for responsible innovation in order plications, from the marginalization of vulnerable groups,
to help the stakeholders involved in the development of these to the exacerbation of prejudice and discrimination. Fos-
technologies: guidelines and recommendations, conceptual tering diversity, AI systems should be accessible to all,
approaches, and ethical trainings. Standards and regulatory regardless of any disability, and involve relevant stake-
mechanisms are also discussed. holders throughout their entire life circle.
3 Social, Organizational, and Individual Impacts of Automation 71

• Societal and environmental well-being: AI systems should automation (SRA) to help technologists and business leaders
benefit all human beings, including future generations. drive the evolution of automation for societal good. The
It must hence be ensured that they are sustainable and “pyramid of progress,” a four-level model developed in [38]
environmentally friendly. Moreover, they should take into (see Fig. 3.3) that captures current industry practices as well
account the environment, including other living beings, as envisioned future approaches to automation, is summa-
and their social and societal impact should be carefully rized as follows in [26]:
• Accountability: Mechanisms should be put in place to en- • “Level 0: Cost-focused automation. At the lowest level
sure responsibility and accountability for AI systems and of the pyramid, technology is used solely to gain eco-
their outcomes. Auditability, which enables the assess- nomic benefits by reducing human labor. These cost-
ment of algorithms, data and design processes plays a key based programs are not only not socially conscious or
role therein, especially in critical applications. Moreover, human-centric, they often fail to deliver and can even be
adequate and accessible redress should be ensured.” detrimental to business interests.
• Level 1: Performance-driven automation. This approach
2. Autonomous and Intelligent Systems: Ethically Aligned is more cognizant of the role that humans play in the
Design loop. Processes and systems are reengineered to take
advantage of automation while still using human skills and
As mentioned in [19], the conceptual framework for eth- capabilities to fill in technological shortfalls.
ical analysis proposed in the recent report Ethically Aligned • Level 2: Worker-centered automation. At this level, the
Design, published by the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of business goal is not just performance optimization, but
Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (A/IS) [17] “is based on worker development and enrichment. In these systems,
three pillars that capture the anthropological, political, and the goal of automation is not to sideline people or re-
technical aspects of ethics and design: (i) universal human place them with machines, but to encourage new forms
values, (ii) political self-determination and data agency, and of human-machine interaction that augment human capa-
(iii) technical dependability. These three pillars form the bilities.
basis of eight general principles that are considered as im- • Level 3: Socially responsible automation. At the top of
peratives for the ethical design of A/IS: human rights, well- the pyramid, automation is deployed to produce more and
being, data agency, effectiveness, transparency, accountabil- better jobs for humans, driving economic growth while
ity, awareness of misuse, and competence. Various ethical also promoting societal well-being. Attaining such a lofty
issues under each of these eight topics are examined in depth. goal requires ‘explicit, active interventions,’ [as Sampath
Detailed recommendations on how to address these issues and Khargonekar write]—that is, business leaders must
are provided with the overall goal of helping A/IS creators commit to proactively identifying new revenue streams
reduce to practice relevant principles in the context of their and job-enabling growth as they roll out and refine au-
own specific product or service.” tomation.”
There is no doubt that these above resulting recommen-
dations cannot be fulfilled by using only AI/ML approaches The same authors in [19] outlined a framework for think-
[7, 33]. Russell mentions [33] “ . . . the standard model - the ing about ethical issues in smart cyber-physical-human sys-
AI system optimizing a fixed objective - must be replaced. tems (CPHS), based on two main dimensions: (i) the stage of
It is simply bad engineering. We need to do a substantial development of the CPHS domain from early-stage research
amount of work to reshape and rebuild the foundations of to mature technologies and (ii) the locus of decision-making,
AI.” Facing these recommendations indeed requires a rap- individual, corporate, and government settings. These sys-
prochement of areas such as machine learning, control the- tems promise to be widely deployed in society and there-
ory, optimization, and to bridge model-based and learning- fore will have a very significant impact, including possible
based control systems. Systems and control methodologies negative consequences on individuals, communities, nations,
and the derived automation technologies [23] can help to ad- and the world. The authors argue that it is necessary to fight
dress many technological concerns by bringing more robust- the tendency toward technological determinism and that there
ness, more precision, more security, and less vulnerability. is a need to anticipate increasing capabilities and the future
deployment of such systems. In the same vein and regard-
ing emerging technology in general, one can cite Antonio
3.6.2 Conceptual Approaches Guterres in his introduction to [10]: “A key takeaway from
the report is that technologies are not deterministic. We can
In a related vein, Sampath and Khargonekar [38] introduced harness their potential for the common good, and we have an
the vision, concept, and framework of socially responsible obligation to do so.”
72 F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue and T. Samad

Business goals Stakeholder values

Create new revenue Society: Employment,

responsible streams & Good jobs prosperity, opportunity
Enhance worker Employee: Safety,
performance, skills, quality autonomy, achievement

Performance driven Increase productivity, Customer: Superior

automation quality, accuracy offering, service

Cost focused automation Drive cost efficiency Stockholder: Profit

Fig. 3.3 The socially responsible automation (SRA) pyramid [38] practices at the highest level that can support both business growth and
captures four levels of automation, each with a distinct business goal societal good
and set of stakeholder values, leading to socially responsible automation

3.6.3 Ethical Training 3.6.4 Standards, Policies, and Enforcement

Besides recommendations and conceptual approaches, many Principles, concepts, guidelines, and training can increase
voices are being raised about the need to focus on education awareness of the ethical and related issues surrounding
and public awareness at all levels, including engineers and automation-enabled emerging technologies. If developed
scientists, toward the development of ethically aware and through inclusive and trusted processes, such products can
responsible products and services. For instance, in [46]: “eth- also spur ethical practices by individuals and organizations.
ical standards should be imposed in science and engineering However, voluntary and independent adoption by entities
education so that students have an ethical training enabling individually has numerous shortcomings. Even when groups
them to analyze, evaluate and transmit the ethical dimensions are fully committed to being ethical, different groups
of technologies.” may have different ideas about the best path forward.
In particular, regarding technological universities, Taebi, With opportunities for public relations benefits abounding,
et al. claim [45]: “The twenty-first century will pose sub- companies and others are likely to have pressures to present
stantial and unprecedented challenges to modern societies. their initiatives in as positive a light as possible, resulting
The world population is growing while societies are pursu- in loss of transparency for the public. And if some entities
ing higher levels of global well-being. The rise of artificial adopt ethical practices while others focus on profits to the
intelligence (AI) and autonomous systems, increasing energy exclusion of societal concerns, at least in the short term the
demands and related problems of climate change are only latter may win in the competitive marketplace.
a few of the many major issues humanity is facing in this For these and other reasons, the technology community,
century. Universities of technology have an essential role business leaders, and policymakers need to work together
to play in meeting these concerns by generating scientific to develop and promote standardized and enforceable ap-
knowledge, achieving technological breakthroughs, and ed- proaches. Standards help establish uniformity in how dif-
ucating scientists and engineers to think and work for the ferent organizations address an issue. In complex systems
public good.” where components from multiple suppliers may be needed
It is important to foster understanding and discussion to implement an integrated system, standards can also of-
about the process of ethical reasoning about emerging tech- fer interoperability. Certification authorities may need to be
nologies. These are of utmost importance at all levels of edu- formed to ensure a standard is being correctly implemented
cation at schools, colleges, and universities. A deep analysis by all providers.
of the psychological effects of technologies and products, Especially where the safety and well-being of the public
their impact on human dignity and integrity, and their effects are at stake, policies and regulations can be enacted, often
on the understanding of human values and the human spirit by governmental bodies. If laws are promulgated, compli-
is necessary. ance is no longer optional. Of course, to ensure compliance,
3 Social, Organizational, and Individual Impacts of Automation 73

enforcement will be needed. The products and services of threat. The actions recommended cut across many sectors
automation technologies are rarely confined to one country of the economy. Examples include: enhancements in energy
or region. Thus standards, policies, and enforcement need efficiency; more flexibility in energy generation, storage,
to be considered from an international perspective, which and consumption; a rapid transition to electrification across
renders them more complicated to pursue. Complexity is multiple sectors, especially transportation; dramatic increase
even reinforced by the multiple disciplines involved due to in renewable generation while maintaining the reliability and
the convergence of automation technologies with AI/ML, 5G, availability of supply; zero-carbon buildings; carbon capture,
IoT, nanotechnologies, neurotechnologies, biotechnologies, utilization, and storage; and global deployment of advanced
and genetic technologies. heat pumps. Each of these represents a call to action for
Generally speaking, technologists tend not to consider automation and control scientists and engineers; without their
such aspects in their research and development activities. engagement the prospects for a livable planet for future
Yet, for scalable impact and to ensure societal benefits of generations will fade.
technological developments are not compromised by ethical
lapses, researchers seeking to make a positive impact on the
world need to understand how technologies are commer- References
cialized, deployed, and adopted: how the risks that come
with the power and capabilities of automation systems can 1. Abbey, E.: The Journey Home: Some Words in the Defense of the
American West. Plume (1991)
be mitigated, and how a technology-for-technology’s-sake 2. Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau: Aircraft Accident Inves-
attitude can result in adverse impacts and backlash [25]. tigation Preliminary Report: Ethiopian Airlines Group, B737-
8 (MAX) Registered ET-AVJ, 28 NM South East of Ad-
dis Ababa, Bole International Airport, March 10, 2019, Min-
3.7 Conclusions and Emerging Trends istry of Transport, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
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Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue IFAC Fellow, is a CNRS Emeritus Tariq Samad IEEE Fellow, IFAC Fellow, holds the W.R. Sweatt Chair
Distinguished Research Fellow of the Laboratory of Signals and Sys- and is a senior fellow in the Technological Leadership Institute, Uni-
tems, Paris-Saclay University. She obtained the habilitation doctorate versity of Minnesota, where he leads the Management of Technology
degree in 1985. Her main recent research interests include observer program. He previously worked for Honeywell, retiring as corporate
design, performance, and robustness issues in control systems. She fellow. He is a past president of the American Automatic Control
has supervised 26 PhD thesis. She founded and chaired the EECI Council and IEEE Control Systems Society. He is co-editor-in-chief
International Graduate School on Control. She is the editor-in-chief of of the Springer Encyclopedia of Systems and Control. He is the editor
Annual Reviews in Control. She is the prizewinner of the 2008 French of the Wiley/IEEE Press book series on “Technology Management,
Academy of Science Michel Monpetit prize and the 2019 Irène Joliot- Innovation, and Leadership.”
Curie prize, Woman Scientist of the Year. She is a knight of the Legion
of Honor.
Economic Effects of Automation
Piercarlo Ravazzi and Agostino Villa

Contents Abstract
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
The growing diffusion of automation in all production
4.2 Basic Concepts to Assess the Effects sectors is causing a profound change in the organization
of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
of work and requires a new approach to assessing the
4.3 Production and Distribution in Economic Theory . . . . 79 efficiency, effectiveness, and economic convenience of
4.3.1 Preliminary Elements of Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 processes. Analysis criteria, based on robust but simple
4.3.2 Measurement and Characteristics
of Production Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 models and concepts, are necessary above all for small
4.3.3 The Neoclassical Function of Production and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This chapter offers
and the Distribution to Production Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 an overview of concepts, based on economic theory but
4.4 Microeconomic Effects of Automation revised in light of industrial practice, to reflect on how to
in Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 evaluate the impact of the diffusion of automation both at
4.4.1 Effects on the Production Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 the microeconomic level and at the macroeconomic level.
4.4.2 Effects on Worker Incentives and Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.4.3 Effects on Cost Structure and Labor Demand in the
The analysis is useful to understand the current phase (the
Short Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 short period) and the final trends (the long period), toward
which the economic system is converging, following a
4.5 Macroeconomic Effects of Automation in the Short
Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 path (the transient) in which the advantages of digital
4.5.1 Demand for Labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 technologies are opposite to significant risks.
4.5.2 Labor Offer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.5.3 Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in the Labor Market . . . 88 Keywords
4.6 Macroeconomic Effects of Automation in the Long
Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Production and cost economics · Efficiency wages ·
4.6.1 A Brief Historical Excursus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Labor market · Sector interdependencies · Economic
4.6.2 First Era of Machines: An Intersectoral Model growth · Technical progress · Prospects for capitalism
with Consumption and Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.6.3 Second Era of Machines: Automation and Artificial
Intelligence (AI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.7 Final Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 4.1 Introduction
4.7.1 Psychological Benefits of Labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
4.7.2 Use of Free Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 In recent decades, automation of processes has spread both
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 in industry and in services. The preconditions that ensured
widespread diffusion were firstly the development of elec-
tronics, then of computer science and more recently of digital
technologies. Since late 1970s, major investments in automa-
tion have been developed, followed by periods of reflection,
with critical reviews of the implementations made and their
economic returns. Paradigmatic could be the case of FCA
P. Ravazzi · A. Villa () (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles), which reached the highest level
Department of Manufacturing Systems and Economics, Politecnico di
Torino, Torino, Italy
of automation in its assembly lines at the end of 1980s, but in
e-mail:; the following decade it suffered from a deep crisis, in which investments in automation seemed not to be profitable. In

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 77

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
78 P. Ravazzi and A. Villa

the following period there was significant growth for which project, funded by the European Commission, shows that
the high level of automation seems to be one of the main the most important types of automation in industry can be
conditions of economic efficiency. classified as follows:
Implementation of automation is different, as is the per-
ception of its convenience in the electronic and IT sector. This (a) Robotization, that is, automation of production opera-
sector is specific, however, because innovation and research tions
are endogenous tools for the development of automation. (b) Flexibility, that is, “flexibility through automation” of
Other industrial and service sectors have a typical attitude set-up and supply
of “strong but cautious” interest. The main reason for this (c) Monitoring, that is, “automated control” of measure-
prudence is the difficulty of assessing the economic impact ments and operations
of automation in its production process, a difficulty that arises
from the (substantial, non-statistical) uncertainty inherent in These three types of automation can have effects both on
the assessment of the future profitability of investments. the organization of the production process and on the staff:
This chapter aims to deal with this problem using simple robotization allows to achieve a higher operating speed and
economic models, useful for analyzing some of the main requires a reduced amount of hours of direct labor; flexibility
effects of automation on production, labor incentives, and is crucial to reduce the response time of the company’s offer
costs. First, some concepts on which the evaluation of the to the specific customer demand, leading to an increase in
effects of automation is based (Sect. 4.2) are provided. Then, the mix of products and facilitating producer/buyer interac-
the dominant model in economic theory is summarized (Sect. tion; monitoring can guarantee product quality for a wide
4.3), in order to understand the subsequent changes induced range of final goods through widespread control of work
by automation in enterprises (Sect. 4.4) regarding production, operations.
incentives for control of workers and flexibility of costs. In Table 4.1 summarizes only the technical effects of au-
the final part of the chapter, the macroeconomic effects of tomation, but does not allow to evaluate the economic ones,
automation are analyzed, both in the short (Sect. 4.5) and in on which the interest of company managers is focused.
the long term (Sect. 4.6). Some final comments (Sect. 4.7) To carry out an economic evaluation it is necessary to
summarize the most significant considerations and results of consider three fundamental elements:
the paper.
We do not deal with the topic of automation sharing, 1. An investment in automation is generally burdensome for
because it goes beyond the strictly economic topics cov- any company, but is often critical for an SME, since the
ered in the paper. It is a very specific aspect concerning replacement of simple work with technical capital and
the collaboration between SMEs interconnected into a net- specialized work shifts the time horizon of the assessment
work, aimed at sharing information, taking advantage of from short to medium-long term.
mutual interaction, thus reducing relative costs. On this sub- 2. The success of such a decision depends both on the
ject, we refer to the book edited by Villa [1] and EASME/ amount of the investment and on the managerial ability
COSME [2]. to reorganize the workforce within the company with
minimal friction.
3. A significant investment in automation has long-term and
4.2 Basic Concepts to Assess the Effects wide-ranging effects on the overall employment of the
of Automation economic system.

Every manager who has profit as a goal wants to compare These effects must be interpreted through coherent mod-
the cost of a potential application of some automated de- els, in order to carry out:
vices (processing units, handling and moving systems or
automated devices to improve the production organization) • A microeconomic analysis, useful to the manager of the
with the increase in revenues or the reduction of other costs, company, in order to understand how investments in au-
resulting from such a capital investment. First of all it is tomation and the consequent reorganization of the work-
necessary to list the potential types of automation; therefore it force can influence the expected production target, the
is necessary to highlight the links between these types and the current and expected costs and profits
main variables of the company’s financial statements, which • A macroeconomic analysis, to understand how the dif-
are influenced by the process and labor changes induced by fusion of automation affects employment and the distri-
the automation there applied. The analysis of a large number bution of incomes in the economic system both in the
of SME clusters in ten European countries, carried out in the short and long term, since the macroeconomic effects
CODESNET (COllaborative Demand & Supply NETworks) subsequently fall on individual companies
4 Economic Effects of Automation 79

Table 4.1 Links between automation and process/personnel in the firm

Automation typology induces . . . . . . effects on the process . . . . and effects on personnel
a) Robotizing Operation speed Work reduction
b) Flexibility Response time to demand
c) Monitoring Process accuracy and product quality Higher skills
Then automation calls for... ... and search for . . .
Investments New labor positions
Investments and new labor positions should give rise to an expected target of production, conditioned on investments in high-technologies and
high-skill workforce utilization

These two aspects are treated in this chapter, after in- units, with the same capital and product, the first method
troducing (Sect. 4.3) the production and distribution model is preferred).
proposed by the neoclassical economic theory, which is still 6. Economic efficiency, on the other hand, requires that if
the foundation of DSGE (Dynamic Stochastic General Equi- the combinations of factors are different (with the same
librium) models, dominant in macroeconomics [3]. production, the second method uses K1 < K0 capital units),
then the choice depends on the cost he has to bear to acti-
vate the process, considering the prices of the production
4.3 Production and Distribution factors.
in Economic Theory In economics, production techniques are divided into
two large families:
To evaluate the economic effects of automation on the pro- (a) fixed coefficient technologies, characterized by
duction and costs of a company, it is appropriate to recall zero substitutability (strict complementarity) of
some definitions drawn from economic theory, which will be the productive factors, assuming that a given
used in the subsequent analysis. quantity of product can be considered only
by combining the factors in fixed proportions
(isoquant at an angle), in the minimum quantities
4.3.1 Preliminary Elements of Production imposed by the efficiency technique; so let’s write
Q = f (K, L, X) = K/v = λL L = X/b, where λL = Q/L
1. A production technique (method or process) is a combina- is the labor constant productivity and v = K/Q,
tion of factors (inputs) acquired from the market and used b = X/Q are the fixed coefficients of use of capital and
to obtain a unity of good/service. intermediate goods in the short term; all coefficients
2. The factors of production for simplicity are limited to may vary in the long run due to technical progress.
capital K (plants, machinery, etc.), to labor L, and to inter- (b) technologies with flexible coefficients, assumed by
mediate goods X (purchased externally to be transformed neoclassical economic theory, which instead admit the
into the finished product). possibility of imperfect substitutability of the produc-
3. A production function is represented by a technical re- tion factors, thus assuming that the same production
lationship Q = Q(K, L, X), which describes the output can be achieved by means of a convex variable com-
Q as a function of the inputs entered in the production bination.
 both in the short term, in which  the capital is
given K = K, ∂Q/∂L > 0, ∂Q/∂X > 0 , and in the long
run, in which the capital is variable (∂Q/∂K > 0). 4.3.2 Measurement and Characteristics
4. Technological progress A, of which automation is the most of Production Factors
relevant component, is inserted mainly as an exogenous
factor [Q = Af (K, L, X)]; its nature is instead endogenous, The amount of labor L can be measured by the product
since it is essentially incorporated in capital, through between the hours h provided by each employee in a work
process innovations, and in labor, through investment in shift, the number N of the workers of a shift, and the number
human capital (training), increasing productivity [4]. T of the work shifts carried out in the unit of time considered
5. Technical efficiency requires that the rational en- (one day, one month, one year):
trepreneur, if he decides to make new investments,
chooses among the available methods/processes that L = hNT (4.1)
allow to obtain the same quantity of product without
wasting the factors (if a method requires K0 capital units Capital K, on the other hand, cannot be considered ho-
and L0 labor units, and another is requiring L1 > L0 labor mogeneous, since normally there are interconnected plants
80 P. Ravazzi and A. Villa

and machinery of different characteristics in the company. by the financial market, because this last one is continuously
However, the problem of its measurement is not crucial if changing, owing to the speculations on enterprise shares in
production is connected to capital by a fixed coefficient: the condition of uncertainty with respect to future gain.
capital stock can be measured in machine hours at steady We therefore define the profit  by the difference be-
speed.   tween the added value [pQ − pX X = (p − pX b) Q = p̂Q] and
In the short term, capital is a fixed factor K = K , which the cost of labor and capital (wL + rpK K). If the factors
delimits production capacity Q of the company and involves are characterized by decreasing productivity, companies can
a sunk cost (irrecoverable), since any underutilization of achieve the objective of maximum profit by combining them
the production capacity cannot be eliminated, by selling in order to equal the marginal productivity of each factor to
the machinery on the market, without incurring significant the relative cost:
realizable losses. Labor and intermediate goods are variable
factors depending on the quantities produced. max  = p̂Q − wL − cK pK K ⇒
In the long run, all factors are variable: after a few years, 
when the useful life of the capital has run out due to physical p̂ (∂Q/∂L) = w ∂Q/∂L = w/p̂
deterioration or due to the effect of technological overshoot, p̂ (∂Q/∂K) = rpK ∂Q/∂K = rpK /p̂
the plants and machinery can be replaced with others that are
more economically efficient. It follows a fair distribution of income, since each factor
of production is remunerated according to its contribution
to production:
  labor and capital, respectively,
 a real
wage w/p̂ and a real return on capital rpK /p̂ equal to
4.3.3 The Neoclassical Function the physical marginal productivity. The econometric results
of Production and the Distribution of the hypothesis of flexible coefficients have been con-
to Production Factors firmed only in the presence of a relative constancy of the
shares of wages and profits on the value of the product,
At this point it is possible to write the neoclassical pro- exchanging a trivial accounting identity for a homogeneous
duction function with flexible coefficients, supposing – for first degree production function, such as shown by [5]. A
simplicity – the constant ratio b = X/Q between intermediate realistic approach to the problem requires to interface with
goods and produced quantities, but attributing decreasing the production engineer to write a functional form that in-
returns to capital and labor, so marginal productivity (the first corporates the specific characteristics of a given observed
partial derivative) is a decreasing function of the quantity of production process, leaving the econometrician only the task
input: of estimating the parameters and checking the goodness of
the equation. In the subsequent analysis, a technological-
Q = f (K, L, X) = Q (K, L) = X/b; economic approach will be followed, on the basis of which
∂Q ∂ 2Q ∂Q ∂ 2Q the effect of automation on the production processes and
> 0, 2
< 0, > 0, 2 < 0 (4.2) costs of the company will be assessed.
∂K ∂K ∂L ∂L

Economic theory (from Clark and Marshall until today)

has therefore assumed as the foundation of production the 4.4 Microeconomic Effects of Automation
hypothesis that there is no perfect substitution between the in Enterprises
factors, attributing to each of them the law of diminishing re-
turns, which initially Malthus, West, and Ricardo had limited 4.4.1 Effects on the Production Function
to the earth.
We indicate with p the selling price of the product, with First of all, consider the case of production with only labor,,
w the monetary wages paid to workers, with pK the price of that is, without the use of capital or, to be more realistic,
a unit of capital and with r the percentage cost of capital, with the use of extremely elementary production tools. In this
defined in an economic perspective, which considers the case, a characteristic of human’s psychophysical structure is
entire gross operating margin on the value of the capital. his ability to produce with decreasing returns: natural fatigue
Therefore it differs from the accounting cost, which includes grows during the production process, so the marginal pro-
only the depreciation charge and the cost of debt, attributing ductivity of work is decreasing with the increase in working
to the profit gross of tax charges and the residual (oper- hours. Let a shift be measured in hours, and h be the time
ating income) allocated to equity. We also considered the provided by a standard worker. To express that the efficiency
current value of capital (pK K) and not the evaluation done E of a worker is decreasing in the shift, it can be used with
4 Economic Effects of Automation 81

a simple exponential function that allows to transform the chines with respect to human; while the psychophysical
homogeneous hours into differentiated units of efficiency: nature of human is characterized by decreasing returns,
the machines or any production tool do not suffer from
E = hα (4.4) increasing fatigue during the work shift.

where 0 < α = (dE/dh)(h/E) < 1 is the constant elasticity of Therefore, we must exclude the hypothesis of decreasing
efficiency with respect to the hours provided by a worker and marginal productivity of capital and connect it to production
represents a measure of the average psychophysical strength capacity Q through a constant coefficient of potential pro-
of the worker. ductivity of capital λK , which represents the reciprocal of the
The relation (4.4) is characterized by decreasing returns, constant capital / product ratio (λK = 1/v): 4
since dE/dh = αE/h > 0 and d2 E/dh2 = (α − 1)(dE/dh)/h < 0.
Denoting with λE the constant productivity of an effi- Q = λK K = K/v (4.8)
ciency unit, we write the production function:
Since it is the human who works in collaboration with
Q = λE ENT (4.5) the machines and imposes his biological rhythms, the capital
must be connected to the actual production Q through a
By substitution of (4.4) and (4.1) (putting in evidence NT) variable degree of use 0 < θ K < 1, as a consequence of the
in (4.5) and therefore dividing by L the hourly productivity λL decreasing performance of the work, which expresses the
is obtained: effective time of use of the machines in relation to the time
in which they are potentially available:
λL = Q/L = λE hα−1 > 0 (4.6)
Q = θK λK K = θK K/v = θK Q (4.9)
decreasing compared to the hours worked by an operator in
a shift [dλL /dh = (α − 1)λE hα−2 < 0].
Dividing the relationship by the working hours needed to
Now capital as an auxiliary tool of labor is being intro-
saturate the production capacity, which correspond to those
duced. Three problems arise in this regard:
K = L of potential use of capital, and using Eq. (4.7), it is
possible to explain how the degree of use of capital is adapted
1. The measurement of capital, since capital goods are het-
to decreasing returns on labor:
erogeneous and therefore a specific physical quantity can-
not be used; a practical method, adopted by companies, is
θK = vγ λE hα+δ−1 (4.10)
to consider the hours of potential use of the heterogeneous
set of available production tools.
leading to a decreasing use of capital [dθ K /dh = (α + δ − 1)
2. The evaluation of the effects produced by the associa-
θ K /h < 0].
tion of capital with labor; a first effect contemplated by
Condition 0 < α + δ < 1 allows to define labor-intensive
economic theory [6–9] is the increase in productivity of
technique in which work and capital collaborate, but the
labor; expressing the capital-induced empowerment with
former dominates the latter: the decrease in the marginal
a coefficient γ > 1 to be applied to the hourly productivity,
productivity of labor remains as a characteristic of the pro-
the function (4.6) can be rewritten as λL = γ λE hα−1 ; how-
duction process, even if mitigated by the aid of capital.
ever, an equally important factor, omitted from economic
However, the decreasing returns are exclusively attributed to
theory, is the effect that capital has on the psychophysical
the psychophysical characteristics of human.
force of labor, since the tools to help work enhance by
Finally, mechanization and above all automation have the
a factor δ the elasticity of efficiency, alleviating both
property of canceling labor fatigue (α + δ = 1) and therefore
physical and mental fatigue, so that it is obtained:
they reverse the role of production factors: capital dominates
over labor, imposing its mechanical rhythms on the latter. The
relationship (4.7) changes to:
λL = γ λE hα+δ−1 (4.7)
λL = γ λE ⇐ α + δ − 1 = 0 (4.11)
where now E = hα+δ and condition 0 < α + δ < 1 allows to
preserve decreasing returns.
  by substitution in (4.10), implies θK = vλL =
K/Q Q/L = 1 ⇐ K = L, at the full utilization of the
3. The way of inserting capital into the production function,
production capacity. Automation therefore transforms labor
which depends strictly on the characteristics of the ma-
returns from decreasing to constant and, therefore, changes
82 P. Ravazzi and A. Villa

the function of production to flexible coefficients (in the As an intermediate objective of the company we assume
technological sense described) into a function with fixed the maximization of the hourly margin mh , defined
 as the
coefficients. difference between the hourly value added p̂λL and the
We define capital-intensive systems as all those processes hourly wage w:
in which α + δ = 1, that is, all the technologies that use
machines, although a negligible residual of worker fatigue max mh = p̂λL (w) − w (4.13)
may remain in the setup phase.
This analysis makes it possible to distinguish the pro- The first-order condition requires that the company pays
duction techniques (labor or capital intensive) on the basis the worker an additional monetary unit of wages up to the
of an absolute criterion, avoiding the need for a relative point where it equals the value of its marginal productivity,
classification with respect to an average of the production per that is when the elasticity w of productivity with respect to
employee or of the capital/labor or capital/product ratio of the wages equals the share of labor costs on the value added:
productive sectors.
dmh dλL dλL w w
= 0 → p̂ = 1 → w = = (4.14)
dw dw dw λL p̂λL
4.4.2 Effects on Worker Incentives
In correspondence we obtain the optimal values of the
and Controls
hourly monetary wage w∗ , the hourly productivity λ∗L , and the
Another problem related to automation concerns the trade- hourly added value p̂λ∗L . The duration of the shift is therefore
off between incentives and control of production workers. endogenous. In fact, from Eq. (4.7) we obtain the optimal
The economic literature identifies three fundamental reasons time of each worker h∗ , explaining why in the labor-intensive
that induce the company to pay efficiency wages higher than systems the hours provided by the worker may differ from the
those of the market [10]: (a) the need to minimize the costs contractual hours:
for hiring and training workers, by stemming so the voluntary   
resignation [11, 12]; (b) the information asymmetry between h∗ = λ∗L / γ λE
worker and company (only the former knows his ability and
his commitment) for which this uses the incentive ex ante Instead in capital-intensive systems λL = γ λE , whereby
in order to avoid the adverse selection (by rationing the job workers are forced to adapt to the needs of mechanized or
application to select the best elements) and ex post in order automated production and therefore efficiency wages have
to contain the moral hazard of employees, causing them no reason to exist. The maximum profit solution simply
to engage in the production process, in the event that the requires that the wage be set at its minimum contractual level:
supervision costs are too high [13–15]; (c) the specificity max mh = p̂γ λE − w ⇐ min w.
of some production technologies that require leaving some In conclusion, in labor-intensive systems, a variable wage
groups of workers autonomous (the individual commitment can represent an incentive to maximize profit, extracting the
is under the control of the team), paying an incentive to optimal effort for the company from workers. However, if
stimulate conscious participation in teamwork [16–18]. the productivity of the worker cannot be measured due to
To analyze the effects of automation, we neglect the last the complexity of the performance, control by a supervisor,
motivation, more suitable for connoting research groups, to whom an incentive has to be paid, becomes preferable.
design and development of new products. On the other hand, In capital-intensive systems, the incentive is not justified,
we consider the other motivations for intensive work systems since there is no need to extract the effort of workers: both
to be crucial: productivity is not exclusively attributable in industry and in services (especially financial ones), au-
to the technology and psychophysical characteristics of the tomation eliminates the problem of moral hazard at the root,
workers, but also depends on their commitment. since the machines carry out standardized work and are
Assume that productivity λL of each worker is a concave equipped with devices to report anomalies with respect to
increasing function of the hourly wage w, that is, it grows the correct execution of the process, thus minimizing worker
rapidly in a first interval in which the wages play an incen- opportunism. The only reason for paying an efficiency wage
tive role, but which subsequently grows weakly due to the is the reduction of absenteeism.
decrease in the marginal utility of the remuneration in relation In summary, automation – in addition to increasing
to the fatigue of the extension of working hours: productivity directly and indirectly (neutralizing worker
fatigue) – minimizes labor costs, eliminating direct incentives
for workers or indirect incentives for supervisors in charge
λL = λL (w), λL (0) = 0, dλL /dw > 0, d2 λL /dw2 < 0 of process control. Obviously in the face of these benefits,
(4.12) the company must bear the greater burdens and risks of an
4 Economic Effects of Automation 83

automated process, which requires significant investments In systems of pure labor, in which capital is insignificant,
in physical and human capital, as will be highlighted in the the hypothesis of marginal productivity (λm = dQ/dL) and
next paragraph. average productivity (λ = Q/L) both decreasing, hold:

dλm d2 Q dλ
λm (L) > 0, = < 0,
dL dL2 dL
4.4.3 Effects on Cost Structure and Labor d (Q/L) λm − λ
Demand in the Short Term = = < 0 ⇐ λ > λm
dL L
The transition from an intensive labor process to a capital 4
intensive one has transformed the cost structure of the com- It follows that marginal variable cost (cm = dCv /dQ) and
pany, amplifying the costs of capital (given in the short term) average cost c, growing as the quantities produced grow,
and reducing those of labor. derive from Eqs. (4.18) and (4.21):
We define the total costs CT as the sum of the costs of the
three factors (intermediate goods, labor, and capital), whose cm = pX b + w/λm > 0
prices (pX , w, rpk ) are given for the individual company, to
which are added the organizational costs CH (relating to man- dcm d2 Cv w dλm dλm
= =− 3 >0⇐ (4.24)
agerial staff and persons in charge of accounting, financial, dQ dQ2 λm dL dL
information, and control activities): dc d (Cv /Q) cm − c
< 0, = = > 0 ⇐ cm > c
dQ dQ Q
CT = CH + pX X + wL + rpK K (4.16)
From Eq. (4.22) it is also noted that the total average cost
In the short term, the organization of the company and has a minimum point when the marginal cost is equal to the
the capital stock are given CH = CH , K = K , so one can average total cost:
separate the fixed costs Cf (organization and capital) from
variable costs Cv (intermediate goods and labor dependent on dcT C cm − c
=− 2 +  0 ⇐ cm  cT (4.25)
production Q through the respective input b and productivity dQ Q Q
coefficients λ):
The relations from (4.23) to (4.25) represent the general
Cf = CH + rpK K = C (4.17) case contemplated by neoclassical economic theory, which
is sustainable only in the presence of production processes of
pure work or with simple aid tools, unsuitable to neutralize
Cv = pX X + wL = (pX b + w/λ) Q (4.18) the growing fatigue during the work shift.
In labor-intensive systems, however, an incentive is
CT = Cf + Cv (4.19) required to achieve maximum efficiency, so relationships
(4.18) and (4.21) can be rewritten simply by replacing
the values of the efficiency wage w∗ and the optimum
Relation (4.8) defines the production capacity Q as a
productivity associated with it λ = λ∗L . Variable and
technical constraint that the current production Q cannot
total costs [relations (4.18) and (4.19)] then become linear
functions of the quantity produced. The variable average cost
[relationship (4.21)] is constant and the average total cost
Q = λL = X/b ≤ Q = K/v (4.20) [relationship (4.22)] is a decreasing function of the quantity
produced in the interval 0, Q: dcT /dQ = −C/Q2 < 0.
If the variable cost (4.18) and the total cost (4.19) are On the other hand, in capital-intensive systems, automa-
divided by Q, after replacing Eqs. (4.17) and (4.18), the tion has the following effects:
variable average cost (c = Cv /Q) and the average total cost
(cT = CT /Q) are obtained: 1. A constant productivity λA higher than that obtainable in
intensive work systems λ = λA > λ∗L .
c = pX b + w/λ (4.21) 2. A wage wA set by collective or company bargaining
between workers and companies, normally lower than the
typical efficiency of intensive work systems (wA < w∗ ),
cT = C/Q + c (4.22)
84 P. Ravazzi and A. Villa

since it requires no incentive to extract the optimal effort; technique dominates for high Q values: there is a critical
the wages paid to workers are generally higher than the level of production which makes the two technologies indif-
minimum wages ŵ paid for a simple job, in order to select ferent. Capital-intensive techniques (high fixed costs and low
and train specialized
 suitable to collaborate variable costs) are therefore more risky than intensive labor
with the machines wA > ŵ ; then, it is difficult to evalu- techniques (low fixed costs and high variable costs), in the
ate if wA be greater, less or equal to w∗ (in the following, event that there is a significant drop in the demand for goods
it will be assumed wA = w∗ = w). produced by company: excess work can be expelled from the
3. A positive correlation (for linear simplicity) of labor pro- production process in a short time while excess capital, which
ductivity compared to the quantity produced, because the is a sunk cost, requires long amortization of its value.
company is reluctant to replace qualified personnel in Total costs of firms 1 and 2 are shown in quadrant a of
the presence of production declines induced by a fall in Fig. 4.1. Costs are reformulated in average terms in quadrant
market demand b. In both cases up to point A, firm 2 has total and unit costs
lower than those of firm 1; in the 0QA range is therefore
λA = λA (Q), dλA /dQ > 0, d2 λA /dQ2 = 0 (4.26) more efficient. Beyond point A, in the interval QA Q, the
situation reverses, but this is the normal condition, since the
4. A cost of capital rpKA higher than that of labor-intensive previous decision of both companies
  was to have an equally
systems, due to the higher purchase price of the machines high production capacity Q > QA , as shown in quadrant
(pKA > pK ), with the same average useful life and cost of c, which describes their linear functions of production with
financing. respect to the amount of work. Firm 1 is more efficient than
firm 2 also in terms of programmed quantity Qe on the basis
With these premises we can compare the average cost of demand expectations, lower than the production capacity
of company 1, which adopts an intensive capital production for a part θ Q reserved to cope with excess demand:
system, with that of company 2, which adopts an intensive  
labor system, using the relation (4.22) and considering an Qe = 1 − θQ Q (4.28)
equal coefficient of input of intermediate goods:
On the basis of Qe each firm calculates an experimental
CT1 C1 w price (or list price) pi (i = 1, 2) to be proposed to the market,
c1 = = + pX b +  c2
Q Q λ1 (Q) sufficient to cover the unit cost of its product (full pricing),
which includes the depreciation rate and the normal profit
CT2 C2 w
= = + pX b + ∗ rate (indicated with r) on the capital value pK K:
Q Q λ2
p1 = cT1 (Qe ) < p2 = cT2 (Qe ) (4.29)
As mentioned, in company 1 compared to company 2, the
labor cost per unit of product decreased [w/λ1 (Q) < w/λ∗2 ]
If the market price p of the product is high enough to
but the cost of capital is increased (pK1 > pK2 ), assuming
allow the less efficient company to achieve normal profit
equal organization costs (CH1 = CH2 ). The negative sign of
[p = p2 = cT2 (Qe )], the most efficient company benefits from
the cost gap D indicates the advantage of automation:
the effects of its automated technology, creating a differential
return or surplus or extra profit S1 :
D(Q) = c1 − c2 = r (pK1 − pK2 ) K/Q
+ w [1/λ1 (Q) − 1/λ∗2 ] < 0 S1 = (p − p1 ) Qe = [cT2 (Qe ) − cT1 (Qe )] Qe (4.30)

Inequality r (pK1 − pK2 ) K/Q < w [1/λ∗2 − 1/λ1 (Q)] is If the

 market price allows firm 2 to cover only variable
a necessary condition for the capital-intensive production costs p = c2 = pX b + w/λ∗2 , this company would be about
technique to be economically efficient: the higher cost of to leave the market in the short term (marginal firm): it can
capital of the automated system must be lower than the survive only until the capital is wiped out (in the long run)
higher labor cost of the labor intensive system. The difference and the firm close the activity.
in cost, however, benefits the automated company as the Finally, in quadrant d we associated different productiv-
production grows: ities levels (on the abscissas) to the cumulative quantities
of work (on the ordinates) for the entire interval up to
dD/dQ = −w (∂λ1 /∂Q) /λ21 − r (pK1 − pK2 ) K/Q2 < 0 the programmed production and then extending it until the
saturation of the production capacity. This results in two
It can therefore be said that an intensive work system is decreasing step-by-step relationships between productivity
more advantageous for low Q values, while the automated and employment, from which it is evident that the aggregate
4 Economic Effects of Automation 85

a) CT b) CT/Q
tan a1 = c1
tan b1 = p1 CT1/Q
tan a2 = c2
tan b2 = p2
Cf 1 A
Cf 2
a2 c2 4
0 QA Qe Q 0 QA Qe Q

c) L d) L

tan g1 = l1
tan g2 = l2 I


g1 B N M
L1 F
g2 E1 G

0 Qe Q 0 l2 l1

Fig. 4.1 Costs relating to firms 1 (capital intensive) and 2 (labor intensive)

demand for labor rotates with the increase in production from the relationship (4.21), in order to move from the concept
the position λ1 FGHI (continuous line) to the position λ1 of gross production Q to that of gross domestic product Y
MNOP (dashed line). in real terms. We therefore rewrite the variable average cost
relationship (4.21), which is also the minimum price p̂m at
which the least efficient firm remains temporarily on the
market in the short term:
4.5 Macroeconomic Effects
of Automation in the Short Period p̂m = cm = w/λm (4.31)

Even if we have abandoned the microeconomic postulate where cm and λm indicate the average variable cost and
of decreasing marginal productivity of production factors, the (constant) productivity of the marginal firm and not the
from quadrant d of Fig. 4.1, it is possible to derive a marginal cost and marginal productivity of the neoclassical
macroeconomic function of short-term labor demand that theory. The equation shows that
proposes it based on the decreasing marginal efficiency of the  price is an increasing
ear function of money wages ∂ p̂/∂w = 1/λm > 0 . Intra-
companies. marginal firms (with more efficient technologies), on the
other hand, are able to partially or completely recover fixed
costs or even obtain profits higher than normal due to their
4.5.1 Demand for Labor higher productivity. Considering a large number of com-
panies under free competition, the production capacity of
To extend the model to companies operating in the economic each is a sub-multiple of the market extension. Consequently,
system, at the aggregate level we must eliminate intermediate inframarginal companies should align their planned list price
goods and consider only the added value, placing b = 0 in with the higher one of the marginal company: if they did
86 P. Ravazzi and A. Villa

not carry out this alignment, selling their product at a lower

price, they would quickly saturate their production capacity, w
creating a queue of unsatisfied demand that would pour on A L
other companies that apply a higher price, up to paying the
maximum price of the marginal company. The production
(or offer) price charged by the marginal company therefore
represents the equilibrium price (P∗ = pm ), dependent on
nominal wage level w. In a short-term equilibrium from the E
Eq. (4.31), the equality between productivity and real wage w F
ω is rediscovered:
w^ N
λm = w/P∗ = ω (4.32) H
Y0 Ye Y
If the aggregate demand (and therefore the actual pro- 0
duction Y) is greater than the programmed production Ye of
all the enterprises (Y > Ye ), the incomes of inframarginal
Fig. 4.2 Balance in the labor market: decreasing demand from busi-
enterprises will increase, because the average fixed cost nesses and rigid supply
decreases, without prejudice to the average variable cost,
while the marginal enterprise will continue to remain at the
point of exit from the market, since the total fixed costs
remain unchanged and the revenues cover only the variable In this model, real wages have the role of selecting the
costs both increased in the same proportion. If the aggregate number of companies able to survive on the market. Unlike
demand is lower (Y < Ye ) and the restriction is uniformly the neoclassical approach of a single representative company
distributed, inframarginal companies will face a reduction in that produces with decreasing returns with respect to each
extra profits or will have to renounce coverage of a portion of production factor, the assumption of linear technologies (with
their fixed costs. The dismissal of labor force induced by the constant productivity), ordered on the basis of their decreas-
fall in production will lighten variable costs, but the average ing efficiency, entails an aggregate demand for work LD
fixed cost will rise for all companies at the same price. depending not only on real wages ω, but also from production
In Fig. 4.2 the graph of quadrant d of Fig. 4.1 has been Y within the limit of short-term production capacity Y ≤ Y :
re-proposed with the Cartesian axes inverted, ordering the  
companies according to their relative efficiency: from that LD = LD (Y, ω) ∂LD /∂Y > 0, LD /∂ω < 0 (4.33)
with higher productivity up to that which in the abstract has
zero productivity. A continuous differentiation of companies
was assumed 4.5.2 Labor Offer
 and three
 of aggregate production were
considered Y0 < Y < Y . The flatter the curves, the lighter
the technological diversity between firms: at the limit, a The dominant economic theory hypothesizes that a free
horizontal straight line excludes differentiation and involves worker can rationally choose how to use his available time,
three vertical straight lines for the three production levels dividing it optimally between work and free time: an increase
indicated. in real wages would induce him – except in extreme cases of
Consider the planned production curve Ye : moving along very high wages – to give up free time, in order to acquire
the downward curve, companies make decreasing profits. In more income to be used for consumption and savings. From
correspondence with point D (ω = ω) the marginal company this behavior derives a job offer LS increasing compared
is located, while the underlying companies are out of the to real wages: LS = LS (ω) with dLS /dω > 0. Keynesian
market, because the price does not criticism of this postulate underlines that the employment
 cover the average variable contract stipulated between the parties has on the one hand
cost; if real wage drops ω̂ < ω , a greater number of ineffi-
cient firms the job performance (hours, shifts, rules of conduct, etc.) and
 remain on the market, which increase the demand on the other hand the payment of a nominal wage w.
for labor ω̂I > ωD .
If actual production expands to saturate production capac- Bonds are not instantly redeemable, but are fixed for a
 sufficiently long time, aimed at guaranteeing the company
ity Y = Y > Y e , the demand for work is increasing from
ωD to ωE and from ω̂I to ω̂M; if it falls to a level below the opportunity to evaluate the monetary profit expected from
the programmed level (Y = Y0 < Ye ), demand for work drops the planned production and investment decisions. In this time
from ωD to ωC and from ω̂I to ω̂H. span, nominal wages remain fixed, but prices can vary.
4 Economic Effects of Automation 87

At the salary established by the contract, the labor supply 4.5.3 Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in the
can be considered infinitely elastic, in the sense that the entire Labor Market
workforce is willing to work on that salary (provided it is able
to ensure subsistence), regardless of the disutility of the work, To ensure full employment, the job application LD must
a more suitable concept to choose the type of work logic absorb all the offer available on the market, but it is not
than to decide whether to work or not to work and for how said that this will happen, having excluded the neoclassical
long, since contracts are imposed by the needs of production. hypothesis of free choice between work and free time, which
Workers cannot therefore make an excellent choice between would entail a growing curve of job supply according to real
work and leisure: at the contracted wages w the job offer wages, able to intersect the job application. Instead, we hired
LS is given by the existing quantity of the workforce L. The in the short term: 4
following two conditions can be written, indicating the price
level with P: LD ≤ L (4.37)

w = w ⇒ ω = w/P (4.34) In Fig. 4.2 we have added a vertical line that delimits the
short-term job offer L.
LS = L (4.35) The following question arises: is it more effective an
increase in production or a reduction in real wages to achieve
a higher growth rate gL of the demand for work?
To support the hypothesis of fixed nominal wages during
The answer depends on the value of the elasticities
the average duration of contracts, we can write the following
with respect to production and real wages – respectively
relation, which incorporates some suggestions of the Keyne-
εY = (∂L/∂Y)(Y/L) > 0 and εω = (∂L/∂ω)(ω/L) < 0 – and the
sian theory [19]:
uniform growth rate of these variables (g = dY/Y = dω/ω):

w = w ( , u, Pe ) = w ( 0 , u0 , P0 ) = w (4.36)  
dL 1 ∂L ∂L
gL = = dY + dω
L L ∂Y ∂ω (4.38)
The nominal wage depends on three exogenous variables,
which in order of relevance are: = (εY + εω ) g > 0 ⇒ εY > εω

1. The institutional, political, and social conditions of the If firms are not differentiated in terms of technological
historical moment in which the employment contract is efficiency (equal productivity), the changes in real wages
signed (time 0), which are summarized by means of the are irrelevant (the labor demand curves are vertical), so only
exogenous variable = 0 . changes in production count. Only if there is a differentia-
2. The contractual strength of the parties, largely condi- tion of technological efficiency (decreasing demand curves),
tioned by the unemployment rate u experienced in a a decrease in real wages can induce greater employment.
sufficiently long time preceding the negotiation (u = u0 ). The stronger the differentiation (the more elastic the job
3. The expectation of the general price level Pe , agreed demand curves are), the more likely is to achieve a point of
between the parties at the time of signing the contract contact with the potential job supply curve, thus ensuring
and therefore incorporated in it (Pe = P0 ); the expectation full employment. Otherwise, even a minimum real wage,
is generally extrapolative, because a rational expectation for example w = ŵ, may be insufficient to achieve full
(deduced from a model of macroeconomic forecasts) is employment of workers, as in Fig. 4.2, where it can be
credible only if it reflects the beliefs about perceived infla- distinguished:
tion compared to that statistically detected, but perceived
inflation is strongly conditioned by inflation experienced (a) Technological or structural unemployment (the MN sec-
in the current period. tion), which cannot be absorbed even by fully utilizing
the production capacity, this being a technological con-
Eq. (4.36) establishes that the nominal wage is fixed for straint
the entire duration of the contract, while the real one in (4.34) (b) Rising cyclical unemployment (HM > HI) as production
decreases as the price level increases: dω/dP = − ω/P < 0, in decreases
line with the statements of Keynes [20]. But the equilibrium
price P∗ is given, since it is calculated by the companies  OnlyDif the job demand is constrained by the potential offer
on the basis of the programmed quantity. Consequently, the L < L , then the labor force is scarce compared to the pro-
royal hall is also fixed, as subsequently affirmed by Keynes ductive capacity of the economy, so it is possible to achieve
[21]: ω = w/P∗ = ω. full employment of the labor force, but not necessarily that of
88 P. Ravazzi and A. Villa

capital. If the offer intersects the demand at a point in the IM 4.6 Macroeconomic Effects
interval, the full employment of the workforce corresponds of Automation in the Long Period
to that desired by the companies; if the intersection occurs at
a point to the left of point I, the capital is underutilized. Long-term analysis requires a different model to tackle the
In these cases, a strengthening of workers’ power should problem of the growth of the economic system. For a com-
occur, which could lead to an increase in the nominal wages plete analysis, it can be referred to Ravazzi and Abrardi [24].
at the subsequent contract renewal. This causes firms to Before proceeding in this direction, it is appropriate to outline
translate it on the equilibrium price P∗ , in proportion to the some historical events to understand the drastic change that
growth in variable costs: dP∗ /dw = 1/λm > 0. has occurred in the production systems compared to the past.
The increase in the nominal wage, however, is greater than
the increase in prices (the real wage increases), not rendering
4.6.1 A Brief Historical Excursus
the contractual action of the workers in vain:
Morris [25] classified humanity’s progress through four char-
  acteristics, assigning each a score, which he then added to
∂ω ∂ω dw ω
dω = dw + ∗ dP∗ = ∗ 1 − > 0 ⇐ ω < λm obtain an indicator of social evolution: the ability to dominate
dw dP P λm energy for the development of economic activity; the ability
(4.39) to organize, which was mainly expressed in the transfor-
mation of the village into a city; the war force, that is, the
number of soldiers and the type of weapons; the information
The conclusions drawn on differentiation are paradoxical: technology, aimed at sharing and processing data.
the more an economy is characterized by inefficient small From this classification it emerges that the only event
businesses (as in Italy), the more employment benefits from that caused a truly significant leap in economic development
wage reductions; if on the other hand the most efficient tech- was the first industrial revolution of the second half of the
nologies are widespread among companies (as in Germany), eighteenth century, whose determining factors were first the
employment gets little benefit from wage compression and division of labor, as it was documented by Smith [26], then
mainly benefits from the growth of production. the diffusion of the machines in the production processes,
It is therefore no coincidence that wages are higher in highlighted by Ricardo [27], and then by Marx [28]. This
economies with higher average productivity, induced by innovative phase concerned mechanics, chemistry, and tech-
the adoption of capital-intensive techniques, compared to nology and was above all a consequence of the invention
economies in which technological backwardness compels of the steam engine and subsequent improvements. Together
companies to compete on labor costs. with the division of labor, machines have determined both
A problem that emerges from this analysis is the pos- the creation of factories for large-scale production and the
sibility that the differentiation of the companies remains organization of fast transport means. A second industrial rev-
in the long run: the marginal ones are forced to exit the olution occurred between the end of the nineteenth century
market and can be replaced by new incoming companies and the 40 years following the Second World War, but the
equipped with more efficient technologies, thus eliminating basic characters of new production processes still connote the
the differentiation. To maintain it, it is necessary to conceive a first era of machines [29].
dynamic process in which the new technologies of the incom- A much more radical revolution has only recently ap-
ing companies allow a positioning at the top in the ranking of peared: a second era of machines.
production efficiency, moving the others downwards through
a creative destruction [22, 23], that is, a process of gradual ex-
pulsion of less efficient firms, so as to always propose a curve 4.6.2 First Era of Machines: An Intersectoral
of decreasing productivity and labor demand, even if shifted Model with Consumption and Capital
upwards. Even the existing companies that come down in the
ranking, after having partially or totally recovered the value In this phase, capitalism evolved as a result of the cooperation
of the capital invested, can in turn adopt new technologies of machines with labor, aimed at obtaining higher productiv-
that allow them to go back to the highest positions. In this dy- ity, changing the organization of production.
namic process it is necessary to assume that in the long term The first era of machines will be described by means of
the technical progress incorporated in the capital is such as to a model of sectoral interdependencies [30–32] in physical
allow a continuous replacement of the old enterprises by the terms with three sectors: one industry producing consumer
new ones and a continuous reinvestment by the existing ones. goods (sector 1), exclusively demanded by workers, and two
This dynamic is not a groundless hypothesis in contemporary specific industries to the production of capital goods (sectors
capitalism, characterized by continuous digital innovations. 2 and 3), used as inputs in production processes.
4 Economic Effects of Automation 89

The Model in Terms of Quantity: Potential The technology of each sector can also be summarized
Growth without Technical Progress by a specific rate fixed capital/work coefficient ki , which
The production of the first sector Q1 is destined to satisfy the represents the degree of mechanization or capital intensity
demand for consumer goods of the workers employed in each of a given production sector. Using the relationships (4.44)
of the three sectors (L = L1 + L2 + L3 ): and (4.45), we can obtain:

Q1 = c1 (L1 + L2 ) + c3 L3 = c1 L + s3 L3 (4.40) ki = Ki /Li = vi /li (4.46)

To find the solution of the model, we replace the relations

where c1 is the quantity of consumer goods per unit of labor,
purchased by workers in the first two sectors, who perform
(4.44) and (4.45), respectively, in (4.40) and (4.43), obtaining 4
a system of three equations that guarantees the balance of the
simple work; c3 is the quantity consumed by third sector
workers, who perform complex work, for which they benefit
from greater consumption (s3 = c3 − c1 > 0). Sector 1 (consumer goods) Q1 = c1 (l1 Q1 +l2 Q2 )+ c3 l3 Q3
As for capital, the machines used in the production of Sector 2 (machines T1) Q2 = gv1 Q1
consumer goods differ from those for the production of Sector 3 (machines T2) Q3 = gv2 Q2
capital goods: but we assume that the machines made by
sector 3 for sector 2 are built with the exclusive application
of complex work, in order to design and manufacture com- For the first equation in balance, the supply of consumer
puters (hardware and software). The second and third sector goods Q1 must be equal to the demand from workers em-
productions are therefore aimed at satisfying the demand for ployed in all three sectors (second member). Based on the
investment goods of the first two sectors (Ii ; i = 1, 2), which second relation, production Q2 of machines of first type (T1)
correspond to the increase in the capital stock Ki , given the must match the demand for fixed capital investments in the
hypothesis of infinite duration: consumer goods sector. For the third relation, production Q3
of new capital goods of the second type (T2) must be equal
Qi+1 = Ii = Ki (i = 1, 2) (4.41) to the demand for investments in fixed capital of the second
Considering perfectly competitive markets, the long-term The system (4.47) is indeterminate, being composed of
intersectoral mobility of capital (in search of maximum yield) three linearly independent equations and four unknowns: Q1 ,
determines the leveling of profit rates and – since in the Q2 , Q3 , g. By using exchange relations Rij = Qi /Qj and
model, profits are all invested – the equality of the growth selecting Q2 as a unit of measurement, we rewrite the system
rate g of the capital: in the form:
+c3 l3 R32
Sector 1 (consumer goods) R12 = Q1 /Q2 = c1 l21−c
  1 l1
Ki = gK i (4.42) Sector 2 (machines T1) R12 = 1/ gv1
Sector 3 (machines T2) R32 = Q3 /Q2 = gv2
Substituting the relation (4.42) in (4.41), we obtain: (4.48)

By matching the first two equations and replacing the

Qi+1 = gK i (4.43)
third, we obtain a second degree equation:
It is assumed that the workers are all employed in the three c1 l2 + c3 l3 v2 g 1
sectors, according to fixed utilization coefficients of work per R12 = = → c3 l3 v2 g2 + c1 l2 g
1 − c1 l1 gv1 (4.49)
product unit (li = Li /Qi = 1/λi ):
− (1 − c1 l1 ) /v1 = 0

L= Li = li Qi (4.44) from which the equilibrium growth rate is obtained g∗ > 0,
i=1 i=1 having appropriately chosen the positive sign:

The capital stock, installed in each production sector, is 1 c1 l2 1 c1 l2 1 − c1 l1
also considered fully utilized with fixed capital coefficients g∗ = − + + (4.50)
2 c3 l3 v2 2 c3 l3 v2 c3 l3 v1 v2
per unit of product: vi . Then, it is possible to write:
If we replace the relations (4.40) and (4.43) in (4.44) and
Ki = vi Qi (4.45) (4.45), we get the system in terms of factors:
90 P. Ravazzi and A. Villa

Labor (1
− c1 l1 ) L = l2 gK 1 + (1 + l1 s3 ) l3 gK 2 plex work) are intended to purchase consumer goods, while
  profits are entirely invested in capital goods. Furthermore,
K1 = v1 c1 L + s3 l3 gK 2
Capital the rate r of profit on invested capital (or interest rate) must
K2 = v2 gK 1
be uniform in all productive sectors, in order to prevent
(4.51) capital move from one sector to another, in search of greater
The first equation expresses the intersectoral equilibrium Denoting with pi the unit prices of goods produced by the
of the labor market. The other two describe the balance of three sectors (i = 1, 2, 3), then rp2 and rp3 represent the usage
the capital market. From the solution the relative quantities prices or unit costs of capital. For each sector we write the
(K1 /K2 ) and the same growth rate g∗ are obtained. Economy equality between the total cost (of labor and capital) at the
develops along a trajectory of potential equilibrium with full first member and the total revenue at the second member:
occupation of resources: a golden age, as defined by Joan
Robinson [33]. Sector 1 (Consumer goods) wL1 + rp2 K1 = p1 Q1
To compute the absolute quantities of products and fac- Sector 2 (machines T1) wL2 + rp3 K2 = p2 Q2
tors, the perspective is shifted to the short term, characterized Sector 3 (machines T2) zL3 = p3 Q3
by two types of constraints: (a) a given capital stock of an (4.52)
industrial sector, typically that of the production of consumer
goods, which affects  others K1 = K 1 ; (b) a given
 all the Real wages ω and ζ , can be defined by dividing the nomi-
aggregate job offer L = L . nal wages w and z by the price p1 of consumer goods, impos-
In case a we include the constraint in the system (4.51), ing the following conditions (ω̂ is the subsistence wage):
obtaining the same equilibrium growth rate (g∗ ) and the
quantities ∗
 work balance (L ) and the capital of the second w = c1 p1 → ω = w/p1 = c1 ≥ ω̂ (4.53)
sector K2 .
By replacing these variables in (4.43), the productions of
 ∗ two∗ machine manufacturing sectors arefinally  obtained z = c3 p1 > w → ζ = z/p1 = c3 > ω (4.54)
Q2 , Q3 and then that of consumer goods Q∗1 by the first
equation of the system (4.47).
We use these two relationships to rewrite the system
If the existing offer is L̃ > L∗ , the unemployment rate
(4.52), dividing each element by Qi , in order to obtain the
(0 ≤ u = (L̃ − L∗ )/L̃ < 1 ⇐ L̃ > L∗ ) is positive or even
equality between the average cost (first member) and the
advantageous for companies, because production capacity
average revenue (the selling price) of each sector:
is fully occupied and unemployment reduces the bargaining
power of workers.
Sector 1 (consumer goods) ωp1 l1 + rp2 v1 = p1
In case b, existing workers are all employed L = L̃ and
Sector 2 (machines T1) ωp1 l2 + rp3 v2 = p2
they constitute a constraint for production. From the system
∗ ) and the
Sector 3 (machines T2) ζ p 1 l3 = p 3
(4.51) we obtain the equilibrium growth rate  (g  (4.55)
capital stock of the first and second sectors K1 , K2∗ , from

which we then obtain the quantities produced by all the three

We rewrite the system in terms of relative prices, assuming
the price of the consumer goods sector as a unit of measure
It is possible that the degree of utilization of the cap-
(p1 = 1, p21 = p2 /p1 , p31 = p3 /p1 ):
ital stock of one or both sectors be not fully utilized, so
entrepreneurs are no longer inclined to acquire new capital
goods based on the equilibrium growth rate: the expected Sector 1 (consumer goods) ωl1 + rp21 v1 = 1
growth rate ge and the effective rate g of capital accumulation Sector 2 (machines T1) ωl2 + rp31 v2 = p21
would slow down (g = ge < g∗ ). The demand for capital Sector 3 (machines T2) ζ l3 = p31
goods would be lower than potential production, triggering (4.56)
a period of recessive instability [34–37], that cannot be
avoided without an intervention from the state, as suggested The system is now composed of three equations and
by Keynes [20]. five variables: ω, ζ , r, p21 , p31 . We obtain a second degree
equation Z equal to (4.49) of the model in physical units,
The Model in Terms of Prices: Wages and Profits being ω = c1 e ζ = c3 , with the only difference of having
We must now moving from the model in physical terms to the variable of the profit rate r instead of the growth rate g:
that expressed in value, assuming – for simplicity – that the
nominal wages w (paid for simple work) and z (for com- Z = ζ l3 v2 r2 + ωl2 r − (1 − ωl1 ) /v1 = 0 (4.57)
4 Economic Effects of Automation 91

It follows that the profit rate and the growth rate of The first case is evidently unsustainable: the zero wages
the economic system are the same (r∗ = g∗ ), because we would make the production of consumer goods disappear
assumed exogenous the remuneration of work  determined by
 and the economic system would implode. In the second case,
the bargaining between the social partners ω = ω, ζ = ζ , the production of capital goods would disappear, but the
so the solution of (4.57) is analogous to (4.50): economy could survive in a steady state, because the workers
of the first sector could continue to utilize existing machines
 2 (obviously as long as they last).
∗ 1 ωl2 1 ωl2 1 − ωl1
r =− + + (4.58) It is necessary to place a reciprocal bond: a subsistence
2 ζ l3 v2 2 ζ l3 v2 v1 v2 ζ l3 wage ω̂ and a minimal profit rate rm , indicated in Fig. 4.3 by
means of straight vertical and horizontal lines, respectively. 4
If we remove the hypothesis of real wages given for simple A balance in A or in C is achieved when the bargaining
work, the previous relationship expresses the link existing force is all concentrated in the workers’ unions. Bargaining
between the rate of profit r and the real wages ω. Using the between the social partners is therefore limited to the AC
derivation rule of the implicit function (4.57), we obtain the section of the curve and the trade-off between the income
marginal rate of substitution between profit and real wages: received by the two social classes depends on the relative
strength, which depends on the variables described in the
dr ∂Z/∂ω l2 r + l1 /v1 relation (4.36).
=− =− <0
dω ∂Z/∂r 2ζ l3 v2 r + ωl2 A compromise is represented by point B, which entails a
real wage higher than the subsistence wage and a rate of profit
The profit rate decreases as real wages rise, thus highlight- and capital growth greater than the minimum.
ing a conflict of interest between capitalists and workers for An unbalanced situation can emerge when both workers
the distribution of the net product (the added value). and capitalists have equivalent bargaining power and each
In Fig. 4.3 the relationship (4.58) is represented by a party wants to maximize its goal: wages and profits respec-
decreasing curve which is first convex and then concave tively. This situation (point D) implies strong turbulence in
(based on the analysis of the second derivative) with the the labor market: strikes on the one hand and tight on the
turning point at ⏞ . other, which cause product losses, but at the same time rep-
The curve intersects the axes: if the real wage were resent a dispute resolution mechanism, bringing the economy
zero (ω = 0), the rate of profit and the rate of growth back on the wage-profit frontier.
 the economic system
 would be at the maximum level:
rM = 1/ v1 v2 ζ l3 ; if on the contrary the profits were Use of the Model to Explain the Events
of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century
all attributed to the workers (r = 0), the real wage would be The previous model can be used to summarize the events that
maximum (ωM = 1/l1 = λ1 ). characterized the European economy from the 1950s to the
threshold of the new century.
After the war, the misery of families and widespread
unemployment, caused by the war destruction of most of
the factories and the historical backwardness of some areas
of Europe, explain the extreme weakness of the bargaining
force of the workers and the dominance of the power of the
companies, factors that kept economies on the wage-to-profit
frontier near point A in Fig. 4.3. This situation ensured 20
^r A D years of low wages, high profits, and high growth rates of
the economic systems (in Italy is the period of the economic
B miracle).
The process of absorbing unemployment subsequently
C strongly strengthened the power of the workers, who claimed
and obtained in the seventies and eighties a radical shift in
the share of income from profits to wages: the European
w economy has gradually moved from point A to point C,
0 w^ w w (r
(rm) wM
with a significant drop in the growth rate of the economies.
The reduction in growth was accentuated by restrictive eco-
Fig. 4.3 Relationship between profit rate and real wages in a dynamic nomic policies of governments, induced by the oil crisis: the
economy quintupling of the price of oil by the producing countries,
92 P. Ravazzi and A. Villa

adhering to the OPEC cartel, had severely imbalanced the related services (water, electricity and gas), health care,
external accounts, driving up the value of crude oil imports telecommunications, and leisure
and inflation. It is the period of stagflation.
After the eighties until today the advantage gained by This transformation made it possible to create labor-
workers has been gradually eroded for various reasons, but intensive activities, but digital applications and communi-
above all for an increase in the unemployment rate induced cations networks are rapidly spreading automation also in
by the slowdown in growth, which in some countries is services.
partly due to a fragile industrial structure dominated by small From an economic point of view, an efficient division of
businesses and by the adoption of automated labor-saving labor should entail the choice between human and machine
technologies by medium and large enterprises. based on their comparative advantage: some tasks are more
The power of capital then gradually took over the heavily suitable for human functions and others for mechanical ones.
weakened one of labor, so the European economy moved Computers have replaced workers in many tasks: ma-
again along the frontier of Fig. 4.3 from point C to point A: chines are cheaper, faster and error-proof and outperform
a return to the conditions of the first postwar period, but this men’s performance. Their field of application gradually and
time – especially in the Mediterranean countries – without increasingly expanded to more complex tasks (mathematics,
prospects for rapid growth. logic, and language). However, we continue to believe that
in many activities human is irreplaceable for his artistic,
literary, and scientific abilities and decision-making attitudes
4.6.3 Second Era of Machines: Automation [38]. Today we must modify these beliefs, because enormous
and Artificial Intelligence (AI) progress has been achieved in fields that were considered
exclusive human prerogative: autonomous driving of the car
Compared to the first machine age, the second era has three seemed impossible, but today it is a reality; complex com-
fundamental characteristics: munication between human and machine through a speech
synthesis language, similar to natural language; simultaneous
1. The expansion of the variety of consumer goods and the translation into various languages; the analysis of economic
explosion of services (financial, health, legal, administra- and statistical data in literary form indistinguishable from
tive, tax, etc.), characterized by high labor intensity that carried out by an expert journalist; additive manufactur-
2. A more extensive automation of production processes, due ing to create objects in plastic, metal, and other materials.
to the creation and exponential diffusion of Information Today companies buy expensive machines, with special-
and Communication Technology (ICT) ized functions for the type of production to be carried out;
3. The production of digital goods (information, music and these machines require specific programming by specialized
IT applications), which use the infrastructures created by workers to be inserted in the assembly line and reprogram-
ICT innovations, circulating on a worldwide network of ming with machine stoppage whenever small changes occur
interconnected computers in the production process, but recent robotic innovations are
learning to do more complex work at a decreasing and highly
Proliferation of Services, Diversification competitive purchase price.
of Consumption, and Digital Revolution Based on data reported by Forni [39], setting the average
The transformation of capitalism from a producer of indus- cost per hour of a US worker equal to 100, we find that
trial goods to a prevalent service provider has supplied a very the cost of a Chinese worker falls to around 11, but the
high demand for consumer goods, so that the system has cost of a robot is around 1. It is clear that the international
been able to grow after the Second World War in substantial movement of capital, induced by labor cost differences, loses
equilibrium, even if there have been sporadic recessions. its relevance and the replacement of humans by intelligent
ISTAT data on Italian consumption from 1970 to 2010 machines maximizes efficiency. Frey and Osborne [40] es-
represent a significant sample of the trends that have also timated, through an analysis of 702 types of occupations,
characterized other European countries: that almost 50% of US employment is already at high risk
of substitution. Furthermore, Bostrom [41] predicts that by
• Significant, but essentially stable, weight of public ser- 2040, artificial intelligence will achieve substantial parity
vices (around a quarter of the total) with humans in many decisional and intellectual activities.
• The increase of share of private services over the total We can say that today we have definitely entered the
private consumption from 30% to 45% second era of machines.
• The fall of 15 percentage points in food consumption The components of this unpredictable technological
absorbed by the increase in expenses for housing and progress are:
4 Economic Effects of Automation 93

(a) The exponential growth of the computing capacity of tive start-ups, which develop new technologies and they then
computers; in 1965, Gordon Moore, a researcher at transfer them to the dominant firms.
Fairchild Semiconductor, then co-founder of INTEL, had
stated that the computing power of integrated circuits, Endogenous Technical Progress
for the same cost, was and would double every year; Innovations are essentially conveyed by new, more efficient
Moore’s Law has proved correct to this day, although machines acquired by companies. The organizational change
the doubling time has been lengthened by about half a that follows takes place through the process of investing in
year; the growth in computing power can therefore be new capital goods. Automation is endogenous in nature, in-
described by an exponential function, showing that in corporating itself into the capital of the first two sectors, and
2020 we were still in the embryonic stage, but in the last comes from product innovations that research & development 4
ten years the curve began to steepen and will become (implemented by sector 3) introduces into new machines. The
very steep in the next 10; such a rapid pace of innovation intensity of labor savings therefore depends on the rate at
will upset the traditional balance of the economic which the machines are introduced by the companies into the
system, where robotics and artificial intelligence will production processes, which in turn depends on the growth
dominate. rate of the capital g. Then, we formulate the following non-
(b) The capillarity and strengthening of telecommunication homogeneous first order finite difference equation, according
networks (xDSL and optical fiber), creating the physical to which the working coefficient decreases (productivity
support indispensable for the transport of a huge mass increases) if g increases:
of digitized information and allowing access to a vast
network of computers scattered around the world. li = li(t) − li(t−1) = θ0 − θ1 li(t−1) − θ2 g
(c) The digitization of a mass of information, a huge database (4.59)
→ li(t) − (1 − θ1 ) li(t−1) = θ0 − θ2 g
that has involved huge costs to realize it, but now its use
and its reproduction have negligible costs.
The relation assumes that – in the absence of interven-
(d) The explosion of digital products, which are the natural
tions – a drift of inefficiency (the constant 0 < θ 0 < 1)
consequence of the aforementioned innovations.
could occur in the production process. Parameter 0 < θ 1 < 1
represents the organizational effort that companies make to
These technologies, which allow a strong increase in
counteract the previous effect; this effort is related to the
labor productivity and therefore an accelerated growth of the
amount of work per unit of product in the previous period
economy, are generally derived from: radical innovations
(0 < θ 1 li(t−1) < 1). Only if θ 0 ≤ θ 1 li(t−1) , companies manage
of general purpose, which allow a widespread diffusion in
to improve or only recover the organizational efficiency of
many productive sectors; incremental innovations, which
the production process. Then, parameter θ 2 > 0 highlights the
guarantee an increase in continuous productivity; collateral
role of endogenous technical progress induced by the rate of
innovations, which arise as a recombination of the existing
capital growth.
ones, ensuring a continuum of innovations.
The condition for obtaining a decrease in the work content
Wright [2000] underlined the importance of the first two
per unit of product requires a critical value of the growth rate:
types of innovation, attributing to their slowdown (and to
li < 0 ⇐ g > θθ02 − θθ12 li(t−1) .
the rigidity of the labor market) the tendential decline in
The general solution of Eq. (4.59) is the following:
the rate of productivity growth in Europe in the last quarter
of the twentieth century. Arthur [42], on the other hand,  
li = li∗ + li(0) − li∗ (1 − θ1 )t (4.60)
highlighted the effectiveness of the collateral innovations,
which guarantee uninterrupted productivity growth.
where li∗ is the particular equilibrium solution (li(t) = li(t−1) ),
Recent developments in e-learning and AI present ele-
in which h0 = θ 0 /θ 1 , h1 = θ 2 /θ 1 :
ments of all three types of innovation [43], ensuring contin-
uous productivity growth. θ0 − θ2 g h0 θ0
A very intense competition can provide the indispensable li∗ = = h0 − h1 g ≥ 0 ⇐ g ≤ = (4.61)
θ1 h1 θ2
stimuli for innovation, on the other hand only large enough
companies have the tools (financial and organizational) to The limit of (4.60) for t → ∞ is the particular solution
manage the complexity and risk of innovative processes. (4.61), if 0 < θ 1 < 1 ⇒ lim (1 − θ 1 )t = 0:
Investment in innovation is reduced both when the market
is concentrated and when it is dispersed [44]; for the sec-   
lim h0 − h1 g + li(0) − h0 − h1 g (1 − θ1 )t = h0 + h1 g
tors characterized by high technical progress (e.g., those of
consumer electronics and software) have both characteristics: This solution shows that in a stationary state (g = 0), in
alongside large-scale companies there is a fringe of innova- which no new machines are produced, the work content per
94 P. Ravazzi and A. Villa

unit of product and productivity are constant: li∗ = h0 . Instead c1 (θ0 − θ2 g) + c3 l3 gv2 1
R12 = = → (c3 l3 v2 − c1 θ2 ) g2
in a progressive economy (g > 0), the former decreases and 1 − c1 (θ0 − θ2 g) gv1
productivity increases: dl∗i /dg = −h1 < 0.  
θ2 1 − c1 θ0
The speed of convergence toward the equilibrium solution + c1 θ0 − g− =0
v1 v1
depends on θ 1 : if θ 1 → 1, the equilibrium level li∗ can be
achieved quickly, so h0 = θ 0 e h1 = θ 2 . This hypothesis is
reasonable in the long run and therefore we include it in the
The solution provides equilibrium growth rate with en-
model. Finally, unlike the first era of machines, in the second
dogenous technical progress g̃∗ :
era automation and AI continuously increase the parameter
θ 2 , due to the exponential increase in productivity and the c1 (θ0 v1 − θ2 )
symmetrical fall in the work content. g̃∗ = −
2v1 (c3 l3 v2 − c1 θ2 )
Now consider the capital / product coefficient vi . Based on
the relationship (4.46) it can be expressed as the interaction c1 (θ0 v1 − θ2 ) 1 − c1 θ0
between capital per unit of work ki and work per production + +
2v1 (c3 l3 v2 − c1 θ2 ) v1 (c3 l3 v2 − c1 θ2 )
unit li : (4.65)

vi = ki li = ki /λi (4.62) The condition for the positivity of the growth rate requires
that the following inequalities be verified: c3 l3 v2 > c1 θ 2 ,
θ 0 < c1 . In equilibrium, the growth rate g̃∗ with endogenous
All the coefficients (ki , λi , li ) depend on the diffusion of technical progress (incorporated into capital) is greater than
machines in production processes and are therefore functions that without progress: g̃∗ > g∗ ⇐ c1 θ2 < 1.
of the growth rate g of capital. We can therefore rewrite the Ultimately, technical progress increases the potential
previous relationship, using the concepts of elasticity of each growth of the economic system and in the second era of
coefficient (εv , εk , ελ ) with respect to g: the machines it undergoes a continuous and significant
acceleration, due to automation, so that even aggregate
ki (g) dvi g dki g dλi g demand must necessarily grow at a higher and higher rate to
vi = ⇒ εv = = −
λi (g) dg vi dg ki dg λi (4.63) ensure dynamic balance over time.
The economic system moves along a path where the
= εk − ελ  0 se εk  ελ
simple work of the first two sectors is first gradually and
then exponentially replaced by machines and specialized
The acquisition of the machines on the one hand leads to work, converging toward a final goal characterized by its
an increase in the capital ratio per unit of work (mechaniza- disappearance.
tion effect: dki /dg > 0) and on the other – due to the technical In the transient period, the increase in productivity, in-
progress incorporated in capital – it induces an increase in duced by this replacement, is however gradual and can even
the productivity of labor (dλi /dg > 0), that is, a decrease in be disappointing [47, 48], with a mean delay estimated in
the amount of work per unit of product (substitution effect: 7 years [49, 50]. Adoption of new technologies clashes
dli /dg < 0), which counteracts the first effect. with human’s incompetence and inertia toward organiza-
In the following analysis, we assume that the two forces tional change. But learning by doing helps to derive from
are perfectly opposed so the capital / product relationships the reorganization of the processes the advantage that new
do not change significantly in the long run [45, 46]: for technologies promise, allowing to increase productivity and
a verification, we used Mediobanca data, available online, to expel simple work to replace it with specialized work. Ace-
approximating the capital/product ratio with the ratio be- moglu and Autor [51] have tried to understand that machines
tween the book values of gross tangible fixed assets and net in the transient period mainly replace both cognitive (e.g.,
turnover; given the delay with which inflation corrects the bookkeeping) and manual (e.g., assembly line) routine work,
values of the stock of fixed assets (only occasionally revalued but not non-repetitive, whether cognitive (e.g., finance) or
by specific laws), it is not surprising the fall in the relationship manual (e.g., hair cutting).
in the period of the great inflation of the seventies and the rise
in the following decade; making the data homogeneous, the Long-Term Trends: Complete Automation
ratio was stable around 0.3 for medium-sized enterprises and and Diffusion of Digital Goods
1 for large ones. Some economists [52] show underlying optimism, since they
So in terms of elasticity, let’s assume: εk = ελ . At this see only the supply side of this new industrial revolution,
point we can replace the particular solution (4.61) in the neglecting the risks associated with the massive replacement
relation (4.49), obtaining a new second degree equation: of labor and the consequent fall in consumption. When the
4 Economic Effects of Automation 95

machines will completely replace both simple and special- acterized by high artistic, scientific, and operational skills
ized work, that is, when the amount of work per unit of (researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, and managers), who
product will tend to cancel itself, the system (4.48) expressed receive a remuneration that is no longer constant (as in the
in physical units will be simplified by placing l1 = l2 → 0: first era), but variable according to their success in the market.
In this final phase, therefore, another conflict arises for
Sector 1 (consumer goods) R12 = c3 l3 R32 the distribution of income between the class of innova-
Sector 2 (machines T1) R12 = 1/gv1 tors/entrepreneurs and the class of capitalists. The trade-off
Sector 3 (machines T2) R32 = gv2 is represented by a decreasing and convex curve:
∂Z ∂Z dr r d2 rII 1 drII 4
dζ + drII = 0 → II = − II < 0, =− >0
In this final phase, sector 1 produces all consumer goods, ∂ζ ∂rII dζ 2ζ dζ 2 ζ dζ
including personal services, only purchased by workers in
sector 3. Workers from the other two sectors, without means The bargaining between the parties is however limited to
of subsistence, would be destined to perish, unless the State only two subjects: the owners of capital and the managers,
provides for their maintenance with a subsidy, comparable who however are destined to disappear because the machines
to the basic universal income proposed to reduce inequalities equipped with artificial intelligence are able to process all
[53, 54]. the information available and can make better decisions than
By adding suffixes I and II to associate the growth rates to humans [55, 56], without the need for incentives to align
the respective machine age, the system their goals with those of the owners. Innovators, artists and
  solution (4.66) results

in an equilibrium growth rate g∗II greater than g∗I (for scientists can obtain a higher compensation at the expense
simplicity without technical progress), expressed by (4.50): of the capitalists, only if their innovative products and their
capabilities are successful on the market. Once the division
 l1 between the two new social classes has been resolved, the
g∗II = 1/ c3 l3 v1 v2 > g∗I ⇐ g∗II + >0 (4.67)
l2 v1 system (4.68) allows to determine the relative prices.
To determine the absolute quantities of the products, we
Let us now reformulate the model (4.56), expressed in assume that, in the final stage, the complex work of sector 3
value, by placing l1 = l2 → 0 and ω = 0, since the non- is less than the total workforce of the first era (0 < θ 3 < 1):
existence of simple work excludes the payment of real wages
to workers: L 1 = L 2 = 0 ⇒ L 3 = θ3 L < L (4.70)

Sector 1 (consumer goods) rp21 v1 = 1 The quantities of capital and production and the amount
Sector 2 (machines T1) rp31 v2 = p21 of profits of the second era of the machines will therefore be
Sector 3 (machines T2) ζ l3 = p31 lower than those of the first era. If the rational objective of
(4.68) the capitalists is not the maximization of the profit rate r, but
the pursuit of the maximum profit (i = rKi ), then the final
from which the profit rate is obtained equal to the capital phase will not be appreciated by the owners of the capital.
growth rate (4.67), being c3 = ζ : Avoiding the implosion is a priority for the whole popula-
Z = ζ l3 v1 v2 rII2 − 1 = 0 → rII∗
 l1 (4.69) The Transient: Inequality and Unemployment
= 1/ ζ l3 v1 v2 > rI∗ ⇐ rII∗ + >0 The increase in productivity induced by automation implies
l2 v1
greater competitiveness on domestic and international mar-
The consequent greater surplus will be acquired by the kets. The associated reduction in the quantity of work per
owners of the machines and destined for accumulation, thus unit of product also leads to the loss of workers’ bargaining
allowing a higher growth rate, with the same capital/product power, with a consequent drop in wages, strengthening com-
ratio. petitiveness in a virtuous circle for capital owners.
The relation (4.69) also shows that in the final phase of This entails: (a) the progressive concentration of wealth in
complete automation the trade-off between the rate of profit a small part of the population, thus producing the two classes
and real wages disappears, since one of the two antagonistic that dominates the second era of machines (the traditional
parties in wage bargaining is expelled from the production class of capital owners and the emerging class of superstars
processes. of the digital economy); (b) an increase of unemployment in
Only workers in sector 3 remain active, dedicated to the the absence of compensatory interventions by the State for
production of digital goods (hardware and software) or char- the support of aggregate demand.
96 P. Ravazzi and A. Villa

With regard to inequality, OECD [57] notes that the sive excess of supply of goods in sector 1, which will affect
wages/GDP ratio from 1980 to 2010 has fallen by 13 points the demand for machines in sector 2 and therefore on the
in France and Japan (from 76% to 63% and from 78% to production of machines in sector 3. Aggregate demand will
65%, respectively), in the USA by almost 10 points (from continually be insufficient to absorb the productive capacity
70% to about 60%), in Italy of 8 points (from 70% to 62%), of the economic system (the effective growth rate will be
and in the United Kingdom of 5 points (from 75% to 70%). lower than the potential one: g < g∗ , leading to a progressive
World Inequality Database data [58] reinforce this inequality drop in production. As mentioned, exogenous support from
for the USA: from 1980 to 2016 the income share of the the state will be needed to avoid recessions: expansive public
richest 1% of the population doubled (from 10% in 1980 to expenditure, financed with taxes on the capital and income of
20% in 2016), while that of the poorest 50% fell from 20% those who are lucky enough to still have a job.
to 13%. The system (4.52) must therefore be completed by adding
According to the trickle theory, an increase in the income a sector 4, which summarizes the budget of the Public Ad-
and wealth of the richest 1% also benefits the poorest 50%, ministration (PA):
because innovations reduce the costs of goods produced [59].
This theory is not confirmed by empirical evidence, be- Sector 4 (P.A.) : w N − L12 = τw wN + τz zL3
cause the real income of this part of the population has
decreased, reducing the consumption of quality goods and + τk (p2 K1 + p3 K2 )
forcing them to choose low-priced substitutes [60]. (4.72)
The myth of social mobility has also been dispelled: those
born poor remain poor for many generations [61]. As shown where N is the offer of simple and specialized work (sep-
by the OECD data [62]: in the USA, Great Britain, and arating it from complex work L3 ) and L12 is the  demand
Italy it takes on average five generations for children of (employees) of the first two sectors; w N − L12 therefore
a low-income family reach an average income; in France indicates both public transfers to the unemployed U and the
and Germany mobility is lower (six generations); only the wages of employees L4 of the PA, so that N − L12 = U + L4 ,
Scandinavian countries are characterized by high upward assuming to pay everyone the same salary; τw wN represents
social mobility (two to three generations). the levy on wages received by all labor forces, hit at the rate
The inequality of wealth is even more striking. The sit- τ w ; τ z zL3 are taxes on sector 3 revenues, to which a rate has
uation in Italy is emblematic: the division into deciles of been applied τ z > τ w ; τ k (p2 K1 + p3 K2 ) is the tax levy on the
the possession of Italian financial wealth [63] shows that in total value of the capital, hit by a rate τ k .
2016 10% of the wealthiest families owned 52% of financial From the relation (4.72) we derive the deficit (DPA) of
assets, while 50% of the poorest families owned just over the public budget as the difference between expenditure and
10%, essentially bank and similar deposits. revenue:
Concerning unemployment, we reformulate the relation-
ship (4.59), considering only the impulse of the capital 
DPA = wL4 + wU − τw wN + τz zL3 + τk (p2 K1 + p3 K2 )
growth rate on the variation of the work content per unit
of product (i = 1, 2):

li = li(t) − li(t−1) = −θ2 g → limli(t) = li(t−1) − θ2 g = 0 Assuming therefore that the public budget must be kept in
t→T balance over the long term, the State can choose a combina-
(4.71) tion of rates, respecting the following balance relationship,
which is simplified in the final phase (L = 0):
The time needed to converge toward this final phase
(indicated by T) depends both on the actual growth rate  
(g ≤ g∗ ) of the economy, and from the effect θ 2 that this w (1 − τw ) N − L − τz zL3 w (1 − τw ) N − τz zL3
τk = →
exerts on labor productivity. If automation incorporated in p2 K1 + p3 K2 p2 K1 + p3 K2
capital is small (θ 2 → 0), the dynamic to achieve work (4.74)
euthanasia will be slow. If instead it is high (θ 2 > 0) and
even growing (dθ 2 /dt > 0) convergence will be rapid. In the The state will face a linear trade-off between taxation of
transitory period, therefore the simple works of the first two capital and taxation of third-sector workers’ incomes in order
sectors are gradually expelled from the increasing pace of the to be able to pay a salary to the unemployed and public
production of goods and from that of services and replaced administration employees.
with a reduced number of skilled workers, also destined to be This would allow capitalism to continue to expand to its
eliminated subsequently. During this phase, the demand for potential level, avoiding a downward screwing which would
consumer goods will gradually decrease, creating a progres- be disadvantageous for all.
4 Economic Effects of Automation 97

Already in the early twentieth century the forecasts for ML and AI have potential implications also in terms of
the future of capitalism contrasted the optimism of Clark competition: the cost structure typical of capital-intensive
[64], who considered the phenomenon of unemployment technologies (labor savers) with high fixed costs and signifi-
transitory, to the realism of Keynes [65] and Meade [66], cant economies of scale, which in many cases are combined
convinced that mechanization would have resulted in per- with strong network externalities, could determine only one
manent technological unemployment, an idea taken up by dominant or a limited number of companies [84]. Reduced
Leontief and Duchin [67], who however thought of a non- competition can slow down the pace of innovation, but algo-
traumatic period in which governments would have been able rithms can facilitate consumers to compare different products
to manage change. and thereby promote competition [85, 86].
Some scenarios are possible but not desirable: chain A crucial aspect is the use of data: lower privacy could 4
bankruptcies of micro and small enterprises that do not favor buyers to evaluate product characteristics and encour-
automated their production; activities outside the market and age high quality production. However, Jin [87] notes that
legality in order to survive; forms of Luddism; the risk of the artificial intelligence exacerbates some privacy issues thus
collapse of democracy. favoring sellers at the expense of consumers.
So it is necessary for the state to intervene with economic
policies that preserve capitalism, the market and democratic
institutions, maintaining their merits (incentives for effi-
ciency, decentralized allocation exchange, environment con- 4.7 Final Comments
ducive to development), and removing defects (disparity
between those who have capital and talent and those who only Industrial automation is characterized by the predominance
own their workforce). of capital over human labor, increasing productivity and
the rate of growth of production. Automation also plays a
Artificial Intelligence positive role in reducing costs of labor control, making use-
The traumatic effects induced by automation are amplified less monetary incentives both direct to production workers
with the spread of Machine Learning (ML) and AI (machines and indirect to supervisors employed to ensure maximum
capable of performing tasks that normally require human commitment of personnel. It is automation itself that dictates
intelligence). the pace of production and forces workers to respect it.
In this regard, there is a considerable heterogeneity of Despite these positive effects, the increase in capital in-
opinions. tensity implies a greater rigidity of the cost structure: a
From an extreme perspective, someone thinks that AI will higher cost of capital according to the higher value of the
replace human labor in any aspect. investment, with the transformation of some variable costs
At the other end, the dominant economic theory considers (those of labor) into fixed costs. This induces a greater
AI as a simple support of human work [68–70], since it variance of profit in relation to production volumes and a
requires an increase in specialized work greater than the greater risk for automated systems. The trade-off between
decrease in simple work [71–73] and job creation both in return and automation risk encourages companies resort to
the new technologies sector [29, 74, 75], and among self- capital-intensive systems in cases where the use of a high
employed workers [76], however, creating a wage gap be- production capacity is envisaged.
tween low-level and skilled workers [76, 77]. New digital technologies have their most significant ef-
AI would also reduce production costs and sales prices, fects on a macroeconomic level. In the short term they differ-
stimulating demand for goods and creating more jobs [78– entiate companies based on the technologies adopted (more
80], based on the hypothesis (empirically not verified for or less efficient), with significant consequences on employ-
poor) of a high elasticity of demand [81]. Agrawal et al. ment and inflation, creating in certain situations stagflation
[54] emphasize instead the role of AI in supporting research, effects and ensuring only in particular cases the full employ-
increasing the probability of innovations. ment of the resources.
In our model, where Sect. 4.3 is present, to deliver a In the long run, new technologies increase the growth rate
complex work, we have adopted an intermediate scenario of a of the economic system, but also the unemployment rate,
partial replacement of men, since AI is able to perform better and inequalities that economic policy must counter. In the
only certain tasks: these also include mid-level monitoring first era of machines, which began following the Industrial
tasks, leading to a migration toward flatter and more decen- Revolution and continued until the end of the twentieth
tralized organizational structures [82], comforting with the century, machines played a role in substitution and in part
econometric verification our analysis carried out in paragraph complementary to human work. Workers expelled from the
4.2. Creative, strategic works or social interaction should production process found their place in other production
remain, even if AI could support these activities [83]. activities, typically those of services.
98 P. Ravazzi and A. Villa

In the second era, machines have gradually lost their At this point another question arises: how will humanity
complementary character with human activity, accentuating use the abundance of free time?
that of replacement first in industry and then in services,
due to the spread of increasingly automated technologies
unemployment and inequality become endemic phenomena.
It follows that the adoption of public policies to support the
4.7.2 Use of Free Time
aggregate demand will play a key role in guaranteeing the
To analyze this problem, we use a rational choice model [91]
growth of the economic system balancing costs and benefits
which considers two uses of free time:
of automation [88], so it is precisely at the political level to
find the correct solution [89].
(a) an active use (spent in study and research aimed at en-
The new technologies will be able to ensure greater well-
riching one’s knowledge), which involves low monetary
being, through better diagnostic methods, greater safety in
costs, but imposes a strongly increasing subjective cost,
transport and traffic, widespread dissemination of innovative
due to the increasingly intense effort, induced by the
products, liberation from tiring work, greater availability of
diminishing returns of learning; the psychological cost
free time, etc.
Caf of the active time Ta can be expressed as an increasing
However, these benefits come with risks that could lead
function at increasing rates, with a constant that measures
to regret the first machine age. Someone could use new
the monetary cost Ca of the tools required to carry out this
technologies in a perverse way, destroying people’s privacy
and undermining companies interconnected to the digital
network [29]. Public resources need to be invested to counter
these harmful effects.
Caf = Ca + fa (Ta ) ; df a /dT a > 0, d2 fa /dT 2a > 0 (4.75)
Other effects of digital innovations are of psychological
nature with regard to labor and leisure.
(b) a passive use, characterized by a subjective cost which
is also increasing due to boredom, induced by repeti-
tiveness, and dissatisfaction with wasting one’s available
4.7.1 Psychological Benefits of Labor time; the psychological cost Cpf of the passive time Tp can
be formalized through a similar function with a constant
Labor is not just a sacrifice, as claimed by neoclassical monetary cost Cp to acquire entertainment tools
economists, for whom wages are the reward for giving up free
time. Regular labor is also dignity, self-esteem, pride, social  
Cpf = Cp + fp Tp ; dfp /dT p > 0, d2 fp /dT 2p > 0 (4.76)
commitment, medicine against boredom and depression, dis-
cipline, and organization of one’s time. The loss of a job is
The problem of rational choice can be formulated as a
a misfortune, which predisposes the individual to physical
minimum investment cost over the time of the two activities.
and mental illnesses and the failure of family relationships,
The overall psychological cost Cf of free time is obtained by
because one feels excluded from the active part of society.
adding the relations (4.75) and (4.76), the minimization of
A human without a regular job or with an irregular job
which must respect the constraint of free available time T:
lives in worse mental conditions than a poor but regularly
employed individual, because he/she loses the spatial and
temporal reference of daily life [90]. Ensuring a job for the min Cf = Caf + Cpf = Ca + Cp + fa (Ta )
unemployed should, therefore, be the main objective of a   (4.77)
+ fp Tp sub Ta + Tp ≤ T
policy maker who intends to pursue collective well-being.
Our model contemplates the euthanasia of simple work The optimal solution implies the cancellation of the dif-
and the persistence of the class of artists, innovators and ferential and the equality of the marginal costs:
entrepreneurs in the final phase of capitalism. But how many
people can aspire to be part of this small circle? If we are con- ∂fa ∂fp ∂fa /∂Ta dTp
vinced that only a portion of the population has the necessary dCf = dT a + dT p = 0 → − =
∂Ta ∂Tp ∂fp /∂Tp dTa
skills to be a creative, a researcher, or an entrepreneur, even if
it does not rise to the heights of a superstar, the State should ∂fa ∂fp
= −1 → =
create a series of social activities, useful to the community, ∂Ta ∂Tp
carried out by people and not by robots, in exchange for (4.78)
a guaranteed minimum wage. In this case, those who want
to commit themselves can provide socially useful work and In this way the optimal quantities of free active time and
those who want to laze can enjoy their free time. passive time Ta∗ e Tp∗ are obtained.
4 Economic Effects of Automation 99

See in Chapter 30 related details on economic rationaliza-

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∂Tp ∂Ta ∂Ta

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mance. J. Econ. Perspect. 14(4), 23–48 (2000) 75. Autor, D., Salomons, A.: Is automation labor-displacing? Produc-
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nology, workplace organization, and the demand for skilled labor: 77. Hemous, D., Olsen, M.: The Rise of the Machines: Automation,
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4 Economic Effects of Automation 101

80. Nordhaus, W.: Are we approaching an economic singularity? Infor-

mation technology and the future of economic growth. In: NBER
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81. Aghion, P., Jones, B., Jones, C.: Artificial intelligence and eco-
nomic growth. In: Agrawal, A., Gans, J., Goldfarb, A. (eds.) The
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Economics of Artificial Intelligence: An Agenda. University of official titles of Full Professor of Technologies and Production Systems
Chicago Press, Chicago (2018) and of Automatic Controls and Systems Theory. He is a member, Past-
85. Chevalier, J.: Antitrust and artificial intelligence: discussion of var- president and fellow of international scientific institutions among which
ian. In: Agrawal, A., Gans, J., Goldfarb, A. (eds.) The Economics IFPR, IFAC, IFIP, responsible of about 15 European or national research
of Artificial Intelligence: An Agenda. University of Chicago Press, projects, and author of 10 books and more than 200 papers. Since 2017,
Chicago (2018) Villa has been founder of the PMInnova Program, an agreement between
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Piercarlo Ravazzi, graduated in Economics at the University of Rome,

was professor of Economic Growth Theory and Political Economy at the
University of Trieste and full professor of Analysis of Economic Systems
at the Polytechnic of Turin from 1990 to 2017. In 2018–19 he taught
Capitalism and new technologies in Management Engineering PhD.
He is the author of essays and books on economic growth, production
economics, managerial finance, telecommunications economics, and
industrial history.
Trends in Automation
Christopher Ganz and Alf J. Isaksson

Contents expand the traditional automation stack with more ad-

5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 vanced (wired and wireless) communication technologies,
and the computing power and storage available in a cloud
5.2 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.2.1 Market Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 further extends capacity for additional functionality.
5.2.2 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 An important use of data is artificial intelligence. We
will cover AI’s impact on the industry, and how it plays
5.3 Current Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.3.1 Digitalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 into the automation functionality. The context of the data
5.3.2 Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 and its analysis is brought together in the concept of the
5.3.3 Collaborative Robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 digital twin that is covered as well.
5.3.4 Industrial AI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
The availability of these technologies, from IoT to
5.3.5 Virtual Models and Digital Twin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
AI, allows for an evolution of automation toward more
5.4 Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 autonomous systems. Autonomy is today mostly seen in
5.4.1 Autonomous Industrial Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5.4.2 Collaborative Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 vehicles, we will put it into the context of the industrial
5.4.3 New Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 automation system and will show how systems (among
5.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
other robots) will become more autonomous, and will get
the capability to collaborate.
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
This will open a whole new range of applications,
enabled by a bright future of automation.
The growing importance of digitalization in business also Digitalization · Industrial Internet of Things ·
has its impact on automation. In this section, we will Cyber-physical systems · Collaborative robots ·
put this into the perspective of significant market drivers, Industrial AI · Digital twin · Autonomous systems ·
and different views on aspects of automation, across the Collaborative systems
industrial value chain, or along the automation lifecycle.
Key trends in digitalization are having an impact on
automation. Making data available for more applications
through the industrial Internet of Things (industrial IoT) 5.1 Introduction
and cyber physical systems will be covered. Such systems
When this chapter was written for Edition 1 of the Springer
“Handbook of Automation” more than a decade ago,
automation technology was changing incrementally adding
new technologies to established concepts and architectures.
Shortly after that, several developments, mostly in the
C. Ganz ()
C. Ganz Innovation Services, Zurich, Switzerland
consumer market (e.g., smartphones and cloud storage),
e-mail: started to take off and have an impact also on industrial
A. J. Isaksson
ABB AB, Corporate Research, Västerås, Sweden Many of the trends described in Edition 1 are still steadily
e-mail: developing and remain important. Topics such as safety and

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 103

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
104 C. Ganz and A. J. Isaksson

cyber security are technologies that can be seen as the “li- Global Versus Local
cense to play,” today even more than in the past. But unlike Over the last few decades, economy of scale has led to
earlier developments, where a technology had an impact ever larger factories manufacturing for the global market.
on a component of the architecture, the current technology These factories have followed the lowest labor rates and have
developments are moving the coordinate systems of what is concentrated in East Asia. Value chains today are spanning
possible in several axes. Cloud computing and IoT, massively the globe, tightly interrelating economies. These interdepen-
increasing computing power not only in cloud but also in dencies come at a cost: Disruptions anywhere in the chain
devices, ultra-low-cost smartphone sensors, wired (TSN) and quickly lead to downstream supply problems. Inventories
wireless (5G) communication capacity, and advancements in along the supply chain help mitigating this risk, again at a
machine learning (ML) open the door to new solutions of the cost. And the delay between production and consumption re-
traditional automation use cases. The different technologies quires long-term planning and limits flexibility in production.
build on each other and create a momentum that is beyond Re-shoring production may address some of these issues.
the incremental developments of the decades before. In the Re-shored plants produce for a more regional market and are
market, the impact has been recognized by labeling what is therefore potentially smaller. Together with the potentially
going on as the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” [1]. increased labor cost, higher productivity is required to remain
As we write, these technology trends start to show their competitive. Automation has a major role to play in such a
impact in automation. While many plants are still operat- scenario.
ing on traditional automation structures, advancements of Demographic trends in developed countries also put a
automation toward autonomy, incorporating artificial intel- limit on re-shoring: The workforce to handle the manufactur-
ligence enabled by new levels of computing power, will not ing may not be available or may not be willing to work in a
only lead to new architectures, but also to new applications dull, dirty, or dangerous environment. In such environments,
in areas where automation levels are low today. automation is one way of scaling production cost effectively.
In this chapter, we look into some environmental factors “The Economist” has analyzed automation levels around
in the markets and outlay how some of the current tech- the globe [2] and has found a correlation between the automa-
nology trends will impact automation going forward. The tion level and increased employment. A flourishing industry
comparison Edition 1 of the “Handbook of Automation” are enabled by automation will create jobs the demographically
mentioned in the respective sections. Many of the trends available workforce is interested in rather than destroy them.
identified materialized, and new trends are on the rise as we
write. Enterprise Cash Flow Optimization
With all the dynamics in markets and technologies, this Most industrial investment decisions are based on net present
is an interesting time to look at trends in automation. At this value (NPV) analysis, which includes the cash flow without
time, it is much more difficult to predict, where these trends compared to with the investment. An investment in a higher
will lead the automation industry in another decade. It will level of automation therefore needs to have a positive impact
be interesting to watch. on cash flow.
The cash flow calculation can be broken down to the
following contributors:
5.2 Environment
• Sales/Top line: The ability to sell offerings, as well as the
Automation requirements are driven by the process (physical ability to produce what was sold. The volume of produced
or business process) that is automated. This automated con- units in relation to the theoretical maximum capacity of
text itself is subject to global drivers and trends. To identify a plant is often referred to as the “overall equipment
the promising trends in automation, they have to support effectiveness (OEE).”
those overall drivers. We will therefore have a closer look • Operational cost (COGS – cost of goods sold and OpEx –
at markets and applications. operational expenditure), the running production cost.
• CapEx – capital expenditure: the investments in equip-
ment, buildings, etc.
5.2.1 Market Requirements • Working capital: the change in working capital, i.e., inven-
tory, and changes in accounts receivable/payable.
There is no successful technology that does not meet the mar-
ket requirements. To know some of the market requirements The benefits of increasing the automation level are often
and resulting trends is one key input for the analysis. focusing on increasing OEE only. However, the other factors
5 Trends in Automation 105

Sales price
Time to market Product attractiveness
Defective units Quality Sales
Availability Produced units
Time to repair
Parts produced
Idle time Productivity
Operating time Free cash flow
Material new
Personnel COGS & OpEx
Productivity 5
Oper. risk
Lifecycle cost Equipment
Real estate
Free cash flow
Inventory old
Working cap
Accounts R/P

Fig. 5.1 Levers influencing cash flow and NPV

listed in Fig. 5.1 may generate additional value. Furthermore,

the automation solution comes at a cost (e.g., CapEx or non-
monetary cost such as software maintenance efforts) which
needs to be considered in the overall cash flow analysis as
well. Consumers

Consumer industries
5.2.2 Applications

In order to further structure this section, we are now looking Capital goods
into it from a number of application angles, along different
axes. Automation has different requirements and properties
depending on key properties of these applications. Process
Process / Utilities

Industrial Value Chain
Automation requirements vary greatly between use cases and Extraction
industry verticals. However, there are some commonalities
along the industrial value chain (a simplified version is shown
in Fig. 5.2). Raw material extraction and processing for use Natural resources
in industry and power is mostly done in continuous processes
that produce large amounts of material. To optimize asset
utilization, such plants mostly run 24/7 over a longer period
of time. The material produced is very often a commod-
ity. Differentiation in process industries is typically through Fig. 5.2 Value chain across industries
price, therefore process effectiveness is important. Indus-
tries that produce industrial equipment or consumer goods hybrid though, where a continuous process paired with some
mostly generate discrete pieces of products. Factories may discrete production steps (e.g., for packaging).
shut down more easily, some do over nights or weekends. The automation trends that we analyze in this chapter
Differentiation in these industries is through customer spec- mostly touch on the industries depicted in Fig. 5.2. We do
ification (capital goods) or product attractiveness (consumer mention some additional applications in Sect. 5.4.3, but many
goods). Flexibility in production is one driving requirement service industries (financial, travel, entertainment, etc.) are
for automation there. Many plants within the value chain are outside the covered scope.
106 C. Ganz and A. J. Isaksson

Plants: Continuous Versus Discrete Still, the service may be relying on an industrial plant (e.g.,
The operational boundary conditions described in section wastewater treatment in a city, HVAC in a hotel, etc.). Such
“Industrial Value Chain” greatly drive the structure and ca- a plant often has to respond to an immediate request of the
pabilities of the automation system. While process plants service customer.
are rarely changed after construction, discrete factories are
more frequently reconfigured to produce new products. This Plant Lifecycle
has an impact on engineering, operations, and maintenance Optimizing plant operations by advanced automation appli-
procedures. cations is definitely an area where an owner gets most of
It also drives the overall automation level. The continuous his operational benefits. Although the main benefit of an
flow of material and energy calls for a higher automation advanced automation system is with the plant owner (or
level for a process plant. This may require a higher engineer- operator), the automation system is very often not directly
ing effort, which is justified, because the automation applica- sold to that organization, but to an engineering, procurement,
tion is only slightly modified as plant or recipe change over and construction (EPC) contractor instead. And for these
time. The continuous and often tightly interconnected nature customers, price is one of the top decision criteria.
of the process also requires a control system architecture that As automation systems are hardly ever sold off the shelf,
has full control over the complete process, i.e., which can but are engineered for a specific plant, engineering costs
monitor and control the plant centrally. This is the primary are a major portion of the price of an automation system.
application of a distributed control system (DCS). Engineering efficiency is therefore a key capability for the
The flexibility required in discrete manufacturing plants automation supplier. Corresponding tools and data manage-
often does not justify the design and programming of a com- ment with models and digital twins will be discussed in Sect.
plex automation system, since the product changes more fre- 5.3.5. While discrete manufacturing plants are already built
quently. Furthermore, discrete manufacturing steps happen in a modular structure, this concept is more and more also
in manufacturing lines built from individual manufacturing coming to process plants. Engineering is done for the module
cells or machines. Such machines are specifically designed or cell, while the overall automation connects the high-level
for a particular process step, and the machine builder delivers components and orchestrates them. Furthermore, as we will
it with all controls installed. The cells and machines are only discuss in Sect. 5.4.1, autonomous systems may lead toward
loosely coupled, with buffers and intermediate storage re- automation systems that do not need to be preconfigured to
ducing the interdependency between components. Automa- the extent done today, but that can perceive the situation and
tion is mostly done on the machine or cell level by use of react accordingly.
programmable logic controllers (PLC). A supervisory func- The very long lifecycle of industrial plants compared
tion may be available in a manufacturing execution system to IT systems requires a long-term strategy to manage the
(MES) or SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) lifecycle of the automation system accordingly. The total cost
system. of ownership not only includes the initial installation cost,
but also the cost to maintain the system hardware, operating
Service Industries system, and application code. Adaptation to new technol-
A whole range of industries does not show up in Fig. 5.2: ogy can hardly be done by replacing the old installation
service industries. Service industries are characterized such completely. Questions such as compatibility with already
that they provide services to their customers. Examples are installed automation components, upgrade strategies, and
transportation, healthcare, hospitality, but also communities integration of old and new components become important to
and cities. To deliver their services, they mostly also employ obtain the optimal automation solution for the extended plant.
industrial size plants. But the plant outcome is not a product
that is shipped to a customer, but a service that is executed for
a customer. Compared to products, services cannot be pre- 5.3 Current Trends
produced, stored, or transported. Services are delivered in-
stantaneously. The transaction between the service provider 5.3.1 Digitalization
and the customer is executed simultaneously.
In both processes and discrete industries, the plant can Digitalization, or digital transformation, is one of the key top-
mostly operate independently from the supply chain (up- ics today that influences many businesses. Its goal is mostly
stream or downstream). Incoming material as well as pro- to become more data driven, run business processes more
duced output can be stored and shipped at a different time efficiently by using more data in decision and optimization
than the production is executed. Service industries typically routines.
reach beyond their own organization, they have to interact In automation in general, and in industrial automation
with the customer consuming the service. in particular, data is an integral part. Automation takes
5 Trends in Automation 107

(measured) data, analyzes it, and turns it into action A similar set of reference documents was published by the
through actuators (see Fig. 5.12). Digitalization in industrial Plattform Industrie 4.0. Their Reference Architectural Model
automation finds its representation in a number of trends that for Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0)) [7] specifies layers similar
we will discuss in this section. to the IIC’s viewpoints (business, functional, information,
communication, integration, and asset), but covers lifecycle
aspects (according to IEC62890) and hierarchical levels (IEC
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) 62264/61512) in a more structured way (Fig. 5.3).
The smartphone revolution gave the idea of the “Internet This hierarchical level axis of the RAMI4.0 framework
of Things” a massive boost. The concept originates in the makes reference to automation system architectures. This is
1980s and describes devices that are directly connected to the an essential aspect in many industrial Internet applications:
Internet. With communication, intelligence, and sensing built Unlike consumer systems, where a single device/sensor
into the device, the technology that allowed the cost-effective (smartphone, light bulb, and temperature sensor) is directly
production of IoT devices became available. Starting at home connected to an Internet platform, industrial installation 5
applications, surveillance cameras, lightbulbs, door locks, typically has some levels of automation (DCS and PLC)
and home appliances became Internet accessible. installed. Sensors are integral parts of devices needed for
Organizations such as the Industrial Internet Consortium control, and data is very often collected in a plant historian
(IIC)) [3] or the German “Plattform Industrie 4.0” [4] are or MES system. Before connecting a device directly to the
providing guidance on how to incorporate the Internet of Internet, it needs to be checked whether the data is not
Things in industrial environments. To arrive at a common already available in a historian database and can be fetched
understanding on what “Industrial IoT” means and how it from there. In many cases, it is also not desired to allow
shall be organized, participating industries have agreed on direct access, since the real-time control requirements take
a number of references and artifacts that describe it. Of precedence over data collection.
particular interest are the reference architectures that resulted Industrial installations also provide more on-site comput-
from these activities. ing capacity than consumer installations. Whether data is
The Industrial Internet Consortium reference architec- exported to the cloud and analyzed there or whether some
ture [5] is structured along four “viewpoints”: business, us- analysis can be done on-site on a local cloud-like infrastruc-
age, functional, and implementation. They follow the hi- ture (“fog computing”) is a design decision that depends on
erarchy of requirements, where business requirements are the plant’s use cases and requirements [8].
cascaded down to the implementation. Cross-cutting aspects While short response time and low latency requirements
such as industry vertical specifics or lifecycle views are con- are preferably implemented near the physical process, i.e.,
sidered inherently. Particular emphasis is on cyber security, on-site, high computing requirements, e.g., training of an ar-
where the IIC has published an Industrial Internet Security tificial intelligence (AI) network, require computing capacity
Framework [6]. that is typically only available in a cloud. If all the data that

Fig. 5.3 Reference Architectural Model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI4.0). (© Plattform Industrie 4.0 and ZVEI)
108 C. Ganz and A. J. Isaksson

is analyzed is available on-site, moving it to a cloud may of physics is cyber-physical systems (CPS). The concept of
create significant communication overhead, i.e., favor local CPS applies to much more than industrial automation and
analytics. If data from many sites need to be analyzed, e.g., can be found in many domains such as energy systems,
to analyze faults across a fleet of installed products, it is easier transportation, and medical systems. For a recent overview
to bring the data to the cloud than to one site. of CPS and its research challenges, see [11].
For process automation the implementation of CPS has
Industrial Internet of Services for decades almost been synonymous with that of distributed
In many industrial Internet concepts, the focus is on data control systems (DCS). Despite the name a DCS is sur-
collection and storage, and on some of the data analytics. prisingly centralized where still all measurement signals are
But even if the concepts mention “actionable insights,” the often brought into a so-called marshalling room where all
action that follows the insight is hardly ever mentioned. But control nodes are located. The first DCS was introduced in
without the action resulting from the insight from data and process industry in the 1970s, and their overall architecture
analytics, there is no gain. To create value, the insights gained is in many ways similar also today.
digitally need to reach the physical world again. If analysis As indicated in the upper right-hand corner of Fig. 5.4,
reveals where bottlenecks are, where energy is lost, or where the DCS is linked to other functions such as computerized
equipment is not performing as desired, these problems re- maintenance management systems (CMMS), manufacturing
main. Only when things are changed in the physical world, execution systems (MES), and enterprise resource planning
the situation can improve. These changes are very often done (ERP) systems. This attempt to encapsulate most automation
by the plant personnel, or by service technicians. To really functions from one entry point has led to the term collabora-
create value, the Internet of Things has to incorporate people tive process automation systems (CPAS), see the book [12].
as well as services [9]. Functionally, we are typically describing the various au-
In addition to industrial services, the cloud-based infras- tomation tasks as a hierarchy (see Fig. 5.5 for the ISA-95
tructures introduced by the IoT open the possibilities for new definition). What separates the different levels is a number
business models. Infrastructure, platform, or other software of things such as the closeness to the physical process, the
offerings can now be offered “as a service,” paid when used. time scale and latency requirements, the need for computing
This supports the overall business trend to turn CapEx into power, and data storage requirements. This may be summa-
OpEx. Products as a service have been introduced as well, for rized as different levels having a different quality of service
example, by Rolls-Royce aircraft engines in their “power by requirement. Still to this day different levels of the automa-
the hour” concept [10]. This approach was tried by a number tion hierarchy are in many process industries dealt with by
of companies, but many have failed. different softwares, in different departments, not seldom in
different geographic locations.
Cyber-Physical Systems Architectures The hierarchy illustrated in Fig. 5.5 is of course valid also
A slightly more recent term for communication, computing, for discrete manufacturing automation, with PLCs primar-
and control combined with processes governed by the law ily controlling binary on-off signals. As already mentioned,

Business systems

— — — — —
Panel 800 System Wireless Extended Collaboration

workplaces network operator workplace table CMMS, ERP, DMS,
CAD, Video…
System networks
r fi
f rewall

Base system AC 800M Wireless HART AC 800M ABB and 3rd party DMZ MI
servers controller gateway High integrity controller PLC & DCS servers

Field networks
IEC 61850

Profibus / profinet / devicenet / modulebus / devicent

Profibus / foundation fieldbus / modulebus



Motor Fire & gas Other PLC


S800 I/O
Protection & control IED
Variable speed
Wireless HART
S900 I/O Shut-down

LV switch gear

Power automation Process electrification Process instrumentation Safety PLC & DCS

Fig. 5.4 Modern DCS – ABB’s System 800xA. (With permission)

5 Trends in Automation 109

Plant production scheduling, business

Business planning management, etc.
Level 4 & logistics
Time frame: months, weeks, days, shifts

Dispatching production, detailed

Manufacturing production scheduling, quality monitoring
Level 3 operations
management Time frame: shifts, hours, minutes,

Level 2 Process monitoring, supervisory and basic

automatic control

Level 1 Process sensing and manipulation

Level 0 The physical production process

Fig. 5.5 The ISA-95 automation hierarchy

above machine automation is, however, by nature in fact often

more distributed since much of the control is built into the
individual machines or robots. On-premise
Global cloud
An immediate impact of the industrial Internet of Things
is that not all measurement signals are channeled through Firewall
the DCS. Already today in particular condition monitoring
data, such as vibration measurements for motors, may be Real-time bus
directly connected to a cloud server. In, for example, [13,


14], it is argued that the future factory from a communication
perspective may not have a hierarchy at all. Instead signals
from all products and devices would be available at all Distributed control nodes (DCN)/devices Legacy systems
locations in the system. Hence from a communication and
data flow perspective the future production facility may not
have a hierarchy but rather be connected in a mesh network. Fig. 5.6 Potential future control architecture
Much of the same ideas were presented also by Exxon-
Mobil already in 2016 [15]. They promoted a use of open progression is then that what is today considered as a Level
standards and that the processing of automation functions 2 function such as advanced process control (APC) could be
may be divided between so-called distributed control nodes carried out in the DCN (if timing critical) or in the on-premise
(DCN) near or in the devices, an on-premise computing platform (most likely) or even in the global cloud (if slow and
platform, and the global cloud. This has now been further noncritical). A logical consequence of this is that there needs
developed into a first version of a standard reference archi- to be a decoupling between the engineering of automation
tecture presented by The Open Group [16]. functions and their deployment.
A much simplified version of their O-PAS™ architecture With devices such as pumps and valves containing more
is shown in Fig. 5.6, where it has been indicated that this computing power, it may be appealing to embed the control
shift will have to be gradual maintaining some form of con- functionality directly into the devices instead of using a
nectivity or backward compatibility to legacy systems such separate hardware called the DCN. Here standardization may
as, for example, DCS, PLC, and safety systems. A natural become an issue since, for example, there are still many
110 C. Ganz and A. J. Isaksson

different ways to parametrize a PID controller. One way to time is WirelessHART, first introduced in 2007 but ratified
alleviate this would be to group some measurement, actu- by IEC only early 2009. WirelessHART uses a time-slotted
ation, and process devices together into modules. Ongoing protocol built on top of the IEEE 802.15.4 radio standard,
development is mainly driven by time to market requirements which like Wi-Fi operates in the 2.4 GHz open industrial,
in specialty chemicals and pharma and has led to standardiza- scientific, and medical (ISM) frequency band. Later in 2009,
tion of module-type packages (MTP) [17]. Such a modular the relatively similar standard ISA 100.11a built on the same
automation approach will make the engineering process more radio standard was introduced. It is fair to say that both
efficient [18], very much in the same manner as machine these standards were developed primarily for monitoring
automation for discrete manufacturing. applications. With time slots of 10 ms, the capacity is not
Similarly, Level 3 functions such as production planning sufficient to handle closing a large number of control loops
and scheduling may be carried out either in the on-premise in a process industry. Nevertheless, for condition monitor-
platform or in the global cloud. In fact, as pointed out in ing a reasonably large market has been reached. However,
a 2018 survey, almost 50% of responding manufacturing closed-loop wireless process control is to a large extent still
companies were already considering shifting their MES to aspirational, even though some small-scale experiments with
the public cloud [19]. Despite the data flow and deployment protocols more dedicated to control look very promising [23].
being much more flexible it may well be that the ISA-95 Meanwhile, another very important development is the
hierarchy will still be helpful to functionally structure the transition via 4G into the newly released 5G mobile commu-
different parts of the automation system in different quality nication standard. With 5G we now for the first time see signs
of service clusters. of convergence between the different wireless standards,
This increased level of connectivity and further integration where the cellular network is split into three use cases:
of OT and IT of course puts even more emphasis in the
future on cyber security. For a thorough account of past cyber • Enhanced mobile broadband – for high data rates, wide
security events see [20], and academic activities on cyber coverage, high mobility, and large data rates
security from an automatic control perspective are nicely • Massive machine-type communication (mMTC) – for
surveyed in [21]. wide coverage, low power, and small data amounts
• Ultrareliable low-latency communication (URLLC) – de-
terministic, low latency, and small data amounts
5.3.2 Communication
Very much the same as Ethernet for wired communica-
As described in the previous version of this chapter there tion, this promises that 5G may be used to combine many
are many means of communication available to the industrial industrial tasks such as production order dispatch, handheld
user. For wired communication there is the traditional 4– operator stations, video streaming, condition monitoring, and
20 mA cables but also various different fieldbus standards closed-loop control within the same standard.
(Foundation Fieldbus, Profibus, etc). Especially 5G URLLC corresponds to a major technical
What has happened since the publication of the previous leap making it more attractive to closed-loop control in man-
version is a path toward increased use of industrial Ethernet ufacturing and process industry. In particular, since at least
via standards like IEC 61784. In particular, the introduc- in some countries there may be the possibility of dedicated
tion of the standard on time-sensitive networking (TSN) – frequencies for industry.
IEC/IEEE 60802 – that supplements the standard Ethernet Another important development that has mainly occurred
with time synchronization and guaranteed delivery times has in the last decade is the shift to smart mobile phones. It is
made it possible to use industrial Ethernet also for fast and sometimes easy to forget that the Apple iPhone was only
time-critical applications. This harmonization on Ethernet released in June of 2007, and the App Store about a year
means that it is possible to combine more or less all needs later followed by android market (now Google Play) the same
for industrial communication within one standard. Another autumn. As we know for us as consumers it has changed
important development in recent years is the increased adop- almost every facet of our life. There are now apps for almost
tion of OPC UA [22], with its integrated information model everything we do: how we interact with our friends, how we
with predescribed modules for many different industrial ap- book travel, do our banking, watch TV, etc.
plications. This promises to greatly reduce the engineering As discussed in the previous section, the concept of apps
time when configuring the automation system. in industrial platforms is still developing. Although most
For wireless communication, there was already in 2009, smartphone apps are more consumer oriented, we should
at the time of the Handbook Edition 1, a number of different not forget that smartphones and tablets have had a profound
technologies available (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and GSM/3G). For impact also for industry. What in the past needed a lot of
process industry one standard that was only emerging at the proprietary solutions can today be realized by programming
5 Trends in Automation 111

an app in Apple iOS or android. Examples include a hand- 5.3.4 Industrial AI

held mobile DCS operator terminal, work order dispatch in
an underground mine with a Wi-Fi network installed, and The current popularity of artificial intelligence is mostly
creating a user interface for smart motor sensor uploading driven by the increased availability of data, and the com-
the information via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. puting power available not only in small devices such as
smartphones, but also in cloud computing environment. Fur-
thermore, recent advancements in neural network technolo-
gies (e.g., convolutional NN) have led to breakthroughs in,
5.3.3 Collaborative Robots
for example, image processing. These drivers have made it
possible to address larger, more complex problems, mostly
An interesting classification of cyber-physical systems is
by applying variants of neural networks.
presented in [11], where a simultaneous development is seen
in two independent directions (see Fig. 5.7). One trend toward
Consumer Versus Industrial AI 5
autonomous system is further discussed in Sect. 5.4.1. The
The recent developments are driven in the consumer space,
other observed trend is toward more collaborative systems.
where companies like Google and Facebook get hold on
Nowhere is this trend more visible than for collaborative
personal data that was never available before (even if they
robots, also known as cobots.
then use the consumer data in B2B relations with advertisers).
As the name collaborative robot indicates, it is a robot
The successes in this area led to the increased attention also
intended to work in direct collaboration with humans or at
in industrial applications.
least in close proximity of humans (Fig. 5.8). Unlike con-
While some of the technologies can easily be applied,
ventional industrial robots, who are fenced off from human
some fundamental properties of industrial applications re-
contact, cobots using lightweight softer material and limited
quire a more distinct approach. This chapter addresses some
speed are designed to be inherently safe for working close to
of the challenges and proposes an industrial approach to AI. It
humans. Even though the term “cobot” was coined already
covers three areas, where the difference between a consumer
in the 1990s the market has not really taken off until the
application and an industrial use case is significant:
last decade after the previous version of this handbook was
published. The global cobot market was estimated at about
• Individuals: While most current AI use cases look at a very
980 million USD in 2019 but with a projected compound
large number of comparable individuals (humans, images,
annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 40% in coming
etc.), industry often deals with a smaller population of
years [24].
greater variance. Current ML approaches are quite sensi-
Notice, however, that today’s collaborative robots are
tive to the type of equipment they are trained on. To arrive
merely designed to coexist with humans without a fence,
at a sufficient amount of data, it needs to be collected
rather than being truly collaborative. For robots to fully col-
from similar devices in different plants. This again may
laborate with humans will require significant further steps in
be difficult because customers are quite careful with what
their development, for example, introducing intelligence that
data is shared to a common platform.
can anticipate and understand human intent without explicit

Distributed Connected Collaborative

Automatic Adaptive Autonomous

Computational complexity

Fig. 5.8 ABB’s YuMi introduced in 2015 as the world’s first dual-arm
Fig. 5.7 Proposed classification of CPS. (Adopted from [11])
collaborative robot
112 C. Ganz and A. J. Isaksson

• Information: In addition to industrial data being more operation, the trained model then does not need the complex
complex to collect, the data contains much less informa- and expensive simulation tool, but can detect the effects
tion that can be used to learn. Data collected during steady- similar to those seen in the simulator. The nature of current
state operation does hardly vary and provides no new ML approaches however is such that it will still not detect
information over time, whereas the interesting abnormal something where the simulator did not produce data. The
cases are rare. Unlike consumer applications, industrial allocation of functionality in a physical model, an AI model,
use cases such as failure detection are not focusing on the and in getting real data or simulated data is a nontrivial design
average, but on the outliers. decision.
• Impact: Industrial systems interact with a lot of energy in
potentially dangerous environments. Mistakes may have
an immediate and highly unpleasant impact. Systems that 5.3.5 Virtual Models and Digital Twin
deal with industrial installations today (automation and
safety systems) therefore take special measures to avoid The broader availability of real-time data (as discussed in
a malfunction in the plant to the greatest extent possible. section “Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)”) allows deeper
Unfortunately, an ML system does not show a consistent insight into the behavior of the equipment. If all the infor-
behavior. Its reliability cannot be properly calculated. At mation about a device is available from the IoT, the idea
the time of writing, AI struggles to achieve the required is to create a digital representation of an asset that behaves
reliability for safety applications. exactly in the same way as a real asset, but only in the virtual
environment. This representation is commonly referred to as
Merging AI with Conventional Algorithms the “digital twin.”
In order to successfully apply AI in applications where the The exact nature and scope of a digital twin is widely
data is generated by known physics, using an AI system discussed in literature [25]. If indeed the digital twin is
would at most reproduce the physical laws we already know. analyzed to retrieve knowledge about the asset in the field,
The known physics need to be calculated out of the data to get more than just the measurements are required. The additional
to the unknown, the deviations, the failure patterns, and the information needed depends on the use case. If a device is to
areas where we observe an effect that was not considered in be analyzed in depth, its exact type needs to be known, to-
the models. Even though some of these effects can indeed be gether with type-related information: 3D design drawings or
modeled by physics, it might not be realistic to do so, either manufacturer instructions (installation, operation, and main-
because it is too complex, or because the parameters needed tenance) are examples of digital representations available
(e.g., material fatigue, etc.) are not easily measured. These are for a whole fleet of products. The particular instance of the
the areas where the data-driven approaches such as machine device may have test records or supplier factory information.
learning (ML) are very helpful: to explain effects that were Most use cases however also need information about the
not considered in the physical model. device’s context: If it is to be physically accessed, its location
To achieve this, a combination of algorithms, first needs to be known, signal cable wiring is required to diagnose
principle-based as well as data-driven methods, is most communication problems, and electrical supply and wiring is
helpful in getting most of the insight from process data. Such needed in case it does not have power. In many situations and
algorithms can be split into explainable and unexplainable use cases, the device is analyzed in the context of the process:
subsystems that are analyzed with the respective methods. what is its function, and what other devices are operating to
It may also be beneficial to create a truly hybrid algorithm provide that function. All these use cases require different
that uses AI to tune some of the first principles parameters sets of aspects that are typically available in digital form. In
or learn from the deviations. all the use cases, the information must be available for human
The lack of information from the field, in particular rare or machine analysis. A consistent digital twin framework that
data from failures, quality issues, or from other events not allows the access of a wide variety of digital information is
observed before (e.g., shapes of parts to be gripped), can therefore needed to enable this.
sometimes be compensated by using simulated data. As we The different digital representations of an asset are created
will see in Sect. 5.3.5, equipment is often designed using along its lifecycle (Fig. 5.9). Today’s equipment is mostly
simulation. Such a simulator model may be used to run the designed in software tools, and design-stage simulation al-
virtual device (i.e., its digital twin) under rare or failure ready shows how the device will behave in reality. The digital
conditions, or a wild variety of shapes can be automatically variant of the asset therefore exists before its physical variant.
created to simulate varying parts. If the AI solution is then At some point, the asset is created physically and is installed
trained with the simulated data, a large amount of data can on a plant in the context of its function. Once commissioned,
be generated by varying the conditions over a wider range. In it is operated, and then maintained. The digital twin should
5 Trends in Automation 113

Design Manufacture Build / integrate Operate / maintain

Live data
System context System context

Product instance Product instance Product instance

Product type Product type Product type Product type

Digital twin

Physical instance System twin Live!

Fig. 5.9 Digital twin aspects along the equipment lifecycle

Fig. 5.10 Virtual commissioning of robot cell – simulated cell to the (a) and real cell to the (b)

carry all the digital representations along the value chain, to time is cut to a fraction because most can already be run in
make use of information that was already created in an earlier the digital twin.
step. The digital twin is therefore not only an important One key functionality of a digital twin that is very often
operational concept to analyze equipment but can also serve mentioned is the capability to simulate its behavior. Such
as an engineering framework where data is only entered simulation models are state of the art in the design stage, and
once and can seamlessly be accessed through the digital at times also in operation. To then map the simulated model
twin interfaces. The engineering integration and required to the physically measured parameters to recreate operational
efficiency already listed as an important driver in Edition 1 situations for in-depth understanding and maybe for what-if
has found its key platform in digital twin concepts. simulations is still a more complex step that requires system
Figure 5.10 shows the digital twin of a robot cell that can identification and parameter estimation.
be programmed using the same tools as the real robot. Its It is to be noted that although simulation and modeling
behavior can be tested virtually such that when the software is frequently mentioned as one of the advantages of using
is loaded into the real robot controller, the commissioning a digital twin, creating a model that serves the purpose of
114 C. Ganz and A. J. Isaksson

No autonomy, humans are Autonomous operation

Level 0 Level 5 in all situations. Humans
in complete control without
assistance. may be completely absent.

Assistance with or control System in full control

Level 1 of subtasks. Humans always Level 4
in certain situations.
responsible, specifying set points. Humans might supervise.

Occasional autonomy in certain Limited autonomy in

Level 2 situations. Humans always Level 3 certain situations. System
responsible, specifying intent. alerts to issues. Humans
confirm proposed solutions
Prerequisite: Automation or act as a fallback.
system monitors
the environment.

Fig. 5.11 Proposed autonomy levels for industrial systems. (From [29])

a use case is still not a trivial task. While we had predicted ple [28] and the references therein, it has received renewed
increasing importance of modeling in Ed. 1 of the “Handbook interest with the ongoing development of self-driving cars.
of Automation,” this has not progressed. Creating a physical In the automotive industry there are now agreed standards of
model from first principles is still a complex and largely autonomy levels ranging from fully manual driving – Level
manual task. Digital twin offers one advantage that models 0 – to fully autonomous – Level 5. Inspired by this a level 0–5
created in one lifecycle stage may be reused in another, but taxonomy for industrial systems autonomy was proposed in
the fundamental problem remains for the time being. There [29], see Fig. 5.11.
has been development, however, in auto-generating a process Industrial systems autonomy is, however, more complex
model based on a library of component models once a process than autonomous cars which is mainly about replacing or
topology is available in electronic format [26]. assisting the driver gradually with more automation. An
To cover the variety of possible digital representations of industrial plant needs automation along the entire lifecycle
not just single devices, but also machines, main equipment, of its existence, for the engineering, operation, and mainte-
or plants, a digital twin concept in essence requires a data nance. For a more elaborate discussion on the implications of
interchange framework. One that has already successfully this, see [29].
been applied is the “Asset Administration Shell” defined by One way to look at the move toward more autonomy is that
the Plattform Industrie 4.0 [27]. It provides relevant guidance it adds another outer layer of feedback. While most classical
on how to uniquely identify components, how to publish control loops are based on a single measured variable and
and access information, and how to relate components and consist of the phases sense, analyze, and act, an autonomous
systems. system has to process many different inputs together to
reach a decision. This can be described in the three steps of
perceive, understand, and solve, see Fig. 5.12.
5.4 Outlook Perceive combines signals from often heterogeneous sen-
sors into information. In the future also process industry will
After walking through those trends that are currently ob- see more automated use of unconventional sensor sources
served in implementation projects at various stages, let us such as visual or infrared images, requiring application of
have a broader look into the future to see where automation modern AI technology.
systems may be heading to. Understand is meant to provide the reasoning explaining
what is happening and its consequences, while solve should
decide on the next steps and implement this action to the
5.4.1 Autonomous Industrial Systems system.
This loop is superimposed over the automation loop that
Although the level of automation and amount of human inter- remains in place. While automation takes care of the stability
action has been a field of study for many years, see for exam- and safety of the process, the autonomous loop adds flexibil-
5 Trends in Automation 115

more complex, because the autonomous system has run the

Understand process to the current state in ways not comprehensible by
the operator. This challenge is not solved today.
While the traditional control room is located on-site, a
higher level of autonomy combined with the installed com-
munication bandwidth allows operation to be shared between
local and remote staff, where local staff is primarily skilled
to physically interact with the process (e.g., maintenance
Sense Act and repair), whereas process optimization specialists and
Perceive Solve other experts can be colocated remotely to be available to
a number of plants without travel. New technologies, such
as augmented or virtual reality (AR/VR) , help to not only
transmit technical data, but to allow for a more immersive 5
experience for the remote operator. Furthermore, analytics
information can be blended with the real-time image, to give
direct insight into the plant while looking at it.
Fig. 5.12 Loops in classical control systems (grey) and autonomous Such remote expert centers may be set up by service
systems (red)
providers, e.g., by the equipment supplier. One example is the
concept of a “collaborative operations center” in the marine
ity and resilience. See more on automation and autonomy in industry, where the vessel, the ship owner’s operations center,
Chs.  19 and  20. and the supplier’s expert center are connected to continu-
ously not only monitor the vessel’s technical performance
(fuel consumption and equipment health), but also consider
5.4.2 Collaborative Systems schedules, weather forecast, etc. to optimize routes collabo-
ratively [31]. See more on collaborative systems in Chs.  15
Collaboration in the context of automation has different and  18.
meanings, depending on who is collaborating with whom:

• Collaboration between two systems 5.4.3 New Applications

• Collaboration between a system and a human
• Collaboration between humans, supported by a system As we have seen earlier in this chapter, devices become
more intelligent, and have the communication capabilities
Collaboration between two systems is mainly a question to interact with other devices. Automation of even simple
of communication technology (as discussed in Sect. 5.3.2) processes becomes possible on a device level, combined with
and the required protocols that the collaborating entities IoT technology that makes available powerful functionality
commonly understand. as a service. Such devices may contain technology that was
Collaboration between humans and the system is a key not available at today’s cost level even a few years ago.
component of automation systems: Operator stations in con- Hospital labs are seeing highly integrated analyzers that
trol rooms are the traditional way of interfacing with the sys- contain automated functions that used to be spread over a
tem. Little has changed in interaction principles since early whole lab in the past. Further automation in the form of
days of graphical screens. Process graphics, alarm lists, and autonomous guided vehicles (AGV) combined with robots
objects with faceplates are still the standard today. Moving is gaining importance in that sector.
from automated to autonomous systems, this takes on an even Another area that is very quickly seeing advancements
higher complexity. Autonomy levels discussed in Sect. 5.4.1 in automation is agriculture. Again, AGVs play a role here,
show that humans remain involved, from “in the loop” toward allowing tractors to very precisely plant and harvest crop
“on the loop,” before humans stay completely out of the loop. and vegetables. Further functions such as quality control
For the foreseeable future, humans still have at least a super- and robotic manipulation of food are seen in advanced
visory task even in autonomous systems. This results in an applications.
effect that is commonly referred to as “automation paradox” But automation is also becoming popular further away
[30]: If the system becomes more automated/autonomous, from the plant floor. Robotic process automation does neither
the human has to interact more rarely. His or her exposure deal with robots nor process automation in the industrial
to the system and the experience on the job is therefore sense, but is covering automated business processes on the
lower. However, at the time of interaction, the situation is enterprise level. An enterprise that is fully autonomously
116 C. Ganz and A. J. Isaksson

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in Automatic Control from Linköping University.
Part II
Automation Theory and Scientific Foundations
Linear Control Theory for Automation
István Vajk, Jenő Hetthéssy, and Ruth Bars

Contents 6.14 Robust Stability and Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

6.1 Systems and Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
6.15 LMI in Control Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
6.2 Open Loop Control, Closed Loop Control . . . . . . . . . . 122
6.16 Model-Based Predictive Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
6.3 Quality Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
6.17 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
6.4 Types of Signals and Models of Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
6.5 Description of SISO Continuous-Time References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Linear Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
6.5.1 Description in the Time Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
6.5.2 Description in the Frequency Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
6.5.3 Description in the Laplace Operator Domain . . . . . . . . . . 129
6.6 Description of SISO Discrete-Time Automation means automatic control of various processes
Linear Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 in different areas of life. Control is based mainly on
6.6.1 Description in the Time Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 the notion of negative feedback. Analysis and design of
6.6.2 Description in the z – Operator Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
control systems is a complex field. Mathematical models
6.6.3 Description in the Frequency Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
of the processes to be controlled are needed, and effec-
6.7 Resulting Transfer Functions of Closed Loop Control tive control methods should exist to ensure the required
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
performance of the controlled processes. In industrial
6.8 Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 environment besides continuous processes and continuous
6.9 Static and Dynamic Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 control systems, sampled data digital control systems gain
6.10 Controller Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 more and more importance. In this chapter some basic
6.10.1 Continuous PID Controller Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 knowledge on linear control systems with deterministic
6.10.2 Discrete Time PID Controller Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 signals and some advanced control algorithms both for
6.11 Responses of MIMO Systems and “Abilities” . . . . . . . 141 continuous and discrete-time systems are presented.
6.11.1 Transfer Function Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 In the second part of this chapter mainly continuous-
6.11.2 State-Space Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 time linear systems with multiple inputs and multiple
6.11.3 Matrix Fraction Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
outputs (MIMO systems) are considered. Specifically, sta-
6.12 Feedback System – Stability Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 bility, performance, and robustness issues, as well as op-
6.13 Performances for MIMO LTI Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 timal control strategies are discussed in details for MIMO
6.13.1 Control Performances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 linear systems using algebraic and numerical methods. As
6.13.2 H2 Optimal Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 an important class for practical applications, predictive
6.13.3 H∞ Optimal Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
controllers are also discussed.


Control theory · Linear control systems · Negative

I. Vajk () · J. Hetthéssy () · R. Bars () feedback · Closed loop control · Continuous control
Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Faculty of
systems · Discrete control systems · MIMO systems ·
Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Budapest University of
Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary Stability · Optimal control · Robustness · Predictive
e-mail:;; control · LMI in Control Engineering

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 121

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
122 I. Vajk et al.

6.1 Systems and Control

u(t) y(t)
Systems are around us. In nature they are technological, P=?
biological, economical, etc. systems. Systems are connected
to their environment. Input quantities coming from the en-
vironment act on the systems, while the systems react with u(t) y(t) = ?
output quantities to the environment. Input and output quan- P
tities containing information about the physical, chemical,
etc. variables are called signals. The behavior of various
u(t) = ? y(t) = yref
systems should match prescribed technical expectations. To P
achieve this, systems should be controlled, i.e., appropriate
inputs should be generated to ensure the required output
Fig. 6.1 Problems of identification, analysis, and design
As an example consider a technological system (process)
generating electrical energy. The produced electrical energy
should be available with constant voltage and frequency in
spite of the changing daily consumption. In an oil refinery ydi ydo
the crude oil is refined in a distillation column, and the
r y
concentration of the end product should meet the required C P
value. The temperature of a room should be comfortable in
spite of the changing output environment. In transportation
systems besides keeping the prescribed speed there are a Fig. 6.2 Open loop control
number of other requirements (e.g., to avoid collisions, to
protect the environment, etc.) which should be fulfilled by
control. Further examples for control systems are given in
the system and its input signal, determine the output signal.
many chapters of this Handbook, e.g., in Chs.  15,  25,
Synthesis: Given the model of the system, and the required
 43, and  44.
output. Determine the input signal resulting in the required
In order to control a system first, its operation should be
system response.
analyzed. System analysis would result in a model of the
In more involved system structures several boxes can show
system. In system modeling for control, the signal transfer
up and the basic control tasks are tracking a reference signal
properties of the system are of interest, i.e., the way a system
and rejecting the effects of the disturbances.
transfers the input signals into output signals.
System modeling which investigates the relationship be-
tween the input and output signals can be approached in two
ways: one way is to analyze the physical behavior of the sys- 6.2 Open Loop Control, Closed Loop
tem and describe its operation by mathematical relationships Control
(equations, characteristic curves). Another way is to measure
the input and the output data and fit a mathematical model To achieve the required system output, prescribed by a refer-
to these data. In the latter case a model structure is supposed ence signal (denoted by r), open or closed loop control sys-
first, then the parameters of this model are determined. The tems can be built. In open loop control a control unit (whose
procedure itself is called identification. Generally these two signal transfer is denoted by C) is connected serially to the
methods are used together to establish an adequate process system (whose signal transfer is denoted by P) (Fig. 6.2). A
model. disturbance may act at the input (ydi ) or at the output (ydo ) of
The model of the system is symbolized by a rectangular the system. Addition of signals is symbolized on the scheme
block, its inputs are indicated by arrows, acting on the box, by a small circle, arrows coming into the circle indicate the
and the outputs are indicated by arrows leaving the box. signals to be added, while the arrow coming out of the circle
The mathematical relation characterizing the model is written represents their sum. This control structure is able to track the
inside the box. reference signal, but it is ineffective regarding disturbance
Concerning a single box with an input and an output, three rejection. A good choice of the control transfer C can be
problems can be formulated (Fig. 6.1). Identification: Given the inverse of the system transfer P. Then tracking of the
the measured input and output signal, determine a model of reference signal would be ideal. To realize a good open loop
the system (the mathematical relationship between the input control quite accurate knowledge on both the system and the
and the output, denoted by P). Analysis: Given the model of disturbances would be required.
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 123

signal process Controlled
input variable
Reference r
e Amplifier, u y
forming Decision,
signal Acting Process
error computation
Reference signal
calculator Actuator



Fig. 6.3 Structural diagram of closed loop control

In large control systems (e.g., oil refineries, power plants),

ydi ydo in addition to closed loop controls dominating in long-term
r r1 e u y
operation, open loop controls play also an important role,
F C P e.g., during the start and stop phase of the process, when

yn complex sequential operations have to be performed. Open
loop and closed loop controls should operate together in a
harmonized manner.
Fig. 6.4 Block diagram of closed loop control If besides the output signal the disturbance or some inner
signals are also measured, and available for control, then the
In closed loop control a negative feedback loop is built performance of the control system can further be improved.
around the system. The output signal of the system (process) If the disturbance is measured, the closed loop control can
is measured by a sensor and is compared to the reference be supplemented by a feedforward path. This forward path
signal. The deviation of the reference signal and the output contributes to compensating the effect of the disturbance at
signal forms the error signal. The error signal provides the the output (See in Ch.  25).
input to the controller unit, which both amplifies it and If the process can be separated into serially connected
modifies its shape. The output of the controller gives the input parts, and besides the output signal some intermediate signals
for the actuator which modifies the input signal of the system. can also be measured, then embedded control loops could
Figure 6.3 gives the structural diagram, while Fig. 6.4 shows be built, improving the performance of the control system
the block diagram of the closed loop control. (F denotes (cascade control) (see in Ch.  25). These solutions are
a possible reference signal filter and yn represents a noise frequently used in process industries.
component introduced by the sensor.) Today, industrial control systems are increasingly imple-
Closed loop control is able both to track the reference mented by computer control, where the main control tasks
signal and to reject the effect of the disturbances. Whatever are executed by computers in real time. The process and
causes the deviation between the reference signal and the the computer are connected via analog/digital (A/D) and
output signal, the error acts to eliminate this deviation. Be- digital/analog (D/A) converters. The output of the process is
cause of the dynamics of the system this settling process sampled and digitalized, thus the information on the output
takes time. The control system should be stable, i.e., after signal is available in digital form only at the sampling in-
changes in the input signals (reference and disturbances) the stants. The computer calculates the actual value of the control
transients should smooth down along the loop and a new signal according to a digital control algorithm and forwards
steady state should be reached. Appropriate design of the it via a D/A converter as the process input. As the process
controller is responsible to ensure the required properties is continuous, the control signal should act also between the
of the control system. Controller design is based on the sampling points. This is realized by using a holding unit.
model of the process and aims to meet the prescribed quality The structure of the sampled data control system is shown
specifications set for the control system. In the sequel closed in Fig. 6.5.
loop control systems will be considered.
124 I. Vajk et al.

Discrete-time signals Continuous-time signals

Real-time clock

D/A Process input

Controller Real-time
algorithm environment
Process output
A/D y(t)



Reference signal, sampling

interval, controller

Fig. 6.5 The structure of sampled data control system realized by computer control

t t t
r[k] e[k] u[k] u(t) y(t)
C(z) ZOH P(s)
_ Discrete Zero order Continuous
controller hold process

y[k] Ts
Sampler Low pass filter

Fig. 6.6 Block diagram of the closed loop sampled data control system

The block diagram of the closed loop sampled data control frequency. Then the continuous signal could be reconstructed
system is given in Fig. 6.6, where the behavior of the signals based on its samples.
in the time domain at several points of the control loop is also In computer control of industrial processes, more sophisti-
indicated. cated control problems can also be solved, distributed control
Selecting the sampling time is an important issue. Ac- systems can be implemented, where spatially distributed
cording to the Shannon sampling theorem, the sampling control systems can operate in an optimized aligned manner
frequency should be more than twice of the analog signal communicating with each other.
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 125

6.3 Quality Specifications its output depends only on the actual value of its input. The
model is dynamic, if the output depends on previous values 6
In a feedback control system the main requirements are: of the input and output signals as well. A model can be linear
or nonlinear. Static characteristics plots the steady values of
• Stability the output signal versus the steady values of the input signal.
• Good reference signal tracking (servo property) If this curve is a straight line, the system is linear, otherwise
• Good disturbance rejection it is nonlinear. Generally, systems are nonlinear, but in most
• Good measurement noise attenuation cases their linear model can be obtained as a result of a
linearization around a working point. There are general meth-
Good performance can be specified, e.g., by the prescribed ods for analyzing linear systems, while analyzing nonlinear
shape of the unit step response characterized by the allowed models need more sophisticated methods. Different analysis
overshoot and the required settling time. For stability, all methods are needed whether a system is excited by deter-
the signals in the control loop should remain bounded. In ministic or stochastic signals. A model may have lumped or
addition, to keep operational costs low, small process input distributed parameters. The parameters of a lumped system
values are preferred. Controller design is based on the model are considered constant. In distributed parameter systems,
of the process. As models always imply uncertainties, design the parameters depend both on time and space. A model can
procedures aiming at stability and desirable performance be continuous time or discrete time. Discrete time models,
should be extended to tolerate modeling uncertainties as well, which describe the relationship between the sampled output
i.e., control systems should be robust with respect to the and the sampled input signals of a system, are applied in
incomplete knowledge available on the process. the analysis and design of computer control system. Besides
Thus the specifications, which provide controller design input/output models state space models are also widely used.
objectives, are completed by the following requirements: Beyond I/O relations, these models describe the behavior of
the inner system states, as well. Considering the number of
• Achieve reduced input signals the input and output signals the model can be Single Input
• Achieve robust stability Single Output (SISO), Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO),
• Achieve robust performance Single Input Multi Output (SIMO), and Multi Input Single
Output (SIMO).
Some of the above design objectives could be conflicting; In the sequel dynamic, linear or linearized, deterministic,
however, a compromise among them could still provide ac- lumped parameter, continuous and discrete time, SISO and
ceptable control performance. MIMO input/output, and state space models will be dealt
In the sequel, the basic principles of control, methods with.
of analysis, and design are discussed briefly. (For detailed
discussion [1–5] and [9–12] are referred.)
6.5 Description of SISO Continuous-Time
Linear Systems
6.4 Types of Signals and Models
Systems can be described in the time, frequency, and operator
of Systems
domain. Those descriptions in different domains can equiv-
alently be transformed into each other. System analysis or
The signal is a physical quantity which carries information.
design may be more favorable in one or in another form.
The signals can be external input signals, output signals
leaving the system, or inner signals of the system. Signals
can be classified in different ways. A signal is continuous if 6.5.1 Description in the Time Domain
it is continuously maintained over a given time range. The
signal is discrete-time or sampled if it provides information A continuous time (CT) linear SISO system can be described
only at determined time points. The signal is analog, if its in the time domain by a differential equation of order n or
value directly represents the measured variable (e.g., current, by a system constructed by a set of n first order differential
velocity, etc.). The signal is digital, if the information is equations (also called state equations), or it can be charac-
represented by coded values of the physical variable in digits. terized by typical time responses in return to typical input
The signal is deterministic if its course can be described by signals (e.g., impulse response, step response, response for
a function of time. The signal is stochastic if its evolution is sinusoidal signals) [1, 2, 6].
probabilistic according to given statistics. The differential equation gives the relationship between
The model of a system provides a relationship between the the output signal y(t) and its derivatives and the input signal
inputs and the outputs of the system. The model is static, if u(t) and its derivatives. It is given in the following form:
126 I. Vajk et al.

an d dty(t)
+ an−1 d dtn−1 + · · · + a1 dy(t) + a0 y(t) = For multiple roots (e.g., supposing a triple root, λ1 = λ2 = λ3 ),
n dt
m m−1 the solution is given as follows:
bm dtm + bm−1 dtm−1 + · · · + b1 dt + b0 u(t)
d u(t) d u(t) du(t)

The condition of physical realizability is m ≤ n. a0 , a1 , . . . , yh (t) = k1 + k2 t + k3 t2 eλ1 t + k4 eλ4 t + · · · + kn eλn t
an , b0 , b1 , . . . , bm are constant coefficients.
Often the differential equation is written in the so-called
time constant form: The transients are decreasing in time if the roots of the
characteristic equation are located on the left side of the
n n−1
Tnnd dty(t)
n + Tn−1
n−1 d y(t)
+ · · · + T1 dy(t) + y(t) =  complex plane, i.e., Reλi < 0.
dtn−1 dt
m m−1 Let f (u) denote the particular solution of the inhomoge-
A τm dtm + τm−1 dtm−1 + · · · + τ1 dt + u(t)
m d u(t) m−1 d u(t) du(t)
neous equation which depends on the input signal u. f (u)
can be found by some mathematical procedure – e.g., by
where parameter A = b0 /a0 is the gain of the systemhaving
√ method of variations of parameters or by some simple con-
a physical dimension, and Ti = i ai /a0 and τj = j bj /b0 .
siderations. The general solution of the differential equation
Parameters T1 , . . . , Tn , τ 1 , . . . , τ m are time constants, their
dimension is sec. (The above definition of the gain is valid if
a0 = 0 and b0 = 0.) The time constant form is advantageous
as for lower order cases the shape of the time response y(t) = yh (t) + f (u) = k1 eλ1 t + k2 eλ2 t + · · · + kn eλn t + f (u)
for typical inputs (e.g., for unit step) can approximately be
visualized even without solving the differential equation.
The constants are determined in the knowledge of the initial
The system is called proportional if a0 = 0 and b0 = 0.
In this case for step input in steady state the output signal
If the input signal is an impulse (Dirac delta, an impulse of
is constant and it will be proportional to the input signal.
zero duration with infinite amplitude and unity area) or a unit
The system exhibits a “derivative” action if b0 = 0 and an
step, the solution of the differential equation is simpler. The
“integral” action if a0 = 0.
output signals corresponding to such inputs are the impulse
In many practical processes the output responds with a
response or weighting function (denoted by w(t)) and the step
delay (also called dead time) to changes in the input signal.
response (denoted by v(t)), which are characteristic for the
In this case the time arguments on the right side of the differ-
system. In their knowledge, the output of the system can be
ential equation become (t − Td ) instead of (t), where Td > 0
calculated also for arbitrary input signals.
denotes the delay. Accordingly, a process formed by a pure
In a system of order n besides the input and the output
delay and a gain is simply represented by y(t) = Au(t − Td ).
signals n inner variables, the so-called state variables can be
The solution of the differential equation describes the
defined. State variables cannot change their values abruptly
behavior of the system, i.e., the time course of the output
when the input signal changes abruptly, it takes time to reach
signal as a response to a given input. The solution has to
their new values determined by the input signal. Their initial
fulfil n initial conditions prescribed for the output signal
values (the initial conditions) represent information on the
and its derivatives. The solution consists of two components,
past history of the effects of the input changes in the system.
namely, the general solution of the homogenous equation and
The state variables are denoted by xi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n ,
one particular solution of the inhomogeneous equation:
which are the components of the state vector x. Using the
state variables the system can be described by a state space
y(t) = yh (t) + yi (t)
model, in which, instead of a single differential equation
of order n a set of n differential equations of first order is
The solution of the homogenous equation is determined by
considered. Such models can be often derived from physical
the roots of the characteristic equation:
considerations. If an input-output model of the system is
known characterized by a single differential equation of order
an λn + an−1 λn−1 + · · · + a1 λ + a0 = 0
n, the state variables could be defined in different ways.
Generally they are combinations of higher-order derivatives
The general solution of the homogenous equation (the
of outputs and inputs.
transient response) in case of single roots has the following
The state equation in vector-matrix form is given as:

yh (t) = k1 eλ1 t + k2 eλ2 t + · · · + kn eλn t = ki eλi t ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + bu(t)
i=0 y(t) = cx(t) + du(t)
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 127

where A, b, c are the parameter matrices of dimensions may remain hidden when solving the differential equation
(nxn), (nx1), (1xn), respectively and d is scalar parameter. describing the input/output relationship (e.g., controllability, 6
For MIMO systems similar formalism is obtained for the observability, [2, 8]).
state equation with appropriate dimensions of the parameter
As an example let us suppose that the right side of the 6.5.2 Description in the Frequency Domain
differential equation is g(t) = b0 u(t), then the output signal
and its higher-order derivatives (up to n-1) can be chosen as If y(t) is a periodic signal, it can be expanded into its Fourier
state variables and the state equation can be obtained in the series, i.e., it can be decomposed as a sum of sinusoidal
following form: components [6]. Let us denote the time period of the signal
by T. Then the basic frequency is ω0 = 2π /T. The complex
ẋ1 = x2 form of the Fourier series is
ẋ2 = x3

. y(t) = cn ejnω0 t
ẋn = − aa0n x1 − a1
an 2
− ··· − an n
x + b0
u n=−∞

y = x1
where n is integer and coefficients cn can be calculated by the
In this case, the parameter matrices are: relationship

⎡ ⎤  T/2
··· 1
0 1 0 0 cn = y(t)e−j n ω0 t dt
⎢ 0 0 1 ··· 0 ⎥ T −T/2
⎢ ⎥
⎢ .. ⎥
A=⎢ . ⎥;
⎢ ⎥ cn is a complex number and cn = ĉ−n , where ĉ denotes
⎣ ⎦
complex-conjugate. The cn amplitudes assigned to the dis-
− a0 /an −a1 /an −a2 /an · · · −an−1 /an crete frequencies ω = nω0 compose the discrete amplitude
⎡ ⎤ spectrum of the periodic signal y(t). Generally, higher fre-
⎢ 0 ⎥ quency components appear with lower amplitude.
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ In practice the input of a system generally is not periodic.
b = ⎢ ... ⎥ ;
⎢ ⎥ If an aperiodic signal is absolute integrable, i.e.,
⎣ ⎦
b0 /an
|y(t)| dt = finite,
c = [1 0 0 · · · 0 ] ; d = 0. −∞

the continuous complex spectrum Y(jω) of the signal y(t), the

The above state equation is one possible representation,
so-called Fourier transform of signal y(t) can be introduced,
as any linear combination of the state variables provides
which is given by the following relationship:
new state variables, while the relation between the output
and the input remains unchanged. A set of state equations  ∞
with identical I/O properties can be obtained by the so-called Y(jω) = y(t)e−jωt dt = F {y(t)}
similarity transformations [1, 2, 8].
The solution of the state equation is obtained in the fol- and its inverse transform can be given as
lowing form:
t y(t) = Y(jω) ejωt dω
x(t) = e x(0) +
At A(t−τ )
e b u (τ ) dτ 2π −∞
which can be considered as extension of the Fourier series. It
The solution contains two parts, the free response, which is also called the Fourier integral.
is the effect of the initial conditions x(0), and the forced The first derivative of y(t) is
response, which is the effect of the input signal.
Solving a set of first-order differential equations is gen- dy(t) 1
erally simpler than solving the differential equation of order ẏ(t) = = jωY(jω) ejωt dω
dt 2π −∞
n. It gives information not only on the output signal, but also
on the inner variables. The state space form of a dynamical so the Fourier transform of the first derivative of the signal is
system also shows properties of the system which otherwise jωY(jω). Applying the Fourier transformation to a differential
128 I. Vajk et al.

u(t) = Au sin(wt + ju) y(t) = Ay sin(wt + jy) + ytransient

P (s)

Fig. 6.7 The frequency function

equation, an algebraic equation is obtained, whose solution is

much simpler than the solution of the differential equation. Im
If a linear system is excited by an input signal whose –f<w <0
Fourier spectrum is known, the superposition theorem can be
applied to calculate the complete system response. The out-
put signal of the system can be approximated by the sum of
the responses to the individual sinusoidal components of the
input signal. The more frequency components are considered,
the more accurate the approximation of the time function of
w =f w =0
the output signal will be. In case of periodic input signal j1
discrete frequencies should be taken into account, in case of Re
aperiodic signal the frequency spectrum is continuous, so the a1
system response to all frequencies should be considered.
The basic property of stable linear systems is that for
sinusoidal input signals they respond with sinusoidal output
signals of the same frequency as that of the input signal
after decaying of the transients (i.e., in steady-state). Both the 0<w <f
amplitude and the phase angle of the output signal depend on
the frequency (Fig. 6.7).
The input signal is Fig. 6.8 Nyquist diagram

u(t) = Au sin (ωt + ϕu ) = Im Au ej(ωt+ϕu ) ; t≥0

The output signal consists of a steady state and a transient The above form of the frequency response function can be
part. In stable case the transient part deceases when time plotted in the complex plane by a Nyquist diagram consisting
tends to infinity. of points according to magnitude a(ω) = Ay (ω)/Au and phase
angle ϕ(ω) = ϕy (ω) −ϕu (for −∞ < ω < ∞ for the entire
y(t) = ysteady (t) + ytransient (t) diagram or 0 < ω < ∞ for the simplified case). (The simplified
Nyquist diagram plots the frequency function on the complex
plane only for positive ω values. As a(−ω) = a(ω) and
The steady state response is obtained as
ϕ(−ω) = −ϕ(ω), for negative ω values the points of the
  curve are the reflected images of those corresponding to the
ysteady (t) = Ay (ω) sin ωt + ϕy (ω) positive values relating to the real axis.) Another way to
show the frequency response function is to simultaneously
= Im Ay (ω) ej(ωt+ϕy (ω))
plot the absolute value a(ω) and the phase value ϕ(ω) versus
the frequency in a given frequency range (Bode diagram).
The frequency function P(jω) is a complex function rep- For the Bode diagram, the frequency scale is logarithmic
resenting how the amplitude ratio of the output and the input in order to cover a wide frequency range and the absolute
signal and the phase difference between them change with value is given in decibels (Figs. 6.8 and 6.9). The Nyquist
the frequency. The frequency response function can be given diagrams show quality properties of the system. The Bode
as amplitude diagrams can easily be drawn approximately with
the asymptotes and some important quantitative data (e.g.,
Ay (ω) j(ϕy(ω)−ϕu ) gain, time constants) can immediately be read from the
P(jω) = e = a (ω) ejϕ(ω)
Au approximate diagram.
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 129

|P(jw)| Absolute
Phase 6
dB value

60 1000

|P( jw)| = a(w)

40 100

20 10
1 decade
0 1 w
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100

–20 0.1 –90°

j (w)
–40 0.01 –180°

Fig. 6.9 Bode diagram

6.5.3 Description in the Laplace Operator Tables of Laplace transforms of different signals are available
Domain in the literature [6, 7].
The Laplace transform of the derivative signals is
Laplace Transformation
Condition of absolute integrability means a severe limit to L {ẏ(t)} = sY(s) − y (−0)
the application of Fourier transformation. This condition is L {ÿ(t)} = s2 Y(s) − sy (−0) − ẏ (−0)
not fulfilled for a number of practically applied signals (e.g.,
unit step). The range of application of Fourier transformation If the initial conditions are zeros, the derivation means mul-
can be extended significantly if function y(t) gets modified to tiplication by the appropriate powers of variable s. Accord-
y(t)e−σ t , σ > 0. This modification ensures absolute integra- ingly, applying the Laplace transformation for a differential
bility for the modified function for a wide range of functions. equation, an algebraic equation is obtained.
The Laplace transform of one-sided functions starting at t = 0 The Laplace transform of integral of a signal is
 ∞  ∞
L {y(t)} = y(t) e−σ t −jωt
e dt = −st
y(t)e dt = Y(s) L y (τ ) dτ = Y(s)
−∞ 0 0 s

where s = σ + jω is a complex variable. The inverse Laplace Initial and final value theorem:
transform is
y (t = +0) = lim sY(s); y (t → ∞) = limsY(s)
 σ +j∞
s→∞ s→0
y(t) = L−1 {Y(s)} = Y(s)e dsst
2π j σ −j∞ Considering more rules of Laplace transformation [6, 7] are
For example, the Laplace transform of Dirac delta impulse,
of unit step, of ramp signal, of exponential signal, and of a The Transfer Function
signal shifted by delay are Let us apply the Laplace transformation to the differential
equation supposing zero initial conditions.
1 1
L {δ(t)} = 1; L {1(t)} = ; L {t1(t)} = 2 ;
s s an sn Y(s) + an−1
 s m Y(s) + · · · + m−1
a1 sY(s) + a0 Y(s) =
  1 = bm s U(s) + bm−1 s U(s) + . . .
L e−αt = ; L {y (t − Td )} = Y(s)e−sT d + b1 sU(s) + b0 U(s)) e−sT d
130 I. Vajk et al.

or The impulse response or weighting function and the step

response can be obtained as
bm sm + bm−1 sm−1 + b1 s + b0 −sT d
Y(s) = e U(s)  
an sn + an−1 sn−1 + · · · + a1 s + a0 P(s)
w(t) = L−1 {P(s)} ; v(t) = L−1
= P(s)U(s) s

The delay is considered by the term e−sT d . It can be shown that the analytical expression of the
The transfer function of a system is the ratio of the Laplace frequency function can be obtained from the transfer function
transforms by substituting s = jω. So

Y(s) P(jω) = P(s)|s=jω

P(s) =
The main characteristics of some important elements are
The transfer function can be given in different forms. shown in Table 6.1.
One form is the above polynomial/polynomial form. Cal-
culating the roots of the numerator (called zeros) and the
roots of the denominator (called poles) we get the zero-pole- 6.6 Description of SISO Discrete-Time
gain form of the transfer function. Note that the zeros and the Linear Systems
poles can be of real or complex-conjugate values. This form
is expressed as Sampled data, discrete time (DT) systems can also be an-
alyzed in the time, frequency, and operator domain. An
(s − z1 ) (s − z2 ) . . . (s − zm ) −sT d important question is, how their behavior is related to the be-
P(s) = k e
(s − p1 ) (s − p2 ) . . . (s − pn ) havior of the continuous time system, and how the knowledge
learned from CT systems can be used in digital controller
Sometimes the partial fractional representation is also useful.
For control applications in most cases the time constant form
is used. The terms with complex-conjugate poles can be de-
scribed as second order terms, e.g., (s−pA/T = 1+2ξ Ts+T
2 s2 ,
6.6.1 Description in the Time Domain
 1 )(s−p2 )

where p1,2 = − T ± j T 1 − ξ 2 , and ξ < 1. Here A is the gain

ξ 1

factor, T is the time constant and ξ is the damping factor. In the time domain instead of a differential equation a
Similar formulation can be given for complex-conjugate difference equation gives the relationship how the actual
zeros. output signal value depends on the actual and past input and
output samples.
1 + sτj 1 + 2ζj τ0j s + s2 τ0j2 As an example, a first order differential equation is dis-
A 1 1 −sT d cretized substituting the first derivative by the approximating
P(s) = f  e
si   difference
1 + sT j 1 + 2ξj T0j s + s2 T0j2
1 1
dy(t) y [(k + 1) Ts ] − y [kT s ]
A ≈ ; k = 0, 1, . . .
= i Pt (s) dt Ts
Ts denotes the sampling time.
Complex-conjugate poles mean oscillations in the transient
y [(k + 1) Ts ] − y [kT s ]
If i = 0, the system is proportional, if i > 0, the system a1 + a0 y [kT s ] = b0 u [kT s ]
contains integration effect, if i < 0, the system contains
differentiating effect. Pt (s) determines the transient response, hence
it does not influence the steady state.
b 0 Ts a 0 Ts
Pt (s)|s=0 = 1 y [(k + 1) Ts ] = u [kT s ] + 1 − y [kT s ]
a1 a1

The transfer function can also be obtained from the In this way a difference equation is obtained. The difference
Laplace transform of the state equation. equation provides a recursive formula to calculate the sub-
sequent output sample. The procedure shown above is one
P(s) = c(sI − A)−1 b + d possible way to discretize a CT system.
Table 6.1 Step responses and frequency characteristics of some important elements
Name, P(s) Step response v(t) Nyquist diagram Bode diagram
y(s) 1
Integrator =
u(s) sTI |P ( jw)|
1 10
1 20dB 10 TI TI w
0.1 _ 20dB
T I _ 20dB / dec
TI w=0
j (w ) w
j = _ 90°
Linear Control Theory for Automation

Delay element = Ae−sT d Im
u(s) |P( jw)|

A 20lgA
Td Re w
j (w) w
w = p / 2Td Td
_ 57. 3°

y(s) A
First order lag = Im
u(s) 1 + sT 1 v(t) |P( jw)|
Second, third order lags Re
(1 + sT 1 ) (1 + sT 2 ) . . . 1 2 1 1
3 1
T2 T3
1 _20dB / dec w
t T1 _ 40

Second order oscillating element ξ<1 Im
1 + 2ξ sT + s2 T 2 v(t)
x =0 |P( jw)|
x =0
x = 0.7 ζ

t w
x = 0.2

132 I. Vajk et al.

6.6.2 Description in the z – Operator Domain Some properties of z-transformation:

Linearity Z c1 f1 [k] + c2 f2 [k] = c1 F1 (z) + c2 F2 (z)
z-transforms of sampled signals
Shift theorem Z f [k − n] = z−n F(z)
A sampled signal is shown in Fig. 6.10. In physical sampling,
Initial and final value theorems
each sample has small time duration. In mathematical sam-
pling, these samples are substituted by Dirac delta impulses f [0] = lim F(z); lim f [k] = lim 1 − z−1 F(z)
with values proportional to the amplitudes of the samples. z→∞ k→∞ z→1

The sampled signal can be given in the following form:

z-transforms of some basic signals:
yd (t) = y(0)δ(t) + y(Ts ) δ(t − Ts ) + y(2Ts ) δ(t − 2Ts ) Unit pulse:
+ y (3Ts ) δ(t − 3Ts ) + . . .

∞ ∞

= y(kT s ) δ(t − kT s ) Z yd [k] = Y(z) = z−k yd [k] = 1 + z−k· 0 = 1
k=0 k=1

The sampled values of the signal in sampling points kTs are Unit step:
also denoted as yd [k].

The Laplace transform of the time series above is   1 z
Z yd [k] = Y(z) = z−k · 1 = =
1 − z−1 z−1
Yd (s) = y(0) + y(Ts ) e−sT s + y(2Ts ) e−2sT s
Exponential function y(t) = e−a t :
+y(3Ts ) e−3sT s + . . .

Introducing the notation Z yd [k] = Y(z) = z−k yd [k] = 1 + e−aT s z−1
z = esTs 1 z
+ e−2aT s z−2 + · · · = =
1− e−aT s z−1 z − e−aT s
the z-transform of a sampled signal yd (t) is defined as
z-transforms of several signals are given in tables [6, 9, 11,

Z yd [k] = Y(z) = z−k yd [k]
The inverse z-transform can be calculated with the follow-
ing formula:
= yd [0] + z−1 yd [1] + z−2 yd [2] + . . . 
−1 1
yd [k] = Z {Y(z)} = Y(z)zk−1 dz
where z−1 plays the role of a one-step shift operator. 2π j
In addition, expression z = esTs realizes a conform map-
ping between the complex plane s and the complex plane z. Besides, to find yd [k] from Y(z) practical methods, like de-
Particularly, the imaginary axis of the s plane is mapped into composition via partial fraction expansion or polynomial
the unit circle in the z plane and the left side of the s plane is division exist. If Y(z) is given and it is expressed with partial
mapped into the inside of the z plane. fractions whose inverse is known, then the values of the
signal in the sampling points can be calculated by adding
the sampled values of the individual partial terms. The other
method is polynomial division. Dividing the numerator of
yd Y(z) by its denominator, the z-transform is obtained in terms
of the shift operator z−1 , providing the values of the signal in
the sampling points.

The Pulse Transfer Function

In practice CT processes are to be controlled by DT con-
trollers. DT controllers deliver DT control signals and those
signals need to be converted to CT before driving the CT
process. Let us consider a system excited by the samples of
0 Ts 2Ts 3Ts t
a DT input signal, and apply a zero order holding (ZOH) to
feed the CT process. Finally, the output of the CT process is
Fig. 6.10 Sampled signal sampled (Fig. 6.11).
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 133

u[k] D /A u(t) y(t) y[k] U(z) Y(z) Y(z) 6

P(s) { G(z) =
U(z) ZOH U(s) Y(s) Y(z) U(z)

Fig. 6.11 The pulse transfer function

In the literature [9, 12] tables of the pulse transfer func-

d (t) 1 tions of the most important elements are given. Observe that
Zero order
the Td > 0 delay considered for CT systems is a real number,
t t
while the delay considered for DT systems is an integer
variable, d = 0, 1, 2, . . . according to d = entier(Td /Ts ).
Another system description in the time domain is the
Fig. 6.12 Zero order hold discrete-time state equation, which can be derived from the
solution of the CT state equation, supposing that the initial
point of the integration is kTs and the final point is (k + 1)Ts
The pulse (also called impulse) transfer function is defined
(denoted simply as points k and k + 1). The input signal
as the ratio of the z-transforms of the output and the input
between these points is supposed to be constant. Note that
signal, respectively.
this is the way here to realize the ZOH. The DT state equation
  is given as
Z y [k ] y(z)
G(z) =  =
Z u [k] u(z) x [k + 1] = Fx [k] + gu [k]

If the step response v(t) of the continuous system is known,

the pulse transfer function can be calculated by the following y [k] = cx [k] + du [k]
  where F = eATs and g = 0 s eAλ dλb.
Z v [k ]    
G(z) = z = 1 − z−1 Z v [k] If matrix A is invertible then g can be evaluated as
g = A−1 eATs − I b
The response of the zero order holding element to a Dirac
delta impulse is shown in Fig. 6.12. .
The transfer function of the zero order hold is 6.6.3 Description in the Frequency Domain
s2 Ts2
1−e −sT s 1 − 1 − sT s + 2
− · · · The frequency response associated to discrete time signals
Wzoh (s) = ≈
s s is obtained by substituting z = ejωTs in the pulse transfer
  function G(z). So
≈ Ts 1 − + · · · ≈ Ts e−sT s /2
G∗ (jω) = G(z)|z=ejωTs
This means that sampling and zero order holding inserts
As discussed earlier, sampling and holding add an extra
approximately a CT delay of Ts /2 into the loop.
CT delay to the loop. Observe this notion considering the
If the pulse transfer function of a system and the
frequency function of a sampled integrator.
z-transform of its input signal are both given, the z-transform

of the output signal is calculated as ∗ Ts  Ts
G (jω) = = jωT
z − 1 z=ejωTs e s −1
y(z) = G(z)u(z)
(jωTs )2 (jωTs )3
and by inverse z-transformation the output signal can be cal- 1 + jωTs + 2
+ 3!
+ ··· − 1
culated in the sampling points. Also, using the shift operator
the relationship can be transformed into a difference equation In the low frequency range, for ω < 1/Ts , the higher degree
providing a recursive equation to calculate the output signal. terms in the denominator can be neglected, and their effect
Transfer functions and pulse transfer functions of some can be considered with the extra CT delay. So in the low
systems are given in Table 6.2. frequency domain
134 I. Vajk et al.

Table 6.2 Transfer functions and the corresponding pulse transfer functions
Name of the element Transfer function P(s) Pulse transfer function G(z)
1 Ts
s z−1
A 1 − e−Ts /T1
First order lag element A
1 + sT 1 z − e−Ts /T1
A z+σ
Second order lag element k  ; k, σ < 1 constants
(1 + sT 1 ) (1 + sT 2 ) z − e−Ts /T1 z − e−Ts /T2
A (z + σ1 ) (z + σ2 )
Third order lag element k   ; σ1 <
(1 + sT 1 ) (1 + sT 2 ) (1 + sT 3 ) z − e−Ts /T1 z − e−Ts /T2 z − e−Ts /T3
1, σ2 > 1
Delay e−sT d z−d , where d = entier(Td /Ts ) is DT delay (0, 1, 2, . . . )

1 −jωTs /2
G∗ (jω) ≈ e
jω U(s) E(s) Y(s) U(s) H1 Y(s)
H1(s) {
+ r 1rH1H2
This approximation can be taken into account for other
elements as well. So in the low frequency domain the contin- H2(s)
uous and discrete frequency functions differ only in the effect
of the extra delay. The amplitudes for given frequencies are
the same, while the phase angle of the discrete function dif- Fig. 6.13 Feedback connection
fers from the continuous one by −ωTs /2 radians, at ω = 1/Ts
by 0.5 radian. The inputs are the reference signal, the input and output
disturbances, and the sensor noise. System responses are
the output of the plant, the error signal, and the control
6.7 Resulting Transfer Functions (manipulated) signal. For linear systems the relationships
of Closed Loop Control Systems between the outputs and the inputs can be calculated using
the superposition theorem, considering the sum of the effects
In a complex system several elements (blocks) are connected. of the individual inputs to the outputs.
In series connection the output of the first element serves
F(s)L(s) 1
as the input of the second one. The resulting transfer func- y(s) = r(s) + ydo (s)
tion is obtained by multiplying the transfer functions of the 1 + L(s) 1 + L(s)
individual blocks. In parallel connection the inputs of the P(s) L(s)
+ ydi (s) − yn (s)
subsystems are identical, and the output signals are added. 1 + L(s) 1 + L(s)
The resulting transfer function is the sum of the transfer
functions of the individual blocks. The block diagram of
a CT feedback system is shown in Fig. 6.13. The transfer F(s) 1
e(s) = r(s) − ydo (s)
functions of the individual elements are denoted by H(s). The 1 + L(s) 1 + L(s)
relationship between the Laplace transforms of the signals in P(s) 1
case of negative feedback is − ydi (s) − yn (s)
1 + L(s) 1 + L(s)
Y(s) = H1 (s)E(s) = H1 (s) (U(s) − H2 (s)Y(s))
F(s)C(s) C(s)
and the resulting transfer function is u(s) = r(s) − ydo (s)
1 + L(s) 1 + L(s)
Y(s) H1 (s) L(s) C(s)
T(s) = = − ydi (s) − yn (s)
U(s) 1 + H1 (s)H2 (s) 1 + L(s) 1 + L(s)

If the inputs are known deterministic signals, the Laplace

Let us calculate the resulting (also called overall) transfer transforms of the output signals can be calculated and the
functions in a control system given by the block diagram in inverse Laplace transforms give the time response of the
Fig. 6.4. (The process P and the controller C can be built of output signals. Then it can be evaluated whether the output
serial or parallel blocks as well.) The loop transfer function signals meet the quality specifications. Nevertheless, for
is defined as L(s) = C(s)P(s). stable systems a quick evaluation can be done by calculating
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 135

only the final, steady state values of the signals using the final energy property for the system. If this function is positive and
value theorem of Laplace transformation, and estimating the its derivative is negative, the system is asymptotically stable. 6
main properties of the transient response (overshoot, settling This method provides sufficient condition for stability (also
time) using mainly frequency domain considerations. If the for nonlinear systems).
control system does not fulfil the requirements, the controller For linear systems stability can be determined analyzing
has to be redesigned. the roots of the characteristic equation.
Similar relationships hold for discrete systems as well The denominator of all the resulting transfer functions is
using the z – transforms of the signals and the pulse transfer 1 + L(s). The characteristic equation is obtained as
functions of the systems, assuming sample and hold elements
completing the functional blocks. 1 + L(s) = 0

Let us consider first a control system where the system to be

controlled does not contain delay. In this case stability can be
6.8 Stability checked based on the roots of the characteristic equation.
The transients are decreasing, i.e., the system is asymptot-
Once a system is moved out of an equilibrium state and ically stable, if the roots of the characteristic equation lie on
after left uninfluenced it returns to the equilibrium state, the the left hand side of the complex plane. The transient solution
system is stable. In case of linear systems stability depends n
is obtained by relationship yh (t) = ki eλi t , where λi are
only on the system structure and parameters, but does not i=0
depend on the input signals. the roots of the characteristic equation. Having negative real
Stability can be formulated in different ways. The system roots, the transients are aperiodic. If the roots are complex-
is said asymptotically stable if for any initial values close to conjugate with negative real parts, oscillations with decreas-
the equilibrium point the solution converges to the equilib- ing amplitudes characterize the transient response. If there
rium point. This means that for a system described by state is a root in the origin, the output for a step input is linearly
equation ẋ = f (x) the equilibrium point xe is asymptotically increasing (integrating effect). Roots on the imaginary axis
stable if lim (x(t)−xe ) = 0 for any x(0) initial conditions. mean undamped, steady oscillations. Roots with positive real
Bounded-Input-Bounded-Output (BIBO) stability means that part cause unstable behavior (Fig. 6.14).
the system responds to any bounded input signal with a For discrete systems, the characteristic equation is given
bounded output signal, starting from any initial condition. A in the z operator domain as
closed loop control system fulfills the requirement of internal
1 + L(z) = 0
stability if all of its output signals (y, e, and u) respond in
a stable way to any input signal (r, ydo , ydi , yn ). Lyapunov and the control system is stable if the roots lie inside the unit
stability investigation suggests to define a scalar function of circle.

Im s

t t

t t t
Re s

Fig. 6.14 Roots of the characteristic equation determine the transient response
136 I. Vajk et al.

If the system does not contain delay, the characteristic

equation is an algebraic equation. The roots can be calcu- Im
lated analytically only till 4th degree (Galois theorem). For
higher degrees, numerical methods can be applied. Several
procedures have been elaborated to determine stability with-
out solving the characteristic equation. These methods are
referred to as stability criteria. If there is no delay, based on
the relationships between the roots and the coefficients of the w f K1 K2
1 w f w 0 Re
algebraic equation stability can be checked using, e.g., the
Routh scheme or the Hurwitz determinant [2]. These methods
give algorithms to determine whether all the roots lie on the
left side of the complex plane. Stable
The root locus method maps the location of the roots as
a parameter (generally the loop gain) changes between zero
and infinity [2, 4]. The method can be applied if there is
no delay in the process. Thus not only the limit of stability
(the critical value of the parameter, where the root locus Fig. 6.15 Nyquist stability criterion
crosses the imaginary axis), but also a picture of the nature
of transient responses for different gains can be obtained.
The Nyquist stability criterion evaluates stability from Im
frequency domain considerations. It can be used also for
systems with delay. A key point here is that the stability of
the closed loop is evaluated from the Nyquist diagram of the w c2 1
j t2 < 0
open loop. The simple Nyquist stability criterion can be used K1 K2
if the open loop is stable. Let us draw the complete Nyquist Re
diagram of the open loop L(jω) (− ∞ < ω < ∞). If the j t1 > 0 w c1
Nyquist diagram does not encircle point −1 + j0, the closed
loop is stable. If it crosses point −1 + j0, the closed loop is at
the stability limit. If the Nyquist diagram encircles the point
−1 + j0, the closed loop system is unstable (Fig. 6.15).
A practical measure of the distance from instability is the
phase margin (Fig. 6.16). Consider the Nyquist diagram plot-
ted for positive frequencies. The frequency at its intersection
point with the unit circle is the cut-off frequency (denoted by Fig. 6.16 Phase margin
ωc ). The angle formed by the line by connecting the origin
with this point and the negative real axis is called phase
margin (denoted by ϕt ). the open loop. If there is a delay in the loop, the ωc < 1/Td
condition should also be met. Note that with ωc < 1/2Td the
ϕt = ϕ (ωc ) + 180◦ phase margin will be approximately 60◦ [2].
Nyquist stability criterion can be extended for unstable
open loop systems (generalized Nyquist stability criterion,
If ϕt > 0, the (closed loop) system is stable, if ϕt = 0, see [1, 2]).
the system is at the boundary of stability, if ϕt < 0, the
system is unstable. Another measure is the gain margin,
which relates to the absolute value at the intersection point of 6.9 Static and Dynamic Response
the Nyquist diagram with the negative real axis. For stability,
this value should be less than 1. These measures can also A control system should follow the reference signal and
be read from the Bode diagrams. Generally these stability should reject the effect of the disturbances. Because of the
measures can be used in cases when one intersection point dynamics of the system (time constants, delay) the required
exists. (In case of multiple intersection points they can be behavior does not happen immediately after the appearance
used with due care.) If no delay is involved, the control of the input excitation. The signals in the control system
system is stable, if ωc is located on the straight line asymptote (the output signal, the control signal, the error signal) reach
of slope −20 dB/decade of the Bode amplitude diagram of their steady state, static values through a transient (dynamic)
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 137

Table 6.3 Steady state error 6.10 Controller Design

Type number i=0 i=1 i=2 6
r(t): unit step 1/(1 + k) 0 0 The behavior of a control system should meet quality speci-
r(t): unit ramp ∞ 1/k 0 fications, formulated in the time or in the frequency domain.
r(t): quadratic signal ∞ ∞ 1/k With appropriate controller design the required behavior can
be reached or can well be approximated. Figure 6.17 shows
the required loop shape of the approximate Bode amplitude
response. Both the static and the transient response should diagram of the open loop [2].
meet prescribed requirements. The slope of the diagram in the low frequencies indi-
The static accuracy, i.e., the steady state error in case of cates the number of integrators (0 slope: no integrators,
a given reference signal or disturbance can be calculated −20 dB/decade: one integrator, −40 dB/decade: two inte-
based on the resulting transfer functions, using the final grators) which determine the static accuracy. The cut-off
value theorem. Namely, the steady state error depends on the frequency is related to the settling time. For stability, ωc has
number of integrators in the open loop. The number of the to be located at a straight line of slope −20 dB/decade. Phase
integrators is called also type number. The transfer function margin around 60◦ generally would ensure calm transient
of the open loop is settling process without significant overshoot. Delay in the
loop restricts the value of the cut-off frequency. Besides
L(s) = Lt (s) locating it at a straight line of slope −20 dB/decade, for
si reaching the required phase margin, ωc < 1/2Td should be
where k is the gain, i means the number of integrators (i = 0, ensured. Therefore control of systems involving delay will be
1 or 2) in the loop, and Lt (s)|s = 0 = 1 contains the time delays slow. A controller can be designed in the frequency domain
which influence the transient response. From the overall in achieving appropriate “loop-shaping.”
transfer function related to the error signal, supposing F = 1 In DT systems, the frequency function is similar to the
(see Fig. 6.4) continuous one in the low frequency domain, when ω < 1/Ts .

1 si
lim e(t) = lim s r(s) = lim s r(s)
t→∞ s→0 1 + ski Lt (s) s→0 si + k Lt (s) 6.10.1 Continuous PID Controller Design

Table 6.3 gives the steady error for type number i = 0,1, The most widely used controllers in the industry are PID
2 and unit step, ramp, and parabolic reference signal. With controllers, which contain parallel connected proportional,
more integrators and with higher loop gain k the static accu- integrating, and differentiating effects [13–16].
racy gets better. But static accuracy and stability are conflict- The transfer function of the controller is
ing demands. With i > 2 generally stability cannot be ensured.  
The properties of the dynamic (transient) response can be C(s) = kc 1 + + sT D
characterized, e.g., by the overshoot of the step response and
the settling time. The overshoot is defined as However, the ideal differentiating effect cannot be real-
vmax − vsteady ized. Differentiation should appear together with a time lag.
σ = 100%,
vsteady The practical algorithm is given as

where v denotes the step response. The settling time ts is  

1 sTD 1 + sT I 1 + sT D
defined as the time when the step response reaches its steady C(s) = kc 1+ + ≈ kc
sTI 1 + sT sTI 1 + sT
value within 3–5% accuracy. In the frequency domain, the
settling time is related to the cut-off frequency (determined
where the approximation can be accepted if TI TD T.
from the frequency function of the open loop), it can be
Along a practical interpretation of the PID controller, the
approximated as [2]
proportional part reflects to the actual value of the error, the
3 10 integrating part reflects to the past course of the error, while
< ts < the differentiating part shows some prediction of the error.
ωc ωc
With these effects for a given model of the system generally
With higher value of the cut-off frequency, the control system the quality specifications can be reached. P controller uses
becomes faster on the price of larger control signal values. only the proportional part of the controller algorithm. PI
The overshoot relates to the phase margin. A practical guide- controller applies the P and I effects. PD controller uses the
line is: if ϕt ≈ 60◦ , the overshoot is less than 10%. P and D parts only.
138 I. Vajk et al.

By introducing an integrator in the control circuit, the should be designed. First its structure (P, PI, PD or PID) have
static accuracy is improved. Using a differentiating effect to be chosen, then its parameters have to be determined to
will accelerate the response of the system to the input signal shape appropriately the Bode diagram of the control loop.
on the price of higher values in the control signal. Param- A number of techniques exist to design controllers. A very
eter kc and the ratio of the time constants TD /T determine useful method is the pole cancellation, which means that the
the overexcitation (the ratio of the initial and final val- unfavorable pole of the system is cancelled by a zero of the
ues of the step response of the controller). The maximum controller and a favorable pole is introduced instead. With
value of the control signal is restricted due to the technical PI controller, for instance, the largest time constant of the
realization. system is cancelled and an integrating effect is introduced
To realize CT PID controllers, analog operational ampli- instead, ensuring good reference signal tracking properties.
fiers are used. Table 6.4 shows the step responses and the The gain of the controller is to be chosen to ensure the
approximate Bode diagrams of various controllers discussed appropriate phase margin (about 60◦ ). It has to be emphasized
above. that it is never allowed to cancel unstable system poles. The
If the Bode diagram of the open loop system supposing maximum value of the control signal remains to be checked
a unity controller (C(s) = 1) does not fulfil the quality in order to comply with the technical limits. Typically, the
specifications shown in Fig. 6.17, a more involved controller design turns out to be an iterative process.

Table 6.4 Step responses and Bode diagrams of PID controllers

Controller transfer function and its effect Step response and Bode diagram
PI controller CPI (s) = kc 1 +
sTI |C( jw )| kc = 1
_ 20dB / decade
Increases static accuracy
v(t) TI

kc j

PD controller CPD (s) = kc 1 + |C( jw)|
1 + sT B
v(t) 0d
Accelerates the control behavior. Overexcitation in the +2
kc τ
control signal TI
1 1 w
τ TI
TI kc

PID controller 
1 sTD 1 + sT I 1 + sT D
CPID (s) = kc 1 + + ≈ kc
sTI 1 + sT sTI 1 + sT |C( jw )| kc = 1
Increases static accuracy and accelerates the control


T ⎭

behavior. Overexcitation

kc ⎧1 D




⎭ TI 1 1 1 w
kc j
t +90°
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 139

| L( jw) | 6

| C( jw)P( jw) |

Should be high to
w1 wc speed up the w noise w
Bode diagram should –20dB/decade
be over the constraint
providing good
tracking, disturbance
jt > 60°
rejection and low
A good choice for
parameter sensitivity
stability and nice
transient response

Bode diagram
should be below
the constraint to
decrease the noise

Fig. 6.17 Required shape of the asymptotic Bode amplitude diagram of the open loop

As an example, consider controller design in case of a An important practical problem shows up by the possible
system containing two lags and delay. The transfer function saturation of the controller, when the output of the integrating
of the process is part of the controller could “run away” too far so it should be
restricted to comply with the technical limits. This problem
1 has to be handled (anti-reset windup, [1, 14]).
P(s) = e−5s .
(1 + 5s) (1 + 10s)

A PID controller is designed ensuring pole cancellation and 6.10.2 Discrete Time PID Controller Design
approximately 60◦ for the phase margin.
In sampled data (discrete time) DT control systems the re-
(1 + 10s) (1 + 5s) quirements set for a control system are the same as in the
C(s) = .
10s (1 + s) case of continuous systems. The main differences are that in
case of sampled data systems the information on the output
Figure 6.18 shows the step response of the output and the signal is available only at the sampling points, and the input
control signal of the control system and the Bode diagram of signal is held constant for a sampling period, as a continuous
the open loop. control signal is required at the input of the system. It was
In case of significant delay the control system with PID- seen that sampling and holding introduces an extra delay of
like controller will be slow, as for stability and appropriate value about the half of the sampling time. The discrete and the
dynamic performance the cut-off frequency (ωc ) is restricted, continuous loop frequency functions approximate each other
its value has to be less than 1/2Td , namely, the delay itself till ω = 1/Ts . In the frequency domain this low frequency
reduces the phase margin by −ωc Td . range is of interest, as the cut-off frequency in the discrete
In practice, several experimental controller tuning system cannot go beyond the value of
methods are used based on the model of the system (in
most cases the model is considered as a lag element with 1
delay established by measurements). We refer here to ωc =  Ts 
2 2
+ Td
the Ziegler-Nichols rules, Chien-Hrones-Reswick method,
Strejc method, Åström relay method, Åström-Hägglund in order to ensure the appropriate phase margin. The con-
method [14, 15]. troller is realized by a real time recursive algorithm, which
140 I. Vajk et al.

Bode diagram
Gm = 8.68 dB (at 0.263 rad/s),
Pm = 55.8 deg (at 0.0995 rad/s)
1.5 20

Magnitude (dB)
1 10
0 –20
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
6 0

4 –180

Phase (deg)
2 –360

0 –540
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
10–2 10–1 100
t (sec) Frequency (rad/s)

Fig. 6.18 PID controller design for a system with two lags and delay

Table 6.5 Discrete PID controllers

Pulse transfer function of the controller Difference equation
CP (z) = kc
z − e−Ts /T1
CPI (z) = kc u[k] = kc e[k] − kc exp (−Ts /T1 )e[k − 1] + u[k − 1]
z − e−Ts /T2 u [k] = kc e [k] − kc exp (−Ts /T2 ) e [k − 1]
CPD (z) = kc
z − e−Ts /(T2 /n) + exp (−Ts / (T2 /n)) u [k − 1]
z − e−Ts /T2
CPDid (z) = kc u[k] = kc e[k] − kc exp (−Ts /T2 )e[k − 1]
−Ts /T1 z−e−Ts /T2 u [k] = kc e [k] − kc (exp (−Ts /T1 ) + exp (−Ts /T2 )) e [k − 1] +
CPID (z) = kc z−ez−1 z
kc (exp (−Ts /T1 ) exp (−Ts /T2 )) e [k − 2] + u [k − 1]

runs in every sampling period and forwards the actual calcu- With PID controller both effects are utilized. The gain of
lated control value toward the process. Different approaches the controller is determined to ensure the required phase
exist for discrete controller design [9, 11, 12]. margin. This would ensure approximately the decreased cut-
One DT design method is to start with designing a con- off frequency given above. The pulse transfer functions of the
tinuous controller considering the extra delay, and then cal- PID controllers and their corresponding difference equations
culating its discretized form. A second method is the design providing a real time algorithm are given in Table 6.5.
of discrete controller considering the pulse transfer function As an example, design discrete time PID control for the
of the process, ensuring a prescribed resulting pulse transfer process with two time lags and a delay, considered also in
function of the closed loop control system. the continuous control case. The sampling time is chosen
A third method is the design of a discrete PID con- as Ts = 2.5sec. The pulse transfer function of the process is
troller based on frequency domain considerations of the
sampled system. This method is discussed here. According 0.048929 (z + 0.7788) −2
G(z) = z .
to Table 6.2 determine the pulse transfer function of the (z − 0.7788) (z − 0.6065)
process. Pole cancellation technique can be applied in the
z-domain. In case of lag elements with PI controller the The pulse transfer function of the PID controller using pole
pole corresponding to the largest time constant is cancelled cancellation technique is
and integrating effect is introduced instead. With PD effect
(which in discrete case can be ideal, as it is realizable) (z − 0.7788) (z − 0.6065)
C(z) = kc .
instead of a large time constant a smaller one can be realized. (z − 1) z
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 141

output vector. Then the transfer function matrix contains all

1.5 possible transfer functions between any of the inputs and any 6
of the outputs
y ⎡ ⎤
0.5 y1 (s)
⎢ .. ⎥
⎢ . ⎥
0 y(s) = ⎢ ⎥ = G(s)u(s)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ⎣ yny −1 (s) ⎦
yny (s)
⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
2 G1,1 (s) G1,2 (s) . . . G1,nu (s) u1 (s)
⎢ .. .. .. .. ⎥⎢ .. ⎥
u 1.5 ⎢ . . . . ⎥⎢ . ⎥
=⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥,
1 ⎣ Gny −1,1 (s) Gny −1,2 (s) . . . Gny −1,nu (s) ⎦ ⎣ unu −1 (s) ⎦
Gny ,1 (s) Gny ,2 (s) . . . Gny ,nu (s) unu (s)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
t (sec) where s is the Laplace operator and Gk, (s) denotes the
transfer function from the th component of the input u to the
kth component of the output y. The transfer function approach
Fig. 6.19 Control and output signals in a sampled data control system
has always been an emphasized modeling tool for control
practice. One of the reasons is that the Gk, (s) transfer func-
The gain of the controller is chosen to ensure a phase margin
tions deliver the magnitude and phase frequency functions
of about 60◦ , kc ≈ 2.2. The simulation result in Fig. 6.19
via a formal substitution of Gk, (s)s=jω = Ak, (ω) ejϕk, (ω) .
shows the step responses of the output and the control signal.
Note that for real physical processes lim Ak, (ω) = 0. The
Analysis and design of control systems and simulation transfer function matrix G(s) is stable if each of its elements
of the results is supported by software systems. MAT- is a stable transfer function. Also, the transfer function matrix
LAB/SIMULINK program can be effectively used in G(s) will be called proper if each of its elements is a proper
analysis and design of control systems. transfer function.
Besides PID controllers, advanced control methods are
gaining more and more interest and practical acceptance. Es-
pecially in discrete control several other methods can be used 6.11.2 State-Space Models
and realized by computer programs. For example, predictive
control, Youla parameterization, Smith predictor, internal Introducing nx state variables arranged to an x ∈ Rnx state
model control provide methods ensuring faster behavior in vector, the state-space model of a MIMO system is given by
case of systems containing big delay, better disturbance re- the following equations:
jection and robust performance. Control methods based on
state space models provide optimal control by state feedback. ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t)
In this case not only the output signal, but also all the state
variables (or if not measurable, their estimated values) are fed
back ensuring the required control performance. y(t) = Cx(t) + Du(t),

where A ∈ Rnx ×nx , B ∈ Rnx ×nu , C ∈ Rny ×nx and D ∈ Rny ×nu
6.11 Responses of MIMO Systems are the system parameters [18, 19].
and “Abilities” The various “abilities” such as controllability, observ-
ability, reachability, constructability, stabilizability, and de-
In this Section, continuous-time linear systems with multiple tectability are important features of the system [10, 20].
inputs and multiple outputs (MIMO systems) will be con- Roughly speaking, controllability is the system ability to
sidered. As far as the mathematical models are concerned, reach any state whatever we want with appropriate system
transfer functions, state-space models and matrix fraction input in finite time, assuming arbitrary initial state. Observ-
descriptions will be used [17]. ability is the ability to determine the internal system behavior
using observations, i.e., the ability to determine internal
6.11.1 Transfer Function Models system states from external input and the output observations.
Let see these terms more precisely. A system is controllable
Consider a linear process with nu control inputs arranged to if there exists input that moves the state from an arbitrary
a u ∈ Rnu input vector and ny outputs arranged to a y ∈ Rny x(t0 ) to the origin in finite time. A system is reachable if
142 I. Vajk et al.

there exists input that moves the state from the origin to an x̂˙ = Ax̂ + Bu + L y − ŷ
arbitrary state x(tf ) in finite time. A system is observable if
the initial state x(t0 ) of the system can be determined from the
inputs and outputs observed in the time interval t0 ≤ t ≤ tf . ŷ = Cx̂ + Du
A system is constructable if the present state of the system
x(tf ) can be determined from the present and past inputs and {A, C} is detectable if there exists L such that A–LC has all
outputs observed in the interval t0 ≤ t ≤ tf . eigenvalues with negative real part. In this case the error x− x̂
Using the above-defined abilities a linear time-invariant goes to zero.
system can be decomposed into observable and reachable State feedback and state observer exhibit dual proper-
subsystems. A system may have reachable and observable ties and share some common structural features. Comparing
(xro ), reachable and unobservable (xro ), unreachable and ob- Fig. 6.20a, b it is seen that the structure of the state feedback
servable (xro ), and unreachable and unobservable (xro ) states. control and that of the full order observer resemble each
Applying this state separation, the state space description other in a large extent. The output signal, as well as the L
can be transformed into the so-called Kalman decomposition and C matrices in the observer play identical role as the
form as follows: control signal, as well as the B and K matrices do in the
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
ẋro Aro Aro,ro Aro,ro Aro,ro xro Bro state feedback control. The parameters in matrix L and the
⎢ ẋro ⎥ ⎢ 0 Aro 0 Aro,ro ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ parameters in matrix K are to be freely adjusted for the
⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥ ⎢ xro ⎥ + ⎢ Bro ⎥ u
⎣ ẋro ⎦ ⎣ 0 0 Aco Aro,ro ⎦ ⎣ xro ⎦ ⎣ 0 ⎦ observer and for the state feedback control, respectively. In
ẋro 0 0 0 Aro xro 0 a sense, calculating the controller and observer feedback
gain matrices represent dual problems. In this case duality
means that any of the structures shown in Fig. 6.20a, b
⎡ ⎤
xro can be turned to its dual form by reversing the direction of
  ⎢ xro ⎥ the signal propagation, interchanging the input and output
y = 0 Cro 0 Cro ⎢ ⎥
⎣ xro ⎦ + Du signals (u ↔ y) and transforming the summation points to
xro signal nodes and vice versa.
Finally, let us see the relation between the transfer function
If all components of the state variable are measured, the and the state-space descriptions. Using the Laplace trans-
eigenvalues of A, i.e., the poles of the system can be changed forms in the state-space model equations the relation between
by state feedback. Using linear feedback the state-space model and the transfer function matrix can
easily be derived as
u = −Kx + Ur
G(s) = C(sI − A)−1 B + D.
the closed loop system is given by

ẋ = (A − BK) x + Br As far as the above relation is concerned the condition of

lim Ak, (ω) = 0 raised for real physical processes leads
{A, B} is stabilizable if there exists K such that the A– BK to D = 0. Note that the G(s) transfer function contains only
has all eigenvalues with negative real part. If not all states are the controllable and observable subsystem represented by the
measured the states can be estimated by an observer: state-space model {A, B, C, D}.

y u
a) b)

ur u x y x̂ ŷ
B ³ dt K L ³ dt C


Fig. 6.20 (a, b) Duality of state control and state estimation

6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 143

6.11.3 Matrix Fraction Description YR (s) = K(sI − A + BK)−1 L

Transfer functions can be factorized in several ways. As
matrices, in general, do not commute, the MFD (Matrix XR (s) = I + C(sI − A + BK)−1 L
Fraction Description) form exits as a result of right and left
factorization, respectively [10, 21, 22]:
YL (s) = K(sI − A + LC)−1 L
G(s) = BR (s)A−1 −1
R (s) = AL (s)BL (s),

where AR (s), BR (s), AL (s) and BL (s) are all stable transfer XL (s) = I + K(sI − A + LC)−1 B.
function matrices. In [10] it is shown that the right and left
MFDs can be related to stabilizable and detectable state- Note that the Bezout identity plays an important role in
space models, respectively. To outline the procedure con- control design. A good review on that can be found in [17].
sider first the Right Matrix Fraction Description (RMFD) Also note that an MFD factorization can be accomplished by
G(s) = BR (s)A−1R (s). For the sake of simplicity, the practical using the Smith-McMillan form of G(s) [17]. As a result of
case by D = 0 will be considered. Assuming that {A, B} is this procedure, however, AR (s), BR (s), AL (s), and BL (s) will
stabilizable, apply a state feedback to stabilize the closed- be polynomial matrices. Moreover, both AR (s) and AL (s) will
loop system using a gain matrix K ∈ Rnu ×nx : be diagonal matrices. MFD description will be used in Sect.
6.12 for stability analysis and controller synthesis.
u(t) = −Kx(t),

then the RMFD components can be derived in a straightfor- 6.12 Feedback System – Stability Issue
ward way as
In general, a feedback control system follows the structure
BR (s) = C(sI − A + BK) B shown in Fig. 6.21, where the control configuration consists
of two subsystems. In this general set-up any of the sub-
systems S1 (s) or S2 (s) may play the role of the process or
AR (s) = I − K(sI − A + BK)−1 B. the controller [4]. Here {u1 , u2 } and {y1 , y2 } are multivariable
external input and output signals in general sense, respec-
tively. Further on S1 (s) and S2 (s) represent transfer function
It can be shown that G(s) = BR (s)A−1 R (s) will not be a matrices according to
function of the stabilizing gain matrix K, however, the proof
is rather involved [10]. Also, following the above procedure
y1 (s) = S1 (s) [u1 (s) + y2 (s)] y2 (s) = S2 (s) [u2 (s) + y1 (s)] .
both BR (s) and AR (s) will be stable transfer function matrices.
In a similar way, assuming that {A, C} is detectable apply
a state observer to detect the closed-loop system using a gain
Being restricted to linear systems, the closed-loop system
matrix L. Then the LMFD components can be obtained as
is internally stable if and only if all the four entries of the
transfer function matrix
BL (s) = C(sI − A + LC)−1 B
AL (s) = I − C(sI − A + LC)−1 L  
H11 (s) H12 (s)
H21 (s) H22 (s)
being stable transfer function matrices. Again, G(s) =
L (s)BL (s) will be independent of L.
Concerning the coprime factorization, an important rela-
tion, the Bezout identity will be used, which holds for the u1 e1 y1
components of the RMFD and LMFD coprime factorization: S1 (s)

XL (s) YL (s) AR (s) −YR (s)
− BL (s) AL (s) BR (s) XR (s) y2 e2 u2
    S2 (s)
AR (s) −YR (s) XL (s) YL (s)
= I,
BR (s) XR (s) − BL (s) AL (s)

where Fig. 6.21 A general feedback configuration

144 I. Vajk et al.

are asymptotically stable, where Adopting the condition earlier developed for internal stability
       with S1 (s) = G(s) and S2 (s) = − K(s) it is seen that now
e1 (s) u1 (s) + y2 (s) H11 (s) H12 (s) u1 (s) we need asymptotic stability for the following four transfer
= =
e2 (s) u2 (s) + y1 (s) H21 (s) H22 (s) u2 (s) functions:
 −1 −1 
[I − S2 (s)S1 (s)] [I − S2 (s)S1 (s)] S2 (s)  
= −1 −1 [I + K(s)G(s)]−1 [I + K(s)G(s)]−1 K(s)
[I − S1 (s)S
  2 (s)] S1 (s) [I − S1 (s)S2 (s)]
u1 (s) − [I + G(s)K(s)] G(s) [I + G(s)K(s)]−1

u2 (s)
Using the following notations: y = y1 , u = y2 , r = u2 ,
Also, from u1 = 0 the error signal can be expressed:

e1 (s) = u1 (s) + y2 (s) = u1 (s) + S2 (s)e2 (s) e(s) = r(s) − y(s) = r(s) − G(s)K(s)e(s)

e2 (s) = u2 (s) + y1 (s) = u2 (s) + S1 (s)e1 (s) => e(s) = [I + G(s)K(s)]−1 r(s)

we have which leads to

e1 (s)
H11 (s) H12 (s) u1 (s) u(s) = K(s)e(s) = K(s)[I + G(s)K(s)]−1 r(s) = Q(s)r(s),
e2 (s) H21 (s) H22 (s) u2 (s)
 −1   where
I −S2 (s) u1 (s)
= ,
−S1 (s) I u2 (s)
Q(s) = K(s)[I + G(s)K(s)]−1 .
so for internal stability we need the transfer function matrix
  It can easily be shown that in case of a stable G(s)
[I − S2 (s)S1 (s)]−1 [I − S2 (s)S1 (s)]−1 S2 (s)
plant any stable Q(s) transfer function, in other words ‘Q
[I − S1 (s)S2 (s)]−1 S1 (s) [I − S1 (s)S2 (s)]−1
parameter’ results in internal stability. Rearranging the above
 −1 equation K(s) parameterized by Q(s) exhibits the all stabiliz-
I −S2 (s)
= ing controllers:
− S1 (s) I

to be asymptotically stable [21]. The feedback interconnec- K(s) = [I − Q(s)G(s)]−1 Q(s).

tion is well-defined if and only if the matrix [I − S1 (s)S2 (s)]
is not identically singular.
In the control system literature, a more practical but still This result is known as the Youla parameterization [21, 23,
general closed-loop control scheme is shown in Fig. 6.22 52]. Recalling u(s) = Q(s)r(s) and y(s) = G(s)u(s)=G(s)Q(s)
with a generalized plant P(s) and controller K(s) [18, 21, r(s) allows one to draw the block diagram of the closed-loop
22]. In this configuration u and y represent the process input system explicitly using Q(s). The control scheme shown in
and output, respectively, w denotes external inputs (command Fig. 6.23 satisfies u(s) = Q(s)r(s) and y(s) = G(s)Q(s)r(s),
signal, disturbance or noise), z is a set of signals representing moreover the process modeling uncertainties (G(s) of the
the closed-loop performance in general sense. The controller physical process and G(s) of the model, as part of the con-
K(s) is to be adjusted to ensure a stable closed-loop system troller are different) are also taken into account. This is the
with appropriate performance. well-known Internal Model Control (IMC) scheme [24, 25].

w z
r u y
P(s) Q(s) G(s)
u y −

G(s) −

Fig. 6.22 General control system configuration

Fig. 6.23 Internal model controller
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 145

A quick evaluation for the Youla parameterization should processes with time delay. The idea, however, to let the time
point out a fundamental difference between designing an delay appear in the overall transfer function and restrict the 6
overall transfer function T(s) from the r(s) reference signal to design procedure for a process with no time delay is more
the y(s) output signal is based on a nonlinear parameterization than 50 years old and comes from Otto Smith [26].
by K(s) The fundamental concept of the design procedure called
Smith predictor is to set up a closed-loop system to control
y(s) = T(s)r(s) = G(s)K(s)[I + G(s)K(s)]−1 r(s) the output signal predicted ahead by the time delay. Then
to meet the causality requirement the predicted output is de-
versus a design by layed to derive the real system output. All these conceptional
steps can be summarized in a control scheme, just redraw
y(s) = T(s)r(s) = G(s)Q(s)r(s) Fig. 6.24 to Fig. 6.25 with

linear in Q(s). Q(s) = K(s)[I + Gp (s)K(s)]−1 .

Further analysis of the relation by y(s) = T(s)r(s) = G(s)Q
(s)r(s) indicates that Q(s) = G−1 (s) is a reasonable choice
to achieve an ideal servo controller to ensure y(s) = r(s).
The fact that the output of the internal loop can be considered
However, to intend to set Q(s) = G−1 (s) is not a practical
as the predicted value of the process output explains the name
way for several reasons [10]:
of the controller (see the model output in the Figure). Note
• Nonminimum-phase processes would exhibit unstable that the Smith predictor is applicable for unstable processes,
Q(s) controllers and closed-loop systems. as well.
• Problems concerning the realization of G−1 (s) are im- In case of unstable plants stabilization of the closed-loop
mediately seen regarding processes with positive relative system needs a more involved discussion. In order to separate
degree or time delay. the unstable (in more general sense the undesired) poles both
• The ideal servo property would destroy the disturbance the plant and the controller transfer function matrices will
rejection capability of the closed-loop system. be factorized to (right or left) coprime transfer functions as
• Q(s) = G−1 (s) would lead to large control effort. follows:
• Effects of errors in modeling the real process by G(s) need
further analysis.
Replacing the exact inverse G−1 (s) by an approximated in- r u B (s) y
verse may well be in harmony with practical demands. Q (s) esTd
A (s)
To discuss the concept of handling processes with time −
delay consider SISO systems and assume that
B (s)
A (s) −
−sT d
G(s) = Gp (s)e ,

where Gp (s) = B(s)

is a proper transfer function with no time
delay and Td > 0 is the time delay. Recognizing that the time
delay characteristics is not invertible, Fig. 6.24 IMC control of a plant with time delay

y(s) = Tp (s)e−sT d r(s) = Gp (s)Q(s)e−sT d r(s)

r u B(s) y
can be assigned as the overall transfer function to be K (s) e–sTd
achieved. Updating Fig. 6.23 for G(s) = B(s)
e−sT d Fig. 6.24 – –
illustrates the resulting control scheme. A key point is here,
however, that the parameterization by Q(s) should consider e–sTd –
only Gp (s) to achieve Gp (s)Q(s) specified by the designer.
Note that in the model by Fig. 6.24, uncertainties in Gp (s)
and in the time delay should both be taken into account when
studying the closed-loop system.
The control scheme in Fig. 6.24 has immediately been
derived by applying the Youla parameterization concept for Fig. 6.25 Controller using Smith predictor
146 I. Vajk et al.

G(s) = BR (s)A−1 −1
R (s) = AL (s)BL (s) XR (s) = XoR (s) − BR (s)Q(s), YR (s) = YoR (s) + AR (s)Q(s)
XL (s) = XoL (s) − Q(s)BL (s), YL (s) = YoL (s) + Q(s)AL (s)
K(s) = YR (s)X−1 −1
R (s) = XL (s)YL (s)

delivers all stabilizing controllers parameterized by any sta-

where BR (s), AR (s), BL (s), AL (s), YR (s), XR (s), YL (s), and ble proper Q(s) transfer function matrix with appropriate
XL (s) are all stable coprime transfer functions. The stability size.
implies that BR (s) should contain all the RHP-zeros of G(s), Though the algebra of the controller design procedure may
and AR (s) should contain as RHP-zeros all the RHP-poles of seem rather involved, in terms of block diagrams it can be
G(s). Similar statements are valid for the left coprime pairs. interpreted in several transparent ways. Herewith below in
As far as the internal stability analysis is concerned, assuming Fig. 6.26 two possible realizations are shown to support the
that G(s) is strictly proper and K(s) is proper, the coprime reader to compare the results obtained for unstable processes
factorization offers the stability analysis via checking the with those shown earlier in Fig. 6.23 to control stable pro-
stability of cesses.
Another obvious interpretation of the general design pro-
 −1  −1
AR (s) −YR (s) XL (s) YL (s) cedure can also be read out from the realizations of Fig. 6.26.
and ,
BR (s) XR (s) − BL (s) AL (s) Namely, the immediate loops around G(s) along YoL (s) and
XoL −1 (s) or along XoR −1 (s) and YoR (s), respectively, stabilize
respectively. According to the Bezout identity [21, 22, 27] the unstable plant, then Q(s) serves the parameterization in a
there exist XL (s) and YL (s) as stable transfer function matri- similar way as originally introduced for stable processes.
ces satisfying Having the general control structure developed using
LMFD or RMFD components (Fig. 6.26 gives the complete
review), respectively, we are in the position to show how the
XL (s)AR (s) + YL (s)BR (s) = I.
control of the state-space model introduced earlier in Sect.
6.11.2 can be parameterized with Q(s). To visualize this
In a similar way, a left coprime pair of transfer function capability recall K(s) = XL −1 (s)YL (s) and
matrices XR (s) and YR (s) can be found by
BL (s) = C(sI − A + LC)−1 B
BL (s)YR (s) + AL (s)XR (s) = I. AL (s) = I − C(sI − A + LC)−1 L

The stabilizing K(s) = YR (s)XR −1 (s) = XL −1 (s)YL (s) and apply these relations in the control scheme of Fig. 6.26
controllers can be parameterized as follows. Assume that using LMFD components.
the Bezout identity results in a given stabilizing controller Similarly, recall K(s) = YR (s)XR −1 (s)
K = YoR (s)XoR −1 (s) = XoL −1 (s)YoL (s), then

r r
Plant Plant

u y u y
G(s) G(s)
– –

0 0 0 0 –1
X L (s) Y L (s) Y R (s) X R (s)
– –

Q(s) Q(s)

BL(s) AL(s) AR(s) BR(s)

Fig. 6.26 Two different realizations of all stabilizing controllers for unstable processes
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 147

y u
y –
r 6
G(s) – G(s)

K(sI – A+ LC)–1L L
–1 – –
K (sI –A+ LC) B
Q(s) B ...dt C
C (sI – A + LC)–1L
– A
C(sI – A+ LC)–1B


Fig. 6.27 State-space realization of all stabilizing controllers derived
from LMFD components Q(s)

Plant r
Fig. 6.29 State-space realization of all stabilizing controllers
u y
G(s) –

w z
– P(s)
C(sI–A+BK)–1L u y

K(sI–A+BK) B


Fig. 6.28 State-space realization of all stabilizing controllers derived

from RMFD components
Fig. 6.30 General control system using Youla parameterization

BR (s) = C(sI − A + BK)−1 B

and K, as shown in Fig. 6.29. Note that Fig. 6.30 can also
−1 be derived from Fig. 6.22 by interpreting J(s) as a controller
AR (s) = I − K(sI − A + BK) B
stabilizing P(s), thus allowing one to apply an additional all
and apply these relations in the control scheme of Fig. 6.26 stabilizing Q(s) controller.
using RMFD components.
To complete the discussion on the various interpretations
of the all stabilizing controllers, observe that the control 6.13 Performances for MIMO LTI Systems
schemes in Figs. 6.27 and 6.28 both use 4 × n state variables
to realize the controller dynamics beyond Q(s). As Fig. 6.29 So far we have derived various closed-loop structures and
illustrates, equivalent reduction of the block diagrams of parameterizations attached to them only to ensure internal
Figs. 6.27 and 6.28, respectively, both lead to the realization stability. Stability, however, is not the only issue for the
of the all stabilizing controllers. Observe that the application control system designer. To achieve goals in terms of the
of the LMFD and RMFD components leads to identical closed-loop performance needs further considerations [10,
control schemes. 21, 24]. Just to see an example: in control design it is a
In addition, any of the realizations shown in Figs. 6.26, widely posed requirement to ensure zero steady-state error
6.27, 6.28, and 6.29 can directly be redrawn to form the while compensating step-like changes in the command or
general control system scheme most frequently used in the disturbance signals. The practical solution suggests one to
literature to summarize the structure of the Youla parameter- insert an integrator into the loop. The same goal can be
ization. This general control scheme is shown in Fig. 6.30. achieved while using the Youla parameterization, as well. To
In fact, the state-space realization by Fig. 6.29 follows the illustrate this action, SISO systems will be considered. Apply
general control scheme shown in Fig. 6.30, assuming z = 0 stable Q1 (s) and Q2 (s) transfer functions to form
and w = r. The transfer function J(s) itself is realized by the
state estimator and state feedback using the gain matrices L Q(s) = sQ1 (s) + Q2 (s).
148 I. Vajk et al.

Then Fig. 6.23 suggests the transfer function between r and z(t)2 =  z(s)|s=jω 2 = z(jω)2 =
r − y to be   ∞ 1/2
|z(jω)| dω
1 − Q(s)G(s). 2π −∞

To ensure Another important selection for v takes ν → ∞, which results

1 − [Q(s)G(s)]s=0 = 0
z(t)∞ = sup |z(t)|
we need
and it is interpreted as the largest or worst-case error.
Q2 (0) = [G(0)] .
System Norms
Alternatively, using state models the selection according to Frequency functions are extremely useful tools to analyze
and design SISO closed-loop control systems. MIMO
Q(0) = 1/ C(−A + BK + LC)−1 B systems, however, exhibit an input-dependent, variable gain
at a given frequency. Consider a MIMO system given by
will insert an integrator to the loop. a transfer function matrix G(s) and driven by an input
signal w and delivering an output signal z. The norm
z(jω)=G(jω)w(jω) of the system output z depends both
on the magnitude and the direction of the input vector w(jω),
6.13.1 Control Performances
where  . . .  denotes Euclidean norm. Bounds for G(jω)
are given by
Several criteria exist to describe the required performances
for the closed-loop performance. To be able to design closed-
G(jω) w(jω)
loop systems with various performance specifications, appro- σ (G(jω)) ≤ ≤ σ (G(jω)) ,
priate norms for the signals and systems involved should be
introduced [21, 24].
where σ (G(jω)) and σ (G (jω)) denote the infimum and
supremum values of the singular values of G(jω), respec-
Signal Norm tively. The most frequently used system norms are the H2 and
One possibility to characterize the closed-loop performance H∞ norms defined as follows:
is to integrate various functions derived from the error signal.
Assume that a generalized error signal z(t) has been con-   ∞ 1/2
structed. Then G2 = trace GT (−jω) G(jω) dω
2π −∞
 ∞ 1/ν
z(t)ν = |z|ν dt and

G∞ = supσ (G(jω)) .

defines the Lν norm of z(t) with v as a positive integer. ω
The relatively easy calculations required for the evalua-
tions made the L2 norm the most widely used criterion in It is clear that the system norms – as induced norms –
control. A further advantage of the quadratic function is that can be expressed by using signal norms. Introducing g(t) as
energy represented by a given signal can also be taken into the unit impulse response of G(s) the Parseval’s theorem
account in this way in many cases. Moreover, applying the suggests expressing the H2 system norm by the L2 signal
Parseval’s theorem the L2 norm can be evaluated using the norm:
signal described in the frequency domain. Namely, having  ∞  
z(s) as the Laplace transform of z(t) G22 = trace gT (t)g(t) dt.
z(s) = z(t)e dt Further on, the H∞ norm can also be expressed as
the Parseval’s theorem offers the following closed form to G(jω) w
G∞ = supω supw where w=0 and w∈Cnw ,
calculate the L2 norm: w
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 149

where w denotes a complex valued vector. For a dynamic 6.13.2 H2 Optimal Control
system the above expression leads to 6
  To start the discussion consider the general control system
z(t)2 configuration shown in Fig. 6.22. Describe the plant by the
G∞ = sup where w(t)2 = 0
w w(t)2 transfer function
if G(s) is stable and proper. The above expression means that z G11 G12 w
the H∞ norm can be expressed by L2 signal norm. y G21 G22 u
Assume a linear system given by a state model {A, B, C},
and calculate its H2 and H∞ norms. Transforming the state or equivalently, by a state model
model to a transfer function matrix
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
ẋ A B1 B2 x
G(s) = C(sI − A) B ⎣ z ⎦ = ⎣ C1 0 D12 ⎦ ⎣ w ⎦ .
y C2 D21 0 u
the H2 norm is obtained by
    Assume that (A, B1 ) is controllable, (A, B2 ) is stabilizable,
G22 = trace CPo CT = trace BT Pc B ,
(C1 , A) is observable, and (C2 , A) is detectable. For the sake
of simplicity, non-singular DT12 D12 and D21 DT21 matrices, as
where Pc and Po are delivered by the solution of the following
well as DT12 C1 = 0 and D21 BT1 = 0 will be considered.
Lyapunov equations:
Using a feedback via K(s)
APo + Po AT + BBT = 0
u = −K(s)y

Pc A + AT Pc + CT C = 0. the closed-loop system becomes

The calculation of the H∞ norm can be performed via an z = F(G(s), K(s)) w,

iterative procedure, where in each step an H2 norm is to be
minimized. Assuming a stable system construct the following where
Hamiltonian matrix
  F(G(s), K(s)) =
A 1
H= γ2 . G11 (s) − G12 (s)(I + K(s)G22 (s))−1 K(s)G21 (s).
− CT C −AT

For large γ the matrix H has nx eigenvalues with negative real Aiming at designing optimal control in H2 sense the J2 =
part and nx eigenvalues with positive real part. As γ decreases  
these eigenvalues eventually hit the imaginary axis. Thus F G(jω) , K(jω)  norm is to be minimized by a realiz-
able K(s). Note that this control policy can be interpreted as
a special case of the linear quadratic (LQ) control problem
G∞ = formulation. To show this relation assume a weighting matrix
inf {γ ∈ R : H has no eigenvalues with zero real part} . Qx assigned for the state variables and a weighting matrix Ru
γ >0 assigned for the input variables. Choosing

Note that each step within the γ -iteration procedure is actu-    

Q1/2 0
ally equivalent to solve an underlying Riccati equation. The C1 = x
and D12 =
0 R1/2
solution of the Riccati equation will be detailed later on in
Sect. 6.13.2.
So far stability issues have been discussed and signal and
system norms, as performance measures have been intro-
z = C1 x + D12 u
duced to evaluate the overall operation of the closed-loop
system. In the sequel the focus will be turned on design proce-
dures resulting in both stable operation and expected perfor- as an auxiliary variable the well-known LQ cost function can
mance. Controller design techniques to achieve appropriate be reproduced with
performance measures via optimization procedures related to  T 1/2  T 1/2
the H2 and H∞ norms will be discussed, respectively [28]. Qx = Q1/2
x Qx and Ru = R1/2
u Ru .
150 I. Vajk et al.

Up to this point the feedback loop has been set up and the Pc = GF−1 .
design problem has been formulated to find K(s) minimizing
J2 = F G (jω) , K (jω)  . Note that the optimal con- At the same time, it should be noted that there exist further,
troller will be derived as a solution of the state-feedback numerically advanced procedures to find Pc .
problem. The optimization procedure is discussed below.
State-Estimation Problem
State-Feedback Problem The optimal state estimation (state reconstruction) is the dual
If all the state variables are available then the state variable of the optimal control task [17, 29]. The estimated states are
feedback derived as the solution of the following differential equation:
˙ = Ax̂(t) + B2 u(t) + L2 y(t) − C2 x̂(t) ,
u(t) = −K2 x(t)

is used with the gain by where

 −1  −1
K2 = DT12 D12 BT2 Pc , L2 = Po CT2 D21 DT21

where Pc represents the positive definite or positive semi- and the Po matrix is the positive definite or positive semi-
definite solution of the definite solution of the Riccati equation by

 −1  −1
AT Pc + Pc A − Pc B2 DT12 D12 BT2 Pc + CT1 C1 = 0 Po AT + APo − Po CT2 D21 DT21 C2 Po + B1 BT1 = 0.

Riccati equation. According to this control law the Note that the
A − B2 K2 A − Po CT2 D21 DT21 C2

matrix will determine the closed-loop stability. matrix characterizing the closed-loop system is stable, i.e.,
As far as the solution of the Riccati equation is con- all its eigenvalues are on the left-hand half plane.
cerned, an augmented problem set-up can turn this task to
an equivalent eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition (EVD). Remark 1 Putting the problem just discussed so far into
In details, the EVD decomposition of the Hamiltonian matrix a stochastic environment the above state estimation is also
called Kalman filter.
A −B2 DT12 D12 BT2 Remark 2 The gains of L2 ∈ Rnx ×ny and K2 ∈ Rnu ×nx have
− CT1 C1 −AT been introduced and applied in earlier stages in this Chapter
to create the LMFD and RMFD descriptions, respectively.
will separate the eigenvectors belonging to stable and un- Here their optimal values have been derived in H2 sense.
stable eigenvalues, then the positive definite Pc matrix can
be calculated from the eigenvectors belonging to the stable Output-Feedback Problem
eigenvalues. Denote  the diagonal matrix containing the If the state variables are not available for feedback, the
stable eigenvalues and collect the associated eigenvectors to optimal control law utilizes the reconstructed states. In case
a block matrix of designing optimal control in H2 sense, the control law
  u(t) = − K2 x(t) is replaced by u(t) = −K2 x̂(t). It is
F important to prove that the joint state estimation and control
G leads to stable closed-loop control. The proof is based on
observing that the complete system satisfies the following
i.e., state equations:
F F ẋ A − B2 K2 B2 K2
H = . =
G G ẋ − x̂˙ 0 A − L2 C2 x − x̂
Then it can be shown that the solution of the Riccati equation B1
+ w.
is obtained by B1 − L2 D21
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 151

The above form clearly shows that the poles introduced  −1
K∞ = DT12 D12 BT2 Pc .
by the controller and those introduced by the observer are 6
separated from each other. The concept therefore is called State-Estimation Problem
separation principle. The importance of this observation The optimal state estimation in H∞ sense requires to mini-
lies in the fact that in the course of the design procedure mize
the controller poles and the observer poles can be assigned
!  "
independently from each other. Note that the control law by z − ẑ
o ∧
u(t) = −K2 x̂(t) still exhibits an optimal controller in the J∞ = sup 2
: w2 = 0
sense that F(G(jω), K(jω))2 is minimized.
as a function of L. Again, minimization can be performed
by γ -iteration. Specifically, γ min is looked for to satisfy
6.13.3 H∞ Optimal Control J∞o < γ with γ > 0 for all w. To find the optimal L∞ gain,
the symmetrical positive definite or positive semi-definite
Herewith below the optimal control in H∞ sense will be solution of the following Riccati equation is required:
discussed. The H∞ optimal control minimizes the H∞ norm
of the overall transfer function of the closed-loop system by  −1
Po AT + APo − Po CT2 D21 DT21 C2 Po
  +γ −2 Po CT1 C1 Po + B1 BT1 = 0
J∞ = F G (jω), K (jω) 

using a state variable feedback with a constant gain where providing that
F(G(s), K(s)) denotes the overall transfer function matrix of  −1
the closed-loop system [10, 21, 22]. To minimize J∞ needs A − Po CT2 D21 DT21 C2 + γ −2 Po CT1 C1
to follow rather involved procedures. As one option the γ -
iteration has already been discussed earlier. In short, as earlier represents a stable system, i.e., it has all its eigenvalues on
discussions on the norms pointed out, the H∞ norm can be the left-hand half plane. Finding the solution Po belonging
calculated using L2 norms by to the minimal γ value, the optimal feedback gain matrix is
obtained by
∧ z2  −1
J∞ = sup : w2 = 0
w2 L∞ = Po CT2 D21 DT21 .

State-Feedback Problem Then

If all the state variables are available then the state variable  
feedback ˙ = Ax̂(t) + B2 u(t) + L∞ y(t) − C2 x̂(t)

u(t) = −K∞ x(t) is in complete harmony with the filtering procedure obtained
earlier for the state reconstruction in H2 sense.
is used with the gain K∞ minimizing J∞ . Similarly to the
H2 optimal control discussed earlier, in each step of the Output-Feedback Problem
γ -iteration K∞ can be obtained via Pc as the symmetrical If the state variables are not available for feedback then a K(s)
positive definite or positive semi-definite solution of the controller satisfying J∞ < γ is looked for. This controller,
similarly to the procedure followed by the H2 optimal control
AT Pc + Pc A − Pc B2 DT12 D12 BT2 Pc design, can be determined in two phases: first the unavailable
states are to be estimated, then state feedback driven by the
+γ −2 Pc B1 BT1 Pc + CT1 C1 = 0 estimated states is to be realized. As far as the state feedback
is concerned, similarly to the H2 optimal control law, the H∞
Riccati equation, provided that the matrix by optimal control is accomplished by
A − B2 DT12 D12 BT2 Pc + γ −2 B1 BT1 Pc u(t) = −K∞ x̂(t).

represents a stable system (all the eigenvalues are on the left- However, the H∞ optimal state estimation is more involved
hand half plane). Once Pc belonging to the minimal γ value than the H2 optimal state estimation. Namely, the H∞ optimal
has been found, the state variable feedback is realized by state estimation includes the worst-case estimation of the
using the feedback gain matrix of exogenous w input, and the feedback matrix L∞ needs to be
152 I. Vajk et al.

modified, too. The L∗∞ modified feedback matrix takes the while γ min is looked for all the three conditions above should
following form: be satisfied. The optimal control in H∞ sense is accomplished
by K(s) belonging to γ min .
L∗∞ = I − γ −2 Po Pc L∞ The H∞ control can efficiently be solved by using LMI
 −1  −1 technique. Its details can be found, e.g., in [23].
= I − γ −2 Po Pc Po CT2 D21 DT21 Remark: Now as we are ready to design optimal con-
trollers in H2 or H∞ sense, respectively, it is worth devoting
then the state estimation applies the above gain according to a minute to analyze what can be expected from these pro-
  cedures. To compare the nature of the H2 vs. H∞ norms a
˙ = A + B1 γ −2 BT Pc x̂(t)+
x̂(t) relation for G2 should be found, where the G2 norm is
  expressed by the singular values. It can be shown that
B2 u(t) + L∗∞ y(t) − C2 x̂(t) .
#  $1/2
Reformulating the above results into a transfer function form 1 ∞ 
G2 = σi2 (G (jω)) dω .
gives 2π −∞ i

K(s) = Comparing now the above expression with

K∞ sI − A − B1 γ −2 BT1 Pc + B2 K∞ + L∗∞ C2 L∗∞ .
G∞ = sup σ (G(jω))
The above K(s) controller satisfies the norm inequality
F(G(jω), K(jω))∞ < γ and it results in a stable control it is seen that G∞ represents the largest possible singular
strategy if the following three conditions are satisfied [22]: value, while G2 represents square root of the sum of the
squares of all the singular values over all frequencies [22].
• Pc is a symmetrical positive semi-definite solution of the
algebraic Riccati equation
6.14 Robust Stability and Performance
A Pc + Pc A −
Pc B2 DT12 D12 BT2 Pc
When designing control systems, the design procedure needs
+γ −2 Pc B1 BT1 Pc + CT1 C1 = 0, a model of the process to be controlled. So far it has been
assumed that the design procedure is based on a perfect
provided that model of the process. Stability analysis based on the nominal
 −1 process model can be qualified as nominal stability analysis
A − B2 DT12 D12 BT2 Pc + γ −2 B1 BT1 Pc (NS). Similarly, closed-loop performance analysis based on
the nominal process model can be qualified as nominal
is stable. performance analysis (NP). It is evident, however, that some
• Po is a symmetrical positive semi-definite solution of the uncertainty is always present in the model. Moreover, an
algebraic Riccati equation important purpose of using feedback is even to reduce the
effects of uncertainty involved in the model. The classical
Po AT + APo − Po CT2 D21 DT21 C2 Po approach introduced the notions of the phase margin and
gain margin as measures to handle uncertainty. However,
+γ −2 Po CT1 C1 Po + B1 BT1 = 0, these measures are rather crude and contradictory [21, 30].
Though they work fine in a number of practical applications,
provided that they are not capable to support the design for processes
 −1 exhibiting unusual frequency behavior (e.g., slightly damped
A − Po CT2 D21 DT21 C2 + γ −2 Po CT1 C1 poles). The post-modern era of the control theory put spe-
cial emphasis on modeling uncertainties. Specifically, wide
is stable. classes of structured, as well as additively or multiplicatively
• The largest eigenvalue of Pc Po is smaller than γ 2 : unstructured uncertainties have been introduced and taken
into account in the design procedure. Modeling, analysis,
ρ(Pc Po ) < γ 2 . and synthesis methods have been developed under the name
robust control [24, 31, 32]. Note that the LQR design method
The H∞ optimal output feedback control design procedure inherits some measures of robustness; however, in general
minimizes the F(G(jω), K(jω))∞ norm via γ iteration and the pure structure of the LQR regulators does not guar-
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 153

antee stability margins [17, 22]. The uncertainties of the (s) = diag (1 (s), 2 (s), . . . , r (s))
description are often modelled by unstructured and structured
where i (s) ≤ 1 i = 1, ..., r
perturbations. If unstructured uncertainties are assumed then
the elements of the perturbation matrix are free. Applying
structured uncertainties the perturbation matrix may have a Structured uncertainties clearly lead to less conservative
predefined structure. design as the unstructured uncertainties may even want to
As far as the unstructured uncertainties are concerned, take care of perturbations never occurring in practice.
let G0 (s) denote the nominal transfer function matrix of the Consider the following control system (see Fig. 6.32)
process. Then the true plant behavior can be expressed by as one possible realization of the standard model shown in
Fig. 6.31. As a matter of fact here the common form of
the perturbations is used. Derivation is also straightforward
G(s) = G0 (s) + a (s),
from the standard form of Fig. 6.31 with z = 0 and w = r.
Handling the nominal plant and the feedback as one single
unit described by R(s) = (I + K(s)G0 (s))−1 K(s), condition
G(s) = G0 (s) (I + i (s)) , for the robust stability can easily be derived by applying the
small gain theorem (see Fig. 6.33). The small gain theorem is
the most fundamental result in robust stabilization under un-
G(s) = (I + 0 (s)) G0 (s), structured perturbations. According to the small gain theorem
any closed-loop system consisting of two stable subsystems
where a (s) represents an additive perturbation, i (s) an G1 (s) and G2 (s) results in stable closed-loop system provided
input multiplicative perturbation, and o (s) an output mul- that
tiplicative perturbation.
All the above three perturbation models can be trans- G1 (jω)∞ G2 (jω)∞ < 1.
formed to a common form:

G(s) = G0 (s) + W1 (s)(s)W2 (s), Applying the small gain theorem to the stability analysis
of the system shown in Fig. 6.33, the condition by
where (s)∞ ≤ 1. Uncertainties extend the general con-
W2 (jω) R(jω) W1 (jω) (jω)∞ < 1
trol system configuration outlined earlier in Fig. 6.22. The
nominal plant now is extended by a block representing the
guarantees closed-loop stability. As
uncertainties and the feedback is still applied in parallel as
Fig. 6.31 shows. This standard model “removes” (s), as
W2 (jω) R(jω) W1 (jω) (jω)∞
well as the K(s) controller from the closed-loop system and
lets P(s) to represent the rest of the components. It may ≤ W2 (jω) R(jω) W1 (jω)∞ ∞ and (jω)∞ ≤ 1,
involve additional output signals (z) and a set of external
signals (w) including the set point.
Using a priori knowledge on the plant, the concept of
the uncertainty modeling can further be improved. Sepa- W1(s) Δ (s)W2 (s)
rating identical and independent technological components
into groups the perturbations can be expressed as structured
r u y
uncertainties K(s) G0 (s)

Δ(s) Fig. 6.32 Control system with uncertainties

uΔ yΔ

w P(s) z
W1(s) D(s) W2(s)
u y

K(s) R(s)

Fig. 6.31 Standard model of control system extended by uncertainties Fig. 6.33 Control system with uncertainties
154 I. Vajk et al.

thus the stability condition reduces to The closed-loop system exhibits robust performance if the
performance measures are kept within a prescribed limit even
W2 (jω) R(jω) W1 (jω)∞ < 1. for all possible uncertainties, including the worst case, as
well. Design considerations for the robust performance have
To support the closed-loop design procedure for robust been illustrated in Fig. 6.31.
stability introduce the γ norm by W2 (jω)R(jω)W1 (jω) As the system performance is represented by the signal
(jω)∞ = γ < 1. Finding a K(s) such that the γ norm is kept z, robust performance analysis is based on investigating the
at its minimum the maximally stable robust controller can be relation between the external input signal w and the perfor-
constructed. mance output z:
The performance of a closed-loop system can be rather
conservative in case of having unstructural information on the z = F(G(s), K(s), (s)) w.
uncertainties. To avoid this drawback in the design procedure,
the so-called structural singular value is used instead of the Defining a performance measure on the transfer function
H∞ norm (being equal to the maximum of the singular value). matrix F(G(s), K(s), (s)) by
The structured singular value of a matrix M is defined as
follows: J(F (G, K, ))

∧ the performance of the transfer function from the exogenous

μ (M) =1/ min {k| det (I − kM) = 0 for structured ,
inputs w and to outputs z can be calculated. The maximum of
σ () ≤ 1} the performance – even in the worst case possibly delivered
by the uncertainties – can be evaluated by
where  has a block-diagonal form of  = diag ( . . . i
. . . ) and σ () ≤ 1. This definition suggests the following sup {J(F(G, K, )) : ∞ < 1} .
interpretation: a large value of μΔ (M) indicates that even a 
small perturbation can make the I − M matrix singular. On
the other hand, a small value of μΔ (M) represents favorable Based on this value, the robust performance of the system
conditions in this sense. The structured singular value can can be judged. If the robust performance analysis is to be
be considered as the generalization of the maximal singular performed in H∞ sense, the measure to be applied is
value [21, 22].
Using the notion of the structured singular value, the J∞ = F(G (jω), K(jω) , (jω))∞ .
condition for robust stability (RS) can be formulated as
follows. Robust stability of the closed-loop system is guar- In this case, the prespecified performance can be normalized
anteed if the maximum of the structured singular value of and the limit can be selected to unity. So equivalently, the
W2 (jω)R(jω)W1 (jω) lies within the unity uncertainty radius: robust performance requirement can be formulated as the
following inequality:
sup μ (W2 (jω) R(jω) W1 (jω)) < 1.
ω F (G(jω), K (jω), (jω))∞ < 1, ∀(jω)∞ ≤ 1.

Designing robust control systems is a far more involved Robust performance analysis can formally be traced back
task than testing robust stability. The design procedure min- to robust stability analysis. In this case a fictitious p uncer-
imizing the supremum of the structured singular value is tainty block representing the nominal performance require-
called structured singular value synthesis or μ synthesis. ments should be inserted across w and z (see Fig. 6.34). Then
At this moment there is no direct method to synthesize introducing the
a μ optimal controller. Related algorithms to perform the
minimization are discussed in the literature under the term p 0
DK-iteration [22]. In [22], not only a detailed discussion is 0 
presented but also a MATLAB program is shown to provide
better understanding of the iterations to improve the robust matrix of the uncertainties gives a pleasant way to trace
performance conditions. back the robust performance problem to the robust stability
So far the robust stability issue has been discussed in problem.
this Section. It has been shown that the closed-loop system If robust performance synthesis is used, the performance
remains stable, i.e., it is robustly stable, if stability is guar- measure must be minimized. In this case μ optimal design
anteed for all possible uncertainties. In a similar way, the problem can be solved as an extended robust stability design
notion of the robust performance (RP) is to be worked out. problem.
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 155

min {λ : B(x) < λ C(x), C(x) > 0, A(x) < 0 }

D p(s)
where A, B, and C are affine symmetrical matrices of
x. Such an extension in the constraints results in special
bilinear constraints; however, the resulting quasi convex
uΔ yΔ
problem still remains solvable in polynomial time.
w P(s) z
u y The common name of the above tasks is LMI Problem
K(s) (LMIP) [34].
As stated earlier, several control problems can be refor-
mulated and solved as an LMI problem. In the sequel a few
Fig. 6.34 Design for robust performance traced back to robust stability classical control problems will be handled using the LMI
approach. The presented examples use the state-space model
with system matrices {A, B, C, D}.
Stability and decay rate. As an example consider the
6.15 LMI in Control Engineering Lyapunov stability criterion. According to the Lyapunov
stability criterion, an ẋ = f (x) differential equation has an
There exist several control problems with no analytical so- asymptotically stable equilibrium point in x = 0 provided
lution. Consequently, only numerical solutions will be avail- a V(x) continuously differentiable positive definite function
able to solve this kind of problems. In the last few decades, exists, whose derivative is negative definite, i.e.,
a number of extremely effective tools have been elaborated
to solve convex optimum problems [33, 34]. These tools V (x) > 0 for all x = 0
can directly be applied to solve various control problems
[35–37]. As far as the usability of these tools is concerned,
the primary dilemma is not the linearity-nonlinearity, but
rather the convexity-nonconvexity issue. The application of ∂V
the interior point methods provides solutions for a number of V̇ (x) = f (x) < 0 for all x = 0
convex (quasi convex) optimization problems in polynomial
time. Just to mention a few of these problems: This is a sufficient condition for stability.
For linear systems ẋ = Ax, allowing us to choose
• LMI feasible problem: Here x is looked for such that V(x) = xT Px/2 as a Lyapunov function, where P is a positive
definite symmetrical matrix (P>0). The stability
A(x) ∗ 0 can be formulated as V̇(x) = xT AT P + PA x ≤ 0, i.e.,
AT P + PA < 0. If a P matrix satisfying PT = P > 0 and
AT P + PA < 0 can be found, stability holds. However,
holds, where A is a symmetrical matrix affine in x, and finding an appropriate P is an LMI feasible problem as

∗ stands for a relation (>, ≥, ≤ or <). The constraint the constraints for the elements of the P matrix are linear.
above is called Linear matrix inequality (LMI). It is seen Express it in another way: if all the eigenvalues of matrix A
that the relation given by an LMI problem set up maps a exhibit negative real part, P satisfying
convex region bounded by special polynomials.
• LMI optimization problem: the task here is to find the
PA + AT P < 0 and P = PT > 0
convex optimum of
can be found.
min { b(x) : A(x) ∗ 0} The problem to allocate the eigenvalues can be general-
ized to detect the location of regional poles. All the eigen-
where b(x) is an affine scalar function of x. In short, values of A are found in a region determined by the matrix
LMI optimization is to minimize b(x) considering those inequality
x satisfying A(x)*0.  
• Generalized eigenvalue minimization under LMI D := s ∈ C : M + sN + s∗ NT < 0
constraints: The constraints introduced so far can further
be extended by linear-fractional constraints described by where M is a real symmetrical matrix, while N is a real
LMIs B(x) < λ C(x). The problem to be solved can be matrix, if P can be found to satisfy the following matrix
formulated by inequality:
156 I. Vajk et al.

M ⊗ P + N ⊗ (PA) + NT ⊗ AT P < 0 A P + PA + CT C PB + CT D
H∞ =min γ :
and P = PT > 0 γ ,P BT P + DT C DT D − γ 2 I

% ≤ 0, P = PT > 0
Here denotes the Kronecker product.
The decay rate is defined to be the largest α such that: H2 performance. The H2 norm – frequently used in
control studies – can also be calculated using the LMIP
lim eαt x(t) = 0 technique:
To determine the decay rate the following equivalent problem H22 = min tr BT PB : PA + AT P + CT C < 0,
is to be solved: 
P = PT > 0
sup α : AT P + PA + 2αP < 0, P = PT > 0
P,α Controller Synthesis. The classical control synthesis
looks for a controller achieving certain quality measures
Though the above problem is bilinear both in P and α, it still and/or ensuring operation below/above certain limits. If all
can be solved as an LMIP (GEVP) problem. the state variables available for control, static state feedback
Dissipativity and passivity. A system is dissipative if can be used by

 ∞  ∞  u = −Kx
u(t) y(t)dt ≥ η
u(t)T u(t) dt
0 0
To proceed, relations developed earlier need to be modified
holds along all the trajectories developing from zero initial by substituting A– BK for A and C–DK for C. Consequently,
conditions. In the above equation η > 0 denotes the dissipa- the related LMI items elaborated for P and K will also change
tivity value. Using the LMI technique the above conditions to bilinear matrix inequalities (BMI). However, using a con-
can be expressed by the following LMIP forms: gruent transformation and substituting appropriate variables
the BMIs can be reformulated as LMIs.
A P + PA PB− CT  Having the case of state variables not available for control
dissip = sup η :
η,P BT P − C 2ηI − DT + D the problem set up leads to the following relation:

≤ 0, P = PT > 0 P (A − BKC) + (A − BKC)T P < 0

The system is passive if this value is nonnegative. which is not jointly convex by P and K. The problem itself
Expansivity and Hinf performance. System expansivity is nonconvex in this case, however, several heuristic iterative
can be defined by the following inequality: solutions have been worked out to solve this problem.
  Robustness. The classical control problems operate by
∞ ∞ 
y(t)T y(t)dt ≤ γ 2 u(t)T u(t) dt nominal models, known uncertainties are not taken into ac-
0 0 count in a direct way. Generalization of the classical dynamic
system description is called differential inclusions. For exam-
for all inputs. In a more compact form: ple, a classical dynamic system description according to

y2 ≤ γ u2 ẋ = f (x(t), t), x(0) = xo

For γ < 1 the system is nonexpansive. To satisfy the above can be generalized as follows:
inequality, for a given system the smallest upper bound for γ
can be found. This value is called RMS gain. ẋ ∈ F(x(t), t), x(0) = xo

y2 where F is a set-valued function. The above system offers so-

L2 (H) = sup γ = sup u2 = 0
u u u2 lutions along a number of trajectories. The aim here is not to
derive individual trajectories, but rather to check whether all
Considering LTI systems finding the RMS gain is equivalent the trajectories possess certain properties, e.g., whether they
to solve the following LMIP problem: all tend to zero. The above description is called differential
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 157

inclusion (DI). It is a typical assumption that the set mapped loop system a combined loss function can be constructed
by F is convex both by x and t. from the values of the predicted process outputs and that of 6
As far as linear differential inclusions (LDI) are con- the associated control inputs. Control strategies minimizing
cerned, DI restricts itself as this loss function are called model-based predictive control
(MPC). Related algorithms using special loss functions can
ẋ ∈ x, x(0) = xo  ⊂ Rnxn be interpreted as an LQ (Linear Quadratic) problem with
finite horizon. The performance of well-tuned predictive
Namely, the LDI is interpreted as a linear system family with control algorithms is outstanding for processes with delay.
time variable parameters: Specific model-based predictive control algorithms are also
known as Dynamic Matrix Control (DMC), Generalized Pre-
ẋ = A(t)x, x(0) = xo A∈ dictive Control (GPC), and Receding Horizon Control (RHC)
[39–45, 53]. Due to the nature of the model-based control
So here the key point is the interpretation of LDI as a time algorithms the discrete time (sampled data) version of the
varying linear uncertainty, where  is the uncertain region control algorithms will be discussed in the sequel. Also, most
of A. of the detailed discussion is reduced for SISO systems in this
As an example, study the stability issue assuming a poly- Section.
topic LDI problem. The system to study is The fundamental idea of predictive control can be demon-
strated through the DMC algorithm [46], where the process
output sample y(k + 1) is predicted by using all the avail-
ẋ ∈ x, x(0) = x0 ,
able process input samples up to the discrete time instant k
(k = 0, 1, 2 . . . ) via a linear function func:
where  can be given by the vertices of the polytope:
 = Co{A1 . . . An }. In that case the condition of the quadratic
ŷ (k + 1) = func(u(k), u(k − 1) , u(k − 2) , u(k − 3) , . . . ) .
stability is:

PT = P > 0, PA + AT P < 0 for all A ∈  Repeating the above one-step-ahead prediction for further
time instants by
The above set of conditions can be studied as the following
LMI condition set: ŷ (k + 2) = func(u (k + 1), u(k), u (k − 1), u(k − 2), . . . )
ŷ (k + 3) = func(u (k + 2), u(k + 1) , u(k), u(k − 1), . . . )
PAi + ATi P < 0 i = 1 . . . n and P = PT > 0 .

In recent years, convex optimization has become a re- requires the knowledge of future control actions u(k + 1),
liable and efficient computational tool of wide interest in u(k + 2), u(k + 3) . . . , as well. Introduce the free response
engineering, thanks to its ability to solve very large, practical involving the future values of the process input obtained
engineering problems. Examples in this Section demonstrate provided no change occurs in the control input at time k:
the challenge to reformulate control problems as LMI prob-
lems set up. Once the reformulation is completed the solution y∗ (k + 1) = func(u(k) = u (k − 1), u(k − 1),
for the original problem is immediately obtained, namely, u (k − 2), u (k − 3), . . . )
powerful programming tools are at hand to proceed (e.g., y∗ (k + 2) = func(u (k + 1) = u(k − 1), u(k) = u(k − 1),
Yalmip) [38]. As far as a number of control problems are u(k − 1), u (k − 2), . . . )
concerned, note that linear programming (LP) and second y∗ (k + 3) = func(u (k + 2) = u (k − 1), u(k + 1)
order cone programming (SOCP) problems, being special = u(k − 1), u(k) = u(k − 1) , u(k − 1), . . . )
semidefinite programming (SDP) problems, can be far more ..
efficiently applied to progress than SDP algorithms. .

Using the free response just introduced above, the predicted

process outputs can be expressed by
6.16 Model-Based Predictive Control

As we have seen so far most of the control system design ŷ (k + 1) = s1 u(k) + y∗ (k + 1)

methods assume a mathematical model of the process to be ŷ (k + 2) = s1 u (k + 1) + s2 u(k) + y∗ (k + 2)
controlled. Given a process model and knowledge on the ŷ (k + 3) = s1 u (k + 2) + s2 u(k + 1)
external system inputs the process output can be predicted +s3 u(k) + y∗ (k + 3)
to some extent. To characterize the behavior of the closed- .
158 I. Vajk et al.

where Uopt = S−1 Y ref − Y ∗ ,

u(k + i) = u(k + i) − u(k + i − 1) where Yref has been constructed from the samples of the
future set points.
and si denotes the ith sample of the discrete time step response The Receding Horizon Control (RHC)concept utilizes
of the process. Now a more compact form of only the very first element of the  Uopt vector according to

Predicted value = Forced response + Free response u(k) = l Uopt ,

is looked for in vector/matrix form:  

where l = 1 0 0 . . . . Observe that RHC needs to recal-
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ culate Y∗ and to update Uopt in each step. The application
ŷ (k + 1) s1 0 0 ... u(k)
⎢ ŷ (k + 2) ⎥ ⎢ s2 of the RHC algorithm results in zero steady-state error; how-
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ s1 0 ...⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎥ ⎢ u (k + 1) ⎥
⎢ ŷ (k + 3) ⎥ = ⎢ s3 ever, it requires considerable control effort while minimizing
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ s2 s1 . . . ⎦ ⎣ u (k + 2) ⎥
⎥ ⎢
⎦ the related loss function.
.. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . Smoothing in the control input can be achieved
⎡ ⎤
y∗ (k + 1) • by extending the loss function with another component
⎢ y∗ (k + 2) ⎥
⎢ ⎥ penalizing the control signal or its change
+ ⎢ y∗ (k + 3) ⎥ .
⎣ ⎦ • by reducing the control horizon as follows:
U =
Apply here the following notations:
[u(k) u(k+1) u(k+2) . . . u(k+Nu−1) 0 0 . . . 0]T .
⎡ ⎤
s1 0 0 ...
⎢ s2 s1 0 ...⎥ Accordingly, define the loss function by
⎢ ⎥
S = ⎢ s3 s2 s1 ...⎥
⎣ ⎦
.. .. .. .. 
. . . . yref (k + i) − ŷ(k + i) +


Ŷ = ŷ(k + 1) ŷ(k + 2) ŷ(k + 3) . . . λ (u(k + i) − u(k + i − 1))2 ,


 T then the control signal becomes

U = u(k) u (k + 1) u(k + 2) . . .
u(k) = l ST S + λI ST Y ref − Y ∗ ,
Y ∗ = y∗ (k + 1) y∗ (k + 2) y∗ (k + 3) . . . . where
⎡ ⎤
Utilizing these notations s1 0 ... 0 0
⎢ s2 s1 . . . 0 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
Ŷ = S U + Y ∗ ⎢ s3 s2 . . . 0 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
S=⎢ .. .. .. .. .. ⎥.
⎢ . . . . . ⎥
holds. Assuming that the reference signal (set point) yref (k) is ⎢ ⎥
⎣ sN −1 sNy −2 . . . sNy −Nu +1 sNy −Nu ⎦
available for the future time instants, define the loss function
sNy sNy −1 . . . sNy −Nu +2 sNy −Nu +1
to be minimized by
All the above relations can easily be modified to cover the

 2 control of processes with known time delay. Simply replace
yref (k + i) − ŷ(k + i) .
y(k + 1) by y(k + d + 1) to consider y(k + d + 1) as the
earliest sample of the process output effected by the control
If no restriction for the control signal is taken into account action taken at time k, where d > 0 represents the discrete
the minimization leads to time delay.
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 159

As the idea of the model-based predictive control is quite     C q−1
flexible, a number of variants of the above discussed al- A q−1 y(k) = B q−1 u (k − d) + ζk . 6

gorithms exist. The tuning parameters of the algorithm are
the prediction horizon Ny , the control horizon Nu , and the λ where A(q−1 ), B(q−1 ), and C(q−1 ) are polynomials of the
penalizing factor. Predictions related to disturbances can also backward shift operator q−1 , and  = 1 − q−1 . Further on ζ k
be included. Just as an example a loss function by is a discrete-time white noise sequence. Then the conditional
 T   expected value of the loss function
Ŷ − Y ref Wy Ŷ − Y ref + UTc Wu Uc  
E Ŷ − Y ref Wy Ŷ − Y ref + UTc Wu Uc |k
can be assigned to incorporate weighting matrices Wu and
Wy , respectively, and a reduced version of the control signals
can be applied according to is to be minimized by Uc . Note that model-based predictive
control algorithms can be extended for MIMO and nonlinear
U = Tc Uc , systems.
While LQ design supposing infinite horizon provides sta-
ble performance, predictive control with finite horizon using
where Tc is an a priori defined matrix typically containing
receding horizon strategy lacks stability guarantees. Intro-
zeros and ones. Then minimization of the loss function results
duction of terminal penalty in the cost function including the
quadratic deviations of the states from their final values is one
 −1   way to ensure stable performance. Other methods leading to
u(k) = l Tc TTc ST Wy STc + Wu TTc ST Wy Y ref − Y ∗ .
stable performance with detailed stability analysis, as well
as proper handling of constraints are discussed in [41, 42,
Constraints existing for the control input open a new
49], where mainly sufficient conditions have been derived for
class for the control algorithms. In this case a quadratic pro-
gramming problem (conditional minimization of a quadratic
For real time applications fast solutions are required.
loss function to satisfy control constraints represented by
Effective numerical methods to solve optimization problems
inequalities) should be solved in each step. In details, the loss
with reduced computational demand and suboptimal solu-
tions have been developed [39].
 T   MPC with linear constraints and uncertainties can be for-
Ŷ − Y ref Wy Ŷ − Y ref + UTc Wu Uc mulated as a multiparametric programming problem, which
is a technique to obtain the solution of an optimization
is to be minimized again by Uc , where problem as a function of the uncertain parameters (generally
the states). For the different ranges of the states, the calcu-
Ŷ = STc Uc + Y ∗ lation can be executed off-line [39, 50]. Different predictive
control approaches for robust constrained predictive control
under the constraint of of nonlinear systems are also in the front of interest [39, 51].

umin ≤ u(j) ≤ umax or umin ≤ u(j) ≤ umax .

6.17 Summary
The classical DMC approach is based on the samples
of the step response of the process. Obviously, the process In this Chapter the classical and advanced control system
model can also be represented by a unit impulse response, design methods have been discussed. Controller design is
a state-space model, or a transfer function. Consequently, based on the system model. PID is the most applied classical
beyond the control input the process output prediction can controller. Some aspects of continuous and discrete PID
utilize the process output, the state variables, or the esti- controller design are dealt with. Advanced methods reflect
mated state-variables, as well. Note that the original DMC the current state of the art of the related applied research
is an open-loop design method in nature, which should be activity in the field and a number of advanced methods are
extended by a closed-loop aspect or it should be combined available today for demanding control applications. One of
with an IMC compatible concept to utilize the advantages the driving forces behind browsing among various advanced
offered by the feedback concept. techniques has been the applicability of the control algo-
A further remark relates to stochastic process models. As rithms for practical applications. Starting with the stability
an example, the Generalized Predictive Control concept [47, issues, then covering performance and robustness issues,
48] applies the following model: LMI control strategies and predictive control algorithms have
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19. Decarlo, R.A.: Linear Systems. A State Variable Approach with 46. Cutler, C.R., Ramaker, B.L.: Dynamic matrix control – a computer
Numerical Implementation. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ control algorithm. In: Proceedings of JACC, San Francisco (1980)
(1989) 47. Clarke, D.W., Mohtadi, C., Tuffs, P.S.: Generalised predictive
20. Kwakernaak, H., Sivan, R.: Linear Optimal Control Systems. control – part 1. The basic algorithm. Automatica. 23(137) (1987)
Wiley-Interscience, Wiley Hoboken (1972) 48. Clarke, D.W., Mohtadi, C., Tuffs, P.S.: Generalised predictive con-
21. Maciejowski, J.M.: Multivariable Feedback Design. England trol – part 2. Extensions and interpretations. Automatica. 23(149)
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (1989) (1987)
6 Linear Control Theory for Automation 161

49. Mayne, D.Q., Rawlings, J.B., Rao, C.V., Scokaert, P.O.M.: Con-
strained model predictive control: stability and optimality. Auto-
matica. 36, 789–814 (2000)
50. Borrelli, F.: Constrained Optimal Control of Linear and Hybrid
Systems. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2003)
51. Badgewell, T.A., Qin, S.J.: Nonlinear predictive control chapter:
review of nonlinear model predictive control application (IEE
Control Eng. Series) (2001)
52. Keviczky, L., Bányász, Cs.: Two-Degree-of-Freedom Control Sys-
tems. The Youla Parameterization Approach. Elsevier, London
Jenő Hetthéssy received his PhD degree in 1975 from the Technical
53. Haber, R., Bars, R., Schmitz, U.: Predictive Control in Process
University of Budapest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. He received
Engineering. From the Basics to the Applications. Wiley-VCH,
his CSc degree in 1978 from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Weinheim, Germany (2011)
with a thesis on the theory and industrial application of self-tuning
controllers. He spent several years as a visiting professor at the Electrical
Engineering Department of the University of Minnesota, USA. He has
published more than 90 papers.

István Vajk graduated as electrical engineer and obtained his PhD

degree in 1977 from the Budapest University of Technology and Eco-
nomics (BME), Hungary. From 1994 to 2016 he was the head of
Department of Automation and Applied Informatics at BME. Currently Ruth Bars graduated at the Electrical Engineering Faculty of the
he is full professor at the same department. His main interest covers the Technical University of Budapest. She received her CSc degree in 1992
theory and application of control systems, especially adaptive systems from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the PhD degree based
and system identification, as well as applied informatics. on research in predictive control. Currently she is honorary professor
at the Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Budapest
University of Technology and Economics. Her research interests are
predictive control, advanced control algorithms and development of new
ways in control education.
Nonlinear Control Theory for Automation
Alberto Isidori

Contents of the chapter begins by reviewing the notion of dynamical

7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 system and continues with a discussion of the concepts of
stability and asymptotic stability of an equilibrium, with
7.2 Autonomous Dynamical Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
emphasis on the method of Lyapunov. Then, it continues
7.3 Stability and Related Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 by reviewing the notion of input-to-state stability and
7.3.1 Stability of Equilibria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
discussing its role in the analysis of interconnections of
7.3.2 Lyapunov Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
systems. Then, the first part is concluded by the analysis
7.4 Asymptotic Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 of the asymptotic behavior in the presence of persistent
7.4.1 Limit Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
7.4.2 Steady-State Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 inputs. The second part of the chapter is devoted to the
presentation of systematic methods for stabilization of
7.5 Dynamical Systems with Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
7.5.1 Input-to-State Stability (ISS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
relevant classes of nonlinear systems, namely, those pos-
7.5.2 Cascade Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 sessing a globally defined normal form. Methods for the
7.5.3 Feedback Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 design of full-state feedback and, also, observer-based
7.5.4 The Steady-State Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 dynamic output feedback are presented. A nonlinear sepa-
7.6 Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems via ration principle, based on the use of a high-gain observer,
State Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 is discussed. A special role, in this context, is played by
7.6.1 Relative Degree, Normal Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 the methods based on feedback linearization, of which a
7.6.2 Feedback Linearization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
7.6.3 Global Stabilization via Partial robust version, based on the use of extended high-gain
Feedback Linearization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 observer, is also presented.
7.6.4 Global Stabilization via Backstepping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
7.6.5 Semiglobal Practical Stabilization via High-Gain Keywords
Partial-State Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
7.7 Observers and Stabilization via Output Feedback . . . 183 Dynamical systems · Stability · Method of Lyapunov ·
7.7.1 Canonical Forms of Observable Nonlinear Systems . . . . . 183 Input-to-state stability · Steady-state behavior · Normal
7.7.2 High-Gain Observers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 forms · Feedback linearization · Backstepping ·
7.7.3 The Nonlinear Separation Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 High-gain observers · Separation principle · Extended
7.7.4 Robust Feedback Linearization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
7.8 Recent Progresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

7.1 Introduction
Modern engineering systems are very complex and com-
The purpose of this chapter is to review some notions
prise a high number of interconnected subcomponents which,
of fundamental importance on the analysis and design of
thanks to the remarkable development of communications
feedback laws for nonlinear control systems. The first part
and electronics, can be spread over broad areas and linked
A. Isidori () through data networks. Each component of this wide in-
Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering, terconnected system is a complex system on its own, and
University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy the good functioning of the overall system relies upon the
possibility to efficiently control, estimate, or monitor each

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 163

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
164 A. Isidori

one of these components. Each component is usually high- In any realistic scenario, the control goal has to be
dimensional, highly nonlinear, and hybrid in nature and com- achieved in spite of a good number of phenomena, which
prises electrical, mechanical, or chemical components, which would cause the system to behave differently than expected.
interact with computers, decision logics, etc. The behavior As a matter of fact, in addition to the exogenous phenomena
of each subsystem is affected by the behavior of part or all already included in the scheme of Fig. 7.1, that is, the
of the other components of the system. The control of those exogenous commands and disturbances, a system may fail to
complex systems can only be achieved in a decentralized behave as expected also because of endogenous causes,
mode, by appropriately designing local controllers for each which include the case in which the controlled system
individual component or small group of components. In responds differently as a consequence of poor knowledge
this setup, the interactions between components are mostly about its behavior due to modeling errors, damages, wear,
treated as commands, dictated from one particular unit to etc. The ability to successfully handle large uncertainties is
another one, or as disturbances, generated by the operation one of the main, if not the single most important, reasons for
of other interconnected units. The tasks of the various local choosing the feedback configuration of Fig. 7.1.
controllers are then coordinated by some supervisory unit. To evaluate the overall performances of the system, a
Control and computational capabilities being distributed over number of conventional criteria are chosen. First of all, it
the system, a steady exchange of data among the components must be made sure that the behavior of the variables of
is required, in order for the system to behave properly. the entire system is bounded. In fact, the feedback strategy,
In this setup, each individual component (or small set of which is introduced to the purpose of offsetting exogenous
components) is viewed as a system whose behavior, in time, inputs and to attenuate the effect of modeling error, may
is determined or influenced by the behavior of other subsys- cause to unbounded behaviors, which have to be avoided.
tems. Typically, the physical variables by means of which Boundedness and convergence to the desired behavior are
this influence is exerted can be classified in two disjoint usually analyzed in conventional terms via the concepts of
sets: one set consisting of all commands and/or disturbances asymptotic stability and of steady state behavior, discussed
generated by other components (which in this context are hereafter in Sects. 7.2 thorough 7.4. Since the systems under
usually referred to as exogenous inputs) and another set considerations are systems with inputs (control inputs and ex-
consisting of all variables by means of which the accom- ogenous inputs), the influence of such inputs on the behavior
plishment of the required tasks is actually imposed (which of a system has also to be assessed, as discussed in Sect. 7.5.
in this context are usually referred to as control inputs). The The analytical tools developed in this way are then taken
tasks in question typically comprise the case in which certain as a basis for the design of a controller, in which –usually–
variables, called regulated outputs, are required to track the control structure and free parameters are chosen in such a
behavior of a set exogenous commands. This leads to the way as to guarantee that the overall configuration exhibits the
definition, for the variables in question, of a tracking error, desired properties in response to exogenous commands and
which should be kept as small as possible, in spite of the disturbances and is sufficiently tolerant of any major source
possible variation –in time– of the commands and in spite of uncertainty. This is discussed in Sects. 7.6 thorough 7.8.
of all exogenous disturbances. The control input, in turn,
is provided by a separate subsystem, the controller, which
processes the information provided by a set of appropriate
measurements (the measured outputs). The whole control 7.2 Autonomous Dynamical Systems
configuration assumes –in this case– the form of a feedback
loop, as shown in Fig. 7.1. In loose terms, a dynamical system is a way to describe how
certain physical entities of interest, associated with a natural
of artificial process, evolve in time and how their behavior is,
or can be, influenced by the evolution of other variables. The
Exogenous Regulated
input output
most usual point of departure in the analysis of the behavior
of a natural or artificial process is the construction a math-
Control Controlled plant Measured ematical model, consisting of a set of equations expressing
input output
Controller basic physical laws and/or constraints. In the most frequent
case, when the study of evolution in time is the issue, the
equations in question take the form of an ordinary differential
equation, defined on a finite-dimensional Euclidean space.
In this chapter, we shall review some fundamental facts
Fig. 7.1 Basic feedback loop underlying the analysis of the solutions of certain ordinary
7 Nonlinear Control Theory for Automation 165

differential equations arising in the study of physical pro- same context, the flow of a system like (7.1) and the flow
cesses. of another system, say ẏ = g(y). In this case, the symbol
In this analysis, a convenient point of departure is the case φ, which represents “the map,” must be replaced by two
of a mathematical model expressed in state-space form, i.e., different symbols, one denoting the flow of (7.1) and the
by means of a first-order differential equation other denoting the flow of the other system. The easiest way 7
to achieve this is to use the symbol x to represent “the map”
ẋ = f (x) (7.1) that characterizes the flow of (7.1) and to use the symbol y to
represent “the map” that characterizes the flow of the other
in which x ∈ Rn is a vector of variables associated with the system. In this way, the map characterizing the flow of (7.1) is
physical entities of interest, usually referred to as the state of written as x(t, x). This notation at first may seem confusing,
the system. A solution of the differential equation (7.1) is a because the same symbol x is used to represent “the map”
differentiable function x̄ : J → Rn defined on some interval and to represent the “second argument” of the map itself (the
J ⊂ R such that, for all t ∈ J, argument representing the initial condition of (7.1)), but it is
somewhat inevitable. Once the notation has been understood,
dx̄(t) though, no further confusion should arise.
= f (x̄(t)).
dt Sometimes, for convenience, the notation x(t, x) is used
instead. A dynamical system is said to be complete, if the set
If the map f : Rn → Rn is locally Lipschitz, i.e., if for every
S coincides with the whole of R × Rn .
x ∈ Rn there exists a neighborhood U of x and a number
In the special case of a linear differential equation
L > 0 such that, for all x1 , x2 in U,
ẋ = Ax (7.2)
|f (x1 ) − f (x2 )| ≤ L|x1 − x2 |,

then, for each x0 ∈ Rn there exist two times t − < 0 in which A is a n×n matrix of real numbers, the flow is given
and t + > 0 and a solution x̄ of (7.1), defined on the by
interval (t − , t + ) ⊂ R, that satisfies x̄(0) = x0 . Moreover, if φ(t, x) = eAt x
x̃ : (t − , t + ) → Rn is any other solution of (7.1) satisfying where the matrix exponential eAt is defined as the sum of the
x̃(0) = x0 , then necessarily x̃(t) = x̄(t) for all t ∈ (t − , t + ), series
∞ i
that is, the solution x̄ is unique. In general, the times t − < 0 t i
eAt = A.
and t + > 0 may depend on the point x0 . For each x0 , there i!
is a maximal open interval (tm− (x0 ), tm+ (x0 )) containing 0, on
which a solution x̄ with x̄(0) = x0 is defined: this is the Let S be a subset of Rn . The set S is said to be invariant
union of all open intervals on which there is a solution with for (7.1) if, for all x ∈ S, φ(t, x) is defined for all t ∈
x̄(0) = x0 (possibly, but not always, tm− (x0 ) = −∞ and/or (−∞, +∞) and
tm+ (x0 ) = +∞).
Given a differential equation of a form (7.1), associated φ(t, x) ∈ S for all t ∈ R.
with a locally Lipschitz map f , define a subset S of R × Rn
as follows A set S is positively (resp. negatively) invariant if for all x ∈
S, φ(t, x) is defined for all t ≥ 0 (resp. for all t ≤ 0) and
S = {(t, x) : t ∈ (tm− (x), tm+ (x), x ∈ Rn }. φ(t, x) ∈ S for all such t.
Equation (7.1) defines a dynamical system. To reflect the
Then, define on S a map φ : W→ Rn as follows: φ(0, x)=x fact that the map f does not depend on other independent
and, for each x ∈ Rn , the function entities (such as the time t or physical entities originated from
“external” processes), the system in question is referred to an
ϕx : (tm− (x), tm+ (x)) → Rn autonomous system. Complex autonomous systems arising
t → φ(t, x) in analysis and design of physical processes are usually
obtained as a composition of simpler subsystems, each one
is a solution of (7.1). This map is called the flow of (7.1). modeled by equations of the form
In other words, for each fixed x, the restriction of φ(t, x)
to the subset of S consisting of all pairs (t, x), for which ẋi = fi (xi , ui )
i = 1, . . . , N
t ∈ (tm− (x), tm+ (x)), is the unique (and maximally extended yi = hi (xi , ui )
in time) solution of (7.1) passing through x at time t = 0.
Sometimes, a slightly different notation is used for the in which xi ∈ Rni . Here, ui ∈ Rmi and, respectively, yi ∈ Rpi
flow. This is motivated by the need of expressing, within the are vectors of variables associated with physical entities by
166 A. Isidori

means of which the interconnection of various component |f̃ (x)|

parts is achieved. lim = 0.
x→0 |x|
The linear system ẋ = Ax, with the matrix A defined as
indicated, is called the linear approximation of the original
7.3 Stability and Related Concepts nonlinear system (7.1) at the equilibrium x = 0.

7.3.1 Stability of Equilibria Theorem 7.1 Let x = 0 be an equilibrium of (7.1). Suppose

every eigenvalue of A has real part less than −c, with c > 0.
Consider an autonomous system as (7.1) and suppose f is Then, there are numbers d > 0 and M > 0 such that
locally Lipschitz. A point xe ∈ Rn is called an equilibrium
point if f (xe ) = 0. Clearly, the constant function x(t) = xe is a |x(0)| ≤ d ⇒ |x(t)| ≤ Me−c t |x(0)| for all t ≥ 0. (7.4)
solution of (7.1). Since solutions are unique, no other solution
of (7.1) exists passing through xe . The study of equilibria In particular, x = 0 is asymptotically stable. If at least one
plays a fundamental role in analysis and design of dynamical eigenvalue of A has positive real part, the equilibrium x = 0
systems. The most important concept in this respect is that of is not stable.
stability, in the sense of Lyapunov, specified in the following
definition. For x ∈ Rn , let |x| denote the usual Euclidean This property is usually referred to as the principle of
norm, that is, stability in the first approximation. The equilibrium x = 0 is
1/2 said to be hyperbolic, if the matrix A has no eigenvalue with
|x| = xi2 . zero real part. Thus, it is seen from the previous theorem that
i=1 a hyperbolic equilibrium is either unstable or asymptotically
The inequality on the right-hand side of (7.4) provides a
Definition 1 An equilibrium xe of (7.1) is stable if, for every useful bound on the norm of x(t), expressed as a function
ε > 0, there exists δ > 0, such that of the norm of x(0) and of the time t. This bound, though,
is very special and restricted to the case of an hyperbolic
|x(0) − xe | ≤ δ ⇒ |x(t) − xe | ≤ ε for all t ≥ 0. equilibrium. In general, bounds of this kind can be obtained
by means of the so-called comparison functions, which are
An equilibrium xe of (7.1) is asymptotically stable, if it is defined as follows (see [5, p.95]).
stable and, moreover, there exists a number d > 0, such that
Definition 2 A continuous function α : [0, a) → [0, ∞)
|x(0) − xe | ≤ d ⇒ lim |x(t) − xe | = 0. is said to belong to class K if it is strictly increasing and
α(0) = 0. If a = ∞ and limr→∞ α(r) = ∞, the function
is said to belong to class K∞ . A continuous function β :
An equilibrium xe of (7.1) is globally asymptotically stable,
[0, a) × [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) is said to belong to class KL if,
if it is asymptotically stable and, moreover,
for each fixed s, the function

lim |x(t) − xe | = 0 , for every x(0) ∈ Rn .

α : [0, a) → [0, ∞)
r → β(r, s)
The most elementary, but rather useful in practice, result
in stability analysis is described as follows. Assume f (x) belongs to class K and, for each fixed r, the function
is continuously differentiable and suppose, without loss of
generality, that xe = 0 (if not, change x into x̄ := x − xe and ϕ : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞)
observe that x̄ satisfies the differential equation x̄˙ = f (x̄ + xe ) s → β(r, s)
in which now x̄ = 0 is an equilibrium). Expand f (x) as
is decreasing and lims→∞ ϕ(s) = 0.

f (x) = Ax + f̃ (x) (7.3)
The composition of two class K (respectively, class K∞ )
in which functions α1 (·) and α2 (·), denoted α1 (α2 (·)) or α1 ◦ α2 (·), is a
∂f class K (respectively, class K∞ ) function. If α(·) is a class K
A= (0)
∂x function, defined on [0, a) and b = limr→a α(r), there exists
is the Jacobian matrix of f (x), evaluated at x = 0, and by a unique inverse function, α −1 : [0, b) → [0, a), namely, a
construction function satisfying
7 Nonlinear Control Theory for Automation 167

α −1 (α(r)) = r, for all r ∈ [0, a) a|x|2 ≤ xT Px ≤ a|x|2 (7.5)

α(α −1 (r)) = r, for all r ∈ [0, b). for all x ∈ Rn . The property, of a matrix P, to be positive
definite is usually expressed with the shortened notation
Moreover, α −1 (·) is a class K function. If α(·) is a class P > 0 (which actually means xT Px > 0 for all x = 0).
K∞ function, so is also α −1 (·). In the case of linear systems, the criterion of Lyapunov is
The properties of stability, asymptotic stability, and global expressed as follows.
asymptotic stability can be easily expressed in terms of
inequalities involving comparison functions. In fact, it turns Theorem 7.2 The linear system ẋ = Ax is asymptotically
out that the equilibrium x = 0 is stable if and only if there stable (or, what is the same, the eigenvalues of A have
exist a class K function α(·) and a number d > 0 such that negative real part) if there exists a positive definite matrix
P, such that the matrix
|x(t)| ≤ α(|x(0)|)
for all x(0) such that Q := PA + AT P
|x(0)| ≤ d and all t ≥ 0 ,
is negative definite. Conversely, if the eigenvalues of A have
the equilibrium x = 0 is asymptotically stable if and only if negative real part, then, for any choice of a negative definite
there exist a class KL function β(·, ·) and a number d > 0 matrix Q, the linear equation
such that
|x(t)| ≤ β(|x(0)|, t) PA + AT P = Q
for all x(0) such that
|x(0)| ≤ d and all t ≥ 0 , has a unique solution P, which is positive definite.

and the equilibrium x = 0 is globally asymptotically stable Note that, if V(x) = xT Px,
if and only if there exist a class KL function β(·, ·) such that
|x(t)| ≤ β(|x(0)|, t) for all x(0)and all t ≥ 0. = 2xT P

and hence
7.3.2 Lyapunov Functions Ax = xT (PA + AT P)x.
The most important criterion for the analysis of the stability Thus, to say that the matrix PA + AT P is negative definite is
properties of an equilibrium is the criterion of Lyapunov. We equivalent to say that the form
introduce first the special form that this criterion takes in the
case of a linear system ∂V
ẋ = Ax
is negative definite.
The general, nonlinear, version of the criterion of Lya-
in which x ∈ Rn . Any symmetric n × n matrix P defines a punov appeals to the existence of a positive definite, but not
quadratic form necessarily quadratic, function of x. The quadratic lower and
V(x) = xT Px. upper bounds of (7.5) are therefore replaced by bounds of the
The matrix P is said to be positive definite (respectively form
positive semidefinite) if so is the associated quadratic form α(|x|) ≤ V(x) ≤ α(|x|). (7.6)
V(x), i.e., if, for all x = 0, in which α(·), α(·) are simply class K functions. The criterion
in question is summarized as follows.
V(x) > 0 respectively V(x) ≥ 0.
Theorem 7.3 Let V : Rn → R be a continuously differ-
The matrix is said to be negative definite (respectively neg- entiable function satisfying (7.6) for some pair of class K
ative semidefinite) if −P is positive definite (respectively functions α(·), α(·). If, for some d > 0,
positive semidefinite). It is easy to show that a matrix P is
positive definite if (and only if) there exist positive numbers ∂V
a and a satisfying f (x) ≤ 0 for all |x| < d, (7.7)
168 A. Isidori

the equilibrium x = 0 of (7.1) is stable. If, for some class K and this contradicts the previous inequality, which shows that
function α(·) and some d > 0, the derivative of V(x(t)) is strictly negative at t = t1 .
To show that (7.8) guarantees asymptotic decay of x(t) to
∂V 0, define γ (r) = α(α −1 (r)), which is a class K function, and
f (x) ≤ −α(|x|) for all |x| < d, (7.8)
∂x observe that α(|x|) ≥ γ (V(x)). Hence,

the equilibrium x = 0 of (7.1) is locally asymptotically stable. ∂V

f (x) ≤ −γ (V(x)).
If α(·), α(·) are class K∞ functions and the inequality in (7.8) ∂x
holds for all x, the equilibrium x = 0 of (7.1) is globally
asymptotically stable. Observe now that V(x(t), a nonincreasing and nonnegative-
valued continuous function of t, has a limit for t → ∞. Let
A function V(x) satisfying (7.6) and either of the subse- this limit be denoted by V∞ . Suppose V∞ is strictly positive.
quent inequalities is called a Lyapunov function. The inequal- Then,
ity on the left-hand side of (7.6) is instrumental, together
with (7.7), in establishing existence and boundedness of x(t). V(x(t)) ≤ −γ (V(x(t)) ≤ −γ (V∞ ) < 0.
A simple explanation of the arguments behind the criterion of dt
Lyapunov can be obtained in this way. Suppose (7.7) holds. Integration with respect to time yields
Then, if x(0) is small, the differentiable function of time
V(x(t)) is defined for all t ≥ 0 and nonincreasing along the V(x(t)) ≤ V(x(0)) − γ (V∞ )t
trajectory x(t). Using the inequalities in (7.6), one obtains
for all t. This cannot be the case, because for large t the right-
α(|x(t)|) ≤ V(x(t)) ≤ V(x(0) ≤ α(|x(0)|) hand side is negative, while the left-hand side is nonnegative.
From this, it follows that V∞ = 0, and therefore, using the
fact that V(x) vanishes only at x = 0, it is concluded that
and hence |x(t)| ≤ α −1 ◦ α(|x(0)|), which establishes the
limt→∞ x(t) = 0.
stability of the equilibrium of x = 0.
Similar arguments are very useful in order to establish the
Example 1 In many cases, stability of a nonlinear system can
invariance, in positive time, of certain bounded subsets of
be checked by means of a quadratic Lyapunov function. For
Rn . Specifically, suppose the various inequalities considered
instance, in the case of the system
in Theorem 7.3 hold for d = ∞, and let c denote the set of
all x ∈ Rn for which V(x) ≤ c, namely,
ẋ1 = −x1 + x1 x2
ẋ2 = −x2 − x12 ,
c = {x ∈ Rn : V(x) ≤ c}.
picking the quadratic function V(x1 , x2 ) = x12 + x22 , it is found
A set of this kind is called a sublevel set of the function V(x). that
Note that if α(·) is a class K∞ function, then c is a compact ∂V
f (x) = −2x12 − 2x22
set for all c > 0. Now, if ∂x
and hence, according to Theorem 7.3, it is concluded that the
∂V(x) equilibrium x = 0 is globally asymptotically stable. But in
f (x) < 0
∂x the case of the system

at each point x of the boundary of c , it can be concluded ẋ1 = −x1 + x1 x2

that, for any initial condition in the interior of c , the solution ẋ2 = −x2 − x14 ,
x(t) of (7.1) is defined for all t ≥ 0 and x(t) ∈ c
for all t ≥ 0, that is, the set c is invariant in positive it is more convenient to pick V(x1 , x2 ) = x14 + 2x22 , yielding
time. Indeed, existence and uniqueness are guaranteed by
the local Lipschitz property, so long as x(t) ∈ c , because ∂V
c is a compact set. The fact that x(t) remains in c for all f (x) = −4x14 − 4x22 .
t≥0 is proved by contradiction. For, suppose that, for some
trajectory x(t), there is a time t1 such that x(t) is in the interior The case of the system (see [11, p.124])
of c at all t < t1 and x(t1 ) is on the boundary of c . Then,
ẋ1 = x2
V(x(t)) < c for all t < t1 and V(x(t1 )) = c ẋ2 = −h(x1 ) − x2 ,
7 Nonlinear Control Theory for Automation 169

in which h(·) is a locally Lypschitz function satisfying asymptotically and locally exponentially stable if and only
h(0) = 0 and h(y)y > 0 for all y = 0, can be handled if there exist a continuously differentiable function V(x) :
by means of a Lyapunov function consisting of two terms, Rn → R and class K∞ functions α(·), α(·), α(·), and real
one of which is a quadratic function and the other of which numbers δ > 0, a > 0, a > 0, a > 0, such that
is an integral term 7
   x1 α(|x|) ≤ V(x) ≤ α(|x|)
1 T kk
V(x) = x x+ h(y)dy. for all x ∈ Rn
2 k1 ∂V
f (x) ≤ −α(|x|)
A function having such structure is known as a Lurie-type
Lyapunov function. If the quadratic term is positive definite, and
which is the case if and only if 0 < k < 1, the function
in question is positive definite and, in fact, bounded from α(s) = as2 , α(s) = as2 , α(s) = as2 for all s ∈ [0, δ].
below as α(|x|) < V(x), in which α(·) is a class K∞ function.
A simple calculation shows that

f (x) = −kh1 (x1 )x1 − (1 − k)x22
7.4 Asymptotic Behavior
in which the right-hand side is negative for all nonzero x.

7.4.1 Limit Sets

The criterion for asymptotic stability provided by the
previous theorem has a converse, namely, the existence of a In the analysis of dynamical systems, it is often important
function V(x) having the properties indicated in Theorem 7.3 to determine whether or not, as time increases, the variables
is implied by the property of asymptotic stability of the characterizing the motion asymptotically converge to special
equilibrium x = 0 of (7.1). In particular, the following result motions exhibiting some form of recurrence. This is the
holds (see e.g. [22]). case, for instance, when a system possesses an asymptotically
stable equilibrium: all motions issued from initial conditions
Theorem 7.4 Suppose the equilibrium x = 0 of (7.1) is in a neighborhood of this point converge to a special motion,
locally asymptotically stable. Then, there exist d > 0, a in which all variables remain constant. A constant motion, or
continuously differentiable function V : Rn → R, and class more in a general periodic motions, is a motion characterized
K functions α(·), α(·), α(·), such that (7.6) and (7.8) hold. by a property of recurrence, which is usually referred to as a
If the equilibrium x = 0 of (7.1) is globally asymptotically steady-state motion or behavior.
stable, there exist a continuously differentiable function V : The steady-state behavior of a dynamical system can be
Rn → R and class K∞ functions α(·), α(·), α(·), such viewed as a kind of limit behavior, approached either as the
that (7.6) and (7.8) hold with d = ∞. actual time t tends to +∞ or, alternatively, as the initial
time t0 tends to −∞. Relevant, in this regard, are certain
To conclude, observe that, if x = 0 is an hyperbolic concepts introduced by G.D.Birkhoff in [2]. In particular, a
equilibrium and all eigenvalues of A have negative real part, fundamental role is played by the concept of ω-limit set of
|x(t)| is bounded, for small |x(0)|, by a class KL function a given point, defined as follows. Consider an autonomous
β(·, ·) of the form dynamical system such as (7.1) and let x(t, x0 ) denote its flow.
Assume, in particular, that x(t, x0 ) is defined for all t ≥ 0. A
β(r, t) = Me−λ t r. point x is said to be an ω-limit point of the motion x(t, x0 ) if
there exists a sequence of times {tk }, with limk→∞ tk = ∞,
such that
If the equilibrium x = 0 of system (7.1) is globally asymp-
lim x(tk , x0 ) = x.
totically stable and, moreover, there exist numbers d > 0, k→∞
M > 0, and λ > 0 such that The ω-limit set of a point x0 , denoted ω(x0 ), is the union of
all ω-limit points of the motion x(t, x0 ) (see Fig. 7.2).
|x(t)| ≤ Me−λt |x(0)| for all |x(0)| ≤ d and all t ≥ 0 If xe is an asymptotically stable equilibrium, then xe =
ω(x0 ) for all x0 in a neighborhood of xe . However, in general,
it is said that this equilibrium is globally asymptotically an ω-limit point is not necessarily a limit of x(t, x0 ) as t → ∞,
and locally exponentially stable. It can be shown that the because the function in question may not admit any limit
equilibrium x = 0 of the nonlinear system (7.1) is globally as t → ∞. It happens though, that if the motion x(t, x0 )
170 A. Isidori

It follows from the definition that if B consists of only one

x (t3, x0) single point x0 , all xk ’s in the definition above are necessarily
x (t2, x0) equal to x0 and the definition in question reduces to the
x (t1, x0) definition of ω-limit set of a point, given earlier. It also
follows that, if for some x0 ∈ B the set ω(x0 ) is nonempty, all
points of ω(x0 ) are points of ω(B). Thus, in particular, if all
motions with x0 ∈ B are bounded in positive time,

ω(x0 ) ⊂ ω(B).
x0 ∈B

However, the converse inclusion is not true in general.

The relevant properties of the ω-limit set of a set, which
w (x0)
extend those presented earlier in Lemma 7.1, can be summa-
rized as follows [6].
Fig. 7.2 The ω-limit set of a point x0
Lemma 7.2 Let B be a nonempty bounded subset of Rn , and
suppose there is a number M such that |x(t, x0 )| ≤ M for all
is bounded, then x(t, x0 ) asymptotically approaches the set t ≥ 0 and all x0 ∈ B. Then, ω(B) is a nonempty compact
ω(x0 ). set, invariant under (7.1). Moreover, the distance of x(t, x0 )
from ω(B) tends to 0 as t → ∞, uniformly in x0 ∈ B. If B is
Lemma 7.1 Suppose there is a number M such that connected, so is ω(B).
|x(t, x0 )| ≤ M for all t ≥ 0. Then, ω(x0 ) is a nonempty
compact connected set, invariant under (7.1). Moreover, the Thus, as it is the case for the ω-limit set of a point, the ω-
distance of x(t, x0 ) from ω(x0 ) tends to 0 as t → ∞. limit set of a bounded set B, being compact and invariant, is
filled with motions, which exist for all t ∈ (−∞, +∞) and
It is seen from this that the set ω(x0 ) is filled by motions are bounded backward and forward in time. But, above all,
of (7.1) which are defined, and bounded, for all backward and the set in question is uniformly approached by motions with
forward times. The other remarkable feature is that x(t, x0 ) initial state x0 ∈ B. An important corollary of the property
approaches ω(x0 ) as t → ∞, in the sense that the distance of of uniform convergence is that if ω(B) is contained in the
the point x(t, x0 ) (the value at time t of the solution of (7.1) interior of B, then ω(B) is also asymptotically stable.
starting in x0 at time t = 0) to the set ω(x0 ) tends to 0 as
t → ∞. A consequence of this property is that, in a system of Lemma 7.3 Let B be a nonempty bounded subset of Rn , and
the form (7.1), if all motions issued from a set B are bounded, suppose there is a number M such that |x(t, x0 )| ≤ M for all
all such motions asymptotically approach the set t ≥ 0 and all x0 ∈ B. Then, ω(B) is a nonempty compact set,
invariant under (7.1). Suppose also that ω(B) is contained in
 the interior of B. Then, ω(B) is asymptotically stable, with a
= ω(x0 ). domain of attraction that contains B.
x0 ∈B

However, the convergence of x(t, x0 ) to is not guaranteed

to be uniform in x0 , even if the set B is compact. There is a 7.4.2 Steady-State Behavior
larger set, though, which does have this property of uniform
convergence. This larger set, known as the ω limit set of the Consider now again system (7.1), with initial conditions in
set B, is precisely defined as follows. a closed subset X ⊂ Rn . Suppose the set X is positively
Consider again system (7.1), let B be a subset of Rn , and invariant, which means that for any initial condition x0 ∈ X,
suppose x(t, x0 ) is defined for all t ≥ 0 and all x0 ∈ B. The the solution x(t, x0 ) exists for all t ≥ 0 and x(t, x0 ) ∈ X for all
ω-limit set of B, denoted ω(B), is the set of all points x for t ≥ 0. The motions of this system are said to be ultimately
which there exists a sequence of pairs {xk , tk }, with xk ∈ B bounded if there is a bounded subset B with the property that,
and limk→∞ tk = ∞ such that for every compact subset X0 of X, there is a time T > 0, such
that x(t, x0 ) ∈ B for all t ≥ T and all x0 ∈ X0 . In other words,
if the motions of the system are ultimately bounded, every
lim x(tk , xk ) = x .
k→∞ motion eventually enters and remains in the bounded set B.
7 Nonlinear Control Theory for Automation 171

Suppose the motions of (7.1) are ultimately bounded and with state x ∈ Rn and input u ∈ Rm , in which f (0, 0) = 0 and
let B = B be any other bounded subset with the property that, f (x, u) is locally Lipschitz on Rn × Rm . The input function
for every compact subset X0 of X, there is a time T > 0 such u : [0, ∞) → Rm of (7.10) can be any piecewise continuous
that x(t, x0 ) ∈ B for all t ≥ T and all x0 ∈ X0 . Then, it is easy bounded function. The set of all such functions, endowed
to check that ω(B ) = ω(B). Thus, in view of the properties with the supremum norm 7
described in Lemma 7.2 above, the following definition can
be adopted (see [9]). u(·)∞ = sup |u(t)|,
Definition 3 Suppose the motions of system (7.1), with
initial conditions in a closed and positively invariant set X, is denoted by L∞ .
are ultimately bounded. A steady-state motion is any motion
with initial condition x(0) ∈ ω(B). The set ω(B) is the Definition 4 System (7.10) is said to be input-to-state stable
steady-state locus of (7.1), and the restriction of (7.1) to ω(B) if there exist a class KL function β(·, ·) and a class K function
is the steady-state behavior of (7.1).
γ (·), called a gain function, such that, for any input u(·) ∈ L∞

and any x0 ∈ R , the response x(t) of (7.10) in the initial state


x(0) = x0 satisfies
7.5 Dynamical Systems with Inputs
|x(t)| ≤ β(|x0 |, t) + γ (u(·)∞ ) for all t ≥ 0. (7.11)
7.5.1 Input-to-State Stability (ISS)
It is common practice to replace the wording “input-to-
In this section, we show how to determine the stability state stable” with the acronym “ISS.” In this way, a system
properties of an interconnected system, on the basis of the possessing the property expressed by (7.11) is said to be an
properties of each individual component. The easiest inter- ISS—system. Since, for any pair β > 0, γ > 0, max{β, γ } ≤
connection to be analyzed is a cascade connection of two β +γ ≤ max{2β, 2γ }, an alternative way to say that a system
subsystems, namely, a system of the form is input-to-state stable is to say that there exists a class KL
function β(·, ·) and a class K function γ (·), such that, for any
ẋ = f (x, z) input u(·) ∈ L∞ m
and any x0 ∈ Rn , the response x(t) of (7.10)
ż = g(z), in the initial state x(0) = x0 satisfies

with x ∈ Rn , z ∈ Rm , in which we assume f (0, 0) = 0 and |x(t)| ≤ max{β(|x0 |, t), γ (u(·)∞ )} for all t ≥ 0. (7.12)
g(0) = 0.
If the equilibrium x = 0 of ẋ = f (x, 0) is locally asymptot-
ically stable and the equilibrium z = 0 of the lower subsystem The property, for a given system, of being input-to-state
is locally asymptotically stable, then the equilibrium (x, z) = stable, can be given a characterization, which extends the
(0, 0) of the cascade is locally asymptotically stable. How- criterion of Lyapunov for asymptotic stability. The key tool
ever, in general, global asymptotic stability of the equilibrium for this analysis is the notion of ISS–Lyapunov function,
x = 0 of ẋ = f (x, 0) and global asymptotic stability of the defined as follows.
equilibrium z = 0 of the lower subsystem do not imply global
asymptotic stability of the equilibrium (x, z) = (0, 0) of the Definition 5 A C1 function V : Rn → R is an ISS–
cascade. To infer global asymptotic stability of the cascade, Lyapunov function for system (7.10) if there exist class K∞
a stronger condition is needed, which expresses a property functions α(·), α(·), and α(·) and a class K function χ(·),
describing how –in the upper subsystem– the response x(·) is such that
influenced by its input z(·).
The property in question requires that when z(t) is α(|x|) ≤ V(x) ≤ α(|x|) for all x ∈ Rn (7.13)
bounded, over the semi-infinite time interval [0, +∞),
then also x(t) be bounded, and, in particular that, if z(t) and
asymptotically decays to 0, then also x(t) decays to 0. These
requirements altogether lead to the notion of input-to-state ∂V
|x| ≥ χ(|u|) ⇒ f (x, u) ≤ −α(|x|)
stability, introduced and studied in [15, 16]. The notion in ∂x
question is defined as follows (see also [8, Chapter 10] for
additional details). Consider a nonlinear system for all x ∈ R and u ∈ R .
n m

ẋ = f (x, u) (7.10) An alternative, equivalent, definition is the following one.

172 A. Isidori

Definition 6 A C1 function V : Rn → R is an ISS- unique solution of the Lyapunov equation PA + AT P = −I

Lyapunov function for system (7.10) if there exist class K∞ and observe that the function V(x) = xT Px satisfies
functions α(·), α(·), α(·), and a class K function σ (·) such
that (7.13) holds and a|x|2 ≤ V(x) ≤ a|x|2

∂V for suitable a > 0 and a > 0 and that

f (x, u) ≤ −α(|x|) + σ (|u|)
for all x ∈ Rn and all u ∈ Rm . (Ax + Bu) ≤ −|x|2 + 2|x||P||B||u|.

The importance of the notion of ISS–Lyapunov function Pick any 0 < ε < 1 and set
resides in the following criterion, which extends the criterion
of Lyapunov for global asymptotic stability to systems with 2
c= |P||B| , χ(r) = cr.
inputs. 1−ε

Theorem 7.5 System (7.10) is input-to-state stable if and
only if there exists an ISS–Lyapunov function. ∂V
|x| ≥ χ(|u|) ⇒ (Ax + Bu) ≤ −ε|x|2 .
The comparison functions appearing in the esti-
Thus, the system is input-to-state stable, with a gain function
mates (7.13) and (7.14) are useful to obtain an estimate of
the gain function γ (·), which characterizes the bound (7.12).
γ (r) = (c a/a) r
In fact, it can be shown that if system (7.10) possesses an
ISS–Lyapunov function V(x), the sublevel set
which is a linear function.
Consider now the simple nonlinear one-dimensional sys-
u(·)∞ = {x ∈ Rn : V(x) ≤ α(χ(u(·)∞ ))}
ẋ = −axk + xp u ,
is invariant in positive time for (7.10). Thus, in view of the
estimates (7.13), if the initial state of the system is initially in which k ∈ N is odd, p ∈ N satisfies p < k, and a > 0.
inside this sublevel set, the following estimate holds Choose a candidate ISS–Lyapunov function as V(x) = 12 x2 ,
which yields
|x(t)| ≤ α −1 (α(χ(u(·)∞ ))) for all t ≥ 0 ,
f (x, u) = −axk+1 + xp+1 u ≤ −a|x|k+1 + |x|p+1 |u|.
and one can obtain an estimate of γ (·) as ∂x

Set ν = k − p to obtain
γ (r) = α −1 ◦ α ◦ χ(r).

In other words, establishing the existence of an ISS– f (x, u) ≤ |x|p+1 −a|x|ν + |u| .
Lyapunov function V(x) is useful not only to check whether
or not the system in question is input-to-state stable but also Thus, using the class K∞ function α(r) = εrk+1 , with ε > 0,
to determine an estimate of the gain function γ (·). Knowing it is deduced that
such estimate is important, as it will be shown later, in
using the concept of input-to-state stability to determine the ∂V
f (x, u) ≤ −α(|x|)
stability of interconnected systems. ∂x
The following simple examples may help understanding
the concept of input-to-state stability and the associated provided that
Lyapunov-like theorem. (a − ε)|x|ν ≥ |u|.

Taking, without loss of generality, ε < a, it is concluded that

Example 2 Consider a linear system
condition (7.14) holds for the class K function
ẋ = Ax + Bu r
χ(r) = .
with x ∈ Rn and u ∈ Rm , and suppose that all the eigenvalues
of the matrix A have negative real part. Let P > 0 denote the Thus, the system is input-to-state stable.
7 Nonlinear Control Theory for Automation 173

An important feature of the previous example, which viewed as a system with input z, and state x is input-to-state
made it possible to prove the system is input-to-state stable, stable and that system
is the inequality p < k. In fact, if this inequality does not
hold, the system may fail to be input-to-state stable. This can ż = g(z, u), (7.18)
be seen, for instance, in the simple example 7
viewed as a system with input u, and state z is input-to-state
ẋ = −x + xu. stable as well. Then, system (7.16) is input-to-state stable.

To this end, suppose u(t) = 2 for all t ≥ 0. The state response As an immediate corollary of this theorem, it is possible to
of the system, to this input, from the initial state x(0) = x0 answer the question of when the cascade connection (7.9) is
coincides with that of the autonomous system ẋ = x , i.e., globally asymptotically stable. In fact, if the upper subsystem
x(t) = et x0 , which shows that the bound (7.11) cannot hold.
ẋ = f (x, z) , viewed as a system with input z, and state x is
input-to-state stable and the equilibrium z = 0 of the lower
We conclude with an alternative characterization of the subsystem is globally asymptotically stable, the equilibrium
property of input-to-state stability, which is useful in many (x, z) = (0, 0) of system (7.9) is globally asymptotically
instances (see [17]). stable.

Theorem 7.6 System (7.10) is input-to-state stable if and Example 3 We have observed before that, in the composite
only if there exists class K functions γ0 (·) and γ (·) such that, system (7.9), global asymptotic stability of the equilibrium
for any input u(·) ∈ L∞ m
and any x0 ∈ Rn , the response x(t) x = 0 of ẋ = f (x, 0) and global asymptotic stability of the
in the initial state x(0) = x0 satisfies equilibrium z = 0 of the lower subsystem do not imply,
in general, global asymptotic stability of the equilibrium
|x(·)|∞ ≤ max{γ0 (|x0 |), γ (u(·)∞ )} (x, z) = (0, 0). To see that this is the case, consider the system
lim sup |x(t)| ≤ γ (lim sup |u(t)|).
t→∞ t→∞ ẋ = −x + x2 z
ż = −z.

7.5.2 Cascade Connections In the upper subsystem, the equilibrium x = 0 for z = 0 is

globally asymptotically stable, but the system is not input-to-
The property of input-to-state stability is of paramount im- state stable; the equilibrium z = 0 of the lower subsystem
portance in the analysis of interconnected systems. The first is globally asymptotically stable. It can be shown that the
application consists in the analysis of the cascade connection. equilibrium (x, z) = (0, 0) is not globally asymptotically
As a matter of fact, the cascade connection of two input-to- stable and, even, that there are initial conditions from which
state stable systems turns out to be input-to-state stable. More trajectories escape to infinity in finite time. To show that this
precisely, consider a system of the form (see Fig. 7.3) is the case, consider the differential equation

ẋ = f (x, z) x̃˙ = −x̃ + x̃2 (7.19)

ż = g(z, u),
with initial condition x̃(0) = x0 . Its solution is
in which x ∈ Rn , z ∈ Rm , f (0, 0) = 0, g(0, 0) = 0, and
f (x, z), g(z, u) are locally Lipschitz. x̃(t) = exp(−t).
x0 − 1 − x0 exp(−t)
Theorem 7.7 Suppose that system
Suppose x0 > 1. Then, the x̃(t) escapes to infinity in finite
time. In particular, the maximal (positive) time interval on
ẋ = f (x, z), (7.17) which x̃(t) is defined is the interval [0, tmax (x0 )) with
tmax (z0 ) = ln .
x0 − 1
u z
ż = g(z, u) ẋ = f(x, z)
Now, return to system (7.9), with initial condition (x0 , z0 ),
and let z0 be such that

Fig. 7.3 Cascade connection z(t) = exp(−t)z0 ≥ 1 for all t ∈ [0, tmax (x0 )).
174 A. Isidori

Clearly, on the time interval [0, tmax (x0 )), we have of class KL, and the second of class K, such that the response
x1 (·) to any input x2 (·) ∈ L∞
ẋ = −x + x2 z ≥ −x + x2 .
|x1 (t)| ≤ max{β1 (|x1 (0)|, t), γ1 (x2 (·)∞ )}
By comparison with (7.19), it follows that (7.21)
for all t ≥ 0.

x(t) ≥ x̃(t). Likewise, the hypothesis of input-to-state stability of the

second subsystem is equivalent to the existence of three class
Hence, x(t) escapes to infinity, at a time t∗ ≤ tmax (x0 ). functions β2 (·), γ2 (·), and γu (·), such that the response x2 (·)
On the contrary, in the cascade connection to any input x1 (·) ∈ L∞ n1
, u(·) ∈ L∞

ẋ = −x3 + x2 z
|x2 (t)| ≤ max{β2 (|x2 (0)|, t), γ2 (x1 (·)∞ ), γu (u(·)∞ )}
ż = −z
for all t ≥ 0.
the equilibrium (x, z) = (0, 0) is globally asymptotically (7.22)
stable because the upper subsystem, viewed as a system with The important result, for the analysis of the stability of
input z, is input-to-state stable.
the interconnected system (7.20), is that if the composite
function γ1 ◦ γ2 (·) is a simple contraction, i.e., if
7.5.3 Feedback Connections
γ1 (γ2 (r)) < r for all r > 0, (7.23)
In this section, we investigate the stability property of
feedback-connected nonlinear systems, and we will see the system in question is input-to-state stable. This result is
that the property of input-to-state stability lends itself usually referred to as the small-gain theorem.
to a simple characterization of an important sufficient
condition under which the feedback interconnection of two Theorem 7.8 If the condition (7.23) holds, system (7.20),
globally asymptotically stable systems remains globally viewed as a system with state x = (x1 , x2 ) and input u, is
asymptotically stable. input-to-state stable.
Consider the following interconnected system (Fig. 7.4)
The condition (7.23), i.e., the condition that the composed
ẋ1 = f1 (x1 , x2 ) function γ1 ◦ γ2 (·) is a contraction, is usually referred to as
ẋ2 = f2 (x1 , x2 , u), the small gain condition.

in which x1 ∈ Rn1 , x2 ∈ Rn2 , u ∈ Rm , and f1 (0, 0) = 0, 7.5.4 The Steady-State Response

f2 (0, 0, 0) = 0. Suppose that the first subsystem, viewed as
a system with internal state x1 and input x2 , is input-to-state In this subsection, we show how the concept of steady state,
stable. Likewise, suppose that the second subsystem, viewed introduced earlier, and the property of input-to-state stability
as a system with internal state x2 and inputs x1 and u, is input- are useful in the analysis of the steady-state response of a sys-
to-state stable. In view of the results presented earlier, the tem to inputs generated by a separate autonomous dynamical
hypothesis of input-to-state stability of the first subsystem is system (see [10]).
equivalent to the existence of functions β1 (·, ·), γ1 (·), the first
Example 4 Consider an n-dimensional, single-input, asymp-
totically stable linear system

ẋ1 = f1(x1, x2) ż = Fz + Gu (7.24)

x2 x1 forced by the harmonic input u(t) = u0 sin(ωt + φ0 ). A

simple method to analyze the asymptotic behavior of (7.24)
consists in viewing the forcing input u(t) as provided by an
ẋ2 = f2(x1, x2, u) u autonomous “signal generator” of the form
0 ω  
ẇ = w := Sw u = 1 0 w := Qw
Fig. 7.4 Feedback connection −ω 0
7 Nonlinear Control Theory for Automation 175

and in analyzing the state-state behavior of the associated in which w ∈ W ⊂ Rr and x ∈ Rn , and assume that (i)
“augmented” system all eigenvalues of F have negative real part and (ii) the set
W is a compact set, invariant for the the upper subsystem
ẇ = Sw of (7.27).
(7.25) As in the previous example, since the lower subsystem 7
ż = Fz + GQw.
of (7.27) is input-to-state stable, the motions of system (7.27),
for initial conditions taken in W×Rn , are ultimately bounded.
Since the spectra of F and S are disjoint, the Sylvester
It is easy to check that the steady-state locus of (7.27) is the
equation S = F + GQ has a solution  and the graph
graph of the map π : W → Rn defined by
of the linear map z = w is an invariant subspace for
the system (7.25). Since all trajectories of (7.25) approach  0
this subspace as t → ∞, the limit behavior of (7.25) is π(w) = lim e−Fτ Gq(w(τ , w))dτ. (7.28)
T→∞ −T
determined by the restriction of its motion to this invariant
There are various ways in which the result discussed in
Revisiting this analysis from the viewpoint of the more
these examples can be generalized. For instance, it can be
general notion of steady-state introduced earlier, let W ⊂ R2
extended to analyze, in the neighborhood of a locally expo-
be a set of the form
nentially stable equilibrium point, the steady-state response
of a nonlinear system
W = {w ∈ R2 : |w| ≤ c} (7.26)
ż = f (z, u) (7.29)
in which c is a fixed number, and suppose the set of initial
conditions for (7.25) is W × Rn . This is in fact the case when
the problem of evaluating the periodic response of (7.24) to to an input u produced by a signal generator of the form
harmonic inputs whose amplitude does not exceed a fixed
number c is addressed. The set W is compact and invariant ẇ = s(w)
for the upper subsystem of (7.25), and, as it is easy to check, u = q(w)
the ω-limit set of W under the motion of the upper subsystem
with initial conditions in a compact invariant set W. In this
of (7.25) is the subset W itself.
case, too, it is possible to show that, if W is small enough,
The set W × Rn is closed and positively invariant for the
the steady-state locus of (7.29)–(7.30) is the graph of a map
full system (7.25), and, moreover, since the lower subsys-
π : W → Rn .

tem of (7.25) is input-to-state stable, the motions of system

of (7.25), for initial conditions taken in W ×Rn , are ultimately
bounded. Then, it is easy to check that the steady state locus
of (7.25) is the set
7.6 Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems via
ω(B) = {(w, z) ∈ R2 × Rn : w ∈ W, z = w} , State Feedback

i.e., the graph of the restriction of the map z = w to the 7.6.1 Relative Degree, Normal Forms
set W. The restriction of (7.25) to the invariant set ω(B)
characterizes the steady-state behavior of (7.24) under the In this section, we consider the class of single-input single-
family of all harmonic inputs of fixed angular frequency ω output nonlinear systems that can be modeled by equations
and amplitude not exceeding c.
of the form
ẋ = f (x) + g(x)u
y = h(x)

Example 5 A similar conclusion, namely, the fact that the in which x ∈ Rn and in which f : Rn → Rn and g : Rn → Rn
steady state locus is the graph of a map, can be reached if the are vector fields and h : Rn → R is a smooth function. Such
“signal generator” is any nonlinear system, with initial con- systems are usually referred to as input-affine systems.
ditions chosen in a compact invariant set W. More precisely, Stabilization of nonlinear systems is a very difficult task,
consider an augmented system of the form and general methods are not available. Only if the equations
of the system exhibit a special structure do there exist sys-
ẇ = s(w) tematic methods for the design of pure state feedback (or,
(7.27) if necessary, dynamic, output feedback) laws yielding global
ż = Fz + Gq(w) , asymptotic stability of an equilibrium. Special structures of
176 A. Isidori

the equations, which facilitate the design of feedback laws, The concept thus introduced is a local concept, namely,
are revealed by changes of coordinates in the state space. r may depend on the specific point x◦ about which the
While, in the case of a linear system, a change of co- functions Lg Lfk h(x) are evaluated. The value of r may be
ordinates consists in replacing the original state vector x different at different points of Rn , and there may be points
with a new vector x̃ related to x by means of the linear where a relative degree cannot be defined. However, since
transformation x̃ = Tx in which T is a nonsingular matrix, f (x), g(x), and h(x) are smooth, the set of points, where a
in the case of a nonlinear system, a change of coordinates is relative degree can be defined, is an open and dense subset
a transformation x̃ = (x) in which (·) is a map Rn → Rn of Rn . Note that a single-input single-output linear system
having the following properties: is a special case of a system of the form (7.31), obtained by
setting f (x) = Ax, and g(x) = B, h(x) = Cx. In this case,
(i) (·) is invertible, i.e., there exists a map −1 : Rn → Lfk h(x) = CAk x and therefore Lg Lfk h(x) = CAk B. Thus, the
Rn , such that −1 ((x)) = x for all x ∈ Rn and integer r is the smallest value of r for which CAr−1 B = 0.
(−1 (x̃)) = x̃ for all x̃ ∈ Rn In order to check that the integer in question characterizes
(ii) (·) and −1 (·) are both smooth mappings, i.e., have the number of derivatives of y(t) needed to have u(t) explic-
continuous partial derivatives of any order. itly appearing, assume that the system at time t = 0 is in the
state x(0) = x◦ , and calculate the value of the output y(t) and
A transformation of this type is called a global diffeomor- of its derivatives with respect to time y(k) (t), for k = 1, 2, . . .
phism. Sometimes, a transformation possessing properties (i) for values of t near t = 0. By definition
and (ii) and defined for all x is difficult to find. Thus, in some
cases, one rather looks at transformations defined only in a y(t) = h(x(t))
neighborhood of a given point. A transformation of this type
is called a local diffeomorphism. and
To the purpose of deriving a special form of the equa-
tions describing the system, it is appropriate to associate ∂h dx ∂h
y(1) (t) = = [f (x(t)) + g(x(t))u(t)]
with (7.31) an integer, known as relative degree, that –in a ∂x dt ∂x
nutshell– “counts” the number of times the output y(t) of
the system has to be differentiated (with respect to time) = Lf h(x(t)) + Lg h(x(t))u(t).
so as to have the input u(t) explicitly appearing. Since tak-
At time t = 0,
ing successive derivatives of the output of (7.31) implies
taking successive derivatives of h(x(t)) in which x(t) obeys
y(1) (0) = Lf h(x◦ ) + Lg h(x◦ )u(0).
ẋ(t) = f (x(t)) + g(x(t))u(t), it is convenient to introduce a
notation by means of which such successive derivatives can
Thus, if r = 1, the value y(1) (0) is an affine function of u(0).
be expressed in compact form. Let λ be real-valued smooth
If r > 1 and |t| is small (in which case x(t) remains in a
function and f a smooth vector field, both defined on a subset
neighborhood of x◦ ), one has Lg h(x(t)) = 0 for all such t and
U of Rn . The function Lf λ is the real-valued smooth function
defined as
y(1) (t) = Lf h(x(t)) ,
which in turn yields
∂λ ∂λ
Lf λ(x) = fi (x) := f (x).
∂xi ∂x ∂Lf h dx ∂Lf h
i=1 y(2) (t) = = [f (x(t)) + g(x(t))u(t)]
∂x dt ∂x

This function is sometimes called the derivative of λ along = Lf2 h(x(t)) + Lg Lf h(x(t))u(t).
f. If g is another vector field, the notation Lg Lf λ(x) stands for
the derivative of the real-valued function Lf λ along g, and the At time t = 0,
notation Lfk λ(x) stands for the derivative of the real-valued
function Lfk−1 λ along f . y(2) (0) = Lf2 h(x◦ ) + Lg Lf h(x◦ )u(0).
The nonlinear system (7.31) is said to have relative degree
r at a point x◦ if there exists a neighborhood U of x◦ such Thus, if r = 2, the value y(2) (0) is an affine function of u(0).
that: If r > 2, and |t| is small, one has Lg Lf h(x(t)) = 0 and
(i) Lg Lfk h(x) = 0 for all x ∈ U and all k < r − 1 y(2) (t) = Lf2 h(x(t)).
(ii) Lg Lfr−1 h(x◦ ) = 0 all x ∈ U. Continuing in the same way, one arrives at
7 Nonlinear Control Theory for Automation 177

y(k) (t) = Lfk h(x(t)) for all k < r and all t near t = 0 On the right-hand side of this equation, x must be replaced
y(r) (0) = Lfr h(x◦ ) + Lg Lfr−1 h(x◦ )u(0). by its expression as a function of x̃, which will be written as
x = −1 (z, ξ ). Thus, setting
The calculations above suggest that the functions h(x), 7
q(z, ξ ) = Lfr h(−1 (z, ξ ))
Lf h(x), . . . , Lfr−1 h(x) must have a special importance. As a
matter of fact, such functions can be used in order to define, b(z, ξ ) = Lg Lfr−1 h(−1 (z, ξ ))
at least partially, a local coordinate transformation around x◦ .
If r = n, these functions define a full change of coordinates. the equation in question can be rewritten as
Otherwise, if r < n, the change of coordinates can be
completed by picking n − r additional functions, yielding a = q(z(t), ξ(t)) + b(z(t), ξ(t))u(t).
full change of coordinates. dt

Note that, by definition of relative degree, at the point

Proposition 7.1 Suppose the system has relative degree r at x̃◦ =col(z◦ , ξ ◦ )=(x◦ ), we have b(z◦ , ξ ◦ )=Lg Lfr−1 h(x◦ ) =0.
x◦ . Then, r ≤ n. If r is strictly less than n, it is always possible Thus, the coefficient b(z, ξ ) is nonzero for all (z, ξ ) in a
to find n − r more functions ψ1 (x), . . . , ψn−r (x), such that the neighborhood of (z◦ , ξ ◦ ).
⎛ ⎞ As far as the other new coordinates are concerned, one
ψ1 (x) cannot expect any special structure for the corresponding
⎜ ... ⎟
⎜ ⎟ equations, if nothing else has been specified. However, if
⎜ ψn−r (x) ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ψ1 (x), . . . , ψn−r (x) have been chosen in such a way that
(x) = ⎜ ⎜ h(x) ⎟

Lg ψi (x) = 0, then
⎜ Lf h(x) ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ... ⎠
Lfr−1 h(x) dzi ∂ψi
= [f (x(t)) + g(x(t))u(t)]
qualifies as a local coordinates transformation in a neighbor- dt ∂x
hood of x◦ . The value at x◦ of these additional functions can = Lf ψi (x(t)) + Lg ψi (x(t))u(t) = Lf ψi (x(t)).
be fixed arbitrarily. Moreover, it is always possible to choose
ψ1 (x), . . . , ψn−r (x), in such a way that Setting ⎛ ⎞
Lf ψ1 (−1 (z, ξ ))
Lg ψi (x) = 0 for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n − r and all x around x◦ . f0 (z, ξ ) = ⎝ ··· ⎠
Lf ψn−r ( (z, ξ ))
The description of the system in the new coordinates is the latter can be rewritten as
found very easily. Set
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ = f0 (z(t), ξ(t)).
z1 ψ1 (x) ξ1 h(x) dt
⎜ z2 ⎟ ⎜ ψ2 (x) ⎟ ⎜ ξ2 ⎟ ⎜ Lf h(x) ⎟
z=⎜ ⎟ ⎜
⎝ ··· ⎠ = ⎝ ··· ⎠,
⎟ ξ =⎜ ⎟ ⎜
⎝· · ·⎠ = ⎝ · · · ⎠
⎟ Thus, in summary, in the new (local) coordinates, the
system is described by equations of the form
zn−r ψn−r (x) ξr Lfr−1 h(x)
ż = f0 (z, ξ )
ξ̇1 = ξ2
x̃ = col(z1 , . . . , zn−r , ξ1 , . . . , ξr ) := (x).
ξ̇2 = ξ3
Bearing in mind the previous calculations, it is seen that (7.32)
dξ1 ∂h dx ξ̇r−1 = ξr
= = Lf h(x(t)) = ξ2 (t)
dt ∂x d t ξ̇r = q(z, ξ ) + b(z, ξ )u.
dξr−1 ∂(Lfr−2 h) dx In addition to these equations, one has to specify how the
= = Lfr−1 h(x(t)) = ξr (t). output of the system is related to the new state variables.
dt ∂x dt
Being y = h(x), it is readily seen that y = ξ1 .
while, for ξr , The equations thus found are said to be in strict normal
form. They can be given a compact expression if one uses the
dξr three matrices  ∈ Rr × Rr , B̂ ∈ Rr × R, and Ĉ ∈ R × Rr ,
= Lfr h(x(t)) + Lg Lfr−1 h(x(t))u(t).
dt defined as
178 A. Isidori

⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
0 1 0 ··· 0 0 ξ̇ = (Â + B̂K̂)ξ + B̂v
⎜0 0 1 · · · 0 ⎟ ⎜0⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟   y = Ĉξ.
 = ⎜ ⎟
⎜· · · · · · ·⎟ , B̂ = ⎜ ⎟
⎜· · ·⎟ , Ĉ = 1 0 0 · · · 0 .
⎝0 0 0 · · · 1 ⎠ ⎝0⎠
It is seen, in this way, that if a system has relative degree
0 0 0 ··· 0 1
n and a globally defined normal form exists, there exist a
change of coordinates and a feedback law
With the aid of such matrices, the equations above can be
rewritten in the form ⎛ ⎞
⎜ Lf h(x) ⎟ 1
ż = f0 (z, ξ ) ξ =⎜ ⎟ u= [−Lfn h(x) + v]
⎝ ··· ⎠ Lg Lfn−1 h(x)
ξ̇ = Âξ + B̂[q(z, ξ ) + b(z, ξ )u] (7.34) Lfn−1 h(x)
y = Ĉξ.
that transform the system into a fully linear system. This
Note that, if f (0) = 0, that is, if x = 0 is an equilibrium design method is know as feedback linearization. Note also
of the autonomous system ẋ = f (x), and if h(0) = 0, the that, since the pair (Â, B̂) is controllable, the eigenvalues of
functions Lfk h(x) are zero at x = 0. Since the values of the (Â + B̂K̂) can be freely assigned.
complementary functions ψj (x) at x = 0 are arbitrary, one
can pick them in such a way that ψj (0) = 0. As a result,
(0) = 0. Accordingly, in system (7.34), we have 7.6.3 Global Stabilization via Partial
Feedback Linearization
f0 (0, 0) = 0 q(0, 0) = 0.
If r < n, the system (7.36) is only partly linear. As a matter
It can be shown that, if the system has relative degree of fact, the system is linear from the input-output viewpoint,
r at each x◦ ∈ Rn and some additional technical condi- but there are internal dynamics, namely, those of
tions (involving the vector fields f (x), g(x), see [8, Chapter
11]) hold, the coordinates transformation (x) considered in ż = f0 (z, ξ ) , (7.37)
Proposition 7.1 and, consequently, the normal form (7.34) are
globally defined. In what follows, we assume that this is the that are possibly nonlinear. Thus, if a feedback law of the
case. form (7.35) is to be used, the role of such internal dynamics
should be carefully weighted. In this respect, the following
notions play an important role.
7.6.2 Feedback Linearization
Definition 7 A system is globally minimum-phase if the
As anticipated, once the system has been expressed in normal equilibrium z = 0 of ż = f0 (z, 0) is globally asymp-
form as in (7.34), the design of feedback laws is easied. In totically stable. The system is strongly minimum-phase if
fact, since by definition the coefficient b(z, ξ ) is nowhere system (7.37), viewed as a system with input ξ and state z,
zero, it is admissible to consider a feedback law of the form is input-to-state stable.

1 Remark 1 The terminology “minimum-phase” is borrowed

u= (−q(z, ξ ) + K̂ξ + v) , (7.35)
b(z, ξ ) from a terminology in use for linear systems. In fact, in a
linear system, the dynamics (7.37) are linear dynamics that
in which K̂ ∈ R × Rr is a vector of design parameters. Under can be modeled as ż = F0 z + G0 ξ . It can be shown that, if the
this feedback law, the system becomes system is controllable and observable, the eigenvalues of F0
coincide with the zeros of the transfer function of the system.
ż = f0 (z, ξ ) Since, according to a terminology that dates back to the work
of H.W. Bode, systems whose transfer function have all zeros
ξ̇ = (Â + B̂K̂)ξ + B̂v (7.36) with negative real part are said to be “minimum-phase,” it
y = Ĉξ. turns out that a linear system is minimum-phase if (and only
if) all the eigenvalues of F0 have negative real part, that is, if
In the special case in which r = n, the subset z of new the system ż = F0 z is (globally) asymptotically stable. In the
coordinates is missing, and the equations above reduce those case of a nonlinear system, global stability of the equilibrium
of a fully linear system z = 0 of ż = f0 (z, 0) is only implied by the property of
7 Nonlinear Control Theory for Automation 179

input-to-state stability of (7.37), and this motivates the use of This feedback strategy, although very intuitive and el-
the attribute “strongly” to denote the latter, stronger, property. ementary, is not useful in a practical context, because it

relies upon exact cancelation of certain nonlinear functions

and, as such, possibly non-robust. Uncertainties in f (x) and
If a system is strongly minimum-phase, global asymptotic g(x) would make this strategy unapplicable. Moreover, the 7
stability of the equilibrium (z, ξ ) = (0, 0) can be achieved by implementation of such control law requires the availability,
means of the partially linearizing control for feedback purposes, of the full state x of the system, a
condition that might be hard to ensure. It will be seen in what
1 follows how such drawbacks can be overcome.
u= (−q(z, ξ ) + K̂ξ + v). (7.38)
b(z, ξ )

In fact, since the pair (Â, B̂) is reachable, it is possible to pick 7.6.4 Global Stabilization via Backstepping
K̂ so that the matrix (Â + B̂K̂) is a Hurwitz matrix. In this
case, the resulting system We describe now a method for global asymptotic stabilization
of a system of the following form
ż = f0 (z, ξ )
ż = f0 (z, ξ1 )
ξ̇ = (Â + B̂K̂)ξ + B̂v (7.40)
ξ̇ = Âξ + B̂(q(z, ξ ) + b(z, ξ )u).
appears as a cascade connection in which an input-to-state
Unlike the case addressed in the previous section, here the
stable system (the lower subsystem) drives an input-to-state
dynamics of z are affected only by the first component ξ1
stable system (the upper subsystem). According to Theo-
of ξ . The dynamics in question, though, is not required to
rem 7.7, such cascade connection is input-to-state stable
be input-to-state stable, as in the previous section, but it is
stable (and, hence, its equilibrium (z, ξ ) = (0, 0) is globally
simply assumed that the equilibrium z = 0 of ż = f0 (z, ξ1 ) is
asymptotically stable).
stabilizable by means of some control law ξ1 = v (z).
The feedback law (7.38) is expressed in the (z, ξ ) coordi-
The method for stabilization is a recursive method, based
nates that characterize the normal form (7.34). To express it
on a simple “modular” property.
in the original coordinates that characterize the model (7.31),
it suffices to bear in mind that
Lemma 7.4 Consider a system described by equations of
the form
b(z, ξ ) = Lg Lfr−1 h(x) , q(z, ξ ) = Lfr h(x) ż = f0 (z, ξ )
ξ̇ = q(z, ξ ) + b(z, ξ )u
and to observe that since ξi = Lfi−1 h(x) for i = 1, . . . , r, then
in which (z, ξ ) ∈ Rn × R and the functions f0 (z, ξ ), q(z, ξ ),
and b(z, ξ ) are continuously differentiable functions. Suppose

that b(z, ξ ) = 0 for all (z, ξ ) and that f0 (0, 0) = 0 and
K̂ξ = k̂i Lfi−1 h(x)
q(0, 0) = 0. If z = 0 is a globally asymptotically stable equi-
librium of ż = f0 (z, 0), there exists a differentiable function
u = u(z, ξ ) with u(0, 0) = 0, such that the equilibrium at
in which k̂1 , . . . , k̂r are the entries of the row vector K̂. Thus,
(z, ξ ) = (0, 0)
the following conclusion holds.
ż = f0 (z, ξ )
Proposition 7.2 Consider a system of the form (7.31), with
f (0) = 0 and h(0) = 0. Suppose the system has relative ξ̇ = q(z, ξ ) + b(z, ξ )u(z, ξ )
degree r and possesses a globally defined normal form.
Suppose the system is strongly minimum-phase. If K̂ ∈ R×Rr is globally asymptotically stable.
is any vector such that σ (Â + B̂K̂) ∈ C − , the state feedback
law The construction of the stabilizing feedback u(z, ξ ) is
achieved as follows. First of all observe that, using the
assumption b(z, ξ ) = 0, the imposition of the preliminary
u(x) = −Lfr h(x) + k̂i Lfi−1 h(x) , (7.39) feedback law (7.35), with K̂ = 0, yields the simpler system
Lg Lfr−1 h(x) i=1
ż = f0 (z, ξ )
globally asymptotically stabilizes the equilibrium x = 0. ξ̇ = v.
180 A. Isidori

Then, express f0 (z, ξ ) in the from with v (0) = 0, which globally asymptotically stabilizes the
equilibrium z = 0 of ż = f0 (z, v (z)). Then, there exists a
f0 (z, ξ ) = f0 (z, 0) + p(z, ξ )ξ differentiable function u = u(z, ξ ) with u(0, 0) = 0, such
that the equilibrium at (z, ξ ) = (0, 0)
in which p(z, ξ ) = [f0 (z, ξ )−f0 (z, 0)]/ξ is at least continuous.
Since by assumption z = 0 is a globally asymptotically ż = f0 (z, ξ )
stable equilibrium of ż = f0 (z, 0), by the converse Lyapunov ξ̇ = q(z, ξ ) + b(z, ξ )u(z, ξ )
theorem there exists a smooth real-valued function V(z),
which is positive definite and proper, satisfying
is globally asymptotically stable.
f0 (z, 0) < 0 To prove the result and to construct the stabilizing feed-
∂z back, it suffices to consider the (globally defined) change of
for all nonzero z. Consider, for the full system, the “candi-
y = ξ − v (z),
date” Lyapunov function
which transforms (7.41) into a system
W(z, ξ ) = V(z) + ξ 2 ,
2 ż = f0 (z, v (z) + y)
and observe that ẏ = − f0 (z, v (z) + y) + q(v (z) + y, ξ ) + b(v (z) + y, ξ )u,
∂W ∂W ∂V ∂V
ż + ξ̇ = f0 (z, 0) + p(z, ξ )ξ + ξ v. which meets the assumptions of Lemma 7.4, and then fol-
∂z ∂ξ ∂z ∂z low the construction of a stabilizing feedback as described.
Using repeatedly the property indicated in Lemma 7.5, it
∂V is straightforward to derive the expression of a globally
v = −ξ − p(z, ξ ) (7.42) stabilizing feedback for a system in the form (7.40). It must
be observed, though, that also such feedback strategy, like
yields the one discussed in the previous section, relies upon exact
cancelation of certain nonlinear functions and, as such, is
∂W ∂W ∂V
ż + ξ̇ = f0 (z, 0) − ξ 2 < 0 possibly non-robust.
∂z ∂ξ ∂z
Example 6 Consider the system
for all nonzero (z, ξ ), and this, by the direct Lyapunov crite-
rion, shows that the feedback law
ż = z − z3 + ξ1
  ξ̇1 = ξ2
1 ∂V
u(z, ξ ) = −q(z, ξ ) − ξ − p(z, ξ ) ξ̇2 = z + ξ12 + u.
b(z, ξ ) ∂z

globally asymptotically stabilizes the equilibrium (z, ξ ) = The dynamics of z can be stabilized by means of the virtual
(0, 0) of the associated closed-loop system. control ξ1∗ (z) = −2z. This yields a system
In the next Lemma (which contains the previous one as a
particular case), this result is extended, by showing that, to ż = −z − z3
the purpose of stabilizing the equilibrium (z, ξ ) = (0, 0) of
system (7.41), it suffices to assume that the equilibrium z = 0
with Lyapunov function W1 (z) = 12 z2 .
Change ξ1 into ζ1 = ξ1 − ξ1∗ (z) = ξ1 + 2z, to obtain
ż = f0 (z, ξ )
is stabilizable by means of a virtual control law ξ = v (z). ż = −z − z3 + ζ1
ζ̇1 = ξ2 − 2z − 2z3 + 2ζ1
Lemma 7.5 Consider again the system described by equa- ξ̇2 = z + (ζ1 − 2z)2 + u.
tions of the form (7.41). Suppose there exists a continuously
differentiable function
The subsystem consisting of the two upper equations,
viewed as a system with state (z, ζ1 ) and control ξ2 , can be
ξ = v (z),
stabilized by means of a virtual control
7 Nonlinear Control Theory for Automation 181

∂W1 equilibrium point all trajectories, which have origin in a a

ξ2∗ (z, ζ1 ) = −(−2z−2z3 +2ζ1 )−ζ1 − = −3ζ1 +z+2z3 .
∂z priori fixed (and hence possibly large) bounded set.
Consider again a system satisfying the assumptions of
This yields a system Lemma 7.4. Observe that b(z, ξ ), being continuous and
nowhere zero, has a well-defined sign. Choose a simple 7
ż = −z − z + ζ13
control law of the form
ζ̇1 = −z − ζ1
u = −k sign(b) ξ (7.44)
with Lyapunov function
to obtain the system
W2 (z, ζ1 ) = (z2 + ζ12 ).
2 ż = f0 (z, ξ )
Change now ξ2 into ξ̇ = q(z, ξ ) − k|b(z, ξ )|ξ.

ζ2 = ξ2 − ξ2∗ (z, ζ1 ) = ξ2 + 3ζ1 − z − 2z3 Assume that the equilibrium z = 0 of ż = f0 (z, 0) is

globally asymptotically but also locally exponentially stable.
If this is the case, then the linear approximation of the first
to obtain a system of the form
equation of (7.45) at the point (z, ξ ) = (0, 0) is a system of
the form
ż = −z − z3 + ζ1
ż = F0 z + G0 ξ (7.46)
ζ̇1 = −z − ζ1 + ζ2
ζ̇2 = a(z, ζ1 , ζ2 ) + u in which F0 is a Hurwitz matrix. Moreover, the linear ap-
proximation of the second equation of (7.45) at the point
in which (z, ξ ) = (0, 0) is a system of the form

a(z, ζ1 , ζ2 ) = (ζ1 − 2z)2 − z − 4ζ1 − 3ζ2 + 3z3 + 2z5 − 2z2 ζ1 . ξ̇ = Qz + Rξ − kb0 ξ

This system is stabilized by means of the control in which b0 = |b(0, 0)|. It follows that the linear approxima-
tion of system (7.45) at the equilibrium (z, ξ ) = (0, 0) is a
∂W2 linear system ẋ = Ax in which
u(z, ζ1 , ζ2 ) = −a(z, ζ1 , ζ2 )−ζ2 − = −a(z, ζ1 , ζ2 )−ζ2 −ζ1 ,
F0 G0
A= .
and the corresponding closed-loop system has Lyapunov Q (R − kb0 )
1 Standard arguments show that, if the number k is large
W3 (z, ζ1 , ζ2 ) = (z2 + ζ12 + ζ22 ).
2 enough, the matrix in question has all eigenvalues with
Reversing all changes of coordinates used in the above con- negative real part (in particular, as k increases, n eigenvalues
struction, one may find the expression u = ψ(z, ξ1 , ξ2 ) of the approach the n eigenvalues of F0 and the remaining one is a
stabilizing law in original coordinates (z, ξ1 , ξ2 ).
real eigenvalue that tends to −∞). It is therefore concluded,
from the principle of stability in the first approximation, that
if k is sufficiently large, the equilibrium (z, ξ ) = (0, 0) of the
7.6.5 Semiglobal Practical Stabilization via closed loop system (7.45) is locally asymptotically (actually
High-Gain Partial-State Feedback locally exponentially) stable.
However, a stronger result holds. In fact, it can be proven
The global stabilization results presented in the previous sec- that, for any arbitrary compact subset K of Rn × R, there
tions are indeed conceptually appealing, but the actual imple- exists a number k∗ , such that, for all k ≥ k∗ , the equilibrium
mentation of the feedback law requires accurate knowledge is (z, ξ ) = (0, 0) of the closed-loop system (7.45) is locally
of the functions that characterize the model of the system asymptotically and all initial conditions in K produce a
to be stabilized and access to all components of its state. In trajectory that asymptotically converges to this equilibrium.
this section, we show how these drawbacks can, in part, be In other words, the basin of attraction of the equilibrium
overcome, if a less ambitious design goal is pursued, namely, (z, ξ ) = (0, 0) of the closed loop system contains the set K.
if instead of seeking global stabilization one is interested Note that the number k∗ depends on the choice of the set K
in a feedback law capable of asymptotically steering to the and, in principle, it increases as the size of K increases. The
182 A. Isidori

property in question can be summarized as follows (see [7, One can make the right-hand side negative definite by choos-
Chapter 9] for further details). A system ing a suitably large k. For instance, it can easily be seen that
if k ≥ k∗ = 12 (1 + (R + R2 )2 ), then
ẋ = f (x, u)
  −1 1
(R + R2 ) |z|
is said to be semiglobally stabilizable (an equivalent, but a |z| |ξ | 2
bit longer, terminology is asymptotically stabilizable with
(R + R )
−k |ξ |
guaranteed basin of attraction) at a given equilibrium point   
x̄ if, for each compact subset K ⊂ Rn , there exists a feedback   −1 0 |z|
≤ |z| |ξ | 2 .
law u = u(x), which in general depends on K, such that in 0 − 12 |ξ |
the corresponding closed-loop system
Consider now the sublevel set 0.5R2 of V(x), which is the
ẋ = f (x, u(x)) set of all x’s satisfying |x| ≤ R. On such set, the estimates
above are valid, and, hence, it is seen that there is a number
the point x̄ is a locally asymptotically stable equilibrium and k∗ , depending on the choice of R, such that if k ≥ k∗ and
x(t) ∈ 0.5R2 , then
x(0) ∈ K ⇒ lim x(t) = x̄
∂V 1
f (x) ≤ − |x|2 .
(i.e., the compact subset K is contained in the basin of ∂x 2
attraction of the equilibrium x̄). The result sketched above
claims that system (7.41), under the said assumptions, is This proves that the set 0.5R2 is invariant in positive time
semiglobally stabilizable at (z, ξ ) = (0, 0), by means of a for the controlled system. For any initial condition satisfying
feedback law of the form (7.44). |x(0)| ≤ R, the previous inequality holds, and it can be
concluded that x(t) exponentially decays to 0.

Example 7 Consider a system, with x = (z, ξ ) ∈ R2 ,

modeled by The design methods shown above can be easily extended
ż = −z + zξ to deal with a system of the form (7.32), having r > 1. Let, in
ξ̇ = z2 ξ + u this case, the variable ξr be replaced by a new state variable
defined as
In the upper subsystem, the point z = 0 is a globally
asymptotically stable equilibrium for ξ = 0. However, the
system –viewed as a system with input ξ = 0– is not input- θ = ξr + a0 ξ1 + a1 ξ2 + · · · + ar−2 ξr−1
to-state stable, and hence one cannot use the method of partial
feedback linearization to achieve global asymptotic stability. in which a0 , a1 , . . . , ar−2 are design parameters.
One can prove, though, that asymptotic stabilization with a After this change of coordinates, a system is obtained that
guaranteed region of attraction is possible if a control u = has a structure, which is identical to that of system (7.41). In
−kξ is used, with k > 0 sufficiently large. fact, having set
To this end, let R be an (arbitrarily large) fixed number,
and suppose initial conditions of (7.47) satisfy |x(0)| ≤ ζ = col(z, ξ1 , . . . , ξr−1 ) ∈ Rn−1
R. Consider, for (7.47), the candidate Lyapunov function
V(x) = 12 (z2 + ξ 2 ) and observe that, with u = −kξ , one and defined f̄0 (ζ , θ), q̄(ζ , θ), b̄(ζ , θ), ȳ as
∂V ⎛  ⎞
f (x) = −z2 + z2 ξ + z2 ξ 2 − kξ 2 f0 (z, ξ1 , . . . , ξr−1 , − r−1
∂x i=1 ai−1 ξi + θ)
⎜ ξ2 ⎟
So long as |x(t)| ≤ R, the previous expression can be ⎜ ⎟

f̄0 (ζ , θ) = ⎜ ··· ⎟
estimated as ⎟
⎝ ξr−1 ⎠
− i=1 ai−1 ξi + θ
∂V r−1
f (x) ≤ −z2 + (R + R2 )|z||ξ | − kξ 2 q̄(ζ , θ) = a0 ξ2 + a1 ξ3 + · · · + ar−2 (− ai−1 ξi + θ)
∂x i=1
   + q(z, ξ1 , . . . , ξr−1 , − i=1 ai−1 ξi + θ)
  −1 1
(R + R2 ) |z| 
= |z| |ξ | 2 . b̄(ζ , θ) = b(z, ξ1 , . . . , ξr−1 , − r−1
i=1 ai−1 ξi + θ) ,
(R + R 2
) −k |ξ |
the system can be rewritten in the form
7 Nonlinear Control Theory for Automation 183

ζ̇ = f̄0 (ζ , θ) 

(7.48) u= −k sign(Lg Lfr−1 h(x)) ai Lfi−1 h(x) , (7.51)

θ̇ = q̄(ζ , θ) + b̄(ζ , θ)u , i=1

identical to that of (7.41). Thus, identical stability results can

be obtained, if f̄0 (ζ , θ), q̄(ζ , θ), and b̄(ζ , θ) satisfy condi-
with the ai ’s, such that the polynomial (7.50) is Hurwitz and 7
ar−1 = 1. Then, for every choice of a compact set K, there
tions corresponding to those assumed on f0 (z, ξ ), q(z, ξ ), and is a number k∗ and a finite time T, such that, if k ≥ k∗ ,
b(z, ξ ). the equilibrium x = 0 of the resulting closed-loop system
From this viewpoint, it is trivial to check that f̄0 (0, 0) = is asymptotically (and locally exponentially) stable, with a
0, q̄(0, 0) = 0, and |b̄(ζ , θ)| > 0 for all (ζ , θ). In order to be domain of attraction A that contains the set K.
able to use the stabilization results indicated above, it remains
to check whether the equilibrium ζ = 0 of In the (z, ξ ) coordinates, the feedback law presented above
depends only on the components ξ1 , . . . , ξr of the state and
ζ̇ = f̄0 (ζ , 0) not on the component z. For this reason, it is usually referred
to as a partial-state feedback law.
is globally asymptotically and also locally exponentially
stable. This system has the structure of a cascade intercon-
7.7 Observers and Stabilization via
r−1 Output Feedback
ż = f0 (z, ξ1 , . . . , ξr−1 , − i=1 ai−1 ξi )
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞
ξ̇1 0 1 0 ··· 0 ξ1 7.7.1 Canonical Forms of Observable
⎜ ξ̇2 ⎟ ⎜ 0 0 1 · · · 0 ⎟ ⎜ ξ2 ⎟ Nonlinear Systems
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ (7.49)
⎜ ··· ⎟ = ⎜ · · · ··· · ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ··· ⎟.
⎝ξ̇r−2 ⎠ ⎝ 0 0 0 · · · 1 ⎠ ⎝ξr−2 ⎠ In this and in the following two sections, we consider nonlin-
ξ̇r−1 −a0 −a1 −a2 · · · −ar−2 ξr−1 ear systems modeled by equations of the form

If the ai ’s are such that the polynomial ẋ = f (x, u)

y = h(x, u)
d(λ) = λr−1 + ar−2 λr−2 + · · · + a1 λ + a0 (7.50)
with state x ∈ Rn , input u ∈ Rm , and output y ∈ R.
is Hurwitz, the lower subsystem of the cascade is (globally) The design of observers for such systems usually requires
asymptotically stable. If system (7.32) is strongly minimum- the preliminary transformation of the equations, describing
phase, the upper subsystem of the cascade, viewed as a the system in a form that corresponds to the observability
system with input (ξ1 , . . . , ξr−1 ) and state z, is input-to- canonical form usually considered for linear systems. A key
state stable. Thus, system (7.49) is globally asymptotically requirement for the existence of observers is the existence
stable. If, in addition, the linear approxmation of (7.32) is of a global change of coordinates x̃ = (x) carrying sys-
locally exponentially stable, then system (7.49) is also locally tem (7.52) into a system of the form
exponentially stable.
Under such hypotheses, observing that –in the present x̃˙ 1 = f̃1 (x̃1 , x̃2 , u)
context– the stabilizing feedback (7.44) becomes x̃˙ 2 = f̃2 (x̃1 , x̃2 , x̃3 , u)
u = −kθ = −k(a0 ξ1 + a1 ξ2 + · · · + ar−2 ξr−1 + ξr ) (7.53)
x̃˙ n−1 = f̃n−1 (x̃1 , x̃2 , . . . , x̃n , u)
x̃˙ n = f̃n (x̃1 , x̃2 , . . . , x̃n , u)
and bearing in mind the fact that ξi = Lfi−1 h(x) for i =
y = h̃(x̃1 , u)
1, . . . , r, one can conclude the following stabilization result.

Proposition 7.3 Consider system (7.31), with f (0) = 0 in which h̃(x̃1 , u) and the f̃i (x̃1 , x̃2 , . . . , x̃i+1 , u)’s satisfy
and h(0) = 0. Suppose the system has relative degree r
∂ h̃ ∂ f̃i
and possesses a globally defined normal form. Suppose the = 0 , and = 0 , for all i = 1, . . . , n − 1
system is strongly minimum-phase. Suppose also that the ∂ x̃1 ∂ x̃i+1
matrix F0 that charactrizes the linear approximation (7.46)
of f0 (z, ξ ) at (z, ξ ) = (0, 0) is Hurwitz. Let the control be for all x̃ ∈ Rn and all u ∈ Rm . This form is usually referred
provided by a feedback of the form to as the uniform observability canonical form.
184 A. Isidori

⎛ ⎞
The existence of canonical forms of this kind can be h(x)
checked as follows (see [4, Chapter 2]). Define –recursively– ⎜ Lf h(x) ⎟
a sequence of real-valued functions ϕi (x, u) as (x) = ⎜
⎝ ··· ⎠.

Lfn−1 (x)
ϕ1 (x, u) := h(x, u) , ··· ϕi (x, u) := f (x, u) ,
∂x If the system is linear, Lfi h(x) = CAi x, and hence x̃ = (x)
is the change of coordinates that brings the system in the
for i = 1, . . . , n. Using these functions, define a sequence of observability canonical form.
Ri -valued functions i (x, u) as follows
7.7.2 High-Gain Observers
⎛ ⎞
ϕ1 (x, u)
⎜ ⎟
i (x, u) = ⎝ ... ⎠ Once a system has been changed into its uniform observabil-
ity canonical form, an asymptotic observer can be built as
ϕi (x, u)
follows. Take a copy of the dynamics of (7.53), corrected by
an innovation term proportional to the difference between the
for i = 1, . . . , n. Finally, for each of the i (x, u)’s, compute output of (7.53) and the output of the copy. More precisely,
the subspace consider a system of the form

i x̂˙ 1 = f̃1 (x̂1 , x̂2 , u) + κcn−1 (y − h̃(x̂1 , u))
Ki (x, u) = ker , x̂˙ 2 = f̃2 (x̂1 , x̂2 , x̂3 , u) + κ 2 cn−2 (y − h̃(x̂1 , u))
∂x (x,u)
··· (7.55)
˙x̂n−1 = f̃n−1 (x̂, u) + κ n−1 c1 (y − h̃(x̂1 , u))
in which ker[M], the null space of the matrix M, denotes
subspace consisting of all vectors v such that Mv = 0. Note x̂˙ n = f̃n (x̂, u) + κ n c0 (y − h̃(x̂1 , u)) ,
that, since the entries of the matrix
in which κ and cn−1 , cn−2 , . . . , c0 are design parameters.
The state of the system thus defined is capable to asymp-
totically track the state of system (7.53), no matter what the
initial conditions x(0), x̃(0) and the input u(t) are, provided
that the two following technical hypotheses hold:
are in general dependent on (x, u), so is its null space Ki (x, u).
The role played by the objects thus defined in the construc- (i) Each of the maps f̃i (x̃1 , . . . , x̃i , x̃i+1 , u), for i = 1, . . . , n, is
tion of the change of coordinates, yielding an observability globally Lipschitz with respect to (x̃1 , . . . , x̃i ), uniformly
canonical form, is explained in this result. in x̃i+1 and u.
(ii) There exist two real numbers α and β, with 0 < α < β,
Lemma 7.6 Consider system (7.52) and the map x̃ = (x) such that
defined by
⎛ ⎞
ϕ1 (x, 0)  ∂ h̃   ∂ f̃ 
⎜ ϕ2 (x, 0) ⎟    i 
α≤ ≤β, and α ≤  ≤β,
(x) = ⎜⎝ ··· ⎠.
⎟ ∂ x̃1 ∂ x̃i+1
ϕn (x, 0) for all i = 1, . . . , n − 1 (7.56)

Suppose that (x) has a globally defined and continuously for all x̃ ∈ Rn , and all u ∈ Rm .
differentiable inverse. Suppose also that, for all i = 1, . . . , n,
Let a “scaled observation error” e = col(e1 , . . . , en ) be
dim[Ki (x, u)] = n − i for all u ∈ Rm and for all x ∈ Rn defined as
Ki (x, u) = independent of u.
ei = κ n−i (x̂i − x̃i ), i = 1, 2, . . . , n.
Then, system (7.52) is globally transformed, via (x), to a
Then, the following result holds (see [4, Chapter 6]).
system in uniform observability canonical form.
Theorem 7.9 Suppose assumptions (i) and (ii) hold. Then,
Note that, in the case of an input-affine system
there is a choice of the coefficients c0 , c1 , . . . , cn−1 (that
(see (7.31)), ϕi (x, 0) = Lfi−1 h(x). Hence, in this case
depend only on the parameters αandβ in (7.56)) and a
7 Nonlinear Control Theory for Automation 185

number κ ∗ such that, if κ ≥ κ ∗ , the observation error

e(t) exponentially decays to zero as times tends to infinity, xˆ u ẋ = f˜(x,
˜ u) y
regardless of what the initial states x̃(0), x̂(0) and the input ˆ
u*(x) gl(·)
˜ ˜ u)
y = h(x,
u(t) are.
The convergence property indicated in this result requires x̂˙ = f (x,
ˆ u)
ˆ u))
+ G(y −h (x,
a sufficiently large value of the “gain” paremeter κ. For this
reason the observer in question is called a high-gain observer
(see [4, Chapter 6] for further details).
Fig. 7.5 Observer-based control for a nonlinear system

7.7.3 The Nonlinear Separation Principle conditions x̂(0) and x̃(0) are taken in a compact set, one
should expect that, if κ is large, there is an initial interval of
The observer described in the previous section makes it time on which |e(t)| is large (this phenomenon is sometimes
possible to design a dynamic, output feedback, stabilizing referred to as “peaking”). As a consequence, also the term
control law, thus extending to the case of nonlinear systems Tκ e(t) in the dynamics above is large and, since the system
the well-known separation principle for stabilization of linear is nonlinear, this may result in a finite escape time for x̃(t).
systems. Let the system be expressed in uniform observabil- To avoid such inconvenience, it is appropriate to “saturate”
ity canonical form (7.53), rewritten as the control, by choosing instead a law of the form

x̃˙ = f̃ (x̃, u) u = g (u∗ (x̂)) (7.59)

y = h̃(x̃, u).
in which g : R → R is a smooth saturation function that is
Suppose a feedback law is known u = u∗ (x̃) that globally a function characterized by the following properties:
asymptotically stabilizes the equilibrium point x̃ = 0 of the
closed-loop system (i) g (s) = s if |s| ≤ .
(ii) g (s) is odd and monotonically increasing, with 0 <
x̃˙ = f̃ (x̃, u∗ (x̃)). (7.58) g  (s) ≤ 1.
(iii) lims→∞ g (s) = (1 + c) with 0 < c  1.
Since x̃ is not directly available, one might intuitively think
of replacing x̃ by its estimate x̂, provided by the observer, in The consequence of choosing the control u as in (7.59)
the map u∗ (x̃), that is, of controlling the system via u = u∗ (x̂). is that global asymptotic stability is no longer assured. How-
Such simple intuition, in fact, is idea behind the separation ever, semiglobal stabilizability is still possible (see [4,13,18],
principle for linear systems. and [12] for further details) (Fig. 7.5).
In the context of nonlinear systems, though, an extra
precaution is needed, motivated by the following reason. Theorem 7.10 Consider system (7.57), assumed to be ex-
Observe that, if the plant is controlled by u = u∗ (x̂), the pressed in uniform observability canonical form, and sup-
dynamics of x̃ are those of pose Assumptions (i) and (ii) hold. Suppose that a state
feedback law u = u∗ (x̃) globally asymptotically stabilizes
x̃˙ = f̃ (x̃, u∗ (x̃ − Tκ e) the equilibrium x̃ = 0 of (7.58). Let the system be controlled
by (7.59), in which x̂ is provided by the observer (7.55). Then,
for every choice of a compact set K, there exist a number 
in which Tκ is the diagonal matrix Tκ =diag{κ −n+1 , . . . ,κ −1 ,1}
and a number κ ∗ such that, if κ > κ ∗ , all trajectories

of the
that can be seen as a system with internal state x̃ driven by
the input e. The system in question, by assumption, has a closed-loop system with initial conditions x̃(0), x̂(0) ∈ K
globally asymptotically stable equilibrium at x̃ = 0 if e = 0, are bounded and limt→∞ (x̃(t), x̂(t)) = (0, 0).
but there is no guarantee that this system be input-to-state
stable. Thus, the effect of a nonzero e(t) has to be taken
into account in the analysis of the asymptotic behavior. It
has been shown above that asymptotic convergence of the 7.7.4 Robust Feedback Linearization
observation error e(t) to zero is achieved by increasing the
gain parameter κ of the nonlinear observer (7.55). Since In the previous sections, we have shown that, if a system
|e(0)| grows unbounded with increasing κ, even if the initial is strongly minimum-phase, the control law (7.35) makes
186 A. Isidori

the system linear from the input-output viewpoint and also the initial
conditions of the
resulting closed-loop system
internally stable (if K̂ is properly chosen). We have also satisfy z(0), ξ(0), ξ̂ (0), σ (0) ∈ K. Let V > 0 be a fixed
observed that this control law is not robust as it relies upon (but otherwise arbitrary) number and suppose v(t) in (7.61)
accurate knowledge of b(z, ξ ) and q(z, ξ ) and availability of satisfies |v(t)| ≤ V for all t ≥ 0. Then, given any number ε,
the full state (z, ξ ). In this section, we show how such law there exist a choice of the design parameters , c0 , . . . , cr and
can be made robust and input-output feedback linearization a number κ ∗ such that, if κ > κ ∗ , the state z(t), ξ(t), ξ̂ (t), σ (t)
(with internal stability) can be achieved up to any arbitrary of the close-loop system remains bounded for t ≥ 0 and its
degree of accuracy (see [3] for more details). The intuition component ξ(t) satisfies
that motivates the construction summarized below is that the
components ξ1 , . . . , ξr of ξ and the term q(z, ξ ) + b(z, ξ )u, |ξ(t) − ξL (t)| ≤ ε ∀t ∈ [0, ∞), (7.63)
quantities that determine the expression of the control (7.35),
coincide – respectively – with the output y of the system and in which ξL (t) denotes the trajectory of
of its higher derivatives with respect to time, up to that of
order r. As such, these quantities could be approximately ξ̇L = (Â + B̂K̂)ξL + B̂v , ξL (0) = ξ(0).
estimated by means of a bank of “rough” differentiators.
In what follows, it is assumed that, for some fixed pair 0 < Since the output y of (7.34) is given by y = Ĉξ , it is
bmin < bmax , the coefficient b(z, ξ ) satisfies bmin ≤ b(z, ξ ) ≤ seen from all of the above that, with the indicated control
bmax for all (z, ξ ), in which case there exist a number b0 such law, a system is obtained whose input-output behavior can
that be made arbitrarily close to the behavior that would have
been obtained by the feedback-linearizing law (7.35), had
|b(z, ξ ) − b0 | ≤ δ0 |b0 | for all (z, ξ ) (7.60) all the nonlinearities been known and all internal states been
for some δ0 < 1.
The control law imposed to the system is a law of the form Remark 2 It should be stressed that the observers described
(compare with (7.35)) in the present section guarantee asymptotic decay of the
state estimation error if the gain parameter κ is sufficiently

large. Since parameter in question is raised up to power n in

u(ξ̂ , σ ) = g [−σ + K̂ ξ̂ + v] (7.61)
b0 the equations that characterize the observer, it goes without
saying that if the dimension n of the system is large, the
in which g is a saturation function (as defined in the previous presence of such large parameter might boost the effect of
section), b0 is a number satisfying (7.60), K̂ ∈ R1×r is the noises affecting the measured output y, letting alone possible
same as in (7.35), and ξ̂ ∈ Rr , andσ ∈ R are states of the numerical instabilities. This adverse effect can be mitigated
(r + 1)-dimensional dynamical system if a different, slight more elaborate, structure of observer is
used, having dimension 2n−2, but in which the highest power
ξ̂˙1 = ξ̂2 + κcr (y − ξ̂1 ) of the gain parameter is only 2, regardless of the actual value
ξ̂˙2 = ξ̂3 + κ 2 cr−1 (y − ξ̂1 )
of n. Details on this, more recent, approach to the design of
high-gain observers can be found in [1].

ξ̂˙r−1 = ξ̂r + κ r−1 c2 (y − ξ̂1 )
ξ̂˙r = σ + b0 u(ξ̂ , σ ) + κ r c1 (y − ξ̂1 )
σ̇ = κ r+1 c0 (y − ξ̂1 ).
7.8 Recent Progresses
in which the coefficients κ and c0 , c1 , . . . , cr are design
In recent years, the design methods described in Sects. 7.6
and 7.7 have been extended to multi-input multi-output
The dynamical system thus defined is usually referred
(MIMO) systems, modeled by equations of the form
to as an “extended high-gain observer” and the following
relevant result holds (see [3] for more details). 
ẋ = f (x) + gi (x)ui
Theorem 7.11 Let system (7.34) be controlled by (7.61), i=1
in which (ξ̂ , σ ) are states of the extended observer (7.62). y1 = h1 (x)
Suppose system (7.34) is strongly minimum-phase, and let K̂ ···
be such that  + B̂K̂ is Hurwitz. Let K ∈ Rn−r × Rr × Rr × R ym = hm (x)
be a fixed (but otherwise arbitrary) compact set, and suppose
7 Nonlinear Control Theory for Automation 187

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13. Khalil, H.K., Esfandiari, F.: Semiglobal stabilization of a class
a vector relative degree form only a special class of MIMO
of nonlinear systems using output feedback. IEEE Trans. Autom.
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9. Isidori, A., Byrnes, C.I.: Steady-state behaviors in nonlinear sys- the Control Systems Award of IEEE in 2012. Fellow of IEEE and of
tems with an application to robust disturbance rejection. Ann. Rev. IFAC. President of IFAC in the triennium 2008–2011. Since 2012,
Control 32(1), pp. 1–16 (2007) corresponding member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
Control of Uncertain Systems
Vaneet Aggarwal and Mridul Agarwal

Contents strained Markov decision process (CMDP) as an approach

for decision-making with uncertainties, where the system
8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
8.1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 is modeled as a MDP with constraints. The formalism of
8.1.2 Historical Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 CMDP is extended to a model-free approach based on re-
8.2 General Scheme and Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 inforcement learning to make decisions in the presence of
8.2.1 Stochastic Optimal Control Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 constraints.
8.2.2 Key Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
8.3 Challenges and Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
8.3.1 Model Predictive Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Uncertain systems · Dynamical systems · Model
8.3.2 Learning System Model Using Gaussian Process . . . . . . . 193
8.3.3 Constrained Markov Decision Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 predictive control · Reinforcement learning · Process
8.3.4 Model-Free Reinforcement Learning for constraints · Markov decision processes (MDPs) ·
Decision-Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Constrained MDPs
8.3.5 Constrained Reinforcement Learning with Discounted
Rewards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
8.3.6 Case Study for a Constrained RL Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
8.4 Application Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
8.1 Introduction
8.5 Conclusions, Challenges, and Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 8.1.1 Motivation

In many applications of dynamical systems, uncertainties

Abstract happen frequently. For example, modeling errors such as
Dynamical systems typically have uncertainties due to modeling a nonlinear system with a simple linear model may
modeling errors, measurement inaccuracy, mutations in result imprecise prediction results. Also, one can think of a
the evolutionary processes, etc. The stochastic deviations sensor where the noise results in measurement inaccuracies.
can compound overtime and can lead to catastrophic re- Further, consider mutations in the evolutionary processes
sults. In this chapter, we will present different approaches such as change in the demand at a restaurant based on the
for decision-making in systems with uncertainties. We time of the day. The dynamics of uncertain systems has long
first consider model predictive control, which models been and will continue to be one of the dominant themes in
and learns the system and uses the learned model to mathematics and engineering applications due to its deep the-
optimize the system. In many cases, a prior model of oretical and immense practical significance. During the last
the system is not known. For such cases, we will also couple of decades, analysis of uncertain dynamical systems
explain Gaussian process regression, which is one of the and related models has attracted the attention of a wide audi-
efficient modeling techniques. Further, we present con- ence of professionals, such as mathematicians, researchers,
and practitioners. In spite of the amount of published results
recently focused on such systems, there remain many chal-
lenging open questions and novel design requirements. In
this chapter, we will review some approaches for handling
V. Aggarwal () · M. Agarwal
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA uncertainties in the design of control systems.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 189

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
190 V. Aggarwal and M. Agarwal

An example domain for such control problem is Zadeh and Whalen [10]. The authors of [11] proposed the
communication networks, which are designed to enable moving horizon approach, which is at the core of all MPC al-
the simultaneous transmission of heterogeneous types of gorithms. It became known as “open-loop optimal feedback.”
information: file transfers, interactive messages, computer The extensive work on this problem during the 1970s was
outputs, facsimile, voice and video, etc. [1]. This information reviewed by Gutman in his PhD thesis [12]. The connection
flows over a shared network. In such systems, we wish to between this work and MPC was discovered later in [13]. For
maximize throughput and decrease latency, with different details, the reader is referred to [7].
forms of decision variables, including the routing and MPC uses the system model to find controllers that can
scheduling decisions. The system has various uncertainties, ensure robust system performance and/or avoid dangerous
for instance, the service times of the processing nodes, control actions. The MPC approach relies on a sufficiently
the arrival times of the different requests, the background descriptive model of the system to optimize performance
processes and the buffer capacity of the nodes, etc. and ensure constraint satisfaction. This critically requires a
In this chapter, we first introduce the problem of stochastic good model to ensure the success of the control system.
optimal control. Then, we discuss two approaches for the In practice, however, model descriptions can be subject to
problem. The first is a model-based approach based on model considerable uncertainty that may originate from insufficient
predictive control (MPC). When the system model is not data, restrictive model classes, or even the presence of ex-
available for the MPC approach, the model needs to be ternal disturbances. The fields of robust [14] and stochas-
learned as well. We describe Gaussian process regression tic [15] MPC provide a systematic treatment of numerous
to learn a nonparametric model of the system. The second sources of uncertainty affecting the MPC controller, ensuring
is an approach based on constrained Markov decision pro- constraint satisfaction with regard to certain disturbance or
cess (CMDP). Further, a model-free approach is provided uncertainty classes. One of the approaches for model learning
for CMDP, which is based on reinforcement learning. The in MPC is Gaussian process regression [16–19]. The appeal
MPC approach models the system parameters, which are of using Gaussian process regression for model learning
then used to optimize the system. On the other hand, model- stems from the fact that it requires little prior process knowl-
free approaches do not explicitly learn the state transition edge and it directly provides a measure of residual model
probabilities and directly optimize the controller that gets the uncertainty.
best out of the system. MPC is a model-based control philosophy in which the
current control action is obtained by online optimization
of objective function. It uses the philosophy of receding
8.1.2 Historical Background horizon and predicts the future outcome of actions in order
to determine what action the agent should take in the next
Over the past six decades, there has been significant interest step. If the future horizon to consider is sufficiently short and
and developments by industry and academia in advanced pro- the dynamics is deterministic, the prediction can often be ap-
cess control. During the 1960s, advanced control was taken proximated well by linear dynamics, which can be evaluated
in general as any algorithm that deviated from the classical instantly. However, because MPC must finish its assessment
three-term proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller. of the future before taking every action, its performance is
For quality product, safety, and economic process, PID con- limited by the speed of the predictions. MPC requires this
troller accounts for more than 80% of the installed automatic computation for each time step even if the current state is
feedback control devices in the process industries [2, 3]. The similar to the ones experienced in the past. Meanwhile, if
interest in MPCs can be traced back to a set of papers in the prediction is done for only a short horizon, MPC may
the late 1970s [4–7]. MPC has attracted many researchers suggest a move to a state leading to a catastrophe. In order to
due to better performance and control of processes including deal with these issues, the approach of constrained Markov
non-minimum phase, long time delay or open-loop unstable decision process (CMDP) is used.
characteristics over minimum variance (MV), generalized The approach of CMDP has had a lot of applications
minimum variance (GMV), and pole placement (PP) tech- starting from the 1970s. In 1970, a problem of hospital
niques [3,8,9]. The main advantages of MPC over structured admission scheduling was considered using CMDP [20].
PID controllers are its ability to handle constraints, non- Golabi et al. have used CMDPs to develop a pavement man-
minimum phase processes, and changes in system parameters agement system for the state of Arizona to produce optimal
(robust control) and its straightforward applicability to large, maintenance policies for a 7400-mile network of highways
multivariate processes [3]. [21]. A saving of 14 million dollars was reported in the
The MPC concept has a long history. The connections first year of implementation of the system, and a savings of
between the closely related minimum time optimal control 101 million dollars was forecast for the following 4 years.
problem and linear programming were recognized first by Winden and Dekker developed a CMDP model for deter-
8 Control of Uncertain Systems 191

mining strategic building and maintenance policies for the Table 8.1 Multiple tasks associated with optimizing systems under
Dutch Government Agency (Rijksgebouwendienst), which uncertainty. On choosing a model-based learning, additional model
identification is also required
maintains 3000 state-owned buildings with a replacement
value of about 20 billion guilders and an annual budget of Task Toolkit References
some 125 million guilders [22]. Several methods to solve Learning-based Adaptive Gain scheduling, [40]
control control self-tuning
CMDP have been proposed, including the ones based on a
Reinforcement SARSA, Q-learning, [44–47]
linear program (LP), Lagrangian approach, and mixture of
stationary policies; for more details on these approaches, the
learning policy gradients 8
Parametric Least squares [40, 42]
reader is referred to [1]. Identification
estimation, Kalman
The approach of CMDP assumes the knowledge of the filtering
Markov models. In order to alleviate that, the concept of Nonparametric Gaussian process [43]
reinforcement learning has been used to make decisions. Re- regression
Stochastic Model-based Model predictive [48]
inforcement learning has made great advances in several ap-
control control control, linear
plications, ranging from online learning and recommendation quadratic control
engines [23], natural language understanding and generation Model-free Constrained Markov [1]
[24], transportation systems [25–27], networking [28, 29] to control decision processes
mastering games, such as Go [30] and chess [31]. The idea
is to learn from extensive experience how to take actions
that maximize some notion of reward by interacting with the Broadly, the topic of control of uncertain systems includes
surrounding environment. The interaction teaches the agent the concepts of learning-based control and stochastic control.
how to maximize its reward without knowing the underlying For model-based learning, system identification approaches
dynamics of the process. A classical example is swinging are typically used. Some of these approaches are summarized
up a pendulum in an upright position. By making several in Table 8.1.
attempts to swing up a pendulum and balancing it, one might
be able to learn the necessary forces that need to be applied in
order to balance the pendulum without knowing the physical
model behind it [32]. Reinforcement learning models the 8.2 General Scheme and Components
problem as a constrained Markov decision process (MDP)
and aims to find efficient approaches for the problem. Re- In this section, we first describe the problem of stochastic op-
inforcement learning-based model-free solutions have been timal control, which models the control of uncertain systems.
widely considered [33–38]. Recently, the authors of [39] Then, key approaches for the problem will be described.
proposed a novel model-free approach for reinforcement
learning with constraints, which will be elaborated in this
chapter. This approach formulates the problem as zero-sum 8.2.1 Stochastic Optimal Control Problem
game, where one player (the agent) solves a Markov deci-
sion problem and its opponent solves a bandit optimization The system dynamics in discrete time can be formulated as
problem. The standard Q-learning algorithm is extended to
solve the problem, whose convergence guarantees have been
shown in [39]. x(k + 1) = ft (x(k), u(k), k, θt , w(k)), (8.1)
Another effort of identifying system along with control-
ling is known as adaptive control [40]. Unlike reinforcement where xk ∈ X is the system state and u(k) ∈ U is the
learning this method learns the model of the system and then applied input at time k. We use the subscript “t” to emphasize
optimizes it. Initially, there may or may not be a prior on the that these quantities represent the true system dynamics or
system model. In the case of the existence of a prior on the true optimal control problem. The dynamics are subject to
model, Bayesian model estimation techniques can be used various sources of uncertainty, which we distinguish by using
[41]. For linear systems, a method for Bayesian approach is two categories: First is the parametric uncertainty that arises
using Kalman filtering to refine the model parameters [42]. because of the mismatch between the true system model and
In many cases, linear model may not be sufficient to model the assumed system model. The parametric uncertainty of
the system dynamics. For such cases, Gaussian processes the system is described using a random variable θt , which
can be used [43]. Apart from allowing nonlinear system is therefore constant over time. The second source of uncer-
models, another advantage of Gaussian process is that they tainty is the disturbances or process noise in the system such
are nonparametric models and hence model a larger class of as noise in the sensor or an imperfect actuator that may not
system dynamics. always perform the intended control task. w(k) describes a
192 V. Aggarwal and M. Agarwal

sequence of random variables corresponding to disturbances Thus, the overall aim of stochastic control problem is to
or process noise in the system, which are often assumed to find πk (·) such that the objective in (8.2) is maximized and
be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). the constraints in (8.4)–(8.5) are satisfied.
The aim of the control problem is to design an input
sequence {u(k)} such that the expected reward is maximized,
where the expected reward is given as 8.2.2 Key Approaches
 The key approaches that have been studied for the problem
Jt (T) = E rt (x(k), u(k), k) , (8.2) include:

1. Linear quadratic stochastic control: The control of

over a certain horizon T, where the expected value is
a linear stochastic differential equation with an additive
taken with respect to all random variables, i.e., w(k) and
control, an additive Brownian motion, and a quadratic cost
θt . rt (x(k), u(k), k) is the reward that the system gives the
in the state and the control is probably the most well-
controller on taking action u(k) in state x(k) at time step
known control problem and has a simple, explicit solution
k. Some system may result in a loss or cost lt (·) instead
[49–52]. The problem can be approximated to this setup
of reward, which can be trivially converted to reward as
to have efficient solutions.
rt (·) = −lt (·). In systems which may be deployed for
2. Model predictive control (MPC): MPC is a model-
eternity, T approaches infinity, and, to keep the summation in
based control philosophy in which the current control
(8.2), a discount factor γ < 1 is introduced, and we redefine
action is obtained by online optimization of objective
the average reward as
function. It uses the philosophy of receding horizon and
∞  predicts the future outcome of actions in order to deter-

Jt (γ ) = E γ k−1 rt (x(k), u(k), k) , (8.3) mine what action the agent should take in the next step
k=1 [4–7].
3. Constrained Markov decision process (CMDP): This
Often, the system comes with some constraints. For ex- problem models the situation of optimizing one dynamic
ample, consider the example of an autonomous car trying objective subject to certain dynamic constraints, where
to change lane. Then, along with the objective to reduce the system evolution is modeled as a Markov decision
the time to merge, the controller must ensure the safety. We process [1].
now describe the formulation of the constraints. Let x = 4. Constrained stochastic dynamic programming: We
[x(1), · · · , x(T)]T and u = [u(1), · · · , u(T)]T . The control note that dynamic programming is one approach to
problem also has some probabilistic constraints on the state take decisions based on MDP. Such an approach has
space and applied inputs, which are given as follows: been extended for CMDP to account for the constraints
Pr(x ∈ Xj ) ≥ pj for all j = 1, · · · Cx (8.4) 5. Reinforcement learning (RL) with constraints: In
this problem, efficient approaches for CMDP are
Pr(u ∈ Uj ) ≥ qj for all j = 1, · · · Cu (8.5) provided, when the state evolution is not known a priori
[33–39, 56–61].
Here, Xj and Uj are sets which constrain the values x and u
can take, respectively. Also, Pr(·) denotes probability, and pj In the remainder of this chapter, we will detail the ap-
and qj are real numbers that are the values of the constraints. proaches of MPC, CMDP, and RL with constraints.
For pj = 1 and qj = 1, the constraints are strict constraints
and must be satisfied almost surely. Here, Cx and Cu are
the number of constraints on x and u, respectively. Further, 8.3 Challenges and Solutions
any sets Xj and Uj can be defined for the above definition.
The constraints that the inputs or the state at each time must The problem of decision-making with uncertainty is chal-
satisfy certain properties can be easily defined as a special lenging because:
case with appropriate representation of the above sets.
The control action u(k) is a function of the states observed 1. The policy function π(·) is general, and optimization over
up to time k, is represented as a policy πk : X k → U , and is general function is not as straightforward.
given as 2. The reward function or the constraint sets are not neces-
sarily convex, leading to the resulting problem being non-
u(k) = πk (x(1), · · · , x(k)) (8.6) convex.
8 Control of Uncertain Systems 193

3. There is uncertainty in the model parameters, represented make this problem tractable, at time k, we estimate the states
as θ and w(k), where the optimal robust control policy and inputs for the future over a shorter time horizon N < T.
must take into account the information on such uncer- The prediction of state at time k + i is given as xi,k , which
tainty available only through the state update and the predicts the state i time steps ahead when at current time k.
observation of the rewards. Similarly, ui,k represents the prediction of the control action
i time steps ahead when at current time k. In addition, the
In this section, we will discuss three approaches for the system evolution model, given in (8.1), is approximated as
problem: The first is model predictive control (MPC). The
second formulates the problem as a constrained Markov xi+1,k = f (xi,k , ui,k , i + k) for all i > 0 (8.7)
decision process (CMDP) and provides approaches to solve
the problem. The third uses the concepts of model-free rein- This prediction step using Eq. (8.7) is also known as forward
forcement learning to solve the CMDP. prediction.
Further, the reward function is approximated; thus, rt will
be changed to r, to indicate this is a model-based approxima-
8.3.1 Model Predictive Control tion of the true reward. At each time k, using the approximate
system evolution and reward function, the inputs over the
The term model predictive control (MPC) does not designate time horizon are found as a solution to the optimization
a specific control strategy but rather an ample range of control problem given below:
methods, which make explicit use of a model of the process to
obtain the control signal by optimizing an objective function. 
JMPC,k = maxu0,k ,···uN,k r(xi,k , ui,k , k + i)
MPC is particularly attractive to staff with only a limited
knowledge of control because the concepts are very intuitive
and, at the same time, the tuning is relatively easy. Further, subject to xi+1,k = f (xi,k , ui,k , i + k), x0,k = x(k)
MPC can be used to control a great variety of processes, from [u0,k , · · · uN,k ] ∈ Uj , j = 1, · · · Cu
those with relatively simple dynamics to more complex ones,
including systems with long delay times or non-minimum [x0,k , · · · xN,k ] ∈ Xj , j = 1, · · · Cx (8.8)
phase or unstable ones. The basic structure of MPC is shown
in Fig. 8.1. A model is used to predict the future plant outputs, Note that at every time step k, the solution u0,k , · · · , uN,k
based on past and current values and on the proposed optimal is solution for an open-loop control problem for the time
future control actions. These actions are calculated by the horizon N. However, at time step k, after applying the control
optimizer taking into account the cost function (where the action u(k) = u0,k , the planning is done after observing state
future tracking error is considered) as well as the constraints. update x(k + 1), and MPC becomes closed-loop control.
Consider the objective in Eq. (8.2) or in Eq. (8.3). We want In order to efficiently solve the problem, the reward func-
to find a control sequence, u(1), u(2), · · · , that maximize the tion and the model evolution are approximated to make the
objective under the constraints defined in Eqs. (8.4) and (8.5). problem convex. The above optimization problem is solved at
Now, this optimization problem is not always solvable. To time k, and the input u0,k is used. This is, then, used to repeat
at time k+1 after the state at time k+1 has been observed. The
notion of stability of such systems has been widely studied
based on Lyapunov-type analysis [62, 63]. One of the key
aspects of MPC is the model prediction. Since MPC depends
Past inputs
Predicted trajectory on the system modeling, in the following, we will consider an
and outputs
outputs + approach based on Gaussian processes to model the system.

Future 8.3.2 Learning System Model Using Gaussian

inputs Process
Future errors Gaussian process (GP) regression has been widely used in
supervised machine learning for its flexibility and inherent
Cost Constraints
ability to describe uncertainty in the prediction. In the con-
text of control, it is seeing increasing use for modeling of
nonlinear dynamical systems from data, as it allows for direct
Fig. 8.1 Basic structure of MPC assessment of the residual model uncertainty.
194 V. Aggarwal and M. Agarwal

To use Gaussian processes, we assume that the system 1

state space is X = Rn and the control action space is κ(x̃, x̃ ) = σf2 exp − (x̃ − x̃ )T L−1 (x̃ − x̃ ) , (8.11)
U = Rm . This allows us to make use of the nice properties
provided by complete metric spaces. An example of Gaussian where σf2 is the signal variance and L is a positive diagonal
regression is presented in Fig. 8.2. Note that the prediction is matrix, constituting (together with the noise variance σw ) the
extremely close to the true values in the center; however, the hyperparameters of the GP regression.
extreme ends are not properly fitted. A challenge in an MPC formulation based on a GP dynam-
GP regression models the system as ics model is the propagation of the resulting stochastic state
distributions over the prediction horizon. This is typically
x(k + 1) = f (x(k), u(k)) + w(k), (8.9) achieved by assuming that subsequent function evaluations
of f (x, u)|X + are independent. Approximate Gaussian distri-
where the dynamics have i.i.d. zero-mean additive noise butions of the predicted states xi,k over the prediction horizon
w(k) ∼ N (0, σw2 ). Note that f is an approximation of the true are then derived using techniques related to extended Kalman
system model ft , and the subsequent state sk+1 depends only filtering, e.g., by linearization, sigma-point transform, or
on the last state sk and control action u(k), and hence, the exact moment matching.
system model in Eq. (8.9) is also a Markovian model. After fitting a Gaussian process for the model prediction,
Using recorded states and input sequences of length D, the MPC problem can be reformulated as
X̃ = [x̃(1), · · · , x̃(D)] where x̃(k) = (x(k), u(k)), and
considering for each state and applied input the resulting JMPC−GP,k = maxu0,k ,···uN,k i=0 r(xi,k , ui,k , k + i)
state measurement X + = [x(2), · · · , x(D + 1)], the joint
subject to x0,k = x(k)
distribution of data points and function values at a test point
x̃ = (x, u) is
  X+ KX̃,X̃ + Iσw2 KX̃,x̃i,k
X + KX̃,X̃ + Iσw2 KX̃,x̃ ∼ N 0,
∼ N 0, T , (8.10) f (xi,k , ui,k ) T
KX̃,x̃ Kx̃i,k ,x̃i,k
f (x̃) KX̃,x̃ Kx̃,x̃ i,k

[x0,k , · · · xN,k ] ∈ Xj , j = 1, · · · Cx (8.12)

where KX̃,X̃ is the Gram matrix of recorded data X̃ under the [u0,k , · · · uN,k ] ∈ Uj , j = 1, · · · Cu
kernel κ and KX̃,x̃ represents the corresponding entries for test
point x̃. The kernel function κ is essential for shaping the re- Various solvers have been proposed for efficiently solving
sulting prediction and must be chosen such that any resulting Eq. (8.12). The PILCO (probabilistic inference for learning
Gram matrix KX̃,X̃ is positive definite. Several functions that control) algorithm [64] uses analytic gradients for policy im-
satisfy this condition are available, the most popular of which provement. Additionally particle swarm optimization-based
is the squared exponential kernel, given as techniques [65] and sampling-based methods [66] can also
be used.

f(x, u) 8.3.3 Constrained Markov Decision Processes
15 Prediction Markov decision processes (MDPs), also known as con-
95% confidence interval
10 trolled Markov chains, constitute a basic framework for dy-
namically controlling systems that evolve in a stochastic way.
f(x, u)

5 We focus on discrete time models: we observe the system

at times t = 1, 2, · · · , T. T is called the horizon and may
0 be either finite or infinite. A controller has an influence on
both the costs and the evolution of the system, by choosing
–5 at each time unit some parameters, called actions. As is often
the case in control theory, we assume that the behavior of the
–10 system at each time is determined by what is called the “state”
0 2 4 6 8 10
x, u of the system, as well as the control action. The system
moves sequentially between different states in a random
way; the current state and control action fully determine the
Fig. 8.2 Fitting Gaussian regression and prediction
probability to move to any given state in the next time unit.
8 Control of Uncertain Systems 195

We typically assume that the MDP is unichain, which implies ρ(y, u) = 1,
that all trajectories generated by any policy end up with a y,u
Markov chain having a single (aperiodic) ergodic class.
ρ(y, u) ≥ 0 ∀ y, u. (8.15)
CMDP is one of the approaches to model the stochastic
optimal control problem. In the following, we consider the
case where the controller minimizes the objective subject Let ρ ∗ be the optimal value of ρ for the above LP. Then, the
to constraints. We shall call this class of MDPs constrained optimal stationary policy is given as
MDPs, or simply CMDPs. To make the above precise, we
ρ ∗ (y, u)
define a tuple {X , U , P , c, d} where π ∗ (y) = a with probability (8.16)
u ∈U ρ (y, u )
• X is the state space, with finite cardinality.
• U is the action set, with finite cardinality. Let K = It can be shown that the constrained MDP and the above
(x, u) : x ∈ X , u ∈ U be the set of state-action pairs. linear problem are equivalent. The solution for the LP exists
• P are the transition probabilities; thus, Px,a,y is the proba- if and only if one exists for the CMDP. Further, if a solution
bility of moving from state x(k) to x(k + 1) if action u(k) exists, the policy π ∗ (y) is optimal for CMDP. Thus, we
is chosen. note that when the model parameters (MDP parameters,
• c : K → R is the instantaneous cost function, which is the objective function, and the constraint functions) are known,
objective of the CMDP. the problem reduces to a linear problem.
• d : K → RI are the I values of the constraint cost function,
thus providing the cost of the I constraints.

For any policy π and initial distribution β, the objective 8.3.4 Model-Free Reinforcement Learning for
for a finite horizon T is given as Decision-Making

MPC is a model-based control philosophy in which the

C(β, π ) = lim E[c(x(k), u(k)], (8.13) current control action is obtained by online optimization of
T→∞ T
k=1 objective function. Model-free reinforcement learning for-
mulates predictive control problem with a control horizon of
where x(k) is the state at time k, u(k) is the action selected at only length one but takes a decision based on infinite horizon
time k, and the expectation is over the transition probability information.
Px(k),u(k),x(k+1) for all k ∈ {1, · · · , T} and the initial state Reinforcement learning has made great advances in sev-
distribution x(1) ∼ β. The overall CMDP problem can be eral applications [23–31, 67]. Even though reinforcement
written as learning has been widely studied, the application to con-
trol requires solving the problem of decision-making with
constraints. The previous section considered the aspects of
min C(β, π ) subject to lim E[di (x(k), u(k))] ≤ Vi ,
π T→∞ T CMDP where the model was known. In this section, we will
(8.14) expand the discussion to provide model-free approaches.

where di (x(k), u(k)) is the ith element of the vector Unconstrained Reinforcement Learning
d(x(k), u(k)) for i ∈ {1, · · · , I}. For simplicity of notation, Before jumping into the domain of constrained RL, we first
we will use y to denote x(k + 1) and drop the time step discuss few common algorithms for optimizing policies in
arguments. unconstrained RL setup. In reinforcement learning, we define
The optimal solution of CMDP can be shown to be in- the total expected reward obtained by starting in a state x and
dependent of β, and thus β can be omitted in the above. following a stationary policy π as value of the state. Formally,
We note that the problem of CMDP can be converted to a we have
linear programming problem, as shown in [1]. The corre- ∞ 

sponding linear problem is obtained by considering finding V π (x) = Eπ γ k r(x(k), π(x(k)))|x(k) = x , (8.17)
ρ ∈ [0, 1]|K| that satisfies k=0

inf < ρ, c > s.t. < ρ, di > ≤ Vi ∀ i = 1, · · · , I, where the expectation is over the states observed from fol-
 lowing the policy π and the transition probabilities P. Along
ρ(y, u)(δx (y) − Py,u,x ) = 0∀x ∈ X with the value of the state, state-action value function of a
y,u policy π is defined as the total expected value obtained on
196 V. Aggarwal and M. Agarwal

taking action u in state x and following policy π thereafter. state. Q-learning also requires us to have a discrete action
This gives space, which may not always be true. Both of the issues
  can be resolved by learning an optimal stochastic policy π ∗

 directly instead of learning the Qπ (x, u). A stochastic policy
Q (x, u) = Eπ r(x, u) +
π k
γ r(x(k), π(x(k))) (8.18) π : X × U → [0, 1] is a distribution over action given
the state. For MDPs, the optimal action is deterministic, and
= r(x, u) + γ E [V(x(k + 1))] (8.19) hence, the probability of taking the optimal action becomes
1 with the probability of all the other action becoming 0.
Note that when u = π(x), Qπ (x, u) = V π (x). Further, this To learn the stochastic policy, we can perform a gradient
conveniently allows us to define an optimal policy π ∗ (x) as descent on the policy π using the expected total rewards J as

π ∗ (x) = maxa Qπ (x, a). Now, it remains to learn the state- the function of π .
action value function.
Let αk be a such that 
∇π J = ∇π E k
γ r(x(k), u(k)) (8.23)

0 ≤ αk < 1, αk = ∞. (8.20)  T 

=E γ ∇π log(π(u(k)|x(k)))r(x(k), u(k))

It has been shown [46] that updating Q-values for state-action (8.24)
pair x(k), u(k) at time step k as
Equation (8.24) can be approximated by rolling out multiple
Q(x(k), u(k)) = αk (rk + max Q(x(k + 1), u ))
 u trajectories {{xk,n , uk,n }Tk=1 }Nn=1 and averaging over them as
+ (1 − αk )Q(x(k), u(k)) (8.21)

leads to the convergence of Q-values to the optimal Q-values
∇ πJ = γ k ∇π log(π(uk,n |xk,n ))r(xk,n , uk,n ) (8.25)
if each state-action pair is visited infinitely often. n=1 k=1

To ensure that the state-action pairs are indeed visited in-

finitely often, we use an -greedy Q-learning algorithm [47] where xk,n is the state x(k) and uk,n is the applied action at the
described in Algorithm 1. This algorithm performs random time step k in the nth trajectory.
exploration with probability and selects the optimal action The gradient estimation in Eq. (8.25) was first proposed as
with the according to current Q-values with probability 1− . REINFORCE algorithm [44]. A reference pseudocode is also
We also note that the Q-value update can be directly extended provided in Algorithm 2. Since then, there have been a lot of
to large state space using the neural networks, akin to deep work on policy gradient to implement them using function
Q-learning [68–71]. This is because the multiple Q-function approximators [45], and better gradient updates have been
for the constraints can be learned using deep neural networks. proposed [72] to ensure the updated policies converge to
However, the fundamental idea still follows Eq. (8.21). the optimal policy. Recently, after the fame of deep neural
The Q-learning method described now requires the con- networks, various other optimization frameworks are used for
troller to estimate the expected rewards of taking an action in policy gradients. Trust Region Policy Optimization algorithm
a state. However, at times, we may be interested in designing [73] and Proximal Policy Optimization algorithm [74] are
a controller that directly learns which actions are good in a

Algorithm 2 Policy gradient algorithm

Algorithm 1 -greedy Q-learning algorithm
1: Initialize π ← 0 for all (s, a) ∈ K. . Learning rate η.
1: Initialize Q(x, u) ← 0 for all (x, u) ∈ K. Select αk according to 2: for episodes n = 0, · · · do
Eq. (8.20). 3: for time steps k = 1, · · · , T do
2: for time steps k = 0, · · · do 4: Observe state xk and select action ak ∼ π(·|xk ).
3: Observe state x(k) and select action u(k) = maxa Q(x(k), u(k)). 5: Play action ak , obtain reward rk and the next state xk+1 .
4: Perform random action with probability and u(k) with 1 − 6: end for
probability. 7: Estimate gradient
5: Obtain reward rk and the next state x(k + 1).
6: Update the Q-value table as

∇πJ = γ k ∇π log(π(u(k)|x(k)))r(x(k), u(k)) (8.26)
Q(x(k), u(k)) = αk (rk + maxu Q(x(k + 1), u )) k=1

+ (1−αk )Q(x(k), u(k)) (8.22) 8:

Update policy π ← π + η∇πJ
7: end for 9: end for
8 Control of Uncertain Systems 197

two of the algorithms that use optimization techniques to Algorithm 3 Zero-sum Markov bandit algorithm for CMDP
ensure a faster convergence of policy gradients. with average reward
1: Initialize Q(s, a, o) ← 0 and N(s, a, o) ← 0 ∀(s, a, o) ∈ S × A ×
Constrained Reinforcement Learning with O. Observe s0 and initialize a0 randomly
2: for Iteration k = 0, . . . , K do
Average Reward 3: Take action ak and observe next state sk+1
Constrained MDP problems are convex, and hence, one can 4: πk+1 , ok = arg max min
πk+1 o∈O
convert the constrained MDP problem to an unconstrained  
zero-sum game, where the objective is the Lagrangian of R(sk , ak , ok ) + Q(sk+1 , πk+1 (sk+1 ), ok )
the optimization problem [1]. However, when the dynamics 5: t = N(sk , ak , ok ) ← N(sk , ak , ok ) + 1; αt = t+1

and rewards are not known, it doesn’t become apparent how 6: f = |S||A|O| s,a,o Q(s, a, o)

to do it as the Lagrangian will itself become unknown to 7: y = R(sk , ak , ok ) + E[Q(sk+1 , πk+1 (sk+1 ), ok ] − f
the optimizing agent. Previous work regarding constrained 8: Q(sk , ak , ok ) ← (1 − αt )Q(sk , ak , ok ) + αk ∗ y
9: Sample ak+1 from the distribution πk+1 (·|sk+1 )
MDPs, when the dynamics of the stochastic process are not
10: end for
known, considers scalarization through weighted sums of
the rewards; see [56] and the references therein. Another
approach is to consider Pareto optimality when multiple 3√

objectives are present [75]. However, none of the aforemen- algorithm which achieve sublinear O(T 4 log(T/δ)) with
tioned approaches guarantee to satisfy lower bounds for a probability 1 − δ while satisfying the constraints. However,
given set of reward functions simultaneously. Further, we this algorithm needs the knowledge of the model dynamics,
note that deterministic policies are not optimal [1]. and hence, it is not model free. [77] proposed four algorithms
We note that the objective in the problem can be con- for the constrained reinforcement learning problem in pri-
verted to the constraint as max E[X] is equivalent to finding mal, dual, or primal-dual domains and showed a sublinear
the largest δ such that E[X] ≥ δ. Thus, using bisection bound for regret and constraint violations. [60] proposed an
search on δ, objective can be maximized. In the following, optimism-based
√ algorithm, which achieves a regret bound of
we formulate a multi-objective problem, which amounts to Õ(DS AT) with O(1) constraint violations where Õ hides
finding a policy that satisfies multiple constraints. Let the the logarithmic factors. However, all these algorithms are
different objectives be ro ; o = 1, · · · , I. The multi-objective model based. In the following, we will describe a model-
reinforcement learning problem is that for the optimizing free algorithm to deal with constraints, which has provable
agent to find a stationary policy π(x(k)) that satisfies the guarantees. The algorithm is based on the results in [39].
average expected reward Let R(s, a, o) = ro (s, a) for o ∈ {1, · · · , I}. The model-
free algorithm is summarized in Algorithm 3. The algorithm
uses the concept of zero-sum Markov bandits to have max-
find π ∈
min in line 4, which gives a randomized policy.
1 o
T−1 Suppose that there exists a state x∗ ∈ X which is recurrent
s. t. lim E r (x(k), π(x(k))) ≥ 0 (8.27) for every stationary policy π played by the agent. Further,
T→∞ T k=0
suppose that the absolute values of the reward functions r and
for o = 1, · · · , I. {ro }Io=1 are bounded by some constant c known to the agent.
Let there exists a deterministic number d > 0 such that for
The multi-objective reinforcement learning problem of every x ∈ X , u ∈ U , and o ∈ {1, · · · , I}, with probability 1,
Markov decision processes is that of finding a policy that we have
satisfies a number of constraints of the form (8.27).
N(k, x, u, o)
Reinforcement learning-based model-free solutions for lim inf ≥ d,
constrained MDP have been widely proposed without guar-
k→∞ k
antees [33–38]. Recently, [76] proposed a policy gradient
algorithm with Lagrange multiplier in multi-time scale for
discounted constrained reinforcement learning algorithm and

proved that the policy converges to a feasible policy. [77] N(k, x, u, o) = 1(x,u,o) (x(k ), u(k ), o(k))
found a feasible policy by using Lagrange multiplier and k =1
zero-sum game for reinforcement learning algorithm with
convex constraints and discounted reward. [57] showed that is the visitation count to state-action pair (x, u) and the
constrained reinforcement learning has zero duality gap, maximized objective o.
which provides a theoretical guarantee to policy gradient Based on the above assumptions, the authors of [39]
algorithms in the dual domain. [78] proposed the C-UCRL showed that the recursion
198 V. Aggarwal and M. Agarwal

Qk+1 (x, u, o) = Qk (x, u, o) + 1(x,u,o) (x(k), u(k), o(k)) 8.3.5 Constrained Reinforcement Learning
with Discounted Rewards
× βN(k,x,u,o) max min (R(x, u, o(k))
π ∈ o(k)∈O
Given a stochastic process with state sk at time step k, reward
+ E [Qk (x(k + 1), π(x(k + 1)), o(k))
function r, constraint function rj , and a discount factor 0 <
− f (Qk ) − Qk (x, u, o)] (8.28) γ < 1, the multi-objective reinforcement learning problem is
that for the optimizing agent to find a stationary policy π(sk )
converges. Further, let the converged value of the recursion that simultaneously satisfies in the discounted reward setting
be Q∗ . Then, the policy ∞

max E γ k r(sk , π(sk )) (8.30)
π  (s) = arg max min E [Q (x, π(x), o)] (8.29) π k=0
π ∈ o∈O ∞

s.t. E γ k rj (sk , π(sk )) ≥ 0 (8.31)
is a solution to (8.27) for all x ∈ X . k=0
An example for the above problem is a search engine
example [39], formulated as follows. In a search engine, there Note that maximizing Eq. (8.30) is equivalent to maximiz-
is a number of documents that are related to a certain query. ing δ subject to the constraint
There are two values that are related to every document, the

first being a (advertisement) value ui of document i for the 
search engine and the second being a value vi for the user E γ k r(sk , π(sk )) ≥ δ
(could be a measure of how strongly related the document is k=0

to the user query). The task of the search engine is to display

the documents in a row some order, where each row has an Thus, one could always replace r with r−(1−γ )δ and obtain
attention value, Aj for row j. We assume that ui and vi are a constraint of the form (8.30). Thus, we can rewrite the
known to the search engine for all i, whereas the attention problem as an optimization problem of finding a stationary
values {Aj } are not known. The strategy π of the search policy π subject to the initial state s0 = s and the constraints
engine is to display document i in position j, π(i) = j, with (8.30), that is,
probability pij . Thus, the expected average reward for the
search engine is find π ∈

s. t. E γ r (sk , π(sk )) ≥ 0
k j
R = lim
E [ui Aπ(i) ] k=0
N→∞ N
for j = 1, . . . , J.

and for the user Let αk (s, a, o) = αk · 1(s,a,o) (sk , ak , ok ) satisfy

R = lim
E [vi Aπ(i) ] . 0 ≤ αk (s, a, o) < 1, αk (s, a, o) = ∞,
N→∞ N
i=1 k=0

The search engine has multiple objectives here where it wants αk2 (s, a, o) < ∞, ∀(s, a, o) ∈ S × A × O.
to maximize the rewards for the user and itself. One solution k=0

is to define a measure for the quality of service for the user,

Ru ≥ Ru , and at the same time satisfy a certain lower bound The authors of [39] related this problem to zero-sum
Re of its own reward, that is, Markov bandit problem. This connection was used to provide
a reinforcement learning approach to solve this problem. The
algorithm is given in Algorithm 4. In line 1, we initialize the
find π Q-table, observe s0 , and select a0 randomly. In line 3, we take
the current action ak and observe the next state sk+1 so that we
s. t. lim E(ui Aπ(i) ) ≥ Re can compute the max-min operator in line 4. Line 5 updates
N→∞ N
i=1 the Q-table. Line 6 samples the next action from the policy
gotten from line 4. Notice that the max-min can be converted
lim E(vi Aπ(i) ) ≥ Ru to a maximization problem with linear inequalities and can be
N→∞ N
i=1 solved by linear programming efficiently due to the number
8 Control of Uncertain Systems 199

Algorithm 4 Zero-sum Markov bandit algorithm for CMDP Table 8.2 Transition probability of the queue system
with discounted reward Current state P(xt+1 = xt − 1) P(xt+1 = xt ) P(xt+1 = xt + 1)
1: Initialize Q(s, a, o) ← 0 for all (s, a, o) ∈ S × A × O. Observe s0 1 ≤ xt ≤ L − 1 a(1 − b) ab + (1 − a) (1 − a)b
and initialize a0 randomly. Select αk according to Eq. (8.33) (1 − b)
2: for Iteration k = 0, . . . , K do xt = L a 1−a 0
3: Take action ak and observe next state sk+1
xt = 0 0 1 − b(1 − a) b(1 − a)
4: πk+1 , ok = arg max min Q(sk+1 , πk+1 (sk+1 ), ok )
πk+1 o∈O
5: Q(sk , ak , ok ) ← (1 − αk )Q(sk , ak , ok ) + αk [r(sk , ak , ok ) + 8
γ E(Q(sk+1 , πk+1 (sk+1 ), ok )]

6: Sample ak+1 from the distribution πk+1 (·|sk+1 )
7: end for min E γ t c(st , π a (st ), π b (st ))
π a ,π b

of inequalities here is limited by the space of the opponent. s.t. E γ c (st , π (st ), π (st )) ≤ 0
t 1 a b
Even for large-scale problems, efficient algorithms exist for
max-min [79]. 
Based on the converged value of Q-table (say Q ), the E γ c (st , π (st ), π (st )) ≤ 0
t 2 a b

policy is given as

 where πha and πhb are the policies for the service and flow at
π  (s0 ) = arg max min E Q (s0 , π(s), o)
π ∈ o∈O time slot h, respectively. We note that the expectation in the
π (s) = arg max E(Q (s, π(s), o ))
 above is with respect to both the stochastic policies and the
π ∈ transition probability. In order to match the constraint satis-
faction problem modeled in this paper, we use the bisection
 on δ and transform the objective to a constraint
∞ t
E a b
t=1 γ c(st , π (st ), π (st )) ≤ δ. In the setting of the
8.3.6 Case Study for a Constrained RL Setup simulation, we choose the length of the queue L = 5. We let
the service action space be A = [0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7] and
In this section, we evaluate Algorithm 4 on a queuing system the flow action space be B = [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6] for all states
with a single server in discrete time. In this model, we assume besides the state s = L. Moreover, the cost function is set to
there is a buffer of finite size L. A possible arrival is assumed be c(s, a, b) = s − 5, the constraint function for the service is
to occur at the beginning of the time slot. The state of the defined as c1 (s, a, b) = 10a − 5, and the constraint function
system is the number of customers waiting in the queue at for the flow is c2 (s, a, b) = 5(1 − b)2 − 2.
the beginning of time slot such that |S| = L + 1. We assume For different values of δ, the numerical results are given
there are two kinds of actions: service action and flow action. in Fig. 8.3. To show the performance of the algorithm, we
The service action space is a finite subset A of [amin , amax ] choose the values of δ close to the real optimum value, and
and 0 < amin ≤ amax < 1. With a service action a, we thus, the figure shows the performance with δ = 9.5, 9.55,
assume that a service of a customer is successfully completed 9.575, 9.6, 9.625, and 9.7. For each value of δ, we run the
with probability a. If the service succeeds, the length of the algorithm for 105 iterations. Rather than evaluating the policy
queue will reduce by one; otherwise, there is no change of the in each iteration, we evaluate the policy every 100 iterations
queue. The flow is a finite subset B of [bmin , bmax ] and 0 ≤ while evaluate at every iteration for the last 100 iterations. In
bmin ≤ bmax < 1. Given a flow action b, a customer arrives order to get the expected value of the constraints, we collect
during the time slot with probability b. Let the state at time t 10,000 trajectories and calculate the average constraint func-
be xt . We assume that no customer arrives when state xt = L tion value among them. These constraint function values for
and thus can model this by the state update not increasing the three constraints are plotted in Fig. 8.3. For δ = 9.5, we
on customer arrival when xt = L. Finally, the overall action see that the algorithm converges after about 60,000 iterations
space is the product of service action space and flow action and all three constrains are larger than 0, which means that
space, i.e., A × B. Given an action pair (a, b) and current state we find a feasible policy for the setting δ = 9.5. Moreover,
xt , the transition of this system P(xt+1 |xt , at = a, bt = b) is it is reasonable that all three constraints converge to a same
shown in Table 8.2. value since the proposed Algorithm 4 optimize the minimal
Assuming that γ = 0.5, we want to optimize the total value function among V(s, a, o) with respect to o. We see that
discounted reward collected and satisfy two constraints with the three constraints for δ = 9.5 are close to each other and
respect to service and flow simultaneously. Thus, the overall nonnegative, thus demonstrating the constraints are satisfied
optimization problem is given as and δ = 9.5 is feasible.
200 V. Aggarwal and M. Agarwal

a) d) 1
0.5 Flow
Constraint value

Constraint value
0 0

−0.5 Reward −0.5

−1 −1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Iteration ·105 Iteration ·105

b) 1 e)

Constraint value

Constraint value

−0.5 −0.5
Reward Reward
Service Service
Flow Flow
−1 −1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Iteration ·105 Iteration ·105

c) f) 1
1 Service
0.5 Flow
Constraint value
Constraint value



−0.5 Reward −0.5

−1 −1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Iteration ·105 Iteration ·105

Fig. 8.3 Value of constraints with iterations for the zero-sum Markov bandit algorithm applied to discrete time single-server queue. (a) δ = 9.5.
(b) δ = 9.55. (c) δ = 9.575. (d) δ = 9.6. (e) δ = 9.625. (f) δ = 9.7
8 Control of Uncertain Systems 201

On the other extreme, we see the case when δ = 9.7. spacecrafts [88], agriculture [89], search engine [39],
We note that all three constraints are below 0, which means scheduling [29, 38, 90], resource allocation [28, 91–93],
no feasible policy for this setting. Thus, seeing the cases for etc. In these systems, a variety of approaches including
δ = 9.5 and 9.7, we note that the optimal objective is between MPC, CMDP, and RL with constraints have been applied.
the two values. Looking at the case where δ = 9.625, we Thus, the approaches studied in this chapter have widespread
also note that the service constraint is clearly below zero applications.
and the constraints are not satisfied. Similarly, for δ = 9.55,
the constraints are nonnegative – the closest to zero are
the service constraints, which are crossing zero every few 8.5 Conclusions, Challenges, and Trends
iterations and thus the gap is within the margin. This shows
that the optimal objective is within 9.55 and 9.625. However, In this chapter, we investigated the model and approaches
the judgment is not as evident between the two regimes, and for controlling dynamical systems in the presence of un-
it cannot be clearly mentioned from δ = 9.575 and δ = 9.6 if certainty. We first consider model predictive control, where
they are feasible or not since they are not consistently lower model parameters are learned, for instance, using Gaussian
than zero after 80,000 iterations like in the case of δ = 9.625 process regression. We then abstracted the problem to a
and δ = 9.7, are not mostly above zero as for δ = 9.5. constrained Markov decision process (CMDP). When the
Thus, looking at the figures, we estimate the value of optimal model parameters are unknown, the concept of reinforcement
objective between 9.55 and 9.625. learning (RL) is used. We introduced Q-learning-based al-
In order to compare the result with the theoretical optimal gorithms and policy gradient methods for finding optimal
total reward, we can assume the dynamics of the MDP is policies for the unconstrained RL setup. We then investi-
known in advance and use the linear programming algorithm gated the constrained setup using zero-sum games and bandit
to solve the original problem. The result solved by the LP optimization.
is 9.62. We note that Q(s, a, o) has 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 = 360 We note that the approaches for machine learning, in
elements, and it is possible that 105 iterations are not enough specific, reinforcement learning, have been increasing. This
to make all the elements in Q table to converge. Further, is influencing an increased use of learning-based approaches
sampling 104 trajectories can only achieve an accuracy of in the control systems [25, 26, 28, 67, 94–97]. Some of the
0.1 with 99% confidence for the constraint function value, problems of key interest for further developments in the area
and we are within that range. Thus, more iterations and more include:
samples (especially more samples) would help improve the
achievable estimate from 9.55 in the algorithm performance. Efficient Model-Free Approaches for CMDP with Peak
Overall, considering the limited iterations and sampling in and Expected Costs In many problems, certain decisions
the simulations, we conclude that the result by the proposed cannot be taken in certain states, and such constraints are
algorithm is close to the optimal result obtained by the linear called peak constraints. Handling both peak and expected
programming. constraints in the setup, and analyzing efficient algorithms
Note that the fundamental difference between the model- for regret bounds, is an open problem.
based MPC methods and the model-free RL methods is that
the MPC method can predict the probable state in which the Scalable Solutions for Model-Free CMDP Most of the ap-
system can transition. But, RL-based methods only predicts proaches pointed for reinforcement learning with constraints
the action to perform in a given state that can ensure the are for tabular setup, where the set of actions and states
constraints remain satisfied. are discrete. However, the deep-learning-based approaches,
which are scalable and have provable guarantees, are impor-
tant for more widespread use of these approaches [98].
8.4 Application Areas
Beyond MDP Markov property requires that the states be
Finding optimal control in the presence of uncertainties organized in such a way that history (previous states and
has seen significant success in recent decades, and the actions) is not relevant for predicting subsequent dynamics
approaches in this chapter have been used as the primary and rewards. This is not always possible. One of the possi-
control method for the systematic handling of system bility for such an issue is the use of partially observed MDP
constraints [80, 81], with wide adaptation in diverse fields, (POMDP). Even though efficient algorithms of POMDP are
such as process control [82], automotive systems [48], being studied, such approach in the presence of constraints is
robotics [83], video streaming [84–86], heating systems [87], in its infancy.
202 V. Aggarwal and M. Agarwal

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Artificial Intelligence and Automation
Sven Koenig, Shao-Hung Chan, Jiaoyang Li, and Yi Zheng

Contents Keywords
9.1 Artificial Intelligence (AI): The Study of Intelligent
Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Artificial intelligence · Automated warehousing ·
Ethics · Intelligent agents · Knowledge representation ·
9.2 AI Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Machine learning · Multi-agent systems · Optimization ·
9.2.1 Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
9.2.2 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Planning · Reasoning
9.2.3 Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
9.2.4 Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
9.3 Combining AI Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
9.4 Case Study: Automated Warehousing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 9.1 Artificial Intelligence (AI): The Study
9.5 AI History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 of Intelligent Agents
9.6 AI Achievements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, intelligence
9.7 AI Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 is (1) “the ability to learn or understand to deal with new
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 or trying situations” or (2) “the ability to apply knowledge
to manipulate one’s environment or to think abstractly as
measured by objective criteria (such as tests)” [1]. The field
Abstract of artificial intelligence (AI) studies how to endow machines
with these abilities.
In this chapter, we discuss artificial intelligence (AI) and
Compatible with this definition, creating AI systems is
its impact on automation. We explain what AI is, namely,
often equated with building (intelligent) agents, where an
the study of intelligent agents, and explain a variety of
agent is an input-output system that interacts with the envi-
AI techniques related to acquiring knowledge from ob-
ronment, similar to a feedback controller. It receives obser-
servations of the world (machine learning), storing it in
vations about the state of the environment from its sensors
a structured way (knowledge representation), combining
and can execute actions to change it. How to obtain high-
it (reasoning), and using it to determine how to behave to
level observations from low-level sensor signals (e.g., with
maximize task performance (planning), in both determin-
vision, gesture recognition, speech recognition, and natural
istic and probabilistic settings and for both single-agent
language processing) and how to translate high-level actions
and multi-agent systems. We discuss how to apply some
into low-level effector signals are considered part of AI but
of these techniques, using automated warehousing as case
not of core AI and thus not discussed here. The program of an
study, and how to combine them. We also discuss the
agent is essentially a function that specifies a mapping from
achievements, current trends, and future of AI as well as
possible sequences of past observations and actions to the
its ethical aspects.
next action to execute. Cognitive agents use functions that
not only resemble those of humans but also calculate them
like humans. In other words, cognitive agents “think” like
S. Koenig () · S.-H. Chan · J. Li · Y. Zheng humans. In general, however, agents can use any function,
Computer Science Department, University of Southern California, and the function is evaluated according to a given objective
Los Angeles, CA, USA function that evaluates the resulting agent behavior. For be-
e-mail:;;; lievable agents, the objective function measures how close

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 205

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
206 S. Koenig et al.

the agent behavior is to that of humans. In other words, techniques, often related to optimization, since they maxi-
believable agents behave like humans, which might include mize task performance. Since trivial techniques are typically
modeling human emotions. Examples are intelligent voice much too slow, AI develops techniques that exploit problem
assistants and lifelike non-player characters in video games. structure to result in the same or similar agent behavior
For rational agents, the objective function measures how well but satisfy existing time constraints. Some of these tech-
the agent does with respect to given tasks. In other words, niques originated in AI but others originated much earlier
rational agents maximize task performance. Examples are in other disciplines that have also studied how to maximize
chess programs and autonomous vacuum cleaners. performance, including operations research, economics, and
AI was originally motivated mostly by creating cognitive engineering. AI has adopted many such techniques. The
agents since it seems reasonable to build agents by imitat- techniques used in AI are therefore very heterogeneous.
ing how existing examples of intelligent systems in nature,
namely, humans, think. AI quickly turned to noncognitive
agents as well since the computing hardware of agents is 9.2.1 Optimization
different from the brains of humans. After all, it is difficult to
engineer planes that fly by flapping their wings like existing Optimization is the task of assigning values to variables, pos-
examples of flying systems in nature, namely, birds, due to sibly under some constraints, so as to minimize the value of a
their different hardware. For a long time, AI then focused on function of these variables. One often cannot systematically
rational agents, mostly autonomous rational agents without enumerate all possible assignments of values to all variables
humans in the loop but also autonomous rational agents that (solutions) and return one with the smallest function value
are able to obtain input from humans, which often increases because their number is too large or even infinite. In this case,
the task performance, and nonautonomous rational agents one often starts with a random solution and then moves from
(such as decision-support systems). More recently, AI has solution to solution to discover one with a small function
also started to focus on believable agents as technological value (local search). Optimization techniques allow planning
advances in both AI and hardware put such systems within to maximize task performance and machine learning to find
reach. good models of the world.
Both rational and believable agents are important for
automation. Rational agents can be used to automate a variety Continuous Function Minimization
of tasks. Believable agents offer human-like interactions with The continuous function minimization problem is to find
gestures and speech and understand and imitate emotions. a global minimum of a function of several variables with
They can, for example, be used as teachers [42, 63] and continuous domains. (A global maximum can be determined
companions [22,134] as well as for elderly care [24,109,131] by finding a global minimum of the negative function.) Since
and entertainment purposes [133]. In this article, we focus on this can be difficult to do analytically, one often uses local
rational agents. A thermostat is a rational agent that tries to search in form of gradient descent to find a small local
keep the temperature close to the desired one by turning the minimum instead. Gradient descent first randomly assigns a
heating and air conditioning on and off, but AI focuses on value to each variable and then repeatedly tries to decrease
more complex rational agents, often those that use knowledge the resulting function value by adjusting the values of the
to perform tasks that are difficult for humans. variables so that it takes a small step in the direction of
the steepest downward slope (against the gradient) of the
function at the point given by the current values of all
9.2 AI Techniques variables. In other words, it first chooses a random solution
and then repeatedly moves from the current solution to the
Knowledge is important since rational agents make use of best neighboring solution. Once this is no longer possible,
it. The initial emphasis of AI on cognitive agents explains it has reached a local minimum. It repeats the procedure
why the study of rational agents is often structured according for many iterations to find local minima with even smaller
to the cognitive functions of humans. One typically distin- function values (random restart), a process which can easily
guishes acquiring knowledge from observations of the world be parallelized, until a time bound is reached or the smallest
(machine learning), storing it in a structured way (knowledge function value found is sufficiently small. Gradient descent
representation), combining it (reasoning), and using it to can use a momentum term to increase the step size when
determine how to behave to maximize task performance the function value decreases substantially (to speed up the
(planning). The interaction between agents is also important. process) and decrease it otherwise.
We will discuss all these AI techniques separately in the Function minimization under constraints has been studied
context of stand-alone examples but also how to combine in AI in the context of constraint programming but has also
them. Rational agents can be built based on a variety of been studied in operations research. A continuous function
9 Artificial Intelligence and Automation 207

minimization problem under constraints can be formulated for how to choose countries, how to choose their colors,
as follows: and how to determine when the procedure should undo the
last assignment of a color to a country. It should definitely
minimize f0 (x1 , . . . , xn ) undo the last assignment when two countries that share a
x1 ,...,xn ∈R
border have been colored identically. However, the number
subject to fi (x1 , . . . , xn )≤ 0, for all i ∈ {1, . . . , m}. of possible map colorings is exponential in the number of
(9.1) countries, which makes such a (systematic) search too slow
for a large map. To solve a map coloring problem with
Here, x1 , . . . , xn ∈ R are real-valued variables, f0 is the hill climbing, one can define the neighbors of a solution to
function to be minimized (objective function), and the re- be the solutions that differ in the assignment of a color to 9
maining functions fi are involved in constraints (constrained exactly one country. The function to be minimized is the
functions). (An equality constraint fi (x1 , . . . , xn ) = 0 can be number of errors of a solution (error or loss function), that
expressed as fi (x1 , . . . , xn ) ≤ 0 and −fi (x1 , . . . , xn ) ≤ 0. is, the number of pairs of countries that share a border but
Similarly, a range constraint xj ∈ [a, b] can be expressed as are colored identically. Solving the map coloring problem
−xj + a ≤ 0 and xj − b ≤ 0.) Lagrange multipliers can be then corresponds to finding a global minimum of the error
used for function minimization if all constraints are equality function with zero errors, that is, a solution that obeys all
constraints. Other special cases include linear programming coloring constraints. Hill climbing with random restarts often
(LP), where the objective function and constrained func- finds a map coloring much faster than search (although this
tions are linear in the variables, and quadratic programming, is not guaranteed) but cannot detect that no map coloring
where the objective function is quadratic and the constrained exists. Many other NP-hard problems can be solved with hill
functions are linear [12]. “Programming” is a synonym for climbing as well, including the SATisfiability (SAT) problem,
optimization in this context. which is the problem of finding an interpretation that makes
a propositional sentence true, or the traveling salesperson
Discrete Function Minimization problem (TSP), which is the problem of finding a shortest
The discrete function minimization problem is to find the route that visits each city of a given set of cities exactly once
global minimum of a function of several variables with and returns to the start city.
discrete domains. The local search analog to gradient descent To avoid getting stuck in local minima, local search cannot
for discrete functions is hill climbing. One has to decide what only make moves that decrease the function value (exploiting
the neighbors of a solution should be. Their number should moves) but also has to make moves that increase the function
be small compared to the number of solutions. Like gradient value (exploring moves). Exploring moves help local search
descent, hill climbing first chooses a random solution and to reach new solutions. We now discuss several versions of
then repeatedly moves from the current solution to the best local search that decide when to make an exploring move,
neighboring solution. Unlike gradient descent, hill climb- when to make an exploiting move, and which moves to
ing can determine the best neighboring solution simply by choose (exploration-exploitation problem).
enumerating all neighboring solutions and calculating their
function values. Tabu Search
For example, the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) To encourage exploration by avoiding repeated visits of the
consists of variables, their domains, and constraints among same solutions, local search can maintain a tabu list of
the variables that rule out certain assignments of values from previous solutions that it will not move to for a number of
their domains to them. The problem is to find a solution that steps. Tabu search first chooses a random solution and then
satisfies all constraints. (The constraint optimization problem repeatedly chooses the best neighboring solution that is not
is a generalization where every constraint is associated with in the tabu list and updates the tabu list.
a nonnegative cost and the problem is to find a solution that
minimizes the sum of the costs of the unsatisfied constraints.)
For example, the NP-hard map coloring problem can be Simulated Annealing
modeled as a CSP where the countries are the variables, Simulated annealing models the process of heating a metal
the set of available colors is the domain of each variable, and then slowly cooling it down to decrease its defects, which
and the constraints specify that two countries that share a minimizes the energy. It first chooses a random solution and
border cannot be colored identically. A solution to a map then repeatedly chooses a random neighboring solution. If
coloring problem is an assignment of a color to each country. moving to this neighboring solution decreases the function
To solve a map coloring problem systematically, one can value, it makes the move (exploitation). Otherwise, it makes
perform a depth-first search by repeatedly first choosing a the move with a probability that is the larger, the less the
country and then a color for it. Different strategies exist function value increases and the less time has passed since
208 S. Koenig et al.

function optimization started (exploration). Thus, simulated a string of m characters, where the ith character represents
annealing makes fewer and fewer exploring moves over time. the assignment of a color to country i. The strings of the
initial population are created by assigning colors to countries
Genetic Algorithms randomly. Recombination chooses a subset of countries and
To allow for the reuse of pieces of solutions in a new con- creates two offspring solutions from two parent solutions,
text, local search can maintain a set (population) of solu- one of which consists of the colors assigned by the first
tions (individuals or, synonymously, phenotypes) that are parent solution to the countries in the subset and the colors
represented with strings of a fixed length (chromosomes or, assigned by the second parent solution to the other countries
synonymously, genotypes), rather than only one solution, and the other one of which consists of the colors assigned
and then create new solutions from pieces of existing ones. by the second parent solution to the countries in the subset
A genetic algorithm (GA), similar to evolution in biology, and the colors assigned by the first parent solution to the
first determines the function values of all n solutions in the other countries. Mutation iterates through the countries and
population and then creates a new population by synthesizing changes the color of each country to a random one with a
two new solutions n/2 times, a process which can easily small probability. Thus, recombination and mutation create
be parallelized, see Fig. 9.1: (1) It chooses two solutions strings that are solutions. Actual applications of GAs to map
from the population as parent solutions, each randomly with coloring use more complex recombination strategies.
a probability that is inversely proportional to its function Genetic programming, a form of GAs, uses tree-like rep-
value, and generates two offspring solutions for them. Thus, resentations instead of strings to evolve computer programs
solutions with small function values (fitter solutions) are that solve given tasks.
more likely to reproduce. It splits both parent solutions into
two parts by cutting their strings at the same random location. Other Discrete Function Minimization Techniques
It then reassembles the parts into two new offspring solutions, A discrete function minimization problem under constraints
one of which is the concatenation of the left part of the first can be formulated like its continuous counterpart (9.1), ex-
parent solution and the right part of the second parent solution cept that all or some of the variables have discrete do-
and the other one of which is the concatenation of the left part mains. Special cases are integer linear programming (ILP)
of the second parent solution and the right part of the first par- and mixed integer linear programming (MILP), where the
ent solution (crossover). This recombination step ensures that objective function and constrained functions are linear in the
the offspring solutions are genetic mixtures of their parent so- variables, just like for LP, but all (for ILPs) or some (for
lutions and can thus be fitter than them (exploitation) or less MILPs) variables have integer rather than real values. An
fit than them (exploration). (2) It changes random characters LP relaxation, where all integer-valued variables are replaced
in the strings of the two offspring solutions. This mutation with real-valued variables, the resulting LP is solved, and the
step introduces novelty into the offspring solutions and can values of integer-valued variables in the resulting solution are
thus make them fitter or less fit. Mutation is necessary to rounded, is often used to find reasonable solutions for ILPs
create diversity that avoids convergence to a local minimum. or MILPs quickly. However, since many discrete function
For example, if all solutions of a population are identical, minimization problems under constraints can be expressed as
then recombination creates only offspring solutions that are ILPs or MILPs, a lot of effort has been devoted to developing
identical to their parent solutions. Once all (new) offspring more effective but still reasonably efficient solvers for them.
solutions have been generated, they form the next population.
This procedure is repeated for many steps (generations) until
a time bound is reached, the smallest function value of a Example Applications
solution in the new population is sufficiently small, or this LPs have been used for controlling oil refinement processes
function value seems to have converged. Then, the solution [57]. CSPs have been used for designing complex systems
in the most recent population with the smallest function value like hybrid passenger ferries [127], mechanical systems like
is returned. A good representation of a solution as string is clusters of gear wheels [152], and software services like plan
important to ensure that recombination and mutation likely recognition [104]. TSPs have been used for overhauling gas
create strings that are solutions and have a chance to increase turbine engines, wiring computers, and plotting masks for
the fitness. In general, strings are discarded and replaced printed circuit boards [85]. Simulated annealing has been
with new strings if they are not solutions. GAs can move the used for global wiring [135] and optimizing designs of inte-
best solutions from one population to the next one to avoid grated circuits [38]. GAs have been used for tuning operating
losing them. To solve a map coloring problem for m countries parameters of manufacturing processes [54,121,156]. MILPs
with a given number of colors, the function to be minimized have been used for scheduling chemical processing systems
is the number of pairs of countries that share a border but [34]. Other constraint programming techniques have been
are colored identically. GAs can represent a solution with used for optimizing the layouts of chemical plants [8].
9 Artificial Intelligence and Automation 209

Random location

1 2 2 3 4 3 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 3 4 1 1 2
Crossover Mutation

4 3 4 1 1 2 4 3 2 3 4 3 4 3 2 3 4 3

Parent solutions Offspring solutions

Fig. 9.1 Illustration of crossover and mutation

9.2.2 Knowledge Representation and heads” and the propositional symbol I represents “I win.”
Reasoning An interpretation assigns each propositional symbol a truth
value. The semantics specifies for which interpretations a
Knowledge representation is the task of storing knowledge in well-formed sentence is true.
a structured way. An ontology describes the world in terms
of its objects and their properties and relationships. Agents Reasoning with Propositional Logic
need to represent such knowledge about their environment We want to be able to infer that, whenever the rules of our
and themselves in a knowledge base with a knowledge- game are followed, I will win even though we might not
representation language that is unambiguous and expressive. know the complete state of the world, such as the outcome
They also need to reason with the knowledge. Reasoning of the coin flip. More formally: Whenever an interpretation
is the task of combining existing knowledge, that is, infer- makes the knowledge base “heads, I win; tails, you lose”
ring new facts from given ones. For example, knowledge (plus the background knowledge) true, then it also makes the
representation is about representing the rules of a coin flip sentence “I win” true. In this case, we say that the knowledge
game “heads, I win; tails, you lose” as well as background base entails the sentence. Entailment can be checked by
knowledge about the world (e.g., that “heads” and “tails” enumerating all interpretations and checking that the defini-
always have opposite truth values and “I win” and “you tion of entailment holds for all of them. In our example, it
lose” always have identical truth values), while reasoning does. However, this procedure is very slow since it needs to
is about inferring that “I win” is guaranteed to hold when check 2100 interpretations for knowledge bases that contain
playing the game. Facts, like “heads; I win”, are expressed 100 propositional symbols. Instead, AI systems use inference
with sentences. The syntax of a knowledge-representation procedures, like proof by contradiction using the inference
language defines which sentences are well-formed, while the rule resolution, that check entailment by manipulating the
semantics of well-formed sentences define their meanings. representations of the knowledge base and the sentence,
For example, arithmetic formulas are sentences. “x+2=5” is similar to how we add two numbers by manipulating their
a well-formed arithmetic formula, and so it makes sense to representations as sequences of digits.
ask for its meaning, that is, when it is true.
First-Order Logic
Propositional Logic First-order logic (FOL) is often more adequate to represent
We first discuss propositional logic as a knowledge- knowledge than propositional logic since propositional logic
representation language. is often not sufficiently expressive. Sentences in FOL still
represent propositions, but FOL is a superset of propositional
Knowledge Representation with Propositional Logic logic that uses names (here: in all caps) to refer to objects,
Sentences in propositional logic represent statements that predicates (here: in mixed case) to specify properties of ob-
are either true or false (propositions). The syntax specifies jects or relationships among them, functions to specify map-
how sentences are formed with the truth values t(rue) and pings from objects to an object, and quantification to express
f(alse), propositional symbols (here: in capital letters), and both at least one object makes a given sentence true or that all
operators, such as ¬, ∧, ∨, ⇒, and ⇔, that roughly represent objects make a given sentence true. For example, the knowl-
“not,” “and,” “or” (in the inclusive sense of “and/or”), “if edge base “Poodle(FIDO) ∧ ∀ x (Poodle(x) ⇒ Dog(x))”
. . . then . . .,” and “if and only if” in English. For example, expresses that Fido is a poodle and all poodles are dogs.
“heads, I win” can be represented with “H ⇒ I,” where This knowledge base entails the sentence “Dog(FIDO).” An
the propositional symbol H represents “coin flip results in interpretation now corresponds to functions that map names
210 S. Koenig et al.

to objects, predicates to properties or relationships, and func- However, when they are then also told that “the bird had
tions to mappings from objects to an object. A finite sentence a broken wing,” then they know that it could not fly. Also,
in FOL, different from one in propositional logic, can have an proof by contradiction using resolution can be slow for FOL,
infinite number of interpretations (because one can specify and its steps can be difficult to explain to users, resulting in
infinitely many objects, such as the nonnegative integers, hard-to-understand explanations for why a knowledge base
e.g., by representing zero and a function that calculates the entails a sentence. Knowledge-representation languages with
successor of any given nonnegative integer), so we can no less powerful but faster and easier-to-understand reasoning
longer check entailment by enumerating all interpretations. techniques are thus also used, such as rule-based expert
In general, there is a fundamental limit for FOL since en- systems and semantic networks.
tailment is only semi-decidable for FOL, that is, there are
inference procedures (such as proof by contradiction using Rule-Based Expert Systems
resolution) that can always confirm that a knowledge base Rule-based expert systems partition the knowledge base into
entails a sentence, but it is impossible to always confirm that an “if-then” rule memory and a fact memory (or, synony-
a knowledge base does not entail a sentence (e.g., because the mously,working memory) since reasoning leaves the rule
inference procedure can run forever in this case). memory unchanged but adds facts to the fact memory. For ex-
ample, the rule memory contains “if Poodle(x) then Dog(x)”
Other Knowledge Representation Languages for our earlier example, and the initial fact memory contains
FOL requires sentences to be either true or false. However, “Poodle(FIDO).” The inference rule that utilizes that “P(A)
the truth of a sentence might need to be quantified, for exam- ∧ ∀ x (P(x) ⇒ Q(x))” entails “Q(A)” (modus ponens) is used
ple, in terms of how true it is (as in “the machine is heavy”), for reasoning. In forward chaining, it is used to determine that
resulting in fuzzy logic, or in terms of the likelihood that it the knowledge base entails the query “Dog(FIDO),” which
is true (as in “the coin flip will result in heads”), resulting is then added to the fact memory. Forward chaining can be
in probabilistic reasoning. For example, fuzzy logic allows used for configuration planning in design and to find all
one to represent vague (but certain) propositions, based on possible diagnoses. In backward chaining, one needs to be
fuzzy set theory where membership in a set (such as the set given the sentence that one wants to show as being entailed by
of heavy machines) is indicated by a degree of membership the knowledge base (query), such as “Dog(FIDO).” The rule
between zero (the element is not in the set) and one (the “if Poodle(x) then Dog(x)” shows that the knowledge base
element is in the set) rather than the Boolean values false and entails “Dog(FIDO)” if it entails “Poodle(FIDO),” which it
true. Figure 9.2 shows membership functions of the fuzzy sets does since “Poodle(FIDO)” is in fact memory. Backward
for “light,” “medium,” and “heavy” machines. Fuzzy control chaining can be used to confirm a given hypothesis in di-
systems are control systems based on fuzzy logic. agnosis. Rule-based expert systems cannot always confirm
In general, FOL has been extended or modified in many that a knowledge base entails a sentence. For example, they
directions, for example, to be able to express facts about time cannot confirm that the knowledge base consisting of the rule
(as in “a traffic light, once red, always becomes green even- memory “Rule 1: if P then R; Rule 2: if ¬P then R” and an
tually”) and to allow for the retraction of entailment conclu- empty fact memory entails “R,” even though it does. Rule-
sions when more facts are added to a knowledge base (non- based expert systems have the advantage of representing
monotonic reasoning). For example, if someone is told that knowledge in a modular way and isolating the decisions
“someone saw a bird yesterday on the roof,” then they will which rules to apply from the knowledge, making modifi-
typically assume that the bird could fly (default reasoning). cations of the knowledge base easy. They have also been
extended to logic programming languages, such as Prolog,
by allowing commands in the “then” part of rules.
Heavy Semantic Networks
Membership degree

Medium Semantic networks, a concept from psychology, are directed

graphs that represent concepts visually with nodes and their
0.5 properties or relationships with directed edges. For exam-
ple, Fig. 9.3 shows a semantic network that represents the
knowledge that Fido is a poodle, all poodles are dogs, and
0.0 all dogs can bark. Semantic networks can use specialized and
0 10 20 30 40 50
fast reasoning procedures of limited reasoning capability that
Machine weight (kg)
follow edges to reason about the properties and relationships
of concepts. This way, they can determine inherited proper-
Fig. 9.2 Membership functions of three fuzzy sets ties. For example, to find out whether Fido can bark, one can
9 Artificial Intelligence and Automation 211

Knowledge Representation with Bayesian Networks

For a medical diagnosis system, each symptom or disease is
Able to a random variable, and its presence or absence is indicated
Dog Bark
by the truth value of that random variable. An interpreta-
tion assigns a truth value to each random variable. A joint
Subset of probability table maps each interpretation to the probability
of the corresponding scenario (joint probability). From the
joint probability table, one can calculate the conditional
Poodle probability that a sick person has a certain disease given
the presence or absence of some symptoms. However, there 9
Element of
are too many interpretations to be able to elicit all joint
probabilities from a doctor, and many of them are too close
to zero to result in good estimates. Instead, one can represent
Fido the joint probability table with a directed acyclic graph that
represents random variables visually with nodes and their
conditional dependences with directed edges (Bayesian net-
work). Every node is assigned a conditional probability table
Fig. 9.3 Semantic network that maps each combination of values of the predecessor
nodes of the node to the conditional probability that the node
takes on a certain value if the predecessor nodes take on
the given values. Figure 9.4a shows an example Bayesian
start at node “Fido” in the semantic network from Fig. 9.3 network with three random variables that take on the values
and see whether one can reach a node with an outgoing edge true or false (Boolean random variables): C(old), H(igh
that is labeled with “able to” and points to node “Bark” Temperature), and R(unning Nose). The joint probabilities
by repeatedly following edges labeled with “element of” are calculated as products of conditional probabilities, one
and “subset of.” They can also disambiguate the meaning of from each conditional probability table. Here, P(C=c ∧ H=h
words in sentences. For example, to find out that the word ∧ R=r) = P(C=c) P(H=h|C=c) P(R=r|C=c), where the no-
“bank” in the sentence “the bank keeps my money safe” tation means that the equation holds no matter whether C,
likely refers to the financial institution rather than the land H, and R are true or false. Thus, the joint probability table
alongside of a body of water, one can determine that node in Fig. 9.4b results. The joint probabilities are products of
“Money” is fewer hops away in the semantic network that several conditional probabilities. Thus, the joint probabilities
expresses knowledge about the world from the node of the are often close to zero, but the conditional probabilities are
first meaning of bank than the node of the second meaning not necessarily close to zero. Furthermore, the conditional
of bank. Semantic networks can be more expressive than FOL probabilities directly correspond to medical knowledge (such
by allowing for default reasoning, but the semantics of edges as the probability that a person with a cold has a high tem-
and reasoning procedures need to be very carefully defined perature), which makes them often easier to estimate. There
and some operators (such as “not” and “or”) are not easy to are 8 possible interpretations, and one thus needs to specify
represent and reason with. 8-1 = 7 joint probabilities for the joint probability table.
The eighth joint probability does not need to be specified
since all joint probabilities sum to one. The reason why one
Bayesian Networks only needs to specify five conditional probabilities across
Probabilistic reasoning is an especially important extension all conditional probability tables of the Bayesian network is
of FOL because the world is often nondeterministic or the that the Bayesian network makes conditional independences
knowledge bases of agents are incomplete, for example, visible in its graph structure rather than only in its (con-
because the agents do not have complete knowledge of the ditional) probabilities. Two random variables X and Y are
world or do not include known facts in their knowledge bases, independent if and only if P(X=x ∧ Y=y) = P(X=x) P(Y=y).
for example, to keep the sizes of their knowledge bases man- Thus, one needs only two probabilities, namely P(X=t) and
ageable. For example, an “if-then” rule “if Jaundice(x) then P(Y=t), instead of three probabilities to specify the joint
YellowEyes(x)” states that someone with jaundice always has probability table of two independent Boolean random vari-
yellow eyes (in other words, that the conditional probability ables. However, making independence assumptions is often
P(YellowEyes(x)=t|Jaundice(x)=t), which is the probability too strong. For example, if diseases and symptoms were
that YellowEyes(x) is true given that Jaundice(x) is true, is independent, then the probability that a sick person has a
1), which is not true in reality. certain disease would not depend on the presence or absence
212 S. Koenig et al.

a) b) H R C P(H=t ∧ R=t ∧ C=t) c)

t t t 1 ½ 1 ½ 1/4 = 1/4
t t f 2/3 ½ 1/3 ½ 3/4 = 1/6
C P(C=t)=1/4 t f t 1 ½ 0 ½ 1/4 = 0 HRC
t f f 2/3 ½ 2/3 ½ 3/4 = 1/3 t t t
f t t 0 ½ 1 ½ 1/4 = 0 t f f
f t f 1 / 3 ½ 1 / 3 ½ 3 / 4 = 1 / 12 t f f
P(H=t|C=t)=1 P(R=t|C=t)=1 f f t 0 ½ 0 ½ 1/4 = 0 f t f
P(H=t|C=f)=2/3 P(R=t|C=f)=1/3 f f f 1/3 ½ 2/3 ½ 3/4 = 1/6

Fig. 9.4 Bayesian network, corresponding joint probability table, and training examples. (a) Bayesian network. (b) Joint probability table. (c)
Training examples

of symptoms. Diseases could thus be diagnosed without Example Applications

seeing the sick person. Making conditional independence FOL has been used for verifying software [115] and proving
assumptions is often more realistic. Two random variables theorems [33]. Fuzzy logic has been used for controlling ma-
X and Y are conditionally independent given a third random chines, including maintaining a constant feed rate for weight
variable Z if and only if P(X=x ∧ Y=y|Z=z) = P(X=x|Z=z) belt feeders [153], increasing the machining efficiency for
P(Y=y|Z=z), in other words, X and Y are independent if one rough milling operations [44], and improving vehicle control
knows the value of Z (no matter what that value is). The of anti-lock braking systems [87, 154]. Rule-based expert
graph structure of a Bayesian network implies conditional systems have been used for tele-monitoring heart failures
independences that hold no matter what the values of the [116], analyzing satellite images [120], and developing load-
conditional probabilities in its conditional probability tables shedding schemes for industrial electrical plants [23]. Se-
are. Here, P(H=h ∧ R=r|C=c) = P(H=h|C=c) P(R=r|C=c). mantic networks have been used for understanding consumer
While a Bayesian network corresponds to exactly one joint judgments [39, 43] and capturing knowledge of production
probability table (meaning that both of them specify the same scheduling [112]. Bayesian networks have been used in man-
joint probabilities), a joint probability table can correspond to ufacturing for diagnosing and predicting faults [18, 139],
many Bayesian networks (viz., one for each factorization of calculating failure rates for maintenance planning [56], and
the joint probabilities, such as P(C=c ∧ H=h ∧ R=r) = P(H=h predicting the energy consumption of manufacturing pro-
| R=r ∧ C=c) P(R=r | C=c) P(C=c) or P(C=c ∧ H=h ∧ R=r) cesses [94].
= P(C=c | H=h ∧ R=r) P(H=h | R=r) P(R=r)) – and these
Bayesian networks can differ in their number of conditional
probabilities after their simplification. A Bayesian network
with few conditional probabilities can typically be found 9.2.3 Planning
by making most of its edges go from causes to effects, for
example, from diseases to symptoms (as in our example). Planning is the optimization task of using knowledge to
Then, one typically needs to specify many fewer conditional determine how to behave to maximize task performance. It
probabilities than joint probabilities and speeds up reasoning. can use the generic optimization techniques discussed earlier
but often solves the specific optimization problem of finding
an (ideally) shortest or cost-minimal sequence of actions that
allows an agent to transition from a given start state to a given
Reasoning with Bayesian Networks goal state and thus uses specialized optimization techniques
Reasoning with Bayesian networks means calculating proba- to exploit the structure of this problem well and run fast. A
bilities, often conditional probabilities that one random vari- state characterizes the information that an agent needs to have
able takes on a given value if the values of some other about the past and present to choose actions in the future that
random variables are known, for example, the probability maximize its task performance. For example, a soda machine
P(C=t|R=f) that a sick person with no running nose has a does not need to remember in which order a customer has
cold or the probability P(C=t|H=f ∧ R=f) that a sick person inserted which coins. It only needs to remember how much
with normal temperature and no running nose has a cold. In money the customer has already inserted. An important part
general, reasoning is NP-hard but can often be scaled to large of planning is scheduling, which is the assignment of re-
Bayesian networks by exploiting their graph structure in form sources to plans (including when actions should be executed).
of their conditional independence assumptions. We first discuss planning for an agent in the absence of
9 Artificial Intelligence and Automation 213

other agents (single-agent systems) and then planning in the vertices and actions with edges. However, the state space of
presence of other agents (multi-agent systems). the eight puzzle has 9!/2 = 181,440 states (since, to populate
the eight puzzle, the 1 tile can be placed in any of the 9
Deterministic Planning in Single-Agent Systems locations, the 2 tile can be placed in any of the remaining 8
Deterministic planning problems assume that the execution locations, and so on, but only half of the states are reachable
of the same action in the same state always results in the from any given state), which makes the state space tedious to
same successor state, and the actions thus have deterministic specify explicitly by enumeration. Even larger state spaces,
effects. The input of a deterministic planner is the start state such as those with more than 10100 states, cannot be specified
of an agent (which is typically its current state), the (desired) explicitly by enumeration since both the necessary time and
goal state, and a set of actions that the agent can execute amount of memory are too large. Therefore, one specifies 9
to transition from one state to another one. Its output is a state spaces implicitly with a formal specification language
plan, which is an (ideally) shortest or, if costs are associated for planning instances, such as STRIPS. STRIPS was first
with the actions, cost-minimal sequence of actions that the used for the Stanford Research Institute Problem Solver, an
agent can execute to transition from the start state to the early planner, which explains its name. States are specified
goal state. Since many planning problems have more than with a simplified version of FOL as conjunctions (often
10100 states [108], one often trades off solution quality for written as sets) of predicates whose arguments are names
runtime and is satisfied with a short sequence of actions. (grounded predicates). Actions are specified as parameter-
Consider, for example, the eight puzzle, which is a toy ized action schemata that define when an action can be
with eight-numbered square tiles in a square frame. A state executed in a state (viz., when one can replace each parameter
specifies which tiles are in which locations (configuration with a name so that all predicates in its precondition set are
of the eight puzzle). The current state can be changed by part of the state) and how to calculate the resulting successor
repeatedly moving a tile that is adjacent to the location with state (viz., by deleting all predicates in its delete effect set
the missing tile to that location. Figure 9.5 shows a start from the state and then adding all predicates in its add effect
state in the upper-left corner and a goal state in the lower- set). Figure 9.5 shows the input of the planner for our exam-
left corner. A shortest plan is to move the 7 tile to the left ple. The Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) [37]
with MoveTile(T7,L8,L7) and then the 8 tile to the left is a more expressive version of STRIPS that includes typing,
with MoveTile(T8,L9,L8). negative preconditions, conditional add and delete effects,
and quantification in preconditions, add effects, and delete
effects. Its more advanced version PDDL2.1 [35] further
Specifying Deterministic Planning Instances with
supports optimization metrics, durative (rather than instanta-
neous) actions, and numeric preconditions, add effects, and
Deterministic planning is essentially the graph-search prob-
delete effects. PDDL3 [36] further supports constraints over
lem of finding a short path from the start state to the goal state
possible actions in the plan and the states reached by them
on the directed graph (state space) that represents states with

Action MoveTile (x,y,z) - "Move tile x from location y to location z"

Precondition set = {At (x,y), MissingTile (z), Adjacent (y,z)}
1 2 3 Add effect set = {At (x,z), MissingTile (y)}
Delete effect set = {At (x,y), MissingTile (z)}
4 5 6

7 8 Start state = {At (T1, L1), At (T2, L2), At (T3, L3), At (T4, L4), At (T5, L5),
At (T6, L6), At (T7, L8), At (T8, L9), MissingTile (L7),
Start state Adjacent (L1, L2), Adjacent (L2, L3), Adjacent (L4, L5),
Adjacent (L5, L6), Adjacent (L7, L8), Adjacent (L8, L9),
Adjacent (L1, L4), Adjacent (L4, L7), Adjacent (L2, L5),
Adjacent (L5, L8), Adjacent (L3, L6), Adjacent (L6, L9),
1 2 3 Adjacent (L2, L1), Adjacent (L3, L2), Adjacent (L5, L4),
Adjacent (L6, L5), Adjacent (L8, L7), Adjacent (L9, L8),
4 5 6
Adjacent (L4, L1), Adjacent (L7, L4), Adjacent (L5, L2),
7 8 Adjacent (L8, L5), Adjacent (L6, L3), Adjacent (L9, L6)}

Goal state Goal state = {At (T1, L1), At (T2, L2), At (T3, L3), At (T4, L4), At (T5, L5),
At (T6, L6), At (T7, L7), At (T8, L8), MissingTile (L9)}

Fig. 9.5 Eight puzzle instance

214 S. Koenig et al.

(trajectory constraints) as well as soft trajectory constraints, ancestors is labeled with the same state, which avoids paths
which are desirable but do not necessarily have to be satisfied with cycles. It is not guaranteed to find shortest paths (even if
(preferences). all actual edge costs are one) but can be implemented with a
stack, resulting in a memory consumption that is linear in the
Solving Deterministic Planning Instances search depth. Uniform-cost search always selects an unex-
Deterministic planning instances can be solved by translating panded fringe node with the smallest g-value (using the actual
them into different optimization instances, such as (M)ILP edge costs). It is guaranteed to find shortest paths and can
instances [11, 101] or SAT instances [61, 106]. Deterministic be implemented with a priority queue. Breadth-first search
planning instances can also be solved with search techniques always selects an unexpanded fringe node with the smallest
that find short paths in the given state space. These search g-value under the assumption that all edge costs are one (no
techniques build a search tree that represents states with matter what the actual edge costs are). It is a special case of
nodes and actions (that the agent can execute to transition uniform-cost search since uniform-cost search behaves like
from one state to another) with edges. Initially, the search breadth-first search if all edge costs are one. It is guaranteed
tree contains only the root node labeled with the start state. to find shortest paths only if all actual edge costs are one
In each iteration, the search technique selects an unexpanded and can be implemented with a first-in first-out queue. Both
leaf node of the search tree for expansion. If no such leaf uniform-cost search and breadth-first search can result in a
node exists, then it terminates and returns that no path exists. memory consumption that is exponential in the search depth.
Otherwise, if the state of the selected node is the goal state, Iterative deepening implements a breadth-first search with a
then it terminates and returns the action sequence of the series of depth-first searches of increasing search depths. It
unique path in the search tree from the root node to the is guaranteed to find shortest paths in those situations when
selected node. Otherwise, it expands the selected node as breadth-first search finds them, can be implemented with a
follows: For each action that can be executed in the state of stack, and results in a memory consumption that is linear in
the selected node, it creates an edge that connects the selected the search depth. But it has a runtime overhead compared
node with a new node labeled with the successor state reached to breadth-first search. More sophisticated linear-memory
when the agent executes the action in the state of the selected search techniques also exist, including in case all edge costs
node. Finally, it repeats the procedure. are not one.
Different search techniques differ in the information that Informed (or, synonymously, heuristic) search techniques
they use for selecting an unexpanded fringe node. All of the use additional problem-specific information for selecting an
following search techniques find a path from the start state unexpanded fringe node. The h-value of a node n is an
to the goal state or, if none exists, report this fact (they are estimate of the goal distance of the state of node n, which
complete) when used on state spaces with a finite number of is the smallest sum of the edge costs from the state of
states and actions. Figure 9.6 shows a path-finding instance, node n to the goal state. An h-value is admissible if and
and Fig. 9.7 shows the resulting search trees. only if it is not an overestimate of the corresponding goal
Uninformed (or, synonymously, blind) search techniques distance. The f-value of a node is the sum of its g- and h-
use only information from the search tree for selecting an values. A* always selects an unexpanded fringe node with
unexpanded fringe node. The g-value of a node n is the sum the smallest f-value, that is, the smallest estimated sum of
of the edge costs from the root node to node n. Depth-first the edge costs from the start state via the state of the node
search always selects an unexpanded fringe node with the to the goal state. Uniform-cost search is a special case of
largest g-value under the assumption that all edge costs are A* since A* behaves like uniform-cost search if all h-values
one (no matter what the actual edge costs are), that is, that the of A* are zero. A* is guaranteed to find shortest paths (if
g-value of a node n is the number of edges from the root node all h-values are admissible) and can be implemented with
to node n. To be complete, it has to prune nodes if one of their a priority queue. There exist linear-memory search variants
of A*. The h-values being admissible guarantees that the f-
values of all nodes are not overestimates, a principle known
in AI as “optimism in the face of uncertainty” (or missing
C knowledge). This way, when A* expands a node, the state of
5 5 Goal
D 10 E the node is either on a shortest path from the start state to the
Start state
A goal state (which is good) or not (which allows A* to discover
8 16 the fact that the state is not on a shortest path). On the other
hand, if some h-values are not admissible, then A* might not
B expand all nodes on a shortest path (because their f-values are
too large) and is thus not guaranteed to find shortest paths.
Fig. 9.6 A path-finding instance
An admissible h-value of node n is typically found as the
9 Artificial Intelligence and Automation 215

a) b) c) d)
1 A h = 20
1 A
1 A 1 A g=0 f = 20

8 5
8 5
8 5 8 5
g=8 g=5
2 B C h = 16 h = 15
B 2 C
2 B 3 C 3 B g=8 2 C g=5 f = 24 f = 20

8 16
5 9
8 16 5 8 16 5
g = 10
3 D E h = 10
3 D
4 D 5 E D 5 D E 4 D g = 10 f = 20
10 g = 16 g = 24 10
10 10 10
g = 20
4 E h=0
4 E
E E g = 26 6 E g = 20 f = 20

Fig. 9.7 Search trees for depth-first search, breadth-first search, and the found paths are shown in bold. Not used here is the common
uniform-cost search, and A* search for the path-finding instance from optimization to prune nodes once a node labeled with the same state
Fig. 9.6. The admissible h-value of a node for the A* search is the goal has been expanded. (a) Depth-first search. (b) Breadth-first search. (c)
distance of its state. The numbers indicate the order of node expansions, Uniform-cost search. (d) A* search

smallest sum of the edge costs from the state of node n to states of a given state. If both forward and backward searches
the goal state in a state space that contains additional actions are possible, then one should choose the search direction that
(relaxation of the original state space) because adding actions results in the smaller average number of child nodes of nodes
cannot increase the goal distances. For example, for path in the search tree (average branching factor). Bidirectional
finding on a map of cities and their highway connections, search searches simultaneously in both directions to search
one could add actions that move off-road on a straight line faster and with less memory. If the state space is specified
from any city to any other city. The resulting admissible with STRIPS, then it is easy to determine all possible suc-
h-value of a node is the straight-line distance from the city cessor states of a given state and thus implement a forward
of the node to the goal city. For the eight puzzle, one could search, while it is more difficult to determine all possible
add actions that move a tile on top of a neighboring tile. The predecessor states of a given state.
resulting admissible h-value of a node is the sum, over all
tiles, of the differences in the x- and y-coordinates of the
location of a tile in the configuration of the node and its Probabilistic Planning in Single-Agent Systems
location in the goal configuration. For a planning problem Actions often do not have deterministic effects in practice.
specified in STRIPS, one needs large admissible h-values For example, a sick person might not respond to their
to keep the number of expanded nodes manageable due to medicine. The resulting probabilistic (or, synonymously,
the large state space since the larger the admissible h-values, decision-theoretic) planning problems are often specified
the fewer nodes A* expands. One could delete some or all with (totally observable) Markov decision processes (MDPs)
of the elements of the precondition sets of action schemata or probabilistic PDDL (PPDDL) [147]. MDPs assume
but often deletes all elements of their delete sets instead. In that (1) the current state is always known (e.g., can be
both cases, additional actions can be executed in some states observed after every action execution), and the probability
because the actions need to satisfy fewer preconditions in the distributions over the cost and the successor state resulting
first case and because previous actions did not delete some from an action execution (2) are known and (3) depend only
of their preconditions in the second case. on the executed action and the state it is executed in (Markov
So far, we have assumed a forward search from the start property). For deterministic planning problems, a plan is a
state to the goal state. For this, one needs to determine all sequence of actions. However, for MDPs, a plan needs to
possible successor states of a given state. One can also per- specify which action to execute in each state that can be
form a backward search from the goal state to the start state, reached during its execution. It is a fundamental result that
provided that one is able to determine all possible predecessor a plan that minimizes the expected total (discounted) plan-
216 S. Koenig et al.

execution cost can be specified as a function that assigns each hand, has mostly studied cooperative agents, for example,
state the action that should be executed in that state (policy). in the context of vehicle routing. Concepts from economics
(The discount factor weighs future costs less than the current also apply to cooperative agents since they can, for example,
ones and is primarily used as a mathematical convenience use cooperative auctions to assign tasks to themselves: Each
since it ensures that all infinite sums are finite.) Policies agent bids on all tasks and is then assigned the tasks that
that minimize the expected total (discounted) plan-execution it must execute, for example, the tasks for which it was
cost can be found with stochastic dynamic programming the highest bidder. An important part of the design of an
techniques, such as value iteration and policy iteration. auction mechanism in this context is to design the auction so
Assumptions 1–3 from above do not always hold in prac- that, if each agent maximizes its own performance, the team
tice. Partially observable MDPs (POMDPs) relax Assump- maximizes social welfare. Different from many applications
tion 1 by assuming that the current state can be observed after in economics, it is often also important that task allocation is
every action execution only with noisy observations, which fast.
means that only a probability distribution over the current
state is known. For example, the disease of a sick person is
not directly observable, but the observed symptoms provide Example Applications
noisy clues about it. A policy now assigns each probability PDDL has been used for managing greenhouses [47] and
distribution over the current state the action that should be ex- composing and verifying web services [51, 98]. A* has been
ecuted in this belief state, which results in more complicated used for planning the paths of automated guided vehicles
and slower stochastic dynamic programming techniques than [138]. MDPs and POMDPs have been used for planning
for MDPs since the number of states is typically finite, but the robot motions [129], tuning the parameters of wireless sen-
number of belief states is infinite. sor networks [64, 92], and managing power plants [105].
Planning for multi-agent systems has been used for planning
multi-view drone cinematography [93], production planning
Planning in Multi-agent Systems for auto engine plants [97], and assembling furniture with
Multi-agent systems have become more important as parts of robots [66].
companies have been connected with the Internet, computa-
tional devices have been increasingly networked as part of
the Internet of things, and teams of robots have been fielded
successfully. Several agents can be more robust than a single 9.2.4 Machine Learning
agent since they can compensate for the failure of some
agents. Several agents can also act in parallel and reduce Machine learning is the task of acquiring knowledge from
the task-completion time. Centralized planning techniques observations of the world, often because knowledge is hard to
for multi-agent systems can be obtained from planning tech- specify by hand. Machine learning typically involves specify-
niques for single-agent systems and maximize the perfor- ing a set of considered functions as possible models of some
mance of the team (social welfare) but might raise privacy aspect of the world and choosing a good function from this
concerns for the involved agents. Decentralized (and dis- set based on the observations. The set of considered functions
tributed) planning techniques correspond to the many ways is often specified in form of a parameterized function and
of making decentralized collective decisions in multi-agent using optimization techniques to determine its parameters.
systems, for example, with negotiating, voting, or bidding. The key challenge is to ensure that the resulting learned
Competitive agents are self-interested, that is, maximize their function generalizes beyond the observations. For example,
own performance, while cooperative agents maximize the it is difficult to program an agent to ride a bicycle without
performance of the team, for example, because they are falling down, and it thus makes sense to let it learn from
bound by social norms or contracts (in case of humans) experience (that is, past observations) how to do it well,
or are programmed this way (in case of robots). In both which involves handling situations that the agent did not
cases, one needs to understand how the agents can inter- experience during learning.
act (mechanism) and what solutions can result from these We discuss three classes of machine learning techniques.
interactions. One often wants to design the mechanism so Assume that one wants to learn which actions to execute
that the solutions have desirable properties. For this, AI can in different situations. Supervised learning is similar to a
utilize insights from other disciplines. Economics has mostly teacher presenting examples for how to behave optimally in
studied competitive agents, for example, in the context of many situations, unsupervised learning is similar to experi-
non-cooperative game theory or auctions. An important part encing many situations and trying to make sense of them
of the design of an auction mechanism in this context is without any further information, and reinforcement learning
to ensure that agents cannot game the system, for example, is similar to experiencing many situations, experimenting
with collusion or shilling. Operations research, on the other with how to behave in each of them, and receiving feedback
9 Artificial Intelligence and Automation 217

as to how good the behavior was (e.g., when falling down examples, validation examples, and (if needed) test exam-
while learning how to ride a bicycle). ples:

Supervised Learning • The training examples are used to learn the function with a
In supervised learning, an agent is provided with observa- given machine learning technique and its parameters. For
tions in form of labeled examples, where the agent knows example, one might want to find the polynomial function
the values of a fixed number of features and the value of the of a given degree that has the smallest mean squared error
label of each example. Its task is to predict the values of the on the examples encountered in use. Since these examples
label of the encountered unlabeled examples in use, where are not available during learning, one settles for finding
the agent knows only the values of the features. This task can the polynomial function of the given degree that has the 9
be framed as learning a function that maps examples to the smallest mean squared error on the training examples,
predicted values of the label. There is a possible infinite set which can be found, for example, with gradient descent.
of considered functions (hypothesis space), and one wants If the error is small, then one says that the function fits the
to find the best function from this set, which is ideally the training examples well. Any machine learning technique
true function that actually generates the values of the label. has to address underfitting and overfitting; see Fig. 9.9.
If the set of possible values of the label is discrete, then Underfitting means that the learned function is not similar
this is a classification task; see Fig. 9.8a. Otherwise, it is to the true function, typically because the true function is
a regression task; see Fig. 9.8b. For example, recognizing not in the set of considered functions (resulting in high
handwritten digits from the pixels in images or spam emails bias). For example, if the set of considered functions
from the number of times certain words occur in them is a contains only linear functions for regression tasks (linear
classification task, while predicting the life expectancy of a regression tasks) but the true function is a polynomial
person from their medical history is a regression task. function of higher degree, then the best linear function is
An objective function captures how well a function pre- likely not similar to the true function and thus fits neither
dicts the values of the label of examples encountered in the training examples nor the examples encountered in
use (error function or, synonymously, loss function). The use well, as shown in Fig. 9.9a. Overfitting means that the
task is to choose the function from the set of considered learned function fits the training examples well but has
functions that minimizes the error function. Examples of adapted so much to the training examples that it is no
error functions are mappings from the set of considered longer similar to the true function even if the true function
functions to the resulting number of prediction errors for is in the set of considered functions, typically because
classification tasks and the resulting average of the squared there is lots of sampling noise in the training examples
differences between the true and predicted values of the label due to their small number or because the error function or
(mean squared error) for regression tasks. One often char- machine learning technique is too sensitive to the noise
acterizes the number of prediction errors for classification in the feature or label values of the training examples
tasks using precision and recall. Assume, for example, that (resulting in high variance). For example, if the training
100 emails are provided to a spam email detection system, examples consist of a single photo that contains a cat, then
of which 20 are spam emails (actual positive examples). If a function that predicts that every photo contains a cat
the system identifies 15 emails as spam emails (identified fits the training examples well but is likely not similar to
positive examples) and 10 of them are indeed spam emails the true function and thus likely does not fit the examples
(correctly identified positive examples), then the number of encountered in use well. Similarly, if there is noise in the
correctly identified positive examples divided by the number values of the features or the label for regression tasks,
of identified positive examples (precision) is 10/15, and the then a polynomial function of higher degree than the true
number of correctly identified positive examples divided by function can fit the training examples better than the true
the number of actual positive examples (recall) is 10/20. function but is likely not similar to the true function and
Since there are too many examples that could be en- thus likely does not fit the examples encountered in use
countered in use, one cannot provide all of them as labeled well, as shown in Fig. 9.9.
examples. Machine learning thus needs to generalize from The bias-variance dilemma states that there is a trade-
the labeled examples to the ones encountered in use. To off between the bias and the variance. To balance them,
make this possible, one typically assumes that the labeled one can enlarge or reduce the set of considered functions,
examples are independently drawn from the same probability for example, by increasing or decreasing the number of
distribution as the examples encountered in use, resulting in parameters to be learned. Other techniques exist as well.
them being independent and identically distributed (iid). The For example, Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection
labeled examples serve different purposes and are therefore Operator (LASSO) regression is a popular technique to
often partitioned randomly into three sets, namely, training reduce overfitting for linear regression tasks. It minimizes
218 S. Koenig et al.

a) 8 b)

6 12

5 10



0 2

–1 0
–1 0 1 2 3 4 5 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
x x

Fig. 9.8 Illustration of classification and regression. (a) Classification predictions are accurate. (b) Regression instance with training examples
instance with training examples (shown as small blue and green dots) (shown as small blue dots) with one real-valued feature x and real-valued
with two real-valued features x and y and a label with the discrete values label y. The red line shows the predicted values of the label for all
blue or green. The predicted values of the label on one side of the red possible values of x. Not all predictions are accurate
line are blue, and the predicted values on the other side are green. Not all

a) b)
Learned function Learned function
True function True function
Training example Training example

x x

Fig. 9.9 Illustration of underfitting and overfitting. (a) The learned function underfits. (b) The learned function overfits
9 Artificial Intelligence and Automation 219

the mean squared error plus a weighted penalty term

(regularization term) that is the L1 norm of the weights
of the linear function to be learned. R
• The validation examples are used to select parameters for t f
the machine learning technique (hyperparameters) that
allow it to learn a good function, which has to be done with
examples that are different from the training examples H f
(cross-validation). Hyperparameters are, for example, the
t f
degree of the polynomial function to be learned for poly-
nomial regression tasks or the weight of the regulariza- 9
tion term for LASSO. They can be selected manually or t f
automatically with exhaustive search, random search, or
machine learning techniques.
• The test examples are used as proxy for the examples Fig. 9.10 Decision tree for the example from Fig. 9.4c
encountered in use when assessing how well the learned
function will likely do in use.
feature, the branches of each non-leaf node are labeled with
The more training and validation examples available, the a partition of the possible values of that feature, and each leaf
better a function can be learned. A fixed split of the non- node is labeled with a value of the label (decision trees); see
test examples into training and validation examples does not Fig. 9.10. Decision trees can be used for both classification
make good use of the non-test examples, which is a problem and regression tasks (classification and regression trees). The
if their number is small. One therefore often uses each non- value of the label of an unlabeled example is determined by
test example sometimes as training example and sometimes starting at the root node and always following the branch that
as validation example. For example, k-fold cross-validation is labeled with the value of that feature for the example that
partitions the non-test examples into k sets and then performs labels the current node. The label of the leaf node eventually
k rounds of learning for given hyperparameters, each time reached is the predicted value of the label for the example.
using the examples in one of the partitions as validation For example, the decision tree in Fig. 9.10 predicts that a
examples and the remaining non-test examples as training sick person with normal temperature and no running nose
examples. After each round, it calculates how well the result- does not have a cold. Decision tree learning constructs a
ing function predicts the values of the label of the validation small decision tree, typically from the root node down. It
examples. The hyperparameters are then evaluated according chooses the most informative feature for the root node (often
to the average of these numbers over all k rounds. using metrics from information theory) and then recursively
Supervised machine learning techniques differ in how constructs each subtree below the root node. Overfitting can
they represent the set of considered functions. We discuss be reduced by limiting the depth of a decision tree or, alterna-
several examples in the following because none of them is tively, pruning it after its construction. It can also be reduced
universally better than the others (no free lunch theorem) by using ensemble learning to learn several decision trees
[142]. We do not discuss variants of supervised learning, (random forest) and then letting them vote on the value of
such as the one where one synthesizes examples and then the label by outputting the most common value among them
is provided with their values of the label at a cost (active for classification tasks and the average of their values for
learning) or the one where one uses the knowledge gained regression tasks. One can also use meta-learning to determine
from solving one classification or regression task to solve a how to combine the predictions of the decision trees.
similar task with fewer examples or less runtime (transfer
learning), which is important since machine learning tech- Naïve Bayesian Learning
niques are typically both training data and runtime intensive. Naïve Bayesian learning represents the set of considered
Meta-learning, which is learning from the output of other functions with Bayesian networks of a specific graph struc-
machine learning techniques, can be used to improve the ture. The graph structure of the Bayesian networks is the one
learning ability of machine learning techniques by learning to given in Fig. 9.4a, with an edge from the class to each feature.
learn, for example, across related classification or regression Naïve Bayesian learning estimates the conditional probabil-
tasks for multi-task learning [72]. ities, typically using frequencies. Assume, for example, a
diagnosis task where the features are the symptoms H(igh
Decision Tree Learning Temperature) and R(unning Nose) in Fig. 9.4c and the label
Decision tree learning represents the set of considered func- is the disease C(old). Three training examples have C=f, and
tions with trees where each non-leaf node is labeled with a two of those have H=t, so P(H=t|C=f) = 2/3. Overall, the con-
220 S. Koenig et al.

ditional probabilities in Fig. 9.4a result for the given training (n − 1)-dimensional separating plane and all examples that
examples. Bayesian networks of the simple graph structure the function maps to the other value lie on the opposite
shown in Fig. 9.4a are called naïve Bayesian networks be- side of the plane (the examples are linearly separable). This
cause the conditional independences implied by their graph might be expressive enough for the learned function to be
structure might not be correct. In fact, the conditional inde- sufficiently similar to the true function and then has the
pendence P(H=t ∧ R=t|C=f) = P(H=t|C=f) P(R=t|C=f) does advantage that it reduces the set of considered functions
not hold for the training examples since P(H=t ∧ R=t|C=f) = compared to a NN and thus reduces overfitting.
0 = 2/3 1/3 = P(H=t|C=f) P(R=t|C=f). Thus, naïve Bayesian Often, however, a single perceptron is not expressive
learning can underfit but is often expressive enough for enough (e.g., because it cannot even specify an exclusive or
the learned function to be sufficiently similar to the true function), which is why one connects perceptrons into a NN.
function and then has the advantage that it reduces the set If a NN is used for learning, then the inputs of a perceptron
of considered functions compared to Bayesian networks with in the NN can be either feature values, which are the inputs
more complex graph structures and thus reduces overfitting. of the NN, or the outputs of other perceptrons. The output
When one needs to predict the value of the label of an of a perceptron in the NN can be an input to multiple other
unlabeled example, for example, H=f and R=f, one calculates perceptrons and/or the value of the label, which is the output
P(C=t|H=f ∧ R=f) = P(C=t ∧ H=f ∧ R=f) / P(H=f ∧ R=f) of the NN. The perceptrons are often organized in layers.
= P(C=t ∧ H=f ∧ R=f) / (P(C=t ∧ H=f ∧ R=f) + P(C=f NNs can have multiple outputs (e.g., one for each value of
∧ H=f ∧ R=f)) = P(C=t) P(H=f|C=t) P(R=f|C=f) / (P(C=t) the label, such as the possible diseases of a sick person),
P(H=f|C=t) P(R=f|C=f) + P(C=f) P(H=f|C=f) P(R=f|C=f)) = which are produced by the output layer. Sometimes, they
0 to determine the probability that the value of the label is are postprocessed by a softmax layer to yield a probability
true, that is, that a sick person with normal temperature and distribution over the possible values of the label. The remain-
no running nose has a cold. This calculation is essentially the ing layers are the hidden layers. A NN is deep if and only
one of Bayes’ rule P(C=t|H=f) = P(C=t ∧ H=f) / P(H=f) = if it has many hidden layers. There is typically a regularity
P(C=t ∧ H=f) / (P(C=t ∧ H=f) + P(C=f ∧ H=f)) = P(C=t) in the connections from layer to layer. For example, in fully
P(H=f|C=t) / (P(C=t) P(H=f|C=t) + P(C=f) P(H=f|C=f)) but connected layers, the output of each perceptron in a layer is
generalized to multiple observed symptoms with the condi- the input of all perceptrons in the next layer. NN learning
tional independences implied by the graph structure of naïve often, but not always, takes the graph structure of the NN
Bayesian networks. as given and uses gradient descent to find the weights of all
perceptrons of the NN that minimize the error function. For
Neural Network Learning example, the backpropagation technique adjusts the weights
Neural network learning represents the set of considered repeatedly with one forward pass through the layers (that
functions with artificial neural networks (NN). NNs are di- calculates the outputs of all perceptrons for a given training
rected acyclic graphs, inspired by the networks of neurons in example) and one backward pass (that calculates the gradient
brains, that represent primitive processing units (perceptrons) of the error function with respect to each weight). Specialized
with nodes and the flow of information from one perceptron NNs exist for specific tasks:
to another with directed edges. A perceptron has a number
of real-valued inputs and produces one real-valued output. If • Convolutional NNs (CNNs) are NNs that are specialized
a single perceptron is used for learning, then the inputs of for processing matrix-like data, such as images. They use
the perceptron are the feature values, and its output is the several kinds of layers in addition to the layers already
value of the label. A weight is associated with each input. described. For example, a convolutional layer (without
The perceptron calculates the weighted sum of its inputs and kernel flipping) is associated with a filter whose values
then applies a nonlinear activation function to the weighted are learned. The filter is a matrix A (kernel) that moves
sum to create its output. The activation function is typically over the matrix B of the outputs of the previous layer with
monotonically nondecreasing. An example is the sigmoid a step size that is given by the stride. It calculates the dot
function σ (x) = 1/(1 + e−x ), which is a differentiable product of matrix A and the submatrix of matrix B that
approximation of a threshold function to facilitate gradient corresponds to each location. The matrix of these dot prod-
descent. Perceptron learning finds the weights (including the ucts is the output of the convolutional layer; see Fig. 9.11.
amount of horizontal translation of the activation function, Overall, a convolutional layer extracts local features. A
which is often expressed as weight) that minimize the error pooling layer is similar to a convolutional layer except
function. A single perceptron can essentially represent all that, instead of calculating the dot product, it returns
functions from n real-valued feature values (for any n) to the maximum value (max pooling) or the average value
a label with two values where all examples that the func- (average pooling) of the elements of the submatrix of
tion maps to one value of the label lie on one side of an matrix B that corresponds to each location; see Fig. 9.12.
9 Artificial Intelligence and Automation 221

Input matrix Kernel Output matrix

3 0 0 0 0
1 0 –1

0 1 3 0 1 9 2 0
0 1 1

1 0 2 1 0 –5 3 3
0 –1 1

0 5 1 0 0 5 2 0

0 0 0 2 0

Fig. 9.11 Illustration of convolution (without kernel flipping) with stride one

Max pooling with 2¥2

Input matrix kernel and stride 2 3 4

3 0 1 4 5 2

0 1 3 0

1 1 2 1

1 5 1 0 1 2

Average pooling with 2 1

2¥2 kernel and stride 2

Fig. 9.12 Illustration of max pooling and average pooling with stride two

Overall, a pooling layer compresses the information in a There is nothing to be learned, but more effort has to be
lossy way. spent when determining the value of the label of an unlabeled
• Recurrent NNs (RNNs) are NNs that are specialized for example, which involves finding the k training examples most
classifying sequences (of examples) over time, including similar to it and then letting them vote on the value.
handwriting and speech. They use internal state to remem-
ber the outputs of some perceptrons from the previous time
step and can use them as input of some perceptrons in Support Vector Machine Learning
the current time step. Long short-term memory (LSTM) Linear support vector machine learning considers the same
networks are versions of RNNs that make it easier to functions as single perceptrons in NNs but represents them
maintain the internal state by using three gates to the differently, namely, with the subset of the training examples
memory, namely, one that decides what to store in memory that are closest to the separating plane (support vectors),
(input gate), one that decides what to delete from memory rather than parameters. Support vector machine (SVM) learn-
(forget gate), and one that decides what to output from ing improves on k-nearest neighbor learning since it only uses
memory (output gate). the necessary training examples rather than all of them to rep-
resent the learned function. It improves on single perceptrons
k-Nearest Neighbor Learning since its separating plane has the largest possible distances to
k-nearest neighbor learning represents the set of considered the training examples (maximum margin separator), which
functions with all training examples rather than parameters. makes it more robust to sampling noise. The set of considered
functions and thus the learned function can also be more
222 S. Koenig et al.

complex by embedding the training examples into higher- Reinforcement Learning

dimensional spaces with the kernel trick. In reinforcement learning (RL), similar to operant condi-
tioning in behavioral psychology, an agent interacts with the
Unsupervised Learning environment by executing actions and receiving feedback
In unsupervised learning, an agent is provided with unlabeled (reinforcement) in the form of possibly delayed penalties and
examples, and its task is to identify structure in the examples, rewards, which are represented with real-valued costs. Its
for instance, to find simpler representations of the examples task is to identify a behavior (in form of a policy) that min-
while preserving as much information contained in them as imizes its expected total (discounted) plan-execution cost.
possible (dimensionality reduction, which compresses the RL can be used to figure out which actions worked and
information in a lossy way and thus might decrease the which did not when the agent failed to achieve its objective
amount of computation required to process the examples and after executing several actions in a row (credit-assignment
reduce overfitting), to group similar examples such as pho- problem), for example, when falling down while learning
tos that contain similar animals (clustering), or to generate how to ride a bicycle. Genetic programming can be used for
new examples that are similar to the given ones (generative RL, but most RL is based on MDPs and relaxes Assumption
modeling). We describe one unsupervised machine learn- 2 from Sect. 9.2.3 by assuming that the probability distri-
ing technique for each of these purposes, namely, principal butions over the cost and successor state resulting from an
component analysis for dimensionality reduction, k-means action execution in a state are unknown before the action
clustering for clustering, and generative adversarial networks execution but can be observed afterward. Model-based RL
for generative modeling. The unlabeled examples can again uses frequencies to estimate these probability distributions
be partitioned into training, validation, and test examples. from the observed (state, action, cost, successor state) tuples
when the agent interacts with the environment by executing
Principal Component Analysis actions. It then determines a policy for the resulting MDP.
Principal component analysis (PCA) obtains a simpler repre- Model-free RL directly estimates a policy. Q-learning, the
sentation of the training examples by projecting them onto the most popular model-free RL technique, is a stochastic dy-
first principal components to reduce their number of features. namic programming technique that learns a q-value q(s, a)
The principal components are new features that are con- for each (state, action) pair, that estimates the smallest possi-
structed as linear combinations (or mixtures) of the features ble expected total (discounted) plan-execution cost (until the
such that the new features are uncorrelated and contain most goal state is reached) if plan execution starts with executing
of the information in the training examples (that is, preserve action a in state s. All q-values are initially zero. Whenever
most of the variance). Dimensionality reduction of examples the agent executes action a in state s and then observes cost
can make them easier to visualize, process, and therefore also c and successor state s
, it updates
analyze, which addresses the curse of dimensionality.
q(s, a) ← (1 − α)q(s, a) + α(c + γ min q(s
, a
executable in s

k-Means Clustering (9.2)

k-means clustering partitions the training examples into k
sets of similar examples. It randomly chooses k different = q(s, a) + α(c + γ min q(s
, a
) − q(s, a)).
executable in s

centroids, one for each set, and then repeats the following (9.3)
two steps until the sets no longer change: First, it assigns each
example to the set with the least squared Euclidean distance This formula can easily be understood by realizing that
to its centroid. Second, it updates the centroids of the sets to mina
executable in s
, a
) estimates the smallest possible ex-
the means of all examples assigned to them. pected total (discounted) plan-execution cost if plan execu-
tion starts in state s
. Thus, the formula calculates a weighted
Generative Adversarial Network Learning average of the old q-value q(s, a) and the smallest possi-
Generative adversarial network learning generates new ex- ble expected total (discounted) plan-execution cost after the
amples that are similar to the training examples. Generative agent executes action a in state s and then observes cost c
adversarial networks (GANs) consist of two NNs that are and successor state s
, see (9.2). Equivalently, the formula
trained simultaneously: The generator attempts to generate changes q(s, a) by taking a small step in the direction of the
examples that are similar to the training examples, and the smallest possible expected total (discounted) plan-execution
discriminator attempts to distinguish the generated examples cost after the agent executes action a in state s and then
from the training examples. Once the discriminator fails in observes cost c and successor state s
; see (9.3). The learning
its task, the generator has achieved its task and can be used rate α > 0 is a hyperparameter, typically chosen close to
to generate new examples that are similar to the training zero, for calculating the weighted average or, equivalently,
examples. step size. The discount factor 0 < γ ≤ 1 is the hyperparam-
9 Artificial Intelligence and Automation 223

eter from Sect. 9.2.3, typically chosen close to one, that is 9.3 Combining AI Techniques
used as a mathematical convenience. Deep NNs can be used
to approximate the q-values and generalize the experience AI research has traditionally focused on improving individual
of the agent to situations that it did not experience during AI techniques (sometimes assuming idealized conditions for
learning (deep RL). The policy, to be used after learning, their use) and thus on the narrow tasks that they can handle. It
maps each state s to the action a with the smallest q-value is often nontrivial to combine them to create agents that solve
q(s, a). These exploiting actions utilize the knowledge of the broad jobs, for example, perform search-and-rescue opera-
agent to achieve a small expected total (discounted) plan- tions. For example, it makes sense to combine AI techniques
execution cost. During learning, the agent also needs to that acquire knowledge (like vision or machine learning)
execute exploring actions that allow it to gain new knowledge with AI techniques that use it (like planning). However, it 9
(e.g., help it to visit states that it has visited only a small is difficult to figure out how different AI techniques should
number of times so far) and improve its policy, as was already pass information and control back and forth between them
discussed in Sect. 9.2.1 in the context of local search. The in order to achieve synergistic interactions. For example, the
agent could tackle this exploration-exploitation problem, for combination of low-level motion planning in continuous state
example, by choosing a random action that can be executed spaces and high-level task planning in discrete state spaces
in its current state with a small probability  > 0 and the has been studied for a long time in the context of using
exploiting action otherwise (-greedy exploration). robots to re-arrange objects [58], but no consensus has been
reached yet on good ways of combining the two planners.
Example Applications Of course, many complete agents have been built. While
Decision tree learning has been used for diagnosing faults one sometimes attempts to determine a monolithic function
and monitoring the conditions of industrial machines [60] for such agents directly, one often provides the function as
and identifying good features for such tasks [125]. Random a given composition of subfunctions, resulting in modular
forest learning has been used for diagnosing faults of indus- agent architectures. Such agent architectures describe how
trial machines [19, 146] and classifying remote sensing data agents are composed of modules, what the modules do, and
[7,77]. Naïve Bayesian learning has been used for diagnosing how they interact. Many such agent architectures are ad hoc,
faults of industrial machines [151] and diseases [30, 136]. but proposals have been made for general agent architectures,
CNN learning has been used for segmenting manufacturing mostly in the context of cognitive agents and robots. For
defects in images [143], detecting and classifying faults in example, the three-layer robot architecture consists of a slow
semiconductor manufacturing [69], and finding good grasp planner, a behavior sequencer that always chooses the current
configurations for novel objects [68]. The Dexterity Network behavior during plan execution based on the plan, and a
Dataset (Dex-Net) and Grasp Quality CNN (GQ-CNN) are fast reactive feedback controller that implements the chosen
used for robust learning-based grasp planning [78–82]. RNN behavior. Other agent architectures include the blackboard ar-
learning has been used for classifying objects from their chitecture and the subsumption architecture. Meta-reasoning
motion trajectories to allow self-driving cars to decide which techniques can be used to decide which output quality a
obstacles to avoid [29] and forecasting time series [48], such module needs to provide or for how long it should run to
as taxi demand [145]. PCA has been used for monitoring allow the agent to maximize its performance. For example,
and diagnosing faults in industrial processes [21, 107]. SVM an anytime algorithm is one that provides an output quickly
learning has been used for classifying remote sensing data and then improves the quality of its output the longer it runs,
[110]. k-nearest neighbor learning has been used for detecting which can be described by a mapping from its input quality
faults in semiconductor manufacturing [74, 155]. k-means and runtime to its output quality (performance profile). It
clustering has been used for understanding climate and me- might simplify meta-reasoning if every module of an agent
teorological data, including monitoring pollution, identify- architecture could be implemented as an anytime algorithm.
ing sources, and developing effective control and mitigation
strategies [40]. GANs have been used for diagnosing faults
[17, 46], detecting credit card fraud [32], and creating novel 9.4 Case Study: Automated Warehousing
designs from sketches for rapid prototyping [102]. RL has
been used for dispatching orders in the semiconductor indus- In Amazon fulfillment centers, millions of items are stored
try [124], manipulating objects with industrial robots [59], on special shelves, see Fig. 9.13. When an order needs to be
and following lanes for autonomous driving [62]. Machine fulfilled, autonomous robots pick up the shelves that store
vision systems, powered by PCA, SVMs, NNs, and decision the ordered items and bring them to picking stations at the
trees, have been used for the automated quality inspection perimeter of the fulfillment center, where a human worker
of fruit and vegetables [25] as well as machine components takes the ordered items from the shelves so that they can be
[103]. boxed and shipped to the customer. The robots then return the
224 S. Koenig et al.

Fig. 9.13 Amazon fulfillment center. (Photos ©, lnc.)

shelves, either to their original locations or different locations When should one start to process a given order given that
[144]. On the order of one thousand, robots can operate different orders have different delivery deadlines? (9) How
in such automated warehouses and similar sorting centers should one estimate the time that it takes a robot to fetch a
(where robots carry packages to chutes that each serve a shelf and a human worker to pick an item, especially since
different loading dock) per floor [2]. Each robot moves one the picking time varies over the course of a shift?
shelf at a time and recharges when necessary. Amazon puts AI techniques, such as those for multi-agent systems, can
stickers onto the floor that delineate a four-neighbor grid, on help make these decisions. For example, the layout optimiza-
which the robots move essentially without location uncer- tion problem of Question 2 can be solved with GAs, and
tainty. Human workers no longer need to move around in such the scheduling problems of Questions 3–8 can be solved
automated warehouses, collecting the right items under time optimally with MIP techniques or suboptimally with versions
pressure – a physically demanding job whose automation of hill climbing. Possible techniques for Question 1 have
makes it possible to store 40% more inventory [3] and at been studied in the context of the NP-hard multi-agent path
least doubles the picking productivity of the human workers finding (MAPF) problem and are described in more detail
(e.g., compared to conveyorized systems) [144]. Many of below.
the manipulation tasks in warehouses cannot be automated Centralized MAPF planning techniques plan paths for
yet, but the number of human workers required to operate all robots. Efficient techniques exist but do not result in
automated warehouses will be small once they are. movement plans with quality guarantees. Examples include
Automated warehouses need to store as many items as techniques based on either movement rules [26, 140] or
possible, resulting in the corridors needed to move the shelves planning paths for one robot after the other, where each path
being narrow. Robots carrying shelves cannot pass each other avoids collisions with the paths already planned (prioritized
in these corridors, and their movements thus need to be search) [75]. Search can also be used to find movement
planned carefully, which can be done centrally. Shelves close plans with quality guarantees, but its runtime can then scale
to the perimeter can be fetched faster than shelves in the exponentially in the number of robots [76,150]. For example,
center. The following questions arise, among others: (1) How searching a graph that represents tuples of locations (one
should one move the robots to avoid them obstructing each for each robot) with vertices is prohibitively slow. Instead,
other and allow them to reach their goal locations as quickly one often divides the overall MAPF problem into mostly
as possible to maximize throughput? (2) Where should one independent subproblems by planning a shortest path for
place the corridors to maximize throughput? (3) Which pick- each robot under the assumption that the other robots do
ing station should one use for a given order? (4) Which one not exist. If the resulting movement plan has no collisions,
of several possible shelves should one fetch to obtain an item then it is optimal. Otherwise, one needs to resolve the colli-
for a given order? (5) Which robots should one use to fetch sions. One collision-resolution technique groups all colliding
a given shelf for a given order? (6) On which shelves should robots into a team and plans for them jointly [122, 123],
one put items when restocking items? (7) Where should one thus avoiding collisions among them in the future. Another
place a given shelf to maximize throughput, so that shelves collision-resolution technique chooses one of the collisions,
that contain frequently ordered items can be fetched fast? (8) for example, one where two robots are in the same location
9 Artificial Intelligence and Automation 225

x at the same time t [117]. It then chooses one of two robots characterized by reduced funding and interest in AI (AI
and recursively considers two cases, namely, one where the winter) hit due to lack of progress caused by the limited
chosen robot is not allowed to be at location x at time t and scalability of AI systems and the limited expressiveness of
one where it must be at location x at time t, and the other perceptrons. In the 1980s, AI thrived again, due to expert
robots are not allowed to be at location x at time t (disjoint systems and their applications utilizing hand-coded knowl-
splitting) [73], thus avoiding this collision in the future. The edge to overcome the scalability issues, starting an era of
runtime of the search depends on the choice of collision and knowledge-intensive systems. In the 1980s, the backpropa-
robot, but choosing them well is poorly understood and can gation technique was reinvented and broadly discovered. It
be slow. Machine learning can be used to make good choices allowed one to train networks of perceptrons, overcoming the
fast [52]. Finally, movement plans with and without quality limited expressiveness of single perceptrons, starting the re- 9
guarantees can also be found by translating MAPF instances search field of connectionism, that provided an alternative to
into different optimization instances, such as IPs [149] or the physical symbol system hypothesis. In the late 1980s and
SAT instances [126]. early 1990s, the second AI winter hit due to a slowdown in
Decentralized (and distributed) MAPF planning tech- the deployment of expert systems (since it was challenging to
niques allow each robot to plan for itself, which avoids build expert systems for complex domains with uncertainty)
the issue of centralized planning that a multi-agent system and the collapse of the Lisp machine market (since many
fails if the central planner fails. One decentralized MAPF AI systems can easily be implemented with conventional
planning technique uses deep RL to learn a policy that maps programming languages on conventional computers). In the
the current state to the next movement of the robot, similar 1990, AI started to thrive again, due to probabilistic reasoning
to how Deepmind (which is now part of Google) learned and planning replacing deterministic logic-based reasoning
to play Atari video games [89]. The state is characterized and planning, and machine learning replacing knowledge ac-
by information such as the goal location of the robot, quisition via the work-intensive and error-prone interviewing
the locations of the other robots and their goal locations, of experts and hand-coding of their knowledge. Lots of data
and the locations of the obstacles – all in a field of view became available due to the networking of computers via
centered on the location of the robot. All robots use the the Internet and the pervasiveness of mobile devices, starting
same policy. Learning takes time but needs to be done only an era of big data and compute-intensive machine learning
once. Afterward, it allows for the quick retrieval of the techniques to understand and exploit them, such as deep
next movement of the robot based on the current state. A learning with CNNs, resulting in many new AI applications.
combination of deep RL and learning a policy that imitates In fact, it was argued that a substantial increase in the amount
the movement plans found by a search technique (imitation of training data can result in much better predictions than
learning) works even better but is still incomplete [113]. improved machine learning techniques [6, 45]. In 2017, the
One Hundred Year Study on AI, a long-term effort to study
and predict how AI will affect society, issued its first AI
9.5 AI History Index Report. Its reports show that the number of annual AI
publications increased around ninefold from 1996 to 2017
The state of the art in AI, as described so far, has evolved [118], and the attendance at the machine learning conference
over a period of more than 60 years. In the 1940s and 1950s, NeurIPS increased about eightfold from 2012 to 2019 [99].
researchers worked on creating artificial brains. In 1950, The funding for AI startups increased more than 30-fold from
Alan Turing published his paper “Computing Machinery and 2010 to 2018 worldwide [99]. As a result, the percentage of
Intelligence” [132] that asked whether machines could think AI-related jobs among all jobs in the USA increased about
and introduced the imitation game (Turing test) to determine fivefold from 2010 to 2019 [99].
whether a computer is intelligent or, in our terminology, a
believable agent, namely, if a human judge who corresponds
via text messages with two conversation partners, a human 9.6 AI Achievements
participant and a computer, cannot determine who is who. In
1956, the term AI was introduced at the Dartmouth confer- The strength of game-playing AI is often used to evaluate
ence to name the newly created research field. AI was driven the progress of AI as a whole, probably because humans
by the belief that “a physical symbol system has the necessary can demonstrate their intellectual strength by winning games.
and sufficient means for general intelligent action” [95], that Many initial AI successes were for board games. In the
logic provides a good means for knowledge representation, late 1950s, a Checkers program achieved strong amateur
and that reasoning can be achieved with search. In 1958, the level [111]. In the 1990s, the Othello program BILL [70]
AI programming language Lisp was introduced. In the 1960s, defeated the highest-ranked US player, the Checkers program
AI thrived, but, in the 1970s, the first period of pessimism Chinook [114] defeated the world champion, and the chess
226 S. Koenig et al.

program DeepBlue [16] defeated the world champion as drivers in the future [65]. AI also creates jobs, but they often
well [99]. There have been lots of AI successes for non-board require different skill sets than the eliminated ones [141]. (3)
games as well. In the 2010s, the Jeopardy! program Watson Driverless cars might have to make split-second decisions on
beat two champions of this question-answer game show [31]. how to avoid accidents. If a child suddenly runs onto the road,
The Poker programs Libratus [13] and DeepStack [91] beat they might have to decide whether to hit the child or avoid
professional players of this card game [99]. A program it and potentially injure their passengers (trolley problem
that played 49 Atari video games demonstrated human-level [5, 128]), which ideally requires explicit ethical judgment on
performance at these early video games by learning directly their part [28]. Of course, other applications have also raised
from video frames [89], the Go program AlphaGo beat, one concerns: (1) Microsoft’s learning chatbot Tay made racist
of the world’s best Go players of this board game [119], remarks after less than a day on Twitter [86], and (2) a tinder
and the Starcraft II program AlphaStar reached Grandmaster chatbot promoted the movie “Ex Machina” by pretending to
level at this modern video game [137]. be a girl on an online dating site [27]. (3) Significantly fewer
AI systems now affect all areas of everyday life, industry, women than men were shown online ads promoting well-
and beyond, with especially large visibility in the areas of paying jobs [83], and (4) decision-support systems wrongly
autonomous driving and intelligent voice assistants. In the labeled more African-American than Caucasian arrested peo-
1990s, the Remote Agent controlled a NASA spacecraft ple as potential re-offenders [100], which affects their bail
without human supervision [10]. Also in the 1990s, a car bonds. Overall, AI systems can process large quantities of
drove from Pittsburgh to San Diego, with only 2% of the data, detect regularities in them, draw inferences from them,
2850 miles steered by hand [55]. In the 2000s, several cars and determine effective courses of action – sometimes as
autonomously completed the 132-mile off-road course of the part of hardware that is able to perform many different,
second DARPA Grant Challenge and the subsequent DARPA versatile, and potentially dangerous actions. The behavior
Urban challenge that required them to drive in realistic urban of AI systems can also be difficult to validate, predict, or
traffic and perform complex maneuvers [14,90,130]. In 2018, explain since they are complex, reason in ways different from
Waymo cars autonomously drove over 10 million miles on humans, and can change their behavior with learning. Finally,
public roads [67], and, in 2020, Waymo announced that it their behavior can also be difficult to monitor by humans in
would open its fully driverless service to the general public case of fast decisions, such as buy and sell decisions on stock
[71]. Data from GPS devices and other sensors are now used markets. Therefore, one needs to worry about the reliability,
to estimate current and future traffic conditions [49, 50] and robustness, and safety of AI systems, provide oversight of
improve public transportation systems [9]. their operation, ensure that their behavior is consistent with
The future is always difficult to predict. In a survey social norms and human values, determine who is liable for
of all authors of the machine learning conferences ICML their decisions, and ensure that they impact the standard
and NeurIPS in 2015, Asian respondents predicted that un- of living, distribution, and quality of work and other social
aided machines would be able to accomplish every individ- and economic aspects in a positive way. (The previous four
ual task better and more cheaply than human workers by sentences were rephrased from [15].)
2046 with 50% probability, while North American authors These issues have resulted in the AI community focus-
predicted that it would happen only by 2090 with 50% ing more on the explainability and fairness of decisions
probability [41]. made by AI systems and starting conferences such as the
AAAI/ACM AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES) conference,
policy makers trying to regulate AI and its applications,
and the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous
9.7 AI Ethics and Intelligent Systems creating guidelines and standards
for “ethically aligned design” [20] to help designers and
AI can result in cheaper, better performing, more adaptive, developers with the creation of AI systems and safeguard
more flexible, and more general automation solutions than them from liability. In general, philosophy has studied ethics
more traditional automation techniques. Its increasing com- for a long time, and the resulting theories apply in this context
mercialization has raised a variety of ethical concerns, as the as well, such as deontology (law-based ethics, as exemplified
following examples demonstrate in the context of driverless by Asimov’s three laws of robotics [4]), consequentialism
cars: (1) Adding a small amount of noise to images that is not (utilitarian ethics), and teleological ethics (virtue ethics)
noticeable by humans can change image recognition results [148].
dramatically, which might result in driverless cars not recog- See additional details on AI and automation in other
nizing stop signs that have been slightly altered, for example, chapters of this Handbook, particularly in Chs.  8,  10,
unintentionally with dirt or intentionally with chewing gum  15,  17,  70, and  72; and on AI ethics in Chs.  3, and
[96]. (2) Driverless trucks might replace millions of truck  34.
9 Artificial Intelligence and Automation 227

Further Reading 14. Buehler, M., Iagnemma, K., Singh, S.: The DARPA Urban Chal-
lenge: Autonomous Vehicles in City Traffic. Springer, Berlin
See [108], the most popular and very comprehensive AI 15. Burton, E., Goldsmith, J., Koenig, S., Kuipers, B., Mattei, N.,
textbook, for in-depth information on AI and its techniques. Walsh, T.: Ethical considerations in artificial intelligence courses.
We followed it in our emphasis of rational agents and the AI Mag. 38(2), 22–34 (2017)
description of the history of AI in Sect. 9.5. See [53, 84, 88] 16. Campbell, M., Hoane, A.J., Hsu, F.H.: Deep blue. Artif. Intell.
134(1–2), 57–83 (2002)
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computer science from the University of Southampton in 2019. His
research focuses on developing scalable planning techniques for multi-
agent systems. He is also interested in applying machine learning to
Sven Koenig is a professor in computer science at the University of multi-agent planning problems.
Southern California. His research focuses on AI techniques for making
decisions that enable single situated agents (such as robots or decision-
support systems) and teams of agents to act intelligently in their environ-
ments and exhibit goal-directed behavior in real-time, even if they have
only incomplete knowledge of their environments, imperfect abilities to
manipulate them, limited or noisy perception, or insufficient reasoning

Shao-Hung Chan is a Ph.D. student in computer science at the Univer-

sity of Southern California. He received a Bachelor of Science degree
from National Cheng-Kung University in 2017 and a Master of Science
degree from National Taiwan University in 2019. His research focuses
on designing planning techniques for real-world applications, including
hierarchical planning techniques that allow teams of agents to navigate
without collisions.
Cybernetics, Machine Learning, and Stochastic
Learning Automata 10
B. John Oommen, Anis Yazidi, and Sudip Misra

Contents Abstract
10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
10.1.1 A General Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 This chapter presents the area of Cybernetics and how it
10.1.2 Automation, Automaton, and Learning Automata . . . . . . 235 is related to Machine Learning (ML), Learning Automata
10.2 A Learning Automaton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
(LA), Re-inforcement Learning (RL) and Estimator Al-
gorithms – all considered topics of Artificial Intelligence.
10.3 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 In particular, Learning Automata are probabilistic finite
10.4 Classification of Learning Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 state machines which have been used to model how bi-
10.4.1 Deterministic Learning Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 ological systems can learn. The structure of such a ma-
10.4.2 Stochastic Learning Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
chine can be fixed, or it can be changing with time.
10.5 Estimator Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 A Learning Automaton can also be implemented using
10.5.1 Rationale and Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
action (choosing) probability updating rules which may or
10.5.2 Continuous Estimator Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
10.5.3 Discrete Estimator Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 may not depend on estimates from the Environment being
10.5.4 The Use of Bayesian Estimates in PAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 investigated.
10.5.5 Stochastic Estimator Learning Algorithm (SELA) . . . . . . 244
10.6 Challenges in Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
10.6.1 Previous Flawed Proofs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
10.6.2 The Rectified Proofs of the PAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Keywords
10.6.3 Proofs for Finite-Time Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Artificial intelligence · Cybernetics · Estimator
10.7 Hierarchical Schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
algorithms · Learning automation · Learning automata ·
10.8 Point Location Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Reinforcement learning · Stochastic learning
10.9 Emerging Trends and Open Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
10.10 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
10.1 Introduction

We aim to present a brief and comprehensive perspective of

B. John Oommen () the area of “Cybernetics” and to explain how it is related to
School of Computer Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada Machine Learning (ML); in particular to learning automata
Department of Information and Communication Technology, (LA), reinforcement learning (RL) and estimator algorithms.
University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway Each of these are fields of study in their own rights, with
e-mail: its own nomenclature and subfields of research. They are
A. Yazidi also all knit together within the general concept of artificial
Computer Science Department, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, intelligence (AI). The aim of this introductory section is
Norway to present a nonmathematical perspective of the different
fields. The formal concepts will be introduced when we
S. Misra
proceed to delve into the details of LA, RL, and estimator
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India algorithms, which will constitute the formal portion of the
e-mail: chapter.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 233

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
234 B. John Oommen et al.

10.1.1 A General Overview of the nervous signals in brain-machine interfaces is a key

enabler for medical applications, such as in brain-controlled
Machine Learning prosthetics. ML and AI, in general, are rather concerned with
Machine Learning (ML) has made significant quantum leaps mimicking the functioning of NNs to endow machines with
recently, and it is difficult to imagine a field of science or an humanlike intelligence.
industry that will not be affected by ML. This accelerated There are a multitude of ML models available in the
development in ML is mainly due to the breakthroughs literature. An abridged list of the well-known and classical
in the field of Deep Learning (DL). Deep Learning (DL) ML methods include: Logistic Regression Decision Trees,
denotes the new development in the field of neural networks Support Vector Machines, Naive Bayes, Random Forest, and
(NNs) that developed exponentially due to the increase in the neural networks [23]. However, the advent of the field of
computational power of computers in the last two decades. Deep Learning has led to more sophisticated and superior
This led to deeper NNs consisting of multiple layers, as approaches than what one would call the “classical” ones.
well as innovative architectures of NNs. Informally speaking, Deep Learning includes architectures such as deep NNs,
ML constitutes of three areas: supervised learning, unsuper- deep belief networks, graph neural networks, recurrent NNs
vised learning, and reinforcement learning (RL). Supervised such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and convolu-
learning operates with training data, i.e., data for which tional NNs [19]. However, while cybernetics usually relies
the ground truth is known and where the aim is to build on physical models of the system under study, the latter
a data-driven predictor that can predict the label of a data approaches are concerned with building data-driven models.
point whose ground truth is unknown. Unsupervised learning Based on evidence from the literature, we advocate that since
operates without the corresponding labels of the given data cybernetics is a form of a closed-loop control system, it
points and aspires to find patterns in the data. This, in can particularly benefit most from the advances within deep
turn, usually reduces to tasks associated with clustering. RL, RL and within recurrent NNs that are made in the realm
under which the field of learning automata (LA) falls, is a of Deep Learning. Furthermore, the field of cybernetics has
form of learning utilizing “trial and error.” RL operates with benefited generally from NNs to assist in the design of neural
feedback (typically received instantaneously) related to the controllers. NNs usually operate based on the concept of
performance of the chosen action so that the learner learns feedback backward learning, where the measured error is fed
from previous experience and improves a predetermined, back to adjust the weights of the network, which is akin to the
long-term performance function. From a holistic perspective, concept to residual error in a closed-loop cybernetic system.
it appears as if the closest field to cybernetics within the
realm of ML is RL. Both cybernetics and RL share the same Applications of Cybernetics in Machine Learning
paradigm, namely, that of controlling a system based on a ML can benefit significantly from cybernetics in many ways.
continuous feedback mechanism, which, in turn, formally Cybernetics can help in the field of explainable artificial
characterizes the deviation that the decision/action has, from intelligence, in which the results of the proposed solution
the optimal goal. can be understood by humans. In such cases, one tries to
explain complicated black box ML models in a human-
Overview of ML and Connection to Cybernetics understandable manner. There is a stream of research in the
Norbert Wiener is considered the father of cybernetics, and intersection between cybernetics and neural systems, which
his works and seminal book [78] are regarded as pioneering has to do with the stability of NNs when they are perceived
references in the field. In an editorial article [43], cybernetics as dynamical systems. This stream is particularly centered on
was perceived through the lenses of ML, and the article recurrent NNs [7,9,68] and centers about the stability of NNs.
claimed that the developments within the area of NN was first It is booming and is one of richest research arenas within
anchored in cybernetics. As early as in the 1940s, Norbert ML that is also relevant for the cybernetics community. This
Wiener paved the way toward the field of brain-machine is of utmost importance to help the practitioner have a full
interfaces even as he observed and confirmed the need for understanding of the stability of the system, especially when
“feedback processes, involving sensors, signals and actua- implemented for autonomous robots (and vehicles) and in
tors, everywhere around him, including in all living systems scenarios where the interactions with the physical world can
and in human–machine interactions” [43]. However, when it lead to hazardous and unsafe situations [9].
comes to brain-machine interfaces, cybernetics is concerned
with the control, actuation, and understanding of the bio- Connection to Reinforcement Learning
logical neural signals in order to process them and to issue From a cybernetic perspective, Markov Decision Processes
commands directly from the brain. Such an understanding (MDPs) and RL can be seen as being central to control. RL
10 Cybernetics, Machine Learning, and Stochastic Learning Automata 235

algorithms are becoming more and more sophisticated, and 10.1.2 Automation, Automaton, and Learning
their applications are increasing considerably. Stochastic LA Automata
falls under the umbrella of RL. The popularity of RL is in-
creasing as new applications of its algorithms emerge. There While etymology suggests that automaton and automation
are a variety of RL algorithms, such as deep Q-learning [25], are closely related, these words describe different concepts,
policy gradient methods [50], trust region policy optimization as explained in Ch.  1, Sect. 10.1.1 LAs have scores of ap-
[47], and proximal policy optimization [66]. MDPs are the plications, as described in this chapter, and in the references
basis of RL. An LA (which is the topic of interest of the of this chapter.
major portion of this chapter) is a learning scheme, which
is an extension of the multiarmed bandit problem. MDPs, Learning Automata and Cybernetics
however, consider a more complicated case where there are What is a learning automaton? What is “learning” all about?
also states in the environment. Upon taking an action in a What are the different types of learning automata (LA) avail-
state, the learner receives an immediate reward and transits able? How are LA related to the general field of cybernetics?
to another state according to a Markovian Law. The learner These are some of the fundamental issues that this chapter
is interested in the “long-term reward,” which is usually a attempts to describe so that we can understand the potential
discounted reward. There have been different attempts to impact of the mechanisms and their capabilities as primary
integrate LA as a part of the action selection at each state tools that can be used to solve a host of very complex
in MDP. Some notable works include the results of [11], problems.
which uses the pursuit scheme (studied, in detail, later) for The Webster’s dictionary defines “cybernetics” as the sci-
MDPs and the work due to Wheeler and Narendra [67], ence of communication and control theory that is concerned
where the authors propose a nonintuitive way of updating the especially with the comparative study of automatic control
probabilities of the LA at the different states by carrying the systems (as the nervous system, the brain, and mechanical-
update whenever the agent revisits to the same state again. electrical communication systems). The word “cybernetics”
The latter work [67] led to more interest in distributed multi- itself has its etymological origins in the Greek root kybernan
agent learning based on teams of LA [30, 65]. According meaning “to steer” or “to govern.” Typically, as explained
to Barto [51], who is considered to be the father of RL, in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, “cybernetics is associated
“we can view reinforcement learning as a computationally with models in which a monitor compares what is happening
simple, direct approach to the adaptive control of nonlinear to a system at various sampling times with some standard
systems.” of what should be happening, and a controller adjusts the
In a seminal paper entitled “RL is direct adaptive optimal system’s behaviour accordingly.” Of course, the goal of the
control,” Barto et al. treated Q-learning as a form of a proof- exercise is to design the “controller” so as to appropriately
of-concept scheme for a novel control system design. Q- adjust the system’s behavior. Modern cybernetics is an in-
learning is considered a form of model-free learning. Thus, terdisciplinary field, which philosophically encompasses an
from this perspective, RL can be classified broadly under ensemble of areas including neuroscience, computer science,
model-free learning and model-based learning. cognition, control systems, and electrical networks.
LA and the temporal difference method [51] also fall An automaton is a self-operating machine attempting to
under the umbrella of model-free learning, and they all aim achieve a certain goal. As part of its mandate, it is supposed
at learning an optimal policy without learning a model of to respond to a sequence of instructions to attain to this goal.
the environment. Model-based learning methods such as These instructions are usually predetermined and could be
Adaptive Dynamic Programming [8] learn an optimal policy deterministic or stochastic. The automaton is designed so
by rather iteratively building a model of the environment. as to work with a random environment, and it does this in
In a subsequent work, Barto established a link between such a way that it achieves “learning.” From a psychological
dynamic programming, which is considered as model-based perspective, the latter implies that the automaton can acquire
learning, and control theory [8]. RL has gained popularity knowledge and, consequently, modify its behavior based on
in control theory, and for a review of the applications of RL the experience that it has gleaned. Thus, we refer to the
in controlling industrial applications, we refer the reader to automata studied in this chapter as adaptive automata or
the following review [28]. For instance, Lee et al. designed learning automata since they can adapt to the dynamics of the
a bioinspired RL mechanism for controlling an automated environment in which they operate. More precisely, the adap-
artificial pancreatic system [20]. tive automata that we study in this chapter glean information
The above is an attempt to provide the reader with an from the responses that they receive from the environment by
overall overview of ML, RL, AI, and LA and of how these virtue of interacting with it. Further, the automata attempt to
domains are intertwined. We now proceed to a more detailed learn the best action from a set of possible actions that are
and formal survey of the area of LA and its applications. offered to them by the random environment, which could be
236 B. John Oommen et al.

stationary or nonstationary. The automaton is thus a model LA have boasted scores of applications. These include
for a stochastic “decision maker,” whose task is to arrive at theoretical problems like the graph partitioning problem
the best action. [36]. They have been used in controlling intelligent vehicles
What do “learning automata” have to do with “cybernet- [61]. When it concerns neural networks and hidden Markov
ics”? The answer probably lies in the results of the Russian models, Meybodi et al. [21] have used them in adapting
pioneer Tsetlin [59] and [60]. Indeed, when Tsetlin first pro- the former, and the authors of [14] have applied them in
posed his theory of learning, his aim was to use the principles training the latter. Network call admission, traffic control,
of automata theory to model how biological systems could and quality of service routing have been resolved using LA
learn. Little did he guess that his seminal results would lead in [5, 6, 64], while the authors of [48] have studied the
to a completely new paradigm for learning and a subfield of problem of achieving distributed scheduling using LA. They
cybernetics. have also found applications in tackling problems involving
Narendra and Thathachar [27], who have pioneered this network and communications issues [24, 32, 37, 41]. Apart
field, have described the operations of the LA as follows: from these, the entire field of LA and stochastic learning has
“. . . a decision maker operates in the random environment had a myriad of applications listed in the reference books
and updates its strategy for choosing actions on the basis of [17, 26, 27, 42, 58].
the elicited response. The decision maker, in such a feedback We conclude this introductory section by emphasizing that
configuration of decision maker (or automaton) and environ- this brief chapter is not be a comprehensive survey of the
ment, is referred to as the learning automaton. The automaton field of LA. In particular, we have not addressed the concept
has a finite set of actions, and corresponding to each action, of LA, which possesses an infinite number of actions [46],
the response of the environment can be either favorable or systems that deal with “teachers” and “liars” [40], nor with
unfavorable with a certain probability.” The latter is a precise any of the myriads of issues that arise when we deal with
quote from [27] (p. 3). networks of LA [58]. Also, the reader should not expect a
The applications of LA are predominantly in optimization mathematically deep exegesis of the field. Due to space lim-
problems where one needs to determine the optimal action itations, the results available are merely cited. Additionally,
from a set of actions. LA are particularly pertinent when the while the results that are reported in the acclaimed books are
level of noise or uncertainty is high in the environment, and merely alluded to, we give special attention to the more recent
conversely, they are not so helpful when the noise level is low results – namely, those which pertain to the discretized,
where alternate optimization strategies are advocated [27]. pursuit and estimator algorithms, the hierarchical schemes,
The first studies with LA models date back to the stud- and those that deal with the Stochastic Point Location (SPL)
ies by mathematical psychologists like Bush and Mosteller Problem. Finally, we mention that the bibliography cited here
[10] and Atkinson et al. [3]. In 1961, the Russian mathe- is by no means comprehensive. It is brief and is intended to
matician Tsetlin [59, 60] studied deterministic LA in detail. serve as a pointer to the representative papers in the theory
Varshavskii and Vorontsova [62] introduced the stochastic and applications of LA.
variable structure versions of the LA. Tsetlin’s determin-
istic automata [59, 60] and Varshavskii and Vorontsova’s
stochastic automata [62] were the major initial motivators 10.2 A Learning Automaton
of further studies in this area. Following them, several the-
oretical and experimental studies have been conducted by To present a formal introduction to the field, we present some
several researchers: K. Narendra, M. A. L. Thathachar, S. initial sections, which essentially draw from [17, 26, 27, 42,
Lakshmivarahan, M. Obaidat, K. Najim, A. S. Poznyak, N. 58]. In the field of automata theory, an automaton can be
Baba, L. G. Mason, G. Papadimitriou, O.-C. Granmo, X. defined as a quintuple consisting of a set of states, a set of
Zhang, L. Jiao, A. Yazidi, and B. J. Oommen, just to mention outputs or actions, an input, a function that maps the current
few. A comprehensive overview of the research in the field state and input to the next state, and a function that maps a
of LA can be found in the classic text by Narendra and current state (and input) into the current output.
Thathachar [27] (and its more recent edition); in the special
issues of the journal IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Definition 10.1 An LA is defined by a quintuple A, B, Q,
and Cybernetics, Part B [31]; and in a recent paper published F(., .), G(.), where:
by two of the present authors and others [71].
It should be noted that none of the work described in this (i) A = {α1 , α2 , . . . , αr } is the set of outputs or actions, and
chapter is original. Most of the discussions, terminologies, α(t) is the action chosen by the automaton at any instant
and all the algorithms that are explained in this chapter are t.
fairly standard and are taken from the corresponding existing (ii) B = {β1 , β2 , . . . , βm } is the set of inputs to the automa-
pieces of literature. ton. β(t) is the input at any instant t. The set B can be
10 Cybernetics, Machine Learning, and Stochastic Learning Automata 237

finite or infinite. In this chapter, we consider the case

when m = 2, i.e., when B = {0, 1}, where β = 0 ci {c1, ..., cr}
represents the event that the LA has been rewarded, Random
and β = 1 represents the event that the LA has been environment
penalized. a {a1, ..., ar} b {0, 1}
(iii) Q = {q1 , q2 , . . . , qs } is the set of finite states, where q(t)
denotes the state of the automaton at any instant t. automaton
(iv) F(., .) : Q × B → Q is a mapping in terms of the
state and input at the instant t, such that q(t + 1) =
F[q(t), β(t)]. It is called a transition function, i.e., a Fig. 10.1 The automaton-environment feedback loop
function that determines the state of the automaton at
any subsequent time instant t + 1. This mapping can
either be deterministic or stochastic. depending on the penalty probability ci corresponding to αi . 10
(v) G(.): is a mapping G : Q → A, and is called the output Although the LA does not know the penalty probabilities,
function. Depending on the state at a particular instant, the reward/penalty feedback, corresponding to the action that
this function determines the output of the automaton at is provided, helps it to choose the subsequent action. This
the same instant as α(t) = G[q(t)]. This mapping can, simple process is repeated through a series of environment-
again, be either deterministic or stochastic. Without loss automaton interactions. The intention is that, hopefully, the
of generality, G is deterministic. LA finally learns the optimal action, i.e., the one that provides
the minimum average penalties, from the environment.
If the sets Q, B, and A are all finite, the automaton is said We now provide a few important definitions used in the
be finite. field. P(t) is referred to as the action probability vector where
P(t) = [p1 (t), p2 (t), . . . , pr (t)]T , in which each element of the
10.3 Environment

pi (t)=Pr[α(t) = αi ], i = 1, . . . , r, such that pi (t)=1 ∀t.
The environment, E, typically, refers to the medium in which
the automaton functions. The environment possesses all the (10.1)
external factors that affect the actions of the automaton.
Mathematically, the environment can be abstracted by a triple Given an action probability vector, P(t) at time t, the
A, C, B. A, C, and B are defined as follows: average penalty is:

(i) A = {α1 , α2 , . . . , αr } is the set of actions. M(t) = E[β(t)|P(t)] = Pr[β(t) = 1|P(t)]

(ii) B = {β1 , β2 , . . . , βm } is the output set of the envi- 

ronment. Again, we consider the case when m = 2, = Pr[β(t) = 1|α(t) = αi ] Pr[α(t) = αi ] (10.2)
i.e., with β = 0 representing a “reward” and β = 1 i=1

representing a “penalty.” 

(iii) C = {c1 , c2 , . . . , cr } is a set of penalty probabilities = ci pi (t).

where element ci ∈ C corresponds to an input action i=1

αi .
The average penalty for the “pure-chance” automaton is
given by:
The strategy or paradigm by which the learning is
achieved is as follows. It involves a simple learning feedback- M0 = ci . (10.3)
oriented loop involving a random environment (RE) and r i=1
the LA. This loop is depicted in Fig. 10.1. The premise of As t → ∞, if the average penalty M(t) < M0 , at least
the feedback is the following. The RE possesses a set of asymptotically, the automaton is generally considered to be
possible actions {α1 , α2 , . . . , αr }, and the LA has to choose better than the pure-chance automaton. E[M(t)] is given by:
one of these. Let us assume that the LA chooses αi . This
serves as an input to the RE that operates as an oracle that E[M(t)] = E{E[β(t)|P(t)]} = E[β(t)]. (10.4)
knows the underlying penalty probability distribution of the
system. It, in turn, “prompts” the LA with a reward (denoted An LA that performs better than by pure-chance is said to be
by the value “0”) or a penalty (denoted by the value “1”) expedient.
238 B. John Oommen et al.

Definition 10.2 An LA is considered expedient if: 

fij = 1, where β ∈ B; i = 1, 2, . . . , s. (10.7)
limt→∞ E[M(t)] < M0 . j=1

Definition 10.3 An LA is said to be absolutely expedient Similarly, in a stochastic automaton, if G(.) is stochastic, we
if E[M(t + 1)|P(t)] < M(t), implying that E[M(t + 1)] < have:
gij = Pr{α(t) = αj |q(t) = qi }, i, j = 1, 2, . . . , s. (10.8)
Definition 10.4 An LA is considered optimal if limt→∞
E[M(t)] = cl ,where cl = mini {ci }. where gij represents the elements of the conditional proba-
bility matrix of dimension s × r. Intuitively, gij denotes the
Definition 10.5 An LA is considered -optimal if: probability that when the automaton is in state qi , it chooses
the action αj . As in Equation (10.7), we have:
limn→∞ E[M(t)] < cl + , (10.5)


where  > 0, and can be arbitrarily small, by a suitable gij = 1, for each row i = 1, 2, . . . , s. (10.9)
choice of some parameter of the LA. It should be noted that
one cannot design an optimal LA – such an LA cannot exist.
Marginally suboptimal performance, also termed above as
-optimal performance, is what LA researchers attempt to Fixed Structure Learning Automata
attain. In a stochastic LA, if the conditional probabilities fij and gij
are constant, i.e., they do not vary with the time step “t” and
the input sequence, the automaton is termed to be a Fixed
10.4 Classification of Learning Automata Structure Stochastic Automaton (FSSA). The popular exam-
ples of these types of automata were proposed by Tsetlin
10.4.1 Deterministic Learning Automata [59, 60], Krylov [16], and Krinsky [15] – all of which are
-optimal under various conditions. Their details can be
An automaton is termed as a deterministic automaton if both found in [27].
the transition function F(., .) and the output function G(.), de-
fined in Sect. 10.2, are deterministic. Thus, in a deterministic
Variable Structure Learning Automata
automaton, the subsequent state and action can be uniquely
Unlike the FSSA, Variable Structure Stochastic Automata
specified, provided the present state and input are given.
(VSSA) are the ones in which the state transition probabilities
are not fixed. In such automata, the state transitions or the ac-
tion probabilities themselves are updated at every time instant
10.4.2 Stochastic Learning Automata β
using a suitable scheme. The transition probabilities fij and
the output function gij vary with time, and the action proba-
If, however, either the transition function F(., .) or the output
bilities are updated on the basis of the input. These automata
function G(.) are stochastic, the automaton is termed to be
are discussed here in the context of linear schemes. But
a stochastic automaton. In such an automaton, if the current
the concepts discussed below can be extended to nonlinear
state and input are specified, the subsequent states and actions
updating schemes as well. The types of automata that update
cannot be specified uniquely. In such a case, F(., .) only
transition probabilities with time were introduced in 1963
provides the probabilities of reaching the various states from
by Varshavskii and Vorontsova [62]. A VSSA depends on a
a given state. Let F β1 , F β2 , . . . , F βm denote the conditional
random number generator for its implementation. The action
probability matrices, where each of these conditional matri-
chosen is dependent on the action probability distribution
ces F β (for β ∈ B) is a s × s matrix, whose arbitrary element
β vector, which is, in turn, updated based on the reward/penalty
fij is:
input that the automaton receives from the RE.
fij = Pr[q(t+1) = qj |q(t) = qi , β(t) = β], i, j = 1, 2, . . . , s. Definition 10.6 A VSSA is a quintuple Q, A, B, T, where
(10.6) Q represents the different states of the automaton, A is the set
In Equation (10.6), each element fij of the matrix F β repre- of actions, B is the set of responses from the environment
sents the probability of the automaton moving from state qi to the LA, G is the output function, and T is the action
to the state qj on receiving an input signal β from the RE. F β probability updating scheme T : [0, 1]r × A × B → [0, 1]r ,
is a Markov matrix, and hence: such that
10 Cybernetics, Machine Learning, and Stochastic Learning Automata 239

P(t + 1) = T(P(t), α(t), β(t)), (10.10) updating scheme for a continuous automaton is described
below. We assume that the action αi is chosen, and thus,
where P(t) is the action probability vector.
α(t) = αi . The updated action probabilities can be specified
Normally, VSSA involve the updating of both the state and
action probabilities. For the sake of simplicity, in practice, it
For β(t) = 0, ∀j
= i , pj (t + 1) = pj (t) − gj (P(t))
is assumed that in such automata, each state corresponds to
a distinct action, in which case the action transition mapping
G becomes the identity mapping, and the number of states, s, For β(t) = 1, ∀j
= i , pj (t + 1) = pj (t) + hj (P(t))
is equal to the number of actions, r (s = r < ∞).
VSSA can be analyzed using a discrete-time Markov 
Since P(t) is a probability vector, pj (t) = 1. Therefore,
process, defined on a suitable set of states. If a probability j=1
updating scheme T is time invariant, {P(t)}t≥0 is a discrete-
homogenous Markov process, and the probability vector at 
the current time instant P(t), along with α(t), and β(t)), com- When β(t) = 0, pi (t + 1) = pi (t) + gj (P(t)),
pletely determines P(t + 1). Hence, each distinct updating j=1,j

scheme, T, identifies a different type of learning algorithm (10.12)

as follows: 
and when β(t) = 1, pi (t + 1) = pi (t) − hj (P(t)).
• Absorbing algorithms are the ones in which the updating j=1,j
scheme, T is chosen in such a manner that the Markov
process has absorbing states. The functions hj and gj are nonnegative and continuous in
• Non-absorbing algorithms are the ones in which the [0, 1] and obey:
Markov process has no absorbing states.
• Linear algorithms are the ones in which P(t+1) is a linear ∀i = 1, 2, . . . , r, ∀P ∈ (0, 1)R , 0 < gj (P) < pj ,
function of P(t). (10.13)
• Nonlinear algorithms are the ones in which P(t + 1) is a
nonlinear function of P(t). 
and 0< [pj + hj (P)] < 1
In a VSSA, if a chosen action αi is rewarded, the probability
for the current action is increased, and the probabilities for For continuous linear VSSA, the following four learning
all the other actions are decreased. On the other hand, if the schemes are extensively studied in the literature. They are
chosen action αi is penalized, the probability of the current explained for the 2-action case; their extension to the r-action
action is decreased, whereas the probabilities for the rest of case, where r > 2, are straightforward and can be found in
the actions could, typically, be increased. This leads to the [27].
following different types of learning schemes for VSSA:
• The Linear Reward-Inaction Scheme (LRI )
• Reward-Penalty (RP): In both the cases, when the au- • The Linear Inaction-Penalty Scheme (LIP )
tomaton is rewarded as well as penalized, the action prob- • The Symmetric Linear Reward-Penalty Scheme (LRP )
abilities are updated. • The Linear Reward--Penalty Scheme (LR−P )
• Inaction-Penalty (IP): When the automaton is penalized,
the action probability vector is updated, whereas when the For a 2-action LA, let
automaton is rewarded, the action probabilities are neither
increased nor decreased. gj (P(t)) = a pj (t)
• Reward-Inaction (RI): The action probability vector is
updated whenever the automaton is rewarded, and is un- and hj (P(t)) = b (1 − pj (t)) (10.14)
changed whenever the automaton is penalized.
In Equation (10.14), a and b are called the reward and
An LA is considered to be a continuous automaton if the penalty parameters, and they obey the following inequalities:
probability updating scheme T is continuous, i.e., the prob- 0 < a < 1, 0 ≤ b < 1. Equation (10.14) will be used
ability of choosing an action can be any real number in the further to develop the action probability updating equations.
closed interval [0, 1]. The abovementioned linear schemes are quite popular in LA
In a VSSA, if there are r actions operating in a stationary because of their analytical tractability. They exhibit signifi-
environment with β = {0, 1}, a general action probability cantly different characteristics as can be seen in Table 10.1.
240 B. John Oommen et al.

Table 10.1 Properties of the continuous learning schemes further discussions. They and their respective analyses can be
Learning Learning Usefulness Optimality Ergodic/absorbing found in [27].
scheme parameters (good/bad) (when useful) The so-called symmetry conditions for the functions g(·)
LRI a> Good -optimal Absorbing and h(·) to lead to absolutely expedient LA are also derived
0; b = 0 in [17] and [27].
as a → 0 (stationary E)
LIP a= Very bad Not even Ergodic
0, b > 0
Discretized Learning Automata
expedient (nonstationary E) The VSSA algorithms presented in Sect. 10.4.2 are continu-
LRP a= Bad Never Ergodic ous, i.e., the action probabilities can assume any real value in
b; a, b > the interval [0, 1]. In LA, the choice of an action is determined
0 by a random number generator (RNG). In order to increase
(Symmetric) -optimal (nonstationary E) the speed of convergence of these automata, Thathachar
LR−P a> Good -optimal Ergodic and Oommen [53] introduced the discretized algorithms for
0, b << a
VSSA, in which they suggested the discretization of the
as a → 0 (nonstationary E)
probability space. The different properties (absorbing and
ergodic) of these learning automata and the updating schemes
of action probabilities for these discretized automata (like
The LRI scheme was first introduced by Norman [29] and their continuous counterparts) were later studied in detail by
then studied by Shapiro and Narendra [49]. It is based on the Oommen et al. [18, 33–35].
principle that whenever the automaton receives a favorable Discretized automata can be perceived to be somewhat
response (i.e., reward) from the environment, the action like a hybrid combination of FSSA and VSSA. Discretization
probabilities are updated in a linear manner, whereas if the is conceptualized by restricting the probability of choosing
automaton receives an unfavorable response (i.e., penalty) the actions to only a fixed number of values in the closed
from the environment, they are unaltered. interval [0, 1]. Thus, the updating of the action probabilities
The probability updating equations for this scheme can be is achieved in steps rather than in a continuous manner as
simplified to be as below: in the case of continuous VSSA. Evidently, like FSSA, they
possess finite sets. But because they have action probability
vectors that are random vectors, they behave like VSSA.
p1 (t + 1) = p1 (t) + a(1 − p1 (t)) if α(t) = α1 , and β(t) = 0
Discretized LA can also be of two types: (i) linear, in
p1 (t + 1) = (1 − a)p1 (t) if α(t) = α2 , and β(t) = 0 which case the action probability values are uniformly spaced
in the closed interval [0, 1], and (ii) nonlinear, in which case
p1 (t + 1) = p1 (t) if α(t) = α1 or α2 , and β(t) = 1.
the probability values are unequally spaced in the interval
[0,1] [33–35, 53].
Perhaps the biggest motivation behind discretization is
We see that if action αi is chosen, and a reward is received, the overcoming the persistent limitation of continuous LA, i.e.,
probability pi (t) is increased, and the other probability pj (t) the slow rate of convergence. This is achieved by narrowing
(i.e., j
= i) is decreased. If either α1 or α2 is chosen, and a down the underlying assumptions of the automata. Origi-
penalty is received, P(t) is unaltered. nally, the assumption was that the RNGs could generate real
Equation (10.15) shows that the LRI scheme has the vec- values with arbitrary precision. In the case of discretized
tors [1, 0]T and [0, 1]T as two absorbing states. Indeed, with LA, if an action probability is reasonably close to unity,
probability 1, it gets absorbed into one of these absorb- the probability of choosing that action increases to unity
ing states. Therefore, the convergence of the LRI scheme (when the conditions are appropriate) directly rather than
is dependent on the nature of the initial conditions and asymptotically [18, 33–35, 53].
probabilities. The scheme is not suitable for nonstationary The second important advantage of discretization is that
environments. On the other hand, for stationary random envi- it is more practical in the sense that the RNGs used by
ronments, the LRI scheme is both absolutely expedient and - continuous VSSA can only theoretically be assumed to be
optimal [27]. Recently, Yazidi et al. [70] presented a modified any value in the interval [0, 1]. But almost all machine
version of the LRI scheme. But unlike the well-established implementations of RNGs use pseudo-RNGs. In other words,
version, this one had nonabsorbing barriers, rendering the the set of possible random values is not infinite in [0, 1] but
scheme ergodic. However, more theoretical work is needed finite.
to understand the properties of this newly devised LRI so that Last, but not the least, discretization is also important
it can become an established reference LA algorithm. The LIP in terms of implementation and representation. Discretized
and LRP schemes are devised similarly and are omitted from implementations of automata use integers for tracking the
10 Cybernetics, Machine Learning, and Stochastic Learning Automata 241

Table 10.2 Properties of the discretized learning schemes speaking, be referred to as “proofs.” The flaw was discovered
Learning Learning Usefulness Optimality Ergodic/absorbing by the authors of [44]. The details of this flaw and how it has
scheme parameters (good/bad) (As N → ∞) (when useful) been subsequently rectified has been explained in Sect. 10.6.
DLRI N>0 Good -optimal Absorbing In a random environment, these algorithms help in choos-
(stationary E) ing an action by increasing the confidence in the reward
DLIP N>0 Very bad Expedient Ergodic capabilities of the different actions. For example, these al-
(nonstationary E) gorithms initially process each action a number of times
ADLIP N>0 Good -optimal Artificially and then (in one version) could increase the probability of
absorbing the action with the highest reward estimate [1]. This leads
Sluggish (Stationary to a scheme with better accuracy in choosing the correct
action. The previous non-estimator VSSA algorithms update
DLRP N>0 Reasonable -optimal Ergodic
the probability vector directly on the basis of the response of
If cmin < 0.5 (nonstationary E)
the environment to the automaton where, depending on the 10
ADLRP N > 0 Good -optimal Artificially
absorbing type of vector updating scheme being used, the probability of
(stationary E) choosing a rewarded action in the subsequent time instant is
MDLRP N > 0 Good -optimal Ergodic increased, and the probabilities of choosing the other actions
(nonstationary E) could be decreased. However, estimator algorithms update
the probability vector based on both the estimate vector
and the current feedback provided by the environment to
number of multiples of N1 of the action probabilities, where N the automaton. The environment influences the probability
is the so-called resolution parameter. This not only increases vector both directly and indirectly, the latter as being a result
the rate of convergence of the algorithm but also reduces the of the estimation of the reward estimates of the different ac-
time in terms of the clock cycles it takes for the processor tions. This may, thus, lead to increases in action probabilities
to do each iteration of the task and the memory needed. different from the currently rewarded action.
Discretized algorithms have been proven to be both more Even though there is an added computational cost in-
time and space efficient than the continuous algorithms. volved in maintaining the reward estimates, these estimator
Similar to the continuous LA paradigm, the discretized algorithms have an order of magnitude superior performance
versions, the DLRI , DLIP , and DLRP automata have also been than the non-estimator algorithms previously introduced.
reported. Their design, analysis, and properties are given in Lanctôt and Oommen [18] further introduced the discretized
[33–35, 53] and are summarized in Table 10.2. versions of these estimator algorithms, which were proven to
have an even faster rate of convergence.

10.5 Estimator Algorithms

10.5.2 Continuous Estimator Algorithms
10.5.1 Rationale and Motivation
Thathachar and Sastry introduced the class of continuous
As we have seen so far, the rate of convergence of learn- estimator algorithms [45, 55–57] in which the probability
ing algorithms is one of the most important considerations, updating scheme T is continuous, i.e., the probability of
which was the primary reason for designing the family of choosing an action can be any real number in the closed
“discretized" algorithms. With the same goal, Thathachar interval [0, 1]. As mentioned subsequently, the discretized
and Sastry designed a new class of algorithms, called the versions of these algorithms were introduced by Oommen
estimator algorithms [45, 55–57], which have faster rate and his coauthors, Lanctôt and Agache [2, 18]. These algo-
of convergence than all the previous families. These algo- rithms are briefly explained in Sect. 10.5.3.
rithms, like the previous ones, maintain and update an action
probability vector. However, unlike the previous ones, these Pursuit Algorithm
algorithms also keep running estimates for each action that is The family of pursuit algorithms is a class of estimator
rewarded using a reward estimate vector and then use those algorithms that pursue an action that the automaton “cur-
estimates in the probability updating equations. The reward rently” perceives to be the optimal one. The first pursuit
estimates vector is, typically, denoted in the literature by algorithm, referred to as the CPRP algorithm and introduced
D̂(t) = [dˆ1 (t), . . . , dˆr (t)]T . The corresponding state vector by Thathachar and Sastry [54,55], pursues the optimal action
is denoted by Q(t) = P(t), D̂(t). by changing the probability of the current optimal action
Unfortunately, the convergence results (proofs) of all the whether it receives a reward or a penalty by the environment.
LA presented in this section are flawed and should, strictly In this case, the currently perceived “best action” is rewarded,
242 B. John Oommen et al.

and its action probability value is increased with a value than dˆi (t) are treated differently from those components
directly proportional to its distance to unity, namely, 1 − with a value lower than dˆi (t). The algorithm does so by
pm (t), whereas the “less optimal actions” are penalized and increasing the probabilities for all the actions that have a
their probabilities decreased proportionally. higher estimate than the estimate of the chosen action and
To start with, based on the probability distribution P(t), decreasing the probabilities of all the actions with a lower
the algorithm chooses an action α(t). Whether the response estimate. This is done with the help of an indicator function
was a reward or a penalty, it increases that component of Sij (t) that assumes the value 1 if dˆi (t) > dˆj (t) and the value
P(t), which has the maximal current reward estimate, and 0 if dˆi (t) ≤ dˆj (t). Thus, the TSE algorithm uses both the
it decreases the probability corresponding to the rest of the probability vector P(t) and the reward estimates vector D̂(t)
actions. Finally, the algorithm updates the running estimates to update the action probabilities. The algorithm is formally
of the reward probability of the action chosen, this being described in [1]. On careful inspection of the algorithm, it can
the principal idea behind keeping and using the running be observed that P(t + 1) depends indirectly on the response
estimates. The estimate vector D̂(t) can be computed using of the environment to the automaton. The feedback from the
the following formula, which yields the maximum likelihood environment changes the values of the components of D̂(t),
estimate: which, in turn, affects the values of the functions f (.) and
Wi (t) Sij (t) [1, 18, 56, 57].
dˆi (t) = , ∀i = 1, 2, . . . , r, (10.16) Analyzing the algorithm carefully, we obtain three cases.
Zi (t)
If the ith action is rewarded, the probability values of the ac-
where Wi (t) is the number of times the action αi has been tions with reward estimates higher than the reward estimate of
rewarded until the current time t, and Zi (t) is the number of the currently selected action are updated using the following
times αi has been chosen until the current time t. Based on equation [56]:
the above concepts, the CPRP algorithm is formally given in  
[1, 2, 18]. ˆ ˆ {pi (t) − pj (t)pi (t)}
pj (t + 1) = pj (t) − λ f (di (t) − dj (t))
The algorithm is similar in principle to the LRP algo- r−1
rithm because both the CPRP and the LRP algorithms in- (10.17)
crease/decrease the action probabilities of the vector indepen-
When dˆi (t) < dˆj (t), since the function f (dˆi (t) − dˆj (t))
dent of whether the environment responds to the automaton
is monotonic and increasing, f (dˆi (t) − dˆj (t)) is seen to be
with a reward or a penalty. The major difference lies in the
negative. This leads to a higher value of pj (t + 1) than that of
way the reward estimates are maintained, used, and updated
pj (t), which indicates that the probability of choosing actions,
on both reward/penalty. It should be emphasized that whereas
which have estimates greater than that of the estimates of the
the non-pursuit algorithm moves the probability vector in the
currently chosen action, will increase.
direction of the most recently rewarded action, the pursuit
For all the actions with reward estimates smaller than the
algorithm moves the probability vector in the direction of
estimate of the currently selected action, the probabilities are
the action with the highest reward estimate. Thathachar and
updated based on the following equation:
Sastry [54] have theoretically proven their -optimality and
experimentally proven that these pursuit algorithms are more  
accurate and several orders of magnitude faster than the non- pj (t + 1) = pj (t) − λf dˆi (t) − dˆj (t) pj (t) (10.18)
pursuit algorithms.
The Reward-Inaction version of this pursuit algorithm is  
The sign of the function f dˆi (t) − dˆj (t) is negative, which
also similar in design and is described in [2, 18]. Also, other
pursuit-like estimator schemes have also been devised, and indicates that the probability of choosing actions, which have
they can be found in [2]. estimates less than that of the estimate of the currently chosen
action, will decrease.
TSE Algorithm Thathachar and Sastry have proven that the TSE algorithm
A more advanced estimator algorithm, which we refer to as is -optimal [56]. They have also experimentally shown
the TSE algorithm to maintain consistency with the existing that the TSE algorithm often converges several orders of
literature [1, 2, 18], was designed by Thathachar and Sastry magnitude faster than the LRI scheme.
[56, 57].
Like the other estimator algorithms, the TSE algorithm Generalized Pursuit Algorithm
maintains the running reward estimates vector D̂(t) and uses Agache and Oommen [2] proposed a generalized version of
it to calculate the action probability vector P(t). When an the pursuit algorithm (CPRP ) proposed by Thathachar and
action αi (t) is rewarded, according to the TSE algorithm, Sastry [54, 55]. Their algorithm, called the Generalized Pur-
the probability components with a reward estimate greater suit Algorithm (GPA), generalizes Thathachar and Sastry’s
10 Cybernetics, Machine Learning, and Stochastic Learning Automata 243

pursuit algorithm by pursuing all those actions that possess speed of convergence of the learning algorithms, Lanctôt and
higher reward estimates than the chosen action. In this way, Oommen [18] enhanced the pursuit and the TSE algorithms.
the probability of choosing a wrong action is minimized. This led to the designing of classes of learning algorithms,
Agache and Oommen experimentally compared their pursuit referred to in the literature as the Discrete Estimator Al-
algorithm with the existing algorithms and found that their gorithms (DEA) [18]. To this end, as done in the previous
algorithm is the best in terms of the rate of convergence [2]. discrete algorithms, the components of the action probability
In the CPRP algorithm, the probability of the best esti- vector are allowed to assume a finite set of discrete values in
mated action is maximized by first decreasing the probability the closed interval [0, 1], which is, in turn, divided into the
of all the actions in the following manner [2]: number of subintervals that is proportional to the resolution
parameter, N. Along with this, a reward estimate vector is
pj (t + 1) = (1 − λ)pj (t), j = 1, 2, . . . , r (10.19) maintained to keep an estimate of the reward probability of
each action [18].
The sum of the action probabilities is made unity by the Lanctôt and Oommen showed that for each member al- 10
help of the probability mass Δ, which is given by [2]: gorithm belonging to the class of DEAs to be -optimal,
it must possess a pair of properties known as the Property

r of Moderation and the Monotone Property. Together, these
Δ=1− pj (t + 1) = 1 − (1 − λ)pj (t) properties help prove the -optimality of any DEA algorithm
j=1 j=1 [18].

=1− pj (t) + λ pj (t) = λ (10.20) Moderation Property A DEA with r actions and a resolu-
j=1 j=1 tion parameter N is said to possess the property of moderation
if the maximum magnitude by which an action probability
Thereafter, the probability mass Δ is added to the probability can decrease per iteration is bounded by 1/rN.
of the best estimated action. The GPA algorithm, thus, equi-
distributes the probability mass Δ to the action estimated to Monotone Property Suppose there exists an index m and a
be superior to the chosen action. This gives us [2]: time instant t0 < ∞, such that dˆm (t) > dˆj (t), ∀j s.t. j
= m
and ∀t s.t. t ≥ t0 , where dˆm (t) is the maximal component of
pm (t + 1) = (1 − λ)pm (t) + Δ = (1 − λ)pm (t) + λ, (10.21) D̂(t). A DEA is said to possess the Monotone Property if there
exists an integer N0 such that for all resolution parameters
where dˆm = maxj=1,2,...,r (dˆj (t)). Thus, the updating scheme is N > N0 , pm (t) → 1 with probability one as t → ∞, where
given by [2]: pm (t) is the maximal component of P(t).
The discretized versions of the pursuit algorithm and the
λ TSE algorithm possessing the moderation and the monotone
pj (t + 1) = (1 − λ)pj (t) + , if dˆj (t) > dˆi (t), j
= i properties are presented below.
pj (t + 1) = (1 − λ)pj (t), ifdˆj (t) ≤ dˆi (t), j
= i Discrete Pursuit Algorithm
 The Discrete Pursuit Algorithm (formally described in [18])
pi (t + 1) = 1 − pj (t + 1), (10.22)
is referred to as the DPA in the literature and is similar to
a great extent to its continuous pursuit counterpart, i.e., the
CPRI algorithm, except that the updates to the action prob-
where K(t) denotes the number of actions that have estimates
abilities for the DPA algorithm are made in discrete steps.
greater than the estimate of the reward probability of the
Therefore, the equations in the CPRP algorithm that involve
action currently chosen. The formal algorithm is omitted but
multiplication by the learning parameter λ are substituted by
can be found in [2].
the addition or subtraction by quantities proportional to the
smallest step size.
As in the CPRI algorithm, the DPA algorithm operates
10.5.3 Discrete Estimator Algorithms in three steps. If  = rN 1
(where N denotes the resolution
and r the number of actions) denotes the smallest step size,
As we have seen so far, discretized LA are superior to their
the integral multiples of  denote the step sizes in which
continuous counterparts, and the estimator algorithms are
the action probabilities are updated. Like the continuous
superior to the non-estimator algorithms in terms of the rate
Reward-Inaction algorithm, when the chosen action α(t) =
of convergence of the learning algorithms. Utilizing the pre-
αi is penalized, the action probabilities remain unchanged.
viously proven capabilities of discretization in improving the
However, when the chosen action α(t) = αi is rewarded, and
244 B. John Oommen et al.

the algorithm has not converged, the algorithm decreases, by 10.5.4 The Use of Bayesian Estimates in PAs
the integral multiples of , the action probabilities that do
not correspond to the highest reward estimate. There are many formal methods to achieve estimation, the
Lanctôt and Oommen have shown that the DPA algorithm most fundamental of them being the ML and Bayesian
possesses the properties of moderation and monotonicity and paradigms. These are age-old and have been used for
that it is thus -optimal [18]. They have also experimentally centuries in various application domains. As mentioned in the
proved that in different ranges of environments from simple previous sections, PAs have been designed, since the 1980s,
to complex, the DPA algorithm is at least 60% faster than the by using ML estimates of the reward probabilities. However,
CPRP algorithm [18]. as opposed to these estimates, more recently, the first author
of this present chapter (and others) have shown that the
family of Bayesian estimates can also be incorporated into
the design and analysis of LA. Incorporating the Bayesian
Discrete TSE Algorithm philosophy has led to various Bayesian Pursuit Algorithms
Lanctôt and Oommen also discretized the TSE algorithm and (BPAs).
have referred to it as the Discrete TSE Algorithm (DTSE) The first of these BPAs was the Continuous Bayesian
[18]. Since the algorithm is based on the continuous version Pursuit Algorithm (CBPA) (which, unless otherwise stated, is
of the TSE algorithm, it obviously has the same level of referred to here as the BPA) [74]. This subsequently made the
intricacies, if not more. Lanctôt and Oommen theoretically way for the development of the Discretized Bayesian Pursuit
proved that like the DPA estimator algorithm, this algorithm Algorithm (DBPA) [75]. The BPAs obey the same “pursuit”
also possesses the Moderation and the Monotone properties paradigm for achieving the learning. However, since one can
while maintaining many of the qualities of the continuous invoke the properties of their a priori and a posteriori distri-
TSE algorithm. They also provided the proof of convergence butions, the Bayesian estimates can provide more meaningful
of this algorithm. estimates when it concerns the field of LA and are superior
There are two notable parameters in the DTSE algo- to their ML counterparts. The families of BPAs are, probably,
rithm: the fastest and most accurate nonhierarchical LA reported in
the literature.
1. Δ = rNθ1
, where N is the resolution parameter as before.
2. θ is an integer representing the largest value any of the
action probabilities can change by in a single iteration.
10.5.5 Stochastic Estimator Learning
A formal description of the DTSE algorithm is omitted here
Algorithm (SELA)
but is in [18].
The SELA algorithm belongs to the class of discretized LA
and was proposed by Vasilakos and Papadimitriou [63]. It
has, since then, been used for solving problems in the domain
of computer networks [4, 64]. It is an ergodic scheme, which
Discretized Generalized Pursuit Algorithm has the ability to converge to the optimal action irrespective
Agache and Oommen [2] provided a discretized version of of the distribution of the initial state [63, 64].
their GPA algorithm presented earlier. Their algorithm, called As before, let A ={α1 , α2 , . . . , αr } denote the set of
the Discretized Generalized Pursuit Algorithm (DGPA) also actions and B = {0, 1} denote the set of responses that can
essentially generalizes Thathachar and Sastry’s pursuit algo- be provided by the environment, where β(t) represents the
rithm [54,55]. But unlike the TSE, it pursues all those actions feedback provided by the environment corresponding to a
that possess higher reward estimates than the chosen action. chosen action α(t) at time t. Let the probability of choosing
In essence, in any single iteration, the algorithm computes the kth action at the tth time instant be pk (t). SELA updates the
the number of actions that have higher reward estimates estimated environmental characteristics as the vector E(t),
than the current chosen action, denoted by K(t), whence the which can be defined as E(t) = D(t), M(t), U(t), explained
probability of all the actions that have estimates higher than below.
the chosen action is increased by an amount Δ/K(t), and D(t) = {d1 (t), d2 (t), . . . , dr (t)} represents the vector of the
the probabilities for all the other actions are decreased by reward estimates, where:
an amount Δ/(r − K(t)), where Δ = 1/rN denotes the
resolution step and N the resolution parameter. The DGPA
algorithm has been proven to possess the Moderation and 
βk (t)
Monotone properties and is thus -optimal [2]. The detailed i=1
dk (t) = , (10.23)
steps of the DGPA algorithm are omitted here. W
10 Cybernetics, Machine Learning, and Stochastic Learning Automata 245

In the above equation, the numerator on the right-hand side • The convergence proofs become much more complex
represents the total rewards received by the LA in the window when we have to deal with two rather non-orthogonal
size representing the last W times a particular action αk was interrelated concepts, as in the case of the families of
selected by the algorithm. W is called the learning window. EAs. These two concepts are the convergence of the
The second parameter in E(t) is called the Oldness Vector reward estimates and the convergence of the action prob-
and is represented as M(t) = {m1 (t), m2 (t), . . . , mr (t)}, where abilities themselves. Ironically, the combination of these
mk (t) represents the time passed (counted as the number of phenomena to achieve the updating rule is what grants the
iterations) since the last time the action αk (t) was selected. EAs their enhanced speed. But this leads to a surprising
The last parameter U(t) is called the Stochastic Estimator dilemma: If the accuracy of the estimates computed is
Vector and is represented as U(t) = {u1 (t), u2 (t), . . . , ur (t)}, not dependable because of an inferior estimation phase
where the stochastic estimate ui (t) of action αi is calculated (i.e., if the nonoptimal actions are not examined “enough
using the following formula: number of times”), the accuracy of the EA converging to
the optimal action can be forfeited. Thus, the proofs for 10
EAs have to consider criteria that the other types of LA do
ui (t) = di (t) + N(0, σi 2 (t)), (10.24)
not have to.

where, N(0, σi 2 (t)) represents a random number selected The -optimality of the EAs and the families of pursuit
from a normal distribution, which has a mean of 0 and a algorithms including the CPA, GPA, DPA, TSE, and the
standard deviation of σi (t) = min{σmax , a mi (t)}, and a DTSE (explained in the previous sections) have been studied
is a parameter signifying the rate at which the stochastic and presented in [1, 2, 18, 45, 55–57]. The methodology for
estimates become independent, and σmax represents the maxi- all these derivations was the same and was erroneous. The
mum possible standard deviation that the stochastic estimates estimate used was an MLE, and by the law of large numbers,
can have. In symmetrically distributed noisy stochastic en- when all the actions are chosen infinitely often, they claimed
vironments, SELA is shown to be -optimal and has found that the estimates are ordered in terms of their reward prob-
applications for routing in ATM networks [4, 64]. abilities. They also claimed that these estimates are properly
ordered forever after some time instant, t0 . We refer to this as
the the monotonicity property. If now the learning parameter
is small/large enough, they will consequently converge to the
10.6 Challenges in Analysis optimal action with an arbitrarily large probability. The fault
in the argument is the following: While such an ordering is,
10.6.1 Previous Flawed Proofs indeed, true by the law of large numbers, it is only valid if all
the actions are chosen infinitely often. This, in turn, forces
It is relatively easy to design a new LA. How is it extremely the time instant, t0 , to also be infinite. If such an “infinite"
difficult to analyze a new machine? Indeed, the formal proofs selection does not occur, the ordering cannot be guaranteed
of the convergence accuracies of LA are, probably, the most for all time instants after t0 . In other words, the authors of all
difficult part in the fascinating field involving the design these papers misinterpreted the concept of ordering “forever”
and analysis of LA. Since this is a comprehensive chapter, with the ordering “most of the time” after t0 , rendering the
it would be educative to record the distinct mathematical “proofs” of the -optimality invalid.
techniques used for the various families, namely, for the The authors of [44] discovered the error in the proofs of
FSSA, VSSA, Discretized, and PAs. the abovementioned papers, and the detailed explanation of
• The proof methodology for the family of FSSA simply this discovery is found in [44]. These authors also presented
involves formulating the Markov chain for the LA. There- a correct proof for the -optimality of the CPA based on
after, one computes its equilibrium (or steady state) prob- the monotonicity property except that their proof required an
abilities and then derives the asymptotic action selection external condition that the learning parameter, λ, decreased
probabilities. with time. This, apparently, is the only strategy by which
• The proofs of the asymptotic convergence for VSSA in- one can prove the -optimality of the CPA. However, by
volve the theory of small-step Markov processes and designing the LA to jump to an absorbing barrier in a single
distance diminishing operators. In more complex cases, step when any pj (t) ≥ T, where T is a user-defined threshold
they resort to the theory of regular functions. close to unity, the updated proofs have shown -optimality
• The proofs for Discretized LA also consider the asymp- because of a weaker property, i.e., the submartingale property
totic analysis of the LA’s Markov chain in the discretized of pm (t), where t is greater than a finite time index, t0 .
space. Thereafter, one derives the total convergence prob- It is not an elementary exercise to generalize the argu-
ability to the various actions. ments of [44] for the submartingale property if the value
246 B. John Oommen et al.

of λ is kept fixed. However, the submartingale arguments and computational methods to achieve this. For absorbing
can avoid the previously flawed methods of reasoning. This chains, one computes the absorption first passage probabil-
is achieved by the proofs not requiring that the process ities by invoking the Kolmogorov-Chapman equations. All
{dˆj (t)|t ≥ 0} satisfies the monotonicity property but the of these techniques have formed the basis for analysis even
submartingale property. This phenomenon is valid for the when the number of actions is large and/or when they are
corrected proofs of the CPA, DPA, and the family of Bayesian arranged hierarchically.
PAs. The FTA of Markov chains and LA is far more complex.
Unlike the steady-state scenario, which only involves the case
when λ = 1, the FTA involves all the non-unity eigenvalues
10.6.2 The Rectified Proofs of the PAs (and predominantly the second largest one) of the Markov
matrix, and this convergence occurs in a geometric manner. It
With regard to the abovementioned flaw, we mention: is hard enough trying to analytically evaluate these non-unity
eigenvalues, and so very little work has been done on the FTA
1. The primary intent of much of the theoretical work in the of any family of LA, including the families of FSSA and/or
field of LA in the more-recent past has been to correct the VSSA. However, recently, Zhang et al. [72] have published
abovementioned flaw for the various families of PAs. some of the most conclusive results for the FTA of the DPA.
2. To do this, the researchers have introduced a new method An understanding of the FTA for other types of algo-
that can, hopefully, be used to prove the -optimality of rithms is an interesting research direction deserving future
all EAs, which are specifically enhanced with artificially research.
enforced absorbing states [35] and in particular, for the
ACPA, the CPA with artificially enforced absorbing states.
3. Though the method used in [44] is also applicable for
absorbing EAs, it has been shown that while the mono- 10.7 Hierarchical Schemes
tonicity property is sufficient for convergence, it is not
really necessary for proving that the ACPA is -optimal. Hierarchical schemes have recently regained popularity in
4. In [76], the authors have presented a completely new proof the field of LA [69, 71, 73]. Arranging the search space,
methodology, which is based on the convergence theory generally, in the form of a hierarchy yields superior search
of submartingales and the theory of regular functions [27]. results when compared to a linear search. The idea of using
This proof is, thus, distinct in principle and argument from a hierarchy is not new in the field of LA. In [71], Yazidi
the proof reported in [44], and it adds insights into the et al. laid the foundations of a new model for devising
convergence of different absorbing EAs. efficient and rapid LA schemes that are specially adequate
5. Thereafter, the authors of [77] have utilized the conver- for a large number of actions by introducing a novel paradigm
gence theory of submartingales and the theory of regular that extends the CPA’s capability to such sets of actions. The
functions to prove the -optimality of the DPA. settings in which the number of actions is large is particularly
6. Finally, the authors of [74] and [75] have invoked the same challenging since the dimensionality of the probability vector
theories (of submartingales and of regular functions) to becomes consequently large, and many of its components
prove the -optimality of the families of Bayesian PAs, tend to decay in a few iterations to small values that are
where the estimates of the reward probabilities are not under what the machine accuracy can permit. This leads to
computed using an ML methodology but rather due to a the fact that they cease to be selected. In this case, the LA
Bayesian paradigm. will be inaccurate, and the theoretical assumption that each
action will be probed for a large number of times will not be
fulfilled, in practice, if we use the family of estimator LA.
10.6.3 Proofs for Finite-Time Analyses The most distinguishing characteristic of the scheme re-
ported in [71] is the fact that while it is hierarchical, all the
One of the most challenging analytic issues when it con- actions reside in the leave nodes. Further, at each level of the
cerns LA relates to the Finite-Time Analysis (FTA) of LA hierarchy, one only needs a two-action LA, and thus, we can
algorithms. This is a topic for which very little work has easily eliminate the problem of having extremely low action
been reported in the literature. This is as opposed to the probabilities. By design, all the LA of the hierarchy resort
asymptotic steady-state analysis (i.e., after the transient phase to the pursuit paradigm, and therefore, the optimal action of
of the chain has elapsed) for which there are an extensive each level trickles up toward the root. Thus, by recursively
number of results. For ergodic Markov chains, one obtains applying the “max” operator in which the maximum of sev-
the latter by evaluating the eigenvector associated with the eral local maxima is a global maximum, the overall hierarchy
eigenvalue λ = 1, and there are many reported closed-form converges to the optimal action.
10 Cybernetics, Machine Learning, and Stochastic Learning Automata 247

10.8 Point Location Problems which could also operate in nonstationary environments
The Stochastic Point Location (SPL), an LA-flavored prob- 5. The Hierarchical Stochastic Search on the Line (HSSL),
lem, was pioneered by Oommen in [38]. Since then, it has where the authors proposed that the LM moved to distant
been studied and analyzed by numerous researchers over points in the interval (modeled hierarchically) and speci-
more than two decades. The SPL involves determining an fied by a tree [69]
unknown “point” when all that the learning system stochasti- 6. The Symmetrical Hierarchical Stochastic Search on the
cally knows is whether the current point that has been chosen Line (SHSSL), which symmetrically enhanced the HSSL
is to the left or the right of the unknown point. to work in deceptive environments [73]
The formal specification of the SPL problem is as follows: 7. The Adaptive Step Search (ASS), which used historical
An arbitrary Learning Mechanism (LM) is assumed to be information within the last three steps to determine the
trying to infer the optimal value, say μ∗ ∈ [0, 1], of some current step size [52]
variable μ. μ could also be some parameter of a black box 8. The probability flux-based SPL presented by Mofrad 10
system. Although the LM is unaware of μ∗ , the SPL assumes et al. [22], which used the theory of weak estimators to
that it is interacting with a teacher/oracle from whom it re- perform the tasks of searching and estimating (in tandem)
ceives responses. From the perspective of the field of LA, this the effectiveness, p, of the environment
entity serves as the intelligent “environment,” E. However,
rather than provide rewards/penalties, E stochastically (or in
a “faulty” manner) informs the LM of whether the current
10.9 Emerging Trends and Open
value of μ is too small or too big. Thus, E may provide
the feedback to the LM to decrease μ when it should be
Although the field of LA is relatively young, the analytic
increased and vice versa. In the initial versions of the SPL, the
results that have been obtained are quite phenomenal. Si-
model assumes that the probability of receiving an intelligent
multaneously, however, it is also fair to assert that the tools
response is p > 0.5.
available in the field have been far too underutilized in real-
The index “p” is an indicator of the “quality/effectiveness”
life problems.
of E. So when the current μ > μ∗ , the environment would
We believe that the main areas of research that will emerge
accurately suggest that the LM decrease λ with probability p
in the next few years will involve applying LA to a host of
or would have inaccurately suggested that it increases μ with
application domains. Here, as the saying goes, “the sky is the
probability (1 − p) and vice versa. The task in solving the
limit” because LA can probably be used in any application
SPL involves proposing a strategy by which one can update
where the parameters characterizing the underlying system
the present guess μ(n) at time n of μ∗ to yield the subsequent
are unknown and random. Some possible potential applica-
guess, μ(n + 1). One will observe that each updating rule
tions are listed below:
leads to a different potential solution to the SPL. The aim in
determining a proposed solution is to have it converge to a
1. LA could be used in medicine to help with the diagnosis
value μ(∞), whose expected value is arbitrarily close to μ∗ .
Such a scheme, which attains this property, is characterized
2. LA have potential applications in Intelligent Tutorial (or
as being -optimal.
Tutorial-like) systems to assist in imparting imperfect
We catalog all the reported -optimal solutions to the SPL
knowledge to classrooms of students, where the teacher is
[38], namely:
also assumed to be imperfect. Some initial work is already
available in this regard [12].
1. The first-reported SPL solution that proposed the problem
3. The use of LA in legal arguments and the associated
and pioneered a solution operating in a discretized space
decision-making processes is open.
4. Although LA have been used in some robotic applications,
2. The Continuous Point Location with Adaptive Tertiary
as far as we know, almost no work has been done for
Search (CPL-ATS) solution where three LA worked in
obstacle avoidance and intelligent path planning of real-
parallel to resolve it [39]
life robots.
3. Th extension of the latter, namely, the Continuous Point
5. We are not aware of any results that use LA in the
Location with Adaptive d-ARY Search (CPL-AdS),
biomedical application domain. In particular, we believe
which used ‘d’ LA in parallel [40], which could operate
that they can be fruitfully utilized for learning targets and
in truth-telling and deceptive environments
in the drug design phase.
4. The General CPL-AdS Methodology that extended the
6. One of the earliest applications of LA was in the routing of
CPL-AdS to possess all the properties of the latter but
telephone calls over landlines. But the real-life application
248 B. John Oommen et al.

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Dr. Sudip Misra is a professor in the Department of Computer Science

& Engineering at IIT Kharagpur. He did his PhD from Carleton Uni-
versity, Ottawa. His research interests are in IoT, sensor networks, and
learning automata applications. He is an associate editor of IEEE TMC,
TVT, and SJ. He is a fellow of NASI (India), IET (UK), BCS (UK), and

Dr. B. John Oommen is a chancellor’s professor at Carleton University

in Ottawa, Canada. He obtained his B. Tech. from IIT Madras, India
(1975); his MS from IISc in Bangalore, India (1977); and his PhD from
Purdue University, USA (1982). He is an IEEE and IAPR fellow. He
is also an adjunct professor with the University of Agder in Grimstad,

Dr. Anis Yazidi received the MSc and PhD degrees from the University
of Agder, Grimstad, Norway, in 2008 and 2012, respectively. He is
currently a full professor with the Department of Computer Science,
OsloMet-Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway. He was a senior
researcher with Teknova AS, Grimstad. He is leading the research group
on Autonomous Systems and Networks.
Network Science and Automation
Lorenzo Zino, Baruch Barzel, and Alessandro Rizzo

Contents Abstract
11.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
From distributed sensing to autonomous vehicles,
11.2 Network Structure and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 networks are a crucial component of almost all
11.2.1 Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
11.2.2 Networks as Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
our automated systems. Indeed, automation requires
11.2.3 Network Matrices and Their Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 a coordinated functionality among different, self-
11.2.4 Real-World Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 driven, autonomous units. For example, robots that
11.3 Main Results on Dynamics on Networks . . . . . . . . . . . 254 must mobilize in unison, vehicles or drones that
11.3.1 Consensus Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 must safely share space with each other, and, of
11.3.2 Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 course, complex infrastructure networks, such as the
11.3.3 Perturbative Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Internet, which require cooperative dynamics among its
11.3.4 Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
millions of interdependent routers. At the heart of such
11.4 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 multi-component coordination lies a complex network,
11.4.1 Distributed Sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
11.4.2 Infrastructure Models and Cyberphysical Systems . . . . . 263
capturing the patterns of interaction between its
11.4.3 Motion Coordination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 constituting autonomous nodes. This network allows the
different units to exchange information, influence each
11.5 Ongoing Research and Future Challenges . . . . . . . . . 268
11.5.1 Networks with Adversarial and Malicious Nodes . . . . . . 268 other’s functionality, and, ultimately, achieve globally
11.5.2 Dynamics on Time-Varying and Adaptive Networks . . . 269 synchronous behavior. Here, we lay out the mathematical
11.5.3 Controllability of Brain Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 foundations for such emergent large-scale network-
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 based cooperation. First, analyzing the structural patterns
of networks in automation, and then showing how
these patterns contribute to the system’s resilient and
coordinated functionality. With this toolbox at hand, we
discuss common applications, from cyber-resilience to
L. Zino () sensor networks and coordinated robotic motion.
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di
Torino, Torino, Italy Keywords
Engineering and Technology Institute Groningen, University of
Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands Cascading failures · Consensus · Coupled oscillators ·
e-mail: Distributed control · Distributed sensing · Dynamics on
B. Barzel () networks · Networks · Pinning control · Resilience ·
Department of Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel Synchronization
The Gonda Interdisciplinary Brain Science Center, Bar-Ilan
University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
A. Rizzo () 11.1 Overview
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di
Torino, Torino, Italy In its classic form, automation focuses on replacing human
Institute for Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, New York labor and, at times, also cognitive skills, with autonomous
University Tandon School of Engineering, Brooklyn, NY, USA units. Robots and machines, for example, take the place of
manual workers in production lines, and computers enhance

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 251

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
252 L. Zino et al.

our ability to analyze data and conduct elaborate calculations. a key role in the emergent behavior of our interconnected
Yet, modern automation reaches beyond the autonomous autonomous systems.
units and scales our view up to the autonomous system. In-
deed, many of our most crucial technological systems cannot
be simply reduced to their technical components, but rather 11.2.1 Notation
their true function and value are rooted in their ability to drive
these components toward cooperative large-scale behavior. We gather here the notational conventions used throughout
For example, the Internet, in technical terms, is a critical in- this chapter. Unless otherwise stated, vectors and matrices
frastructure comprising routers, cables, and computers. Yet, have dimension n and n × n, respectively. The sets R and
put together, the Internet is not a big computer or router. It is R+ denote the set of real and real non-negative numbers.
an evolving system that interacts and responds to its human The sets Z and Z+ denote the set of integer and integer
environment, shares, produces, and processes information – non-negative numbers. The set C denote the set of complex
and – in its essence – exhibits functions that supersede those numbers. Given a complex number z ∈ C, we denote by |z|
of its autonomous components. its modulus, by R(z) its real part, and by I (z) its imaginary
More broadly, whether it involves drones, autonomous part. The imaginary unit is denoted as ι. Given a vector x
vehicles, or sensing units, modern automation is an emer- or matrix M, we denote by x and M the transpose vector
gent phenomenon, in which technological units – nodes and matrix, respectively. We use ||x|| to denote x’s euclidean
– cooperate to generate higher-level functionalities. Simple norm. The symbol 1 denotes a vector of all 1 entries, i.e.,
building blocks come together to perform complex functions. 1 = (1, . . . , 1) ; I denotes the identity matrix; and, more
Lacking central design, and without specific control over generally, diag(x) represents a matrix with vector x on its
each and every unit, these complex multi-component systems diagonal and 0 for all its off-diagonal entries. Given a set S ,
often amaze us with their reliable and resilient functionality. we denote by |S | its cardinality.
Indeed, we can carelessly send an email and have no doubt
that the Internet’s globally distributed routers will find an 11.2.2 Networks as Graphs
efficient path for it to reach its destination. Similarly, we turn
on electrical units and need not to think about the automatic The most basic mathematical model of a network is given by
redistribution of loads across all power grid components. a graph with n nodes, indexed by positive integers, forming
The basis for this seemingly uncoordinated cooperation the node set V = {1, . . . , n}. These nodes are connected
lies not at the technology of the units themselves but rather at through a set of directed edges (or links), i.e., the edge set
their patterns of connectivity – namely the network. Each of E ⊆ V × V , such that (i, j) ∈ E if and only if node i is
these systems has an underlying complex network, allowing connected to node j. An edge that connects node i to itself,
the components to transfer information, distribute loads, and (i, i), is called self-loop. The pair of sets G = (V , E ) defines
propagate signals, thus enabling a synchronous action among the network.
distributed, self-driven, autonomous nodes. To track the spread of information between nodes in a
Now, we therefore transition our viewpoint, from the spe- network we map its pathways, linking potentially distant
cific technology of the components, to the design principles nodes through indirect connections. A path from node i to
of their interaction networks. What characteristics of the node j is a sequence of edges (i, i1 ), (i1 , i2 ) . . . , (i−1 , j) ∈ E ,
network allow units to reach a functional consensus? What where  is the path length. In case i = j, the path is called
are the bottlenecks and Achilles’ heels of the network that cycle. A path (cycle) is said to be simple, if no node is
mark its potential vulnerabilities? Conversely, what ensures repeated in the sequence of edges (apart from the first and
the network’s resilience in the face of failures and attacks? last nodes in a cycle). The length lij of the shortest path(s)
In this chapter, we seek the fundamental principles that between i and j, provides a measure of distance between
look beyond the components and allow us to mathematically them. This, however, is not, formally a metric, as the distance
characterize, predict, and ultimately control the behavior of from i to j may, generally, be different than that from j to
their networks. i. The greatest common divisor of the lengths of all the
cycles passing through a node i is denoted as pi and called
the period of node i, with the convention that, if no cycles
11.2 Network Structure and Definitions pass through i, then pi = ∞. If pi = 1, we say that
node i is aperiodic. Note that, if i has a self-loop, then it is
Seeking the connectivity patterns that drive networks and necessarily aperiodic. If there exists a path from i to j, we
automation, we first begin by laying the mathematical foun- say that j is reachable from i. If a node i is reachable from
dations – indeed, the language – of network science. We focus any j ∈ V , we say that i is a globally reachable node. If
on the network characteristics that, as we show below, play i is reachable from j and j is reachable from i, we say that
11 Network Science and Automation 253

the two nodes are connected. Connectivity is an equivalence A network is said to be undirected if for any (i, j) ∈ E , then
relation, which determines a set of equivalence classes, called (j, i) ∈ E . For undirected networks, much of the notation pre-
strongly-connected components. If all the nodes belong to the sented above simplifies. In fact, if i is reachable from j, then
same strongly connected component, we say that the network also j is necessarily reachable from i. As a consequence, for
is strongly-connected. It can be shown that the period of a undirected graphs, if there exists a globally reachable nodes,
node and its global reachability are class properties, that is, then the network is necessarily strongly connected. Further-
all the nodes belonging to the same class have the same period more, the in- and out-neighbors coincide, and consequently
and, if one node is globally reachable, then all the nodes share the in-degree is equal to the out-degree. Hence, we can omit
this property. Hence, we will say that a strongly connected the prefix in/out and refer to the neighbors and the degree of
component is globally reachable and has period p. a node. In an undirected network, distance is symmetric and
For strongly connected graphs, paths provide a measure of each edge is also a cycle of length 2. See Fig. 11.1 for some
node “centrality” in the network. Specifically, denoting the illustrative examples of networks and their properties.
set Sij containing all the shortest paths between two nodes i
and j, we define the betweenness centrality of a node i as the
(normalized) number of shortest paths traversing through i, 11.2.3 Network Matrices and Their Properties
namely 11
 |{s ∈ Sjk : i ∈ s}| Besides graphs, we can use matrices to represent networks.
γi ∝ . (11.1)
|Sjk | Given a network G = (V , E ), we define a non-negative-
valued matrix W ∈ Rn×n + , such that Wij > 0 ⇐⇒ (i, j) ∈ E .
As we shall see in Sect. 11.4.2, the betweenness centrality The resulting matrix W associates each edge of the graph
plays a key role in determining the vulnerability of a network (i, j) with a weight W ij , forming the network’s weighted
to cascading failures. Betweenness centrality, we emphasize, adjacency matrix. Together, this yields the weighted network,
is just one of the many centrality measures that can be defined denoted by the triplet
+  G = (V , E−, W).  For each node i ∈ V , we
to rank the importance of nodes in a network. For example, denote by wi := Wij and wi := Wji its weighted out-
in the next section, we present the Bonacich centrality [1]. and in-degrees, respectively. See Fig. 11.1 for an example.
Given a node i ∈ V , we denote by Often the weights W ij capture transition rates between
nodes, and hence the weight matrix W is assumed to be
Ni+ := {j ∈ V : (i, j) ∈ E } and Ni− := {j ∈ V : (j, i) ∈ E } a stochastic matrix, in which all rows sum to 1. For such
(11.2) matrices, the Perron-Frobenius theory can be used to study
the spectral properties of W [2]. An immediate observa-
the sets of out-neighbors and in-neighbors, respectively, tion is that 1 is an eigenvalue of W, associated with the
namely, the set of nodes that i links to, and the nodes linking right-eigenvector 1. All the other eigenvalues of W are not
to i, respectively. The cardinality of Ni+ is i’s out-degree larger than 1 in modulus. Further results can be established,
di+ := |Ni+ |, and that of Ni− is its in-degree di− := |Ni− |. depending on the connectivity properties of the network,

a) b) c) 8
8 8 1
7 7 7
5 1
3 3 3
c2 2 7
c1 5 5 5 1
6 2 2 1
6 6

4 4 4
1 1
1 1
2 2 2 2

Fig. 11.1 Three examples of networks: a) an undirected network, b) highlighted in different colors: {6}, {5, 7, 8}, {1, 2}, and {3, 4}; the latter
a directed network, and c) a weighted (directed) network. The network (the cyan one) is globally reachable and has period p3 = p4 = 2. Node
in a) is strongly connected and aperiodic, that is, p = 1. Aperiodicity 1 has out-degree d+ = 2 and in-degree d− = 1. In c), we show the
can be verified by observing that through node 7 we have the cyan network in b) equipped with a weight matrix. Note that weight W12 = 1,
cycle c1 = (7, 6), (6, 7) and the green cycle c2 = (7, 5), (5, 8), (8, 7), and that node 1 has weighted out-degree w+ 1 = 3 and weighted in-degree
of length equal to 2 and 3, respectively. Node 6 has a self loop and w−1 = 2 (out-going and in-going edges are denoted in green and cyan,
degree d6 = 2. In b), there are four strongly connected components, respectively)
254 L. Zino et al.

which can be directly mapped into properties of the matrix these probabilities are fat-tailed, describing a majority of low
W. For instance, strong connectivity of the network yields degree nodes, coexisting alongside a small minority of hubs,
irreducibility of W, which guarantees that the eigenvalue 1 which can have orders of magnitude more neighbors than the
is simple, and it admits a left-eigenvector π with strictly average. According to real-world empirical observations [4],
positive entries. This result can be extended to networks with several real-world degree distributions in technological and
a unique globally reachable strongly connected component, biological networks can be accurately approximated by a
whereby the left-eigenvector π has strictly positive entries power law of the form P± (d) ∼ d−γ , describing a collection
corresponding to the nodes that belong to the component, degree that lacks a typical scale, i.e., scale-free networks [1].
whereas the other entries are equal to 0 (see, e.g., [3]). Note The exponent γ plays a key role in shaping the degree
that, under these hypotheses we have distribution, whereby smaller values of γ yield more het-
erogeneous and disperse distributions. In particular, power-
lim Wt → 1π  . (11.3) law distributions with exponent γ ∈ [2, 3), which are often
observed in real-world networks, exhibit a constant average
Such repeated multiplications of W, t → ∞, capture the con- degree, whereas its variance grows with the network size.
vergence of a linear process driven by W. Therefore, the left- Other real-world networks, including many social networks,
eigenvector π, the Bonacich centrality of the weighted net- exhibit weaker scale-free properties, which can be captured,
work, plays a key role in determining the consensus point of for instance, by log-normal distributions [5]. Finally, another
linear averaging dynamics, as we will discuss in Sect. 11.3.1. key feature of many real-world networks, especially in the
Next, we define the weighted Laplacian matrix as social and biological domains, is the tendency of nodes to
create clusters, whereby two nodes that are connected have a
L = diag(w+ ) − W, (11.4) higher probability of having other connections “in common.”
Such a property, in combination with the slow logarithmic
where w+ is a vector that assembles the out-degrees of all growth of the shortest paths, characterizes the so told small-
nodes. In simple terms, the diagonal entries of the Laplacian world network models, which have become popular in net-
contain the weighted out-degree of the node, while the off- work science in the past few decades [6].
diagonal entries are equal to −Wij , the sign inverse of the i, j
weight. As opposed to W that contains the entire information
on the network structure, in the Laplacian the information on 11.3 Main Results on Dynamics on
the presence and weight of the self-loops is lost. By design, Networks
the rows of L sum to 0. Consequently, the all-1 vector, a right
eigenvector of the Laplacian, now has eigenvalue 0. Up to this point we discussed the characterization of the net-
For stochastic matrices, as all rows sum to one, the Lapla- work’s static structure – who is connected to whom. However,
cian reduces to L = I − W. Hence, the two matrices share networks are truly designed to capture dynamic processes, in
the same eigenvectors ξ1 , . . . , ξn , and their eigenvalues are which nodes spread information and influence each other’s
shifted by 1, namely if μk is an eigenvalue of W then λk = activity [7, 8]. Hence, we seek to use the network to map
1 − μk is an eigenvalue of L. Therefore, all the spectral who is influenced by whom. We, therefore, discuss below
properties described above for stochastic matrices W apply dynamics flowing on networks.
directly to the study the Laplacian spectrum.

11.3.1 Consensus Problem

11.2.4 Real-World Networks
Since the second half of the twentieth century, the consensus
Social, biological, and technological networks have been ex- problem has started attracting the interest of the systems and
tensively studied over the past two decades, uncovering sev- control community. The reason for such a growing interest is
eral widespread characteristics, universally observed across that the consensus problem, initially proposed by J. French
these different domains. For example, most real networks and M.H. De Groot as a model for social influence [9,10], has
exhibit extremely short paths between all connected nodes, found a wide range of applications, encompassing opinion
with the average shortest path length often scaling as ¯ ∼ dynamics [11, 12], distributed sensing [13], and formation
log n, a slow logarithmic growth with the network size [1]. control [14]. In its very essence, the problem consists of
Another universal feature, crossing domains of inquiry, is studying whether a network of dynamical systems is able
degree-heterogeneity. This is captured by P± (d), the prob- to reach a common state among its nodes in a distributed
ability for a randomly selected node to have an in-degree fashion via pairwise exchanges of information, lacking any
di− = d (out-degree di+ = d). In many real-world networks, sort of centralized entity. In the following, we provide a
11 Network Science and Automation 255

formal definition of the problem and illustrate some of its x(0) and the (unique) left eigenvector of W associated with
main results. the unit eigenvalue π, the consensus point coincides with the
Here, our nodes represent units (also called agents) V = weighted average
{1, . . . , n}, modeling, for instance, individuals, sensors, or

robots. Agents are connected through a weighted network x∗ = π  x(0) = πi xi (0). (11.8)
G = (V , E , W), where W is a stochastic matrix. Each agent i∈V
i ∈ V is characterized by a state variable xi (t) ∈ R, which,
at every time-step, is updated to the weighted average of More specifically, each agent contributes to the consensus
the states of its neighboring agents - hence the consensus state proportionally to its Bonacich (eigenvector) centrality.
dynamics. The consensus problem can be formulated either This result has several important consequences. Notably,
in a discrete-time framework (t ∈ Z+ ), or in continuous time agents that do not belong to the unique globally reachable
(t ∈ R+ ). In discrete-time, the simplest state update rule is aperiodic strongly connected component do not contribute
formulated via to the formation of the consensus state, as their centrality is
 equal to 0 [3]. A special case of the consensus problem is
xi (t + 1) = Wij xj (t), (11.5) when the consensus is driven toward the arithmetical average
j∈V of the initial conditions. This is observed if and only if matrix
W is doubly stochastic (a trivial case occurs when the matrix
or, in compact matrix form, as is symmetric). A simulation of a consensus dynamics with W
doubly stochastic is illustrated in Fig. 11.2b.
x(t + 1) = Wx(t), (11.6) Consensus state x∗ captures, when indeed reached, the
long-term state of the system. Next, we seek to estimate
where x(t) is a n-dimensional vector capturing all the agents’ the rate of convergence to this consensus. For a review of
states. In the continuous-time version, (11.5) and (11.6) are the main findings, see, e.g. [15]. Given the linear nature of
formulated using the weighted Laplacian matrix as the consensus dynamics, the convergence rates are closely
related to the eigenvalues of the stochastic matrix W. Intu-
ẋ(t) = −εLx(t), (11.7) itively, the speed of convergence of the consensus dynamics
depends on the speed of convergence of matrix Wt to 1π  ,
where ε > 0 is a positive constant that determines the rate of which is determined by the second largest eigenvalue in mod-
the consensus dynamics. ulus, denoted by ρ2 . Under the convergence conditions for
One of the main goals of the consensus problem is to study the discrete-time consensus dynamics, we recall that ρ2 < 1.
how the topological properties of the network influence the For symmetric matrices W, all the eigenvalues are real and
asymptotic behavior of x(t). In particular, the key question positive, so ρ2 is the second largest eigenvalue. Following
is to determine under which conditions the states of the [16], we can directly write the speed of convergence of the
agents converge to a common quantity, reaching a consensus discrete-time consensus as
state x∗ .
Perron-Frobenius theory [2] provides effective tools to ||x(t) − 1x∗ || ≤ ρ2t ||x(0)|| , (11.9)
study the consensus problem in terms of the spectral prop-
erties of the weight matrix W, establishing conditions that A similar expression can be obtained for the continuous-
can be directly mapped into connectivity patterns of the time model in (11.7). For non-symmetric matrices, the result
network. Specifically, it is shown that a consensus state is is slightly more complicated, due to the potential presence
reached for any initial condition x(0) if and only if the graph of non-trivial Jordan blocks. More details and an explicit
described by W has a unique globally reachable strongly derivation of the speed of convergence for generic matrices
connected component. In the case of discrete-time consensus, W can be found in [3].
it is also required that such a strongly connected compo- Building on these seminal results, the systems and control
nent is aperiodic [3]. An extremely important consequence community has extensively studied the consensus problem
of this observation, especially for applications seeking to toward designing algorithms to converge to desired consen-
drive agents toward consensus, is that such convergence is sus points and expanding its original formulation to account
guaranteed if the network is strongly connected and, for for a wide range of extensions. These extensions include,
discrete-time consensus, if at least one self-loop is present. but are not limited to, asynchronous and time-varying update
This captures rather general conditions to reach consensus. rules [17, 18], the presence of antagonistic interactions [19],
A second key result obtained through the Perron- quantized communications [20], and the investigation of
Frobenius theory touches on the characterization of the different operators other than the weighted average, such as
consensus state. Specifically, given the initial conditions maximum and minimum operators [21].
256 L. Zino et al.

a) b)
3 2

x (t)
4 1


5 6 –4
0 20 40

Time, t

c) d)

10 10
x (t)

x (t)
0 0

–10 –10
0 20 40 0 20 40

Time, t Time, t

Fig. 11.2 Consensus dynamics and synchronization. We consider six x1 + 0.2yi , żi = 0.2 + zi (xi − 0.2) (for the sake of readability, we plot
dynamical systems connected through the 3-regular network illustrated only the first variable xi for each of the dynamical systems, a similar
in a). All the weights are Wij = 1/3, as in (11.20). In b), we show the behavior is observed for the other variables). In c), the oscillators are not
trajectories of a continuous-time consensus dynamics, which converge coupled and the trajectories are not synchronized. In d), the dynamical
to the average of the initial conditions. In c) and d), we illustrate the systems are coupled with ε = 0.3 and G(xj (t)) = [xj (t), 0, 0] , leading
trajectories of six Rössler oscillators, with equations ẋi = −yi , ẏi = the trajectories to the synchronization manifold

11.3.2 Synchronization Rd → Rd . Overall, the state of agent i is governed by the

differential equation
The consensus problem captures a cooperative phenomenon,
in which agents reach a common state in the absence of 
ẋi (t) = F(xi ) − ε Lij G(xj (t)), (11.10)
centralized control. More broadly, this problem is part of a
general class of challenges, consisting of synchronizing a
set of coupled dynamical systems in a distributed fashion
where ε ≥ 0 is a non-negative parameter that quantifies the
toward a common trajectory. From a historical perspective,
strength of the coupling between agents. Setting the function
and also due to its applicability to real-world settings [22], the
F null and G equal to the identity, (11.10) reduces to the
synchronization challenge is often formulated in continuous
consensus dynamics in (11.7). Figure 11.2c,d illustrate an
time. In this vein, synchronization focuses on a state vector
example of a set of Rössler oscillators [22] in the absence
associated with each agent, xi ∈ Rd , rather than a scalar state
and in the presence of coupling, respectively, on the network
variable. In the absence of a coupling network, these state
illustrated in Fig. 11.2a.
variables evolve according to a generic nonlinear function F :
The goal of the synchronization problem consists of de-
Rd → Rd , capturing each individual node’s self-dynamics.
termining the conditions that the nonlinear functions F and G
The couplings via Wij then introduce a distributed, potentially
and the network - here, represented by the Laplacian matrix
nonlinear averaging dynamics, regulated by a function G :
L - have to satisfy in order to guarantee that the vector
11 Network Science and Automation 257

state of each node xi (t) converges to a common trajectory to design a network structure to synchronize a general set of
x∗ (t). Formally, this maps to studying the stability of the dynamical systems in a distributed fashion.
synchronization manifold Generalizations of the MSF approach have been proposed
to deal with many different scenarios, including moving
S := {x(t) : xi (t) = xj (t) = x∗ (t), ∀ i, j ∈ V }. (11.11) agents [24], time-varying and stochastic couplings [25], and
more complex network structures such as multi-layer net-
From (11.10) and from the zero-sum property of L, it is works [26, 27] and simplicial complexes [28]. The main lim-
straightforward to observe that the synchronization manifold itations for the use of the MSF are that, in general, the com-
S is invariant, that is, if x(t∗ ) ∈ S , for some t∗ ≥ 0, then putation of the largest Lyapunov exponent can be performed
the system will stay synchronized for all t ≥ t∗ . Hence, only numerically, thus limiting the analytical tractability of
the problem of the synchronization of coupled dynamical the problem, and that, using the MSF, only local stability
systems ultimately boils down to determining the asymptotic results can be established. Different approaches to study
stability conditions for such a manifold. the stability of the synchronization manifolds have been
The seminal work by [23] introduced an effective and developed in the last two decades by means of Lyapunov
elegant technique to study the local stability of the syn- methods [29] and contraction theory [30]. While these ap-
chronous state, through the study of the stability of the modes proaches have allowed specific rigorous, global convergence 11
transverse to it. The approach, based on a master stability results, they typically provide sufficient conditions for syn-
function (MSF), decouples the synchronization problem in chronization that, in general, are more conservative than
two independent sub-problems, one focusing on the node’s those established via MSF-based approaches.
dynamics, the other on the network topology. First, the dy-
namical system in (11.10) is linearized about the synchronous
state x∗ (t) by defining δxi (t) = xi (t) − x∗ (t), and writing the 11.3.3 Perturbative Analysis
linearized equations
 In case (11.10) exhibits a stable fixed-point x∗ , the challenge
˙ i = JF (x∗ )δxi − εJG (x∗ )
δx Lij δxj , (11.12) is to understand its fixed-point dynamics [7, 8, 31]. This
j∈V can be observed by studying its response to small pertur-
bations, either structural – removing nodes/links or altering
with i ∈ V , and where JF ∈ Rd×d and JG ∈ Rd×d are the weights, or dynamic – small activity perturbations x∗ →
Jacobian matrices of F and G, respectively. The system of x + δx(t). Such perturbation instigates a signal S, which
equations in (11.12) can be further decomposed into n de- then propagates through all network pathways to impact the
coupled equations by projecting them along the eigenvectors state of all other nodes. First, we wish to track the signal’s
of the Laplacian L, obtaining spatiotemporal propagation, namely how much time it will
take for the signal to travel from a source node i to a target
ξ̇k = [JF (x∗ ) − ελk JG (x∗ )]ξk , (11.13) node j. This can be done by extracting the specific response
time τi of all nodes to the incoming signal, then summing
where λ1 , . . . , λn are the eigenvalues of L, in ascending order over all subsequent responses along the path from i to j. The
in modulus. Assuming W to be strongly connected, we have resulting propagation patterns uncover a complex interplay
λ1 = 0 and λ2 = 0. Hence, the first term k = 1 of (11.13) co- between the weighted network structure Wij and the nonlinear
incides with the perturbation parallel to the synchronization functions F and G, resulting in three dynamic classes [32]:
manifold, and all the other n − 1 equations correspond to its Ultra-fast. For certain dynamics, the highly connected hubs
transverse directions. Therefore, the synchronization mani- respond rapidly (τi small), and hence, as most pathways
fold is stable if all the equations k = 2, . . . , n in (11.13) damp traverse through them, they significantly expedite the signal
out. We define the MSF λmax (α) that associates each com- propagation through the network. Fast. In other dynamics,
plex number α ∈ C with the maximum Lyapunov exponent the degrees play no role, the system exhibits a typical re-
of ξ = [JF (x∗ )+αJG (x∗ )]ξ . Hence, if λmax (σ λk ) < 0, for all sponse time τi for all nodes, and the signal propagation is
k = 2, . . . , n, the synchronization manifold is locally stable. limited by the shortest path length of the network. Ultra-
Interestingly, the MSF allows us to decouple the effects of the slow. In this last class, hubs are bottlenecks (τi large), causing
dynamics and the role of the network. The nodal dynamics, signals to spread extremely slowly.
captured via JF and JG , fully determines the critical region The long-term response of the system to signal S is ob-
of the complex plane in which λmax (α) < 0; the network served once the propagation is completed and all nodes have
topology, in contrast, determines the eigenvalues λk of L. reached their final, perturbed state xi∗ + δxi (S). This defines
Synchronization is attained if all the eigenvalues belong to the cascade C = {i ∈ V : δxi (S) > Th}, the group of all
the critical region. Hence, the MSF can be effectively utilized nodes, whose response exceeded a pre-defined threshold Th.
258 L. Zino et al.

Often, the cascade sizes |C| are broadly distributed - most

perturbations have an insignificant impact, while a selected 8
few may cause a major disruption [8]. 7
A sufficiently large perturbation can lead to instability,
resulting in an abrupt transition from one fixed-point, the
desired state, to another, potentially undesired [33]. This 5
can capture, for instance, a major blackout, or an Internet 6
failure, which can be caused by infrastructure damage, i.e., 4
structural perturbations, or by overloads, capturing activity u6 (t) 1
perturbations. 2
u1 (t)

11.3.4 Control Fig. 11.3 Schematic of a pinning control scheme. The master node (in
black) is connected to the two pinned nodes (in red), namely 1 and 6
Consensus and synchronization are emergent phenomena,
that is, their onset is spontaneously achieved over time by
the network nodes. Similarly, perturbation analysis captures functions F and G, on the weighted network topology Wij ,
the network’s response to naturally occurring disturbances. and on the form of the control inputs ui . Therefore, the first
With this in mind, the natural next step is to seek controlled approach to tackle this challenge is under linear dynamics,
interventions to drive the network toward a desired dynamic mapping (11.14) to
behavior, e.g., an equilibrium point, a limit cycle, an attractor,
etc. Typically, we wish to achieve such control with limited ẋ(t) = Wx + Bu , (11.15)
resources, i.e., acting upon a subset of the network nodes,
links, or using a limited amount of energy. Network control
where W is the weighted network matrix, as in the consensus
can be achieved via off-line strategies, such as controlling
problem in (11.7), and B ∈ Rn×m is a rectangular matrix,
the nodal dynamic or their coupling, or on-line strategies,
routing the control inputs u(t) to the m pinned nodes. The
through adaptive rewiring of the network structure [34]. Here,
linear equation in (11.15) reduces the control problem to a
to outline the principles of control, we focus on a represen-
structural one, seeking the conditions for Wij that guarantee
tative problem, where one seeks to synchronize a network
controllability [37].
system, whose uncontrolled dynamics in (11.10) does not
Under a single pinned node m = 1, the controllability
naturally converge to a synchronous solution [35].
of the network is determined by the presence of a subgraph
One of the first and most successful methods proposed to
of G that is a cactus, that is, such that it spans all the
synchronize a network is pinning control, originally proposed
nodes of the network and in which every edge belongs to at
in [36], where one controls the entire network by driving just
most one simple cycle [37]. Other results based on structural
a small number of nodes. First we designate a master node,
controllability are summarized in [38]. For the general case
whose state is fully under our control, namely, we can freely
with m ≥ 1, standard control-theoretic tools may be lever-
determine its dynamics by designing a suitable control input
aged, specifically Kalman’s controllability rank condition,
signal. The master node is then linked to a small number of
showing that (11.15) is controllable if the matrix C :=
pinned nodes 1, . . . , m, influenced indirectly, via their links
[B, WB, W2 B, . . . Wn−1 B] has full rank, i.e., Rank(C) =
to the master node, by our input signal, as illustrated in
n. The challenge is to verify Kalman’s condition, which
Fig. 11.3. These pinned nodes follow
becomes unfeasible for a large-scale real-world network. To
 address this, it was shown that this condition can be mapped
ẋi (t) = F(xi ) − ε Lij G(xj (t)) + ui (t), (11.14) to the more scalable graph-theoretic concept of maximal
j∈V matching [39], where one seeks the largest set of edges
with different start and end nodes. Linking the size of the
where ui (t) represents the control exerted by the master node maximal matching to the number of nodes that should be
on the pinned node i ∈ {1, . . . , m}. The remaining n−m nodes pinned to control the network, this criterion helps predict
continue to evolve according to (11.10). the controllability of (11.15). Controllability is found to be
The fundamental question is how many and which nodes primarily driven by the network’s degree distribution P± (d),
should be pinned in order to control the network? Clearly, a independent of the weights Wij , and, counter-intuitively, of-
general answer to this problem does not exist. Indeed, such an ten driven by the low-degree nodes, especially for directed
answer inevitably depends on the properties of the nonlinear networks.
11 Network Science and Automation 259

Next, if indeed the network is controllable, we wish to ẋi (t) = ai xi (t) + bi + ui (t) , (11.17)
design the control inputs ui (t) to drive it to the desired dy-
namic state. For a detailed discussion, we refer to the review for all i ∈ V , where ai ∈ R is a constant that determines
papers [40, 41]. A common approach employs a feedback the uncoupled dynamic of the system, bi ∈ R is a constant
strategy, setting disturbances (e.g. an input/output in the dynamical system
i, and ui (t) is the control action applied to node i at time
ui (t) = ki G(x∗ (t) − xi (t)), (11.16) t. In the standard coupling discussed presented so far, the
control action coincides with the continuous-time consensus
dynamics, that is,
where x∗ (t) is the desired dynamic state and ki ≥ 0 are the
control gains [36]. For example, such feedback control can 
steer the system to the stationary state x∗ (t) = x̄, achieving ui (t) = −ε Lij xj (t) . (11.18)
consensus toward a desired equilibrium via control rather
than to spontaneous emergence as in (11.7). In undirected
However, the control action in (11.18) is not able to guaran-
scale-free networks, this strategy shows that controlling the
tee convergence to consensus in many scenarios, when the
hubs is most effective for reaching synchronization, as it
parameters ai and bi are heterogeneous. In [45], a controller 11
requires a smaller number of nodes to be pinned [36].
in the following form has been proposed:
The specific feedback structure in (11.16) has enabled the
scientific community to establish several important results    t 
in network control, even though a complete theory is still ui (t) = − Lij αxj (t) + β xj (s)ds + γ ẋj , (11.19)
j∈V 0
lacking. In fact, the expression for ui (t) in (11.16) allows us to
write (11.14) in a form similar to (11.10), with an additional
term that accounts for the master node. The MSF approach where α, β, γ ∈ R+ are constant parameters that weigh the
used to study synchronization for the uncontrolled problem three terms in the controller. Note that, besides utilizing
can then be extended to tackle this scenario. Specifically, the information from the state of the neighboring nodes xj (t),
in [42], the authors propose to add an (n + 1)-th equation the proposed controller uses also their integral and deriva-
for the master node, that is, simply ẋn+1 = F(xn+1 ). Conse- tives. The analysis of (11.19) has allowed the authors of [45]
quently, all the n + 1 equations can be written in the form to explicitly derive conditions for the parameters α, β, and γ
of (11.10), where the Laplacian matrix L is substituted by to control the system toward a consensus. These conditions,
an augmented Laplacian matrix M, in which a row and a besides depending on the disturbances bi , depend on the
column corresponding to the master node are added. All network structure through the second largest eigenvalue in
the remaining entries in this added row are equal to zero, modulus of W.
while the column contains the control gains. Furthermore, the Recently, several efforts have started to address the control
corresponding control gains are subtracted from the diagonal problem also from an energy point of view, namely, toward
of the augmented Laplacian. The MSF approach can then the development of a minimum-energy theory for the control
be applied to the augmented system on n + 1 equations to of network systems. Several results have been established for
determine the stability, depending on k1 , . . . , km . linear systems in the form of (11.15). In [46], the authors es-
One of the main limitations of the approaches described tablish upper and lower bounds on the control cost – defined
so far is that they rely on the assumption that all the dynam- in terms of the smallest eigenvalue of the Gramian matrix –
ical systems on network nodes are identical, which ensures as scaling laws of the time required to reach synchronization.
stability of the synchronous trajectory once it has been at- Further development in this direction has been proposed in
tained. Unfortunately, in many real-world applications, we [47], where rigorous bounds on the smallest eigenvalue of the
face the problem of synchronizing networks of heteroge- Gramian matrix are derived as functions of the eigenvalues of
neous dynamical systems, often in the presence of noise matrix W and on the number of pinned nodes m, establishing
and disturbances. To overcome these problems, in [43, 44], non-trivial trade-offs between the number of pinned nodes
the authors proposed to use a coupling term that includes a and the control cost. Recently, an interesting discussion on
distributed integral action. Building on this intuition, in [45], minimum energy control has been presented in [48]. Therein,
a distributed proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control using an approach based on standard control-theoretic tools,
protocol was proposed to reach consensus in a network or the authors express the control energy as a function of the real
linear heterogeneous systems in the presence of disturbances. part of the eigenvalues of W. An interesting heuristic has then
In its simplest formulation, we can assume that each been proposed for generic (directed) networks, according to
node of the network is a unidimensional dynamical system which the cost for controlling a network is reduced if the
with linear dynamics. Hence, the proposed model can be pinned nodes are chosen as those with large (weighted) out-
formulated as follows: degree (w+ −
i ) but small in-degree (wi ).
260 L. Zino et al.

11.4 Applications σ 2 /n [50]. Recalling the consensus problem formalized and

discusses in Sect. 11.3.1, the arithmetic average of a set of
Many of our modern technological applications rely on net- measurements can be computed in a distributed fashion, by
works. Such systems, e.g., the Internet or the power grid, be- initializing the state of each sensor to the measured value,
have almost as natural phenomena, often lacking a blueprint i.e., setting xi (0) = x̂i , and then updating the state of the
or central control, hence functioning based on the emergent sensors according to the algorithm in (11.5), with a suitable
cooperation between their components. Therefore, the net- weight matrix W adapted to the sensor network, in order
work principles of consensus, synchronization, and control to ensure convergence to the average. Assuming that the
play a key role in an array of modern-day applications, network of sensors is strongly connected and that each sensor
from distributed sensing to cyber-resilience and coordinated can access its own state (all the nodes have a self-loop),
robotic motion. we know from Sect. 11.3.1 that the state of each node con-
verges to a common quantity, precisely equal to the weighted
average of the initial conditions, with weights determined
11.4.1 Distributed Sensing by each sensors’ Bonacich centrality, i.e., xi (t) → x∗ =
π  x̂. Hence, to estimate the arithmetic average of the initial
Sensor networks are a key application of the theoretical measurements, one has to design the matrix W such that its
findings discussed in Sect. 11.3. Since the 1990s, the use of Bonacich centrality is uniform among all nodes. This can be
wired or wireless networks of sensors able to exchange data satisfied by designing W to be doubly stochastic, having both
has become widespread in technological and industrial sys- its rows and columns sum to 1.
tems [49]. The Internet of Things has pushed this technology Hence, the problem of designing an algorithm for dis-
further, providing the market with a plethora of inexpensive tributed sensing ultimately boils down to designing a doubly
devices able to perform sensing, computation, and commu- stochastic matrix W adapted to the graph representing the
nication at a negligible cost [49]. One of the most common sensor network. Several methods have been proposed to suc-
applications of sensor networks is distributed estimation, that cessfully address this problem, depending on the properties
is, the joint estimation of the value of a quantity of interest, of the network. The simplest method is to select symmetric
with the advantage of reducing the measurement uncertainty, weights W = W , in which case stochasticity directly
without requiring a centralized processor to gather all the sen- implies double-stochasticity. If the network is undirected and
sors’ measurements and centrally perform the desired estima- regular, namely all nodes have the same degree di = d for all
tion. There are several advantages to synchronize distributed i ∈ V , this amounts to setting W with uniform weights as
estimations, from high robustness against noise, errors, and
malicious attacks, to lower costs by relinquishing the need for 1
Wij = , (11.20)
a central processor. Most importantly, a network of redundant d
sensors performing under distributed operations avoids the
risk of a single point of weakness, leading to systemic failure. for all (i, j) ∈ E . In this case, at each time step, each sensor
Formally, in the distributed sensing problem, each of the will average its own state with those of all its neighbors. For
n sensors is represented by a node, and the communication non-regular networks, where degrees are potentially hetero-
patterns between sensors by links, leading to the sensor net- geneous, the practical solution is to use Metropolis weights
work G = (V , E ). Each sensor i ∈ V performs a measurement setting
of a common quantity of interest x, whose result we denote 1
Wij = , (11.21)
by x̂i . The distributed sensing problem consists of designing max{di , dj }
an algorithm to estimate the actual value of the quantity in for all (i, j) ∈ E such that j = i, and
a distributed fashion, using local exchanges of information
only between the linked sensors, namely sensor i can only 
share information with its out-neighborhood Ni+ . The goal Wii = 1 − Wij . (11.22)
of such estimation is to converge, asymptotically or in finite j∈V \{i}

time, to a common estimate x∗ of the quantity x, thus reducing

the uncertainty associated with each local measurement x̂i . Finally, if, in addition, the network is directed, double-
Assuming that the sensors are all identical and unbiased, stochasticity requires the use of Birkhoff’s theorem for
that is, the expected value of their measurements coincides doubly-stochastic matrices [51]. Specifically, selecting a
with x and they all have the same variance σ 2 , the best esti- set of simple cycles C = {c1 , . . . , cm } that span all the edges
mate of the quantity of interest can be obtained by computing of the network, we let Vh to be the nodes through which cycle
the arithmetic average of the sensors’ measurements, whose ch passes and define the permutation matrix W(h) associated
variance, following the central limit theorem, approaches with cycle ch as
11 Network Science and Automation 261

1 if (i, j) ∈ ch , or i = i and i ∈
/ Vh , the average (in fact, for complete graphs it holds μ2 =
Wij(h) = (11.23) · · · = μn = 0). However, complete network structures may
0 otherwise.
be unfeasible in large-scale systems because they require
Note that each matrix W(h) is doubly stochastic, but in gen- too many connections, while often sensors may be able to
eral, they are not adapted to the network, since only a subset process only a limited number of inputs. The problem of
of the edges of the network are associated with non-zero identifying families of graphs with bounded degree that yield
entries of a permutation matrix (precisely, those associated fast consensus has been extensively studied in the literature.
with the corresponding cycle). Then, we construct the doubly In [52], the family of de Bruijn graphs has been identified as
stochastic matrix adapted to the network as a good candidate to this goal, ensuring not only much faster
convergence rate than other topologies with bounded degree
 such as lattices [53], but also finite-time convergence. Other
1 m
W= I+ W(h) . (11.24) important networks for which fast convergence results have
m+1 h=1 been established include several realistic models of complex
networks, including small-world networks [54, 55].
With an appropriate construction, it is now verified that So far, we have focused on the performance of a dis-
the consensus dynamics will solve the distributed sensing tributed sensing algorithm in terms of its speed of conver- 11
problem, leading us to investigate the system’s performance. gence to consensus. Another important performance metric
First, we ask how fast does the algorithm converge and, quantifies how the error and the noise in the initial sensor’s
consequently, how to optimally interconnect a set of sensors measurements propagate to the distributed estimation. If the
to guarantee rapid convergence. This problem ultimately sensors are all equal and unbiased, we can assume that each
boils down to estimating the speed of convergence of the measurement can be expressed as x̂i = x + ηi , where
consensus algorithm and, hence, to the computation of the ηi ∼ N (0, σ 2 ) is a Gaussian distributed random variable with
second largest eigenvalue of W. In addition to speed, we wish mean equal to 0 and variance σi2 . If W is symmetric (e.g. us-
to evaluate accuracy, asking how noise and errors in each ing W constructed according to (11.20) or (11.21)), then we
sensor’s measurement propagate to the distributed estimate can compute the error at the tth iteration of the algorithm as
x∗ . As we will show later on, this is also strictly related to the
spectral properties of the weight matrix W. 1 1 1
The problem of understanding how to interconnect a set of E[||x(t) − 1x||2 ] = E[||Wt x(0) − 1x||2 ] = E[||Wt η||2 ]
n n n
nodes to have fast convergence to consensus is a problem of 2 
paramount importance in the design of networks of sensors = |μi |2t . (11.27)
and, more in general, of networked systems. The rate of n i=1
convergence of the state of the nodes to the desired estimate
can be bounded using (11.9), that is, as a function of ρ2 , Note that the estimation error converges to the asymptotic
the second largest eigenvalue of W in modulus. Another value σn , which coincides with the error of a centralized
important metric that measures the convergence performance estimator. The speed of convergence is again associated with
of the distributed sensing algorithm is the other eigenvalues of W and, in particular, with the second
largest in modulus, which governs the speed of convergence
1 to zero of the slowest mode.
J(t) := ||x(t) − 1x∗ ||2 , (11.25)
n t≥0 In a scenario of unbiased heterogeneous sensors, the arith-
metic average of the sensors’ measurements may not be the
which can be associated with the cost of a linear-quadratic best estimate of the desired quantity. In fact, assuming that
regulator problem. Also this metric can be related to the the measurement of sensor i ∈ V is a Gaussian random
spectrum of matrix W. Specifically, in [52], the authors show variable with mean equal to x and variance equal to σi2 , that is,
that for a set of homogeneous unbiased sensors with variance x̂i ∼ N (x, σ 2 ), the arithmetic average of the measurements
σ 2 in the measurements, it holds x∗ would lead to an estimate of the desired quantity such that

1 1  2
J(t) = . (11.26) x∗ ∼ N x, 2 σ , (11.28)
n i=1 1 − |μi |2 n i∈V i

In light of the previous two metrics, the optimal solution that is, the average of independent Gaussian random vari-
would be to utilize a fully connected (complete) network, ables [50]. Instead, the minimum-variance estimator xbest is
where convergence is reached in one step, since each sensor obtained through a weighted average, where the weight given
can access the information of all the others and compute to the measurement of sensor i is proportional to the inverse
262 L. Zino et al.

of its variance [50]. In fact, the estimator obtained with these yi (t)/zi (t), which converges to xbest . A comparison between a
weights has the following distribution distributed sensing algorithm based on the computation of the
average of the measurements and the one proposed in (11.31)

1 is illustrated in Fig. 11.4.
xbest ∼ N x,  1
, (11.29) The problem of understanding how noisy measurements
i∈V σi2
affect the distributed estimation process becomes crucial
when one adopts the distributed estimation process to recon-
whose variance is always less than or equal to the one of struct the state of a dynamical system from a set of repeated
the arithmetic mean, with equality holding only if all the measurements obtained by a network of sensors. Such a
variances are equal (in that case, the two averages coincide). problem has been extensively studied in the literature, and
Such an estimator can be easily implemented in a distributed a two-stage strategy to tackle it has been originally proposed
fashion, without the need of re-designing the weight matrix and demonstrated in [56,57]. This strategy entails the use of a
W. In fact, the minimum-variance estimation can be com- Kalman filter, which does not require any information from
puted by running two consensus dynamics in parallel, with a the other sensors, and then p updates, performed according
doubly stochastic matrix W. Specifically, each sensor i ∈ V to a consensus dynamic, as illustrated in the schematic in
has a two-dimensional state, initialized as Fig. 11.5. In its simplest implementation, denoting by yi (t)
the measurement of sensor i at time t, the estimate xi (t) is
x̂i 1
yi (0) = and zi (0) = , (11.30) updated as
σi2 σi2

zi (t) = (1 −
)xi (t) + yi (t) ,
where x̂i is the measurement performed by sensor i. Being W (11.32)
xi (t + 1) = j∈V (W p )ij zj (t) ,
doubly-stochastic, the consensus point of the two states will
be equal to where at the first step, a Kalman filter is applied, with  ∈
  (0, 1) the (common) Kalman gain, producing a (local) esti-
x̂i 1
∗ i∈V σi2 ∗ i∈V σi2 mate zi (t); then, the sensors average their estimates according
y = and z = , (11.31) to p consecutive steps of a consensus dynamics, using the
n n
local estimates of the neighboring sensors zj , thus producing
which implies that each sensor can calculate the minimum- a distributed estimate xi (t). Subsequent studies have allowed
variance estimator by simply computing the ratio xi (t) = the systems and control community to derive rigorous esti-

a) b)
1 1

0.5 0.5
x (t)

x (t)

0 0

–0.5 –0.5

–1 –1
0 5 10 0 5 10

Time, t Time, t

Fig. 11.4 Comparison between two different methods to perform dis- with a configuration model [1], and W is defined according to (11.20).
tributed sensing. In both simulations, 100 sensors make a noisy mea- In a), we use a standard consensus dynamics; in b), we use the algorithm
surement of a quantity, which is equal to 0. The first 20 sensors have proposed in (11.31). We observe that the latter sensibly reduces the error
variance σi2 = 0.01; the other 80 sensors have variance σi2 = 1. Sensors in the distributed estimation
are connected through a random regular graph with degree 6, generated
11 Network Science and Automation 263

a) b)
8 z2 (t), z3 (t)

y1 (t) z1 (t)
5 Kalman filter Consensus

2 x1 (t + 1)

Fig. 11.5 Schematic of a distributed Kalman filter. The scheme in panel b) refers to node 1, highlighted in red in panel a)

mations on the error of this estimation process, relating it to of critical infrastructure models. Modeling tools for such 11
the eigenvalues of W, the number of consensus steps m, and systems are interdependent paradigms, such as systems-of-
the Kalman gain , and formalizing optimization problems systems, networks-of-networks, or multilayer networks [69].
to optimally design such an estimation process [53, 58]. The most important problem in all these systems concerns
Several extensions of this problem have been proposed, for the effect of isolated failures on the global functioning of
instance, to address heterogeneity across the sensors [59], the system, that is, how the performance of the system
or to distributed estimation of unknown payloads through degrades in spite of isolated or multiple failures [70–74]. In
robotic manipulation [60]. critical infrastructures, moreover, a problem of interest is to
study how failures propagate both over and across the single
infrastructures [61, 62]. The study of this problem is key
toward understanding the mechanisms that trigger cascading
11.4.2 Infrastructure Models and failures, for instance, causing massive blackouts in power
Cyberphysical Systems grids [63], which in turn may damage the functionality of the
telecommunication networks [61]. Hence, these results can
The opportunity of mathematically modeling a set of possibly be applied to detect the vulnerability of CPSs and infrastruc-
heterogeneous dynamical systems, evolving and interacting ture systems, preventing the emergence of these disastrous
over a topology of any complexity, makes networks an in- cascading phenomena.
tuitive modeling paradigm for cyberphysical systems (CPS) In terms of topological properties of a network, the vulner-
and infrastructure models. CPSs are complex interconnected ability of a network system is strictly related to the network
systems of different nature (mechanical, electrical, chemical, resilience, that is, the ability of the network to maintain its
etc.), governed by software components, where the behavior connectivity when nodes and/or edges are removed. Such a
of hardware and software is usually deeply intertwined. They problem has been extensively studied in statistical physics
usually operate over multiple spatial and temporal scales by means of percolation theory [75–77]. In these works, the
and require transdisciplinary knowledge to be studied and robustness of different network topologies has been analyt-
managed. Typical examples of CPSs are industrial control ically studied, establishing important results that relate the
systems, robotics systems, autonomous vehicles, avionics vulnerability of a network to the degree distribution of the
systems, medical monitoring, tele-surgery, and the Internet nodes and the correlation between their degrees. In [75], the
of Things, to name a few [61, 62]. Infrastructure models, authors use percolation theory to study resilience of different
on the other hand, are complex connections of units of the types of random networks, depending on their degree distri-
same nature, interconnected or interacting over a spatially bution P(d). Specifically, they assume that a fraction p of the
extended network. Typical examples are power grids (see nodes is randomly removed, and they study whether there
Fig. 11.6), water grids, transportation networks, computer exists a critical threshold for p such that, below such thresh-
networks, and telecommunication networks [63–68]. It is old, the network has a giant strongly connected component;
evident that single infrastructure systems are heavily inter- while, above the threshold, such a giant component vanishes.
dependent: for example, a shortage in the power grid for a Interestingly, the authors find that such a threshold depends
prolonged time interval would cut the mobile communica- on the ratio between the second moment of the degree distri-
tion network off. These critical interdependencies have led bution and its average. Specifically, the threshold tends to 1 as
scholars to gather together single infrastructure models in this ratio increases. Hence, networks with power-law degree
more complex, interconnected ones, leading to the concept
264 L. Zino et al.

Generator Consumer

Increasing S





Denmark II

Fig. 11.6 Northern European power grid, composed by 236 nodes and 320 edges (reprinted from [64])

distribution P(d) ∝ d−α , with α ≤ 3 are extremely resilient, performance of the network may be only mildly affected by
as the threshold p → 1 for this types of networks. These the loss of connectivity of marginal nodes, whereas serious
networks are extremely important for applications, as they are damages to the system and its performance can occur even if
effective proxies of several real-world networks, including the network remains connected (e.g. due to overloads). This
social networks and the internet [1]. requires us to use the tools of our perturbative analysis of
However, this “static” concept of network resilience per se Sect. 11.3.3, seeking to predict the onset and propagation of
is often not sufficient to accurately determine the presence of dynamic cascades in the network.
vulnerabilities in a network of dynamical systems, since it is The theory of dynamic vulnerability has started to be
not able to capture the complex interplay between the struc- developed from the concept of cascading failure, that is,
tural properties of the network and the dynamical aspects of understanding when the failure of a node in a network of
the processes unfolding over the network [33]. In fact, in real- dynamical systems can trigger a large-scale cascade of fail-
world infrastructures and cyberphysical systems, the global ures, causing the collapse of the entire network or of a
11 Network Science and Automation 265

substantial part of it. In [70], the authors propose a simple Specifically, accurate models of power grids have been pro-
but effective model for studying cascading failures caused posed [74], which have allowed the researchers to accurately
by overloads in complex networks, such as power grids or identify critical properties of the network structure [64],
cyberphysical systems. In their model, it is assumed that each sets of vulnerable nodes [65] and vulnerable edges [66],
pair of nodes of a strongly connected network exchanges by leveraging network-theoretic tools. Besides power grids,
one unit of quantity (e.g. information or energy) through these models for cascading failures have been tailored to
the shortest path between them. According to this model, the study the vulnerability of other complex systems, including
load of a node bi (t) is equal to the number of shortest paths water supply networks [67] and production networks [68].
passing through it, and thus proportional to the betweenness These models, while assuming a dynamic exchange of
centrality γi . The authors assume that the capacity of each energy between all nodes, are in their essence still structural,
node is proportional to its initial load, that is, mapping the loads on the nodes to the network structure via
γi or updating the weights according to (11.34). To truly
Ci = (1 + α)bi (0) ∝ γi , (11.33) capture the role of the dynamics we must include the non-
linear mechanisms F, G driving the system, a là (11.10).
for some α ≥ 0, and that nodes whose load is greater than First, one maps the system’s resilience function that captures
their capacity (bi (t) > Ci ) fail and are thus removed from its potential fixed-points x∗ – desirable vs. undesirable. For 11
the network. Clearly, each removal will change the network random networks with arbitrary degree sequence d± =
structure, and this may change the loads on the nodes, po- (d1± , . . . , dn± ) , it is shown [33] that the control parameter,
tentially triggering a cascade of failures. In their work, the governing the transitions between these states is determined
authors have shown that the effect of the failure (removal) by Wij via
of a node depends on its betweenness centrality. Specifically, 1 Wd−
β=  . (11.35)
the failure of a node i with small γi has a small impact on the 1 W1
network, while the failure of a node i with large γi would Hence, the network’s dynamic response to any form of pertur-
likely trigger a cascade, especially when the betweenness bation – changing weights, removing/adding nodes or links
centrality of the nodes is highly heterogeneous. Interestingly, – can be reduced to the perturbation’s subsequent impact on
the authors show that for scale-free networks the failure of the macroscopic parameter β. This parameter, in turn, fully
the node with the highest betweenness centrality may cause determines the perturbation outcome, specifically whether
the failure of more than 60% of the nodes in a network with the system will transition to the undesired x∗ .
5000 nodes. In [71], it has been shown that the immediate These vulnerability results have highlighted the richness
removal of some nodes and edges after the initial failure, and complexity of the emergent behavior of infrastructure
but before the propagation of the cascade (specifically, nodes networks and have allowed to shed light on the phenomenon
with low centrality and edges on which the initial failure of cascading failures on a network. However, in the real
would strongly increase the load) can drastically reduce the world, power grids, water supply systems, production
size of the cascade. networks, transportation and communication networks, and
In [72], a similar model for cascading failures has been many other infrastructure networks are not isolated, indeed
proposed for weighted networks, where the weight of each they are often mutually dependent and interdependent,
edge Wij represents the efficiency of the communication whereby the failure of one of these layers may cause
across that edge. In this model, overloaded nodes are not severe consequences on the other layers. Such complex
removed, but the communication through edges insisting on systems of interconnected complex systems determine the so
them is degraded and thus the corresponding efficiency is told critical infrastructure of a country, whose modeling
reduced, according to the following formula: and vulnerability analysis is key for many applications
 in our complex, hyper-connected world. In [61], the
Wij if bi (t) ≤ Ci , authors proposed an approach based on the functional
Wij (t + 1) = (11.34)
Wij bCi (t)i if bi (t) > Ci . interconnection of different networks, to study how failures
in one network affect the functioning of the others. In
The authors utilize this model to study the effect of failures the proposed approach, the interdependency between
on the network performance, evaluated as the average link different systems is captured by a matrix function called
efficiency, while different performance measures have been interdependence matrix. In the example proposed in that
discussed in [73, 78]. Even for this model, the effect of the paper, the authors investigate the interconnection of the
failure of a node is related to the (weighted) betweenness cen- Italian electric grid and the telecommunication network.
trality of the nodes that fail. Building on these seminal works, In [62], a simple but effective model to the study cascade
a huge body of literature has been developed toward includ- of failures in interdependent networks was proposed and an-
ing more real-world features in the modeling frameworks. alyzed. In the simplest scenario, two networks G1 = (V1 , E1 )
266 L. Zino et al.

and G2 = (V2 , E2 ) are considered. Each network Gi is charac- i ∈ V is a function of the information exchanged with its
terized by its degree distribution Pi (d), which associates with neighbors, without the intervention of a central unit. Control
each number d the probability that a node of Gi has degree d. actions can apply a force to the robot, and thus they determine
The interdependence between the two networks is modeled the acceleration of the robot. Hence, in its simplest form, the
as follows. Each node i ∈ V1 is associated with a node ī ∈ V2 dynamics of robot i ∈ V is described by the following system
through a functional dependence, whereby the functionality of equations: 
of node i depends on the one of ī. This represents, for ẋi (t) = vi (t) ,
instance, the fact that ī supplies some critical resources to v̇i (t) = ui (t) ,
node i. Similar, each node i ∈ V2 is associated with a node where ui (t) is the control exerted on node i and is a function
in V1 through a functional dependence. Then, when a node of xj (t) and vj (t), for j ∈ Ni+ . Even though the model in
fails, as a consequence all the nodes that have a functional (11.36) is quite simplistic, many robot dynamics can be sim-
dependence on it fail too, possibly triggering a cascade. The plified to this form by applying suitable nonlinear feedback
model can be easily generalized to multiple dependencies linearization techniques, based on the inverse dynamics of
and networks. The authors utilize an analytical approach the system [82].
based on branching processes to study a system where some In [80], the authors consider the rendezvous problem,
random nodes fail on one of the two networks and consider where a group of robots governed by (11.36) must coordinate
different network structures, and they reach some non-trivial in a decentralized fashion toward reaching a consensus in
findings. Interestingly, network structures with broad degree which xi (t) = xj (t) and vi (t) = vj (t), for all i, j ∈ V . Note
distribution, which exhibit a high resilience when the network that the latter task (that is, convergence of the velocities) can
is isolated, display instead high vulnerability when intercon- be easily achieved by defining a control ui (t) according to
nected. Recent developments of the theory of interconnected a standard consensus dynamics, that is, in the form ui (t) =
networks are extensively discussed in the review paper [69]. 
− j∈V Lij vi (t), for some matrix W adapted to the graph
G . However, the convergence of the velocities does not in
general implies that all the positions converge. Hence, to
11.4.3 Motion Coordination address this problem, the authors have proposed a second-
order linear consensus protocol, in which
Motion coordination is a very important phenomenon in

many biological systems, being key to the emergence of ui (t) = − Lij (αxi (t) + βvi (t)) , (11.37)
collective behaviors such as fish schooling and birds flock- j∈V
ing. Remarkably, even though the single members of a fish
school or of a bird flock are not aware of the entire state where W is a weight matrix adapted to G . In plain words, the
of the system, they are able to achieve global coordination control action applied to robot i is a linear combination of a
by means of local interactions with other members [79]. weighted average of the position and of the velocity of the
The observation and study of these biological systems have neighbor robots. The case α = 0 reduces to the consensus
inspired the design of distributed protocols to reproduce algorithm on the velocities, whose limitations were previ-
these coordinated behaviors in groups of robots. Motion ously discussed. In [80], the authors establish conditions for
coordination for groups of robots finds a wide range of the dynamics in (11.36) to coordinate the network under the
applications, spanning from the coordination of drones, to second-order linear consensus protocol in (11.37). Specifi-
platooning of autonomous vehicles, and coverage problems cally, they show that the presence of a globally reachable
in surveillance [38, 80, 81]. As we shall see, network science node in G is a necessary condition to reach coordination. A
is an important tool for the analysis and the design of these sufficient condition is also proved, for the special case α = 1.
systems, where global coordination emerges as an effect of Further studies establish a necessary and sufficient condi-
local interactions. tion for reaching coordination [83]. Specifically, besides the
In its simplest formulation, the problem of motion coordi- presence of a globally reachable node, the authors found that
nation can be summarized as follows. We consider a group of (11.37) succeeds in controlling the system if
n robots, each one characterized by a position xi (t) ∈ Rd and
a velocity vi (t) ∈ Rd , where d is the dimension of the space β2 I (λi )
> max , (11.38)
in which the robots are moving. For the sake of simplicity, we α i=2,...,n |λi |2 R(λi )
introduce the scenario d = 1, in which the robots are moving
in a uni-dimensional space. Similar to biological systems, where λ2 , . . . λn are the non-zero eigenvalues of L, and R(x)
robots coordinate their motion in a distributed fashion, that and I (x) denote the real and imaginary part of a complex
is, the system of robots is connected by the presence of a number x ∈ C, respectively. Note that also the convergence
network structure G = (V , E ) that determines how robots can of the second-order consensus dynamics is related to the
communicate, and the control action implemented on robot spectral properties of the network.
11 Network Science and Automation 267

Rendezvous is a very important and ambitious coordina- above, the control action can apply a force to the robot,
tion task, which is not always required. Even simpler coordi- affecting its (angular) velocity. Hence, the state of node i
nation tasks are of great interest to the robotics and control evolves according to the following system of equations:
community. Flocking, for instance, requires that robots reach

a coordination state in which they have the same velocities żi (t) = eιθi (t) ,
but can maintain different positions (often with some require- θ̇i (t) = ui (t) ,
ments on the distances) [84]; formation control problems,
on the other hand, require the robots to displace according where ui (t) is a control action that depends on rj (t) and xj (t),
to some specific shape and follow a (possibly predefined) with j ∈ Ni+ . The approach in [85] consists of writing the
trajectory as a rigid body [14]. In the previous discussion, we control action as the sum of three contribution: a constant
have observed that the coordination of the velocities, which term ωi , termed natural oscillation; a term that depends only
is a common goal of these problems, can be directly reduced on the phase of the other nodes uor i (t), called orientation
to a consensus problem in one-dimensional space. However, control; and a term that depends also on the others’ position
such a task may become non-trivial on a plane or on the ui (t), termed spacing control, as
three-dimensional space, in particular when some additional
ui (t) = ωi + uor
sp 11
i (t) + ui (t) .
constraints on the robots’ positions are posed. (11.40)
Here, we illustrate a simple formulation of such types of
problems in a two-dimensional plane [85]. Particles with cou- When the goal of the controller is to coordinate the phases
pled oscillator dynamics constitute a valuable and successful sp
of the nodes, one can set the spacing control ui (t) = 0, and
framework to model and study collective motion on the plane. focus on the system
In its simplest formulation, we assume that a set of particles
can move on a circle. In this setting, each node (representing θ̇i (t) = ui (t) = ωi + uor
i (θ (t)) , (11.41)
a member of the group) is characterized by an oscillator,
which models the position of the node as a point on the which evolves on an n-dimensional torus.
complex plane. Specifically, given the Cartesian coordinates Several analyses of the system in (11.39) have been pur-
(xi (t), yi (t)) of the position of node i at time t, such a position sued, for different shapes of the control action uor
i (θi (t)) [85].
is encoded as the complex number zi (t) = xi (t) + ιyi (t) = Of particular interest is the Kuramoto model, in which it is
eιθi (t) , where θi (t) is the phase of node i at time t, as illustrated assumed that nodes can interact through a weighted network
in Fig. 11.7. The state of each node is thus characterized G = (V , E , W), and it is set as
by its phase θi (t), which evolves on the one-dimensional
torus (i.e., the quotient space R with the equivalence relation 

i (θ (t)) = K
uor Wij sin θj (t) − θi (t) , (11.42)
0 = 2π ). Similar to the uni-dimensional model described

for some constant K > 0 that represents the coupling

strength. Most of the studies of the model have been proposed
y (t)
for complete networks with uniform weights, that is, Wij =
1 1/N for all i, j ∈ V . See, e.g., the recent review [86] for more
1 details. These results shed light on the critical role played by
2 the coupling strength K on the emergence of synchronization,
with the observation of interesting phenomena such as explo-
q1 sive synchronization and the emergence of Chimera states.
x (t) However, several interesting results have been established
for scenarios in which the communication between nodes is
–1 –0.5 0.5 1
constrained by the presence of network structures, relating
the emergence of synchronization to the coupling strength
–0.5 K and to network properties such as its connectivity and its
4 degree distribution. For more details see, for instance, [87].
3 So far, we have assumed that the network of interactions
is not affected by the motion of the robots. However, in many
real-world applications, the interactions between robots de-
pend on the position of the robots, whereby robots often
Fig. 11.7 Example of six coupled oscillators moving on the unit cycle. have a limited range of interaction. In these scenarios, it
In the figure, we highlight the phase of node 1, denoted by θ1 has been shown in [38] that the application of a standard
268 L. Zino et al.

linear consensus dynamics as a control action may cause the cooperative interactions, and the negative edge set E − , which
loss of the necessary connectivity properties, thus hindering models antagonistic interactions. The use of signed networks
convergence. Hence, in many applications, one of the main has started becoming popular in the 1940s, within the social
problems is that the network G is not fixed but evolves psychology literature, with the definition of the important
together with the dynamical process, and more sophisticated concept of structural balance [88]. A signed network is struc-
nonlinear control actions have to be designed to guarantee turally balanced if and only if its nodes can be partitioned into
that the network retains some connectivity properties (e.g. two sets, with all positive edges connecting the nodes within
the presence of a globally reachable node) that guarantee each set and negative edges connecting the nodes between
convergence [38]. Several extensions of the standard theory the two sets.
of consensus and synchronization dynamics have been pro- In the last decade, the study of dynamical processes on
posed to deal with time-varying networks [3]. signed networks has started growing in popularity, in partic-
ular for its several insightful applications to biological and so-
cial systems [89]. The consensus dynamics on signed graphs
11.5 Ongoing Research and Future has been originally proposed and analyzed in a seminal paper
Challenges by C. Altafini [19]. Therein, the consensus on signed net-
works is defined in a continuous-time framework by means
Network science, an emerging field, is continuously evolv- of the signed Laplacian matrix of a graph. Specifically, given
ing, helping us uncover both the universal and the system- a stochastic weight matrix W ∈ Rn×n + (which represent the
specific connectivity patterns of real-world complex systems. strength of the interactions between nodes), and the positive
While we currently have a rather strong grip on the structure and negative edge sets E + and E − (which represents the type
of many relevant networks, we continue to seek progress on of such interactions–either cooperative or antagonistic), the
several challenges. For example, networks that host hetero- signed Laplacian matrix L̄ is defined as
geneous types of nodes, or ones whose links vary with time. ⎧
Another important challenge is to systematically translate our ⎪ −Wij
⎪ if i = j and (i, j) ∈ E + ,
⎨ Wij if i = j and (i, j) ∈ E − ,
advances on network structure into predictions on their actual
L̄ij =  (11.43)
observed dynamic behavior. We wish to exploit the powerful ⎪
⎪ Wij if i = j ,
⎩ j=i
toolbox of network science toward practical modern-day 0 if i = j and (i, j) ∈
applications, ultimately, aiming to understand, predict and
control out most crucial complex technological systems. The consensus dynamics is then defined as

ẋ(t) = −L̄x(t) . (11.44)

11.5.1 Networks with Adversarial and
Malicious Nodes Note that, different from the standard Laplacian matrix,
the terms corresponding to negative edges appear in the
A common feature of all the processes described in this Laplacian with a positive sign. Hence, instead of averaging
chapter is the presence of cooperative dynamics between the their state with the ones of their neighbors, nodes move
nodes. In the consensus dynamics described in Sect. 11.3.1, away from those with whom they are connected through a
nodes cooperate to reach a common state, and such a mod- negative edge. The theoretical analysis of the consensus on
eling framework is utilized to design distributed sensing signed networks, initially performed in [19] for undirected
algorithms (Sect. 11.4.1). In the synchronization problem (in networks via a Lyapunov argument, and then extended to
Sect. 11.3.2), the presence of a cooperative coupling between more general cases, including directed networks [90], has
a group of dynamical systems lead to the emergence of highlighted the importance of the graph-theoretic concept of
collective network behaviors, as also discussed in the ap- structural balance. In fact, for strongly connected networks,
plications illustrated in Sect. 11.4.3. However, many real- it has been shown that, if the signed network is structurally
world applications witness the presence of not only cooper- balanced, then the state of the nodes converge to a bipartite
ative interactions but also of antagonistic interactions. Such consensus (see Fig. 11.8a,b), in which the state of all nodes
antagonistic interactions model, for instance, malicious at- converge to the same quantity in absolute value, but with
tacks on distributed sensing systems, or the presence of non- different sign. Otherwise, if the network is not structurally
cooperative robots in multi-agent systems. Signed networks balanced, the state of all the nodes converge to the consensus
have emerged as a powerful tool to represent and study the point x∗ = 0 (see Fig. 11.8c,d). Extensions of these results,
presence of cooperative and antagonistic interactions. In a accounting for time-varying network topologies and for more
signed network, the edge set E is partitioned into two com- complex dynamics including synchronization of dynamical
plementary subsets: the positive edge set E + , which models systems and stochastic dynamics have been proposed and
11 Network Science and Automation 269

a) b)


x (t)
– 0
+ 3

6 + +
0 50 100 150
– Time, t
c) d)

x (t)

– 0

+ 3

6 + +
0 50 100 150
– Time, t

Fig. 11.8 Consensus dynamics on signed networks. In the networks in trajectories of the consensus dynamics in b) converge to a polarized
a) and c), positive edges are denoted in blue, and negative edges are equilibrium. The network in c) is not structurally balanced, and the
denoted in red. The network in a) is structurally balanced (the two sets corresponding trajectories in d) converge to the consensus point x∗ = 0
are V1 = {1, 3, 4, 6} and V2 = {2, 5, 7, 8}). Hence, the corresponding

analyzed, see, e.g. the review paper [89]. These results have may be simplistic in many real-world scenarios. In motion
allowed to understand the mechanisms of many important coordination, we have already mentioned that agents may
phenomena that emerge whenever cooperating and antago- have a limited range of interactions, and thus the position
nistic interactions present in a system, including polarization of the agents may influence the network structure [38]. In
phenomena in social systems. sensor networks and to perform distributed estimations, we
have assumed that all the sensors perform their tasks (namely,
exchanging information and averaging the measurements)
11.5.2 Dynamics on Time-Varying and in a synchronized fashion, that is, according to a central-
Adaptive Networks ized clock. However, in many applications, the sensors may
perform their tasks asynchronously and in the presence of
In this chapter, we have focused our discussion on groups of disturbances and communication errors, yielding thus a time-
interacting dynamical systems whose patterns of interaction varying pattern of information exchange [18, 91–93]. Fur-
do not change in time, and thus they can be represented thermore, the use of adaptive networks may be a strategy to
by a time-invariant network. However, such an assumption enhance the control of networks of dynamical systems and
270 L. Zino et al.

improve the performance [94, 95]. These three real-world often goes under the name of blinking networks. In these
problems are just three examples of the several motivations scenarios, under some conditions, the stochastic network
that have called for an extension of the theory of interacting dynamics behaves like a deterministic system determined by
dynamical systems to dynamical network structures [96, 97]. the expectation of the stochastic variables. For these sce-
For all these reasons, the last 15 years have witnessed a narios, the results for deterministic consensus and synchro-
growing interest in the study of dynamics evolving on time- nization problems have been adapted and extended [98, 99].
varying networks of interactions. A time-varying network In a regime in which the dynamics of the networks and
can be described by a time-invariant node set V ={1, . . . , n}, the nodal dynamics co-evolve at comparable time scales,
a time-varying set of edges E (t)⊆V × V , and (possibly) a the aforementioned averaging techniques cannot be applied.
time-varying weight matrix W(t)∈Rn×n + , such that Wij (t)>0 Rigorous convergence results for the consensus problem have
⇐⇒ (i, j) ∈ E (t), where the network can evolve in discrete initially been established for simple time-varying random
time t ∈ Z+ or in continuous time t ∈ R+ . Such a network structures, where each edge is present or absent with
growing body of literature has started developing from a a fixed probability, independently of the others [100]. Ex-
small set of seminal papers written at the beginning of the tensions have then been developed to incorporate non-trivial
2000s by different groups of researchers from the systems correlations between edges for networks of homogeneous
and control community [18, 91–93]. In these papers, the nodes [101]. In the last few years, activity-driven networks
consensus dynamics on time-varying networks is formalized have been proposed as a valuable framework to perform
in both the discrete- and continuous-time frameworks, and rigorous analyses of dynamics on time-varying networks
necessary and sufficient conditions on the network structure with heterogeneous nodes [102–104]. In [105], the consensus
for convergence of the states of all nodes to a consensus state dynamics on activity-driven networks is studied by means
are derived. These results typically require that the network of a perturbation technique, establishing closed-form results
obtained by combining all the edge sets over a sufficiently on the speed of convergence that highlight that heterogeneity
long time time-horizon has some connectivity properties, hinders distributed coordination.
such as being strongly connected for undirected graphs [91], In all these works, it is assumed that the dynamics of the
or having a globally reachable node [93]. Further conditions network is not directly influenced by the nodal dynamics.
may be required to reach desired consensus states, such as the However, in many realistic scenarios, the state of the nodes
average of the initial conditions [92]. These seminal works influences the network formation process. Besides the al-
laid the foundation of several lines of research, including the ready mentioned problems related to motion coordination,
analysis of the performance and of the convergence times in which the network connectivity is passively affected by
of consensus dynamics on time-varying networks, scenarios the position of the agents in the space [24, 38, 106], an
with communication noise or disturbances, and the extension interesting scenario is that of adaptive topologies [94, 107],
of these results to more complex dynamical systems such as in which the state of the nodes actively affects the network
synchronization and motion coordination problems. Further formation process, whereby nodes adapt their contact in
details can be found in several surveys and books, for in- order to facilitate the coordination with others. In particular,
stance, see [3, 97]. we mention the edge-snapping model, proposed in [94], in
Among these several extensions, of particular interest is which nodes implement local decentralized rules to activate
the scenario in which the network of interaction evolves ac- and deactivate edges by means of a second-order dynami-
cording to a stochastic process. In fact, the stochasticity in the cal process. In [94], the effectiveness of such an adaptive
network formation process may hinder the direct application topology in synchronizing networks of dynamical systems
of the convergence results established in the seminal papers has been proved utilizing a MSF-based approach. Based
on consensus on time-varying networks [18,91–93] and their on this seminal paper, adaptive topologies have then been
more recent extensions to other dynamics. Hence, dynamics proposed to enhance pinning control schemes to facilitate the
on stochastically switching networks have called for the synchronization process [95].
development of a different set of tools for their analysis,
grounded in the theory of stochastic dynamical systems. The
main difficulty of the analysis of such problems is that the 11.5.3 Controllability of Brain Networks
network and the nodal dynamics co-evolve, and thus the
analytical approaches should be tailored to the specific prop- The recent discoveries in neuroscience have allowed the
erties of both dynamics and to the corresponding time-scales, scientific community to increase our understanding on the
hindering the possibility of developing a general theory for structure and the functioning of the brain [108]. The brain
these dynamics. In particular, several interesting results have is a highly-complex system, formed by a large number of
been established in scenarios in which the network formation neurons, spanning from the 302 neurons of the C. Elegans -
dynamics is much faster than the nodal dynamics, which a nematode often used as a model organism by researchers
11 Network Science and Automation 271

- to the tens of billions for human beings. Each neuron Further Reading
has a non-trivial internal dynamics, while they also interact
with other neurons. Such a structure has led an increasing – A. Barrat, M. Barthélemy, and A. Vespignani. Dynamical
number of researchers to investigate the brain functioning Processes on Complex Networks. Cambridge University
from the perspective of networks of coupled dynamical sys- Press, Cambridge, UK, 2008.
tems, starting from the seminal paper by D. S. Bassett and – M. E. J. Newman. Networks: an introduction. Oxford
E. Bullmore [109]. In these works, networks are used to University Press, Oxford, UK, 2010.
represent the patterns of interactions within brains, where – A.-L. Barabási. Network Science. Cambridge University
nodes may be used to represent either single neurons or brain Press, Cambridge, UK, 2016.
units that perform a specific function [108]. – V. Latora, V. Nicosia, and G. Russo. Complex Networks:
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we would like to mention the work by S. Gu et al. [110]. 2017.
In this paper, the authors investigate the controllability of
structural brain networks, utilizing an approach based on the Acknowledgments The authors are indebted to Claudio Altafini,
computation of the smallest eigenvalue of the controllability Francesco Bullo, Mario di Bernardo, Mattia Frasca, Maurizio Porfiri,
Gramian, as proposed in [47] (see Sect. 11.3.4 for more and Sandro Zampieri for precious discussion and advice. 11
details). Specifically, the authors study the controllability of
a network of coupled linear dynamical systems, connected
according to the structure of the brain, where each node References
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114. Gambuzza, L., Frasca, M., Sorrentino, F., Pecora, L., Boccaletti,
S.: Controlling symmetries and clustered dynamics of complex Alessandro Rizzo is an Associate Professor at Politecnico di Torino,
networks. IEEE Trans. Netw. Sci. Eng. 8(1), 282–293 (2020) Italy, and a Visiting Professor at the NYU Tandon School of Engi-
115. Della Rossa, F., Pecora, L., Blaha, K., Shirin, A., Klickstein, I., neering, Brooklyn NY, USA. He received his Ph.D. in Electronics and
Sorrentino, F.: Symmetries and cluster synchronization in multi- Automation Engineering and the Laurea in Computer Engineering from
layer networks. Nat. Commun. 11(1), 1–17 (2020) University of Catania, Italy, in 2000 and 1996, respectively. During his
tenure in Torino, he has established the Complex Systems Laboratory,
where he conducts and supervises research on complex networks and
systems, dynamical systems, and robotics (

Lorenzo Zino is an Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Torino, Italy,

since 2022. He received his Ph.D. in Pure and Applied Mathematics
(with honors) from Politecnico di Torino and Università di Torino
(joint doctorate program), in 2018. His research interests encompass the
modeling, the analysis, and the control aspects of dynamical processes
over networks, applied probability, network modeling and analysis, and
game theory. (

Baruch Barzel is an Associate Professor at Bar-Ilan University, Is-

rael. He received his Ph.D. in physics from the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Israel, in 2010, and went on to pursued his postdoctoral
training at the Network Science Institute of Northeastern University
and at the Channing Division of Network Medicine in Harvard Medical
School, Boston. Today Baruch directs the Network Science Center at
Bar-Ilan University, and his lab’s goal is to develop the statistical physics
of network dynamics (
What Can Be Automated? What Cannot Be
Automated? 12
Richard D. Patton and Peter C. Patton

Contents Keywords
12.1 The Limits of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Complex adaptive system · Execution model · European
12.2 The Limits of Mechanization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 Economic Community · Pattern language · Complex
12.3 Expanding the Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 interact system
12.4 The Current State of the Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
12.5 A General Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
12.6 Editor’s Notes for the New Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 12.1 The Limits of Automation
12.6.1 What Can We Automate, But We Prefer Not
to Automate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 The recent (1948) neologism automation comes from au-
12.6.2 What Should Not Be Automated? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
tom(atic oper)ation. The term automatic means self-moving
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 or self-dictating (Greek autómatos) [1]. The Oxford English
Dictionary (OED) defines it as:
Automatic control of the manufacture of a product through a
Abstract number of successive stages; the application of automatic control
to any branch of industry or science; by extension, the use of
The question of what can and what cannot be automated electronic or other mechanical devices to replace human labor.
challenged engineers, scientists, and philosophers even
Thus, the primary theoretical limit of automation is built
before the term automation was defined. While this ques-
into the denotative meaning of the word itself. Automation
tion may also raise ethical and educational issues, the
is all about self-moving or self-dictating as opposed to self-
focus here is scientific. In this chapter, the limits of au-
organizing. Another way of saying this is that the very notion
tomation and mechanization are explored and explained in
of automation is based upon, and thus limited by, its own me-
an effort to address this fundamental conundrum. The evo-
chanical metaphor. In fact, most people would agree that, if
lution of computer languages to provide domain-specific
an automated process began to self-organize into something
solutions to automation design problems is reviewed as an
else, then it would not be a very good piece of automation per
illustration and a model of the limitations of mechaniza-
se. It would perhaps be a brilliant act of creating a new form
tion. The current state of the art and a general automation
of life (i.e., a self-organizing system), but that is certainly not
principle are also provided.
what automation is all about.
Automation is fundamentally about taking some process
that itself was created by a life process and making it more
mechanical or in the modern computing metaphor hardwired,
such that it can be executed without any volitional or further
expenditure of life process energy. This phenomenon can
R. D. Patton () even be seen in living organisms themselves. The whole
Lawson Software, St. Paul, MN, USA
point of skill-building in humans is to drive brain and other
neural processes to become more nearly hardwired. It is well
P. C. Patton ()
known that, as the brain executes some particular circuit more
School of Engineering, Oklahoma Christian University, Oklahoma
City, OK, USA and more, it hardwires itself by growing more and more
e-mail: synaptic connections. This, in effect, automates a volitional

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 275

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
276 R. D. Patton and P. C. Patton

process by making it more mechanical and thus more highly

automated. Such nerve training is driven by practice and rep- The rest of the universe
etition to achieve greater performance levels in athletes and
This is also what happens in our more conscious processes
of automation. We create some new process and then seek to In The system Out
under study
automate it by making it more mechanical. An objection to
this notion might be to say that the brain itself is a mechanism,
albeit a very complex one, and since the brain is capable of
this self-organizing or volitional behavior, how can we make
this distinction? I think there are primarily two and possibly
a third answer to this, depending on one’s belief system. Fig. 12.1 The Carnot circle as a system definition tool

1. For those who believe that there is life after death it seems
and founder of thermodynamics L. N. S. Carnot (1796–1832)
to me conclusive to say that, if we live on then, there must
to describe the heat engine and other mechanical systems
be a distinction between our mind and our brain.
(Fig. 12.1) separates the engine or system under study from
2. For almost everyone else there is good research evidence
the rest of the universe by a circle with an arrow in for
for a distinction between the mind and the brain. This can
input and an arrow out for output. This is a simple but pow-
especially be seen in people with obsessive compulsive
erful philosophical (and graphical) tool for understanding
disorder and, in fact, The Mind and the Brain is very
the functions and limits of systems and familiar to every
persuasive in showing that a person has a mind which is
mechanical and systems engineer. More complex mechanical
capable of programming their brain or overcoming some
processes may have to go beyond strictly linear algorithmic
faulting programming of their brain – even when the brain
control to include negative feedback, but still operate in such
has been hardwired in some particularly unuseful way [2].
a way that they satisfy a clear objective function or goal.
3. However, the utter materialist would further argue that the
When the goal requires extremely precise positioning of
mind is merely an artifact of the electrochemical function
the automation, a subprocess or correction function called
of the brain as an ensemble of neurons and synapses
dither is added to force the feedback loop to hunt for the
and does not exist as a separate entity in spite of its
precise solution or positioning in a heuristic manner but still
phenomenological differences in functionality.
subsidiary to and controlled by the algorithm itself. In any
case, mechanical means noncontext sensitive and discrete,
In any case, as long as we acknowledge that there is some
even if it involves dither. Machine theory is basically the
operational degree of distinction between the mind as anal-
opposite of general system theory. And by a general system
ogous to software and the brain as analogous to hardware,
we mean an open system, i.e., a system that is capable of
then we simply cannot determine to what extent the mind and
locally overcoming entropy and is self-organizing. Today
the brain together are operating as a mechanism and to what
such systems are typically referred to as complex adaptive
extent they are operating as a self-organizing open system.
systems (CAS).
The ethical and educational issues related to what can and
An open system is fundamentally different from a ma-
cannot be automated, though important, are outside of the
chine. The core difference is that an open system is nonlinear.
scope of this chapter. Readers are invited to read Ch.  47 on
That is, in general, everything within the system is sensitive
Ethical Issues of Automation Management, Ch.  17 on The
to its entire context, i.e., to everything else in the system, not
Human Role in Automation, and Ch.  44 on Education and
just the previous step in an algorithm. This is most easily seen
in quantum theory with the two-slit experiment. Somehow
the single electron is aware that there are two slits rather than
one and thus behaves like a wave rather than a particle. In
12.2 The Limits of Mechanization
essence, the single electron’s behavior is sensitive to the en-
tire experimental context. Now imagine a human brain with
So, another way of asking what are the limits of automation
100 billion neurons interconnected with some 100 trillion
is to ask what are the limits of mechanization? or, what
synapses, where even local synaptic structures make their
are machines ultimately capable of doing autonomously?
own locally complex circuits. The human brain is also bathed
But what does mechanical mean? Fundamentally it means
in chemicals that influence the operation of this vast network
linear or stepwise, i.e., able to carry out an algorithmi-
of neurons whose resultant behavior then influences the mix
cally defined process having clear inputs and clear outputs.
of chemicals. And then there are the hypothesized quantum
The well-known Carnot circle used by the military engineer
effects, giving rise to potential nonlocal effects, within any
12 What Can Be Automated? What Cannot Be Automated? 277

particular neuron itself. This is clearly a vastly different sort generation languages (machine code) to second-generation
of thing than a machine: a difference in degree of context languages (assembler), to third-generation languages
sensitivity that amounts to a difference in kind. (FORTRAN, COBOL, and C), and to fourth-generation
One way to illustrate this mathematically is to define languages (Java and Progress) where each generation
a system of simultaneous differential equations. Denoting represented some tenfold productivity improvement in our
some measure of elements, pi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n), by Qi , these, ability to produce systems (Fig. 12.2). This impressive
for a finite number of elements and in the simplest case, will progression however slowed down and essentially stopped
be of the form: dead in its tracks some 20 years ago in its ability to
significantly improve productivity. Since then there have
dQ1 /dt = f1 (Q1 , Q2 , . . . , Qn )
been many attempts to come up with the next (fifth)-
dQ2 /dt = f2 (Q1 , Q2 , . . . , Qn )
generation language or general-purpose framework for
dramatically improving productivity. In the 1980s, computer-
dQn /dt = fn (Q1 , Q2 , . . . , Qn ) .
aided software engineering (CASE) tools were the hoped-for
Change of any measure Qi is therefore a function of all Q, solution. In the 1990s, object-oriented frameworks looked
from Q1 to Qn ; conversely, change of any Qi entails change promising as the ultimate solution and now the industry as
of all other measures and of the system as a whole [3]. a whole seems primarily focused on the notion of service-
What has been missing from the strong artificial intelli- oriented architecture (SOA) as our best way forward. While
gence (AI) debate and indeed from most of Western thought these attempts have helped boost productivity to some extent, 12
is the nature of open systems and their propensity to generate they have all failed to produce an order of magnitude shift
emergent behavior. We are still mostly caught up in the in the productivity of building software systems (Fig. 12.3).
mechanical metaphor believing that it is possible to mech- What they all have in common is the continuation of the
anize or model any system using machines or algorithms, but mechanical metaphor. They are all attempts at general-
this is exactly the opposite of what is actually happening. purpose engineering-like solutions to this problem. General-
It is systems themselves that use a mechanizing process to purpose languages can only go so far in solving the
improve their performance and move onto higher levels of productivity problem. However, special-purpose languages
emergent behavior. or domain-specific languages (DSL) take us much farther.
However, it is no wonder that we are so caught up in the There are multiple categories of DSLs. There are horizontal
mechanical metaphor, as it is the very basis of the Industrial DSLs that address some functional layer, like SQL does for
Revolution and is thus responsible for much of our wealth data access or UML does for conceptual design (as opposed
today. In the field of business application software this pe- to the detail design which is the actual complete program in
ripheral blindness (or, rather, intense focus) has led to huge this metaphor). And there are vertical DSLs which address
failures in building complex business application software some topical area such as mathematical analysis, molecular
systems. The presumption is that building a software system modeling, or business process applications. There is also
is like building a bridge; that it is like a construction project; the distinction between a DSL and a domain-specific design
that it is fundamentally an engineering problem where there language (DSDL). All DSDLs are DSLs but not all DSLs are
is a design process and then a construction process where DSDLs (a prescission distinction in Peirce’s nomenclature
the design process can fully specify something that can be [4]). A design language is distinct from a programming
constructed using engineering principles; more specifically, or implementation language in that in a design language
that there is some design process done by designers; and everything is defined relative to everything else. This is
that the construction process is the process of programming like the distinction between a design within a CAD system
done by programmers. However, it is not. It is really a and the actually built component. In the CAD system one
design problem through and through and, moreover, a design can move a line and everything changes around it. In the
problem that does not have general-purpose engineering-like actually built component that line is a physical entity in
principles and solutions that have already been reduced to some hardened structural relationship. Then there is the
code by years of practice. It is a design problem of pure further prescission distinction of a pattern language versus
logic where the logic can only be fully specified in a com- a DSDL. A pattern language is a DSDL that has built-in
pleted program where the construction process is then simply syntax that allows for specific design solutions to be applied
running a compiler against the program to generate machine to specific domain problems. This tends to be the most
instructions that carry out the logic. vertically domain-specific and also the most powerful sort of
There are no general-purpose solutions to all logic design language for improving the productivity of building systems.
problems. There are only special-purpose domain-specific Lawson Landmark is one example of a pattern language
solutions. This can be seen in the evolution, or lately that delivers a 20 times improvement over fourth-generation
lack thereof, of computer languages. We went from first- languages in its particular domain.
278 R. D. Patton and P. C. Patton

1st Generation Machine code

2nd Generation Assembler |10× over 1st generation

Machine specific symbolic languages Allowed complex operating
systems to be built – cost was
built into hardware price

3rd Generation High level language |10× over 2nd generation

C, COBOL, FORTRAN Allowed for independent software
companies to become profitable

4th Generation High-level language integrated with |10× over 3rd generation
a (virtual) machine environment Greatly increased the scale of
Visual Basic, Powerbuilder, Java how large a software company
could grow to

“5th Generation” Non-existent as a general purpose 10–20× over 4th generation

language must be domain-specific
Lawson Landmark (Business Applications)

Fig. 12.2 Software language generations

ability to model those aspects. In other words it is a design

Developer productivity Quality adaptability problem. In general, the theoretical limit of mechanization
(log scale) innovation is always the current limit of our capacity to design linear
x The industry has only made stepwise models in any particular solution domain. Thus the
incremental progress from 4GLs 5GL Vertical
for 20+ years domain- key to what can be automated is the depth of our knowledge
x Creating a 5GL works only specific
for a specific problem domain language 20× and understanding within any specific problem domain, the
4GL improvement depth required being that depth necessary to be able to design
(VB, Power-
builder) SOA
automatons that fit, where fit is determined both by the
Objects automaton actually producing what is expected as well as
fitting appropriately within the system as a whole; i.e., if the
automation disturbs the system that it is within beyond some
threshold then the very system that gives rise to the useful
General purpose automaton will change so dramatically that the automation
3GL & broad
(C, COBOL) is no longer useful. An example of this might be a software
program for paying employees. If this program does pay
employees correctly but requires dramatic changes to the
Fig. 12.3 Productivity progression of languages manner in which time card information is gathered such that
it becomes too great a burden on some part of the system then
the program will likely soon be surrounded by organizational
It is not possible to mechanize or model an entire complex
T cells and rejected.
system. We can only mechanize aspects of any particu-
Organisms are not machines, but they can to a certain
lar system. To mechanize the entire system is to destroy
extent become machines, or perhaps congeal into machines.
the system as such; i.e., it is no longer a system. Analysis of a
Never completely, however, for a thoroughly mechanized
system into its constituent parts loses its essence as a system,
organism would be incapable of reacting to the incessantly
if a system is truly more than the sum of its parts. That is,
changing conditions of the outside world. The principle
the mechanistic model lacks the system’s inherent capability
of progressive mechanization expresses the transition from
for self-organization and thus adaptability, and thus becomes
undifferentiated wholeness to higher function, made possible
more rigid and more limited in its capabilities, although,
by specialization and division of labor; this principle also im-
perhaps, much faster. And the limit to what aspects of a
plies loss of potentialities in the components and of regularity
system can be mechanized is really the limit of our cognitive
in the whole [5].
12 What Can Be Automated? What Cannot Be Automated? 279

12.3 Expanding the Limit

Human business processes (buying, selling, manufacturing, Input The black box Output
invoicing, and so on), like actual organisms, operate funda-
mentally as open systems or rather complex adaptive system
(CAS). Other examples of CAS are cities, insect colonies, Fig. 12.4 The engineer’s black box
and so on. The architecture of an African termite mound
requires more bits to describe than the number of neurons
in a termite brain. So, where do they store it? In fact, they as shown in Fig. 12.4, in which (outputs = F[inputs]), to
do not, because each termite is programmed as an automa- conceptualizing a machine as an interacting set of agents or
ton to instinctively perform certain functions under certain objects. These concepts have allowed us to manage higher
stimuli and the combined activity of the colony produces and levels of complexity in the machines we build but they have
maintains the mound. Thus, the entire world is fundamentally not taken us to a higher order of magnitude in our ability to
made up of vastly complex interacting systems. When we mechanize complex systems. In the realm of business process
automate we are ourselves engaging in the principle of pro- software what has been missing is the following:
gressive mechanization. We are mechanizing some portion or
aspect of a system. We can only mechanize those aspects that 1. The full realization that what we are modeling with busi-
are themselves already highly specialized within the system ness process software is really a portion or aspect of a
itself or that we can make highly specialized; for example, it complex adaptive system. 12
is possible to make a mechanical heart but it is impossible to 2. That this is fundamentally a logic design problem rather
make a mechanical stem cell or a mechanical human brain. than an engineering problem.
It is possible to make a mechanical payroll program but 3. That, in this case, the problem domain is primarily about
impossible to make a mechanical company that responds to semiotics and pragmatics, i.e., the nature of sign processes
dynamic market forces and makes a profit. The result of this and the impact on those who use them.
is that any mechanization requires specific understanding of
some particular specialization within some particular system. Fortunately, there is a depth of research in these areas
In other words, there are innumerable specific domains of that provides guidance toward more powerful techniques
specialization within all of the complex interacting systems and tools for making further progress. John Holland, the
in the world. And thus any mechanization is inherently designer of the Holland Machine, one of the first paral-
domain specific and requires detailed domain knowledge. lel computers, has done extensive research into CAS and
The process of mechanization is therefore fundamentally a has discovered many basic principles that all CAS seem to
domain-specific design problem. Thus, the limit of mecha- have in common. His work led to object-oriented concepts;
nization is our ability to comprehend some particular aspect however, the object-oriented community has not continued
of a system well enough to be able to extract some portion to seek to implement his further discoveries and principles
or aspect of that system in which it is possible to define a regarding CAS into object-oriented computing languages.
boundary or Carnot circle with clear inputs and clear outputs One very useful concept is how CAS systems use rule-block
along with a transfer function mapping those inputs to those formations in driving their behavior and the nature of how
outputs. If we cannot enumerate the inputs and outputs and adaptation continues to build rule-block hierarchies on top of
then describe what inputs result in what outputs then we existing rule-block structures [6].
simply cannot automate the process. This is the fundamental Christopher Alexander [7] is a building architect who
requirement of mechanization. discovered the notion of a pattern language for designing
This does not, however, mean that we are limited to our and constructing buildings and cities [8]. In general, a pattern
current simple mechanical metaphor of a machine as a set language is a set of patterns or design solutions to some
of inputs into a box that transforms those inputs into their particular design problem in some particular domain. The key
associated outputs. Indeed the next step of mechanization insight here is that design is a domain-specific problem that
under way is to try to mimic aspects of how a system itself takes deep understanding of the problem domain and that,
works. One aspect of this is the object-oriented revolution in once good design solutions are found to any specific problem,
software, which itself grew out of the work done in complex we can codify them into reusable patterns. A simple example
adaptive systems research. Unfortunately, the prevailing sim- of a pattern language and the nature of domain specificity is
ple mechanical metaphor and lack of understanding of the perhaps how farmers go about building barns. They do not
nature of CAS has blunted the evolution of object-oriented hire architects but rather get together and, through a set of
technology and limited its impact. rules of thumb based on how much livestock they have and
Object-oriented concepts have taken us from a simplistic storage and processing considerations, build a barn with such
view of a machine as a black box process or function F and such dimensions. One simple pattern is that, when the
280 R. D. Patton and P. C. Patton

barn gets to be too long for just doors on the ends, they put hypothetico-deductive nature, and hence any rational being
a door in the middle. Now, can someone use these rules of accepting the premises must agree to all its deductions [10].
thumb or this pattern language to build a skyscraper in New The most critical aspect of achieving the theoretical limit
York? of automation is the ability to continue to make execution
Charles Sanders Peirce was a nineteenth-century Ameri- models that are more and more useful. And this is true for
can philosopher and semiotician. He is one of the founders two reasons:
of the quintessential American philosophy known as prag-
matism, and came up with a triadic semiotics based on 1. CAS are so complex that we cannot possibly understand
his metaphysical categories of firstness, secondness, and large portions of them perfectly ab initio. We need to
thirdness [9]. Firstness is the category of idea or possibility. model them, explore them, and then improve them.
Secondness is the category of brute fact or instance, and 2. CAS are continually adapting. They are continually
thirdness is the category of laws or behavior. Peirce argues changing and thus, even if we perfectly modeled some
that existence itself requires these categories; that they are in aspect of a CAS, it will change and our model will become
essence a unity and that there is no existence without these less and less useful.
three categories. Using this understanding one could argue
that this demystifies to some extent the Christian notion of In order to do this we need a DSDL capable of quickly
God being a unity and yet also being triune by understanding building high-fidelity models. That is, models which are
the Father as firstness, the Son as secondness, and the Holy themselves the drivers of the actual execution of automation.
Spirit as thirdness. Thus the trinity of God is essentially a In order for the model of the CAS to ultimately actually
metaphysical statement about the nature of existence. Peirce drive the execution it is critical that the ontology model be
goes on to build a system of signs or semiotics based on in perfect fidelity with the execution model. Today there is
this triadic structure and in essence argues that reality is a big disconnect between what one can build in an analysis
ultimately the stuff of signs; e.g., God spoke the universe model and the resultant executing code or execution model.
into existence. At first one could seek to use this notion to This is analogous to having a design of a two-story home on
support the strong AI view that all intelligence is symbol a blueprint and then having the result become a three-story
representation and symbol processing and thus a computer office building. What is required is a design language that
can ultimately model this reality. However, a key concept of can both model the ontology in its full richness as the analysis
Peirce is that the meaning of a sign requires an interpretant, model but also be able to model the full execution in perfect
which itself is a sign and thus also requires a further interpre- fidelity with the ontology model. In essence this means a
tant to give it meaning in a never-ending process of meaning single model that fully incorporates firstness, secondness,
creation; that is, it becomes an eternally recursive process. and thirdness in all their richness that can then either be fully
Another way of viewing this is to say that this process of interpreted on a machine or fully generated to some other
making meaning is ultimately an open system. And while machine language or a combination of both.
machines can model and hence automate closed systems they Only with such a powerful design or pattern language we
cannot fully model open systems. can overcome the inherent limitations we have in our ability
Peirce’s semiotics and his notion of firstness, secondness, to comprehend the workings of some particular CAS, model,
and thirdness provide the key insights required for building and then automate those portions that can be mechanized and
robust ontology models of any particular domain. The key to continue to keep pace with the continually evolving CAS that
a robust ontology model is not that it is right once and for all we are seeking to progressively mechanize.
but rather that it can be done using a design language and that
it has perfect fidelity with the resulting execution model. An 12.4 The Current State of the Art
ontology model is never right; it is just more and more useful.
This is because of the notion of the relativity of categories. The computing industry in general is still very much caught
Perception is universally human, determined by man’s up in the mechanical metaphor. While object-oriented design
psychophysical equipment. Conceptualization is culture- and programming technology is more than decades old, and
bound because it depends on the symbolic systems we apply. there is a patterns movement in the industry that is just
These symbolic systems are largely determined by linguistic over a decade old, there are very few examples of this
factors, the structure of the language applied. Technical new DSDL technology in use today. However, where it has
language, including the symbolism of mathematics, is, in the been used the results have been dramatic, i.e., on the order
last resort, an efflorescence of everyday language, and so of a 20-fold reduction of complexity as measured in lines
will not be independent of the structure of the latter. This, of of code. Lawson Landmark™ is such a pattern language
course, does not mean that the content of mathematics is true intended for the precise functional specification of business
only within a certain culture. It is a tautological system of a enterprise computer applications by domain specialists rather
12 What Can Be Automated? What Cannot Be Automated? 281

than programmers [11]. The result of the domain expert’s of objectives and the algorithms needed to accomplish them
work is then run through a metacompiler to produce Java and let it function. The annual autonomous vehicle race in
code which can be loaded and tested against a transaction the Nevada desert shows that at least simple goals can be
script also prepared by the same or another domain expert met autonomously or at least as well as a mildly intoxicated
(i.e., accountant, supply chain expert, etc.). The traditional human driver. The semiautonomous Mars rovers show off
application programmer does not appear in this modern busi- this technology even better but still fall far short of being
ness application development scenario because his or her intelligent.
function has been automated. It has taken nearly 50 years Another of the early intrinsically human activities that AI
for specification-based programming to arrive at this level of researchers tried to automate was the typewriter. Professor
development and utility and several other aggressive attempts Marvin Minsky started his AI career as a graduate student
at automation of intellectual functions have taken as long. at MIT in the mid-1950s working on a voice typewriter to
Automation of human intellectual functions is basically type military correspondence for the Department of Defense
an aspect of AI, and the potential of AI is basically a philo- (DoD). Now, more than 50 years later, the technology is
sophical rather than a technical question. The two major pro- modestly successful as a software program.
tagonists in this debate are the philosopher Hubert Dreyfus At the same time Professor Anthony Oettenger did his
[12, 13] and Ray Kurzweil [14–16], an accomplished engi- dissertation at the Harvard Computation Laboratory on au-
neer. Dreyfus argues that computers will never ever achieve tomatic language translation with the Automatic Russian–
anything like human intelligence simply because they do not English Dictionary. It was modestly successful for a nar- 12
have consciousness. He gives the argument from what he row genre of Russian technical literature and created the
calls associative or peripheral consciousness in the human whole new field of computational linguistics. Today, more
brain. Kurzweil has written extensively as a futurist arguing than 50 years later, a similar technology is available as a
that computers will soon exceed human intelligence and even software program for Russian and a few other languages
develop spiritual capabilities. with a library of genre-specific and technical-area-specific
Early in the computer era Herbert Simon hypothesized vocabulary plug-ins sold separately. The best success story
that a computer program that was able to play master-level on automatic language translation today is the European
chess would be exhibiting intelligence [17]. Dreyfus and Economic Community (EEC), which writes its memos in
other strong AI opponents argue that it is not, because the French in the Brussels headquarters and converts them into
chess program does not automatically play chess like a hu- the 11 languages of the EEC and then sends them out to
man does and therefore does not exhibit AI at all. They member nations. French bureaucratese is a very narrow lan-
go on to show that is impossible for a program to play an guage genre and probably the easiest case for autotranslation
even simpler game like Go well using this same technol- automation due not only to the genre but the source language.
ogy. Playing chess was the straw man set up by Herbert No one has ever suggested that Eugene Onegin will ever be
Simon in the mid-1950s to be the benchmark of AI, i.e., translated automatically from Russian to English, since so far
if a computer could beat the best human chess player, then it has even resisted human efforts to do so. Amazing as it may
it would show true intelligence, but it actually does not. It seem, Shakespeare’s poetry translates beautifully to Russian
took nearly 50 years to develop a special-purpose computer but Pushkin’s does not translate easily to English.
able to beat the leading human chess master, Gary Kasparov, Linguists are divided, like philosophers, on whether com-
but it does not automate or mechanize human intelligence putational linguistics technology will ever really achieve true
to do so. In fact, it just came up with a different design automation, but we think that it probably will, subject to
for a computational algorithm that could play chess. This human pre- and post-editing in actual volume production
is analogous to the problem of flying. We did not copy practice, and then only for very narrow subject areas in a few
how a bird flies but rather came up with a special-purpose restricted genres. Technical prose in which the translator is
design that suited our particular requirements. The strong AI only copying one fact at a time from one language to another
hypothesis appears to assume that all human thought, or at will be possible, but poetry will always be too complex, since
least intelligent thought, can be reduced to computation, and poetry always violates the rules of grammar of its own source
since computers can compute orders of magnitude faster than language.
humans they will soon, says Ray Kurzweil, exhibit human-
like intelligence, and eventually intelligence even superior 12.5 A General Principle
to that of humans. Of course, the philosophers who gainsay
the strong AI hypothesis argue that not all intelligent human What we need is a general principle which will cleanly divide
thought and its consequent behavior can be reduced to simple all the things that can be done into those which can be
computation, or even logic. automated and those which cannot be automated. You cannot
An early goal of AI was to mechanize the function of an automate what you cannot do manually, but the converse is
autonomous vehicle, that is, to give the vehicle a goal or set not true, since you cannot always automate everything you
282 R. D. Patton and P. C. Patton

can do manually [4, 18, 19]. However, this principle is much The student, who was a tennis player, said to me one day:
too blunt. In his book Darwin’s Black Box Professor Michael “I like this project. Often, my tennis partner does not show
Behe argued from the principle of irreducible complexity that up for a game. I can program the robot to play tennis with me
neo-Darwinism was inadequate to explain the development instead.”
of the eye or of the endocrine system because too many mu- We both laughed, and I said: “Why not program both
tations and their immediate useful adaptations had to happen robots to play the game, so you can also sleep over?” We
at once, since each of 20 or more required mutations would both laughed even harder. It meant that we can automate and
have no competitive advantage in adaptation individually delegate fun tasks but then lose all the fun of playing. We can
[20]. In his second book The Edge of Evolution he sharpens generalize this realization:
his principle significantly to divide biological adaptations Let us not automate ourselves out of activities that we enjoy and
into those which can be explained by neo-Darwinism (single have time to enjoy.
mutations) and those which cannot (multiple mutations). Examples: Automatic scanning of documents and inter-
The refined principle, while sharper, still leaves a ragged preting them can be and is automated for efficiency and
edge between the two classes of adaptive biological systems, accuracy, yet we still prefer to read a good book by ourselves,
according to Behe [21]. at our own pace. Similarly, driving a car, navigating a boat,
In our case we postulate the principle of design. Anything playing sports and competing, dancing, singing in a choir,
that can be copied can be copied automatically. However, creating artwork, and many more.
any process involving design cannot be automated and any
sufficiently (i.e., irreducibly) complex adaptive system can-
not be automated (as Behe shows), however simple adaptive 12.6.2 What Should Not Be Automated?
systems can be modeled to some extent mechanistically.
Malaria can become resistant to a new antibiotic in weeks This question is part of the problem of automation and ethics.
by Darwin’s black box if it requires only a one-gene change, (See Ch.  34.)
however in 10,000 years malaria has not been able to over-
come the cell cycle mutation in humans because it would
require too many concurrent mutations. References
We conclude that anything that can be reduced to an al-
gorithm or computational process can be automated, but that 1. American Machinist, 21 Oct. 1948. Creation of the term automa-
some things, like most human thought and most functions tion is usually attributed to Delmar S. Harder
of complex adaptive systems, are not reducible to a logical 2. Schwartz, J.M., Begley, S.: The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplastic-
ity and the Power of Mental Force. Harper, New York (2002)
algorithm or a computational process and therefore cannot 3. von Bertalanffy, K.L.: General System Theory: Foundations, De-
be automated. velopment, Applications, p. 56. George Braziller, New York (1976)
4. Spencer, D.D.: What Computers Can Do. Macmillan, New York
12.6 Editor’s Notes for the New Edition 5. von Bertalanffy, K.L.: General System Theory: Foundations, De-
velopment, Applications, p. 213. George Braziller, New York
(1976). Revised edition
By advice from reviewers and our advisory board, this chap- 6. Holland, J.: Hidden Order, How Adaptation Builds Complexity.
ter is repeated from the first edition. Two common and Addison-Wesley, Reading (1995)
related questions have been expressed by readers since its 7. Alexander, C.: The Timeless Way of Building. New York, Oxford
publication, and are mentioned next. 8. Alexander, C.: A Pattern Language. New York, Oxford (1981)
9. Peirce, C.S.: Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, Vols. 1–6
ed. by C. Hartshorne, P. Weiss, 1931–1935; Vols. 7–8 ed. by A. W.
12.6.1 What Can We Automate, But We Prefer Burks. Harvard University Press, Cambridge (1958)
10. von Bertalanffy, K.L.: General System Theory: Foundations, De-
Not to Automate velopment, Applications, p. 237. George Braziller, New York
In the early 1980s, I worked with a doctoral student on what 11. Jyaswal, B.K., Patton, P.C.: Design for Trustworthy Software:
was then a challenge: developing two robots that can interact Tools, Techniques and Methodology of Producing Robust Soft-
ware, p. 501. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River (2006)
and work together (what now we define as “robot collabora- 12. Dreyfus, H.: What Computers Can’t Do: A Critique of Artificial
tion”). One of the challenges was that robot programming Intelligence. Harper Collins, New York (1978)
was in its infancy. Another challenge was that to set the 13. Dreyfus, H.: What Computers Still Can’t Do: A Critique of Artifi-
computational power to enable such a task we had to reserve cial Reason. MIT Press, Cambridge (1992)
14. Kurzweil, R.: The Age of Intelligent Machines. MIT Press, Cam-
exclusive use of the entire university computer network. (We bridge (1992)
were allowed to do it only between 4 and 6 AM.) We began 15. Kurzweil, R.: The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers
making progress. Exceed Human Intelligence. Viking, New York (1999)
12 What Can Be Automated? What Cannot Be Automated? 283

16. Kurzweil, R.: The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend

Biology. Viking, New York (2005)
17. Simon, H.: Perception in chess. Cognitive Psychol. 4, 11–27 (1973)
18. Arden, B.W. (ed.): What Can Be Automated? The Computer Sci-
ence and Engineering Research Study (COSERS) Ser. MIT Press,
Cambridge (1980)
19. Wilson, I.Q., Wilson, M.E.: What Computers Cannot Do. Vertex,
New York (1970)
20. Behe, M.: Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to
Evolution. Free, New York (2006)
21. Behe, M.: The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of
Darwinism. Free, New York (2007)
Peter C. Patton has taught computer science, mathematics, aerospace
engineering, and ancient history, classical civilizations at the Universi-
ties of Kansas, Minnesota, Stuttgart, and Pennsylvania. His last book,
Further Reading Design for Trustworthy Software (together with Bijay Jayaswal) won the
Crosby Medal from the ASQ. He is currently teaching mechanical engi-
Frank, M., Roehrig, P., Pring, B.: What to Do when Machines Do neering, Western civilization, and philosophy to engineering students at
Everything: How to Get Ahead in a World of AI, Algorithms, Bots, Oklahoma Christian University. He is currently teaching software engi-
and Big Data. Wiley, New York (2017) neering to aerospace engineering in-service graduate student engineers
Pasquale, F.: The automated public sphere. In: The Politics and Policies at Oklahoma Christian University as an adjunct professor of engineering
of Big Data: Big Data, Big Brother, pp. 110–128. Taylor and science.
Francis (2018) 12
Verbeek, P.P.: What Things Do. Penn State University Press, University
Park (2021)
Wash, R., Rader, E., Vaniea, K., Rizor, M.: Out of the loop: how au-
tomated software updates cause unintended security consequences.
In: 10th Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), pp.
89–104 (2014)
West, D.M.: The Future of Work: Robots, AI, and Automation. Brook-
ings Institution Press, Washington, DC (2018)

Richard D. Patton is Chief Technology Officer of Lawson Software and

has been involved with building business application software languages
and development methodologies for over 25 years. His current project
is building a new application development language based on the latest
research in the areas of pattern languages and complex adaptive systems
theory as well as Charles Sanders Peirce’s triadic semiotics.
Part III
Automation Design: Theory, Elements, and
Designs and Specification of Mechatronic
Systems 13
Rolf Isermann

Contents 13.12 Mechatronic Steering Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308

13.12.1 Electrical Power Steering (EPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
13.1 From Mechanical to Mechatronic Systems . . . . . . . . . 288 13.12.2 Basic Designs of EPS Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
13.2 Mechanical Systems and Mechatronic 13.12.3 Fault-Tolerant EPS Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 13.13 Conclusion and Emerging Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
13.2.1 Machine Elements and Mechanical Components . . . . . . 290
13.2.2 Electrical Drives and Servosystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
13.2.3 Power-Generating Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
13.2.4 Power-Consuming Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
13.2.5 Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
13.2.6 Trains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Abstract

13.3 Functions of Mechatronic Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292 Many technical processes and products in the area of
13.3.1 Basic Mechanical Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292 mechanical and electrical engineering show increasing
13.3.2 Distribution of Mechanical
integration of mechanics with digital electronics and in-
and Electronic Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
13.3.3 Operating Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292 formation processing. This integration is between the
13.3.4 New Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 components (hardware) and the information-driven func-
13.3.5 Other Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 tions (software), resulting in integrated systems called
13.4 Integration Forms of Processes with Electronics . . . . 293 mechatronic systems. Their development involves find-
13.5 Design Procedures for Mechatronic Systems . . . . . . . 296
ing an optimal balance between the basic mechanical
structure, sensor and actuator implementation, and au-
13.6 Computer-Aided Design of Mechatronic Systems . . . 299
tomatic information processing and overall control. Fre-
13.7 Model-Based Control Function Development . . . . . . . 300 quently formerly mechanical functions are replaced by
13.7.1 Model-in-the-Loop Simulation electronically controlled functions, resulting in simpler
and Control Prototyping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
13.7.2 Software-in-the-Loop and Hardware-in-the-Loop mechanical structures and increased functionality. The
Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 development of mechatronic systems opens the door to
many innovative solutions and synergetic effects which
13.8 Control Software Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
are not possible with mechanics or electronics alone. This
13.9 Internet of Things for Mechatronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 technical progress has a very strong influence on a mul-
13.10 Mechatronic Developments for Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . 303 titude of products in the areas of mechanical, electrical,
13.11 Mechatronic Brake Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 and electronic engineering and is increasingly changing
13.11.1 Hydraulic Brake System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 the design, for example, of conventional electromechan-
13.11.2 Antilock Control with Switching Valves (ABS) . . . . . . . 305 ical components, machines, vehicles, and precision me-
13.11.3 Electromechanical Brake Booster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
chanical devices, and their connection to cloud services.
13.11.4 Electrohydraulic Brake System (EHB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
13.11.5 Electromechanical Brake (EMB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 The contribution describes besides of general aspects a
procedure for the computer-aided design and specifica-
tion of mechatronic systems, model-based control system
design, and control software development and illustrates
R. Isermann () mechatronic developments for brake and steering systems
Institute of Automatic Control, Research group on Control Systems
of automobiles.
and Process Automation, Darmstadt University of Technology,
Darmstadt, Germany

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 287

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
288 R. Isermann

fixed wired (analog) devices turns out to enable only rela-
tively simple and limited control functions. If these analog
Mechatronic systems · Drives · Machines · Mechatronic devices are replaced with digital computers in the form of,
functions · Design procedures · Hardware-in-the-loop e.g., online coupled microcomputers, the information pro-
simulation · V-development model · Model-based cessing can be designed to be considerably more flexible and
control · Control software development · Mechatronic more comprehensive.
brakes · Mechatronic steering systems Figure 13.1 shows the example of a machine set, con-
sisting of a power-generating machine (DC motor) and a
power-consuming machine (circulation pump): (a) a scheme
13.1 From Mechanical to Mechatronic of the components, (b) the resulting signal flow diagram in
Systems two-port representation, and (c) the open-loop process with
one or several manipulated variables as input variables and
Mechanical systems generate certain motions or transfer several measured variables as output variables. This process
forces or torques. For the oriented command of, e.g., dis- is characterized by different controllable energy flows (elec-
placements, velocities, or forces, feedforward and feedback trical, mechanical, and hydraulic). The first and last flow
control systems have been applied for many years. The con- can be manipulated by a manipulated variable of low power
trol systems operate either without auxiliary energy (e.g., a (auxiliary power), e.g., through a power electronics device
fly-ball governor) or with electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic and a flow valve actuator. Several sensors yield measur-
auxiliary energy, to manipulate the commanded variables able variables. For a mechanical–electronic system, a digital
directly or with a power amplifier. A realization with added electronic system is added to the process. This electronic

a) I w1


b) Power Drive Power

Power generating train consuming
electronics machine (gear machine
(actuator) (DC motor) unit) (pump)
V IA T1 T2 T3


VA w1 w2 w3
Pi Po

c) Energy flow

Manipulated Measured
Mechanics & Sensors
variables energy converter
Primary Consumer
energy energy
flow Pi flow Po
Energy Energy
supply consumer

Fig. 13.1 Schematic representation of a machine set: (a) scheme of current; T – torque; ω – angular frequency; Pi – drive power; Po –
the components; (b) signal flow diagram (two-port representation); (c) consumer power
open-loop process. V – voltage; VA – armature voltage; IA – armature
13 Designs and Specification of Mechatronic Systems 289

system acts on the process based on the measurements or are joined. The word mechatronics was probably first created
external command variables in a feedforward or feedback by a Japanese engineer in 1969 [43] and had a trademark by 13
manner (Fig. 13.2). If then the electronic and the mechanical a Japanese company until 1972 [19]. Several definitions
system are merged to an autonomous overall system, an can be found in [24, 44, 47, 51, 61]. All definitions agree
integrated mechanical–electronic system results. The elec- that mechatronics is an interdisciplinary field, in which the
tronic system processes information, and such a system is following disciplines act together (Fig. 13.3):
characterized at least by a mechanical energy flow and an
information flow. • Mechanical systems (mechanical elements, machines, and
These integrated mechanical–electronic systems are precision mechanics)
called mechatronic systems. Thus, mechanics and electronics • Electronic systems (microelectronics, power electronics,
and sensor and actuator technology)
• Information technology (systems theory, control and au-
tomation, software engineering, artificial intelligence, and
cloud services)
The solution of tasks to design mechatronic systems is per-
Monitored variables formed on the mechanical as well as on the digital-electronic
variables side. Thus, interrelations during design play an important
processing Measured
role; because the mechanical system influences the electronic
Manipulated variables system, and vice versa, the electronic system influences the
variables Information flow
design of the mechanical system (Fig. 13.4). This means that
Energy flow simultaneous engineering has to take place, with the goal of
Mechanics & designing an overall integrated system (an organic system)
Actuators energy converter Sensors
and also creating synergetic effects.
Primary Consumer A further feature of mechatronic systems is integrated
energy energy
flow flow digital information processing. As well as basic control func-
Auxiliary Energy Energy
tions, more sophisticated control functions may be realized,
energy supply consumer e.g., calculation of nonmeasurable variables, adaptation of
controller parameters, detection and diagnosis of faults, and,
Mechanical, hydraulic, in the case of failures, reconfiguration to redundant com-
thermal, electrical
ponents. A connection to cloud services, like remote main-
tenance, remote fault diagnosis, and teleoperation, offers
Fig. 13.2 Mechanical process and information processing develop to- further possibilities in the frame of Internet-of-Things (IoT).
ward a mechatronic system Hence, mechatronic systems are developing with adaptive or

System theory
Micro electronics
Power electronics Information
Electronics Automation-technology
Sensors technology
Mecha- Software
tronics Artificial intelligence


Mechanical elements
Precision mechanics
Electrical elements

Fig. 13.3 Mechatronics: synergetic integration of different disciplines

290 R. Isermann

even learning behavior, which can also be called intelligent subdivided into mechanical components, machines, vehicles,
mechatronic systems. precision mechanical devices, and micromechanical compo-
The developments to date can be found in [15, 19, 27, 61, nents.
65, 71]. An insight into general aspects are given editorially The design of mechanical products is influenced by the
in journals [24, 47], conference proceedings such as [2, 12, interplay of energy, matter, and information. With regard
25, 26, 38, 66], journal articles by [30, 68], and books [6, 9, to the basic problem and its solution, frequently either the
21, 28, 35, 46, 54]. A summary of research projects at the energy, matter, or information flow is dominant. Therefore,
Darmstadt University of Technology can be found in [33]. one main flow and at least one side flow can be distinguished
In the following, some examples of mechatronic devel-
13.2 Mechanical Systems and Mechatronic opments are given. The area of mechanical components,
Developments machines, and vehicles is covered by Fig. 13.5.

Mechanical systems can be applied to a large area of mechan-

ical engineering. According to their construction, they can be

13.2.1 Machine Elements and Mechanical

a) Conventional procedure b) Mechatronic procedure
Machine elements are usually purely mechanical. Figure 13.5
Design Design shows some examples. Properties that can be improved
construction construction
by electronics are, for example, self-adaptive stiffness and
damping, self-adaptive free motion or pretension, automatic
Mechan. Mechan. Electron. operating functions such as coupling or gear shifting, and
system system system supervisory functions. Some examples of mechatronic
approaches are hydrobearings for combustion engines with
Separate components Mechatronic overall system electronic control of damping, magnetic bearings with
position control, automatic electronic–hydraulic gears,
Fig. 13.4 Interrelations during the design and construction of mecha- adaptive shock absorbers for wheel suspensions, and
tronic systems electromechanical steering systems (EPS), [57].

Mechatronic systems

Mechatronic Mechatronic
Mechatronic Mechatronic
power power Mechatronic Mechatronic
machine motion
producing consuming automobiles trains
components generators
machines machines

• Semi-active • Integrated • Brushless DC • Integrated • Anti-lock braking • Tilting trains

hydraulic electrical motor multi-axis systems (ABS) • Active boogie
dampers servo drives • Integrated AC machine tools • Electro hydraulic • Magnetic
• Automatic gears • Integrated drives • Integrated break (EHB) levitated trains
• Magnetic hydraulic • Mechatronic hydraulic • Active suspension (MAGLEV)
bearings servo drives combustion pumps
• Electrical power
• Integrated engines
steering (EPS)2
servo drives
• Robots

Fig. 13.5 Examples of mechatronic systems

13 Designs and Specification of Mechatronic Systems 291

13.2.2 Electrical Drives and Servosystems 13.2.4 Power-Consuming Machines

Electrical drives with direct-current, universal, asyn- Examples of mechatronic power-consuming machines are
chronous, and synchronous motors have used integration multiaxis machine tools with trajectory control, force control,
with gears, speed sensors or position sensors, and power tools with integrated sensors, and robot transport of the
electronics for many years. Especially the development products; see, e.g., [64]. In addition to these machine tools
of transistor-based voltage supplies and cheaper power with open kinematic chains between basic frame and tools
electronics on the basis of transistors and thyristors with and linear or rotatory axes with one degree of freedom,
variable-frequency three-phase current supported speed machines with parallel kinematics will be developed. Ma-
control drives also for smaller power. Herewith, a trend chine tools show a tendency toward magnetic bearings if ball
toward decentralized drives with integrated electronics can be bearings cannot be applied for high speeds, e.g., for high-
observed. The way of integration or attachment depends, e.g., speed milling of aluminum, and also for ultracentrifuges [39].
on space requirement, cooling, contamination, vibrations, Within the area of manufacturing, many machinery, sorting,
and accessibility for maintenance. Electrical servodrives and transportation devices are characterized by integration
require special designs for positioning. with electronics, but as yet they are mostly not fully hardware
Hydraulic and pneumatic servodrives for linear and ro- integrated. For hydraulic piston pumps the control electronics
tatory positioning show increasingly integrated sensors and is now attached to the casing. Further examples are packing
control electronics. Motivations are requirements for easy- machines with decentralized drives and trajectory control or
to-assemble drives, small space, fast change, and increased offset printing machines with replacement of the mechanical
functions. synchronization axis through decentralized drives with digi-
Multiaxis robots and mobile robots show mechatronic tal electronic synchronization and high precision.
properties from the beginning of their design.

13.2.5 Vehicles

13.2.3 Power-Generating Machines Many mechatronic components have been introduced, es-
pecially in the area of vehicles, or are in development: an-
Machines show an especially broad variability. Power- tilock braking control (ABS), controllable shock absorbers,
producing machines are characterized by the conversion controlled adaptive suspensions, active suspensions, drive
of hydraulic, thermodynamic, or electrical energy and dynamic control through individual braking (electronic sta-
delivery of power. Power-consuming machines convert bility control, ESC), electrohydraulic brakes (2001), active
mechanical energy to another form, thereby absorbing front steering (AFS) (2003), and electrical power steering
energy. Vehicles transfer mechanical energy into movement, (EPS). Of the innovations for vehicles 80–90% are based
thereby consuming power. on electronic/mechatronic developments. Here, the value of
Examples of mechatronic electrical power-generating ma- electronics/electrics of vehicles increases to about 30% or
chines are brushless DC motors with electronic commutation more. Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) make use
or speed-controlled asynchronous and synchronous motors of automatic braking and acceleration for adaptive cruise
with variable-frequency power converters. control, wheel individual braking for electronic stability con-
Combustion engines increasingly contain mechatronic trol (ESC) and traction control (TRC), and lane keeping con-
components, especially in the area of actuators [57]. trol (LKC) based on mechatronic brake and steering systems;
Gasoline engines showed, for example, the following steps see, for example, [8, 10, 23, 32, 40, 67].
of development: microelectronic-controlled injection and
ignition (1979), electrical throttle (1991), direct injection
with electromechanical (1999) and piezoelectric injection 13.2.6 Trains
valves (2003), and variable valve control (2004); see, for
example, [56]. Trains with steam, diesel, or electrical locomotives have
Diesel engines first had mechanical injection pumps followed a very long development. For wagons the design
(1927), then analog-electronic-controlled axial piston pumps with two boogies with two axes is standard. ABS braking
(1986), and digital-electronic-controlled high-pressure control can be seen as the first mechatronic influence in
pumps, since 1997 with common-rail systems [57]. Further this area. The high-speed trains (TGV and ICE) contain
developments are exhaust turbochargers with wastegate or modern asynchronous motors with power electronic control.
controllable vanes (variable turbine geometry, VTG), since The trolleys are supplied with electronic force and position
about 1993. control. Tilting trains show a mechatronic design (1997) and
292 R. Isermann

actively damped and steerable boogies also [17]. Further, has already led to considerable simplifications, as can be seen
magnetically levitated trains are based on mechatronic con- in watches, electronic typewriters, and cameras. A further
structions; see, e.g., [17]. considerable simplification in the mechanics resulted from
the introduction of microcomputers in connection with de-
centralized electrical drives, e.g., for electronic typewriters,
13.3 Functions of Mechatronic Systems sewing machines, multiaxis handling systems, and automatic
Mechatronic systems enable, after the integration of the The design of lightweight constructions leads to elastic
components, many improved and also new functions. This systems that are weakly damped through the material itself.
will be discussed by using examples based on [26, 28]. Electronic damping through position, speed, or vibration
sensors and electronic feedback can be realized with the addi-
tional advantage of adjustable damping through algorithms.
13.3.1 Basic Mechanical Design Examples are elastic drive trains of vehicles with damp-
ing algorithms in the engine electronics, elastic robots, hy-
The basic mechanical construction first has to satisfy the task draulic systems, far-reaching cranes, and space constructions
of transferring the mechanical energy flow (force and torque) (e.g., with flywheels).
to generate motions or special movements, etc. Known tra- The addition of closed-loop control, e.g., for position,
ditional methods are applied, such as material selection, as speed, or force, does not only result in precise tracking of
well as calculation of strengths, manufacturing, production reference variables, but also an approximate linear overall
costs, etc. [69] By attaching sensors, actuators, and mechan- behavior, even though mechanical systems may show non-
ical controllers, in earlier times, simple control functions linear behavior. By omitting the constraint of linearization
were realized, e.g., the fly-ball governor. Then gradually on the mechanical side, the effort for construction and man-
pneumatic, hydraulic, and electrical analog controllers were ufacturing may be reduced. Examples are simple mechanical
introduced. After the advent of digital control systems, es- pneumatic and electromechanical actuators and flow valves
pecially with the development of microprocessors around with electronic control.
1975, the information processing part could be designed to be With the aid of freely programmable reference variable
much more sophisticated. These digitally controlled systems generation, the adaptation of nonlinear mechanical systems
were first added to the basic mechanical construction and to the operator can be improved. This is already used for
were limited by the properties of the sensors, actuators, driving pedal characteristics within engine electronics for
and electronics, i.e., they frequently did not satisfy reliability automobiles, telemanipulation of vehicles and aircraft, and
and lifetime requirements under rough environmental condi- in the development of hydraulically actuated excavators and
tions (temperature, vibrations, and contamination) and had electric power steering.
a relatively large space requirement and cable connections, However, with increasing number of sensors, actuators,
and low computational speed. However, many of these initial switches, and control units, the cables and electrical con-
drawbacks were removed with time, and since about 1980 nections also increase, such that reliability, cost, weight, and
electronic hardware has become greatly miniaturized, robust, required space are major concerns. Therefore, the develop-
and powerful, and has been connected by field bus systems. ment of suitable bus systems, plug systems, and fault-tolerant
Based on this, the emphasis on the electronic side could be and reconfigurable electronic systems is a challenge for the
increased and the mechanical construction could be designed designer, as can be seen in modern automotive platforms.
as a mechanical–electronic system from the very beginning.
The aim was to result in more autonomy, for example, by
decentralized control, field bus connections, plug-and-play 13.3.3 Operating Properties
approaches, and distributed energy supply, such that self-
contained units emerge. By applying active feedback control, the precision of, e.g.,
a position is reached by comparison of a programmed ref-
erence variable with a measured control variable and not
13.3.2 Distribution of Mechanical only through the high mechanical precision of a passively
and Electronic Functions feedforward-controlled mechanical element. Therefore, the
mechanical precision in design and manufacturing may be
In the design of mechatronic systems, interplay for the real- reduced somewhat and simpler constructions for bearings or
ization of functions in the mechanical and electronic parts is slideways can be used. An important aspect in this regard is
crucial. Compared with pure mechanical realizations, the use compensation of larger and time-variant friction by adaptive
of amplifiers and actuators with electrical auxiliary energy friction compensation. Larger friction at the cost of backlash
13 Designs and Specification of Mechatronic Systems 293

may also be intended (e.g., gears with pretension), because it these manufacturers have to invest a lot of effort in coping
is usually easier to compensate for friction than for backlash. with the electronics and the information processing, they gain 13
Model-based and adaptive control allow operation at more the chance to add to the value of the product. For small
operating points (wide-range operation) compared with fixed devices and machines with large production numbers, this is
control with unsatisfactory performance (danger of insta- obvious. In the case of larger machines and apparatus, the
bility or sluggish behavior). A combination of robust and process and its automation frequently comes from different
adaptive control enables wide-range operation, e.g., for flow, manufacturers. Then, special effort is needed to produce
force, and speed control, and for processes involving engines, integrated solutions.
vehicles, and aircraft. Better control performance allows the Table 13.1 summarizes some properties of mechatronic
reference variables to be moved closer to constraints with systems compared with conventional electromechanical
improved efficiencies and yields (e.g., higher temperatures, systems.
pressures for combustion engines and turbines, compressors
at stalling limits, and higher tensions and higher speed for
paper machines and steel mills). 13.4 Integration Forms of Processes
with Electronics
13.3.4 New Functions Figure 13.6a shows a general scheme of a classical
mechanical–electronic system. Such systems resulted from
Mechatronic systems also enable functions that could not be adding available sensors and actuators and analog or digital
performed without digital electronics. Firstly, nonmeasurable controllers to the mechanical components. The limits
quantities can be calculated on the basis of measured signals of this approach were the lack of suitable sensors and
and influenced by feedforward or feedback control. Exam- actuators, unsatisfactory lifetime under rough operating
ples are time-dependent variables such as the slip for tires, conditions (acceleration, temperature, and contamination),
internal tensions, temperatures, the slip angle and ground large space requirements, the required cables, and relatively
speed for steering control of vehicles or parameters such slow data processing. With increasing improvements in
as damping and stiffness coefficients, and resistances. The the miniaturization, robustness, and computing power of
automatic adaptation of parameters, such as damping and microelectronic components, one can now try to place more
stiffness for oscillating systems based on measurements of emphasis on the electronic side and design the mechanical
displacements or accelerations, is another example. Inte- part from the beginning with a view to a mechatronic
grated supervision and fault diagnosis becomes increasingly overall system. Then, more autonomous systems can be
important with more automatic functions, increasing com- envisaged, e.g., in the form of encapsulated units with
plexity, and higher demands on reliability and safety. Then, noncontacting signal transfer or bus connections and robust
fault tolerance by triggering of redundant components and microelectronics.
system reconfiguration, maintenance on request, and any Integration within a mechatronic system can be performed
kind of teleservice make the system more intelligent. Cloud mainly in two ways: through the integration of components
services in the frame of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) are and through integration by information processing (see also
further possibilities. Table 13.1).
The integration of components (hardware integration) re-
sults from designing the mechatronic system as an overall
13.3.5 Other Developments system and embedding the sensors, actuators, and microcom-
puters into the mechanical process (Fig. 13.6b). This spatial
Mechatronic systems frequently allow flexible adaptation integration may be limited to the process and sensor or the
to boundary conditions. A part of the functions and also process and actuator. The microcomputers can be integrated
precision becomes programmable and rapidly changeable. with the actuator, the process, or sensor, or be arranged at
Advanced simulations enable the reduction of experimental several places. Integrated sensors and microcomputers lead
investigations with many parameter variations. Also, shorter to smart sensors, and integrated actuators and microcom-
time to market is possible if the basic elements are developed puters develop into smart actuators. For larger systems, bus
in parallel and the functional integration results from the connections will replace the many cables. Hence, there are
software. several possibilities for building an integrated overall system
A far-reaching integration of the process and the electron- by proper integration of the hardware.
ics is much easier if the customer obtains the functioning Integration by information processing (software integra-
system from one manufacturer. Usually, this is the manufac- tion) is mostly based on advanced control functions. Be-
turer of the machine, the device, or the apparatus. Although sides basic feedforward and feedback control, an additional
294 R. Isermann

Table 13.1 Some properties of conventional and mechatronic designed systems

Conventional design Mechatronic design
Added components Integration of components (hardware)
Bulky Compact
Complex Simple mechanisms
Cable problems Bus or wireless communication
Connected components Autonomous units
Simple control Integration by information processing (software)
Stiff construction Elastic construction with damping by electronic feedback
Feedforward control, linear (analog) control Programmable feedback (nonlinear) digital control
Precision through narrow tolerances Precision through measurement and feedback control
Nonmeasurable quantities change arbitrarily Control of nonmeasurable estimated quantities
Simple monitoring Supervision with fault diagnosis
Fixed abilities Adaptive and learning abilities

a) Micro- Integration by information processing

Actuators Process Sensors
Knowledge base

b) Information Performance
Micro- gaining criteria
Actuators Process Sensors
computer • Identification
• State observer
Design methods
• Control
Possible points of integration Methematical • Supervision
process models • Optimization
Information Process
processing knowledge
Software Online information processing
Hardware Feedword,
feedback Supervision Adaptation
control diagnosis optimization

Actuators Process Sensors
Integration of components
Actuator Process Sensors

Fig. 13.6 Integration of mechatronic systems: (a) general scheme of

a (classical) mechanical–electronic system; (b) integration through
components (hardware integration); (c) integration through functions
(software integration) Fig. 13.7 Integration of mechatronic systems: integration of compo-
nents (hardware integration); integration by information processing
(software integration)
influence may take place through process knowledge and
corresponding online information processing (Fig. 13.6c).
This means processing of available signals at higher levels, a knowledge base is required, comprising methods for design
as will be discussed in the next section. This includes the and information gain, process models, and performance crite-
solution of tasks such as supervision with fault diagnosis, ria. In this way, the mechanical parts are governed in various
optimization, and general process management. The corre- ways through higher-level information processing with intel-
sponding problem solutions result in online information pro- ligent properties, possibly including learning, thus resulting
cessing, especially using real-time algorithms, which must in integration with process-adapted software. Both types of
be adapted to the properties of the mechanical process, e.g., integration are summarized in Fig. 13.7. In the following,
expressed by mathematical models in the form of static char- mainly integration through information processing will be
acteristics, differential equations, etc. (Fig. 13.7). Therefore, considered.
13 Designs and Specification of Mechatronic Systems 295

Recent approaches for mechatronic systems mostly use cess management. Information processing at several levels
signal processing at lower levels, e.g., damping or control under real-time condition is typical for extensive process 13
of motions or simple supervision. Digital information pro- automation (Fig. 13.8).
cessing, however, allows the solutions of many more tasks, With the increasing number of automatic functions (au-
such as adaptive control, learning control, supervision with tonomy) including electronic components, sensors, and actu-
fault diagnosis, decisions for maintenance or even fault- ators, increasing complexity, and increasing demands on reli-
tolerance actions, economic optimization, and coordination. ability and safety, integrated supervision with fault diagnosis
These higher-level tasks are sometimes summarized as pro- becomes increasingly important. This is, therefore, a signif-
icant natural feature of an intelligent mechatronic system.
Figure 13.9 shows a process influenced by faults. These faults
indicate unpermitted deviations from normal states and can
be generated either externally or internally. External faults
Manage- Higher

Information processing
ment levels are, e.g., caused by the power supply, contamination or colli-
sion, internal faults by wear, missing lubrication, and actuator
Super- or sensor faults. The classic methods for fault detection are
Super- vision
vision level limit-value checking and plausibility checks of a few mea-
surable variables. However, incipient and intermittent faults
v Feedforw. Control r Control
control feedback level
cannot usually be detected, and in-depth fault diagnosis is not
possible with this simple approach. Therefore, model-based
fault detection and diagnosis methods have been developed
Process- in recent years, allowing early detection of small faults with
u y level normally measured signals, also in closed loops [11, 16, 29].
Based on measured input signals U(t), output signals Y(t),
and process models, features are generated by, e.g., parameter
estimation, state and output observers, and parity equations
Fig. 13.8 Different levels of information processing for process au-
tomation. u: manipulated variables; y: measured variables; v: input (Fig. 13.9).
variables; r: reference variables

U Actu- Sen- Y
ators sors

fault detection
Threshold- Vibration Signal-based
plausibil.- signal fault detection
check models

r, Q, x features
Normal Change detection
s Analytical symptoms

Fault diagnosis

f Diagnosed faults

Fig. 13.9 Scheme for model-based fault detection and diagnosis [29]
296 R. Isermann

13.5 Design Procedures for Mechatronic have to work together and the products have to be developed
Systems more or less simultaneously to an overall optimum (concur-
rent engineering, top-down design). Usually, this can only be
The design of comprehensive mechatronic systems requires realized with suitable teams.
systematic development and use of modern software design The principle procedure for the design of mechatronic
tools. As with any design, mechatronic design is also an systems is, e.g., described in the VDI guideline 2206 [71].
iterative procedure. However, it is much more involved than A flexible procedural model is described, consisting of the
for pure mechanical or electrical systems. Figure 13.10 shows following elements:
that, in addition to traditional domain-specific engineering,
integrated simultaneous (concurrent) engineering is required 1. Cycles of problem solutions at microscale:
due to the integration of engineering across traditional bound- • Search for solutions by analysis and synthesis of basis
aries that is typical of the development of mechatronic sys- steps
tems. • Comparison of requirements and reality
Hence, the mechatronic design requires a simultaneous • Performance and decisions
procedure in broad engineering areas. Traditionally, the de- • Planning
sign of mechanics, electrics and electronics, control, and 2. Macroscale cycles in the form of a V-model:
human–machine interface was performed in different depart- • Logical sequence of steps
ments with only occasionally contact, sometimes sequen- • Requirements
tially (bottom-up design). Because of the requirements for • System design
integration of hardware and software functions, these areas • Domain-specific design

System definition

Requirements engineering

Mechanical & electrical Electronic Information & control Operating


engineering engineering engineering engineering

Electronic hardware Inform. processing & Human machine

Process design
design software design interface design

Integration of components Integration by information processing

(hardware) (software)

Integrated mechan. electronic system

Integrated (concurrent)

Generation of synergetic effects


Reliability & safety engineering

Manufacturing engineering

Mechatronic system

Fig. 13.10 From domain-specific traditional engineering to integrated, simultaneous engineering (iteration steps are not indicated)
13 Designs and Specification of Mechatronic Systems 297

•System integration • Functional model: further development, fine-tuning, inte-

•Verification and validation gration of distributed components, power measurements, 13
•Modeling (supporting) and standard interfaces
•Products: laboratory model, functional model, and pre- • Pre-series product: consideration of manufacturing, stan-
series product dardization, further modular integration steps, encapsula-
3. Process elements for repeating working steps: tion, and field tests
• Repeating process elements
• System design, modeling, element design, integration, The V-model originates most likely from software devel-
etc. opment [63]. Some important design steps for mechatronic
systems are shown in Fig. 13.11 in the form of an extended V-
The V-model, according to [14, 71], is distinguished with model, where the following are distinguished: system design
regard to system design and system integration with domain- up to laboratory model, system integration up to functional
specific design in mechanical engineering, electrical engi- model, and system tests up to pre-series product.
neering, and information processing. Usually, several design The maturity of the product increases as the individual
cycles are required, resulting, e.g., in the following interme- steps of the V-model are followed. However, several itera-
diate products: tions have to be performed, which is not illustrated in the
figure. One intension of the V-model is that the results,
• Laboratory model: first functions and solutions, rough tests, and documents of the right branch correspond to the
design, and first function-specific investigations development procedures of the left branch.

Degree of maturity
• Simultaneous planning
• Overall functions • Technologies
• Rated values • Assembling
• Costs & milestones Validation
• Quality control

Field testing
• Final product
• Fulfillment of requirements • Normal use
• Sources, limitations Verification • Statistics
• Reliability, safety • Certification

System design System testing

• Paritioning • Test rigs
• Modules • Stress testing, electromagnetic compatibility
• Mechanics vs. electronics • Behavior testing
System • Synergies • Reliability, safety
Modeling & simulation System integration (software)
• Models of component • Signal analysis
• Behavior analysis • Filtering
• Requirements for components • Tuning of algorithms
• Design
System integration (hardware) integration
Component design (domain specific) • Assembling
Mechanics Electronics Automatic Human machine • Mutual adaption
control interface • Optimization
• Synergies

Prototypes Component testing

• Laboratory solutions • Hardware-in-the-loop simulation
• Modifications former products • Stress analysis
• Prototype computers/algorithms

Mechatronic components
• Mechanics
• Electronics
• Control-software
• Human machine interface

Fig. 13.11 A “V” development scheme for mechatronic systems

298 R. Isermann

Depending on the type of product, the degree of mecha- – Control system structure: feedforward control
tronic design is different. For precision mechanic devices (open loop) and feedback control (closed loop)
the integration is already well developed. In the case of – Required engine and component models
mechanical components one can use as a basis well-proven – Model-based design
constructions. Sensors, actuators, and electronics can be in- – Calibration (parametrization) methods
tegrated by corresponding changes, as can be seen, e.g., – Supervision and diagnosis functions
in adaptive shock absorbers, hydraulic brakes, and fluidic • Reliability and safety issues: FMEA (fault mode and
actuators. In machines and vehicles it can be observed that effect analysis) studies for sensor, actuator, and ECU
the basic mechanical construction remains constant but is faults and failures
complemented by mechatronic components, as is the case for • Result: control system design document
machine tools, combustion engines, and automobiles. 4. Modeling and simulation
Some important steps of the V-model for the development • Required mathematical models of processes, sensors,
of hardware and software functions can be described as actuators, drives, and transmission
follows: • Theoretical/physical modeling
• Experimental modeling
1. Requirements • Use of modeling/identification tools
• User requirements • Measurement procedures for test benches and design
• Definition of general (overall) functions and data of experiments
(rated values) of the final product • Kind of models: stationary (lookup tables, polynomi-
• General solution outline als, and neural networks) and dynamic (differential
• Development and manufacturing costs equations and neural networks)
• Timely development and milestones • Result: overall process and component models
• Result: requirements document (does not include 5. Domain-specific component design
technical implementation) • Design of mechanics, sensors, actuators, and electron-
2. Specifications ics
• Definition of the product that fulfills the requirements • Hardware and software integration of functions
• Partitioning in manageable modules • Prototype solutions
• Specification of features and data of the modules • Human-machine interface
• Consideration of the sources, tools, and limitations for • Laboratory models
the development and final manufacturing and mainte- 6. Control function development
nance • Hierarchical control structure
• Specification of hardware data • Computer-supported design and manual design
• Specification of used software, compilers, and devel- • Operation states: from start-up to shut-off
opment systems • Control functions: process state dependent and time
• Result: specification document dependent
3. System design • Sampling times and word length
• Detailed partitioning into electronic, mechanic, • Supervision and diagnosis functions
hydraulic, pneumatic, and thermal components with • Model-in-the-loop simulation: process and μC-
their auxiliary power supplies models
• Detailed fixing of type of sensors and actuators and • Rapid control prototyping with development μC, by-
their data pass computer and test bench
• Detailed data of interfaces between microcomputer, • Result: control structure and control algorithms
sensors, and actuators 7. Control software development
• Task distribution between sensors and actuators with • Software architecture layers and modules
integrated electronics • Software-component interfaces
• Specification of power-related data • High-level language: selection, floating point (e.g., C-
• Hardware design: data of microprocessors, data stor- code, MATLAB/Simulink)
ages, interfaces, bus systems, cabling, and plug sys- • Availability of compilers for target software
tems • Implementation of control functions and modules into
• Control engineering design: software structure
– Definition of sensor inputs and outputs to the actu- • Standardization and reuse of software modules
ators • Code optimization
13 Designs and Specification of Mechatronic Systems 299

• Testing of software modules with, e.g., model-in-the- machines, and vehicles and needs special consideration with
loop simulation regard to the human role and capabilities. In this context, a 13
• Rapid control prototyping with bypass computer and design with virtual reality and visual simulations can be used
test bench experiments as described in [5].
• Transfer of high-level language control software into If the overall system consists of many different compo-
machine code. Use of cross-compiler nents a modular design and specification of the subcompo-
• Test of control functions with simulated process nents is advisable with a hierarchical structure and horizontal
• Software-in-the-loop simulation and vertical branches. Some examples are given in [45].
• Hardware-in-the-loop simulation if real-time func-
tions with components are of interest
• Result: implemented control software in target micro- 13.6 Computer-Aided Design
computer (μC) of Mechatronic Systems
8. Mechatronic components integration
• Integration of components One general goal in the design of mechatronic systems is the
• Mechanical integration use of computer-aided design tools from different domains.
• Integration of mechanics, sensors, actuators, and mi- A survey is given in [71]. The design model given in [14]
crocomputer distinguishes the following integration levels:
• Integration with cables, switches, and bus systems
• Result: integrated prototype product • Basic level: specific product development, computer-
9. Hardware and software testing aided engineering (CAE) tools
• Hardware-in-the-loop simulation • Process-oriented level: design packages, status, process
• Real-time software analysis management, and data management
• Stress analysis • Model-oriented level: common product model for data
10. Final system integration (hardware) exchange (STEP)
• Assembling • System-oriented level: coupling of information technol-
• Mutual adaption of components ogy (IT) tools with, e.g., CORBA, DCOM, and JAVA
• Optimization with regard to manufacturing
• Creation of synergies The domain-specific design is usually designed on gen-
11. Final system integration (software functions) eral CASE tools, such as CAD/CAE for mechanics, two-
• Use of real signals dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) design with
• Filtering of signals AutoCAD, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools for
• Calibration of control parameters fluidics, electronics, and board layout (PADS), microelec-
• Tests for stationary and dynamic behavior tronics (VHDL), and computer-aided design of control sys-
• Tests of the human-machine interface tems CADCS tools for the control design (see, e.g., [14, 34]).
12. System testing For overall modeling, object-oriented software is espe-
• Use of test benches, if required cially of interest based on the use of general model-building
• Stress testing laws. The models are first formulated as noncausal objects
• Reliability and safety tests installed in libraries. They are then coupled with graphical
• Electromagnetic compatibility support (object diagrams) by using methods of inheritance
13. Field testing and reusability.
• Final product Examples are MODELICA, MOBILE, VHDL-AMS, and
• Normal and abnormal use 20 SIM; see, e.g., [13, 34, 48, 49, 50]. A broadly used tool for
• Statistics simulation and dynamics design is MATLAB/SIMULINK.
• Certification, if required When designing mechatronic systems the traditional bor-
14. Production ders of various disciplines have to be crossed. For the clas-
• Preparations for series production sical mechanical engineer this frequently means that knowl-
• Used machines edge of electronic components, information processing, and
• Assembling lines systems theory has to be deepened, and for the electri-
• Quality control cal/electronic engineer that knowledge on thermodynamics,
fluid mechanics, and engineering mechanics has to be en-
One special topic within the domain-specific component larged. For both, more knowledge on modern control princi-
design (no. 5) is the design of the human-machine interface ples, software engineering, and information technology may
(HMI). This holds especially for mechatronic equipment, be necessary (see also [69]).
300 R. Isermann

13.7 Model-Based Control Function are then represented as a model, i.e., a virtual picture of the
Development real parts.
If some control functions of a real development ECU can
A systematic and efficient development of control functions already be applied to the real process on a test bench, some
and their optimization and calibration requires special sim- new control functions may be tested as prototypes with a
ulation methods and computers, which support the control special real-time computer parallel to the ECU. This is called
function development as well as calibration and software test- rapid control prototyping (RCP). Frequently the new control
ing. This is part of the control system integration, represented functions operate in a bypass mode and use the interfaces
in the right branch of the V-development model in Fig. 13.11. of the ECU to the sensors and the actuators, see Fig. 13.12.
The computing power for the experimental RCP computer
exceeds that of the ECU and operates with a high-level
language. Thus, the new control functions do not have to be
13.7.1 Model-in-the-Loop Simulation
implemented in machine code within the limited computer
and Control Prototyping
power and fix point restrictions of an ECU. This may save
considerable development time by trying and testing new
A design of new control functions in an early development
functions directly on a higher software level with the real
phase may be based on simulations with process models
engine. If a development ECU is not available, a powerful
and an ECU model, i.e., control algorithms in a high-level
real-time computer can be used if the required sensors and
language, as, e.g., MATLAB-Simulink. This is called model-
actuators interface are implemented. It is then called fullpass
in-the-loop simulation (MiL). Both, the ECU and the process
mode, see [60].

Process model ECU model

q FW
p2, stat p2 p2
Control upwm
SiL q FW
T2, stat T2
neng p2, setpoint

Simulation tool High-performance


real-time computer


(full pass, bypass)

mechatronic system
(final product)

Real process (engine) Real ECU + real actuator

(injection pump)

Fig. 13.12 Different couplings of process and electronics for a mechatronic design. SiL: software-in-the-loop; RCP: rapid control prototyping;
HiL: hardware-in-the-loop [31]
13 Designs and Specification of Mechatronic Systems 301

13.7.2 Software-in-the-Loop of major automotive manufacturers and component suppliers

and Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation to support portability and reusability of application software 13
under real-time constraints, started in 1993. It also contains
Existing process models in high-level language can be used standardized flash memory programming procedures. The
for the validation of software functions as test candidates standardization of the platform software is additionally ad-
in an early development phase by software-in-the-loop sim- vantageous during the software development with regard to
ulation (SiL), see Fig. 13.12. The software functions may software changes and parametrization. Interfaces for mea-
already be implemented with fix point or floating point arith- surement and calibration via CAN protocols support the
metic and required interfaces, before they are implemented development phase as well, see [7, 8]. A hardware abstraction
on the target ECU. Real-time behavior is not required. layer (HAL) gives access to the peripheral components of the
For a final validation of control functions the target ECU ECU and is specified for the used microprocessors.
with its interfaces has to cooperate with real signals. In order The application software can be designed by the vehicle
not to use real process on expensive test benches, real-time manufacturer and contains vehicle-specific functions. Stan-
process models are implemented in a powerful development dardization takes place for control functions, ranging from
computer. The sensor signals may be generated by special lookup tables and their interpolation to dynamic control
electronic modules and the output signals are frequently algorithms. The standardization is, e.g., treated in the MSR-
transferred to real actuators. Thus, the real ECU with imple- MEGMA working group and ASAM [3].
mented software operates with some real components, but The configuration of standardized software components
with simulated real-time high-performance process models allows a specific application by using configuration tools.
and is known as hardware-in-the loop simulation (HiL), see An automated configuration comprises, e.g., the handling
Fig. 13.12. The advantages are that, e.g., software functions of signals, messages, buses, nodes, and functions. It may
can be tested under real-time constraints, validation tests contain export and import interfaces with data exchange
are reproducible and can be automated, critical boundary formats and a documentation interface. More details like data
conditions (high speed and high load) can be realized without models for engine and vehicle variants, storage in volatile
being dangerous, the reaction to faults and failures can be (RAM) or nonvolatile memories (ROM, PROM, EPROM, or
investigated, on-board diagnosis functions can be tested, etc. flash memory), and description files for data structure can be
found, e.g., in [60].
Activities for an open industry standard of the automotive
software architecture between suppliers and manufacturers
13.8 Control Software Development
are going on in the AUTOSAR consortium (AUTomotive
Open System ARchitecture) since 2003, [4, 22]. One of
According to the V-development model in Fig. 13.11, the
its aims is an open and standardized automotive software
first steps are the control system development and the control
architecture. The standard includes specifications describing
functions development in high-end software (e.g., MATLAB-
software architecture components and defining their inter-
SimulinkTM and StateflowTM). The next steps are then the
control software development and the software implementa-
The AUTOSAR architecture separates the basis software
tion on the ECU for series production using special software
from the application software and connects them by stan-
tools and computers for code generation and testing with
dardized interfaces, see Fig. 13.14. To master the complexity,
compilers and real-time simulation. In the following, some
several layers are defined, see [72]. The connection to the
remarks are given briefly for the software architecture for the
microcomputer is provided by the lowest level, the micro-
example of combustion engine control, which may also be
controller abstraction layer. Here, the interfaces are defined
applied to mechatronic systems in general.
to the memories, the I/O drivers, their communication, and to
The design of the software architecture has to consider
additional features which are not part of the microcontroller.
many aspects from software development to the requirements
The second layer is the ECU abstraction layer, comprising
of the target microprocessor and includes connected modules
the hardware design of the ECU including driver to external
which have to be flexible with regard to continuous changes
components. The service layer at the third level provides
and variants. Several software layers have to be defined. The
basic software modules like the operating system, memory
minimum is two layers, a platform software and an appli-
administration, and bus communication. This layer is rela-
cation software, as shown in Fig. 13.13, [60]. The platform
tively independent on the ECU hardware. The fourth level
software is oriented to the ECU and comprises the operating
is the runtime environment (RTE), which separates the basis
system, as well as communications and network management
software and application software and carries out data ex-
according to OSEK/VDX (2005) standards and diagnostic
change in both directions. Therefore, the application software
protocols. OSEK stands for “Open Systems and Interfaces
components have standardized interfaces to the RTE. The
for Automotive Electronics” and is the result of a committee
302 R. Isermann


Application software
Function Function
f1 f2

Platform software
Flash loader

Interaction layer
Diagnostic protocol
OSEK-COM Network

OSEK-NM Hardware
Network layer ISO abstraction

Bus driver(s) (CAN, K-line, LIN) (HAL)

Operating system

Fig. 13.13 Software architecture composed of standardized software components, [60]

and testing. An exchange of information becomes possible

through standardized software input and output ports. Thus
Application layer
a validation of the interaction of the SWCs and interfaces is
possible before software implementation.
AUTOSAR runtime environment

Service layer
ECU abstraction layer drives
Microcontroller abstraction layer
13.9 Internet of Things for Mechatronics
Microcontroller The Internet of Things (IoT) covers a network of physical
objects with embedded sensors, microcomputers, and com-
munication links to connect and exchange data with other
Fig. 13.14 AUTOSAR layer structure of automotive software, [72]
devices and systems over the Internet. The applications of IoT
devices comprise many areas like, for example, consumers
(smart home, wearable equipment, medical, and health care),
RTE also integrates the application software components industry (manufacturing, technical processes, and energy
(SWCs), see Fig. 13.15. This separation and integration systems), and infrastructure (buildings, bridges, roadways,
with standardized interfaces enables a hardware-independent and environment), see, e.g., [1, 18, 55].
software development. The application software components IoT devices may use several networks to communicate
can therefore be transferred to other ECUs and reused. by wireless or wired technologies. Their addresses are, e.g.,
A virtual function bus (VFB) connects the various soft- based on radio frequency identification (RFID) tags (an elec-
ware components during the design and allows a configura- tromechanic electronic product code) or on an IP address for
tion independent of a specific hardware. Thus the SWCs are linking with the Internet or the use of an Internet protocol.
runnable entities and can be linked together for development For wireless communication, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LTE, or 5G
13 Designs and Specification of Mechatronic Systems 303

Application Actuator Sensor AUTOSAR Application
software software software software
component component component software component
interface interface interface interface

AUTOSAR runtime environment (RTE)

Standardized Standardized Standardized AUTOSAR AUTOSAR

interface interface interface interface interface
Services Communi- ECU
cation abstraction
Standardized Standardized Standardized
interface interface interface

Operating Complex
system Standardized drivers
Basic software Micro-
ECU hardware

Fig. 13.15 AUTOSAR software architecture components and interfaces (RTE: runtime environment), [41]

are possible and for wired communication Ethernet or power components in the power train and the chassis. Figure 13.16
line communication (power and data), see [36, 62]. gives some examples for engines, drive trains, suspensions,
In the frame of mechatronic systems the principle of IoT brakes and steering systems. This development has a consid-
may be applied for mechatronic machine components (spe- erable influence on the design and operation of the power
cial suspensions and bearings), motion generators (servo- train consisting of the combustion engine, the drive train, and
drives, robots), power-producing machines (electrical drives the chassis with suspension, steering, and braking systems.
and combustion engines), power-consuming machines (ma- In the case of hybrid drives this includes also the electrical
chine tools and pumps), mechatronic components of vehicles motor and the battery.
(automatic gears, ABS, and EPS), and mechatronic trains The mechatronic components replace formally pure me-
(boogies drives), see Fig. 13.5. chanical, hydraulic, or pneumatic parts and use sensors with
The additional functions by communication via the In- electrical outputs, actuators with electrical inputs, and dig-
ternet are supervision and monitoring of the status for fault ital electronics for control. The available electrical sensor
detection and maintenance, adaptation of control algorithms, measurements open the access to internal functions and thus
teleoperation, and statistics for the manufacturer. This holds enable new possibilities not only for control but also for fault
especially for the parts subject to wear and aging, like actua- detection and diagnosis.
tors, drives, and tools. The development of sensors, actuators, and electronic
The data obtained from sensors and actuators are treated control for automobiles is depicted in Fig. 13.17. The first
locally if fast decisions have to be made, or in higher levels, mechatronic components for the control of vehicles have
like an edge gateway, if more computations are required or been wheel speed sensors and electrohydraulic switching
via the cloud for, e.g., teleservice. valves for the brake system (1979), electrical throttle (1986),
and semi-active shock absorbers (1988). These basic mecha-
tronic components then allowed to develop control systems
13.10 Mechatronic Developments for for antilock braking (ABS, 1979), automatic traction control
Vehicles (TCS, 1986), electronic stability control (ESC, 1995), and ac-
tive body control (ABC, 1999). Next development steps were
Many automotive developments in the last three decades have electric power steering (EPS, 1996) and active front steering
been possible through an increasing number of mechatronic (AFS, 2003). These mechatronic systems served mainly to
304 R. Isermann

vehicle components

Mechatronic Mechatronic Hybrid/ Mechatronic Mechatronic Mechatronic

combustion drive electric suspensions brakes steering
engines trains drives
- Electric throttle - Automatic - Electromotors: - Semi-active - Hydraulic anti- - Parameter-
- Mechatronic hydrodynamic asynchr. EM shock-absorbers lock braking controlled
fuel injection transmission synchr. EM - Active hydraulic (ABS) power-assisted
- Mechatronic - Automatic - Hybrid drives: suspension - Electronic steering
valve trains mechanic parallel, series (ABC) stability control - Electro-
- Variable geo- shift transm. powersplit - Active pneumatic (ESC) mechanical
metry turbo- - Continuously - Batteries suspension - Electro-hydraulic power-
charger (VGT) variable trans- Lith. Ion - Active anti-roll brake (EHB) assisted
- Emission control mission (CVT) - 48 V bars - Electro- steering (EPS)
- Evaporative - Automatic traction (dynamic drive mechanical brake - Active front
emission control control (ATC) control (DDC) (EMB) steering (AFS)
- Electrical pumps - Automatic speed or roll-control) - Electrical
and fans and distance parking brake
control (ACC)
3 4 5 6

+ -

7 8

Electrical energy flow

Fig. 13.16 Mechatronic components and systems for automobiles and engines [32]

Sensors Driver-assistance systems and Actuators

mechatronic components
Wheel speed Hydraulic pump

Antilock brakes Highly automated driving (20xx) Magnet switching valves

Pedal position
(ABS, 1979)
Anti-collision avoidance (20xx) Electronic throttle valves
Yaw rate Traction control
(TCS, 1986) Lane keeping assist
Lateral and longitudinal (LKA, 2007) Electro-pneumatic
acceleration brake booster
Electronic stability Parking assistance
control (ESC, 1995)
Steering angle (2003) Magnetic proportional
Dynamic drive control valves
Susp. deflection Brake assist
(BA, 1996) (DDC, 2003)
Distance (radar) Continuous damping control absorbers
Electrical power steering (CDC, 2002)
Brake pressure (EPS, 1996) Hydraulic pump with
Electro-hydraulic brake
Electronic air suspension (EHB, 2001)
Wheel acceleration
control (EAS, 1998) Electro-hydraulic or
Active body control
Steering torque (ABC, 1999) electro-motoric stabiliser
Adaptive cruise control
(ACC, 1999)
Roll angle Electrical superposition
angle actuator

Fig. 13.17 Examples for the introduction of sensors, actuators, and electronic control systems for automobiles [32]

increase safety and comfort and required many new sensors Parallel to the increase of electronic control functions
with electrical outputs, actuators with electrical inputs, and for the chassis the engines and drive trains have shown
micro-controller-based electronic control units. Because they a similar development. This has to be seen together with
support the driver in performing driving maneuvers, they are the improvements of the combustion, fuel consumption and
driver assistance systems.
13 Designs and Specification of Mechatronic Systems 305

emission reductions, as well as hybrid and electrical drives,

see, e.g., [8, 56, 57]. 13
In the following mechatronic engineering for automobiles 1
is illustrated by considering the developments of brake and
steering systems.

Hydraulic control
7 8
13.11 Mechatronic Brake Systems

unit (HCU)
4 3
In the frame of active vehicle safety, the optimal function of
brake systems has one of the highest priorities. In the long
history of the development of mechanical, hydraulic, and
pneumatic brake systems, the improvements of the braking
2 1 Brake master cylinder
performance by electronic control since the introduction of
2 Wheel brake cylinder
ABS brake control around 1978 play a dominant role for 3 Inlet valve
automotive control. 4 Outlet valve
5 Intermediate accumulator
6 Return pump
7 Pulsation damper
13.11.1 Hydraulic Brake System 8 Flow restrictor

Service brake systems for passenger cars and light utility ve- Fig. 13.18 Hydraulic brake system with magnetic 2/2-way valves for
hicles consist usually of two independent hydraulic circuits. ABS-braking
They are configured either diagonal, i.e., the right front wheel
and the left rear wheel belong to one circuit, or parallel,
where the two front wheels and the two rear wheels form each (90 W to 220 W), see Fig. 13.18, and a coil carrier with an
one circuit. The brake pedal acts on a dual master cylinder electronic control unit (two micro-controllers, ∼ 20 MHz,
and the brake booster, which amplifies the pedal force, e.g., ROM with 256 kB to 1 MB). The coil carrier is connected
by a vacuum-operated booster with a factor 4–10, and acts on to the hydraulics unit with a magnetic connector.
the brake master cylinder. There, the force is converted into An inlet valve and an outlet valve (both 2/2 way) within
hydraulic pressure with up to 120–180 bar. the hydraulic block enable to modulate the brake pressure for
A hydraulic unit carries the solenoid valves and the ECU each wheel. The inlet valve is normally open and the outlet
for the brake control system (ABS, ESC). The pressurized valve is closed.
brake fluid transmits the brake pressure through brake lines Based on the wheel speed sensor, the wheel’s acceleration
and flexible brake hoses to the wheel brake cylinders. The is determined. If this acceleration shows during breaking a
pistons of the brake cylinder then generate the force to press sharp negative value, a deceleration, the braking pressure in
the brake pads against the disc or drum brake. the master cylinder has to be reduced in order to avoid locking
Brake force boosters use an auxiliary energy to amplify of the wheel, though the braking pedal is applied by the driver
the pedal force, either stemming from air vacuum or hy- to strong braking. Therefore, first the inlet valve is closed
draulic pressure. Vacuum brake boosters use the (variable) and the brake pressure remains constant. If the deceleration
vacuum in the intake manifold of gasoline engines or from continues the outlet valve is opened, the braking pressure gets
special vacuum pumps in the case of diesel engines. smaller, and the wheel results in smaller slip, thus avoiding
complete locking of the wheel. By determining the wheel
speed rate and the tire slip a sequence of valve commands
13.11.2 Antilock Control with Switching Valves is generated, thus resulting in an optimal range of brake slip
(ABS) values, see [8, 32, 70].
Figure 13.19 shows a hydraulic system for four wheels.
In order to avoid locking wheels during strong braking, The ABS control unit comprises for each of the two separated
antilock braking systems (ABS) are installed. They ensure brake circuits six magnetic values, one DC-driven return
that the wheels rotate with a certain angular speed close to pump, a damper pressure, and low-pressure accumulator. To-
optimal slip with the goals to keep the vehicle’s steerability gether with the tandem master cylinder, the pneumatic brake
and stability and to shorten braking distances. booster, the brake systems form a hydraulic mechatronic
A hydraulic-electronic control unit (HECU) consists of a system, where the electrohydraulic components are together
central hydraulics block with valves, an electric-driven pump with the ECU integrated in one ABS block.
306 R. Isermann

Vacuum brake booster

1 Tandem master cylinder Fluid supply
2 Push rod
3 Pressure chamber
4 Intermediate piston
5 Floating chamber Brake pedal
6 Isolating valve
7 Changeover valve
8 Pressure-control valve
9 DC motor
10 Return pump
11 Damper chamber
12 Throttling point
13 Inlet valve
14 Outlet valve
15 Non-return valve
16 Low-pressure accumulator
FL front left
FR front right
RL rear left
RR rear right Floating circuit (F) Pressure circuit (P) MK 60 Hydroaggregat
Continental Teves AG

Wheel brakes

Fig. 13.19 Hydraulic brake system for antilock braking of a passenger car in a diagonal configuration, [32]

The brake fluid leaving the brake circuit is stored in of an integrated mechatronic brake force generator, an elec-
an intermediate accumulator and then pumped back by the tromechanical brake booster (i-booster) has been developed,
return pump to the brake master cylinder. which uses the dual master cylinder and an electrical motor
with gear to amplify the pedal force and is used since 2013
for series production. The advantages are a faster brake
pressure generation, better use of electrical inputs for driver
13.11.3 Electromechanical Brake Booster
assistance systems, redundancy for automatic driving, and
use for electrical and hybrid drives.
The conventional vacuum brake booster requires a vacuum
The generation of the supporting brake force is performed,
source, either from the manifold of gasoline engines or an
e.g., by a permanently excited synchronous motor (PMSM)
extra vacuum pump for diesel engines. Additionally, the
followed by a two-step reduction gear and a worm gear, with
required packaging space is relatively large. With the goal
a power of about 300 W, see [8].
13 Designs and Specification of Mechatronic Systems 307


'z –
Gear el. motor Controller
bB FF pI
Brake Foot – Master Clearances Pressure
pedal force piston generation

Pressure force
feedback I pMPI

Fig. 13.20 Signal flow for an electromechanical brake booster acting on the master piston of a dual master cylinder with difference position
control. Please note that only the master piston for brake circuit I is considered [32]

A schematic illustration of the signal flow is depicted in The brake pedal force simulator generates a suitable pedal
Fig. 13.20. The generation of the supporting braking force is travel/force characteristic with damping. The pedal travel
based on the measurement of the travel ways of the pedal is measured by two separate angle position sensors. Addi-
push rod and of the electromotorically driven rack. The tionally, the brake pressure of the brake master cylinder is
control variable is the difference of the two travel ways with measured, such that a threefold redundancy of the drivers
the goal to bring it to zero. An alternative is to measure brake command exists.
directly the difference of the two travel ways. In normal driving mode the electrically driven hydraulic
This electromechanical brake booster is more precise and three piston pump charges the high-pressure metal diaphragm
faster than a vacuum booster. Because of the electrically accumulator leading to a pressure between 90 and 180 bar,
actuated braking force, it allows the direct blending for which is measured by an accumulator pressure sensor. The
recuperative braking with generators or electrical drives and isolating valves are closed if the brake pedal is activated and
a direct use for automatic driving. separate the pressure in the master cylinder from the brake
calipers. The braking demand from the driver, measured by
the pedal travel sensors, is then transferred to the ECU, which
controls the brake pressures individually for each wheel “by
wire,” see [37].
13.11.4 Electrohydraulic Brake System (EHB)
The software structure of the ECU is characterized by a
modular structure with different levels from basic functions
A further mechatronic development is the electrohydraulic
through yaw control, traction control (TCS), and antilock
brake system (EHB), where the brake forces for each wheel
control (ABS) to electronic stability control (ESC), see [59].
are individually controlled electronically by continuously
operating valves. This allows to directly integrate ABS, TCS,
and ESC functions in one compact mechatronic braking unit.
The EHB came on the market in 2001 and consists of the
13.11.5 Electromechanical Brake (EMB)
following components:
The number of registered cars being equipped with modern
• Actuation unit with dual master cylinder, pedal travel
electronic driver-assisting brake control systems such as
force simulator, backup travel sensor, and brake fluid
antilock braking (ABS), traction control system (TCS), and
electronic stability control (ESC) have increased steadily.
• Hydraulic control unit (HCU) with motor, three piston
However, to embed such functionality in conventional
pumps, high-pressure accumulator, eight continuously op-
hydraulic brake systems, a large number of electrohydraulic
erating electromechanical valves, two isolation valves,
components are required. In recent years, the automotive
two balancing valves, and six pressure sensors
industry and their suppliers have therefore started to develop
• Electronic control unit (ECU) with two microprocessors
308 R. Isermann

brake-by-wire systems as typical mechatronic solutions. is equipped with two analog controllers, a motor current
There are two concepts favored, the electrohydraulic system controller, and a rotor velocity controller.
(EHB) and the fully electromechanical system (EMB). The The design of this mechatronic brake consisting of an
electrohydraulic brake-by-wire system still uses brake fluid electromechanical converter, gear, friction brake, and sensors
and conventional brake actuators but proportional valves. is mainly driven by the demand for minimized space and
However, with regard to the disadvantages of the elec- lightweight construction. A gear set consisting of the motor-
trohydraulic system (brake fluid, brake lines, proportional driven planetary gear and a spindle generates the clamping
valves, etc.) the fully electromechanical brake system is a force.
promising concept. An electromechanically actuated brake
system provides an ideal basis for converting electrical com-
mand signals into clamping forces at the brakes. Standard and
advanced braking functions can then be realized with uniform
hardware and software. The software modules of the control 13.12 Mechatronic Steering Systems
unit and the sensor equipment determine the functionality of
the brake-by-wire system. Except very small cars, electrical power–assisted steering
The reduction of vehicle hardware and entire system systems (EPS) are standard for small to larger passenger
weight are not the only motivational factors contributing cars and hydraulic power–assisted steering systems (HPS) for
to the development of a fully mechatronic brake-by-wire large passenger cars, and lightweight and heavy commercial
system. The system is environmentally friendly due to the vehicles. These power-assisted steering systems amplify the
lack of brake fluid and requires little maintenance (only pads driver’s muscular forces by adding additional steering forces
and discs). Its decoupled brake pedal can be mounted in a resulting from hydraulic or electrical auxiliary energy. Some
crash-compatible and space-saving manner in the passenger development steps for power steering systems are shown in
compartment. There are no restraints to the design of the Fig. 13.22.
pedal characteristics, so ergonomic and safety aspects can In addition to the mechanical steering system a torque
be directly included. This “plug and play” concept with sensor in the steering column measures the manual torque
a minimized number of parts also reduces production and MH of the driver via a torsion bar generating a small twist
logistics costs. angle δ M . This value then directly changes an orifice valve
A wheel brake module consists of an electromechani- in the case of an hydraulic actuator to influence hydraulic
cal brake with servo-amplifier and microcontroller unit, see flows or is an electrical output of a torque sensor in the case of
Fig. 13.21. The microcontroller performs the clamping force electrical power steering. Based on this torque measurement
and position control as well as the clearance management, the the hydraulic or electrical power actuator is feedforward
communication, and the supervision of the wheel module. controlled via a calibrated characteristic curve UPA = f (δ M )
To drive the DC brushless motor of the wheel brake, a which determines the actuator force dependent on the steer-
compact and powerful servo-amplifier is used. It processes ing angle δ H and the vehicle speed vX . For both hydraulic and
the motor rotor position, which is provided by a resolver, electric power steering systems many different constructions
for electronic commutation. Additionally, the servo-amplifier exist, see, e.g., [8, 23, 53].

Micro-controller Servo-amplifier Wheel brake

System bus Control signals:

(CAN) - Initialization
- Control mode Phase-
- Desired value voltages
clamping for Functions: Functions:
x Clamping force control Sensor signals: x Velocity control
x Position control - Rotor position x Current control Rotor
Wheel speed x Clearance management - Motor current x Electronic position
x Communication communication
x Supervision
Clamping force

Fig. 13.21 Block diagram of an electromechanical wheel brake module [32]

13 Designs and Specification of Mechatronic Systems 309

power steering
power steering
Electrical power
assisted steering
Active front
(HPS) (EPS) (HPS + EPS) (AFS) (SbW)


Fig. 13.22 On the development of different power steering systems [32]

13.12.1 Electrical Power Steering (EPS) Examples for EPS systems are shown in Fig. 13.23. A
torque sensor in the steering shaft as a measure of the driver’s
An electrical power steering system (EPS) uses an electromo- manual torque is transmitted to a specific ECU which deter-
tor powered by the electrical board net to support the manual mines together with other measurements like the vehicle’s
torque by the driver through a mechanical transmission. speed the power steering assisting torque of the electric
Though the energy density of electrical system is less than motor.
that for hydraulic systems and therefore more package space
may be required around the actuator space, they offer many
advantages and have therefore penetrated passenger cars 13.12.2 Basic Designs of EPS Systems
since about 1988 from the A segment to heavy vehicles, with
electrical power from 150–1000 W. This required partially a Depending on the arrangement of the electrical motor at the
24 V power supply. The upcoming 48 V voltage level will column or at the rack with different gears following EPS type
further increase their application rate. can be distinguished; see, e.g., [53, 58] Fig. 13.23.
The advantages of EPS compared to HPS are mainly: Column-type EPS systems, consisting of the torque sen-
sor, the electric motor, and a reduction gear, are arranged
• Reduction of fuel consumption directly at the steering column inside the vehicle. The ECU is
• Elimination of engine-driven oil pump, flexible hoses, installed separately or attached to the motor or torque sensor.
hydraulic cylinder, and many seals The reduction gear can be a worm gear, allowing sufficient
• Complete system modules delivered as a single assembly, back-turning capability. This type is usually applied for light
ready and tested units vehicles and uses the existing rack and pinion steering sys-
• An EPS electronic control unit (ECU) together with a tem.
steering angle sensor allows a precise position and torque Pinion-type EPS (single pinion) may also use the existing
control rack and pinion system. The electric motor with ECU is con-
• ECU enables the use of additional inputs from chassis nected to the pinion by a worm gear. This enables more direct
sensors and other ECUs via bus systems connection to the rack, but undergoes harder environmental
• Enhanced steering functions like electrical damping, ac- influences (temperature and splash water).
tive return of the steering wheel to straight-line driving, Dual pinion-type EPS acts with a second pinion on an
and compensation of disturbance torques from road or side additional rack, e.g., by a worm gear, and allows more
wind by control software freedom for the integration in the vehicle. It also contains a
• Addition of driver assistance functions like automated gear set and the ECU.
parking, lane keeping, and trailer backup assist, and for Axis-parallel-type EPS (APA) has the electric motor ar-
automated driving ranged parallel to the rack and transmit the rotary movement
to a straight rack movement by a ball screw which is driven
Thus EPS systems show some typical advantages of a by a tooth belt and the electric motor. The transfer of forces
mechatronic design: compactness, integration of mechanics, from the ball nut to the rack is performed by a chain of
electrics and electronics, integration by software, precision hardened steel balls with ball screw threads. The gear set
though digital feedback control, and autonomous units. operates without backlash. The advantages are high precision
310 R. Isermann

ball gear Steering column shaft

Pinion gear
Tooth belt
Brushless DC motor

Fig. 13.24 Axis-parallel EPS with PMSM electric motor, tooth belt,
recirculation ball gear, and rack spindle. (Source: [74], Imax = 80 A,
Pel,max = 960 W, Frack,max = 12,000 N)

and suitability also for heavier vehicles. Figure 13.24 depicts

an example.
Axis-parallel rack-type EPS (RC: rack concentric) has the
ball nut of the ball screw without additional gear directly
operating on the rack. The electrical motor has then a hollow
shaft where the rack ball screw passes through. This very
direct, stiff design requires a high torque motor and precise
The generated rack forces range from about 6000 N for
the column-type to 15,000 N for the axis-parallel-type EPS,
with electrical motors power from 200–1000 W.

13.12.3 Fault-Tolerant EPS Structures

In the case of faults and even failures of the electrical power


steering system, the driver can take over the required steer-
ing torque for small and medium cars. However, for larger
cars and light commercial vehicles the EPS should be fail-
operational with regard to failures.
For automatic driving the driver is out of the loop. Au-
tomatic closed-loop systems cover usually smaller additive
and parametric faults of the controlled process. However,
if the faults become larger, either sluggish, less damped,
or unstable behavior may result. The not engaged driver
may then not perform the right steering command in time.
Therefore, it will be required that EPS systems in the case
of automatic controlled driving must have fail-operational
functions in the case of certain faults, i.e., have to be fault
For most components of the steering actuator system
hardware redundancy is required in the form of dynamic re-
dundancy with hot or cold standby, see [28]. This means that
Fig. 13.23 Different types of electrical power steering systems: (a) a selection of components has to be doubled. Figure 13.25
column type (b) pinion type (c) dual pinion type (d) axis-parallel type depicts redundancy structures with different degrees of re-
(e) rack-centered axis-parallel type [32]
dundancy. At first the torque sensor can be duplicated or an
13 Designs and Specification of Mechatronic Systems 311

a) b) c) d) e) 13
Sensors Sensors Sensors Sensors Sensors


Inverter Inverter Inverter Inverter Inverter Inverter Inverter Inverter Inverter

2 three
Three Switch motors
phase Three Six 2 three
phase (parallel)
motor phase phase
motor motor motors

Gear Gear Gear Gear Gear Gear

Faults Redundancy Redundancy Redundancy Redundancy Redundancy

Sensors - 9 9 9 9
ECU - 9 9 9 9
Inverter - 9 9 9 9
Motor - - 9 9 9
Gear - - - - (9)

Fig. 13.25 Redundancy structures for EPS systems [32]

analytical redundancy concept can be programmed. In a next mechanics and electronics include increasingly more com-
step the torque sensor, the ECU, and inverter are duplicated. ponents and systems in the wide areas of mechanical and
The arrangement can be cold or hot standby. In the case of electrical engineering.
a fault in one channel the other channel stays active and The design of mechatronic systems follows along a V-
the faulty channel is switched off. Case C in Fig. 13.25 model and includes modeling, HiL and SiL simulation,
has a further redundance in the windings by a multiphase integration aspects, prototyping, and testing. Further
configuration, see [20, 73]. A serial connection of two motors developments show communication links to higher levels
is shown in Fig. 13.25d. Figure 13.25e depicts a duplication in the frame of Internet-of-Things, teleservice, and cloud
of the complete EPS actuator. In this parallel arrangement computing.
also the gear is duplicated. The degree of redundancy in- As the development toward the integration of computer-
creases from case A to E, however on cost of hardware extent, based information processing into products and their man-
installation space, cost, and weight. The selection of the ufacturing comprises large areas of engineering, suitable
redundancies also depends on fault statistics for the different education in modern engineering and also training is funda-
components. Case C seems to be a reasonable compromise, mental for technological progress. This means, among others,
however requires a special motor design. In the case of a to take multidisciplinary aspects and method-oriented proce-
winding fault the power is reduced. In the cases D and E dures into account. The development of curricula for mecha-
the power can be distributed differently to both motors in the tronics as a proper combination of electrical and mechanical
normal operating range. engineering and computer science during the last decades
shows this tendency. For additional content on education and
training for automation see Chs.  32,  63, and  68; on fault
13.13 Conclusion and Emerging Trends tolerance, error, conflict, and disruption prevention in Ch.
 22; and on CAD/CAE of automation in Ch.  28. On the
This chapter could only give a brief overview on the design design of human-machine and human-automation interfaces,
of mechatronic systems. As outlined, mechatronic systems see Chs.  19 and  20.
cover a very broad area of engineering disciplines. Advanced
mechatronic components and systems are realized in many
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Sensors, Machine Vision, and Sensor Networks
Wootae Jeong

Contents various types of sensors and their working principles are

14.1 Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 briefly explained as well as their technical advancement
14.1.1 Sensing Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 to recent applications such as self-driving vehicles is in-
14.1.2 Position Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 troduced. In addition, artificial intelligent-based machine
14.1.3 Velocity Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
vision systems are briefly described as a core technology
14.1.4 Acceleration Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
14.1.5 Flow Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 for current smart factories. The individual sensor issue
14.1.6 Ultrasonic Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 is also extended to wireless networked sensors and their
14.1.7 Micro- and Nanosensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 applications from recent research activities. Through this
14.1.8 Miscellaneous Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
chapter, readers can also understand the working principle
14.2 Machine Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 of various sensors and also how sensors or networked
14.2.1 Image-based Automation Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 sensors can be configured and collaborated with each
14.2.2 Machine Vision System Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
14.2.3 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Vision . . . . . . . . . . . 322 other to provide higher performance and reliability within
networked sensor systems.
14.3 Sensor Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
14.3.1 Sensor Network Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
14.3.2 Multisensor Data Fusion Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
14.3.3 Sensor Network Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
14.3.4 Sensor Network Architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Sensor node · Sensor network · Wireless sensor
14.3.5 Sensor Network Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
14.3.6 Sensor Network Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 network · Machine vision · Machine learning
14.3.7 Sensor Network Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
14.3.8 Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
14.4 Emerging Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
14.4.1 Heterogeneous Sensors and Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
14.4.2 Appropriate Quality-of-Service (QoS) Model . . . . . . . . . 331
14.1 Sensors
14.4.3 Integration with Other Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
A sensor is an instrument that responds to a specific physical
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
stimulus and produces a measurable corresponding electrical
signal. A sensor can be mechanical, electrical, electrome-
chanical, magnetic, or optical. Any devices that are directly
altered in a predictable, measurable way by changes in a real-
Sensors are essential devices in many industrial appli- world parameter can be a sensor for that parameter. Sensors
cations such as factory automation, digital appliances, have an important role in daily life because of the need to
automotive applications, environmental monitoring, and gather information and process it conveniently for specific
system diagnostics. The main role of those sensors is to tasks. Recent advances in microdevice technology, micro-
measure changes of physical quantities of surroundings. fabrication, chemical processes, and digital signal process-
In general, sensors are embedded into sensory devices ing have enabled the development of micro/nanosized, low-
with a circuitry as a part of a system. In this chapter, cost, and low-power sensors called microsensors. Microsen-
sors have been successfully applied to many practical areas,
W. Jeong () including medical and space devices, military equipment,
Korea Railroad Research Institute, Uiwang, South Korea telecommunication, and manufacturing applications [1, 2].
e-mail: When compared with conventional sensors, microsensors

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 315

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
316 W. Jeong

have certain advantages, such as interfering less with the en- mometer is a sensor that measures resistance by examining
vironment they measure, requiring less manufacturing cost, the resistivity change of a material. By expanding (14.1) in
being used in narrow spaces and harsh environments, etc. The a Taylor series and then simplifying the equation, resistance
successful application of microsensors depends on sensor change can be expressed as
capability, cost, and reliability.
l ρ ρ·l
R = ρ + l − A 2 . (14.2)
14.1.1 Sensing Principles
By dividing both side of (14.2) by the resistance R, the
Sensors can be technically classified into various types resistance change rate can be expressed as
according to their working principle, as listed in Table 14.1.
That is, sensors can measure physical phenomena by R ρ l A ρ
capturing resistance change, inductance change, capacitance = + − = + ε + 2νε (14.3)
R ρ l A ρ
change, thermoelectric effect, piezoelectric effect, photoelec-
tric effect, hall effect, and so on [3, 4]. Among these effects, where ν and ε are the Poisson’s ratio of the material and
most sensors utilize the resistance change of a conductor, i.e., the strain, respectively. When the resistivity (ρ) of a sensing
resistivity. As long as the current density is uniform in the material is close to constant, the resistance can be determined
insulator, the resistance R of a conductor of cross-sectional from the values of strain (ε) and Poisson’s ratio (ν) of the
area A can be computed as material (e.g., strain gage). When the resistivity of a sensing
material is sensitive to the measuring targets and values of
R= , (14.1) ε, ν can be neglected; the resistance can be measured from
A the resistivity change (ρ/ρ) (e.g., resistance temperature
where l is the length of the conductor, A is the cross-sectional detector (RTD)).
area, and ρ is the electrical resistivity of the material. Resis- In capacitance-based sensors, the sensor measures the
tivity is a measure of the material’s ability to oppose electric amount of electric charge stored between two plates of ca-
current. Therefore, change of resistance can be measured pacitors. The capacitance C can be calculated as
by detecting physical deformation (l or A) of conductive
materials or by sensing resistivity (ρ) of conductor. As an ε·A
C= , (14.4)
example, a strain gage is a sensor that measures resistance d
by deformation of length or cross-sectional area, and a ther-
where d is the separation between the plates, A is the area of
each plate, and ε is the dielectric constant (or permittivity) of
Table 14.1 Technical classification of sensors according to their work- the material between the plates. The dielectric constant for
ing principle
a number of very useful dielectrics changes as a function of
Sensing the applied electrical field. Thus, capacitance-based sensors
principle Sensors
utilize capacitance change by measuring the dielectric con-
Resistance Strain gage, potentiometer, resistance temperature
change detector (RTD), potentiometric throttle position
stant, the area (A) of each plate, or the separation (d) between
sensor (TPS), magnetoresistive sensor, thermistor, the plates. A capacitive-type torque meter is an example of a
piezoresistive sensor, photoresistive sensor capacitance-based sensor.
Capacitance Capacitive-type torque meter, capacitance level Inductance-based sensors measure the ratio of the mag-
change sensor netic flux to the current. Linear variable differential trans-
Inductance Inductive angular position sensor (magnetic formers (LVDT; Fig. 14.1) and magnetic pick-up sensors are
change pick-up), inductive torque meter, linear variable
differential transformer (LVDT)
representative inductance-based sensors.
Electromagnetic Electromagnetic flow meter Electromagnetic induction-based sensors are based on
induction Faraday’s law of induction, which is involved in the operation
Thermoelectric Thermocouple of inductors, transformers, and many forms of electrical gen-
effect erators. The law states that the induced electromotive force
Piezoelectric Piezoelectric accelerometer, sound navigation and (EMF) in any closed circuit is equal to the time rate of change
effect ranging (SONAR) of the magnetic flux through the circuit. Quantitatively, the
Photoelectric Photodiode, phototransistor, photo-interrupter
law takes the following form
effect (optical encoder)
Hall effect Hall sensor
E=− , (14.5)
14 Sensors, Machine Vision, and Sensor Networks 317

signals that convert motion into a sequence of digital pulses.

A In fact, there also exist optical encoders for measuring linear
Some position sensors are classified by their measuring
techniques. Sonars measure distance with sonic/ultrasonic 14
waves, and radar utilizes electronic/ radio to detect or mea-
sure the distance between two objects. Many other sensors
are used to measure position or distance.

14.1.3 Velocity Sensors

Fig. 14.1 Cutaway view of an LVDT. Current is driven through the Speed measurement can be obtained by taking consecutive
primary coil at A, causing an induction current to be generated through
position measurements at known time intervals and comput-
the secondary coils at B
ing the derivative of the position values. A tachometer is an
example of a velocity sensor that does this for a rotating
where E is the electromotive force (EMF), and B is the shaft. The typical dynamic time constant of a tachometer is
magnetic flux through the circuit. in the range 10–100 μs. A tachometer is a passive analog
Besides these types of sensors, thermocouples measure sensor that provides an output voltage proportional to the
the relative difference of temperature between two points velocity of a shaft. There is no need for an external reference
rather than absolute temperature. In traditional applications, or excitation voltage. Traditionally tachometers have been
one of the junctions (the cold junction) is maintained at a ref- used for velocity measurement and control only, but all
erence temperature, while the other end is attached to a probe. modern tachometers have quadratic outputs which are used
Having available a cold junction at a known temperature is for velocity, position, and direction measurements, making
simply not convenient for most directly connected control them effectively functional as position sensors.
instruments. They incorporate into their circuits an artificial
cold junction using some other thermally sensitive device,
such as a diode or thermistor, to measure the temperature 14.1.4 Acceleration Sensors
of the input connections at the instrument, with special care
being taken to minimize any temperature gradient between An acceleration sensor or accelerometer is a sensor designed
terminals. Hence, the voltage from a known cold junction can to measure continuous mechanical vibration such as aerody-
be simulated, and the appropriate correction applied. Photo- namic flutter and transitory vibration such as shock waves,
diodes, phototransistors, and photo-interrupters are sensors blasts or impacts. Accelerometers are normally mechanically
that use the photoelectric effect. Various types of sensors and attached or bonded to an object or structure for which accel-
their working principle are summarized in Table 14.1. eration is to be measured. The accelerometer detects acceler-
Sensors can also be classified by the physical phenomena ation along one axis and is insensitive to motion in orthogonal
measured, such as position, velocity, acceleration, heat, pres- directions. Since acceleration of objects is directly related to
sure, flow rate, sound, etc. This classification of sensors is the force applied from the Newton’s second law of motion,
briefly explained below. accelerometers are broadly used in engineering dynamics ap-
plications. Strain gages or piezoelectric elements constitute
the sensing element of an accelerometer, converting vibration
14.1.2 Position Sensors into a voltage signal. The design of an accelerometer is based
on the inertial effects associated with a mass connected to a
A position sensor is any device that enables position measure- moving object.
ment. Position sensors include limit switches or proximity Detailed information and technical working processes
sensors that detect whether or not something is close to or about position, velocity, and acceleration sensors can be
has reached a limit of travel. Position sensors also include po- found in many references [5, 6].
tentiometers that measures rotational or linear position. The
linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is an example
of the potentiometers for measuring linear displacement, 14.1.5 Flow Sensors
while resolvers and optical encoders measure the rotational
position of a rotating shaft. The resolver and LVDT function A flow sensor is a device for sensing the rate of fluid flow. In
much like a transformer. The optical encoder produces digital general, a flow sensor is the sensing element used in a flow
318 W. Jeong

meter to record the flow of fluids. Some flow sensors have a 14.1.7 Micro- and Nanosensors
vane that is pushed by the fluid (e.g., a potentiometer), while
other flow sensors are based on heat transfer caused by the A microsensor is a miniature electronic device functioning
moving medium. similar to existing large-scale sensors. With recent micro-
electromechanical system (MEMS) technology, microsen-
sors are integrated with signal-processing circuits, analog-
to-digital (A/D) converters, programmable memory, and a
microprocessor, a so-called smart microsensor [7, 8]. Cur-
14.1.6 Ultrasonic Sensors rent smart microsensors contain an antenna for radio signal
transmission. Wireless microsensors are now commercially
Ultrasonic sensors or transducer generates high-frequency available and are evolving with more powerful functionali-
sound waves and evaluate the echo received back by the sen- ties, as illustrated in Fig. 14.3.
sor. An ultrasonic sensor computes the time interval between In general, a wireless microsensor consists of a sensing
sending the signal and receiving the echo to determine the unit, a processing unit, a power unit, and communication
distance to an object. Radar or sonar works on a principle elements. The sensing unit is an electrical part detecting
similar to that of the ultrasonic sensor. Some sensors are the physical variable from the environment. The process-
depicted in Fig. 14.2. However, there are many other groups ing unit (a tiny microprocessor) performs signal-processing
of sensors not listed in this section. With the advent of semi- functions, i.e., integrating data and computation required in
conductor electronics and manufacturing technology, sensors the processing of information. The communication elements
have become miniaturized and accurate, and brought into consist of a receiver, a transmitter, and an amplifier if needed.
existence micro/nanosensors. The power unit provides energy source with other units
(Fig. 14.4). Basically, all individual sensor nodes are operated
by a limited battery, but a base-station node as a final data
collecting center can be modeled with an unlimited energy
a) b)
Under the microscale, nanosensors are used in chemical
and biological sensory applications to deliver information
about nanoparticles. As an example, nanotubes are used to
sense various properties of gaseous molecules. In developing
and commercializing nanosensors, developers still need to
overcome high costs of production and reliability challenges.
The nanosensors are currently used in specific applications,
c) d) but there is still tremendous room to improve the technology
for practical uses in real-life applications.

14.1.8 Miscellaneous Sensors

Fig. 14.2 Various sensors: (a) absolute encoder, (b) photoresistor, (c) Among the many technologies which make self-driving, au-
sonar, and (d) digital load cell cutaway. (Courtesy of Society of Robots) tonomous vehicle possible is a combination of sensors and

Mica2 2002

Wec 1999 Dot 2001 Spec 2003

Rene 2000 Mica 2002
smart rock demo scale mote on a chip

Fig. 14.3 Evolution of smart wireless microsensors. (Courtesy of Crossbow Technology Inc.)
14 Sensors, Machine Vision, and Sensor Networks 319

as Tesla [13], Google [14, 15], and Uber [16] choose lidar
systems although lidar sensors are still much more expensive
than radar sensors.
Node Processing unit There are also miscellaneous sensors to measure physical
Sensing unit
(sensor, ADC) quantities such as strain, force, temperature, humidity, flow, 14
and pressure. The load cell consists of several strain gages
connected to a bridge circuit to yield a voltage proportional
Receiver Transmitter Amplifier
to the load. Force sensors are represented by a load cell
that is used to measure a force. Temperature sensors are
Node Power unit Node devices that indirectly measure quantities such as pressure,
volume, electrical resistance, and strain, and then convert the
values using the physical relationship between the quantity
Fig. 14.4 Wireless micronode model. Each node has a sensing module and temperature; for example: (a) a bimetallic strip composed
(analog-to-digital converter (ADC)), processing unit, and communica-
tion elements of two metal layers with different coefficients of thermal
expansion utilizes the difference in the thermal expansion
of the two metal layers, (b) a resistance temperature sensor
actuators. In particular, diverse sensors are recently utilized constructed of metallic wire wound around a ceramic or glass
for autonomous vehicles, but there are essential sensors in core and hermetically sealed utilizes the resistance change of
autonomous driving assistance such as camera, radar, and the metallic wire with temperature, and (c) a thermocouple
lidar. These sensors help cars to detect objects, monitor constructed by connecting two dissimilar metals in contact
surroundings, and safely plan their paths. produces a voltage proportional to the temperature of the
Video camera in autonomous cars is used to see and junction [17, 18].
interpret the objects in the road by replacing human drivers’
eyes. The vehicles with these cameras at certain position
are capable of maintaining a 360◦ view of their external 14.2 Machine Vision
environment, thereby providing a broader picture of the
traffic conditions around cars. In addition, by utilizing 2D 14.2.1 Image-based Automation Technology
currently and once utilizing 3D cameras, the cameras can pro-
vide highly detailed and realistic images to detect obstacles, Machine vision is also widely used sensor. A vision sensor
classify them, and determine the distances between them and is typically used embedded in a vision system using cam-
the vehicle. However, these cameras are highly dependent on eras. A vision system is generally used for applications of
weather conditions such as rain, snow, and fog. measurement, guidance, and inspection. The visual measure-
Radar (radio detection and ranging) sensors send out radio ment technology can improve the productivity of the factory
waves that detect objects and gauge their distance and speed by measuring the key dimensions, counting a number of
in relation to the vehicle in real time. While short range parts or features, surface quality, and assembly effect of the
(24 GHz) radar applications enable blind spot monitoring, product. The visual guidance technology can significantly
the ideal lane-keeping assistance, and parking aids, the roles improve manufacturing efficiency and body assembly quality
of the long range (77 GHz) radar sensors include auto- by guiding the machine to complete automatic handling,
matic distance control and brake assistance. Unlike camera optimum matching assembly, and precise drilling. The visual
sensors, radar systems typically have relatively less trouble inspection technology can monitor the stability of the body
when identifying objects during fog or rain [9]. However, manufacturing process and can also be used to ensure the
commonly used 2D radars have a limitation to determine integrity and traceability of the product to reduce the cost of
accurately an object’s height, a wider variety of 3D radar manufacturing.
sensors are recently being developed. Machine vision and image-based automation technology
Lidar (light detection and ranging) sensors work very sim- has improved significantly over the last decade in that they
ilar to radar sensors, but they use laser light instead of radio have become rather standard smart sensing components in
waves [10–12]. Lidar is sometimes called 3D laser scanning. most factory automation systems for part sorting, object
Apart from measuring the distances to various objects on inspection, and robot guidance. In general, a vision system
the road, lidar allows creating 3D images of the detected consists of a vision camera, a lighting module, and an image
objects and mapping the surroundings. Moreover, lidar can be processing system as shown in Fig. 14.5. The basic principle
configured to create a full 360-degree map around the vehicle of operation of a vision system is that it forms an image by
rather than relying on a narrow field of view. These two measuring the light reflected from objects, and the sensor
advantages make autonomous vehicle manufacturers such head analyzes the output voltage from the light intensity
320 W. Jeong

Vision system package

“All in one”system
“Smart camera”
“Vision sensor” Optional ext.
computer for
operator interface
Camera Computer
Imager Electronics
Power/control Frame grabber Digital
or other signal image
Signal conversion

Fig. 14.5 Overall procedure of machine vision system

a) b)

c) d)

Fig. 14.6 Types of vision sensor applications: (a) automated low-volume/high-variety production, (b) vision sensors for error-proof oil cap
assembly, (c) defect-free parts with 360◦ inspection, (d) inspection of two-dimensional (2D) matrix-marked codes. (Courtesy of Cognex Corp.)

received. The sensor head consists of an array of photosen- 14.2.2 Machine Vision System Components
sitive, photodiodes, or charge-coupled devices (CCD). Cur-
rently, various signal-processing techniques for the reflected Lighting: Since machine vision itself is not capable of light-
signals are applied for many industrial applications to provide ing, proper illumination is essential for the machine vision
accurate outputs, as illustrated in Fig. 14.6 [19, 20]. to identify the object clearly. Key features of various lighting
14 Sensors, Machine Vision, and Sensor Networks 321

techniques are summarized in Table 14.2 and corresponding PC-based machine vision still offers the best performances
lighting techniques are depicted in Fig. 14.7. and the best flexibility. Recently, the industrial camera is
Industrial Cameras: Industrial cameras originally used evolving in smart cameras and board camera. The smart
in the vision system is the PC-based machine vision. The camera, an evolution of the PC-based machine vision, is in-
tegrated system with onboard computing capabilities. Thus, 14
it is easier to implement but its flexibility and performance
Table 14.2 Key features of various lighting techniques
are limited. The board camera is an evolution of industrial
camera. By adopting CMOS instead of CCD, components of
techniques Features
the industrial camera are simplified and reduced to a single
Back lighting Accurate outline of objects for applications board.
Axial or coaxial Very even illumination and homogeneous image Line Scan Camera and Area Scan Camera: As depicted
lighting on specular surfaces in Fig. 14.8, line scan cameras record a single row of pixels
Reducing low-contrast surface features and at a time and build continuous images, allowing for much
highlighting high-contrast geometric surface higher resolutions than area scan cameras. Thus, the line scan
features depending on reflective
camera is effective when an object or camera is moving.
Structured light Providing contrast-independent surface inspection
and 3D information in 2D images Area scan cameras capture an area image of a given scene
Dark-field Preferred for low-contrast applications using in one exposure cycle with designed vertical and horizontal
illumination low-angle ring light pixels. Area scan cameras are easier to setup and implement
Specular light is reflected away from the camera than line scan cameras, and also they are suited toward when
Bright-field Preferred for high-contrast applications using an object is stationary.
illumination high-angle ring light
Image Processing: Image processing in vision system is
Producing sharp shadows and inconsistent
illumination throughout the entire field of view the procedure for extracting required information from a dig-
Constant diffuse Providing the most uniform illumination of ital image which is performed by various software tools. The
illumination features of interest machine vision software should provide sufficient algorithm
(dome lighting) Masking irregularities that are not of interest depth and capability to perform the required inspection tasks.
Collimated Highly accurate back lighting It should be also capable of adequate flexibility in the process
illumination Reducing stray light and highlighting surface
features as a front light
configuration to service the automation requirements. The

a) Camera b) Camera c) Camera

Heat dissipation


Chip Illumination
LEDs Object system Object

d) Camera e) Camera f) Camera




Fig. 14.7 Lighting techniques for vision sensor applications: (a) back lighting, (b) axial or coaxial lighting, (c) structured lighting, (d) dark-field
illumination, (e) bright-field illumination, and (f) constant diffuse illumination (dome lighting)
322 W. Jeong

In fact, for the machine learning models to be accurate

a) b) in various automation applications, very large amounts of
Line scan 2 area scan digital image data are required for a comprehensive training
camera cameras
process to be able to classify new objects independently
afterward. There exist many public datasets available to
implement intelligent machine learning models, but many in-
dustrial applications require very specialized datasets. There-

fore, many companies in providing intelligent machine vision


solution make efforts on collecting right metadata with their

own smart cameras. Successful examples of the AI-based
vision system can be found in automation service providing
vendors, such as Keyence [26], Cognex [27], and Adlink
Fig. 14.8 Line scan camera (a) and area scan cameras (b)
[28]. Today, the AI-based machine vision system is becoming
essential technology of smart factories.
major functions of the vision algorithms are image transfor-
mation, preprocessing including image enhancement, con-
tent statistics, edge detection, geometric search, color image 14.3 Sensor Networks
processing, correlation, and connectivity.
Today, the size of vision system components becomes 14.3.1 Sensor Network Systems
condensed and minimized to be adoptable for easy imple-
mentation in manufacturing. Machine vision components are Before the advent of wireless and microminiaturization tech-
also becoming more intelligent and sophisticated as com- nology, single-sensor systems had an important role in a vari-
bined with an artificial intelligence technology. ety of practical applications because they were relatively easy
to construct and analyze. Single-sensor systems, however,
were the only solution when there was critical limitation of
14.2.3 Artificial Intelligence and Machine implementation space. Moreover, single-sensor systems for
Vision recently emerging applications have various limitations and
One of the revolutionary progresses in the machine vision
systems is an extensive use of machine learning. As a subset • They have limited applications and uses; for instance, if
of artificial intelligence, machine learning, based on con- a system should measure several variables, e.g., temper-
volutional neural networks (CNNs) [21] and deep learning ature, pressure, and flow rate, at the same time in the
algorithm [22–24], makes the vision system more intelligent. application, single-sensor systems are insufficient.
That is, the CNNs were rapidly integrated into vision system • They cannot tolerate a variety of failures which may take
to provide more intelligent decisions by solving image clas- place unexpectedly.
sification, localization, object detection, segmentation, and • A single sensor cannot guarantee timely delivery of ac-
other problems with state-of-art accuracy. As a result, the curate information all of the time because it is inevitably
embedded deep learning has radically improved the value affected by noise and other uncertain disruptions.
proposition for machine vision by accelerating inspection
processes, improving operational efficiencies, and increasing These limitations are critical when a system requires
productivity in applications that were not cost-effective to highly reliable and timely information. Therefore, single-
strive for in the past. Deep learning and also reinforcement sensor systems are not suitable when robust and accurate
learning [25] provide solution for vision applications difficult information is required in the application.
to program with rule-based algorithms, and it handles com- To overcome the critical disadvantages of single-sensor
plex surface textures and variations in part appearance and systems in most applications, multisensor-based wireless net-
acclimatizes to new examples without reprogramming core work systems which require replicated sensory information
networks. This technology effectively handles judgment- have been studied, along with their communication network
based inspection, part location, classification, and character technologies. Replicated sensor systems are applicable not
recognition challenges efficiently when compared to con- only because microfabrication technology enables produc-
ventional machine vision systems. Deep learning, based on tion of various microsensors at low manufacturing cost, but
CNNs, has become the most widely used algorithm for also because microsensors can be embedded in a system
different problems of computer vision although it requires with replicated deployment. These redundantly deployed
higher computer processing capability. sensors enable a system to improve accuracy and tolerate
14 Sensors, Machine Vision, and Sensor Networks 323

sensor failure, i.e., distributed microsensor arrays and net- P(z|x) P(x)
P (x|z) = . (14.6)
works (DMSA/DMSN) are built from collections of spatially P(z)
scattered microsensor nodes. Each node has the ability to
measure the local physical variable within its accuracy limit, The conditional probability P(z | x) serves the role of a
process the raw sensory data, and cooperate with its neigh- sensor model. The probability is constructed by fixing the 14
boring nodes. value of x = x and then asking what probability density
Sensors incorporated with dedicated signal-processing P(z | x = x) on x is inferred. The multisensory form of Bayes’
functions are called intelligent, or smart, sensors. The rule requires conditional independence
main roles of dedicated signal processing functions are
to enhance design flexibility and realize new sensing 
functions. Additional roles are to reduce loads on central P(z1 , · · · , zn |x) = P(z1 |x) · · · P(zn |x) = P(zi |xi ) (14.7)
processing units and signal transmission lines by distributing i=1
information processing to the lower layers of the system [8].
A set of microsensors deployed close to each other to The recursive form of Bayes’ rule is
measure the same physical quantity of interest is called a  
cluster. Sensors in a cluster can be either of the same or   P(zk |x) P x|Z k−1
different type to form a distributed sensor network (DSN). P x|Z k
=   (14.8)
P zk |Z k−1
DSN can be utilized in a widely distributed sensor system and
implemented as a locally concentrated configuration with a From this equation, one needs to compute and store only
high density. the posterior density P(x | Zk − 1 ), which contains a complete
summary of all past information.

14.3.2 Multisensor Data Fusion Methods Probabilistic Grids

Probabilistic grids, also called occupancy grids, are the
There are three major ways in which multiple sensors interact means to implement the Bayesian data fusion technique
[29, 30]: (1) competitive, when sensors provide independent to problems in mapping [33] and tracking [34]. Practically,
measurement of the same information regarding a physical a grid of likelihoods on the states xij is produced in the form
phenomenon; (2) complementary, when sensors do not de- P(z = z | xij ) = (xij ). It is then trivial to apply Bayes’ rule
pend on each other directly, but are combined to give a more to update the property value at each grid cell as
complete image of the phenomena being studied; and (3)
cooperative, when sensors combine data from independent P+ xij = C xij P xij , ∀i, j, (14.9)
sensors to derive information that would be unavailable from
the individual sensors.
where C is a normalizing constant obtained by summing pos-
In order to combine information collected from each
terior probabilities to 1 at node ij only. Computationally, this
sensor, various multisensory data fusion methods can be
is a simple pointwise multiplication of two grids. Grid-based
applied. Multisensor data fusion is the process of combining
fusion is appropriate to situations where the domain size
observations from a number of different sensors to provide a
and dimension are modest. In such cases, grid-based meth-
robust and complete description of an environment or process
ods provide straightforward and effective fusion algorithms.
of interest. Most current data fusion methods employ prob-
Monte Carlo and particle filtering methods can be considered
abilistic descriptions of observations and processes and use
as grid-based methods, where the grid cells themselves are
Bayes’ rule to combine this information [31, 32]. Although
samples of the underlying probability density for the state.
the probabilistic grid and the Kalman filter described in
the following section is more commonly used as integrating
multiple readings from single sensor, they are also effective The Kalman Filter
in processing sensing data from distributed sensors. The Kalman filter is a recursive linear estimator that succes-
sively calculates an estimate for a continuous-valued state on
the basis of periodic observations of the state. The Kalman
Bayes’ Rule filter may be considered a specific instance of the recursive
Bayes’ rule provides basic logic among the most data fu- Bayesian filter [35] for the case where the probability densi-
sion methods. In general, Bayes’ rule provides a means to ties on states are Gaussian.
make inferences about an object or environment of interest The Kalman filter algorithm produces estimates that min-
described by a state x, given an observation z. Based on the imize mean-squared estimation error conditioned on a given
rule of conditional probabilities, Bayes’ rule is obtained as observation sequence and so is the conditional mean
324 W. Jeong

  uncertainty in situations where there is a lack of probabilistic
x̂(i|j)  E x(i) z(1), · · · , z(j)  E x(i) Z j (14.10)
information, but in which sensor and parameter error is
known to be bounded. In this technique, the uncertainty in
The estimate variance is defined as the mean-squared error
a parameter x is simply described by a statement that the true
in this estimate
value of the state x is known to be bounded between a and
 b, i.e., x ∈ [a, b]. There is no other additional probabilistic
P(i|j)  E [x(i) − x̂(i|j)] [x(i) − x̂(i|j)]T | Z j (14.11)
structure implied. With a, b, c, d ∈ R, interval arithmetic is
also possible as
The estimate of the state at a time k, given all information
up to time k, is written x̂(k|k). The estimate of the state at a  
d [a, b] , [c, d] = max (|a − c|, |b − d|) (14.14)
time k given only information up to time k − 1 is called a
one-step-ahead prediction and is written x̂(k|k − 1).
Interval calculus methods are sometimes used for detec-
The Kalman filter is appropriate to data fusion problems
tion, but are not generally used in data fusion problems
where the entity of interest is well defined by a continuous
because of the difficulties to get results converged to anything
parametric state. Thus, it would be useful to estimate posi-
value, and to encode dependencies between variables.
tion, attitude, and velocity of an object, or the tracking of a
simple geometric feature. Kalman filters, however, are inap-
Fuzzy Logic
propriate for estimating properties such as spatial occupancy,
Fuzzy logic has achieved widespread popularity for repre-
discrete labels or processes whose error characteristics are
senting uncertainty in high-level data fusion tasks. Fuzzy
not easily parameterized.
logic provides an ideal tool for inexact reasoning, particularly
in rule-based systems. In the conventional logic system, a
Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
membership function μA (x) (also called the characteristic
The sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) filtering method is a
function) is defined. Then the fuzzy membership function
simulation of the recursive Bayes update equations using
assigns a value between 0 and 1, indicating the degree of
sample support values and weights to describe the underlying
membership of every x to the set A. Composition rules for
probability distributions. SMC recursion begins with a poste-
fuzzy sets follow the composition processes for normal crisp
rior probability density represented by a set of support values
 Nk−1 sets as
and weights xk−1 , wik−1|k−1 in the form
A ∩ B  μA∩B (x) = min [μA (x), μB (x)] (14.15)

P xk−1 |Z k−1 = wk−1 δ xk−1 − xk−1
i=1 A ∪ B  μA∪B (x) = max [μA (x), μB (x)] (14.16)
Leaving the weights unchanged wk i = wk − 1 i and allowing
There exist a number of similarities between fuzzy set
the new support value xk i to be drawn on the basis of old
theory and probability as the probability density function
support value xk − 1 i , the prediction becomes
and the fuzzy membership function resemble. However, the
relation between probability theory and fuzzy logic has been

  an object of discussion [37, 38].
P xk |Z k−1 = wik−1 δ xk − xki . (14.13)
Evidential Reasoning
The SMC observation update step is relatively straightfor- Evidential reasoning methods are qualitatively different from
ward and described in Refs. [31, 36]. either probabilistic methods or fuzzy set theory. In evidential
SMC methods are well suited to problems where state- reasoning, belief mass cannot only be placed on elements
transition models and observation models are highly nonlin- and sets, but also sets of sets, while in probability theory
ear. However, they are inappropriate for problems where the a belief mass may be placed on any element xr ∈ χ and
state space is of high dimension. In addition, the number of on any subset A  χ. The domain of evidential reasoning
samples required to model a given density faithfully increases is the power set 2χ . Evidential reasoning methods play an
exponentially with state-space dimension. important role in discrete data fusion, attribute fusion, and
situation assessment, where information may be unknown or
Interval Calculus ambiguous.
Interval representation of uncertainty has a number of po- Multisensory fusion methods and their models are sum-
tential advantages over probabilistic techniques. An interval marized in Table 14.3 and details can be founded in Refs.
to bound true parameter values provides a good measure of [31, 32].
14 Sensors, Machine Vision, and Sensor Networks 325

Table 14.3 Multisensor data fusion methods [31]

Approach Method Fusion model and rule
  P(z |x)Px|Z k−1 
Probabilistic modeling Bayes’ rule P x|Z k = Pk z |Z k−1
(k )
Probabilistic grids P+ (xij ) = C(xij )P(xij ) 14
The Kalman filter P (i|j)  E {[ x(i) − x̂ (i|j) [x(i) − x̂ (i|j)]T | Z j
Sequential Monte Carlo P xk |Z k = C wik−1 P zk = zk |xk = xki δ xk − xki
methods i=1

Nonprobabilistic Interval calculus d([a, b], [c, d]) = max (|a − c|, |b − d|)
Fuzzy logic A ∩ B  μA ∩ B (x) = min [μA (x), μB (x)]
A ∪ B  μA ∪ B (x) = max [μA (x), μB (x)]
Evidential reasoning 2X = {{occupied, empty}, · · · {occupied}, {empty}, 0}

In addition, multisensor integration or fusion is not only efforts have focused on application-specific protocols with
the process of combining inputs from sensors with informa- respect to energy consumption and network parameters such
tion from other sensors, but also the logical procedure of as node density, radio transmission range, network coverage,
inducing optimal output from multiple inputs with one rep- latency, and distribution. Current network protocols also use
resentative format [39]. In the fusion of large-size distributed broadcasting for communication, while traditional and ad hoc
sensor networks, an additional advantage of multisensor in- networks use point-to-point communication. Hence, the rout-
tegration (MSI) is the ability to obtain more fault-tolerant ing protocols, in general, should be designed by considering
information. This fault tolerance is based on redundant sen- crucial sensor network features as follows:
sory information that compensates for faulty or erroneous
readings of sensors. There are several types of multisensor
1. Fault tolerance: Over time, there is always potential possi-
fusion and integration methods, depending on the types of
bility that sensor nodes may fail or be blocked due to lack
sensors and their deployment [40]. This topic has received
of power, physical damage, or environmental interference.
increasing interest in recent years because of the sensibility of
The failure of sensor nodes, however, should not affect
networks built with many low-cost micro- and nanosensors.
the overall operation of the sensor network. Thus, fault
As an example, a recent improvement of the fault-tolerance
tolerance or reliability is the ability to sustain sensor
sensor integration algorithm (FTSIA) by Liu and Nof [41,
network functionality despite likely problems.
42] enables it not only to detect possibly faulty sensors and
2. Accuracy improvement: Redundancy of information can
widely faulty sensors, but also to generate a final data interval
reduce overall uncertainty and increase the accuracy with
estimate from the correct sensors after removing the readings
which events are perceived. Since nodes located close
of those faulty sensors.
to each other are combining information about the same
event, fused data improve the quality of the event infor-
14.3.3 Sensor Network Design Considerations mation.
3. Network topology: A large number of nodes deployed
Sensor networks are somewhat different from traditional throughout the sensory field should be maintained by care-
operating networks because sensor nodes, especially mi- fully designed topology because any changes in sensor
crosensors, are highly prone to failure over time. As sensor nodes and their deployments affect the overall perfor-
nodes weaken or even die, the topology of the active sensor mance of DSN. Therefore, a simple and flexible topology
networks changes frequently. Especially when mobility is is usually preferred.
introduced into the sensor nodes, maintaining the robustness 4. Timeliness: DSN can provide the processing parallelism
and discovering topology consistently become challenging. that may be needed to achieve an effective integration
Therefore, the algorithms developed for sensor network com- process, either at the actual speed that a single sensor
munication and task administration should be flexible and could provide or at even faster operation speed.
stable against changes of network topology and work prop- 5. Energy consumption: Since each wireless sensor node is
erly under unexpected failure of sensors. working with a limited power source, the design of power-
In addition, in order to be used in most applications, saving protocols and algorithms is a significant issue for
DSN systems should be designed with application-specific providing longer lifetime of sensor network systems.
communication algorithms and task administration proto- 6. Lower cost: Despite the use of redundancy, a distributed
cols, because microsensors and their networking systems microsensor system obtains information at lower cost than
are extremely resource constrained. Therefore, most research the equivalent information expected from a single sensor,
326 W. Jeong

because it does not require the additional cost of functions

to obtain the same reliability and accuracy. The current a) b)
BS Cluster BS Cluster
cost of a microsensor node, e.g., dust mote [7], is still head head
expensive, but it is expected to be less than US$ 1 in the
near future, so that sensor networks can be justified.
7. Scalability: The coverage area of a sensor network system
depends on the transmission range of each node and
the density of the deployed sensors. The density of the
deployed nodes should be carefully designed to provide a
c) BS d) BS
topology appropriate for the specific application.

To provide the optimal solution to meet these design

criteria in the sensor network, researchers have considered
various protocols and algorithms. However, none of these
studies has been developed to improve all design factors
because the design of a sensor network system has typically
been application specific.
Fig. 14.9 Four different configurations of wireless sensor networks:
A distributed network of microsensor arrays (MSA) can (a) single hop with clustering, (b) multihop with clustering, (c) single
yield more accurate and reliable results based on built-in hop without clustering, and (d) multihop without clustering. BS base
redundancy. Recent developments of flexible and robust pro- station
tocols with improved fault tolerance will not only meet
essential requirements in distributed systems but will also
provide advanced features needed in specific applications. one CH, and a set of nodes communicating with a CH is
While micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) sensor called a cluster. A clustering architecture can increase system
technology has advanced significantly in recent years, sci- capacity and enable better resource allocation [45, 46]. Data
entists now realize the need for design of effective MEMS are integrated in CH by receiving required information from
sensor communication networks and task administration. associated sensors of the cluster. In the cluster, CHs can inter-
act not only with other CHs but also with higher-level CHs or
a base station. A number of network configurations have been
14.3.4 Sensor Network Architectures developed to prolong network lifetime and reduce energy
consumption in forwarding data. In order to minimize energy
Recent developments of flexible and robust protocols with consumption, routing schemes can be broadly classified into
improved fault tolerance will not only meet essential require- two categories: (1) clustering-based data forwarding scheme
ments in distributed systems but will also provide advanced (Fig. 14.9 a, b) and (2) multihop data forwarding scheme
features needed in specific applications. They can produce without clustering (Fig. 14.9 b, d).
widely accessible, reliable, and accurate information about In recent years, with the advancement of wireless mobile
physical environments. communication technologies such as the fifth generation
Various architectures have been proposed and developed network communication, ad hoc wireless sensor networks
to improve the performance of systems and fault-tolerance (AWSNs) have become important. With this advancement,
functionality of complex networks depending on their ap- the above wired (microwired) architectures remain relevant
plications. General DSN structures for multisensor systems only where wireless communication is physically prohibited;
were first discussed by Wesson et al. [43]. Iyengar et al. otherwise, wireless architectures are considered superior.
[44] and Nadig et al. [45] improved and developed new The architecture of AWSN is fully flexible and dynamic, that
architectures for distributed sensor integration. is, a mobile ad hoc network represents a system of wireless
A network is a general graph G = (V, L), where V is a nodes that can freely reorganize into temporary networks as
set of nodes (or vertices) and L is a set of communicating needed, allowing nodes to communicate in areas with no
links (or edges) between nodes. For a DSN, a node means existing infrastructure. Thus, interconnection between nodes
an intelligent sensing node consisting of a computational can be dynamically changed, and the network is set up
processor and associated sensors, and an edge is the connec- only for a short period of communication [47, 48]. Now the
tivity of nodes. As shown in Fig. 14.7, a DSN consists of a AWSN with an optimal ad hoc routing scheme has become
set of sensor nodes, a set of cluster-head (CH) nodes, and a an important design concern.
communication network interconnecting the nodes [40, 44]. In applications where there is no given pattern of sensor
In general, one sensor node communicates with more than deployment, such as product monitoring in flexible automa-
14 Sensors, Machine Vision, and Sensor Networks 327

tion environment, the AWSN approach can provide efficient In the flooding protocol (FP), the information sent out
sensor networking. Especially in dynamic network environ- by the sender node is addressed to all of its neighbors, as
ments such as AWSN, three main distributed services, i.e., shown in Fig. 14.10b. This disseminates data quickly in
lookup service, composition service, and dynamic adaptation a network where bandwidth is not limited and links are
service by self-organizing sensor networks, are also studied not loss-prone. However, since a node always sends data 14
to control the system (see, for instance, Ref. [49]). to its neighbors, regardless of whether or not the neighbor
In order to route information in an energy-efficient way, has already received the data from another source, it leads
directed diffusion routing protocols based on the localized to the implosion problem and wastes resources by sending
computation model [50, 51] have been studied for robust duplicate copies of data to the same node.
communication. The data consumer will initiate requests The gossiping protocol (GP) [55, 56] is an alternative to
for data with certain attributes. Nodes will then diffuse the the classic flooding protocol in which, instead of indiscrimi-
requests towards producers via a sequence of local interac- nately sending information to all its neighboring nodes, each
tions. This process sets up gradients in the network which sensor node only forwards the data to one randomly selected
channel the delivery of data. Even though the network status neighbor, as depicted in Fig. 14.10c. While the GP distributes
is dynamic, the impact of dynamics can be localized. information more slowly than FP, it dissipates resources,
A mobile-agent-based DSN (MADSN) [52] utilizes a for- such as energy, at a relatively lower rate. In addition, it
mal concept of agent to reduce network bandwidth require- is not as robust relative to link failures as a broadcasting
ments. A mobile agent is a floating processor migrating from protocol (BP), because a node can only rely on one other
node to node in the DSN and performing data processing node to resend the information for it in the case of link
autonomously. Each mobile agent carries partially integrated failure.
data which will be fused at the final CH with other agents’ In order to solve the problem of implosion and overlap,
information. To save time and energy consumption, as soon Heinzelman et al. [57] proposed the sensor protocol for
as certain requirements of a network are satisfied in the information via negotiation (SPIN). SPIN nodes negotiate
progress of its tour, the mobile agent returns to the base with each other before transmitting data, which helps en-
station without having to visit other nodes on its route. This sure that only useful transmission of information will be
logic reduces network load, overcoming network latency, and executed. Nodes in the SPIN protocol use three types of
improves fault-tolerance performance. messages to communicate: ADV (new data advertisement),
REQ (request for data), and DATA (data message). Thus,
SPIN protocol works in three stages: ADV–REQ–DATA. The
14.3.5 Sensor Network Protocols protocol begins when a node advertises the new data that is
ready to be disseminated. It advertises by sending an ADV
Communication protocols for distributed microsensor message to its neighbors, naming the new data (ADV stage).
networks provide systems with better network capability and Upon receiving an ADV, the neighboring node checks to see
performance by creating efficient paths and accomplishing whether it has already received or requested the advertised
effective communication between the sensor nodes data to avoid implosion and the overlap problem. If not, it
[49, 53, 54]. responds by sending a REQ message for the missing data
The point-to-point protocol (PTP) is the simplest com- back to the sender (REQ stage). The protocol completes when
munication protocol and transmits data to only one of its the initiator of the protocol responds to the REQ with a DATA
neighbors, as illustrated in Fig. 14.10a. However, PTP is not message, containing the missing data (DATA stage).
appropriate for a DSN, because there is no communication In a relatively large sensor network, a clustering architec-
path in case of failure of nodes or links. ture with a local cluster-head (CH) is necessary. Heinzelman
et al. [58] proposed the low-energy adaptive clustering hi-
erarchy (LEACH), which is a clustering-based protocol that
utilizes randomized rotation of local cluster base stations to
a) PTP b) FP c) GP evenly distribute the energy load of sensors in DSN. Energy-
minimizing routing protocols have also been developed to
extend the lifetime of the sensing nodes in a wireless network;
for example, a minimum transmission energy (MTE) routing
protocol [59] chooses intermediate nodes such that the sum
of squared distances is minimized by assuming a square-
Fig. 14.10 Three basic communication protocols: (a) point-to-point
of-distance power loss between two nodes. This protocol,
protocol (PTP), (b) flooding protocol (FP), and (c) gossiping protocol however, results in unbalanced termination of nodes with
(GP) respect to the entire network.
328 W. Jeong

In recent years, a time-based network protocol has been 14.3.6 Sensor Network Security
developed. The objective of a time-based protocol is to
ensure that, when any tasks keep the resource idle for too Another issue in wireless sensor networks is related to sensor
long, their exclusive service by the resource is disabled; that network security. Since the sensor network may operate in
is, the time-based control protocol is intended to provide a hostile environment, security needs to be built into the
a rational collaboration rule among tasks and resources in network design and not as an afterthought. That is, network
the networked system [41]. Here, slow sensors will delay techniques to provide low-latency, survivable, and secure
timely response and other sensors may need to consume extra networks are required. However, sensor network security, es-
energy. The patented fault tolerant time-out protocol (FTTP) pecially in the wireless sensor network, is difficult to achieve
uses the basic concept of a time-out scheme effectively in because of its fundamental characteristics of vulnerability of
a microsensor communication control (FTTP is a patent- wireless links.
pending protocol of the PRISM Center at Purdue University, In general, low probability of communication detection
USA). is needed for networks because sensors are envisioned for
The design of industrial open protocols for mostly wired use behind enemy lines. For the same reasons, the network
communication known as fieldbuses, such as DeviceNet and should be protected again intrusion and spoofing. For the
ControlNet, have also been evolved to provide open data wireless network security, there currently exist solutions as
exchange and a messaging framework [60]. Further develop- follows [63]:
ment for wireless has been investigated in asset monitoring
and maintenance using an open communication protocol
such as ZigBee [61]. 1. Authentication during all routing phases: Implementing
Wireless sensor network application designers also re- authentication procedure during all routing phases to
quire a middleware to deliver a general runtime environment exclude unauthorized nodes from participating in the
that inherits common requirements under application spec- routing.
ifications. In order to provide robust functions to industrial 2. Randomize message forwarding: A node selects a request-
applications under somewhat limited resource constraints ing message at random to forward. This method, however,
and the dynamics of the environment, appropriate middle- increases the delay of the route discovery.
ware is also required to contain embedded trade-offs between 3. Secure neighbor verification: By using a three-round au-
essential quality-of-service (QoS) requirements from appli- thenticated message exchange between two nodes, this
cations. Typically, a sensor network middleware has a layered solution prevents illegal use of a high power range to
architecture that is distributed among the networked sensor launch the rushing attacks.
systems. Based on traditional architectures, researchers [62] 4. Trust-level metric: Mirroring the minimum trust value
have recently been developing a middleware for facility sen- required by the sender. However, it is difficult to
sor network (MidFSN) whose layered structure is classified define trust level based on a proper key sharing
into three layers as depicted in Fig. 14.11. mechanism.

Sensor level Middleware level Application level

Networked Low-level Context Services
sensors data abstraction management • Service interpreter
• Resource context • Application
• Data • Cluster context specification
dessamination • Qos requirements Application manager
• Energy context
• Self-configuration • Temporal context • Data aggregation • Analyze data
• Sensor rate • Analysis service • Manage database
configuration • Application
• Communication Qos control requirements
scheduling • Industrial application
• Monitoring the • Error handling classification
battery power • Service differenciation • Trade-offs
• Sensor state • Network control
control • Event detection and
• Cluster control coordination
messages • Middleware component

Fig. 14.11 Middleware architecture for facility sensor network applications (MidFSN). (After Ref. [36])
14 Sensors, Machine Vision, and Sensor Networks 329

Base station

QoS control
Inductive sensor

Fig. 14.12 Wireless microsensor network system with two different types of microsensor nodes in an industrial automation application. (After
Ref. [62])

14.3.7 Sensor Network Applications Recent self-driving, autonomous cars utilize diverse array
of sensors (Fig. 14.14). Many sensors are sharing information
Distributed microsensor networks have mostly been applied for better vehicle intelligence. The majority of automotive
to military applications. However, a recent trend in sensor manufacturers most commonly use three types of sensors in
networks has been to apply the technology to various the autonomous vehicle: cameras, radars, and lidars. These
industrial applications. Figure 14.12 illustrates a networked sensors play an essential role in automated driving such as de-
sensor application used in factory automation. Environment tecting oncoming obstacles, monitoring their surroundings,
applications such as examination of flowing water and and safely planning their paths. They are also integrated in the
detection of air contaminants require flexible and dynamic main computer of the vehicle. Rapid improvement of the au-
topology for the sensor network. Biomedical applications tonomous vehicle technology is recently drawing attentions
of collecting information from internal human body are on the research of vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication
based on bio/nanotechnology. For these applications, based on the sensor network technology.
geometrical and dynamical characteristics of the system
must be considered at the design step of network architecture
[51]. It is also essential to use fault-tolerant network 14.3.8 Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
protocols to aggregate very weak signals without losing
any critical signals. Specifically designed sensor network In the era of industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution,
systems can also be applicable for intelligent transportation modern industry facilitates computerization and interconnec-
systems, monitoring material flow, and home/office network tivity into the traditional industry [67]. Industry 4.0 enables
systems. factories and manufacturing process more flexible and in-
Public transportation systems are another example of sen- telligent by using sensors, autonomous machines, and mi-
sor network applications. Sensor networks have been suc- crochips. In particular, wide supply of a high speed wired
cessfully implemented into highway systems for vehicle and or wireless internet accelerates processing, communication,
traffic monitoring, providing key technology for intelligent and networking capabilities.
transportation systems (ITS). Recently various networked Since the terms of internet of things (IoT) was first used
sensors have been applied to railway system to monitor the in 1999 [68], the industrial internet of things (IIoT) addi-
location of rolling stocks and detect objects or obstacles tionally becomes the extensive use of the internet of things
on the rail in advance (Fig. 14.13). Networked sensors can (IoT) in manufacturing through automation, optimization,
cover a wide monitoring area and deliver more accurate intelligent or smart factory, industrial control, and mainte-
information by implementing multisensor fusion algorithms nance as illustrated in Fig. 14.15 [69–71]. While there are
[64–66]. plenty of IoT definitions, one of the definitions is “network
330 W. Jeong


Kalman filter

Doppler Gyroscope Tachometer


Fig. 14.13 Networked sensors for train tracking and tracing (global positioning system (GPS))

Main computer
in truck

Fig. 14.14 Diverse sensors used in autonomous driving car

connectivity and computing capability to objects, devices, • Standardization: Since fundamental goal of IIoT is in-
sensors, and items not ordinarily considered to be computers. formation sharing from heterogeneous environment, stan-
These ‘smart objects’ require minimal human intervention dardization activities should ensure interoperability by
to generate, exchange, and consume data; they often feature identifying potential global needs, benefits, concepts, and
connectivity to remote data collection, analysis, and manage- conditions for the factory.
ment capabilities” [68].
Fundamental aspects of the IIoT are listed as follows: Table 14.4 shows comparison of key features between IoT
and IIoT. Main benefits from adopting the IIoT can be opera-
• Architecture: While IIoT architecture can be designed dif- tional efficiency improvement, maximizing asset utilization,
ferently depending on applications, the Industrial Internet downtime reduction, and productivity improvement.
Consortium provides models by four different viewpoints:
business, functional, usage, and implementation views
[69]. 14.4 Emerging Trends
• Connectivity: IIoT and its communication protocols
should provide interoperability at different levels, Energy-conserving microsensor network protocols have
scalability and flexibility to transfer smart data among drawn great attention over the years. Other important metrics
existing heterogeneous communication protocols. such as latency, scalability, and connectivity have also been
14 Sensors, Machine Vision, and Sensor Networks 331

The integration of multiple types of sensors such as seis-

mic, acoustic, and optical sensors in a specific network plat-
Industrial form and the study of the overall coverage of the system also
Internet of things
present several interesting challenges. Diverse sensors inte-
gration for self-driving and autonomous vehicle is a recent 14
example of heterogeneous sensors utilization. In addition,
when sensor nodes should be shared by multiple applications
with differing goals, protocols must efficiently serve multiple
applications simultaneously. Therefore, for heterogeneous
Smart factory Automation Smart
solution robots product sensors and their network application development, several
research questions should be considered:
Industry 4.0
production systems (CPPS) 1. How should resources be utilized optimally in heteroge-
Factory impact neous sensor networks?
2. How should heterogeneous data be handled efficiently?
3. How much and what type of data should be processed
Fig. 14.15 Industrial internet of things (IIoT) and industry 4.0 in
manufacturing to meet quality-of-service (QoS) goals while minimizing
energy usage?

Table 14.4 Comparison between IoT and IIoT [70]

Status New devices and Existing devices and
standards standards 14.4.2 Appropriate Quality-of-Service (QoS)
Model Human-centered Machine-oriented Model
Connectivity Ad hoc Structured (nodes are fixed;
centralized network Research in QoS has received considerable attention over
the years. QoS has to be supported at media access control
Criticality Not stringent Mission critical (timing,
reliability, security, privacy)
(MAC), routing, and transport layers. Most existing ad hoc
Data volume Medium to high Very high
routing protocols do not support QoS. The routing metric
used in current work still refers to the shortest path or mini-
mum hop. However, bandwidth, delay, jitter, and packet loss
(reliability or data delivery ratio) are other important QoS
deeply studied recently. However, it should be realized that parameters. Hence, mechanisms of current ad hoc routing
there are still emerging research issues in sensor network protocols should allow for route selection based on both QoS
systems. Although current wireless microsensor network requirements and QoS availability. In addition to establishing
research is moving forward to more practical application QoS routes, QoS assurance during route reconfiguration has
areas, emerging research on the following new topics should to be supported too. QoS considerations need to be made
be further examined and will surface. to ensure that end-to-end QoS requirements continue to be
supported. Hence, there is still significant room for research
in this area.

14.4.1 Heterogeneous Sensors

and Applications

In many networked sensor applications and their perfor- 14.4.3 Integration with Other Networks
mance evaluation, homogeneous or identical sensors were
most commonly considered; therefore, network performance For information exchange and data fusion, sensor networks
was mainly determined by the geometrical distances between may interface with other networks, such as a Wi-Fi network,
sensors and the remaining energy of each sensor. In practical a cellular network, or the industrial internet of things (IIoT).
applications, other factors can also influence coverage, such Therefore, to find the best way to interface these networks
as obstacles, environmental conditions, and noise. In addition under required security will be a big issue. Sensor network
to nonhomogeneous sensors, other sensor models can deal protocols should support (or at least integrated as a separated
with nonisotropic sensor sensitivities, where sensors have network) the protocols of the other networks; otherwise
different sensitivities in different directions. sensors could have dual network interface capabilities.
332 W. Jeong

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Intelligent and Collaborative Robots
Kenji Yamaguchi and Kiyonori Inaba

Contents human operators and industrial robots. The industrial

15.1 The Industrial Robot Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
intelligent robot and collaborative robot have recently
been a key technology to solve issues that today’s man-
15.2 Emergence of Intelligent
ufacturing industry is faced with, including a decreasing
and Collaborative Robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
number of skilled workers and demands for reduced man-
15.3 Intelligent and Collaborative Robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 ufacturing costs and delivery time. In this chapter, the lat-
15.3.1 Basic Technology for Industrial Robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
15.3.2 Intelligent Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 est trends in key technologies such as vision sensors, force
15.3.3 Collaborative Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 sensors, and safety measures for collaborative robots are
15.4 Offline Programming and IoT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
introduced with some robot cell application examples that
15.4.1 Offline Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 have succeeded in drastically reducing machining costs.
15.4.2 IoT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
15.5 Applications of Intelligent Keywords
and Collaborative Robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Industrial robot · Intelligent robot · Collaborative robot ·
15.5.1 Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
15.5.2 Machining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Vision sensor · Force sensor · ISO 10218 · Mobile
15.5.3 Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 robot · Offline programming · IoT · Applications
15.5.4 Picking, Packing, and Palletizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
15.5.5 Painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
15.6 Installation Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 15.1 The Industrial Robot Market
15.6.1 Range of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
15.6.2 Return on Investment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
Automation involving the use of industrial robots has
15.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
helped to improve productivity and manufacturing quality,
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 mainly in the automotive industry. Recently, securing an
adequate workforce is a serious issue due to the declining
birth rates and aging populations all over the world.
Abstract Therefore, the demand for robotization has recently grown
in various production processes not only in the automotive
It has been a belief for a long time since the birth of
industry, but in other markets such as the logistics and food
the industrial robot that the only thing it can do is
industries. The number of industrial robots in operation
playback simple motions that are taught in advance. At the
in major industrialized countries is shown in Table 15.1
beginning of the twenty-first century, the industrial robot
[1]. Conventional industrial robots are typically used in
was reinvented as the industrial intelligent robot, able to
applications such as spot welding, arc welding, material
perform highly complicated tasks like skilled production
handling, loading/unloading, assembly, and painting, as
workers, mainly due to the rapid advancement in vision
shown in Figs. 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, and 15.4.
and force sensors. In addition, collaborative robots were
Devol started the history of the industrial robot by filing
developed to meet the demand of collaboration between
the patent of its basic idea in 1954. A teaching-playback-
type industrial robot was delivered as a product for the first
K. Yamaguchi · K. Inaba () time in the USA in 1961, and many teaching-playback-type
FANUC CORPORATION, Yamanashi, Japan robots were adopted in factories around the world. However,
e-mail:; in the 2000s, due to the diversification of market demands,

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 335

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
336 K. Yamaguchi and K. Inaba

Table 15.1 Number of industrial robots in operation in select countries. (Source: World Robotics 2020)
Country/Region 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019/2018 CAGR 2014–2019
Africa 3,874 4,114 4,906 5,153 5,521 6,545 +19% +11%
South Africa 3,452 3,604 4,322 4,457 4,416 5,120 +16% +8%
Rest of Africa 422 510 584 696 1,105 1,425 +29% +28%
Egypt 112 143 167 188 253 295 +17% +21%
Morocco 128 142 173 230 536 746 +39% +42%
Tunisia 141 155 158 180 199 242 +22% +11%
Other Africa 41 70 86 98 117 142 +21% +28%
America 248,430 273,607 299,502 323,704 361,006 389,233 +8% +9%
North America 236,891 260,642 285,143 307,135 339,354 362,136 +7% +9%
Canada 8,180 11,654 13,988 18,045 21,627 25,230 +17% +25%
Mexico 9,277 14,743 20,676 27,032 32,713 37,275 +14% +32%
United States 219,434 234,245 250,479 262,058 285,014 299,631 +5% +6%
South America 11,405 12,818 14,189 15,071 17,180 18,925 +10% +11%
Brazil 9,557 10,733 11,732 12,413 14,179 15,294 +8% +10%
Rest of South America 1,848 2,085 2,457 2,658 3,001 3,631 +21% +14%
Argentina 1,593 1,761 2,078 2,238 2,504 3,064 +22% +14%
Chile 102 130 151 182 211 250 +18% +20%
Colombia 68 103 124 149 196 220 +12% +26%
Peru 20 23 33 48 49 58 +18% +24%
Puerto Rico 41 43 46 16 16 16 –17%
Venezuela 24 25 25 25 25 23 –8% –1%
America, not specified 134 147 170 1,498 4,472 8,172 +83% +128%
Asia/Australia 780,128 887,397 1,034,397 1,253,498 1,477,878 1,687,763 +14% +17%
South East Asia 764,409 871,207 1,015,504 1,231,550 1,449,835 1,653,951 +14% +17%
China 189,358 256,463 349,470 501,185 649,447 783,358 +21% +33%
India 11,760 13,768 16,026 19,000 22,935 26,306 +15% +17%
Indonesia 5,201 6,265 7,155 7,913 8,655 9,147 +6% +12%
Japan 295,829 286,554 287,323 297,215 318,110 354,878 +12% +4%
Republic of Korea 176,833 210,458 246,374 273,146 300,197 319,022 +6% +13%
Malaysia 5,730 6,537 8,168 10,788 12,400 13,114 +6% +18%
Singapore 7,454 9,301 11,666 15,801 19,858 21,935 +10% +24%
Chinese Taipei 43,484 49,230 53,119 59,930 67,768 71,782 +6% +11%
Thailand 23,893 26,293 28,182 30,110 32,331 33,962 +5% +7%
Vietnam 1,945 2,455 4,059 12,234 13,782 15,865 +15% +52%
Other South/East Asia 2,922 3,883 3,962 4,228 4,352 4,582 +5% +9%
Hong Kong, China 1,998 2,817 2,808 2,903 2,889 2,858 –1% +7%
North Korea 43 43 44 45 56 56
Macau 10 10 10
Philippines 871 1,013 1,100 1,280 1,407 1,668 +19% +14%
Rest of Asia 669 389 373 429 516 569 +10% –3%
Iran 554 226 168 175 190 201 +6% –18%
Kuwait 2 2 2 1 3 3 +8%
Oman 2 6 6 7 7 7 +28%
Pakistan 2 3 11 44 67 73 +9% +105%
Quatar 1 1 3 4 4 11 +175% +62%
Saudia Arabia 70 81 91 103 133 157 +18% +18%
United Arab Emirates 34 66 88 95 110 115 +5% +28%
Uzbekistan 4 4 4 2 2 –13%
Other Asia 6,259 7,069 9,879 13,221 19,380 25,316 +31% +32%
Australia/New Zealand 8,791 8,732 8,641 8,298 8,147 7,927 –3% –2%
Australia 7,927 7,742 7,536 7,126 6,927 6,649 –4% –3%
15 Intelligent and Collaborative Robots 337

Table 15.1 (continued)

Country/Region 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019/2018 CAGR 2014–2019
New Zealand 864 990 1,105 1,172 1,220 1,278 +5% +8%
Europe 411,062 433,303 459,972 498,045 543,220 579,948 +7% +7%
Central and Eastern Europe 30,782 36,273 43,612 52,863 61,271 69,091 +13% +18%
Balkan countries 1,989 2,290 2,727 3,128 3,815 4,456 +17% +18%
Bosnia-Herzegowina 7 9 19 25 28 30 +7% +34%
Croatia 121 136 163 175 196 239 +22% +15%
Serbia 42 65 93 123 177 246 +39% +42%
Slovenia 1,819 2,080 2,452 2,805 3,414 3,941 +15% +17%
Czech Republic 9,543 11,238 13,049 15,429 17,603 19,391 +10% +15%
Hungary 4,302 4,784 5,424 7,711 8,481 9,212 +9% +16%
Poland 6,401 8,136 9,693 11,360 13,632 15,769 +16% +20%
Romania 1,361 1,702 2,468 3,076 3,555 4,057 +14% +24%
Russian Federation 2,694 3,032 3,366 4,028 4,994 6,185 +24% +18%
Slovakia 3,891 4,378 6,071 7,093 7,796 8,326 +7% +16%
Other Eastern Europe 601 713 814 1,038 1,395 1,695 +22% +23%
Belarus 140 145 150 161 168 192 +14% +7%
Bulgaria 197 250 288 371 479 560 +17% +23%
Estonia 83 97 123 170 220 283 +29% +28%
Latvia 19 22 24 28 58 72 +24% +31%
Lithuania 57 93 128 195 290 385 +33% +47%
Moldova 5 5 5 5 5 5
Ukraine 100 101 96 108 175 198 +13% +15%
Western Europe 345,078 358,267 373,575 396,027 426,558 447,833 +5% +5%
Austria 7,237 7,859 9,000 10,156 11,162 12,016 +8% +11%
Belgium 7,995 7,989 8,521 9,207 9,561 9,965 +4% +5%
Germany 175,768 182,632 189,305 200,497 215,795 221,547 +3% +5%
Spain 27,983 29,718 30,811 32,352 35,209 36,716 +4% +6%
France 32,233 32,161 33,384 35,321 38,079 42,019 +10% +5%
Italy 59,823 61,282 62,068 64,403 69,142 74,420 +8% +4%
Netherlands 8,470 9,739 11,320 12,505 13,385 14,370 +7% +11%
Portugal 2,870 3,160 3,942 4,622 5,050 5,620 +11% +14%
Switzerland 5,764 6,258 6,753 7,476 8,492 9,506 +12% +11%
United Kingdom 16,935 17,469 18,471 19,488 20,683 21,654 +5% +5%
Nordic countries 21,047 22,508 24,181 25,202 26,036 27,036 +4% +5%
Denmark 5,119 5,459 5,915 6,361 6,617 6,820 +3% +6%
Finland 4,178 4,124 4,422 4,342 4,553 4,721 +4% +2%
Norway 1,008 1,068 1,173 1,250 1,219 1,271 +4% +5%
Sweden 10,742 11,857 12,671 13,249 13,647 14,224 +4% +6%
Rest of Europe 8,317 10,269 12,481 14,782 17,076 18,945 +11% +18%
Turkey 6,286 7,940 9,756 11,599 13,498 15,022 +11% +19%
All other European countries 2,031 2,329 2,725 3,183 3,578 3,923 +10% +14%
Greece 392 446 491 568 640 665 +4% +11%
Iceland 22 23 31 42 37 37 +11%
Ireland 667 763 880 945 1,026 1,130 +10% +11%
Israel 938 1,080 1,278 1,533 1,770 1,979 +12% +16%
Malta 12 17 45 95 105 112 +7% +56%
Other Europe 5,838 5,986 6,123 9,171 12,279 17,043 +39% +24%
Others not specified 28,594 33,229 38,782 44,876 51,918 58,588 +13% +15%
Total 1,472,088 1,631,650 1,837,559 2,125,276 2,439,543 2,722,077 +12% +13%
Sources: IFR, national associations
338 K. Yamaguchi and K. Inaba

Fig. 15.1 Spot welding

Fig. 15.3 Loading/unloading

Fig. 15.4 Painting

Fig. 15.2 Arc welding

to enclose them with safety fences so as not to harm nearby
humans. On the other hand, in manual assembly processes
it was required to meet not only conventional mass produc- such as automobile final assembly and electronic device man-
tion needs, but also the small batch production of higher ufacturing, the robots are required to support human work to
variety of products. As a result, having to prepare various address labor shortages. At such manufacturing sites, since
kinds of fixtures for each part type, which were needed for the safety fences can prevent human operators from getting
teaching-playback-type industrial robots, made it difficult close to the robots, the need increased for robots to be able to
in many cases to automate. It was necessary for robots to work collaboratively with humans without safety fences.
work flexibly like a human operator, adjusting its movements
even when parts are not located precisely in a predetermined
position. This requirement led to the development of intel- 15.2 Emergence of Intelligent
ligent robots equipped with vision or force sensors. Today, and Collaborative Robots
many of these intelligent robots have been widely deployed
in production processes. As mentioned above, in teaching-playback-type robots, dedi-
Since industrial robots for heavy part handling or high- cated equipment was used to supply workpieces to the robots.
speed operations inherently have high energy, it is necessary But to do so, human operators had to set the workpieces
15 Intelligent and Collaborative Robots 339

into the dedicated equipment beforehand, so the robot was 15.3 Intelligent and Collaborative Robots
able to pick up and handle them, such as for loading parts
into a machine tool. In 2001, industrial intelligent robots 15.3.1 Basic Technology for Industrial Robots
appeared in the manufacturing scene mainly to automate
loading workpieces to the fixtures of machine tools such as Figure 15.5 shows a typical configuration of a vertical artic-
machining centers. ulated type six-axis robot [12]. There are no major mechan-
After the first private sector numerical control (NC) was ical differences in the structure of an intelligent robot or a
developed in the 1950s, the machining process itself was
collaborative robot than that of a conventional robot. They are
almost completely automated by NCs. However, loading comprised of several servomotors, reducers, bearings, arm
and unloading of workpieces to and from machine tools castings, etc.
was still done by human operators even in the 1990s. The As shown in Fig. 15.6, the sensor interface, which enables
intelligent robot appeared in 2001 for the first time. The the connection of sensors to the controller, such as vision
term intelligent robot does not mean a humanoid robot that sensors, force sensors, and safety sensors for collaborative
walks and talks like a human being, but rather one that robots, and high-speed microprocessors and communication
performs highly complicated tasks like a skilled worker on interfaces are the key differences of intelligent and collabo-
the production site by utilizing vision sensors and force rative robots compared to conventional robots.
sensors. By having robots utilize vision and finding and The servo control of an intelligent robot or a collaborative
picking workpieces randomly located inside containers that robot is similar to that of a conventional robot as shown in
they get delivered in, it enabled automation of loading of Fig. 15.7. However, the performances of several servo control
workpieces to the fixture of the machining center without functions of intelligent and collaborative robots such as inter-
the need of human intervention or dedicated part supply polation times are highly enhanced compared to conventional
machinery. robots [20–23].
Thus, so many intelligent robots have been deployed in
production mainly due to their high potential for enhancing
global competitiveness and as a key technology to solve 15.3.2 Intelligent Robot
issues that today’s manufacturing industry is faced with,
including the decreasing number of skilled workers and The intelligent robot [11] is a robot that is controlled based
demands for reducing manufactuing costs and deliverly time. on the visual and tactile information from the sensors it is
Recently, intelligent robots have been applied to more flex- equipped with, and can respond flexibly to the surrounding
ible and complicated tasks, and it is increasing due to the environment.
development of 3D vision sensors, vision technology utiliz-
ing AI, and force sensor technology that enables assembly Vision Sensors
work. Two types of vision sensors are often used in production
On the other hand, there are still many manufacturing sites, two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) vi-
processes where robot automation for assembly is difficult. sion sensors. The 2D vision sensor acquires two-dimensional
Therefore, many tasks in these processes still rely on manual images of an object by irradiating natural light or artificial
work. Many advanced industrial countries, however, have
difficulties in hiring operators because of falling birth rates
and aging populations. At such manufacturing sites, robot-
J4, J5, J6 motor J3 axis
assisted operations are expected to reduce burden on the
operators. However, conventional robots that require safety J4 axis
fences make it difficult to achieve effective robot assistance J3 motor J6 axis
[2–5]. For these reasons, the demand for collaborative robots J2 axis flange
J5 axis
that can work safely with human operators without safety
fences has rapidly increased, and the development of col- J1 motor J2 arm
laborative robots began in earnest around 2010. In 2010 J2 motor Reducer
[8–10], the requirements for collaborative robots in ISO J1 axis
J2 axis
10218-1, the industrial robot safety standard, were revised, motor
initiating the introduction of collaborative robots for use in
production sites. From the late 2010s to the present, many J1 base
collaborative robots have been developed, which shows how
high the market demand is.
Fig. 15.5 Mechanical structure of industrial robot
340 K. Yamaguchi and K. Inaba

Motion control Communication


processor USB
6-axis RS422 I/O
amplifier ethernet unit

Safety Servo Force Vision

sensor motor sensor sensor Teach pendant

Fig. 15.6 Control system

Target Velocity Phase current



+ Position + Velocity + Current Power

control control control amp
– – – Pulse

Current feedback

Phase information

Velocity feedback

Position feedback

Fig. 15.7 Servo control

light onto the object and taking an image of the reflected light been used in various robot applications, and it is possible to
by a CCD or other camera. On the other hand, with recent automate more complicated tasks such as picking randomly
processing capacity improvements, 3D vision sensors have oriented parts from containers.
15 Intelligent and Collaborative Robots 341

Robot controller Camera cable

Camera and lens

Lighting 15


Fig. 15.8 Vision system

Depth image

Generate 3D data
3D application
(3D data generator tool)

Convert to grayscale image

2D application

2D image

2D application

Fig. 15.9 3D vision detection

The vision for industrial robots requires to be reliable in tion of each part that is three-dimensionally placed, and pick
tough manufacturing environments. As shown in Fig. 15.6, them up. As shown in Fig. 15.9, the measured distance is
by incorporating the image processing device into the robot output as a depth image and is used to process with various
controller and connecting the vision sensor to the robot detection methods to find a part.
controller directly, the vision has the same high reliability The 3D vision sensor shown in Fig. 15.10 has two cameras
and ease of use as that of the industrial robots. As shown in and one projector, all built-in. The 3D vision sensor projects
Fig. 15.8, a simple vision system can be realized. a pattern from the built-in projector, acquires images by the
A robot can use a 3D vision sensor to measure the three- two built-in cameras, and measures the 3D shape of the part.
dimensional shape of parts, detect the position and orienta- By measuring the 3D shape with one pattern projection, the
342 K. Yamaguchi and K. Inaba

3D vision sensor

Fig. 15.10 3D vision sensor

Fig. 15.12 Bag palletizing system

3D vision sensor

3D vision sensor

Fig. 15.13 AI bin picking system by operator pointing

need to install multiple sensors around the robot, and enables

Fig. 15.11 Bin picking system using 3D vision sensor it to pick up the part from multiple places, which makes it
possible for a simple and inexpensive system. In the example
of Fig. 15.12, the 3D vision sensor detects bags, and the robot
measurement time can be reduced compared to projecting
picks up the part and transfers it. In this case, the 3D vision
multiple patterns. By shortening the measurement time and
sensor is used not only for picking, but also for detecting the
directly controlling in the robot controller, the robot can
shifted bag after loading on the pallet.
acquire a depth image without stopping. In addition, it is
In recent years, AI has been used to simplify the teaching,
possible to measure the image for visual tracking where a
and improve robustness and accuracy of part detection. Bin
sensor or a part is moving.
picking applications require adjustments of settings of the
As an application example using the 3D vision sensor,
vision sensor in order to have the robot detect a part and
Fig. 15.11 shows a handling robot with a sensor picking
pick it up, which requires skilled knowledge of the vision
multimixed parts from a tote. Based on the information from
systems. Many work hours for system setup are required. On
the sensor, the robot picks up various types of small parts in
the other hand, in the case of Fig. 15.13, the AI learns how to
the container and transfers them to the conveyor. By detecting
detect the part by intuitive instruction work such as directly
the parts not as a shape but as an arbitrary blob from the
pointing to the part on the image with a mouse or a touch
acquired depth image, multiple types of parts can be picked
panel. The operator can easily set up the system without any
up without registering the shape of each part.
special knowledge.
In addition, due to the compactness of 3D vision sensors
Also, by utilizing AI, the robot can make pass/fail judg-
and the short measurement time, it has enabled the sensors to
ments based on good and bad images of the object. In
be mounted on the robots without increasing the cycle time.
the example of Fig. 15.14, the vision is used to check the
Mounting the 3D vision sensor on the robot can eliminate the
presence or absence of assembled parts such as welded nuts.
15 Intelligent and Collaborative Robots 343

Pass Pass Fail Fail Mx My

Fx Fy Robot

Force sensor

Fig. 15.15 Robot system with force sensor

Fig. 15.14 AI inspection

In conventional vision systems, the presence/absence of

a part was determined by matching a part shape taught in
advance. However, welding spatter or soot around the target
object, or halation on the metal surface, etc. could cause an
erroneous judgement, and the robot user was required to have Force sensor
skilled knowledge on how to set up the vision system to
get reliable judgements. This kind of error proofing when
using AI judges the pass/fail from the image using machine
learning [18], instead of trying to find the same shape and
position of the part from the taught image. This results in Fig. 15.16 Force sensor
a robust inspection process that is resistant to fluctuations
due to surrounding conditions. High-precision error proofing
can be easily performed by learning several to several tens of type, capacitance type, piezoelectric effect type, and optical
pass/fail images as a dataset, without requiring a fine-tuning type.
of vision settings. Figure 15.17 shows an example of the assembly of a crank
mechanical unit of an injection molding machine utilizing a
Force Sensors force sensor.
The force sensor is used to improve a robot’s dexterity. It
detects real-time force and moment when the robot contacts
any objects. With force sensors, the robots can push with a 15.3.3 Collaborative Robot
designated force or realize a compliant motion by moving
in the direction of an external force. It enables robots to Collaborative robots can work with operators safely without
smoothly conduct difficult assembly tasks that only skilled safety fences. As shown in Fig. 15.18, processes requiring
workers were able to do, such as precise fitting with a clear- both operators and robots coexisting without safety fences
ance of only several micrometers, assembly and meshing of can be configured using collaborative robots.
gears, and polishing/deburring. A robot system with a force
sensor on the robot’s wrist is shown in Fig. 15.15. 1. Workspace sharing
An example of the force sensor is shown in Fig. 15.16. The 2. Collaborative operation
force sensor has a part that is slightly deformed with an ex-
ternal force. By detecting deformation amount accurately, it In “workspace sharing,” the operators and the robots work
is possible to calculate force in three directions (X, Y, and Z) independently, but also engage in work close to each other
and moment around X, Y, and Z axes. There are several kinds without safety fences. In this case, the operator and the robot
of force sensor based on a detection principle: strain gauge have a risk of contacting each other, but the hazards are
344 K. Yamaguchi and K. Inaba

minimized by using collaborative robots that are designed not operator is needed to complete the work that previously
to inflict harm to the person upon contact. required two or more operators.
The other style is called “collaborative operation,” in With the expansion of applications that industrial robots
which the example shows assembly work by the operator are used for, and in response to a growing need for enhanced
with the robot assisting by handling heavy components. The productivity, safety standards were also required to change,
operators are freed from doing heavy lifting work, enhancing and in 2011, the international standard ISO 10218-1:2011
productivity, and allows labor reduction because only one was revised to allow operators and robots to coexist without
safety fences.
The collaborative operation requirements specified in ISO
10218-1:2011 are the following. Any one of the four re-
quirements must be met before a robot is operated without
safety fences. An overview of the requirements is shown in
Fig. 15.19.
Force sensor

1. Safety-rated monitored stop

2. Hand guidance
3. Speed and separation monitoring
4. Power and force limiting

For item 1, safety-rated monitored stop, not move when

an operator enters into the operating space of the robot. For
item 2, hand guidance, which is an operation mode where an
operator directly handles a robot for operation, a robot must
Crank mechanical unit equip with an emergency stop switch, an enabling device, and
an operation speed monitor. For item 3, speed and separation
monitoring, a robot must stop or slow down when the relative
speed and distance between the robot and the operator exceed
Fig. 15.17 Assembly of crank mechanical unit with force sensor certain criteria. For item 4, power and force limiting, the force

Fig. 15.18 (a) Workspace sharing. (b) Collaborative operation

15 Intelligent and Collaborative Robots 345

1. Safety-rated monitored stop 2. Hand guidance

Robot stops due to operating Operator directly operates
space intrusion. robot.

Robot stops.


Safety – Emergency-stop switch

sensor and enable switch
3. Speed and separation – Robot speed monitoring
4. Power and force limiting
Robot stops when relative
Robot stops when force
speed and distance exceed
exceeds a criterion.

Fig. 15.20 Collaborative robots

Robot stops.
In recent years, as shown in Fig. 15.20, the collaborative
robots have been developed in accordance with the standard
Fig. 15.19 ISO10218-1:2011, collaborative operation requirements of ISO 10218-1.
There are various safety measures, but the following
method is general. In accordance with the safety require-
generated from a robot is restricted and when the applied
ments of item 4, power and force limiting, a sensor is built
force exceeds certain criteria, the robot must stop.
into the robot, and when the robot contacts a person or an
Each requirement was created to ensure a high reliability
obstacle, the robot detects it and instantly stops.
pertaining to safety functions and to specifically conform to
In addition, it is important for the collaborative robot to
safety category 3, PL (performance level) d, specified in ISO
provide simple robot operation and teaching so that it can be
used easily at production sites where people perform most of
Here, the authors would like to introduce the history of
the work. For example, the manual guided teaching function
collaborative robots. The concept of collaborative robots was
to operate the arm directly is used to make the teaching
proposed in the mid-1990s as a method for direct physical
more intuitive than the conventional teaching with a teach
interaction between humans and robots. Initially, the method
pendant [19].
was investigated to ensure human safety like intelligent as-
Furthermore, since it is not necessary to surround the
sist devices (IADs) that are computer-controlled tools that
collaborative robot with safety fences as shown in Fig. 15.21,
enable production workers to lift, move, and position pay-
a mobile robot equipped with a collaborative robot on an
loads quickly, accurately, and safely. From the late 1990s
automatic guided vehicle (AGV) can freely move and the
to the early 2000s, collaborative robots that were driven by
robot can continue to work at the destination. Although
limited power were developed, and in the late 2000s, the
depending on the drive system, the mobile robot can move
development of collaborative robots by industrial robot man-
in every direction: forward, backward, right, and left.
ufacturers began in earnest. From the viewpoint of intrinsic
In addition, the AGV guided by SLAM (simultaneous
safety, the initial collaborative robots were mostly those of
localization and mapping) registers map information for the
small types with a light robot weight and a payload of less
driving area allowing the AGV to travel while estimating
than 10 kg. However, in response to the growing demand for
its own position and flexibly respond to equipment layout
robots to do heavy-duty works instead of humans, mainly at
changes without laying magnetic tape guides. Generally,
the production sites of automobile manufacturers, in the mid-
the stopping accuracy of the mobile robot is about several
2010s, a collaborative robot with a payload of over 30 kg
centimeters, but the stopping accuracy is insufficient for the
appeared, based on functional safety [14]. In addition, with
robot to work accurately. Therefore, a vision sensor mounted
the aim of performing more complex tasks like humans,
on the robot is used to compensate its position, for accurate
collaborative robots with dual arms have also appeared. As
part picking.
such, collaborative robots have been diverse.
346 K. Yamaguchi and K. Inaba

without any collisions with machine tools or safety fences in

the system where the robot loads/unloads a work piece. Even
the person who is not skilled at teaching robots can generate
an optimum robot program in a short time.

15.4.2 IoT

Robot Maintenance Support Tool

In a large production line, a problem with one robot would
cause a lengthy production downtime. To avoid such down-
time, prognostics and health management (PHM) becomes
important. The PHM is a prediction of remaining life by
modeling equipment deterioration progress, and execution of
preventive maintenance to avoid sudden downtime. The pre-
diction includes analysis processes, such as sending notifica-
tions of any signs of failure before the robot stops. Requests
for preventive maintenance in advance have been increasing
to help reduce maintenance cost and avoid the extra burden
on understaffed maintenance workers. Robot maintenance
support tools based on the PHM contain multiple functions
helpful for preventive maintenance and support production
uptime improvement by managing data on a server and
notifying customers upon detection of abnormal conditions
in advance.
Fig. 15.21 Mobile robot
IoT technology for preventive maintenance allows robot
users to conduct maintenance before a robot failure by pre-
dicting and detecting abnormalities from big data that is ac-
quired by connecting a large number of robots over multiple
15.4 Offline Programming and IoT
countries and factories (Fig. 15.24) [13, 15]. As required,
robot users are notified of the results which can lead them
15.4.1 Offline Programming
to perform maintenance work before an actual failure, and
realize zero downtime.
Offline programming systems have greatly contributed to
decreasing robot programming hours as PC performance has
improved. There is usually a library of robot models in the IoT Platform
offline programming system. The data of workpiece shapes In recent years, an IoT platform that connects various devices
used in 3D CAD systems is read into the offline programming (machine tools, industrial machines, robots, PCs, sensors,
system. Peripheral equipment is often defined by using an etc.) on the factory floor with a network (Ethernet) has been
easy shape-generating function of the offline programming introduced on the factory floor. There are also methods of
system, or by using 3D CAD data. As shown in Fig. 15.22, collecting equipment operation information in real time and
after loading the workpiece’s 3D CAD data into the offline sending it to a host server, but this data could be large and
programming system, the robot motion program can be easily burden the network or increase network costs. On the other
generated automatically, just by designating the position or hand, as shown in Fig. 15.25, when an IoT platform is built
posture of the workpieces or the tool on the robot wrist. between the factory floor (edge layer) and the higher side
Furthermore, the offline programming system can verify the server (cloud layer or fog layer), it is possible to acquire
cycle time, robot trajectory, etc. The robot programs created large amounts of data from the edge layer, and to increase the
by the offline programming systems are loaded to an actual communication speed. Since a large amount of data (big data)
robot, then the robot executes the robot programs. contain important information related to factory productivity
The offline programming system can generate a motion and reliability, strict security management is required to
path without any collisions with fixtures and without any sin- prevent it from leaking outside the factory.
gularity positions. Figure 15.23 shows how the motion path Some IoT platforms are open, allowing users to create
for loading/unloading a workpiece is automatically generated their own application software.
15 Intelligent and Collaborative Robots 347

Layout investigation Program generation Verification

Layout Programming Simulation
x2D layout import xCAD-to-path xCycle time
xLayout creation xGraphic jogging xRobot trajectory
xEasy teaching 15


Virtual TP Load program

Simple modeling to actual robot
3D CAD data
x2D-3D conversion Teaching robot
xParts modeling is the same
IGES xLibrary registration operation as
format actual robot

CAD interface

Fig. 15.22 Offline programming system

When a spot welding production line is being installed,

15.5 Applications of Intelligent it is often set up and programmed at a different location in
and Collaborative Robots advance of the actual installation. In such cases, it consumes
a lot of time to reteach each robot position that will shift
Intelligent robots and collaborative robots have been intro- upon transitioning from the two locations. To improve the
duced to various production sites, contributing to automation efficiency of this, a vision sensor is used to automatically
of production processes and operating rate improvements. adjust the robot program based on the shifting of the robots,
The following are typical application examples. peripheral equipment, and car bodies at the actual site.
Vision sensors have been used for inspection to confirm
15.5.1 Welding the quality of welds, as shown in Fig. 15.27.
Predictable preventive maintenance mentioned above
Up to now, many industrial robots have been used for spot is especially important for spot welding lines. Alarms are
welding and arc welding mainly in the automotive industry. sent in advance to notify of abnormalities, which can allow
An automotive welding site is one of the most automated planned maintenance and realize zero downtime.
production sites. In arc welding, laser vision sensors are mounted on the
The first mass introduction of industrial robots at the weld- robot arm to make the robot system more intelligent. When
ing site was in spot welding lines for automotive manufac- welding inconsistent production parts, the laser vision sensor
turing. Even today, a large amount of industrial robots with a adjusts the weld program to maintain the weld quality. The
servo welding gun are used for body welding. In this applica- laser vision sensor can also perform real-time tracking where
tion, cycle time and welding quality are very important and it tracks the joint to be welded just ahead of the current
have been dependent on people’s skilled teaching. To address position during welding and compensates the position to the
this issue, learning robots, which have external sensors and detected joint. The laser vision sensor’s adaptive welding
can automatically generate optimized motion programs with function is used to adjust and optimize the weld parameters
the feedback from the sensor, are useful and can increase based on sensor feedback in addition to real-time tracking
productivity without requiring skilled workers (Fig. 15.26). (Fig. 15.28).
348 K. Yamaguchi and K. Inaba

Fig. 15.23 Auto path generation

Data center

Factory A
Factory B

Head office factory

Data Data Data

collector collector collector

Fig. 15.24 IoT for maintenance

15 Intelligent and Collaborative Robots 349


Application software 15
Open platform

Edge heavy

Machine tools, robots, PLC sensors, camera Fig. 15.27 Vision inspection in welding

Fig. 15.25 IoT platform structure

Fig. 15.28 Intelligent arc welding system

Fig. 15.26 Learning robots

Also, collaborative robots provide a new ability to work

more closely with operators. These robots come with easy-
to-use software designed to reduce work by reducing pro-
gramming time. The easy-to-program interface supports sim-
ple applications that were previously welded manually.
No special knowledge about robot teaching is required,
the operator holds the torch by hand and moves it to a
rough welding position to perform manual guided teaching,
and teaches welding start and end points. The torch posture
is set to a preset angle. It is automatically converted, the
welding operation is completed, and welding conditions are
also automatically set by setting the joints and materials of Fig. 15.29 Arc welding using a collaborative robot
the workpiece to be welded (Figs. 15.28 and 15.29).
350 K. Yamaguchi and K. Inaba

15.5.2 Machining the robot. This allows the robot to exchange the workpiece
easily and accurately without the operator having to reteach
In machining, exchanging workpieces on a machine tool and the robot each time it is relocated.
removing them after machining are relatively simple supple- In addition to using the handcart as described above, the
mental tasks, but the automation rate is not very high. Such operator can use the mobile robot – which features a small
tasks are still dependent on manual labor in many production collaborative robot on an AGV – to use a single robot in
processes. The reason for this is that skilled knowledge is different places without fixing the robot in place. Mounting a
needed, and acquiring such knowledge and skills requires a collaborative robot on an AGV eliminates the need to enclose
lot of time. the robot with safety fences at the site wherever it goes,
The collaborative robots, which do not require any safety making it possible to transfer workpieces in various layouts
fences, and robot vision systems that allow only rough po- by using a simple system. In addition, the layout can be easily
sitioning of workpieces, have helped to simplify systems, changed when the product model is changed.
thereby reducing the time and costs needed to perform design Figure 15.32 shows a machine tending system for a ma-
and setup. chine tool with a mobile robot. With this system, a tray
Figure 15.30 shows a machine tending system with two containing several workpieces is carried from the workpiece
ROBODRILLs and one robot. stocker by the mobile robot, and fed to the robot, which is
With this system, a robot is installed between two machine located on the side of the machine tool. The robot takes a
tools, and the robot uses the vision sensor mounted to its workpiece from the tray and feeds it from the side of the
hand to detect and remove two types of randomly arranged machine tool. The mobile robot also collects a tray containing
workpieces from a container. Each workpiece is fed by the multiple machined workpieces and carries it to the workpiece
robot to the machine tools on the right or left from the side unloading area.
doors. As mentioned in Sect. 15.3.3, the mobile robot can move
In a study of this system, an offline programming system in every direction, including forward, backward, right, and
was used to arrange CAD data for the two machine tools, the left. In addition, the mobile robot is guided by simultaneous
robot, the workpieces, and the peripheral equipment, study localization and mapping (SLAM). This registers map infor-
the layout, and generate a robot program using an auto path mation for the area that the mobile robot travels, allowing the
generation function. AGV to travel while estimating its own position. Since this
These collaborative robots eliminate the need to install means that there is no need to install guides, such as magnetic
safety fences used for conventional robots, making it easy tape, it offers the flexibility to change the equipment layout.
to install the robot and reducing the space required. For
example, the collaborative robot can be installed in any place
at any time by moving it on a handcart [16]. In addition, the
collaborative robot mounted on the handcart can be used to
exchange the workpieces on a machine tool (Fig. 15.31).
After the robot is roughly located in place using the hand-
cart, an integrated robot vision system automatically com-
pensates for the position by means of the camera mounted on

Fig. 15.30 Machine tending

Fig. 15.31 Machine tending by a collaborative robot
15 Intelligent and Collaborative Robots 351

Intelligent robot Robot upper arm

performing to be assembled


Intelligent robot

Fig. 15.34 Robot total assembly

The upper arm unit weighs more than 200 kg. When the
robot picks up a wrist unit, the location of the wrist unit is
detected with a vision sensor, and then picks it up with a
gripper. However, the actual pick position of the wrist unit
within the gripper may get shift slightly when it is gripped.
To correct this slight misalignment, the wrist unit position
within the gripper is detected again by a vision sensor after
being picked up so that it is able to be preciely adjusted to
Fig. 15.32 Machine tending by a mobile robot attach it to the upper arm. In fitting and inserting the wrist
unit to the upper arm, a precise fitting with clearance less
than 10 μm is performed by the force control using the force
Force sensor sensor. Detection and compensation using the vision sensor
Robot upper arm and the force control using the force sensor allows stable
to be assembled automatic assembly.
The processes of inserting bearing units to a ball screw
are introduced as an effective example of assembly using a
Intelligent robot collaborative robot. Figure 15.35 shows a system overview
and Fig. 15.36 shows how bearings are inserted.
This process inserts several types of bearings into a ball
3D vision sensor screw to produce a complete unit with a weight of about
Robot wrist 20 kg. Because there are many parts to assemble, this process
to be assembled is not suitable for full automation, and therefore the work
was done manually. However, since a completed assembled
unit is heavy, two operators were needed to move and carry
Fig. 15.33 Robot arm assembly it with caution. Although safety fences were needed for the
automation using conventional robots, safety fences could
not be installed due to need of frequent access by operators,
15.5.3 Assembly making the introduction of robots difficult.
To reduce burdens on operators and the risk of injuries, a
The intelligent robot plays an active part in assembling collaborative robot was introduced into this process. Specifi-
various machines or electronic equipment. As an example, cally, a collaborative robot was introduced to transfer the ball
the assembly of a large 200 kg payload robot is shown in screw units and to assist in the assembly so that the operators
Fig. 15.33. An intelligent robot assembles the wrist unit of the could be exclusively engaged in the bearing insertion work.
robot to the upper arm unit, and Fig. 15.34 shows intelligent As shown in Fig. 15.35, the collaborative robot lifts the ball
robots assembling the upper arm unit to the lower arm unit. screw from a stocker and carries it to a bearing press insertion
352 K. Yamaguchi and K. Inaba


Bearing press

robot Operator

Ball screw stocker Fig. 15.37 Picking system

Fig. 15.35 System for insertion of bearings to a ball screw products manufactured by specialized machines, a packing
process for packing them into a box, and a palletizing process
for loading the boxes on shipping pallets. An example of the
series of processes is shown below.
In the picking process, as shown in Fig. 15.37, the robot
detects the position of the flowing biscuit by using the cam-
era placed above the conveyor. Then, the robot picks each
one from the conveyor in syncronization with the conveyor
movement, and sequentially stacks it on the conveyor in the
next process.
The cycle time of this process directly affects manufac-
turing output. Therefore, the robot used here is required to
have high-speed and high-duty performance, and accurate
synchronous control with high-speed vision processing.
In the packing process, as shown in Fig. 15.38, the position
of a stack of biscuits is detected by a camera placed above
Fig. 15.36 Insertion of bearings
the conveyor, and the robot synchronized with the conveyor
picks the stack and places it into the box. In this process, since
machine. Subsequently, the robot performs assembly assis-
multiple products may be collectively picked, the gripper
tance by supporting the ball screw to prevent it from falling.
becomes larger than the gripper in the picking process, so
Finally, while the robot is carrying the complete unit back to
the robots used here are required to have higher payloads, in
the stocker, the operator can perform the initial setup, such
addition to high speed and high duty performance.
as opening the next package with bearing units, leading to
In the palletizing process, as shown in Fig. 15.39, the
increased productivity.
packed cases are picked together and placed on the shipping
With the introduction of the collaborative robot, operator
pallet. In this process, it is common that multiple products are
savings has been achieved, where just one person can be allo-
carried at once, and it is necessary to stack the products higher
cated to the work that previously needed two. Moreover, the
on the pallet in order to improve transportation efficiency.
risk of operator injury has been drastically reduced because
Therefore, the robots used here are required to have a large
operators are freed from the heavy manual work and their
gripper and a wide operation range capable of accommodat-
work burdens are reduced.
ing multistage stacking, in addition to high transportability.

15.5.4 Picking, Packing, and Palletizing 15.5.5 Painting

Intelligent robots have been widespread at manufacturing Painting robots apply various types of waterborne or solvent-
sites for food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc. In general, borne liquid and powder materials to component surfaces
manufacturing processes consist of a picking process of via a painting applicator. Painting was initially a completely
15 Intelligent and Collaborative Robots 353

Six axis
Seven axis


Five axis

Fig. 15.40 Painting robots

Fig. 15.38 Packing system

robot improves the robot’s reach within the painting work
envelop and is used to minimize the paint booth length and
width (Fig. 15.40).
Over time, paint robot intelligence has improved. For
example, as for the applicator, the manually calibrated spray
guns were replaced with high-performance rotary spray at-
omizers to improve paint transfer efficiency. Opener robots
were developed so the painting robots can paint the interior
surface. The robots communicate via a network, and the
communication improves system throughput and eliminates
robot to part collisions. In Fig. 15.41, an opener robot lifts the
hood to allow the painting robot to coat the interior surface.
Improvements in robot controller software and hardware
have dramatically improved robot intelligence. The con-
troller constantly evaluates the robot’s position within the
paint booth using a simplified CAD model of the robot. This
permits the booth size to be significantly smaller by minimiz-
Fig. 15.39 Palletizing system ing the space required for safety devices. The controller can
also monitor the robot and paint application devices to elim-
inate any production downtime. While monitoring the robot
manual process. Manually applying paint required personnel servo system, the robot can predict when maintenance will be
to stand in a hazardous environment for long periods of time, required and alert the end user to this need. The maintenance
and paint defects such as touch marks, dirt, and nonuniform can then be planned during nonproduction hours, and results
film thickness were typical due to human fatigue. Painting in zero downtime during production.
robots were introduced nearly 40 years ago into paint booths Painting robots have also started to use vision in the
to remove painting personnel from the dangerous atmosphere painting process. Some paint systems utilize a vision system
of the paint booth and to achieve improved paint quality. to track the part through the painting booth providing offsets
The majority of paint robots are six-axis devices. Some to the robot. In other systems, 3D vision is used to offset
exterior painting robots have five axes, which permitted the painting path to account for parts that are not exactly
simple exterior paint path development and maintenance. The positioned on the conveyor system. In Fig. 15.42, a 3D vision
initial seven-axis robots were six-axis versions mounted on a system determines the part location on the moving conveyor.
robot transfer unit or rail to increase the robot’s work envelop. The intelligent vision system allows for some flexibility in
Recently, seven-axis pedestal painting robots have been the actual part position and eliminates the need to constantly
introduced into the market. The unique seven-axis pedestal maintain parts on the conveyor for position accuracy.
354 K. Yamaguchi and K. Inaba

Fig. 15.41 Painting robot system

Drone robot

Smart factory
Intelligent and

Fig. 15.43 Smart factory

harnesses, human operators are more skillful than intelligent

robots. It is necessary to clearly separate the work for automa-
tion and work that relies on skilled people before considering
3D vision sensor the introduction of robots.
On the other hand, based on such work separation between
people and robots, further improvement of the rate of autom-
Fig. 15.42 Intelligent painting atization can be realized by utilizing the collaborative robot.
For example, it is possible to construct a production system in
which human operators concentrate on the complicated work
such as a flexible cable assembly, and simple work such as
15.6 Installation Guidelines parts transfer or assembly of simple parts is performed by
the collaborative robots. Since the collaborative robots do not
The following items are guidelines that should be examined need safety fences, it is possible to install the robots at exist-
before intelligent robot and collaborative robot are intro- ing human-centered production sites, which can promote the
duced. automation step by step without stopping production.
In the future, as shown in Fig. 15.43, smart factories
will be realized, where intelligent and collaborative robots
15.6.1 Range of Automation and mobile robots or drone robots can move around the
production site to support human operators or transfer many
Though intelligent robots can load workpieces into the ma- kinds of parts. In the smart factory, the IoT platform and AI
chine tools or assemble parts with high accuracy, it cannot will realize a highly efficient production system by allowing
do everything a skilled worker can do. For instance, for each device to autonomously move according to production
handling and assembling of soft or flexible parts such as wire plans and human production activities [17].
15 Intelligent and Collaborative Robots 355

15.6.2 Return on Investment conventional robots. Thus, the efficiency of equipment

has risen and machining and assembly costs have been
One of the biggest benefits of the introduction of intelligent reduced, which has led to improvements in global
robots is the simplification of the peripheral equipment since competitiveness.
flexibility is one of the major features of intelligent robots. Industrial intelligent robots and collaborative robots have
Collaborative robots do not require the installation of reached a high level of skill as explained above. However,
costly safety fences, or additional costs for layout changes there are still many tasks that skilled workers can do but the
because, as previously mentioned, they can be directly intro- robots cannot do, such as the assembly of flexible objects
duced at existing human-centered production sites. Also, for like wire harnesses. There are several ongoing research and
conventional robots, due to the enclosure of the entire robot development activities to solve these challenges. One idea is
system with safety fences, the simultaneous automation of to automate such a task completely, and another is to do it
all the target processes is needed. On the other hand, the partially by utilizing collaborative robots. In the future, more
collaborative robots without safety fences can realize the and more collaborations between robots and humans will be
automatization step by step focusing on the most necessary seen [24].
processes, which can minimize engineering processes and
installation costs.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank S.Y. Nof, Y Inaba,
Collaborative robots have the similar role to traditional
S. Sakakibara, K. Abe, S. Kato, and M. Morioka for their contribution
intelligent assist devices (IADs) [6, 7] from the view point to this work.
of human work support without safety fences. In addition to
the productivity, flexibility, safety, etc., collaborative robots
and IADs have another very important characteristic: both
of them dramatically extend the performance capabilities of References
human workers in terms of highly demanding assembly tasks.
1. IFR: World Robotics 2020 – Industrial Robots, pp. 46–47, 24 Sept
Furthermore, from the view point of automatic support 2020
for humans, collaborative robots have more advantage over 2. Cobots: US Patent 5,952,796
IADs. In case of IADs, human workers usually need to 3. Teresko, J.: Here Come the Cobots!. Industry Week, 21 Dec 2004
4. Cobot Architecture: IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automa-
operate the IADs by themselves to move parts to the target
tion. 17(4) (2001)
location. On the other hand, in case of collaborative robots, 5. A Brief History of Collaborative Robots., 19 May
human workers cannot only move the parts by themselves 2016
with the robot using the hand guidance function like IADs 6. Intelligent Assist Devices: Revolutionary Technology for Material
Handling (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 Jan 2017.
but also do another work near the robot while it moves or
Retrieved 29 May 2016
assembles the parts automatically. 7. Robotic Industries Association: BSR/T15.1, March 2020
For example, collaborative robots can do extremely tight 8. ISO 10218-1:2011 Robots and Robotic Devices – Safety Require-
tolerance insertions. Similarly, collaborative robots can en- ments for Industrial Robots – Part 1: Robots. International Organi-
zation for Standardization (ISO)
able humans to do tight tolerance insertions even in the
9. ISO 10218-2:2011 Robots and Robotic Devices – Safety Require-
case of large, heavy, unwieldy parts such as automotive dash ments for Industrial Robots – Part 2: Robot Systems and Integra-
assemblies into automobiles. They also have the ability to tion. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
allow humans to do blind insertions efficiently where the 10. ISO/TS 15066:2016 Robots and Robotic Devices – Collaborative
Robots. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
human cannot see or feel the fitting surfaces involved in the
11. Inaba, Y., Sakakibara, S.: Industrial Intelligent Robots, Springer
insertion operation. From the viewpoint of supplementing Handbook of Automation, pp. 349–363. Springer Berlin Heidel-
human work, collaborative robots contribute to the optimiza- berg, Berlin/Heidelberg (2009)
tion of arrangement of human resources in production sites. 12. Ibayashi, J., Oe, M., Wang, K., Ban, K., Kokubo, K.: The latest
technology for high speed & high precision on FANUC Robot R-
2000iC. FANUC Tech. Rev. 23(1), 38–46 (2015)
13. Takahashi, H., Nagatsuka, Y., Arita, S.: Zero down time function for
15.7 Conclusion improvement in robot utilization. FANUC Tech. Rev. 23(2), 20–28
Intelligent robots using vision and force sensors appeared 14. Morioka, M., Iwayama, T., Inoue, T., Yamamoto, T., Naito, Y., Sato,
T., Toda, S., Takahashi, S.: The human-collaborative industrial
on the factory floor at the beginning of 2000. Furthermore, robot – development of “green robot”. FANUC Tech. Rev. 24(1),
around 2010, collaborative robots were also developed for 20–29 (2016)
manufacturing. They could work unattended at night and 15. Nagatsuka, Y., Aramaki, T., Yamamoto, T., Tanno, Y., Takikawa,
during weekends because they reduced manual operations R., Nakagawa, H.: ZDT on ROBOT-LINKi. FANUC Tech. Rev.
27(1), 13–22 (2019)
such as arrangement or transfer of workpieces, and/or 16. Morioka, M., Inaba, G., Namiki, Y., Takeda, T.: QSSR functions
the necessity of system monitoring compared with the for robots. FANUC Tech. Rev. 28(1), 8–17 (2020)
356 K. Yamaguchi and K. Inaba

Further Reading

Aliev, R.A., Yusupbekov, N.R., et al. (eds.): 11th World Conference

on Intelligent System for Industrial Automation. Springer Nature,
Cham, Switzerland (2021)
Bianchini, M., Simic, M., Ghosh, A., Shaw, R.N. (eds.): Machine
Learning for Robotics Applications. Springer Nature, Singapore
Gurgul, M.: Industrial Robots and Cobots: Everything You Need to
Know About Your Future Co-Worker. Michal Gurgul. Publisher:
Michal Gurgul (2018)
Nof, S.Y. (ed.): Handbook of Industrial Robotics, 2nd edn. Wiley, New
Kiyonori Inaba graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engi-
York (1999)
neering of the University of California, Berkeley in 2009, with a doctoral
Ross, L.T., Fardo, S.W., Walach, M.F.: Industrial Robotics Fundamen-
degree in engineering. He joined FANUC CORPORATION in 2009 and
tals: Theory and Applications, 3rd edn. Goodheart-Willcox, Tinley
was appointed Executive Managing Officer in 2013.
Park, IL (2017)
Siciliano, B., Khatib, O. (eds.): Springer Handbook of Robotics, 2nd
edn. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland (2016)
Spong, M.W., Hutchinson, S., Vidyasagar, M.: Robot Modeling and
Control, 2nd edn. Wiley, New York (2020)
Suzman, J.: Work: A Deep History, from the Stone Age to the Age of
Robots. Penguin Press, New York (2021)

Kenji Yamaguchi completed the master’s program in Precision Ma-

chinery Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of
Tokyo in 1993, and in the same year, joined FANUC CORPORATION.
He was appointed President and COO in 2016, and has held the position
of President and CEO since 2019.
Control Architecture for Automation
Oliver Riedel, Armin Lechler, and Alexander W. Verl

Contents more and more functionalities are shifting from the

16.1 Historical Background and the Motivation for
classic pyramid-shaped communication to the smallest
a Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 embedded devices or even to systems on higher levels
16.1.1 Motion Control and Path Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 of the communication pyramid such as MES. Operation
16.1.2 Logic Controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 technology is more and more penetrated by IT, which,
16.2 General Scheme for Control Architectures for due to its high speed of innovation, opens up ever-
Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 growing solution spaces. These include convergent
16.2.1 Typical Control Architectures and Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 359
networks that are equipped with real-time functionality
16.2.2 Industrial Communication and Fieldbuses . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
16.2.3 Proprietary and Partially Open Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 and can be used directly in production for all kinds
16.2.4 Resources in the Network: Cloud and Edge for Storage of horizontal and vertical communication needs. New
and Compute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 wireless communications such as Wi-Fi 6 and 5G also
16.2.5 Engineering and Virtual Tryout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
represent a current revolution in automation technology –
16.3 Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 however, this does not apply in consumer electronics.
16.4 New Architectural Components and Solutions . . . . . 361 Therefore, it is time to sketch new control architectures
16.4.1 Virtualization Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 for automation. The advantage of these new architectures
16.4.2 Components for Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 can not only be found in the classical application area
16.4.3 Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
16.4.4 Data Analytics and AI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
of production but also in engineering in general. For
example, the method of hardware-in-the-loop simulation
16.5 Conclusion and Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
has considerable potential in production control as well as
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 in the upfront simulation of production plants and virtual
commissioning. As in many other fields of applications,
the topic of artificial intelligence is added as a further
Abstract architectural component, as well. AI recently became a
very versatile tool to solve a broad range of problems at
Automation technology has always tried to ensure
different hierarchical levels of the automation pyramid.
efficient reusability of technology building blocks and
effective implementation of solutions with modular
approaches. These approaches, also known as control
architectures for automation, are experiencing an Convergent networks · Time-sensitive networks ·
increasing change toward more software-based methods. Virtualization and containers · Hardware-in-the-loop
All classical architectures, such as NC, CNC, and PLC, simulation · OPC UA · Data analytics · Virtual
are currently reaching their limits in terms of flexibility, commissioning
adaptability, connectivity, and expandability. In addition,

O. Riedel () · A. Lechler · A. W. Verl 16.1 Historical Background

Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing and the Motivation for a Change
Unit, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
e-mail:;; Two main methods are necessary for the automation of manual activities. The first method aims to automate motion

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 357

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
358 O. Riedel et al.

sequences in the form of paths in workspace, the second to formance and flexible path planning. Their kinematics re-
model logical sequences. quirements are not as complex as those of milling machines.
To control the packaging processes, motion controllers have
been developed that allow flexible programming of the mo-
16.1.1 Motion Control and Path Planning tion of such machines.

The first approaches to automation were purely mechanical.

Cam discs were used, e.g., to represent the memory for path 16.1.2 Logic Controllers
and speed curves. Cam discs usually rotate at a constant
speed. During one revolution, the required motion profile in Dependent mechanical cam switches are used to store logical
terms of path and speed is transmitted via a probe tip of the sequences over time or position. Cam switches move a tappet
transmission element to the component to be moved, e.g., when passing over them, which triggers a switching function
the machine tool slide. An important area of application for of mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic type.
cam disc controls lies in the field of automatic turning and The cam switches are mounted on cam rails or cam rollers,
milling machines. The production process is automatically which can have several cam switch tracks. They can be fixed
controlled by cam discs, which are mounted on control shafts. at any position. The logical program sequence is determined
The cam discs store the path, speed, and transmit the feed by the place, respective the distance of fixation. The cam bar,
power required at the actuator, as well as the torques or forces which can be fixed to the slide or machine tool bed, is a path
required to accelerate and compensate friction and weights memory. The cam roller, which rotates with the control shaft,
[1]. is a time memory of the cam program control. To a large
Other transmission elements consist of mechanical com- extend, the machines’ control is based on linking conditions
ponents such as rollers, levers, or racks with pinions. Such and processes that can be derived from binary structures.
mechanical controls are not very susceptible to faults, how- By using Boole’s algebra, it is possible to design and
ever, deformations and backlash in the transmission elements describe binary circuits for control systems not only purely
can impair the working accuracy and the masses, that need to intuitively, but also with the help of mathematical methods.
be accelerated, limit the dynamic behavior. The piece times The systematic treatment of control problems without allo-
required per workpiece are very short and are usually in the cation to the energy form and the possibility of applying
seconds range. Due to the high programming and setup times, minimization and adaptation calculations for an existing
as well as relatively high manufacturing costs for the curves, component is of great advantage.
the use of these automatic machines was limited to large The electrical contact control is characterized by its basic
series and mass production. Flexibility is very limited since element, the electromagnetic relay. By using the contact
changes in the motion sequence require mechanical exchange control, even larger power ratings can be switched and the
of cam discs. switching times are in the range of milliseconds. Delay
The first numerical control (NC) was developed by John T. circuits can also be realized via simple circuits with direct
Parson in the 1940s, to increase the flexibility in path control. current relays. A disadvantage is the low flexibility of relay
By exchanging the memory, another program could run by circuits.
the control. In NCs, the program describes the path of the tool Therefore, contact control was replaced by more flexible
in space, which then results in the geometry of the workpiece. electronic or software-based solutions at the beginning of the
Later, the control was implemented with a computer, which 1960s. Nevertheless, contact control is still used to a limited
allowed the programs to be loaded into the control from an extent for the automation of equipment. It can particularly
external source. The first computerized numerical control be found in the power control range and areas with special
(CNC) system was developed in the late 1960s in the USA personal protection requirements (e.g., emergency stop and
(Bendix) and Europe (AEG, Siemens). safety interlocks). For facilities with safety requirements,
The flexible programming of control systems has offered extensive national and international standards, guidelines,
a wide application area with different requirements and pro- and safety regulations are required. Before commissioning,
duction processes. Over the last decades, the number and the system or machine manufacturer must provide proof of
complexity of algorithms, that have been included in control safety to these testing authorities, for example, in the form of
systems, increased. During the early 1990s, open architec- a type test.
tures of CNCs were developed to divide the complexity In contrast to electronic or software-based solutions, elec-
to single software components, that are independent from tromechanical safety circuits often simplify to provide proof
hardware, manufacturers, and each other [2]. of safety, since relays can be used to describe a defined error
Parallel to the requirements of CNCs for multiaxis free response and their design permits certain error exclusions.
forming of workpieces, other industries require high per- Practically, this means that safety-relevant functions are often
16 Control Architecture for Automation 359

realized in contact control and the nonsafety-relevant func- can be found in the middle layer of the automation pyra-
tions are realized electronically or by software. mid clustering all field-level devices, such as axes, sensors,
Programmable logic controllers (PLC) offer further flex- subcomponents, and reporting to or taking orders from man-
ibility and are nowadays the most important type of device ufacturing execution systems (MES) or enterprise resource
for solving automation tasks in control engineering. The planning (ERP), e.g., higher-level planning systems.
history of the PLC began in 1968. In contrast to connection- For specific applications, the central control unit can also
programmed (hardwired) contact, electronic controls should be a robot control (RC), which covers specific requirements
have PLCs, whereby the following criteria were essential: in terms of kinematic transformation and actuation when a
robot is part of a production task. AGVs (automated guided
• The control system should be easy to program and, if vehicles) also have individual control, often relying on cus- 16
necessary, should also be reprogrammable (e.g., when tom control designs for localization and actuation of move-
changing over transfer lines). ments.
• The control system should work more reliable than an If production equipments, such as a machine tool, a han-
electromechanical solution and should be superior to the dling robot, and an AGV for logistical support, are working
known solutions in the price/performance ratio. together on a joint production task, a master control often is
used to control the interaction between the individually con-
The development of semiconductor technology made it trolled entities. Protocols for the interaction between automa-
possible to meet these requirements to a large extend with tion components and manufacturing equipment are specified
“programmable controllers.” Around the beginning of the in VDMA 34180/ISO 21919.
1980s, the development of programmable logic controllers For an equipment controller that combines the motion
became the central component of automation technology. planning task as well as the logical controller, e.g., a machine
Upon market launch, manufacturers were initially faced with tool, the controls need to interact and to cover additional
the problem of familiarizing a clientele experienced in con- functionalities. All computations relevant to motion and path
ventional contact control with this “new technology.” The planning are executed in the NC. To activate further process
main difficulty was to exploit the possibilities of the PLC to requirements, the coolant supply or the chip conveyor, the
the greatest possible extend, while at the same time enabling NC offers machine functions (“M” commands in the NC
application-oriented programming, which is quick and easy programming code following IEC 66025) that directly trig-
to learn without requiring extensive prior training as a pro- ger the PLC controller, which is responsible for all logical
grammer. machine functions. The NC also handles job management in
many cases, e.g., the production program administration and
execution as well as the tool management of all necessary
16.2 General Scheme for Control tools that are available in the tool magazine of the machine
Architectures for Automation and that might be needed for the execution of different
programs. These tasks are mostly handled manually in small
Up to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, further develop- manufacturing plants, meaning personnel will be in charge
ments toward digitalization and adaptation of information of loading workpieces into the machine tool workspace and
technology solutions have been incorporated into production be responsible for the exchange and replacement of tools in
systems. CNCs and PLCs still are the production processes’ the tool magazine. Larger manufacturing cells offer further
core control, as well as communication via fieldbus systems. automation in these tasks, such as pallet changing systems,
Interfaces have been defined by the community to simplify as well as automated loading and unloading of the machine
the standard functionality of control systems. Only recently, tool. The user can follow all processes and adapt necessary
the opportunity for cloud or edge computing has been taking parameters at the human-machine interface (Fig. 16.1).
hold in production systems, as has been the development The standard IEC 61131-3 specifies a widely used pro-
of continuous integration of production knowledge into the grammable logic controller language. Possible formats in
control by engineering toolchains. The following chapters which to program logic operations in a control include text-
will summarize the state of the art in these sectors. based languages such as structured text (ST; similar to Pas-
cal) and instruction list (IL). Three graphical languages are
available: ladder diagram, function block diagram (FBD),
16.2.1 Typical Control Architectures and sequential function chart (SFC). Additional function
and Systems libraries, such as the PLCopen motion control, [3] offer func-
tionality to incorporate the abovementioned functionality in
Most machines or production systems use CNCs and PLCs to this programming language as well.
control production processes and operations. These controls
360 O. Riedel et al.

Starting with initially two technologies for industrial com-

munication systems, Ethernet and Modbus, 18 different field-
HMI bus protocols or even protocol families have developed in
the meantime. Current commercial solutions additionally
systems combine the cabling of communication technology with the
power supply in a common hybrid cable. This further reduces
the effort required for commissioning axis systems.
Motion control PLC Noteworthy characteristics for fieldbus systems in manu-
facturing technology are

Tool • Short cycle times, real-time capability, and synchronicity

• High-reliability requirements
• Line or ring topologies
• Applications with many participants but very little data per
Fig. 16.1 Architectural structure of an equipment controller
Parallel to fieldbuses for communication between con-
troller and field-level devices, communication between con-
The motion control is a specific task which considers all troller and higher-level systems as MES and ERP has been
moving actuators and defines the synchronized movements. developed. In addition to many proprietary interfaces offered
Different architectures and control loop designs are in prac- by controller manufacturers, Open Platform Communica-
tice, depending on the performance measure and application tions Unified Architecture (OPC UA) has emerged as the
of actuated components in manufacturing [4]. For complex Industry 4.0 protocol for accessing information of machine
motions, such as machining work pieces, CNC offer extends tools [7], robots [8], and other machinery equipment [9].
functionality such as transformation of the contour definition
into axes movement, correction of tool geometries, etc. [5, 6].
16.2.3 Proprietary and Partially Open
16.2.2 Industrial Communication
and Fieldbuses Digitization of Industry 4.0 drove the development of more
and more open interfaces. But even earlier, initiatives have
Since central controllers control a varying number of axes, been working on developing standards in order to enable
commercial systems are modular in design. In most cases, interoperability and user-defined extensions for factory au-
the central control runs on a structurally separate unit. The tomation.
servo drives are directly connected to the motors. Drive and For controller architectures, Open System Architecture for
central control communicate via so-called fieldbus protocols. Controls Within Automation Systems (OSACA) [10] and a
The first development of fieldbus protocols started in 1975. project called “cross-manufacturer modules for user-oriented
At the turn of the millennium, IEC 61158 defined the basic use of the open control architecture (Hümnos)” were initia-
structure in layers, divided into services and protocols. Exist- tives taking place before the turn of the century to develop a
ing fieldbuses have been incorporated into this structure; im- definition of a hardware-independent reference architecture
plementation concepts with profiles have been summarized for numerical machine tool equipment including the func-
in IEC 61784 in 2002. tionalities of NC, RC, PLC, and cell controls (CC) [11].
Today’s fieldbuses use the physical layers of the open For higher-level access to manufacturing components,
systems interconnection model (OSI; reference model for activities to define asset administration shells [12], descrip-
network protocols) via the industrial Ethernet, however ex- tion formats such as automation ML [13] as well as a data
tended by special message formats, as well as real-time and standard in ECLASS [14] were taking place.
security aspects. The constructional advantage is that an
Ethernet interface is common regardless of the fieldbus tech-
nology used. To ensure functional safety in industrial produc- 16.2.4 Resources in the Network: Cloud
tion, the main focus lies on fast and reliable communication. and Edge for Storage and Compute
Fieldbus communication and control processes usually run
in a time cycle of 1–10 ms and numerous extensions for real- State-of-the-art manufacturing systems calculate all control
time features have been implemented. and logic calculation on the controller device. Cloud con-
16 Control Architecture for Automation 361

nectivity offered by, e.g., Siemens Mindsphere [15] currently often differentiated in mechanical solutions, and automation
concentrates on services such as analysis and predictions, systems are optimized for one operating state. Increasingly,
connectivity to machines, and monitoring. however, a flexibilization in automation solutions is required.
In specific applications, additional edge computing de- A differentiation of the machine builders is, therefore, rather
vices offer the additional computing power to the central necessary in the algorithms and the software. It is insuf-
control unit. Most edge devices are currently installed in ficient to just buy control functions: the control systems
production systems to enable systems without state-of-the- must be sufficiently open to integrate individual algorithms.
art connectivity to connect to cloud systems or to offer the Operators must also be able to adapt the operating point of
controller data in a specified format such as, e.g., asset machines and systems to new market requirements. This may
administration shells or OPC UA [16]. involve adjustments or extensions of algorithms from the 16
field of control engineering, but also data analysis or artificial
16.2.5 Engineering and Virtual Tryout Additionally, to the challenges described before, an in-
creasing demand of convergence of “Operation Technolo-
Current engineering for manufacturing uses toolchains such gy” (OT) and IT can be determined. Driven by the short
as the CAD-CAM-CNC chain, where manufacturing instruc- innovation cycles of information technology, shifting the
tions can directly be deducted from the three-dimensional physical properties of machines and processes into the virtual
product description and then be converted into G-code ac- world of software sounds increasingly tempting. The result
cording to IEC 66025. However, this toolchain is to be increases in flexibility, the mastery of even the greatest
individually adapted to the specific manufacturing technol- complexity, even with small production quantities, is within
ogy or machine tool. Advances, such as STEP-NC [17], reach. However, not every promise of IT can be fulfilled even
combined the geometric description of workpiece features in the tough conditions of production. The requirements for
with processing information. However, until today there are security, accuracy, reliability, availability, and others are still
only individual integrations into existing CNC systems. the top priority for production planners. The more tempting
For logical programming of controllers, manufacturer- the offerings of cloud and edge technology, and as much
dependent tools are offered from, e.g., Siemens (TIA Por- as the new paradigms of Industry 4.0 are demanded, the
tal), Bosch Rexroth (IndraWorks), and Beckhoff (TwinCAT), more important it is that new architectures for automation
many of which rely on the Codesys® IDE [18]. These tools make the connection between state-of-the-art IT and the
allow the mapping of hardware inputs and outputs to runtime demands of production. Industry 4.0 concepts can only gen-
variables, the programming of logical control according to erate added value through new algorithms and services. New
IEC 61131-3. Motion control configuration and basic pro- architectures and solutions are, therefore, required, which are
gramming can also be handled in these tools with options described below.
to synchronize axes, define cams, and, in some cases, even
transformation for a machine setup.
Virtual testing is a more recent development in which con- 16.4 New Architectural Components
trol engineering can be tested with a virtual machine before and Solutions
the ramp-up of the hardware machine. The virtual machine
is modeled to behave according to the real machine and is Many developments outside of production offer high-
provided with a visual representation so that the behavior performance approaches to the use of modern computer
executed by the controller can be monitored. The virtual technology. Often “only” at one or the other point of a
tryout shortens development times and offers the possibility standard or de facto standard an addition or modification has
to detect errors in control logic before the ramp-up with very to be made to implement this in the automation software. In
little risk, as the virtual machine cannot be damaged in trial the last decade, several attempts have been made to transform
runs. traditional architectural models into new technically modern
architectures. The classical three-part division of the
architecture was always in the foreground [19, 20]. This
16.3 Challenges
is on the one hand the physical level for the description of
the real resources of which a system is composed. Secondly,
Nevertheless, the greatest challenge in automation technol-
it is the functional level, which describes the necessary
ogy is the control of complex manufacturing processes in
functions that the real system described on the physical
a control architecture that is still quite rigid today. Besides,
level should or can perform. The third level describes the
increasing adaptability to requirements from the market, such
interaction between the functional and the physical level.
as quantities or product changes, is required for an eco-
Among the multitude of new approaches, three have emerged
nomical application. Up to now, machine builders have very
362 O. Riedel et al.

as particularly noteworthy: ISA-95, RAMI-4.0, and IIRA – operating system (OS) instances, as well as between the
these three candidates are critically compared and evaluated host system and virtual machines. Furthermore, resources
in [21, 22]. What they all have in common is the dissolution such as memory, communication devices, and processes can
of rigid structures to freely networkable structural elements, be dynamically allocated to virtual machines according to
which are particularly needed by cyber-physical production specified quality of service (QoS) parameters. Hence, virtu-
systems (CPPS). alization makes load balancing and optimization of resource
Unfortunately, many promising approaches are useless in usage in clusters of physical computers possible. While the
the production on closer examination as important general hypervisor-based virtualization provides strong and dynamic
conditions are not fulfilled. The new architectures for au- isolation between virtual machines. It is considered heavy
tomation can be divided into the following categories, most weight concerning overheads, such as memory usage and
of which have already grown out of the research stage and especially latencies. These drawbacks are overcome by OS-
are – as of 2020 – in productive use: level virtualization, e.g., container-based virtualization and
methods, whose virtual deployment units are software con-
• Virtualization technologies (virtual machines, containers, tainers. The container-based virtualization allows running
etc.) to separate software from dedicated hardware applications in isolated areas. No additional guest operating
• New hardware/protocols for communication (time- systems are executed, because containers share the kernel of
sensitive networking, wireless technologies, 5G, exten- the host operating system. Whereas the abstraction level for
sions to OPC UA, etc.) to allow flexible and performant virtual machines is at the hardware level, the abstraction level
any-to-any information exchange in OS level virtualization lays at the system call level (see
• Converged industrial communication based on above Fig. 16.2).
technologies to secure investment over a long time This weak form of isolation between the individual con-
• Hardware in the loop simulation, e.g., digital twins to tainers is realized by using namespaces and control groups.
recognize potential problem upfront With the help of namespaces, the OS kernel provides dif-
• Data analytics and artificial intelligence to drill down in ferent processes with different views on the system. Global
the newly available data resources, such as the file system and process identities,
are surrounded by a namespace layer. Thus, each container
In the following, the details of these new architectural has an individual view on the system. The management
components are being discussed. of resources is carried out by control groups, which are
used to limit resources for process groups. A namespace
regulates what a container “sees,” control groups regulate
16.4.1 Virtualization Techniques the access of a container instance to resources. Unlike vir-
tual machines, containers achieve near-native performance in
A hierarchical separation between individual control levels terms of memory usage and latencies. Their main drawback
with regard to the control architecture exists in today’s pro- is the weak isolation between instances, e.g., faulty software,
duction plants. In the respective control level, new target val- which causes the host kernel to crash that will affect all
ues for the level below are calculated, based on actual values other containers and regular processes on the same host.
using static algorithms. The control in today’s production is Thus, software containers can only be used if all containers
thus always top down. The individual control systems are belong to the trusted codebase of an ecosystem. To alleviate
self-contained units that can exchange mostly statically con- these limitations, cloud providers employ additional levels
figured information via a large number of different interfaces. of indirection. These include lightweight virtual machines
In addition, the individual controls have a fixed scope of func- [23], where every container is executed inside a minimal
tions and computing power. The software of these control virtual machine and user space kernels [24], which latter
systems has a fixed link to the used computing hardware. implement large amounts of kernel functionalities in user
Methods of virtualization are used to counteract exactly these space. Isolation is achieved as they only access a limited set of
limitations, considering architectures and solutions in IT. system calls to realize the required functionalities. As latency
System virtualization allows the decoupling of physical is not the most important property in the higher levels of
and virtual computing platforms – which is a potential for automation systems, management, planning, and supervisory
automation control architectures, too. In the field of cloud systems can easily be migrated to cloud systems. However,
computing, a variety of use cases is enabled. This includes the same does not apply to lower-level systems. The conver-
the consolidation of services on multiple virtual machines, gence of automation technology and operation technology in,
which would have traditionally been deployed on different e.g., the control level entails similar advantages as cloud com-
physical platforms. This is possible, because so-called “hy- puting, such as optimized business processes and hardware
pervisors” provide strong isolation between multiple virtual utilization. The decentralization is one major trend of Indus-
16 Control Architecture for Automation 363

App 1 App 2
Container App 1 App 2 App 1

App 1 App 2 Bins/Libs Bins/Libs

Bins/Libs Bins/Libs Bins/Libs

Bins/Libs Bins/Libs Guest OS Guest OS

Guest OS Guest OS Guest OS

System calls Virtualized hardware 16

Virtualized hardware, hypercalls

Container runtime Type 1 hypervisor

Type 2 hypervisor with
Host OS Host OS

Hardware Hardware Hardware

Fig. 16.2 OS-level virtualization, types of hypervisors, and paravirtualization

try 4.0 which includes a flattening of the classical communi- are deployed on the same physical host system and strong
cation hierarchies and the integration of higher-level func- isolation is mandatory [29]. Every node runs a midlevel
tionalities even in small automation devices. Because this container runtime which implements a standardized interface
type of automation system is based on multiple, distributed such as the container runtime interface (CRI). The midlevel
systems, which interact to achieve cohesive intelligence, the runtimes in term delegates commands to low-level runtimes.
technologies of cloud computing are an appealing basis to Low-level container runtimes compatible to the open contain
realize the deployment. However, as latency is an important initiative (OCI) such as runc or crun set up necessary control
factor in control systems, the flexible form of hypervisor- groups and namespaces and execute commands inside them.
based virtualization especially on cloud computing resources These container tools are an appealing basis for modular,
is not suitable for all use cases. The main reason for this is that distributed control applications. Containers are used as units
the hypervisors, which are used in cloud systems, typically of deployment, which encapsulate functionalities, such as
employ hierarchical schedulers. For example, QEMU/KVM, services in service-oriented architectures (SOA) or, more
which makes Linux a hypervisor, uses the Linux scheduler specifically, microservices.
to schedule virtual CPUs (vCPUs). vCPUs are regular user The cloud-based control platform for cyber-physical pro-
space threads that can be assigned to virtual machines. The duction systems pICASSO [30, 31] is an application example
scheduler of the virtual machine, in turn, assigns the guests for virtualization in industrial control, which provides ma-
threads to vCPUs. While hierarchical real-time scheduling chine controls as a service (MCaaS) from local/global pri-
is theoretically proven [25–27], this approach suffers from vate/public clouds. The need for more flexible architectures
high scheduling overheads. Furthermore, there is a semantic of production systems arises from the hierarchical separation
gap between the host scheduler and the guest scheduler that between the individual control levels. New setpoints for the
comes with problems such as the lock holder preemption subordinate level are calculated based on the actual values
problem [28]. While paravirtualized scheduling, in which using static control algorithms. The architecture of today’s
hosts and guests can communicate to overcome the semantic production systems is thus top down. Individual control
gap, is possible, this approach violates the isolation paradigm systems have fixed functional scopes. Individual controllers
[25]. are self-contained units that use a large variety of commu-
Lower latencies are achieved because interrupts do not nication interfaces to exchange mostly statically configured
have to be received by the hypervisor and forwarded to a information. This leads to a significantly restricted efficiency
virtual machine, as interrupt remapping enables the virtual of production systems.
machines to directly receive interrupts [29]. This approach To overcome these limitations of cloud-based control
is typically employed, if strong isolation and low latency platforms such as pICASSO enable increases in efficiency
are needed by applications. Use cases include configura- through flexible provisioning of control systems for cyber-
tions, where critical and noncritical software components physical production systems. The existing, monolithic
364 O. Riedel et al.

control architectures are broken up, modularized, and

extended with cloud-native technologies such as centralized
data processing and service-oriented architectures. In this
way, expert knowledge of plant manufacturers and plant
operators can be utilized optimally. Furthermore, cloud-
based control systems offer a suitable basis for the dynamic
Operating system
provisioning of computing resources for cyber-physical
production systems. Cloud-based control architectures
ETH HW 1 ... HW 1
enable a large variety of use cases, e.g., robot control as
a service [32], control of robots and machine tools with
superordinate factory clouds [33], cloud-based control of Active
partially automated manual workplaces, etc. While the issues bridge
of dynamic scaling and dynamic provisioning of modularized
PLC – programmable logic HW – hardware
control systems can be solved by cloud computing, another controller HMI – human machine interface
challenge arises. Physical parts of the machines, such as NC – numerical control COM – communication module
sensors and actors, which are located on the shop floor, must ETH – Ethernet interface
communicate with control algorithms, which in turn are
located in remote cloud-based systems. Among traditional
Fig. 16.3 The cloud-based control platform for cyber-physical produc-
distributed industrial control networks, fieldbuses and real- tion systems pICASSO [34]
time Ethernet (RTE) are used to achieve deterministic,
reliable communication with low latencies. To overcome
the inherent nondeterministic behavior of standard Ethernet by WebSockets. The WebSocket protocol is based on HTTP
and its TCP/UDP/IP protocols, modifications are applied and TCP, thus reliable and allows transmitting datagram-
to different levels of the communication stack, starting based telegrams like UDP. The high average round trip time
from the application level and ending at the hardware level. and the nondeterministic jitter of WANs prevent cloud-based
Opportunity analysis for the communication of control data control systems from being used universally. Nevertheless,
between machines and cloud-based control systems based on cloud-based control systems provide an appealing basis for
two application scenarios is presented as part of pICASSO. resource-efficient and scalable production systems, if these
The first use case is the control of a five-axis milling machine, drawbacks can be counteracted by suitable algorithms or high
the second one the control of a three-axis milling machine. latencies and jitter are acceptable for specific production pro-
Three types of two-way data streams could be identified cesses. Another source of latencies besides communication
in the control system. Data is exchanged between a CNC is the virtualization overhead. Most virtual machine monitors
and spindle/axis drives. These include control and status are designed to provide high throughput but not low latencies
words, setpoints, actual positions, and additional settings and deterministic behavior. Low latencies are achieved by
such as modes of operation. The second type of data streams adapting non-real-time hypervisors or by using dedicated
includes actual values and setpoints. These are exchanged real-time hypervisors like XtratuM [35] and RT-Xen [36].
between PLCs and I/O terminals. The third stream includes As the latter originates from the field of embedded systems,
data of the human-machine interface (HMI) (Fig. 16.3). these are not widely available in public cloud systems. One
Only the axis control loop is considered critically with approach to low latency cloud instances is QEMU/KVM in
cycle times of 1 ms because extra delays in the PLC and combination with the PREEMPT_RT-patch. Both the host
HMI communication path only decrease the machine’s per- system, e.g., the QEMU/KVM hypervisor, and the guest OS
formance or the user’s satisfaction, but will not influence the are patched to provide real-time scheduling. One appealing
quality of the workpiece. It has been shown by benchmarks component of a real-time scheduler framework is the ear-
that TCP is not applicable for control software as a service liest deadline first scheduler, which is combined with the
(CSaaS), e.g., between a machine located in Germany and constant bandwidth server (CBS). This algorithm guarantees
the control system in New Zealand because of missing band- that a task receives exactly runtime microseconds within its
width capabilities. Even though UDP provides the necessary deadline from the beginning of each period. Test frameworks
bandwidth, an average telegram loss of 3–4% with up to for hierarchical scheduling, such as multiprocessor periodic
10.000 consecutive missed packages makes additional mea- resource models [27] and the parallel supply function [26],
sures necessary. Consecutive message loss is solved by using are based on this property. Although schedulable configu-
buffers located in the communication modules. Furthermore, rations are theoretically guaranteed to meet all temporal re-
they may interpolate single missing telegrams. The best quirements, hierarchical scheduling is not widely adopted in
results in terms of the average round trip time were achieved real-time systems, where low latency is required. For this and
16 Control Architecture for Automation 365

the above reasons, partitioning hypervisors may be used in- Model (TcCOM), which defines the properties and the be-
stead. Modularization entails a greater need for orchestration havior of software modules. There are many applications for
between services, as the traditional centralistic components modules; all tasks of an automation system can be specified
of control technology are omitted. A service registry based in modules. Consequently, no distinction is made between
on the OPC UA standard is used to manage and coordinate whether the module primarily represents the basic functions
the individual components and to enable the exchange of of an automation system, such as real-time tasks, fieldbus
information between them. For this purpose, information drivers, or a PLC runtime system, or whether it is a more
models are generated or existing models such as OPC UA user- and application-specific algorithm for the open-loop or
companion specifications are used. Other implementations closed-loop control of a machine unit. There are three types
of cloud-based control systems have similar architectures of inter-module communication in TcCOM. I/O Mapping, 16
and differ mainly in the hypervisors and IP-based com- which copies the outputs of modules into the inputs of other
munication protocols. These architectures leverage server- modules; I/O data pointer, which realizes communication
based virtualization technologies such as hypervisor-based via shared memory, blocking remote procedure calls; and
virtual machines. Due to the nondeterministic components the automation device specification (ADS), which provides
and communication protocols and thus the high execution acyclic, event-based communication within a single device
jitters and communication delays, this solution is unsuitable and between modules on multiple devices via a network.
for time-critical and deterministic applications. To reduce the One major drawback of TcCOM is the limited isolation,
communication delay between virtualized, server-based con- as real-time modules are executed directly in kernel mode.
trollers, and field devices and to minimize the execution jitter Furthermore, every module must implement a specific state
of control programs, virtualization software is integrated into machine, which might reduce the flexibility regarding the
embedded devices [37]. The overhead that comes along with module’s functionality. However, the main drawback is the
the hypervisor-based virtualization makes the implementa- low portability of modules, as a TcCOM module will not run
tion of hard real-time applications almost impossible. Most of directly on PLC hardware of a different vendor. In [41, 42],
the existing literature on the virtualization of Soft PLCs fol- an architecture for implementing the IEC 61499 is presented.
lows hypervisor-based approaches [38–40]. Due to that fact Software containers are used as deployment units for function
and the restricted modularity, these architectures still form blocks. The authors identify a strong isolation mechanism as
monolithic control systems characterized by nondeterminis- a necessary basis for the architecture, but still utilize software
tic behavior, which makes them unsuitable for applications containers, due to the high overhead of virtual machines. For
that require hard real-time capabilities, even though espe- orchestration and scheduling of the function blocks a central
cially the cloud-based architectures provide non-negligible component called the flexible control manager is used. This
advantages such as dynamic scaling and optimized resource combines the functionalities of a container image registry
consumption. The reason for the restricted modularity is that and a service registry. Further publications which are based
the PLC programs, written in the programming languages of on software containers for encapsulation of control software
the IEC 61131-3 themselves form monolithic applications, are [43–47]. Tasci et al. propose an architecture for real-time
could benefit from further modularization. Besides the cyclic container runtime environments and real-time inter-process
execution of control programs on a PLC according to the communication between modules, e.g., microservices that
IEC 61131, the IEC 61499 specifies a generic model for are written in IEC61131-3 or any other programming lan-
distributed automation systems. The execution of the control guage, encapsulated in containers [46] as shown in Fig. 16.4.
logic is event based. The IEC 61499 allows for object- Real-time messaging is used for communication between
oriented programming of systems consisting of several pro- microservices. Compared to other communication technolo-
grammable devices connected via a network. The basis for gies, such as representational state transfer (REST) or re-
IEC 61499 applications is the basic function block, which mote procedure call (RPC), messaging offers the highest
in contrast to the function blocks of IEC 61131 has both degree of flexibility, scalability, and loose coupling. For
inputs and outputs for data and events. The algorithms of the performance reasons, the messaging system must support
basic function blocks are not executed cyclically, but when different protocols, which behave identically from the per-
an event is received by an event input. The behavior of a spective of the application. Thus, an efficient inter-process
basic function block is defined in the execution control chart. communication (IPC) method is used for communication
States, transitions, and actions are defined. An action consists between microservices running on the same node and a
of an algorithm, which is executed when changing to the network protocol is used for communication across multi-
corresponding state, and the setting of an output event. Both ple nodes. This approach is similar to the communication
standards are considered as a basis for modular control appli- infrastructure in TcCOM but differs in terms of loose cou-
cations. A similar concept for modularized control software pling and dependencies. Modules can be implemented in
is specified by the proprietary TwinCAT Component Object any programming language and can differ completely in
366 O. Riedel et al.

<<subsystem>> Node

<<component>> <<component>>
Image Low-level
registry container runtime

<<component>> <<component>>
High-level Sevice
container runtime e.g., IEC 61131-3


e.g., IEC 61131-3

Fig. 16.4 Simplified architecture of a container-based control system [46]

behavior. The only dependency lays in the interfaces between while others require a real-time integration, like a feedback
services, which are specified by common message structures. loop for challenges like vision-based control.
For telegram exchange, protocols, such as UDP and TCP, or For efficient digitalization, converged networks are re-
real-time capable protocols are used. A basic technology for quired that allow the interconnection of IT and OT sys-
implementing real-time-capable Ethernet protocols is time- tems while maintaining deterministic requirements. Con-
sensitive networking (TSN), which standardizes real-time verged networks are already well established in other in-
mechanisms on the data link level and the properties of the dustries for large-scale networks. For instance, a unified
hardware. Depending on the operating system, a variety of infrastructure is used for telephone, Internet, television, and
different mechanisms can be used to implement IPC, such data services. Converged networks generally have two di-
as signals, shared memory, pipes, or Unix domain sock- mensions: a convergence of different traffic types (data with
ets under Linux or I/O data pointer and I/O mapping in different requirements) and applications on the one side and
TwinCAT. To avoid having to consider the peculiarities of a convergence of technologies on the other side.
each transport mechanism within the applications, the API For industrial communication and especially those work-
of the messaging library abstracts these. The implementation ing on the shop floor, converged networks are not well
[47] leverages UDP/IP for inter-node communication and established yet. They need to support the deterministic and
Unix domain sockets for intra-node communication. Either safety-critical real-time traffic, as well as typical IT traffic at
Linux with PREEMPT_RT patch or – for applications, which the same time with no interference. A successful transforma-
require a particularly low latency – Xenomai is utilized as the tion would allow the transition from a communication setup
operating system. Container technologies are increasingly according to the automation pyramid to a flat network as
finding their way into commercial control systems. depicted in Fig. 16.5 for cyber-physical production systems.
This transition requires significant changes and new tech-
nologies. Fieldbuses typically provide all-in-one solutions,
16.4.2 Components for Communication covering all layers of the OSI network layer model. In con-
trast, IT-based systems use a stack of protocols, combining
The digitalization of production with its innovative solutions functions on different layers. Some of the existing IT and
like big data or AI-based approaches is the key trend in OT technologies can be used in a more stack-based approach.
the automation industry. Most solutions are based on IT To fill the gaps, new key technologies are emerging, includ-
systems with a close link to real processes and their control ing TSN, adding real-time capabilities to standard Ethernet
systems (e.g., operation technology). Some applications like according to IEEE802.1, wireless technologies with real-
visualization or diagnostics only require access to the data, time capabilities including 5G and WiFi-6, and OPC UA,
providing a unified solution on the higher layers.
16 Control Architecture for Automation 367




Automation pyramid CPPS-based automation

Fig. 16.5 Transformation from the automation pyramid to a CPPS-based production, according to [48]

Time-Sensitive Networking traffic shaping, but also on the application layer, replacing
A key enabling technology for converged networks is time- an event-based synchronization. In the newest revision,
sensitive networking (TSN), referring to a set of new stan- new mechanisms for redundancy were introduced, thereby
dards in IEEE802.1, extending the well-established Ethernet fulfilling requirements from the automation industry.
with real-time capabilities [49]. Ethernet, as the prevalent • Traffic shaping is used to allow deterministic data trans-
standard for IT communication, has not been suitable for mission. IEEE802.1Qbv specifies a time-aware shaper
industrial applications, however TSN Ethernet can poten- that allows time-gated transmission of data of a certain
tially be used from the cloud down to the field level. In traffic type according to a cyclically recurring schedule.
contrast to fieldbuses, TSN only covers the lower layers of By having well-designed time slots across the network,
communication and therefore fits a layered approach. minimal latencies can be guaranteed and collisions be
The work of the IEEE802.1 TSN Task Group is based ruled out. Alternatively, guarantees regarding bandwidth
on the IEEE Audio Video Broadcasting (AVB) standards. can be based on the credit base scheduler, standardized in
To enhance Ethernet with deterministic capabilities, the new IEEE 802.1Qav.
standards cover time synchronization, scheduling, perfor- • Redundancy is provided by the standard IEEE 802.1CB.
mance optimization, and configuration. TSN is not a single It allows sending data on two independent paths by mul-
standard, but rather a collection of useful functions and tools tiplying the packet at one point and dropping copies of
to guarantee determinism. Depending on the application and a package at another. Thereby, a seamless redundancy is
specific requirements, different TSN standards can be com- guaranteed so that an application is not interfered at all by
bined and must be supported by the network infrastructure a loss of a path.
as well as by the endpoints. However, even endpoints that do • Frame preemption which is specified in IEEE 802.1Qbu
not support any TSN features are interoperable and can play allows the interruption of the transmission of a frame
a useful role in a network. in order to transmit a frame with a higher priority. The
TSN does not strictly prioritize one traffic type over remainder of the preempted frame is then sent afterward.
another as done by other real-time communication systems, This feature gives certain real-time guarantees based on
instead of allowing a parallel and individual allocation of prioritized traffic, as well as a reduction of guard bands
resources. TSN supports the topologies similar to standard for scheduled traffic.
Ethernet, however, it adds capabilities for redundant paths to • The configuration of a TSN network, including the in-
improve reliability. Besides, the endpoints and network in- frastructure and the endpoints, is essential to guarantee a
frastructure, switched endpoints that are popular in industrial deterministic behavior. In IEEE 802.1Qcc different con-
automation are supported as well. From a TSN perspective, figuration models (centralized, distributed, and hybrid)
these devices are a switch and an endpoint combined in a are introduced and further detailed by other subsequent
single enclosure. standards. Each model has specific advantages and disad-
The most relevant TSN standards are introduced in the vantages.
Wireless Technologies
• Time synchronization of the devices in a TSN network is Industrial real-time networks are almost exclusively based on
essential and the base for other standards. IEEE 802.1AS wired networks since wireless technologies do not provide
defines the synchronization mechanism and is derived the required determinism. The changing requirements due
from the precision time protocol (PTP) IEEE 1588. The to the digital transformation cause an increasing need for
common time base is used for TSN mechanisms like flexible and mobile connections. Two emerging wireless
368 O. Riedel et al.

technologies are potential future solutions, based on WLAN 5G is designed for three use cases:
and cellular networks.
• Enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) is focused on prov-
Deterministic WLAN: Wi-Fi 6 ing high data rates to end devices.
Wireless LAN (WLAN) according to IEEE 802.11 is the • Massive machine-type communication (mMTC) has the
prevalent wireless standard for IT networks. With the stan- goal to connect large numbers of devices as an enabler
dard IEEE 802.1ax, which is expected to be released in 2020, of the Internet of Things (IoT), including mobility, smart
new features will be integrated improving the performance cities but also industrial applications.
and for the first time enabling real-time communication • Ultra-reliable and low latency (uRLLC) has the goal to
[50]. The Wi-Fi Alliance, the industrial consortium that is support real-time communication with guaranteed laten-
guaranteeing interoperability between devices and provides cies and a high reliability, potentially usable for industrial
certification, refers to this standard as Wi-Fi 6. Key features automation.
of Wi-Fi 6 are:
In the beginning, the focus was on eMBB and is now
• Support for bands beyond 6 GHz (Wi-Fi 6E). shifting toward mMTC and uRLLC.
• The spatial multiplexing technique multiuser multiple Even though the goal of 5G is to guarantee latencies of
input multiple output (MIMO) that has been introduced in less than 1 ms, the usability for industrial real-time com-
Wi-Fi 5 (IEEE 802.11 ac) which allows the simultaneous munication for control applications will be limited. This
data transmission from an access point (AP) to multiple number only refers to the latency of a single wireless link, not
client is extended in the upload direction. from application to application. However, many applications
• OFDMA (orthogonal frequency-division multiple access) related to the digitalization of production have corresponding
is multiplexing in the frequency domain. Channels are requirements.
split in so-called resource units (RU) that can be assigned In order to be integrated into a larger real-time network,
to different clients in the networks. This allows a collision- 5G should be transparently usable in a TSN network. The
free simultaneous transmission. The RUs are assigned goal is to manage a 5G link the same way than a cable-based
by a central management, thereby allowing deterministic link, however with a higher latency and jitter. This approach
network access with latency guarantees. requires a close link to the configuration of the 5G and the
• The target wake time (TWT) mechanism allows to wake TSN network and is still under development.
up devices only in specified periods to reduce energy
consumption. OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA)
To fulfill the increasing demand for interconnection between
Hardware with Wi-Fi 6 support is expected to be in OT and IT systems, a standardized protocol up to the applica-
the market in 2020, first generic devices in 2021. Wi-Fi 6 tion layer was required. In the recent past, OPC UA is driven
provides – like TSN – base functions to build a real-time by a large number of companies and managed by the OPC
network. How to combine and configure these functions and Foundation.
how to integrate them with higher-layer protocols and wired OPC UA combines the technical specification of the trans-
technologies is an ongoing development. A key advantage of port layer with a data model and associated modeling rules.
Wi-Fi 6 is that it is fully operating on license-exempt bands Based on these two basic layers, the OPC UA base services
and can be set up and maintained by local administrators. are specified. They guarantee the communication setup, ses-
Therefore, no network operators are required. The projected sion handling, and methods for signing and encryption. OPC
performance numbers match many requirements of the au- UA also specifies methods for data access (DA), alarms and
tomation industry. conditions (AC), historical access to information (HA), and
complete programs (Prog). Two additional layers allow de-
5G: Fifth-Generation Cellular Networks tailed modeling of devices, machines, processes, or services
5G refers to the fifth generation of the standard for broadband based on information models. To ensure interoperability,
cellular networks specified by the third Generation Partner- companion specifications can be defined for specific device
ship Project (3GPP) group. It is based on the long-term types across vendors. Single vendors can extend these and in-
evolution (LTE – 4G) standard and is released in multiple tegrate additional vendor-specific specifications (Fig. 16.6).
stages, starting in 2018. Key features are a higher band- The communication is based on a client server model in
width, new frequency bands, capabilities for large numbers standard OPC UA. Publisher subscriber mechanisms were
of devices, and real-time guarantees. Therefore, mechanisms added in part 14 of the OPC UA standard, recently [51].
like OFDM (orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing) are A current initiative running under the name of umati
used to assign the resources to different devices. (universal machinery technology interface) aims to gather
16 Control Architecture for Automation 369

TSN-Based Converged Industrial Communication

TSN in combination with deterministic wireless technologies
Vendor specific specification is seen as the key enabler for converged real-time networks
for industrial applications. The performance of TSN regard-
Companion specifications ing synchronization and deterministic delivery guarantees is
comparable to established fieldbuses.
According to the stacked communication approach, other
DA AC HA Prog protocols are required on the higher layers. Besides the
established IT protocols which will be used in the future as
OPC UA base services
well, specific industrial solutions are required. There are two 16
current trends:

Transport OPC UA data model • Fieldbus over TSN: Two approaches for transmitting field-
bus communication over TSN are used. Either the OSI lay-
ers 1 and 2 are fully replaced by standard TSN according
Fig. 16.6 OPC UA architecture to IEEE 802.1. Another approach is using active network
gateways, to convert all fieldbus traffic to TSN-compatible
Ethernet frames [57–59].
OPC UA specifications connected to the field of production • Unified OPC UA-based solution: Within the OPC Foun-
under a common roof. In the umati community, information dation, the Field Level Communication (FLC) initiative
modeling for OPC UA relies on a base framework defined is working on a communication from the field to the
by the OPC UA for machinery specification [9]. OPC UA application level based on TSN networks [60, 61]. The
information models for specific technologies or production goal is to deliver an open approach to implement OPC
equipment such as robotics [8], machine tools [7], plastics UA including TSN and associated application profiles.
and rubber machinery [52–55], and many more are based Working groups within FLC align with the TSN profile
on the common foundation and are in steady exchange to for industrial automation (TSN-IA-Profile) which is stan-
harmonize elements and components with frequent use in dardized by the IEC/IEEE 60802 joint working group, so
production information models. The goal of the initiative [56] that OPC UA can share one common multivendor TSN
is to network infrastructure together with other applications.

• Simplify the effort for machine connection to customer-

specific IT infrastructures and ecosystems 16.4.3 Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation
• Simplify the effort for machine-to-machine and machine-
to-device communication Hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) simulation is used as a virtual
• Reduce costs through faster realization of customer- environment for developing and testing automation software
specific projects of production systems. First, the motivation for a virtual test
environment is given. The second part outlines the setup
To achieve this, umati creates a community and an ecosys- of HiL simulations. Next, real-time HiL simulation, as a
tem consisting of special subset of HiL, is motivated and explained. Finally,
the automation of the test procedure using HiL simulation is
1. OPC UA companion specification to define globally ap- regarded.
plicable semantics for machine tools
2. Communication default requirements for the implemen- Motivation and Use of HiL Simulation
tation of an OPC UA environment (e.g., encryption, au- According to the “rule of ten” late changes during the life
thentication, and server settings [ports and protocols]) to cycle of a system or product result in exponentially increasing
allow plug-and-play connectivity between machines and costs [62]. Early fault detection and frontloading of changes
software are therefore an important cost, time, and quality factor for
3. Quality assurance through testing specifications and tools, a system or product. The automation in production systems
certification, and serving as ombudsman for supplier- running on logic, motion, robot, and numerical controllers
client disputes is realized as software components. Since the engineering
4. Marketing and a label for visibility in the market through process of the overall production system is historically driven
a global community of machine builders, component sup- by the mechanical discipline, the software engineers are more
pliers, and added value services often than not the last ones to try out and to test their solutions
370 O. Riedel et al.

on the assembled production system. This is an unacceptable containing the components, the processes, and the commu-
state in the engineering as this sequential and first-time-right nication interface of the production system [64]. Further
process leads to delays and late problem-solving. elements of the simulation model may include special (e.g.,
To cope with the problems of a sequential engineering physics) behavior, workpieces, tools, and parts of the HMI.
process of production systems the idea is to give software The communication route between the control system
engineers a virtual environment to allowed frontloaded, par- and simulation is the fieldbus as used in the real production
allelized software programming and testing. The frontloaded system. The fieldbus covers the forward and backward com-
testing allows for earlier bug identification and fixing in the munication between control system and simulation.
software. The use of HiL simulation allows these applications For simulating the production system, a powerful PC
[63]: and a simulation tool are necessary. Simulation tools are
available as commercial products (e.g., SIMIT, ISG-virtuos,
• A virtual environment for control hardware and software and Simulink with MATLAB), as well as open-source ap-
• Test of the automation software and the HMI plications (e.g., OpenModelica and Scilab). Within the sim-
• Optimizations of the automation software ulation tool, the user creates the simulation models which
• Training of operators for the real production system. map the production system. The simulation tools provide
two main components: First, a graphical user interface for
Figure 16.7 illustrates the allegory of a HiL simulation: modeling the simulation model and providing a 3D view of
The HiL simulation allows switching between the real, phys- the production system. The second component is a solver for
ical production system and a virtual, simulated production calculation of the simulation steps. After each step, the results
system. HiL simulation is applicable from single machine are transferred via the fieldbus to other real and/or virtual
tools to entire production plants. components.
Dependent on the industry division the simulation models
Setup of a HiL Simulation are created with a different width of the model and level
A HiL simulation consists of three components: a real control of detail. For example, within the simulation model of an
system (any kind of automation software and hardware), entire assembly line the material flow between the assembly
a simulation, and a communication route in between [63] modules is very important, whereas a robot welding cell
shows the setup of a HiL simulation and shows it is a closed- has its scope on the kinematics of the robot and collision
loop approach. detection. Figure 16.8, taken from [64], shows a classification
The real control system consists of a controller (e.g., of different model types used in simulation models for HiL
PLC, NC, or RC) running the automation software and pos- simulation.
sibly an HMI with push button panels and displays.
The simulation of the remaining production system is
running on a powerful PC and is coupled with the control
system. For the simulation, a simulation model is created commissioning

I/O Device Process

models model model

Model for Model for Network

continuous discrete models
processes processes

• PLC commissioning State machine
Real model
• NC
• MC Virtual
• RC Kinematic

Abbreviations models with
PLC – programmable logic controller 3D model
NC – numerical control
MC – motion control Dynamic
RC – robot control models

Fig. 16.7 Allegory of a hardware-in-the-loop simulation: switching

between real and virtual production system Fig. 16.8 Overview and classification of models for HiL simulation
16 Control Architecture for Automation 371

In addition, the created simulation models can be used in Usage of HiL Simulation
model-in-the-loop (MiL) or software-in-the-loop (SiL) sim- The most widely adopted application of HiL simulations
ulations which have their own advantages and disadvantages within the industry is its usage for virtual commissioning
over HiL simulations, see [64]. Between the three types MiL, of production systems. Virtual commissioning is intended
SiL, and HiL, the most realistic virtual environment for the to test run the entire production system in a virtual en-
control system is the HiL simulation. Within HiL simulation vironment before the system is delivered to the customer.
types a real-time hardware-in-the-loop (RT-HiL) simulation The goal is to fix errors and to optimize the output of the
allows the most accurate behavior for the control system. machine tool or production plant before start of production.
HiL simulations serve as the virtual environment for the
Real-Time HiL Simulation tests. Besides acceptance tests, integration tests and overall 16
A RT-HiL simulation is capable of delivering simulation system tests can be carried out in the virtual environment as
results within the cycle time of the fieldbus communication well [64].
route. This leads to two advantages over a non-RT-HiL sim- To guarantee a seamless porting from HiL simulation
ulation: onto the shop floor no changes to control system or fieldbus
configuration should be applied in the virtual environment.
• Components with a high update frequency close to the Whereas the simulation model offers a new range of testing
cycle time of the fieldbus, like drives and material flow possibilities through the following modifications [64]:
elements, can be simulated realistically
• Every occurrence of signal change coming from the con- • Virtual push buttons panels and indicators can be inte-
trol system is detected and processed by the simulation grated into the simulation model and used to support the
test run carried out by the commissioning specialist.
Non-RT HiL simulations need to emulate the communi- • By parameterization of the simulation model before start-
cation with the fieldbus. This leads to missed signal changes ing the simulation, the virtual production system can start
or late response behavior from the simulation. Real-time in any desired state.
capability for the HiL simulation is determined by the sim- • Additionally, signals can be traced parallel to the test run
ulation tool and its environment on the PC. The solver, the within the simulation tool.
algorithms, and the communication within the simulation • Any state of the production system can be reached by
tool as well as the scheduling and task management of the overwriting signals in the running simulation.
underlying OS have special requirements to fulfill. For the
simulation tool there are three essentials for a real-time Furthermore, the simulation model offers the possibility
capable simulation: to test failure and error situations realistically. Failure and
error situations of the production system can merely be
1. Simulation and control need to be synchronized in com- tested on the physical system as it leads to damages to the
munication. production system and injuries to the personnel involved.
2. A time-deterministic calculation of the simulation results Erroneous behavior can be modeled in the simulation and will
is necessary. be triggered within a test run.
3. A loss-free communication via the fieldbus is needed. The use of HiL simulation does not end with the start of
production of the production system. In today’s production,
Early work on real-time HiL simulations was done by more often changes from evolving product requirements,
Pritschow and Röck [65]. According to them, the most legal changes and customer needs demand higher flexibility.
important requirement for a RT-HiL simulation is a time- The changes in requirements lead to new engineering, opti-
deterministic reaction to signal changes data from the control mizations, and expansion of the production system to meet
system. The required time synchronicity between simulation the new requirements. To try out, test, and commission the
and control can only be guaranteed if the simulator is running new version of the production system the HiL simulations
on a real-time operating system (RTOS). As commercial PC- are reused.
OS prioritize the interaction with the user they are not suitable
for RT-HiL applications. A dedicated RTOS is needed to Automating the Test Procedure for HiL
prioritize the two tasks of time-deterministic calculation and Testing automation software using a HiL simulation is a so-
a loss-free communication of the simulation results. The called dynamic test process, as the automation software is
decision to use RT-HiL simulation depends on the cycle executed for the test. Dynamic test process is divided into
times of the controller and those of the processes within the four phases [66]:
production system.
372 O. Riedel et al.

1. Design: The testing procedure is described explicitly, so- tasks as an example and reinforcement learning, often bench-
called test cases, for the tester to test/try specific functions, marked using well-known problems of control technology
error cases, or requirements. [76]. AI in its short history of existence saw periods of rapid
2. Setup: Activities to provide and maintain the test environ- growth and periods of near stagnation and recently became
ment, e.g., HiL simulation. a very powerful tool to solve a broad range of problems at
3. Execution: The procedure described in the test cases is different hierarchical levels of the automation pyramid.
executed operating and observing the HiL simulation.
Results and checks during the test execution are noted Closed Loop Control Problems
down as a log. Many examples of solving classical control problems using
4. Evaluation: Results and checks from the log are exam- learning-based methods can be found in the scientific litera-
ined for further actions. A test report might be created to ture. Learning control systems are capable of learning from
share with third parties. their environment and their performance does not directly de-
pend on imprecise analytic models. Besides, solving similar
Automation of one or several of these steps is referred problems that other methods can also solve, reinforcement
to as test automation. A need for more awareness and thus learning methods, presented in Fig. 16.9, can offer an added
structured and automated testing in the engineering process benefit of directly linking image processing tasks to control
of production systems is outlined in [67, 68]. tasks by using convolutional neural networks (CNN) as a pol-
Once test cases are specified, their execution and evalu- icy [77]. These approaches suffer in many cases from sample
ation are a rather straightforward activity. This becomes es- inefficiency. Improving this sample inefficiency is one of the
pecially true when minor changes in an automation software main concerns of the reinforcement learning community. To
during engineering lead to a retest of the entire automation to address this, techniques like hindsight experience replay [78]
cross-checking for errors, so-called regression testing. These and the use of probabilistic models (like gaussian processes)
regression tests require less intellectual effort and are very as policy have emerged [79]. Lately, a new approach called
time consuming. To free capacities of test personnel and limit differentiable programming has attracted attention [78]. Dif-
errors during manual test execution, the automation of the ferentiable programming requires algorithmic models (or
phases execution and evaluation is to be tackled first in test programs) that can be differentiated (using automatic differ-
automation and can be realized by introducing a computer- entiation) and allows the direct chaining of the differentiable
aided software testing tool [67], see [63]. The automated algorithmic model with a deep neural network.
generation of test cases is a more difficult step as the source
for test case design (requirements, specifications, and other Machine Vision
descriptions of functions and behavior) and would need a for- Image processing cannot only be helpful as a part of the
mal, complete, and consistent description. Thus, approaches closed-loop control system, but also independently. The de-
can mostly be found as of today in academia only [69–72]. tection of obstacles for robot navigation, identifying grasping
points for manipulation [80] or bin picking [81], based on
camera information are valuable tasks that can be performed
16.4.4 Data Analytics and AI using machine learning methods. With the help of transfer
learning [82], the technique to partially reuse already trained
It is interesting to note that artificial intelligence (AI) and networks has improved the training efficiency of such a
its subfield, machine learning from a historical perspective, model and made their training suitable also for industrial use
always had a tight relationship to control technology. Early cases.
on, the cybernetics concept of Norbert Wiener, one of the
roots of AI as a field, addressed, among others, the issue of Data-Driven Models
a closed signal loop consisting of a sensor, a controller, and In many cases control architectures include analytical or
an actuator [73]. One of the early successes in the field of numerical models. An example for this is the inverse kine-
AI in the 1960s was the Stanford Research Institute Problem matics model of a robot controller or a friction model for
Solver (STRIPS) planning system [74], used to control the a positioning stage. In many cases, these analytical models
behavior of Shakey the Robot. More recently, the success of are only approximations and do not precisely reflect the real
reinforcement learning methods, among others, are fueling situation, however, data-driven approaches models have been
AI research. Reinforcement learning has been established as developed to recreate these [83, 84]. Data-driven models are
a common thread of three different research directions, one of created from data originating from the phenomenon being
which was optimal control [75]. This historical relationship modeled and can therefore better reflect reality. Furthermore,
is visible if we look at the academic examples and benchmark data-driven models are also used in analytics applications, as
problems for search and planning, often using robot-related described below.
16 Control Architecture for Automation 373


and pendulum angle and angular velocity


e.g., cart position and velocity

e.g., force to move cart

States or observations:
e.g., inverted pendulum deviation

e.g., inverted pendulum

Fig. 16.9 General structure of a reinforcement learning algorithm applied to the well-known inverted pendulum problem

Planning Problems Data Analytics

Planning problems represent a deliberation process where a Analytics have recently gained attention through the emer-
sequence of actions is defined to reach an a priori known goal gence of industrial Internet of Things, which allow the ag-
[85]. One of the early successes of AI as a field was solving gregation of data form multiple sources to an unprecedented
planning problems, and methods have been continuously extend. As a result, analytics initially had to cope better with
improved and refined ever since. Planning problems in the a large amount of data, but later had to use this data more
classical sense of the word refer to the creation of a sequence intelligently. As shown in [63], three forms of analytics have
of actions in a discrete state and action space in which emerged [89]:
state and action are described symbolically. Problems are
highly relevant for automation in general planning, as these • Descriptive analytics is the simplest form of analytics,
provide the automated job dispatching ability of MES and/or which offers a correlation between past behavior and
ERP systems [86]. Adding semantic states and actions and past outcome (past successes and failures). It is a “post-
continuous state and/or action spaces to the problem signif- mortem” analytic.
icantly increases its complexity [87]. A further increase in • Predictive data analytics, build on descriptive analytics,
complexity by embedding the planning problem in a physical use data from the past to predict future events. In au-
simulation reaches the limits of current solutions [88]. As the tomation, a well-known example for this is predictive
world watched the Lee Se-dol defeated by DeepMind’s Al- maintenance. Based on historical data that describes the
phaGo, many wondered why a robot did not move the bricks past behavior of a certain component or equipment, using
on the Go board when AlphaGo made a move. This question statistical and/or machine learning models, a prediction is
was answered recently in a publication from DeepMind [88], made for future behavior or remaining useful life.
in which physically embedded planning problems (e.g., a
robot playing a board game by physically moving the pieces Prescriptive analytics build on both descriptive and pre-
and reasoning about the game) have been identified as a limit dictive analytics not only predicts future behavior, but also
to current AI methods. provides the reason for this prediction and offers decision op-
As modern control architecture become more capable of tion on how to take advantage/exploit or mitigate a predicted
facilitating data exchange with other systems and are less situation. When applied to maintenance, prescriptive mainte-
closed, the use of data analysis and AI methods will become nance would not report only predicted remaining useful life,
more common. Data analytics has a close relationship to AI but also the reason for the predicted failure and a decision
and machine learning, but also to statistics. to replace a soon-to-be-defective component to avoid the
374 O. Riedel et al.

16.5 Conclusion and Trends will be expanded to the field of production. In order to
meet the challenges of customer-specific production in a
In the future, it will be increasingly difficult to speak of dynamic environment, the established engineering process
“typical” architectures in automation technology. The con- has to be redesigned in engineering terms using MBSE
vergence of operating technology (OT) and information tech- concepts. The new engineering methods must meet the
nology (IT) is in full swing and cannot be reversed. The requirements of adaptability, communication, consistency,
traditional pyramid structure of automation technology and and data integration to demonstrate efficiency.
its networking with “higher” levels of corporate functions is Software-defined manufacturing (SDM): The share of
dissolving – and this is in favor of any two networking instead software R&D cost in production machines will continue
of pure horizontal or vertical communication. Along with to rise to over 50%. A key aspect of Industry 4.0 is the
this goes the possibility of an almost arbitrary distribution adaptability and reconfigurability to cope with new tasks.
of functionalities in this flexible network. Whereas the processing of information per se is flexible and
The planners and operators of automation technology not limited to a specific hardware, factory objects of today are
have already learned that innovation and investment cycles not flexible and not automatically adaptable. However, the
no longer follow the laws of production. The challenge modularization and reconfiguration of production systems
now is to develop both technologies asynchronously and and their automation components are limited today because
yet synchronously and to link them with each other. This there is no proper separation between the executing physical
article has shown which basic architectural building blocks part of the machine and the automation software part. This
help us today to lead automation technology into the future software is firmly connected to the machine and a subsequent
with reliable investments. As explained in this chapter, cloud upgrade of the functionality is almost impossible unless
computing, virtualization techniques, convergent networks, the upgrade has been planned in advance and is already
and the first solutions using AI algorithms for processing implemented in the system. Therefore, the focus of software-
large amounts of data are already established on the market. defined manufacturing (SDM), which has been derived from
Many of these solutions come from the IT sector, consumer IT and communication technology is: the so-called software-
electronics, or other application domains and are now being defined anything (SDx). SDx represents concepts, which
adapted for use in production. The best example is the TSN, permit the (re-)configuration of system functionality via soft-
which is based on the distribution of audio signals and is ware only. SDM-based production would mean that the entire
now well on the way to replacing the classic field buses. manufacturing process is automatically configured by soft-
However, without a combination with higher-quality commu- ware based on the desired properties of the final product. In
nication protocols such as OPC UA, its companion standards, addition, the data generated during the product development
and umati, this will not establish itself and will happen and during the manufacturing process is recorded and linked
quickly. together so that optimizations can be made.
It is worth taking a look at upcoming technologies, when Artificial intelligence: ASE, MBSE, and SDM generate
we talk about the disappearance of traditional architectures a lot of data in the operative production and its engineering
and the pace of innovation in IT. Three topics stand out from process. The amount of this data and its classification – the
these trends, which will be briefly examined: so-called labeling – enables the application of AI technology
Advanced systems engineering (ASE): Today’s advanced in the future of modern production systems. On the one
machine tool and production systems engineering uses hand, algorithms and especially those for machine learning
mechatronic, system-based modular kits to offer machines, are constantly evolving. On the other hand, the necessary
automation technology, and production systems in an computing and storage capacity is being found in ever smaller
economical and customer-specific manner. The tools and thus production-ready embedded devices. The repeatedly
developed in recent years for “virtual validation” and quoted credo “big data is the new oil of the industry” is
“real-time-capable virtual commissioning” have not been correct – it is only necessary to ensure that the large data
part of this engineering process yet. They are used in generated in production is linked to the correct and consistent
special cases in between the engineering and the ramp- data models. Once this is achieved – which corresponds to a
up of the machine tool or production system. A further continuous process – there is little to prevent the successful
development as well as a continuous virtual validation use of neural networks and so-called deep learning.
is currently not taking place. The approach of model- The authors of this chapter are certain that the speed
based systems engineering (MBSE) and advanced system of innovation in automation technology will increase even
engineering (ASE) has been known in the automotive and further through the use of IT. It will be important to monitor
aerospace industry for product development for some time. It this trend carefully. Necessary and useful components of
promises digitization and model-based development across these trends should be subjected to a critical analysis regard-
all engineering disciplines for product development and ing their applicability in automation technology. The most
16 Control Architecture for Automation 375

challenging task at the moment is certainly the continuous 17. Industrial automation systems and integration. Physical device con-
integration/deployment of these new technologies into green- trol. Data model for computerized numerical controllers, 14649,
ISO, Apr 2004
field and brownfield production plants.
18. 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH, CODESYS® Runtime: Con-
verting any intelligent device into an IEC 61131-3 controller using
Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge the help the CODESYS Control Runtime System
of all colleagues involved in this chapter and especially the contributors 19. Levis, A.H.: Systems architecture. In: Handbook of Systems Engi-
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specific content, this chapter would not have become a reality. Also, Models and Methods. Wiley, Hoboken, (2016)
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Affairs and Energy) of various projects through which the results could view. J. Manuf. Syst. 49, 215–225 (2018).
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1765–1772 (2013) the international IT and automotive industry he was appointed professor
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[Online]. Available: Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Units (ISW),
79. Deisenroth, M.P., Rasmussen, C.E.: PILCO: a model-based and holds the chair for Information Technology in Production and is manag-
data-efficient approach to policy search. In: 28th International ing director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO).
Conference on Machine Learningg, ICML, pp. 465–473 (2011) Oliver Riedel specializes in information technology for production and
80. Mahler, J., et al.: Dex-Net 2.0: Deep Learning to Plan Robust product development, IT engineering methods, and data analytics.
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83. Csiszar, A., Eilers, J., Verl, A.: On solving the inverse kinematics
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sation using neural network approximations. IEEE Trans. Syst.
Man Cybern. C. 30(4), 551–557 (2000). Dr.-Ing. Armin Lechler studied technical cybernetics with emphasis on
5326.897081 production engineering at the University of Stuttgart. Afterward in 2006,
85. Ghallab, M., Nau, D.S., Traverso, P.: Automated Planning and he was research assistant at the Institute for Control Engineering of Ma-
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86. Helo, P., Suorsa, M., Hao, Y., Anussornnitisarn, P.: Toward a cloud- appointed the managing chief engineer at ISW and became the deputy
based manufacturing execution system for distributed manufactur- director in 2015. Armin Lechler specializes in industrial communication
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Nebel, B.: Semantic attachments for domain-independent planning
systems. In: Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments
378 O. Riedel et al.

Alexander W. Verl studied electrical engineering at Friedrich-

Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuernberg and earned his Dr.-Ing.
degree in control engineering at the Institute of Robotics and
Mechatronics (DLR). Since 2005 he is full professor and managing
director of the Institute for Control Technology of Machine Tools and
Manufacturing Units (ISW) at the University of Stuttgart. From 1992 to
1994 he worked as a development engineer at Siemens AG. During the
period 1997–2005 he was founder and managing director of AMATEC
Robotics GmbH (became part of KUKA Roboter GmbH in 2005);
and 2006–2014 he was also head of institute at Fraunhofer IPA as an
ancillary job. From 2014 to 2016 he was on leave from the University
during his time as executive vice president of Technology Marketing
and Business Models at the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V. Alexander
Verl specializes in industrial control technology, machine tool control,
industrial robotics, and software-defined manufacturing.
Cyber-Physical Automation
Cesar Martinez Spessot

Contents Today the potential impacts of cyber-physical automa-

17.1 Status of the Cyber-Physical Automation . . . . . . . . . . 380 tion extend beyond these disruptors and are a pressing
17.1.1 Vertical Approach on Cyber-Physical Automation . . . . . 380 issue for organizations spanning almost every industry. As
17.1.2 Horizontal Approach on Cyber-Physical more companies and people, systems, and things become
Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
interconnected, so the scope to create new and novel
17.2 Challenges in Implementing Cyber-Physical digital value chains rapidly increases.
Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
At the same time, this rapid change is creating new
17.2.1 The Problems of the Vertical
Cyber-Physical Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 and complex challenges for many industries. Fragmented
17.2.2 The Need for Edge Computing and Workload solutions, limited standards, immature security models,
Consolidation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 and inadequate approaches to the maintenance of digital
17.2.3 The Need for Services Unification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
assets are among the barriers that may prevent organiza-
17.3 Cyber-Physical Unified Services Framework . . . . . . . 382 tions from scaling valuable cyber-physical solutions. C-
17.3.1 Cyber-Physical Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 level executives cited several roadblocks that were driving
17.3.2 Cyber-Physical Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
17.3.3 Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 these facts, such as difficulties integrating with existing
17.3.4 Cyber-Physical Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 infrastructure and processes and lack of overall security
17.3.5 Automation Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389 posture.
17.3.6 Cyber-Physical Manageability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 Considering the growing number of cyber-physical
17.3.7 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
17.3.8 Data Management and Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 components, high increase of data volumes, and existing
17.3.9 Reliability and Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 infrastructure constraints, it is especially critical to reduce
17.3.10 IT/OT Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 complexity and simplify scaling requirements. Two key
17.4 Conclusion, Emerging Trends, and Challenges . . . . . 401 concepts for achieving those goals are the unification of
services and workload consolidation. In this chapter, we
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
will review each of the constituent technologies for a
cyber-physical system, examine how each contributes to
the automation, and present a solution for the presented
roadblocks. This chapter provides a broad analysis of
The digital transformation is already changing companies cyber-physical systems’ past and present jointly with as-
and even entire industries. Over the past decade, a new sociated trends.
breed of digital companies has arisen, quickening the
tempo of business. These companies relied their core
business on cyber-physical automation, delivering more
convenient, cost-efficient, and engaging experiences for
their customers while disrupting the entire industry busi- Cyber-physical unified framework · Edge computing ·
ness models. Workload consolidation · Digital transformation ·
Cyber-physical security

C. Martinez Spessot ()

Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR, USA

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 379

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
380 C. Martinez Spessot

17.1 Status of the Cyber-Physical information technology/operational technology (IT/OT)

Automation systems directly with the brownfield. It focuses on cloud-to-
cloud communication (typically using SOA), delegating the
In the last five years, the cyber-physical automation [16] deployment of analytical capacity to the cloud infrastructure.
has benefited from tremendous innovations driven by the These vertical cyber-physical automation solutions pro-
emergence of cloud-native and edge technologies. Collec- vided a similar bill of materials (such as data ingestion agents,
tively, these approaches enable organizations to transform sensors, gateways, and databases). However, there was no
their business in ways that are more scalable, flexible, and common understanding of the cyber-physical automation do-
data driven than previously possible. The cyber-physical main or attempt to standardize these solutions. Additionally,
automation demonstrated the transformation of how opera- the lack of standardization increased the cost of implemen-
tional technologies (OT) work, by scalability improvement, tation, support, and maintenance, offered a higher likelihood
connectivity openness, and cost reduction. of failure, and provided limited or no interoperability. Fur-
The initial implementations of cyber-physical automa- thermore, many of these solutions are based on inappropriate
tion [17] were done based on a cloud-centric architectural models of governance, which fundamentally neglect privacy
approach, where sensors directly send the data gathered and security in their design and have challenges in terms of
(data acquisition) to the databases located in the cloud. This scalability.
approach allowed automation systems to cover everything On the other hand, a new wave of a business model called
from field/environment equipment to services delivered in IoT-as-a-Service (IOTaaS) was generated, where companies
the cloud. It also helped define a series of microservices that realized that they could reduce costs by accessing applica-
establish the infrastructure to support any processing in the tions located in a third-party data center without investing on
cloud. infrastructure, software, and human resources. This business
Any cyber-physical system (CPS) includes complex in- model had demonstrated remarkable success in the consumer
teractions and interdependencies among a large group of market, where the principal factor is the monetization of data.
production and control facilities and organizations (legacy With this approach, the panorama ends up becoming a set of
systems). With rapid development in information technology value-added services that should be consumed continuously.
and cybernetics, intensive computing resources are used to However, the customer cannot openly develop analytical
connect computerized physical devices to provide control, capacity and improve the knowledge of the business and
communication, coordination, and collaboration [15]. operation.
The cyber-physical technologies have introduced new in- These solutions are still far from being inserted in the rapid
frastructure layers, each with their own administration mea- day-to-day operation of an organization. However, it begins
sures required for effective management. In response to these to manifest in insights for aspects such as maintenance, man-
changes, the broader industry at large has developed so- agement of the workforce, or asset monitoring that previously
lutions, services, and products that primarily fall into two required the human in situ supervision.
categories in terms of approach: (1) vertical or solution-based
technologies and (2) horizontal or platform-based technolo-
gies. 17.1.2 Horizontal Approach on Cyber-Physical

17.1.1 Vertical Approach on Cyber-Physical After the first wave of implementations, which is usually
Automation based on the vertical approach, organizations started to find
options to provide a holistic administration of all the cyber-
A commonly observed trend is the emergence of a variety physical stack. Up until then, the implementations done
of point solutions called vertical cyber-physical solutions. working with point solutions helped to demonstrate the fea-
A vertical cyber-physical solution is frequently based on a sibility of cyber-physical automation but failed to be scalable
cloud-centric architecture created to solve just one particular in the whole organization. Furthermore, a critical factor for
automation use case. Some typical examples are industrial scalable automation is to have security across the entire
chiller maintenance automation, light automation based on lifecycle from the time the automation is built to runtime. The
workforce presence and behavior, parking automation based vertical approach failed to provide this critical requisite.
on people’s demand, and computer vision to deal with the With this precedence, organizations started to work on
industrial automation scenarios. standardization and a generalist platform approach that offers
With this first cyber-physical automation wave, all the the components and the stack necessary to cover the inges-
solution deployments were end-to-end implementations. tion, process, and analysis of the information, building the
With these systems, the organization rarely integrates its solutions by themselves.
17 Cyber-Physical Automation 381

The horizontal approach generated a foundational plat- • Increased total cost of ownership: The duplicated infras-
form that is capable of acquiring, summarizing, normalizing, tructures need specific hardware (such as gateways and
and moving the data to where it will be consumed. At the telecommunication routers) for every solution, which con-
same time, it solved many of the challenges listed above, sequently incurs high capital and operating expenses. Fur-
creating a scalable infrastructure. thermore, the duplication of licenses and support increases
Both situations are mutually reinforced with each other the cost of operating expenses.
since most of the vertical solutions (except some born from • Incompatible protocol, interfaces, and radio frequencies:
the beginning in specific niches) employ the leading cloud Devices operate with different interface protocols and also
providers in partnership with comprehensive ecosystems. operate in similar radio frequencies that create collisions,
The mix of both situations complicated the technology man- interference, and noise in the system.
agement and challenged the IT/OT environments. With this,
many programs are immersed in several political issues im- Most of the organizations and companies that opted for
plementing new technologies and getting large deployments the rapid adoption of the first-generation cyber-physical au- 17
to facilitate the production of value. tomation solutions are now facing the problems as mentioned
earlier after starting a digital transformation program.

17.2 Challenges in Implementing

Cyber-Physical Automation 17.2.2 The Need for Edge Computing
and Workload Consolidation
17.2.1 The Problems of the Vertical
Cyber-Physical Approach The growth in cyber-physical automation and the vast amount
of new data produced opportunities and challenges that re-
The cyber-physical automation is transforming the way quire more distributed compute performance and capabilities
companies and organizations work by increasing efficiency, [5]. System-wide collaboration with a holistic view of the
improving reliability, and reducing waste. The cloud is a automation places new demands on existing infrastructure
powerful tool for many IT/OT workloads, but it can fall where tightly coupled OS, firmware, and hardware make
short at times for IoT use cases. Issues such as latency adding/changing functions difficult and costly. More analyt-
for the control plane, massive volumes of remote data, ics and devices introduced into the cyber-physical networks
and data aggregation (while maintaining context) require require more advanced and flexible ways of managing data to
a complementing capability. ensure that organizations are extracting maximum and timely
The cyber-physical paradigm based only on a vertical value from them. Addressing regulatory compliance and
approach is suffering six major problems [3]: concerns on organizational policies means keeping more data
local and limiting data dispersion across multiple networks
• Creates silos where every automation use case has its and locations.
building blocks from the device (sensor and actuator) to Technology advances in compute performance, security,
the cloud. and AI are converging to transform the new data into ac-
• Generates inconsistent redundancy; many automation’s tionable insights, driving faster, more informed decision-
use cases utilize the same building blocks, and for that making. Cyber-physical automation solutions based on these
reason, they are repeated in the infrastructure, and cannot capabilities are becoming an essential part of operational
benefit from the reusability software pattern. Also, the performance and product/service delivery.
configurations can differ in complexity in software con- Nevertheless, these new technological advances face
figuration management. many resource constraints and other concerns that sole
• Increases the deployment complexity based on the in- reliance on data center and cloud interactions presents,
consistent redundancy of building blocks; many of the including:
building block configurations differ, generating an intrin-
sic complexity in the software configuration management, • Low latency
in the automation manageability, and the infrastructure • Privacy and data security
deployment. • Lack of persistent/reliable connectivity
• Demonstrates the limitation of the cloud-centric archi- • Bandwidth cost and availability
tecture due to the use of AI and computer vision; use
cases demand near real time to process decisions in the The evolution of edge computing is coming to resolve
automation environment. Hence, the principal bottleneck, the aforementioned issues, including real-time analytics and
in this case, is the communication capability and cost. a high level of decentralization. Edge computing could be
382 C. Martinez Spessot

defined as a “distributed processing where data processing is common ground for building cyber-physical automation
placed closer to the people or things that produce and/or con- implementations. This approach must be supported by a
sume information for fast service delivery.” Edge computing reference architecture that describes the essential building
applies the “divide and conquers” mantra to the algorithmic blocks and defines several technologies such as security,
resolution of complex problems, with its application to the privacy, and performance. Interfaces should be standardized;
responsibility for process and data (a division of concern). best practices in terms of functionality and information usage
Edge computing not only divides the algorithms into more need to be provided.
straightforward elements but also stratifies responsibility in
the calculations to be performed in each layer. Additionally,
edge computing establishes a set of levels of data abstraction
that ranges from raw data (produced by cyber-physical com- 17.3 Cyber-Physical Unified Services
ponents) to business indicators for decision-making. With Framework
edge computing, cheap direct access to raw data is possible,
and the application of analytics on this information is in the The cyber-physical unified services framework is composed
hands of the end customer who exploits the asset in their of the ten disciplines (aspects) that any organization or com-
facilities. pany should consider in order to have a scalable and man-
The concept of edge computing should be understood not ageable cyber-physical implementation that provides real
only as a technical capability but as a key lever to accelerate business value.
new software solutions for the organizational operations, Ultimately, this framework helps the entire organization
providing advanced distributed data analytics. Through this, to gain a clear understanding of the value of standardization
edge workload consolidation responds to the need to manage in each of the disciplines it includes and the options available
and obtain value from the machine-generated data and to to them, so they can make informed decisions about what is
support new operational use cases with the need for low best for their business.
latency. Given this aim, edge workload consolidation offers a As is shown in Fig. 17.1, the disciplines and their defini-
unified way to distribute the computing, storage, and service tions are as follows:
capacity among the different layers of the infrastructure. In
this sense, edge workload consolidation complements the 1. Cyber-physical architecture: defines how the cyber-
traditional IoT in facing the new challenges with its three physical systems, work, and infrastructure should be
main characteristics: designed based on microservices, with the objective of
having highly flexible, scalable, responsive, reliable, and
• Distributed processing: high-speed and flexible compu- available solutions
tational intelligence to distribute workloads in a fast way, 2. Cyber-physical components: define cyber elements
allowing efficient management of different software and (like digital twins and software agents) and the physical
device tools elements (like sensors and actuators) to be used for
• Distributed storage: scalable storage infrastructure to industrial automation
manage different sources of data from legacy, business 3. Communications: defines the technologies based on
tools, and operational/nonoperational data industrial use cases and environmental constraints (such
• Fast delivery: fast data distribution for both machines and as wired/wireless, distance, noise, and used bands), in-
operators, which allows the deployment of advanced use tending to provide the base for intelligent collaboration
cases to add value to the raw data 4. Cyber-physical infrastructure: defines how workloads
are processed and orchestrated on the edge and on the
cloud to efficiently distribute loads across the different
17.2.3 The Need for Services Unification architecture tiers while optimizing scalability, availabil-
ity, and performance
As discussed, the cloud is a powerful tool for many IT/OT 5. Automation software: defines the cyber-physical appli-
workloads, but it can fall short at times for IoT use cases. cations (workload) to perform advanced control in the
Issues such as latency for the control plane, massive volumes standardized infrastructure and identifies the standard
of remote data, and data aggregation (while maintaining services that support them
context) require a complementing capability. As mentioned 6. Cyber-physical manageability: defines functions re-
earlier, the continuing evolution of edge computing provides quired to manage edge devices at scale, including fea-
solutions to many of these issues. tures such as secure device provisioning, over-the-air
To realize the true benefit of IoT, enterprises should (OTA) updates, and physical components decommis-
adopt a platform-based approach that provides the sioning
17 Cyber-Physical Automation 383

Cyber physical Autonomous Cyber physical Data management IT/OT

components infrastructure manageability and analytics integration

2 4 6 8 10

1 3 5 7 9

Cyber physical Communications Automation Security Reliability
architecture software and safety

Fig. 17.1 Cyber-physical unified service framework

7. Security: provides requirements for keeping the com- in the company. This reference architecture will provide a
plete infrastructure secure, including physical and log- framework on the basis of the construction of architectures
ical integrity, bootstrapping and provisioning, intrusion to support specific use cases as well as guidance on selecting
prevention, and protection of data at rest and in transit and leveraging components to realize the company’s needs.
8. Data management and analytics: defines a set of poli- By nature, the reference architecture is more abstract than
cies, procedures, practices, and tools to guarantee the system architectures that have been designed for a particular
quality and availability of data, which includes the def- application. At the same time, understanding system con-
inition of conventional infrastructure data brokers (per straints better can provide input to the architectural design,
tier) that allow data enrichment and aggregation which will then identify future opportunities.
9. Reliability and safety: defines physical and logical re- System architects can use this document as an architec-
liability, such as health indication, remote power cy- tural template to define their unique cyber-physical system
cle, and remote diagnosis, and safety considerations requirements and design concrete architectures to address
aligned to industrial government policies and organiza- them. Using this common approach to architectural design
tional guidelines builds consistent implementation across different use cases.
10. IT/OT integration: defines the integration of IT and Equally important, it will help in achieving a common under-
OT for a unified infrastructure, allowing the generation standing of the overall system both internally and externally
of synergies required to make the infrastructure more among its diverse stakeholders, which will aid in system de-
efficient ployment and significantly enhance system interoperability
across the company.
The cyber-physical unified framework provides a foun-
dation for building end-to-end IoT solutions. It includes
guidance for selecting the right building blocks to support
business needs and providing consistency, scalability, and 17.3.2 Cyber-Physical Components
completeness of IoT solution architectures across the enter-
prise. The framework also includes a reference architecture In the context of the cyber-physical system, components (also
that customers may implement using their preferred building referred to as things, smart devices, or embedded devices) is
blocks. comprised of the sensors or actuators used as environmental
instruments. These components use communications to fa-
cilitate the exchange of data or actuate in the environment.
17.3.1 Cyber-Physical Architecture The hardware that the sensors interface with has varying
degrees of capability concerning connectivity, computation,
The first step in working through a cyber-physical solution and security that determines the best way to connect the
is to define a base architecture that can be used by various hardware to network to monitor event data and makes de-
internal and external stakeholders to build their solutions cisions based on that data. This type of hardware is generally
384 C. Martinez Spessot

characterized by low power consumption and usage of a low- essential propagation models taking operating frequency,
power microprocessor or a microcontroller. As a hardware transmit power, receive sensitivity, identify gains/losses,
counterpart, the software executed on the components is task and antenna placements. Certain deployments can pose
specific. additional RF propagation challenges, including different
In general, the cyber-physical components have the fol- degrees of slow and multipath fading.
lowing bill of materials (BoM) to be considered on an imple- • Density and scale: A sufficient level of planning around
mentation: the scale of the system is necessary to identify the right
wireless communication technology and design the sys-
• Firmware and operating system tem correctly. Many contentions-based communication
• Input/Output interfaces to connect to sensors and other protocols start to add much overhead reducing the over-
devices the-air efficiency (% useful data) due to the very na-
• Storage ture of the on-air access methodology (e.g., CSMA/CA).
• Memory Contention-free and semi-contention-free solutions exist
• Compute/Processing capability (such as IEEE 802.15.4/TSCH and ZigBee). The former
• Communication hardware and software (like digital twin’s (and derivatives of it) exists where a more significant
edge layers and management agents) degree of scale/density can be offered through time syn-
chronization, effectively limiting or eliminating interfer-
ence/collisions due to a larger degree of nodes otherwise
17.3.3 Communications contending over-air access.
• Spectrum: Most IoT wireless solutions today operate in
In support of the cyber-physical tenet of seamless data in- unlicensed spectrums (e.g., 868 MHz, 902 MHz, 2.4 GHz,
gestion and device control, the architecture should consider and 5.2 GHz), which are attractive due to their cost-
the implementation of a broad protocol normalization and effectiveness compared to the technologies in the licensed
closed-loop control systems. A key aspect is enabling multi- spectrum (e.g., LTE-NB). This operation usually creates
protocol data communication among the devices at the edge very crowded spaces subject to interference from other
as well as among the endpoint devices/gateways, network, sources.
and data center. Figure 17.2 depicts the three types of net- • Quality of service: It is essential to understand the differ-
works involved in this process. ent traffic models in the network and to identify if some
Proximity networks (PAN) and local area networks (LAN) must be treated differently due to their QoS (e.g., on-air
connect to sensors, actuators, devices, control systems, and priority), retransmissions, in-order delivery, etc. Different
assets, which are collectively called “edge nodes.” PANs are options exist with support for a higher degree of QoS,
usually wireless and more constrained by antenna distance service guarantee/reliability, and contracts.
(and sometimes battery life) than LANs. • Traffic: Understanding the traffic patterns, models, and
Wide area networks (WAN) provide connectivity for data flows and associated bandwidth requirements for the sys-
and control flows between the endpoint devices and the tem such as asymmetry between uplink versus downlink
remote data center services. They may be corporate networks, and communication methodology (such as RESTful in-
overlays of private networks over the public Internet, 4/5G teractions, and public/subscription) is essential. Addition-
mobile networks, or even satellite networks. ally, understanding other boundaries such as maximum
The gateways in the middle of Fig. 17.2 are the primary tolerated latencies and jitter (i.e., the variance of latency)
on-premises devices of the reference architecture. They per- is also essential.
form protocol normalization, ingest data from things, and • Resilience and fail-over: Several wireless solutions offer
control things based on their own application software or a different type of mesh solutions that can help increase
commands from the data center or cloud. Since the gateways the effective range of coverage through intermediate rout-
both ingest data and execute commands, they are ideal for ing nodes. These solutions come with the expense of
implementing closed-loop control systems. Gateways unify additional latency as well as increased power consump-
the broad range of endpoint things, which are characterized tion. Additionally, several solutions provide a layer of
by low-cost, low-power, purpose-built, limited, and disjoint resilience without a single point of failure and fail-over
features. that allows the network to be functional even if a routing
The architecture of the automation and deployment should node stops working. This implies that proper network
consider the following nonfunctional requirements: planning with redundancy is built into the design and
deployment phase of the system.
• RF coverage and range: The required range of the tech-
nology given a particular link budget can help provide
17 Cyber-Physical Automation 385

Proximity WAN
• Wired/wireless • Location
• Plug & play • Embedded SIM
• Optional data security • Dynamic access Add mapping between capability,
Proximity • Peer-to-peer network selection communications and protocols
802.15.4, 6LoWPAN,
Z-wave, RFID, ... Data center/cloud
• Device management
Intelligent things HUB
• Data management
1. Cheap/smart • Analytics
2. Wired/wireless
3. Powered/low powered/PoE
4. Headless
5. Plug & play edge device Access network
• Discovery
• Athenticate Wired (RS-232, ...) Fixed (Wi-Fi, Ethernet)
• Pairing (connection established) HUB Mobile (2G, 3G, LTE)
• Update configuration Other (LTE-M, unlicensed
6. Streaming Profibus access technology, satellite...)
7. Optional data security
8. Peer-to-peer/mesh • Connectivity & access management
9. Open/interoperable
WLAN 802.11 • Policy controls (deterministic)
Ethernet • Simple provisioning management,
usage reporting
• Secure (TLS, DNS DANE)

Fig. 17.2 Detailed view of communication

Additionally, the automation infrastructure requires Another data functional middle layer used for the automa-
the integration of many protocols. Some of them are tion is the DDS (data distribution service), a data-centric
directly related to the IoT infrastructure like MQTT, CoAP, publish/subscribe middleware for highly dynamic distributed
XMPP, and other related to the industrial environment systems using either TCP/IP or UDP/IP. It is standardized
like CAN bus (ISO 11898-2/ ISO 11898-3), Modbus, or by the OMG (Object Management Group). It can be used
Profibus. to link multiple processes together in a publisher/subscriber
To unify industrial automation, the cyber-physical func- relationship. Unlike a server-client relationship like basic
tions should apply to different resources, and they cannot rely TCP, DDS can operate with multiple publishers and sub-
on specific communication functions directly. This presents scribers together, allowing for much more seamless integra-
the need for generic communication services that will de- tion between multiple modules. Another advantage of DDS
fine the middle layer [25]. An example of this is OPC is that it can use RTPS discovery, allowing the system to
UA (open platform communications unified architecture), a automatically handle any new connections to an existing
service-oriented machine-to-machine communication proto- network and reconnections [28].
col widely used in industrial automation and defined in the These communication middle layers are evolving to
IEC 62541 specification. It has use cases across the oil and bridge the gaps and unify the DSPS (data stream processing
gas, utilities, and transportation. It is platform independent strategy) required to measure the automation project [18, 19].
and thus can run on various operating systems and hardware The next stage to cover is the cyber-physical infrastructure in
platforms. OPC UA can scale down to embedded controllers charge of the metrics validation, processing, and automation
or mobile devices up to powerful servers controlling a collec- execution.
tion of machines. Furthermore, it can also be integrated into
cloud platforms [26].
The various features and components of OPC UA are de- 17.3.4 Cyber-Physical Infrastructure
scribed in different specification parts released and publicly
available by the OPC Foundation [27]. The major strength The industry automation infrastructures are complex and are
of OPC UA is the semantic description of the address space getting even more complex and heterogeneous. The instru-
model together with various companion specifications, which mentation of the environment (such as a manufacturing plant
extend the basic semantic descriptions for many domains or a building) generated inconsistent deployments creating a
such as computer vision, openPLC, or robotics. roadblock to scaling [24].
386 C. Martinez Spessot

The fundamental requirements always remained un- With the goal of supporting the requisite mentioned ear-
changed: to execute industrial processes in a timely, reliable, lier, the autonomous infrastructure should be based in a
and uniform way. The absence of an optimum technology multitier system schema (see Fig. 17.3) with four main com-
to meet these goals established the critical need for unified ponents:
To organically scale the automation in the industry, the • Edge compute devices: These are the devices commonly
companies need to unify the cyber-physical infrastructure. referred to as IoT gateways or edge compute devices, hav-
ing enough processing power to host several IoT solutions.
They are deployed close to sensors, receiving data directly
Workload Consolidation from them, and interacting with actuators.
In the previous section, the need for edge computing and • Edge compute server: On-premise server clusters (usu-
workload consolidation was described as an overview of ally high available and reliable servers) required for con-
the cyber-physical systems, where an essential aspect of solidating data coming from many edge nodes. These
the autonomous infrastructure is workload consolidation. local servers provide independence from cloud providers,
Consolidating new and legacy systems in edge computing allowing higher availability, low latency, and reduction of
environments can serve multiple purposes and lower the total data transmission.
cost of ownership in several ways. • Core: Server clusters used to deploy the fundamental
The benefits of workload consolidation are the follow- management tools to orchestrate the edge devices and
ing: edge server devices. This tier provides the necessary
agility and speed to face real-time use cases and manage
• Decreases system equipment footprint: Instead of having an extensive amount of data efficiently.
a dedicated edge compute device for each point solution, • Cloud: Group of elements reserved to deploy cloud tools,
a single, more resourceful device can host several IoT allowing cloud operation in plant like ingest, digital twin,
solutions/components. or cluster oversizing. This architecture makes possible the
• Eases deployment and management: By reducing the deployment of solutions without compromising the data
number of devices used by point solutions, organizations security within the facility.
can considerably reduce the number of devices they need
to manage, which means less operational work. Edge Compute Device Tier Anatomy
• Increases security: Organizations have the potential to The implementation of the edge compute device tier (see
minimize the attack surface of their network by reducing Fig. 17.4) should be architected considering the following
their hardware, firmware, and software. building blocks:
• Reduces system integration complexity and access to data:
A framework is required to allow different workloads to 1. Computer hardware: processor-based devices,
coexist in the same device. This simplifies solution de- including hardware security features, networking,
ployment and integration. The enterprise data bus receives memory/storage, I/O for communications, virtualization,
data provided by different solutions. and accelerators (such as FPGA, vision processing unit,
• Improves reliability of underlying process control sys- or graphics processing unit).
tems: Duplication of data requests is minimized, and the 2. Host OS: base operating system required to run the full
load on critical (but aging) control systems is reduced. stack.
• Ensures no vendor lock-in: Customers can get their data 3. Hypervisor: a computer software that creates and runs
from each solution, and vendors have to adapt to hardware virtual machines. This is an optional component on the
defined by the customer. edge compute device.
• Optimizes utilization of the aggregated computation at the 4. Workload orchestrator/AEP: management and orches-
edge: The inefficient use of edge device resources, which tration of workloads to reach efficiency on resource uti-
only run a few services per device, is eliminated. lization, including VMs and containers; workload trans-
• Accelerates the adoption of cyber-physical technologies fers across tiers.
and helping enterprises with digital transformation. 5. Guest OS: This component is only present when the
edge compute device includes a hypervisor and refers to
Infrastructure Anatomy the operating system specifically required by workloads.
A cyber-physical system must support the execution of mul- 6. Containerization: flexible and lightweight way run iso-
tiple types of workloads to provide flexibility, allow legacy lated workloads.
solutions to run on top of the platform, and administer opti- 7. Applications: workloads coming from solution
mal use of the installed technologies. providers.
17 Cyber-Physical Automation 387

New field compute (on premises)

Edge device Edge server












Use case N

Use case N
Use case 1

Use case 2

Use case 3

Use case 4

Use case 5

Use case 1

Use case 2

Use case 3

Use case 4

Use case 5
Things (sensors / actuators)

Data Data
Rule engine processing Data UX Profile exten. Rule engine processing Data UX Profile exten.

MQTT broker Influx DB Distributed fieldbus MQTT broker Influx DB Image registry

Pods / containers Pods / containers

Workload orchestration Compose | Kubernetes Artificial intelligence / framework OpenVINO

Containerization Docker Workload orchestration Kubernetes

Core services Network | Security | Dev. Mgmt. Containerization Docker

Host operating system Ubuntu | Fedora Core services Network | Security | Dev. Mgmt.

Ubuntu server | Fedora server

Secure boot / TXT | TPM 2.0 | Networking | Memory / Storage Guest operating system Red Hat | Windows
| Movidius FPGA GNA | Accelerators

Hypervisor / virtualization ESXi | Open | Nebula | KVM

TXT | Optane | Movidius | FPGA | GNA

Hardware TPM 2.0 | Networking | Memory / Storage | Accelerators

Current data center (on premises)

Edge core Cloud




Data ingestion
Others (ERP, Big data, etc.)
Use case N
Use case 1

Use case 2

SCADA (centre)

Onesait things | IoT hub

OSIPI (central)
Things (sensors / actuators)

Rule engine Data Data UX Profile exten.

Digital twins

MQTT broker Influx DB Image registry

AWS green grass

Azure | Edge
Onesait things | Digital twin

Cluster over sizing

Workload orchestration Kubernetes

Containerization Docker AWS | Azure ACI

Core services Network | Security | Dev. Mgmt.

Ubuntu server | Fedora server
Guest operating system Red Hat | Windows Container

Hypervisor / virtualization ESXi | Open | Nebula | KVM Common core container

Common optional container

TXT | Optane | Movidius | FPGA | GNA
Hardware TPM 2.0 | Networking | Memory/Storage | Accelerators VM

Fig. 17.3 Multitier architecture: edge to cloud

388 C. Martinez Spessot

Data visualization 9

Data processing tools 8

Use case 1 Use case 2 7 Use case 3

Workload Workload Workload

Data management


Containerization 6

Guest operating system 5

Workload orchestrator 4
12 Hypervisor 3

Host operating system 2
Computing hardware (Interl®Core™ processor) 1
HW security Networking Memory / storage Device IO Visualization

Fig. 17.4 Edge compute device

8. Data processing: tools for converting, transforming, utilization, including VMs and containers; workload
enriching, and cleansing data. transfers across tiers
9. Data visualization: required for presenting the data. 4. Guest OS: operating system specifically required by
10. Security: cross-item enforcing enterprise security poli- workloads
cies. 5. Containerization: flexible and lightweight method for
11. Communications and connectivity: cross-item defin- running isolated workloads
ing communication technologies and protocols defined 6. Applications: workloads coming from solution
to ingest and exchange data. providers
12. Manageability: cross-component for remote manage- 7. Plant historian: short-term data storage
ment of the infrastructure. 8. Plant data lake: data storage and all type of databases,
13. Data management: cross-item for managing data, in- including more prominent data retention policies, includ-
cluding data brokers and data schemas. ing structured data and nonstructured data
9. Data processing: tools for converting, transforming,
Edge Server Tier Anatomy enriching, and cleansing data
The implementation of the edge server tier (see Fig. 17.5) 10. Data visualization: presenting the data in an easy-to-
should be architected considering the following building interpret manner
blocks: 11. Security: cross-item enforcing enterprise security poli-
1. Computer hardware: on-premise server clusters, in- 12. Communications and connectivity: cross-item capa-
cluding hardware security features, networking, mem- bility defining communication technologies and proto-
ory/storage, I/O for communications, virtualization, and cols defined to ingest and exchange data
accelerators 13. Manageability: cross-item capability for remote man-
2. Hypervisor: bare metal-type hypervisor agement of the infrastructure
3. Workload orchestrator/AEP: management and or- 14. Data management: cross-item capability for managing
chestration of workloads to reach efficiency on resource data, including data brokers and data schemas
17 Cyber-Physical Automation 389

Data visualization 10

Data processing tools 9

Data lake 8

Historian 7

Data management

App A App B 6 App Z

Containerization 5

Guest operating system 4

Workload orchestrator 3

12 Hypervisor 2

11 Computing hardware (Intel®Core™ processor) 1

HW security Networking Memory / storage Device IO Visualization

Fig. 17.5 Edge server

17.3.5 Automation Software ubiquitous computing, allowing a workload to be migrated

through the infrastructure.
A critical part of the automation is the software that resides In every architecture, the technical requirements will iden-
on a cyber-physical infrastructure described in the last point. tify the bill of materials (BOM) where the application can be
Commonly known as “applications,” the automation soft- executed. Based on the workload consolidation strategy, the
ware has the goal of satisfying the business and technical application can be classified as agnostic, adapted, or specific
requirements of executing a behavior in a particular aspect (see Fig. 17.6) by where the code can be executed.
of the environment. From an organization standpoint, the An agnostic automation software can be executed in any
software should achieve systemic cost reduction (compared standard hardware and support (or can be ported) to a virtual
to the activity executed before) or create a new revenue execution. This class represents all the applications that typi-
stream (new product of or services). cally can be found in the cloud or on-premises working from
As presented in Sect. 17.2.2, the new wave of automation small processing units to servers.
software requires the deployment on the edge by using work- The adapted class refers to the applications which
load consolidation. some part of the whole code is executed on particular
One of the critical advantages of having an automation programmable processing units, like vision processing units
software workload consolidable is the feasibility of moving (VPUs) or field programmable gate arrays (FPGA). This
the application from one hardware to another. This allows the software is optimized to be executed in specific hardware,
capability of having ubiquitous computing [11], very useful which is a mandatory prerequisite if we need to move from
in cyber-physical automation in case that an HW cannot one HW service unit to another.
process the workload due their limitation (like memory, There is a particular type of code that only can be executed
processor, networking, and/or hard disk) and the software in connection to the edge sensor or actuators (such as drivers,
needs to be moved to a most capable HW. protocol conversion, video compression for communication,
The workload consolidation architecture is genuinely the or servo-motor applications) and/or require real-time opera-
foundational element to have the benefits of cyber-physical tions. These applications usually are fixed to the hardware
390 C. Martinez Spessot

Every automation software will change during the time,

and is indispensable to count with the right component to
Agnostic manage the change of the code and the data. The component,
• Runs in commoditized HW/SW as mentioned earlier, is part of the cyber-physical manage-
• Low complexity on workload deployment
• Supports virtual execution (virtual machines, containers, etc.) ability.

17.3.6 Cyber-Physical Manageability

• Uses specialized functions with low/medium variability The management of a device is a fundamental component that
• Optimized to run on a specific platform, SW and/or HW
• Benefits from using accelerators (FPGA, movidius, etc.)
provides the control plane of cyber-physical architecture. It
is vital that the selected platform is secure and that it covers
all types of devices and connectivity options required for
the infrastructure. There are two main lifecycles to cover
with such platforms: “device lifecycle” and “software and
• Uses unique and fixed function in a particular HW
• Requires real-time operations and results
firmware deployment lifecycle.”
• Requires direct connection with the edge sensors/actuators Manageability is available to an IoT infrastructure to
• Too expensive to port/move it manage and maintain edge devices, edge servers, and cyber-
physical components. Ability to perform updates and see the
device’s health, properties, and metrics and ease of use to
Fig. 17.6 Automation software classification securely onboard, provision, and decommission devices are
the basic requirements that are put forth by all cyber-physical
and have a low probability of changing. This automation
software is classified as specific, due to the low chances to Stages and Functions Required by a Device
be moved to other hardware. Usually, this software needs to Management Component
be executed in “bare-metal” that means without the virtual Cyber-physical devices will have different stages throughout
machine or containerization layers. their life (see Fig. 17.7). These stages are:
To make an application workload consolidable, the data,
configuration, and code should accomplish the following • Early life, in which the devices are prepared for being
criteria: used
• Useful life, in which the devices are deployed and used in
• Security: provides security on communications, allows the field
certificate management and use of HW features (such as • End of life, in which the devices are planned to be re-
TPM), and provides encryption (data at rest) and secure moved or replaced
update/migration. • Reuse life, in which the devices are still usable, but they
• Prioritization between workloads: The application should are repurposed
provide a manifest declaring the performance character- • Decommission, in which the devices are discarded by
istics like traffic/network consumption and processing following a set of clearing and invalidating procedures
• Packaging: The application should support virtualization Each of the stages includes device lifecycle and/or soft-
or containerization. ware lifecycle functions.
• Parametrizable workloads: Every application should
present their parameters like OS/container/VM envi- Functions of Device Manageability
ronment variables to configure ports, APIs, etc. This During the commissioning phase, the device enrollment
is important to avoid collisions with other apps. process is leveraging the trusted platform module (TPM)
• Data messaging and protocols: The application should identity function, where devices can be preregistered based
declare the protocols and messaging to ensure collision on their immutable public endorsement key, which is tied
avoidance with other solutions. to the physical instance of the TPM. During the registration
• Well-defined resource utilization metrics: In the automa- phase, the device is challenged to prove that it is a legitimate
tion software’s manifest, it should declare the HW/SW device that holds the private part of the endorsement key. One
constraints (where the application can be executed) and approach to prove this is to have the management backend
the use of specific HW such as accelerators. generate a random nonce and encrypt with the endorsement
17 Cyber-Physical Automation 391



Decommission Early-life


Migration lifecycle Remote access
& diagnosis
Rollback & Provisioning

Uninstall Software
Deactivation Updates

End of life Configuration

reuse-life Useful-life


Fig. 17.7 Device manageability – stages and functions

key. The device can meet the challenge by decrypting the attestation feature provides means for the device to measure
nonce and signing it before returning the response back to and collect integrity measurements emanating from a
the device management backend. variety of sources on the platform, such as BIOS firmware,
The registration and enrollment flow used here is not bootloader, kernel, filesystem, etc. TPM 2.0 is used to get
necessarily explicitly coupled to TPM but could be used with signed quotes from the underlying platform configuration
other hardware security modules (HSMs) such as the device register (PCR) banks along with data from the TPM event
identity composition engine (DICE). Ideally, this function is log. The verifier then uses this information to determine the
fully automated and instrumented as zero touch to allow to compliance state of the device in order to take appropriate
scale IoT device deployment. action (e.g., alarm, log, etc.).
Configuration activity is used to customize the device in During the useful life stage, the software/firmware life-
order to create a specific behavior. This activity can be part cycle management is vital since it allows the device to have
of the early life. This can be performed before or after de- different behavior. Activities on this lifecycle include:
ployment (specifically during useful life) through manual in-
tervention (not ideal for scalability from the operations point • Provisioning: This is one of the main activities since it
of view) or through an automated way (by triggering scripts allows the installation of software/firmware.
from the manageability solution). This function allows the • Activation/Deactivation: Software under subscription
configuration of things, such as device parameters, that are models can be enabled or disabled using the available
required to set communication mode, security, logging, etc. digital rights management (DRM) mechanism.
Remote access and diagnosis are critical activities used • Updates: This is the primary function required by any
to monitor, troubleshoot, and solve issues from a remote software component. Without the update mechanism, the
location without the need to send a technician to the device. solution will not be improved or fixed (business logic
During its standard operational lifetime, the device functionality, general bug, or, more importantly, security
must meet the compliance requirements, which include issue such as zero-day attacks).
the integrity verification of the platform state. The remote
392 C. Martinez Spessot

• Configuration: This is required to remotely modify the It is also important to note that these features are subjective
software and firmware for changing behavior, improving and are based on what the customer considers to be a priority.
performance for a specific use case, etc. For a baseline standard to efficiently and safely manage
• Uninstall: It is always convenient to remove the software IoT devices, the following are considered to be of utmost
that is no longer required in the device, considering stor- importance:
age limitations and possible security issues.
Automatic Device Onboarding
Rollback and recovery activities are essential after a
It should be as close to zero-touch provisioning as possible.
failed deployment (provisioning, update, configuration, etc.)
Device onboarding is simplified to avoid manual interven-
as they help in reverting the changes to the previous stable
tion. This includes automated key/certs provisioning.
For example, an OS image is built with the device man-
Migration can happen when a device is on the end-of-
agement agent. This implementation enables the device to
life stage (planned to be replaced). All the configurations
automatically onboard when it is turned on and connected
(software, firmware, data, and configurations) are gathered
to a network source.
and made available to a new device. Migration can also
happen on the reuse life stage when a device is still usable
but is requiring some maintenance. After this, the previous Device Manageability Dashboard
configuration can be redeployed. Most device management components come with preexisting
In the decommissioning phase, a device may be removed, dashboard availability for default methods and properties
deleted, blacklisted, and unregistered. This process includes of devices. Device’s health can be monitored using device
securely sanitizing any sensitive data from the device. This status (online/offline), location, CPU utilization, memory
may be particularly important if the device ends up missing. availability, etc. These are very important for operation teams
The device management component can trigger the data in improving user experience and in simplifying adoption, as
sanitization process, but this requires the device to be online opposed to having to develop custom dashboards based on
and connected. There is also a set of locally enforced triggers APIs.
in offline scenarios that are important to support.
During a data sanitization process, sensitive data is ren-
Remote Login
dered inaccessible so that it becomes infeasible for an ad-
This characteristic is intended for troubleshooting and diag-
versary to recover the data with a significant level of effort.
nosis of devices that are not physically accessible. Device
There are different levels of data sanitization concerning
management components usually offer a secure shell (SSH)
how difficult it is for an adversary to gain access to the
capability. A device that is connected in the same network
data. Cryptographic erase (CE), which is a process that will
can SSH into another device that has SSH enabled. Other
effectively destroy the passphrase to the entire volume from
vendors directly offer remote desktop or terminal capability
its storage (in this case, the TPM nonvolatile memory), is
that allows looking into the device.
considered here. There are several prerequisites and guid-
ing principles to ensure the effectiveness of this approach,
such as: Device Grouping/Hierarchy Management
Batch device management and support maintain different
• Local backups of the partition levels of organization/department. In some components, they
• Length and entropy of the passphrase protecting the vol- are referred to as tenants. The ability of a component to
ume maintain a hierarchical structure of devices allows servicing
• Cryptographic algorithms used and associated key lengths of more than one customer/project and allows customers to
• Configuration of hibernation and swap partitions organize their devices into multiple tenants.
Device grouping can also be performed by filtering or
Device Management: Features searching devices based on a feature called “Tags.” It is
and Functionalities the ability to give one or more descriptive tags to a group
Many characteristics go into choosing a device manageability of devices so they can be filtered accordingly for search-
component. Customer requirements for each solution are ing/performing updates, etc.
unique, and a device management component should provide
a range of functionalities to enable the maximum capabil- Remote Script Execution
ity. However, to select a device management component A script or a command can be run directly from the device
that meets the customer needs, offerings of all the device management portal. Most vendors offer ways to configure the
management components must be reviewed and understood. parameters, choose an executable, etc.
17 Cyber-Physical Automation 393

OTA a mandatory requirement to connect several different devices

The over-the-air update is a popular feature among device with different protocols, and aggregate overall data collec-
management components, where a package is deployed onto tion. The device management components include support
a device along with instructions to perform any action like for the protocols described on the (Sect. 17.3.3) communi-
updating, installation, and uninstallation. OTA is used for cations such as HTTP/S, MQTT, DSS, OPC UA, ROS and
firmware, BIOS, or software updates. In some platforms, this CoAP. It is required for seamless integration with enterprise
may be based on the previously mentioned remote script ex- data infrastructure.
ecution, although it is preferred as a separate feature showing The support and administration of protocols conversion
the progress of package deployment. components, like translating from MQTT to CoAP [23],
are required to integrate every device with the automation
Campaigns infrastructure.
The campaign is a functionality that allows multiple devices
(even under multiple tenants) to be updated as a batch remote Scalability 17
execution and not just an over-the-air update. Scalability is the characteristic that allows IoT solutions to
scale, include a large number of edge devices, and connect
Device Configuration Provisioning devices like sensors and actuators. Device management com-
Device management components offer commands to provi- ponents need to provide support for scalability to manage and
sion device properties, OS configuration files, network files, maintain thousands of devices without restricting them.

Rule Engine 17.3.7 Security

A rule engine is required for operational data processing.
Users can create rules from the dashboard that react to events Historically, production and manufacturing deployments are
and triggers and execute actions like sending notifications, implemented in separated networks and based on client-
alerts, etc. server communication, for example: A gas tank level sensor
sends information to the industrial control system to adapt
Deployment Model Support its processes. The typical SCADA systems periodically re-
Device management components offer a variety of support – quest the state of connected programmable logic controllers
on premise, cloud (SaaS), or hybrid. (PLCs) or remote terminal units (RTUs) and respond with
control commands or updates of setpoints [20].
Manageability Standards Support With the cyber-physical automation, this communication
A versatile device management component includes support model changed completely, with the massively increment of
for widely used standards like LWM2M, TR069, and OMA- sensors and actuators required to deploy the Industry 4.0. As
DM. This allows a simple deployment process for devices. a result, a vast exchange of devices data emerged, generat-
ing dynamic communication relationships between various
Cyber-Physical Components Management endpoints and moving from “one-to-one” to “machine-to-
This is the administration of components, such as sensors machine” (M2M) communication [21].
and actuators, that need to be paired with edge devices This complex communication relationships render tradi-
or gateways. Device management components offer things tional end-to-end security futile for sufficiently protecting
management; the same way edge devices are managed. the sensitive and safety-critical data transmitted in industrial
systems [22].
Certificate Management Additionally, to the communication issue and as discussed
Most device management vendors include features to manage in the previous points, one of the critical areas to define in
certificates (generation, renovation, and revocation), includ- the cyber-physical architecture is the edge compute. While
ing custom CA. the primary goal of edge computing is to provide more
efficient, performant, and lightweight computing, a security-
Protocols Supported by-design approach should be taken [4]. This approach will
In any industrial environment, there are often many different help not directly to expose the edge computing infrastructures
devices in use, with each having its own protocol. This means to broader attack surfaces.
that organizations typically need to handle several different On the basis of the security-by-design approach, the con-
protocols to gather data. The ability to provide protocol sideration of hardware is fundamental to protect the trust-
conversion in a human-machine interface (HMI), like Red worthiness of all the compute chain. The hardware root of
Lion’s Graphite HMIs, or any other automation product, is trust (HRT) is mandatory to have a highly secure device on
394 C. Martinez Spessot

Table 17.1 Edge security capabilities and implementation Platform key (PK) UEFI secure boot supports a single PK
Capabilities Implementation that establishes a trust relationship between the platform
Trustworthiness Secure boot, credential storage owner and the platform firmware, by controlling access to
Protection of data at rest Disk encryption, data sanitization the Key Exchange Key (KEK) database. Each platform has
Protection of data in transit Data encryption, credential a unique key. The public portion of the key is installed
storage into the system, likely at production or manufacturing time.
Protection of data in use Credential storage Therefore, this key is:

• The highest-level key in secure boot

• Usually provided by the motherboard manufacturer
the edge [6]. It protects the device secrets on the hardware • Owned by the manufacturer
in addition to providing physical countermeasures against
side channel attacks. As opposed to software-only-based Key Exchange Key (KEK) These keys establish a trust
approaches, hardware security provides two important prop- relationship between the firmware and the operating system.
erties that may be used to establish device security: Typically, there are multiple KEKs on a platform; it is their
private portion that is required to authorize and make changes
• First, the hardware has a specific purpose, and an attacker to the “DB” or “DBX.”
cannot reuse it for unintended actions.
• Second, the hardware can detect and mitigate against Authorized signatures/Whitelist database (DB) This
physical attacks. database contains a list of public keys used to verify the
authenticity of digital signatures of certificates and hashes
When used to protect secrets and device’s correctness, the on any given firmware or software object. For example, an
hardware provides a robust root of trust upon which addi- image, either signed with a certificate enrolled in DB, or that
tional software functionality can be implemented securely has a hash stored in DB, will be allowed to boot.
and safely.
The fourth cornerstones of cyber-physical automation se- The forbidden signatures/Blacklist database (DBX) This
curity are confidentiality, integrity, and availability, which database contains a list of public keys that correspond to
relate directly to the capabilities shown in Table 17.1. unauthorized or malicious software or firmware. It is used
The following points demonstrate how the capabilities can to invalidate EFI binaries and loadable ROMs when the
be achieved: platform is operating in a secure mode. It is stored in the
DBX variable. The DBX variable may contain either keys,
signatures, or hashes. In the secure boot mode, the signature
Secure Boot stored in the EFI binary (or computed using SHA-256 if the
Secure boot is a technology that became an industry standard, binary is unsigned) is compared against the entries in the
where the “firmware verifies that the system’s bootloader, database.
kernel, and, potentially, user space, are signed with a crypto-
graphic key authorized by a database stored in the firmware.” Data Encryption
The unified extensible firmware interface (UEFI) spec- Data encryption protects the private data stored on each of the
ification defines the above process as secure boot, which hosts in the IoT infrastructure. The Linux Unified Key Setup
is “based on the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) process (LUKS) is the standard for Linux hard disk encryption. By
to authenticate modules before they are allowed to execute. providing a standard on-disk format, it facilitates compati-
These modules can include firmware drivers, option ROMs, bility among different distributions and secure management
UEFI drivers on disk, UEFI applications, or UEFI boot load- of multiple encryption keys. Using TPM 2.0 as credential
ers. Through image authentication before execution, Secure storage for disk encryption keys mitigates the security risk of
Boot reduces the risk of pre-boot malware attacks such as having disk encryption keys stored in plain text on the device
rootkits.” disk. Additionally, it removes the need to distribute keys
Secure boot relies on cryptographic signatures that are through an insecure channel where they can be disclosed.
embedded into files using the authenticode file format. The Moreover, a platform integrity requirement can be estab-
integrity of the executable is verified by checking the hash. lished by using TPM 2.0 Platform Configuration Registries
Authenticity and trust are established by checking the sig- (PCR) policies, where the TPM will provide the disk en-
nature. The signature is based on X.509 certificates, and the cryption key only if the PCR values are the expected ones
platform must trust it. configured at the time of the key creation. Combining PCR
The system’s firmware has four different sets of keys: policies with secure/measured boot prevents unsealing of
17 Cyber-Physical Automation 395

Static • Volume passphrase is stored on filesystem

passphrase • How is the passphrase protected?

TPM static • Key is securely stored in TPM

passphrase • Decoupled from physical drive

TPM passphrase • Passphrase released only if system is in an authorized state

w/ static policy • Attacker cannot boot into alternative OS and mount the volume

• Adress PCR brittleness concern
flexible policy
• Support updates of system through use of signed policy 17

Fig. 17.8 TPM static passphrase

secrets if an unexpected boot binary or boot configuration

is used in the platform.
One of the benefits of the TPM 2.0 is the availability of
the authorized policies, which update the authorized boot File
binaries and boot configuration values in the event of a plat- IMA- measurement Update measurement list
form update. In this case, a policy is signed by an authorized
principal. It can be verified using TPM primitives, allowing Extend PCR List
the contents of the PCRs to be different at the moment to
unseal the disk encryption keys. This implementation solves TPM 2.0
the “PCR Fragility” problem associated with the TPM 1.2
family, which was considered a scale barrier for the TPM-
based security adoption (see Fig. 17.8). PCR Hash-attributes Hash-data Path
From the operative system, TPM-based disk encryption 10 91f34b5c671d73 91f34b5c671d73 /etc/xyc
can be configured and automated using the Clevis open- 504b274a9196 504b274a9196
61cf80dable127 61cf80dable127
source tool. Clevis is a framework for automated encryp-
tion/decryption operations, with support for different key
management techniques based on “Pins” (Tang, SSS, and
Fig. 17.9 TPM 2.0 and IMA
TPM2). The TPM2 pin uses Intel’s TPM2 software stack
to interact with the TPM and automate the cryptographic
operations used in the disk encryption operations.

As is schematized in Fig. 17.9, the following modules

Execution Policies and Integrity Protection provide several integrity functions:
The goal of the integrity measurement architecture (IMA) is
to: • Collect – measures a file before it is accessed
• Store – adds the measurement to a kernel resident list and,
1. Detect if files have been accidentally or maliciously al- if the hardware TPM is present, extends the IMA PCR
tered (both remotely and locally) • Attest – if present uses the TPM to sign the IMA PCR
2. Appraise a file’s measurement against a “good” value value in order to allow a remote attestation of the mea-
stored as an extended attribute surement list
3. To enforce local file integrity • Appraise – enforces local validation of a measurement
against a “good” value stored in an extended attribute of
These goals are complementary to the mandatory access the file
control (MAC) protections provided by LSM modules, such • Protect – protects a file’s security extended attributes
as SELinux and Smack, which can protect the file integrity (including appraisal hash) against offline attack
depending on their policies. • Audit – audits file hashes
396 C. Martinez Spessot

Components 1. Endorsement hierarchy

IMA-measurement is part of the overall IMA based 2. Platform hierarchy
on the trusted computing group’s open standards. IMA- 3. Owner hierarchy, also known as storage hierarchy
measurement maintains a runtime measurement list and, 4. Null hierarchy
if anchored in the hardware TPM, an aggregate integrity
value over this list. The benefit of anchoring the aggregate A hierarchy is a logical collection of entities: keys and NV
integrity value in the TPM is that any software attack cannot data blobs. Each hierarchy has a different seed and different
compromise the measurement list without being detectable. authorization policies. Hierarchies differ as to when their
IMA-measurement can be used to attest to the system’s seeds are created and who certifies their primary keys. The
runtime integrity. Based on these measurements, a remote owner hierarchy is reserved for the final user of the platform,
party can detect whether critical system files have been and it can be used as a secure symmetric/asymmetric critical
modified or if malicious software has been executed. storage facility for any user space application or service that
IMA-appraisal extends the “secure boot” concept of requires them.
verifying a file’s integrity before transferring control or al- An example of symmetric key storage is presented in the
lowing the file to be accessed by the OS. The IMA-appraisal disk encryption section, where a random key is stored in the
extension adds local integrity validation and enforcement of TPM, and a TPM PCR policy is used to enforce integrity state
the measurement against a “good” value stored as extended validation before unsealing the key.
security.ima attribute. The primary method for validating se- An example of asymmetric key storage is the use case for
curity.ima is hashed based, which provides file data integrity, VPN credentials. VPN clients, like OpenVPN, use a combi-
and digital signature based, which provides authenticity in nation of public and private keys and certify (in addition to
addition to providing file data integrity. other security mechanisms as Diffie Hellman parameters and
IMA-audit includes file hashes in the system audit logs, TLS authentication keys) to establish identity and authoriza-
which can be used to augment existing system security ana- tion against the VPN server. By using the TPM, a private key
lytics/forensics. is created internally in the NVRAM, and a certificate signing
The IMA-measurement , IMA-appraisal, and IMA-audit request is derived from the private key using the Intel’s TPM
aspects of the kernel’s integrity subsystem complement one 2.0 software stack. The certificate signing request is then
another but can be configured and used independently. IMA- signed by the organization PKI, and a certificate is provided
measurement and IMA-appraisal allow the extension of the to the VPN client to establish authentication with the VPN
hardware root of trust model into user space applications and server. At the moment of establishing the connection, the
configuration files, including the container system. VPN client needs to prove that it owns the private part, having
IMA-appraisal benefits are similar to the ones provided by to interact directly with the TPM or indirectly using the
secure boot, in the sense that the Linux Kernel first appraises PKCS#11 cryptographic token interface.
each file in the trusted computing base against a known good Another example of asymmetric key storage is Docker
value before passing control to it. For example, the dockerd Enterprise. To allow the host to pull and run Docker con-
binary will only be executed if the actual digest of the dockerd tainers from a Docker Trusted Registry, it is required to
file matches the approved digest stored in the security.ima use a Docker client bundle, which consists of a public and
attribute. In the digital signature case, the binary will only private key pair signed by the Docker Enterprise Certificate
be executed if the signature can be validated against a public Authority. Similarly, to the VPN client case, a private key can
signing key stored in the machine owner’s key infrastructure. be securely generated in the TPM, and a certificate signing
On the other hand, IMA-measurement benefits are similar request can be derived from the private key to be signed by
to the ones provided by the measured boot process, where the the Docker Enterprise CA. Once a certificate is issued to the
Linux Kernel will first measure each file in the trusted com- client, the Docker Daemon will need to interact with the TPM
puting base before passing control to it. These measurements to prove that it has accessed the private key at the moment
are stored in a particular file in the Linux security file system, to establish a TLS connection with the Docker Enterprise
which can later be used in a remote attestation scenario. Service.

Credential Storage
TPM generates strong, secure cryptographic keys. They are Data Sanitization
strong in the sense that the keys are derived from true random Data sanitization is a process to render access to target data on
source and large keyspace, and they are secure in the sense the media that is infeasible for a given level of recovery effort.
that the private key material never leaves the TPM secure The level of effort applied when attempting to retrieve data
boundary in plain form. The TPM stores keys in one of four may range widely. For example, a party might attempt simple
hierarchies: keyboard attacks without the use of specialized tools, skills,
17 Cyber-Physical Automation 397

or knowledge of the medium’s characteristics. On the other While AI algorithms have existed for many years, rapid
end of the spectrum, the party might have extensive capa- expansion in AI-based capabilities across the organizations
bilities and might be able to apply state-of-the-art laboratory has been observed recently. This is because the processing
techniques in their attempts to retrieve the data. and data storage costs have fallen at similarly dramatic rates.
To implement an effective data sanitization process, we In parallel, computer scientists have advanced AI algorithm
rely on the cryptographic erase (CE) process. This technique, design, including neural networks, leading to greater accu-
used widely in self-encrypting drives, leverages the encryp- racy in training models.
tion of target data by enabling the sanitization of the target Despite this clear potential, many organizations are yet
data’s encryption key. This leaves only the ciphertext remain- to get started with AI, and adoption is often not necessar-
ing on the media, effectively sanitizing the data by preventing ily happening as fast as many reports from the media and
read access. Without the encryption key used to encrypt the academia might suggest [7]. As enterprises look to begin their
target data, the data is unrecoverable. The level of effort AI journeys, the more common use cases exist around pre-
needed to decrypt this information without the encryption dictive maintenance, computer vision, and natural language 17
key then is less than the strength of the cryptographic key processing (NLP).
or the strength of the cryptographic algorithm and mode of Example opportunities for deep and machine learning
operation used to encrypt the data. If strong cryptography include:
is used, the sanitization of the target data is reduced to
sanitization of the encryption key(s) used to encrypt the • Vertical: Many organizations are looking to solve chal-
target data. Thus, with CE, sanitization may be performed lenges specific to their industries, e.g., manufacturing
with high assurance much faster than with other sanitization process and spares management, retail inventory manage-
techniques. The encryption itself acts to sanitize the data. ment, and patient outcomes in health care.
By storing all the sensitive data in encrypted partitions • Line of business: Across industries, corporations have
and using the TPM 2.0 to store the disk encryption key, similar needs depending on individual lines of businesses.
the cryptographic erase process can be applied by issuing a For example, natural language processing has applications
TPM2_CC_Clear command that will erase the content of the in customer service departments, and image recognition
TPM NV RAM. After the precise operation, any attempt to and predictive maintenance have relevance to supply chain
unlock the encrypted partition by requesting the key to the applications.
TPM will result in an error, based on the fact the TPM does • Technology architecture: Many examples of AI that we
not hold the disk encryption key anymore. It has to be noted come across have similar architectures, even if they use
that the sanitization process relies on the fact that the key different data pools and deliver different results. For
needs to be securely stored in the TPM, and the key should example, the image processing and anomaly detection
not be stored in plain text on the device disk at any time. used by one customer to detect solar panel defects can
Additionally, to prevent disclosing the key while being in the be based on a similar platform to that which conser-
device memory, an encrypted swap partition is used. vationists might use to “listen” for behavioral changes
in bats.
• IT related: Some applications of AI can exist across ap-
17.3.8 Data Management and Analytics plications and services because they are about managing
data flows, preempting bottlenecks, predicting faults, and
Section 17.3.3 presented how to transmit the information responding quickly to failures and breaches.
and middle layers’ requirements to define the automation
protocols. Additionally, in Sect. 17.3.4, the infrastructure To take advantage of the new and exciting AI opportuni-
anatomy was presented to support the execution of multiple ties, one of the first considerations is a suitable infrastructure.
workloads to process the metrics and execute the decision AI solutions frequently demand new hardware and software,
engine to produce the automation. The data management and like those around collation and annotation of data sources and
analytics present how to create the decision algorithms based scalable processing or creating and fine-tuning of models as
on artificial intelligence. new data becomes available. For any given AI solution, the
There is no doubt that AI, including machine learning options include:
and deep learning algorithms, as well as the hardware to
accelerate them, is a transformative technology. AI is already • Repurpose existing hardware to deliver the AI solution at
providing profound capabilities and benefits that were not a minimal cost
achievable a few years ago. Looking to the future, AI has • Buy a one-off AI solution to address the needs of the use
the potential to help solve some of humanity’s biggest chal- case only
398 C. Martinez Spessot

• Build a broader platform that can support the needs of • Enabling AI frameworks to support the planned solution
multiple AI solutions • Visualization and front-end software and/or hardware
• Outsource AI solution delivery to a third-party resource,
including cloud One of the critical goals of this definition is to identify
which components need to be built, bought or reused, and/or
AI and the opportunities it represents are evolving rapidly, make use of cloud services.
so budget holders may be reluctant to invest too heavily.
A lack of in-house expertise, for example, can undermine Stage 4: Pilot Implementation
solution delivery, creating the potential for reputational risk As part of the AI project execution, it is recommended to
if mistakes or delays occur. Meanwhile, a lack of trust in perform a pilot deployment. The goal of this effort is to
the effectiveness of AI can create a substantial barrier to train the personnel, understand the organization’s implica-
realizing its full value. One of the most common problems tions, validate the approach, and confirm/evaluate the right
organizations face is the lack of a process to implement a resources to be applied in the final implementation.
solution, specifically from the proof of concept (PoC) to Also, it serves as a “lighthouse” to understand the political
production release. needs to be satisfied in a specific organization.

Stage 1: Confirm the Opportunities and Business Value Stage 5: Solution Tuning and Optimization
It is vital to be clear from the outset on the goals to be The result of the pilot provides a clear identification where
achieved with AI, their importance in the organization, and the algorithms and processes need to be optimized. Addi-
the respective prioritization of the use cases. To identify the tionally, the engineering team is more prepared based on
opportunities, the organization should assess where AI can the learning provided by the environment instrumentation
make the most immediate difference. Steps that could be produced in the pilot deployment. The next step is to optimize
taken are as follows: software around areas, such as data curation and labeling, and
to experiment with, train, and deploy new models that may
• Identify areas of the business with an apparent problem to give better results.
be solved or value to be gained from AI Figure 17.10 presents the optimization possibilities to im-
• Work with existing pools of expertise, using the skills and prove the algorithms and processes’ execution performance.
experience available in house It demonstrates that AI execution usually does not scale
• Benchmark what the other organizations are doing in the linearly. For instance, scaling a single-node configuration to a
same industry cluster of 50 nodes will not necessarily result in 50 times im-
provement of the performance. The engineering team needs
Stage 2: Characterize the Problem and Profile the Data to test and optimize a multinode configuration in much the
After the AI use case selection and prioritization, the next same way as it is done in a single-node configuration.
step is to gather the requirements in more detail, mapping it to
broad categories such as reasoning, perception, or computer Stage 6: Solution Scale-Up
vision. Once the implementation is built, tested, and deployed in the
Additionally, several nonfunctional requirements need to environment, the next step is to analyze the experiences of
be analyzed, such as: the users. Positive experiences among the consumers of the
solution can lead to greater demand and, therefore, higher
• Hardware to be executed, data center capacity, and use of levels of success.
accelerators based on data and benchmark A scalability analysis is needed in order to understand the
• Data security, privacy, and regulatory factors capabilities, satisfy future demands, and support future users
• Forecast and sizing of the new data/information; size of technically. The recommended steps are the following:
the training model
• Scale-up broader infrastructure: AI success requires
Stage 3: Architecture and Solution Deployment Infras- examination of every link in the chain of inference and
tructure review of existing technology platforms, networks, and
The next stage of designing and deploying the AI solution is storage to increase the amount of data available and to
to identify the technologies to be used, including: improve timeliness and latency. This will minimize the
potential for future bottlenecks while maximizing the
• Underlying products and systems infrastructure value that can be derived from the data sources.
• AI-specific software to drive the infrastructure • Scale-out to other business scenarios: The solution may
have applications in other parts of the business. For in-
17 Cyber-Physical Automation 399

Hierarchical parallelism

Coarse-grained / Fine-grained parallelism / within node

Sub-domain: 1) Multi-level domain decomposition (ex. across layers)
Domain decomposition
2) Data decomposition (layer parallelism)

Scaling Utilize all the Vectorize / SIMD Efficient memory /
cores cache use
Improve load balancing Unit strited access per
OpenMP, MPI, TBB... SMID lane
Reduce synchronization Blocking
Reduce synchronization
events, all-to-all comms High vector efficiency Data reuse
events, serial code
Data alignment Prefetching
Improve load balancing
Memory allocation

Fig. 17.10 Performance optimization

stance, a predictive maintenance solution may have been issues. Consequently, the need for a standard is imperative to
deployed for one area of the manufacturing operation and evaluate the components and their execution as a whole.
now needs to be broadened. The goal here is to adopt a The International Electrotechnical Commission’s
portfolio approach to manage the extension of solutions standard, IEC 61508: “Functional safety of electri-
across a more extensive user base. cal/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related
• Plan for management and operations: By their nature, systems” [9] is understood as the standard for designing
many AI use cases require the systems to perform infer- safety systems for electrical, electronic, and programmable
ence real time rather than offline or batch mode. Also, electronic (E/E/PE) equipment. This standard was developed
models may need to be retrained and updated over time. in the mid-1980s and has been revised several times to cover
the technical advances in various industries. Also, derivative
standards have been developed for specific markets and
17.3.9 Reliability and Safety applications that prescribe the particular requirements on
functional safety systems in these industry applications.
The primary intent of having a functional safety cyber- Example applications include process automation (IEC
physical automation system is to prevent the risk of death 61511), machine automation (IEC 62061), transportation
or injury as a result of systematic, random, or common-cause (railway EN 50128), medical (IEC 62304), automotive (ISO
failures in safety-relevant systems. So-called random failures 26262), power generation, distribution, and transportation.
are caused by a malfunction of the safety system’s parts or Cyber-physical automation solutions must follow interna-
components in contrast to systematic failures that are a result tionally accepted safety standards. Solutions’ designs first
of a wrong or inadequate specification of a safety function. need approval from certification bodies or trade associations
The necessary motivation for deploying functional safety that testify that these designs comply with their appropriate
systems is to ensure safe operation as well as safe behavior safety standards and legislations. To provide the certification
in cases of failure. body with a complete picture of the system concerning safety,
Due to the great environment’s impact (humans, infras- the owners or operators must have all available information
tructure, and ecosystem), cyber-physical systems deserve and documentation for the components used to build the
proof as safety evidence [8]. The correctness of the solution cyber-physical automation. Since the HW and SW develop-
needs to be verified from a systemic standpoint, because ers typically source automation components, such as sensors,
testing of only the automation behavior may miss important actuators, and processing units (like PLCs), from automation
400 C. Martinez Spessot

Table 17.2 Safety integrity levels

1 0.00001–0.000001 10−5 – 10−6 100,000–1,000,000
2 0.000001–0.0000001 10−6 – 10−7 1,000,000–10,000,000
3 0.0000001–0.00000001 10−7 – 10−8 10,000,000–100,000,000
4 0.00000001–0.000000001 10−8 – 10−9 100,000,000–1,000,000,000

® ® ®
component manufacturers, these components consequently • Safety Manuals for Intel FPGAs and Intel Quartus
must also be designed to the applicable standards. This also Prime Design Software
means that the component suppliers must provide the rele- • Diagnostic and standard intellectual property (IP) such as
vant safety documentation (safety manuals) to the solution the Nios II processor
designers. • FPGA design flows including a safety separation design
The functional safety consideration of a system, there- flow
® ®
fore, covers all aspects of components, both software and • Development tools, including the Intel Quartus Prime
hardware, that have high integrity, self-test mechanisms, Design Software
and a fail-safe state. In the end, the designers will reach a
compound or average certainty level of failure probability Having immediate access to qualified semiconductor data,
(probability of a failure per hour of operation that introduces intellectual property (IP), development flows, and design
“danger”) and RRF (risk reduction factor) for a design, which tools from a vendor like Intel can help you significantly
is categorized in Table 17.2. shorten your overall project timeline by 1 and 1/2 years to
IEC 61508 describes a methodology to design, deploy, 2 years [10].
operate, and decommission safety devices. Every company By reusing a system concept for a drive that followed a
that follows this standard can testify to and document the preapproved implementation and following a qualified de-
fitness for the safety of their designs or machines and sell the sign methodology, a qualified design flow, tools/IP, and typi-
device as IEC 61508 compliant. Cyber-physical automation cal application development can be significantly accelerated.
providers and factory owners are used to relying on certifica- The certification is accelerated as reliability data for the com-
tions from third-party certification bodies that state a neutral ponents is immediately available and provided in a format
individual has reviewed the component’s development pro- that can be easily integrated into the overall documentation
cesses and confirms its compliance with safety concepts, the for the safety qualification. Designers can take advantage
specifications meet the standards and the correctness of its of flexible design integration using FPGAs for both safety
failure calculations. and system design. As the safety aspect is considered as a
Automation component manufacturers are particularly af- critical requirement for the application, it is integrated into
fected when designing functional safety devices because the overall concept and can be realized by meeting cost and
these devices are considered to be sophisticated electrical and time to implementation tar gets.
electronic devices. For these components, such as software,
hardware, tools, mechanical parts, etc., safety has implica-
tions for the complete system design and across all stages of
life, from concept to inception to decommissioning. Safety 17.3.10 IT/OT Integration
can only be assured by looking at all aspects of a system, in-
cluding both hardware and software. As an example, software With the rise of Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical automation,
alone cannot provide safety assurance, as its correct operation the integration between operational technology (OT) systems
is dependent on the system hardware. Similarly, hardware and informational technology (IT) systems is becoming a ne-
alone cannot satisfy the safety requirements. Therefore, an cessity. As discussed in the previous points, edge computing
integrated approach to safety is essential. instrumented the environment where previously was only a
Also, functional safety designs are not guaranteed simply space for the OT. Table 17.3 describes the difference between
by good design. The correct or incorrect behavior of any IT and OT infrastructures.
system is influenced by many factors, including failure rates, The challenge that organizations face at the time of imple-
production, programming, and use. menting cyber-physical automation are:
To simplify and speed up the safety certification process,
Intel worked closely with TÜV Rheinland (product certifi- • Current data management infrastructure between IT/OT
cation company) to provide an IEC61508 certified Functional are separated. It generates redundancy and fragmentation
Safety Data Package, which includes: in the infrastructure, increasing the total cost of ownership.
17 Cyber-Physical Automation 401

Table 17.3 IT/OT ownership: infrastructure standard OT functions are executed in one single device
IT OT following the architecture presented on Sect. 17.3.4.
IT can provide IaaS, PaaS, and OT equipment usually works as Additionally, industrial control systems can benefit from
SaaS usually in a hybrid cloud an individual unit or in a close many decades of security research and development by lever-
architecture vendor network with limited or aging, as an example, real-time monitoring for intrusion
without access to the Internet
detections [14].
Confidentiality: data is protected, Confidentiality: operational data
usually confidential. In this case, is highly protected. Usually, The expected adoption of workload consolidation will
the privacy vector enters into the operational data is seen as top increase the level of automation in the provisioning and deliv-
equation, and IT has the tools to secret ery of IT/OT services. Each of the constituent infrastructures
implement the right level of brings a unique automation capability into the mix.
access and protection
IT infrastructure in most cases OT equipment was usually not
designed to have some level of designed for remote access. It
access to the Internet with the makes them insecure about 17.4 Conclusion, Emerging Trends, 17
appropriate layers of security exposing to the Internet
and Challenges
Data integration and insights: IT Data integration and insights: OT
has the infrastructure to collect, usually keeps the solution (by
integrate, and analyze data design) isolated and does not The first wave of cyber-physical deployments proved that
coming from the entire company have the infrastructure to digital transformation was feasible in many organizations.
and generate useful information integrate and analyze the data These efforts generated automation to improve safety and
for the decision-makers generated. Each solution may
have its own mechanism to
efficiency in numerous application domains. Examples in-
analyze the data generated but clude autonomous drones, self-driving cars, air quality mon-
usually does not have an itoring systems for smart cities, home health care devices,
interface to integrate with other and safety systems for humans on manufacturing. At the
same, these implementations generated a significant issue
for organizations and consumers: technology fragmentation.
The lack of standardization created silos in the implemen-
tation; many solutions use the same HW/SW components
• Operational requirements are not meet for all the IT tech- (duplicated infrastructure) that cannot be integrated and, in
nologies. It generates barriers for adoption in the lower extreme cases, generated incompatibilities. Of even greater
level of the OT models. importance, they do not have a holistic approach to security,
• Legacy OT infrastructure was not designed to expose to creating vulnerabilities and threats to the system.
IT environments without compromise security. The same With the second wave of digital transformation, the or-
is true in data access management. ganization focused on generating cyber-physical automation
• OT infrastructure is usually proprietary and does not ex- systems that can be integrated with their infrastructure (posi-
pose a standard interface for integration. tioning every deployment on a systemic standpoint). Compa-
nies worked on controlling the data through any permutation
As the cyber-physical solutions were implemented, many of on-premises or cloud data integration, compared to just
organizations moved their enterprise-grade IT out of the data sending data into a cloud and then having no choice but to
center, putting it on the edge. With the need for workload con- pay to access and use it throughout their applications.
solidation, the OT functions are integrated into the HW (edge It is essential to decouple industry-specific domain knowl-
device and/or edge servers) previously uniquely managed by edge from the underlying technology. Many cyber-physical
IT. In sum, several IT components such as systems manage- automation platform providers tout the ability to do, as an
ment, scalable storage, and high-performance processors are example, predictive maintenance. However, their developers
combined with OT components such as control systems, data do not have the necessary years of hands-on experience and
acquisition systems, and industrial networks. know-how to define data failure patterns of any particular
Cyber-physical workload consolidation integrates old type of machine.
legacy systems with multiple purposes local edge compute Many companies, like Minsait [3] and Intel, are joining
devices by using virtualization/containerization (see efforts to standardize the implementation of cyber-physical
Fig. 17.11). There are researches [12] demonstrating the systems. The base ground of all the effort is to decouple
advantages of running OT functionalities on a VM, like infrastructure from applications creating a unified open plat-
virtual RTUs [13] or virtual PLCs [14]. As an example of form to host all the automation use cases.
cyber-physical automation in the industry, Fig. 17.11 presents The cyber-physical unified framework allows the disas-
the evolution of OT infrastructure in a printed circuit board sociation of the infrastructure from automation use cases by
(PCB) manufacturing space. In this evolution, many of the using the workload consolidation principles (virtual machine
402 C. Martinez Spessot


virtualized digital twin predictive
monitoring maintenance
Edge server

Edge devices

Chip inserter Reflow oven Punch printer

Soft PLCs or
virtual PLC


Fig. 17.11 OT evolution

and containerization). The execution of this framework is infrastructure, depending on dynamic requirements and user
implemented as close as possible to the point of data cre- consumption.
ation. Additionally, it defines a clear separation between the The subsequent development of the high-speed network
transport from protocols, application frameworks, virtualiza- will permit the cyber-physical components (sensor and
tion/containerization engines, operating systems, and HW actuators) to reduce their hardware and software footprint.
firmware. Consequently, the computation power and memory size will
Holistic security is increasingly crucial in light of develop- be remarkably reduced. The cyber-physical components
ing cyber-physical automation. The integration of automation will rely on the next processor in the infrastructure chain to
solutions, from a security perspective, is complicated by the compute the data. These efforts will result in the creation
enormous numbers of noncomputing devices, edge devices, of thin cyber-physical component (TCC), lightweight
and edge servers being outfitted with networking and data devices optimized for establishing a remote connection
transfer capabilities. Because these systems often commu- with an autonomous workload consolidation infrastructure.
nicate over the external parties (public or hybrid cloud) The processing will be done in the infrastructure without
and/or interface with other networks, they and their extended a clear division between edge computing or cloud/core
environments must be secured. The hardware-based root of computing. The cyber-physical software will be executed
trust, implemented with the trusted platform module (TPM), indistinctly.
and the support in many software layers demonstrated to be AI and computer vision technologies need to be democra-
the solution for the security issues. tized in order to enable subject matter experts to apply their
The foundational cyber-physical automation platform knowledge to create cyber-physical automation that delivers
presented in this document provides an enterprise-grade excellent outcomes with easy-to-use hardware and software
architecture to enable digital transformation at scale, with applications. Workload based on artificial intelligence and
emphasis on meeting the security requirements for the computer vision will be commonly adopted. The inference
protection of sensitive data at rest, in transit, in use, and and learning processes will use the advantages of a cyber-
the trustworthiness of the overall system. ExxonMobil [1] physical unified framework to gather all the integrated infor-
and Intel have contributed with key ecosystem players in the mation of the organization.
IoT technology space to pave the road for better and more The cyber-physical unified framework provides the dis-
secure cyber-physical implementations. ciplines and guidance that organizations need to create and
Based on the increasing availability and commoditiza- efficiently scale end-to-end automation solutions. By using
tion of high-bandwidth networks (such as 5G) architectures this framework to consolidate and orchestrate workloads at
based on workload consolidation will allow the realization the edge rather than continuing to support an increasingly
of ubiquitous cyber-physical automation. The execution of complex and costly array of disparate cyber-physical solu-
the automation will not be hosted in one particular dedi- tions, organizations can improve security, performance, and
cated computation node of the infrastructure. Conversely, the reliability while reducing capital expenses and lowering their
workload will be divided into many different nodes of the total cost of ownership. This platform proved by ExxonMobil
17 Cyber-Physical Automation 403

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4. Xiao, Y., Jia, Y., Liu, C., Cheng, X., Yu, J., Weifeng, L.: 22. Dahlmanns, M., Pennekamp, J., Fink, I.B., Schoolmann, B.,
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June 2019. https:// lish/subscribe communication in cyber-physical systems. In: Pro- ceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy
5. Martinez Spessot, C., Guzman, M., Oliver, N., Carranza, M., et al.: Cyber-Physical Systems (SaT-CPS ’21)
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404 C. Martinez Spessot

Cesar Martinez Spessot is the general manager of services and senior

AI architect with Intel Corporation. He leads an organization chartered
to guide the Fortune 100 companies on their digital transformation, gen-
erating billion-dollar businesses. Cesar is the strategic technical advisor
to C-level executives implementing automation as part of their core
business. He has many international patents in the digital transformation
and AI domains. Cesar previously worked as AI and HPC researcher
and professor in many universities. He holds MS degrees in information
systems and computer science (UTN), business administration (MBA),
PMP PMI® Certification, and many executive certifications from MIT
Collaborative Control and E-work Automation
Mohsen Moghaddam and Shimon Y. Nof

Contents of collaborative e-Work and Collaborative Control Theory

18.1 Background and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 (CCT) are reviewed. The “four-wheels” of collaborative
e-Work along with their respective e-Dimensions and
18.2 Theoretical Foundations for e-Work and CCT . . . . . 408
18.2.1 e-Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
their role in e-Business and e-Service are explained and
18.2.2 Integration and Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 illustrated. The architectural enablers for collaborative
18.2.3 Distributed Decision Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 e-Work, which are based on recent developments in cyber
18.2.4 Active Middleware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 technologies, Internet-of-Things (IoT), and Internet-of-
18.3 Architectural Enablers for Collaborative e-Work . . . 412 Services (IoS), are discussed as blueprints for designing
18.3.1 Internet-of-Things (Physical Architecture) . . . . . . . . . . . 413 smart agents, functions and services, and their integration.
18.3.2 Internet-of-Services (Functional Architecture) . . . . . . . . 413
The design principles of CCT for effectiveness in the
18.3.3 IoT-IoS Integration (Allocated Architecture) . . . . . . . . . 415
design and operation of e-Work automation solutions
18.4 Design Principles for Collaborative e-Work, are presented, along with case studies of e-Work,
Collaborative Automation, and CCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
18.4.1 Generic Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417 e-Manufacturing, e-Logistics, e-Business, and e-Service
18.4.2 Design Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418 to enable readers to get a glimpse into the depth and
18.4.3 Emerging Thrusts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 breadth of ongoing efforts to revolutionize collaboration
18.5 Conclusions and Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 in such e-Systems. Challenges and emerging thrusts are
discussed to stimulate future discoveries in CCT and
18.6 Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
e-Work automation.
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430

Collaborative Control Theory (CCT) · Collaborative

automation · Collaborative intelligence · Cyber-physical
A major requirement for automation of complex and systems · Internet-of-Things · Internet-of-Services
distributed industrial control systems is represented by
collaborative e-Work, e-Business, and e-Service. The po-
tential benefits, opportunities, and sustainability of emerg-
ing electronic activities, such as virtual manufacturing,
18.1 Background and Definitions
e-Healthcare, e-Commerce, e-Production, e-Collaboration,
e-Logistics, and other e-Activities, cannot be realized
Collaboration is a fundamental phenomenon inherent in ev-
without the design of effective collaborative e-Work. In
ery stage and every aspect of our lives. Increasingly, so is
this chapter, the theoretical and technological foundations
collaborative automation. We learn to collaborate with our
parents and then our family and friends early in life. As goal-
M. Moghaddam () oriented beings, we are “pre-programmed” to communicate
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Northeastern
University, Boston, MA, USA
our needs and opinions and support, complement, and oc-
e-mail: casionally compete with other people to achieve our goals.
S. Y. Nof
Collaboration is not limited to humans and encompasses
PRISM Center and School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue any biological or artificial system, where entities are bound
University, West Lafayette, IN, USA to using shared information and resources and committing
e-mail: to shared responsibilities for a common agenda. Examples

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 405

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
406 M. Moghaddam and S. Y. Nof

of biological systems range from colonies of ants to flocks continues to play a disruptive role in the way companies
of bird, schools of fish, and packs of wolves, all depend- interact with their customers and identify their needs to
ing upon each other’s signals and actions to survive and better tailor the design of their products, services, and
succeed. Examples of artificial systems include collabora- systems to what customers desire. Google reports over
tion among humans and machines (e.g., drivers-vehicles, 600% increase over the past 5 years in the amount of time
pilots-aircraft), humans and computers (e.g., designers-CAD people spend exploring others’ experiences before making
software, children-computer games), computers and comput- a decision on a product or a service [6]. Specifically,
ers (e.g., clients-servers), and machines and machines (e.g., recent studies shows that 91% of 18–34 year-olds trust e-
multi-robot manufacturing cells). Commerce reviews as much as personal recommendations
Collaboration has always been around and has evolved and that e-Commerce platform reviews influence the
along with our daily lives. With the growth and abundance of purchase decisions for 93% of customers [7].
information and communication technologies (e.g., Internet, • e-Service. It refers to the provision of services by means
smartphones, social media, videoconferencing), we collab- of the Internet and information and communication tech-
orate more frequently and easily. Yet, although there is no nologies. The three elements of an e-Service system in-
question about the necessity of collaboration, a key funda- clude service provider, service consumer, and channels
mental question remains to be answered: How can a better of provision. It goes beyond service organizations and
collaboration process be achieved and validated to produce encompasses all enterprises including manufacturers of
better outcomes, and is there collaboration intelligence? goods which provide support throughout the life cycle of
This chapter addresses these questions by explaining how their products, either through direct communication with
collaborative e-Work (“e”: electronic, as opposed to man- customers or through automated performance monitoring
ual) as the foundation of collaborative automation, such as of smart products with built-in sensing and communica-
e-Business, e-Service, e-Commerce, and other e-Activities, tion capabilities.
can be enabled and optimized and how effective, efficient,
and sustainable collaboration can be designed and guided The activities enabled by e-Work are not necessarily lim-
through recent advances in Collaborative Control Theory ited to e-Business, e-Commerce, and e-Service and include
(CCT) [1–4] (Fig. 18.1). The remainder of this section pro- e-Healthcare, e-Training, e-Logistics, v-Factories (“v”: vir-
vides the background and fundamental definitions for e-Work tual), and v-Enterprises, among others (Fig. 18.3). These
and collaboration, followed by the motivation and objectives e-Activities are enabled by information and communication
of this chapter. technologies and augmented and optimized through collabo-
e-Work plays a transformative role in enabling and aug- ration algorithms and protocols that support the interactions
menting collaboration among humans and agents: between humans, computers, and machines. “e-Activities,”
As power fields, such as magnetic fields and gravitation, in- in this context, refer to the activities enabled by and executed
fluence bodies to organize and stabilize, so does the sphere through electronic information and communication systems,
of computing and information technologies. It envelops us and supported by the Internet.
influences us to organize our work systems in a different way, The terms coordination, cooperation, and collaboration
and purposefully, to stabilize work while effectively producing
the desired outcomes [1]. are often used interchangeably despite their subtle and key
differences. Highlighting and understanding the distinctions
The transformation of work through e-Work in turn in- between these terms and their implications are critical for the
fluences and transforms its various aspects such as business, design of e-Work systems:
commerce, and service (Fig. 18.2):
• Coordination. The dictionary definitions for coordination
• e-Business. It refers to the integration of the products, are “the process of organizing people or groups so that
procedures, and services of an enterprise using the In- they work together properly and well” and “the harmo-
ternet and information and communication technologies. nious functioning of parts for effective results” (Merriam-
e-Business allows to automate internal and external busi- Webster). Coordination in the context of e-Work involves
ness transactions by electronic means, including internal the use of information and communication technologies to
business processes and external collaboration with suppli- reach mutual benefits among entities and enable them to
ers, stakeholders, and business partners [5]. work harmoniously.
• e-Commerce. It refers to the integration of purchas- • Cooperation. The dictionary definitions for cooperation
ing/sales transactions for products and services, including are “the actions of someone who is being helpful by doing
business-to-business and business-to-customer, using what is wanted or asked for: common effort” and “associ-
the Internet and information and communication ation of persons for common benefit” (Merriam-Webster).
technologies. Besides facilitating online purchases (e.g., Cooperation in the context of e-Work involves all as-
Amazon, e-Bay, online travel agencies), e-Commerce pects of coordination, in addition to a resource-sharing
18 Collaborative Control and E-work Automation 407

a) Machines Computers Internet Cell phones Other humans

Humans plan and guide

the collaboration process
and are full participants in
it Human

b) Machines Computers Internet Cell phones Other humans

Humans guide the Software agents use

collaboration process algorithms and
plan and participate protocols to optimize 18
in it Human Agents collaboration

Fig. 18.1 (a) Collaboration: humans and other entities use cyber tech- process itself is augmented by cyber collaboration algorithms and
nologies to collaborate. (b) Optimized collaboration: humans and other protocols. (After [4])
entities use cyber technologies to collaborate, while the collaboration

dimension to support the achievement of individual and ‘collaboration-ability’ and ‘adaptability’ in dealing with emer-
common goals. Cooperation requires the division of labor, gence. [8]
among the participating entities, and the aggregate result In advanced collaborative automation systems, hubs of
of individual efforts. collaborative intelligence, called HUB-CIs, enable the ex-
• Collaboration. The dictionary definitions for collabora- change and streamlining of combined intelligence (signals,
tion are “to work jointly with others or together, espe- information, know-how, etc.) from multiple agents, systems,
cially in an intellectual endeavor” and “to cooperate with and sources, thus further improving timely decisions about
an agency or instrumentality with which one is not im- collaborative tasks and actions [89]. What makes the control
mediately connected” (Merriam-Webster). Collaboration of such distributed and collaborative systems challenging,
is the most complex among these processes, where all however, is the fact that:
involved entities must share information, resources, and
responsibilities to jointly plan, execute, and assess actions 1. The level of collaboration between agents and with each
and create values that can exceed the aggregate result of agent may vary, and agents may even compete for limited
individual efforts. resources (e.g., space, equipment, time, knowledge) in
certain situations despite being members of a collabora-
Collaborative control through e-Work and CCT thus refers tive system [1, 2, 4]. Otherwise, the system could always
to the joint planning, execution, and assessment of the actions be controlled as a single entity [10].
and decisions taken by distributed and autonomous agents, 2. Collaboration between the agents must be optimized
enabled by effective sharing of information, resources, and based on the CCT design principles, algorithms,
responsibilities. It augments the performance of individu- protocols, and criteria (Table 18.1) to ensure the best
als and organizations of humans, machines, robots, soft- matching of collaborating entities; minimize unnecessary,
ware, and services and enables better results with physical costly, and potentially harmful collaboration [11]; allow
tools and infrastructure by cyber-support for collaborative resilience in dealing with dynamic and unexpected
intelligence (Fig. 18.4). Collaborative intelligence, in gen- changes in the environment [12]; and enable effective
eral, means the combined intelligence from multiple sources and proactive handling of conflicts and disruptions [13].
of intelligence, for instance, multiple distributed agents and
knowledge sources. It has also been defined as: This chapter first provides an overview of the theoretical
a measure of an agent’s capability in perceiving and compre- foundations for e-Work and CCT [3, 14] in Sect. 18.2,
hending new information, sharing required resources, informa- including the fundamentals of e-Work, integration and
tion, and responsibilities with other peers to resolve new lo-
communication technologies, distributed decision support
cal and global problems in a dynamic environment. In brief,
collaborative intelligence is a combined measure of an agent’s systems, and active middleware technologies. Section 18.3
408 M. Moghaddam and S. Y. Nof

e-Work e-Commerce

e-Work features Factories, Customers,

and functions plants services
• e-Operations • e-Design • Online orders
• Human-computer • e-Manufacturing • Online sales
interaction • ERP • Sales force
• Human-robot • e-Logistics automation
interaction • Robotic facilities • e-Procurement
• Integration • Process • Design
• Collaboration automation customization
• Coordination • Financial
• Networking transactions
• e-Learning Offices, services
• e-Training • Team projects
• Telework
• Scheduling Our enterprise
e-Work models
and tools
• Agents
• Protocols Alliances Suppliers,
• Workflow • Joint projects services
• Middleware • Outsourcing • Online
• Parallelism • Joint marketing purchasing
• Teamwork • e-Supply • Supply chain
• Groupware management
• Decision support • Funds transfer

Other e-Activities:
Examples: Telemedicine, e-Charities, e-Explorations

Fig. 18.2 e-Work as the foundation for e-Business, e-Service, e-Commerce, and other e-Activities. (After [1])

e-Business e-Service e-Mfg e-Logistics v-Factory v-Design ...

Enables Require

Fig. 18.3 The scope of e-Work as the enabler of e-Activities. (After [1])

discusses the architectural and technological enablers provides concluding remarks and directions for future
of collaborative e-Work, including the emerging cyber research and discoveries in CCT and e-Work automation.
technologies, Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Internet-of-
Services (IoS), and the blueprints for describing smart
objects, functions, and their allocation for collaborative 18.2 Theoretical Foundations for e-Work
control in e-Work systems. Section 18.4 discusses the CCT and CCT
design principles, algorithms, and protocols [4] addressing
the aforementioned challenges associated with controlling Collaborative e-Work, also known as cyber-collaborative
and optimizing the interactions and decision-making work, is a key enabler for the collaborative control of agents
processes of distributed and autonomous agents. Section 18.5 through CCT [3, 4]. CCT has been developed over the last
18 Collaborative Control and E-work Automation 409

Fig. 18.4 The collaborative

factory of the future [9], where
humans, robots, machines, IoT, Internet of things & IoS, Internet of services
products, processes, and systems
with augmented e-Work
capabilities harmoniously share
information, resources, and
responsibilities and optimize
their collaborative workflow
actions and decisions through Feedback
CCT principles, algorithms, and

Physical execution
protocols. (Extended illustration

from [89])


Augmented collaboration Mfg., assembly, &

& AR (augmented reality) Warehouse with
intelligent agents Operating agents data fusion agents

Table 18.1 Criteria for assessment of collaborative e-Work systems, augmented and optimized through CCT [4]
Criterion Definition
Agility The ability of a network of agents to respond and adapt to changes in real time
Autonomy The level of delegation of authority, task assignments, and decentralization in a distributed system
Dependability The probability of a task being successfully executed, which requires availability (readiness of the system for
service), reliability (continuity of service), sustainability (avoiding catastrophic consequences), and integrity
(avoiding improper alterations of information)
Integration-ability The ability to integrate data from distributed agents, thus increasing its usefulness
Reachability The feasibility and quality of interconnections and interactions between individual agents in a distributed system
Resilience The ability to survive unforeseen circumstances, risks, disruptions, and high impact events
Scalability The ability of a process, system, network, or organization to handle the increasing amount of work and
accommodate that growth
Viability The trade-off between the cost of operating and sustaining a distributed system of agents and the reward gained
from their service

three decades to augment and optimize collaborations in rules, intended to augment (1) human abilities and capa-
distributed e-Work, e-Business, and e-Service systems. The bilities at work, (2) organizational abilities to accomplish
“e” in collaborative e-Work is supported by the continuous their goals, and (3) the abilities of all organizational agents
creation of knowledge across the four dimensions described (e.g., human, computers, robots) for collaboration. Sec-
in this section (Fig. 18.5). tion 18.3 provides an overview of the emerging industry
reference models and architectures for e-Work and collab-
orative control.
18.2.1 e-Work • Agents. Independently operating and executing programs,
capable of responding autonomously to expected or un-
The concepts, models, and theories that support collabora- expected events. Activities, resources, and tasks in an e-
tion among agents and the fundamental building-blocks of Work system can be automated and integrated by agents.
e-Work include: An agent is an independent and autonomous entity with
agency—the ability to execute a set of functions in an
• Reference models and architectures. The blueprints that environment shared with other agents and governed by a
describe the agents, their relationships, and interaction set of rules. An agent must be independent, sociable, and
410 M. Moghaddam and S. Y. Nof

Reference models &
architectures Workflow

Decision models

Smart objects
Distributed Distributed
Integration &
decision control systems
Human-machine communication

Connected decision-making
value chain

Middleware Knowledge-based
technology systems

Fig. 18.5 The foundations and dimensions of collaborative e-Work. (Adapted from [3])

able to respond to observed environment states and take • Communication protocols. The system of rules and lan-
initiative. guages that allow heterogeneous agents to exchange infor-
• Protocols. Rules and platforms for autonomous agents to mation. They provide a platform for interaction and col-
interact, make decision, and fulfill their individual and laboration among autonomous agents, in order to achieve
collective goals. The protocols of interest in e-Work are higher productivity. The emerging status of smart CPS
those that function at the application level and determine in industrial control systems (e.g., the I4.0 components)
workflow control. Protocols at this level enable effective are connected via IoT and communicate through standard
collaboration by coordinating information exchange and protocols such as OPC-UA [17], AutomationML [18], and
decisions such as resource allocation among production MTConnect [19].
tasks. Section 18.4.1 discusses a generic collaboration • Smart objects. Embedded sensing and communication
control protocol for formalizing, structuring, and admin- technologies that allow tracing the digital thread of a
istering agent interactions. product or a system. The I4.0 components are a formalism
• Workflows. The systematic assignment and processing of smart objects (e.g., hardware, software, products, ideas,
of activities in dynamic, distributed environments by or concepts) that enable identifiability and communication
enabling process scalability, availability, and performance capabilities through OPC-UA, Fieldbus, or TCP/IP. Smart
reliability. The dynamics of e-Work systems lead products/equipment with I4.0 component capabilities can
to different entities continuously joining, leaving, or also communicate their status to the manufacturer and
remaining (reconfiguring) in a collaborative network other stakeholders throughout their life cycle.
[15, 16]. Regardless of the decision of a given entity • Human-Machine Interaction (HMI). The technologies
to join/leave/remain, all scenarios require that existing that enable interactions between humans and machines,
data resources, processes, and services be integrated via from simple interfaces to augmented, virtual, and mixed
workflow models. reality. HMI enables the development of systems,
platforms, and interfaces that support humans in their
roles as learners, workers, and researchers in computer
18.2.2 Integration and Communication environments. HMI technologies are increasingly gaining
a different degree of importance, because social distancing
The technologies that support seamless communication and and tele-work may become necessary in post-COVID-
information sharing among agents, including: 19 economy to avoid the detrimental effects of future
epidemics on public health.
18 Collaborative Control and E-work Automation 411

24 Teleservice remote expert 24 Remote services

Cloud Intranet

CP factory partner facility

WLAN Switch Automation
WLAN NFC network
RFID Internet

Supply chain Logistics and Intra logistics Fieldbus/DeviceNet Intra logistics Shipping Customers
distribution CP factory local facility and delivery

Fig. 18.6 Global networking through horizontal integration of supply chain, external and internal logistics, manufacturing processes, shipping
and delivery, and customer service. (Courtesy of Festo)

• Connected value chains. The digital channels that allow to Section 18.4 discusses the design principles and analytical
integrate insights and analytics throughout a product’s or models for distributed control in collaborative e-Work
system’s life cycle. They enable the creation of models, systems.
architectures, and methodologies that integrate e-Work • Collaborative decision-making. The methods and
processes beyond the boundaries of a single enterprise. frameworks that support the collaborative actions of
For example, the RAMI4.0 standard refers to them as hor- autonomous agents to avoid conflicts and achieve
izontal integration across value chains, enabled through harmonized decisions. The distributed decisions in multi-
communication, data management, intelligent logistics, agent systems may have different relationships in terms
secure IT, and cloud services (as illustrated in Fig. 18.6). of hierarchy, from fully hierarchical control, where the
decision of one agent is fully controlled by higher-level
agents, to fully heterarchical, where no hierarchy can be
18.2.3 Distributed Decision Support identified and the decision-making relationship graph of
the agents is strongly connected [20].
The theories, models, and technologies that enable collabo-
rative decision-making by agents, including:
18.2.4 Active Middleware
• Decision models. The generic knowledge representation
languages with normative status and computational prop- The platforms and technologies that enable interoperability
erties of decision-modeling formalisms and algorithms. among distributed, heterogeneous agents, which include:
Decision models integrate computer tools and methodolo-
gies to provide more effective and better quality decisions. • Middleware technology. Layer of software residing be-
• Distributed control systems. Computerized control sys- tween application and network layer of heterogeneous
tems for industrial processes with no centralized or su- platforms that enable interoperable activities. Middleware
pervisory control function that empower systems with is a layer of services or applications that provides the
a greater degree of autonomy by enabling all agents to connectivity between the operating systems, network lay-
negotiate for the assignment/allocation of tasks and their ers, and the application layer. Active middleware consists
respective individual and group reward (incentives). What of six major components classified into two categories
differentiates distributed control from centralized control (Fig. 18.7):
is that the level of collaboration between the agents may – Active: (1) multi-agent systems (enhance proactivity
vary, and agents may choose to compete in certain situ- and adaptability), (2) workflow management systems
ations despite being members of a collaborative system. (integrate and automate process execution), and (3)
412 M. Moghaddam and S. Y. Nof

a) b) c)
Internet Active middleware

Distributed ERP databases


Middleware technology
Decision support systems

Multi-agent Workflow
system mgmt. systems

Modeling User
Databases Protocols interface

Fig. 18.7 The active middleware architecture. Supports (a) the formu- agents; (c) interoperability among applications, conflict resolution, and
lation, description, decomposition, and allocation of problems; (b) the group decision-making. (Courtesy of IBM)
synthesis of the actions and decisions of distributed and autonomous

protocols (provide platforms for the agents to interact impact. To enable these changes, new reference models and
and automate the workflow). architectures are required to allow cyber collaboration within
– Supportive: (4) decision support systems, (5) modeling complex networks of smart objects and services, referred to
tools, and (6) databases. These components support as IoT (Internet-of-Things) and IoS (Internet-of-Services),
the active components through providing information, respectively. The vision is to enable seamless connectivity
rules, and specifications. and interoperability between isolated systems and integrate
• Cloud computing. The on-demand accessibility of com- the computational and physical elements of industrial ma-
puting and storage services provided by public or pri- chines and equipment, bridging the gap between the “cyber”
vate platforms. The National Institute of Standards and and “physical” worlds [4]. Cyber technologies enable the
Technology (NIST) defines cloud computing as “a model integration of physical processes with computation through
for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network embedded computers and feedback control loops [22, 23].
access to a shared pool of configurable computing re- Building on these capabilities, IoT and IoS offer access to
sources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and a full-fledged Internet of smart CPS objects [24], ranging
services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with from machines to systems, products, and humans. The con-
minimal management effort or service provider interac- vergence of industrial control systems with the CPS and
tion” [21]. IoT technologies [25] creates new possibilities for more
• Knowledge-based systems. Systems that provide the capa- dependable, resilient, and intelligent industrial automation.
bilities to mine, construct, and extract information from The emerging reference models and architectures such
a variety of sources and transform it into knowledge as the Industrial Internet Reference Architecture (United
capital. Distributed knowledge systems are a collection States), Reference Architecture Model for Industry 4.0 (Ger-
of autonomous knowledge-based objects, also referred to many), Alliance Industrie du Futur (France), Piano Impresa
as knowledge agents, which interact with each other to 4.0 (Italy), Industrial Value-Chain Initiative (Japan), and
evolve the knowledge needed to improve their individual Made in China 2025 are some pioneering international ef-
and collective decisions. forts for building next-generation industrial control systems.
These architectures aim to reimagine the hierarchical Pur-
due Enterprise Reference Architecture (PERA) [26], or the
18.3 Architectural Enablers for automation hierarchy [27], as networks of cyber-augmented
Collaborative e-Work agents that enable adaptive control of industrial processes
through advanced information and communication technolo-
The evolution of the industry has always been driven by gies [28–30]. The control capabilities envisioned by these
new technology that facilitates improvements such as in- architectures align with the traditional control paradigms
creased throughput, lower costs, and reduced environmental such as holonic systems [31–34] introduced in the late 1990s.
18 Collaborative Control and E-work Automation 413

The fundamental challenge, as elaborated in Sect. 18.1, is to RAMI4.0 formalizes the physical objects and resources
enable these IoT and IoS agents to autonomously function as as I4.0 components (Fig. 18.8b), which may refer to a group
a system and fulfill their individual and collective goals. of hardware, software, products, ideas, or concepts, config-
As a prerequisite for designing, optimizing, and aug- ured on a dynamic basis to carry out different functions on
menting a collaborative system through CCT, a reference demand. It defines a set of characteristics for a physical to
architecture is defined as be considered an I4.0 component, including identifiability,
a “blueprint” that provides current or future descriptions of a communication ability (e.g., via OPC-UA [17]), compliant
domain composed of components and their interconnections, services, states and semantics, virtual description, safety,
actions or activities those components perform, and the rules or security, quality of service, nestability, and separability (DIN
constraints for those activities. [35] 2016). RAMI4.0 proposes an administration shell as the
In the context of e-Work, a reference architecture is com- logical unit of an I4.0 component responsible for virtual
prised of three fundamental architectural elements including representation, interaction with the system, and resource
the following [36]: (1) Physical architecture describes the management. Built upon the hierarchical model of PERA, an
components, interconnections, and activities associated with I4.0 component may represent a smart product, a field device
the IoT. (2) Functional architecture describes the compo- to a controller, a station, or a work center, as long as they
fulfill two key requirements: (1) communication capability, 18
nents, interconnections, and activities associated with the
IoS. (3) Allocated architecture integrates the physical and the ability of digital communication (e.g., via Fieldbus or
functional architectures (i.e., IoT-IoS integration). This sec- TCP/IP), and (2) presentation, the “publicity” of a compo-
tion provides an overview of IoT and IoS architectures and nent in the information system [38].
discusses the integration and optimization challenges ad-
dressed by the CCT design principles, algorithms, and proto-
cols (descried in Sect. 18.4). 18.3.2 Internet-of-Services (Functional

18.3.1 Internet-of-Things (Physical The purpose of any smart device, controller, machine, robot,
Architecture) software, or simply any other agent is to accomplish a set
of functions. Thus, parallel to the physical architecture of an
Collaborative e-Work is based on inter-networking of agents, e-Work system characterized by IoT, there must be a
or in the IoT terminology, “things” (e.g., sensors, comput- functional architecture characterized as an IoS (Internet-
ing devices, robots, machines, systems) supporting a wide of-Services). In this context, a service refers to:
range of interaction, communication, and computing ser- a logical representation of a set of activities that has specified
vices. These agents are meant to perform various actions outcomes, is self-contained, may be composed of other services,
or activities following certain rules and constraints. ISA- and is a “black box” to consumers of the service. [39]
95 [27], the international standard for enterprise control ISA-95 [27] defines a functional hierarchy model (known
system integration based on PERA [26], defines the physical as the automation hierarchy or “pyramid”) that classifies
architecture of an industrial system as a hierarchical model those functions into five hierarchical levels (Fig. 18.9a). Un-
starting from top-level components such as enterprise and like the hierarchical ISA-95/PERA model where each func-
sites and progressing down to areas, work centers, work units, tional level is directly mapped onto their corresponding phys-
equipment, and physical processes (Fig. 18.8a). ical level (Fig. 18.8), emerging functional architectures aim
ISA-95 suggests a monolithic and hierarchical model for to allow the tasks specified under each layer to be directly
the systematic representation of physical architectures of an assigned to different distributed and autonomous agents, thus
industrial control system. The complex and dynamic nature transitioning from a hierarchical model to a network model
of modern industrial control systems, however, calls for a (Fig. 18.9b).
higher “agility quotient” [37]: the ability to effectively ac- The IBM reference architecture [41], for example, pro-
commodate time pressure, recover from errors/conflicts, han- poses a functional architecture for industrial control systems
dle inadequate options, invent innovative solutions, handle with two layers (Fig. 18.10):
disruptions, and self-configure (see Table 18.1, the collabo-
rative e-Work criteria). These requirements in turn call for 1. Platform/hybrid cloud layer. Functions for plant-wide
a modular design of the physical architecture—a transition data processing and analytics are performed. Data is sent
from the automation hierarchy to a network of distributed, to the Enterprise level, and commands are sent back down
self-contained, and autonomous entities with integrated local to the Edge. The Enterprise layer provides similar func-
collaborative autonomy and global orchestration. tions but with a broader scope and with data from multiple
414 M. Moghaddam and S. Y. Nof

a) External world b)




Administration shell Manifest

Process Production Production Storage
Virtual representation
cell unit line zone Resource
technical functionality

Unit Unit Work cell Storage module

Lower level Lower level Lower level Lower level Object

resources in resources in resources in resources in
batch ops. continuous ops. discrete ops. handling ops.

Smart devices & products

ISA-95 (PERA) physical architecture I4.0 component

Fig. 18.8 The ISA-95/PERA role-based equipment hierarchy (a) and the I4.0 component (b). RAMI4.0 incorporates three additional elements in
the original ISA-95 hierarchy including smart devices, smart products, and external world

Internet of services

Level 4: enterprise
resource planning
Level 3: plant/site

Level 2: process
Level 1: control
(e.g., PLCs)
Level 0: field

The automation pyramid Internet of things


Fig. 18.9 Transition from the hierarchical functional architecture of ISA-95/PERA to interconnected networks of agents (IoT) and services (IoS).
(Adapted from [40])

plants. These functions are supported by the overlaying The NIST architecture [42] is another example of service-
functions of device management, configuration manage- oriented functional architectures for industrial control sys-
ment, security, visualization, development support, man- tems (Fig. 18.11). Designed specifically for manufacturing
agement, and cognitive services. control, the NIST architecture utilizes a manufacturing ser-
2. Equipment/device layer. The IBM architecture utilizes the vice bus to connect various types of services in the system
Edge as a middle-agent between smart devices and tools including the operational technology (OT) and information
and the plant and enterprise layers. The Edge is responsi- technology (IT) domains, the virtual domain, and manage-
ble for receiving data from these devices, providing basic ment. A service bus then connects the enterprise to exter-
analytics, and determining which information gets sent to nal collaborators through business intelligence services. The
the higher levels. It also sends commands to the smart OT domain services include functions provided by physical
devices. components such as machines, robots, and production lines
18 Collaborative Control and E-work Automation 415

Edge Plant Enterprise

Equipment/device layer Platform (hybrid cloud)

OT/IT gateway

2 Enterprise IT
Plant IT
7 6
Analytics-based Enterprise Composite
insights & actions Shop-floor
Plant system of
Production Plant service bus records (e.g., MES, Enterprise user directory
machines Transformation
7 line scheduler)

4 Enterprise
data store
Transformation Data Enterprise
3 & connectivity integration system of
Rule-based records
1 Plant data store
analytics (e.g., ERP,
Smart devices
& tools Rule-based
Transformation information
analytics model Partner IT
Edge data store
Plant information
5 model

analytics Partner
Edge information Shop-floor systems
Supply chain
model analytics
Composite integration &
applications provenance

Application component
Infrastructure service
API management
Data store
Analytics Device Rules, config. mgmt. Security Visualization Development Management Cognitive
Edge plant flow management & composition support service

Fig. 18.10 The IBM reference architecture for IoS. (Courtesy of IBM [41])

(i.e., IoT). The IT domain services are services provided tecture that aims at integrating IoT with IoS. An allocated
by the enterprise IT and include manufacturing operations architecture is defined as:
management, enterprise resource planning, and supply chain a complete description of the system design, including the func-
management services. The virtual domain services are pro- tional architecture allocated to the physical architecture, de-
vided by the digital factory, digital twin, or virtual model of rived input/output, technology and system-wide trade off and
the enterprise and include queries and simulation services. qualification requirements for each component, an interface ar-
chitecture that has been integrated as one of the components,
The management or common services include all other ser- and complete documentation of the design and major design
vices required by the enterprise including management of decisions. [36]
life cycle, data, security, knowledge, devices, service quality,
and network configuration. All of the above enable effective The best matching of the IoT and IoS components is
collaborative automation and collaborative e-Work. enabled by forming a collaborative network of organizations
(CNO) [15, 16], where the organizations share their respec-
tive resources and services to accomplish their individual and
collective goals (Fig. 18.12).
18.3.3 IoT-IoS Integration (Allocated Due to the dynamic variations in demand and capacity,
Architecture) organizations may encounter capacity shortage/surplus over
time and thus collaborate by sharing their shareable services
With the IoT and IoS architectures defined (in the previous to balance the overall workload of the network and minimize
section), the third architectural element is allocated archi- idle resources, congestion, and delays. These decisions deal
416 M. Moghaddam and S. Y. Nof

Digital factory

Modeling and simulation services enterprises



Manufacturing service bus

Network Security Knowledge Data Device Business

management management management management management intelligence

Manufacturing service bus Consumers


compute Gateway

Real-time & safety critical Connected
Real factory

Real-time services Control apps OT domain

Data/modeling services Data analytics apps Database
Operation services Operations apps IT domain knowledge base
Enterprise services Enterprise apps
IT services Configuration apps Virtual domain

Fig. 18.11 The NIST reference architecture. (Adapted from [42])

Enterprise Internet of ‘services’ (IoS) Service

service bus
Internet of ‘things’ (IoT) Component

Fig. 18.12 IoT-IoS integration in a collaborative network of organizations composed of two organizations, A and B. (After [43])

with intra-/inter-organization matching of services and com- CNO can significantly improve the fulfillment of requested
ponents. Best matching for collaborative service-component services while avoiding unnecessary collaboration and that
integration can be done such that the overall fulfillment of the impact of best matching grows with the size of the CNO
the requested services is maximized while unnecessary col- network. That is, as the number and diversity of components
laboration is avoided to minimize its associated costs [43]. In and services increase, the capabilities of the organizations
other words, the collaboration can be optimized. Experiments and the CNO as a whole in fulfilling their allocated services
show that best matching of components and services in a increase, which is due to having access to a larger and
18 Collaborative Control and E-work Automation 417

more diverse pool of components and thus higher likelihood

of finding the best match for each individual component p1 p2
and service. The allocated architecture, in essence, can help
define the allocation of functions to physical objects and t1 t3 t3
the execution of functions by distributed and autonomous
p3 p4
agents. Advanced analytical models and tools are required for
controlling this dynamic composition and execution process, t4
as described next.

p5 p6 p7 p8 p9
18.4 Design Principles for Collaborative
e-Work, Collaborative Automation, t5 t6 t7
and CCT
p10 p11 p12 p13
The “networked” nature of the emerging e-Work systems
demands the participating entities (e.g., machines, devices, 18
robots, humans) to be more autonomous, self- and
environment-aware, and intelligent. They also have to share Fig. 18.13 A generic Petri net representation of Task Administration
Protocols. (After [9])
distributed and decentralized control of tasks and resources.
That introduces new problems related to optimizing the
interactions in an ecosystem of agents [44]. Hence, rigorous complex decisions beyond simple coordination need to be
analytical methods and mechanisms must be and have made (e.g., tasks close to the deadline, dynamic priorities,
been developed for guiding, optimizing, and governing the or preemption).
interactions between the agents—from simple data exchange Figure 18.13 shows a generic Petri net associated with
to high-level cognitive collaborations [4]. This section an e-Work system, where a set of agents must process a
first presents a consolidated framework for collaborative set of tasks. The Petri net is composed of a set of places
e-Work based on Task Administration Protocols (TAP) to P = p1 , . . . , p13 and a set of transitions T = t1 , . . . , t7 ,
demonstrate potential scenarios handled by various CCT which respectively represent the possible states of the system
design principles. Next, the basic and emerging CCT and the actions that change the states. The following steps
design principles are discussed and illustrated based on indicate how TAP enable the system of agents transitions
years of research and discovery, experimental, and practice between different places:
validations, rooted in successful, proven principles and
models of heterogeneous, autonomous, distributed, and 1. Arrival of tasks (t1 ): Upon arrival, the collaboration re-
parallel computing and communication. quirements and dependencies of the tasks must be iden-
tified. This transition is made before the tasks are ready
to be processed by the agents (i.e., p1 ). The task that
18.4.1 Generic Framework has higher priority should be served first. The arriving
tasks may be new or returning. The returning tasks can
TAP [45] is a generic framework for effective task allocation be classified as in two categories:
and administration in collaborative e-Work systems. TAP • Timed-out tasks. Some tasks may be returned due to un-
enables efficient processing of several tasks (e.g., service resolved conflicts or errors (i.e., p11 ), excessive agent
requests, intermediate processes) through interaction and occupation, preemption, adaptation, or relaxation of
collaboration among distributed agents. The fulfillment of in- their requirements (i.e., p12 ).
dividual tasks depends on how individual agents collaborate • Tasks with unavailable agents. Some agents may tem-
with each other. TAP supports efficient control, coordination, porarily or permanently become unavailable (i.e., p7 ).
and harmonization of tasks by enabling the exchange of As a result, their associated task is returned to the
information and decisions between the participating agents. queue.
ISO 14258:1998 [46] formalizes a task data model with Transition t1 is supported by the Collaboration Re-
three main data elements: primary (e.g., product, shop floor, quirement Planning and Parallelism principles of CCT
planning and control), secondary (e.g., responsibility), and discussed in Sect. 18.4.2.
tertiary (e.g., resource). TAP allows agents to handle two 2. Arrival of resources (t2 ): Similar to t1 , this transition is
types of situations, where the dependencies between the made before the agents are ready to process the tasks
tasks and agents are dynamic (a function of time) and where (i.e., p2 ). The agents available in the system could be new
418 M. Moghaddam and S. Y. Nof

agents, agents freed after a successful operation (i.e., p9 ), the Parallelism and Error and Conflict Prognostics
agents with timed-out tasks (i.e., p13 ), or agents with can- principles of CCT discussed in Sect. 18.4.2.
celled tasks (i.e., p8 ). Through this transition, the optimal 7. Re-synchronization and emergence handling (t7 ): This
configuration and assignment of agents are identified with transition is triggered once an agent becomes unavailable
respect to the current requirements of the system. Tran- (i.e., p7 ), a task is cancelled (i.e., p8 ), or both. The con-
sition t2 is supported by the Parallelism, Resilience by figuration and assignment of the agents and tasks are then
Teaming, Error and Conflict Prognostics, Association- updated and optimized in real-time, and then the excessive
Dissociation, and Dynamic Lines of Collaboration prin- tasks (i.e., p12 ) are returned to their corresponding queues
ciples of CCT discussed in Sect. 18.4.2. and the freed agents (i.e., p13 ) become available. Tran-
3. Task-resource matching (t3 ): Upon identifying available sition t7 is supported by the Association-Dissociation,
tasks and agents in the system, this transition is per- Dynamic Lines of Collaboration, and Best Matching
formed to match and synchronize the best agents (i.e., p4 ) principles of CCT discussed in Sect. 18.4.2.
and tasks (i.e., p3 ). As explained earlier, the Collabora-
tion Requirement Planning is the key principle applied TAP provides a foundational framework for developing
for dynamic matching of tasks and agents, determining analytical methods, algorithms, and protocols that enable and
“who does what and when.” Transition t3 is supported by optimize agent interactions and behaviors in collaborative e-
the Collaboration Requirement Planning, Parallelism, Work systems based on the CCT design principles discussed
Association-Dissociation, Dynamic Lines of Collabo- next.
ration, and Best Matching principles of CCT discussed
in Sect. 18.4.2.
4. Real-time execution (t4 ): This transition allows real-time 18.4.2 Design Principles
modification of collaboration plans and provision of feed-
back on each individual task and agent. This transition Over the years, several principles have been developed at
may lead to the following potential states in the system: er- the PRISM (Production, Robotics, and Integration Software
rors/conflicts in the process (i.e., p5 ), abnormal processes for Manufacturing and Management) Center at Purdue Uni-
with time-out conditions (i.e., p6 ); unavailability of agents versity for the design and engineering of collaborative con-
(i.e., p7 ), cancellation of tasks (i.e., p8 ), or successful com- trol and e-Work automation. These principles address many
pletion of the process (i.e., p9 ). Transition t4 is supported of the collaborative e-Work dimensions (Fig. 18.5) in vari-
by the Collaboration Requirement Planning principle ous manufacturing, production, and service application do-
of CCT discussed in Sect. 18.4.2. mains. This research has been rooted in successful, proven
5. Resolution of errors/conflicts (t5 ): This transition is ac- principles and models of heterogeneous, autonomous, dis-
tivated once an error or a conflict is detected (i.e., p5 ). tributed, and parallel computing and communication for ef-
Supported by the Error and Conflict Prognostics prin- fective task administration in collaborative e-Work systems.
ciple of collaborative e-Work, this transition allows to The remainder of this section elaborates on various design
identify and isolate the error/conflict and prevent future principles for collaborative e-Work and CCT (see [4] for
occurrences. The outcome, however, is not necessarily details).
an error-/conflict-free system. Thus, the potential states
of the system after this transition may include recov- Principle of Collaboration Requirement Planning This
ered/resolved (i.e., p10 ) or unrecovered/unresolved (i.e., principle specifies that effective collaboration can only be
p11 ) error/conflict. If p10 occurs, the system will return achieved through advanced planning and feedback loops,
to normal execution (i.e., t4 ), while under p11 , the system generally in two phases: (1) Plan generation, where a binary
will undergo the t6 transition. Transition t5 is supported collaboration requirement matrix is developed to determine
by the Error and Conflict Prognostics principle of CCT the tasks and collaborators of each agent. The entries of
discussed in Sect. 18.4.2. this matrix signify whether a resource (one or a group of
6. Timed-out task & resource release (t6 ): This transition multiple agents) is capable of performing a task or not.
follows abnormal processes with time-out conditions (i.e., (2) Plan execution & revision, where the plan generated in
p6 ) and/or unrecovered/unresolved errors/conflicts (i.e., the first phase is revised and executed in real-time. This
p11 ). The time-out condition occurs when a task uses an phase is intended to resolve any potential conflicts in the
agent more than certain time-out threshold. Following this plan that were overlooked in the first phase. In essence, this
transition, the respective agent and task are released and principle involves solving a problem of dynamic matching
returned to the set of available agents (see t2 ) and available [11] between agents and tasks, as required by the allocated
tasks (see t1 ), respectively. Transition t6 is supported by architecture described in Sect. 18.3.3.
18 Collaborative Control and E-work Automation 419

Principle of Parallelism In any distributed network of The parallelism principle is highly relevant to the KISS:
agents, some tasks must be performed in parallel. Thus, Keep It Simple System! principle. Some e-Work systems
task dependencies and their types must be considered before either are too complicated and confusing for human workers
they are assigned to agents. Two tasks can be identical, or change drastically over time with updates. Such systems
complementary, or unrelated, which determines whether are not cost-effective from the training standpoint. This is
they can be performed in parallel or not. The economic an additional workload and cost that ought to be mini-
aspect of performing tasks should also be considered. This mized. Building on traditional human-computer and human-
principle states that agents must be enabled to communicate automation usability design principles, KISS states that e-
and interact to collaboratively perform their assigned Work systems must be as complicated as necessary and as
tasks. This comes with a trade-off between the operation simple as possible.
cost and the communication cost—the higher/lower the
communicate rate, the higher/lower the communication cost, Principle of Error and Conflict Prognostics Any e-Work
the lower/higher the operation cost. Obtaining an optimal system, regardless of it size and distribution degree, is prone
degree of parallelism is key to minimizing the total cost. to errors and/or conflicts. This principle states that errors
This principle is built upon the Distributed Planning of and conflicts must be predicted and prevented early and with
Integrated Execution Method (DPIEM) [47] and includes five minimum cost, in order to avoid the eventual collapse of the 18
guidelines to enable e-Work support systems (Fig. 18.14): system (Fig. 18.15).

1. Formulate, decompose, and allocate problems • Error. An error occurs when an agent’s goal, result, or
2. Enable applications to communicate and interact under state is different from the expectation by a value larger
TAP than a margin of error. An error is defined as follows:
3. Trigger and resynchronize independent agents to coher-
ently and cohesively take actions and make decisions ∃E[ωa (t)], if sωa −−−−→ κr (t), (18.1)
4. Enable agents to reason, interact, and coordinate with each
other and with their environment where E is error, ωa (t) is agent a at time t, sωa is the state
5. Develop conflict resolution, error recovery, and diagnostic of agent a at time t, and κr (t) is system constraint r at
and recovery strategies based on the Error and Conflict time t.
Prognostics principle

Organizations at
the same location

w1 w6 w 6⬘
w 1⬘

Logical w 4⬘
w2 Integration organization Dist. assignment w 2⬘
w 7⬘
w7 (Y *, F)
w3 Stage 3: w 3⬘
Stage 1:
1. Measurement of K w 5⬘
Tasks being
Integration when assigning
executed in the Operational to distributed sites
organization: (w 1,...,w r) 2. Comparison of K Communication
Yi, Fi Distributed oW and savings from F
Optimized links among
distributed tasks
organizations 3. Repeat DPIEM
(Y, F d) Stage 2: distributed
K > Fd – F
Min F
(F should include
server cost)

Fig. 18.14 The operational stages of the Distributed Planning of Inte- operational cost, K: the costs of distributed assignment of integrated
grated Execution Method (DPIEM). (After [47]). : degree of paral- tasks, : integrated organization of agents, ω: individual agents
lelism, : operational cost of an integrated task graph, d : distributed
420 M. Moghaddam and S. Y. Nof

Consider, for example, a clustered network of sensors,

Propagate Propagate where sensors in each cluster transmit signals to their re-
CEs E[wa(t)] CEs spective cluster head, and the sensors continually associate
with or dissociate from the network when recharged or run

out of power, respectively (Fig. 18.16). The three aforemen-
tioned questions become critical in this case, because the
Diagnosed Predicted
Association-Dissociation decisions are subject to the topol-
ogy of each cluster as well as the status of each sensor,
Detection Detect Predict Prediction
thus requiring dynamic matching conditioned on the interde-
logic diagnose logic pendent preferences and rewards of distributed agents [49].
:(t) Experiments on distributed systems like this example prove
the critical role of the Association-Dissociation principle
Diagnosed Predicted in rapid adjustment of the overall performance and opti-

mization of the system performance through best matching

(Fig. 18.17).
Propagate Propagate Other application examples of this principle include net-
CEs C[:(t)] CEs
worked organizations, swarm robotics, machine scheduling,
Activity Result and storage assignment, among others [11]. The Association-
Dissociation principle analyzes the conditions and timing for
individual agents or networks of agents to associate with or
Fig. 18.15 The error and conflict prognostics framework in a collabo- dissociate from a collaborative network. The decisions are
ration network. (After [48]) made at different levels in the entire network—by individual
agents, subnetworks, or clusters of agents, or among multiple
networks. The analysis includes several phases, from creation
• Conflict. A conflict occurs between two or more agents, and execution to dissolution and support.
when an agent’s goal or error hinders another agent’s
actions. A conflict is defined as follows: Principle of Resilience by Teaming This principle states
that a network of weak agents is more efficient and reliable
∃C[(t)], if s −−−−→ κr (t), (18.2) than a single strong agent [50]. An argument supporting
this premise is that a monolithic system will be at risk of
where C is conflict, (t) is the integrated agent network shutting down in case of an unexpected incident or error in
at time t, s is the state of the integrated agent network at its single agent. On the other hand, a distributed network
time t, and κr (t) is system constraint r at time t. of agents will still continue to function, if not as optimal
as before, when an agent fails. Exploration and research
As the system becomes more distributed, the rate of in- of the mechanisms behind the failure of e-Work networks
teractions among agents increases, and as a consequence, have revealed that those capable of surviving are not only
the probability of error or conflict occurrence increases. See robust, but resilient [12]. In a given network of distributed and
Chapter 22 for detailed discussions on automated error and autonomous agents that interact to enable the flow of tasks,
conflict prognostics. physical goods, and/or information, each agent contains a
set of internal resources Ra for transforming the input flow
Principle of Association-Dissociation This principle states into output flow, following a set of control protocols CPa . A
that the dynamic variations in the topology, size, and opera- communication link cli→j represents the connection between
tions of collaborative networks of agents must be optimized the control protocols of agents i and j (from i to j). A flow link
with regard to three key questions: fli→j , on the other hand, represents the flow of tasks, physical
goods, and/or information from agent i to agent j (Fig. 18.18).
1. When and why should an agent be associated with or Each individual agent is responsible for controlling its own
dissociated from a network of agents [16]? internal resource network, to enable intra-agent flow, and
2. What are the expected rewards and costs for an individual defining sourcing and distribution networks, to enable inter-
agent to participate or opt to remain in a network [15]? agent flow.
3. What are the impacts of the interdependencies between
the agents’ preferences and goals on the overall perfor- The Resilience by Teaming principle, based on the agent
mance of the network [49]? network formalism in Fig. 18.18, defines a two-level frame-
18 Collaborative Control and E-work Automation 421

Cluster head sensor

Base station
Regular sensor

ω2 ω 18 ω 16
ω 12

ω3 ω4 ω 15
:1 ω 11
ω 17
ω9 ω 14
ω 10 :5
ω6 :4
:3 ω7 18

ω 13
Associating sensor Dissociating sensor
(e.g., recharged) (e.g., no power)

Fig. 18.16 The Association-Dissociation principle in a sensor network must be answered: (a) What cluster should ω0 associate with? (b) Will
with single- and multi-hop clusters. Sensor ω13 is dissociating from the association of ω0 and dissociation of ω13 impact the overall, optimal
cluster 5 and sensor ω0 is joining the network. Two key questions topology of the network? (After [11], Ch. 6)

work to ensure the global and local resilience of the network age sourcing from predecessors (SFCP), control flow
(Fig. 18.19) [52]: through internal resources (IFCP), and enable the dis-
tribution of flow to successors of an agent (DFCP).
• Network-level requirements for global resilience:
– Situation awareness. Agents are required to partici- According to the Resilience by Teaming principle, re-
pate in secure and privacy-preserving transactions with silience is an inherent ability of agents and an emergent
other agents and with the network regulators to collab- ability of agent networks and involves restoring/maintaining
oratively detect and resolve potential vulnerabilities in quality of service (QoS) through the active prognosis of
network topology or agent interactions. errors and conflicts that potentially lead to disruptions [53].
– Negotiation. Agents are required to follow certain ne-
gotiation mechanisms and protocols for all strategic de- Principle of Dynamic Lines of Collaboration Due to the
cisions to be made collaboratively, including topolog- interconnected nature of CPS agents, disruptions that initially
ical requirements, demand and capacity sharing, and affect only a small part of any network tend to escalate and
defining service-level agreement. The purpose of these cascade throughout the entire system. This principle states
negotiations is to enhance individual and collective that intelligent technologies for interaction, communication,
resilience of agents. sharing, and collaboration must support first responders and
• Agent-level requirements for local resilience: emergency handlers and enhance their responsiveness and
– Design. Agents are required to follow two team ability to collaborate with one another in controlling dis-
design protocols, Sourcing Team Formation/Re- ruptions and preventing their escalation [13]. This principle
configuration Protocol (STF/RP) and Distribution Net- is particularly critical for disruptions with cascade failure
work Formation/Re-configuration Protocol (DNF/RP), effect, where, depending on the local network structure, an
to dynamically make sourcing and distribution initial failure fades away quickly or propagates to a system
network decisions, respectively. This is done through collapse (Fig. 18.20a). In such situations, the failure can be
communication links cli→j , by making or breaking prevented by deployment of a response team, if at least two
flow links fli→j . responders are available that are connected to each vertex
– Operation. Agents are required to operationalize the of the failed link and the responders are able to collaborate
design decisions by following three protocols to man- within a limited response time (Fig. 18.20b).
422 M. Moghaddam and S. Y. Nof

Association/dissociation of agents Arrangement/dissolution of networks

(e.g., sensors) (e.g., sensor clusters)
0.9 1
Small network
Fitness value

Fitness value
0.84 0.9
0.82 0.85
0.8 0.8
0.74 0.7
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Iterations Iterations

0.98 1.1
Large network
Fitness value

Fitness value
0.92 1
0.9 0.95
0.84 0.85
0.82 0.8
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Iterations Iterations

Fig. 18.17 The impact of best matching with interdependent prefer- value in two different problem sets with small and large number of
ences and rewards on the ability of a network of agents (e.g., Fig. 18.16) agents/networks. (After [49]). Solid/no-fill line: best-match consider-
to rapidly adapt to the association/dissociation of individual agents or to ing/without considering interdependent preferences and rewards
the arrangement/dissolution of networks, and optimize its overall fitness

Comm. w/ other agent
agents Control protocols


clioj Input Output

i j

flioj fljoi flioj

Internal resources Ra

Supply network

Communication link

Flow link

Fig. 18.18 Intra- and inter-agent communication and flow networks. (After [51])
18 Collaborative Control and E-work Automation 423

Situation awareness N Agent-agent negotiation

Network level

SN topology awareness via collaboration Y

Vulnerability SN topology requirements for resilience
among agents and SN regulators
detected? Lateral collaboration; DCS
Collaborative SN vulnerability detection
SLA definition
Effective communication networks

TO[Pa1] SLAaoj
Pa Pa1Pa2 Sa

GO[Pa1] (dmin
GEO ) SLAjoa

Sourcing network Internal resource network Distribution network


Sourcing team formation/re- Resource parallelism Distribution network formation/ 18


configuration protocol Storage design for predictive re-configuration protocol

STF/RP management DNF/RP
Agent level

Pa Pa1Pa2 Haoj


IRN topology
q(|Pa1|, 0, 'tr) N
J [r], r Ra
'tr ra
for resilience

Sourcing flow control protocol Internal flow control protocol Distribution flow control protocol
TL[r S ]

Fig. 18.19 Formalism and framework for the Resilience by Teaming design capacity of resource r ∈ Ra , rs : storage type resource in Ra ,
principle in a network of distributed and autonomous agents depicted Hi→j : set of intermediaries between i and j, t: time, θ(x, w, tr ): fraction
in Fig. 18.18. (After [52]). SN: supply network, DCS: demand-capacity of sourcing requests that can be served by x agents (out of w) within tr ,
sharing, SLA: service-level agreement, IRN: internal resource network, GEO : minimum distance between agents to avoid proximity-correlated
GO: topographical overlap, TO: topological overlap, TL: target level of disruptions, ρ, κ: model parameters
storage, Pa : predecessors of agent a, Sa : successors of agent a, ν[r]:

Dynamic Lines of Collaboration is an emerging CCT principle is motivated by the need for optimizing agent in-
principle, which still requires extensive, multidisciplinary teractions through best matching in planning and scheduling,
investigations in several directions [13]. Two crucial require- enterprise network design, transportation and construction
ments for emergency response and disruption handling and planning, recruitment, problem-solving, selective assembly,
prevention in distributed networks are reducing the response team formation, and sensor network design, among others
time and controlling the spread of disruptions. Strategies [56–61]. The PRISM taxonomy of best matching [11] de-
observed in biological systems (e.g., immune system) can picted in Fig. 18.22 is a standardized framework for synthe-
inspire the control of collaborating responders to achieve sizing best matching problems in different domains across
this end. Furthermore, new mechanisms are required to tailor 3 + 1 dimensions representing the sets of entities and their
the advanced response strategies to the unique features and relationships (D1), the conditions that govern the matching
requirements of each particular domain. Dynamic teaming processes (D2), the criteria for finding the best match (D3),
and resource reinforcement functions are also required for and the dynamics of the matching process over time (D+).
effective and proactive response to both random disruptions
and targeted attacks, errors, or conflicts (Fig. 18.21). Best matching plays a key role in optimizing collaborative
activities and transactions in distributed e-Work systems.
Principle of Best Matching This principle states that best In collaborative supply networks, for instance, demand-
matching of distributed and autonomous entities in an e-Work capacity sharing between individual firms has become
system, either natural or artificial, is essential to ensure their a common practice and an attractive strategy for both
smooth conduct and successful competitiveness [55]. The competing and non-competing suppliers (e.g., airlines, test
424 M. Moghaddam and S. Y. Nof

a) 0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 1

0 0 0

1 1 1
0 0 0
0 0 0

t = 0, the highlighted node fails. t = 1, the dashed links fail. t = 2, nodes fail according to j.


1 1 0

0 0 0

1 1 0


t = 0, the dashed link t = tD, one highlighted t = tD+tR. Link is

fails; two highlighted responder disconnects from its restored. All responders
responders start to respond. original node (depot) and are back to idle state.
connects with a desired node to
repair the failed link.

Fig. 18.20 Cascade failure (a) and link repair (b) with the Dynamic timespan, G: a network representation of the cyber-physical system, R:
Lines of Collaboration disruption handling and prevention models (after a network representation of the response team
[13]). ϕ: cascading threshold, t: time tD : responder travel time, tR : repair

Fig. 18.21 Emergency disruption handling in Hetch Hetchy water [54]). Hetch Hetchy serves 2.6 million residential, commercial, and
system based on the principle of Dynamic Lines of Collaboration. (After industrial customers in San Francisco bay area from 11 reservoirs. (Map
source: San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, 2014)
18 Collaborative Control and E-work Automation 425

D1 Number of sets D2 - Resource constraints

Pairwise relationships - Precedence relations
- One-to-one (1-to-1) - Resource sharing

- One-to-many (1-to-many) - Interdependent preferences

- Many-to-many (many-to-many) - Sequential matching


it i o
- ...


D3 Number & type of criteria D+ Dynamic system parameters

Objective function Emergent sets of entities
- Overall satisfaction
- Bottleneck 18
- Minimum deviation
- Goal programming
- Multi-objective
- ...

Fig. 18.22 The PRISM taxonomy of best matching in dynamic and distributed e-Work systems. (After [11])

Demand fulfillment Capacity utilization Network stability Total cost

Improvement (%)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Fig. 18.23 Improvements in demand fulfillment, capacity utilization, suppliers-customers—baseline: collaboration with fixed pre-matching
stability, and total cost of a collaborative supply network through of suppliers and customers and under the demand-capacity sharing
dynamic best matching of capacity-/demand-sharing proposals and protocol. (After [59])

and assembly factories, outsourced maintenance/logistics improving demand fulfillment, capacity utilization, and
providers). Demand-capacity sharing decisions are intended network stability, through dynamic matching of suppliers
to maximize profit and improve resource utilization, and customers based on the capacity-demand gap for
customer satisfaction, and the overall stability of the supply each supplier, and improving the collaboration process by
network, by allowing suppliers with capacity shortage matching the demand-/capacity-sharing proposals associated
to utilize the excessive capacities of other suppliers in with different suppliers (Fig. 18.23) [56].
fulfilling their excessive demand [62–64]. However, high Another application example of the best matching
frequency of “unoptimized” collaboration may impose principle is in collaborative assembly systems [60], where
additional costs associated with transactions, negotiations, manufacturing resources or “tools” are dynamically shared
and lateral transshipment of stocks. Best matching can between busy and idle workstations to alleviate bottlenecks
play a key role in minimizing the collaboration costs and (Fig. 18.24). This process can be accomplished through two
426 M. Moghaddam and S. Y. Nof

Hierarchical control Collaborative control Feedback control

Mediator agent

Work- Work- Work-

station 1 station 2 station N


Cyber layer

Physical layer



Fig. 18.24 Collaborative assembly architecture. Workstation agents match(es) during each cycle and establish their viability (survivability)
(WAs) monitor the processes and calculate the estimated workload in and autonomy (independence). (Adapted from [11])
each cycle. Tool agents (TAs) negotiate with WAs to identify their best

integrated best matching mechanisms: (1) dynamic tool influencing collaborative control in e-Work, e-Business,
sharing between fully loaded (i.e., bottleneck) and partially and e-Service. Animal-to-animal interactions such as those
loaded workstations and (2) dynamic matching of tasks and observed among ants, bees, fish, and birds have provided
workstations. This dynamic matching process accomplished a source of inspiration for devising collaborative control
through distributed multi-agent negotiation mechanisms [61] mechanisms. The autocatalytic behavior [71] of these
are proven to enhance the overall balanceability of assembly insects/animals creates a positive feedback loop that over
lines (i.e., the overall workload evenly distributed between time enables them to collectively make decisions that
all active workstations) and minimize the deviation of the optimize their overall performance (e.g., detect the shortest
assembly system from the planned cycle time in case of path to a food source or find the best navigation trajectory
dynamic and unexpected changes in processing times and/or that minimizes energy consumption). In a similar fashion, the
system performance (Fig. 18.25). need to reduce the complexity of decisions in a collaborative
The CCT design principles, protocols, and tools described e-Work system can be accomplished by sharing appropriate
above have been validated experimentally and have been hints between the agents to make decisions with local
proven to be successful in industrial, service, and government information, thus minimizing communication overload
applications. Examples are described in [4] and in [12,16,47, (Fig. 18.26). Applications in e-Work, e-Business, and e-
51–53,53,56,59,62,63,65,66] for manufacturing and supply Service include distributed decision-making by mobile
chains, [57, 60, 61] for assembly, [13, 67], for disruption software agents, message-based interactions among agents
handling, and [68–70] for greenhouse automation. and robots, and measures such as viability (survivability) and
autonomy (independence).

18.4.3 Emerging Thrusts Learning and Adaptation in Collaborative Control The

negotiation-based methods for collaborative control are often
Bioinspired Collaborative Control The knowledge and capable of modeling a generic and limited set of states
discoveries in biological sciences have recently begun and actions and depend upon hand-engineered policies that
18 Collaborative Control and E-work Automation 427


Deviation from planned


cycle time (%)


Tool sharing with best matching Tool sharing without best matching

Fig. 18.25 Improvements in the deviation from the planned cycle approach with no matching, it also is able to improve the optimal plan
time through the collaborative assembly architecture in Fig. 18.24. Best by responding to the dynamic changes in the system during execution. 18
matching not only reduces the deviation compared to the baseline (After [61])

Nominated Nominated Nominated

solution 1 solution 2 solution 3
R6 R6 R6
R5 R5 R5
R3 R3 R3
R1 R1 R1
Time Time Time

Ra2 Ra4
{R1-R2-R4-R6} Ra1

Oa1 Ra3 Ra5

t0 t1 t2 t3

R2 R4
Arrival of *Op2 *Op3
order 1 at R1 R6
time t0 *Op1 *Op4
R3 R5
*Op2 *Op3

Fig. 18.26 Exploring mechanism of an ant agent in multi-agent manufacturing control systems. (After [72]). R: resource, Ra : resource agent, t:

are difficult to build, are domain-specific, and unable to domain-specific and require a significant amount of time and
capture the complex nature of agent interactions in collab- effort to build and maintain.
orative e-Work, e-Business, and e-Service systems. One of
the established approaches that tackles this limitation is the Recent advances in artificial intelligence and deep learn-
dynamical systems theory [73–76], which mathematically ing [77] have enabled new possibilities for collaborative con-
describes the behavior of complex, collaborative dynamical trol of distributed and autonomous agents in e-Work systems
systems through advanced differential equations. Although through deep reinforcement learning (DRL) [78]. This setup
these methods allow to develop precise mathematical models is ideal for industrial applications where, for example, an
for actions, states, state transitions, and policies, they are industrial robot has to take several steps to finish an operation
not the best platform for building collaborative e-Work sys- (e.g., assembly, welding, pick-and-place), a mobile robot has
tem for one main reason: They are “model-based” and thus to navigate through various points in a warehouse to complete
428 M. Moghaddam and S. Y. Nof

ical environments for the agents to experience different

Environment policies and master their respective complex tasks through
Aggregate Reward State Reward State Reward State
action rk(1) sk(1) rk(2) sk(2) rk(n) sk(n)
ak Further research will address and overcome the above
Agent 1 Agent 2 Agent n
limitations. As a result, learning and adaptive collaborative
control will enable better collaboration engineering of col-
Action Action Action
ak(1) ak(2) ak(n) laborative automation and collaborative e-Work.

18.5 Conclusions and Challenges
Fig. 18.27 The stochastic game for multi-agent RL. sk : state of agent
i at step k, a(i) (i)
k : action of agent i at step k, rk : reward of agent i at step k Collaboration must be automated in distributed and com-
plex systems of machines, humans, and organizations that
must be automated to augment the abilities of individual
a delivery, or a smart product has to go through a series entities and entire e-Work systems to accomplish their mis-
of processing equipment to be finished. The resurgence of sions. The benefits of e-Work, e-Business, and e-Service
artificial neural networks after the multi-decade long “AI and any collaborative automation, in general, are the direct
winter” and the rise of deep learning allowed DRL to boom results of automating collaborative processes, the integration
and reach superhuman performance in playing both single- of physical processes with computation through embedded
and multi-agent Atari games just a few years ago [79–82]. computers and feedback control loops, and the access to
These recent remarkable achievements by DRL signify its a full-fledged Internet of smart agents, machines, systems,
potentials for solving more complex and practical problems, products, and humans. Collaborative e-Work and CCT enable
including the collaborative control and automation of multi- the cyber-based automation of processes and strategies for
agent, industrial systems. error/conflict/disruption mitigation and prevention that are
Multi-agent DRL [83–86] involves multiple agents that proven to guarantee better service, faster response, and more
learn by dynamically interacting with a shared environment profit. The adaptability and autonomy of e-Work systems and
(Fig. 18.27). At the intersection of DRL, game theory, and enterprises enabled by CCT allow the automation of business
direct policy search techniques, multi-agent RL is formally processes 24/7 with decreasing need for human interven-
defined as a stochastic game: a dynamic game with proba- tion, from factory floors to transportation systems, hospitals,
bilistic transitions played in a sequence of stages, where the agricultural fields, trade markets, and offices. Moreover, the
outcomes of each stage depend on (1) the previous stage of abundance of and immediate access to business and oper-
the game played and (2) the actions of the agents in that game ational data from anywhere, and anytime, enable workers
[84]. Notwithstanding its potentials, application of multi- and enterprises to collaborate more efficiently and more
agent DRL for intelligent control of distributed and collabo- effectively toward their individual and shared goals.
rative e-Work, e-Business, and e-Service systems require sev- The methods by which distributed agents, from micro- and
eral theoretical and technological challenges to be addressed: nano-sensors to computers, machines, humans, and enter-
prises, interact and collaborate are being rapidly transformed.
1. The first and foremost is the curse of dimensionality. Future research and discovery must advance the theoretical
The state-action space of agents exponentially grows as foundations of e-Work and the principles of CCT in various
a function of the number of states, actions, and agents in theoretical and technological directions [4, 87, 88], among
the system. them:
2. Specifying the agents’ learning goals in the general
stochastic game is a challenging task as the agents’ returns 1. Computer and communication security. Emerging
are correlated and cannot be maximized independently. collaborative automation systems demand higher levels
3. All agents in the system are learning simultaneously, and of dependability and security, and effective structured
thus, each agent is faced with a moving-target learning backup and recovery mechanisms for information,
problem, known as non-stationarity. That is, the best over- computer, and communication systems. New theories,
all policy changes as the other agents’ policies change. methods, and technologies are required for preventing and
4. The agents’ actions must be mutually consistent in order eliminating any conceivable errors, failures, and conflicts,
to achieve their individual and collective goals. and sustaining critical continuity of operations.
5. Application of multi-agent RL to practical e-Work settings 2. Information assurance. A key requirement for next-
requires precise and detailed digital replicas of the phys- generation e-Work systems is to manage the risks associ-
18 Collaborative Control and E-work Automation 429

ated with the use, processing, storage, and transmission the knowledge and expertise dispersed among several
of information among distributed entities. Information disciplines and research areas to avoid potential cultural
assurance is critical for ensuring confidentiality, integrity, conflicts.
and availability of information and knowledge-based 8. Leveraging recent advances in artificial intelligence. The
systems. rise of deep learning after the decades-long AI winter must
3. Ethics. The design of collaborative automation systems be leveraged to invent methods and algorithms that enable
must be cognizant of potential ethical issues and chal- agents to directly learn from abundant real-time sensory
lenges. Examples include privacy violation, anonymous data to optimize the performance of distributed e-Work
access to individual property, recording conversations and systems in a distributed, synchronous, and autonomous
proprietary knowledge, cybercrime, cyberterrorism, and fashion. Future research must focus on the development
information hiding or obscuring. of the digital tools and analytical methods and algo-
4. Sustainability. Sustainable design of collaborative rithms that can augment CCT and e-Work automation by
automation systems require new technical and organi- bringing this vision to life. That includes defining and
zational solutions surrounding business processes, supply developing the foundations for collaborative control to
networks, product design and life cycle management, create synergies between existing CCT design principles
process innovation, and technology advancements. Major and AI methods such as reinforcement learning, expand- 18
sustainability challenges are: ing the breadth of investigation and implementation of
• Environmental: Strategic reduction of waste, reduc- collaborative e-Work principles and methodologies, and
tion of industrial pollution, energy consumption and defining and assessing new measures for productivity,
hazards, and environmental disasters caused by the efficiency, resilience, and adaptability to better understand
industry and improve the emerging e-Work systems and collabora-
• Social: Employee satisfaction, quality of life, expendi- tive automation environments.
ture on peripheral development, and workplace safety See more on collaborative robots automation in Chap-
and health ter 15, and on interoperability in Chapter 33.
• Economic: Sustaining profitability and viability, trans-
portation and civil activities, turnover ratio, gross mar- 18.6 Further Reading
gin, and capital investment
5. Ability to collaborate more effectively. The ubiquitous and • X.W. Chen: Network Science Models for Data Analytics
real-time access to abundant business and operational data Automation: Theories and Applications (Springer ACES
and platforms through collaborative automation systems Series, Cham, Switzerland 2022) vol. 9.
(e.g., mobile commerce, tele-medicine, fee-based infor- • L.N. de Castro: Fundamentals of Natural Computing:
mation delivery, ubiquitous computing) must enhance the Basic Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications (Chapman
ability of enterprises to collaborate internally and with Hall/CRC, New York 2006).
the external world. This requires new communication • H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel, K. Steinbuhler: e-Business and
technologies, and collaborative control mechanisms pro- e-Commerce for Managers (Prentice-Hall, New Jersey
vide all entities with the information and decision-making 2001).
capabilities they need to work toward their individual and • V.G. Duffy, S.J. Landry, J.D. Lee, N. Stanton (Eds.):
collective goals. Human-Automation Interaction: Transportation (Springer
6. Incentive-based collaboration. Collaborative automation ACES Series, Cham, Switzerland 2023).
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compete, and what are the role and optimal level and User Experience (Springer ACES Series, Cham,
of collaboration to ensure the competitiveness of an Switzerland 2023).
individual entity? Collaboration by itself may not always • V.G. Duffy, M. Ziefle, P-L.P. Rau, M.M. Tseng (Eds.):
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Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning. Nature to joining Northeastern, he was with the GE-Purdue Partnership in
518(7540), 529–533 (2015) Research and Innovation in Advanced Manufacturing as a Postdoc-
80. Silver, D., Huang, A., Maddison, C.J., Guez, A., Sifre, L., Van Den toral Associate. His areas of research interest include cyber-physical
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V., Lanctot, M., Dieleman, S., Grewe, D., Nham, J., Kalchbrenner, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. He is coauthor of over
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networks and tree search. Nature 529(7587), 484–489 (2016) 2015) and Best Matching Theory Applications (Springer, 2017). He
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82. Vinyals, O., Babuschkin, I., Czarnecki, W.M., Mathieu, M., Manufacturing, Computers Industrial Engineering; Decision Support
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agent control using deep reinforcement learning. In: International
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Shimon Y. Nof, Ph.D., D.H.C., is a Professor of Industrial Engineering
86. Egorov, M.: Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning. In: CS231n:
and the director of the NSF-industry supported PRISM Center, Purdue
Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition (2016)
University. Has held visiting positions at MIT and universities in Chile,
87. Nof, S.Y., Morel, G., Monostori, L., Molina, A., Filip, F.: From
EU, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, and Taiwan. Re-
plant and logistics control to multi-enterprise collaboration. Ann.
ceived his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Management
Rev. Control 30(1), 55–68 (2006)
(Human-Machine Systems), Technion, Haifa, Israel; Ph.D. in Industrial
88. Morel, G., Pereira, C.E., Nof, S.Y.: Historical survey and emerging
and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. In
challenges of manufacturing automation modeling and control:
2002, he was awarded with the Engellerger Medal for Robotics Edu-
a systems architecting perspective. Ann. Rev. Control 47, 21–34
cation. Fellow of IISE; Fellow, President and former Secretary General
of IFPR; former Chair of IFAC CC-Mfg. and Logistics systems, Dr.
89. Dusadeerungsikul, P. O., Nof, S. Y.: Cyber collaborative warehouse
Nof has published over 550 articles on production engineering and
with dual-cycle operations design, Int. J. of Prod. Res., 1–13 (2022)
cyber technology and is the author/editor of sixteen books, including
the Handbook of Industrial Robotics (Wiley, 1985) and the International
Encyclopedia of Robotics (Wiley, 1988), both winners of the “Most Out-
standing Book in Science and Engineering” award by the Association of
American Publishers; Industrial Assembly; the Handbook of Industrial
Robotics (2nd Edition) (Wiley, 1999); the Handbook of Automation
(Springer, 2009); Cultural Factors in Systems Design: Decision Making
and Action (CRC press, 2012); Laser and Photonic Systems: Design and
Integration (CRC Press, 2014); Revolutionizing Collaboration through
e-Work, e-Business, and e-Service in the Automation, Collaboration,
and E-Services (ACES) Book Series (Springer, 2015); and Best Match-
ing Theory and Applications (ACES, Springer 2017).
Design for Human-Automation
and Human-Autonomous Systems 19
John D. Lee and Bobbie D. Seppelt

Contents more, not less, important as automation becomes more

19.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433 powerful and prevalent. More powerful automation
demands greater attention to its design, supervisory
19.2 The Variety of Automation and Increasingly
Autonomous Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434 responsibilities, system maintenance, software upgrades,
and automation coordination. Developing automation
19.3 Challenges with Automation and Autonomy . . . . . . . 435
19.3.1 Changes in Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
without consideration of the human operator can lead to
19.3.2 Changes in Tasks and Task Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 new and more catastrophic failures. For automation to
19.3.3 Operators’ Cognitive and Emotional Response . . . . . . . . 438 fulfill its promise, designers must avoid a technology-
19.4 Automation and System Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . 439 centered approach that often yields strong but silent
19.4.1 Authority and Autonomy at Information Processing forms of automation, and instead adopt an approach
Stages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 that considers the joint operator-automation system
19.4.2 Complexity, Observability, and Directability . . . . . . . . . 440 that yields more collaborative, communicative forms of
19.4.3 Timescale and Multitasking Demands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
19.4.4 Agent Interdependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441 automation. Automation-related problems arise because
19.4.5 Environment Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 introducing automation changes the type and extent of
19.5 Automation Design Methods and Application
feedback that operators receive, as well as the nature and
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 structure of tasks. Also, operators’ behavioral, cognitive,
19.5.1 Human-Centered Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 and emotional responses to these changes can leave the
19.5.2 Fitts’ List and Function Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444 system vulnerable to failure. No single approach can
19.5.3 Operator-Automation Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
19.5.4 Enhanced Feedback and Representation Aiding . . . . . . . 446
address all of these challenges because automation is
19.5.5 Expectation Matching and Simplification . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 a heterogeneous technology. There are many types and
forms of automation and each poses different design
19.6 Future Challenges in Automation Design . . . . . . . . . . 449
19.6.1 Swarm Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449 challenges. This chapter describes how different types
19.6.2 Operator–Automation Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449 of automation place different demands on operators. It
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 also presents strategies that can help designers achieve
promised benefits of automation. The chapter concludes
with future challenges in automation design and human
Abstract interaction with increasingly autonomous systems.

Designers frequently look toward automation as a way Keywords

to increase system efficiency and safety by reducing
human involvement. This approach can disappoint Automation design · Vehicle automation · Mental
because the contribution of people often becomes models · Supply chains · Trust

J. D. Lee ()
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WA, USA 19.1 Introduction
B. D. Seppelt () Designers often view automation as the path toward greater
Autonomous Vehicles, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI, USA efficiency and safety. In many cases, automation does deliver
these benefits. In the case of the control of cargo ships
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 433
S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
434 J. D Lee and B. D Seppelt

and oil tankers, automation has made it possible to operate from a failure to consider the challenges of designing not just
a vessel with as few as 8–12 crew members, compared the automation, but a joint human-automation system.
with the 30–40 that were required 50 years ago [1]. In the Automation fails because the role of the person perform-
case of aviation, automation has reduced flight times and ing the task is often underestimated, particularly the need for
increased fuel efficiency [2]. Similarly, automation in the people to compensate for the unexpected. Although automa-
form of decision-support systems has been credited with tion can handle typical cases it often lacks the flexibility of
saving millions of dollars in guiding policy and production humans to handle unanticipated situations. In most applica-
decisions [3]. Machine learning and artificial intelligence tions, neither the human nor the automation can accommo-
(AI) have become a central part of many businesses, such date all situations – each has limits. Avoiding these failures
as the algorithms that manage Facebook news feeds and requires a design process with a focus on the joint human-
the algorithms that help stylists select clothing at StitchFix. automation team. Automation design itself can be viewed
Automation promises greater efficiency, lower workload, and as people controlling a system at a distance. In automation
fewer human errors; however, these promises are not always design, developers must anticipate, understand, and define
fulfilled. the roles of human operators and automation. Complex set-
A common fallacy is that automation can improve system tings make it difficult for designers to anticipate how their
performance by eliminating human variability and errors. automation design choices will perform, particularly how
This fallacy often leads to mishaps that surprise operators, people will work with it. Successful automation design must
managers, and designers. As an example, the cruise ship empower the operator to compensate for the limits of the
Royal Majesty ran aground because the global positioning automation as well as capitalize on its capabilities.
system (GPS) signal was lost and the position estimation This chapter describes automation and increasingly au-
reverted to position extrapolation based on speed and head- tonomous systems and some of the problems they frequently
ing (dead reckoning). For over 24 h the crew followed the encounter. It then describes how these problems relate to
compelling electronic chart display and did not notice that types of automation and what design strategies can help
the GPS signal had been lost or that the position error had designers achieve the promise of automation. The chap-
been accumulating. The crew failed to heed indications from ter concludes with future challenges in automation design.
boats in the area, lights on the shore, and even salient changes Figure 19.1 provides an overview of the chapter and a general
in water color that signal shoals. The surprise of the GPS approach for achieving the promise of automation. This
failure was only discovered when the ship ran aground [4, approach begins by understanding the challenges posed by
5]. As this example shows, automation does not guarantee automation and recognizing the diversity of automation. This
improved efficiency and error-free performance. then leads to applying design methods suited to the charac-
For automation to fulfill its promise, we must focus not teristics of a particular instance of automation.
on the design of the automation, but on designing the joint
human-automation system. A study of 3000 organizations
in 29 industries found that only 11% had seen a sizable 19.2 The Variety of Automation
return on their investment in artificial intelligence (AI). In and Increasingly Autonomous
contrast, 73% of those organizations that blended AI and Systems
human capabilities into a team that learns reported a sizable
return on their investment [6]. Automation often fails to Automation and increasingly autonomous systems encom-
provide expected benefits because it does not simply replace pass an expanding variety of technologies. Unlike the au-
the human in performing a task, but also transforms the tomation and telerobotics of 50 years ago, which was rel-
job and introduces a new set of tasks and organizational egated to technical domains, such as process control and
requirements [7]. aviation, today automation in its various forms is moving
One way to view the automation failure that led to the into daily life. Algorithms govern the news we see, guide the
grounding of the Royal Majesty is that it was simply a mal- cars we drive, and even inform parole and policing decisions
function of an otherwise well-designed system – a problem [8, 9]. Factory automation that was once separated from
with the technical implementation. Another view is that the people is moving into closer relationships, like robots that
grounding occurred because the interface design failed to collaborate with people or as exoskeletons that people wear
support the new navigation task and failed to counteract a [10, 11]. Some automation even physically melds with our
general tendency for people to over-rely on generally reliable bodies and senses, such as prostheses that are coupled to
automation – a problem with human-technology integration. the brain or as augmented and virtual reality that allows you
Although it is often easiest to blame automation failures on to see and hear a different world [12–14]. Automation can
technical problems or human errors, many problems result extend human capabilities profoundly.
19 Design for Human-Automation and Human-Autonomous Systems 435

Challenges Characteristics Methods

Human-centered design
Changes in feedback
Authority and autonomy Fitts’ list and function allocation
Changes in task structure
Complexity, observability, and Operator-automation simulation
Cognitive and directability
emotional response Enhanced feedback and
Timescale and multitasking representation aiding
Expectation matching and
Agent interdependencies simplification
Environment interactions

Fig. 19.1 Automation challenges, characteristics, and design method

Some forms of automation act not as extensions of our ca- to system failures. Because automation often dramatically 19
pability, but as supervisors or coaches. Such automation can extends operators’ influence on systems (e.g., automation
monitor drivers to detect indications of distraction drowsi- makes it possible for one person to do the work of ten),
ness, or other impairments [15, 16]. Wearable technology the consequences of these failures can be catastrophic. The
can detect falls and call for aid, and even remind people to factors underlying these failures are complex and interacting.
wash their hands. As work and teaching move out of the Failures arise because introducing automation changes the
office and classroom to the home, such automation can coach type and extent of feedback that operators receive, as well as
and police behavior by tracking productivity and cheating the nature and structure of tasks. Also, operators’ behavioral,
[14, 17]. Such automation raises concerns about ethics of cognitive, and emotional responses to these changes can
privacy and fairness that go beyond the more typical focus leave the system vulnerable to failure. A technology-centered
on performance and safety. approach to automation design often ignores these chal-
In all of these instances, automation does not eliminate lenges, and as a consequence, fails to realize the promise of
the person, it amplifies and extends human influence. This automation.
increasing influence reflects the greater span of control that The quest for “autonomous systems” often accentuates the
automation gives operators, as well as the greater influence problems of a technology-centered approach. Autonomy is
developers’ decisions have on how automation acts in the often framed in terms of the ability of a system to operate
world. Increasingly autonomous automation increases the de- without the need for human involvement. In this context,
gree to which developers can directly contribute to mishaps. autonomy is pursued to eliminate human error, variability,
Consequently, automation can amplify “human errors” of and costs; however, autonomous systems do not eliminate
both developers and operators. The role of “human error” in people, they simply change the roles of people. Ironically,
mishaps shifts from the traditional focus on “operator error” these new roles often make the occasional human error more
to “automation designer error”. The balance of this chapter consequential. Demonstrations of autonomy often neglect
describes potential problems and design strategies to ensure the network of sensors, algorithms, and people needed to
automation provides the benefits designers expect. support autonomous systems, particularly when such systems
confront situations that violate the developers’ assumptions
[18]. Rather than considering autonomy as an aspirational
19.3 Challenges with Automation endpoint, it may be more useful to consider systems as
and Autonomy “increasingly autonomous” with a realization that increasing
autonomy makes the reduced human input more, not less,
Automation is often designed and implemented with a focus consequential [19]. In the case of algorithmic trading in
on the technical aspects of sensors, algorithms, and actu- financial markets, an entry error, a spreadsheet typo, or a
ators. These are necessary but not sufficient design con- poorly specified algorithm can now do billions of dollars
siderations to ensure that automation enhances system per- of damage where a single person’s influence without al-
formance. Such a technology-centered design approach of- gorithmic trading is much more limited. In addition, au-
ten confronts the human operator with challenges that lead tonomy suggests a system that is self-governing and free
436 J. D Lee and B. D Seppelt

to act independently of people. Such independence brings how to control the plant. At worst, the instrumentation and
new challenges associated with aligning the goals and in- associated displays may not have the information needed
tentions of the technology with those of the people that it for operators to diagnose automation failures and intervene
affects [20–22]. Many of these challenges can be grouped appropriately. Automation can also qualitatively shift the
into three areas: changes in feedback, changes in the task feedback from raw system data to processed, integrated in-
structure, and the cognitive and emotional response to these formation. Although such integrated data can be simple and
changes. easily understood, particularly during routine situations, it
Greater autonomy is needed in some situations, such as in may also lack the detail necessary to detect and understand
Ch.  51 which considers the need for autonomy in space system failures. As an example, the bridge of the cruise
exploration where distance precludes direct control. The ship Royal Majesty had an electronic chart that automatically
need for autonomy in space exploration helps to clarify the integrated inertial and GPS navigation data to show operators
tradeoffs associated with increasing autonomy. Specifically, their position relative to their intended path. This high-level
autonomy can be considered autonomy from whom? This im- representation of the ship’s position remained on the intended
plies that some degree of control will be lost for some people. course even when the underlying GPS data were no longer
Communication delays, communication bandwidth, and con- used and the ship’s actual position drifted many miles off the
trol delays may all require greater autonomy and associated intended route. In this case, the lack of low-level data and
loss of some control by some people. Also, autonomy can be any indication of the integrated data quality left operators
considered in terms of autonomy to do what? As with people without the feedback they needed to diagnose and respond
in an organization, autonomy is granted with limits and with to the failures of the automation.
people deciding the purpose of the increasingly autonomous The diminished feedback that accompanies automation
automation. Chapter  51 discusses issues of autonomy and often has a direct influence on a mishap, as in the case of the
space exploration in more detail. Here we consider how Royal Majesty. However, diminished feedback can also act
increasingly autonomous systems can be crafted so they over a longer period to undermine operator’ ability to perform
enhance rather than diminish human agency, avoiding the tasks. In situations in which the automation takes on the
false dichotomy of automation autonomy necessarily reduces tasks previously assigned to the operator, the operator’s skills
human autonomy. may atrophy as they go unexercised [26]. Operators with
substantial previous experience and well-developed men-
tal models detect disturbances more rapidly than operators
19.3.1 Changes in Feedback without this experience, but extended periods of monitoring
automatic control may undermine skills and diminish op-
Feedback is central to control. One reason why automation erators’ ability to generate expectations of correct behavior
fails is that automation often dramatically changes the type [24]. Such deskilling leaves operators without the skills to
and extent of the feedback the operator receives. In the accommodate the demands of the job if they need to assume
context of driving a car, the driver keeps the car in the center manual control. This is a particular concern in aviation, where
of the lane by adjusting the steering wheel according to pilots’ aircraft handling skills may degrade when they rely on
visual feedback regarding the position of the car on the road the autopilot. In response, some pilots disengage the autopilot
and haptic feedback from the forces on the steering wheel. and fly the aircraft manually to maintain their skills [27, 28].
Emerging vehicle technology may automate lane keeping, One approach to combat the potential for disengagement and
but in doing so, it might remove haptic cues, thereby leaving deskilling is to amplify rather than mask indications that the
the driver with only visual cues. Diminished or eliminated automation is approaching its operating boundary [29, 30].
feedback is a common occurrence with automation and it More generally, designers need to consider how to design
can leave people less prepared to intervene if manual control feedback that communicates what the automation is doing
is required [23, 24]. Automation can eliminate and change and what it will do next to help operators decide if and when
feedback in a way that can undermine the ability of people to to intervene [31].
work with automation to control the system. Automation design requires the specification of sensor,
Automation often replaces the feedback available in man- algorithm, and actuator characteristics and their interactions.
ual control with qualitatively different feedback. As an exam- A technology-centered approach might stop there; however,
ple, introducing automation into paper-making plants moved automation that works effectively requires specification of
operators from the plant floor and placed them in control the feedback provided to its operators. Without careful con-
rooms. This move distanced them from the physical process sideration of feedback mechanisms, implementing automa-
and eliminated the informal feedback associated with vibra- tion can eliminate and change feedback operators receive in a
tions, sounds, and smells that many operators relied upon way that can undermine the ability of automation to enhance
[25]. At best, this change in cues requires operators to relearn overall task performance.
19 Design for Human-Automation and Human-Autonomous Systems 437

19.3.2 Changes in Tasks and Task Structure automation can have the consequence of making the easy
part of the voyage (e.g., open-ocean sailing) easier and the
One reason for automation is that it can relieve operators of hard part (e.g., port activities) harder [38]. Avoiding clumsy
repetitive, labor-intensive, and error-prone tasks. Frequently, automation requires a broad consideration of how automation
however, the situation becomes more complex because au- affects both the micro and macro task structure of operators.
tomation does not simply relieve the operator of tasks, it Because automation changes the task structure, new forms
changes the nature of tasks and adds new tasks. This often of human error often emerge. Ironically, managers and sys-
means that automation requires new skills of operators. Of- tem designers introduce automation to eliminate human er-
ten, automation eliminates simple physical tasks and leaves ror, but new and more disastrous errors often result, in part
complex cognitive tasks that may appear easy. These super- because automation extends the scope of and reduces the
ficially easy, yet complex, tasks often lead organizations to redundancy of human actions. As a consequence, human
place less emphasis on training. On ships, training and certifi- errors may be more likely to go undetected and do more
cation unmatched to the demands of the automation have led damage; for example, a flight-planning system for pilots can
to accidents because of the operators’ misunderstanding of induce dramatically poor decisions because the automation
new radar and collision avoidance systems [32]. For example, assumes weather forecasts represent reality and lacks the
on the exam used by the US Coast Guard to certify radar flexibility to consider situations in which the actual weather
operators, 75% of the items assess skills that have been might deviate from the forecast [39]. This designer-induced
automated and are not required by the new technology [33]. automation fragility becomes a more prominent threat as 19
The new technology makes it possible to monitor a greater systems become increasingly autonomous.
number of ships, thereby enhancing the need for interpretive Automation-induced errors also occur because the task
skills such as understanding the rules of the road that govern structure changes in a way that undermines collaboration
maritime navigation and automation. These are the very skills between operators. Effective system performance involves
that are underrepresented on the Coast Guard exam. Though performing both formal and informal tasks. Informal tasks
automation may relieve the operator of some tasks, it often enable operators to compensate for the limits of the formal
leads to new and more complex tasks that require more, not task structure; for example, with paper charts mariners will
less, training. check each others’ work, share uncertainties, and informally
Automation can also change the nature and structure of train each other as positions are plotted [40]. Eliminating
tasks so that easy tasks are made easier and hard tasks these informal tasks can make it more difficult to detect
harder – a phenomenon referred to as clumsy automation and recover from errors, such as the one that led to the
[34]. As Bainbridge [35] notes, one of the ironies of automa- grounding of the Royal Majesty. Automation can also disrupt
tion is that designers often leave the operator with the most the cooperation between operators reflected in these informal
difficult tasks because the designers found them difficult to tasks. Cooperation occurs when a person acts in a way that is
automate. Because the easy tasks have been automated, the in the best interests of the group even when it is contrary to his
operator has less experience and an impoverished context for or her own best interests. Most complex, multiperson systems
responding to the difficult tasks. In this situation, automation depend on cooperation. Automation can disrupt interactions
has the effect of both reducing workload during already low- between people and undermine the ability and willingness of
workload periods and increasing it during high-workload one operator to compensate for another. Because automation
periods; for example, a flight management system tends to also acts on behalf of people, it can undermine cooperation
make the low-workload phases of flight (e.g., straight and by giving one operator the impression that another operator is
level flight or a routine climb) easier, but high-workload acting competitively, such as when the automation’s behavior
phases (e.g., the maneuvers in preparation for landing) more is due to a malfunction rather than the operator’s intent [41].
difficult as pilots have to share their time between land- Automation does not simply eliminate tasks once per-
ing procedures, communication, and programming the flight formed by the operator: it changes the task structure and cre-
management system. Such effects are seen not only in avia- ates new tasks that need to be supported, thereby opening the
tion but in many other domains, such as the operating room door to new types of errors. When automation is introduced
[36, 37]. into a dynamic task environment (e.g., driving, aviation, ship
The effects of clumsy automation often occur at the micro navigation, etc.), additional tasks are introduced that the
level of individual operators and over several minutes, but person must perform [24, 35, 36]. Still part of the overall
such effects can also occur across teams of operators over system, the person cannot simply or complacently relegate
hours or days of operation. Such macro-level clumsy automa- tasks to automation: they must supervise the automation.
tion is evident in maritime operations, where automation used New skills are required in the role of supervisor. Supervision
for open-ocean sailing reduces the task requirements of the of automation in a dynamic, uncertain environment involves
crew, prompting reductions in the crew size. In this situation, information integration and analysis, system expertise, an-
438 J. D Lee and B. D Seppelt

alytical decision-making, sustained attention, and mainte- Inappropriate reliance often stems from a failure of trust
nance of manual skill [27, 42]. Contrary to the expectations of to match the true capabilities of the automation. Trust cali-
a technology-centered approach to automation design, intro- bration refers to the correspondence between a person’s trust
ducing automation makes it more rather than less important in the automation and the automation’s capabilities [50].
to consider the operators’ tasks and added roles. Overtrust is poor calibration in which trust exceeds system
capabilities; with distrust, trust falls short of automation
capabilities. Trust often responds to automation as one might
19.3.3 Operators’ Cognitive and Emotional expect; it increases over time as automation performs well
Response and declines when automation fails. Importantly, however,
trust does not always follow the changes in automation
Automation sometimes causes problems because it changes performance. Often, it is poorly calibrated. Trust displays in-
operators’ feedback and tasks. Operators’ cognitive and emo- ertia and changes gradually over time rather than responding
tional responses to these changes can amplify these prob- immediately to changes in (automation) performance. After
lems; for example, as automation changes the operator’s task a period of unreliable performance, trust is often slow to
from direct control to monitoring, the operator may be more recover, remaining low even when the automation performs
prone to direct attention away from the monitoring task, well [60]. More surprisingly, trust sometimes depends on
further diminishing the feedback the operator receives from surface features of the system that seem unrelated to its
the system. The tendency to overtrust and complacently rely capabilities, such as the colors and layout of the interface
on automation, particularly during multitasking situations, [63–65].
may underlie this tendency to disengage from the monitoring Attitudes such as trust and the associated influence
task [43–45]. on reliance can exacerbate automation problems such as
People are not passive recipients of the changes to the clumsy automation. As noted earlier, clumsy automation
task structure that automation makes. Instead, people adapt to occurs when automation makes easy tasks easier and hard
automation and this adaptation leads to a new task structure. tasks harder. Inappropriate trust can make automation more
One element of this adaptation is captured by the ideas of clumsy because it leads operators to be more willing to
reliance and compliance [46]. Reliance refers to the degree to delegate tasks to the automation during periods of low
which operators depend on automation to perform a function. workload, compared with periods of high workload [35].
Compliance refers to the degree to which automation changes This observation demonstrates that clumsy automation is
the operators’ response to a situation. Inappropriate reliance not simply a problem of task structure, but one that depends
and compliance are common automation problems that occur on operator adaptation that is mediated by attitudes, as with
when people rely on or comply with automation in situations trust.
where it performs poorly, or when people fail to capitalize on The automation-related problems associated with inap-
its capabilities [47]. propriate trust often stem from operators’ shifts from being
Maladaptive adaptation generally, and inappropriate re- a direct controller to a monitor of the automation. This shift
liance specifically, depends, in part, on operators’ attitudes, also changes how operators perceive feedback. Automation
such as trust and self-confidence [48, 49]. In the context shifts people from direct involvement in the perception–
of operator reliance on automation, trust has been defined action loop to supervisory control [66, 67]. Passive observa-
as an attitude that the automation will help achieve an op- tion that is associated with supervisory control is qualitatively
erator’s goals in a situation characterized by uncertainty different than active monitoring associated with manual con-
and vulnerability [50]. Trust is relevant to describing the trol [68, 69]. In manual control, perception directly supports
relationship between people and automation because people control, and control actions guide perception [70]. Moni-
respond socially to technology in a way that is similar to toring automation disconnects the operators’ actions from
how they respond to other people [51]. Just as trust mediates actions on the system. Such disconnects can undermine the
relationships between people, it may also mediate relation- operator’s mental model (i.e., their working knowledge of
ships between people and automation [52, 53, 54–58]. Many system dynamics, structure, and causal relationships between
studies have shown that trust is a useful concept in describing components), leaving the mental model inadequate to guide
human-automation interaction, both in naturalistic [25] and expectations and control [71, 72].
in laboratory settings [59–61]. As an example, the difference The shift from being a direct controller to a supervisory
in operators’ trust in a route-planning aid and their self- controller can also have subtle, but important, effects on
confidence in their ability was highly predictive of reliance behavior as operators adapt to the automation. Over time au-
on the aid [62]. This and other studies show that people tend tomation can unexpectedly shift operators’ safety norms and
to rely on automation they trust and to reject automation they behavior relative to safety boundaries. Behavioral adaptation
do not trust [50]. describes this effect and refers to the tendency of operators
19 Design for Human-Automation and Human-Autonomous Systems 439

to adapt to the new capabilities of automation, in which they to problems ranging from increased heart disease to increased
change their behavior so that the potential safety benefits incidents of depression [84]. However, if automation extends
of the technology are not realized. Automation intended by the capability of the operator and gives them greater agency
designers to enhance safety may instead lead operators to and decision latitude, then job satisfaction and health can
reduce effort and leave safety unaffected or even diminished. improve. As an example of improved satisfaction, night-shift
Behavioral adaptation can occur at the individual [73–75], operators, who had greater decision latitude than day-shift
organizational [76], and societal levels [77]. operators, leveraged their increased latitude to learn how to
Antilock brake systems (ABS) for cars demonstrate manage the automation more effectively [25]. Increasingly
behavioral adaptation. ABS automatically modulates brake autonomous automation can undermine or enhance users’
pressure to maintain maximum brake force without skidding. autonomy. Automation that enhances the autonomy of people
This automation makes it possible for drivers to maintain brings benefits of greater system performance as well as
control in extreme crash avoidance maneuvers, which should health and satisfaction of operators.
enhance safety. However, ABS has not produced expected Automation problems can be described independently,
safety benefits. One reason is that drivers of cars with ABS but they often reflect an interacting and dynamic process
tend to drive less conservatively, adopting higher speeds [85]. One problem can lead to another through positive feed-
and shorter following distances [78]. Vision enhancement back and vicious cycles. As an example, inadequate training
systems provide another example of behavioral adaption. may lead the operator to disengage from the monitoring
These systems make it possible for drivers to see more at task. This disengagement leads to poorly calibrated trust and 19
night – a potential safety enhancement; however, drivers overreliance, which in turn leads to skill loss and further
tend to adapt to the vision systems by increasing their disengagement. A similar dynamic exists between clumsy
speed [79]. automation and automation-induced errors. Clumsy automa-
A related form of behavioral adaptation that undermines tion produces workload peaks, which increase the chance of
the benefits of automation is the phenomenon in which the mode and configuration errors. Recovering from these errors
presence of automation causes diffusion of responsibility can further increase workload, and so on. Designing and im-
and a tendency to exert less effort when the automation is plementing automation without regard for human capabilities
available [80, 81]. As a result, people tend to commit more and defining the human role as a byproduct is likely to initiate
omission errors (failing to detect events not detected by the these negative dynamics.
automation) and more commission errors (incorrectly con-
curring with erroneous detection of events by the automation)
when they work with automation. This effect parallels the
adaptation of people when they work in groups; diffusion of 19.4 Automation and System
responsibility leads people to perform more poorly when they Characteristics
are part of a group compared to individually [82].
The issues noted above have primarily addressed the di- The likelihood and consequences of automation-related
rect performance problems associated with automation. Job problems depend on the characteristics of the automation
satisfaction is another human–automation interaction issue and the system being controlled. Automation is not a
that goes well beyond performance to consider the morale homogenous technology. Instead, there are many types of
of workers whose job is being changed by automation [83]. automation and each poses different design challenges. As
Automation that is introduced merely because it increases the an example, automation can highlight, alert, filter, interpret,
profit of the company may not necessarily be well received. decide, and act for the operator. It can assume different
Automation often has the effect of deskilling a job, making degrees of control and can operate over timescales that range
skills that operators worked for years to perfect suddenly from milliseconds to months. The type of automation and the
obsolete. Properly implemented, automation should reskill operating environment interact with the human to produce
workers and make it possible for them to leverage their the problems just discussed. As an example, if only a single
old skills into new ones that are extended by its presence. person manages the system then diminished cooperation and
Many operators are highly skilled and proud of their craft; collaboration are not a concern. Some important system and
automation can either empower or demoralize them [25]. automation characteristics include:
Demoralized operators may fail to capitalize on the potential
of an automated system. • Authority and autonomy of information processing stages
The cognitive and emotional response of operators to • Complexity, observability, and directability
automation can also compromise their health. If automation • Time-scale and multitasking demands
creates an environment in which the demands of the work • Agent interdependencies
increase, but the decision latitude decreases, it may then lead • Interaction with environment
440 J. D Lee and B. D Seppelt

19.4.1 Authority and Autonomy in which automation initiates activities autonomously. As

at Information Processing Stages another example, automation can either highlight targets
[89], filter information, or provide alerts and warnings [90].
Defining automation in terms of information processing Highlighting targets exemplifies a relatively low degree
stages describes it according to the information processing of autonomy because it preserves the underlying data and
functions of the person that it supports or replaces. allows operators to guide their attention to the information
Automation can sense the world, analyze information, they believe to be most critical. Filtering exemplifies a higher
identify appropriate responses to states of the world, or degree of automation autonomy because operators are forced
control actuators to change those states [86, 87]. Information to attend to the information the automation deems relevant.
acquisition automation refers to technology that replaces the Alerts and warnings similarly exemplify a relatively high
process of human perception. Such automation highlights level of autonomy because they guide the operator’s attention
targets [88, 89], provides alerts and warnings [90, 91], to automation-dictated information and environmental states.
organizes, prioritizes, and filters information. Information High levels of authority and autonomy can make automation
analysis automation refers to technology that supplants the appear to act as an independent agent, even if the designers
interpretation of a situation. An example of this type of had not intended operators to perceive it as such [95].
automation is a system that critiques a diagnosis generated High levels of these two automation characteristics are an
by the operator [92]. Action selection automation refers to important cause of clumsy automation and mode error and
technology that combines information to make decisions on can also undermine cooperation between people [96].
behalf of the operator. Unlike information acquisition and
analysis, action selection automation suggests or decides on
actions using assumptions about the state of the world and 19.4.2 Complexity, Observability,
the costs and values of the possible options [87]. Action and Directability
implementation automation supplants the operators’ activity
in executing a response. The types of automation at each Complexity, observability, and directability refer to the de-
of these four stages of information processing can differ grees of freedom resolved by the automation, how that com-
according to the degree of authority and autonomy. plexity is revealed to the operator, and the degree to which
Automation authority and autonomy concern the degree to the operator can influence how the automation resolves de-
which automation can influence the system [93]. Authority grees of freedom [93]. As automation becomes increasingly
reflects the extent to which the automation amplifies the complex, it can transition from what operators might consider
influence of operators’ actions and overrides the actions a tool that they use to act on the environment to an agent
of other agents. High-authority automation has the power that acts as a semiautonomous partner. According to the
to control. One facet of authority concerns whether or not agent metaphor, the operator no longer acts directly on the
operators interact with automation by switching between environment but acts through an intermediary agent [97] or
manual and automatic control. With some automation, such intelligent associate [98]. As an agent, automation initiates
as adaptive cruise control in cars, drivers simply engage actions that are not in direct response to operators’ com-
or disengage the automation, whereas automation on the mands.
flight deck involves managing a complex network of modes Automation that acts as an agent is typically very complex
that are appropriate for some situations and not for others. and may or may not be observable. Observable automation
Interacting with such flight-deck automation requires the reveals what it is doing, what it is planning, and why it is
operator to coordinate multiple goals and strategies to select acting as it is. One of the greatest challenges with automated
the mode of operation that fits the situation [94]. With such agents is that of mutual intelligibility. Instructing the agent to
multilevel automation, the idea of manual control may not be perform even simple tasks can be onerous, and agents that try
relevant, and so the issues of skill loss and other challenges to infer operators’ intent and act autonomously can surprise
with manual intervention may be of less concern. In these operators, who might lack accurate mental models of agent
situations, the concern becomes whether the design supports behavior. One approach is for the agents to learn and adapt
automation management. The problems with high-authority, to the characteristics of the operator through a process of
multilevel automation are more likely to be those associated remembering what they have been being told to do in similar
with mode confusion and configuration errors. situations [99]. After the agent completes a task, it can be
Autonomy reflects the degree to which automation acts equally challenging to make the results observable and mean-
without operator input or the opportunity to intervene. ingful to the operator [97]. Because of these characteristics,
Billings [28] describes two levels of autonomy: management agents are most useful for highly repetitive and simple, low-
by consent, in which the automation acts only with the risk activities, where the cost of failure is limited. In high-risk
consent of the operator, and management by exception, situations, constructing effective management strategies and
19 Design for Human-Automation and Human-Autonomous Systems 441

providing feedback to clarify agent intent and communicate automation. Strategic automation concerns balancing values
behavior becomes critical [100]. The challenges associated and costs, as well as defining goals; tactical automation,
with agents reflect a general tradeoff with automation de- on the other hand, involves setting priorities and coordinat-
sign: more complex automation is often more capable, but ing tasks. Operational automation concerns the moment-to-
less understandable. As a consequence, even though more moment perception of system state and adjustment. With
complex automation may appear superior, the performance operational automation, operators can experience substantial
of the resulting human-automation system may be inferior to time pressure when the tempo of activity, on the order of
that of a simpler, less capable version of the automation. milliseconds to seconds, exceeds their capacity to monitor
Directability concerns the degree to which the operator the automation and respond promptly to its limits [103, 104].
can influence the behavior of the automation. At a high level, The timing of driver intervention with vehicle automation
this involves empowering people to align the intent, or more that maintains both the distances to the vehicle ahead and
technically, the cost function, of the automation with their in- position within the lane is another example of a timescale
tent and goals. Directable automation operates on a hierarchy that can challenge human capabilities. As vehicle automation
of goals, subgoals, intents, and trajectories that are consistent becomes more capable drivers may be able to disengage for
with how people think about the activity, and can be adjusted many minutes to perform other tasks, but then they may need
at each level by people. For example, spell check is directable to intervene within seconds when the automation encounters
in that it can be easily overridden either at the level of the a situation that it cannot accommodate, such as a stopped
immediate intent (rejecting a suggested change) or at the level vehicle or a tight curve [30, 105]. Monitoring automation for 19
of the overall goal (e.g., changing the dictionary). Directable long periods with the requirement for a rapid intervention is
automation makes it possible for people to actively explore a well-known design problem that has contributed to fatal
its boundaries, not passively receive an explanation. crashes [106]. The timescale of automation also limits the
In machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), opportunity to explain the behavior of automation. Complex
which underlies much automation, substantial effort has been displays that convey nuanced explanations may be useful
devoted to explaining the output of ML models [101]. The for tactical and strategic automation, but simple peripheral
emerging field of explainable AI can be thought of as mak- displays that don’t require operators’ focused attention may
ing it more observable. Beyond explanation, the concept of be more appropriate for operational automation.
directability merits consideration as a way of helping people
not just understand the automation but to enable people to
guide it toward more robust behavior. Another approach is 19.4.4 Agent Interdependencies
to create a simpler, inherently interpretable model. Most
data analytic problems include several models (e.g., a deep Agent interdependencies describe how tightly coupled the
learning neural net and a simple decision tree) that can work of one operator or element of automation is with
produce predictions that are close to optimal – they are part another [7, 76]. In some situations, automation might di-
of a Rashomon set [102]. Of the members of this set, the rectly support the work of a team of people; and, in other
interpretable model might have slightly lower predictive ac- situations, automation might support the activity of a person
curacy. However, this simpler, more interpretable model will that has little interaction with others. An important source
help people detect assumption violations and detect when of automation-related problems is the assumption that au-
the situation drifts away from the situation that produced the tomation affects only one person or one set of tasks, causing
training data. For this reason, it is often better to search for a interactions with other operators to be neglected. Seemingly
simple ML solution rather than try to explain a complex one independent tasks may be coupled, and automation tends to
[102]. AI, machine learning, and automation more generally, tighten this coupling. As an example, on the surface, adaptive
often benefit by reducing complexity and by making it more cruise control affects only the individual driver who is using
observable and directable. the system. Because adaptive cruise control responds to the
behavior of the vehicle ahead, however, its behavior cannot
be considered without taking into account the surrounding
19.4.3 Timescale and Multitasking Demands traffic dynamics. Failing to consider these interactions of
inter-vehicle velocity changes can lead to oscillations and
Timescale concerns the tempo of the interactions with au- instabilities in the traffic speed, potentially compromising
tomation. The timescale of automation varies dramatically, driver safety and highway capacity [107, 108]. Similar fail-
from decision-support systems that guide corporate strategies ures occur in supply chains, as well as in petrochemical
over months and years to antilock brake systems that modu- processes where people and automation sometimes fail to
late brake pressure over milliseconds. These distinctions can coordinate their activities [109]. Designing for such situa-
be described in terms of strategic, tactical, and operational tions requires a change in perspective from one centered on
442 J. D Lee and B. D Seppelt

a single operator and a single element of automation to one uncertainty that reflects a lack of knowledge that can be
that considers a network of multi-operator–multi-automation rectified with more data.
interactions [110, 111]. • Interdependent dynamics: Feedback loops where the pre-
dictions and actions of the algorithm can influence the
behavior it tries to predict.
19.4.5 Environment Interactions

Interaction with the environment refers to the degree to 19.5 Automation Design Methods
which the automation system is isolated from or interacts and Application Examples
with the surrounding environment. Closed systems do not
interact with an external environment, whereas open systems The previous section described some important characteris-
require that the automation consider the environmental con- tics of automation and systems that contribute to automation-
text. The environmental context can affect the reliability and related problems; these distinctions help to identify design
behavior of the automation, the operator’s perception of the approaches to minimize them. This section describes spe-
automation, and thus the overall effectiveness of the human– cific strategies for designing effective automation, which
automation partnership [112–115]. An explicit environmen- include:
tal representation improves understanding of joint human-
automation performance [114]. • Human-centered design
More broadly, some types of automation and machine • Function allocation with Fitts’ list
learning can dramatically outperform people in closed sys- • Operator-automation simulation and analysis
tems. Closed systems, such as board games are complex • Representation aiding and enhanced feedback
but bounded. In contrast, open systems often involve un- • Expectation matching and automation simplification
knowable interactions with other agents, sensor failures, and
variability of meaning in sensed objects. Current machine
learning, AI, and automation tend to perform well in closed 19.5.1 Human-Centered Design
systems, but struggles in open systems that demand error-
free performance. More concretely, AI can easily beat a Human-centered design maintains a focus on the people the
person in a computer-based chess game, but might lose automation is meant to support. Such a focus can address
badly when playing on a physical chessboard selected by the many of the issues discussed in the preceding sections. The
person. human-centered design process can be simplified into three
Some open systems present particular challenges to AI phases: understand users, create a design concept, and eval-
and are sometimes called wicked domains [116]. Wicked uate the design concept [118, 119]. Understanding users
domains have a set of characteristics that makes learning involves careful observations of people and the tasks they
difficult for people and for ML and AI. In contrast with perform, as well as principles of human behavior. With au-
kind domains, in wicked domains the information available tomation design, this also involves understanding the system,
for learning poorly matches information available when that such as whether it is open or closed, wicked or kind. Creating
learning is applied to make choices and predictions. In hu- involves using this understanding to produce initial design
man learning, wicked domains fuel decision biases when concepts. These concepts are then evaluated with heuristic
the environment eliminates failures and people learn only evaluations and usability tests. Evaluation completes the
from successes (i.e., survivorship bias) and people focus on cycle and helps designers better understand the users and
an unrepresentative sample (i.e., selection bias). Considered their needs, providing input to the next cycle to create an
from the perspective of machine learning, characteristics of improved design concept.
wicked domains include [21, 117]: Figure 19.2 shows iterative cycles of understand, create,
evaluate moving outward as the design concept evolves. The
• High-hazard low-risk: Challenging situations occur in- cycles vary in how long they take to complete, with the
frequently, but when they do, failure has catastrophic outer cycles taking months or years and inner cycles taking
consequences. minutes. An informal review of a paper prototype might take
• A long tail of edge cases: Available data does not cover the minutes, but the in-service monitoring of released products
range of situations that will be encountered occasionally. might extend over years.
• Non-stationary systems: The statistical patterns to be The human-centered design process in Fig. 19.2 applies
learned change over time. to many aspects of automation design from the details of the
• Aleatoric uncertainty: Uncertainty that reflects the inher- interface layout to the interaction architecture. Automation
ent unpredictability of the system, rather than epistemic design sometimes focuses on interface design and broader
19 Design for Human-Automation and Human-Autonomous Systems 443

aspects of automation design get neglected because designers duralizing and standardizing tasks enabled people to become
assume that automation can substitute for the person. How- very good at a narrowly defined job [118]. This approach to
ever as discussed previously, automation often fundamen- proceduralizing and standardizing work and to specializing
tally changes the role of the person. Job design provides a workers, known as Taylorism, often underlies automation
framework for considering the broader aspects of automation design. Automation that follows Taylorism can leave workers
design. with little latitude for dealing with unexpected events. Tay-
At the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, the pioneering lorism can leave people performing highly repetitive tasks
work of Fredrick Taylor revolutionized work through job with little autonomy. This can make them vulnerable to repet-
design. He minimized waste by identifying the most efficient itive motion disorders, poor job satisfaction, and a variety of
method to perform the job. His analysis showed that proce- stress-related health problems [120, 121].
In response to the limits of Taylorism, other approaches
to job design have been developed [122]. These approaches
question some of the fundamental assumptions of Taylor
and automation design: the idea that proceduralizing and
Product released standardization improve performance.
Pre-production model Figure 19.3 integrates elements of job design that might
also help guide automation design [123–125]. The core of
Create Paper prototype
this approach is that job characteristics influence the psy- 19
C chological states of the person, which in turn affect work
outcomes. Automation that supports rather than constrains
human autonomy and provides good feedback about the sit-
uation can help workers improvise solutions that go beyond
the capability of automation.


At the center of Fig. 19.2 is the idea of task load and



balance, which describes how people respond and adapt to




job demands [125]. Balance guides job design because giving



workers autonomy and variety can eliminate boredom and

increase job satisfaction, but can also overwhelm workers
with new responsibilities. Properly designed automation can
Fig. 19.2 A human-centered design process that applies to automation help people balance this load. Unfortunately, automation
design. It is an iterative cycle that repeats at multiple time scales [118] is not always designed to support balancing. As discussed

Job design
Psychological and physical state
Job characteristics
Task load and balance Experienced meaningfulness
Significance Short-term outcomes
Cognitive Experienced responsibility
Identity Safety
Physical Knowledge of results
Variety Performance
Autonomy Satisfaction
Technical Fatigue

Long-term outcomes
Team characteristics Individual characteristics
Composition Knowledge Innovation
Teamwork skills Skills Engagement
Psychological safety Abilities Retention

Training and selection

Fig. 19.3 Job design provides a broad perspective for design automation and increasingly autonomous systems [118]
444 J. D Lee and B. D Seppelt

above, clumsy automation may reduce the pilots’ load during This approach assesses each function and whether a person or
straight and level flight, but increases pilots’ load during the automation might be best suited to perform it [113, 128, 129].
already demanding periods surrounding takeoff and landing. Functions better performed by automation are automated
To make automation less clumsy, balance can be supported and the operator remains responsible for the rest, and for
by enabling people to perform tasks ahead of time, as well as compensating for the limits of the automation. The relative
delay and delegate tasks. capability of the automation and the human depends on the
Balance can go beyond making automation less clumsy. stage of automation [87].
The three feedback loops in Fig. 19.3 show how people bal- Applying a Fitts’ list to determine an appropriate alloca-
ance load at a range of timescales [118]. The innermost loop tion of function has, however, substantial weaknesses. One
connects the psychological state to task load and balance. weakness is that any description of functions is a some-
Here people adjust what tasks they perform, as well as when what arbitrary decomposition of activities that can mask
and how they perform them based on their physical and psy- complex interdependencies. As a consequence, automating
chological state. This innermost loop operates over minutes functions as if they were independent tends to fractionate
to days. The next loop connects the short-term outcomes, the operator’s role, leaving the operator with an incoherent
particularly satisfaction, to show how people adjust their collection of functions that were too difficult to automate
behavior over the space of days and weeks. The outermost [35]. Another weakness is that this approach neglects the
loop describes how long-term effects influence the people tendency for operators to use automation in unanticipated
and the characteristics of the people performing the job. This ways because automation often makes new functions pos-
loop shows how long-term outcomes, such as retention, can sible [130]. Another challenge with this general approach
impose demands on training new workers to replace those is that it often carries the implicit assumption that automa-
that have left because of a poorly designed job. A well- tion can substitute for functions previously performed by
designed job enhances health, engagement, retention, as well operators and that operators do not need to be supported
as the accumulation of knowledge and skills of the workers. in performing functions allocated to the automation – the
In many organizations, introducing automation often ac- substitution myth [131]. This substitution-based allocation of
companies other changes, such as a shift from well-defined functions fails to consider the qualitative change automation
jobs to work being defined by contributions to multiple teams can bring to the operators’ work and the adaptive nature of the
performing activities not part of their core job: a shift from operator.
hierarchical to lateral control [20, 126]. For this reason, As a consequence of these challenges, the Fitts’ list pro-
automation design should go beyond a focus on individual vides only general guidance for automation design and has
tasks to consider broader issues of teamwork and lateral been widely recognized as problematic [131, 132]. Ideally,
control. Lateral control places emphasis on teams in job the function allocation process should not focus on what
design, highlighted in the lower left of Fig. 19.3. Automation functions should be allocated to the automation or the human
design can be considered as adding a team member, with but should identify how the human and the automation can
the expectation that the automated team member enters with complement each other in jointly satisfying the functions
certain teamwork skills, including [127]: required for system success [117, 133].
Although imperfect, the Fitts’ list approach has some
• Agree to work together general considerations that can improve the design. People
• Be mutually predictable in their actions tend to be effective in perceiving patterns and relationships
• Be mutually directable amongst data and less so with tasks requiring precise repe-
• Maintain common ground – knowledge, assumptions, ca- tition [83]. Human memory tends to organize large amounts
pabilities, and intentions regarding the joint work of related information in a network of associations that can
support effective judgments. Based on a deep well of expe-
A user-centered approach to automation design must con- rience people can also reframe situations and adjust when
sider such teamwork skills in addition to the interface and the situation fundamentally changes. Reframing is beyond
interaction design elements of automation. AI teaming is an the capacity of even the most advanced artificial intelligence.
increasingly important consideration in automation design as People adapt, improvise, and accommodate unexpected vari-
automation becomes more capable. ability – they provide adaptive capacity to accommodate the
unexpected that automation cannot. For these reasons, it is
important to leave the big picture to the human and the details
19.5.2 Fitts’ List and Function Allocation to the automation [83].

Function allocation with the Fitts’ list is a long-standing tech-

nique for identifying the role of operators and automation.
19 Design for Human-Automation and Human-Autonomous Systems 445

19.5.3 Operator-Automation Simulation tion does not provide a sufficiently detailed representation of
the operator [136].
Operator-automation simulation refers to computer-based Simulation tools can be used to explore the potential
techniques that explore the space of operator–automation behavior of the joint human–automation system, but may not
interaction to identify potential problems. Discrete event be the most efficient way of identifying potential human–
simulation tools commonly used to evaluate manufacturing automation mismatches associated with inadequate men-
processes are well-suited to operator-automation analysis. tal models and automation-related errors. Network analysis
Such techniques provide a rough estimate of some techniques offer an alternative. State-transition networks can
of the consequences of introducing automation into describe operator–automation behavior in terms of a finite
complex dynamic systems. As an example, simulation of number of states, transitions between those states, and ac-
a supervisory control situation made it possible to assess tions. Figure 19.4 provides an example presentation, defin-
how characteristics of the automation interacted with the ing at a high level the behavior of adaptive cruise control
operating environment to govern system performance [134]. (ACC). This formal modeling language makes it possible to
This analysis showed that the time taken to engage the identify automation problems that occur when the interface
automation interacted with the dynamics of the environment or the operator’s mental model is inadequate to manage
to undermine the value of the automation such that the automation [137]. Combining the concurrent processes
manual control was more appropriate than engaging the of the ACC model with the associated driver model of the
automation. ACC’s behavior reveals mismatches. These mismatches can 19
Although discrete event simulation tools can incorporate cause automation-related errors and surprises to occur. More
cognitive mechanisms and performance constraints, develop- specifically, when the automation model enters a particular
ing this capacity requires substantial effort. For automation state and the operator’s model does not include this state,
analysis that requires a detailed cognitive representation, then the analysis predicts that the associated ambiguity will
cognitive architectures, such as adaptive control of thought- surprise operators and lead to errors [138]. Such ambiguities
rational (ACT-R), offer a promising approach [135]. ACT-R have been discovered in actual aircraft autopilot systems,
is a useful tool for estimating the costs and benefits of various and network analysis can identify how to avoid them with
automation alternatives when a simple discrete event simula- improvements to the interface and training materials [138].

ACC active Press Accel or

Press Time gap + or
Coast button
Time gap – button
Initialize brake or
throttle actuators ACC
Initialize throttle actuator control

Press Set speed or

Resume button

Press Off Depress Press Set

button brake speed or
Depress pedal Resume
brake pedal button
ACC system
fault detected
ACC deceleration
Press Off button required > 0.2g or
off standby Current ACC vehicle
Press On button speed < 20 mph

Press Off button

ACC system fault detected

Fig. 19.4 ACC states and transitions. Dashed lines represent driver-triggered transitions. Solid lines represent ACC-triggered transitions [139]
446 J. D Lee and B. D Seppelt

19.5.4 Enhanced Feedback information such as what is too low as opposed to operators
and Representation Aiding being required to infer such relationships from the set of
variables [145]. Integrating automation-related information
Enhanced feedback and representation aiding can help with traditional displays and combining low-level data
prevent problems associated with inadequate feedback into meaningful information can help operators understand
that range from developing appropriate trust and clumsy automation behavior.
automation to the out-of-the-loop phenomenon. Automation In the context of process control, Guerlain and colleagues
often lacks adequate feedback [140]. Providing sufficient [146] identified three specific strategies for visual represen-
feedback without overwhelming the operator is a critical tation of complex process control algorithms. First, create
design challenge. Insufficient feedback can leave the operator visual forms whose emergent features correspond to higher-
unaware that the automation has reached its limit, but order relationships. Emergent features are salient symmetries
poorly presented or excessive feedback can increase operator or patterns that depend on the interaction of the individual
workload and undermine the benefits of automation [141]. data elements. A simple emergent feature is parallelism that
A promising approach to avoid overloading the operator can occur with a pair of lines. Higher-order relationships
is to provide feedback through sensory channels that are are combinations of the individual data elements that govern
not otherwise used (e.g., haptic, tactile, and auditory) to system behavior. The boiling point of water is a higher-
prevent overload of the more commonly used visual channel. order relationship that depends on temperature and pressure.
Haptic feedback (i.e., vibration on the wrist) has proven Second, use appropriate visual features to represent the di-
more effective in alerting pilots to mode changes of cockpit mensional properties of the data; for example, magnitude
automation than visual cues [142]. Pilots receiving visual is a dimensional property that should be displayed using
alerts only detected 83% of the mode changes, but those with position or size on a visual display, not color or texture, which
haptic warnings detected 100% of the changes. Importantly, are ambiguous ways to represent an increase or decrease in
the haptic warnings did not interfere with performance of amount. Third, place data in a meaningful context. The mean-
concurrent visual tasks. Even within the visual modality, ingful context for any variable depends on what comparisons
presenting feedback in the periphery helped pilots detect need to be made. For automation, this includes the allowable
uncommanded mode transitions and such feedback did not ranges relative to the current control variable setting, and
interfere with concurrent visual tasks any more than currently the output relative to its desired level. Similarly, Dekker and
available automation feedback [143]. Similarly, Seppelt and Woods [131] suggest event-based representations that high-
Lee [144] combined a more complex array of variables in light changes, historical representations that help operators
a peripheral visual display for ACC. Fig. 19.5 shows how project future states, and pattern-based representations that
this display includes relevant variables for headway control allow operators to synthesize complex relationships percep-
(i.e., time headway, time-to-collision, and range rate) relative tually rather than through arduous mental transformations.
to the operating limits of the ACC. This display promoted Representation aiding helps operators trust automation
faster failure detection and more appropriate engagement appropriately. However, trust also depends on more subtle
strategies compared with a standard ACC interface. Although elements of the interface [50]. In many cases, trust and
promising, haptic, auditory, and peripheral visual displays credibility depend on surface features of the interface that
cannot convey the detail possible in visual displays, making it have no obvious link to the true capabilities of the automation
difficult to convey the complex relationships that sometimes [147, 148]. An online survey of over 1400 people found that
govern automation behavior. An important design tradeoff for websites, credibility depends heavily on real-world feel,
emerges: provide sufficient detail regarding automation be- which is defined by factors such as response speed, a physical
havior, but avoid overloading and distracting the operator. address, and photos of the organization [149]. Similarly, a
Simply enhancing the feedback operators receive formal photograph of the author enhanced trustworthiness of
regarding automation is insufficient. Without the proper a research article, whereas an informal photograph decreased
context, abstraction, and integration, feedback may not be trust [150]. These results show that trust tends to increase
understandable. Representation aiding capitalizes on the when information is displayed in a way that provides concrete
power of visual perception to convey complex information; details that are consistent and clearly organized.
for example, graphical representations for pilots can augment Representation aiding might take too long for operators
the traditional airspeed indicator with target airspeeds and to process when managing automation that operates at a
acceleration indicators. Integrating this information into timescale of seconds. Such automation may require integra-
a traditional flight instrument allows pilots to assimilate tion of input to the automation and feedback from the au-
automation-related information with little additional effort tomation that is very tightly coupled. One such approach has
[111]. Using a display that combines pitch, roll, altitude, been termed haptic shared control [151, 152]. Haptic shared
airspeed, and heading can directly specify task-relevant control allows people to feel the operation of the automation
19 Design for Human-Automation and Human-Autonomous Systems 447

Enhanced feedback display

Set speed – LV speed

Range rate Braking

(0.2 g)

LV position within

sensor field *

THW Set THW 19

Note: Image color (bright
yellow) and shape texture/fill
degraded with increasing
* Shape trajectories
uncertainty of sensor signal

Fig. 19.5 A peripheral display to help drivers understand adaptive ries. (Note: labels on the images were not present on the display but are
cruise control [144]. (TTC – time-to-collision; THW – time headway). provided here for reference)
The outset image shows an expanded view of potential shape trajecto-

through a control surface, such as a steering wheel. It goes physically engaged with the automation and controlled pro-
beyond simply enhancing feedback, by allowing people to cess, which is infeasible for many applications of automation.
influence the automation through the same control surface.
Drivers can override and guide the automation controlling the
vehicle steering by exerting force on the steering wheel. The 19.5.5 Expectation Matching
automation can influence the person by resisting movement and Simplification
of the control surface when such input might jeopardize
system safety, with the resistance proportional to the certainty Expectation matching and simplification help operators un-
and severity associated with a deviation from the automa- derstand automation by using algorithms that are more com-
tion’s planned trajectory. Drivers might feel mild resistance prehensible. One strategy is to simplify the automation by
to moving slightly left to give a bicycle more space, but reducing the number of functions, modes, and contingencies
might encounter substantial resistance to changing lanes into [153]. Another is to match its algorithms to the operators’
a vehicle that the driver had not noticed. A major limitation mental model [154]. Automation designed to perform in
of haptic shared control is that it requires the operator to be a manner consistent with operators’ mental model, prefer-
448 J. D Lee and B. D Seppelt

ences, and expectations can make it easier for operators to the automation will perform. Some examples of automation
recognize failures and intervene. Expectation matching and etiquette are for the automation to make it easy for operators
simplification are particularly effective when a technology- to override and recover from errors, to enable interactive
centered approach has created an overly complex array of features only when and if necessary, to explain what is being
modes and features. done and why, to interrupt operators only in emergencies, and
ACC is a specific example of where matching the mental to provide information that the operators do not already know
model of an operator to the automation’s algorithms may be about.
quite effective. Because ACC can only apply moderate levels Developing automation etiquette could promote appropri-
of braking, drivers must intervene if the car ahead brakes ate trust, but also has the potential to lead to inappropriate
heavily. If drivers must intervene, they must quickly enter trust if people infer inappropriate category memberships and
the control loop because fractions of a second can make the develop distorted expectations regarding the capability of
difference in avoiding a collision. If the automation behaves the automation. Even in simple interactions with technol-
in a manner consistent with drivers’ expectations, drivers ogy, people often respond as they would to another person
will be more likely to detect and respond to the operational [51, 160]. If anticipated, this tendency could help operators
limits of the automation quickly. Goodrich and Boer [154] develop appropriate expectations regarding the behavior of
designed an ACC algorithm consistent with drivers’ mental the automation; however, unanticipated anthropomorphism
models such that ACC behavior was partitioned according could lead to surprising misunderstandings.
to perceptually relevant variables of inverse time-to-collision Beyond automation etiquette, another approach is to de-
and time headway. Inverse time-to-collision is the relative sign to support the process of trusting by creating collegial
velocity divided by the distance between the vehicles. Time automation [161]. Collegiality includes the capacity to align
headway is the distance between the vehicles divided by goals. Goal alignment can be achieved by the automation
the velocity of the driver’s vehicle. Using these variables it adjusting to meet the person’s goals, through negotiation to
is possible to identify a perceptually salient boundary that arrive at new goals, or by nudging the person to adopt new
separates routine speed regulation and headway maintenance goals. It involves monitoring the trust of the partner and
from active braking associated with collision avoidance. repairing, dampening, and tempering trust [162]. Collegiality
A general property of human cognition is the tendency to implies the automation can take initiative to build, repair,
organize information and activities into hierarchical chunks or temper trust, but that the person can also take initiative.
[155, 156]. These hierarchical structures also form the basis For example, the automation can offer an apology after a
for delegation in human organizations [157]. Automation period of poor performance or the person can ask for an
that replicates this hierarchical organization will likely be explanation.
more observable and directable, making it possible for the An important prerequisite for designing automation ac-
operator to delegate and intervene or direct as the situation cording to the mental model of the operator is the existence
demands [21]. A concrete example of such an approach is the of a consistent mental model. Individual differences may lead
automation playbook [158]. Playbooks take the name from to many different mental models and expectations. This is
how sports teams draw on a book of pre-defined plays. These particularly true for automation that acts as an agent, in which
plays provide a common language for organizing activities a mental-model-based design must conform to complex so-
across the team. Automation playbooks provide a similar cial and cultural expectations. Also, the mental model must
function by creating a common language between operators be consistent with the physical constraints of the system if
and the automation. This language defines a hierarchical the automation is to work properly [163]. Mental models
goal decomposition that enables an operator to delegate often contain misconceptions that could lead to serious mis-
coherent sets of activities to the automation and to direct understandings and automation failures. Even if an opera-
the automation at any level of the hierarchy. Organizing the tor’s mental model is consistent with the system constraints,
automation behavior in a hierarchical fashion that matches automation based on such a mental model may not achieve
how people think about an activity can make the automation the same benefits as automation based on more sophisticated
more observable and directable. algorithms. In this case, designers must consider the tradeoff
For situations in which the metaphor for automation is an between the benefits of a complex control algorithm and
agent, the mental model people may adopt to understand au- the costs of an operator not understanding that algorithm.
tomation is that of a human collaborator. Specifically, Miller Enhanced feedback and representation aiding can mitigate
[159] suggests that computer etiquette may have an important this tradeoff. If the operator’s mental model is inaccurate the
influence on human–automation interaction. Etiquette may transparency and feedback from the automation can help the
influence trust because category membership associated with operator understand not only the automation but the overall
adherence to a particular etiquette helps people to infer how system operation.
19 Design for Human-Automation and Human-Autonomous Systems 449

19.6 Future Challenges in Automation as swarm automation might help explore physical spaces, it
Design might also help explore information spaces [172].
The concept of hortatory control describes some of the
The previous section outlined strategies that can make the challenges of controlling swarm automation. Hortatory con-
operator–automation partnership more effective. The chal- trol describes situations where the system being controlled
lenges in applying the Fitts’ list show that the application retains a high degree of autonomy and operators must exert
of these strategies, either individually or collectively, does indirect rather than direct control [173]. Interacting with
not guarantee effective automation. The rapid advances in swarm automation requires people to consider swarm dy-
software and hardware development, combined with an ever- namics and not just the behavior of the individual agents.
expanding range of applications, make future problems with In these situations, it is most useful for the operator to
automation likely. The following sections highlight some of control parameters affecting the group rather than individual
these emerging challenges. The first concerns the demands agents and to receive feedback about the group rather than
of managing swarm automation, in which many semiau- individual behavior. Parameters for control might include
tonomous agents work together. The second concerns in- the degree to which each agent tends to follow successful
terconnected networks of people and automation, in which agents (positive feedback), the degree to which they follow
issues of cooperation and competition become critical. the emergent structure of their own behavior (stigmergy), and
the amount of random variation that guides their paths [174].
In exploration, a greater amount of random variation will lead 19
19.6.1 Swarm Automation to a more complete search, and a greater tendency to follow
successful agents will speed search and exploitation [175].
Swarm automation consists of many simple, semiau- Although swarms are often intentionally designed, they
tonomous entities whose emergent behavior provides a robust may also emerge when many automated systems are de-
response to environmental variability. Swarm automation ployed in an environment where they interact with each other.
has important applications in a wide range of domains, Such scenarios include internet infrastructure and algorith-
including planetary exploration, unmanned aerial vehicle mic securities trading. In recent years both of these systems
reconnaissance, land-mine neutralization, and intelligence have failed due to emergent properties of the interaction
gathering; in short, it is applicable in any situation in which of an interconnected swarm of algorithms. Full self-driving
hundreds of simple agents might be more effective than a automated vehicles may form similar swarms that may also
single, complex agent. Biology-inspired robotics provides be vulnerable to fleet failures that emerge from the inter-
a specific example of swarm automation. Instead of the actions of the many vehicles on the road. Already traffic is
traditional approach of relying on one or two larger robots, vulnerable to waves of congestion and gridlock that emerge
system designers employ swarms of insect robots [164, 165]. from interactions across many vehicles. How automated ve-
The swarm robot concept assumes that small robots with hicles exacerbate or mitigate such problems remains an open
simple behaviors can perform important functions more question. Swarm automation, either designed or not, has great
reliably and with lower power and mass requirements than potential to extend human capabilities, but only if a thorough
can larger robots [166–168]. Typically, the simple algorithms empirical and analytic investigation identifies the display
controlling the individual entity can elicit desirable emergent requirements, viable control mechanisms, and the range of
behaviors in the swarm [169, 170]. As an example, the swarm dynamics that can be comprehended and controlled
collective foraging behavior of honeybees shows that agents by humans [176].
can act as a coordinated group to locate and exploit resources
without a complex central controller.
In addition to physical examples of swarm automation, 19.6.2 Operator–Automation Networks
swarm automation has potential in searching large com-
plex data sets for useful information. Current approaches to Complex operator–automation networks emerge as automa-
searching such data sources are limited. People miss impor- tion becomes more pervasive. With networked automation,
tant documents, disregard data that is a significant depar- the appropriate unit of analysis shifts from a single opera-
ture from initial assumptions, misinterpret data that conflicts tor interacting with a single element of automation to that
with an emerging understanding, and disregard more recent of multiple operators interacting with multiple elements of
data that could revise an initial interpretation [171]. The automation. Important dynamics can only be explained with
parameters that govern the discovery and exploitation of food this more complex unit of analysis. The factors affecting
sources for ants might also apply to the control of software micro-level behavior may have unexpected effects on macro-
agents in their discovery and exploitation of information. Just level behavior [177]. As the degree of coupling increases,
450 J. D Lee and B. D Seppelt

poor coordination between operators and inappropriate re- operators’ reliance on automation led to a more charitable
liance on automation has greater consequences for system interpretation of the other’s intent and therefore increased
performance [7]. trust in the other operator. The consequence of enhanced
Supply chains can represent an important example of trust is an increased chance of cooperation. Cooperation
multi-operator–multi-automation systems. A supply chain depends on the appropriate use of automation and sharing
is composed of a network of suppliers, transporters, and automation-related information can have a profound effect
purchasers who work together, usually as a decentralized on cooperation [20, 41, 161].
virtual company, to convert raw materials into products. The The interaction between automation, cooperation, and
growing popularity of supply chains reflects the general performance seen with supply-chain management also ap-
trend of companies to move away from vertical integration, ply to other domains; for example, power-grid management
where a single company converts raw materials into products. involves a decentralized network that makes it possible to
Increasingly, manufacturers rely on supply chains [178] and efficiently supply power, but it can fail catastrophically when
attempt to manage them with automation [109]. cooperation and information sharing breaks down [187].
Supply chains can suffer from serious problems that erode Similarly, datalink-enabled air-traffic control makes it pos-
their promised benefits. One is the bullwhip effect, in which sible for pilots to negotiate flight paths efficiently, but it can
small variations in end-item demand induce large-order os- fail when pilots do not cooperate or have trouble anticipating
cillations, excess inventory, and back-orders [179]. The bull- the complex dynamics of the system [188, 189].
whip effect can undermine a company’s efficiency and value. Overall, technology creates many highly interconnected
Automation that forecasts demands can moderate these os- networks that have great potential, but that also raises
cillations [180, 181]. However, people must trust and rely on important concerns. Resolving these concerns partially
that automation, and substantial cooperation between supply- depends on designing effective multi-operator–multi-
chain members must exist to share such information. automation interactions. Swarm automation and complex
Vicious cycles also undermine supply-chain performance, operator–automation networks pose challenges beyond
through an escalating series of conflicts between members those of traditional systems and require new design
[182]. Vicious cycles can have dramatic negative conse- strategies. The automation design strategies described
quences for supply chains; for example, a strategic alliance earlier, such as function allocation, operator–automation
between Office Max and Ryder International Logistics de- simulation, representation aiding, and expectation matching
volved into a legal fight in which Office Max sued Ryder for are somewhat limited in addressing these challenges. New
US $21.4 million, and then Ryder sued Office Max for US approaches to automation design involve developing analytic
$75 million [183]. Beyond the legal costs, these breakdowns tools, interface designs, and interaction concepts that
undermine the market value of the companies involved [178]. consider issues of cooperation and coordination in operator–
Vicious cycles also undermine information sharing, which automation interactions [190, 191].
can exacerbate the bullwhip effect. Even with the substantial See additional details about design of human-automation
benefits of cooperation, supply chains can fall into a vicious systems communication and collaboration in Chapters 15,
cycle of diminishing cooperation. 18, and 20.
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a simulation model to examine how reliance on automa- References
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Vol. 11, (2023)
Teleoperation and Level of Automation
Luis Basañez, Emmanuel Nuño, and Carlos I. Aldana

Contents automation. Next, as a representative example, an up-to-

20.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
date specific bilateral teleoperation scheme is described in
order to illustrate the typical components and functional
20.2 Historical Background and Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
modules of this kind of systems. As a natural extension of
20.3 Levels of Automation and General Schemes . . . . . . . . 459 the bilateral teleoperators, the cooperative teleoperation
20.3.1 Levels of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459 systems are introduced. Some specific topics in the field
20.3.2 Bilateral Teleoperation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
20.3.3 Cooperative Teleoperation Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463 are particularly discussed, for instance, the control objec-
tives and algorithms for both bilateral teleoperators and
20.4 Challenges and Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
20.4.1 Control Objectives and Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
cooperative teleoperation systems, the communication
20.4.2 Communication Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466 channels, the use of graphical simulation and task plan-
20.4.3 Situation Awareness and Immersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467 ning, and the usefulness of virtual and augmented reality.
20.4.4 Teleoperation Aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469 The last part of the chapter includes a description of the
20.4.5 Teleoperation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Drones . . . 472
most typical application fields, such as industry and con-
20.5 Application Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473 struction, agriculture, mining, underwater, space, health-
20.5.1 Industry and Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
care and surgery, assistance, humanitarian demining, and
20.5.2 Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
20.5.3 Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474 education, where some of the pioneering, significant, and
20.5.4 Underwater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474 latest contributions are briefly presented. Finally, some
20.5.5 Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475 conclusions and the trends in the field close the chapter.
20.5.6 Healthcare and Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
20.5.7 Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
20.5.8 Humanitarian Demining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 Keywords
20.5.9 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
Teleoperation systems · Cooperative teleoperation ·
20.6 Conclusions and Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478 Levels of automation · Teleoperation control ·
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478 Augmented reality · Relational positioning

20.1 Introduction
This chapter presents an overview of the teleoperation of
robotics systems, starting with a historical background
A bilateral teleoperator, in which two robots, called local and
and positioning these systems in a scale of levels of
remote, are connected through a communication channel and
one of them, the local robot, is handled by a human operator,
L. Basañez () constitutes an interesting type of collaborative framework
Institute of Industrial and Control Engineering (IOC), Universitat between humans and robots. The remote robot has to track the
Politècnica de Catalunya, BarcelonaTech (UPC), Barcelona, Spain local robot motion, and its interaction with the environment
is reflected back to the human operator via the local robot.
E. Nuño () · C. I. Aldana () The teleoperation of robots can also be considered as an
Department of Computer Science, University of Guadalajara,
Guadalajara, Mexico extension of the human sensory and acting capabilities since
e-mail:; it allows the human getting information and performing tasks at distance, in a remote environment. The teleoperation also

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 457

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
458 L. Basañez et al.

allows to improve the accuracy of the human movements, like There are of lot of topics involved in a teleoperated robotic
in robotics surgery, and it deals with dangerous tasks and system, including human-machine interaction, distributed
environments, like explosive deactivation and nuclear plant control laws, communications, graphic simulation, task plan-
accident recovery. In this respect, teleoperation combines the ning, virtual and augmented reality, and dexterous grasping
best of human and robot characteristics [1, 2]. and manipulation. Also the fields of application of these
A natural extension of the teleoperators is the cooperative systems are very wide, and teleoperation offers great possi-
teleoperation systems in which several robots and humans bilities of profitable uses.
collaborate in order to perform more complex and difficult Since a long time ago, human beings have used a range
tasks that cannot be accomplished by one robot. In both cases, of tools to increase their manipulation capabilities. In the be-
teleoperators and cooperative systems, the interconnection ginning these tools were simple tree branches, which evolved
between the different agents is a crucial issue, and the Internet to long poles with tweezers, such as blacksmith’s tools that
and the wireless links open new and exciting possibilities in help to handle hot pieces of iron. These developments were
this field. the ancestors of the local-remote robotic systems, where the
A crucial aspect of these systems is their control that must remote robot reproduces the local robot motions controlled
guarantee both stability and performance, taking into account by a human operator [3]. Teleoperated robotic systems allow
different drawbacks like communication delays and loss of humans to interact with robotic manipulators and vehicles
information in the communication channels. An exposition and to handle objects located in a remote environment, ex-
of the main proposed control strategies and algorithms, both tending human manipulation capabilities to far-off locations,
in the robot joint space and in the operational space, is one of allowing the execution of quite complex tasks and avoiding
the objectives of this chapter. dangerous situations.
In Sect. 20.2 the chapter presents the beginnings of teleop- The beginnings of teleoperation can be traced back to
eration and the main steps in its development. Section 20.3 the beginnings of radio communication when Nikola Tesla
briefly introduces the levels of automation concept and some developed what can be considered the first teleoperated appa-
of its more recognized scales in the human-automation in- ratus, dated November 8, 1898. This development has been
teraction (HAI) context in which the robot teleoperation fits. reported under the US patent No. 613 809, Method of and
Then, a general scheme of a bilateral teleoperator is described Apparatus for Controlling Mechanism of Moving Vessels or
together with its typical components and functional modules. Vehicles. However, the bilateral teleoperation systems did not
Section 20.4 discusses important challenges in the field and appear until the late 1940s.
their current solutions, specifically, control objectives and The first bilateral manipulators were developed for
algorithms for both bilateral teleoperators and cooperative handling radioactive materials. Outstanding pioneers were
teleoperation systems, communication channels, situation Raymond Goertz and his colleagues at the Argonne
awareness and immersion, aids for the human operators, and National Laboratory outside of Chicago and Jean Vertut
teleoperation of unmanned aerial vehicles/drones. at a counterpart nuclear engineering laboratory near Paris.
The main application fields, such as industry and construc- These first devices were mechanically coupled, and the slave
tion, agriculture, mining, underwater, space, healthcare and manipulator mimicked the master motions, both being very
surgery, assistance, humanitarian demining, and education, similar mechanisms. It was not until the mid-1950s that
are the object of Sect. 20.5. Finally, some conclusions and Goertz presented the first electrically coupled master-slave
the trends in the field close the chapter. manipulator [4].
In the 1960s the applications were extended to underwater
teleoperation, where the submersible devices carried cameras
and the operator could watch the remote robot and its in-
teraction with the submerged environment. The beginnings
20.2 Historical Background and Motivation of the space teleoperation date from the 1970s, and in this
application the presence of time-delays brought instability
The term teleoperation comes as combination of the Greek
word τ ηλ- (tele-), i.e., off-site or remote, and the Latin word
Technology has evolved with giant steps, resulting in
operatı̆o, -ōnis (operation), i.e., something done. So, teleop-
better robotic manipulators and, in particular, increasing the
eration means performing some work or action from some
communication means, from mechanical to electrical trans-
distance away. Although, in this sense, teleoperation could
mission, using optic wires, radio signals, and the Internet
be applied to any operation performed remotely, this term is
which practically removes any distance limitation.
most commonly associated with robotics and indicates the
Today, the applications of teleoperation systems are found
driving of manipulators and mobile robots from a place far
in a large number of fields. The most illustrative are space,
from these machines’ location.
20 Teleoperation and Level of Automation 459

Humans surpass machines in the: Machines surpass humans in the:

Detection Perception
Judgment Power
Longterm operations
memory Short term

• Ability to detect small amounts of visual or acoustic energy • Ability to respond quickly to control signals, and to apply
• Ability to perceive patterns of light or sound great force smoothly and precisely
• Ability to improvise and use flexible procedures • Ability to perform repetitive, routine tasks
• Ability to store very large amounts of information for long • Ability to store information briefly and then to erase it completely
periods and to recall relevant facts at the appropriate time • Ability to reason deductively, including computational ability
• Ability to reason inductively • Ability to handle highly complex operations, i.e., to do many
• Ability to exercise judgment different things at once.

Fig. 20.1 Fitts List of things humans can do better than machines and vice versa [6]. (Courtesy of the National Academy Press)

underwater, medicine, and hazardous environments, among Table 20.1 Scale of degrees of automation [4]
others, which are commented in Sect. 20.5.
1. The computer offers no assistance; human must do it all
2. The computer offers a complete set of action alternatives and
3. narrows the selection down to a few or
20.3 Levels of Automation and General 4. suggests one, and
Schemes 5. executes that suggestion if the human approves or
6. allows the human a restricted time to veto before automatic
In order to illustrate the typical components and functional execution or
modules of a teleoperation system, this section describes an 7. executes automatically, then necessarily informs the
up-to-date specific bilateral teleoperation scheme and intro- human, or
duces the cooperative teleoperation systems. Both kinds of 8. informs him after execution only if he asks or
systems are representative cases of human-robot interaction 9. informs him after execution if it, the computer, decides to
(HRI), and, for that reason, it is useful to previously introduce 10. The computer decides everything and acts autonomously,
ignoring the human
the Levels of Automation concept and to present some of its
Each succeeding level of the scale below assumes some previous ones
more recognized taxonomies. (when ANDed) or imposes more restrictive constraints (when ORed).

20.3.1 Levels of Automation

early example is Paul Fitts [6], who, together with some
One of the key aspects to be considered in a robotic tele- fellow founding fathers of the Human Factors discipline,
operation system is the sharing out of the decision-making proposed in 1951 the famous Fitts List (Fig. 20.1) compiling
and control authority between the human and the machine the kinds of things men can do better than machines at that
[5]. In general, leaving aside the completely autonomous time and vice versa, the so-called MABA-MABA lists (Men
systems, a range of situations can be envisaged, covering Are Better At-Machines Are Better At) [7].
from plain teleoperation, where every action of the local Fitts’s work was followed by several seminal studies
manipulator conducted by the human operator is mimicked on how HRI could be specified for complex systems for
by the remote robot, to supervisory control, corresponding which fully autonomous capability was not yet possible. In
to schemes in which the system generates options, selects 1978 Sheridan and Verplanck [8] described different ways
the option to implement, and carries out that action and the in which a decision could be made and implemented by the
human monitors the process and only intervenes if necessary. coordinated actions of a human operator and a computer,
Function allocation is then one of the critical issues in HRI constituting different Levels of Automation (LOA), and they
in which the robot teleoperation fits. The question whether developed a LOA taxonomy which incorporates ten levels.
tasks should be performed by humans or by machines has A later refinement of this scale [4] is shown in Table 20.1.
been a research object for more than a half a century. One
460 L. Basañez et al.

Table 20.2 Endsley and Kaber Levels of Automation [9] have been highly useful in both informing research on human
Level of automation Description -automation interaction (HAI) and in providing guidance for
1. Manual control The human performs all tasks: monitoring the the design of automated and autonomous systems [10]. The
state, generating options, selecting the option benefits of LOA taxonomies have been realized on several
to perform (decision-making), and physically practical and theoretical grounds.
implementing it
An interesting taxonomy of Levels of Robot Autonomy
2. Action support The system assists the operator with
performance of the selected action, although (LORA), in the context of teleoperation systems, has been
some human control actions are required suggested by Beer, Fisk, and Rogers [12]. Each level is
3. Batch processing The human generates and selects the options to specified from the perspective of the interaction between the
be performed. Then they are turned over to the human and the robot and the roles each play (Table 20.3). The
system to be carried out automatically function allocation between robot and human is expressed
4. Shared control Both the human and the system generate using the primitives sense, plan, act into which any task, no
possible decision options. The human still
retains full control over the selection of which matter how simple or complex, can be divided [13]. Level
option to implement; however, carrying out the Manual represents a situation where no robot is involved in
actions is a shared task performing the task, and in level Full Automation, the human
5. Decision support The system generates a list of decision options has no role.
that the human can select from or may generate
The teleoperation system described in Sect. 20.3.2 could
own options. Once the human has selected an
option, the system implements it be classified in level 4. Shared Control of the Endsley and
6. Blended The system generates a list of options that it Kaber Levels of Automation Taxonomy (Table 20.2) and in
decision-making selects from and carries out if the human level Shared Control with Human Initiative of the Beer,
consents, but the human may select another Fisk, and Rogers Taxonomy of Levels of Robot Autonomy
option generated by the system or by
for HRI (Table 20.3).
herself/himself, to be carried by the system
7. Rigid system The system presents a set of actions to the
human whose role is to select from among this
set. The system implements the selected action
8. Automated The system selects the best option and carries it 20.3.2 Bilateral Teleoperation
decision-making out, based upon a list it generates (augmented
by alternatives suggested by the human)
9. Supervisory The system generates options, selects, and A modern teleoperation system is composed of several func-
control carries out a desired option. The human tional modules according to the aim of the system. As a
monitors the system and intervenes if paradigm of an up-to-date teleoperated robotic system, the
necessary (shifting, in this case, to the decision one developed at the Robotics Laboratory of the Institute
support LOA)
of Industrial and Control Engineering (IOC), Universitat
10. Full automation The system carries out all actions
Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC), Spain [14,
15], is described below.
The outline of the IOC teleoperation system is represented
This work served as the foundation for several subse- in Fig. 20.2. The diagram contains two large blocks that
quent LOA taxonomies [9–11], including reformulations of correspond to the local station, where the human operator
levels based on broader types of information processing and the local robot (haptic device) are located, and the remote
automation. For instance, Endsley and Kaber [9], in order station, which includes one or more industrial manipulators
to represent general and pervasive stages of information as remote robots. There is also an intermediate block repre-
processing in HRI, considered four functions: monitoring senting the communication channel.
system status, generating strategy options, selecting a partic- Although this system has been originally designed for a
ular option or strategy, and implementing the chosen strategy. robot manipulator, this could be replaced by a mobile robot
By assigning these functions to the human or the computer or by a mobile manipulator (a manipulator mounted on a
or a combination of the two, they formulated ten levels of mobile platform) as long as its mobility does not exhibit
automation (Table 20.2). Additionally, intermediary levels nonholonomic restrictions.
of automation have also been proposed in order to maintain
operator involvement in system performance, improving in
this way the situation awareness and reducing the out-of-the- Local Station
loop performance problems [9]. In the local station (Fig. 20.2), the human operator physically
Some authors [11] have addressed criticisms on the util- interacts with a haptic device and with the teleoperation aids
ity or appropriateness of the Levels of Automation tax- modules by means of a graphical user interface. The modules
onomies, but, in general, they agree that these taxonomies of this station are described below.
20 Teleoperation and Level of Automation 461

Table 20.3 Beer, Fisk, and Rogers taxonomy of Levels of Robot Autonomy for HRI [12]
LORA Sense Plan Act Description
Manual H H H The human performs all aspects of the task including sensing the environment, generating
plans/options/goals, and implementing processes
Teleoperation H/R H H/R The robot assists the human with action implementation. However, sensing and planning
is allocated to the human. For example, a human may teleoperate a robot, but the human
may choose to prompt the robot to assist with some aspects of a task (e.g., gripping
Assisted teleoperation H/R H H/R The human assists with all aspects of the task. However, the robot senses the environment
and chooses to intervene with the task. For example, if the user navigates the robot too
close to an obstacle, the robot will automatically steer to avoid collision
Batch processing H/R H R Both the human and robot monitor and sense the environment. The human, however,
determines the goals and plans of the task. The robot then implements the task
Decision support H/R H/R R Both the human and robot sense the environment and generate a task plan. However, the
human chooses the task plan and commands the robot to implement actions
Shared control with human initiative H/R H/R R The robot autonomously senses the environment, develops plans and goals, and imple-
ments actions. However, the human monitors the robot’s progress and may intervene and
influence the robot with new goals and plans if the robot is having difficulty
Shared control with robot initiative H/R H/R R The robot performs all aspects of the task (sense, plan, act). If the robot encounters
difficulty, it can prompt the human for assistance in setting new goals and plans
Executive control R H/R R The human may give an abstract high-level goal (e.g., navigate in environment to a
specified location). The robot autonomously senses environment, sets the plan, and
implements action
Supervisory control H/R R R The robot performs all aspects of the task, but the human continuously monitors the robot, 20
the environment, and the task. The human has override capability and may set a new goal
and plan. In this case, the autonomy would shift to executive control, shared control, or
decision support
Full automation R R R The robot performs all aspects of a task autonomously without human intervention with
sensing, planning, or implementing action
H = Human, R = Robot

Local Teleoperation Control Modules Geometric Conversion module It is in charge of the con-
Haptic Rendering module This is responsible for calcu- version between the coordinates of the haptic devices and
lating the torque τ *l , in the joint space, to be fed back to those of the remote robots.
the operator as a combination of the following forces: State Determination module It updates the system state
variables that are used by the teleoperation control and the
• Constraint force f c , in the operational space, computed Teleoperation Aids modules.
by the Relational Positioning module in order to restrict
the movements to a submanifold of free space, during
the manipulation of the haptic device by the operator
Local Teleoperation Aids Modules
• Virtual force f v , in the operational space, computed
Relational Positioning module The operator makes use of
by the Virtual Contacts module as a response to the
this module to define geometric relationships between the
detection of potential collision situations
part manipulated by the remote robot and the parts in the
• Guiding force f g , in the operational space, computed
environment. These relationships can completely define
by the Guiding module to swept the operator along a
the position of the manipulated part and then fix all the
collision-free path toward the goal
robots’ degrees of freedom (DOFs), or they can partially
• Control torque τ l , in the joint space, produced by the
determine the part position and orientation and therefore
controller as a result of tracking errors between the
fix only some DOFs. In the latter case, the remaining
local haptic and the remote robot manipulator
degrees of freedom are those that the operator will be able
to control by means of the haptic device (local robot).
The total torque is given by τ ∗l = J l (ql )[f c +f g +f v ]+τ l ,
The output of this module is the solution submanifold
where Jl (q l ) is the transpose of the Jacobian matrix of the
in which the constraints imposed by the relationships are
haptic device, evaluated at the configuration ql .
Control Algorithms module It executes the motion and
Virtual Contacts module It detects possible collisions of
force control algorithms that allow position tracking while
the manipulated part with the environment and gener-
maintaining stability despite the communication delays
ates the corresponding repulsion forces for helping the
between stations.
462 L. Basañez et al.

by the Sensing modules and transmitted to the local station.

Its modules are the following.
Local station
Remote Teleoperation Control Modules
Human Haptic
operator device Control Algorithms module It receives motion commands
from the local station and sends the corresponding torque
references to the joint actuators of the remote robot ma-
Teleoperation aids Teleoperation control nipulator.
Relational Virtual Haptic Control
positioning contacts rendering algorithms Planning module It computes how the part manipulated
Augmented Geometric State
by the robot must follow the trajectory specified by the
reality conversion determination
operator with the haptic device, avoiding, at the same time,
collisions between the robot and the environment.

Communications management
Remote Sensing Modules
Communication channel
State Determination module It gathers and processes the
remote system state variables that are fed back to the local
Communications management station.
Audio/Video module This module is responsible of the
capture and transmission of sounds and images of the
Sensing Teleoperation control remote environment.
State Control
determination algorithms

Audio / video Planning

In both local and remote stations, there exists a Communica-
tions Management module that takes in charge of commu-
nications between these stations through the used channel
Robot (e.g., Internet). It consists of the following submodules for
Environment manipulator
the information processing in the local and remote stations:
Remote station
• Command codification/decodification. These submodules
are responsible for the codification and decodification
of the motion commands exchanged between the local
Fig. 20.2 General scheme of the IOC teleoperation system
and the remote stations. These commands should contain
the information of the degrees of freedom constrained to
satisfy the geometric relationships and the motion vari-
operator to react as soon as possible when virtual contacts ables on the unrestricted ones, following the movements
situations occur. specified by the operator by means of the haptic device.
Guiding module It computes, by means of motion plan- The following three qualitatively different situations are
ning techniques, forces that guide the operator during task possible:
execution. – The motion subspace satisfying the constraints defined
Augmented Reality module This module is in charge of by the relationships fixed by the operator has dimen-
enhancing the view of the remote station with the addition sion zero. This means that the constraints completely
of useful information like motion restrictions imposed by determine the position and orientation (pose) of the
the operator or by the Teleoperation Aids modules and manipulated object. In this case the command is this
graphical models of the remote robot using simulated pose.
configurations provided by the operator or received from – The motion subspace has dimension six, i.e., the oper-
the remote station. ator does not have any relationship fixed. In this case
the operator can manipulate the six degrees of freedom
of the haptic device, and the command sent to the
Remote Station remote station is composed of the values of the six joint
In the remote station, the robot is controlled by the Remote variables.
Teleoperation Control modules, connected with the Local – The motion subspace has dimension from one to five.
Teleoperation Control modules through the communication In this case the commands are composed of the in-
channel. The information generated at this station is captured formation of this subspace and the variables that de-
20 Teleoperation and Level of Automation 463

d1 d2
61 6o 62

Local robot T
Robot 1 Robot 2
controller To controller controller

Fig. 20.3 Example of application of a cooperative teleoperation system

scribe the motion inside it calculated from the coor- 4. Forces generated by the controller as a result of tracking
dinates introduced by the operator through the haptic errors that occur due to real interactions on the remote 20
device. station
• State codification/decodification. These submodules gen-
erate and interpret the messages between the remote and Position and force correspondence between the haptic
the local stations. The robot state is coded as the combi- device and the robot is guaranteed, including the possibility
nation of the position and force information. to perform mouse jumps required when the size of their
• Network monitoring system. This submodule analyzes in workspaces differs substantially. The performance of the task
real time the Quality of Service (QoS) of the communica- being teleoperated is continually monitored by the operator
tion channel in order to properly adapt the teleoperation using the 3D image of the scene augmented with extra
parameters and the sensorial feedback. relevant information, like the graphical representation of the
motion subspace, the graphical model of the robot updated
Operation Principle with the last received data, and other outstanding information
The performing of a teleoperated task using the teleoperation for the good and easy performance of the task.
framework just described is done as follows. The opera-
tor first determines the goal configurations of the task and
sets the motion constraints that must be maintained during 20.3.3 Cooperative Teleoperation Systems
the task execution, by specifying the relative positions of
the part or tool manipulated by the robot with respect to the Cooperative robot systems have advantages over single
environment. Then, in order to remotely control the robot robots, such as increased dexterity and improved handling
performing the task, he/she moves the haptic device with the and loading capacity. Moreover, the execution of some
help of the following feedback forces: robotic tasks requires two or more robots, and, in such a
case, a cooperative strategy with several robot manipulators
1. Forces that restrain her/him within the task submanifold becomes necessary to perform the tasks that cannot be
defined by the constraints set, letting her/him concentrate executed by a single manipulator (Fig. 20.3). Typical
on the commanding of motions relevant to the task cooperation examples include tasks such as handling large
2. Forces resulting from collisions predicted in the virtual en- and heavy rigid and non-rigid objects and assembly and
vironment, which allow her/him to react on time because mating of mechanical parts and space robotics applications
they prevent her/him of imminent collisions in the remote [16, 17].
station In spite of the potential benefits achievable with multiple
3. Guiding forces that, from any point within the task sub- robot manipulators, the analysis and the control of these
manifold, swept her/him along a collision-free path to- systems become more complex due to the kinematic and
ward the goal configuration, resulting in a faster task the dynamic interactions imposed by the cooperation. This
commanding means that, in all those tasks requiring effective cooperation,
464 L. Basañez et al.

one cannot extend the well-known results for the kinemat- communications using the analogy of a lossless transmission
ics, dynamics, and control of a single arm. The difficulty line with scattering theory. They showed that the scattering
increases if the cooperating robots have different kinematic transformation ensures passivity of the communications de-
structures [18]. spite any constant time-delay. Following the former scat-
tering approach, it was proved [22] that, by matching the
impedances of the local and remote robot controllers with the
20.4 Challenges and Solutions impedance of the virtual transmission line, wave reflections
are avoided. For a historical survey along this line, the reader
When designing a bilateral teleoperation system or a coop- may refer to [1].
erative teleoperation system, different challenges must be Passivity is the basic property behind the scattering-based
faced. On the one hand, the robot controller has to be de- schemes to ensure stability, and it has also been used to show
signed considering the special characteristics of the commu- that simple Proportional plus damping (P+d) schemes can
nication channels like the possible time-varying delays. On provide the teleoperator with position tracking capabilities
the other hand, it is necessary a high feeling of immersion of for the constant delay case [23], as well as for the variable
the operator on the remote site that can be obtained by using delay case [24]. Moreover passivity has been also employed
different sensors together with augmented reality techniques. to increase transparency as the scheme reported in [25]. A
Teleoperation aids must be also considered in order to help passivity-based control tutorial for bilateral teleoperators can
the operator performing a teleoperated task in an easy and be found in [26].
efficient way. Another interesting recent challenge is the Most of the passivity-based schemes rely on gravity can-
teleoperation of unmanned aerial vehicles/drones. All these cellation to ensure position tracking. However, they require
challenges are analyzed in the following subsections. the exact knowledge of the system physical parameters [24,
27]. To deal with parameter uncertainty, adaptive control
schemes have been proposed both for the constant delay
20.4.1 Control Objectives and Algorithms case [28] and for variable delays [29]. These results have
been latter extended, for example, to deal with parameter
A control algorithm for a teleoperation system has two main estimation convergence [30] and input saturation [31].
objectives: telepresence and stability. Obviously, the mini- Many of the reported control schemes have tackled the
mum requirement for a control scheme is to preserve stability control problem assuming that velocities are measurable.
despite the existence of time-delays and the behavior of the However, most of the commercially available devices are not
operator and the environment. equipped with velocity sensors, and those with them are often
Telepresence means that the information about the remote prone to noise that cannot be easily filtered [32]. Among
environment is displayed to the operator in a natural man- the works that treat the output-feedback case, i.e., without
ner, which implies a feeling of presence at the remote site velocity sensors, can be cited [33–36] and, more recent,
(immersion). Good telepresence increases the feasibility of [37–39].
the remote manipulation task. The degree of telepresence In [33] a sliding control technique is used to control a
associated to a teleoperation system is called transparency linearized version of the local and remote manipulators, mak-
[19]. However, due to time-delays, complete transparency ing use of measurements of the human and the environment
and Lyapunov stability cannot be, sometimes, achieved si- forces. An adaptive control scheme, in order to render the
multaneously [20]. The same control objectives apply for the teleoperator Input-to-State stable, is provided in [34]. The
teleoperation of cooperative systems. work of [35] proves boundedness of the position error using a
high-gain velocity observer. For the undelayed case, the work
Bilateral Teleoperation Control reported in [36] proposes the use of a velocity filter to achieve
In order to ensure stability when delays appear in the com- position tracking.
munication channel, different control approaches have been A Immersion and Invariance (I&I) velocity observer [40],
proposed. Although scattering-based control has dominated together with a proportional plus damping scheme, is re-
this field, other schemes like passivity-based, adaptive, and ported in [37], but this approach has the practical drawback
sliding controllers have also been proved to provide position that the observer design requires the exact knowledge of the
tracking capabilities under constant or variable time-delays, system dynamics. This drawback has been obviated either
even when velocities cannot be measured. using a dynamic controller based on the energy shaping
Scattering-based control has dominated the control field methodology that back-propagates damping to the plant [38]
in teleoperation systems since it was first proposed by Ander- or using a sliding-mode velocity observer [39].
son and Spong [21], creating the basis of modern teleopera- Figure 20.4 shows a control diagram of a common teleop-
tion system control. Their approach was to render passive the eration system in the Cartesian/task space for which velocity
20 Teleoperation and Level of Automation 465

Forward x
+ JT kinematics
fh – t q x Controller

y· r
∫ y·
Filter Filter ∫

xr qr tr + fe
Controller Forward
JrT –
f kinematics

Fig. 20.4 Teleoperation control scheme in the Cartesian/task space

measurements are not available [41]. In this scheme the joint manipulators and one redundant remote robot and the second
position vectors qi of the local and remote robots (sub-index one composed of one local robot and one remote robot with
i =  for the local robot and i = r for the remote robot) are less DOFs than the local and using a control scheme that
measured, and, via a Forward Kinematics module, they are does not consider time-delays; [45] that proposes a control
translated into Cartesian poses xi . Then, using a dirty velocity framework based on the small-gain arguments for teleopera-
filter, the filtered velocities ẏi are employed to inject damping tion systems composed of multiple Single Local and Single 20
through the controllers to the robots. Both controllers are Remote (SL-SR) pairs that interact through an environment;
simple P+d schemes implemented in the Cartesian space, and and [46] where two (master) local devices teleoperate a
their output control signals f i are translated to the joint space remote manipulator for the undelayed case.
control signals τ i using the transpose of the robot Jacobians Recently, Pliego-Jiménez et al. [18] treat the dexterous
Ji (qi ). The forces injected by the human and the environment cooperative telemanipulation of an object being manipulated
are f h and f e , respectively. by two robots. The proposed controller is able to estimate the
mass and the inertia of the object being manipulated. Yang
et al. [47] propose a neural network approach together with
Cooperative Teleoperation Control an integral terminal sliding mode to ensure fixed-time stabil-
The bilateral teleoperation of multiple remote robots with ity for an uncertain cooperative teleoperation system.
one or multiple local robots is becoming increasingly pop- Using the joint space adaptive controller of [48], Aldana
ular. Among the first works on the control of cooperative et al. [17] present an adaptive controller in the task space
teleoperation systems that can be mentioned are those of for a cooperative teleoperation system that is capable of
Sirouspour [16] and Lee and Spong [42]. In the latter, the controlling the internal forces over the manipulated object.
authors report a formation of multiple manipulators being Extending the consensus idea in [48,49], a leaderless con-
teleoperated by a single local manipulator using a passive sensus algorithm that can be employed in the teleoperation of
decomposition that is robust to constant time-delays, by sep- multiple remote manipulators in the task space, when veloci-
arating the teleoperation system into two decoupled systems: ties are not available for measurement, has been proposed in
the shape system describing the cooperative grasping aspect [50]. However, this solution is not robust to communication
and the locked system representing the overall behavior of delays. Recently, Montaño et al. [51], making use of the
the multiple remotes. In [16], multiple local manipulators energy shaping methodology described in [52], present a
command multiple remote manipulators, and each local one bilateral telemanipulation scheme for the dexterous in-hand
is coupled to one of the remote robots. The proposed control manipulation of unknown objects that is robust to time-delays
scheme uses linearized dynamics of the elements of the and that does not need velocity measurements.
teleoperation system, and no time-delays are considered. Figure 20.5 shows an adaptive control scheme for a
These two mentioned works were the beginnings of a cooperative teleoperation system [17]. This scheme is a
series of control proposals along this line, for example, [43] possible implementation of the application represented
where a PD controller is designed to enforce motion tracking in Fig. 20.3. The key idea in this scheme is that the
and formation control of local and remote vehicles under human operator, through a single local robot, teleoperates
constant time-delays; [44] that proposes a Lyapunov-based a remote object using a cooperative robotic system while
adaptive control approach for two types of asymmetrical the internal forces over the object are under control. In the
teleoperation systems, the first one composed of two local
466 L. Basañez et al.

ˆ f· + Cˆ f – gˆ + k
x(t – To(t)) o o o o o o o
fh q
+ JT kinematics
x · , , f· , f
 t o o o o · qˆDo
J u qˆDo ³


q qˆD1 ·
Aux. ³ qˆ
f q·

· signals uo f1
³ qˆD · f d,int
qˆD f xo(t – To(t))
xo q1

f q Object u1 q· 1
J1 t1
Controller q·  forward
kinematics q1 J1T

qˆJ ³ qˆJ
WJT Controller

tJ T

Fig. 20.5 Adaptive control scheme for a cooperative teleoperation system in the Cartesian/task space

following description, sub-index i =  stands for local, via infrared). The second aspect entails the following three
and i = {1, 2, . . . , N} stands for each robot in the remote groups:
collaboration system. The adaptive controllers dynamically
Time-delay free. The communication channel connecting
estimate the robots’ physical parameters θ̂ Di along with the
the local and the remote stations does not affect the stabil-
object parameters θ̂ Do . The controllers are implemented in
ity of the overall teleoperation system. In general this is
the Cartesian space, and their output control signals f i are
the kind of channel present when the two stations are near
translated, using the robots’ Jacobians Ji (qi ), to the joint
to each other. Examples of these communication channels
space, resulting in τ i . By measuring the robots’ joint space
are some surgical systems, where the master and slave are
positions qi and velocities q̇i , some auxiliary error signals
located in the same room and connected through wires or
 i and φ i are computed to ensure that position tracking is
achieved while maintaining a desired value of the internal
Constant time-delay. These are often associated with
forces f di, int . The robot force/motion contribution reflected to
communications in space, underwater teleoperation using
the object is determined using matrices Wi .
sound signals, and systems with dedicated wires across
large distances.
Variable time-delay. This is the case, for instance, of
packet-switched networks where variable time-delays
are caused by many reasons such as routing, acknowledge
20.4.2 Communication Channels
response, and packing and unpacking data.
Communication channels can be classified in terms of two One of the most promising teleoperation communication
aspects: their physical nature and their mode of operation. channels is the Internet, which is a packet-switched network,
According to the first aspect, two groups can be defined: i.e., it uses protocols that divide the messages into packets
physically connected (mechanically, electrically, optically before transmission. Each packet is then transmitted indi-
wired, pneumatically, and hydraulically) and physically dis- vidually and can follow a different route to its destination.
connected (radiofrequency and optically coupled such as Once all packets forming a message have arrived at the
20 Teleoperation and Level of Automation 467

destination, they are recompiled into the original message. • 10 Gbps maximum achievable data rate
When using packet-switched networks for real-time teleop- • 10 (Mbit/s)/m2 traffic capacity across coverage area
eration systems, besides bandwidth, three effects can result • 1 ms latency
in decreased performance of the communication channel: • 106 /km2 total number of connected devices
packet loss, variable time-delays, and, in some cases, loss of • 3 times higher spectrum efficiency compared to 4G
order in packet arrival. • Full (100%) network coverage
Among the transport protocols, there are in the litera- • Mobility of the connected device up to 500 km/h with
ture three standard protocols, Transmission Control Proto- acceptable Quality of Service
col (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and Real-Time • 10 times lower network energy usage compared to 4G
Transport Protocol (RTP), and three modified protocols for
teleoperation systems, Real-Time Network Protocol (RTNP), A major design challenge of 5G is to provide ultra-low
Interactive Real-Time Protocol (IRTP), and Efficient Trans- delay communication over the network which would enable
port Protocol (ETP). In order to achieve relatively faster real-time interactions across wireless networks. This, in turn,
transmission of the local robot data and to maintain lower will empower people to wirelessly control both real and
variations in delay, UDP is widely used for many real-time virtual objects. 5G will add a new dimension to human-
applications over the network [53]. However, since UDP machine interaction and will lead to a revolution in almost
provides an unreliable and connectionless service, packet every segment of society with applications and use cases like
loss, packet replication, and out-of-order delivery problems mobile augmented video content, road traffic/autonomous
are more significant with this protocol. Then, some modifi- driving, healthcare, smart grid, remote education, remote
cations of the packet structure of UDP have been proposed immersion/interaction, Internet of Things (IoT), and tactile
to supply additional information about unreliable network Internet, among others [58, 59]. 20
conditions to the application layer [54]. Several 5G implementations have already been reported,
In order to improve the performance of teleoperation like [60], in which a tonne crawler excavator located over
systems, Quality of Service (QoS)-based schemes have been 8500 km away from the operator is commanded, 5G being
used to provide priorities on the communication channel. essential to deliver live video streaming at the operator’s
The main drawback of today’s best-effort Internet service is station in a reliable way, minimizing the time lag in the
due to network congestion. The use of high-speed networks system for the operator. This teleoperation system is used
with recently created protocols, such as the Internet Protocol for operating excavators in dangerous applications such as
version 6 (IPv6), improves the performance of the whole industrial waste disposal, involving hazardous, toxic, or ra-
teleoperation system [55]. dioactive substances. In [61] advances in remote surgery are
Besides QoS, IPv6 presents other important improve- reported. In one of them, a doctor in Fujian, a province in
ments. The current 32 bit address space of IPv4 is not southeastern China, removed the liver of a test animal about
able to satisfy the increasing number of Internet users. IPv6 30 miles away. It was reportedly the world’s first remote
quadruples this address space to 128 bits, which provides surgery over 5G, which kept the lag time to 0.1 s.
more than enough globally unique IP addresses for every But progress does not stop, and, although service
network device on the planet. providers around the world are only now rolling out their
Teleoperation has been largely relegated to fixed commu- mobile 5G networks, some researchers are contemplating
nication connections, but with the new enhancements in the the use of terahertz waves for the next generation of wireless
wireless technologies, this will change. 5G is the 5th gen- networks, 6G, that would occupy the 300 gigahertz to 3
eration mobile network. It is a new global wireless standard terahertz band of the electromagnetic spectrum [62]. These
after 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks. 5G enables a new kind frequencies are higher than the highest frequencies used by
of network that is designed to connect virtually everyone and 5G, which are known as millimeter waves and fall between
everything together including machines, objects, and devices. 30 and 300 gigahertz. It is expected that terahertz waves
5G wireless technology is meant to deliver higher multi-Gbps should be able to carry more data more quickly with even
peak data speeds, ultra low latency, more reliability, massive lower latency, though they will not be able to propagate as
network capacity, increased availability, and a more uniform far. In any case, it remains to be seen.
user experience [56].
The ITU (International Telecommunication Union) and
the whole community of 5G stakeholders have collaborated 20.4.3 Situation Awareness and Immersion
in developing the standards for IMT-2020 (International Mo-
bile Telecommunications) [57]. These standards outline eight Human beings are able to perceive information from the real
criteria for mobile networks, which should be fulfilled in world in order to interact with it. However, sometimes, for
order to qualify them as 5G [58]: engineering purposes, there is a need to interact with systems
468 L. Basañez et al.

that are difficult to actually build or that, due to their physical the case of virtual reality, and it can also be applied to any
behavior, present unknown features or limitations. Then, in of the human senses. Although some authors put attention
order to allow better human interaction with such systems, as on hearing and touching, the main augmentation route is
well as their evaluation and understanding, it is necessary the through visual data addition. Furthermore augmented reality
use of sensory systems that provide the required information can remove real objects or change their appearance [68],
to improve human situation awareness. operations known as diminished or mediated reality. In this
In this context, situation awareness can be defined as the case, the information that is shown and superposed depends
ability to perceive elements within a volume of space, be able on the context, i.e., on the observed objects.
to comprehend the meaning of these elements, and be able to Augmented reality can improve task performance by in-
predict the status of these elements in the future [63]. It is the creasing the degree of reliability and speed of the operator
perception, comprehension, and projection of information due to the addition or reduction of specific information. Re-
relevant to the user regarding their immediate environment, ality augmentation can be of two types: modal or multimodal.
which plays an important role in teleoperation tasks. It is also In the modal type, augmentation is referred to the enrichment
a primary basis for operator’s performance [64]. of a particular sense (normally sight), whereas, in the multi-
In the teleoperation case, besides the force feedback orig- modal type, augmentation includes several senses. Research
inated from the contact of the remote robot with other ob- done to date has faced other important challenges [69].
jects, the visual feedback of the remote environment is of In teleoperation environments, augmented reality has been
capital importance, because it provides the operator with used to complement human sensorial perception in order to
information that will help her/him navigate through the re- help the operator to perform teleoperated tasks [70]. In this
mote workspace. This is especially true for task operations context, augmented reality can reduce or eliminate the factors
that take place in free space, where there is no force feed- that break true perception of the remote station, such as time-
back. Depth perception also improves the operator’s situ- delays in the communication channel, poor visibility of the
ation awareness and can be achieved, for example, with a remote scene, and poor perception of the interaction with the
stereoscopic visual feedback system that combines images remote environment. For instance, the operator experience
gathered from two remotely actuated video cameras. In such can be enhanced at the local station by overlaying a co-
a system, the stereoscopic effect is achieved by alternatively located virtual scene on the video streams corresponding
displaying the image corresponding to the left and right eyes to each eye. This virtual scene can contain visual cues and
on a computer monitor or wall projector, switching between annotations that are not present in the real world, but can
them at a frequency of 100–120Hz or higher. Many people improve task performance. Examples of graphical entities
can visualize the 3D scene at the same time by wearing pairs that can be rendered are geometric constraints the movement
of shutter glasses that are synchronized with the switching of of an object is subject to, virtual objects an operator may be
the video display [15]. Graphical and vibro-tactile feedback haptically interacting with, guidance paths, magnitude and
are used in [65] to increase situation awareness. direction of interaction forces, and boundaries of the robot
Immersion is the sensation of being in an environment that workspace.
actually does not exist and that can be a purely mental state or Limited-bandwidth communications may reduce the
can be accomplished through physical elements. In order to frame rate of the live video streams below acceptable levels.
improve the operator immersion in the remote environment In such cases a virtual version of the remote robot can be
of a teleoperation system, two important techniques are of displayed and refreshed at a higher frequency while using
great helpfulness: virtual reality and augmented reality. In very little bandwidth, since it only requires updating the
virtual reality a nonexistent world can be simulated with a current joint variables.
compelling sense of realism for a specific environment. So, The appearance of an augmented environment with both
the real world is replaced by a computer-generated world real and virtual objects must be visually compelling and, for
that uses input devices to obtain information from the user this, must obey overlay and occlusion visibility rules. That
and capture data from the real world (e.g., using trackers is, the parts of a virtual object that are in the foreground
and transducers) and uses output devices to represent the are rendered and block the real objects that lie behind (if
responses of the virtual world by means of visual, touch, the virtual object is semitransparent, a blending effect oc-
aural, or taste displays, like haptic devices, head-mounted curs), and the parts of a virtual object that are behind a real
displays (HMD), and headphones, in order to be perceived one are not rendered. Occlusions are achieved by rendering
by any of the human senses [66, 67]. transparent models of the real objects in the virtual scene.
Augmented reality is a form of Human-Computer Inter- Unmodeled real objects are unable to produce occlusion
action (HCI) that superimposes information created by com- effects. Figure 20.6 shows the left and right eye views of a
puters over a real environment. Augmented reality enriches scene augmented with three visible virtual entities: a planar
the surrounding environment instead of replacing it as in surface that represents the geometric constraints acting on the
20 Teleoperation and Level of Automation 469

a) b)

Fig. 20.6 (a) and (b) parts of the stereographic view of a remote scene with augmented reality aids

robot end-effector, the end-effector coordinate frame, and a and rotation around the hole axis, provided that the axes of
semitransparent rendering of the robot in a different configu- the two elements are aligned.
ration. Notice the overlay and occlusion effects between the Although operator skills are needed for the successful
real robot and the virtual entities. execution of many teleoperated tasks, maintaining both the
Among the applications of augmented reality, it is worth- tool and the manipulated object inside a specific space region
while to mention interaction between the operator and the re- can be both challenging and tiring. Such region can be
mote site for better visualization [71,72], better collaboration easily described in terms of geometric constraints that, when
capacity [73], better path or motion planning for robots [74], satisfied, define a submanifold of the Special Euclidean space
addition of specific virtual tools [75], and multisensorial of dimension three, denoted SE(3), of allowed movements.
perception enrichment [76]. Haptic feedback can be used to assist the operator by re-
stricting his/her movements to the submanifold of interest,
lowering the mental burden needed to execute the task.
A Relational Positioning module explicitly addresses
20.4.4 Teleoperation Aids these issues. Its core consists of a geometric constraint solver
that, given a set of constraints between various objects, finds
Some of the problems arising in teleoperated systems, such as the positions that each object should have in order to comply
an unstructured environment, communication delays, human with this set.
operator uncertainty, and safety at the remote site, among There exist many methods for solving geometric con-
others, can be reduced using teleoperation aids. straint problems [77], most of which can be classified as
Among the teleoperation aids aimed to diminish the uncer- graph-based, logic-based, algebraic, or a combination of
tainty of the human operator, improve his repeatability, and these approaches.
reduce his fatigue, one can highlight Relational Positioning, Graph-based methods construct a (hyper)graph in which
Virtual Contacts, and Guiding. the nodes represent geometric elements and the arcs con-
straints. Topological features like cyclic dependencies and
open chains can be easily detected. Graph analysis identi-
Relational Positioning fies simpler and solvable subproblems whose solutions are
Tasks where an object has to be positioned with respect to combined while maintaining compatibility with the initial
its surroundings are ubiquitous in robotics and often can be problem. There exist algorithms with O(n2 ) [78] and O(nm)
decomposed into a series of constrained movements which [79] time complexity, where n is the number of geometric
do not require using the six DOFs an object has in free elements and m is the number of constraints.
space. For example, the spray-painting of a flat surface takes Logic-based methods represent the geometric elements
place in a two-DOFs planar space, and the insertion of a and constraints using a set of axioms and assertions. The
prismatic peg in a hole also requires two DOFs, translation
470 L. Basañez et al.

solution is obtained following general logic reasoning and

constraint rewriting techniques [80]. CI

Input constraint
Constraint combination decomposition
Algebraic methods translate the problem into a set of
Input constraint decomposition
nonlinear equations, which can be solved using a variety
of numeric and symbolic methods. Numeric methods range CR CT
from the Newton-Raphson method [81] that is simple but
does not guarantee convergence nor finding all possible
CT combination
solutions to more sophisticated ones like Homotopy [82]
CRimpl CTⴕ
that guarantee both. They tend to have O(n2 ) - O(n3 ) time ‰
complexity. Symbolic methods use elimination techniques CRⴕ = CR ‰ CRimpl
such as Gröbner basis to find an exact generic solution to
CRⴕ combination
the problem, which can be evaluated with numerical values to
obtain particular solutions [83]. These methods are extremely
slow, since they have O(cn ), c > 1, time complexity.
Rotational component
Hybrid methods combine more than one solution tech- solution

Solution synthesis
nique in order to compensate for the shortfalls of a specific R
approach and thus to create faster and more capable solvers. R CTⴕ
For example, a graph can be used to represent the problem,
Translational component
and the identified subproblems can be solved using a logic- solution
based method for the cases with known closed-form solution
and a numeric-algebraic method for the unhandled ones.
A computationally efficient logic-based geometric con-
straint solver for assisting the execution of teleoperated tasks
is the PMF (Positioning Mobile with respect to Fixed) that Fig. 20.7 PMF solver solution process. CI represents the input con-
finds the map between constraint sets and parameterized straint set; CR and CT , the rotational and translational fundamental
solution submanifolds [84]. Constraints are defined between constraint sets, respectively (CRimpl contains the implicit rotational con-
elements of the manipulated object and elements of its (fixed) straints); and R and T, the rotational and translational components of
solution, respectively. Prime symbols indicate that the elements of a
environment. The solver accepts, as input constraints, dis- constraint set may have changed
tance and angle relations between points, lines, and planes
and exploits the fact that, in a set of geometric constraints,
the rotational component can often be separated from the Table 20.4 Translational and rotational submanifolds
translational one and solved independently. By means of Translational submanifold DOFs Rotational submanifold DOFs
logic reasoning and constraint rewriting, the solver is able R3 3 SO(3) * –
to map a broad family of input problems to a few rotational Plane 2 Vectors at an angle 2
and translational scenarios with known closed-form solution. Sphere 2 Parallel vectors 1
The PMF solution process is represented in Fig. 20.7. Cylinder 2 Fixed rotation 0
The solver can handle under-, well-, and over-constrained Line 1
(redundant or incompatible) problems with multiple solu- Ellipse 1
tions and is computationally very efficient, so it can be Point 0
included in high-frequency loops that require response times *Special Orthogonal Rotation group of order 3
within the millisecond order of magnitude (e.g., update so-
lutions when the geometry of the problem changes, as in the
case of moving obstacles). operational space coordinates: el = xl − xld , where xld
In teleoperation systems making use of impedance-type represents the projection of xl on the current solution sub-
haptic devices (force/torque input, velocity output), the gen- manifolds, e.g., the expression of the force f c = KP el + KD ėl
eration of virtual constraint forces and torques requires trans- (a PD-like controller) is analogous to attaching a virtual
lating the kinematic information provided by the geometric spring and a virtual damper between xl and xld . A similar
constraint solver into a dynamic model. These systems take scheme is used by the Virtual Contacts and the Guiding
advantage of the high backdrivability and low inertia/friction modules (Sects. 20.4.4 and 20.4.4, respectively). Table 20.4
of the haptic device: it leaves the dynamics of the uncon- shows the translational and rotational submanifolds to which
strained directions unchanged and generates forces in the the haptic device end-effector can be constrained. All com-
constrained directions based on the difference el between binations between rotational and translational submanifolds
the actual xl and desired xld positions of the end-effector in are possible.
20 Teleoperation and Level of Automation 471

Virtual Contacts of the manipulated object, together with those neighbor

Haptic devices allow the operator to interact with a virtual nodes that satisfy the applicability condition for the cur-
world and to feel the reaction forces that arise when the rent orientation θ, constitutes a subgraph, Gnear (θ ), that
manipulated virtual object collides with the objects in the represents the local C-space T .
virtual environment [15]. The haptic rendering of virtual (2) C-space updating: Each time the user changes the orien-
contacts can be a useful teleoperation aid because virtual tation θ of the manipulated object, Gnear (θ ) is updated
contacts can make the user react on time since they may occur (note that G(θ ) remains unchanged whenever the user
before the real ones (if bounding volumes are considered for does a pure translation motion).
the models and because no time-delay exists). (3) Haptic rendering: The collision detection between the
Simple and efficient procedures have been developed for manipulated object and the obstacles is done by evaluat-
punctual haptic interaction. Nevertheless, the haptic render- ing whether the object position lies inside a C-obstacle.
ing of virtual contacts forces between 3D objects requires the This is done only considering the nodes of Gnear (θ ) by
use of collision detection algorithms and the approximation verifying if the object position is below the plane that
of the reaction force and torque by the interpolation or the contains the C-face of the basic contact for the current
sum of the forces computed at each contact point. Consid- orientation. The reaction force is computed proportional
ering the task composed of convex polyhedra representing to the penetration depth. The reaction torque is computed
the bounding volumes of the objects, face-face contacts or as a function of the point where the reaction force is
edge-face contacts are not uncommon (these types of contact applied.
may also occur with virtual fixtures defined by the operator).
Approaches based on collision detection algorithms do not Guiding
provide, in these situations, a good haptic rendering. This can Haptic devices can also provide guiding forces to assist the 20
be solved if the knowledge of the current type of contacts user to safely teleoperate a robot or to train him in the
taking place is used. In this line, a method based on the performance of a task. Some simple guiding forces may
task configuration space (C-space T ) can be very efficient. constrain the user motions along a line or curve or over a
Since in the C-space T the manipulated object is represented given working plane or surface, e.g., for a peg-in-hole task,
by a point, the method becomes similar to punctual haptic a line can be defined along the axis of the hole, and the
interaction methods. The procedure, illustrated in Fig. 20.8, user may feel an increasing force as he moves the peg away
is based on the following three steps [85]: from that line. Although these simple guides can already be a
good help, some tasks may require more demanding guiding
(1) C-space T modeling: Assuming objects modelled with forces to aid the user all along the task execution. Motion
convex polyhedra, their interference is represented by planning strategies based on potential fields can cope with
(convex) C-obstacles. Each C-obstacle can be modelled these guiding requirements, by defining trajectories that fol-
with a graph G whose nodes represent basic contacts. low the gradient descent. One promising approach following
The node whose C-face is closest to the current position this line is the use of harmonic functions that guarantee the
existence of a single minimum at the goal configuration [86].
This approach, illustrated in Fig. 20.9 for the teleoperation
of a bent-corridor planar task, relies on the following three

(1) Task configuration space modeling: A 2n -tree hierarchi-

cal cell decomposition of the C-space T is build based
on an iterative procedure that samples configurations
(using a deterministic sampling sequence), evaluates and
classifies them, and updates the cell partition when nec-
essary. The cells are characterized by a transparency
parameter computed as a function of the number of free
and collision samples they contain. The transparency
parameter is used for both evaluating the necessity of
performing collision checks (i.e., as a lazy-evaluation
control) and controlling the partitioning procedure of the
cell decomposition.
(2) Harmonic functions computation: Two harmonic func-
Fig. 20.8 Rendering of virtual contacts forces between 3D objects
using the task configuration space
tions, H1 and H2 , are computed interspersed with the
472 L. Basañez et al.

C-spaceT guiding


Channel guiding


Fig. 20.9 Teleoperation of a bent-corridor task using guiding forces

configuration space modeling. They permit to globally 20.4.5 Teleoperation of Unmanned Aerial
capture the current knowledge of the C-space T : H1 is Vehicles/Drones
used to find a solution channel from the initial cell to
the goal cell on the current cell decomposition, and H2 Bilateral teleoperation can be used to ensure a precise and
is used to propagate the information of the channel in safe remote piloting of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs),
order to bias the sampling toward the regions around it. which is the name commonly used to describe an airborne
The harmonic functions are computed not only over the vehicle without any pilot on-board, which operates under
free cells (fixing the obstacle cells at a high value) but either remote or autonomous control. UAVs are also referred
over the whole set of cells (using the transparency as a to as remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs), remotely operated
weighting parameter). aircrafts (ROAs), unmanned vehicles systems (UVSs), or
(3) Generation of haptic guiding forces: Guiding forces are simply drones [88].
generated from the harmonic functions. A guiding force There are three methods to remotely operate UAVs. The
generated from H2 pushes the user toward the solu- Level of Robot Autonomy (LORA) of the first method is
tion channel, and a guiding force generated from H1 Supervisory Control (Table 20.3), that is, the UAV operates
guides the user within the channel toward the goal cell. in full autonomy while moving from one place to another and
The forces are computed using a simple point-attraction the human only sets the initial and final destinations. In this
primitive of a haptic programming toolkit [87]. From mode, human operators are not responsible for the intermedi-
the current cell, the user is attracted to the next one ated flying decisions between two consecutive waypoints. In
(following the negated gradient) by a force directed to the second method, the UAV is piloted by an operator who is
its center. This force is felt until the user is located at monitoring and controlling its course from a fixed base on
a given distance threshold from the cell center. Then the ground with a direct line of sight (LORA: Teleoperation).
current cell is updated and the procedure is repeated until Finally, the third method consists of piloting the UAV as
the goal cell is reached. if the operator was onboard (no direct line of sight); this
mode requires sensory equipment such as cameras to explore
20 Teleoperation and Level of Automation 473

the environment (LORA: Manual). In the last two cases

the human operator typically has to perceive the remote
environment using only two-dimensional visual feedback.
The limited field of view often leads to low levels of situ-
ational awareness, which can make it difficult to safely and
accurately control the UAV. Several works in the literature
[89–91] propose to provide the human operator with force-
based haptic feedback about the robot’s environment. This
last has proven to help reduce collisions between a human-
controlled UAV and the environment and improve operator
situational awareness [91].
The small size and agility of many UAVs make such
robotic platforms a great fit for a wide range of applications
in both military and civilian domains. In the first domain,
UAVs are used for surveillance and launching of military
operations. Also, UAVs are used for search and rescue op-
erations or in assessing harsh locations. For instance, The Fig. 20.10 Robot ROBTET for maintenance of electrical power lines.
Florida State Emergency Response Team deployed the first (Courtesy of DISAM, Technical University of Madrid – UPM)
documented use of small UAVs for disaster response follow-
ing hurricane Katrina in 2005 [92]. Flights were carried out
to determine whether people were stranded in unreachable This application was actually the motivation for early real 20
areas and if the river was posing immediate threats or to telemanipulation developments, as stated in Sect. 20.2. Some
examine structural damage at different buildings. Following habitual teleoperated actions in nuclear plants are the main-
that, UAVs have also been deployed in several earthquake tenance of nuclear reactors, decommissioning and disman-
scenarios such as L’Aquila in 2009 [89]. tling of nuclear facilities, and emergency interventions. The
Aerial robots have been also used to survey the state of challenges in these tasks include operation in confined areas
buildings or to measure radiation. The research field on ra- with high radiation levels, risk of contamination, unforeseen
diation detection using robotic systems comprises two main accidents, and manipulation of materials that can be liquid or
topics, i.e., localization and mapping. In particular, radiation solid or have a muddy consistency.
mapping is focused on the problem of generating a complete Another kind of application is the maintenance of elec-
map of an area, and localization addresses the problem of trical power lines, which require operations such as replace-
finding a point source of radiation using the perceived radia- ment of ceramic insulators or opening and reclosing bridges,
tion distribution as a guide in the search behavior of the robot. which are very risky for human operators due to the height of
the lines and the possibility of electric shocks, specially under
poor weather conditions [95]. That is why electric power
20.5 Application Fields companies are interested in the use of robotic teleoperated
systems for live-line power maintenance. Examples of these
The following subsections present several application fields robots are the TOMCAT [96] and the ROBTET (Fig. 20.10)
where teleoperation plays a significant role, describing their [97].
main particular aspects and some relevant works. An interesting application field is construction, where
teleoperation can improve productivity, reliability, and safety.
Typical tasks in this field are earth-moving, compaction, road
20.5.1 Industry and Construction construction and maintenance, and trenchless technologies
[98]. In general, applications in this field are based on direct
Teleoperation in industry-related applications covers a wide visual feedback. One example is radio operation of con-
range of branches. One of them is mostly oriented toward struction machinery, such as bulldozers, hydraulic shovels,
inspection, repair, and maintenance operations in places with and crawler dump trucks, to build contention barriers against
difficult or dangerous access, particularly in power plants volcanic eruptions [99]. Another example is the use of an ex-
[93], as well as to manage toxic wastes [94]. In the nuclear perimental robotized crane with a six-DOF parallel kinematic
industry, the main reason to avoid the presence of human structure, to study techniques and technologies to reduce the
workers is the existence of a continuous radioactive environ- time required to erect steel structures [100].
ment, which results in international regulations to limit the Since the tasks to be done are quite different according to
number of hours that humans can work in these conditions. the particular application, the specific hardware and devices
474 L. Basañez et al.

used in each case can vary a lot, ranging from a fixed remote (TSCM) machines, which can work in a semiautonomous and
station in the dangerous area of a nuclear plant to a mobile teleoperated way.
remote station assembled on a truck that has to move along Position measurement, needed for control, is not easy to
an electrical power line or a heavy vehicle in construction. obtain when the vehicle is beneath the surface, and inter-
ference can be a problem, depending on the mine material.
Moreover, for the same reason, video feedback has very poor
quality. In order to overcome these problems, the use of
20.5.2 Agriculture gyroscopes, magnetic electronic compasses, and radars to
locate the position of vehicles while underground has been
Agriculture is another application field that can be benefited considered [111]. The problems with visual feedback could
with the use of teleoperation technologies. However, there be solved by integrating, for instance, data from live video,
are several challenges in this application field like that the computer-aided design (CAD) mine models, and process
agricultural environment is not structured [101]; the agricul- control parameters, and presenting the operator a view of the
tural production is composed of live produce whose physical environment with augmented reality [112]. In this field, in ad-
characteristics change from one to another species [102]; dition to information directly related to the teleoperation, the
and the terrain, landscape, and atmospheric conditions vary operator has to know other measurements for safety reasons,
continuously and this variation might be unpredictable [103]. for instance, the volatile gas (like methane) concentration,
Robots in agriculture can be used for fruit harvesting, to avoid explosions produced due to sparks generated by the
monitoring, irrigation, fumigation, and fertilization, among drilling action.
others. In particular, ground and aerial mobile robots are well Teleoperated mining is not only considered on Earth. If it
suited for these tasks due to their extended workspace capa- is too expensive and dangerous to have a man underground
bilities [104,105]. Examples of teleoperated robots include a operating a mining system, it is much more so for the perfor-
bilateral haptic teleoperation architecture, reported in [106], mance of mining tasks on the Moon. As stated in Sect. 20.5.5,
for controlling a swarm of agricultural UAVs. The proposed for space applications, in addition to the particularities of
scheme is composed of a velocity controller together with mining, the long transmission delay between the local and
a connectivity preservation term and a collision avoidance remote stations is a significant problem. So, the degree of
algorithm. The work [107] reports an analysis on the usability autonomy has to be increased to perform the simplest tasks
of different human-machine interaction modes for the teleop- locally while allowing a human teleoperator to perform the
eration of an agricultural mobile robot designed for spray- complex tasks at a higher level [113]. When the machines
ing tasks. Another example is a teleoperated manipulator, in the remote station are performing automated actions, the
mounted on a conveyor belt, employed to monitor and take operator can teleoperate some other machinery; thus produc-
care of urban crops [108]. tivity can be improved by using a multiuser schema at the
local station to operate multiple mining systems at the remote
station [114].
20.5.3 Mining

Mining is another interesting field of application for tele- 20.5.4 Underwater

operation. The reason is quite clear: operation of a drill
underground is very dangerous, and sometimes mines them- Underwater teleoperation is motivated by the abundance of
selves are almost inaccessible. One of the first applications living and nonliving resources in the oceans, combined with
started in 1985, when the thin-seam continuous mining Jef- the difficulty for human beings to operate in this environ-
frey model 102HP was extensively modified by the US ment. The most common applications are related to rescue
Bureau of Mines to be adapted for teleoperation. Commu- missions and underwater engineering works, among other
nication was achieved using 0.6 inch wires, and the desired scientific and military applications. Typical tasks are pipeline
entry orientation was controlled using a laser beam [109]. welding, seafloor mapping, inspection and reparation of un-
Later, in 1991, a semiautomated haulage truck was used derwater structures, collection of underwater objects, ship
underground and since then has hauled 1.5 million tons of ore hull inspection, laying of submarine cables, sample collec-
without failure. The truck has an on-board personal computer tion from the ocean bed, and study of marine creatures.
(PC) and video cameras, and the operator can stay on the A pioneering application was the Cable-Controlled Un-
surface and teleoperate the vehicle using an interface that dersea Recovery Vehicle (CURV) used by the US Army in
simulates the dashboard of the truck [110]. The most com- 1966 to recover, in the Mediterranean sea south of Spain,
mon devices used for teleoperation in mining are Load-Haul- the bombs lost due to a bomber accident [115]. More recent
Dump (LHD) machines and Thin-Seam Continuous Mining relevant applications are related to the inspection and object
20 Teleoperation and Level of Automation 475

Fig. 20.11 Underwater robot Garbi III AUV. (Courtesy of University

of Girona – UdG) Fig. 20.12 Canadarm 2. (Courtesy of NASA)

collection from famous sunken vessels, such as the Titanic 20.5.5 Space
with the ARGO robot [116], and to ecological disasters, such
as the sealing of crevices in the hull of the oil tanker Prestige, The main motivation for the development of space teleop-
which sank in the Atlantic in 2002 [117]. eration is that, nowadays, sending a human into the space 20
Specific problems in deep underwater environments are is difficult, risky, and quite expensive, while the interest
the high pressure, quite frequently poor visibility, and cor- in having some devices in space is continuously growing,
rosion. Technological issues that must be considered include from the practical (communications satellites) as well as the
robust underwater communication, power source, and sen- scientific point of view.
sors for navigation. A particular problem in several underwa- The first explorations of space were carried out by robotic
ter applications is the position and force control of the remote spacecrafts, such as the Surveyor probes that landed on the
actuator when it is floating without a fixed holding point. lunar surface between 1966 and 1968. The probes transmitted
Most common unmanned underwater robots are remotely to Earth images and analysis data of soil samples gathered
operated vehicles (ROVs) (Fig. 20.11), which are typically with an extensible claw. Since then, several other ROVs
commanded from a ship by an operator using joysticks. have been used in space exploration, such as in the Voyager
Communication between the local and remote stations is missions [121].
frequently achieved using an umbilical cable with coaxial Various manipulation systems have been used in space
cables or optical fiber, and also the power is supplied by missions. The remote manipulator system, named Canadarm
cables. Most of these underwater vehicles carry a robotic arm after the country that built it, was installed aboard the space
manipulator (sometimes with hydraulic actuators), which shuttle Columbia in 1981 and since then has been employed
effect may be negligible on a large vehicle but that introduce in a variety of tasks, mainly focused on the capture and re-
significant perturbation on the system dynamics of a small deployment of defective satellites, besides providing support
one. for other crew activities. In 2001, the Canadarm 2 (Fig. 20.12)
Moreover, there are several sources of uncertainties, was added to the International Space Station (ISS), with
mainly due to buoyancy, inertial effects, hydrodynamic more load capacity and maneuverability, to help in more
effects (of waves and currents), and drag forces [118], which sensitive tasks such as inspection and fault detection of the
have motivated the development of several specific control ISS structure itself. In 2021, the European Robotic Arm
schemes to deal with these effects [119]. The operational cost (ERA) is expected to be attached to the Russian segment of
of these vehicles is very high, and their performance largely the ISS, primarily to be used outside the ISS in service tasks
depends on the skills of the operator, because it is difficult requiring precise handling of components [122].
to operate them accurately as they are always subject to Control algorithms are among the main issues in this type
undesired motion. In the oil industry, for instance, it is of applications, basically due to the significant delay between
common to use two arms: one to provide stability by gripping the transmission of information from the local station on
a nearby structure and another to perform the assigned task. the Earth and the reception of the response from the remote
A new use of underwater robots is as a practice tool to station in space (Sect. 20.4.1). A number of experimental
prepare and test exploration robots for remote planets and ground-based platforms for telemanipulation such as the
moons [120]. Ranger [123], the Robonaut [124], and the space experiment
476 L. Basañez et al.

ROTEX [125] have demonstrated sufficient dexterity in a working on the patient. A simple endoscope could be con-
variety of operations such as plug/unplug tasks and tools sidered as a basic initial application in this regard, since the
manipulation. Another interesting experiment under devel- position of a camera is teleoperated to obtain an appropriate
opment is the Autonomous Extravehicular Activity Robotic view inside the human body. Telediagnosis also eliminates
Camera Sprint (AERCam) [126], a teleoperated free-flying the possibility of transmitting infectious diseases between
sphere to be used for remote inspection tasks. An experiment patients and healthcare professionals, what can be of great
in bilateral teleoperation was developed by the National importance in pandemic situations such as the one caused
Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) [127] with by COVID-19 [131]. Apart from medically isolated areas,
the Engineering Test Satellite (ETS-VII), overcoming the telemedicine will also play a key role in areas of natural disas-
significant time-delay (up to 7s was reported) in the com- ters and war zones where consistent healthcare is unavailable
munication channel between the robot and the ground-based or there is no time to transport a patient to a hospital [132].
control station. It is worth to highlight the first real remote telesurgery
Currently, most effort in planetary surface exploration performed successfully on September 7, 2001 [133]. The
is focused on Mars, and several remotely operated rovers scenario was as follows: the local station, i.e., the surgeon,
have been sent to this planet [128]. In these experiments the was located in New York City, USA, and the remote station,
long time-delays in the control signals between Earth-based i.e., the patient, was in Strasbourg, France. The performed
commands and Mars-based rovers are especially relevant. surgery was a laparoscopic cholecystectomy done to a 68-
The aim is to avoid the effect of these delays by providing year-old female, and it was called operation Lindbergh, name
more autonomy to the rovers. So, only high-level control derived from the American aviator Charles Lindbergh, be-
signals are provided by the controllers on Earth, while the cause he was the first person to make a solo, nonstop flight
rover solves low-level planning of the commanded tasks across the Atlantic Ocean. This surgery was possible thanks
(Supervisory Control in the taxonomy of Levels of Robot Au- to the availability of a very secure high-speed communication
tonomy of Table 20.2). NASA’s last-generation Perseverance line, allowing a mean total time-delay between the local
rover – the largest, most advanced rover NASA has so far sent and remote stations of 155 ms. The time needed to set up
to another world – follows this function allocation scheme. the robotic system, in this case the Zeus system [134], was
Perseverance rover touched down on Mars on February 18, 16 min., and the operation was done in 54 min. without
2021 [129]. Another possible scenario to minimize the effect complications. The patient was discharged 48 h later without
of delays is teleoperation of the rovers with humans closer any particular postoperative problems.
to them (perhaps in orbit around Mars) to guarantee a short A key problem in this application field is that someone’s
time-delay that will allow the operator to have real-time life is at risk, and this affects the way in which information
control of the rover, allowing more efficient exploration of is processed, how the system is designed, the amount of
the surface of the planet [130]. redundancy used, and any other factors that may increase
safety. Also, the surgical tool design must integrate sensing
and actuation on the millimeter scale.
20.5.6 Healthcare and Surgery Some instruments used in MIS have only four degrees of
freedom, losing therefore the ability to orient the instrument
There are two main reasons for using robot teleoperation in tip arbitrarily, but specialized equipment such as the Intu-
the surgical field. The first is the improvement or extension itive Surgical Inc.’s da Vinci Surgical System [135] already
of the surgeon’s abilities when his/her actions are mapped incorporates a three-DOF wrist close to the instrument tip
to the remote station, increasing, for instance, the range of that makes the whole system benefit from seven degrees of
position and motion of the surgical tool (motion scaling) or freedom. In order to perform an operation, at least three
applying very precise small forces without oscillations; this surgical instruments are required (the usual number is four):
has greatly contributed to the development of major advances one is an endoscope that provides the video feedback and
in the field of microsurgery, as well as in the development the other two are grippers or scissors with electric scalpel
of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) techniques. Using tele- functions, which should provide some tactile and/or force
operated systems, surgeries are quicker, and patients suffer feedback [136] (Fig. 20.13).
less than with the conventional approach, also allowing faster The trend now is to extend the application field of the cur-
recovery. The second reason is to exploit the expertise of very rent surgical devices so that they can be used in different types
good surgeons around the world without requiring them to of surgical procedures, particularly including tactile feedback
travel, which could waste time and fatigue these surgeons. and virtual fixtures to minimize the effect of any imprecise
A basic initial step preceding teleoperation in surgical motion of the surgeon [137]. So far, there are more than 25
applications was telediagnosis, i.e., the motion of a device, surgical procedures in at least 6 medical fields that have been
acting as the remote station, to obtain information without successfully performed with telerobotic techniques [138].
20 Teleoperation and Level of Automation 477

Various physical systems are considered for teleoperation

in this field, for instance, fixed devices (the disabled person
has to get into the device workspace) or devices based on
wheelchairs or mobile robots; the latest are the most flexible
and versatile and therefore the most used in recently devel-
oped assistance robots, such as RobChair [142], ARPH [143],
Pearl NurseBot [144], and ASIBOT [140].

20.5.8 Humanitarian Demining

This particular application field is included in a separate

subsection due to its relevance from the humanitarian point
Fig. 20.13 Robotics surgery at Dresden Hospital. (With permission of view. Land mines are very easy to place but very hard to be
from Intuitive Surgical, Inc. 2007) removed. Specific robots have been developed to help in the
removal of land mines, especially to reduce the high risk that
exists when this task is performed by humans. Humanitarian
demining differs from the military approach. In the latter it
20.5.7 Assistance is only required to find a path through a minefield in the
minimum time, while the aim in humanitarian demining is
The main motivation in this field is to provide independence to cover the whole area to detect mines, mark them, and 20
to disabled and elderly people in their daily domestic activ- remove/destroy all of them. The time involved may affect the
ities, increasing in this way their quality of life. One of the cost of the procedure, but should not affect its efficiency. One
first relevant applications in this line was seen in 1987, with key aspect in the design of teleoperated devices for demining
the development of Handy 1 [139], to enable an 11-year-old is that the remote station has to be robust enough to resist a
boy with cerebral palsy to gain independence at mealtimes. mine explosion or cheap enough to minimize the loss when
The main components of Handy 1 were a robotic arm, a the manipulation fails and the mine explodes.
microcomputer (used as a controller for the system), and an The removal of a mine is quite a complex task, which
expanded keyboard as Human-Machine Interface (HMI). is why demining tools include not only teleoperated robotic
One of the most difficult parts in developing assistance ap- arms but also teleoperated robotic hands [145]. Some propos-
plications is the HMI, as it must be intuitive and appropriate als are based on walking machines, such as TITAN-IX [146]
for people that do not have full capabilities. In this regard and SILO6 [147] (Fig. 20.14). A different method includes
different approaches are considered, such as tactile, voice the use of machines to mechanically activate the mine, like
recognition, joystick/haptic interfaces, buttons, and gesture the Mini Flail, Bozena 4, Tempest, or Dervish, among others;
recognition, among others [140]. Another very important many of these robotic systems have been tested and used in
issue, which is a significant difference with respect to most the removal of mines in countries such as Japan, Croatia, and
teleoperation scenarios, is that the local and the remote Vietnam [148].
stations share the same space, i.e., the human operator is
not isolated from the working area; on the contrary, actually
he/she is part of it. This leads to consider the safety of the 20.5.9 Education
operator as one of the main topics.
The remote station is quite frequently composed of a Recently, teleoperation has been introduced in education
mobile platform and one or more arms installed on it, and and can be collated into two main types. In one of these,
the whole system should be adaptable to unstructured and/or the professor uses teleoperation to illustrate the (theoretical)
unknown environments (different houses), as it is desirable concepts to the students during a lecture by means of the
to perform actions such as going up and down stairs, opening operation of a remote real plant, which obviously cannot
various kinds of doors, grasping and manipulating different be brought to the classroom and that would require a spe-
kind of objects, and so on. Improvement of the HMI to cial visit, which would probably be expensive and time-
include different and more friendly ways of use is one of the consuming.
main current challenges: the interfaces must be even more The second type of educational application is the avail-
intuitive and must achieve a higher level of abstraction in ability of remote experimental plants where the students
terms of user commands. A typical example is understanding can carry out experiments and training, working at common
of an order when a voice recognition system is used [141]. facilities at the school or in their own homes at different
478 L. Basañez et al.

The information that the human operator receives about

what is happening at the remote station is essential for
good execution of teleoperated tasks. In this regard, new
techniques and devices are necessary in order to facilitate the
situation awareness of the human operator in the task that
he/she is carrying out. Virtual reality, augmented reality, hap-
tics, and 3D vision systems are key elements for this purpose.
The function of the human operator can also be greatly
facilitated by aids to teleoperation. These aids, such as rela-
tional positioning, virtual guides, collision avoidance meth-
ods, and operation planning, can help the construction of
efficient teleoperation systems. In any case, it is expected
that, in the future, the teleoperation systems will scale to
Fig. 20.14 SILO6: A six-legged robot for humanitarian demining higher levels of robot autonomy, increasing the automation
tasks. (Courtesy of IAI, Spanish National Research Council - CSIC) and reducing the role of the human operator.
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nowadays and will become even more vast in the future, as
times. In this regard, during the last years, a number of remote research continues to outline new solutions to the aforemen-
laboratory projects have been developed to teach fundamen- tioned challenges.
tal concepts of various engineering fields, thanks to remote
operation and control of scientific facilities via the Internet
[149]. The development of e-Laboratory platforms, designed
to enable distance training of students in real scenarios of References
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Luis Basañez is an Emeritus Professor at the Technical University of

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Automatic Control, from 1986 to 2014, and Director of the Cybernetics
Institute. He is the Spanish delegate at the International Federation
of Robotics (IFR) and fellow member of the International Federation
of Automatic Control (IFAC). His present research interest includes
teleoperation, multirobot coordination, sensor integration, and active
Nature-Inspired and Evolutionary Techniques
for Automation 21
Mitsuo Gen and Lin Lin

Contents line system, logistics, and transportation. ET is the most

21.1 Nature-Inspired and Evolutionary Techniques . . . . . 484 popular meta-heuristic method for solving NP-hard op-
21.1.1 Genetic Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484 timization problems. In the past few years, ETs have
21.1.2 Swarm Intelligences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485 been exploited to solve design automation problems. Con-
21.1.3 Other Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms . . . . . . 487
currently, the field of ET reveals a significant interest
21.1.4 Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . 489
21.1.5 Features of Evolutionary Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490 in evolvable hardware and problems such as scheduling,
21.1.6 Evolutionary Design Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491 placement, or test pattern generation. The rest of this
21.2 Evolutionary Techniques for Automation . . . . . . . . . . 492 chapter is organized as follows.
21.2.1 Advanced Planning and Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492 First, the background and developments of nature-
21.2.2 Assembly Line System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494 inspired and ETs are described. Then basic schemes and
21.2.3 Logistics and Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496 working mechanism of genetic algorithms (GA), swarm
21.3 AGV Dispatching in Manufacturing System . . . . . . . 498 intelligence, and other nature-inspired optimization algo-
21.3.1 Network Modeling for AGV Dispatching . . . . . . . . . . . . 498 rithms are given. Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms
21.3.2 A Priority-Based GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
for treating optimization problems with multiple and con-
21.3.3 Case Study of AGV Dispatching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
flicting objectives are presented. Features of evolution-
21.4 Robot-Based Assembly Line System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 ary search, such as hybrid evolutionary search, enhanced
21.4.1 Assembly Line Balancing Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
21.4.2 Robot-Based Assembly Line Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501 EA via learning, and evolutionary design automation are
21.4.3 Evolutionary Algorithm Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503 presented. Next, the various applications based on ETs
21.4.4 Case Study of Robot-Based Assembly Line Model . . . . 504 for solving nonlinear/combinatorial optimization prob-
21.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 lems in automation are surveyed. In terms of advanced
planning and scheduling (APS), the facility layout prob-
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
lems, planning and scheduling of manufacturing systems,
and resource-constrained project scheduling problems are
included. In terms of assembly line system, various as-
sembly lines balancing (ALB) models are included. In
In this chapter, nature-inspired and evolutionary tech- terms of logistics and transportation, location allocation
niques (ET) will be introduced for treating automation models and various types of logistics network models are
problems in advanced planning and scheduling, assembly included.

M. Gen () Keywords

Department of Research, Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute (FLSI),
Iizuka, Japan Evolutionary algorithms · Flexible manufacturing
Research Institute of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of system · Multi-objective optimization problem ·
Science, Tokyo, Japan Automate guide vehicle · Assembly line balance ·
e-mail:; Facility layout problem
L. Lin
International School of Information Science and Engineering, Dalian
University of Technology, Economy and Technology Development
Area, Dalian, China

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 483

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
484 M. Gen and L. Lin

21.1 Nature-Inspired and Evolutionary Several publications and conferences have been held to
Techniques provide an easy way for exchanging new ideas, progress,
or experience on ETs and to promote better understanding
Nature-inspired technology (NIT) and evolutionary tech- and collaborations between the theorists and practitioners
niques (ET) are subfields of artificial intelligence (AI), and in this field. Depending on the Google Scholar Metrics
refer to a synthesis of methodologies from fuzzy logic (FL), (2020), the top 10 publications are: Applied Soft Computing,
neural networks (NN), genetic algorithm (GA), and other IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Soft Com-
evolutionary algorithms (EAs). ET uses the evolutionary puting, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Conference
process within a computer to provide a means for address- on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, Evolutionary
ing complex engineering problems involving chaotic distur- Computation, IEEE Symposium Series on Computational
bances, randomness, and complex nonlinear dynamics that Intelligence, Memetic Computing, International Journal of
traditional algorithms have been unable to conquer. Bio-Inspired Computation, and Natural Computing.
Computer simulations of evolution started as early as in
1954; however, most publications were not widely noticed.
From these beginnings, computer simulation of evolution
by biologists became more common in the early 1960s.
Evolution strategies (ES) was introduced by Rechenberg in 21.1.1 Genetic Algorithm
the 1960s and early 1970s [1]. Evolutionary programming
(EP) was first used by Lawrence J. Fogel in the USA in Genetic algorithm (GA) is the most widely known nature-
1960s in order to use simulated evolution as a learning inspired method of ETs. GA includes the common essential
process aiming to generate artificial intelligence [2]. Genetic elements of ETs, and has wide real-world applications. GA
algorithm (GA) in particular became popular through the is a stochastic search technique based on the mechanism of
work of Holland in the early 1970s [3]. His work originated natural selection and natural genetics. The central theme of
with studies of cellular automata, conducted by Holland and research on GA is to keep a balance between exploitation
his students at the University of Michigan. Holland intro- and exploration in its search to the optimal solution for sur-
duced a formalized framework for predicting the quality of vival in many different environments. Features for self-repair,
the next generation, known as Holland’s schema theorem self-guidance, and reproduction are the rules in biological
or one of the nature inspired methods by John Holland. systems, whereas they barely exist in the most sophisticated
Research in GAs remained largely theoretical until the mid- artificial systems. GA has been theoretically and empiri-
1980s. Genetic programming (GP) is an extended technique cally proven to provide a robust search in complex search
of GA popularized by Koza in which computer programs, spaces.
rather than function parameters, are optimized [4]. Genetic GA, differing from conventional search techniques, starts
programming often uses tree-based internal data structures with an initial set of random solutions called the population.
to represent the computer programs for adaptation instead of The i-th individual in the population P(t) is called a chromo-
the list structures typical of genetic algorithms. Evolution- some vt (i), representing a solution to the problem at hand. A
ary techniques are generic population-based meta-heuristic chromosome is a string of symbols, usually but not neces-
optimization algorithms, summarized in Fig. 21.1. Although sarily, a binary bit string. The chromosomes evolve through
similar techniques differ in genetic representation and other successive iterations, called generations. During each gener-
implementation details, and the nature of the particular ap- ation t, the chromosomes are evaluated, using some measures
plied problem. In general, ETs have five basic components, of fitness fitt (i) or eval(P). To create the next generation, new
as summarized by Michalewicz [5]: chromosomes, called offspring C(t), are generated by either
merging two chromosomes from the current generation using
1. A genetic representation of potential solutions to the prob- a crossover operator and/or modifying a chromosome using
lem a mutation operator. A new generation is formed by selecting
2. A way to create a population (an initial set of potential some of the parents, according to the fitness values, and
solutions) offspring, and rejecting others so as to keep the population
3. An evaluation function rating solutions in terms of their size constant. Fitter chromosomes have higher probabilities
fitness of being selected. After several generations, the algorithms
4. Genetic operators that alter the genetic composition of converge to the best chromosome, which hopefully repre-
offspring (crossover, mutation, selection, etc.) sents the optimum or suboptimal solution to the problem.
5. Parameter values that genetic algorithms use (population Figure 21.2 shows the evolution process of GA, and the
size, probabilities of applying genetic operators, etc.) pseudo-code of the GA is given in Algorithm 1.
21 Nature-Inspired and Evolutionary Techniques for Automation 485

1970 GA ES EP 1970


1980 GP 1980
1990 CEA ACO 1990
NeuroE PSO

2000 NSGA II 2000


2010 2010

Fig. 21.1 Types of nature-inspired and evolutionary techniques

Chromosome vt(i) Fitness fitt(i) Population P(t) Offspring C(t)

Individual 1111100000 0.15 1111100000 *
Crossover 11111 11111 # 21
1000011111 *
10000 00000 #

t=t+1 Evaluate

101101100 *
1010011001 #
1100110001 *
N Evaluate

Y Stop
1001010111 0.99 condition 1000011111 0.95 1010011001 0.81

The best individual New population

Fig. 21.2 Evolution process of genetic algorithm

21.1.2 Swarm Intelligences substance called pheromone. They use pheromone to mark
the path on the ground, such as the path from a food source
Ant Colony Optimization to an ant colony. When ants walk from a food source to an
Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a kind of bionic algorithm, ant nest or from an ant nest to a food source, they will release
inspired by the behavior of ants foraging in nature [6]. pheromone on the ground they pass by, thus forming a path
Research on the behavior of ants shows that most of the containing pheromone. Ants can perceive the concentration
information transmission between individuals in a group and of pheromone on the path, and select the path with the
between individuals and the environment is carried out on highest pheromone concentration with a higher probability.
the chemical substances produced by ants. This is a special Ants find the location of food along the way by sensing the
486 M. Gen and L. Lin

Algorithm 1: Genetic Algorithm (GA) Algorithm 2: Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)

Input: problem data, parameters; Input: problem data, parameters;

Process: Process:
t m 0; t m 0;
initialize P(t) by encoding routine; initialize pheromone Ph(t) by encoding routine;
evaluate eval(P) by decoding routine & keep the best solution; evaluate P(t) by decoding routine & keep the best solution;
while (not terminating condition) do while (not terminating condition) do
create C(t) from P(t) by crossover routine; calculate state transition probability by pheromone Ph(t);
create C(t) from P(t) by mutation routine; create C(t) from P(t) by local search or global search;
evaluate C(t) by decoding routine & update the best solution; evaluate C(t) by decoding routine & update the best solution;
reproduce P(t+1) from P(t) and C(t) by selection routine; reproduce P(t+1) from P(t) and C(t) by selection routine;
t m t + 1; update pheromone Ph(t+1) by pheromone Ph(t) by (21.1);
end t m t + 1;
Output: the best solution; end
Output: the best solution;

pheromone released by other ants. This way of influencing

Particle Swarm Optimization
the path selection of ant colonies based on the information of
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a swarm intelligence
chemical substances released by other ants is the inspiration
optimization algorithm first proposed by Kennedy and Eber-
for ACO. This algorithm has the characteristics of distributed
hart in 1995 [7]. The algorithm uses swarm iterations, al-
computing, positive feedback of information, and heuristic
lowing particles to follow the optimal particle search in the
search. It has been widely recognized and its application
solution space to simulate the mutual cooperation mechanism
has been extended to all aspects of the optimization problem
of the foraging behavior of groups of birds and fish to find the
optimal solution to the problem. All particles are searched
ACO starts from a set of randomly initial solutions, which
in a D-dimensional space. All particles are determined by
is called as ant colony P(t). Each ant in P represents a
a fitness function to determine the fitness value to judge
solution. And the number of ant is N. After a certain number
the current position. Each particle must be endowed with
of generations of state transition, ACO could find the best
memory function to remember the best position found. Each
optimal solution. During each generation t, the ant colony is
particle also has a speed used to determine the distance and
evaluated, using some measures of fitness fitt (i). To the ant
direction of flight. This speed is dynamically adjusted based
colony after state transition, the state transition probability is
on its own experience and peer flight flying experience. The
calculated according to the pheromone Ph(t). New ant colony,
d-dimensional velocity update formula of particle i:
called C(t), is searched globally or locally based on the
state transition probability. About pheromone Ph(t), the first-    
generation pheromone is represented by the fitness of the vk id = wvk−1 id +c1 r1 pbestid −xk−1 id +c2 r2 gbestid −xk−1 id
first-generation ant colony. The greater the fitness, the more (21.2)
the pheromone. Subsequent updates are updated according to
the following formula:
xk id = xk−1 id + vk id (21.3)
Ph (t + 1) = (1 − ρ) Ph(t) (21.1)
where xk id is the d-dimensional component of the flying
where ρ is the rate of occurrence of pheromone, 0 < ρ < 1, the velocity vector of particle i in the k-th iteration. vk id is the d-
purpose is to avoid unlimited accumulation of pheromone. dimensional component of the position vector of the particle i
A new generation is formed by selecting some of the in the k-th iteration. c1 , c2 are acceleration constant, adjusting
ant colony before state transition and the ant colony after the maximum step length of learning. r1 , r2 are two random
state transition, according to the fitness values, and rejecting function, in the range [0,1], in order to increase the search
others so as to keep the population size constant. After several randomness. w is a inertia weight, non-negative, adjusting the
generations, the algorithms converge to the best ant, which search range of the solution space.
hopefully represents the optimum or suboptimal solution In 1998, Shi and Eberhart [8] introduced the inertia weight
to the problem. The pseudo-code of the ACO is given in ω and proposed to dynamically adjust the inertia weight to
Algorithm 2. balance the global convergence and convergence speed. This
21 Nature-Inspired and Evolutionary Techniques for Automation 487

algorithm is called the standard PSO algorithm. The inertia could fulfill three requirements of the practical algorithms:
weight ω describes the influence of the particle’s previous first, it could find global optimal no matter what parameters
generation velocity on the current generation velocity. In are initialized; second, the convergence of DE is fast; third,
1999, Clerc [9] introduced a shrinkage factor to ensure the DE is easy to use because it requires little control parameters.
convergence of the algorithm. The speed update formula is As one of the most powerful and versatile evolutionary opti-
as follows: mizers, DE has been demonstrated to be efficient to a variety
     of fields, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and electricity.
vid = K vid + ϕ1 r1 pbestid − xid + ϕ2 r2 gbestid − xid DE starts from a set of randomly initial solutions, which
(21.4) is called as population P. Each individual in P represents a
solution, we define it as x. And the number of individuals is
where the shrinkage factor K is ω limited by ϕ 1 and ϕ 2 . ϕ 1 N. After a certain number of generations of evolution, DE
and ϕ 2 are models that need to be set in advance parameter. could find the global optimal solution. The same as GA and
The shrinkage factor method controls the behavior of the PSO, the evolve operations also includes crossover, mutation,
system and finally converges, and can effectively search for selection, and so on. Different from other optimization algo-
different areas. rithms, the evolution of the DE algorithm is reflected by the
In 2001, Bergh and Engelbrecht [10] proposed a co- differential information of multiple individuals. The mutation
operative particle swarm algorithm. The specific steps are of DE is to randomly select two different individuals in the
to assume that the dimension of the particle swarm is n, population, and then scale their vector difference to perform
divide the entire particle into n small parts, and then the vector synthesis with the individual to be mutated. The for-
algorithm optimizes each small part of the particle separately. mula is as follows:
After evaluating the fitness value, it merges into a complete
particle. The result shows that the algorithm has achieved a vr (t + 1) = xr1 (t) + F (xr2 (t) − xr3 (t)) (21.5)
faster convergence rate on many problems.
In which r1 , r2 , r3 belongs to [1, N], and r1 = r2 = r3 . F is
the scale factor, t represents generation. xr2 (t) − xr3 (t) is the
Algorithm 3: Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
difference, which tends to adapt to the natural scales of the
Input: problem data, parameters; objective landscape through the iteration of population. For
Process: example, the difference will become smaller when a variable
t m 0;
of the population become compact. And this kind of adaptive
initialize velocity v(t) and position x(t) by encoding routine;
adjustment helps speed up the exploration of solution space,
evaluate v(t) and x(t) by decoding routine & keep the best solution gBest;
which makes DE more effective. The operation of crossover
while (not terminating condition) do
operation is as follows:
for each particle x k (t) in swarm do
update velocity vk (t+1) by (21.2); 
vγ (t + 1) , if U (0, 1) ≥ CR
update position x k (t+1) by (21.3); uγ (t + 1) = (21.6)
evaluate x (t+1) by decoding routine; xγ (t), otherwise
k ) then
if f (x k (t+1)) < f (pBest
update pBest (t) = x k (t+1) where U(0,1) represents a random real number uniformly
update gBest = argmin { k
f(pBest (t)), f(gBest(t))}; distributed between [0,1], and CR represents crossover prob-
t m t + 1; ability.
end In DE, the strategy of greedy selection is adopted, which
Output: the best solution gBest; means when an offspring is generated, the fitness value of it is
compared with the corresponding parent, and the individual
with the better fitness will be selected to enter the next
generation. The selection formula is as follows:

21.1.3 Other Nature-Inspired Optimization     

Algorithms ua (t + 1) , if f uγ (t + 1) ≤ f xγ (t)
xγ (t + 1) =
xγ (t), otherwise
Differential Evolution (21.7)
Differential evolution (DE) is a heuristic algorithm based on
population. DE is proposed by Storn and Price in 1995 [11], where f represents fitness function, and goal is to minimize
which aims to find the global optimal of possibly nonlin- the value of fitness. The pseudo-code of the DE is given in
ear and non-differentiable function in continuous space. DE Algorithm 4.
488 M. Gen and L. Lin

repeated until the algorithm converges or met the termination

Algorithm 4: Differential Evolution (DE)
condition, and the pseudo code is given in Algorithm 5.
Input: problem data, parameters;
t m 0; Algorithm 5: Estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA)
initialize v(t), u(t), x(t) by real number encoding;
Input: problem data, parameters;
evaluate eval(t) by fitness function & keep the best solution;
while (not terminating condition) do t m 0;
create v(t+1) by (21.5);
initialize Popt() by encoding routine and calculate pt(Pop);
create u(t+1) by (21.6);
create x(t+1) by (21.7); evaluate Popt() by decoding & keep the best solution;
reproduce P(t+1) from P(t) and x(t); while (not terminating condition) do
t m t + 1; supPop = select(Popt());select some superior populations
end pt+1() = estimate(supPop, pt(Pop)); estimate next probability
Output: the best solution gBest; newPop = create(pt+1(), supPop); create new population
evaluate newPop by decoding routine and update the best solution Sbest;
Popt+1() = reproduce(newPop, Popt()); reproduce next population
In spite of DE requires only three control parameters: t m t + 1;
the population size N, the crossover possibility CR, and the end
scale factor F, and DE achieves remarkable performance on Output: the best solution Sbest;
accuracy, robustness, and convergence speed compared with
other ETs, such as GA and PSO.

Simulated Annealing
Estimation of Distribution Algorithm Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm is an important heuristic
Estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA), based on statis- algorithm, which simulates the process of solid annealing.
tical optimization techniques, is one of the emerging types of It accepts a worse solution than the current solution with a
ETs. Compared with other evolutionary algorithms that use certain probability, so it has more possibility to jump out
traditional evolutionary operators to produce the next gen- of the local optimal solution and find the global optimal
eration, EDA predicts the most potential area of the solution solution. The pseudocode for SA is shown as follows.
space by constructing a probabilistic model and sampling the
search space to generate excellent individuals. Constructing a
probabilistic model is the core of EDA. Different probabilis- Algorithm 6: Simulated Annealing (SA)
tic models should be designed for different types of optimiza-
Input: current temper T, min temper Tmin, fitness function J, current
tion problems to describe the distribution of solution spaces. position Y, decay rate r
Compared with genetic-based micro-level evolution method Process
of GA, EDA adopts a macro-level evolution method based on i= 0 ;
search space, which has stronger global search capabilities while T > T min do
and the ability to solve high-dimensional complex problems. dE = J(Y(i+1)) - J(Y(i));
Hao et al. proposed an effective estimation of distribution if dE >= 0
algorithm for stochastic job shop scheduling problem [12]. Y(i+1) = Y(i);
EDA typically works with all individuals in the popula- else
if exp(dE/T) > random(0, 1)
tion, starting with the method of initializing the population
Y(i+1) = Y(i);
according to the uniform distribution. The i-th solution is
represented as the i-th individual in the population. During continue;
each generation of population Pop(t), the fitness function T = r * T;
fitt (i) is used to score individuals. The higher the score, the i = i+1;
better the fitness. The selection operator selects the elite Output: the best position Y(i)
individuals of this generation to form the dominant sub-
population by setting a threshold in the ranked population.
EDA estimates the probability distribution pt (Pop) of all Matai, Singh, and Mittal proposed a modified simulated
individuals in the dominant sub-population by constructing annealing (mSA) algorithm for the equal-area facility layout
a probabilistic model, and new individuals are generated by problem [13]. Pourvaziri and Pierreval proposed a GA algo-
sampling the distribution of the encoded model. These new rithm considering simulation for the layout of machines in
individuals will be merged or directly replace individuals a manufacturing system considering the aisles structure and
from the old population to form a new population. This step is their capacity [14].
21 Nature-Inspired and Evolutionary Techniques for Automation 489

21.1.4 Evolutionary Multi-objective degree of proximity between individuals and Pareto fron-
Optimization tiers [20]. Xiang proposed a vector angle-based evolutionary
algorithm (VAEA), which adopts a selection operator that
Multiple objective problems arise in the design, modeling, combines the maximum-vector-angle-first principle and the
and planning of many complex real systems in the areas of worse-elimination principle to ensure the balance between
industrial production, urban transportation, capital budget- convergence and diversity [21]. Yang et al. proposed a grid-
ing, forest management, reservoir management, layout and based Evolutionary Algorithm (GBEA), which defines the
landscaping of new cities, energy distribution, etc. It is easy to dominance and evaluation criteria under the grid environ-
find that almost every important real-world decision problem ment, and can effectively increase the selection pressure of
involves multiple and conflicting objectives which need to be moving to the Pareto front [22].
tackled while respecting various constraints, leading to over- Type 3: Weighted sum + elitist preserve: Ishibuchi and
whelming problem complexity. Since the 1990s, ETs have Murata proposed a weighted-sum-based fitness assignment
been received considerable attention as a novel approach to method, called the random-weight genetic algorithm
multi-objective optimization problems, resulting in a fresh (RWGA), to obtain a variable search direction toward the
body of research and applications known as evolutionary Pareto frontier [23]. The weighted-sum approach can be
multi-objective optimization (EMO). viewed as an extension of methods used in the multi-objective
A special issue in the multi-objective optimization optimizations to GAs. It assigns weights to each objective
problem is the fitness assignment mechanism. Since the function and combines the weighted objectives into a single
1980s, several fitness assignment mechanisms have been objective function. Gen et al. proposed another weight-
proposed and applied to multi-objective optimization sum-based fitness assignment method called the adaptive-
problems, although most fitness assignment mechanisms weight genetic algorithm (AWGA), which readjusts weights
are just different approaches and are applicable to different for each objective based on the values of nondominated
cases of multi-objective optimization problems. In order solutions in the current population to obtain fitness values
to understand the development of EMO, we classify the combined with the weights toward the Pareto frontier [24]. 21
fitness assignment mechanisms according to the published Zitzler and Thiele proposed the strength Pareto evolutionary
year. algorithm (SPEA) [25] and an extended version SPEA
Type 1: Vector evaluation approach. The vector evaluated 2 [26] that combines several features of previous multi-
genetic algorithm (VEGA) was the first notable work to solve objective genetic algorithms (MoGA) in a unique manner.
multi-objective problems in which a vector fitness measure is Deb suggested a nondominated sorting-based approach
used to create the next generation [15]. called the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA
Type 2: Pareto ranking + diversity: Fonseca and Fleming II) [27], which alleviates three difficulties: computational
proposed a multi-objective genetic algorithm (MoGA) in complexity, nonelitism approach, and the need to specify a
which the rank of a certain individual corresponds to the sharing parameter. NSGA II was advanced from its origin,
number of individuals in the current population that dominate NSGA. Gen et al. proposed an interactive adaptive-weight
it [16]. Srinivas and Deb also developed a Pareto-ranking- genetic algorithm (i-AWGA), which is an improved adaptive-
based fitness assignment and called it the nondominated weight fitness assignment approach with consideration of
sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA) [17]. In each method, the the disadvantages of the weighted-sum and Pareto-ranking-
nondominated solutions constituting a nondominated front based approaches [24]. On the basis of NSGA II, Deb and
are assigned the same dummy fitness value. He et al. com- Jain proposed an more suitable algorithm for solving many-
bined fuzzy logic with Pareto sorting into moEA, called objective optimization problems, called NSGA III, which
fuzzy dominance genetic algorithm (FDGA), using fuzzy uses a number of widespread reference points in selection
logic based on the left Gaussian function to quantify the operators and has better ability to maintain population
degree of domination, from dominate to being dominated diversity [28]. Zhang et al. proposed a hybrid sampling
in each objective, and then using the set theoretic operator strategy based multi-objective evolutionary algorithms
to combine multiple fuzzy sets to allow two individuals to (MoEA-HSS) by combining archive mechanisms based on
compare between multiple objectives [18]. Yuan et al. also VEGA and Pareto-based fitness functions and applied it to
developed an improved Pareto dominated domain called θ the process planning and scheduling problem [29]. Recently
dominance-based evolutionary algorithm (θ-DEA), in which Zhang et al. also proposed HMoEA with fast sampling
only the solutions under the same cluster have competitive strategy-based global search and route sequence difference-
relations [19]. Li, Yang, and Liu proposed a shift-based den- based local search (HMoEA-FSS.RSD) and applied it to
sity estimation strategy (SDE), which incorporates additional VRP with time window [30].
information on the basis of individual distribution informa- Ke, Zhang, and Battiti proposed an algorithm that
tion. This convergence information can reflect the relative combines a decomposition-based strategy with swarm
490 M. Gen and L. Lin

intelligence, called multi-objective evolutionary algorithm

with decomposition and ant colony optimization (MoEA/d- Population P(t) Offspring C(t)
ACO). This method decomposes the multi-objective problem
into a set of single objective subproblems, and evolves the 1111100000 *
Crossover 11111 11111 #
individuals of each subpopulation to approach the Pareto
1000011111 *
frontier by sharing pheromones [31]. Li et al. developed 10000 00000 #
another decomposition-based method, called multiple
objective evolutionary algorithm based on directional
diversity (MoEA/dd), in which a two-layer vector is designed 101101100 * Mutation
to adjust the weight vector adaptively [32]. 1010011001 #
1100110001 *

21.1.5 Features of Evolutionary Search

Hybrid evolutionary search
Exploitation and Exploration
Search is one of the more universal problem solving methods
for such problems one cannot determine a priori sequence of Fig. 21.3 General structure of hybrid evolutionary search
steps leading to a solution. Search can be performed with ei-
ther blind strategies or heuristic strategies [33]. Blind search
strategies do not use information about the problem do- global exploration among a population while heuristic
main. Heuristic search strategies use additional information methods are used to perform local exploitation around
to guide search move along with the best search directions. chromosomes. Because of the complementary properties
There are two important issues in search strategies: exploiting of ET and conventional heuristics, the hybrid approach
the best solution and exploring the search space [34]. ET often outperforms either method operating alone. Another
is a class of general purpose search methods combining common form is to incorporate ET parameters adaptation.
elements of directed and stochastic search which can produce The behaviors of ET are characterized by the balance
a remarkable balance between exploration and exploitation of between exploitation and exploration in the search space.
the search space. The balance is strongly affected by the strategy parameters
At the beginning of evolution search, there is a widely ran- such as population size, maximum generation, evolutionary
dom and diverse population and the blind strategies tend to operation probabilities. How to choose a value to each of the
perform widespread search for exploring all solution space. parameters and how to find the values efficiently are very
As the high fitness solutions develop, the heuristic strategies important and promising areas of research on the ET.
provide exploration in the neighborhood of each of them. In
other words, the evolutionary operators would be determined Enhanced EA via Learning
by the environment of evolutionary system (the diversity of As early as 1988, Goldberg and Holland began to pay
population) but not by the operator itself. In addition, sim- attention to the interaction between machine learning (ML)
ple evolutionary operators are designed as general purpose and ETs [35]. ETs are equipped with outstanding search
search methods (the domain-independent search methods) ability, and they could store a large number of problem
they perform essentially a blind search and could not guar- features data, search information data, and population
antee to yield an improved offspring. information data during the search process. Benefiting from
the outstanding analysis ability, ML could help analyze the
Hybrid Evolutionary Search huge amounts of data and improve the search ability of
ET has proved to be a versatile and effective approach ETs. By combining ML and ETs, useful information can be
for solving optimization problems. Nevertheless, there are extracted to help understand the search behavior and search
many situations in which the simple ET does not perform global optimum. There are many ML techniques which can
particularly well, and need to design specific methods be combined with ETs: statistical methods (e.g., mean and
of hybridization based on specific problems. One of variance), interpolation and regression, clustering analysis
most common forms of hybrid evolutionary search is to (CA), principle component analysis (PCA), artificial neural
incorporate local optimization as an add-on extra to the networks (ANN), orthogonal experimental design (OED),
canonical ET loop of recombination and selection (Fig. 21.3). support vector machines (SVM), case-based reasoning,
With the hybrid approach, local optimization is applied to opposition-based learning (OBL), reinforcement learning,
each newly generated offspring to move it to a local optimum competitive learning, and Bayesian network. And the
before injecting it into the population. ET is used to perform combination of ML and ETs has been proved to be useful in
21 Nature-Inspired and Evolutionary Techniques for Automation 491

Apriori Dynamic
knowledge knowledge

Population Evolutionary Population

initialization operations distribution

Parameters adaption

Speeding-up Quality improvement

Fig. 21.4 An illustration of the hybridization taxonomy

speeding up convergence and obtaining better solution. ML- need for human sensory and mental requirements as well.
technique-enhanced-ETs have been investigated by Jourdan Processes and systems can also be automated.
et al. [36] and Zhang et al. [37]. Automation plays an increasingly important role in the 21
Incorporation of different ML techniques into different global economy and in daily experience. Engineers strive to
ETs could lead to different affect. Jourdan et al. [36] sug- combine automated devices with mathematical and organiza-
gested that the hybridization of ML techniques and ETs can tional tools to create complex systems for a rapidly expanding
be classified according to knowledge type/aim/localization, range of applications and human activities. ETs have received
as shown in Fig. 21.4 [38]. considerable attention regarding their potential as novel opti-
Based on five basic components of ETs discussed above, mization techniques. There are three major advantages when
the hybridization with ML can occur in each process of the applying ETs to design automation.
ET: Adaptability: ETs do not have many mathematical re-
quirements regarding the optimization problem. Due to their
1. Population initialization (Learning for initial solutions evolutionary nature, ETs will search for solutions without
distribution and initial solutions quality) regard to the specific internal workings of the problem. ETs
2. Evaluation (Learning to reduce evaluation process, re- can handle any kind of objective functions and any kind
place the evaluation function and avoid evaluations) of constraints (i.e., linear or nonlinear, defined on discrete,
3. Evolutionary operations (Learning-enhanced evolution- continuous, or mixed search spaces).
ary operators, and learning-enhanced local searches) Robustness: The use of evolution operators makes ET
4. Population distribution (Learning to incorporate search very effective in performing global search (in probability),
experience, predict promising region, maintain population while most conventional heuristics usually perform local
diversity) search. It has been proven by many studies that EA is
5. Parameters adaption more efficient and more robust at locating optimal solution
and reducing computational effort than other conventional
21.1.6 Evolutionary Design Automation Flexibility: ETs provide great flexibility to hybridize with
domain-dependent heuristics to make an efficient implemen-
Automation is the use of control systems such as comput- tation for a specific problem.
ers to control industrial machinery and processes, replacing However, to exploit the benefits of an effective ET to
human operators. In the scope of industrialization, it is a step solve design automation problems, it is usually necessary
beyond mechanization. Whereas mechanization provided hu- to examine whether we can build an effective evolutionary
man operators with machinery to assist them with the phys- search with the encoding. Several principles were proposed
ical requirements of work, automation greatly reduces the to evaluate effectiveness [24]:
492 M. Gen and L. Lin

1. Space: Individual should not require extravagant amounts problems of APS in the real world face inevitable constraints
of memory. such as due date, capability, transportation cost, setup cost,
2. Time: The time required for executing evaluation, recom- and available resources. Generally speaking, we should ob-
bination on individuals should not be great. tain an effective “flexibility” not only as a response to the real
3. Feasibility: An individual corresponds to a feasible solu- complex environment but also to satisfy all the combinatorial
tion. constraints. Thus, how to formulate the complex problems of
4. Legality: Any permutation of an individual corresponds to APS and find satisfactory solutions play an important role in
a solution. manufacturing systems.
5. Completeness: Any solution has a corresponding individ- Design: Design problems generally have to be decided
ual. only once in APS, and they form some kinds of fixed inputs
6. Uniqueness: The mapping from individuals to solutions for other subsequent problems, such as manufacturing and
(decoding) may belong to one of the following three cases: planning problems. Typically, design problems in an inte-
1-to-1 mapping, n-to-1 mapping, and 1-to-n mapping. The grated manufacturing system include layout design, assem-
1-to-1 mapping is the best among the three cases, and 1- bly planning, group technology, and so on.
to-n mapping is the most undesirable. Planning: Compared to scheduling problems, planning
7. Heritability: Offspring of simple recombination (i.e., one- problems have a longer horizon. Hence the demand informa-
cut-point crossover) should correspond to solutions which tion needed to find the optimal solution for a planning prob-
combine the basic features of their parents. lem comes from forecasting rather than arrived orders. Pro-
8. Locality: A small change in an individual should imply a cess planning, operation sequencing, production planning,
small change in its corresponding solution. and assembly line balancing fall into the class of planning
Manufacturing: In manufacturing, there are two kinds of
21.2 Evolutionary Techniques for essential issues: scheduling and routing. Machining, assem-
Automation bly, material handling, and other manufacturing functions are
performed to the best efficiency. Such kinds of problems are
Currently, for manufacturing, the purpose of automation has generally triggered by a new order.
shifted from increasing productivity and reducing costs to Distribution: The efficient distribution of products is very
broader issues, such as increasing quality and flexibility in important in IMS, as transportation costs become a non-
the manufacturing process. For example, automobile and negligible part of the purchase price of products in compet-
truck pistons used to be installed into engines manually. This itive markets. This efficiency is achieved through sophisti-
is rapidly being transitioned to automated machine installa- cated logistic network design and efficient traffic routing.
tion, because the error rate for manual installment was around To find the optimal solutions in those fields gives rise
1–1.5%, but has been reduced to 0.00001% with automation. to complex combinatorial optimization problems. Unfortu-
Hazardous operations, such as oil refining, manufacturing of nately, most of them fall into the class of NP-hard problems.
industrial chemicals, and all forms of metal working, were Hence to find a satisfactory solution in an acceptable time
always early contenders for automation. span is crucial for the performance of APS. ETs have turned
However, many applications of automation, such as opti- out to be potent methods to solve such kinds of optimization
mizations and automatic controls, are formulated with com- problems. In APS, the basic problems indicated in Fig. 21.5
plex structures, complex constraints, and multiple objects are likely to use ETs.
simultaneously, which makes the problem intractable to tra- A flexible machining system is one of the forms of factory
ditional approaches. In recent years, the evolutionary tech- automation. The design of a flexible machining system (FMS)
niques community has turned much of its attention toward involves the layout of machine and workstations. The layout
applications in industrial automation. of machines in an FMS is typically determined by the type of
material-handling devices used. Layout design is concerned
with the optimum arrangement of physical facilities, such
21.2.1 Advanced Planning and Scheduling as departments or machines, in a certain area. Kusiak and
Heragu (1987) wrote a survey paper on the machine layout
Advanced planning and scheduling (APS) refers to a man- problem [39]. Usually the design criterion is considered to
ufacturing process by which raw materials and production be minimizing material-handling costs. Because of the com-
capacity are optimally allocated to meet demand. APS is binatorial nature of the facility layout problem, the heuris-
especially well-suited to environments where simpler plan- tic technique is the most promising approach for solving
ning methods cannot adequately address complex trade-offs practical-size layout problems. The interest in application
between competing priorities. However, most scheduling of ETs to facility layout design has been growing rapidly.
21 Nature-Inspired and Evolutionary Techniques for Automation 493

Advanced planning and scheduling

Design Planning Manufacturing Distribution

• Layout design • Process planning • Lot flow • Distribution

• Group • Operation scheduling systems design
technology sequencing • Material • Logistics
• Part and product • Advanced handing & network
design planning & vehicle routing planning
• Tool and fixture scheduling • Flow shop • Transportation
• Design • Production scheduling planning
planning • Job shop • Location &
• Assembly scheduling routing
planning • Flexible job planning
shop scheduling • Vehicle routing
• Assembly line & scheduling
• Maintenance

Fig. 21.5 Basic problems in advanced planning and scheduling

Cohoon et al. proposed a distributed GA for the floorplan de- the operations machine-based GA approach [49], which is 21
sign problem [40]. Tam reported his experiences of applying based on a traditional representation called the schemata
genetic algorithms to the facility layout problem [41]. Tate theorem representation. Zhang and Gen proposed a multi-
and Smith applied GA to the shape-constrained unequal-area stage operation-based encoding for FJSP [50]. Zhang et al.
facility layout problem [42]. Gen and Cheng provided various proposed an effective gene expression programming (eGEP)
GA approaches for the machine layout and facility layout algorithm for energy-efficient FJSP, which combines multi-
problems [43]. Liu and Liu also proposed a modified multi- gene representation, self-study, and unsupervised learning
objective ant colony optimization (MoACO) algorithm [44]. [51]. Shahsavari-Pour and Ghasemishabankareh designed a
Garcia-Hernandez et al. developed a new multi-method evo- hybrid genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm
lutionary algorithm for unequal-area facility layout problem, (nhGASA) for solving multi-objective FJSP [52]. Kemmoe-
called Coral Reefs Optimization algorithm with Substrate Tchomte, Lamy, and Tchernev proposed an improved greedy
Layers (CRO-sl), which increases the diversity of individual randomized adaptive search procedure with a multi-level
distribution in the population by designing several replication evolutionary local search (GRASP-mels) algorithm based on
mechanisms suitable for improving the exploration of the neighborhood structure optimization [53]. Xu et al. designed
searching space [45]. Recently Suer and Gen edited advanced a teaching-learning based optimization (TLBO) algorithm
development, analysis, and case studies for the cellular man- for FJSP with fuzzy processing time [54]. Gen, Lin, and
ufacturing systems [46]. Ohwata recently surveyed recent hybrid evolutionary algo-
The planning and scheduling of manufacturing systems rithms for fuzzy flexible job-shop scheduling problems [55].
always require resource capacity constraints, disjunctive con- The objective of the resource-constrained project schedul-
straints, and precedence constraints, owing to the tight due ing problem (rcPSP) is to schedule activities such that prece-
dates, multiple customer-specific orders, and flexible process dence and resource constraints are obeyed and the makespan
strategies. Here, some hot topics of applications of ETs of the project is to be minimized. Gen and Cheng adopted
in APS are introduced. These models mainly support the priority-based encoding for this rcPSP [48]. In order to
integrated, constraint-based planning of the manufacturing improve the effectiveness of priority-based GA approach for
system to reduce lead times, lower inventories, increase an extended resource constrained multiple project scheduling
throughput, etc. problem, Kim et al. combined priority dispatching rules in
The flexible jobshop scheduling problem (FJSP) is a gen- priority-based encoding process [56]. To enhance the local
eralization of the jobshop and parallel machine environment search capability of GA, Joshi et al. proposed a variable
[47, 48], which provides a closer approximation to a wide neighborhood search GA (vnsGA) [57]. Elsayed et al. de-
range of real manufacturing systems. Kacem et al. proposed signed a two-layer framework for adaptive selection of the
494 M. Gen and L. Lin

Advanced planning and scheduling models

Job-shop scheduling Flexible JSP model Integrated resource selection Integrated Manufacturing &
model (JSP) (fJSP) & operation sequence model scheduling model logistics model

Extension Extension Extension Extension

Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective:
min makespan min makespan min makespan min makespan min makespan
balancing workloads balancing workloads plant transition times
machine transition times Constraints: Constraints:
Constraints: Constraints: Constraints: precedence constraints precedence constraints
precedence constraints precedence constraints precedence constraints alternative machines alternative machines
in same (or different) alternative machines alternative machines lot size information lot size information
direction lot size information multi-plant chain multi-plant chain
pickup and delivery
Output: Output: Output: Output: Output:
operation sequence operation operation operation operation
sequences with sequences with sequences with sequences with
machine selection machine selection machine selection machine selection

Fig. 21.6 Basic problems in advanced planning and scheduling

optimal evaluation method, the upper layer selects the opti- concept of assembly by introducing ALs in automobile man-
mization algorithm, and the lower layer selects the operator ufacturing for the first time. He was the first to introduce
[58]. Cheng et al. proposed a fuzzy clustering differential evo- a moving belt in a factory, where the workers were able to
lution (FCDE) algorithm, which combines fuzzy C-means build the famous model-T cars, one piece at a time instead of
clustering technique [59]. He et al. proposed a filter-and-fan one car at a time. Since then, the AL concept revolutionized
approach with adaptive neighborhood switching (FFANS). the way products were made while reducing the cost of
It is a hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm based on a single production. Over the years, the design of efficient assembly
solution, which is a combination of local search, multi- lines received considerable attention from both companies
ple neighborhoods filtering fan-out search and an adaptive and academicians. A well-known assembly design problem
neighborhood switching step, and has the characteristics of is assembly line balancing (ALB), which deals with the
autonomous and adaptive problem scale [60]. Tian et al. allocation of the tasks among workstations so that a given
proposed a hybrid multi-objective EDA for robust resource objective function is optimized.
constraint project scheduling with uncertainty [61]. As shown in Fig. 21.7, ALB models can be classified into
The advanced planning and scheduling (APS) model in- two groups based on the model structure. While, the first
cludes a range of capabilities from finite capacity planning group [65] includes single-model assembly line balancing
at the plant floor level through constraint-based planning to (smALB), multi-model assembly line balancing (muALB),
the latest applications of advanced logic for supply-chain and mixed-model assembly line balancing (mALB); the sec-
planning and collaboration [62]. Several related works by ond group [66] includes simple assembly line balancing
Moon et al. [63] and Moon and Seo [64] have reported a GA (sALB) and general assembly line balancing (gALB). The
approach especially for solving such kinds of APS problems. smALB model involves only one product. Additionally, sev-
Depending on the common sense “from easy to difficult” eral versions of ALB problems arise by varying the objective
and “from simple to complex”, the core APS models are function [65]. Type-F is an objective independent problem
summarized in Fig. 21.6. which is to establish whether or not a feasible line balance
exists. Type-1 and Type-2 have a dual relationship; the first
tries to minimize the number of stations for a given cycle
21.2.2 Assembly Line System time, and the second tries to minimize the cycle time for
a given number of stations. Type-E is the most general
From ancient times to the modern day, the concept of assem- problem version, which tries to maximize the line efficiency
bly has naturally been changed a lot. The most important by simultaneously minimizing the cycle time and a number
milestone in assembly is the invention of assembly lines of stations. Finally, Type-3, -4, and -5 correspond to max-
(ALs). In 1913, Henry Ford completely changed the general imization of workload smoothness, maximization of work
21 Nature-Inspired and Evolutionary Techniques for Automation 495

Classification of ALB models

based on problem structure

According to ALB model type According to ALB problem structure

Single-model ALB Simple ALB

(smALB) (sALB)

Multi-model ALB General ALB

(muALB) (gALB)

Mixed-model ALB

Fig. 21.7 Classification of assembly line balancing models

relatedness, and multiple objectives with Type-3 and Type- ant colony optimization and filtered beam search for solving
4, respectively [66–68]. Falkenauer and Delchambre [69] U-line balancing and rebalancing problem. In the process
were the first to solve ALB with GAs. Following Falkenauer of constructing path, each ant chooses the best one step by
and Delchambre [69], application of GAs for solving ALB global and local evaluation at a given probability. Alavidoost 21
models was studied by many researchers, for example. Zhang et al. [76] utilized a hybrid multi-objective genetic algorithm
and Gen [70] used a multi-objective GA to solve mixed- where a one-fifth success rule was deployed to solve U-
model assembly lines. Kucukkoc and Zhang [71] utilized shaped assembly line balancing problems with the fuzzy
mathematical formulation to model parallel double-sided task processing times. Sahin and Kellegoz [77] designed a
assembly line balance problems and proposed a new genetic grouping genetic and simulated annealing algorithms to solve
algorithm (GA)-based approach to solve it. Triki et al. [72] U-shaped assembly line balancing problems. Zhang et al.
proposed an innovative hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) [78] modified ant colony optimization inspired by the process
scheme hybridized with a local search procedure to solve the of simulated annealing, to reduce the possibility of being
task restrictions assembly line balancing (TRALB) problem. trapped in a local optimum solving U-type assembly lines
Quyen et al. [73] proposed a hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) balancing (uALB) problem.
that includes two stages to solve the resource constrained In the past decades, robots have been extensively used in
assembly line balancing (RCALB) problem. Defersha and assembly lines called robotic assembly lines (rALs). Usually,
Mohebalizadehgashti [74] proposed a multi-phased linear specific tooling is developed to perform the activities needed
programming embedded genetic algorithm to solve mixed- at each station. Such tooling is attached to the robot at the
model assembly line balancing problem. station. In order to avoid the wasted time required for tool
Due to very different conditions in real manufacturing change, the design of the tooling can take place only after the
environments, assembly line systems show a great diversity. line has been balanced. Different robot types may exist at the
Particularly, ALs can be distinguished with regard to the line assembly facility. Each robot type may have different capa-
layout such as serial and u-shaped lines. In u-shaped lines, bilities and efficiencies for various elements of the assembly
the stations are arranged along a rather narrow U, where tasks. Hence, allocating the most appropriate robot for each
both legs are close together, and the entrance and the exit of station is critical for the performance of robotic assembly
the line are in the same position. Stations in between those lines. Unlike manual assembly lines, where actual processing
legs may work at two segments of the line facing each other times for performing tasks vary considerably and optimal
simultaneously. This means that the workpieces can revisit balance is rather of theoretical importance, the performance
the same station at a later stage in the production process of rALs depends strictly on the quality of its balance. As ex-
without changing the flow direction of the line. This can tended from sALB, robotic assembly line balancing (RALB)
result in better balance of station loads due to a larger number is also NP-hard.
of task-station combinations where operators can handle Rubinovitz and Bukchin were the first to formulate the
adjacent tasks as well as tasks on both sides of the u-shaped RALB model as one of allocating equal amounts of work
line. Zha and Yu [75] proposed a new hybrid algorithm of to the stations on the line while assigning the most efficient
496 M. Gen and L. Lin

robot type from the given set of available robots to each

workstation [79]. Their objective is to minimize the number Suppliers Plants k∈ K DCs j∈J Customers
of workstations for a given cycle time. Gao et al. proposed s∈ S i∈ I

a genetic algorithm (GA) hybridized with local search for 1

solving the type II robotic assembly line balancing (RALB- 1
1 2

II) problem algorithm where five local search procedures 1
are developed to enhance the search ability of GA [80]. s–1 2


Yoosefelahi et al. utilized three versions of multi-objective

s j i–1
evolution strategies (MOES) to tackle multi-objective RALB k
s+1 i

problem [81]. Janardhanan and Ponnambalam [82] utilized

particle swarm optimization (PSO) to optimize the robotic J i+1

assembly line balancing (RALB) problems with an objective S
of maximizing line efficiency. Nilakantan et al. proposed two I
1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage
bio-inspired search algorithms to solve the RALB problem
Fig. 21.8 A simple network of three stages in a logistics network

21.2.3 Logistics and Transportation where to locate plants and distribution centers. Logistics
problems can be classified as: location problems, allocation
Logistics is the last frontier for cost reduction and the third problems, and location allocation problems. The location-
profit source of enterprises [84]. The interest in develop- allocation problem (LAP) is to locate a group of new fa-
ing effective logistics system design models and efficient cilities. The goal of LAP is to minimize the transportation
optimization methods has been stimulated by high costs of cost from facilities to costumers while satisfying the minimal
logistics and the potential for securing considerable savings. requirements of costumers in an area of interest [86]. Since
The logistics network design is one of the most comprehen- LAP was proposed by Cooper in 1963 [87], it has attract a
sive strategic decision problems that need to be optimized lot of attention. The basic LAP is usually composed of three
for long-term efficient operation of whole supply chain. It components: facilities, costumers, and locations. Different
determines the number, location, capacity and type of plants, type of these components could leads to different type of
warehouses, and distribution centers (DCs) to be used. It also LAP. Scaparra and Scutella proposed a unified framework for
establishes distribution channels, and the amount of materials combining and relating the three components [88].
and items to consume, produce, and ship from suppliers to The method to solve LAPs can be divided into three types:
customers. The logistics network models cover a wide range exact equations, heuristic methods and meta-heuristic meth-
of formulations ranging from simple single product type to ods. As one of the meta-heuristic method, ETs have good
complex multi-product ones, and from linear deterministic performance in solving LAPs because LAP is NP-hard and
models to complex nonlinear stochastic ones. Illustration of ETs is one of the most efficient way for NP-hard problems.
a simple network of three stages in logistics network is shown Based on GA and combined with some traditional optimiza-
in Fig. 21.8. During the last decades, there has been a growing tion techniques, Gong et al. proposed a hybrid evolutionary
interest in using ETs to solve a variety of single and multi- method to solve Obstacle Location-allocation problem [89].
objective problems in logistics system that are combinatorial Vlachos attempted to use a modified ant colony system
and NP hard. Based on the model structure, the core network (ACS), especially on the pheromone, to solve capacitated
models of logistics are summarized in Fig. 21.9. location allocation problem on a line (CLAAL), which is one
The efficient and effective movement of goods from raw of the location allocation problem [90]. Chen et al. investi-
material sites to processing distribution centers (DCs), com- gated the LA problems with the various restricted regional
ponent fabrication plants, finished goods assembly plants, constraints, and proposed a hybrid evolutionary approach
DCs, retailers, and customers is critical in today’s com- named immune algorithm with particle swarm optimiza-
petitive environment [85]. Within individual industries, the tion (IA-PSO) to solve it [91]. Pitakaso et al. modified the
percentage of the cost of a finished delivered item to the crossover process of basic DE and integrate PSO algorithm
final consumer can easily exceed this value. Logistics system and proposed a modified DE algorithm to explore solutions
entails not only the movement of goods but also decisions of the multi-objective, source and stage location-allocation
about 1) where to produce, what to produce, and how much problem (MoSS-LAP) [92].
to produce at each site, 2) what quantity of goods to hold The transportation problem (TP) is a well-known basic
in inventory at each stage of the process, 3) how to share network problem which was originally proposed by Hitch-
information among parties in the process, and finally, 4) cock [93]. The objective is to find the way of transporting
21 Nature-Inspired and Evolutionary Techniques for Automation 497

Logistics network models

Basic logistics Location allocation Multi-stage logistics Flexible logistics

models models models models

Linear logistics Capacitated location Two-stage Integrated logistics

model allocation model logistics model model with multi-time
period and inventory
Generalized Location allocation Multi-stage
logistics model model with obstacles logistics model

Capacitated Reverse logistics

logistics model models

logistics model

side constrained
logistics model

Multiobjective 21
logistics model

Fig. 21.9 The core models of logistics network design

homogeneous product from several sources to several des- customers in terms of acceptable delivery time (coverage),
tinations so that the total cost can be minimized. For some and maximization of capacity utilization balance for DCs
real-world applications, the transportation problem is after (i.e., equity on utilization ratios). Furthermore, Altiparmak
extended to satisfy several other additional constraints or et al. also applied the priGA to solve a single-source,
performed in several stages. Logistics is often defined as multi-product, multi-stage logistics design problem. As an
the art of bringing the right amount of the right product to extended multi-stage logistics network model [100], Lee
the right place at the right time and usually refers to supply et al. applied the priGA to solve a multi-stage reverse logistics
chain problems (Tilanus, [94]). The efficiency of the logistic network (MRLN) problem, minimizing the total of costs to
system is influenced by many factors; one of them is to decide reverse logistics shipping cost and fixed cost of opening the
the number of DCs, and find the good location to be opened, disassembly centers and processing centers [101].
in such a way that the customer demand can be satisfied at Although the above traditional multistage logistics net-
minimum DCs’ opening cost and minimum shipping cost. work and its application had made a big success in both
ETs have been successfully applied to logistics network theory and business practices, as time goes on, some faults
models. Michalewicz et al. and Viagnaux and Michalewicz of the traditional structure of logistics network came to light,
firstly discussed the use of GA for solving linear and making it impossible to fit the fast changing competition
nonlinear transportation problems [95, 96]. Syarif and Gen environments or meet the diversified customer demands very
considered production/distribution problem modeled by two- well. Today’s energetic business competition presses en-
stage transportation problem (TSTP) and propose a hybrid terprises to build up a logistics network productively and
genetic algorithm [97]. Gen et al. developed a priority- flexibly. At this point, DELL gives us some clear ideas
based genetic algorithm (priGA) with new decoding and on designing cost-effective logistics networks [102]. The
encoding procedures considering the characteristic of tsTP company’s entire direct-to-consumer business model, not
[98]. Altiparmak et al. extended priGA to solve a single- just its logistics approach, gives a remarkable edge over its
product, multi-stage logistics design problem [99]. The competitors. Lin et al. proposed direct path-based GA and
objectives are minimization of the total cost of supply chain, priGA for solving the flexible multistage logistics network
maximization of customer services that can be rendered to (FMLN) (Fig. 21.10) problems [103, 104].
498 M. Gen and L. Lin

also called workstations (or machines), each with a specific

Direct shipment operation such as milling, washing, or assembly. Each cell
is connected to the guide path network by a pickup/delivery
(P/D) point where pallets are transferred from/to the AGVs.
Normal Normal Normal Pallets of products are moved between the cells by the AGVs.
delivery delivery delivery
Assumptions considered are as follows:
Plants DCs Retailters Customers
1. AGVs only carry one kind of products at a time.
Direct delivery
2. A network of guide paths is defined in advance, and
Normal delivery
Direct shipment the guide paths have to pass through all pickup/delivery
Direct delivery points.
3. The vehicles are assumed to travel at a constant speed.
4. The vehicles can just travel forward, not backward.
Fig. 21.10 The core models of logistics network design
5. As many vehicles travel on the guide path simultaneously,
collisions are avoided by hardware and are not considered
21.3 AGV Dispatching in Manufacturing 6. At each workstation, there is pickup space to store the
System operated material and delivery space to store the material
for the next operation.
Automated material handling has been called the key to inte- 7. The operation can be started any time after an AGV took
grated manufacturing. An integrated system is useless with- the material to come. And also the AGV can transport
out a fully integrated, automated material handling system. the operated material from the pickup point to the next
In the manufacturing environment, there are many automated delivery point any time.
material handling possibilities. Currently, automated guided
vehicles systems, which include automated guided vehicles Definition 1 A node is defined as task Tij , which represents
(AGVs), are the state of the art, and are often used to facilitate a transition task of the j-th process of job Ji for moving from
automatic storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS). the pickup point of machine Mi,j−1 to the delivering point of
Traditionally, AGV systems were mostly used in manu- machine Mij .
facturing systems. In manufacturing areas, AGVs are used to
transport all types of materials related to the manufacturing
Definition 2 An arc can be defined as many decision vari-
process. The transportation network connects all stationary
ables, such as, capacity of AGVs, precedence constraints
installations (e.g., machines) in the center. At stations, pickup
among the tasks, or costs of movement. Lin et al. defined an
and delivery points are installed that operate as interfaces
arc as a precedence constraint, and give a transition time cjj
between the production/storage system and the transportation
from the delivery point of machine Mij to the pickup point of
system of the center. At these points a load is transferred by,
machine Mi j on the arc.
for example, a conveyor from the station to the AGV and vice
versa. AGVs travel from one pickup and delivery point to
Definition 3 We define the task precedence for each job;
another on fixed or free paths. Guide paths are determined
for example, task precedence for three jobs is shown in
by, for example, wires in the ground or markings on the floor.
Fig. 21.11.
More recent technologies allow AGVs to operate without
physical guide paths. Hwang et al. proposed simultaneously
The notation used in this chapter is summarized as fol-
an integrated model for designing an end-of aisle order
lows. Indices: i, i : index of jobs, i, i = 1, 2, . . . , n; j, j :
picking system and determining a unit load sizes of AGVs
index of processes, j, j = 1, 2, . . . , n. Parameters: n: total
[105, 106].
number of jobs, m: total number of machines, ni : total number
of operations of job i, oij : the j-th operation of job i, pij :
21.3.1 Network Modeling for AGV Dispatching processing time of operation oij , Mij : machine assigned for
operation oij , Tij : transition task for operation oij , tij : transition
In this subsection, we introduce simultaneous scheduling and time from Mi,j−1 to Mij . Decision variables: xij : assigned AGV
routing of AGVs in a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) number for task Tij , tij S : starting time of task Tij , cij S : starting
[107]. An FMS environment requires a flexible and adaptable time of operation oij . The objective functions are to minimize
material handling system. AGVs provide such a system. An the time required to complete all jobs (i.e., the makespan)
AGV is a material-handling equipment that travels on a net- tMS and the number of AGVs nAGV , and the problem can be
work of guide paths. The FMS is composed of various cells, formulated as follows:
21 Nature-Inspired and Evolutionary Techniques for Automation 499

Job J1 : T11 o T12 o T13 o T14

Job J2 : T21 o T22
Job J3 : T31 o T32 o T33

T11 T12 T13 T14 1 4 7 9

s T21 T22 t s 2 5 t

T31 T32 T33 3 6 8

Fig. 21.11 Illustration of the network structure of the example

min tMS = max ti,n i
+ tMi,ni ,0 , (21.8)
Task ID : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Priority : 1 5 7 2 6 8 3 9 4

min nAGV = max xij , (21.9)
i,j T11 o T12 o T13 o T14 oT21 o T22 oT31 o T32 o T33

Fig. 21.12 Example generated chromosome and its decoded task se-
s.t. cSij − cSi,j−1 ≥ pi,j−1 + tij , ∀i, j = 2, . . . , ni , (21.10) quence
disjunctive constraint. This represents the operation non-

overlapping constraint (21.11) and the AGV non-overlapping
cSij − cSi j − pi j + 
Mij − Mi j
≥ 0

constraint (21.12 and 21.13).
∨ cSi j − cSij − pij + 
Mij − Mi j
≥ 0 , (21.11)
∀ (i, j) , i j ,
21.3.2 A Priority-Based GA

For solving the AGV dispatching problem in FMS, the spe-
tijS − tiS j − ti j + 
xij − xi j
≥ 0

cial difficulty arises from (1) that the task sequencing is
∨ tiS j − tijS − tij + 
xij − xi j
≥ 0 , (21.12) NP-hard problem, and (2) that a random sequence of AGV
∀ (i, j) , i j , dispatching usually does not satisfy the operation precedence
constraint and routing constraint. Firstly, we give a priority-
based encoding method that is an indirect approach, encoding
some guiding information to construct a sequence of all tasks.
cSij ≥ ti,j+1
− pij , (21.13) As is known, a gene in a chromosome is characterized by
two factors: the locus, that is, the position of the gene within
the structure of the chromosome, and the allele, that is, the
value the gene takes. In this encoding method, the position of
xij ≥ 0, ∀i, j, (21.14) a gene is used to represent the ID which mapping the task in
Fig. 21.11 and its value is used to represent the priority of the
task for constructing a sequence among candidates. A feasi-
ble sequence can be uniquely determined from this encoding
tijS ≥ 0, ∀i, j, (21.15) with consideration of the operation precedence constraint. An
example of a generated chromosome and its decoded path is
where  is a very large number, and ti is the transition shown in Fig. 21.12 for the network structure of Fig. 21.11.
time from the pickup point of machine Min to the deliv- After generating the task sequence, we separate tasks
ery point of loading/unloading. Constraint (21.10) describes into several groups for assigning different AGVs. We find
the operation precedence constraints. In (21.11, 21.12, and the breakpoints, which the tasks are the final transport of
21.13), since one or the other constraint must hold, it is called job i from pickup point of operation Oin to delivery point
500 M. Gen and L. Lin

of loading/unloading. Then we separate the part of tasks

sequence by the breakpoints. An example of grouping is 1 D 60 P 2 D 80
shown as follows, using the chromosome (Fig. 21.12): P O11 O12


AGV1 : T11 → T12 → T13 → T14 5 P 70 D 2 P 100 D
AGV2 : T21 → T22 D O14 O13
AGV3 : T31 → T32 → T33 .

As genetic operators, we combine a weight mapping Fig. 21.14 A routing example for carrying out job J1
crossover (WMX), insertion mutation, and immigration
operator based on the characteristic of this representation,
and adopt an interactive adaptive-weight fitness assignment probability, pM = 0.50; immigration rate, μ = 0.15. In an
mechanism that assigns weights to each objective and FMS case study, ten jobs are to be scheduled on five ma-
combines the weighted objectives into a single objective chines. The maximum number of processes for the operations
function. The detailed procedures are showed in [108, 109]. is four. The detailed date sets are shown in [112]. We can
draw a network depended on the precedence constraints
among tasks {Tij } of the case study. The best result is shown in
21.3.3 Case Study of AGV Dispatching Fig. 21.15. The final time required to complete all jobs (i.e.,
the makespan) is 574, and four AGVs are used. Figure 21.15
For evaluating the efficiency of the AGV dispatching algo- shows the result on a Gantt chart. As discussed above, the
rithm suggested in the case study, a simulation program was AGV dispatching problem is a difficult problem to solve by
developed using Java on a Pentium IV processor (3.2 GHz conventional heuristics. Adaptability, robustness, and flexi-
clock). The detailed test data is given by Yang [110] and Kim bility make EA very effective for such automation systems.
et al. [111]. For a layout of facility of the AGV model in the
FMS as an example, we consider the simple model as shown
in Fig. 21.13. Note, although the network of guide paths is
unidirectional, it has to take a very large transition time from 21.4 Robot-Based Assembly Line System
pickup point (PP) to delivery point (DP) on same machine.
It is unnecessary in the real application. So, we defined an Assembly lines are flow-oriented production systems which
inside cycle for each machine, that is the transition time is are still typical in the industrial production of high-quantity
same with P to D and D to P. We give a routing example standardized commodities and are even gaining importance
for carry out job J1 by using one AGV in Fig. 21.14. GA in low-volume production of customized products. Usually,
parameter settings were taken as follows: population size, specific tooling is developed to perform the activities needed
popSize = 20; crossover probability, pC = 0.70; mutation at each station. Such tooling is attached to the robot at
the station. In order to avoid the wasted time required for
tool change, the design of the tooling can take place only
after the line has been balanced. Different robot types may
exist at the assembly facility. Each robot type may have
Loading /
different capabilities and efficiencies for various elements of
the assembly tasks. Hence, allocating the most appropriate
P D P D robot for each station is critical for the performance of robotic
assembly lines.
M1 P

21.4.1 Assembly Line Balancing Problems

This problem concerns how to assign the tasks to stations and
P M2 how to allocate the available robots for each station in order
to minimize cycle time under the constraint of precedence
D P relationships. Let us consider a simple example to describe
the problem, in which ten tasks are to be assigned to four
workstations, and four robots are to be equipped on the four
Fig. 21.13 Example of layout of facility stations. Figure 21.16 shows the precedence constraints for
21 Nature-Inspired and Evolutionary Techniques for Automation 501

AGV1 : T11 o T12 o T41o T81 o T91 o T82 o T92 o T83 o T84 ,
AGV2 : T21 o T41 o T12 o T15 o T10.2 o T52 o T71 o T44 ,
AGV3 : T61 o T62 o T63 o T64 o T43 o T72 ,
AGV4 : T31 o T32 o T10.1 o T33 o T13 o T10.3 o T93 .

M1 O11 O22 O63 O10,2 O13 O71 O93

M2 O21 O12 O64 O52 O43 O44

M3 O32 O33 O42 O10,3 O72

M4 O61 O62 O51 O82 O92 O84

M5 O31 O41 O10,1 O81 O91 O83

tMS = 574 Time t

Fig. 21.15 Gantt chart of the schedule of the case study considering AGVs routing
The balancing chart for the solution can be drawn to
analyze the solution. Fig. 21.17 shows that the idle time
1 of stations 1–3 is very large, which means that this line
4 6 8 is not balanced for production. In the real world, an as-
sembly line is not just used for producing one unit of the
2 10 product; it should produce several units. So we give the
Gantt chart for three units to analyze the solution, as shown
3 5 9
in Fig. 21.18.

Fig. 21.16 Precedence graph of the example problem 21.4.2 Robot-Based Assembly Line Model

Table 21.1 Data for the example The following assumptions are stated to clarify the setting in
i Suc(i) R1 R2 R3 R4 which the problem arises:
1 4 17 22 19 13
2 4 21 22 16 20 A1. The precedence relationship among assembly activities
3 5 12 25 27 15 is known and invariable.
4 6 21 21 19 16 A2. The duration of an activity is deterministic. Activities
5 10 31 25 26 22 cannot be subdivided.
6 8 28 18 20 21 A3. The duration of an activity depends on the assigned
7 8 42 28 23 34 robot.
8 10 27 33 40 25 A4. There are no limitations on the assignment of an ac-
9 10 19 13 17 34 tivities or a robot to any station. If a task cannot be
10 – 26 27 35 26 processed on a robot, the assembly time of the task on
the robot is set to a very large number.
A5. A single robot is assigned to each station.
the ten tasks, and Table 21.1 gives the processing time for A6. Material handling, loading, and unloading times, as
each of the tasks processed by each robot. We show a feasible well as setup and tool changing times are negligible,
solution for this example in Fig. 21.17. or are included in the activity times. This assumption
502 M. Gen and L. Lin

Decision variables:

1 if task j is assigned to workstation k
xjk =
 0, otherwise
4/4 8 9 10 1 if robot l is allocated to workstation k
ykl =
0, otherwise
3/3 1 4 6
Problem formulation: The rALB-II problem is then for-
2/1 3 5 mulated as the following zero-one integer program (0 – 1 IP)
1/2 2 7 n m 

min c = max til xik ykl (21.10)
50 85 i=1 i=1

Fig. 21.17 A feasible solution for the example (stn: workstation no,


rbn: robot no.)

s.t. kxik − kxjk ≤ 0, ∀i ∈ pre(j); j (21.11)
k=1 k=1

stn/rbn (case of 3 products)

Part waiting
1/2 2 7 Processing waiting xik = 1 ∀i (21.12)
2/1 3 5 k=1

3/3 1 4 6
4/4 8 9 10

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 ykl = 1 ∀k (21.13)

Fig. 21.18 Gantt chart for producing three units

ykl = 1 ∀l (21.14)
is realistic on a single model assembly line that works k=1
on the single product for which it is balanced. Tooling
on such a robotic line is usually designed such that tool
changes are minimized within a station. If tool change
or other type of setup activity is necessary, it can be xik ∈ {0, 1} ∀k, i (21.15)
included in the activity time, since the transfer lot size
on such line is of a single product.
A7. The number of workstations is determined by the num-
ber of robots, since the problem aims to maximize the ykl ∈ {0, 1} ∀l, k (21.16)
productivity by using all robots at hand.
A8. The line is balanced for a single product. The objective (21.10) is to minimize the cycle time, CT .
Constraint (21.11) represents the precedence constraints. It
The notation used in this section can be summarized as fol- ensures that, for each pair of assembly activities, the prece-
lows. Indices: i, j: index of assembly tasks, i, j = 1, 2, . . . , n; dent cannot be assigned to a station before the station of the
k: index of workstations, k = 1, 2, . . . , m; l: index of robots, successor if there is precedence between the two activities.
l = 1, 2, . . . , m. Parameters: n: total number of assembly Constraint (21.12) ensures that each task has to be assigned
tasks, m: total number of workstations (robots), til : processing to one station. Constraint (21.13) ensures that each station is
time of the i-th task by robot l, pre(i): the set of predecessor equipped with one robot. Constraint (21.14) ensures that each
of task i in the precedence diagram. robot can only be assigned to one station.
21 Nature-Inspired and Evolutionary Techniques for Automation 503

21.4.3 Evolutionary Algorithm Approaches (Levitin et al. [116]). This is the most typical combina-
torial optimization model and many nature-inspired and
Tasan and Tunali suggested most of the problems involving evolutional techniques are applied to find a solution to this
the design and plan of manufacturing systems are combinato- problem. Gao et al. [80] reported an innovative genetic
rial and NP-hard and a well-known manufacturing optimiza- algorithm (IGA) hybridized with local search such as five
tion problem is the assembly line balancing (ALB) problem different neighborhood structures.
[113]. Due to the complexity of the problem, a growing In order to enhance the search ability, local search pro-
number of researchers have employed genetic algorithms cedures work under the framework of hybrid GA. The local
(GAs). Zhang et al. proposed an effective multi-objective ge- search investigates neighbor solutions that have possibilities
netic algorithm (MoGA)-based approach for solving multi- to outperform the incumbent one, and adjusts neighborhood
objective assembly line balancing (MoALB) problem with structures dynamically. The set of decoding procedures is
worker allocation [114]. Zhang and Gen reported an efficient to generate a feasible solution based on the task sequence
multi-objective genetic algorithm (MoGA) for solving the and robot assignment scheme expressed in a chromosome.
mixed-model assembly line balancing (mALB) problem con- Considering the precedence constraints, a task sequence is
sidering demand ratio-based cycle time in which a MoGA for infeasible when a successor task appears in front of any
solving the mixed-model assembly line balancing (mALB) of its precedents. A reordering procedure is used to repair
problem [115]. They proposed a generalized Pareto-based infeasible task sequences into feasible ones. The mixed order
scale-independent fitness function (GP-SIFF) as a fitness crossover consists of two different crossover methods: Order
function of each individual in the population at each genera- crossover (OX) and partial-mapped crossover (PMX), which
tion: operate the task sequence vector and the robot assignment
vector, respectively. For the mutation operation, allele-based
eval (Si ) = p (Si ) − q (Si ) + c, i = 1, 2, . . . , popSize mutation is implemented for both task sequence and robot
(21.17) assignment vectors.
A solution of the robot-based assembly line balancing 21
where p(Si ) is the number of individuals which can be dom- (rALB) problem can be represented by two integer vectors:
inated by the individual Si , and q(Si ) is the number of indi- the task sequence vector, v1 , which contains a permutation
viduals which can dominate the individual Si in the objective of assembly tasks ordered according to their technologi-
space. Also, c is the number of all participant individuals. cal precedence sequence, and the robot assignment vec-
The case study of the multi-objective mALB problem is tor, v2 . The solution representation method is illustrated in
to minimize the cycle time of the assembly line based on Fig. 21.19. The balancing chart for the solution can be drawn
demand ratio of each model, to minimize the variation of in Fig. 21.20. The detailed processes of decoding the task
workload, and to minimize the total worker cost. The solution sequence and assigning robots to workstations are shown in
process is consisting five phases: Phase 1: Combining all [80, 117].
the models, Phase 2: Creating a task sequence, Phase 3: In the real world, an assembly line is not just for producing
Assigning tasks to each station, Phase 4: Assigning worker one unit of the product; it should produce several units. So we
to each station, Phase 5: Designing a Schedule. The detailed give the Gantt chart with three units for analyzing the solution
calculating process with an illustrative mALB example hav- as in Fig. 21.21. We can see the solution reduces the waiting
ing ten tasks, four stations, four workers, and two models time for the line by comparing with the feasible solution from
is introduced in [115]. For reducing the convergence of Fig. 21.21. This also means that the better solution improved
the performan for GPSI-FF, a new Pareto dominating and the assembly line balancing.
dominated relationship based fitness function (PDDR-FF)
proposed by Zhang et al. [29]. The PDDR-FF-based fitness
function is proposed to evaluate the individuals for solving S1 S2 S3 S4
the multi-objective optimization problems:
S1 S2 S3 S4
eval (Si ) = q (Si ) + , i = 1, 2, . . . , popSize 2 1 3 4 9 6 5 7 8 10
p (Si + 1)
Locus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Phase 1: Task sequence (v1) 2 1 3 4 9 6 5 7 8 10
Locus: station 1 2 3 4
The solution to the RALB problem includes an attempt Phase 2: Robot assignment (v2) 1 2 3 4
for optimal assignment of robots to line stations and a
balanced distribution of work between different stations.
It aims at maximizing the production rate of the line Fig. 21.19 Solution representation of a sample problem
504 M. Gen and L. Lin

21.4.4 Case Study of Robot-Based Assembly 21.5 Conclusions

Line Model
In this chapter, we introduced nature-inspired and evolu-
An example of the RALB problem (25 tasks, 6 robots, 6 tionary techniques (ET) introduced for treating automation
workstations) Scholl-93 (modified) is shown as follows. The problems in advanced planning and scheduling (APS),
test dataset of the example is shown in Table 21.2, and the assembly line system, logistics, and transportation. ET is
precedence graph of the example is shown in Fig. 21.22. The the most popular metaheuristic method for solving NP-hard
best solution with the task sequence, breakpoints, and robot combinatorial optimization problems.
assignment is shown in Fig. 21.23, and the chart of the cycle First, the background and developments of nature-
time is shown in Fig. 21.24. inspired and ETs are briefly described. Then basic schemes
and working mechanism of genetic algorithms (GA),
swarm intelligence and other nature-inspired optimization
algorithms are introduced. Multi-objective evolutionary

stn/rbn (Balancing chart of the best solution)

Table 21.2 Dataset of the RALB example

4/4 8 10 i succ(i) R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
1 3 87 62 42 60 44 76
3/3 5 7 2 3 67 47 42 45 53 100
3 4 82 58 54 40 61 60
2/2 4 6 9 4 5, 8 182 58 62 60 55 100
5 6 71 47 28 57 62 76
1/1 1 2 3 6 7, 10 139 48 51 73 61 117
7 11, 12 98 99 44 49 59 82
52 Time 8 9, 11 70 40 33 29 36 52
9 10, 13 60 114 47 72 63 93
10 – 112 67 85 63 49 86
Fig. 21.20 The balancing chart of the best solution (stn: workstation 11 13 51 35 41 44 85 69
no, rbn: robot no.) 12 15 79 39 50 80 67 95
13 14 57 47 56 85 41 49
14 16, 19, 20 139 65 40 38 87 105
stn/rbn (case of 3 products) 15 17, 22 95 63 42 65 61 167
Part waiting 16 18 54 48 51 34 71 133
1/1 1 2 3 Processing waiting 17 18, 23 71 28 35 29 32 41
2/2 4 6 9 18 25 112 29 49 58 84 69
3/3 5 7
19 22 109 47 38 37 52 69
20 21, 25 63 45 39 43 36 57
4/4 8 10
21 22, 24 75 68 45 79 84 83
50 100 150 200 250 300 22 – 87 36 74 29 82 109
23 25 58 36 55 38 42 107
24 – 44 54 23 21 36 71
Fig. 21.21 Gantt chart for producing three units 25 – 79 64 48 35 48 97

5 6 7 12 15 22
17 23
3 4 10
8 9 13 14 16 18 25

20 21 24

Fig. 21.22 Precedence graph of example problem

21 Nature-Inspired and Evolutionary Techniques for Automation 505

Breakpoint 1 Breakpoint 5 Breakpoint 10 Breakpoint 13 Breakpoint 16 Breakpoint 21

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
2 1 3 4 8 5 6 7 12 9 11 15 13 14 20 16 17 18 10 23 19 21 24 22 25

R5 R1 R6 R2 R6

Fig. 21.23 The best solution with the task sequence, breakpoints and robot assignment

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82. Janardhanan, M.N., Nielsen, P., Ponnambalam, S.G.: Application Ind. Eng. 56(3), 854–873 (2009)
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Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, pp. 525–533. design. Comput. Ind. Eng. 125, 394–412 (2018)
Springer, Cham (2016) 105. Kim, S.H., Hwang, H.: An adaptive dispatching algorithm for
83. Nilakantan, J.M., Ponnambalam, S.G., Jawahar, N., et al.: Bio- automated guided vehicles based on an evolutionary process. Int.
inspired search algorithms to solve robotic assembly line balanc- J. Prod. Econ. 60/61, 465–472 (1999)
ing problems. Neural Comput. Appl. 26(6), 1379–1393 (2015) 106. Hwang, H., Moon, S., Gen, M.: An integrated model for the design
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at automated container terminals. Ann. Oper. Res. 159(1), 373– load sizes of AGVs. Comput. Ind. Eng. 42, 249–258 (2002)
394 (2008) 107. Gen, M., Zhang, W., Lin, L., et al.: Recent advances in hy-
85. Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminsky, P., Simchi-Levi, E.: Designing and brid evolutionary algorithms for multiobjective manufacturing
Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts Strategies & Case Studies, scheduling. Comput. Ind. Eng. 112, 616–633 (2017)
2nd edn. McGraw-Hill, Irwin (2003) 108. Lin, L., Shinn, S.W., Gen, M., Hwang, H.: Network model and
86. Azarmand, Z., Neishabouri, E.: Chapter 5: Location allocation effective evolutionary approach for AGV dispatching in manufac-
problem. In: Farahani, R.Z., Hekmatfar, M. (eds.) Facility Loca- turing system. J. Intell. Manuf. 17(4), 465–477 (2006)
tion. Springer (2009) 109. Lin, L., Gen, M.: A random key-based genetic algorithm for AGV
87. Cooper, L.: Location-allocation problems. Oper. Res. 11(3), 331– dispatching in FMS. Int. J. Manuf. Technol. Manag. 16, 58–75
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88. Scaparra, M.P., Scutella, M.G.: Facilities, Locations, Customers: 110. Yang, J.B.: GA-based discrete dynamic programming approach
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508 M. Gen and L. Lin

111. Kim, K., Yamazaki, G., Lin, L., Gen, M.: Network-based hybrid
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114. Zhang, W.Q., Lin, L., Gen, M.: A multiobjective genetic algorithm
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115. Zhang, W.Q., Gen, M.: An efficient multiobjective genetic algo-
rithm for mixed-model assembly line balancing problem consid-
ering demand ratio-based cycle time. J. Intell. Manuf. 22(3), 367– Lin Lin received the PhD degree from Waseda University, Japan, in
378 (2011) 2008. He is a Professor with the International School of Information
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robotic assembly balancing. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 168, 811–825 a Senior Researcher with Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute, Japan. His
(2006) research interests include computational intelligence and their applica-
117. Lin, L., Gen, M., Gao, J.: Optimization and improvement in robot- tions in combinatorial optimization and pattern recognition.
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Trans. Electron. Inf. Syst. 128C(3), 424–431 (2008)

Mitsuo Gen received his PhD in Engineering from Kogakuin University

in 1974 and a PhD degree in Informatics from Kyoto University in 2006.
He was faculties at Ashikaga Institute of Technology from 1974 to 2003
and Waseda University from 2003 to 2010. He was visiting faculties at
University of California, Berkeley from 1999.8 to 2000.3, Texas A&M
University for 2000, Hanyang University in S. Korea from 2010 to
2012, and National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan from 2012 to 2014.
He published several books on Genetic Algorithms including Network
Models and Optimization, and Introduction to Evolutionary Algorithms,
with colleagues, Springer, London, in 2008 and 2010, respectively.
Automating Prognostics and Prevention
of Errors, Conflicts, and Disruptions 22
Xin W. Chen and Shimon Y. Nof

Contents 22.6.4 Financial Models for Prognostics Economy . . . . . . . . . . 524

22.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509 22.7 Conclusions and Emerging Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
22.2 Error Prognostics and Prevention Applications . . . . . 512
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
22.2.1 Error Detection in Assembly and Inspection . . . . . . . . . . 512
22.2.2 Process Monitoring and Error Management . . . . . . . . . . 512
22.2.3 Hardware Testing Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
22.2.4 Error Detection in Software Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514 Abstract
22.2.5 Error Detection and Diagnostics in Discrete-Event
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515 Errors, conflicts, and disruptions exist in many systems.
22.2.6 Error Detection and Disruption Prevention in Service A fundamental question from industries is how can they
Industries and Healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
22.2.7 Error Detection and Prevention Algorithms for be eliminated by automation, or can we at least use au-
Production and Service Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516 tomation to minimize their damage? The purpose of this
22.2.8 Error-Prevention Culture (EPC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517 chapter is to illustrate a theoretical background and appli-
22.3 Conflict Prognostics and Prevention Applications . . . 517 cations of how to automatically prevent errors, conflicts,
and disruptions with various devices, technologies, meth-
22.4 Integrated Error and Conflict Prognostics
and Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 ods, and systems. Eight key functions to prevent errors
22.4.1 Active Middleware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 and conflicts are identified and their theoretical back-
22.4.2 Conflict and Error Detection Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519 ground and applications in both production and service
22.4.3 Performance Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
are explained with examples. As systems and networks be-
22.5 Error Recovery, Conflict Resolutions, come larger and more complex, such as global enterprises,
and Disruption Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520 the Internet, and healthcare networks, error and conflict
22.5.1 Error Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
22.5.2 Conflict Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522 prognostics and prevention become more important and
22.5.3 Disruption Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522 challenging; the focus is shifting from passive response to
proactive and predictive prognostics and prevention. Ad-
22.6 Emerging Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
22.6.1 Decentralized and Agent-Based Error and Conflict ditional theoretical developments and implementation ef-
Prognostics and Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524 forts are needed to advance the prognostics and prevention
22.6.2 Intelligent Error and Conflict Prognostics of errors and conflicts in many real-world applications.
and Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
22.6.3 Graph and Network Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524

Model check · Conflict resolution · Multiagent system ·

Error detection · Error recovery · Disruption propagation

X. W. Chen ()
Department of Industrial Engineering, Southern Illinois University, 22.1 Definitions
Edwardsville, IL, USA
All humans commit errors (“To err is human”) and encounter
S. Y. Nof ()
PRISM Center and School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue conflicts and disruptions. In the context of automation, there
University, West Lafayette, IN, USA are two main questions: (1) Does automation commit errors
e-mail: and encounter conflicts? (2) Can automation help humans

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 509

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
510 X. W. Chen and S. Y. Nof

prevent errors, eliminate conflicts, and overcome or avoid and conflict propagation. Both errors and conflicts cause
disruptions? All human-made automation includes human- disruptions, which are disturbances to quality, reliability, and
committed errors and conflicts, for example, programming continuity of operations.
errors, design errors, and conflicts between human planners. Errors and conflicts are different but related. The defini-
Two automation systems, designed separately by different tion of the two terms is often subject to the understanding and
human teams, will encounter conflicts when they are ex- modeling of a system and its units. Mathematical equations
pected to collaborate, for instance, the need for communi- can help define errors and conflicts. An error is defined as
cation protocol standards to enable computers to interact
automatically. Some errors, conflicts, and disruptions are Dissatisfy
∃E [ur,i (t)] , if ϑi (t) −→ conr (t). (22.1)
inherent to automation, similar to all human-made creations,
for instance, a robot mechanical structure that collapses under E[ur,i (t)] is an error, ui (t) is unit i in a system at time t, ϑi (t)
weight overload. is unit i’s state at time t that describes what has occurred with
An error is any input, output, or intermediate result that unit i by time t, conr (t) denotes constraint r in the system at
has occurred or will occur in a system and does not meet Dissatisfy
system specification, expectation, or comparison objective. time t, and −→ denotes that a constraint is not satisfied.
A conflict is an inconsistency between different units’ goals, Similarly, a conflict is defined as
plans, tasks, or other activities in a system. A system usually Dissatisfy
has multiple units, some of which collaborate, cooperate, ∃C [nr (t)] , if θi (t) −→ conr (t). (22.2)
and/or coordinate to complete tasks. The most important
difference between an error and a conflict is that an error C[nr (t)] is a conflict and nr (t) is a network of units that
involves only one unit, whereas a conflict involves two or need to satisfy conr (t) at time t. The use of constraints helps
more units in a system. An error at a unit may cause other define errors and conflicts unambiguously. A constraint is the
errors or conflicts, for instance, a workstation that cannot system specification, expectation, comparison objective, or
provide the required number of products to an assembly acceptable difference between different units’ goals, plans,
line (a conflict) because one machine at the workstation tasks, or other activities. Tables 22.1 and 22.2 illustrate
breaks down (an error). Similarly, a conflict may cause other errors and conflicts in automation with some typical exam-
errors and conflicts, for instance, a machine that does not ples. There are also human errors and conflicts that exist
receive required products (an error) because the automated in automation systems. Figure 22.1 describes the difference
guided vehicles that carry the products collide when they between errors and conflicts in pin insertion.
move toward each other on the same path (a conflict). These This chapter provides a theoretical background and il-
phenomena, errors leading to other errors or conflicts, and lustrates applications of how to prevent errors and conflicts
conflicts leading to other errors or conflicts, are called error automatically in production and service. Different terms have

Table 22.1 Examples of errors and conflicts in production automation

Error Conflict
A robot drops a circuit board while moving it between two locations Two numerically controlled machines request help from the same
A machine punches two holes on a metal sheet while only one is operator at the same time
needed, because the size of the metal sheet is recognized incorrectly Three different software packages are used to generate optimal schedule
by the vision system of jobs for a production facility; the schedules generated are different
A lathe stops processing a shaft due to power outage Two automated guided vehicles collide
The server of a computer-integrated manufacturing system crashes A DWG (drawing) file prepared by an engineer with AutoCAD cannot
due to high temperature be opened by another engineer with the same software
A facility layout generated by a software program cannot be Overlapping workspace defined by two cooperating robots
implemented due to irregular shapes

Table 22.2 Examples of errors and conflicts in service automation

Error Conflict
The engine of an airplane shuts down unexpectedly during the flight The time between two flights in an itinerary generated by an online
A patient’s electronic medical records are accidently deleted during booking system is too short for transition from one flight to the other
system recovery A ticket machine sells more tickets than the number of available seats
A pacemaker stops working An ATM machine dispenses $ 250 when a customer withdraws $ 260
Traffic lights go off due to lightening A translation software incorrectly interprets text
A vending machine does not deliver drinks or snacks after the payment Two surgeries are scheduled in the same room due to a glitch in a
Automatic doors do not open sensor that determines if the room is empty
An elevator stops between two floors
A cellphone automatically initiates phone calls due to a software glitch
22 Automating Prognostics and Prevention of Errors, Conflicts, and Disruptions 511

a) b) c) d) e) f)

Fig. 22.1 Errors and conflicts in a pin insertion task: (a) successful (2) conflicts if the pin is a unit and the two other components are
insertion; (b–f) are unsuccessful insertion with (1) errors if the pin and considered as another unit in a system [1]
the two other components are considered as one unit in a system, or

been used to describe the concept of errors and conflicts, for

instance, failure [2–5], fault [4, 6], exception [7], and flaw Prognostics
[8]. Error and conflict are the most popular terms appearing
in literature [3, 4, 6, 9–15]. The related terms listed here are
also useful descriptions of errors and conflicts. Depending
on the context, some of these terms are interchangeable with
error; some are interchangeable with conflict; and the rest Propagation Propagation
Error E[u(r2,i,t)] Error
refer to both error and conflict. conflicts C[n(r1,t)] conflicts
Eight key functions have been identified as useful to
prevent errors and conflicts automatically as described below
[16–19]. Functions 5–8 prevent errors and conflicts with
Diagnostics Occurrence 22
the support of functions 1–4. Functions 6–8 prevent errors u(i, t) Error recovery
Detection Conflict resolution
and conflicts by managing those that have already occurred. Identification n(r1, t)
Exception handling
Function 5, prognostics, is the only function that actively de-
termines which errors and conflicts will occur, and prevents
them. All other seven functions are designed to manage errors
and conflicts that have already occurred, although as a result Fig. 22.2 Error and conflict propagation and eight functions to prevent
errors and conflicts
they can prevent future errors and conflicts directly or indi-
rectly. Figure 22.2 describes error and conflict propagation
and their relationship with the eight functions:
5. Prognostics is a procedure to prevent errors and conflicts
1. Detection is a procedure to determine if an error or conflict through analysis and prediction of error and conflict prop-
has occurred. agation.
2. Identification is a procedure to identify the observation 6. Error recovery is a procedure to remove or mitigate the
variables most relevant to diagnosing an error or conflict; effect of an error.
it answers the question: Which of them has already oc- 7. Conflict resolution is a procedure to resolve a conflict.
curred? 8. Exception handling is a procedure to manage exceptions.
3. Isolation is a procedure to determine the exact location of Exceptions are deviations from an ideal process that uses
an error or conflict. Isolation provides more information the available resources to achieve the task requirement
than identification function, in which only the observation (goal) in an optimal way.
variables associated with the error or conflict are deter-
mined. Isolation does not provide as much information There has been extensive research on the eight functions,
as the diagnostics function, however, in which the type, except prognostics. Various models, methods, tools, and al-
magnitude, and time of the error or conflict are deter- gorithms have been developed to automate the management
mined. Isolation answers the question: Where has an error of errors and conflicts in production and service. Their main
or conflict occurred? limitation is that most of them are designed for a specific
4. Diagnostics is a procedure to determine which error or application area, or even a specific error or conflict. The
conflict has occurred, what their specific characteristics main challenge of automating the management of errors
are, or the cause of the observed out-of-control status.
512 X. W. Chen and S. Y. Nof

and conflicts is how to prevent them through prognostics,

which is supported by the other seven functions and requires Parameter estimation
substantial research and developments. Observers
Parity relations
Univariate Shewhart charts
22.2 Error Prognostics and Prevention statistical Cumulative sum (CUSUM) charts
monitoring Exponentially weighted moving
Applications Data-driven average (EWMA) charts
approach Principal component analysis (PCA)
A variety of applications in production and service industries Multivariate Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA)
are related to error prognostics and prevention [20–24]. The techniques Partial least squares (PLS)
majority of applications aim to detect and diagnose errors in Canonical variate analysis (CVA)
design and production. Causal Signed directed graph (SDG)
techniques Symptom tree model (STM)
22.2.1 Error Detection in Assembly based Expert systems
and Inspection
Pattern Artificial neural networks (ANN)
As the first step to prevent errors, error detection has attracted techniques Self-organizing map (SOM)
much attention, especially in assembly and inspection; for
instance, researchers [3] have studied an integrated sensor-
Fig. 22.3 Techniques of fault management in process monitoring
based control system for a flexible assembly cell which
includes error detection function. An error knowledge base
has been developed to store information about previous errors
Three approaches to manage faults for process monitoring
that had occurred in assembly operations, and corresponding
are summarized in Fig. 22.3. The analytical approach gen-
recovery programs which had been used to correct them. The
erates features using detailed mathematical models. Faults
knowledge base provides support for both error detection and
can be detected and diagnosed by comparing the observed
recovery. In addition, a similar machine-learning approach to
features with the features associated with normal operating
error detection and recovery in assembly has been discussed.
conditions directly or after some transformation [19]. The
To enable error recovery, failure diagnostics has been em-
data-driven approach applies statistical tools on large amount
phasized as a necessary step after the detection and before
of data obtained from complex systems. Many quality con-
the recovery. It is noted that, in assembly, error detection and
trol methods are examples of the data-driven approach. The
recovery are often integrated.
knowledge-based approach uses qualitative models to detect
Automatic inspection has been applied in various man-
and analyze faults. It is especially suited for systems in which
ufacturing processes to detect, identify, and isolate errors
detailed mathematical models are not available. Among these
or defects with computer vision. It is mostly used to detect
three approaches, the data-driven approach is considered
defects on printed circuit board [25–27] and dirt in paper
most promising because of its solid theoretical foundation
pulps [28, 29]. The use of robots has enabled automatic
compared with the knowledge-based approach and its ability
inspection of hazardous materials [30] and in environments
to deal with large amount of data compared with the analyti-
that human operators cannot access, e.g., pipelines [31].
cal approach. The knowledge-based approach, however, has
Automatic inspection has also been adopted to detect errors
gained much attention recently. Many errors and conflicts can
in many other products such as fuel pellets [32], printing
be detected and diagnosed only by experts who have exten-
the contents of soft drink cans [33], oranges [34], aircraft
sive knowledge and experience, which need to be modeled
components [35], and microdrills [36]. The key technologies
and captured to automate error and conflict prognostics and
involved in automatic inspection include but are not limited
to computer or machine vision, feature extraction, and pattern
recognition [37–39].

22.2.3 Hardware Testing Algorithms

22.2.2 Process Monitoring and Error
Management The three fault management approaches discussed in Sect.
22.2.2 can also be classified according to the way that a
Process monitoring, or fault detection and diagnostics in system is modeled. In the analytical approach, quantitative
industrial systems, has become a new subdiscipline within models are used which require the complete specification
the broad subject of control and signal processing [40]. of system components, state variables, observed variables,
22 Automating Prognostics and Prevention of Errors, Conflicts, and Disruptions 513

and functional relationships among them for the purpose of and maintenance system (TEAMS), has been developed for
fault management. The data-driven approach can be consid- testability analysis of large systems containing as many as
ered as the effort to develop qualitative models in which 50,000 faults and 45,000 test points [41]. TEAMS can be
previous and current data obtained from a system are used. used to model individual systems and generate near-optimal
Qualitative models usually require less information about a diagnostic procedures. Research on test sequencing has ex-
system than do quantitative models. The knowledge-based panded to diagnose multiple faults [46–50] in various real-
approach uses qualitative models and other types of models; world systems including the Space Shuttle’s main propulsion
for instance, pattern recognition techniques use multivariate system. Test sequencing algorithms with unreliable tests [45]
statistical tools and employ qualitative models, whereas the and multivalued tests [50] have also been studied.
signed directed graph is a typical dependence model which To diagnose a single fault in a system, the relationship
represents the cause–effect relationships in the form of a between the faulty states and tests can be modeled by directed
directed graph [41]. graph (digraph model) (Fig. 22.5). Once a system is described
Similar to algorithms used in quantitative and qualitative in a diagraph model, the full order dependences among
models, optimal and near-optimal test sequences have been failure states and tests can be captured by a binary test matrix,
developed to diagnose faults in hardware [41–50]. The goal also called a dependency matrix (D-matrix, Table 22.3).
of the test sequencing problem is to design a test algorithm Other researchers have used digraph model to diagnose faults
that is able to unambiguously identify the occurrence of in hypercube microprocessors [51]. The directed graph is a
any system state (faulty or fault-free state) using the test in powerful tool to describe dependences among system com-
the test set and minimizes the expected testing cost [42]. ponents and tests.
The test sequencing problem belongs to the general class Three important issues have been brought to light by
of binary identification problems. The problem to diagnose extensive research on test sequencing problem and should be
single fault is a perfectly observed Markov decision problem considered when diagnosing faults for hardware:
(MDP). The solution to the MDP is a deterministic AND/OR
binary decision tree with OR nodes labeled by the suspect set 1. The order of dependences. The first-order cause–effect
of system states and AND nodes denoting tests (decisions) dependence between two nodes, i.e., how a faulty node
(Fig. 22.4). It is well known that the construction of the affects another node directly, is the simplest dependence
optimal decision tree is an NP-complete problem [42]. relationship between two nodes. Earlier research did not
To subdue the computational explosion of the optimal consider the dependences among nodes [42, 43], whereas
test sequencing problem, algorithms that integrate concepts in most recent research, different algorithms and test
from information theory and heuristic search have been de- strategies have been developed with the consideration of
veloped and first used to diagnose faults in electronic and not only the first-order but also high-order dependences
electromechanical systems with a single fault [42]. An X- among nodes [48–50]. The high-order dependences de-
Windows-based software tool, the testability engineering scribe relationships between nodes that are related to each
other through other nodes.

S0, S1,
S2, S3, 1 2 3 4 5

p f

S0, S3 S1, S2,

p Test passes S2 6 7 8 9 10
f Test fails
T2 OR node T1
p f AND node p f

S0 S3 S1, S2 S4
11 12 13 14 15
p f Component with test
S2 S1 Component without test

Fig. 22.4 Single-fault test strategy Fig. 22.5 Digraph model of an example system
514 X. W. Chen and S. Y. Nof

Table 22.3 D-matrix of the example system derived from Fig. 22.5 5. Tests do not have common setup operations [47]. This
State/test T1 (5) T2 (6) T3 (8) T4 (11) T5 (12) T6 (13) T7 (14) T8 (15) assumption has been proposed to simplify the cost com-
S1 (1) 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 parison among tests.
S2 (2) 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 6. Faults are independent [47].
S3 (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7. Failure states that are replaced/repaired are 100% func-
S4 (4) 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 tional [47].
S5 (5) 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 8. Systems are zero-time systems [50].
S6 (6) 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
S7 (7) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Note the critical difference between assumptions 3 and 4.
S8 (8) 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Assumption 3 is related to diagnostics ability. When an un-
S9 (9) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ambiguous test detects a fault, the conclusion is that the fault
S10 (10) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 has definitely occurred with 100% probability. Nevertheless,
S11 (11) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 this conclusion could be wrong if the false positive rate is
S12 (12) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 not zero. This is the test (diagnostics) reliability described in
S13 (13) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 assumption 4. When an unambiguous test does not detect a
S14 (14) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 fault, the conclusion is that the fault has not occurred with
S15 (15) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 100% probability. Similarly, this conclusion could be wrong
if the false negative rate is not zero. Unambiguous tests have
better diagnostics ability than ambiguous tests. If a fault
2. Types of faults. Faults can be classified into two cate- has occurred, ambiguous tests conclude that the fault has
gories: functional faults and general faults. A component occurred with a probability less than one. Similarly, if the
or unit in a complex system may have more than one fault has not occurred, ambiguous tests conclude that the fault
function. Each function may become faulty. A component has not occurred with a probability less than one. In summary,
may therefore have one or more functional faults, each if assumption 3 is true, a test gives only two results: a fault
of which involves only one function of the component. has occurred or has not occurred, always with a probability
General faults are those faults that cause faults in all of one. If both assumptions 3 and 4 are true, (1) a fault must
functions of a component. If a component has a general have occurred if the test concludes that it has occurred, and
fault, all its functions are faulty. Models that describe (2) a fault must have not occurred if the test concludes that it
only general faults are often called worst-case models [41] has not occurred.
because of their poor diagnostics ability.
3. Fault propagation time. Systems can be classified into
two categories: zero-time and nonzero-time systems [50]. 22.2.4 Error Detection in Software Design
Fault propagation in zero-time systems is instantaneous to
an observer, whereas in nonzero-time systems, it is several The most prevalent method to detect errors in software is
orders of magnitude slower than the response time of the model checking. As Clarke et al. [52] state, model checking
observer. Zero-time systems can be abstracted by taking is a method to verify algorithmically if the model of software
the propagation times to be zero. or hardware design satisfies given requirements and spec-
ifications through exhaustive enumeration of all the states
Another interesting aspect of the test sequencing problem reachable by the system and the behaviors that traverse them.
is several assumptions that have been discussed in various Model checking has been successfully applied to identify
articles, which are useful guidelines for the development of incorrect hardware and protocol designs, and recently there
algorithms for hardware testing: has been a surge in work on applying it to reason about
a wide variety of software artifacts; for example, model
1. At most one faulty state (component or unit) in a system checking frameworks have been applied to reason about
at any time [42]. This may be achieved if the system is software process models [53], different families of software
tested frequently enough [47]. requirements models [54], architectural frameworks [55],
2. All faults are permanent faults [42]. design models [56], and system implementations [57–60].
3. Tests can identify system states unambiguously [42]. In The potential of model checking technology for (1) detecting
other words, a faulty state is either identified or not coding errors that are hard to detect using existing quality
identified. There is not a situation such as: There is a 60% assurance methods, e.g., bugs that arise from unanticipated
probability that a faulty state has occurred. interleavings in concurrent programs, and (2) verifying that
4. Tests are 100% reliable [45, 50]. Both false positive and system models and implementations satisfy crucial tempo-
false negative rates are zero. ral properties and other lightweight specifications has led
22 Automating Prognostics and Prevention of Errors, Conflicts, and Disruptions 515

a number of international corporations and government re- is, it is unknown if the design satisfies any unspecified
search laboratories such as Microsoft, International Business properties, which are often assumed by designers. Even if
Machines Corporation (IBM), Lucent, Nippon Electric Com- all necessary properties are verified through model checking,
pany (NEC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration code generated to implement the design is not guaranteed
(NASA), and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to fund their to meet design specifications, or more importantly, design
own software model checking projects. properties. Model-based software testing is being studied to
A drawback of model checking is the state-explosion connect the two ends in software design: requirements and
problem. Software tends to be less structured than hardware code.
and is considered as a concurrent but asynchronous system. The detection of design errors in software engineering
In other words, two independent processes in software exe- has received much attention. In addition to model check-
cuting concurrently in either order result in the same global ing and software testing, for instance, Miceli et al. [8] has
state [52]. Failing to execute checking because of too many proposed a metric-based technique for design flaw detection
states is a particularly serious problem for software. Several and correction. In parallel computing, synchronization errors
methods, including symbolic representation, partial order are major problems, and a nonintrusive detection method
reduction, compositional reasoning, abstraction, symmetry, for synchronization errors using execution replay has been
and induction, have been developed either to decrease the developed [14]. Besides, concurrent error detection (CED) is
number of states in the model or to accommodate more states, well known for detecting errors in distributed computing sys-
although none of them has been able to solve the problem by tems and its use of duplications [9, 62], which is sometimes
allowing a general number of states in the system. considered a drawback.
Based on the observation that software model checking
has been particularly successful when it can be optimized
by taking into account properties of a specific application 22.2.5 Error Detection and Diagnostics
domain, Hatcliff and colleagues have developed Bogor [61], in Discrete-Event Systems
which is a highly modular model-checking framework that
can be tailored to specific domains. Bogor’s extensible mod- Recently, Petri nets have been applied in fault detection and
eling language allows new modeling primitives that cor- diagnostics [63–65] and fault analysis [66–68]. Petri nets
respond to domain properties to be incorporated into the
are formal modeling and analysis tool for discrete-event or
modeling language as first-class citizens. Bogor’s modular asynchronous systems. For hybrid systems that have both
architecture enables its core model-checking algorithms to event-driven and time-driven (synchronous) elements, Petri
be replaced by optimized domain-specific algorithms. Bogor nets can be extended to global Petri nets to model both
has been incorporated into Cadena and tailored to checking discrete-time and event elements. To detect and diagnose
avionics designs in the common object request broker archi- faults in discrete-event systems (DES), Petri nets can be
tecture (CORBA) component model (CCM), yielding orders used together with finite-state machines (FSM) [69, 70]. The
of magnitude reduction in verification costs. Specifically, Bo- notion of diagnosability and a construction procedure for the
gor’s modeling language has been extended with primitives diagnoser have been developed to detect faults in diagnosable
to capture CCM interfaces and a real-time CORBA (RT- systems [69]. A summary of the use of Petri nets in error
CORBA) event channel interface, and Bogor’s scheduling detection and recovery before the 1990s can be found in the
and state-space exploration algorithms were replaced with a work of Zhou and DiCesare [71].
scheduling algorithm that captures the particular scheduling To detect and diagnose faults with Petri nets, some of the
strategy of the RT-CORBA event channel and a customized places in a Petri net are assumed observable and others are
state-space storage strategy that takes advantage of the peri- not. All transitions in the Petri net are also unobservable.
odic computation of avionics software. Unobservable places, i.e., faults, indicate that the number
Despite this successful customizable strategy, there are of tokens in those places is not observable, whereas unob-
additional issues that need to be addressed when incorpo- servable transitions indicate that their occurrences cannot
rating model checking into an overall design/development be observed [63, 65]. The objective of the detection and
methodology. A basic problem concerns incorrect or in- diagnostics is to identify the occurrence and type of a fault
complete specifications: before verification, specifications based on observable places within finite steps of observation
in some logical formalism (usually temporal logic) need to after the occurrence of the fault. It is clear that to detect and
be extracted from design requirements (properties). Model diagnose faults with Petri nets, system modeling is complex
checking can verify if a model of the design satisfies a and time-consuming because faulty transitions and places
given specification. It is impossible, however, to determine must be included in a model. Research on this subject has
if the derived specifications are consistent with or cover mainly involved the extension of previous work using FSM
all design properties that the system should satisfy. That and has made limited progress.
516 X. W. Chen and S. Y. Nof

Faults in DES can be diagnosed with the decentralized each other. The determination of the viral RNA leads to
approach [72]. Distributed diagnostics can be performed by the detection of the virus in its active stage, whereas the
either diagnosers communicating with each other directly or serological assays identify people whose immune system has
through a coordinator. Alternatively, diagnostics decisions already developed antibodies to fight the infection.
can be made completely locally without combining the in- A third strategy for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 is to
formation gathered [72]. The decentralized approach is a use biosensors that are bioanalytical devices combining the
viable direction for error detection and diagnostics in large selectivity features of a biomolecule with the sensitivity of a
and complex systems. physicochemical transducer. For example, trained scent dogs
can be used to detect saliva or tracheobronchial secretions of
SARS-CoV-2 [86]. For another example, deep learning can
22.2.6 Error Detection and Disruption be applied to analyze chest X-ray images for detection and
Prevention in Service Industries diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 [87, 88]. In addition to identifying
and Healthcare individuals who have SARS-CoV-2, several studies have
focused on early detection of SARS-CoV-2 outbreak [89,
Errors tend to occur frequently in certain service indus- 90]. For example, biosensors, PCR, or paper-based indicator
tries that involve intensive human operations. As the use of methods can be used to detect SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater.
computers and other automation devices, e.g., handwriting The results can help localize infection clusters of the primary
recognition and sorting machines in postal service, becomes wave and detect potential subsequent waves of SARS-CoV-2
increasingly prevalent, errors can be effectively and automat- outbreak.
ically prevented and reduced to minimum in many service
industries including delivery, transportation, e-Business, and
e-Commerce. In some other service industries, especially 22.2.7 Error Detection and Prevention
in healthcare systems, error detection is critical and limited Algorithms for Production and Service
research has been conducted to help develop systems that Automation
can automatically detect human errors and other types of
errors [73–77]. Several systems and modeling tools have The fundamental work system has evolved from manual
been studied and applied to detect errors in health industries power, human–machine system, computer-aided and
with the help of automation devices [78–81]. Much more computer-integrated systems, and then to e-Work [91],
research needs to be conducted to advance the development which enables distributed and decentralized operations
of automated error detection in service industries. where errors and conflicts propagate and affect not only the
At the turn of year 2019 to 2020, a global coronavirus local workstation but the entire production/service network.
pandemic has brought the detection and diagnosis of viruses Agent-based algorithms, e.g., (22.3), have been developed
such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 to detect and prevent errors in the process of providing a
(SARS-CoV-2) to the forefront of research in epidemiol- single product/service in a sequential production/service line
ogy. The pandemic caused a significant loss of human life [92, 93]. Qi is the performance of unit i in the produc-
worldwide. The economic and social disruption caused by tion/service line. Um and Lm 
are the upper limit and lower
the pandemic was devastating. Millions of people lost jobs limit, respectively, of the acceptable performance of unit m.
and fell into poverty. Many companies filed for bankruptcy Um and Lm are the upper limit and lower limit, respectively, of
or closed permanently. Almost all areas of global economy the acceptable level of the quality of a product/service after
such as transportation, tourism, and international trade were the operation of unit m. Units 1 through m − 1 complete
severely disrupted. their operation on a product/service before unit m starts its
SARS-CoV-2 has a rapid human to human transmission operation on the same product/service. An agent deployed at
and causes fatal pneumonia [82]. There are only a few unit m executes (22.3) to prevent errors
approved specific drugs and vaccines for treatment and pre-
vention. Early detection and diagnosis are crucial to prevent ∃E [um ] ,
the extensive spread of the SARS-CoV-2. Two main detection  m−1   m−1 
strategies are available for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2  
if Um −Lm < Qi ∪ Lm − Um > Qi .
i=1 i=1
[82]. First, the SARS-CoV-2 viral ribonucleic acid (RNA)
can be detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or (22.3)
nucleic acid hybridization techniques [83] with a nasopha-
ryngeal or oral swab [84]. Secondly, the virus antibody or In the process of providing multiple products/services,
antigens can be detected using immunological and serologi- traditionally, the centralized algorithm (22.4) is used to pre-
cal assays [85]. These two detection strategies complement dict errors in a sequential production/service line. Ii (0) is the
22 Automating Prognostics and Prevention of Errors, Conflicts, and Disruptions 517

quantity of available raw materials for unit i at time 0. ηi

is the probability a product/service is within specifications Error Initial response
after being operated by unit i, assuming the product/service
is within specifications before being operated by unit i. ϕm (t) Contingent
Circumstance Known causes
is the needed number of qualified products/services after action
the operation of unit m at time t. Equation (22.4) predicts
at time 0 the potential errors that may occur at unit m at Root causes
time t. Equation (22.4) is executed by a central control unit after error
that is aware of Ii (0) and ηi of all units. Equation (22.4)
often has low reliability, i.e., high false positive rates (errors
Unknown causes
are predicted but do not occur), or low preventability, i.e.,
high false negative rate (errors occur but are not predicted),
because it is difficult to obtain accurate ηi when there are
Fig. 22.6 Incident mapping
many units in the system.
∃E [um (t)] , if min Ii (0)× ηi < ϕm (t). (22.4) by individuals or teams through collaboration, and
i i
(e) consequences provided to encourage or discourage
people for their behaviors.
To improve reliability and preventability, agent-based er-
2. System alignment: an organization’s operating systems
ror prevention algorithms, e.g., (22.5), have been devel-
must be aligned to get work done with discipline, routines,
oped to prevent errors in the process of providing multiple
 and best practices.
products/services [94]. Cm (t ) is the number of cumulative
  3. Technical excellence: an organization must promote
conformities produced by unit m by time t . Nm (t ) is the
shared technical and operational understanding of how
number of cumulative nonconformities produced by unit m
 a process, system, or asset should technically perform.
by time t . An agent deployed at unit m executes (22.5) by
 4. Standardization: standardization supports error preven-
using information about unit m − 1, i.e., Im−1 (t ), ηm−1 , and
Cm−1 (t ) to prevent errors that may occur at time t, t < t.
tion with a balanced combination of good manufacturing 22
Multiple agents deployed at different units can execute (22.5)
5. Problem-resolution skills: an organization needs people
simultaneously to prevent errors. Each agent can have its own
with effective statistical diagnostics and issue-resolution
attitude, i.e., optimistic or pessimistic, toward the possible
skills to address operational process challenges.
occurrence of errors. Additional details about agent-based
error prevention algorithms can be found in the work by Chen
Not all errors can be prevented manually and/or by au-
and Nof [94]:
tomation systems. When an error does occur, incident map-

ping (Fig. 22.6) [95] as one of the exception-handling tools
Im t 
, Im−1 t 
× ηm−1+

∃E [um (t)] , if min can be used to analyze the error and proactively prevent future
Cm−1 t − Nm
t − Cm t errors.
× ηm + Cm t < ϕm (t) t < t.
22.3 Conflict Prognostics and Prevention
22.2.8 Error-Prevention Culture (EPC)
Conflicts can be categorized into three classes [96]: goal
To prevent errors effectively, an organization is expected to conflicts, plan conflicts, and belief conflicts. Goals of an
cultivate an enduring error-prevention culture (EPC) [95], agent are modeled with an intended goal structure (IGS;
i.e., the organization knows what to do to prevent errors when e.g., Fig. 22.7), which is extended from a goal structure
no one is telling it what to do. The EPC model has five tree [97]. Plans of an agent are modeled with the extended
components [95]: project estimation and review technique (E-PERT) diagram
(e.g., Fig. 22.8). An agent has (1) a set of goals which are
1. Performance management: the human performance represented by circles (Fig. 22.7), or circles containing a
system helps manage valuable assets and involves five key number (Fig. 22.8), (2) activities such as Act 1 and Act 2 to
areas: (a) an environment to minimize errors, (b) human achieve the goals, (3) the time needed to complete an activity,
resources that are capable of performing tasks, (c) e.g., T1, and (4) resources, e.g., R1 and R2 (Fig. 22.8). Goal
task monitoring to audit work, (d) feedback provided conflicts are detected by comparing goals by agents. Each
518 X. W. Chen and S. Y. Nof

agent has a PERT diagram and plan conflicts are detected The three common characteristics of available conflict
if agents fail to merge PERT diagrams or the merged PERT detection approaches are: (1) they use the agent concept
diagrams violate certain rules [96]. because a conflict involves at least two units in a system,
The three classes of conflicts can also be modeled by (2) an agent is modeled for multiple times because each
Petri nets with the help of four basic modules [98]: sequence, agent has at least two distinct attributes: goal and plan,
parallel, decision, and decision-free, to detect conflicts in a and (3) they not only detect, but mainly prevent conflicts
multiagent system. Each agent’s goal and plan are modeled because goals and plans are determined before agents start
by separate Petri nets [99], and many Petri nets are integrated any activities to achieve them. The main difference between
using a bottom-up approach [71, 98] with three types of the IGS and PERT approach, and the Petri net approach is
operations [99]: AND, OR, and precedence. The synthe- that agents communicate with each other to detect conflicts
sized Petri net is analyzed to detect conflicts. Only normal in the former approach whereas a centralized control unit
transitions and places are modeled in Petri nets for conflict analyzes the integrated Petri net to detect conflicts in the
detection. The Petri-net-based approach for conflict detection latter approach [99]. The Petri net approach does not detect
developed so far has been rather limited. It has emphasized conflicts using agents, although systems are modeled with
more the modeling of a system and its agents than the analysis agent technology. Conflict detection has been mostly applied
process through which conflicts are detected. in collaborative design [100–102]. The ability to detect con-
flicts in distributed design activities is vital to their success
because multiple designers tend to pursue individual (local)
goals prior to considering common (global) goals.
Agent A's IGS

22.4 Integrated Error and Conflict

Agent A's IGS
Prognostics and Prevention

22.4.1 Active Middleware

Middleware was originally defined as software that connects

Agent A's IGS
two separate applications or separate products and serves as
the glue between two applications; for example, in Fig. 22.9,
A1 middleware can link several different database systems to
several different web servers. The middleware allows users
A4 A5 A6 to request data from any database system that is connected to
the middleware using the form displayed on the web browser
of one of the web servers.
Active middleware is one of the four circles of the “e-”
Fig. 22.7 Development of agent A’s intended goal structure (IGS) over
time in e-Work as defined by the PRISM Center (Production,

Agent 1
Act6, T6
Act5, T5 R3 Agent 3
Act1, T1 R1 Dummy
Act7, T7 Act8, T8
1 2 6 7 8
R3 R3, R4
R1 R2 Act4, T4

Act2, T2 R2
Act3, T3
3 4
Agent 2

Fig. 22.8 Merged project estimation and review technique (PERT) diagram
22 Automating Prognostics and Prevention of Errors, Conflicts, and Disruptions 519

two questions: (1) Which agent will benefit from the task
Database 1 Database 2 Database 3 Database n when it is completed by one or more given agents? (2)
Which task must be finished before other tasks can begin?
The workflows are specific to the given system and can be
managed by a workflow management system (WFMS).
3. Task/activity database: This database is used to record
Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Server m and help allocate tasks. There are many tasks in a large
system such as those applied in automotive industries.
Certain tasks are performed by several agents, and others
Fig. 22.9 Middleware in a database server system are performed by one agent. The database records all task
information and the progress of tasks (activity) and helps
allocate and reallocate tasks if required.
4. Decision support system (DSS): DSS for the active mid-
User: Human/machine
dleware is like the operating system for a computer. In ad-
dition, DSS already has programs running for monitoring,
Task/activity analysis, and optimization. It can allocate/delete/create
tool database tasks, bring in or take off agents, and change workflows.
Middleware 5. Multiagent system (MAS): MAS includes all agents in
DSS MAS work
a system. It stores information about each agent, for
protocols example, capacity and number of agents, functions of an
agent, working time, and effective date and expiry date of
HAD information systems: Engineering
systems, planning decision systems the agent.
6. Cooperative work protocols: Cooperative work protocols
Distributed define communication and interaction protocols between
components of active middleware. It is noted that com-
munication between agents also includes communication
between components because active middleware includes
Enterprises I Enterprises II
all agents in a system.
Distributed enterprises

Fig. 22.10 Active middleware architecture. (After Ref. [103])

22.4.2 Conflict and Error Detection Model

Robotics, and Integration Software for Manufacturing & A conflict and error detection model (CEDM; Fig. 22.11)
Management) at Purdue University [91]. Six major com- that is supported by the conflict and error detection protocol
ponents in active middleware have been identified [103, (CEDP, part of collaborative work protocols) and conflict
104]: modeling tool, workflows, task/activity database, deci- and error detection agents (CEDAs, part of MAS) has been
sion support system (DSS), multiagent system (MAS), and developed [100] to detect errors and conflicts in different net-
collaborative work protocols. Active middleware has been work topologies. The CEDM integrates CEDP, CEDAs, and
developed to optimize the performance of interactions in four error and conflict detection components (Fig. 22.11).
heterogeneous, autonomous, and distributed (HAD) environ- A CEDA is deployed at each unit of a system to (1) detect
ments, and is able to provide an e-Work platform and enables errors and conflicts by three components (detection policy
a universal model for error and conflict prognostics and generation, error detection, and conflict evaluation), which
prevention in a distributed environment. Figure 22.10 shows interact with and are supported by error knowledge base, and
the structure of the active middleware; each component is (2) communicate with other CEDAs to send and receive error
described below: and conflict announcements with the support of CEDP. The
CEDM has been applied to four different network topologies
1. Modeling tool: The goal of a modeling tool is to create a and the results show that the performance of CEDM is some-
representation model for a multiagent system. The model times counterintuitive, i.e., it performs better on networks
can be transformed to next-level models, which will be the that seem more complex. To be able to detect both errors
base of the system implementation. and conflicts is desired when they exist in the same system.
2. Workflows: Workflows describe the sequence and rela- Because errors are different from conflicts, the activities to
tions of tasks in a system. Workflows store the answer to detect them are often different and need to be integrated.
520 X. W. Chen and S. Y. Nof


knowledge base

Detection policy Conflict Send Error and conflict

generation evaluation announcement

Error detection


Error and conflict announcement

Fig. 22.11 Conflict and error detection model (CEDM)

22.4.3 Performance Measures specific method performs in different situations and are often
required when there are multiple methods available.
Performance measures are necessary for the evaluation and
comparison of various error and conflict prognostics and
prevention methods. Several measures have already been 22.5 Error Recovery, Conflict Resolutions,
defined and developed in previous research: and Disruption Prevention

1. Detection latency: The time between the instant that an When an error or a conflict occurs and is detected, identified,
error occurs and the instant that the error is detected [10, isolated, or diagnosed, there are three possible consequences:
105]. (1) other errors or conflicts that are caused by the error
2. Error coverage: The percentage of detected errors with or conflict have occurred, (2) other errors or conflicts that
respect to the total number of errors [10]. are caused by the error or conflict will (probably) occur,
3. Cost: The overhead caused by including error detection and (3) other errors or conflicts, or the same error or con-
capability with respect to the system without the capabil- flict, will (probably) occur if the current error or conflict
ity [10]. is not recovered or resolved, respectively. One of the ob-
4. Conflict severity: The severity of a conflict. It is the sum jectives of error recovery and conflict resolution is to avoid
of the severity caused by the conflict at each involving unit the third consequence when an error or a conflict occurs.
[disser]. They are therefore part of error and conflict prognostics and
5. Detectability: The ability of a detection method. It is a prevention.
function of detection accuracy, cost, and time [106]. There has been extensive research on automated error
6. Preventability: The ratio of the number of errors prevented recovery and conflict resolution, which are often domain
divided by the total number of errors [94]. specific. Many methods have been developed and applied in
7. Reliability: The ratio of the number of errors prevented various real-world applications in which the main objective
divided by the number of errors identified or predicted, or of error recovery and conflict resolution is to keep the pro-
the ratio of the number of errors detected divided by the duction or service flowing; for instance, Fig. 22.12 shows
total number of errors [45, 50, 94]. a recovery tree for rheostat pick-up and insertion, which
is programmed for automatic error recovery. Traditionally,
Other performance measures, e.g., total damage and cost– error recovery and conflict resolution are not considered
benefit ratio, can be developed to compare different methods. as an approach to prevent errors and conflicts. In the next
Appropriate performance measures help determine how a two sections, we describe two examples, error recovery in
22 Automating Prognostics and Prevention of Errors, Conflicts, and Disruptions 521


Rheostat positioned
Recalibrate robot Move to next rheostat
Freeze; Call Move to next rheostat
Return to start operator
Move to next rheostat
Return to start
Go to next feeder Move to next rheostat
Freeze; Call Move to next rheostat
Return to start operator
Move to next rheostat
Return to start
not caught?

Release rheostat

Is feeder aligned?
Freeze; Call
Return to start operator
Return to start
Search for
End Discard


Counter < 3?

Return to start Recalibrate


Set failure-
counter to 0

Return to start

Fig. 22.12 Recovery tree for rheostat pick-up and insertion recovery. of a branch is reached, unless otherwise specified return to last sensing
A branch may only be entered once; on success branch downward; on position; “?” signifies sensing position where sensors or variables are
failure branch to right if possible, otherwise branch left; when the end evaluated. (After Ref. [1])

robotics [107] and conflict resolution in collaborative facility sible errors and the inherent complexity of recovery actions,
design [102, 108], to illustrate how to perform these two to automate error recovery fully without human interventions
functions automatically. is difficult. The emerging trend in error recovery is to equip
systems with human intelligence so that they can correct
errors through reasoning and high-level decision-making. An
22.5.1 Error Recovery example of an intelligent error recovery system is the neural-
fuzzy system for error recovery (NEFUSER) [107]).
Error recovery cannot be avoided when using robots because The NEFUSER is both an intelligent system and a de-
errors are an inherent characteristic of robotic applications sign tool of fuzzy logic and neural-fuzzy models for error
[109] that are often not fault tolerant. Most error recovery detection and recovery. The NEFUSER has been applied
applications implement preprogrammed nonintelligent cor- to a single robot working in an assembly cell. The NE-
rective actions [109–112]. Due to the large number of pos- FUSER enables interactions among the robot, the operator,
522 X. W. Chen and S. Y. Nof

and computer-supported applications. It interprets data and tables that enable two- or three-dimensional error compen-
information collected by the robot and provided by the oper- sation based on measurements of error motions [114, 115].
ator, analyzes data and information with fuzzy logic and/or Real-time error compensation of geometric and thermally
neural-fuzzy models, and makes appropriate error recovery induced errors can improve the precision of machine tools
decisions. The NEFUSER has learning ability to improve by up to an order of magnitude.
corrective actions and adapt to different errors. The NE-
FUSER therefore increases the level of automation by de-
creasing the number of times that the robot has to stop and 22.5.2 Conflict Resolution
the operator has to intervene due to errors.
Figure 22.13 shows the interactions between the robot, There is a growing demand for knowledge-intensive collab-
the operator, and computer-supported applications. The oration in distributed design [108, 116, 117]. Conflict de-
NEFUSER is the error recovery brain and is programmed tection has been studied extensively in collaborative design,
and run on MATLAB, which provides a friendly windows- as has conflict resolution, which is often the next step after
oriented fuzzy inference system (FIS) that incorporates the a conflict is detected. There has been extensive research
graphical user interface tools of the fuzzy logic toolbox [113]. on conflict resolution [118–123]. Recently, a multiapproach
The example in Fig. 22.13 includes a robot and an operator method to conflict resolution in collaborative design has been
in an assembly cell. In general, the NEFUSER design for introduced with the development of the facility description
error recovery includes three main tasks: (1) design the FIS, language–conflict resolution (FDL-CR) [102]. The critical
(2) manage and evaluate information, and (3) train the FIS role of computer-supported conflict resolution in distributed
with real data and information. organizations has been discussed in great detail [91, 124–
Automation of machine operations has led to hardware 126]. In addition, Ceroni and Velasquez [100] have developed
and software error compensation technologies. One error the conflict detection and management system (CDMS) and
compensation method is using error tables. The machine con- their work shows that both product complexity and number
troller can access error tables to adjust target positions used of participating designers have a statistically significant ef-
in motion servo algorithms (feedforward control). Modern fect on the ratio of conflicts resolved to those detected, but
machine controllers have more sophisticated compensation that only complexity had a statistically significant effect on
design duration.
Based on the previous work, most recently, a new method,
Mcr (Table 22.4), has been developed to automatically re-
solve conflict situations common in collaborative facility
design using computer-support tools [102, 108]. The method
uses both traditional human conflict-resolution approaches
that have been used successfully by others and principles of
help conflict prevention to improve design performance and apply
Interact computer-based learning to improve usefulness. A graph
Sensor with the
system model for conflict resolution is used to facilitate conflict
modeling and analysis. The performance of the new method
has been validated by implementing its conflict resolution
Operator capabilities in the FDL, a computer tool for collaborative
facility design, and by applying FDL-CR, to resolve typical
Assist conflict situations. Table 22.4 describes the Mcr structure.

22.5.3 Disruption Prevention
Controller Sensor data
Disruptions occur when manufacturing, production, or ser-
vice activities do not perform as specified or become unavail-
Operations and
Sensing able. Disruptions are part of the consequences when conflicts
recovery actions
and errors are not effectively managed. Many disruptions
Production are temporary, but certain disruptions last for an extended
process period of time. In terms of impact, small disruptions such
as minor traffic accidents affect a local community, whereas
large disruptions have significant global impact. Disrup-
Fig. 22.13 Interactions with NEFUSER. (After Ref. [107]) tions may be random [131] and often propagate and cause

Table 22.4 Multiapproach conflict resolution in collaborative design (Mcr) structure [102, 108]. (After Ref. [108], courtesy Elsevier, 2008)
Stage Strategy Steps to achieve conflict resolution Methodologies and tools
Mcr(1) Direct negotiation 1. Agent prepares resolution proposal and sends to counterparts Heuristics
2. Counterpart agents evaluate proposal. If they accept it, go to step 5; otherwise go to Knowledge-based interactions
step 3 Multiagent systems
3. Counterpart agents prepare a counteroffer and send it back to originating agent
4. Agent evaluates the counteroffer. If accepted go to step 5; otherwise go to Mcr(2)
5. End of the conflict resolution process
Mcr(2) Third-party mediation 1. Third-party agent prepares resolution proposal and sends to counterparts Heuristics
2. Counterpart agents evaluate the proposal. If accepted, go to step 5; otherwise go to Knowledge-based interactions
step 3 Multiagent systems
3. Counterpart agents prepare a counteroffer and send it back to the third-party agent PESUADER [127]
4. Third-party agent evaluates counteroffer. If accepted go to step 5; otherwise go to
5. End of the conflict resolution process
Mcr(3) Incorporation of additional parties 1. Specialized agent prepares resolution proposal and sends to counterparts Heuristics
2. Counterpart agents evaluate the proposal. If accepted, go to step 5; otherwise go to Knowledge-based interactions
step 3 Expert systems
3. Counterpart agents prepare a counteroffer and send it back to the specialized agent
Automating Prognostics and Prevention of Errors, Conflicts, and Disruptions

4. Specialized agent evaluates counteroffer. If accepted go to step 5; otherwise go to

5. End of the conflict resolution process
Mcr(4) Persuasion 1. Third-party agent prepares persuasive arguments and sends to counterparts PERSUADER [127]
2. Counterpart agents evaluate the arguments Case-based reasoning
3. If the arguments are effective, go to step 4; otherwise go to Mcr(5)
4. End of the conflict resolution process
Mcr(5) Arbitration 1. If conflict management and analysis results in common proposals (X), conflict Graph model for conflict resolution (GMCR)
resolution is achieved through management and analysis [128] for conflict management and analysis
2. If conflict management and analysis results in mutually exclusive proposals (Y), Adaptive neural-fuzzy inference system
conflict resolution is achieved though conflict confrontation (ANFIS) [129] for conflict confrontation
3. If conflict management and analysis results in no conflict resolution proposals (Z), Dependency analysis [130] and product flow
conflict resolution must be used analysis for conflict resolution

524 X. W. Chen and S. Y. Nof

other errors, conflicts, and disruptions [132, 133]. Disruption tion systems with human intelligence through appropriate
prevention is domain specific. There have been several stud- modeling techniques such as fuzzy logic, pattern recogni-
ies of disruption prevention in nuclear fusion [134–136], tion, and artificial neural networks. There has been some
supply chain [137], assembly [138, 139], and transporta- preliminary work to incorporate high-level human intelli-
tion [140]. The field of disruption prevention and especially gence in error detection and recovery [3, 107] and conflict
disruption propagation prevention is emerging and requires resolution [102, 108]. Additional work is needed to develop
addition research. self-learning, self-improving artificial intelligence systems
Table 22.5 summarizes error and conflict prognostics and for error and conflict prognostics and prevention. Recent
prevention methods and technologies in various production work in this area includes supply chain and supply network
and service applications. security and robustness against errors, conflicts, and dis-
ruptions [141–143], and collaborative control protocols and
algorithms for disruption prevention and disruption propaga-
22.6 Emerging Trends tion prevention [132, 133, 144].

22.6.1 Decentralized and Agent-Based Error

and Conflict Prognostics 22.6.3 Graph and Network Theories
and Prevention
The performance of an error and conflict prognostics and
Most error and conflict prognostics and prevention methods prevention method is significantly influenced by the number
developed so far are centralized approaches (Table 22.5) in of units in a system and their relationship. A system can be
which a central control unit controls data and information viewed as a graph or network with many nodes, each of which
and executes some or all eight functions to prevent errors and represents a unit in the system. The relationship between
conflicts. The centralized approach often requires substantial units is represented by the link between nodes. The study of
time to execute various functions and the central control unit network topologies has a long history stretching back at least
often possesses incomplete or incorrect data and information to the 1730s. The classic model of a network, the random
[94]. These disadvantages become apparent when a system network, was first discussed in the early 1950s [145] and
has many units that need to be examined for errors and was rediscovered and analyzed in a series of papers published
conflicts. in the late 1950s and early 1960s [146–148]. Most recently,
To overcome the disadvantages of the centralized ap- several network models have been discovered and exten-
proach, the decentralized approach that takes advantage of sively studied, for instance, the small-world network [149],
the parallel activities of multiple agents has been developed the scale-free network [150–153], and the Bose–Einstein
[16, 72, 93, 94, 105]. In the decentralized approach, dis- condensation network [154]. Bioinspired network models for
tributed agents detect, identify or isolate errors and conflicts collaborative control have recently been studied by Nof [155]
at individual units of a system, and communicate with each (see also Chs.  11 in Sect. 5 and  21 for more details).
other to diagnose and prevent errors and conflicts. The main Because the same prognostics and prevention method
challenge of the decentralized approach is to develop robust may perform quite differently on networks with different
protocols that can ensure effective communications between topologies and attributes, or with the same network topology
agents. Further research is needed to develop and improve and attributes but with different parameters, it is imperative to
decentralized approaches for implementation in various ap- study the performance of prognostics and prevention meth-
plications. ods with respect to different networks for the best match
between methods and networks. There is ample room for
research, development, and implementation of error and con-
22.6.2 Intelligent Error and Conflict flict prognostics and prevention methods supported by graph
Prognostics and Prevention and network theories [156].

Compared with humans, automation systems perform better

when they are used to prevent errors and conflicts through 22.6.4 Financial Models for Prognostics
the violation of specifications or violation in comparisons Economy
[13]. Humans, however, have the ability to prevent errors
and conflicts through the violation of expectations, i.e., with Most errors and conflicts must be detected, isolated, identi-
tacit knowledge and high-level decision-making. To increase fied, diagnosed, or prevented. Certain errors and conflicts,
the effectiveness degree of automation of error and conflict however, may be tolerable in certain systems, i.e., fault-
prognostics and prevention, it is necessary to equip automa- tolerant systems. Also, the cost of automating some or all

Table 22.5 Summary of error and conflict prognostics and prevention theories, applications, and open challenges
Assembly and
Applications inspection Process monitoring Hardware testing Software testing
Methods/technologies Control theory Analytical Data-driven Knowledge-based Information theory Model checking
Knowledge base Heuristic search Bogor
Computer/machine Cadena
vision Concurrent error
Robotics detection (CED)
Feature extraction
Pattern recognition
Functions Detection × × × × × ×
Diagnostics × × × × ×
Identification × × × × × ×
Isolation × × × × × ×
Error recovery ×
Conflict resolution
Prognostics × × ×
Exception handling ×
Errors/conflicts E E E E E E
Automating Prognostics and Prevention of Errors, Conflicts, and Disruptions

Centralized/decentralized C C C C C C
Strengths Integration of Accurate and reliable Can process large Does not require Accurate and reliable Thorough verification
error detection and amount of data detailed system with formal methods
recovery information
Weaknesses Domain specific Require mathematical Rely on the quantity, Results are subjective Difficult to derive optimal State explosion
Lack of general models that are often quality, and timeliness and may not be algorithms to minimize Duplications needed in
methods not available of data reliable cost CED
[3, 25–39] [17, 19, 40] Time consuming for large Cannot deal with
systems incorrect or
[41–50] incomplete
[8, 9, 14, 52–62]


Table 22.5 (continued)

Applications Discrete event Collaborative design Production and
system service
Methods/technologies Petri net Intended goal structure Facility description Detection and Conflict and error Fuzzy logic
Finite-state (IGS) language (FDL) prevention algorithms detection model Artificial intelligence
machine (FSM) Project evaluation and Mcr Reliability theory (CEDM)
review technique CDMS Process modeling Active middleware
(PERT) Workflow
Petri net
Conflict detection and
management system
Functions Detection × × × ×
Identification × × × ×
Isolation × × × ×
Error recovery ×
Conflict ×
Prognostics × × ×
Exception × ×
Errors/conflicts E C C E E/C E
Centralized/decentralized C/D C/D C/D C/D D C/D
Strengths Formal method Modeling of systems Integration of traditional Reliable Short detection time Correct errors through
applicable to with agent-based human conflict Easy to apply reasoning and
various systems technology resolutions and high-level
computer-based decision-making
Weaknesses State explosion An agent may be The adaptability of the Limited to sequential Needs further Needs further
for large systems modeled for multiple methods to other design production and service development and development for
System modeling times due to many activities has not been lines validation various applications
is complex and conflicts it is involved validated Domain specific
[63–72] [71, 96–102] [91, 100, 102, 108] [73–81, 91–94] [91, 103–105] [107, 109–113]
X. W. Chen and S. Y. Nof
22 Automating Prognostics and Prevention of Errors, Conflicts, and Disruptions 527

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22 Automating Prognostics and Prevention of Errors, Conflicts, and Disruptions 531

Xin W. Chen is Professor in the School of Engineering at Southern Shimon Y. Nof is Professor of IE, Purdue University, and Director of
Illinois University Edwardsville. He received the MS and PhD degrees PRISM Center; former President of IFPR, International Foundation of
in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University and BS degree in Production Research; former Chair of IFAC, International Foundation
Mechanical Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His re- of Automatic Control Coordinating Committee of Manufacturing and
search interests cover several related topics in the area of conflict and Logistics Systems; and Fellow of IISE and of IFPR. Among his awards
error prognostics and prevention, production/service optimization, and is the Joseph Engelberger Medal for Robotics Education. Author/editor
decision analysis. of 16 books, his interests include cyber-automated collaboration of
robotics and cyber-physical work; systems security, integrity, and as-
surance; and integrated production and service operations with decen-
tralized decision support networks. He has five patents in automation,
four of them jointly with Xin W. Chen.

Part IV
Automation Design: Theory and Methods for
Communication Protocols for Automation
Carlos E. Pereira, Christian Diedrich, and Peter Neumann

Contents 23.7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555

23.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535 23.8 Emerging Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
23.1.1 History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
23.1.2 Requirements and Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
23.1.3 Chapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
23.2 Wired Industrial Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
23.2.1 Classification According to Automation Hierarchy . . . . 537 The importance of industrial communication networks
23.2.2 Sensor/Actuator Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537 and their protocols in automation has become even more
23.2.3 Fieldbus Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538 important over the last decade with the advent of concepts
23.2.4 Industrial Ethernet-Based Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
23.2.5 Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544 such as Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT),
23.2.6 Advanced Physical Layer (APL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545 and others. The introduction of fieldbus systems has been
23.2.7 Internet of Things (IoT) Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . 545 associated with a paradigm change that enables the de-
23.3 Wireless Industrial Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547 ployment of distributed industrial automation systems,
23.3.1 Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547 supporting device autonomy and decentralized decision-
23.3.2 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548 making and control loops. The chapter presents the main
23.3.3 Wireless Sensor/Actuator Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548 wired and wireless industrial protocols used in industrial
23.3.4 Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) . . . . . . . . . . 550
23.3.5 5G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550 automation, manufacturing, and process control applica-
tions. In order to help readers to better understand the
23.4 Virtual Automation Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
differences between industrial communication protocols
23.4.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
23.4.2 Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552 and protocols used in general computer networking, the
23.4.3 Architectures for VAN Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552 chapter also discusses the specific requirements of in-
dustrial applications. The concept of virtual automation
23.5 Wide Area Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
23.5.1 Contextualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553 networks, which integrate local and wide area as well
23.5.2 Best Effort Communication in Automation . . . . . . . . . . . 554 as wired and wireless communication systems, is also
23.5.3 Real-Time Communication in Automation . . . . . . . . . . . 554 discussed.
23.6 General Overview About Industrial Protocol
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555 Keywords

Wireless sensor network · Medium access control ·

Wireless local area network · Medium access control
C. E. Pereira ()
Automation Engineering Department, Federal University of Rio layer · Controller area network
Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil
C. Diedrich 23.1 Introduction
Institute for Automation Engineering, Otto von Guericke University
Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
23.1.1 History
P. Neumann
Digital communication is now well established in distributed
Institut für Automation und Kommunikation – ifak, Magdeburg,
Germany computer control systems both in discrete manufacturing
e-mail: as well as in the process control industries. Proprietary

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 535

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
536 C. E. Pereira et al.

communication systems within SCADA (supervisory control via heterogeneous networks. There are several safety
and data acquisition) systems have been supplemented and integrities levels (SIL) [2]. It includes the influence of
partially displaced by fieldbus and sensor bus systems. noisy environments and the degree of reliability.
The introduction of fieldbus systems has been associated • Security: This means a common security concept for dis-
with a change of paradigm to deploy distributed industrial tributed automation using a heterogeneous network with
automation systems, emphasizing device autonomy and different security integrity levels.
decentralized decision-making and control loops. Nowadays, • Real-time behavior: Within the automation domain, real-
(wired) fieldbus systems are standardized and are the most time requirements are of uttermost importance and are
important communication systems used in commercial focused on the response time behavior of data packets.
control installations. At the same time, Ethernet won Three real-time classes can be identified based on the
the battle as the most commonly used communication required temporal behavior:
technology within the office domain, resulting in low – Class 1: best effort. Scalable cycle time, used in factory
component prices caused by mass production. This has led floor and process automation in cases where no severe
to an increasing interest in adapting Ethernet for industrial problems occur when deadlines are not met, e.g., diag-
applications and several approaches have been proposed nosis, maintenance, commissioning, and slow mobile
(Sect. 23.2.4). Ethernet-based solutions are now dominating applications.
as a merging technology. – Class 2: real time. Typical cycle times from 1 to 10 ms,
In parallel to advances on Ethernet-based industrial used for time-critical closed-loop control, e.g., closed-
protocols, the use of wireless technologies in the industrial loop control applications, such as in fast mobile appli-
domain has also been increasingly researched. Following cations and machine tools.
the trend to merge automation and office networks, – Class 3: isochronous real time, cycle times from 250 μs
heterogeneous networks (virtual automation networks to 1 ms, with tight restrictions on jitter (usually less
[VAN]), consisting of local and wide area networks, as well than 1 μs), used for motion control applications, e.g.,
as wired and wireless communication systems, are becoming motion control.
important [1]. – Additionally, there is a class nonreal time, which means
Advances in the areas of embedded hardware/software systems without real-time requirements; these are not
and sensor/actuator systems, industrial communication pro- considered here. It means (regarding industrial au-
tocols, as well as cloud and edge computing have enabled tomation) exchange of engineering data maintenance,
a Fourth Industrial Revolution, the so-called “Industry 4.0”, etc.
[2]. Some of the main characteristics enabled by Industry 4.0
are [3]: mass customization, flexible production, tracking, There are additional classification features:
and self-awareness of parts and products, among others.
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) have been proposed as key
concept of Industry 4.0 architectures and path the way to • Distribution: The most important achievement of
smart manufacturing. A CPS can be defined as a set of phys- industrial communication systems are local area commu-
ical devices, objects, and equipment that interact via a virtual nication systems, consisting of sensor/actuator networks
cyberspace through communication networks. Each physical (Ch.  14 and Sect. 23.2.2), fieldbus systems, and
device will have its cyber part as a digital representation of the Ethernet-based local area networks (LAN). Of increasing
real device, culminating in the “Digital Twin” (DT)) concept importance is the use of Internet (i.e., IP-based
[3–8]. communication using wide area networks (WAN and
telecommunication networks). Thus, it should be
advantageous to consider Internet as part of an industrial
23.1.2 Requirements and Classification communication system (Sect. 23.2).
• Homogeneity: There are homogeneous parts (e.g., stan-
Industrial communication protocols play a key role in the dardized fieldbus systems) within an industrial communi-
digitalization process of industries and must meet several cation system. But in real applications the use of heteroge-
important requirements: neous networks is more common, especially when using
Internet and when connected with services of network
• Reliability: This describes the ability of a system or com- providers.
ponent to perform its intended function under stated con- • Installations types: While most of the installed en-
ditions without failure for a given period of time. terprise networks are currently wired, the number of
• Functional safety: Protection against hazards caused wireless installations is increasing and this trend will
by incorrect functioning including communication continue.
23 Communication Protocols for Automation 537

23.1.3 Chapter Overview • Sensor/actuator networks: at the field (sensor/actuator)

level 23
The scope of this chapter is restricted to communication pro- • Fieldbus systems: at the field level, collecting/distributing
tocols adopted in industrial automation applications. Other process data from/to sensors/actuators, communication
application areas that also demand communication protocols medium between field devices and controllers/PLCs/mana
with strict timing requirements, such as vehicular ad hoc net- gement consoles
works (VANets)) used in autonomous driving applications, • Controller networks: at the controller level, transmitting
including vehicle-to-vehicle (v2v), vehicle-to-infrastructure data between powerful field devices and controllers as
(v2i) communication, and vehicle-to-everything (v2x), are well as between controllers
not discussed in this chapter. Readers interested on knowing • Wide area networks: at the enterprise level, connecting
more about VANets are referred to survey papers as [9, 10]. networked segments of an enterprise automation system
The remainder of the chapter is structured as follows. In Sect.
23.2, the main wired industrial communication protocols are Vendors of industrial communication systems offer a
presented and compared, while Sect. 23.3 discusses wireless set of fitting solutions for these levels of the automa-
industrial communication systems. Section 23.4 discusses tion/communication hierarchy. Nowadays switch Ethernet-
the concept of virtual automation networks (VANs)), a key based systems combined with the Internet Protocol is ready
concept in future distributed automation systems, which will to dominate wide ranges of application domains.
be composed of (partially homogeneous) local and wide
area as well as wired and wireless communication systems
leading to complex heterogeneous communication networks. 23.2.2 Sensor/Actuator Networks
Section 23.5 deals with the use of wide area communications
to execute remote automation operations. At this level, several well-established and widely adopted
protocols are available:

23.2 Wired Industrial Communications • HART (HART Communication Foundation): highway ad-
dressable remote transducer, coupling analog process de-
23.2.1 Classification According to Automation vices with engineering tools [11]
Hierarchy • ASi (ASi Club): actuator sensor interface, coupling binary
sensors in factory automation with control devices [12]
Wired digital communication has been an important driving
force of computer control systems for the last 30 years. To Additionally, CAN-based solutions (CAN in automation
allow the access to data in various layers of an enterprise [CIA])) are used for widespread application fields (e.g.,
information system by different users, there is a need to within cars, machines, or locomotives), coupling decentral-
merge different digital communication systems within the ized devices with centralized devices based on physical and
plant, control, and device levels of an enterprise network. On MAC layers of the controller area network [13]. Recently, IO-
these different levels, there are distinct requirements dictated Link has been specified for bidirectional digital transmission
by the nature and type of information being exchanged. of parameters between simple sensor/actuator devices in
Network physical size, number of supported devices, net- factory automation [14, 15].
work bandwidth, response time, sampling frequency, and
payload size are some of the performance characteristics used HART
to classify and group specific network technologies. Real- HART Communication [11] is a protocol specification,
time requirements depend on the type of messages to be which performs a bidirectional digital transmission of
exchanged: deadlines for end-to-end data transmission, max- parameters (used for configuration and parameterization
imum allowed jitter for audio and video stream transmission, of intelligent field instruments by a host system) over analog
etc. Additionally, available resources at the various network transmission lines. The host system may be a distributed
levels may vary significantly. At the device level, there are ex- control system (DCS)), a programmable logic controller
tremely limited resources (hardware and communications), (PLC)), an asset management system, a safety system,
but at the plant level powerful computers allow comfortable or a handheld device. HART technology is easy to use
software and memory consumption. and very reliable. The HART protocol uses the Bell 202
Due to the different requirements described above, there Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) standard to superimpose
are different types of industrial communication systems digital communication signals at a low level on top of the
as part of a hierarchical automation system within an 4–20 mA analog signal. The HART protocol communicates
enterprise: at 1200 bps without interrupting the 4–20 mA signal and
538 C. E. Pereira et al.

• Combined transactions: more than 4 bits of coherent in-

formation are transmitted, composed of a series of master
calls and slave replies in a defined context.
Handheld terminal
For more details, see [12].
HART interface
(RS 232 or USB)
IO-Link [14] is a point-to-point connection between an IO-
Resistor Link master with sensors and actuators (Fig. 23.2). The stan-
PC (250 Ohm)
host application dard 24 V wired connection carrying analog measurement
and actuation signals is extended by a digital protocol on
Power supply Field top of it. Three transmission rates are specified for IO-Link
mode in IO-Link specification V1.1: 4.8 kbaud, 38.4 kbaud,
and 230.4 kbaud. The slave supports one of these baud rates
only and the IO-Link master all three. The IO-Link master
can be a separate device acting as Remote IO integrated in
Fig. 23.1 A HART system with two masters [11]
a PLC input/output module (Fig. 23.2). IO-Link is therefore
not a fieldbus system. The protocol allows to transmit process
data and the value status of connection port cyclically and
allows a host application (master) to get two or more digital
device data and events acyclically. An IO-Link system is
updates per second from a field device. As the digital
standardized in IEC 61131-9 and consists of the following
FSK signal is phase continuous, there is no interference
basic components:
with the 4–20 mA signal. The HART protocol permits
all digital communication with field devices in either
• IO-Link master
point-to-point or multidrop network configurations. HART
• IO-Link device (e.g., sensors, RFID readers, valves, motor
provides for up to two masters (primary and secondary). As
starters, and I/O modules)
depicted in Fig. 23.1, this allows secondary masters (such as
• Unshielded three- or five-conductor standard cables (pin
handheld communicators) to be used without interfering
assignment according to IEC 60974-5-2)
with communications to/from the primary master (i.e.,
• Engineering tool for configuring and assigning parameters
control/monitoring system).
of IO-Link

ASi (IEC 62026-2)

ASi [12] is a network of actuators and sensors (optical, 23.2.3 Fieldbus Systems
inductive, and capacitive) with binary input/output signals.
An unshielded twisted-pair cable for data and power (max. Nowadays, fieldbus systems are standardized (though
2 A; max. 100 m) enables the connection of up to 31 slaves unfortunately not unified) and widely used in indus-
(max. 124 binary signals of sensors and/or actuators). This trial automation. The IEC 61158 and 61784 standards
enables a modular design using any network topology (i.e., [16, 17] contain ten different fieldbus concepts. Seven of
bus, star, and tree). Each slave can receive any available these concepts have their own complete protocol suite:
address and be connected to the cable at any location. PROFIBUS (Siemens, PROFIBUS International); Interbus
AS-Interface uses the APM method (alternating pulse (Phoenix Contact, Interbus Club); Foundation Fieldbus H1
modulation) for data transfer. The medium access is con- (Emerson, Fieldbus Foundation); SwiftNet (B. Crowder);
trolled by a master–slave principle with cyclic polling of P-Net (Process Data); and WorldFIP (Schneider, WorldFIP).
all nodes. ASi masters are embedded (ASi) communication Three of them are based on Ethernet functionality: high-
controllers of PLCs or PCs, as well as gateways to other speed Ethernet (HSE) (Emerson, Fieldbus Foundation);
fieldbus systems . To connect legacy sensors and actuators Ethernet/IP (Rockwell, ODVA); and PROFINET (Siemens,
to the transmission line, various coupling modules are used. PROFIBUS International). The worldwide leading positions
AS-Interface messages can be classified as follows: within the automation domain regarding the number of
installed fieldbus nodes hold PROFIBUS followed by
• Single transactions: maximum of 4-bit information trans- DeviceNet (Rockwell, ODVA), which has not been part of
mitted from master to slave (output information) and from the IEC 61158 standard. For that reason, the basic concepts
slave to master (input information). of PROFIBUS and DeviceNet will be explained very briefly.
23 Communication Protocols for Automation 539


Industrial ethernet



IO-Link IO-Link
master master

Fig. 23.2 An IO-Link system with possible IO-Link master’s allocation [15]

Readers interested in a more comprehensive description are is incapable of causing ignition in the surrounding
referred to the related websites. atmosphere. No single device or wiring is intrinsically
safe by itself (except for battery-operated self-contained
PROFIBUS apparatus such as portable pagers, transceivers, gas detec-
PROFIBUS is a universal fieldbus for plantwide use across tors, etc., which are specifically designed as intrinsically
all sectors of the manufacturing and process industries based safe self-contained devices) but is intrinsically safe only
on the IEC 61158 and IEC 61784 standards. Different trans- when employed in properly designed intrinsically safe
mission technologies are supported [18]: system. There are couplers/link devices to couple MBP
and RS485 transmission technologies.
• RS 485: Type of medium attachment unit (MAU) corre- • Fibre optics (not explained here, see [18]).
sponding to [19]. Suited mainly for factory automation.
There are two medium access control (MAC)) mecha-
For technical details, see [18, 19]. Number of stations:
nisms (Fig. 23.3):
32 (master stations, slave stations, or repeaters); Data
rates: 9.6/19.2/45.45/93.75/187.5/500/1500/3000/6000/ 1. Master–master traffic using token passing
12000 kb/s. 2. Master–slave traffic using polling
• Manchester bus powered (MBP). Type of MAU suited
for process automation: line, tree, and star topology PROFIBUS differentiates between two types of mas-
with two wire transmission; 31.25 kBd (preferred), ters:
high-speed variants w/o bus powering and intrinsic
safety; synchronous transmission (Manchester encoding); 1. Master class 1, which is basically a central controller
optional: bus-powered devices (≥10 mA per device; that cyclically exchanges information with the distributed
low power option); optional: intrinsic safety (Ex-i) via stations (slaves) at a specified message cycle.
additional constraints according to the FISCO model. 2. Master class 2, which are engineering, configuration,
Intrinsic safety means a type of protection in which a or operating devices. The slave-to-slave communication
portion of the electrical system contains only intrinsically is based on the application model publisher/subscriber
safe equipment (apparatus, circuits, and wiring) that using the same MAC mechanisms.
540 C. E. Pereira et al.

The dominating PROFIBUS protocol is the application DeviceNet

protocol DP (decentralized periphery), embedded into the DeviceNet is a digital, multidrop network that connects and
protocol suite (Fig. 23.4). serves as a communication network between industrial con-
Depending upon the functionality of the masters, there trollers and I/O devices. Each device and/or controller is a
are different volumes of DP specifications. There are various node on the network. DeviceNet uses a trunk-line/drop-line
profiles, which are grouped as follows: topology that provides separate twisted-pair busses for both
signal and power distribution. The possible variants of this
1. Common application profiles (regarding functional safety, topology are shown in [20].
synchronization, redundancy, etc.) Thick or thin cables can be used for either trunk-lines or
2. Application field–specific profiles (e.g., process automa- drop-lines. The maximum end-to-end network length varies
tion, semiconductor industries, and motion control) with data rate and cable thickness. DeviceNet allows trans-
mission of the necessary power on the network. This al-
These profiles reflect the broad experience of the lows devices with limited power requirements to be powered
PROFIBUS International organization. directly from the network, reducing connection points and
physical size. DeviceNet systems can be configured to op-
erate in a master–slave or a distributed control architecture
using peer-to-peer communication. At the application layer,
Token DeviceNet uses a producer/consumer application model. De-
Profibus-DP Profibus-DP
Master class 1 Master class 2 viceNet systems offer a single point of connection for con-
Cyclic data figuration and control by supporting both I/O and explicit
exchange Configuration
parameteriz. messaging.
DeviceNet uses CAN (controller area network [13]) for
its data link layer, and CIP (common industrial protocol)
for the upper network layers. As with all CIP networks,
DP-slave 1 DP-slave 2 DP-slave 3
DeviceNet implements CIP at the session (i.e., data man-
agement services) layer and above and adapts CIP to the
Cycle Slave 1 Slave 2 Slave 3 Slave 3 specific DeviceNet technology at the network and transport
layer, and below. Figure 23.5 depicts the DeviceNet protocol
Cyclic access of Acyclic access of suite.
master 1 master 2
The data link layer is defined by the CAN specifica-
tion and by the implementation of CAN controller chips.
Fig. 23.3 Profibus medium access control. (From [18]) The CAN specification [13] defines two bus states called
Ident systems
RIO for PA
PA devices

& dosing


profiles 1... , x



profiles II

Application Common application profiles (optional)

tools (DTM, configurators)

profiles I
Descriptions (GSD, EDD)

PROFIsafe, Time stamp, Redundancy, etc.

Master conform. classes
interfaces, constraints

Communic. IEC 61158/61784

technologies PROFIBUS DP

RS 485: NRZ Fiber optics: glass MBP: Manchester bus

Transmission RS 485-IS single/multi mode; powered (LP: low power,
technologies Intrinsic safety PCF/plastic fiber IS: intrinsic safety)

Fig. 23.4 PROFIBUS protocol suite. (From [18])

23 Communication Protocols for Automation 541

Device profiles
Application layer 23
A PROFINET; EtheretIP, Modbus TCP/IP,
& application objects Presentation layer HART IP, https, MQTT, OPC UA, …
CIP common industrial
P protocol (IEC 61158)
Session layer
Explicit Implicit
messaging messaging
S Transport layer UDP, TCP
Upper protocol specific
T DeviceNet specification Network layer IP mapping
Connection manager
(IEC 62026)
Data link layer Ethernet (CSMA/CD) Bridging IEEE
802.1Q TSN
CAN specification Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Giga Ethernet,
Controller area network (CAN) Physical layer
DL (ISO 11898) WLAN, APL…
Peer-to-peer, Master-slave, DeviceNet specification
PHY Multi-master, 64 nodes/network (IEC 62026)
Fig. 23.6 Overview about industrial Ethernet protocols

Fig. 23.5 DeviceNet protocol suite. (From [20])

one of the standard profiles will have the same I/O data and
configuration options will respond to all the same commands,
dominant (logic 0) and recessive (logic 1). Any transmitter and will have the same behavior as other devices that follow
can drive the bus to a dominant state. The bus can only be that same profile. For more information on DeviceNet readers
in the recessive state when no transmitter is in the dominant are referred to [20].
state. A connection with a device must first be established in
order to exchange information with that device. To establish
a connection, each DeviceNet node will implement either 23.2.4 Industrial Ethernet-Based Networks
an unconnected message manager (UCMM) or a Group 2
unconnected port. Both perform their function by reserving Industrial Ethernet is a concept related to the use of Ether-
some of the available CAN identifiers. When either the net in industrial environments with protocols that provide
UCMM or the Group 2 unconnected port is selected to determinism and real-time control. It has followed a two-
establish an explicit messaging connection, that connection step development: it has started with the introduction of
is then used to move information from one node to the controller devices for control network class and is nowadays
other (using a publisher/subscriber application model), or to ready for the common network among field instrumentation,
establish additional I/O connections. Once I/O connections controller network as well as supervision diagnostics and
have been established, I/O data may be moved among devices maintenance. Considering these kinds of networks based on
on the network. switched Ethernet technology, one can distinguish between
At this point, all the protocol variants of the DeviceNet I/O (related to the real-time classes, see Sect. 23.1):
message are contained within the 11-bit CAN identifier. CIP
is strictly object oriented. Each object has attributes (data), 1. Local soft real-time approaches (real-time class 1)
services (commands), and behavior (reaction to events). Two 2. Deterministic real-time approaches (real-time class 2)
different types of objects are defined in the CIP specifi- 3. Isochronous real-time approaches (real-time class 3)
cation: communication objects and application-specific ob-
jects. Vendor-specific objects can also be defined by vendors The standardization process started in 2004. Nearly 20
for situations where a product requires functionality that is Ethernet-based communication systems became part of
not in the specification. For a given device type, a minimum the extended fieldbus standard IEC 61158 and the related
set of common objects will be implemented. IEC 61984 (Release 2019): Ethernet/IP (Rockwell, ODVA),
An important advantage of using CIP is that for other and PROFINET (Siemens, PROFIBUS International).
CIP-based networks the application data remains the same Figure 23.6 shows the general structure which are common
regardless of which network hosts the device. The application among the different solutions. Layer one and two are
programmer does not even need to know to which network a used from all solutions. They differ if they are using the
device is connected. UDP/TCP/IP protocols and the way they map the application-
CIP also defines device profiles, which identifies the min- specific protocols to the standard Ethernet. Figure 23.6 shows
imum set of objects, configuration options, and the I/O data also the rather new TSN and APL protocols, which are
formats for different types of devices. Devices that follow described in Sects. 23.2.5 and 23.2.6.
542 C. E. Pereira et al.

In the reminder of this section a short survey of commu- and HTTP. Some of the approaches support BOOTP and
nication systems related to the previously mentioned real- DHCP for web access and/or for engineering data exchange.
time classes will be given, and two practical examples will But the object models of the approaches differ.
be examined.
Deterministic Real-Time Approaches (Real-Time
Local Soft Real-Time Approaches (Real-Time Class 2)
Class 1) These approaches use a middleware on top of the data link
These approaches use TCP (UDP)/IP mechanisms over layer to implement scheduling and smoothing functions. The
shared and/or switched Ethernet networks. They can be middleware is normally represented by a software implemen-
distinguished by different functionalities on top of TCP tation. Industrial examples include the following.
(UDP)/IP, as well as by their object models and application
process mechanisms. Protocols based on Ethernet-TCP/IP PROFINET (PROFIBUS International, Siemens)
offer response times in the lower millisecond range but are This variant of the Ethernet-based PROFINET [24] system
not deterministic, since data transmission is based on the best (using the main application model background of the fieldbus
effort principle. Some examples are given below. PROFIBUS DP) uses the object model IO (input/output).
Figure 23.7 roughly depicts the PROFINET protocol suite,
MODBUS TCP/IP (Schneider) containing the connection establishment for PROFINET via
MODBUS [21] is an application layer messaging protocol connection-oriented RPC on the left side, as well as for the
for client/server communication between devices connected PROFINET via connectionless RPC on the right side. The
via different types of buses or networks. Using Ethernet as exchange of (mostly cyclic) productive data uses the real-
the transmission technology, the application layer protocol time functions in the center.
data unit (A-PDU) of MODBUS (function code and data) is The PROFINET service definition and protocol specifica-
encapsulated into an Ethernet frame. The connection man- tion [26] covers the communication between programmable
agement on top of TCP/IP controls the access to TCP. logical controllers (PLCs), supervisory systems, and field
devices or remote input and output devices. The PROFINET
Ethernet/IP (Rockwell, ControlNet International, specification complies with IEC 61158, Parts 5 and 6, spe-
Open DeviceNet Vendor Association) Uses cially the fieldbus application layer (FAL). The PROFINET
a Common Industrial Protocol CIP protocol is defined by a set of protocol machines. For more
In this context, IP stands for industrial protocol (not for Inter- details see [27].
net Protocol). CIP [22, 23] represents a common application
layer for all physical networks of Ethernet/IP, ControlNet, Time-Critical Control Network (Tcnet, Toshiba)
and DeviceNet. Data packets are transmitted via a CIP router Tcnet [28] specifies in the application layer a so-called com-
between the networks. For the real-time I/O data transfer, mon memory for time-critical applications, and uses the same
CIP works on top of UDP/IP. For the explicit messaging, CIP mechanisms as mentioned for PROFINET for TCP(UDP)/
works on top of TCP/IP. The application process is based on a
producer/consumer model. The general concept for real-time
communication is based on a producer-consumer massaging
model where the data owner transmitting the data and the
Component object model IO object model
receiving devices can consume the data simultaneously. This
principle is supported by the Internet Protocol (IP) multicast Component context IO context
management (ACCO) management
service which, in its turn, is supported by the Ethernet mul-
ticast service. The used addresses are connection ID related Cyclic
DCOM (Producer/
not related to the MAC address of the consuming devices. consumer) and CL-RPC
CO-RPC acyclic services
The consumer subscribes once at the beginning and receives UDP
the data as long the sender provides it. Real-time IP

PROFINET (PROFIBUS International, Siemens)

IEEE 802.3
Used for the non-real-time communication the standard
TCP/UDP and IP protocol according to the best effort Connection Connection
transportation performance. An open-source code and establishment establishment
various exemplary implementations/portations for different
operating systems are available on the PNO website [24].
Fig. 23.7 PROFINET protocol suite of PROFINET. (From [25]) (ac-
All of the abovementioned approaches are able to support tive control connection object [ACCO], connection oriented [CO],
widely used office domain protocols, such as SMTP, SNMP, connectionless [CL], and remote procedure call [RPC])
23 Communication Protocols for Automation 543

IP-based non-real-time applications. An extended data link Powerlink (Ethernet PowerLink Standardization
layer contains the scheduling functionality. The common Group [EPSG], Bernecker and Rainer), Developed for 23
memory is a virtual memory globally shared by participat- Motion Control
ing nodes as well as application processes running on each Powerlink [30] offers two modes: protected mode and open
node. It provides a temporal and spatial coherence of data mode. The protected mode uses a proprietary (B&R) real-
distribution. The common memory is divided into blocks time protocol on top of the shared Ethernet for protected
with several memory lengths. Each block is transmitted to subnetworks. These subnetworks can be connected to an
member nodes using multicast services, supported by a pub- open standard network via a router. Within the protected
lisher node. A cyclic broadcast transmission mechanism is subnetwork the nodes cyclically exchange real-time data
responsible for refreshing the data blocks. Therefore, the avoiding collisions. The scheduling mechanism is a time
common memory consists of dedicated areas for the trans- division scheme. Every node uses its own time slot (slot com-
mitting data to be refreshed in each node. Thus, the applica- munication network management [SCNM]) to send its data.
tion program of a node has quick access to all (distributed) The mechanism uses a manager node, which acts comparably
data. with a bus master, and managed nodes act similar to a slave.
The application layer protocol (FAL) consists of three pro- This mechanism avoids Ethernet collisions. The Powerlink
tocol machines: the FAL service protocol machine (FSPM), protocol transfers the real-time data isochronously. The open
the application relationship protocol machine (ARPM), and mode can be used for TCP(UDP)/IP-based applications. The
the data link mapping protocol machine (DMPM). The network normally uses switches. The traffic has to be trans-
scheduling mechanism in the data link layer follows a token mitted within an asynchronous period of the cycle.
passing mechanism.
EtherCAT (EtherCAT Technology Group [ETG],
Vnet (Yokogawa) Beckhoff ) Developed as a Fast Backplane
Vnet [29] supports up to 254 subnetworks with up to 254 Communication System
nodes each. In its application layer, three kinds of application EtherCAT [31] distinguishes two modes: direct mode and
data transfers are supported: open mode. Using the direct mode, a master device uses a
standard Ethernet port between the Ethernet master and an
• A one-way communication path used by an endpoint for EtherCAT segment. EtherCAT uses a ring topology within
inputs or outputs (conveyance paths) the segment. The medium access control adopts the master–
• A trigger policy slave principle, where the master node (typically the control
• Data transfer using a buffer model or a queue model system) sends the Ethernet frame to the slave nodes (Ethernet
(conveyance policy) device). One single Ethernet device is the head node of an
EtherCAT segment consisting of a large number of EtherCAT
The application layer FAL contains three types of protocol slaves with their own transmission technology. The Ethernet
machines: the FSPM FAL service protocol machine, ARPMs MAC address of the first node of a segment is used for
application relationship protocol machines, and the DMPM addressing the EtherCAT segment. For the segment, special
data link layer mapping protocol machine. For real-time data hardware can be used. The Ethernet frame passes each node.
transfer, the data link layer offers three services: Each node identifies its subframe and receives/sends the suit-
able information using that subframe. Within the EtherCAT
1. Connection-less DL service segment, the EtherCAT slave devices extract data from and
2. DL-SAP management service insert data into these frames. Using the open mode, one or
3. DL management service several EtherCAT segments can be connected via switches
with one or more master devices and Ethernet-based basic
Real-time and non-real-time traffic scheduling is located slave devices.
on top of the MAC layer. Therefore, one or more time slots
can be used within a macrocycle (depending on the service PROFINET/Isochronous Technology (PROFIBUS
subtype). The data can be ordered by four priorities: urgent, International, Siemens) Developed for Any Industrial
high, normal, and time available. Each node has its own Application
synchronized macrocycle. The data link layer is responsible PROFINET/Isochronous Technology [32] uses a middleware
for clock synchronization. on top of the Ethernet MAC layer to enable high-performance
transfers, cyclic data exchange, and event-controlled signal
Isochronous Real-Time Approaches (Real-Time transmission. The layer 7 functionality is directly linked to
Class 3) the middleware. The middleware itself contains the schedul-
The main examples are as follows. ing and smoothing functions. This means that TCP/IP does
544 C. E. Pereira et al.

demanding real-time applications. The jitter between master

tsendclock tsendclock+1 and slave clocks can be less than 200 ns.

SERCOS III, (IG SERCOS Interface e.V.)

31.25 µs d Tsendclock d 4 ms
A SERCOS network [36], developed for motion control,
consists of masters and slaves. Slaves contain integrated re-
peaters, which have a constant delay time T rep (input/output).
The nodes are connected via point-to-point transmission
lines. Each node (participant) has two communication ports,
cRT aRT non RT cRT aRT non RT
which are interchangeable. The topology can be either a ring
or a line structure. The ring structure consists of a primary and
a secondary channel. All slaves work in forwarding mode.
Fig. 23.8 LMPM MAC access used in PROFINET [27] (cyclic real
time [cRT], acyclic real time [aRT], non-real time [non-RT], medium ac- The redundancy provided by the ring structure prevents any
cess control [MAC], and link layer mapping protocol machine [LMPM]) downtime caused by a broken cable. The line structure con-
sists of either a primary or a secondary channel. The last
not influence the PDU structure. A special Ethertype is used physical slave performs the loopback function. All other
to identify real-time PDUs (only one PDU type for real-time slaves work in forwarding mode. No redundancy against
communication). This enables easy hardware support for the cable breakage is achieved. It is also possible to insert and
real-time PDUs. The technical background is a 100 Mbps remove slaves during operation (hot plug). This is restricted
full duplex Ethernet (switched Ethernet). PROFINET adds to the last physical slave.
an isochronous real-time channel to the RT channels of real-
time class 2 option channels. This channel enables a high- 23.2.5 Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN)
performance transfer of cyclic data in an isochronous mode
[33]. Time synchronization and node scheduling mechanisms The current industrial trends require the use of converged
are located within and on top of the Ethernet MAC layer. networks, since it is no longer the case that only one Ethernet-
The offered bandwidth is separated for cyclic hard real- based industrial communication system [16] is used in a net-
time and soft/non-real-time traffic. This means that within work. These networks require flexibility in the configuration
a cycle there are separate time domains for cyclic hard real as well as scalability to the number of devices while still
time, for soft/non-real-time over TCP/IP traffic, and for the supporting time-critical real-time communication by ensur-
synchronization mechanism, see also Fig. 23.8. ing bounded latency.
The cycle time should be in the range of 250 μs (35 The approach to meet these requirements is called time-
nodes) up to 1 ms (150 nodes) when simultaneously TCP/IP sensitive networking (TSN [37] and [38]). TSN is a series of
traffic of about 6 Mbps is transmitted. The jitter will be standards that extend the Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) and bridging
less than 1 μs. PROFINET/IRT uses switched Ethernet (full (IEEE 802.1Q) standards. For the industrial communication,
duplex). Special four-port and two-port switch ASICs have the following standards are the most important ones:
been developed and allow the integration of the switches into
the devices (nodes) substituting the legacy communication • IEEE 802.1AS (time synchronization)
controllers of fieldbus systems. Distances of 100 m per • IEEE 802.1Qbv (enhancements for scheduled traffic)
segment (electrical) and 3 km per segment (fiber optical) can • IEEE 802.1Qbu (frame preemption)
be bridged. • IEEE 802.1AB (station and media access control connec-
tivity discovery)
Ethernet/IP with Time Synchronization (ODVA, • IEEE 802.3br (interspersing express traffic)
Rockwell Automation) • IEEE 802.1CB (frame replication and elimination for
Ethernet/IP with time synchronization [34], an extension reliability)
of Ethernet/IP, uses the CIP Synch protocol to enable the
isochronous data transfer. Since the CIP Synch protocol is The use of these standards enables simultaneous use of
fully compatible with standard Ethernet, additional devices the network by different industrial communication systems
without CIP Synch features can be used in the same Eth- as well as the concurrency of deterministic and nondeter-
ernet system. The CIP Synch protocol uses the precision ministic traffic. The communication systems can utilize a
clock synchronization protocol [35] to synchronize the node number of different scheduling algorithms to ensure the
clocks using an additional hardware function. CIP Synch can bounded latency, for example, Time-Aware Shaper (TAS)
deliver a time synchronization accuracy of less than 500 ns with fixed time slots for every stream or simple strict pri-
between devices, which meets the requirements of the most ority scheduling. For every scheduling algorithm, a common
23 Communication Protocols for Automation 545

understanding of time is a fundamental requirement, making • A converged long-distance communication network for
the support of IEEE 802.AS crucial for the usage of TSN. process automation and field instrumentation 23
Concrete requirements that go beyond the technical speci- • Ability to locate Ethernet-based field devices in hazardous
fications mentioned above are defined in the IEC/IEEE 60802 areas by virtue of being intrinsically safe
Join Profile for Industrial Automation. This profile defines • Two wire using industry standard fieldbus cable with loop-
minimum requirements for devices and bridges as well as powered devices
the configuration protocols that are supported by industrial • Increased bandwidth provided by 10 megabit, full-duplex
networks. This profile is the basis for the convergence of Ethernet communication enables productivity gains over
different industrial communication systems within the same the lifecycle of field devices
network. • Reuse of existing two-wire cable
• Ethernet based, for any protocol or application
• Explosion hazardous area protection with intrinsic safety,
23.2.6 Advanced Physical Layer (APL)
including simple validation
• Transparent connection to any IT network
The APL [39] alternative of the Ethernet protocol is design
• Supports the familiar trunk-and-spur topology
specific for process control domain to transmit data across
• Device access anytime and anywhere
long distances with high reliability and provide electrical
• Fast and efficient communications
power to the devices (Fig. 23.9). The two-wired Ethernet
variant is based on 10BASE-T1L. The transmission rate is
10 Mbit/s, using the 4B3T coding standard and the three-
step Puls Amplitude Modulation PAM-3 with 7,5 MBaud full
23.2.7 Internet of Things (IoT) Communication
duplex with switched network topology.
The term “Internet of Things – IoT” has not been unifor-
The main features are:
mously used in literature. It describes the network of physical
• Standards IEEE 802.3 (10BASE-T1L), IEC 60079 (ac- objects – “things” – that are embedded with sensors, soft-
cording to IEEE 802.3cg) ware, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting
• Power supply output (Ethernet APL power switch) up to and exchanging data with other devices and systems over
60 W the Internet. The term IoT usually summarizes technolo-
• Redundant cable and switches optional gies which provide access to devices based on the Internet
• Reference cable type for intrinsic safety IEC 61158-2, technology. In several case it is identified by the use of
Type A the TCP/UDP/IP communication protocols stack. Two com-
• Maximum trunk length 1000 m/into Zone 1, Div. 2 munication protocols have received an increasing attention
• Maximum spur length 200 m/into Zone 0, Div. 1 recently to use in automation applications: OPC UA [40] and
• Speed 10 Mbps, full duplex MQTT [41]. OPC UA is native from automation technologies
and has been in use even before IoT became visible. MQTT
This brings the benefits of industrial Ethernet to process comes from the business IT and is more and more used in
automation and instrumentation (Fig. 23.10): automation domain as well.

5-7: Session/
presentation/ Ethernet/IP, HART-IP, OPC UA,
application layer PROFINET, http, ...

Higher layers operate

4: Transport layer TCP independent of the
physical layer
3: Network layer IP

2: Data link layer Ethernet RT/IRT TSN

1: Physical layer


APL is one of many


... APL physical layers

Fig. 23.9 APL allocation in the industrial communication stack [39]

546 C. E. Pereira et al.

Engineering Control Asset management Optimization &


APL power switch

General purpose area Hx
up to zone 2 / div. 2
APL field switch Zone 1 / div. 2 Zone 0 / div. 1

Facility or plant ethernet
Increased safety
Intrinsic safety
Redundancy ring (option)

Fig. 23.10 Typical network topology for APL [39]

Vendor specific extensions

Specifications of information models Predefined and custom information

of other organisations models


OPC UA base services

Technological basis
Transport OPC UA data model
Webservice / OPC UA binary Modeling rules

Transport layer UDP, TCP

Network layer IP DA – Data access

AC – Alarm condition
HA – History access
Data link layer Ethernet (CSMA/CD)
Prog – Programm invocation

Physical layer Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Giga Ethernet, WLAN, APL…

Fig. 23.11 General structure of the OPC UA interface and object model [40]

OPC UA partners. The OPC UA interface is usually mapped to UDP

OPC UA is an interface for industrial communication sys- and TCP/IP (Fig. 23.11).
tems, standardized in IEC 62541. Originally, it was launched As basic a client server concept is provided. This means
for fieldbus independent access from SCADA systems to that a device offers access to its objects and another applica-
field devices. It has been further developed as an interface tion can use these. The way of usage is dependent on the type
combining layer 7 communication services with a universal of the objects (see DA, AC, in Fig. 23.11). In addition to the
information model based on the object-oriented modeling classical read and write services infrastructure, services such
paradigm. The communication services provide different ac- as session management, security, event and alarm manage-
cess means to the application objects of the communication ment, and discovery are offered by the OPC UA technology.
23 Communication Protocols for Automation 547


Application Secure

UA stack

UA stack
session channel
client server

Fig. 23.12 Protocol nesting of OPC UA transport layers [40]

The session and security services are embedded in

the transport channels of OPC UA communication stack Component Component
(Fig. 23.12). A X
OPC UA is extended by a publisher-subscriber interaction
model [40]. Publisher
Component Subscriber …
B MQTT broker
Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) … Y
The TCP/IP-based Message Queue Telemetry Transport Component
(MQTT) [42] is an important solution of a lightweight N
protocol. It was developed as a machine-to-machine
communication protocol and is standardized by the
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Fig. 23.13 MQTT publisher-subscriber communication [43]
Standards (OASIS)) [41].
MQTT works in an event-oriented communication pro-
tocol. The protocol is using TCP/IP (see also Fig. 23.6), 23.3 Wireless Industrial Communications
or other network protocols that provide ordered, lossless,
bidirectional connections. There are the following main fea- 23.3.1 Classification
Wireless communication networks are increasingly penetrat-
• Use of the publish/subscribe message pattern which pro- ing the application area of wired communication systems.
vides multi- and broadcast message distribution Therefore, they have been faced with the requirements of
• Small overhead of datagrams and protocol exchanges to industrial automation. Wireless technology has been intro-
minimized network load duced in automation as wireless local area networks (WLAN)
• Notification to interested partners when an abnormal dis- and wireless personal area networks (WPAN). Currently, the
connection occurs wireless sensor networks (WSN) are under discussion for
• Decoupling of applications with a lightweight protocol process and factory automation and there are some standards
that try to cope with the industrial automation requirements.
Additionally, it defines a quality of service (QoS)) for The WSN allow the integration of Industrial Internet of
each message. The QoS describes whether and how often Things (IIoT)) concepts in the industrial applications. For
a message is transmitted and three cases are defined: at specific application aspects of wireless communications, see
most once (0), at least once (1), and exactly once (2). The (Ch.  14). The basic standards are the following:
selected quality of service does not define when a message
will arrive at the recipient. It only supervises the transport of • Mobile communications standards: GSM, GPRS, and
the messages and give indications about it in case of QoS = 1 UMTS wireless telephones (DECT)
and QoS = 2. There is an end-to-end response time between • Lower layer standards (IEEE 802.11: Wireless LAN [44],
the sending of a message by the publisher and the receipt of and 802.15 [45]: personal area networks) as a basis of
the message by the subscriber which has to be supervised radio-based local networks (WLANs, Pico networks, and
using extra means if this is required (Fig. 23.13). sensor/actuator networks)
548 C. E. Pereira et al.

• Higher layer standards (application layers on top of IEEE • ZigBee (ZigBee Alliance) [48]
802.11 and 802.15.4, e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth [46], wireless • Wireless HART [47, 58]
HART [47], and ZigBee [48]) • ISA SP100.11a [56]
• Upcoming radio technologies such as ultrawide band • WIA-PA [57, 59]
(UWB) and WiMedia • WIA-FA [57]
• Low-power wide area networks (LPWAN) [49]
• 5G [50] The first three technologies use the standard IEEE
802.15.4 (2003) low-rate wireless personal area network
For more detailed information and survey see [49, 51–55]. (WPAN) [45], specifying the physical layer and parts of the
data link layer (medium access control). The features of these
technologies make them suitable to process automation but
23.3.2 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) limit their adoption in critical scenarios. On the other hand,
the WIA-FA was designed to address high communication
WLAN is a mature technology and it is implemented in requirements in factory automation applications and its
PCs, laptops, and PDAs. Modules for embedded systems physical layer is based on IEEE 802.11.
development are also available. WLAN can be used al-
most worldwide. WLAN enables wireless access to Ethernet- ZigBee
based LANs and is helpful for the vertical integration in an ZigBee distinguishes between three device types:
automated manufacturing environment. It offers high-speed
data transmission that can be used to transmit production data • Coordinator ZC: root of the network tree, storing the
and management data in parallel. The WLAN propagation network information and security keys. It is responsible
characteristics fit into a number of possible automation appli- for enabling the connection of the ZigBee network to other
cations. WLAN enables more flexibility and a cost-effective networks.
installation in automation associated with mobility and lo- • Router ZR: transmits data of other devices.
calization. The transition to Ethernet is simple and other • End device ZED: automation device (e.g., sensor or ac-
gateways are possible. The largest part of the implementation tuator), which can communicate with ZR and ZC, but is
is achieved in hardware; however, improvements can be made unable to transmit data of other devices.
above the MAC layer.
In the last few years Wi-Fi Alliance has introduced sim- An enhanced version allows one to group devices and
plified names to identify device and product descriptions. to store data for neighboring devices. Additionally, to save
The latest version of Wi-Fi is based on the IEEE 802.11ax energy, there are full-function devices and reduced-function
standard and is known as Wi-Fi 6. Devices based on IEEE devices. The ZigBee application layer (APL) consists of three
802.11ac standard are identified as Wi-Fi 5. One of the main sublayers: application support layer (APS) (containing the
differences between the versions is that the data transmis- connection lists of the connected devices), an application
sion rate of Wi-Fi 6 is theoretically 3x higher than version framework (AF), and Zigbee device objects (ZDO)
5. In addition, an access point of Wi-Fi 6 is capable of (definition of devices roles, handling of connection requests,
communicating with eight devices simultaneously while Wi- and establishment of communication relations between
Fi 5 only with four. In this way, Wi-Fi 6 is suitable for devices).
dense environments with hundreds of devices simultaneously For process automation, the ZigBee application model
accessing the network. and the ZigBee profiles are very interesting. The application
functions are represented by application objects (AO), and
the generic device functions by device objects (DO). Each
23.3.3 Wireless Sensor/Actuator Networks object of a ZigBee profile can contain one or more clusters
and attributes, transferred to the target AO (in the target
Various wireless sensor network (WSN) concepts are under device) directly or to a coordinator, which transfers them to
discussion, especially in the area of industrial automation. one or more target objects.
Features such as time-synchronized operation, frequency
hopping, self-organization (with respect to star, tree, and WirelessHART
mesh network topologies), redundant routing, and secure Revision 7 of HART protocol includes the specification of
data transmission are desired. Interesting surveys on this WirelessHART (WH) [47]. The elements that form a WH
topic are available in [56] and [57]. Currently, the most network are at least one gateway, one network manager
prominent technologies in industrial wireless sensor/actuator and one access point, and many field devices. The mesh-
networks are: type network allows the use of redundant communication
23 Communication Protocols for Automation 549

paths between the radio-based nodes. The temporal behav- the protocol include host, gateway, field devices, routers, and
ior is determined by the time-synchronized mesh protocol handheld devices. The central point of each cluster is a router 23
(TSMP) [60, 61]. TSMP enables a synchronous operation that forwards messages to the gateway. The physical and
of the network nodes (called motes) based on a time slot MAC layers were built based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard
mechanism. It uses various radio channels (supported by the and the MAC layer has contention access periods (CAP) and
MAC layer) for an end-to-end communication between dis- contention-free periods (CFP) using CSMA/CA as medium
tributed devices. In order to increase reliability, the adopted access. In the active period, the contention portion is used
time division multiple access (TDMA) concept is combined to add devices to the network, intracluster management and
with channel hopping mechanisms. WirelessHART employs retransmissions. The contention-free portion is used for com-
nonadaptive frequency hopping where each link in the net- munication between field devices and routers [57, 59].
work switches randomly between the 15 available channels.
Moreover, channels subject to interference may be eliminated WIA-FA
due to blacklisting. The WIA-FA standard is a protocol designed by CIWA to
TSMP supports star, tree, as well as mesh topologies. cope with factory automation whose requirements are delays
All nodes have the complete routing function (contrary to in the order of milliseconds and more than 99% transmission
ZigBee). A self-organization mechanism enables devices to reliability. The physical layer is based on the IEEE 802.11-
acquire information of neighboring nodes and to establish 2012 standard and supports different modulation modes such
connections between them. The messages have their own net- as FHSS, DSSS, and OFDM, operating in the 2.4 GHz
work identifier. Thus, different networks can work together in unlicensed frequency range. A TDMA scheme is used to
the same radio area. Each node has its own list of neighbors, provide the necessary determinism in communications and
which can be updated when failures have been recognized. the topology used is star with redundancy of access points.
To support security, TSMP uses mechanisms for encryp- The application layer is object oriented and can encapsulate
tion (128-bit symmetric key), authentification (32-bit MIC information from other systems to provide tunneling. The
for source address), and integrity (32-bit MIC for message protocol can also convert different industrial protocols such
content). Additionally, the frequency hopping mechanism as HART, Modbus, and Profibus, thus allowing interoperabil-
improves the security features. For detailed information see ity with systems already installed [57].
[47] and [62].
Bluetooth Low Energy
ISA SP100.11a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) or Bluetooth Smart is a tech-
Developed by the International Society of Automation (ISA), nology developed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group
the ISA SP100.11a standard is also a TSMP-based protocol (SIG). It was implemented in Bluetooth technology since
designed to process automation applications. It also allows version 4. The technology focuses on transmitting infrequent
point-to-point and mesh communication. One of the differ- data between devices and uses the ISM unlicensed frequency
ences in relation to WH is a more comprehensive number of band included in 2.4000–2.4835 GHz subdivided into 40
specifications such as security manager policies. In addition, channels. The application layer defines different profiles
while in WH there is a single channel hopping scheme, in specified by the Bluetooth SIG that allow interoperability
ISA100 three different techniques can be applied. Another between devices from different manufacturers. BLE can be
feature is that the time slot can be adjusted from 10 to used for cases where a device transfers small amounts of
14 ms. At the network layer, the protocol uses IPv6 over low- data, such as data from a sensor or data to control an actuator.
power WPAN (6LoWPAN), thus allowing IP-based commu- In addition, there are transmission-only devices, also called
nication via IEEE 802.15.4. In this way, the sensor network beacons, which have the function of transmitting messages so
nodes can be accessed directly over the Internet, which is that other devices can discover them and read their data. With
not possible in the WirelessHART, WIA-PA, and Zigbee the help of a Bluetooth beacon, a device can find its approx-
protocols [56]. imate position. The topology used is star also called piconet.
There is also the possibility of forming a mesh with BLE
WIA-PA devices. The specifications for the Bluetooth mesh network
In 2007 the Chinese Industrial Wireless Alliance (CIWA) were launched in 2017 and allow messages transmitted by a
proposed the Wireless Networks for Industrial Automation node to hop from one node to another over the network until
Process Automation (WIA-PA), which is a communication reaching its destination. It is well suited for control systems,
protocol based on the IEEE 802.15.4 stack. It was approved monitoring, sensor networks, asset tracking, and other IIoT
by the IEC in 2008, making it the second industrial wire- applications that require dozens, hundreds, or thousands of
less communication standard. The topology used is star in devices to communicate with each other. For more details see
intracluster and mesh intercluster. The physical devices of [46], [63], and [64].
550 C. E. Pereira et al.

23.3.4 Low-Power Wide Area Network proposed: Weightless-N, Weightless-W, and Weightless-P.
(LPWAN) Weightless-W was designed to operate in the white space of
the TV spectrum. This limits the use of the protocol since the
The main characteristics of LPWAN networks are long bat- use of this frequency range is only allowed in some regions.
tery life, large coverage area, low transmission rate, and low Weightless-N is an LPWAN technology similar to Sigfox
installation costs. Some of the main LPWAN technologies are and uses slotted ALOHA, in the unlicensed band, supporting
Sigfox, LoRaWAN, Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT), and Weight- only unidirectional communication (uplink only) for end
less, among others. They can be adopted in different appli- devices to the base station. Weightless-P (or only Weightless)
cation areas such as environment monitoring, smart cities, has narrowband bidirectional communication designed to
smart utilities, precision agriculture, and logistics control, operate on globally licensed and unlicensed ISM frequencies.
among others [49]. The Weightless protocol uses GMSK and QPSK for signal
modulation. It has a shorter communication range and shorter
SIGFOX battery life when compared with other LPWAN technologies.
SIGFOX [65] is a proprietary ultra-narrow band technol- The supported data rate is 100 kbps for downlink and for
ogy with low transmission rate and long range. It supports uplink. The maximum payload size for each message is 255
bidirectional communication in which DBPSK modulation is bytes.
used for uplink and GFSK for downlink. Due to the narrow-
band feature, the effect of noise in the receiver is mitigated by
Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) [69] is an LPWAN technology
allowing the receiver to only listen in a tiny slice of spectrum.
defined by Release 13 of 3GPP. It can coexist with the global
Sigfox has low-cost sensors and SDR-based base stations to
mobile communications system (GSM) and LTE in licensed
manage the network connection to the Internet. To increase
frequency bands of 700 MHz, 800 MHz, and 900 MHz. The
reliability, devices transmit the message several times. Sigfox
communication is bidirectional using orthogonal frequency
is installed by network operators and, therefore, if users want
division multiple access (OFDMA) for downlink and single
to use the network, they must pay a subscription fee. The
carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) for
supported data rate is 600 bps for downlink and until 200 kbps
the uplink. NB-IoT is designed to optimize and reduce the
for uplink. The maximum payload size for each message is
resources of LTE technology, prioritizing the characteristics
12 bytes for uplink and 8 bytes for downlink and each device
for infrequent data and low power consumption data trans-
can send until 140 messages per day.
missions. The supported data rate is 200 kbps for downlink
and 20 kbps for uplink. The maximum payload size for each
LoRaWAN message is 1600 bytes [70].
LoRa is a physical layer technology, owned by the Semtech
[66] company that operates in the ISM unlicensed frequency
range. LoRa is based on chirp spread spectrum (CSS) mod- 23.3.5 5G
ulation. The upper layers of the network stack are open for
development. LoRaWAN is a MAC layer that uses LoRa as The 5G, which is the fifth generation of mobile communi-
the physical layer. The LoRaWAN protocol is an open proto- cation, is considered a strong candidate to serve industrial
col managed by the LoRa Alliance [67]. Its main features are IoT (IIoT)) applications. The characteristics of high data
long battery duration and long transmission range. The trans- transfer rates and lower latencies than current LTE technolo-
mission range of a LoRa device can be modified by chang- gies expand the use cases where the mobile communication
ing parameters such as bandwidth, transmission power, and can be used. The new 5G radio technologies will support
propagation factor. A LoRaWAN network is not managed by three essential types of communication: enhanced mobile
a provider, so there are no subscription fees as required in broadband (eMBB)), in addition to ultrareliable low-latency
Sigfox protocol. An additional advantage over Sigfox is that data exchange (uRLLC)) and massive machine-type commu-
there is no message limit per device, but on the other hand, nication (mMTC)) that will allow the use of thousands of
the regulated duty cycle in the region of installation must be field devices in a specific area. This technology promises
observed. The supported data rate is 50 kbps for downlink to cover several industrial automation use cases, mainly for
and uplink. The maximum payload size for each message is factory automation applications that generally require low
243 bytes. latencies in comparison to process automation. Some of the
applications in the manufacturing domain can be in motion
Weightless control, mobile robots, massive wireless sensor networks,
The Weightless protocol [68] is managed by the Weight- remote access and remote maintenance, augmented reality
less – Special Interest Group. Initially, three standards were applications, closed-loop process control, process monitor-
23 Communication Protocols for Automation 551

ing, and plant asset management, among others. A new con- and 1000 m while technologies called LPWAN handle long-
cept introduced in 5G, called network slicing, will allow the distance transmissions and can have ranges of 10–50 km. 23
simultaneous and isolated provisioning of several services
by the same network infrastructure. It allows the network
operator to provide customized networks for specific services 23.4 Virtual Automation Networks
and achieve varying degrees of isolation between the various
types of service traffic and the network functions associated 23.4.1 Motivation
with those services. This is interesting from the point of view
that within a single network infrastructure, there are differ- Future scenarios of distributed automation lead to desired
ent needs in terms of functionality (for example, priority, mechanisms for geographically distributed automation func-
security, and mobility), performance (for example, latency, tions for various reasons:
mobility, and data rates), or operational requirements (for
example, monitoring, root cause analysis, etc.). In addition, • Centralized supervision and control of (many) decentral-
slices can be configured to serve specific user organizations ized (small) technological plants
(for example, public security agencies and corporate cus- • Remote control, commissioning, parameterization, and
tomers). For additional details, readers are referred to [70] maintenance of distributed automation systems
and [50]. • Inclusion of remote experts or external machine-readable
As the number of wireless protocols that find application knowledge for plant operation and maintenance (for ex-
in the industrial automation is increasing, it is always ample, asset management, condition monitoring, etc.)
good to keep in mind that each wireless technology has
characteristics that make it more suitable for a specific type This means that heterogeneous networks, consisting of
of application. Therefore, before choosing a communication (partially homogeneous) local and wide areas, as well as
protocol to use in a given case, it is necessary to understand wired and wireless communication systems, will continue
the application requirements. Two features that can be a to play an increasing role. Figure 23.15 depicts the com-
first step in the selection of a given wireless technology can munication environment of a complex automation scenario.
be based on the required range and data rate. Figure 23.14 Following a unique design concept, regarding the objects
depicts the most common wireless technologies and where to be transmitted between geographically distributed com-
they fit in these two aspects. Contact technologies, such munication end points, the heterogeneous network becomes
as RFID, for example, usually have a range of a few a virtual automation network (VAN) [71, 72]. VAN char-
meters. The range of the personal area network (WPAN) is acteristics are defined for domains, where the expression
between 10 and 100 m, as the Bluetooth and WirelessHART domain is widely used to address areas and devices with
technologies. The wireless local area networks (WLAN)) common properties/behavior, common network technology,
generally have a short/medium range and is between 100 or common application purposes.

Data rate Cellular

100 Mbps Wi-Fi 6
Wi-Fi 5
1 Mbps Bluetooth BR/EDR
Bluetooth low energy

100 Kbps
WirelessHart ZigBee
1 Kbps SigFox Weightless-P

1m 10 m 100 m 1 km 10 km 100 km Range

Fig. 23.14 Comparison of range and data rate of some of the current wireless technologies
552 C. E. Pereira et al.

Other third party production or logistics

domain Remote industrial plant or subsidiary
(real time, non-real time best effort, communication domain
wired and wireless) (real time, non-real time best effort,
Office domain wired and wireless)
(best effort, wired or wireless)

Public or privat

VAN domai
network or Internet

Industrial plant or subsidiary
VAN domai

communication domain (real time, non-real time best effort,

ffort wired and wireless)

VAN domain
IP based Edge

Controller IIoT gateway (( (

(C) ))) C
IP based
networks ))) D
Heterogenous C ))) D
(D) D D D D

Fig. 23.15 Different VAN domains related to different automation applications

23.4.2 Domains 23.4.3 Architectures for VAN Solutions

Within the overall automation and communication environ- As mentioned in the previous sections, a VAN network
ment, a VAN domain covers all devices that are grouped consists of both horizontal and vertical communication paths
together on a logical or virtual basis to represent a complex and network transitions. Figure 23.16 depicts the required
application such as an industrial application. Therefore, the transitions in both heterogeneous and IP-based networks.
encompassed networks may be heterogeneous and devices There are different opportunities to achieve a communica-
can be geographically distributed over a physical environ- tion path between heterogeneous network segments/devices
ment, which shall be covered by the overall application. (or their combinations). This is achieved by multiple links,
Figure 23.15 depicts VAN domain examples representing gateways, or servers. Using this solution these infrastructure
three different distributed applications. communication devices take advantage of the quality of ser-
Devices related to a VAN domain may reside in a homo- vice and addressing schema of the automation-related com-
geneous network domain (e.g., the industrial domain shown munication systems such as PROFIBUS and PROFINET, so
in Fig. 23.15). But, depending on the application, additional both vertical and horizontal applications are on the main fo-
VAN relevant devices may only be reached by crossing other cus. These VAN infrastructure allows logical communication
network types (e.g., wide area network type communication) clusters independent of the communication structure.
or they need to use proxy technology to be represented in the More recently, edge- and cloud-based solutions in com-
VAN domain view of a complex application. Additionally, bination with IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) gateways
application can follow a vertical data flow or a horizontal are taking advantage from a homogeneous IP-based network
one. Vertical means that automation devices deliver their and reaching a high connectivity from the single automation
data to a higher-level application such as fault analysis or device to the cloud application. These vertical-oriented so-
plant performance monitoring. Horizontal means that the lutions have to make extra effort to extend the IP commu-
application close the loop from sensor to actuator devices or nication with application services to reach interoperability.
controller to controller communication in the same level of There is an explosion in the amount of data being generated
the automation hierarchy. by digital devices. The traditional model of processing and
23 Communication Protocols for Automation 553

a) b) 23
Solution with heterogeneous communication networks
Horizontal and vertical interactions IP based communication networks
Mostly vertical interaction
Telecommunication Internet
LAN Manager Office Internet station
station device server
IP based
WL networks IP based
Super- Con- W/WL device networks
RTE Device IP based Edge
visor troller link WL networks
Controller IIoT gateway (( (
Proxy (C) IP based ))) C
gateway WL networks Hetero- ))) D
Fieldbus W/WL device Wireless genous
C ))) D
link WL fieldbus Device
(D) D D D D
device D D D

Fig. 23.16 Network solutions with mostly heterogenous (a) and mostly IP-based (b) networks (local area networks [LAN], wireless LAN [WL],
wired/wireless [W/WL], real-time Ethernet [RTE], metropolitan area network [MAN], and wide area network [WAN])

storing all data in the cloud is becoming too costly and often a function for all or subsets of customers. It provides flexi-
too slow to meet the requirements of the end user. Edge bility that would enable services providers to scale up/down
computing brings computation and data storage closer to the services to address changing customer demands [73–75].
devices where it is being gathered, rather than relying on a
central location that can be thousands of miles away. This is
done so that data, especially real-time data, does not suffer 23.5 Wide Area Communications
latency issues that can affect an application’s performance.
Virtualization is, through software implementation, the 23.5.1 Contextualization
logical abstraction of hardware devices on a network. In this
way, control and hardware are separated, facilitating manage- With the application of remote automation mechanisms (re-
ment and modifications. Virtualization can contribute to het- mote supervisory, operation, and service) using wide area
erogeneity, scalability, and interoperability of networks. Two networks, the stock of existing communication technology
possible alternatives are software-defined networks (SDN) becomes broader and includes the following [25]:
and network function virtualization (NFV) [73]. Even though
SDN and NFV are maintained by different standardization • All appearances of the Internet (mostly supporting best
organizations, they are not competing approaches, but com- effort quality of services)
plementary. Together they enable dynamic network resource • Public digital-wired telecommunication systems: either
allocation for heterogeneous QoS requirements [74]. line switched (e.g., integrated services digital network
SDN centralizes the network management decoupling the [ISDN]) or packet switched (such as asymmet-
data forwarding plane from the control plane. The central ric/symmetrical digital subscriber line [ADSL, SDSL])
manager, also called SDN controller, has a global view of the • Public digital wireless telecommunication systems (GSM
network resources and for this reason it can gather network based, GPRS based, and UMTS based)
state information and act forwarding device configuration. A • Private wireless telecommunication systems, e.g., trunk
virtual control plane is created enforcing smart management radio systems
decisions between network functions filling the gap between
network management and services provisioning [73–75]. The transition between different network technologies
The NFV is an approach that decouples several network can be made easier by using multiprotocol label switching
functions such as routers, firewalls, etc. from network devices (MPLS) and synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH). There
and run them as software also called virtual network func- are several private protocols (over leased lines, tunneling
tions (VNFs)) at a data center. NFV reduces the equipment mechanisms, etc.) that have been used in the automation
and needed installation efforts, hence the deployment costs domain using these technologies. Most of the wireless radio
are reduced. Through NFV it is possible to dynamically allo- networks can be used in non-real-time (class 1: best effort)
cate network functions (NFs) making it much more manage- applications, some of them in soft real-time (class 2) ap-
able for service providers by adding, removing, or updating plications; however, industrial environments and industrial,
554 C. E. Pereira et al.

• Transfer (and addressing) methods for RT data across

Non real-time Real-time
WAN can be distinguished as follows:
– MAC based: tunnel (real-time class 1, partially real-
Configuration data IO data Alarms
Record data time class 2 for longer send intervals, e.g., 512 ms),
clock across WAN and reserved send phase for real-
time transmission
– IP based: real-time over UDP (routed); web services
based [76, 77]
IO controller O dev
IO device

The automation domain has the following impact on real-

time WAN connections: a constant delay-sensitive and jitter-
Communication channel CRs
sensitive real-time base load (e.g., in LAN: up to 50% band-
width reservation for real-time transmission).
Fig. 23.17 Remote communication channels over WAN (input/output To use a wide area network for geographically distributed
[IO]; communication relation [CR]) automation functions, the following basic design decisions
were made following the definitions in Sect. 23.2:

scientific, and medical (ISM) band limit the applications. • A virtual automation network (VAN) is an infrastructure
Figure 23.17 depicts the necessary remote channels. for standard LAN-based distributed industrial automation
The end-to-end connection behavior via these telecommu- concepts (e.g., PROFINET or other) in an extended en-
nication systems depends on the offered quality of service vironment. The automation functions (applications) are
(QoS). The following application areas have to be distin- described by their object models used in existing indus-
guished. trial communications. The application service elements
(ASEs), as they are specified in the IEC 61158 standard,
can additionally be used.
23.5.2 Best Effort Communication • The establishment of the end-to-end connections between
in Automation distributed objects within a heterogeneous network is
based on web services. Once this connection has been
• Non-real-time communication (Standard IT: up- established, the runtime channel between these objects is
load/download, SNMP) with lower priority to real- equivalent to the runtime channel within the local area by
time communication: for configuration, diagnostics, and using PROFINET (or other) runtime mechanisms.
automation-specific up-/download • The VAN addressing scheme is based on names to avoid
• Manufacturing-specific functions, context management, the use of IP and MAC addresses during establishment of
establishment of application relationships and connection the end-to-end path between logically connected applica-
relationships to configure IO devices, application moni- tions within a VAN domain. Therefore, the IP and MAC
toring to read status data (diagnostics, I&M), read/write addresses remain transparent to the connected application
services (HMI, application program), and open-loop con- objects.
trol • Since there is no new fieldbus or real-time Ethernet proto-
col, no new specified application layer is necessary. Thus,
The automation domain has the following impact on best the well-tried models of industrial communications (as
effort WAN connections: addressing between multiple dis- they are specified in the IEC 61158 standard) can be used.
tributed address spaces and redundant transmission for min- Only the additional requirements caused by the influence
imized downtime to ensure its availability for a running of wide area networks have to be considered and they lead
distributed application. to additional functionality following the abovementioned
design guidelines.

23.5.3 Real-Time Communication Most of the WAN systems that offer quality-of-
in Automation service (QoS) support cannot provide real guarantees,
and this strongly limits the use of these systems within
• Cyclic real-time communications (i.e., PROFINET the automation domain. To guarantee a defined QoS for
data) for closed-loop control and acyclic alarms (i.e., data transmission between two application access points
PROFINET alarms) as major manufacturing-specific via a wide area network, written agreements between
services customer and service provider (service-level agreements
23 Communication Protocols for Automation 555

[SLA]) must be contracted. In cases where the provider guarantees defined requirements. The data exchange be-
cannot deliver the promised QoS, an alternative line must tween two communication partners is independent of each 23
be established to hold the connection for the distributed other.
automation function (this operation is fully transparent • Use case 2: For a connection-oriented data transmission
to the application function). This line should be available (or data packages with high-level priority) the use of man-
from another provider, independent from the currently used ageable data transport technology is needed. The VAN
provider. The automation devices (so-called VAN access switching line represents a manageable connection. A
points [VAN-APs]) should support functions to switch (either direct known connection between two VAN-APs has to
manually or automatically) to an alternative line [78]. be established and a VAN switching endpoint access is
There are different mechanisms to realize a connection not needed. The chosen provider guarantees the defined
between remote entities: requirements for the complete line. When the current line
loses the promised requirements, it is possible to define
• The VAN switching connection: the logical connection the VAN-APs to build up an alternative line and hold
between two VAN-APs over a WAN or a public network. on/disconnect the current line automatically.
One VAN switching connection owns one or more com-
munication paths. VAN switching line is defined as one
physical communication path between two VAN-APs over
23.6 General Overview About Industrial
a WAN or a public network. The endpoints of a switching
Protocol Features
connection are VAN-APs.
• The VAN switching line: the physical communication: path
Table 23.1 presents a comparative overview of the main
between two VAN-APs over a WAN or a public network.
industrial communication protocols discussed in this chapter.
A VAN switching line has its provider and own QoS
As it can be observed, there is a diversity of protocols which
parameter. If a provider offers connections with different
present almost all possible combinations in terms of the
warranted QoS each of these shall be a new VAN switch-
characteristics compared. Because of that, there is no single
ing line.
communication protocol that fulfills all requirements of all
• VAN switching endpoint access: the physical communica-
possible applications, so that each protocol usually has some
tion path between one VAN-AP and a WAN or a public
“application niches,” whose requirements are better met with
network. This is a newly introduced class for using the
the characteristics of some specific protocols. As previously
switching application service elements of virtual automa-
discussed in the chapter, this growing number of protocols
tion networks for communication via WAN or public
makes interoperability a challenge so that concepts such as
virtual automation networks, that offer a system-wide inte-
gration among different domains with real-time guarantees,
These mechanisms are very important for the concept of
become very important.
VANs using heterogeneous networks for automation. De-
pending on the priority and importance of the data transmit-
ted between distributed communications partners, the kind
of transportation service and communication technology is 23.7 Conclusions
selected based on economical aspects. The VAN provider
switching considers the following alternatives: The area of industrial communication protocols has been
experiencing a tremendous evolution over the last decades,
• Use case 1: For packet-oriented data transmission via being strongly influenced by advances in the area of in-
public networks a connection from a corresponding VAN- formation technology and hardware/software developments.
AP to the public network has to be established. The Existing industrial communication protocols have impacted
crossover from/to the public network is represented by very positively both in the operation of industrial plants,
the VAN switching endpoint access. The requirements due to enhanced diagnostic capabilities, which have enabled
made for this line have to be fulfilled by the service- enhanced maintenance operations, such as predictive mainte-
level agreements from the chosen provider. Within the nance, as well as in the development of complex automation
public network it is not possible to influence the qual- systems.
ity of service. The data package leaves the public net- This chapter has reviewed the main concepts of industrial
work when the VAN switching endpoint access from the communication networks and presented the most prominent
faced communication partner is achieved. The connec- wired and wireless protocols that are already incorporated
tion from the public network to the faced VAN-AP is in a large number of industrial devices (from thousands to
also provided by the same or an alternative provider and millions).
556 C. E. Pereira et al.

Table 23.1 Comparative overview of the main industrial communication protocols

Cabling Submillisecond
Fieldbus Bus power redundancy Max devices Synchronization cycle
Wired AS-Interface Yes No 62 No No
CANopen No No 127 Yes No
ControlNet No Yes 99 No No
CC-Link No No 64 No No
DeviceNet Yes No 64 No No
EtherCAT Yes Yes 65,536 Yes Yes
Ethernet Powerlink No Optional 240 Yes Yes
EtherNet/IP No Optional Almost unlimited Yes Yes
Interbus No No 511 No No
Modbus No No 246 No No
PROFIBUS DP No Optional 126 Yes No
PROFIBUS PA Yes No 126 No No
PROFINET IO No Optional Almost unlimited No No
PROFINET IRT No Optional Almost unlimited Yes Yes
SERCOS III No Yes 511 Yes Yes
SERCOS interface No No 254 Yes Yes
Foundation Fieldbus H1 Yes No 240 Yes No
Wireless Zigbee No No 100 Yes No
Bluetooth No No 8 Yes No
Bluetooth LE No No Usually 8 (depends on Yes No
the connection interval)
WirelessHart No No 100 Yes No
ISA 100 No No 100 Yes No
WIA-PA No No 100 Yes No
Wifi 5 and 6 No No 250 No No
LoRa/LoRaWAN No No Almost unlimited No No
NB-IoT No No Almost unlimited Yes No
Sigfox No No Almost unlimited No No
5G No No Almost unlimited Yes Yes

carefully extended to ensure that automation requirements

23.8 Emerging Trends are addressed.
With the proliferation of networked devices with increas-
The number of commercially available industrial communi- ing computing capabilities, the trend of decentralization in
cation protocols has continued to increase, despite some trials industrial automation systems will even increase in the fu-
to converge to a single and unified protocol, in particular dur- ture (Figs. 23.18 and 23.19). This situation will lead to an
ing the definition of the IEC 61178 standard; the automation increased interest in autonomic systems with self-X capabil-
community has started to accept that no single protocol will ities, where X stands for alternatives as configuration, orga-
be able to meet all different communication requirements nizing, optimizing, healing, etc. The idea is to develop au-
from different application areas. This trend will be contin- tomation systems and devices that are able to manage them-
ued by the emerging wireless sensor networks as well as selves given high-level objectives. Those systems should
the integration of wireless communication technologies in have sufficient degrees of freedom to allow a self-organized
all mentioned automation-related communication concepts. behavior, which will adapt to dynamically changing require-
Therefore, increasing attention has been given to concepts ments. The ability to deal with widely varying time and
and techniques to allow integration among heterogeneous resources demands while still delivering dependable and
networks, and within this context virtual automation net- adaptable services with guaranteed temporal qualities is a key
works are playing an increasing role. Currently the Internet aspect for future automation systems [79].
Protocol plays a major role for the integration enabling the With the emergence of technologies that provide latencies
rise of the “Industrial Internet of Things” (IIoT)) era, where in the range of milliseconds such as 5G, interest in connected
concepts as cloud/edge/fog computing were introduced. Sim- vehicle networks has been growing. Different modes of com-
ilar to what happened in the past, those concepts have to be munication are explored such as vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V),
23 Communication Protocols for Automation 557

SCADA system 23
Loc tem
paramete- ((( Wifi system
rization (((


((( RFID


Bluetooth Zigbee Bluetooth

Fig. 23.18 The wireless factory

• Ubisense UWB-realtime
positioning system

• RFID grid for mobile

workshop navigation

• Cricket ultrasonic indoor

location system

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56. Zand, P., Chatterjea, S., Das, K., Havinga, P.: Wireless industrial 79. Morel, G., Pereira, C.E., Nof, S.Y.: Historical survey and emerging
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cations to digital factory: a wireless network solution for factory 80. Zuehlke, D.: Smart Factory from vision to reality in factory tech-
automation. Proc. IEEE. 107(6), 1053–1073 (2019) nologies. IFAC Congress, Seoul (2008)
58. Griessmann, J.-L.: HART protocol rev. 7 including WirelessHART.
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59. Valadão, Y.d.N., Künzel, G., Müller, I., Pereira, C.E.: Industrial
wireless automation: overview and evolution of WIA-PA. IFAC- Further Reading
PapersOnLine, pp. 175–180 (2018)
60. Dust Networks: TSMP Seminar. Online-Präsentation (2006) Books
61. Dust Networks: Technical Overview of Time Synchronized Mesh Alam, M., Shakil, K.A., Khan, S. (eds.): Internet of Things (IoT) –
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62. Muller, I., Netto, J.C., Pereira, C.E.: WirelessHART field devices. Franco, L.R., Pereira, C.E.: Real-time characteristics of the foundation
IEEE Instrum. Meas. Mag. 14(6), 20–25 (2011) fieldbus protocol. In: Mahalik, N.P. (ed.) Fieldbus Technology:
63. Darroudi, S.M., Gomez, C.: Bluetooth low energy mesh networks: Industrial Network Standards for Real-Time Distributed Control,
a survey. Sensors. 17, 1467 (2017) pp. 57–94. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg (2003)
64. Tosi, J., Taffoni, F., Santacatterina, M., Sannino, R.: Performance Liu, J.W.S.: Real-Time Systems. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River
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17, 2898 (2017) Marshall, P.S., Rinaldi, J.S. Industrial Ethernet. ISA (2004)
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66. Semtech: Semtech LoRa Technology Overview. https:// Technology Handbook. CRC, Boca Raton (2005) (2020). Accessed 20 Sept 2020
67. Lora Alliance: What is the LoRaWAN® Specification?. https:// (2020). Accessed 20 Sept 2020 Various Communication Standards
68. Weightless SIG: Weightless – Setting the Standard for IoT. http:// IEC: IEC 61158 Ser., Edition 3: Digital data communication for (2020). Accessed 20 Sept 2020 measurement and control – Fieldbus for use in industrial control
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16–32 (2020) IEC: IEC 61784–1: Digital data communications for measurement
71. Neumann, P., Pöschmann, A., Flaschka, E.: Virtual automation and control – Part 1: Profile sets for continuous and discrete
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Int. Autom. Technol. Pract. 2, 36–46 (2007) (2003)
72. European Integrated Project: Virtual Automation Networks – Eu- PROFIBUS Guideline: PROFInet Architecture Description and Spec-
ropean Integrated Project FP6/2004/IST/NMP/2 016696 VAN. De- ification, Version V 2.0. PNO, Karlsruhe (2003)
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slicing using SDN and NFV: a survey of taxonomy, architectures
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76. IBM: Standards and Web services. Carlos Eduardo Pereira received the Dr.-Ing. degree from the Univer-
(2020). Accessed 20 Sept 2020 sity of Stuttgart, Germany (1995), and also holds a MSc in computer sci-
77. Wilkes, L.: The web services protocol stack. Report from CBDI ence (1990) and a BS in electrical engineering (1987) both from UFRGS
Web Services Roadmap. (2005). in Brazil. He is a full professor of automation engineering at UFRGS and
Accessed 20 Sept 2020 director of operations at EMBRAPII, a Brazilian innovation agency. He
78. European Integrated Project: Virtual Automation Networks – Eu- also acts as vice president for Technical Activities of the International
ropean Integrated Project FP6/2004/IST/NMP/2 016696 VAN. De- Federation on Automatic Control (IFAC). He received in 2012 the
liverable D07.2-1: Integration Concept, Architecture Specification Friedrich Bessel Research Award from the Humboldt Foundation. His
(2007) research focuses on methodologies and tool support for the development
of distributed real-time embedded systems, with special emphasis on
industrial automation applications.
560 C. E. Pereira et al.

Peter Neumann received the PhD in 1967. Peter Neumann was full
Christian Diedrich received a German Diplom Ingenieur degree in professor at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg from 1981
electrical engineering with minor in automation (1985) and a Ph.D. to 1994. In 1991 he founded the applied research institute “ifak” (In-
degree (1994) from the Otto-von-Guericke-University in Magdeburg, stitut für Automation and Kommunikation) headed by him until 2004.
Germany. He acts as deputy head of the Institut für Automation und His interests are industrial communications, device management, and
Kommunikation (ifak) and as chair of integrated automation at the Otto- formal methods in engineering of distributed computer control systems.
von-Guericke-University, both in Magdeburg, Germany. His activity
field covers the entire engineering life cycle of field devices of pro-
duction systems. He has worked on many German and European R&D
projects in the areas of industrial communication and engineering of
automation systems and is active in national and international standard-
ization activities.
Product Automation and Innovation
Kenichi Funaki

Contents edge intelligence and cognitive technologies, automated

24.1 Historical Background of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562 products are becoming autonomous and mobile. Auto-
mated products with autonomous mobility can operate
24.2 Definition of Product Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
and move in open unstructured fields like roads, cities,
24.3 Fundamental Core Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563 mountains, the air, and any terrain. They bring benefits
24.4 Innovation of Product Automation not only about efficiency and productivity but also about
in the IoT Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564 work and lifestyle freeing workers from dangerous and
24.4.1 Technology as a Driver to Change Life and Industry . . . 564 harsh environment and people from inconvenience and
24.4.2 Expansion of Automation Applications
and Innovations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565 cumbersome processes.
24.4.3 Benefit and Value of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566 In addition, as the world is shifting to experience-value
24.4.4 Business Trends and Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567 economy, people’s interest is more focused on outcome by
24.4.5 Products in Experience-Value Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568 use of a product rather than its function and performance.
24.4.6 New Requirements for Product Automation . . . . . . . . . . 568
Since people’s expectations for the outcome depend on
24.5 Modern Functional Architecture of Automation . . . . 569 individual cases, product must be software defined and
24.6 Key Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570 IoT connected so that it can be configured to the user’s
24.6.1 Localization and Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570 requirement and can monitor and adjust its performance
24.6.2 Edge Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
to best fit customer’s preference to provide the utmost
24.6.3 OTA (Over-the-Air) Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
24.6.4 Anomaly Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576 experience.
In this chapter, we provide overview of modern prod-
24.7 Product and Service Lifecycle Management in the
IoT Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578 uct automation and innovations with the recent business
24.7.1 Management Model in the trends which drive needs for software-defined and IoT-
Experience-Value Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578 connected product automation with autonomous and intel-
24.7.2 PSS (Product-Service System) Discussions . . . . . . . . . . 579 ligent properties. Key technologies to realize such proper-
24.7.3 How to Realize Valuable Customer Experience . . . . . . . 580
24.7.4 Business Model Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581 ties include localization and mapping, edge intelligence,
OTA (over the air), and anomaly detection, which are
24.8 Conclusion and Next Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
shown with some cases of implementation. Finally, we
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582 discuss transformation of the business model of product
automation from “One time make & sell” to “Continu-
ous engagement” model driven by the experience-value
Abstract economy, and its impact on product and service lifecycle
Product automation is the attempt to equip products with management.
functionality so that they can fulfill their tasks fully or
partly in an automated way. Thanks to recent advances in Keywords

Software defined · IoT connected · Localization and

mapping · Edge intelligence · OTA (over the air) ·
Anomaly detection · Experience-value economy
K. Funaki ()
Corporate Venturing Office, Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 561

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
562 K. Funaki

24.1 Historical Background of Automation

Historical roots of automation technology can be traced

back to the three origins of automation needs: (1) industrial
automation, (2) robotization under governmental initiatives,
and (3) life and office automation. It goes without saying
that industrial robot has played a central role in the industrial
automation history. The first modern industrial robot was
Unimate which was invented by George Devol in 1954 [1],
and its commercial version was sold to General Motors in
1960 and realized automated die casting mold process at Ew-
ing Township plant [2]. The early robots were pneumatic and
hydraulic with predetermined motions. With the advances in
electric power transmission and programmable controller, the
first microcomputer-controlled robot T3 appeared in 1974
[2]. Most of the early robots at factories were for automation Fig. 24.1 The “Ultrasonic Bath” made by Sanyo Electric. (By
of material handling and other simple manipulations at a Tokumeigakarinoaoshima – Own work, CC0, https://commons.
fixed location.
In late 1960s, a mobile robot Shakey was developed at the
Artificial Intelligence Center of Stanford Research Institute,
which was one of the first robots focusing on move and travel to cover entire history of government-initiated automation
[3]. Since then, sensing and routing functions have been the technologies, here it is just implied that government initia-
essential keys to enhance mobility of robots. Thanks to the tives have played an important role in R&D for automation
progress of sensing and routing technologies in the last two technologies which requires heavy upfront investment with
decades together with continuous cost reduction, the journey uncertainty.
of mobile robots has now reached to the level of advanced The other pillar of automation technology development
industrial unmanned mobile robots like AGVs (automated has been in life and office space. Typical examples include
guided vehicles) and unmanned forklifts. automation of home appliances like washing machines, cook-
Governmental initiatives have been also strong drivers to ers, and cleaners, and robots for surveillance and security of
advance automation technologies especially for robotization. buildings and towns. The automatic clothes washing machine
Governmental initiatives include robotization in military and on a commercial basis was introduced in US market in 1911,
aerospace, and for the public interest. Since remotely con- and the first microwave oven was introduced by Raytheon in
trolled weapons appeared in the 1930s, continuous R&D 1947 [5]. At the Japan World Exposition ‘70 held in Osaka
investment in military robotization has brought significant in 1970, a future-looking washing machine with a flavor of
advancement especially in all terrain and aero robots and SF named “Ultrasonic Bath” was exhibited (Fig. 24.1). The
micro-machines. Although many are not disclosed, there Sanyo Electric made machine could automatically wash and
have been many streams of military technology development rinse human body, and thus drew much people’s attention
in various countries, some of which have been converted to then.
civil use such as search and rescue [4], cyber security, and Life and office have been a good testing ground for
trajectory computation developed for homing devices. human-machine interaction as well. Since there are many
For aerospace missions, all terrain robots, UAVs (un- kinds of tasks to be done through human-machine inter-
manned aerial vehicles), and robot arms have been inten- actions in life and office, researchers and engineers have
sively developed. Not only complex and reliable robotics but to design the best configuration of the total system with
also technologies for special needs in space such as radiation- human-machine combination. In designing the best human-
resistant devices are remarkable achievements. machine interaction, human senses and feelings are important
In addition to military and aerospace, public benefit is also as well as ergonomic factor and user interface design. Kansei
a motivation for government to advance automation tech- engineering was one of such approaches emerged in human-
nologies. Construction and maintenance of infrastructure, machine interaction design where “Kansei” is a Japanese
safety and security of towns, and processes of administration word meaning sensibility, feelings, and cognition [6].
and public services are good areas for automation. Many The automation in life and office is not only about hard-
challenges, such as water leaks, frequent blackouts, traffic ware but also software. When you ask for a help upon
jams, and intricate manual processes, are needing automation trouble in withdrawing cash from ATM, you may talk through
technologies. Since it is not the purpose of this chapter microphone on the ATM to a robot who can chat and listen
24 Product Automation and Innovation 563

to your request or claim to understand the situation, and

then provide you with appropriate guidance autonomously Sensors
in accordance with the mode of trouble you are facing.
Now ATM becomes a true “Automated Teller Machine!”
Conversation and interaction technologies powered by NLP Control system
Information exchange
with other systems
(natural language processing) together with backend process

execution by RPA (robotic process automation) are the key Actuators
elements to realize automation in life and office.

Primary task
24.2 Definition of Product Automation of the device

In this chapter, we follow the definition of product automa-

tion which was made by Pinnekamp [7] in the former edition
of Springer Handbook of Automation, i.e., product automa-
Fig. 24.2 Traditional functional blocks of product automation [7]
tion is the attempt to equip products with functionality so
that they can fulfill their tasks fully or partly in an automated
way. The tasks include various kinds of works, assignments, For product automation, elements of a control system de-
and missions in industry and society as already seen in the pend on types of controlled components and their logical and
previous section. physical implementation. Minimum core of controlling unit
As Pinnekamp [7] pointed, product automation could for automation of physical action is motion control. Motion
be confused with production automation or automation controller executes control programs to generate and send
products. Again, following Pinnekamp [7], production commands to actuators, mostly motors, by determining nec-
automation is the automation of individual steps or the whole essary motion (direction and speed) to reduce gap between
chain of steps necessary to produce, and products used to the feedback on sensed position and the target position. For
automate production is called automation product mainly whole actions to fulfill the task, operational control must be
in industries that produce such tools or machines as their implemented, which could be a logical controller for discrete
products. event control or a PID (proportional integral derivative) con-
troller for continuous process control. For further intelligent
logical behavior like selection of relevant picking objects and
24.3 Fundamental Core Functions self-protection against danger, computational control with
rule-based engine could be a part of the control system.
Fundamental body to realize product automation is equipped Once an actuator receives a command from the controller,
with the minimum essential functions to fulfill a task it takes physical actions through mechanisms installed in the
which include identifying and measuring a target or an product. The basic categories of actuator can be mechanical,
object to work on, generating and applying force to actuate hydraulic, pneumatic, and electric. Mechanical actuator is
the product, and controlling all the pieces necessary to basically composed of gears and springs, such ones intro-
execute processes to fulfill the task as well as observing and duced in early versions of elevators and excavators. Hy-
inspecting its environment and surroundings. Figure 24.2 draulic actuator is made of pumps and valves through which
shows the traditional functional blocks required for product hydraulic fluid conveys power and force to moving parts.
automation [7]. Generally speaking, hydraulic system is effective for heavy
Sensors identify and measure objects and observe and duty, thus many old mechanical actuators have been replaced
inspect environment and surroundings to feed sensed data with hydraulic systems as seen in elevators and excavators.
to the control system so as to let the product take right Pneumatic actuator is a system that uses compressed air to
actions and operate effectively. There is a large variety of convey power and force. The most widely used mechanism
sensing types by the gauged properties such as motional is electric actuator where motors and drives are the core
(linear and rotary), kinetic (force, torque, acceleration and components. As the size of electric motor is getting smaller
velocity, pressure, and vibration), physical (distance, range, and more efficient thanks to advances in materials and archi-
angle, density, temperature, and flow), electrical (voltage, tecture, various kinds of small-sized multiaxis motion can be
current, phase, and frequency), optical (luminous intensity, automated. Other than the actuator types above, there are var-
color, and image), acoustic, haptic sensing, and others. Ac- ious actuators for specific purposes using unique properties
tual implementation of sensors is much dependent on the like magnetic force, chemical reaction, and thermodynamic
application cases. characteristics.
564 K. Funaki

None of those functions above can be active without steam engine completely changed the mode of power train
energy. Energy supply function is not just to receive and send of transportation, shifting water transport from sailboat to
energy to the components of the product, but an assembly steamship and land transportation from horse tramway to
of managed elements to supply energy efficiently and (re- steam locomotive. Together with evolution of power train,
cently) eco-friendly, which may include energy generator and mechanization enabled highly functional and powerful vehi-
storage, pulley and belt (if mechanical), heat exchanger (if cles such that horse-drawn carriage was completely replaced
thermal), and converter and inverter (if electric). with steel-made automobile with gasoline engine. Mecha-
nization even created new types of transportation such as
ropeway in the mountains (aerial transportation) and eleva-
24.4 Innovation of Product Automation tors in the buildings (vertical transportation). Electrification
in the IoT Age was another enabler to realize efficient city transportation
like tramcars and trolley cars. Since electrification of railway
In this section, we discuss how technologies, applications, system can save weight of tractor unit of train compared to
and business trends drive innovation of product automation, combustion engine car, most of the modern high-speed trains
and then derive new requirements for product automation. are powered by electricity. As the wave of computerization
came and extended to transportation industry, level and qual-
ity of service and management was drastically improved.
24.4.1 Technology as a Driver to Change Life Ticketing and booking services, scheduling and operation
and Industry planning, dispatching and fleet management, and traffic and
safety management are the typical examples which were
Technology is definitely one of strong drivers to change peo- much advanced by computerization.
ple’s life and industry. In agriculture, which has been a fun- Now, with rapid advancement in AI and connectivity, all
damental human occupation since the era before industrial- modes of transportation are heading for automation. Automa-
ization, all the farming tasks from sowing to harvesting were tion of ship, train, and vehicle requires capabilities of sensing
done by human workforce in the age of “The Sower” or “The objects and surroundings and connectivity with the other
Gleaners” by Millet. Now, through a hundred-year history of moving objects and infrastructure as well as their controlling
mechanization, every aspect of farm operation including farm systems. Each automated ship, train, and vehicle has to think
tractors, water sprinklers, weeding and harvesting machines, and determine the best action to take accordingly to the
and air and humidity control in a greenhouse is robotized observed situations, where IoT and AI play important roles.
and automated. All the physical elements and conditions Automation of operation and control frees human opera-
including soil, seeds, water, temperature, and sunshine as tors from time-consuming and tiring manipulation work and
well as crops are monitored and measured to determine and lets people have efficient and creative time during travel.
take optimal actions for the best yield performance. Once Rio Tinto, a world leading mining company, launched the
the machines and robots in the farm are connected by IoT world’s first autonomous heavy freight rail operation with
and equipped with AI-enabled edge intelligence, they can special locomotives installed with an onboard driver module
operate autonomously and furthermore cooperate with each in 2018. It runs 280 km from the mining site to the port
other. Now, agro-drone can sow seeds and spray chemicals 50 hauling 18,000 t of ore and is monitored constantly from
times faster than human farmers. Autonomous machines free a central operations center about 1000 km away [8]. Stena
farmers from burden and shift the human role from a mere Line, a world-class ferry service company, announced to
labor source to a value-creating resource. conduct a pilot study of AI-assisted vessel in 2018, which
Of course, technology’s impact on industry has not been is expected to reduce fuel consumption without support by
confined to agriculture. Through multiple industrial revo- human captain’s knowledge and thus aims to minimize en-
lutions in the history, technologies have freed people from vironmental impact [9]. This is a good exemplar to show
harsh and dangerous work or tediously monotonous and non- that automation is not just only for operational efficiency
creative work. As the main drivers for industrial revolution or safety but also for broader context of the company’s
have changed from energy to mechanization, electrification, management policy which leads to industrial transforma-
computerization, and recently networked intelligence, avail- tion. In addition to these challenges in existing transporta-
able tools for automation and scope of their applications have tion services, introduction of autonomous vehicle for the
been expanding across various industries. next generation city transportation is not a dream anymore
If we look at transportation space, it can be seen how but is a matter of less-than-ten-years long journey with no
technological drivers of transportation revolution have been doubt. Although it may be a step-by-step societal challenge,
changing. In the era of the first Industrial Revolution from city transportation transformation will surely change our
the eighteenth century up to the mid-nineteenth century, life.
24 Product Automation and Innovation 565

24.4.2 Expansion of Automation Applications composing the system has to be well controlled to co-work
and Innovations with each other being aligned with the purpose. Since the
system is required to be dynamic by its nature being exposed
Applications of automation are expanding to many segments. to external varying conditions on one hand and being subject
We see various innovations emerging in many ways, which to internal system status on the other, it must be capable 24
include both technology advancement and business model of coordinating all the elements of the system so as to let
revolution. the entire system behave effectively in any situations. The
latest advance in such coordinated automation technologies
Automation Applications and Innovations appears in the use cases where various kinds of multiple
in Industry robots autonomously co-work together for a purpose. Hitachi
Industrial automation, especially in manufacturing and lo- and the University of Edinburgh developed multiple AI co-
gistics, with various automated entities like robots, NC ma- ordination control technology which integrates the control of
chines, and AGVs is the most prevailing application area. The picking robots and AGVs and realizes smooth collaborative
latest topics regarding innovative technologies for industrial work to pick up specified items from goods carried by an
automation applications include: (1) 3D vision sensing and AGV without its stopping. It is reported that a picking system
recognition, (2) self-learning and programming-less opera- controlled by multiple AI coordination gained operation time
tion, and (3) autonomous coordinated control. reduction by 38% [14].
Kyoto Robotics is one of the leading companies in 3D
vision and recognition technology as well as its application Home Automation Applications and Innovations
to pick-and-place work in a warehouse. The 3D object recog- Home automation is another most prevailing area of automa-
nition technology realizes fully automated palletizing and tion applications. Automated home appliances like washing
depalletizing robot for mixed-size bulk goods, which is one machines, air conditioners, and cookers are the most familiar
of the most difficult cases in pick-and-place work application examples. Recently, thanks to advances in AI-enabled human
[10]. interfaces, various requests to such home appliances and
One of hurdles in implementing automation is burden of devices can be conveyed by oral instructions like “turn on
labor-intensive setup work which causes CAPEX increase. the light” and “lower the temperature to 20 degrees centi-
In setting up a robotic system, production engineers, with grade.” Furthermore, once a smart house is equipped with
the help of robot system integrator, have to design and teach sensors with AI which detect and understand the context
its motion and movement in advance by setting various of people’s movement and room occupancy, it may control
parameters adjusted to the real situation and conditions. In home appliances and devices according to the situation auto-
order to mitigate this burden, self-learning or programming- matically without human’s instruction. Intellithings offers a
less approach is strongly demanded. Direct teaching is the smart room sensor connected with smart phone by Bluetooth
most straightforward alternative to this problem where an which detects location and movement of a person in the house
engineer or an operator directly teaches the movement and to execute personalized control of relevant appliances and
trajectory of the robot by manipulating its moving part like devices automatically [15]. For instance, lights, thermostats,
a hand physically, which is said to be effective in human- or speakers automatically turn on when a person enters the
robot cooperation case [11]. A more intuitive and advanced room and turn off when leaving with a mode set according to
method is proposed by Southie Autonomy aiming for “No- the person’s preference.
code robot solution” [12]. Southie Autonomy is developing Home is also a good application field of automation with
an intelligent software backed by AI and AR (augmented autonomous mobility. Lawn mower and house cleaner are
reality) which enables users to teach robots what to do by the typical embodiment of its implementation. Innovation of
using gestures and voice commands. self-localization and mapping is the key to realize accurate
Especially in the situation where machine and human and reliable movement. The famous iconic robot cleaner
workers collaborate with each other in a shared physical invented by iRobot, Roomba, was one of the first employ-
space, harmful motion and movement to the human workers ers of visual mapping technology together with navigation
must be avoided so that the human workers can co-work with algorithms in home application [16].
the machine without risk and fear of danger. For such a situa-
tion, Realtime Robotics proposed interesting concept “Robot Automation Applications and Innovations for
motion planning on a chip” [13] that enables collision-free Autonomous Vehicle and Transport
dynamic motion planning and control at milliseconds level As a rapidly developing area of automation, we cannot ignore
with less preprogramming. autonomous vehicle and transport. In terms of autonomous
In establishing automation of a complex system with a vehicle, we are still at an entrance to the Level 3 of the
united purpose such as factory and warehouse, each element well-known SAE International Standard J3016 [17], where
566 K. Funaki

levels of automation for on-road vehicles are defined as current practices, truck platooning is one of the immediate
Level 0 (no automation), Level 1 (driver assistance), Level 2 future applications of automation in logistics space. ACEA,
(partial automation), Level 3 (conditional automation), Level European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association, defines
4 (high automation), and Level 5 (full automation). (Note: truck platooning as the linking of two or more trucks in
SAE International does not use the term “autonomous ” since convoy, using connectivity technology and automated driving
its usage and scope of meaning varies by user’s stand and support systems [20]. It is expected to bring various benefits
case ranging from just full driving automation (Level 5) ranging from safer road transportation to efficient energy
to capacity for self-governance in jurisprudence.) Intuitive consumption with less CO2 emissions and effective use of
interpretation of each level can be “hands on” for Level 1, roads for less traffic jams.
“hands off” Level 2, “eyes off” Level 3, “mind off” Level 4, Last mile delivery is another application expected in the
and “steering wheel optional” Level 5. The definition of the immediate future. The famous trial of Amazon’s last mile
levels is based on variation of roles of human driver and driv- delivery using drones showed its value of practical use.
ing automation system, which is determined by allocation of For the sidewalk delivery such as near-distance food de-
roles in the dynamic driving task and its fallback performance livery, many robotic companies, many of which are start-
between the system and the human driver (or other users ups, have developed various kinds of autonomous delivery
if necessary). The fallback is the response by the driver or robots and are conducting real-life testing. For instance,
user to either perform the driving task or achieve a minimal TechCrunch reported Starship Technologies has made more
risk condition upon occurrence of the system failure or unin- than 100,000 commercial deliveries by August 2019 using
tended event outside of the scope and assumptions taken into its unique rolling (slow speed) autonomous delivery robot
account when designed. If there is no driver or user’s fallback [21]. The sidewalk delivery robot travels at a top speed of
performance expected, the driving automation system takes four miles per hour, which is completely a new category of
fallback actions to achieve minimal risk condition. Technical robot in the age of AI and IoT.
challenges in driving automation resides in localization and
mapping as well as visual recognition of objects surrounding Other Areas of Automation Applications
the vehicle. and Innovations
While ultimate autonomous vehicle at Level 5 seems to Although it is not the purpose of this chapter to list all the
take time to reach to the quality of practical use with full automation applications and innovations in all industries,
acceptance by society, some of the other transport services it seems meaningful at least to list up some topical areas
are or have been introducing autonomous operation. Pub- for automation in the other industries. Many are still at the
lic transportation services using exclusive tracks such as stage of semi-automation, but some are entering to the full
monorail systems and elevated city movers are enjoying the automation world. Table 24.1 shows industries with topical
benefit from autonomous operation with unmanned train. Re- applications of automation.
cently increasing number of BRT (bus rapid transit)) service
providers or authorities are testing autonomous driving bus
on exclusive lane and discussing when to put it into practice 24.4.3 Benefit and Value of Automation
[18]. Long-distance industrial railways are also with strong
needs for autonomous operation with driverless train. As Automation-powered operation gains tremendous speed and
formerly mentioned in the Sect. 24.4.1, Rio Tinto introduced dynamics. Well-designed automated systems can enjoy full
autonomous heavy freight rail operation to the 280 km rail- adaptability and flexibility. For instance, Siemens Electronics
way from mine to port. Total length of the autonomous train Works Amberg gains full flexibility to run its operation
of 240 ore cars pulled by three locomotives equipped with smoothly under demand fluctuation with 350 production
onboard driver modules reaches 2.5 km. It travels through
mostly inhospitable terrain without a driver on board, but
instead being monitored from the 1000 km distant central Table 24.1 Typical applications of automation in various industries
operations center [19]. Health care and Surgical robot and micro-robot pill
Security and safety Aero surveillance, patrol robot, and rescue
Automation Applications and Innovations robot
in Logistics and Delivery Nursing Companion robot and rehabilitation robot
Logistics and delivery is another hot spot where we see many Information and Chatbot and communication robot
real-world applications of automation. In a warehouse, you guidance
can see many picking and shipping robots are working, and Farming Cropping, fertilizing, watering, pesticides, and
at a port, a large portion of dockside loading and unloading agronomical decision-making
is automated with cranes and loaders. In addition to these Forestry Unmanned harvester and forwarder
24 Product Automation and Innovation 567

changeovers per day for a portfolio containing roughly 1200 purpose of buying a product was often to own the product,
different products. Siemens says technologies like AI, edge and sometimes it represented a symbol of wealth. It was true
computing, and cloud computing enable highly flexible and that many products replaced human work with machine work
extremely efficient and reliable production sequences [22]. and freed people from burdensome and dangerous work. This
In addition to such efficiency-related benefits, people can meant people could obtain and enjoy more available time and 24
be freed from harsh and dangerous environment, burdensome safety for more constructive life.
and tiresome work, and stressful but less valued experience However, once people reached to a certain level of life and
as well. Inspection work for extremely tall structures like got to be satisfied with the materialized life, many realized
high-voltage power transmission towers can be replaced by that there were no further needs for product or there was little
autonomous drones with high-resolution intelligent camera. gain and excitement by obtaining new products. Recent gen-
Automation also provides sustainability. Automatic control erations especially in matured countries, who are “sufficient
of air conditioning and lighting in a building has enormous life native,” tend to feel less value of product ownership.
impact on energy saving. Keppel Bay Tower in Singapore It is not only about consumers but also about industries.
introduced occupancy-based smart lighting system to achieve Once a company realizes that true values come from result of
about additional 12% lighting energy savings [23]. As seen use of its assets but not from the assets themselves, it pursues
in the case of Stena Line’s AI-assisted vessel, transportation outcomes gained through use of its assets being indifferent
industry is another arena where automation can make a huge to ownership of the assets. We see many cases where product
impact on energy savings and minimization of environmental makers try to shift their business models from product supply
impact. As people’s consciousness of social impacts and to outcome delivery. Kaeser Kompressoren, a German air
environmental issues increases, multifaceted benefit of au- compressor company, introduced a new service model called
tomation will be realized. “Operator model” where Kaeser operates and manages air
Furthermore, in some cases, automated machines or supply to their customers instead of air compressor supply
robots can create new value rather than just replacement [26]. In this model, customer can enjoy on-demand air supply
of human work. LOVOT, a product with a unique concept with energy efficiency and system reliability without owning
of totally useless robot without intended purpose designed heavy asset on its balance sheet since Kaeser owns and
by Groove X, provides its owner with happiness and sense operates the air supply asset (compressor) with required level
of attachment for the pet-like robot [24]. It may remove of quality and reliability, and focuses on outcome delivery to
loneliness and sense of isolation in some cases and may give the customer by on-demand air supply with stability.
relaxing time and happiness in the other cases. More generally speaking in broader context, what peo-
While many see such potential benefit and values deliv- ple want to enjoy is good experience. Wherever you are
ered by automation, there still exist significant gaps between or whatever you are doing, you want more convenience,
ambition for automation and actual level of implementation. more easiness and peace of mind, and more excitement and
BCG reported that in most of the industries ranging from happiness. This is an economy of experience value, which
health care to automotive, transportation, and logistics, con- was already advocated in the framework of “the Progression
sumer goods, process industries, engineered products, and of Economic Value” in 1998 [27]. With this in mind, it can
technology industry, number of companies who have imple- be said that such an experience-oriented economy requires
mented advanced robotics is much less than that of com- various industries to transform or evolve their structure from
panies who are interested in introducing advanced robotics function-based siloed industries to value-oriented contextu-
[25]. Having this evidence in mind, it can be said that we alized service industries. Together with technology advance-
are amid transition to the coming automation-prevailing era ment and innovation emerged as shown in the Sect. 24.4.2, it
when people embrace various benefits from automation. is now getting to take on realness.
Taking transportation industry as an illustrative case, we
can see its potential transformation (evolution) of the indus-
24.4.4 Business Trends and Orientation try as shown in Fig. 24.3. Currently we choose and take
necessary transportation services as we need. However, in
In the age of material shortage in the past, main mission of order to travel to the destination, we often have to access
manufacturing industry or its meaning of existence was to multiple services separately. Many are siloed and require
provide people with goods and materials to satisfy people’s passengers to endure inefficiency and inconvenience. But
needs. Through continuous industrial development and some now, by connecting those separated services utilizing digital
revolutions, people have been enjoying increasing variety technologies and data, one can realize one-stop mobility ser-
of goods with further functions and higher quality that has vice to provide traveler with best mobility experience tailored
been making life easier and better. People enjoyed product to meet the traveler’s demand and purpose such as seamless
itself and were happy to own a product, and even more travel for commuters, comfortable and easy-access mobility
568 K. Funaki

Siloed service Value oriented service

Inefficient Inconvenient Eco-friendly Human-friendly
technology Seamless


Sea Land Building

Fig. 24.3 Evolution of transportation service

various concepts with prototypes of software-defined and

IoT-connected vehicles.
Smart house is another example of software-defined and
MaaS IoT-connected product. The smart house can adjust and con-
trol its appliances and devices to deliver better experience
for the people living there. As we saw in the Sect. 24.4.2,
Wellness Intellithings’ offering is an example of making a house soft-
Wellness ware defined and IoT connected. Individual control menu and
parameter setting can be configured to each family member’s
preference. Also, if one wants to provide more comprehen-
saving sive lifecycle services, it can be connected with other services
Green grid which can be updated in accordance with the progress of life
stages of the family living there such as food delivery or
fitness recommendation for a young double-income family,
Fig. 24.4 Evolution of service industries
nursing and education programs for a family with kids, and
health care and medical services if needed.
Software-defined and IoT-connected product is beneficial
for elderly people, and safe route for kids. Such evolution to makers as well. If product at customer site can be updated
opportunity is not confined to transportation industry for by software and commands sent via IoT, the product turns
mobility service. It can be also seen in the other areas like to be “Evergreen.” This mode of remote update is called
lifecycle service for health and well-being and end-to-end OTA (over the air) which is one of the features inherent
service for sustainable energy consumption, which are briefly in a software-defined and IoT-connected product. OTA was
illustrated in Fig. 24.4. initially introduced to less critical mobile devices like naviga-
tion systems for drivers and smart phones for consumers, but
now it is widely used for more critical assets like industrial
24.4.5 Products in Experience-Value Economy machines and connected vehicles along with advancements
in secured network and communication technologies. Thanks
In preparing for the shift to experience-value economy, prod- to the spread of OTA applications, it is widely possible to
uct must become software defined and IoT connected so update products at customer site remotely. The automation
that it can be configured to customer’s requirement and can of product update is directly linked to automation of update
monitor and adjust its performance to best fit customer’s of customer experience in the experience-value economy.
preference and thus improve customer’s experience.
As we saw in the mobility service case above, all the
products necessary to deliver the service such as automo- 24.4.6 New Requirements for Product
biles, ships, trains, and even elevators and escalators have Automation
to be connected and capable of being configured and con-
trolled in accordance with service needs. If you drop in at an In addition to the traditional functions for automation, the
electronics or robotics show like CES, you can easily find expanding application opportunities and the business trend
24 Product Automation and Innovation 569

of experience-value economy pose new requirements for

product automation. Application areas of automation are Digital twin
expanding to open and unstructured fields like roads, cities,
mountains, the air, and any terrain. As machines get into open
spaces and automatically move around, they have to behave 24
according to their purpose and situations with their own
Report & monitor
autonomy to some extent as well as necessary supervision.

Interface & access control

In a world where many kinds of automated machines interact

Energy management
with each other and co-work together, they have to commu- Core function

nicate with others and recognize who I am, who others are,
where I am, and which directions others head for. As each
machine has its own purpose and own way to behave, no
single entity can control and supervise all the machines in the Sense Act
field. As a matter of course, control systems are distributed,
and more intelligence is embedded at the “edge” side. If
Learn & update
a group of distributed pieces of the system has a common
purpose and responsibility, the group should be controlled in Reliability, safety, security
a coordinated way over the members. Since the situation and
condition each machine faces may change and thus required
behavior and mode of functions may be altered, the machine
has to be configurable accordingly, and sometimes has to be Fig. 24.5 Modern functional architecture of automation
personalized to fit an individual case.
In summary, in the age of IoT, an automated product
must be an autonomous entity equipped with cognitive ca- In order to adapt to surrounding conditions and gain
pability like self-localization and mapping as well as mutual further capabilities required to behave more effectively and
recognition. Control systems are naturally distributed, under efficiently, a product must continuously upgrade the “Sense-
which machines are well coordinated if they share common Think-Act” function through learning and updating function.
purpose and responsibility. Each machine is equipped with The “Learn and update” function is a supportive function to
more intelligence backed by edge computing and obtains the core “Sense-Think-Act” loop and realized by machine
more flexibility with capability of configuration and per- learning as well as estimation and optimization to identify
sonalization so as to well behave in accordance with any new patterns or rules effective to upgrade the “Sense-Think-
situations and even more to cope with any problems it faces. Act” function. The “Sense-Think-Act” and the “Learn and
update” functions are the fundamental body of edge intelli-
In any form of energy supply, “Energy management” is
24.5 Modern Functional Architecture a critical function not only as an enablement to make entire
of Automation product active but also as an intelligent controller for energy-
efficient operation. If the product works with electricity, the
A representation of functional architecture of modern au- function is realized by an assembly of battery and battery
tomation is illustrated in Fig. 24.5. As we saw in the previous management system, charging inlet, converters and inverters,
sections, autonomous and intelligent properties with cogni- capacitors if necessary, and other devices like fuses and
tive capability and connectivity must be built in the modern software. Large size products are often powered by fuel such
architecture. The core portion of the modern architecture is as gasoline and diesel oil, but with increasing attention to
“Sense-Think-Act” function. This is not a conventional rule- impact on environment, fuel cells with nonfossil fuel like
based control supervised by a “ladder diagram” of PLC (pro- hydrogen are strongly expected.
grammable logic controller)), but an intelligent “thinking” “Report and monitor” function is getting more important
control backed by AI as well as estimation and optimization than ever to keep the product “Evergreen.” The modern
capability. In order to realize high-level thought by machine, automated product monitors itself and reports its operational
“sensing” function must be upgraded to cognitive role to status as well as its health condition to its supervisor on
feed proper data to the thinking function with accuracy and a regular basis to get necessary and timely support, often
relevance in terms of the context of its use. The “acting” remotely, such as relevant software update and preventive
function which is embodied by actuators and other moving maintenance so as to keep it in the best condition.
parts of the product is required to execute the task ordered by The modern automated product is required to interact
the thinking function with sufficient exactness and accuracy. with external entities including other automated products,
570 K. Funaki

smart devices like a smart phone, surrounding objects such with cognitive capability and connectivity. We concentrate
as road infrastructure as well as human operator on-site or on showing concrete examples for readers to touch the lat-
supervisor at control center. “Interface and access control” est cases, rather than providing comprehensive survey or
function plays a critical role in interacting with such external dictionary-like explanations.
entities securely. Normally a machine has to validate each
access from any external entities to shut out harmful access
and avoid wrong interactions. Thus the “Interface and access 24.6.1 Localization and Mapping
control” function is equipped with authentication and filter-
ing capabilities under authorized protocols. For interaction An autonomous mobile machine moves based on its own
with a human operator, it is often validated by biometric key recognition of its location and own decision on the direction
authentication such as recognition by face, iris, fingerprint or to go. In order to do so, the machine has to make a map
vein, and others. around it and identify its location on the map dynamically
As a fundamental nonfunctional element, “reliability, as it moves. The localization and mapping function must be
safety, and security” of the product are “must” requirements. realized using data from sensors mounted on the machine. It
Since the requirement for individual product regarding means that sensor data measured on the machine’s coordinate
reliability, safety, and security depends on its mission and system must be projected on the absolute map coordinate
role as well as its physical and logical structure, actual system which should be also generated from the data col-
implementation of these elements is determined on a case- lected by the machine. This mutually dependent dynamic
by-case basis. It is more than just reporting and monitoring. localization and mapping technology is called SLAM (simul-
Protection functions regarding reliability, safety, and security taneous localization and mapping). Since any autonomous
must be embedded when shipped from the factory and should mobile machine needs self-localization and mapping capa-
be continuously updated during operation in the field. Self- bility, SLAM is used in many applications such as AGVs in a
recovering function or minimal operation function in an factory and a warehouse, AMRs (autonomous mobile robots)
emergency is also a “must have” feature for an autonomous for delivery of food and patrol in a building, robotic clean-
product. ers at home, automatic lawn mowers in a garden, deep-sea
As an advanced mode of automation management, an probes, and even rovers for planetary probe. They can move
automated product is copied in a cyber space as a “Digital autonomously without preset tracks thanks to the SLAM
twin” which can reproduce structure, functions, mechanisms technology. SLAM is one of the typical embodiments of
and actions, and even aging or deterioration over time. The the “Sense-Think-Act” function of the modern automation
“Digital twin” enables operator and supervisor to analyze system shown in the forementioned Fig. 24.5. Although the
and simulate the product state and behavior within the cy- research on localization and mapping technique has a long
ber space so that the operator and supervisor can identify history from early 1980s, the acronym SLAM appeared for
(potential) problems of the physical product and can verify the first time in 1995 [29].
decisions and actions prior to actual execution in the phys-
ical space. Thanks to advancements in communication and Sensor’s Role for SLAM
huge data processing technologies, the “Digital twin” can Actual implementation of SLAM is strongly dependent on
reproduce the physical product’s behavior on a near real- modalities of sensors employed in each individual case.
time basis, and decisions and instructions verified by the Major modalities of sensors used for autonomous mobile
“Digital twin” can be transferred to the physical product in machines are optical sensors such as LiDAR (light detection
a timely manner. While cyber-physical system comprising and ranging) and cameras, since they can scan objects or
digital twin and its corresponding physical product will be capture images with rich information to extract and identify
a new standard of product lifecycle management system for landmarks with which its location can be estimated.
automation, there are many variations on its approach of LiDAR identifies distance and orientation to the objects
design and implementation, and thus it is much expected to surrounding the machine by transmitting laser pulses to the
establish its theoretical framework [28]. target objects and receiving the reflection from them. The
distance to the target object is calculated by the time between
transmitted and returned pulses multiplied by the speed of
24.6 Key Technologies light. The output of LiDAR can be 2D or 3D point cloud data.
A 3D representation can be made from laser return times and
In this section, some of the key technologies to realize prod- wavelengths. Amount of movement is estimated by matching
uct automation will be briefly reviewed. The key technolo- the point clouds that the LiDAR sensor scans iteratively as
gies selected here are mainly about the feature of the modern the machine moves. By accumulating the amounts of move-
automation, that is, autonomous and intelligent properties ment, the machine can localize itself. Since laser sensors
24 Product Automation and Innovation 571

like LiDAR gain far more accuracy than vision sensors like 1-2. Measurement prediction: Predict measurement of
camera, they are essential to the cases where machine moves landmarks from the predicted state of the machine
rather fast such as autonomous vehicles and drones. On the at time k
other hand, point clouds generated by LiDAR sensor are 2. Measurement and update
less informative in the sense of information density than 2-1. Measurement: Observe landmarks and obtain mea- 24
raw images captured by camera. This means LiDAR is not surement from the machine at time k
good at finding a specific landmark needed to identify the 2-2. Update: Update measurement of landmarks as well
machines position. Therefore, other types of sensors which as the machine state with the maximum likelihood
can detect landmarks and signs are necessary to complete
SLAM implementation. If a new (or unknown) landmark is identified, it is in-
Thanks to increasing availability of inexpensive image tegrated into the map and will be used in the following
sensors, many autonomous mobile machines have been predictions and measurement updates.
equipped with camera-type visual sensors for exteroceptive In SLAM research community, a graphical model
sensing. Camera-type sensors include monocular camera, (Bayesian network) as shown in Fig. 24.6 is often used
stereo camera, and RGB-D camera. However, such visual to illustrate the SLAM parameters’ interrelations, where
sensors are prone to errors because of their brittleness to
changes in light, weather, and scene structure especially xk : machine state vector describing the location and orienta-
when they cannot detect sufficient light from its environ- tion of the machine at time k
ment. In order to supplement robustness under outdoor uk : control vector applied at time k − 1 to move the machine
environment, GNSS (global navigation satellite system) and to a state xk at time k
radar can be employed. Since radar itself does not provide mi : a vector describing the location of the ith landmark
sufficient accuracy required for 3D mapping, fusion of radar zk, i : an observation of the location of the ith landmark at
and visual sensors is challenging and one of remaining issues. time k
Other physical sensors like accelerometer, gyro sensor, and
The work by Smith and Cheeseman [30] was the first
odometer can also be of help in estimating the position and
achievement to provide a method to solve the probabilis-
motion of the machine.
tic SLAM problem. The method employs EKF (extended
From sensory model perspective, there are two ways to
Kalman filter) to estimate the state with a state-space model
generate information for localization and mapping: landmark
with additive Gaussian noise. This EKF SLAM method is not
based and raw data use. Landmarks are often used to (re-
so scalable to broad applications because of its assumptions
)identify the machine’s location and correct the distortion
of linearity in the machine motion models. FastSLAM is an-
of the estimated machine’s pose map. Visual sensors like
other representative method which gains more applicability
camera are the most relevant ones for the landmark-based
since it models the machine motion in a form not bound to lin-
approach. As the raw data use approach, 3D point clouds gen-
earity and Gaussian probability distribution, instead using re-
erated by LiDAR sensors and images captured by cameras are
cursive Monte Carlo sampling (particle filtering) [31]. Other
essential input for iterative estimation and identification of
than these two legendary methods for the probabilistic SLAM
machine’s location as well as iterative creation and correction
problem, there have been many alternative methods proposed
of 3D map.
so far. For further introduction to the various approaches, see
SLAM Methods and Algorithms The core of the SLAM algorithm in general is to solve
Assuming the autonomous mobile machine is moving the nonlinear simultaneous equations consisting of state pre-
through an unknown environment, localization and mapping diction formula and measurement prediction formula. The
is a probabilistic exercise with the knowledge iteratively uniqueness of the equation model is its inherent redundancy
acquired through the series of measurement of the machine’s which comes from the observation model where a landmark
state and observation of the surroundings including can be observed from different states of the machine at
landmarks which are specified to obtain geographical multiple times, as you see in the Fig. 24.6. This redundancy
information. Based on its probabilistic nature, SLAM is is essential to make the map more accurate, and further it
constructed as a recursive estimation process consisting of works as a catalyst to mitigate the risk of errors accumulated
the main two steps: prediction and update, which are as in iteration of the state transitions which is a Markov process.
follows: Another uniqueness of the model resides in the fact that
a relative location between landmarks is also observed from
1. Prediction (time update) different states of the machine at multiple times. Although
1-1. State prediction (odometry): Predict the machine Fig. 24.6 does not show geographical topology, you can see
state at time k based on the knowledge of the history the situation that the machine at the state xk observes mi
of landmark observations and machine controls and mi+1 from its location at time k, and it then observes
572 K. Funaki

xk–1 xk xk+1 xk+2

uk uk+1 uk+2

Zk–1,i Zk,i Zk+1,i

Zk,i+1 Zk+1,i+1 Zk+2,i+1

mi mi+1

Fig. 24.6 Graphical model of SLAM parameters

them again at time k + 1. Since the relative relationship

between the two observed landmarks is independent of the Scan matching Graph optimization
Odometry Pose graph
coordinate system the machine uses, estimation of the rel- (Front end) (Back end) Map
ative location of the landmarks becomes “sharp,” as the data
machine moves, with the knowledge accumulated through Pose
Loop closing
multiple observations of the same relative location. For a (Off-line)
linear Gaussian case, it was proved that the correlations
between landmark estimates increase monotonically as the
number of observations increases [33]. For further concrete Fig. 24.7 LiDAR SLAM framework
mathematical descriptions, you can refer to [34, 35].

cloud with closest-point rule and (2) estimate the machine

Types of SLAM Implementation location with the assumption of the point correspondences.
As seen in the Sect. 24.6.1, there are various types of sensor Following the scan matching, the history of the machine’s
data to be used for SLAM depending on individual cases and, state or pose graph should be adjusted to minimize the errors.
conversely, SLAM implementation is dependent on input Pose graph is a graph where every node corresponds to a
data coming from the sensors. As the major type of sensors machine position and a sensor measurement and an edge
are largely divided into LiDAR and camera (visual sensor), between two nodes represent the spatial constraint between
the type of SLAM implementation can be categorized into the nodes. The graph optimization is done by the nonlinear
LiDAR SLAM and visual SLAM as well. least squares method [38, 39].
LiDAR SLAM is a mode of implementation using 2D or The overall framework of the LiDAR SLAM with graph
3D mapping with laser scanners where scan matching ap- optimization is shown in Fig. 24.7 which has three elements:
proach plays a key role. The most classical but performance- (1) front end for odometry (graph construction) mainly by
proven method for point cloud matching and registration is scan matching, (2) back end for pose graph optimization by
ICP (iterative closest point) algorithm [36, 37]. The funda- the nonlinear optimization, and (3) closed-loop detection and
mental framework of ICP is to iterate the two steps until adjustment. A typical example of the pose graphs generated
convergence: (1) find point correspondences between the cur- by the front-end and the back-end processes can be seen in
rently scanned point cloud and the previously scanned point [39].
24 Product Automation and Innovation 573

Visual SLAM is the SLAM performed with sequential easily list various reasons for such demand: shortage of truck
images captured by visual sensors (cameras) mounted on the drivers, harsh work environment, skyrocketing expansion of
autonomous mobile machine. The algorithm of the visual EC (electronic commerce), saving energy for lighting and air
SLAM is divided into the two categories: feature based and conditioning for human workers, etc. Among them, ware-
direct method. house automation is the hottest topic recently due to increas- 24
Feature-based method is to detect and track specific fea- ing demand for further efficiency as well as the economy of
tures in the image and matching them to estimate pose and scale. Actually, we are getting to see real practices of almost
map. MonoSLAM was the first kind of the feature-based unmanned warehouse. CB Insights reports that, a
method to estimate features and locations of the machine for China-based retailer, launched a 100,000 square foot smart
the case where single camera or monocular camera is used as warehouse sorting up to 16,000 packages per hour with just
the sensor [40, 41]. MonoSLAM employed extended Kalman four human employees in 2018 where all the available digital
filter for the estimation, thus it needs more computational technologies including AI, robotics, and image scanners are
capacity as the number of features to be observed increases. introduced [49].
One of the most widely used approaches in the visual SLAM Among various warehouse operations, the most frequent
category is PTAM (parallel tracking and mapping) [42]. As is but the most difficult task to automate is object picking. As an
easily recognized from the name, PTAM parallelizes feature evidence for it, even the world-class EC and logistics giant,
tracking and mapping to realize fast estimation with bundle Amazon, calls for global excellence in picking automation
adjustment–based SLAM. ORB-SLAM is another popular through a contest-type event called “Amazon Picking Chal-
approach in the feature-based methods, and it is applicable lenge” [50]. The difficulty in this challenge resides not only
to the images captured by monocular, stereo, and RGB-D in technological reasons but also in economic factors. Since
camera [43, 44]. warehouse operation is less profitable in general and asset
Direct method is to use the full image information and its heavy in nature, therefore, even in automation investment,
pixels’ move and change, instead of features in the image, to there is a strong pressure to squeeze both CAPEX (size of
register two successive images. There are many derivations the automation system) and OPEX (operation costs including
and variations for various purposes: DTAM (dense tracking energy and maintenance costs). Accordingly, a robot intro-
and mapping) for dense mapping in a relatively small area duced to warehouse must be lighter as much as possible
[45] and LSD SLAM [46] and DSO [47, 48] for large-scale in terms of physical and economical sizes. This means the
use cases. robot should be realized with cheaper devices and less energy
consumption, but with the maximum possible intelligence
subject to the configuration.
24.6.2 Edge Intelligence
Edge Intelligence Implementation: A Case
When a machine on the ground was merely an execution Thanks to dedicated and extensive research efforts world-
entity which was always waiting for instructions provided wide, we can see some hints of potential solutions to such
by someone else, all the intelligent parts were left to a high- difficult challenges. As an example of such a hint, the remain-
spec central computer. However, as the automated machines der of this section will exemplify the achievement by [51],
are expected to have more autonomy and self-contained which is one of the recent advances in research on picking
capability to solve the problems it faces, the “edge” side robot intelligence for real-world application, and is also a
(machine) rather than “center” side (server computer) has good example for readers to touch a real practice carried out
to be equipped with higher intelligence. The autonomous through combination of software and hardware technologies.
machine has to perform the “Sense-Think-Act” routine by In order to make warehouse operation efficient, it is crucial
itself as an “edge” with the capability of recognition, op- to gain throughput of each picking work since the reduction
timization, and decision-making. Implementation of such of picking time has a direct impact on the overall productivity
an edge intelligence is always a battle against the limited being multiplied by the number of goods. However, under
capacity of the edge such as small computing power and less limited computational resources and power supply, it is a
electric power supply. In this section, using a robot motion big challenge to realize a picking robot whose throughput
application case, we discuss one of the recent achievements surpasses human worker’s. The main reason for the low
in the edge intelligence implementation taking advantage of throughput of picking work by a robot is the long compu-
both software and hardware technologies. tation time required to identify objects and define its picking
motion. According to [51], a picking robot takes the follow-
Needs of Edge Intelligence in Logistics ing computational steps: (1) capturing image of the target
There is no room to doubt that one of the most urgently object by a 3D visual sensor like RGB-D camera, identify
needed areas for unmanned operation is logistics. One can the class of the object typically by a CNN (convolutional
574 K. Funaki

neural network); (2) estimate the object pose by ICP (iterative resolution can serve as an initial guess. The introduction
closest point) algorithm; (3) identify relevant gripping points of the hierarchical graph data structure has an effect to
based on the estimated object pose; and (4) plan the motion eliminate multiple duplication of evaluations in the k-NN
to be taken to pick up the object. Among these steps, object search using knowledge obtained in the preceding evaluation
pose estimation at the step (2) is the most time-consuming steps. Although details are not repeated here, the order of
process. computation times is reduced to O(logN) much more stable
The ICP algorithm for the object pose estimation is the and smaller than that of Kd-tree; O(k × logN) (see Table I in
iterative procedure of the two processes: k-NN search using [51]). While this approach gains much efficiency in k-NN
point clouds of object model and observed data from the search itself on one hand, introduction of graph-type data
sensor, and estimation of rotation matrix R and translation structure brought heavy computation to generate the graph
vector T. The k-NN search is to find up-to-kth nearest neigh- on the other, since the graph generation procedure contains
boring points in the point cloud of the object model for each many repetitive distance calculations and sorting operations,
point of the observed scene data to identify a set of the most and requires large memory size for storing information on
corresponding points of the object model (Fig. 24.8). Due neighboring points.
to its numeration-dependent nature, k-NN search takes much In [51], further acceleration by hardware was realized by
computation time. The resultant set of R and T from the ICP an SoC-FPGA-based ICP accelerator with the unique config-
algorithm gives the optimized transformation between the uration as shown in Fig. 24.10. The super excellence of the
object model and the observed scene data (Fig. 24.9). accelerator circuit is that the two operations of graph genera-
In order to reduce the object pose estimation time, [51] tion and k-NN search are realized by partial reconfiguration
took an algorithm-level acceleration approach as well as of FPGA utilizing the inherent feature that the two operations
a hardware-level acceleration approach. For the algorithm- have a similar structure consisting of distance calculations
level approach, a coarse-to-fine multi-resolution ICP was and sorting operations, and are not executed simultaneously.
employed together with their original idea of introducing This enabled resource-efficient execution with inexpensive
hierarchical graph [52] instead of using conventional Kd- hardware. To accelerate the two operations, the distance
tree. It is well known that the multi-resolution ICP reduces calculation is parallelized and the sorting is implemented
number of iterations at a latter ICP with finer resolution since by “sorting network” [53] which is a data-flow-type circuit
the transformation estimated at its preceding ICP with lower effective to minimize its memory access. Operations for
estimation of rotation matrix and translation vector are imple-
mented on CPU and interact with the k-NN search operations.
Using Amazon Picking Challenge datasets of a folded T-shirt
Object model point cloud model, the acceleration capability and energy efficiency of
k nearest points the proposed ICP accelerator was confirmed successfully,
(k=3) where ICP time was 0.72 s and power consumption was
4.2 W (see Table III in [51]).

24.6.3 OTA (Over-the-Air) Technology

Observed scene
point could
Needs and Benefit of OTA
OTA is a mode and method of wireless delivery of software
Fig. 24.8 The k-NN search operation or other content data to mobile entities. If a product be-
comes software defined and IoT connected, its configuration
and function can be changed and updated by rewriting the
software with OTA remotely. For an automated product, if
such reconfiguration and update can be made remotely, it
R, T
brings a huge impact on stakeholders’ benefit as well as
business models. Product makers can continuously upgrade
the product at a customer site at a smaller cost even after the
sales. Users can always enjoy the latest version of functions
and services through the continuously updated “Evergreen”
Object model Observed scene
product without carrying it to the maker or dealer. Makers can
be connected with each customer as well as its operations on a
Fig. 24.9 ICP algorithm framework day-to-day basis, then there will be a driver to shift their busi-
24 Product Automation and Innovation 575

Scene data No

sampling Update Term.
R, T
current R, T criterion
Object of data

Object model

BRAM Graph k-NN search k-NN search

graph data Graph generator Generator

Programmable logic
Storing circuit

SoC FPGA Storage

Fig. 24.10 SoC-FPGA-based ICP accelerator employing partial reconfiguration © 2020 IEEE. (Reprinted, with permission, from Kosuge et al.

ness model from “One time make & sell” model to “Continu- failures in update must be avoided. With this in mind, OTA
ous engagement” model for each customer’s whole lifecycle. for product automation has to satisfy the demand for quick
A user of an OTA-enabled automated product can more focus and secured update.
on its outcome rather than its maintenance and renewal costs,
and will be more interested in its performance rather than its
ownership. In this sense, OTA can be a key infrastructure for OTA Implementation: A Case
the “product” subscription economy. Actually, Tesla recently To explain the technologies required to implement OTA,
announced its plan to introduce a subscription model to the a case for autonomous vehicle would be a good example
self-driving function which is to be mounted on Tesla cars by since autonomous vehicle is anticipated to be the most safe
the end of 2020 [54]. In addition to these immediate impacts, and secure machine. At the moment the author is writing
both makers and users can mitigate potential risk of incidents this manuscript, possible target components of OTA for au-
or threat of cyberattacks. Furthermore, if a maker is allowed tonomous vehicle include vehicle control ECUs (electronic
to monitor the machines or devices at customers’ sites, a control units)) for ADAS (advanced driver assistance sys-
proactive service fully personalized to the customer can be tems) or AD (autonomous driving) and engine, infotainment
offered in a timely manner. ECUs for IVI (in-vehicle infotainment) and TCU (telematics
control unit), and other parts like doors, mirrors, and cockpit
Technical Challenges A typical structure of OTA system is illustrated in
Although remote update of software and contents has been Fig. 24.11 [55]. The system is composed of OTA center
put into practice for consumer electronics products like smart which generates, manages, and distributes software data
phones and Internet TVs, OTA function for automated ma- for update, and the target vehicle which is equipped with
chines, in many cases, is required to provide more secure, necessary components including IVI components, TCUs,
safer, and more stable quality in sending and update. In a gateways, and ECUs. The gateway works as a router for the
consumer electronics product case, for instance, users can onboard communication across different network domains
wait for some time during the update of their smart devices, in the vehicle on one hand, and as a guardian to maintain
and even can afford to accept a possible failure in the up- the security within the vehicle by monitoring its internal
date and to redo it. However, as for automated machines communications on the other (onboard communication
which often have their “important” missions to complete, security).
they cannot be interrupted by such a time-consuming or In order to meet the forementioned demand for quick and
a failed update. Especially for a machine which is always secured update, the OTA system should be equipped with the
exposed to risk of accident and other critical situations such two capabilities: differential update and centralized security
as autonomous vehicles and industrial robots, any errors and management at the gateway.
576 K. Funaki

OTA center Vehicle

Vehicle Software
configuration management Gateway

IVI OTA client Engine ECU

OTA client Decrypt and AD ECU
verify signature
New version Old version
ECU update update
Generate differential data TCU control
OTA client Fault
Encrypt and signing
Fault recovery
Secure distribution

Fig. 24.11 OTA system structure. (Courtesy of Hitachi Ltd.)

Differential Update compiled codes can be designed to reduce overall update time
To minimize the amount of update information, OTA system as well as resource use.
employs “Differential update” approach. In this approach,
when a new software is ready for release, only the different Security Management at the Gateway
portion from the old software is sent for update. Firstly, at Since gateway is a router for the onboard communication
the OTA center, difference between the new software content network and a guardian of the internal system security, the
and the old one installed at each vehicle is evaluated, and gateway should manage the security related to the software
then the differential portion is packaged and sent to the update to maintain the functional safety and security. OTA
corresponding vehicle. This process can be implemented in update control function is installed in the gateway to execute
a way that the new and old programs are divided into some various protection functions against the internal and external
blocks according to erase block of a Flash ROM and each threats to the vehicle, which include filtering of unauthorized
block of the new program is compared with the correspond- communications, secure boot to detect unauthorized attempts
ing block of the old one to extract differential data in each to overwrite software, device authentication to prevent unau-
block. Once the vehicle receives the differential data at its thorized connection, message authentication to verify its
gateway with security check, it is transferred to the target validity, and finally countermeasures against DoS (denial-
ECU where the update operation is applied to build the of-service) attacks [55]. As a basis for this security con-
new software replacing the old one already installed. This trol, encryption key management for verification of various
approach makes all the update processes lean with less use of communications between the OTA center and the vehicle
memory. as well as within the onboard network is essential and the
As for update information, there are two types of software gateway plays a central role in both generating a key and its
data: script and compiled code. Script is an instruction or distribution to the onboard devices.
a set of rules to be applied to operations executed by the
other program. While script can be easily updated by simple
editing since no compilation is needed, it consumes more 24.6.4 Anomaly Detection
CPU and memory resources than the update of compiled
code, which, in contrast, needs less resources, but takes more Needs and Benefit of Anomaly Detection
steps to update since compiling operation is needed to update A user or a beneficiary of an automated product is always
the program. Exploiting the fact that compiled code is mainly anticipating that the product operates continuously to com-
for key operations with less frequent update such as machine plete the task. In many cases, the user or the beneficiary is not
learning and statistical computations and that script is just the owner of the product, and the owner has to take care of
for simple comparisons and function calls but is subject to the product so as to keep the product working. Conventional
frequent change, the best mix and allocation of script and practice for such a caretaking job is a combination of on-site
24 Product Automation and Innovation 577

inspection and preventive maintenance. In order to avoid which is anomalous. Contextual anomaly detection is to
interrupting the product operations, such inspections and identify anomalous situation based on a context behind such
maintenance works are planned and executed on a periodical as trend or seasonality and detect an individual data instance
schedule basis. This scheme always faces dilemma between that deviates from the context. Collective anomaly detection
overmaintenance and risk of a sudden failure, but both users is to detect an anomalous collection of related data instances 24
and owners have been accepting the scheme as it is. such as an anomalous subsequence in a time series dataset.
Recently, thanks to advances in sensors and IoT infras- If we look at techniques used in detecting anomalous
tructure as well as analytics technologies, a product can data, we can categorize anomaly detection methods by de-
collect its condition data and transmit it to a remote site tection approach. Rule learning approach is to detect anoma-
with millisecond-order cycles, and parallelly distributed data lous data when the data does not follow the rule which is
processing technologies like Hadoop can find insights about identified through learning using normal dataset. Regression
the product’s conditions based on the huge data coming from approach is to detect anomalous data based on deviation
the product on a real-time basis. from a regression equation of normal dataset. Clustering
If an automated machine can avoid sudden failures and approach is to make groups (clusters) of similar data from
unplanned stops by detecting symptoms that imply potential the normal dataset and identify data that does not belong
malfunction and deterioration in advance without waiting for to any of the clusters as anomalous. Classification approach
a periodical inspection, both users and owners can gain much is to judge if a data is normal or anomalous using prede-
benefit being freed from the burden of periodical inspections fined classification model. Classification approach is further
and maintenance works as well as the dilemma of overmain- subcategorized into three types according to classification
tenance and risk of a sudden failure. Anomaly detection is modeling: supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised
the core technique to realize this approach. Although it is anomaly detection. Supervised anomaly detection needs both
not specific to automated products, but it is super helpful in normal- and anomaly-labeled dataset and build a classifier
unmanned situations. Anomaly is a phenomenon or a pattern to distinguish between normal and anomaly classes. Semi-
captured in the data which does not conform to a normal supervised anomaly detection is based only on normal model
situation or operation. Anomaly detection is a general term to made from normal-labeled dataset to detect and identify de-
describe a category of methods to detect anomalous behavior viated data from normal model as anomalous. Unsupervised
of data which is different from the behavior of the data anomaly detection is, with the assumption that most of the
under normal situations. Basic idea of anomaly detection is data instances are normal, to detect rare data that does not fit
to define and identify anomaly against the normal, instead of the normal dataset. Finally, nearest neighbor approach is to
modeling a set of anomaly situations directly. detect anomalous data when it is far from the other data based
on the assumption that normal data is neighboring each other.
Anomaly Detection Methods In the remainder of this section, we show an application
Basically, anomaly detection has the two stages: training case of point anomaly detection with nearest neighbor ap-
and detection. At the training stage, it is a model of normal proach in monitoring an automated machine remotely.
conditions using the best knowledge about normal data where
the actual method depends on the available data and appli- Anomaly Detection Implementation: A Case
cations. At the detection stage, observed data is compared In this case, the target machine operates automatically in an
with the normal model to detect anomalies using anomaly unmanned mode. The condition monitoring system for the
measures which are predefined according to the anomaly machine is composed of rule setting subsystem and anomaly
detection method employed. In an actual implementation, all detection subsystem (Fig. 24.12). The rule setting subsystem
the aspects of anomaly detection ranging from selection of is to generate a normal data model and set rules to be used
relevant dataset to consistent use of data and selection of in anomaly detection through learning from the training
an appropriate method require domain knowledge to make data. The rule setting can be off-line. The anomaly detection
it successful. subsystem receives sensor data and other event signals online
Since research on anomaly detection originated in data to detect anomalous situation using the rules provided by
mining area with many applications such as cyberattack de- the rule setting subsystem. Sensor data from the machine
tection, anti-money laundering, fraud detection, cardiogram includes temperature, pressure, voltage, and other physical
analysis, and condition monitoring of machines, there have or electrical condition data. Event signal is transmitted upon
been many varieties of methods proposed so far [56, 57]. operational events such as start, stop, standby, and others by
Accordingly, there are many ways to categorize the meth- which one can recognize the operational status. Sensor data
ods. From a target anomaly data perspective, they can be and event signals are synchronized.
categorized by mode of anomaly data representation. Point Anomaly detection rules are logically organized by a de-
anomaly detection is to detect an individual data instance cision tree composed of hierarchical if-then branches which
578 K. Funaki

Rule setting Anomaly detection

Training Normal Decision Data Detection

data model tree analysis & alarm

Sensor Event
data signals

Automated machine

Fig. 24.12 Condition monitoring system

Sensor 1 Measure of abnormality = Distance d Cluster

Subspace (group of similar data)
Sensor 1
Sensor N q: Diagnosis data
Sensor N
b: Closest point

Degree of abnormality
k: Proximity training data = Distance d Diagnosis
Sensor 2 Normal data data
Sensor 2

Fig. 24.13 Anomaly detection by LSC. (Courtesy of Hitachi Ltd.)

Fig. 24.14 Anomaly detection by VQC. (Courtesy of Hitachi Ltd.)

are set by key parameters with threshold values. In order

to construct the decision tree, the rule setting subsystem
performs learning process using a training data generated 24.7 Product and Service Lifecycle
from normal-labeled data extracted from the historical sensor Management in the IoT Age
data. Anomaly situation of the machine can be detected by an
anomalous data instance from the sensors, and the anomaly Roles of product and service are changing in the IoT age.
measure is distance from the normal datasets. In this case, as Lastly, we treat this topic from management perspective.
an algorithm to build a normal model used for the anomaly
detection, either of LSC (local subspace classifier) or VQC
(vector quantization clustering) algorithm is employed. LSC 24.7.1 Management Model in the
is to set anomaly measure as a projection distance to an Experience-Value Economy
affine subspace defined by unknown pattern of k-NN data
points (Fig. 24.13). VQC measures distance between the As the experience-value economy spreads, product makers
observed data and clusters of normal data to detect anomaly have to master capability to deliver experience to customers.
(Fig. 24.14). Both LSC and VQC are distribution free, model An automated product at customer site is not a precious
free, and nonparametric methods which are widely applica- thing anymore and becomes a vehicle to deliver valuable
ble to point anomaly detection. In some actual cases, it is experience to the customer with the outcome made by its
reported that a symptom for the future potential failure was performance. Making the product software defined and IoT
successfully detected several days ahead of the actual failure connected, the experience delivery will be promoted. As we
occurrence [58]. discussed in the Sect. 24.6.3, OTA adds further capability to
24 Product Automation and Innovation 579

Continuous Make Own Use Experience Business model

engagement model
Deliver Product & service Service design for
experience 24
High-performance computing & data processing
One time
Make Own Use Experience
make & sell model

Sell Continuous Continuous

learning Continuous feedback
Fig. 24.15 From “One time make & sell” to “Continuous engagement” Product
update Experience
Make Own Use Experience
update the software-defined product remotely and to upgrade
the experience delivered to the customer. Since the value Experience
offering point will shift from product supply to experience
delivery as we saw in the case of Kaeser Kompressoren, Reuse Recycle Experience
conventional “One time make & sell” business model will
be replaced with “Continuous engagement” business model,
where the product maker owns and uses the product to deliver
Fig. 24.16 Management model for the “Continuous engagement”
valuable experience to the customer (Fig. 24.15).
In the “Continuous engagement” model, conventional
PLM (product lifecycle management) is not sufficient
to manage the whole business cycle since the PLM with capability of high-performance computing with massive
concept and methods are basically established from a data handling and ultrafast communications.
product management point of view. By the “Continuous Recently, Clatworthy [59] showed organizational require-
engagement,” the maker is expected to deliver experience ments and strategy to make a company experience centric.
as a service throughout the customer’s lifecycle. As Although transformation to the experience-centric organiza-
the customer’s life stage progresses, the product, as a tion is a difficult journey with challenges to the conventional
service vehicle, has to be updated to upgrade the customer institutional logics, continuous feedback and learning prac-
experience. In order to establish management system for the tice would be a driver to accelerate such a transformation.
“Continuous engagement” model, both the product lifecycle While we are still on the way to find rationale and to
and customer experience lifecycle should be considered and establish a justified framework for the product and service
combined by the continuous reinvention cycle of getting lifecycle management with formal definition and proven
continuous feedback from the customer and reflecting the good practices, we can show some related research streams
feedback on continuous learning to update the product and achievements which would give theoretical and practical
(and service) for the next stage of customer experience background to establish the new management model.
(Fig. 24.16). Key functions necessary to handle such three
cycles are product and service engineering, service design
for experience, and relevant business model, all of which 24.7.2 PSS (Product-Service System)
must be supported by high-performance computing and data Discussions
processing infrastructure since huge amount of data would
be exchanged between customers and the maker, and various As the manufacturing industry realized that the value origin
digital engineering software would run for rapid product had been shifting from product to service, experts both re-
and service engineering. An architect must be assigned as a searchers and practitioners initiated the discussion on new
central hub to orchestrate those key functions, and its role business models and systematic frameworks to deliver sus-
is essential to let the whole product and service lifecycle tainable values through combination of products and ser-
management work. Hardware engineers and software vices. The concept of PSS (product-service system) was
engineers together with customer engagement team must proposed in 1999 and the term was introduced by [60],
work together, and ICT infrastructure team must support their where it is defined such that “A Product Service system
continuous reinvention work with iterative cycle of analysis, (PS system, or product service combination) is a marketable
design, testing, and updating by preparing ICT infrastructure set of products and services, jointly capable of fulfilling
580 K. Funaki

a client’s need.” The original concept of PSS was rather tives, approach to realize relevant customer experience may
broad and covered not only capability to keep sustainable change according to relationship with customer and level
relationship between companies and customers but also hints of dominance over customer experience. Experience at an
for governments on policymaking concerning sustainable amusement park or a restaurant, for example, should be well
production and consumption patterns. Following the original designed since the guests are fully immersed in the world pre-
definition and adding further discussion, Mont [61, p. 71] pared by the amusement park or the restaurant. Automation
provided a more formal definition of PSS: “A system of of the rides at the amusement park has to be designed and
products, services, infrastructure, and support networks that built so as to deliver the designed experience. On the contrary,
continually strive to be competitive, satisfy customer needs, in our daily life, people’s perception of services depends
and result in a lower environmental impact than traditional on the context the person holds behind. One may expect an
business models.” It can be said that PSS needs comprehen- energy-efficient performance by an automatic home cleaner,
sive processes of planning, development, implementation, but the other may prefer its powerful cleaning capability. In
and operation of the system composed of product and ser- an industry case, an automated assembly machine installed
vice to meet its goal. It is also naturally seen that actual at a production line is expected to deliver the performance to
implementation of PSS depends on the business model the keep the target throughput that the customer (ex factory man-
company employs. Tukker et al. [62] categorized the PSS ager) sets according to the factory’s goal. In these situations,
implementation into the three types: product oriented, use customer experience is cocreated by the automated product
oriented, and result oriented. The product-oriented PSS is and the customer. In this context, customer experience cannot
for traditional sale of product embracing some additional be designed solely by the product and service provider, but
service, and the use-oriented PSS is for sale of the use or instead service should be designed with the assessment of
availability of a product to customers in various forms such how each service element influences the customer experience
as leasing or sharing. While the product-oriented and the use- [64]. In this chapter, we take this idea as shown in the
oriented PPSs correspond to the conventional service busi- Fig. 24.16.
ness models, the result-oriented PSS is an advanced model In designing service with the aim to make customer ex-
that fits the experience-value economy, which is for sale of perience better, hypothetical model about customer expe-
the result, function, or capability of a product to customers, rience is necessary as a fundamental input. Teixeira et al.
while the company holds the ownership of the product. [64] proposed a model-based method called CEM (customer
Although the PSS is not specifically focusing on auto- experience modeling), which employs HAM (human activity
mated products, software-defined and IoT-connected auto- modeling) with participation map [65] to describe relations
matic products will amplify benefits of PSS by enabling among stakeholders and related entities, and MSD (multi-
the whole system to continuously adjust and redirect the level service design) method [66] to identify the structure of
improvement of product and service so as to optimize the customer experience. By the MSD method, service designer
customer’s experience. As for the benefit of PSS, Nemoto can gain whole view of customer experience structure con-
et al. [63] categorized the values delivered by PSS into the sisting of the service concept with target area of customer
seven types: performance improvement, cost reduction, com- experience described by customer value constellation map,
fort and simplicity, convenience, risk reduction, emotional and service system architecture with definition of service
experience, and eco-friendliness. encounters (or customer touch points) in the system.
Once service is designed, it must be integrated with prod-
ucts which realizes service elements. Product and service
24.7.3 How to Realize Valuable Customer engineering identifies necessary functions realized by the
Experience product and their specifications with supporting technolo-
gies. Well-known methods like QFD (quality function de-
Once the automated product becomes merely a vehicle to de- ployment) and MRP (manufacturing resource planning) for
liver experience to its customer, competitiveness of a business product design and manufacturing can be applied to identify
comes from its capability to make the customer experience necessary functional components in product and service en-
valuable. Interestingly, in the past discussions on customer gineering. Kimita et al. [67] proposed a unique method to
experience, there seem to be two perspectives on how to explore and identify newly necessary technologies to meet
plot to deliver customer experience: one is that experience customer needs, which can map relevant technologies as-
design should be an essential business art [27], and the sociated with the customer needs. In general, the product
other that customer experience is not designed but cocreated and service are realized by combination of hardware and
through interactions between customer and service elements software. Some software must be embedded in hardware, and
[64]. Although we do not intend to discuss their pros and even more it is sometimes built on a silicon device, to achieve
cons and whether right or wrong between the two perspec- the best performance to yield valuable customer experience
24 Product Automation and Innovation 581

with a cost target. It makes design of product and service focusing on the customer experience. It is also backed by the
complicated and thus difficult to review and reuse for poten- ten laws for practice of customer success, among which the
tial revision and update for customer experience upgrade in Law 4 “Relentlessly monitor and manage customer health” is
the future. To avoid such complexity and enable easier review the most essential for the “Continuous engagement” and the
and reuse, MBD (model-based design or model-based devel- most enabled by the service with software-defined and IoT- 24
opment) and MBSE (model-based systems engineering) is connected product automation. Recently many companies
widely introduced to let designers and engineers with various assign a CSM (customer success manager)) and put the
different disciplines have a common understanding and view concept into practice.
of the product and service system under development. As a method to design a new business model, Business
In order to continuously align the service contents and Model Canvas is a well-known and the most prevailing tool
product performance with the latest customer demand, feed- [71]. The Business Model Canvas is a template to concep-
back of customer experience is essential. Experience feed- tualize and describe a business model with logical structure
back is a knowledge management for continuous positive of the building blocks covering customer, value propositions,
loop for a company [68]. By obtaining such a feedback infrastructure, and finance. The Business Model Canvas is
from customer, service designers and product engineers can a one-page sheet whose right portion is about customer
reflect lessons learned in the next version of the product and and composed of building blocks of customer segments,
service which may be immediately delivered to the customer customer relationships, and channels. The left portion is
remotely and automatically by OTA. infrastructure related and has building blocks of key activities
and key resources as well as key partners. Placing the value
propositions building block in the middle, user can confirm
24.7.4 Business Model Making consistency between target customer and key infrastructure
to realize the proposed values. Building blocks of cost struc-
In the experience-value economy, customers pay for value ture and revenue streams are described at the bottom of
obtained through experience, not for acquisition of a product. the canvas, which provide user with information to check
As stated in the Sect. 24.7.1, product makers have to shift the financial requirements and feasibility of the business.
their business models from “One time make & sell” model Although the Business Model Canvas is a logical and well-
to “Continuous engagement” model to be successful in the visualized tool, it does not contain dynamics and temporal
experience-value economy. properties of the business model. In ordinary practices, the
The most fit business model for the “Continuous engage- business model conceptualized by the Business Model Can-
ment” is subscription model [69]. The subscription model vas is translated into a business model diagram including
requires a company to change its mindset and transform all flows of information and money among the stakeholders so
the processes and systems shifting from product centric to as to understand and simulate overall dynamics of the model
customer centric. Not only change in operations, but also to confirm its feasibility and effectiveness.
change in financial system is crucial to make the subscription
business successful. Instead of the conventional result-based
financial status reports, the financial statement for subscrip- 24.8 Conclusion and Next Topics
tion business shows how the revenue and profit will look like
in the future based on the prospect of recurring revenue and In this chapter, we provided overview of modern product
churn rate. The success of the “Continuous engagement” is automation and innovations with the recent business trends
measured by recurring revenue like ARR (annual recurring and orientation which drive needs for software-defined and
revenue)) and the risk of losing customers due to discrepancy IoT-connected product automation. The feature of the mod-
between customer’s expectation and actual experience is ern automation resides in autonomous and intelligent prop-
measured by churn rate. It is also obvious that the legacy IT erties with cognitive capability and connectivity. As the key
system architecture does not work in the subscription model technologies to realize the feature of the modern automation,
[69]. Ideal IT system for subscription business is totally localization, and mapping, edge intelligence, OTA (over the
customer centric and can update the service contents as well air), and anomaly detection were shown with some imple-
as pricing on a minute-order cycle basis. mentation cases. We used the last part of the chapter to
By taking the discussion on the customer-centric mindset supplement management perspective with the view on how
a step further, a concept of customer success was introduced the experience-value economy drives transformation of the
by Mehta et al. [70], where the customer success is defined business model of product automation from “One time make
as a composite of the three concepts of an organization, a & sell” model to “Continuous engagement” model, and how
discipline, and a philosophy to concentrate all the efforts it influences product and service lifecycle management. Al-
into the goal of maximizing retention and long-term value by though we focused on autonomous and intelligent properties
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71. Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y.: Business Model Generation. Wiley, of Manufacturing Technology (currently SIMTech) in Singapore, the
Hoboken (2010) Institute for Computer Science and Control of Hungarian Academy
72. Sands, N.P., Verhappen, I. (eds.): A Guide to the Automation Body of Science (SZTAKI), and the Supply Chain and Logistics Institute at
of Knowledge, 3rd edn. ISA, Research Triangle Park (2018) Georgia Institute of Technology where he stayed as a research executive
between 2008 and 2009.
Process Automation
Juergen Hahn and B. Wayne Bequette

Contents instrumentation. Process automation as practiced in the

25.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585 process industries has undergone significant changes
since it was first introduced a century ago. Perhaps
25.2 Enterprise View of Process Automation . . . . . . . . . . . 586
25.2.1 Measurement and Actuation (Level 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586 the most significant influence on the changes in
25.2.2 Safety and Environmental/Equipment process control technology has been the introduction
Protection (Level 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586 of inexpensive digital computers and instruments with
25.2.3 Regulatory Control (Level 3a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586 greater capabilities than their analog predecessors. During
25.2.4 Multivariable and Constraint Control (Level 3b) . . . . . . 586
25.2.5 Real-Time Optimization (Level 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587 the past decade, the increasing availability of low-cost,
25.2.6 Planning and Scheduling (Level 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587 yet “smart,” sensors and actuators, has ushered in an era
of “smart manufacturing,” and a greater integration of the
25.3 Process Dynamics and Mathematical Models . . . . . . . 587
supply and product chains with manufacturing facilities.
25.4 Regulatory Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
25.4.1 Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
25.4.2 Control Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590 Keywords
25.4.3 Controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
25.4.4 PID Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590 Control valve · Model predictive control · International
25.5 Control System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590 Standard Organization · Control system design · Process
25.5.1 Multivariable Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591 analytical technology · Smart manufacturing
25.6 Batch Process Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
25.7 Automation and Process Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
25.8 Emerging Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598 25.1 Overview
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
Large-scale chemical manufacturing processes began to
evolve in the late nineteenth century, with prime examples of
sulfuric acid and soda ash production [1]. For many decades
these processes were operated using manual measurements
The field of process automation is concerned with and adjustments. By around 1917, simple temperature
the analysis of dynamic behavior of chemical pro- feedback control systems, which were largely on-off
cesses, design of automatic controllers, and associated controllers, came into use, with the notion of proportional
and proportional-integral control evolving through the 1930s,
and with the first proportional-integral-derivative controller
J. Hahn () commercially available in 1939 [2].
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic
In this chapter, we first provide an overview of the hierar-
Institute, Troy, NY, USA
chical control structure for chemical processes, then review
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Rensselaer process dynamics and mathematical models. Basic regu-
Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA
e-mail: latory controllers are followed by control system design,
including multivariable control and model predictive control,
B. W. Bequette ()
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Rensselaer largely to enforce constraints. The batch processes that dom-
Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA inate the pharmaceutical, food, and semiconductor device
e-mail: industries are covered in a separate section. Safety should be

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 585

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
586 J. Hahn and B. W. Bequette

the highest priority in any manufacturing process, so safety

instrumented systems (SIS) are discussed. Finally, we assess Demand forecasting,
5. Planning and supply chain management,
emerging trends of smart manufacturing and understanding (Days–months)
scheduling raw materials and product
the importance of the human-in-the-loop. planning/scheduling
Plant-wide and individual
4. Real-time unit real-time optimization,
(Hours–days) parameter estimation,
25.2 Enterprise View of Process optimization
supervisory control, data
Automation reconcilation

3b. Multivariable
Multivariable control,
Process automation is used in order to maximize production (Minutes–hours) and constraint model predictive control
while maintaining a desired level of product quality and control
safety and making the process more economical. Because
PID control, advanced
these goals apply to a variety of industries, process control 3a. Regulatory control techniques,
systems are used in facilities for the production of chemicals, (Seconds–minutes)
control control loop performance
pulp and paper, metals, food, and pharmaceuticals. While the monitoring
methods of production vary from industry to industry, the
2. Safety,
principles of automatic control are generic in nature and can
environmental/ Alarm management,
be universally applied, regardless of the size of the plant. (< 1 second)
equipment emergency shutdown
In Fig. 25.1, the process automation activities are orga- protection
nized in the form of a hierarchy with required functions at
the lower levels and desirable functions at the higher levels.
1. Measurement Sensor and actuator
The time scale for each activity is shown on the left side of (< 1 second)
and actuation validation, limit checking
Fig. 25.1. Note that the frequency of execution is much lower
for the higher-level functions.

25.2.1 Measurement and Actuation (Level 1)

Fig. 25.1 The five levels of process control and optimization in man-
Measurement devices (sensors and transmitters) and actua- ufacturing. Time scales are shown for each level [3]
tion equipment (for example, control valves) are used to mea-
sure process variables and implement the calculated control
actions. These devices are interfaced to the control system, 25.2.3 Regulatory Control (Level 3a)
usually digital control equipment such as a digital computer.
Clearly, the measurement and actuation functions are an Successful operation of a process requires that key process
indispensable part of any control system. variables such as flow rates, temperatures, pressures, and
compositions be operated at, or close to, their set points. This
level 3a activity, regulatory control, is achieved by applying
25.2.2 Safety and Environmental/Equipment standard feedback and feedforward control techniques. If the
Protection (Level 2) standard control techniques are not satisfactory, a variety of
advanced control techniques are available. In recent years,
The level 2 functions play a critical role by ensuring that there has been increased interest in monitoring control sys-
the process is operating safely and satisfies environmental tem performance.
regulations. Process safety relies on the principle of multiple
protection layers that involve groupings of equipment and
human actions. One layer includes process control functions, 25.2.4 Multivariable and Constraint Control
such as alarm management during abnormal situations, and (Level 3b)
safety instrumented systems for emergency shutdowns. The
safety equipment (including sensors and control valves) op- Many difficult process control problems have two distin-
erates independently of the regular instrumentation used for guishing characteristics: (1) significant interactions occur
regulatory control in level 3a. Sensor validation techniques among key process variables and (2) inequality constraints
can be employed to confirm that the sensors are functioning exist for manipulated and controlled variables. The inequality
properly. constraints include upper and lower limits; for example,
25 Process Automation 587

each manipulated flow rate has an upper limit determined 25.2.6 Planning and Scheduling (Level 5)
by the pump and control valve characteristics. The lower
limit may be zero or a small positive value based on safety The highest level of the process control hierarchy is con-
considerations. Limits on controlled variables reflect equip- cerned with planning and scheduling operations for the entire
ment constraints (for example, metallurgical limits) and the plant. For continuous processes, the production rates of all
operating objectives for the process; for example, a reactor products and intermediates must be planned and coordinated,
temperature may have an upper limit to avoid undesired side based on equipment constraints, storage capacity, sales pro-
reactions or catalyst degradation, and a lower limit to ensure jections, and the operation of other plants, sometimes on a
that the reaction(s) proceed. global basis. For the intermittent operation of batch and semi-
The ability to operate a process close to a limiting con- batch processes, the production control problem becomes a
straint is an important objective for advanced process con- batch scheduling problem based on similar considerations.
trol. For many industrial processes, the optimum operating Thus, planning and scheduling activities pose large-scale
condition occurs at a constraint limit, for example, the maxi- optimization problems that are based on both engineering
mum allowed impurity level in a product stream. For these considerations and business projections.
situations, the set point should not be the constraint value The activities of levels 1–3a in Fig. 25.1 are required
because a process disturbance could force the controlled for all manufacturing plants, while the activities in levels
variable beyond the limit. Thus, the set point should be set 3b–5 are optional but can be very profitable. The decision
conservatively, based on the ability of the control system to to implement one or more of these higher-level activities
reduce the effects of disturbances. depends very much on the application and the company.
The standard process control techniques of level 3a may The decision hinges strongly on economic considerations
not be adequate for difficult control problems that have (for example, a cost-benefit analysis), and company priorities
serious process interactions and inequality constraints. For for their limited resources, both human and financial. The
these situations, the advanced control techniques of level immediacy of the activity decreases from level 1 to level
3b, multivariable control and constraint control, should be 5 in the hierarchy. However, the amount of analysis and
considered. In particular, the model predictive control (MPC) the computational requirements increase from the lowest to
strategy was developed to deal with both process interactions the highest level. The process control activities at different
and inequality constraints. levels should be carefully coordinated and require infor-
mation transfer from one level to the next. The successful
implementation of these process control activities is a critical
25.2.5 Real-Time Optimization (Level 4) factor in making plant operation as profitable as possible.

The optimum operating conditions for a plant are determined

as part of the process design, but during plant operations, 25.3 Process Dynamics and Mathematical
the optimum conditions can change frequently owing to Models
changes in equipment availability, process disturbances, and
economic conditions (for example, raw materials costs and Development of dynamic models forms a key component for
product prices). Consequently, it can be very profitable to process automation, as controller design and tuning is often
recalculate the optimum operating conditions on a regular performed by using a mathematical representation of the
basis. The new optimum conditions are then implemented as process. A model can be derived either from first principles
set points for controlled variables. knowledge about the system or from past plant data. Once
Real-time optimization (RTO) calculations are based on a dynamic model has been developed, it can be solved for
a steady-state model of the plant and economic data such a variety of conditions that include changes in the input
as costs and product values. A typical objective for the variables or variations in the model parameters. The transient
optimization is to minimize operating cost or maximize the responses of the output variables are calculated by numerical
operating profit. The RTO calculations can be performed for integration after specifying both the initial conditions and the
a single process unit and/or on a plant-wide basis. inputs as functions of time.
The level 4 activities also include data analysis to ensure A large number of numerical integration techniques are
that the process model used in the RTO calculations is ac- available, ranging from simple techniques (e.g., the Euler and
curate for the current conditions. Thus, data reconciliation Runge–Kutta methods) to more complicated ones (e.g., the
techniques can be used to ensure that steady-state mass and implicit Euler and Gear methods). All of these techniques
energy balances are satisfied. Also, the process model can represent some compromise between computational effort
be updated using parameter estimation techniques and recent (computing time) and accuracy. Although a dynamic model
plant data. can always be solved in principle, for some situations it may
588 J. Hahn and B. W. Bequette

be difficult to generate useful numerical solutions. Dynamic simulators are achieving a high degree of acceptance in
models that exhibit a wide range of time scales (stiff equa- process engineering and control studies because they al-
tions) are quite difficult to solve accurately in a reasonable low plant dynamics, real-time optimization, and alternative
amount of computation time. Software for integrating ordi- control configurations to be evaluated for an existing or
nary and partial differential equations is readily available. a new plant. They also can be used for operator training.
Popular software packages include MATLAB, Mathematica, This feature allows dynamic simulators to be integrated with
IMSL, Mathcad, and GNU Octave. software for other applications such as control system design
For dynamic models that contain large numbers of al- and optimization.
gebraic and ordinary differential equations, generation of While most processes can be accurately represented by a
solutions using standard programs has been developed to set of nonlinear differential equations, a process is usually
assist in this task. A graphical user interface (GUI) allows the operated within a certain neighborhood of its normal op-
user to enter the algebraic and ordinary differential equations erating point (steady state), thus the process model can be
and related information such as the total integration period, closely approximated by a linearized version of the model. A
error tolerances, the variables to be plotted, and so on. The linear model is beneficial because it permits the use of more
simulation program then assumes responsibility for: convenient and compact methods for representing process
dynamics, namely Laplace transforms. The main advantage
1. Checking to ensure that the set of equations is exactly of Laplace transforms is that they provide a compact repre-
specified sentation of a dynamic system that is especially useful for the
2. Sorting the equations into an appropriate sequence for analysis of feedback control systems. The Laplace transform
iterative solution of a set of linear ordinary differential equations is a set of
3. Integrating the equations algebraic equations in the new variable s, called the Laplace
4. Providing numerical and graphical output variable. The Laplace transform is given by
Examples of equation-oriented simulators used in the pro- F(s) = L [f (t)] = f (t)e−st dt (25.1)
cess industries include gPROMS, Aspen Custom Modeler, 0
and Aspen HYSYS.
One disadvantage of many equation-oriented packages is where F(s) is the symbol for the Laplace transform, f (t) is
the amount of time and effort required to develop all of the some function of time, and L is the Laplace operator, defined
equations for a complex process. An alternative approach by the integral. Tables of Laplace transforms are well doc-
is to use modular simulations where prewritten subroutines umented for common functions [3, 4]. A linear differential
provide models of individual process units such as distillation equation with a single input u and single output y can be
columns or chemical reactors. Consequently, this type of converted into a transfer function using Laplace transforms
simulator has a direct correspondence to the process flow- as follows:
sheet. The modular approach has the significant advantage
that plant-scale simulations only require the user to identify Y(s) = G(s) U(s), (25.2)
the appropriate modules and to supply the numerical values
of model parameters and initial conditions. This activity where U(s) is the Laplace transform of the input variable u(t),
requires much less effort than writing all of the equations Y(s) is the Laplace transform of the output variable y(t), and
and, furthermore, the software is responsible for all aspects of G(s) is the transfer function, obtained from transforming the
the solution. Because each module is rather general in form, differential equation.
the user can simulate alternative flowsheets for a complex The transfer function G(s) describes the dynamic charac-
process, for example, different configurations of distillation teristic of the process. For linear systems it is independent
towers and heat exchangers, or different types of chemical of the input variable and so it can readily be applied to any
reactors. Similarly, alternative process control strategies can time-dependent input signal. As an example, the first-order
be quickly evaluated. Some software packages allow the user differential equation
to add custom modules for novel applications.
Modular dynamic simulators have been available since τ + y(t) = Ku(t) (25.3)
the early 1970s. Several commercial products are available dt
from Aspen Technology and Honeywell (Unisim). Modelica can be Laplace-transformed to
is an example of a collaborative effort that provides modeling
capability for a number of application areas. These packages K
Y(s) = U(s). (25.4)
also offer equation-oriented capabilities. Modular dynamic τs + 1
25 Process Automation 589

Note that the parameters K and τ , known as the process signals are usually multiplexed. Prior to sending the desired
gain and time constant, respectively, map into the transfer control action, which is often in a digital format, to the final
function as unspecified parameters. Numerical values for control element in the field, the desired control action is
parameters such as K and τ have to be determined for usually transformed by a digital-to-analog (DAC) converter
controller design or for simulation purposes. Several different to an analog signal for transmission. DACs are relatively
methods for the identification of model parameters in transfer inexpensive and are not normally multiplexed. Widespread
functions are available. The most common approach is to use of digital control technologies has made ADCs and DACs
perform a step test on the process and collect the data along standard parts of the control system.
the trajectory until it reaches steady state. In order to identify
the parameters, the form of the transfer function model needs
to be postulated and the parameters of the transfer function 25.4.1 Sensors
can be estimated by using nonlinear regression. For more
details on the development of various transfer functions, see The hardware components of a typical modern digital control
[3, 4]. loop shown in Fig. 25.2 are discussed next. The function of
the process measurement device is to sense the values, or
changes in values, of process variables. The actual sensing
25.4 Regulatory Control device may generate, e.g., a physical movement, a pressure
signal, or a millivolt signal. A transducer transforms the
When the components of a control system are connected, measurement signal from one physical or chemical quantity
their overall dynamic behavior can be described by combin- to another, e.g., pressure to milliamps. The transduced signal
ing the transfer functions for each component. Each block is then transmitted to a control room through the transmission
describes how changes in the input variables of the block line. The transmitter is therefore a signal generator and a line
will affect the output variables of the block. One example driver. Often the transducer and the transmitter are contained
is the feedback/feedforward control block diagram shown in the same device.
in Fig. 25.2, which contains the important components of The most commonly measured process variables are tem-
a typical control system, namely process, controller, sensor, perature, flow, pressure, level, and composition. When ap-
and final control element. Regulatory control deals with propriate, other physical properties are also measured. The
treatment of disturbances that enter the system, as shown in selection of the proper instrumentation for a particular appli-
Fig. 25.2. These components are discussed in more detail cation is dependent on factors such as: the type and nature of
below. the fluid or solid involved; relevant process conditions; range,
Most modern control equipment require a digital signal accuracy, and repeatability required; response time; installed
for displays and control algorithms, thus the analog-to-digital cost; and maintainability and reliability. Various handbooks
converter (ADC) transforms the transmitter analog signal to are available that can assist in selecting sensors for partic-
a digital format. Because ADCs may be relatively expensive ular applications (e.g., [5]). Sensors are discussed in detail
if adequate digital resolution is required, incoming digital in Ch.  14.

Disturbance, D

Set point, E Controlled
Supervisory YSP Feedback variable, Y
Final control
control controller Process
variable, U


Fig. 25.2 Block diagram of a process

590 J. Hahn and B. W. Bequette

25.4.2 Control Valves t 
ek − ek−1
uk = u + KC ek + ei + τD (25.7)
τi i=0 t
Material and energy flow rates are the most commonly
selected manipulated variables for control schemes. Thus,
where t is the sampling period for the control calculations
good control valve performance is an essential ingredient for
and k represents the current sampling time. If the process and
achieving good control performance. A control valve consists
the measurements permit to choose the sampling period t
of two principal assemblies: a valve body and an actuator.
to be small then the behavior of the digital PID controller will
Good control valve performance requires consideration of
essentially be the same as for an analog PID controller.
the process characteristics and requirements such as fluid
characteristics, range, shutoff, and safety, as well as control
requirements, e.g., installed control valve characteristics and
25.4.4 PID Enhancements
response time. The proper selection and sizing of control
valves and actuators is an extensive topic in its own right [5].
The derivative action in a PID controller is particularly ben-
eficial for counteracting unmeasured disturbances. When a
disturbance can be measured, then feedforward control is
25.4.3 Controllers
often used for better disturbance rejection. For many blend-
ing or combustion problems it is useful to maintain a ratio
The most commonly employed feedback controller in the
between two stream flowrates. For example, a ratio controller
process industry is the proportional-integral (PI) controller,
can be used to supply combustion air to a furnace at a desired
which can be described by the following equation:
air-to-fuel ratio to assure complete combustion. It is also
   common to use cascade control, where the output of a higher-
1 t   
u(t) = u + KC e(t) + e t dt . (25.5) level loop is the setpoint to a faster lower-level loop (e.g., flow
τi 0
Note that the controller includes proportional as well as
integrating action. The controller has two tuning parameters:
the proportional constant KC and the integral time constant 25.5 Control System Design
τ I . The integral action will eliminate offset for constant load
disturbances but it can potentially lead to a phenomenon Traditionally, process design and control system design have
known as reset windup. When there is a sustained error, been separate engineering activities. Thus, in the traditional
the large integral term (25.5) causes the controller output to approach, control system design is not initiated until after
saturate. This can occur during start-up of batch processes, or plant design is well underway and major pieces of equipment
after large set-point changes or large sustained disturbances. may even have been ordered. This approach has serious
PI controllers make up the vast majority of controllers that limitations because the plant design determines the process
are currently used in the chemical process industries. If it is dynamics as well as the operability of the plant. In extreme
important to achieve a faster response that is offset free, a PID situations, the process may be uncontrollable, even though
(D = derivative) controller can be utilized, described by the the design appears satisfactory from a steady-state point
following expression: of view. A more desirable approach is to consider process
dynamics and control issues early in the process design.
1 t   de(t) The two general approaches to control system design
u(t) = u + KC e(t) + e t dt + τD (25.6) are:
τi 0 dt

The PID controller of (25.6) contains three tuning pa- 1. Traditional approach. The control strategy and control
rameters because the derivative mode adds a third adjustable system hardware are selected based on knowledge of the
parameter τ D . However, if the process measurement is noisy, process, experience, and insight. After the control system
the value of the derivative of the error may change rapidly is installed in the plant, the controller settings (such as in
and derivative action will amplify the noise, as a filter on the a PID controller) are adjusted. This activity is referred to
error signal can be employed. as controller tuning.
Digital control systems are ubiquitous in process plants, 2. Model-based approach. A dynamic model of the process
mostly employing a discrete (finite-difference) form of the is first developed that can be helpful in at least three
PID controller equation given by ways: (a) it can be used as the basis for model-based
25 Process Automation 591

controller design methods, (b) the dynamic model can

be incorporated directly in the control law (for example, Information from Formulate
model predictive control), and (c) the model can be used existing plants control
(if available) objectives
in a computer simulation to evaluate alternative control
strategies and to determine preliminary values of the con-
troller settings. Computer

For many simple process control problems controller

and chemical
principles model
specification is relatively straightforward and a detailed Plant data
analysis or an explicit model is not required. However, for (if available)
complex processes, a process model is invaluable both for Process control
control system design and for an improved understanding of
Device control Computer
the process. strategy simulation
The major steps involved in designing and installing a Experience with
existing plants
control system using the model-based approach are shown (if available)
in the flowchart of Fig. 25.3. The first step, formulation of
the control objectives, is a critical decision. The formulation Select control Vendor
hardware information
is based on the operating objectives for the plants and the and software
process constraints; for example, in the distillation column
control problem, the objective might be to regulate a key
component in the distillate stream, the bottoms stream, or
key components in both streams. An alternative would be Install control
to minimize energy consumption (e.g., heat input to the
reboiler) while meeting product quality specifications on one
or both product streams. The inequality constraints should
include upper and lower limits on manipulated variables, Adjust controller
conditions that lead to flooding or weeping in the column, settings
and product impurity levels. Engineering
After the control objectives have been formulated, a dy-
namic model of the process is developed. The dynamic Information Final control
base system
model can have a theoretical basis, for example, physical
and chemical principles such as conservation laws and rates
of reactions, or the model can be developed empirically Fig. 25.3 Major steps in control system development [3]
from experimental data. If experimental data are available,
the dynamic model should be validated, with the data and
the model accuracy characterized. This latter information is variables are shown in Fig. 25.4. These examples illustrate
useful for control system design and tuning. a characteristic feature of MIMO control problems, namely
The next step in the control system design is to devise the presence of process interactions, that is, each manipulated
an appropriate control strategy that will meet the control variable can affect both controlled variables. Consider the
objectives while satisfying process constraints. As indicated inline blending system shown in Fig. 25.4a. Two streams
in Fig. 25.3, this design activity is based on models and plant containing species A and B, respectively, are to be blended to
data. Finally, the control system can be installed, with final produce a product stream with mass flow rate w and compo-
adjustments performed once the plant is operating. sition x, the mass fraction of A. Adjusting either manipulated
flow rate, wA or wB , affects both w and x.
Similarly, for the distillation column in Fig. 25.4b, adjust-
25.5.1 Multivariable Control ing either reflux flow rate R or steam flow S will affect both
distillate composition xD and bottoms composition xB . For
In most industrial processes, there are a number of variables the gas-liquid separator in Fig. 25.4c, adjusting the gas flow
that must be controlled, and a number of variables can be rate G will have a direct effect on pressure P and a slower,
manipulated. These problems are referred to as multiple- indirect effect on liquid level h because changing the pressure
input multiple-output (MIMO) control problems. For almost in the vessel will tend to change the liquid flow rate L and thus
all important processes, at least two variables must be con- affect h. In contrast, adjusting the other manipulated variable
trolled: product quality and throughput. Several examples of L directly affects h but has only a relatively small and indirect
processes with two controlled variables and two manipulated effect on P.
592 J. Hahn and B. W. Bequette

a) Inline blending system Set-point

w Set points
x (targets)
Predicted Control Inputs Process
b) Destillation column Prediction Process
outputs calculations outputs

C AT Inputs Model
o Model
Feed xD outputs
u R D
Steam m
S n AT
B Fig. 25.5 Block diagram for model predictive control [3]
c) Gas–liquid separator
G of potential problems. Clearly, the success of MPC (or any
other model-based approach) depends on the accuracy of
the process model. Inaccurate predictions can make matters
worse, instead of better.
h LT First-generation MPC systems were developed indepen-
dently in the 1970s by two pioneering industrial research
groups. Dynamic matrix control (DMC) was devised by Shell
Oil [6], and a related approach was developed by ADERSA
[7]. Model predictive control has had a major impact on
Fig. 25.4 Physical examples of multivariable control problems [3] industrial practice; for example, an MPC survey by Qin and
Badgwell [8] reported that there were over 4500 applications
worldwide by the end of 1999, primarily in oil refineries and
Pairing of a single controlled variable and a single manipu- petrochemical plants. In these industries, MPC has become
lated variable via a PID feedback controller is possible, if the the method of choice for difficult multivariable control prob-
number of manipulated variables is equal to the number of lems that include inequality constraints.
controlled variables. The relative gain array (RGA) provides The overall objectives of an MPC controller are as fol-
insights about the best pairing of multiple single-input single- lows:
output (SISO) controllers, as well as sensitivity to individual
loop failures (including saturation of manipulated variables). 1. Prevent violations of input and output constraints
MIMO control problems are inherently more complex than 2. Drive some output variables to their optimal set points,
SISO control problems because process interactions occur while maintaining other outputs within specified ranges
between controlled and manipulated variables. In general, a 3. Prevent excessive movement of the manipulated variables
change in a manipulated variable, say u1 , will affect all of 4. Control as many process variables as possible when a
the controlled variables y1 , y2 , . . . , yn . Because of process sensor or actuator is not available
interactions, selection of the best pairing of controlled and
manipulated variables for a multiloop control scheme can be A block diagram of a model predictive control system
a difficult task. In particular, for a control problem with n is shown in Fig. 25.5. A process model is used to predict
controlled variables and n manipulated variables, there are n! the current values of the output variables. The residuals (the
possible multiloop control configurations. differences between the actual and predicted outputs) serve
There is a growing trend to use multivariable control, as the feedback signal to a prediction block. The predictions
in particular an approach called model predictive control are used in two types of MPC calculations that are performed
(MPC). Model predictive control offers several important at each sampling instant: set-point calculations and control
advantages: (1) the process model captures the dynamic and calculations. Inequality constraints on the input and output
static interactions between input, output, and disturbance variables, such as upper and lower limits, can be included in
variables; (2) constraints on inputs and outputs are considered either type of calculation.
in a systematic manner; (3) the control calculations can be The model acts in parallel with the process and the residual
coordinated with the calculation of optimum set points; and serves as a feedback signal, however, it should be noted
(4) accurate model predictions can provide early warnings that the coordination of the control and set-point calculation
25 Process Automation 593

is a unique feature of MPC. Furthermore, MPC has had a available for control. In this situation, the control degrees of
significant impact on industrial practice because it is more freedom are reduced by one. Even though an input variable is
suitable for constrained MIMO control problems. unavailable for control, it can serve as a disturbance variable
The set points for the control calculations, also called if it is still measured.
targets, are calculated from an economic optimization based Before each control execution, it is necessary to determine
on a steady-state model of the process, traditionally a linear which outputs (controlled variables [CV]), inputs (manipu-
steady-state model. Typical optimization objectives include lated variables [MV]), and disturbance variables (DVs) are
maximizing a profit function, minimizing a cost function, currently available for the MPC calculations. The variables
or maximizing a production rate. The optimum values of available for the control calculations can change from one
set points are changed frequently owing to varying process control execution time to the next for a variety of reasons;
conditions, especially changes in the inequality constraints. for example, a sensor may not be available owing to routine
The constraint changes are due to variations in process con- maintenance or recalibration.
ditions, equipment, and instrumentation, as well as economic Inequality constraints on input and output variables are
data such as prices and costs. In MPC, the set points are important characteristics for MPC applications. In fact, in-
typically calculated each time the control calculations are equality constraints were a primary motivation for the early
performed. development of MPC. Input constraints occur as a result
The control calculations are based on current measure- of physical limitations on plant equipment such as pumps,
ments and predictions of the future values of the outputs. control valves, and heat exchangers; for example, a ma-
The predictions are made using a dynamic model, typically a nipulated flow rate might have a lower limit of zero and
linear empirical model such as a multivariable version of the an upper limit determined by the pump, control valve, and
step response models that were discussed in Sect. 25.2. Alter- piping characteristics. The dynamics associated with large
natively, transfer function or state-space models can be em- control valves impose rate-of-change limits on manipulated
ployed. For very nonlinear processes, it can be advantageous flow rates.
to predict future output values using a nonlinear dynamic Constraints on output variables are a key component of the
model. Both physical models and empirical models, such as plant operating strategy; for example, a common distillation
neural networks, have been used in nonlinear MPC [8]. column control objective is to maximize the production rate
The objective of the MPC control calculations is to deter- while satisfying constraints on product quality and avoiding
mine a sequence of control moves (that is, manipulated input undesirable operating regimes such as flooding or weeping.
changes) so that the predicted response moves to the set point It is convenient to make a distinction between hard and soft
in an optimal manner. The actual output y, predicted output ŷ, constraints. As the name implies, a hard constraint cannot
and manipulated input u are shown in Fig. 25.6. At the current be violated at any time. By contrast, a soft constraint can
sampling instant, denoted by k, the MPC strategy calculates be violated, but the amount of violation is penalized by
a set of M values of the input {u{k + i − 1), i = 1, 2, . . . , M}. a modification of the cost function. This approach allows
The set consists of the current input u(k) and M − 1 fu- small constraint violations to be tolerated for short periods of
ture inputs. The input is held constant after the M control time [3].
moves. The

 inputs are calculated so that a set of P predicted
outputs y (k + i) , i = 1, 2, . . . , P reaches the set point in 25.6 Batch Process Automation
an optimal manner. The control calculations are based on
optimizing an objective function. The number of predictions Batch processing is an alternative to continuous processing.
P is referred to as the prediction horizon while the number of In batch processing, a sequence of one or more steps, either
control moves M is called the control horizon. in a single vessel or in multiple vessels, is performed in
A distinguishing feature of MPC is its receding hori- a defined order, yielding a specific quantity of a finished
zon approach. Although a sequence of M control moves is product. Because the volume of product is normally small,
calculated at each sampling instant, only the first move is large production runs are achieved by repeating the process
actually implemented. Then a new sequence is calculated at steps on a predetermined schedule. In batch processing, the
the next sampling instant; after new measurements become production amounts are usually smaller than for continuous
available, again only the first input move is implemented. processing; hence, it is usually not economically feasible
This procedure is repeated at each sampling instant. to dedicate processing equipment to the manufacture of a
In MPC applications, the calculated input moves are usu- single product. Instead, batch processing units are organized
ally implemented as set points for regulatory control loops so that a range of products (from a few to possibly hundreds)
at the distributed control system (DCS) level, such as flow can be manufactured with a given set of process equipment.
control loops. If a DCS control loop has been disabled or Batch processing can be complicated by having multiple
placed in manual mode, the input variable is no longer stages, multiple products made from the same equipment, or
594 J. Hahn and B. W. Bequette

Past Future
Set point (target)
Past output
Predicted future output
Past control action
Future control action ŷ

Control horizon, M

Prediction horizon, P

k–1 k k+1 k+2 k+M–1 k+P

Sampling instant

Fig. 25.6 Basic concept for model predictive control

parallel processing lines. The key challenge for batch plants

is to consistently manufacture each product in accordance Production Run-to-run
with its specifications while maximizing the utilization of management control
available equipment. Benefits include reduced inventories
and shortened response times to make a specialty product Control Equipment Sequential Logic
during the
compared with continuous processing plants. Typically, it batch
control control control
is not possible to use blending of multiple batches in order
to obtain the desired product quality, so product quality Safety
specifications must be satisfied by each batch. interlocks
Batch processing is widely used to manufacture specialty
chemicals, metals, electronic materials, ceramics, polymers,
food and agricultural materials, biochemicals and pharma- Fig. 25.7 Overview of a batch control system
ceuticals, multiphase materials/blends, coatings, and com-
posites – an extremely broad range of processes and prod-
ucts. The unit operations in batch processing are also quite principally in the production management block. In contrast
diverse, and some are analogous to operations for continuous to continuous processing, the focus of control shifts from
processing. regulation to set-point changes, and sequencing of batches
In analogy with the different levels of plant control de- and equipment takes on a much greater role.
picted in Fig. 25.1, batch control systems operate at various Batch control systems must be very versatile to be able to
levels: handle pulse inputs and discrete input/output (I/O) as well as
analog signals for sensors and actuators. Functional control
• Batch sequencing and logic controls (levels 1 and 2) activities are summarized as follows:
• Control during the batch (level 3)
• Run-to-run control (levels 4 and 5) 1. Batch sequencing and logic control: Sequencing of con-
• Batch production management (level 5) trol steps that follow a recipe involves, for example, mix-
ing of ingredients, heating, waiting for a reaction to com-
Figure 25.7 shows the interconnections of the different plete, cooling, and discharging the resulting products.
types of control used in a typical batch process. Run-to- Transfer of materials to and from batch tanks or reactors
run control is a type of supervisory control that resides includes metering of materials as they are charged (as
25 Process Automation 595

specified by the recipe), as well as transfer of materials run to reduce variability in the output product from the stated
at the completion of the process operation. In addition specifications.
to discrete logic for the control steps, logic is needed for Batch run-to-run control is particularly useful to compen-
safety interlocks to protect personnel, equipment, and the sate for processes where the controlled variable drifts over
environment from unsafe conditions. Process interlocks time; for example, in a chemical vapor deposition process
ensure that process operations can only occur in the cor- the reactor walls may become fouled owing to by-product
rect time sequence. deposition. This slow drift in the reactor chamber condition
2. Control during the batch: Feedback control of flow rate, requires occasional changes to the batch recipe in order to
temperature, pressure, composition, and level, including ensure that the controlled variables remain on target. Even-
advanced control strategies, falls in this category, which tually, the reactor chamber must be cleaned to remove the
is also called within-the-batch control [9]. In sophisti- wall deposits, effectively causing a step disturbance to the
cated applications, this requires specification of an oper- process outputs when the inputs are held constant. Just as the
ating trajectory for the batch (that is, temperature or flow run-to-run controller compensates for the drifting process, it
rate as a function of time). In simpler cases, it involves can also return the process to target after a step disturbance
tracking of set points of the controlled variables, which [10, 11].
includes ramping the controlled variables up and down The Instrument Society of America (ISA) SP-88 stan-
and/or holding them constant for a prescribed period of dard deals with the terminology involved in batch control
time. Detection of when the batch operations should be [12]. There are a hierarchy of activities that take place in
terminated (end point) may be performed by inferential a batch processing system [13]. At the highest level, pro-
measurements of product quality, if direct measurement cedures identify how the products are made, that is, the
is not feasible. actions to be performed (and their order) as well as the
3. Run-to-run control: Also called batch-to-batch control, associated control requirements for these actions. Operations
this supervisory function is based on offline product qual- are equivalent to unit operations in continuous processing
ity measurements at the end of a run. Operating conditions and include steps such as charging, reacting, separating, and
and profiles for the batch are adjusted between runs to im- discharging. Within each operation are logical points called
prove the product quality using tools such as optimization. phases, where processing can be interrupted by the oper-
4. Batch production management: This activity entails ad- ator or computer interaction. Examples of different phases
vising the plant operator of process status and how to include the sequential addition of ingredients, heating a batch
interact with the recipes and the sequential, regulatory, and to a prescribed temperature, mixing, and so on. Control
discrete controls. Complete information (recipes) is main- steps involve direct commands to final control elements,
tained for manufacturing each product grade, including specified by individual control instructions in software. As an
the names and amounts of ingredients, process variable example, for {operation = charge reactant} and {phase = add
set points, ramp rates, processing times, and sampling ingredient B}, the control steps would be: (1) open the B
procedures. Other database information includes batches supply valve, (2) total the flow of B over a period of time
produced on a shift, daily, or weekly basis, as well as until the prescribed amount has been added, and (3) close the
material and energy balances. Scheduling of process units B supply valve.
is based on availability of raw materials and equipment The term recipe has a range of definitions in batch pro-
and customer demand. cessing, but in general a recipe is a procedure with the set of
data, operations, and control steps required to manufacture a
Recipe modifications from one run to the next are com- particular grade of product. A formula is the list of recipe
mon in many batch processes. Typical examples are modi- parameters, which includes the raw materials, processing
fying the reaction time, feed stoichiometry, or reactor tem- parameters, and product outputs. A recipe procedure has
perature. When such modifications are done at the beginning operations for both normal and abnormal conditions. Each
of a run (rather than during a run), the control strategy is operation contains resource requests for certain ingredients
called run-to-run control. Run-to-run control is frequently (and their amounts). The operations in the recipe can adjust
motivated by the lack of online measurements of the product set points and turn equipment on and off. The complete
quality during a batch run. In batch chemical production, production run for a specific recipe is called a campaign
online measurements are often not available during the run, (multiple batches).
but the product can be analyzed by laboratory samples at the In multigrade batch processing, the instructions remain
end of the run. The process engineer must specify a recipe the same from batch to batch, but the formula can be changed
that contains the values of the inputs (which may be time to yield modest variations in the product; for example, in
varying) that will meet the product requirements. The task emulsion polymerization, different grades of polymers are
of the run-to-run controller is to adjust the recipe after each manufactured by changing the formula. In flexible batch
596 J. Hahn and B. W. Bequette

processing, both the formula (recipe parameters) and the of material of carefully controlled composition in specific
processing instructions can change from batch to batch. The patterns and then etching these films to exacting geometries
recipe for each product must specify both the raw materials (0.35–10 μm).
required and how conditions within the reactor are to be The main unit operations in semiconductor manufacturing
sequenced in order to make the desired product. are crystal growth, oxidation, deposition (dielectrics, sili-
Many batch plants, especially those used to manufacture con, and metals), physical vapor deposition, dopant diffu-
pharmaceuticals, are certified by the International Standards sion, dopant-ion implantation, photolithography, etch, and
Organization (ISO). ISO 9000 (and the related ISO standards chemical-mechanical polishing. Most processes in semicon-
9001–9004) state that every manufactured product should ductor manufacturing are semibatch; for example, in a single-
have an established, documented procedure, and the manu- wafer processing tool the following steps are carried out:
facturer should be able to document the procedure that was
followed. Companies must pass periodic audits to main ISO 1. A robotic arm loads the boat of wafers.
9000 status. Both ISO 9000 and the US Food and Drug 2. The machine transfers a single wafer into the processing
Administration (FDA) require that only a certified recipe be chamber.
used. Thus, if the operation of a batch becomes abnormal, 3. Gases flow continuously and reaction occurs.
performing any unusual corrective action to bring it back 4. The machine removes the wafer.
within the normal limits is not an option. In addition, if 5. The next wafer is processed.
a slight change in the recipe apparently produces superior
batches, the improvement cannot be implemented unless the When all wafers are finished processing, the operator
entire recipe is recertified. The FDA typically requires prod- takes the boat of wafers to the next machine. All of these
uct and raw materials tracking, so that product abnormalities steps are carried out in a clean room designed to minimize
can be traced back to their sources. device damage by particulate matter.
Recently, in an effort to increase the safety, efficiency, For a given tool or unit operation, a specified number of
and affordability of medicines, the FDA has proposed a wafers are processed together in a lot, which is carried in a
new framework for the regulation of pharmaceutical de- boat. There is usually an extra slot in the boat for a pilot wafer,
velopment, manufacturing, and quality assurance. The pri- which is used for metrology reasons. A cluster tool refers to
mary focus of the initiative is to reduce variability through equipment which has several single-wafer processing cham-
a better understanding of processes that can be obtained bers. The chambers may carry out the same process or
by the traditional approach. Process analytical technology different processes; some vendors base their chamber designs
(PAT) has become an acronym in the pharmaceutical indus- on series operation, while others utilize parallel processing
try for designing, analyzing, and controlling manufacturing schemes.
through timely measurements (i.e., during processing) of The recipe for the batch consists of the regulatory set
critical quality and performance attributes of raw and in- points and parameters for the real-time controllers on the
process materials and processes, with the goal of ensuring equipment. The equipment controllers are normally not ca-
final product quality. Process variations that could possibly pable of receiving a continuous set-point trajectory. Only
contribute to patient risk are determined through modeling furnaces and rapid thermal processing tools are able to ramp
and timely measurements of critical quality attributes, which up, hold, and ramp down their temperature or power supply.
are then addressed by process control. In this manner, pro- A recipe can consist of several steps; each step processes a
cesses can be developed and controlled in such a way that different film based on specific chemistry. The same recipe
quality of product is guaranteed. on the same type of chamber may produce different results,
Semiconductor manufacturing is an example of a large- due to different processes used in the chamber previously.
volume batch process [10]. In semiconductor manufacturing This lack of repeatability across chambers is a big problem
an integrated circuit consists of several layers of carefully with cluster tools or when a fabrication plant (fab) has mul-
patterned thin films, each chemically altered to achieve de- tiple machines of the same type, because it requires that a
sired electrical characteristics. These devices are manufac- fab keeps track of different recipes for each chamber. The
tured through a series of physical and/or chemical batch unit controller translates the desired specs into a machine recipe.
operations similar to the way in which specialty chemicals Thus, the fab supervisory controller only keeps track of the
are made. From 30–300 process steps are typically required product specifications.
to construct a set of circuits on a single-crystalline substrate Factory automation in semiconductor manufacturing in-
called a wafer. The wafers are 4–12 inch (100–300 mm) in tegrates the individual equipment into higher levels of au-
diameter, 400–700 μm thick, and serve as the substrate upon tomation, in order to reduce the total cycle time, increase
which microelectronic circuits (devices) are built. Circuits fab productivity, and increase product yield [11]. The major
are constructed by depositing the thin films (0.01–10 μm) functions provided by the automation system include:
25 Process Automation 597

1. Planning of factory operation from order entry through

wafer production
Community emergency response
2. Scheduling of factory resources to meet the production
Plant emergency response
3. Modeling and simulation of factory operation Physical protection (dikes)
4. Generation and maintenance of process and product spec- Physical protection
(relief devices)
ification and recipes
5. Tracking of work-in-progress (WIP)
Automatic action SIS or ESD 25
Critical alarms, operator super-
6. Monitoring of factory performance vision, and manual intervention
7. Machine monitoring, control, and diagnosis Basic controls
process alarms, and
8. Process monitoring, control, and diagnosis operator supervision
Process design
Automation of semiconductor manufacturing in the future
will consist of meeting a range of technological challenges.
These include the need for faster yield ramp, increasing
cost pressures that compel productivity improvements, en-
vironmental safety and health concerns, and shrinking de-
vice dimensions and chip size. The development of 300 mm
platforms in the last few years has spawned equipment with
new software systems and capabilities. These systems will
allow smart data collection, storage, and processing on the
equipment, and transfer of data and information in a more
efficient manner. Smart data management implies that data
are collected as needed and based upon events and metrology Note:
results. As a result of immediate and automatic processing Protection layers for a typical process are shown in the order of
activation expected as a hazardous condition is approached
of data, a larger fraction of data can be analyzed, and more ESD = Emergency shutdown; SIS = Safety interlock system
decisions are data driven. New software platforms provide
the biggest opportunity for a control paradigm shift seen
in the industry since the introduction of statistical process Fig. 25.8 Typical layers of protection in a modern chemical plant [14]

a measurement has exceeded its specified limits and may

25.7 Automation and Process Safety require operator action.
The fourth layer consists of a safety interlock system
In modern chemical plants, process safety relies on the prin- (SIS), which is also referred to as a safety instrumented
ciple of multiple protection layers. A typical configuration system or as an emergency shutdown (ESD) system. The SIS
is shown in Fig. 25.8. Each layer of protection consists of a automatically takes corrective action when the process and
grouping of equipment and/or human actions. The protection BPCS layers are unable to handle an emergency; for example,
layers are shown in the order of activation that occurs as a the SIS could automatically turn off the reactant pumps after a
plant incident develops. In the inner layer, the process design high-temperature alarm occurs for a chemical reactor. Relief
itself provides the first level of protection, including the devices such as rupture discs and relief valves provide physi-
specification of redundant equipment. For example, almost cal protection by venting gas or vapor if overpressurization
all pumps in liquid service are backed up by a spare pump, occurs. As a last resort, dikes are located around process
which can be switched on if the main pump fails or needs units and storage tanks to contain liquid spills. Emergency
to be removed from service. Similarly, almost all control response plans are used to address emergency situations and
valves are installed in a parallel arrangement, so that a failing to inform the community.
control valve can be taken out of service with flow controlled The functioning of the multiple layer protection system
manually using a bypass valve. Level transmitters can fail, so can be summarized as follows [14]:
most tanks and vessels with a gas/liquid interface include a
Most failures in well-designed and operated chemical processes
slight glass, which can be used to manually check the level. are contained by the first one or two protection layers. The
The next two layers consist of the basic process control middle levels guard against major releases and the outermost
system (BPCS) augmented with two levels of alarms and layers provide mitigation response to very unlikely major events.
operator supervision or intervention. An alarm indicates that For major hazard potential, even more layers may be necessary.
598 J. Hahn and B. W. Bequette

It is evident from Fig. 25.8 that automation plays an important

role in ensuring process safety. In particular, many of the a) Low-level interlock
protection layers in Fig. 25.8 involve instrumentation and
control equipment. The SIS operation is designed to provide
LSL = Level switch low
automatic responses after alarms indicate potentially haz-
ardous situations. The objective is to have the process reach
S = Solenoid switch
a safe condition. The automatic responses are implemented
via interlocks and automatic shutdown and start-up systems. Liquid
Distinctions are sometimes made between safety interlocks storage LSL S
and process interlocks; process interlocks are used for less tank
critical situations to provide protection against minor equip-
ment damage and undesirable process conditions such as the
production of off-specification product. b) High-pressure interlock
Two simple interlock systems are shown in Fig. 25.9.
For the liquid storage system, the liquid level must stay
above a minimum value in order to avoid pump damage Gas To
out flare stack
such as cavitation. If the level drops below the specified
limit, the low-level switch (LSL) triggers both an alarm and
a solenoid (S), which acts as a relay and turns the pump
off. For the gas storage system in Fig. 25.9b, the solenoid- PSH = Pressure switch high
Gas Gas
operated valve is normally closed. However, if the pressure in storage
of the hydrocarbon gas in the storage tank exceeds a specified
limit, the high-pressure switch (PSH) activates an alarm and
causes the valve to open fully, thus reducing the pressure in
the tank. For interlock and other safety systems, a switch can
be replaced by a transmitter if the measurement is required.
Also, transmitters tend to be more reliable. Fig. 25.9 Two interlock configurations [3]
The SIS in Fig. 25.9 serves as an emergency backup
system for the BPCS. The SIS automatically starts when a problems was due to the reward structure for plant managers,
critical process variable exceeds specified alarm limits that who would typically be in the position for a year or two
define the allowable operating region. Its initiation results in a before being promoted to other positions in the company,
drastic action such as starting or stopping a pump or shutting hence important safety-related expenditures might be pushed
down a process unit. Consequently, it is used only as a last into the future. Critical equipment maintenance had been
resort to prevent injury to people or equipment. deferred, and numerous instruments were out of calibration.
It is very important that the SIS functions independently of Further, there was a history of violating process unit start-up
the BPCS, otherwise emergency protection will be unavail- procedure during previous start-ups over a five-year period. It
able during periods when the BPCS is not operating (e.g., due is known that start-ups and shutdowns are the most dangerous
to a malfunction or power failure). Thus, the SIS should be times, with an incident rate ten times that of normal [15].
physically separated from the BPCS and have its own sensors
and actuators. Sometimes redundant sensors and actuators
are utilized; for example, triply redundant sensors are used 25.8 Emerging Trends
for critical measurements, with SIS actions based on the me-
dian of the three measurements. This strategy prevents a sin- Main emerging trends in process automation have to do with
gle sensor failure from crippling SIS operation. The SIS also process integration, information integration, and engineering
has a separate set of alarms so that the operator can be notified integration. The theme across all of these is the need for a
when the SIS initiates an action (e.g., turning on an emer- greater degree of integration of all components of the pro-
gency cooling pump), even if the BPCS is not operational. cess. Emerging concepts that play important roles in future
While chemical process plants have generally become implementations of process automation include smart man-
safer over the years, there are still disasters that occur, largely ufacturing, the Industrial Internet of Things, cyber-physical
due to the lack of a “safety culture.” A prime example is the systems, and human-in-the-loop or human-cyber-physical
BP Texas City disaster in 2005, where a distillation tower systems. While most control loops consist of classic control
on an isomerization unit overfilled, resulting in an explosion algorithms, such as PID or MPC, artificial intelligence (AI),
that killed 15 people. An investigation revealed that there including machine learning (ML), is playing an increasingly
was a plant history of safety violations and that one of the important role in process automation.
25 Process Automation 599

Traditionally, a process plant implementing distributed understand the role of the “human-in-the-loop” and human-
control systems would choose a specific vendor that cyber-physical systems (HCPS) [18]. As automation gets
used proprietary hardware, software, and communication more and more complex, it is often difficult for a human op-
protocols, making it difficult and/or expensive to expand or erator to understand and troubleshoot an operating problem.
retrofit the system. This has motivated a movement to create A prime example from the aviation industry is the Boeing
open standards to enable a “plug and play” culture where implementation of a maneuvering characteristics augmenta-
sensors, actuators, and control algorithms from different tion system (MCAS), which played a role in two crashes of
vendors can be integrated into advanced control strategies. Boeing 737 MAX aircraft in 2018 and 2019. Because of a
The Open Process Automation (OPA) Forum is focused on redesign of the aircraft, including new engines, to increase
developing an standards-based open architecture for process operating efficiency, the MCAS was implemented to avoid
control ( the risk of an aircraft stall. Unfortunately, an error in the angle
automation-forum). of attack sensor could lead to the aircraft control system to
Open standards are an important component of what is force the nose of the plane down even when not in a stall
known as Industry 4.0 in Europe, and smart manufacturing condition. Further, this “fault detection” algorithm was only
in the USA. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) enables activated when the plane was under manual control, which
data across many spatial and time scales to be used in models, is counterintuitive to pilots [19]. In both of the crashes the
leading to improved automation, control, and decision sup- pilot was fighting against the actions of the MCAS, causing
port systems throughout the entire manufacturing enterprise. the plane to oscillate vertically but eventually resulting in a
That is, better and more frequent information about both loss of control. One could envision similar events occurring
the supply chain, manufacturing plant operations, and the chemical process manufacturing, particularly without suffi-
product chain can enable better decisions to be made at all cient operator training.
levels of the corporate enterprise [16, 17]. As noted in [17], chemical process systems have a near
Particularly in the specialty chemicals and pharmaceutical 40-year history of AI applications. Stephanopoulos [20] pro-
industries, it is important to be able to rapidly move from vided a comprehensive vision for AI in process develop-
laboratory-scale to pilot-scale, and to full-scale manufac- ment, design, operations, and control (including planning and
turing. With smart manufacturing techniques, information scheduling). His perspective focused on automated reason-
can be easily shared between each of these scales/groups. ing, with little discussion of machine learning and related
Fundamental thermodynamic and chemical reaction model techniques. A recent assessment of AI in chemical engineer-
parameters are determined using laboratory-scale experi- ing is provided by Venkatasubramanian [21], who classifies
ments. These models are then used to aid engineers that three overlapping phases: (i) expert systems (1984–1995),
perform studies in pilot-scale vessels to better understand (ii) neural networks (1990–2008), and (iii) deep learning and
scale effects, such as imperfect mixing. This information is data science (2005 to present). He views self-organization
then used in further models to design and control large-scale and emergence as the next crucial phase of AI. Lee et al. [22]
production facilities. provide an overview of machine learning applications in pro-
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are composed of physical cess systems engineering; Shin et al. focus on reinforcement
devices and software, which have been part of process au- learning, specifically for process control applications [23];
tomation for 40 years during which it has been common to and Qin and Chiang discuss machine learning for process
use digital control in manufacturing. In the past, the physical data analytics [24]. On the other hand, Marcus lists ten major
and software components were largely independent, with limitations to current deep learning techniques [25]. The
data transmitted to a control room or control computers, four most relevant to this chapter include: (i) deep learning
computations performed by the control system, and com- cannot inherently distinguish causation from correlation; (ii)
mands sent back to the manufacturing equipment. In mod- deep learning has no natural way to deal with hierarchical
ern and emerging CPS, software is increasingly integrated structure; (iii) deep learning has not been well integrated
directly into the equipment such that the equipment is “self- with prior knowledge; and (iv) deep learning is difficult to
aware.” Sensors and actuators incorporate computational de- engineer with.
vices and can perform diagnostics locally. Indeed, with dis- This chapter has reviewed process modeling and control
tributed computation, the hierarchical implementation shown that are important in typical continuous and batch chemical
in Fig. 25.1, with the decoupling of time and spatial scales, process plants. Specific examples of related chemical process
is a rather simplistic representation of a highly distributed automation problems are detailed in the following chapters:
27. Infrastructure and Complex Systems
While advanced algorithms automatically optimize and
38. Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation
control chemical manufacturing processes, humans continue
42. Automation in Wood, Paper, and Fiber Industry
to be in the loop, so there are many research efforts to better
44. Automation in Food Processing
600 J. Hahn and B. W. Bequette

References 24. Qin, S.G., Chiang, L.H.: Advances and opportunities in machine
learning for process data analytics. Comp. Chem. Eng. 126, 465–
1. Stephanopoulos, G., Reklaitis, G.V.: Process systems engineering: 473 (2019)
from Solvay to modern bio- and nanotechnology. A history of 25. Marcus, G.: Deep Learning: A Critical Appraisal.
development, successes and prospects for the future. Chem. Eng. arXiv:1801.00631.
Sci. 66, 4272–4306 (2011)
2. Bequette, B.W.: Process control education and practice: past,
present and future. Comp. Chem. Eng. 128, 538–556 (2019) Further Reading
3. Seborg, D.E., Edgar, T.F., Mellichamp, D.A., Doyle III, F.J.: Pro-
cess Dynamics and Control, 4h edn. Wiley, New York (2016)
4. Bequette, B.W.: Process Control. Modeling, Design, and Simula- Cichocki, A., Ansari, H.A., Rusinkiewicz, M., Woelk, D.: Work-
tion, 2nd edn. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River (2021) flow and Process Automation: Concepts and Technology, 1st edn.
5. Edgar, T.F., Smith, C.L., Bequette, B.W., Hahn, J.: Process control. Springer, London (1997)
In: Green, D.W., Southard, M.Z. (eds.) Perry’s Chemical Engineer- Cleveland, P.: Process automation systems. Control. Eng. 55(2), 65–74
ing Handbook. McGraw-Hill, New York (2019) (2008)
6. Cutler, C.R., Ramaker, B.L.: Dynamic matrix control – a computer Jämsä-Jounela, S.-L.: Future trends in process automation. Annu. Rev.
control algorithm. In: Proc. Jt. Auto. Control Conf., paper WP5-B, Control. 31(2), 211–220 (2007)
San Francisco (1980) Love, J.: Process Automation Handbook: A Guide to Theory and
7. Richalet, J., Rault, A., Testud, J.L., Papon, J.: Model predictive Practice, 1st edn. Springer, London (2007)
heuristic control: applications to industrial processes. Automatica.
14, 413–428 (1978)
8. Qin, S.J., Badgwell, T.A.: A survey of industrial model predictive
control technology. Control. Eng. Pract. 11, 733–764 (2003)
9. Bonvin, D.: Optimal operation of batch reactors – a personal view.
J. Process Control. 8, 355–368 (1998)
10. Fisher, T.G.: Batch Control Systems: Design, Application, and
Implementation. ISA, Research Triangle Park (1990)
11. Parshall, J., Lamb, L.: Applying S88: Batch Control from a User’s
Perspective. ISA, Research Triangle Park (2000)
12. Edgar, T.F., Butler, S.W., Campbell, W.J., Pfeiffer, C., Bode, C.,
Hwang, S.B., Balakrishnan, K.S., Hahn, J.: Automatic control in
microelectronics manufacturing: practices, challenges and possi-
bilities. Automatica. 36, 1567–1603 (2000)
13. Moyne, J., del Castillo, E., Hurwitz, A.M. (eds.): Run to Run
Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing. CRC Press, Boca Raton
(2001) Juergen Hahn is a professor of Biomedical Engineering and of Chem-
14. AIChE Center for Chemical Process Safety: Guidelines for Safe ical & Biological Engineering at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Automation of Chemical Processes. AIChE, New York (1993) He received his diploma from RWTH Aachen, Germany, and his PhD
15. Investigation Report: Refinery Explosion and Fire, BP Texas City, from the University of Texas at Austin. His research deals with process
Texas; Report no. 2005-04-I-TX; U.S. Chemical Safety and Haz- systems engineering with special emphasis on systems biology.
ard Investigation Board, 2007.
16. Davis, J., Edgar, T.F., Graybill, R., Korambath, P., Schott, B.,
Swink, D., Wang, J., Wetzel, J.: Smart manufacturing. Annu. Rev.
Chem. Biomol. Eng. 6, 141–160 (2015)
17. Bequette, B.W.: Commentary: the smart human in smart manufac-
turing. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 58, 19317–19321 (2019)
18. Ghosh, S., Bequette, B.W.: Process systems engineering and the
human-in-the-loop – the smart control room. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.
59(6), 2422–2429 (2020).
19. Endsley, M.R., Kiris, E.O.: The out-of-the-loop performance prob-
lem and level of control in automation. Hum. Factors J. Hum. Fac-
tors Ergon. Soc. 37(2), 381–394 (1995).
20. Stephanopoulos, G.: Artificial intelligence in process engineering –
current state and future trends. Comp. Chem. Eng. 14(11), 1259–
1270 (1990)
21. Venkatasubramanian, V.: Artificial intelligence in chemical engi- B. Wayne Bequette is a professor of Chemical and Biological Engineer-
neering: is tt here, finally? AICHE J. 65(2), 466–478 (2019) ing at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He received his PhD from
22. Lee, J.H., Shin, J., Realff, M.J.: Machine learning: overview of the the University of Texas at Austin. His research includes a wide range
recent progress and implications for the process systems engineer- of control systems applications, from health care (automated insulin
ing field. Comp. Chem. Eng. 114, 111–121 (2017) dosing) to large-scale chemical process manufacturing.
23. Shin, J., Badgwell, T.A., Liu, K.-H., Lee, J.H.: Reinforcement
learning – overview of recent progress and implications for process
control. Comp. Chem. Eng. 127, 282–294 (2019)
Service Automation
Christopher Ganz and Shaun West

Contents services” for a product, i.e., keeping it operational through

26.1 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601 maintenance and repair. Yet when planning a factory,
26.1.1 Definition of Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602 engineering may be one of the services provided, and in
26.1.2 Service Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602 operation, most logistics transports are services.
26.1.3 Service Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
A fast and effective industrial service, supporting
26.1.4 Life Cycle of Product-Service Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
26.1.5 Service Business Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606 plants with a broad spectrum of assistance from
emergency repair to prescriptive maintenance, rests on
26.2 Operational Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607
26.2.1 Operation Driven by Market Situation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608 two legs: the provision and analysis of the vast variety
26.2.2 Long-Term Continuous Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608 of information required by service personnel to figure
26.2.3 Batch or Shift Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608 out what is going on and the remedy for the situation,
26.3 Service, Maintenance, and Repair Strategies . . . . . . . 609 including physical interaction with the equipment and
26.3.1 Key Performance Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609 transport of people and equipment. While the automation
26.3.2 Corrective Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609 of physical interaction is limited, data management
26.3.3 Preventive Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
for efficient servicing, including optimized logistics
26.3.4 Condition-Based Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
26.3.5 Predictive Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610 for transport, is increasingly expanding throughout the
26.3.6 Prescriptive Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611 service industry.
26.4 Technology and Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611 This chapter discusses the basic requirements for the
26.4.1 Condition Assessment and Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612 automation of service (predominantly but not limited to
26.4.2 Remote Services: Internet of Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612 after sales services) and gives examples of how the chal-
26.4.3 Service Information Management in a Digital Twin . . . 614 lenging issues involved can be solved.
26.4.4 Service Support Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
26.4.5 Toward Fully Automated Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
26.5 Conclusions and Emerging Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . 615 Keywords
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
Industrial services · Product-service systems · Product
life cycle · Servitization · Service design · Maintenance
strategies · Predictive maintenance · Remote service

Throughout the life cycle of an industrial installation,

services play an important role. Discussion of service in
an industrial context very often refers only to “after sales 26.1 Service

Many manufacturing firms make more of their profit margins

from their service (or after-market) activities than from sell-
C. Ganz ()
C. Ganz Innovation Services, Zurich, Switzerland
ing their new products. The firm’s effort is often focused on
e-mail: the design and manufacture of a product, yet the reward here
S. West ()
is low, which has been confirmed by many studies (Fig. 26.1).
Institute of Innovation and Technology Management, Lucerne Besides generating a margin for the business, services are
University of Applied Science and Art, Horw, Switzerland essential for customers, and it has been seen that good

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 601

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
602 C. Ganz and S. West

Spares Repair


15% Technical advice

EBIT as % of sales

Technical overhauling

10% Financial services


5% Install and commissioning

Second-hand equipment
New equipment

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Fig. 26.1 Average margins for a range of goods and services for manufacturing firms (Adapted from [1])

services improve customer satisfaction, leading to improved equipment. However, industrial services can be interpreted
customer retention. Services in many manufacturing firms more broadly. “Useful labor” supplied to a customer can be
are considered as a marketing tool and given away “free” more than just repairing equipment; it may include other
to sweeten the equipment sale, presenting the services as a supporting activities, i.e., operation optimization support,
cost to the firm. A product sale is a one-time event, whereas logistics, or engineering. Furthermore, recent years have
services can include presale consulting, installation, commis- made the concept of equipment as a service popular, where
sioning, maintenance, operational support, and upgrades. We equipment is not owned but charged for on a usage basis.
will expand on the description of services in the following
sections and describe where automation can support services
by either supporting the customer’s processes or the
product. 26.1.2 Service Properties

To distinguish properties of the two key components of

economies – goods and services – a mental model can help:
26.1.1 Definition of Service goods are typically referred to as nouns and services as verbs.
Goods as tangible commodities can be acted upon, while
To be able to describe the automation of service, we must first services are the actions performed. Service properties derived
define what we mean by service. Service in general is defined from that model are the following [4]:
in [2] to be “useful labor that does not produce a tangible
commodity.” Another definition is given in [3]: “Work that • Intangible: as mentioned in the definition, services are
is done for others as an occupation or business.” While a actions, not physical objects, and therefore intangible.
product is an object, service is an activity. In the context • Not stored: the “intangible” nature implies the inability to
of this chapter, we shall restrict ourselves to considering the store. A service activity is consumed as it is executed.
provision of the activities that industry requires. In particular, • Does not result in ownership: since there is nothing to be
we want to address organized systems of apparatus, appli- stored, there is nothing to be owned.
ances, employees, etc. for providing supportive activities to
industrial operations. In this context, the term is mostly as- This has a few implications for the automation of
sociated with repair and maintenance activities and servicing services:
26 Service Automation 603

• A consequence of the lack of storage is the difference 26.1.4 Life Cycle of Product-Service Systems
in value chain. A service cannot be designed, produced,
stored, and delivered. Service may be designed, but de- The cradle-to-grave life cycle of the equipment [5] provides
livery is immediate, i.e., the acting subject (the service a valuable introduction to the range of products and services
executor) is present at the same time the object (the that can support the customer’s processes or the product
serviced equipment) is. before the initial purchase of the equipment installation,
• While the quality of a produced item can be checked through the operational phase to the end of its life. Many ser-
through analysis and tests, proper delivery of a service vices are hidden and often provided for free to the customer,
is much harder to assess. The evidence of the quality of as they are “bundled” with the product sale. From a single
service is a property of service that is difficult to measure. OEM perspective, the challenge of services over the life cycle 26
• Today, many services are delivered by people. Good ser- can be pretty complex. However, from the customer’s per-
vices build on people’s cognitive capabilities and rely on spective, managing such services is equally complex as they
the interaction between people. This is one of the major probably operate equipment from multiple suppliers. The
challenges in automating services. complex environment creates a “product-service system,”
• As part of a service activity, some components may be where both the product and the services over the equipment
tangible and change ownership. Spare parts or replace- life cycle are essential for its successful operation.
ment equipment are indeed tangible and are transferred One of the key drivers of industrial services is the life
to the customer. The service contract then covers the sale cycle of the equipment. Figure 26.2 describes a range of
of these goods in addition to the services provided. services that are typically needed over during the beginning
of life, middle of life, and end of life of the equipment. In
a perfect world, equipment is purchased, commissioned, and
26.1.3 Service Industries operated in a plant, without the need for further interaction.
Unfortunately, equipment wears and ages, to the point where
In the global economy, service industries form the tertiary performance is reduced or the equipment fails.
sector (primary, extraction; secondary, production). This sec- Moving from a product to a core product with added
tor covers any kind of service offerings, for example: finan- services to a product-service system is a transformational
cial services, entertainment, education, healthcare, etc. Such process known as “servitization.” The most basic offer is
services can be utilizing industrial equipment for the delivery when service is considered a market differentiator, making
of the service and can be automated as well. But these are not services a bolt-on to the product. In contrast, in the product-
the focus of this section. Some are discussed in more detail service system, value creation is enabled by integrating the
in the parts G, H, and I of this handbook. In this section, we product and services. When developing PSS, it is always
look into tertiary (service) activities in the secondary sector important to consider the development of both elements
(manufacturing and production). Within these services, we together and continue evolving the services during the middle
distinguish between the following: of life and end of life to improve value creation.
Tukker [8] provided a model based on the concept of
• Administrative and business services: manufacturing in- servitization in a product-service system context (Fig. 26.3).
dustries do need financial and other externally purchased The “product-orientated” block contains minimal services,
business services to operate. Some may even need restau- the services themselves being focused on the product, which
rant services (canteen) or housing (for employees). These means that the provider generally limits their services to
are covered in their respective sections of this book. installation, commissioning, warranty, and maintenance, al-
• Services along the value chain: an important component of though, at the extremes, they may provide spare parts rather
the manufacturing ecosystem is logistics: supplying ma- than maintenance services. Generally, this is provided on a
terial to the factory and delivering products to customers. transactional basis with the pull for “aftermarket” services
In the case of consumer end-customers, this includes the coming directly from the equipment owner or operator. With
distribution and retail system. We also do not go into a use-orientated product-service system, the supplier focuses
further details on those. on the inputs to keep the equipment’s productivity high
• Services to the operation of the production: most promi- by focusing on the maintenance of the equipment, so here
nently, industrial plants utilize services when it comes to condition-based maintenance is many suppliers’ goal. Often
maintaining and repairing equipment. But other services, long-term agreements are used to provide a use-oriented
such as engineering, operational optimization, or quality product-service system. A results-orientated product-service
certification (to name a few), are important to optimize a system means that the system is now paid based on its output
plant’s output. In this narrower sense, we will discuss how and that the supplier has a much more comprehensive range
industrial service is automated. of obligations.
604 C. Ganz and S. West

Beginning of life Middle of life End of life

Distrib- Use/
Design Manufacture Support Upgrade Retire
ution operate

Product Process Plant Produc- Internal External Reverse

Optimize Train Maintain Repair MOL2 Recycle Resell
design design design tion logistics logistic logistics

Fig. 26.2 Life cycle management from multiple perspective helps firms to identify new service opportunities. (Adapted from [6] and [7])

Product-service system

Value Value
mainly in mainly in
Service content the service
(intangible) content
Product content

Pure product
Pure product Use oriented Results oriented Pure service

Fig. 26.3 PSS model from (Adapted from [8])

Tukker’s product-service system model [8] has been • Process delegation services – the supplier takes respon-
the basis for the characterization of services [9]. In the sibility for the outcomes, and the customer, in effect,
Kowalkowski and Ulaga model [9], the nature of the outsources their process to the supplier.
supplier’s value proposition (input- or output-based) is
compared with the orientation of the services (e.g., the Service businesses are different from product businesses
product or the customer’s processes). This leads to four in more than just the fact that their value propositions come
different service classifications: mainly from the intangible rather than the tangible [10].
Mathieu [11, 12] identified that service businesses were
• Product life cycle services – many of the traditional based on supporting the customer, whereas product-based
industrial services are in this category as the value firms supported the product and had efficiency-based inno-
proposition is input-based and oriented toward the vation processes. Bretani [13] explained that product firms
product. had a more precise separation of production and delivery. In
• Process support services – here, the supplier supports the contrast, services often combined production with delivery
customer’s process and again focuses on the inputs rather and were frequently codependent on the customer for part of
than the outcomes. the delivery process.
• Asset efficiency services – the focus is again the product The cultural aspects of service cannot be underplayed;
where the supplier is paid based on the product’s outputs Schlesinger and Hasket [14] established that the “employee
rather than the inputs. as a disposable tool” is a very costly approach in a service
26 Service Automation 605

business. This was in part due to the importance of personal outcome of service innovation is often much more intangible
relationships and interactions within service transitions. To and often difficult to visualize. However, in order to automate
humanize service delivery, they developed a four-element services, defining and visualizing the service process are
model that: essential.

• Values people as an investment as much as technology.

• Considers that technology is there to support people (not Outcomes for Operators
replace them). For the operator of an industrial plant, it is of utmost impor-
• Highlights that selection and training for frontline staff is tance that the equipment is available with optimum perfor-
mance at any time that it is needed. For some systems in a
as important as for managers.
plant, this means 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, while
• Compensation should be related to performance.
for others, this may apply for only a few weeks spread over
According to Mathieu [12], the cultural aspect of a service the year.
business is related to the service strategy for manufacturing Even though industrial plants prefer to have equipment
firms. The model defines three levels of organizational in- that does not require any service, maintenance, or repair,
tensity for services: “tactical” (e.g., we do it because our planned outage for overhaul is generally accepted and some-
competitors do it), “strategic” (e.g., we do it because our times unavoidable. A large rotating kiln in a cement plant, for
senior managers tell us to do it), and “cultural” (e.g., why example, must usually be fitted with a new liner every year,
would you not consider services?). stopping production for a short time. What is unacceptable,
however, are unplanned outages due to malfunction of equip-
Service Innovation and Service Design The better prepared a supplier of this equipment is to react
The effort and risk of developing services and products are to these unplanned events, the more appreciated this service
different; the Kindström, D., Kowalkowski, C., and Sand- will be.
berg, E. [15] study into service innovation provided the Taking this into account, industrial service must strive
evidence for this by assessing the different development to:
processes (Fig. 26.4). Service development has costs in the
later stages of launch and follow-up, whereas for product • Keep equipment at maximum performance whenever op-
development the costs are in the earlier phases of innovation. erated. Where degradation is exceeding the level of what
This can explain to some degree why innovation management can be recovered in operation
tools, such as “StageGate” processes, need adaptation to • Provide well-planned service at times of planned outage.
make them more suitable for service innovation. Service in- If there are still unplanned outages
novation is closer to more general business development and • Restore optimum performance as quickly and effectively
can be considered more disruptive as it can force adaptation as possible
of traditional business models.
The tools used for innovating in services are also different From these steps, it can be surmised that service strategy
from product development tools as the innovation is often planning is related to risk management: operational main-
“outside in” and driven by customer knowledge. It involves tenance and outage planning are risk mitigation actions,
a wider range of participants from the supplier and the avoiding an unplanned shutdown and related contingency
customer than is the case with product development. The costs, while operation restoration is a contingency action,

New product development New service development

1. Pre-study/concept study
2. Development
3. Industrialization
4. Launch
5. Follow-up

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Fig. 26.4 Product vs. service development process (Adapted from [16])
606 C. Ganz and S. West

aiming at minimizing the cost of lost opportunity [3]. At the (now part of GE) had one of the most comprehensive suites
same time, over-maintenance will result in high costs, while of business models and value propositions [18] (Fig. 26.5).
not adding significantly to the availability of the equipment. In a product-service system, the value proposition of the
We will cover this approach in more detail in Sect. 26.3. individual product and of the services often differs, and the
Already described is the need to consider the entire life product sale and delivery may be separated from the service
cycle when considering services. For services, it can be sale and delivery, even when operating in the same market
helpful to consider the life cycle management from both the segment. Buyer preferences can (and should) mean that the
supplier’s and the customer’s perspectives. This is because value proposition is adjusted to their requirements, needs,
the customer may keep the equipment in operation for a and preferences. Value propositions may be hierarchical,
significantly longer time than the supplier’s “design life” combining those of the product and the services [5].
suggests. This extension of life (and by default, an increase Traditionally, industrial services are delivered under
in the accessible installed base) means that new service an activity-based revenue model. The customer (owner,
opportunities may exist that would otherwise be overlooked. operator) asked for an activity to be executed on the plant,
Over time new technologies are developed from the prod- and the service provider performs all actions required
uct development process that can be reapplied to the existing to fulfill this contract. The customer is then charged
installed base. This can offer a low-risk and high-margin for time and materials spent.
opportunity for firms that have an active PSS portfolio. The Another common business model for service is the service
technologies can support the customer to adapt their mission contract. Under this, the customer has the right to consume a
to the new market conditions or a new asset management number of services over a defined period of time or a usage-
strategy. based metric (e.g., distance driven) for a fixed fee. Service
contracts have the advantage of easing service budgeting for
the customer and create a continuous revenue stream for the
service provider.
26.1.5 Service Business Models A variant of the service contract is performance-based
services. The agreed outcome of the service contract is not
At the core of a business model discussion stands the value the number of interventions but a KPI to be achieved by
proposition: what value does the offering provide to the the equipment. Contracts may be tied to a maximum un-
customer. That value defines whether and how much the planned outage time, and the service provider has to take all
customer is willing to pay for it, which defines the supplier’s necessary service measures to make sure this is fulfilled. A
revenue model. Osterwalder nicely visualizes this in his performance-based service contract may also include a bonus
“business model canvas” [17]. A value proposition is best clause if the KPI is significantly exceeded.
expressed in the customer’s words: “the solution helps [per- In recent years, companies are striving to increase the
sona/s] to [activity] in order to [outcome] when [situation].” service part of their business model to create more recurring
In the case of a product offering, the value proposition revenue. This trend is generally referred to as “servitization”
materializes over time, as the customer is using the product, [19, 20].
while the payment is made at the time of purchase. The cus- One servitization variant, the product as a service, has
tomer is making an upfront investment for a foreseen value to gained popularity particularly in the software industry. In-
be delivered. In services, the value mostly materializes at the stead of buying a product and then paying for software
point of service delivery, which may be over a longer period upgrades, the software is charged for on a time or usage base.
of time (e.g., a service contract). For the customer, the “value Similar contracts have reached industry by offering a product
flow” (cash flow, if value is equated to money) is much more as a service. In many cases this is not more than a leasing
favorable. contract, where the equipment stays on the leaser’s balance
Note that the value proposition is in the eyes of the cus- sheet. Other models, particularly those where the product
tomer. Not all value propositions may be attractive to all cus- is exchanged over time, provide more customer value: Hilti
tomer segments, so customer segmentation and focused value provides tools as a service (Hilti Fleet Management Service,
propositions are required. GE does this very well by having [21]), where a construction company gets the tools required
three very different value positions for the maintenance of gas at every stage of the construction and later in building main-
turbines: one based on the “power-by-the-hour” concept, one tenance. This kind of contract provides flexibility to the
based on an advanced rate sheet valid for 6 years or more, and customer to not buy all tools and use them for a short time.
one on a purely transactional basis. In effect, all value propo- For the supplier to have a benefit requires the possibility
sitions are based on the same underlying service modules to increase the utilization of the equipment, i.e., by using
of parts, repairs, and spares. Alstom’s gas turbine business equipment in several contracts in sequence.
26 Service Automation 607

Value propositions

Full operation O&M

Operational support and routine,

plan and unplanned maintenance o&M Contractual
Focus on the service
Operational and outcomes agreements
o&m Transfer of risk
maintenance support

Planned and unplanned m

Support and consulting
Planned Focus on the inputs
Field services maintenance
only Optimization of costs


Transactional Purchase orders

Fig. 26.5 Alstom gas turbine suite of value propositions with underlying business models. (Based on (Adapted from [18]))

The idea of manufacturing as a service goes even further: ness models to deliver the new value propositions yet still
the complete plant is used as a service, and the customer provide the traditional products and services to a market
can produce components without owning manufacturing ca- segment.
pacity. As mentioned before, the “as a service” provider can
increase the utilization of the plant by offering this service to
several customers in sequence. 26.2 Operational Considerations
The complexity of most industrial plants may require a
mixed approach depending on the complexity and criticality Any maintenance strategy needs to fit into the overall op-
of subsystems. More and more, plants are built in a mod- eration scheme of an enterprise. Essentially, the business
ular fashion, where individual subsystems are packaged in processes define the operation schedule. This is the key
modules by a supplier, including all equipment and automa- input required to define a maintenance strategy. When can
tion. Separate modules may follow different service models, equipment be taken off-line and for how long, depending
where some modules are key to the operation and are owned on the current commitments to customers and the market
and operated by the plant owner, whereas others may be situation? Can plant operation be reduced to extend the life
utilized as a-service, with maintenance and possibly even cycle of an asset? What is the impact on the business? In the
operations provided by the supplier. Modularity in services following sections, we will discuss a few typical situations
is similar to modularity in products; it supports the standard- and their impact on a maintenance strategy.
ization of the back end of the service delivery to help ensure When considering the operation (and hence the
the quality of the services with economies of scale. The front- maintenance demand for the equipment), it is vital to consider
end modules allow a “pick-and-mix” approach that allows the relation between operations (asset load and demand
the necessary customization for the customer. In effect this impacting asset health) and maintenance (asset maintenance
enables flexibility along the continuum of “do it for me” to and repair requiring downtime reducing operations). Each
“do it with me” and “do it yourself.” point of view impacts operation and the maintenance
Caterpillar, Hilti, and Rolls-Royce all have excellent value strategy for the asset in question, and each links back to
propositions based on PSS concepts, and today the majority the value proposition. It also requires the supplier firm and
of their growth is from the service solutions that they of- the customer to understand the forms of maintenance (e.g.,
fer. They have nested value propositions that have clearly planned, unplanned, routine/operational) and the approach to
focused messages; each of the firms is well known for the maintenance (e.g., time-based, condition-based, breakdown).
quality of their products. For each of the firms, the innovative Different owners all have different strategies, and here, the
value propositions have been cannibalistic to their existing OEM’s team needs to bear in mind that service is not about
offerings; nevertheless they successfully adapted their busi- “keeping the equipment shiny.”
608 C. Ganz and S. West

26.2.1 Operation Driven by Market Situation preventive maintenance (based on assumptions) to condition-
based maintenance based on the real plant operating condi-
Some industries are driven by highly changeable market tions.
situations. Food and beverage industries may depend on the
harvest season. Power interruption in a winter resort is less Failures Reducing Flexibility
critical in summer. And in some industries, production is Most of the equipment in a plant is not part of the main
critical prior to the launch of a new product or for large equipment fleet, but a failure still generates a plant outage.
orders from key customers. In all these examples, production Examples are pumps with their associated motors and drives,
interruption has a very high impact in the high utilization cooling fans, etc. Smaller equipment that would have a high
time window and is less critical in between. Some of the impact when failing is often available in a redundant config-
utilization peaks may be shifted, but in some situations, this uration, i.e., the plant still operates with one failed device.
is not possible without impact. Some of the equipment may be used in particular oper-
It is essential that failure is avoided while under high ational situations only, for example, at start-up or shutdown,
utilization, and maintenance can be postponed until the low cleaning or grade change. Even when the facility is in full op-
utilization or standstill time. A maintenance schedule must eration, redundant devices or equipment that is not operating
therefore minimize opportunity cost, i.e., the difference be- may be exchanged between main inspections.
tween the possible unrestricted revenue and the achieved The maintenance window for such devices is defined by
revenue under the maintenance regime. the operational risk. A failed device in a redundant pair
significantly increases the risk of failure. Even though a plant
may operate without redundancy for some time, it is wise to
26.2.2 Long-Term Continuous Operation still repair the device as soon as possible.
Some equipment reduces the plant capacity, for instance,
Industry verticals like oil and gas or conventional power a cooling fan that fails in a large fan arrangement may result
generation require continuous operation over a long period. in a reduction of peak production or the failure of one of
A complete plant shutdown is costly and time-consuming and six export compressors can reduce the plant capacity with-
is avoided whenever possible so are normally scheduled up out causing a complete shutdown. The production schedule
to years ahead. It is then when all critical maintenance has to drives the acceptable time window of reduced production.
be completed within a predefined time window. If a failing device is part of a configuration that is currently
not operating, the production schedule needs to be consulted
Main Equipment Planned Shutdown for the next scheduled use. In some situations, the production
The maintenance schedule of many plants in these partic- schedule can be rearranged to avoid that particular mode of
ularly sensitive industries is mostly defined by the main operation.
equipment, i.e., by the manufacturer of that equipment. These
systems are the key production assets that are essential for
the operation; examples are turbines in power generation or 26.2.3 Batch or Shift Operation
compressors in oil and gas extraction. All other maintenance
activities are then aligned to that schedule. Some plants are shut down at regular intervals. Some facto-
The key question for condition monitoring and predic- ries only operate in one or two shifts, i.e., they are shut down
tive maintenance is the probability of failure before the at night. Others are driven by batch schedules, and between
next maintenance interval. If failure is predicted before the batches, a shutdown may be needed, e.g., for cooling, clean-
maintenance window, intermediate action is to be taken; if ing, or reconfiguring.
the prediction shows a potential failure after the planned A comparable situation exists if the plant is reconfigured
shutdown, maintenance is to be scheduled in the regular frequently to produce a different product. A few weeks of
maintenance window. uninterrupted operation may be followed by a few days of
Operational risk is usually prescribed by equipment man- reconfiguration.
ufacturers based on generic usage assumptions and conser- In either situation, small maintenance tasks that can be
vative operating models to define a recommended preven- completed during the shutdown can be scheduled quickly
tative maintenance schedule. Due to market pressures on without having an impact on the operation schedule. Longer
production and the desire for more production uptime, opera- interventions may result in a delay of the production schedule
tors are currently challenging these assumptions and models and may need to be shifted until the next planning cycle.
and asking equipment manufacturers to extend the recom- Depending on the business cycle, plant utilization may be
mended maintenance periods. One method to allow operators shifted. This still creates a production loss, but it does not
to safely extend the maintenance period is to move from affect a commitment for delivery.
26 Service Automation 609

26.3 Service, Maintenance, and Repair


The requirements from the business environment, the life

Failure rate
cycle stage, the nature of the plant (continuous, discrete), and
other boundary conditions define the requirements for the
maintenance strategy. Cost of downtime needs to be balanced Infant
with cost of maintenance, an optimum that may also change mortality Random failures Wear-out
over time. In this section we look at different strategies for Equipment life
plant maintenance. 26
Fig. 26.6 Failure rate over the life cycle of the equipment, “bathtub
26.3.1 Key Performance Indicators

One of the key performance indicators that can be influenced • Detection time: the time from the plant being unavailable
by an optimized maintenance program is plant availability: until it is detected. Even though one would assume that
the proportion of time a system is in a functional condition. detection of downtime is immediate, one can imagine
Availability [A] is calculated based on the expected value [E] cases of subsystems or remote plant sections, where a
of the uptime and downtime, respectively: failure goes unnoticed for some time.
• Preparation time: the time spent to prepare the repair.
E [uptime] • Repair time: the time spent to repair a fault.
E [uptime] + E [downtime]
If equipment fails unexpectedly, the preparation time can-
Depending on the formula use, there are two interpreta- not be spent before the incident. MTTR is therefore the sum
tions of availability: of the repair time and the preparation time. If a fault can
be predicted, the preparation time can be spent before the
• Operational availability: availability under the normal op- outage, and only the repair time affects the availability.
eration scheme of the plant. Uptime and downtime are A comprehensive overview over the literature in the field
driven by equipment reliability as well as by commercial is given in [22].
considerations. The overall plant uptime and downtime are If the maintenance strategy is aligned with the business
used, irrespective of what caused the downtime. outcome, this optimization considers times of high and low
• Inherent availability: availability solely caused by fail- production. A more comprehensive, but more complex, KPI
ures and their recovery. The operational availability is for the effectiveness of a maintenance program may therefore
optimized based on the business conditions. The inherent be the cumulative opportunity cost. This KPI considers repair
availability is a KPI that is normally maximized by min- cost but also the lost sales due to the plant not being available
imizing outages or their impact. For the inherent avail- in critical business situations.
ability, E[uptime] is equal to the mean time to failure
(MTTF), and E[downtime] is equal to the mean time to
repair (MTTR). 26.3.2 Corrective Maintenance

An optimal maintenance strategy can influence the in- In this approach, maintenance is only done when something
herent availability by extending the MTTF through avoiding fails. In the best case, the failed equipment is redundant,
failures altogether. It is also influenced by reducing the either by having another device installed that is performing
MTTR and bringing a plant back online in shorter time. the same function or by executing the function by different
Over the life cycle of the equipment, the MTTF changes: means (e.g., manual instead of automatic). In most cases, this
there is a higher probability that the equipment will fail early approach leads to plant downtime.
in its life cycle (“infant mortality”) due to production or Downtime can be shortened by keeping an inventory of
installation errors, and this probability rises again when the spare parts and spare equipment, which in turn has an impact
equipment is aging and wearing out. This reliability function on working capital.
is generally referred to as the “bathtub curve,” shown in Relating back to the definition of availability, the factor
Fig. 26.6. that can be influenced by corrective maintenance is the
In the context of predictive maintenance, MTTR has the duration of the downtime. Proper detection and reporting
following aspects: mechanisms help to detect the failure and, in the best case,
610 C. Ganz and S. West

also locate it and explain its reason quickly. Spare part maintenance instructions for the fleet have to be updated.
inventory, and well-trained service personnel, located close The service tools in place (covered in Sect. 26.4.1) should
to the plant further helps to shorten the preparation time. be used to both collect the data and also to roll out refined
To then repair the failed component, it is essential to have service plans to service personnel and existing customers.
efficient personnel as well as ease of repair built into the
design of the broken component.
One way to achieve personnel efficiency is proper train- 26.3.4 Condition-Based Maintenance
ing. New technologies applying augmented reality (AR) may
be of help in achieving this, as the AR allows the trainee to get Maintaining a device once it has broken down is one extreme
hands-on experience before seeing a real plant. Furthermore, case of condition-based maintenance, where the condition
a service person may not need the support of a senior expert of the equipment has “failed.” Good diagnostic capabilities,
traveling with him or her to the site, as the expert may well however, can indicate an upcoming failure before it results in
be connected to the system remotely. an outage of the plant. The device can then be maintained in
Ease of repair is something that needs to be designed into times of low or stopped production, which has a minor impact
the equipment. Today, design for manufacturing is state of the on the plant’s production.
art. To extend that concept to include a service environment, Some equipment conditions can be detected by the expe-
where the equipment is installed in its operational environ- rienced maintenance person, through sound, sight, or other
ment with only limited tools available, is a challenge that is senses. This can be extended by adding sensing capabilities to
often not considered in the design phase. To include service the equipment and by running diagnostic algorithms to detect
technicians in the design stage of an R&D project is a best developing issues before they are spotted by humans.
practice worth exploring [23]. Automating equipment monitoring requires sensors.
These may be added to the equipment for the sake of
monitoring, but they may already be available for other
26.3.3 Preventive Maintenance purposes, e.g., for control. In a simple case, a failure of a
component is indicated by a sensor that surpasses a defined
In this maintenance approach, equipment is maintained based limit. If a bearing temperature or vibration measurement
on a schedule, hours in operation, use cycles, or similar is too high, this may point to a problem. In many cases
indications of usage that relates to the equipment’s wear however, further analysis is required. The amplitude of a
and tear. The intervals in which the maintenance activity vibration signal may still be in the normal range, while
has to occur are derived from statistics and the experience some frequencies are outside the norm [24]. Such condition
of the equipment manufacturer. This approach is taken by monitoring systems may combine several sensor readings to
car manufacturers, where a car must be serviced at regular detect the failure.
intervals (according to time or mileage). In Fig. 26.7, the current machine condition is one data
This approach prevents many unplanned failures. How- point that indicates the current status (labeled “monitored
ever, it requires service activity where it may not yet be condition”).
needed due to the state of the equipment. If a fault devel-
ops between maintenance intervals, it will still lead to an
unplanned outage. 26.3.5 Predictive Maintenance
To come up with an optimal preventive maintenance strat-
egy, information about the following aspects of the equip- An extension of condition-based maintenance is predictive
ment have to be analyzed: maintenance. In addition to monitoring the device’s condi-
tion, an algorithm is used to estimate the device’s predicted
• Design parameters: the equipment was laid out in the failure time. This may be done based on past measure-
design phase to fulfill life cycle requirements that have ments on that device but also based on statistics over a
an impact on its reliability. Tolerances are then chosen to fleet of devices where typical failure probabilities are calcu-
further reduce the failure probability within the expected lated on the condition that a given effect is observed on a
life cycle. Good industrial design flags components that device.
need to be serviced or replaced within the life cycle of the A predictive approach allows better optimization of the
equipment. This a priori information is the base of a good maintenance schedule. How far in the future the failure can
preventive maintenance plan. be predicted depends on the capabilities of the analytics used
• Failure statistics and best practices: service records from and the amount of data that is available from which to derive
the field can be used to further improve the strategy. If, de- the failure probabilities. The result can be an unplanned
spite the design, some failures occur more frequently, the outage that is scheduled to match a time of low production
26 Service Automation 611

Monitored condition

Failure initiated




Statistical spread

Catastrophic failure

Fig. 26.7 Relation of maintenance strategies

(low lost opportunity), or the prediction can even assure that not loaded to full capacity. A minor decrease in production
a device will survive until the next planned outage. may prevent an outage and buy time until the next scheduled
The longer lead time indicated by the predictive algorithm maintenance. Alternatively, a short outage to install a tempo-
may have an additional impact on the spare part inventory. If rary fix may buy the time needed to order a new device or to
the predicted time is long enough, spare parts can be ordered properly schedule the maintenance activity according to the
ahead from the manufacturer and do not need to be kept in overall maintenance plan.
stock. Again, prescriptive maintenance requires all aspects of
To enable predictive maintenance, all aspects of condition- predictive maintenance to be present. It requires predictive
based maintenance must be present, i.e., the capability to algorithms that not only rely on statistics but also that can run
collect and analyze data. Many of the common algorithms “what-if” simulations to calculate the impact of a particular
applied also require recordings of past data in periods leading intervention.
to failures, in order to detect trends. Figure 26.7 indicates the impact of prescriptive
To achieve a more precise prediction that also considers maintenance to move the failure condition further into the
the intended future load of a plant, accurate models are re- future to allow for corrective actions in an optimal time
quired that take the current state for calibration and calculate window.
the future failure behavior. Since modeling of wear and aging
is difficult using first principle physical models, statistical
models or neural networks show good performance in such 26.4 Technology and Solutions
Figure 26.7 shows the prediction to forecast future ma- In the previous sections, we have covered the various aspects
chine behavior given the currently assessed condition. of industrial services and what the drivers are. In this section
we will now cover the solutions available to increase the
automation level of these services. It is to be noted that
26.3.6 Prescriptive Maintenance “industrial services” is one field where human intervention
is still very important. Automation technologies can support
One further maintenance strategy is to investigate the options humans in their tasks to increase their effectiveness, but
indicated by the prediction algorithm. A device that is suf- fully automated service delivery is still limited to niche
fering from reduced health may deteriorate more slowly if applications.
612 C. Ganz and S. West

26.4.1 Condition Assessment and Prediction data from earlier failures are analyzed and used to calculate
the respective parameters.
A properly designed condition assessment and prediction A special case of a statistical model is using machine
solution is tailored to the equipment it is evaluating. In an learning. Data from past operations can be used to train a
optimal case, the functionality is already built into the device neural network that can then be used to infer the system’s
as it is designed. The engineers who do this tailor much of the state of health. To train a neural network or statistical model,
information available and are using it to design the device for a large number of observations of healthy as well as faulty
reliability. devices need to be available. Since industrial equipment
In order to properly construct a condition monitoring rarely fails in normal use, the chance of seeing a failure
system, the elements to be observed need to be those that within a single plant is low. Data from a vast fleet of devices
create the biggest value when monitored [25]. In the first therefore needs to be used for that training. To make this data
step, possible failure modes need to be analyzed. What can available for analysis, concepts of the Internet of Things (IoT)
go wrong? What impact would that failure have? If combined have to be applied [27].
with life cycle data from existing products, or market failure
statistics, the most frequent failures can be identified.
The next step in the design of a monitoring system is 26.4.2 Remote Services: Internet of Things
to identify possible variables that would indicate a failure
as early as possible. Where are sensors installed that could With the proliferation of the Internet of Things into industrial
observe an effect of a degradation? The volume of sensors applications [28], many of the monitoring and analytical
now used in smartphones and cars has led to a significant functions described so far have moved from the plant to the
cost reduction. While vibration monitoring using accelerom- cloud. Computing and storage capacity are more scalable and
eters was expensive in the past, such sensors have become elastic in cloud environments compared to on-site computa-
available in large numbers. This means adding sensors to a tion. Furthermore, to learn from as many incidents as possible
device only for monitoring purposes has become possible and to extract the corresponding data patterns to predict that
even for lower cost products such as low-voltage motors. If failure in other installations, the data needs to be accessible
such sensors are not available in the installed base of older from one central point where the algorithms can be trained.
equipment, retrofitting devices with monitoring packages This point has been established by a number of vendors to be
that comprise sensing, basic analytics, and communication the IoT cloud. Figure 26.9 shows the issue resolution process,
capabilities has become possible. Figure 26.8 shows the ABB where the issue is detected or predicted by the analytics
Smart Sensor attached to motors in a factory [26]. algorithms in the cloud platform. It is then further resolved
If it is still not possible to directly measure a failure with by the service expert, who triggers the service intervention
a sensor, it may be calculated from adjacent sensors. Are process that finally brings the field engineer to the plant to
there physical models available that provide the necessary fix the problem.
algorithms to do these calculations? If a failure is difficult to The data that is analyzed for the detection of potential
model, a statistical modeling approach can be taken, where issues can also be used to analyze the plant’s performance
in general. Performance indicators such as energy efficiency,
throughput, or quality may also be derived from collected
data, and the plant operator can be informed about possible
measures to improve operations.
Since all required data is available off-site, broad collab-
oration between different stakeholders is enabled. The plant
that lacks the top-level experts on-site may still be guided
by those specialists (located in another plant or in a corpo-
rate office), and the supplier can add equipment specialists
to discuss any operational or maintenance issues whenever
required. Such a collaborative operation center (example
screens are shown in Fig. 26.10), where plant personnel,
customer’s experts, and supplier’s experts can interact in
real time across the globe without the need for travel, is a
key concept to deliver digital services beyond maintenance
support [29, 30].
Independent of the location and the staffing of the plant,
key experts (internal and external) can be made available
Fig. 26.8 Condition monitoring retrofit solution for motors (ABB
Smart Sensor) depending on the needs of the plant operation. This enables
26 Service Automation 613

3rd Party Collaborating

service provider service expert
External Service
consultant dispatcher
Web portal Service center Field service mgt

Inst. Other
base IoT cloud data
Customer Secure conn. Field service

Improved operational effectiveness Fast and efficient resolution of issues

Fig. 26.9 Industrial Internet of Things service ecosystem. (Courtesy ABB)

Fig. 26.10 ABB Ability™ collaborative operation center – plant and asset view
614 C. Ganz and S. West

faster reaction and broader analysis of technical as well as in a plant, for example, the system would display the data
production issues. Experts can be called upon without the of last inspection; the present performance status, analyzed
need for a physical presence on-site. And changing needs of by a background system; the scheduled maintenance interval;
production can be matched by bringing in the experts needed etc. Drawings of the part can be displayed, and maintenance
in a wide range of situations. instructions can be given.

26.4.3 Service Information Management 26.4.4 Service Support Tools

in a Digital Twin
Apart from the information required on-site, further automa-
The detailed information about the equipment’s condition is tion can be achieved by managing the service intervention.
not sufficient to efficiently execute a maintenance task. In If the following tasks are not aligned, there may be further
addition to this information, a service organization needs to delay in providing a remedy:
know more, for example:
• Availability of a properly trained service team in optimal
• Location of the equipment and description of how to reach distance to the plant
it, including local access procedures • Availability of the required tools and spare parts
• Purpose of the equipment and expected performance and • Deployment of people and material on-site
connection of equipment to other parts of the installation • Alignment with the plant’s shutdown schedule and proce-
• Proposed service actions and detailed advice of how to dures
carry out these actions, including required tools • Necessary approvals and work orders from the plant
• Safety issues in handling the equipment • Administrative back-end processes, such as purchase or-
• Technical data, including drawings and part lists ders and billing
• Historical data for the equipment, including previous ser-
vice actions All these steps can be taken on paper and coordinated over
• Information about spare parts and their availability and the phone, but today’s service management tools provide
location the support required to keep the information flows consis-
• Information about urgency and time constraints tent and avoid misunderstandings. Connecting the real-time
• Data for administrative procedures and work orders information from the field to the service process tools, and
integrating the information that is available in the digital twin
Most of this information is available in digital form. It to the processes managed by the corresponding service and
is essential that it is available at the place and the time of logistics tools, creates the information base to enable auto-
the service intervention. Ensuring that this information is mated business processes. From notification of the service
correct is not a trivial matter. All available information must organization through high-level event processing based on
be associated with the equipment to be serviced. Outdated or IoT data to detection of successful remedy by analyzing IoT
incorrect information may in the best case prolong the service data that may lead to automatic billing, many processes can
activity or in the worst case create a dangerous situation. be automated.
The challenge of managing digital information along the Still, even in highly automated service delivery systems,
life cycle has been addressed by introducing the concept humans stay in the loop as well, taking the relevant deci-
of a digital twin [31]. If properly set up, a digital twin not sions and finally executing the service actions in the field.
only shows the cause of the problem but also contains 3D The technology available in the IoT cloud, through artificial
models, work instructions, spare part bills of material, and intelligence and advanced optimization algorithms, helps to
corresponding spare part inventory levels. If the digital twin make this process as efficient as possible to reduce downtime
information is consistently managed throughout the life cycle and increase the productivity of a plant.
of the equipment, it can provide most of the information When considering automation, it is vital to consider the
required for a service intervention. digital landscape that exists, as service can tap into these
The digital twin information not only needs to be col- as resources to improve the service delivery, the operation
lected, but it also needs to be available at the place and management, and the design of the next generation of prod-
time of the service intervention. Handheld devices such as ucts. The installed base information provides a core service
smartphones and tablets are a convenient way to carry the base as it includes information on where the equipment is,
information or to access back-end systems that provide it. how it is operated, how it is maintained, and who is the
Another means to access it may be augmented reality. These operator. This provides important insights for both sales and
tools combine the real picture of a device with displayed the service business. The installed base’s starting point can
information about the object inspected. Looking at a valve be data in the customer relationship management (CRM)
26 Service Automation 615

system that considers the bidding process or simply the The use of industrial IoT has brought automated services
ship-to address on the delivery. When the installed base is a great step forward, but further information integration is re-
integrated with a life cycle management model CRM and quired to optimally serve an industrial customer. Service pro-
coupled with operational data, it is possible to forecast the cesses can be automated similarly to other business processes
service sales revenues. The CRM data provides information where robotic process automation is increasing efficiency.
on the customers, and this can be used to drive the service
sales team, ensuring repeat visits and triggers for sales pro-
cesses. Journey mapping can support this process further and
26.5 Conclusions and Emerging
allows for the automation of trigger marketing. ServiceMax,
for instance, provides a system similar to a manufacturing 26
execution system (MES) for services that supports the service
Industrial services cover most of a product or system’s life
business, drawing from data in CRM and ERP systems and
cycle, from the design stages until its end of life. In par-
the installed base with operational service management. This
ticular, the services around managing the installed system’s
helps to automate the service operations to drive customer
operational performance and uptime share a common pat-
experience and efficiency. Machine data can be collected
tern: measured field data and other information available
in the form of process data and sensor data to provide,
in the plant’s or supplier’s IT systems are analyzed to de-
for example, automated replenishment as part of a service
tect or predict performance degradation or failures. Based
contract. Veolia Environment, for example, used sensors on
on this information, a service intervention is planned and
waste bins to allow an adaptive collection process to be
executed. Service automation is easiest to implement in the
data collection and analysis parts of this process. Today’s
asset management systems are capable of doing these tasks
in an automated or supported way. These systems are also
26.4.5 Toward Fully Automated Service
well suited to automate some of the background processes,
scheduling, spare parts management, etc. A well-designed
As we laid out in Sect. 26.1.2, one of the key properties
product-service system (PSS) can help optimize these steps.
of services is their intangible nature. When developing a
Where automation is still not easily implemented is in
physical product, its design is described so that a factory
the execution of the service intervention. Repair and main-
or workshop can build it from the design instructions. The
tenance activities still require human activities to perform
machines in a factory are capable of using some of these
the steps necessary to get the equipment back to optimal
instructions (possibly converted into machine instructions) to
automatically build the product.
In this chapter we have outlined some of the challenges
Service delivery is unique in time and place on each
and presented current approaches around creating product-
occasion it is performed for a customer. Its execution still
service system offerings that not only maintain the product’s
often depends on the individual performing the service. To
functionality but also extend it with services along the life
standardize service delivery, organizations have clearly de-
cycle. We have also outlined some of the technologies that
scribed the service process, similar to the instructions and
can be employed to put such systems into action.
plans that are used to build a product. Such defined processes
If properly implemented, these approaches not only pro-
are the base for service automation.
vide better margins for the supplier but also create better
As we have seen in Sect. 26.4.4, tools to support the back-
customer relationships and are a door opener to continued
end processes in a more automated way are available today.
collaboration on expanding the customer’s operations.
To properly automate service processes, feedback from the
See related topics in Chapter 31.
equipment is essential. Consistently collecting and analyzing
information as described in Sect. 26.4.2 are required to close
the automation loop: from condition assessment to failure
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J. Prod. Innov. Manag. 6(4), 239–258 (1989)
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15. Kindström, D., Kowalkowski, C., Sandberg, E.: Enabling service
innovation: a dynamic capabilities approach. J. Bus. Res. 66(8),
1063–1073 (2013) Christopher Ganz is an independent innovation consultant with more
16. Kowalkowski, C.: Service innovation in industrial contexts. In: than 30 years of experience in the entire value chain of industrial
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book for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Wiley, able to build on his work in ABB research and global ABB service
Hoboken (2010) management and today supports companies in innovation processes.
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Infrastructure and Complex Systems
Automation 27
Florin Gheorghe Filip and Kauko Leiviskä

Contents new characteristic features, such as networked structure,

27.1 Background and Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618 enhanced geographical distribution associated with the
increased cooperation of subsystems, evolutionary devel-
27.2 Control Methods Large-Scale Complex Systems . . . . 620
27.2.1 Multilevel Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620 opment, higher risk sensitivity, presence of more, possi-
27.2.2 Decentralized Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623 bly conflicting, objectives, and security and environment
27.2.3 Computer Supported Decision-Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623 concerns. This chapter aims to present a balanced review
27.3 Modern Automation Architectures and Essential of several traditional well-established methods (such as
Enabling Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625 multilevel and decentralized control) and modern control
27.3.1 Internet of Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625 solutions (such as cooperative and networked control) for
27.3.2 Computing Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
LSS together with the technology development and new
27.3.3 Tools and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628
27.3.4 Networked Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629 application domains, such as smart city with heating and
water distribution systems, and environmental monitoring
27.4 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631
27.4.1 Smart Cities as Large-Scale Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631 and protection. A particular attention is paid to automa-
27.4.2 Environmental Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634 tion infrastructures and associated enabling technologies
27.4.3 Other Infrastructure Automation Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635 together with security aspects.
27.5 Design and Security Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636 Keywords

Complex systems · Cloud Computing · Decision

Abstract support · Environment protection · ICT · Interconnected
systems · Internet of Things · Networked control · Smart
The set of traditional characteristic features of large-scale City
complex systems (LSS) included the large number of vari-
ables, structure of interconnected subsystems, and other
features that complicate the control models, such as non-
linearities, time delays, and uncertainties. The advances There is not yet a universally accepted definition of the
in information and communication technologies (ICT) large-scale complex systems (LSS) though the LSS movement
and the modern business models have led to important started more than 50 years ago, and many definitions were
evolution in the concepts and the corresponding manage- proposed [1–6, and others]. In addition, the concept has con-
ment and control infrastructures of large-scale complex tinuously evolved under the influence of the human factor,
systems. The last three decades have highlighted several technology advances, and changes in business models. The
LSS have traditionally been characterized by large numbers
of variables, structure of interconnected subsystems, and
other features that complicate the control models, such as
F. G. Filip () nonlinearities, time delays, and uncertainties. Their decom-
The Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania position into smaller, more manageable subsystems, possibly
organized in a hierarchy, has been associated with intense
K. Leiviskä and time-critical information exchange and with the need for
Control Engineering Laboratory, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
e-mail: efficient decentralization and coordination mechanisms [7].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 617

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
618 F. G. Filip and K. Leiviskä

This chapter is an up-dated version of the Ch.  36, There is the need to create the next generation manufacturing
entitled “Large-Scale Complex Systems,” of the first edition systems with higher levels of flexibility, allowing these systems
to respond as a component of enterprise networks in a timely
of Springer Handbook of Automation.
manner to highly dynamic supply-and-demand networked mar-

27.1 Background and Scope The ever-growing preoccupation for environment quality
as a part of sustainable development has led to circular
In real life, one can encounter many natural, manmade, and economy [13] and environmentally conscious manufacturing
social entities that can be viewed as LSS. From the early years and product recovery trends [14]. To implement those con-
of the LSS movement, the general LSS class has included cepts, a specific form of virtual LSS could be identified. It
several specific subclasses, such as steelworks, petrochem- consists of complex loops made up of forwards activities
ical plants, power systems, transportation networks, water (design, manufacturing, distribution, and use) and backwards
systems, and societal organizations. The interest in designing activities (collecting end-of-life products, disassembling, fol-
effective control schemes for such systems was primarily lowed by remanufacturing/reusing/repairing/disposal and re-
motivated by the fact that even small improvements in the cycling). To make those activities effective, several multicri-
LSS operations could lead to large savings and important teria methods can be used [15, 16].
economic effects [6]. Besides manufacturing, there has been a growing trend to
The structure of interconnected subsystems has apparently understand the design, management, and control aspects of
been the characteristic feature of LSS to be found in most complex supersystems or Systems of Systems (SoS). Systems
definitions. Several subclasses of interconnections can be of Systems can be met in space exploration, military, and
noticed (Fig. 27.1). Firstly, there are the resource sharing civil applications, such as computer networks, integrated
interconnections described by Findeisen [8], which can be education systems, healthcare networks, and air transporta-
identified at the system level as remarked by Takatsu [9]. tion systems. There are several definitions of SoS, most of
Also, at the system level, subsystems may be interconnected them being articulated in the context of particular applica-
through their common objectives, collective constraints, and tions; for example, Sage and Cuppan [17] stated that an
information flows. Besides the above virtual interconnec- SoS is not a monolithic entity and possesses the majority
tions, the subsystems may also be physically interconnected of the following characteristics: geographic distribution, op-
through buffer units (tanks), which are meant to attenuate erational and management independence of its subsystems,
the effects of possible differences in the operation regimes of emergent behavior, and evolutionary development. All these
plants, which feed or drain the stock in the buffer. This type of developments obviously imply ever more complex control
flexible interconnection can frequently be met in large indus- and decision problems. A particular case that has received
trial and related systems, such as refineries, steelworks, and a lot of attention over recent years is the class of large-
water systems [10]. In some cases, buffering units are not al- scale critical infrastructures (communication networks, the
lowed because of technological reasons; for example, electric Internet, highways, water systems, power systems) that serve
power cannot be stocked at all and reheated ingots in steel- the society in general [18]. Several SoS may show variable
works must go immediately to rolling mills to be processed. structures under the influence of strong external perturbations
When there are no buffer units, the subsystems are coupled (weather conditions, pandemic, economic crisis, and so on)
through direct interconnections, at the process level [9]. or/and new business models and, consequently, may request
In the 1990s, integration of systems continued and new a multimodel approach. For example, the same large water
paradigms, such as the extended/networked/virtual enter- distribution system needs different models in normal, floods,
prise, were articulated to reflect real-life developments. In and drought situations [19].
this context, Mårtenson [11] remarked that complex systems The recent advances in information and communication
became more and more complex. She provided several ar- technologies have led to new developments and concepts.
guments to support her remark. First, the ever-larger number Among them, the following ones are of interest: a) increased
of interacting subsystems that perform various functions and collaboration of various entities, such as enterprises,
utilize technologies belonging to different domains, such as humans, computers, networks, and machines, b) the
mechanics, electronics, and Information and Communication digital transformation and associated concepts, such as
Technologies (ICT). Second, experts from different domains Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Cyber-Physical-Social
can encounter hard-to-solve communication problems. Also, Systems (CPSS), and c) new control schemes, such as
people in charge of control and maintenance tasks, who Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based solutions and Networked
have to treat both routine and emergency situations, possess Control Systems (NCS). All new concepts and control
uneven levels of skills and training and might even belong to schemes are enabled by corresponding effective ICT
different cultures. Several years later, Nof et al. [12] stated: infrastructures.
27 Infrastructure and Complex Systems Automation 619

a) w1 m1 w2 m2

u1 SSy1


b) w1 m1 w2 m2
u1 SSy1 z1 27
z2 u = h (z)
u2 y2

c) w1 m1 w2 m2
u1 SSy1 z1
s = g (s,z)
z2 u = h (s)
u2 SSy2 y2

Fig. 27.1 Interconnection patterns: (a) resource sharing, (b) direct interconnection, (c) flexible interconnection; SSy subsystem, m control variable,
y output variable, w disturbance, u interconnection input, z interconnection output, g(·) stock dynamics function, h(·) interconnection function

Lee [20] defines CPS as “integrations of computation and A plethora of methods have been proposed over the last
physical processes where embedded computers and networks decades for managing and controlling LSS, such as de-
monitor and control the physical processes, usually with composition [29], multilevel control and optimization [6],
feedback loops where physical processes affect computations decentralized control [30], model reduction [31], singular
and vice versa.” Yilma et al. [21] define a CPSS as a system perturbation-based techniques [32], intelligent control in-
composed of two parts: a) a CPS and b) a social system cluding soft computing [33, 34], multimodel approaches
(SS). The components of CPS and SS interact in a virtual [35, 36], collaborative control [23], network systems and
and physical environment. See more on CPS later in Sect. networked control [37–39], and so on. Several common ideas can be found in most approaches proposed so far, such as:
Nof et al. [22, 23] emphasized that e-manufacturing is
highly dependent on the efficiency of collaborative human– 1. Exploiting the particular structure of each system to the
human and human–machine e-work. Emergency situations extent possible by replacing the original problem with a
of operation disruptions can be effectively handled in the set of simpler ones, which can be solved with the avail-
context of collaborative e-work [24] (See Ch.  18). In recent able tools and accepting the satisfactory, near optimal,
years, the social operator 4.0 and the cooperation of social solution
machines within a social factory have been envisaged [25]. 2. Making use of the communication infrastructures that
Industry 4.0 [26, 27] and other similar concepts, such as enables an intensive exchange of data among various
Economy 4.0, Agriculture 4.0, Health 4.0, Water 4.0, Edu- entities of a complex system, such as controlled objects,
cation 4.0, Tourism 4.0, and so on, associated with digital sensors, actuators, computers, and people, as a preeminent
transformation [28] can be viewed as new specific subclasses characteristic feature of the modern solutions for manage-
to the general class of LSS. ment and control schemes
620 F. G. Filip and K. Leiviskä

The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. Sec- As Steward [45] points out, practical experience witnessed
tion 27.2 describes several traditional and modern control that there is a paradoxical law of systems. If the description
methods, such as multilevel schemes, decentralized and col- of the plant is too complicated, then the designer is tempted
laborative control, and decision support systems. Modern to consider only a part of the system or a limited set of
automation architectures and several technologies, which en- aspects, which characterize its behavior. In this case, it is
able the control of the LSS, are described in Sect. 27.3. Sev- likely that the very ignored parts and aspects have a crucial
eral particular issues such as large heat and water distribution importance. Consequently, it emerges that more aspects
systems, environment protection, and other infrastructure should be considered, but this may lead to a problem which
automation cases are addressed in Sect. 27.4. The design and is too complex to be solved in due time. To solve the conflict
security aspects are reviewed in Sect. 27.5. between the necessary simplicity (to allow for the usage of
existing methods and tools with a reasonable consumption
of time and other computing resources) and the acceptable
27.2 Control Methods Large-Scale precision (to avoid obtaining wrong or unreliable results),
Complex Systems the LSS can be represented by a family of models. These
models reflect the behavior of the LSS as viewed from
Even though many ideas and methods for controlling LSSs various perspectives, called [6] levels of description or
have been proposed since late 1960s, one could admit that strata, or levels of influence [41, 46]. The description levels
the book of Mesarovic et al. published in 1970 [6] had a are governed by independent laws and principles and use
significant role in laying the theoretical foundations for LSS different sets of descriptive variables. The lower the level is,
domain and triggering the LSS movement. The concepts the more detailed the description of a certain entity is. For
contained in that book have inspired many academics and example, the same manufacturing system can be described
practitioners. A series of books, including those of Ho and from the top stratum in terms of economic and financial
Mitter [40], Sage [41], Singh and Titli [42], Findeisen et al. models, and, at the same time, by control variables (states,
[43], Jamshidi [5], Šiljak [30], Brdys and Tatjewski [44], controls, and disturbances), as viewed from the middle
and so on, followed and contributed to the consolidation of stratum, or by physical and chemical variables, as viewed
the LSS domain of research and paved the way for practical from the bottom description level. In the context of digital
applications. transformation of the present day, a new decomposition axis
In 1976, the first International Federation of Automatic could be added to contain the physical level and the cyber
Control (IFAC) conference on Large-Scale Systems: Theory one. Smart city is a recent concept that is also associated
and Applications was held in Udine, Italy. This was followed with digital transformation and may be viewed as an LSS
by a series of symposia, which were organized by the special- that can be described by using a 3-dimension (technology,
ized Technical Committee of IFAC and took place in various human, and institutions) approach [47].
cities, such as Toulouse, Warsaw, Zurich, Berlin, Beijing,
London, Patras, Bucharest, Osaka, Gdansk, Lille, Shanghai,
and Delft. Levels of Control
In order to act in due time even in emergency situations,
when the available data are uncertain and the decision conse-
27.2.1 Multilevel Methods quences cannot be fully explored and evaluated, a hierarchy
of specialized control functions can be an effective solution,
The central idea of the Hierarchical Multilevel Systems as shown by Eckman and Lefkowitz [48]. Several examples
(HMS) approach to LSS consists of replacing the original of sets of levels of control are:
system (and the associated control problem) with a multilevel
structure of smaller subsystems (and associated less • Regulation, optimization, and organization [49]
complicated subproblems). The subproblems at the bottom • Stabilization, dynamic coordination, static optimization,
of the hierarchy are defined by the interventions made by the and dynamic optimization [8]
higher-level subproblems, which in turn utilize the feedback • Knowledge-based Enterprise Resource Planning-ERP
information they receive from the solutions of the lower-level (the business level), the High-Level Controller (the
subproblems. There are three main subclasses of hierarchies, general performance level), and the Low-Level Controller
which can be obtained in accordance with the complexity of (the operative level) [50]
description, control task, and organization [6]. • Device level consisting of field devices such as sensors
and actuators, and machines and process elements such
Levels of Description as PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers). Control level
The first step in analyzing an LSS and designing the involving networking machines, work cells, and work
corresponding control scheme consists of model building. areas where Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
27 Infrastructure and Complex Systems Automation 621

(SCADA) are usually implemented. Informational level accordance with the concepts of pure hierarchies, such as
that is meant to gather the information from the lower level inflexibility, difficult maintenance, and limited robustness to
and deals with large volumes of data that are neither in major disturbances. The more recent solutions exhibit ever
constant use or time critical [51] more increased communication and cooperation capabilities
of the management and control units. This trend has been
The levels of control, also called layers by Mesarovic supported by the advances in communication technology; for
et al. [6], can be the result of a time-scale decomposition. example, already in 1977, Binder [35] introduced the con-
They can be defined based on time horizons, or the frequency cept of decentralized-coordinated control with cooperation,
of disturbances, which may show up in process variables, which allowed limited communication among the control
operation conditions, parameters, and structure of the plant unit placed at the same level. Several years later, Hatvany
[46]. [54] proposed the heterarchical organization concept, which
allowed for exchange of information among the decision
Levels of Organization and control units placed at various levels of the hierarchy. 27
Brosilow et al. [52] proposed the hierarchies based on the Heterarchical control is characterized by the full autonomy
complexity of organization in mid-1960s, and Mesarovic of local units associated with a certain limited cooperation.
et al. [6] formalized these in detail. The hierarchy with several Since there are no master/slave relationships among the de-
levels of organization, also called echelons by Mesarovic cision and control units, increased reactivity and improved
et al. [6], has been, for many years, a natural solution for robustness to local disturbances are expected. In order to
management of large-scale military, industrial, and social reduce, to the extent possible, the myopic effects, semi-
systems, which are made up of several interconnected sub- heterarchical schemes were proposed by Rey et al. [55].
systems when a centralized scheme is neither technically The term holon was first proposed by Koestler in 1967
possible nor economically acceptable. [56] with a view to describing a general organization scheme
The central idea of the multiechelon hierarchy is to place able to explain the evolution and life of biological and social
the control/decision units, which might have different ob- systems. A holon cooperates with other holons to build up a
jectives and information bases, on several levels of a man- larger structure (or to solve a complex problem) and, at the
agement and control pyramid. While the multilayer systems same time, it works toward attaining its own objectives and
implement the vertical division of the control effort, the treats the various situations it faces without waiting for any
multiechelon systems also include a horizontal division of instructions from the entities placed at higher levels. A hol-
work (Fig. 27.2). Thus, on the n-th organization level, the archy is a hierarchy made up of holons. It is characterized by
i-th control unit, CUn.i , has a limited autonomy. It sends several features as follows: (1) It tends to continuously grow
coordination signals downwards to a well-defined subset of up by attracting new holons. (2) The structure of the holarchy
control units, which are placed at the level n − 1, and it may constantly change. (3) There are various patterns of in-
receives coordination signals from the corresponding unit teractions among holons, such as communication messages,
placed on level n + 1. The unit on the top of the pyramid negotiations, and even aggressions. (4) A holon may belong
is called the supremal coordinator and the units to be found to more than one holarchy if it observes their operation rules.
at the bottom level are called infimal units [6]. (5) Some holarchies may work as pure hierarchies and others
may behave as heterarchical organizations [57]. It can be
Towards More Collaborative Schemes noticed [58] that the pure hierarchies and heterarchies are
The traditional multilevel systems proposed in the 1970s particular cases of holarchies (Fig. 27.3).
to be used for the management and control of large-scale Management and control structures based on holarchy
systems can be viewed as pure hierarchies. They are charac- concepts were proposed in [59] for implementation in com-
terized by the circulation of feedback and intervention signals plex discrete-part manufacturing systems. To increase the
only along the vertical axis, up and down, respectively, in autonomy of the decision and control units and their coopera-
accordance with traditional concepts of the command-and- tion, the multiagent technology is recommended by Parunak
control systems. They constituted a theoretical basis for [60]. An intelligent software agent encapsulates its code and
various industrial distributed control systems, which pos- data, is able to act in a proactive way, and cooperates with
sessed at the highest level a powerful minicomputer. Also, the other agents to achieve a common goal [61].
multilayer and multiechelon hierarchies served in the 1980s Several design principles of the Collaborative Control
as a conceptual reference model for the efforts to design Theory were proposed by Nof [62] in the context of
computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) systems [53]. e-activities. The original set of principles included: a)
Several new schemes have been proposed over the last CRP (Cooperation Requirement Planning), b) DPIEM
decades to overcome the identified drawbacks and limits of (Distributed Planning of Integrated Execution Method),
the practical management and control systems designed in c) PCR (the Principle of Conflict Resolution in collaborative
622 F. G. Filip and K. Leiviskä


a1 a2 a3
Level 2
b1 b2 b3

CU1 CU2 CU 3

Level 1 y1 y2 y3

m1 m2 m3
u1 u2 u3
SSy1 z1 SSy 2 z2 SSy 3 z3

w y

Fig. 27.2 A simple two-level multilevel control system (CU control unit, SSy controlled subsystem, H interconnection function, m control variable,
u input interconnection variable, z output interconnection variable, y output variable, w disturbance)


Pure hierarchy Heterarchical system

0+ 2+ 3+ 2+ 1+
Vertical channel Holon Horizontal channel
for coordination for cooperation

Higher class has as particular forms…

Higher class is made up of…

n + There may be n or more objects related to the class…

There may be none, one or more objects related to the class…

Fig. 27.3 Holarchies: an object-oriented description

27 Infrastructure and Complex Systems Automation 623

e-work), d) PCFT (the Principle of Collaborative Fault operate only locally. This means that each channel has at
Tolerance), e) JLR (the Join/Leave/Remain), and f) LOCC its disposal only local information about the system and
(Lines of Collaboration and Command). Monostori et al. influences only a local part of the system.
[63] present various advantages of the cooperative control • Interconnected systems. The overall system is decom-
in the context of production and logistic applications, posed according to a selected criterion. Then, local con-
such as a) openness (it is easier to build and change the trollers are designed for each subsystem. The subsystems
control system), b) reliability, c) higher performance due to can be strongly coupled or weakly interconnected. While
distributed execution of tasks, d) scalability and incremental in the first case, the local controllers should possess a
design, e) flexibility allowing heterogeneity and redesign, minimal approximate model of the rest of the system, in
and so on. The same authors warn about the disadvantages of the second, the coupling links could be neglected.
cooperative control, such as a) communication overhead, b)
potential threats for data security, c) decision “myopia”
caused by focus on local optima, d) chaotic behavior 27.2.3 Computer Supported Decision-Making 27
including “butterfly effects” and bottlenecks, and so on.
The Role of Human in the Control System
One traditionally speaks about automation when a computer
or another device executes certain functions that the human
27.2.2 Decentralized Control agent would otherwise have to perform. There have been sev-
eral traditional approaches in allocating the tasks to human
Feedback control of LSS poses the standard control problem: and automation devices [68]:
to find a controller for a given system with control input
and control output ensuring closed-loop systems stability and • Comparison allocation based on MABA-MABA (Men
reach a suitable input–output behavior. The fundamental dif- Are Better At-Machines Are Better At) list of Fitts [69].
ference between small and large systems is usually described It consists of assigning each function to the most capable
by a pragmatic view: A system is large scale and complex if agent (either human or machine). Fitts, himself, suggested
it is conceptually or computationally attractive to decompose that great caution be exercised in assuming that human can
it into several less complex subsystems, which can be solved successfully monitor complex automatic machines and
easier than the original system. Then, the subsystem solutions “take over” if the machine breaks down.
can be combined in some manner to obtain a satisfactory • Leftover allocation: allocating to automation equipment
result for the overall system. every function that can be automated, the rest remain to
Decentralized control has consistently been a control of be performed by people.
choice for LSS [64, 65]. The prominent reason for adopting • Economic design: the allocation scheme ensures
this approach is its capability to effectively solve the prob- economic efficiency.
lems of dimensionality, uncertainty, information structure
constraints, and time delays. It also attenuates the problems A more flexible and dynamic approach is proposed in
that communication lines may cause, such as latency and [70] based on several criteria, for example, authority, ability,
signal corruption by noise. While in the hierarchical control responsibility, and control.
schemes, as shown above, the control units are coordinated A possible solution to many LSS control problems is the
through intervention signals and may, sometimes, be allowed use of artificial intelligence-based tools. However, in prac-
to exchange a few cooperation messages, in decentralized tical applications, due to strange combinations of external
control, the units are completely independent or at least al- influences and circumstances, rare or new situations may
most independent. This means that the information flow net- show up that were not taken into consideration at time of
work among the control units can be divided into completely design. Since several decades ago, there have been cau-
independent partitions. The units that belong to different tious opinions concerning the replacement of the human by
subnetworks are separate from each other. Only restricted automation devices. For example, Bibby et al. [71] stated
communication at certain time moments or intervals or lim- that “even highly automated systems need human beings
ited to small part of information among the units is allowed. for supervision, adjustment, maintenance and improvement,”
The foundation of decentralized control can be traced back and Bainbridge [72] described the ironies of automation. In
in the paper of Wang and Davison [66]. 1990, Martin et al. remarked that [73]:
The basic decentralized control schemes are as follows
[67]: Although AI and expert systems were successful in solving
problems that resisted to classical numerical methods, their role
remains confined to support functions, whereas the belief that
• Multichannel system. The global system is considered as evaluation by man of the computerized solutions may become
one whole. The control inputs and the control outputs superfluous is a very dangerous error.
624 F. G. Filip and K. Leiviskä

Based on this observation, Martin et al. [73] recommended It is quite unlikely for an econological (economically
appropriate automation, which integrates technical, human, logic) approach, involving optimization, be technically possi-
organizational, economical, and cultural factors. Schneider- ble for genuine RTDMPs. Satisficing approaches [83], which
man [74] has recently expressed a similar view. Over the reduce the search space at the expense of the decision quality,
years, several solutions have been proposed such as hu- or fully automated decision-making systems, if taken sepa-
man centered automation, balanced automation, collabora- rately, cannot be accepted either, but for some exceptions.
tive automation. They have one feature in common: The At the same time, one can notice that genuine RT DMP are
human should have a place and role in the control system. typical for emergency situations [84].
In many practical problems concerning the management
Decision Support Systems and control of LSS, decisions are made by a group of persons
The Decision Support System (DSS) concept appeared in the instead of an individual [85]. Consequently, a group (or
early 1970s [75]. As with any new term, the significance of multiparticipant) DSS needs an important communication
DSS was, at the beginning, rather vague and controversial. facility, possibly ensured by ICT platforms [86]. Nof [87]
Since then, many research and development activities and applies the collaborative control theory to DSS design and the
practical applications have witnessed that the DSS concept case of very large number of participants is treated in [88].
meets a real need and there is a significant market for such The generic framework of a DSS proposed by Bonczek
information systems even in the context of real-time settings et al. [89] and subsequently refined by Holsapple and Whin-
in the industrial milieu [76]. See more on DSS in Ch.  66. ston [90] is quite general and can conceptually accommodate
The decision is the result of human conscious activities the most recent technologies. It is based on three essential
aiming at choosing a course of action for attaining a certain components to perform specific tasks, such as a) language
objective (or set of objectives) and normally implies allo- subsystem (to enable the communication among user, system,
cating the necessary resources. It is the result of processing and various data feeders and actuators), b) knowledge subsys-
information and knowledge performed by an empowered tem (to store and maintain the data, models, and results) and
person (or a decision unit composed of several persons) who c) problem processing subsystem.
has to make the choice and is accountable for the quality of Several decades ago, Simon [91] stated that it is worth
the solution adopted to solve a particular problem or situation considering combining mathematical models with artificial
[77]. If, at a certain time moment, a decision problem cannot intelligence-based tools. In this context, there is a significant
be entirely clarified and all possible ways of action cannot be trend towards combining computerized numerical models
fully identified and evaluated before a choice is made, then with software that emulates the human reasoning with a view
the problem is said to be unstructured or semi-structured. The to build advanced mixed-knowledge DSS [92–95]. Possible
DSS forms a specific subclass of anthropocentric and evolv- work division between human and computer is also proposed
ing information systems which are designed to implement the in [77, 96].
functions of a human support system (composed of consul-
tants, collaborating experts, and so on) that would otherwise Digital Cognitive Systems
be necessary to help the decision-maker to overcome his/her Traditional DSS have been assumed useful ICT tools when
limits and constraints that he/she may encounter when trying approaching semi-structured problems. A new generation of
to solve semi-structured, complex, and complicated decision ICT products, namely, [digital] cognitive systems, is expected
problems that matter [78]. to be of effective use in the case of the problems that do not
Most of the developments in the DSS domain have ini- possess structure at all.
tially addressed business applications not involving any real- When proposing the Stanford Research Institute (SRI),
time control. However, even in the early 1980s, DSS were Engelbart [97] defined the concept of augmenting human
reported to be used in manufacturing control [79, 80]. The us- intellect as
age of DSS in disaster management and control is presented increasing the capability of a man to approach a complex prob-
in [81]. lem situation, to gain comprehension to suit his particular needs,
Several aspects characterize real-time decision-making and to derive solutions to problems.
processes (RTDMP) for control applications: The topics of [digital] cognitive system was addressed
by Hollnagel and Woods [98] and Kelly [99] who defined
• They involve continuous monitoring of a dynamic envi- cognitive computing as
• They are short time horizon-oriented and are carried out systems that a) learn at scale, b) reason with purpose, and
c) interact with humans naturally. Rather than being explicitly
on a repetitive basis.
programmed, they learn and reason from their interactions with
• They normally occur under time pressure. us and from their experiences with their environment. [ . . . ] a.
• Long-term effects are difficult to predict [82]. They can make sense of the 80 percent of the world’s data that
27 Infrastructure and Complex Systems Automation 625

computer scientists call “unstructured.” This enables them to 3. The third factor is the systems technology, that is, the
keep pace with the volume, complexity and unpredictability of methods that are needed for running the new technological
information and systems in the modern world.
tools. How can one analyze the huge amount of data
Several available digital cognitive systems, such as Apple coming from different sources? How to model the large-
Siri, IBM Watson, Google’s Now, Brain, AlphaGo, Home, scale and complex systems that have to be monitored
Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Adam, Braina & Cor- and controlled? This has brought two more terms along:
tana, and so on, are analyzed by Siddike et al. [100]. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Big Data Analytics
In a paper about the prospects for automating intelligence (BDA).
versus augmenting human intelligence, Rouse and Spohrer 4. The fourth factor that has changed our vision on automa-
[101] noticed that, at present, it is necessary to device a new tion is the change in the application fields. Automation is
perspective on the automation-augmentation continuum to now used in several infrastructures of the society, in the
synergize the human and digital cognitive systems and to housing sector, in power generation and distribution, in
create the best cognitive team or cognitive organization to traffic, etc. This has made it necessary to consider several 27
address the problems at hand. The repartition of functions new features of automation compared to the industrial
in the mixed teams designed to solve decision and control applications: What is the division between the real-time
problems has evolved over time under the influence of tech- and not-so-real-time functions? What is the role of (smart)
nology developments and ever more enriched knowledge measurements? How much user intervention is needed
of the human/group of humans (the natural cognitive part (allowed)?
of the team). Siddike et al. [100] view digital cognitive
This technological development with increasing data com-
systems as a new wave of decision support tools meant to
munications, a need for processing huge amounts of data,
enable humans to augment their capabilities and expertise.
explaining both fast and slow dynamics, and visualizing the
The above authors forecast that the digital cognitive systems
results to the operators at different levels, has given a new life
can evolve from information tools to cognitive assistants,
to an old paradigm, Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is present
collaborators, coaches, and even mediators.
in different forms, in Intelligent Systems, Machine Learning,
However, at the end of this section, it is worth mentioning
(ML), and so on. A quick look at the published literature
what was stated in a recent document of the High-Level
reveals that it is now more visible than ever before. See also
Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence of the European Com-
Ch.  16 on automation architectures.
AI systems should empower human beings, allowing them to
make informed decisions and fostering their fundamental rights. 27.3.1 Internet of Things
At the same time, proper oversight mechanisms need to be
ensured, which can be achieved through a) human-in-the-loop There are several definitions for the term Internet of Things
b) human-on-the-loop, and c) human-in-command approaches.
(IoT), but the following one from IoT Agenda [103] serves us
The internet of things, or IOT, is a system of interrelated comput-
27.3 Modern Automation Architectures ing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or
and Essential Enabling Technologies people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the
ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-
to-human or human-to-computer interaction.
The progress of several technologies has had a clear
impact on the development of automation during the last Figure 27.4 presents the main operation cycle of the IoT
10–20 years: system. The system consists of web-enabled devices that col-
lect and transfer information to active nodes in the network
1. Information and communications technology has changed that process and analyze it. In automation, IoT helps in mon-
our view in automation from the lack of data to Big Data itoring and controlling larger entities, but, of course, putting
concerning with processes and phenomena that we are a large number of digital systems together makes the overall
controlling. This is now visible in terms like Industry 4.0 system vulnerable to inside and outside threats. For example,
and Internet of Things (IoT). This last term indicates the a failure in one of the system’s components can spread and
origin of the technology that is now also being utilized in harm the whole system or a malevolent intrusion from outside
automation, the Internet. can stop the operation of some important machinery. This
2. The increasing amount of data has led to the need for new has increased the importance of safety and security factors
computing technologies, and terms like Cloud Computing in today’s digital systems.
are being used quite fluently, maybe without thinking too In industrial automation, the terms like Industrial Internet
much about what they really represent. of Things (IIoT) or Industrial Internet are frequently used.
626 F. G. Filip and K. Leiviskä

Internet environment

Systems Collect Communicate Use (act)

Fig. 27.4 The main functions of IoT

References [104, 105] present several definitions of IIoT that 2. Resources are available automatically through usual, con-
can be combined as follows: Industrial Internet of Things is venient interfaces (possibly mobile) via the network (the
a system consisting of “Things” that: Internet).
enable real-time, intelligent, and autonomous access, collection,
3. Resources (both physical and virtual) are open to multiple
analysis, communications, and exchange of process, product customers and they are assigned dynamically according to
and/or service information, within the industrial environment, so the users’ needs (pooling).
as to optimize the overall production value. [105] 4. Resources evolve with the application, that is, they scale
The references cited above list several “Things” like net- up and down automatically according to users’ needs
worked smart systems, cyber-physical systems, together with (elasticity).
cloud or edge computing platforms. The related term Internet 5. Resources are measurable and optimizable. Providers and
of Services is explained below in Sect. 27.3.2. customers can monitor, control, and follow their use and
Another term widely used in this connection is Industry activities.
4.0 (or Industrie 4.0). According to [106], Industry 4.0 lays
on nine main pillars: a) Big Data, b) autonomous robots, A cloud infrastructure includes both hardware and
c) simulation, d) additive manufacturing, e) IoT, f) cloud software components. Cloud computing follows a Service-
computing, g) augmented reality, h) horizontal and vertical Oriented Architecture (SOA) model. According to NIST, it
integration, and i) cybersecurity. provides three main services: a) software for applications
(Software as a Service, SaaS), b) platform for developers
(PaaS), and c) infrastructure for high-level applications
27.3.2 Computing Technologies (IaaS). These services may form hierarchical layers, and
they are offered separately or in different combinations.
The Internet has offered several new possibilities for dis-
tributing computations and data storage. This has led to Edge Computing
reforming the ICT business from the hardware and software Hamilton [108] states
orientation to service orientation. The following sections Like the metaphorical cloud and the Internet of Things, the edge
introduce some of these relatively new technologies. is a buzzword meaning everything and nothing

Cloud Computing Edge computing dates back to distributed computing of

Cloud computing refers to the application services offered the 1960s, but the Internet has given the new meaning for
via Internet and the cloud infrastructure. It turned computing it. Edge computing refers to data processing on the edge
resources into the utility that the service providers can offer of the cloud, closer to its point of origin. It decreases the
to clients, inside an enterprise or as commercial products. delay, latency, and the bandwidth and the overhead of the
According to the National Institute of Standards and data centers. Data processing takes place close to its origin
Technology (NIST), the following five characteristic features and fewer data (mainly for storage) goes over the network to
define Cloud computing [107]: the cloud. This may mean an increased data security, too.
Several reasons have led to the need for edge computing
1. Cloud resources (storage, applications, platforms, and [111]: Enormous amount of data has turned data transfer to
infrastructure) are available ubiquitously on demand with cloud into a system bottleneck causing delays in the response.
the minimal human interaction from the service provider. There will be more and more data producers in the system,
27 Infrastructure and Complex Systems Automation 627

and it becomes impossible for cloud computing to handle all

the requests coming from several IoT systems. This is, of
Cloud computing
course, an essential feature in process automation, where a Data storage
real-time response is a requirement. This calls for computing
closer to the data source. This becomes even more important
when the level of automation in traffic and vehicles (and other Edge computing
safety-critical applications) is increasing and the personal Pre-processing
safety is an important feature.
Shi et al. [111] also list several potential applications for
Edge computing: Internet gateways
1. Moving the workload from Cloud computing in customer
applications, for example, in on-line shopping services 27
2. Video analytics, for example, surveillance applications
3. In large IoT applications that deal with different data and
different dynamics, for example, smart home automation
and smart cities.
Fig. 27.5 Hierarchical relationships in the control hierarchy. SCADA
4. Applications that require collaboration of different par-
means Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. (Modified from
ties, for example, in healthcare, pandemic follow-up, etc., [105])
with strict privacy requirements

Fog computing is another concept that extends the cloud

closer to the “Things” that use IoT data; it makes computing tion takes place outside the mobile device. This increases
at the edge possible. Computing devices, fog nodes, can battery lifetime and data storage and improves reliability
be any device with memory and network connection. Edge and flexibility in providing and sharing computing resources.
computing focuses more on the “Things,” while Fog com- Computing at the edge provides some more advantages with
puting emphasizes the role of the infrastructure [111]. Fog regard to the real-time properties of the system such as:
is rather a standard and edge a concept [108]. See more on a) faster response (lower propagation, communication, and
Fog computing and LSS in Sect. 27.4.3. Internet of Services computation latency) and b) possibilities for the context-
(IoS) is a related term and standard [109, 110]. Following aware and augmented reality computations. Also moving
the service orientation of cloud computing, it emphasizes from public cloud servers to edge servers can lead to an
that the data gleaned from the IoT is useful through an improvement in the system privacy and security.
Internet of services, sometimes called Apps, which serve as The distribution of computations over the networks in-
the infrastructure of IoT data-based applications and added- creases the vulnerability of the system to different threats.
value. At least four basic threats can be recognized [114]:
In automation literature, it is usual to present the relation-
ships between control operations in hierarchies. Figure 27.5 1. Application-based threats that come along with down-
shows that Cloud computing and Edge computing locate on loadable applications. Malicious software can be malware
the higher levels of automation hierarchy. The division is or spyware intended to harm the user’s system or steal
case-dependent, but the applications that are more latency- and use the data. They can also come up in the form
critical belong to the lower levels of the hierarchy. of vulnerable applications that make it possible for the
intruder to break in the user’s system. They can also
Mobile Computing be a privacy threat. Repackaging is one possibly used
Mobile computing is a generic term that means the possibility technology solution.
to access computing systems or data storages anywhere and 2. Web-based threats stem from the continuous use of In-
at any time. It can handle data, voice, and video over a ternet services. There exists malicious software, which
conventional Local Area Network (LAN) or by using Wi-Fi downloads often automatically when triggering a web
or wireless technology. Mobile devices cover a wide range page or even when accessing the browser.
from smart phones to mobile computers [85]. 3. Network threats originate from cellular networks or local
Depending on the location of computing resources, one wireless networks.
can speak about mobile cloud computing [112] and mobile 4. There are also physical threats in the form of lost or stolen
edge computing [113]. In both cases, the actual computa- devices.
628 F. G. Filip and K. Leiviskä

In industrial automation, mobile computing has several • The lowest level – Connection – is the smart communica-
application areas such as remote monitoring and control, mo- tion level, which collects the data from different systems
bile data acquisition from moving machines and vehicles, for mentioned above and transmits and stores it for further
example, in mining applications, for environment monitoring usage at the upper levels of the hierarchy.
purposes (air and water quality), and advisory systems for • The second level – Conversion – is the data-to-information
maintenance of process or automation devices. conversion level, which upgrades the data.
• The third level – Cyber – is the computing level, which
employs models and machine learning tools to produce
information describing the status and performance of ma-
27.3.3 Tools and Methods chines and processes.
• Cognition level uses the information available for mon-
Cyber-Physical Systems itoring and decision making, be it automatic or human-
A Cyber-Physical System (CPS) in an industrial context is a based.
combination of computer algorithms and a physical system • The uppermost level – Configuration – creates the feed-
with sensors and actuators for monitoring and controlling back from the cyber space to the physical system.
the industrial production and products. In this basic form, it
could cover all applications of industrial automation since the This hierarchy is basically meant for manufacturing pro-
mid-1970s, that is, since the beginning of the era of digital cesses, and the three lowermost levels usually include the
automation. The modern definition adds several features to process hierarchy: Sensors – Components – Machines –
this definition such as a) the integration of physical and soft- Machine groups.
ware components, embedded systems, networked systems, b) Distributed architectures heavily depend on the applica-
scalability in space and time, c) multiple possibilities for tion area, but, in general, this architecture includes five layers
user interaction, together with wireless and mobile systems according to Fig. 27.6. This is, once again, a functional de-
[115]. IoT makes up a perfect framework for describing scription, which utilizes the available hardware and software
CPS architecture [116]. CPS “theory” is interdisciplinary and resources in an IIoT system. It includes two multilevel layers:
includes cybernetics, mechatronics, control and process engi- one for process and another for automation.
neering and design. The whole selection of signal processing, Digital Twin is an object of vivid discussion nowadays.
communication, and control methods is available. In the Its origin goes back to the beginning of the 2000s. It can
networked environment, cyber security is a very important be defined as the representation of the physical object in
aspect of CPS. In addition to industrial automation, CPS is a virtual environment that can generate information and
used in the connection of mobile robotics, smart grid, and analysis results almost in real time. Integrating it with CPS
autonomous vehicles. could transfer manufacturing systems from knowledge-
Several aspects make the design of CPS challenging [117] based intelligent ones to data-driven and knowledge-enabled
are: smart manufacturing entities [118]. See also Ch.  17
on CPS.
• Cyber-Physical Systems are heterogeneous systems con-
sisting of smart machines, inventory systems, and manu-
facturing plants that integrate and interact at several levels.
• The high level of automation is typical for CPS and means
that the design of the “cyber” part requires using different Distributed decision support layer
software environments for the design of data models, mon- monitoring, control, reporting
itoring and control functions, quality control, registration Distributed IIoT tools and services
of production, decision making at different organizational SaaS, PaaS, IaaS
levels, and so on. Data models and storage
• Networking at multiple spatial and temporal levels re- Cloud/edge computing
quires design tools for system architectures. Communication layer
Public/private networks
• Modern systems also require capabilities for reconfiguring
(self-organizing) in order to survive in cases of changes in Distributed physical layer
production routes, new products and raw materials, and IOT devices, unit processes, production lines,
machine failures.

Lee et al. [116] proposed a five-level CPS architecture Fig. 27.6 General description of the distributed architecture for CPS
(5C). It is a functional hierarchy with several levels such as: in IIoT environment
27 Infrastructure and Complex Systems Automation 629

Big Data Analytics lytics. Big data has also changed process monitoring from
Big Data associates in people’s minds with massive volumes univariate to high-dimensional, from homogeneous data to
of data, but describing it more closely requires several fea- heterogeneous datasets, from static to dynamic and nonsta-
tures [78, 119]. Three V-concepts have been initially used tionary models, from monitoring the mean values to moni-
[119, 120]: toring the variability and correlations, and from structured to
unstructured monitoring [122].
1. Volume refers to the amount of data, which is available for
the application. In Big Data, one is dealing with massive
data sets that are impossible to handle with conventional 27.3.4 Networked Control
software tools.
2. Velocity means high data generation rates. It is an im- The networked interconnection pattern has become, over
portant attribute for automation because of the real-time the years, one of the most characteristic features of the
requirement and it needs efficient data flow applications modern LSS. The network theory was used in [123] for 27
especially in wireless sensor networks to decrease latency the study of the controllability and dynamics of network-
and reduce massive data communications. type complex systems. At the same time, the advances in
3. Variety means the richness of data representation: nu- computer-based communication networks have stimulated
meric, textual, audio, and video. Data usually changes the combination of control methods and information and
dynamically and it is incomplete, noisy, and corrupted. communication technologies [124]. At present, networked
Very often data is unstructured and unorganized, some- control is a central constituent of large-scale infrastructure
times semi-structured or even structured. Extracting use- automation solutions.
ful information from unstructured video data dynamically
in real-time is the most difficult task. Networked Control Systems
The various entities of a control loop that are connected
Several other V-terms have been listed in the literature: via communication links have become ever more numerous
Veracity, Validity, Value, Variability, Venue, Vocabulary, and especially in the case of LSS, which are composed of several,
Vagueness [119]. Big Data also brings certain new view- possibly remotely placed, subsystems. Over the years, the
points to the scene: data quality (repeatability, accuracy, links that connect the controllers, sensors, HCI (human com-
uncertainty), privacy, security, and storage. There are several puter interface), and actuators have evolved. By tradition,
challenges in Big Data [78]: the control methods assumed that there were ideal channels
with no-delay communication links for connecting the en-
1. Processing data with available Data Mining tools requires tities of control loops. The initial point-to-point centralized
structured data. solution has been proven not to be suitable for the ever-
2. Complexity and uncertainty make systematic modeling a increasing concerns with easy diagnosis and maintenance,
challenging task. decentralization, modularity, and low cost. The next step in
3. Heterogeneity of data, knowledge, and decision making the evolution of control architectures was the usage of a
require special care. common bus to connect the entities of the control loop [51].
4. Engineering decision-making uses cross-industry stan- The solution based on a common loop has led, in time, to new
dards, for example, for Data Mining. problems, such as signal losses and transmission time delays.
The delays are caused by both the communication medium
There are several ways to define Big Data Analytics. itself and the computation time required for performing var-
IBM’s definition is [121]: ious operations, such as signal coding and communication
Big data analytics is the use of advanced analytic techniques processing.
against very large, diverse data sets that include structured, semi- In the setting of a LSS composed of several subsystems,
structured and unstructured data, from different sources, and in
the centralized control may be affected by a great number
different sizes from terabytes to zettabytes.
of problems caused by the transfer of the signal between
The advanced analytic techniques include text and data the controllers and numerous sensors and actuators. The
mining methods, intelligent machine learning algorithms, decentralized solutions (see Sect. 27.2.2) help avoid the need
predictive analytics, together with statistical and probabilistic for data transferring from a local controller to other remote
methods. constituents of the control system. The quasi-decentralized
In order to overcome the bottlenecks in storage and com- schemes allow keeping the data transfer volume at a reduced
putation capacity, data mining from industrial data can be level.
completed in the cloud environment. Industry 4.0 offers a A networked control system (NCS) can be defined as a
framework for building industrial platforms for data ana- scheme in which the traditional control loops are closed
630 F. G. Filip and K. Leiviskä

through a communication network, so that the control and and security operation of the network including aspects, such
feedback signals could be exchanged among all the com- as data availability, integrity, and confidentiality.
ponents (sensors, controllers, HCI, and actuators) through a
common network [39]. Cloud Control Systems
There are several aspects that should be considered in Zhan et al. [128] noticed that the NCS cannot be any longer
designing a NCS [124]: a satisfactory solution in the current context characterized by
Big Data phenomenon, which resulted from the continuous
• The constituents of the control loop are spatially dis- expanding of Internet of Things (IoT). Consequently, new
tributed. control paradigms, such as Cloud Control System (CCS) and
• The communication networks utilized in NCS are shared- Fog Control System (FCS), emerged. Mahmoud [39] states
band digital ones. that CCS is a natural development within the NCS domain. In
• A limited set of local controllers must solve the time- a CCS, the control algorithms are placed in the cloud, which
critical problems. can be physically far away from the control plant. Hence,
a CCS can be viewed as a CPS composed of two distinct
As it is pointed out by Antsaklis and Baillieul [124], parts:
the current practical implementations of control systems are
influenced by the available technology and the old, hardwired • The physical part that is made up of the plant and several
connections between sensors and controllers should be re- other constituents of The control loop such as sensors,
placed by low-cost solutions that include microprocessors actuators, and communication lines
and shared digital networks, sometimes deploying wireless • The cyber part that includes the control algorithms
systems. The same authors notice that the analysis and design
of NCS should include many aspects concerning: Since the cloud typically operates as a service providing
system, the entire CCS may also be viewed as a Service
• The impact of the communication quality of the network Oriented System (SOS).
including the influence on the dynamic behavior of the In comparison with NCS, a CCS possesses several advan-
system tages such as: a) integrating and fully utilizing all kinds of
• The modification of priorities and requirements for resources, b) saving energy, and c) increasing system reliabil-
the algorithms and control schemes, such as limited ity. On the other hand, there are also several open problems
autonomous operation and possible reconsideration of and challenges caused by various factors including:
the feedforward solutions versus feedback ones
• The vulnerability to various types of attacks
Two main classes of problems were defined in the context • The need to provide real-time services by a cloud simul-
of NCS [39, 125]: taneously utilized by several users
• Possible time delays caused by big volumes of data trans-
1. Control of networks (CN) that aims at attaining a good fer from the plant to the cloud
quality of service (QoS) for the communication networks, • Supporting the initial and running costs needed for the
which support the NCS schemes and an efficient and, at operation of cloud computing services [129]
the same time, fair usage of the network.
2. Control over the network (CON), means to attain a high Fog Computing and Control
quality of control (QoC) solution and to compensate the Even though CCSs have numerous advantages, sometimes
possible imperfect operation of the communication net- the huge volumes of data to be transferred from the con-
work. The class of problems associated with CON in- stituents of the physical part to the algorithms placed in
cludes sampled data control, event-triggered control, se- the cloud and back may cause serious problems for the
curity control, and so on. genuine real-time operation, such as latency and network
congestion [129, 130]. In various control schemes (hierar-
The main advantages of NCS are a) the modularity of chical, decentralized, quasi-decentralized), a part of data is
the solution associated with the availability of plug-and-play used for performing local functions in real-time and it is not
devices, b) quasi-elimination of the need for wiring, and c) necessary to send it for being processed in a central site. In
agility and the premises for an easy diagnosis and main- order to reduce the data traffic to and from the cloud and,
tenance. Consequently, the NCS solutions have got ground consequently, to avoid the latency problems, an extension of
in many LSS control application areas, such as automated cloud computing, named fog computing (FC) can be used.
highways, smart grids, fleets of unmanned aerial vehicles, The basic idea of FC is to keep and process a part of the
and complex manufacturing systems [126, 127]. At the same data in an intermediate layer called fog that is near to both the
time, there are several concerns mainly related to the safety data sources (collected from the sensors) and control signal
27 Infrastructure and Complex Systems Automation 631

destinations (actuators) placed in the physical part of the 27.4.1 Smart Cities as Large-Scale Systems
overall computing and control system. As its name suggests,
the fog is placed near to the field components in contrast with Smart Buildings
the cloud, which is supposed to be placed at a higher altitude, Figure 27.7 illustrates how the role of different automation
“in the sky.” functions changes while moving from detached (one-family)
The Open Fog Consortium, which is now a part of Indus- houses to the automation in buildings at the city level. To
trial Internet Consortium, defines FC as keep the description simple, automation scheme is divided
into three layers: a) direct measurements and control, b) data
a system level horizontal architecture that distributes resources acquisition and communications, and c) management and
and services of computing storage, control, and networking optimization.
anywhere along a continuum from cloud to things. [131]
The figure shows that the role of direct measurements and
controls is the biggest in the case of detached houses and
Several characteristic features of FC that are useful in decreases when proceeding to larger units. It gives way to 27
the LSS (including infrastructure automation) context are: the management and optimization functions for balancing the
a) allowing scalability and geographical distribution, b) het- consumption and production of commodities such as power
erogeneity and interoperability of new devices installed with and water and their delivery. While taking all possible con-
the purpose of extending he system, and c) allowing the straints, disturbances, and maintenance actions into account,
usage of wireless communication to reduce the costs [132]. the importance of these functions also increases.
A comparison of fog computing and cloud computing with The role of automation in the data acquisition and
reference to several attributes, such as the target user, location communications level is quite interesting. In comparison
of servers, types of service, distance between the cloud and with the other two layers, it remains quite constant, as
the servers, latency, type of connectivity, security level, and shown in Fig. 27.7. Its importance, however, increases
so on, is provided in [130]. It is worth noticing that the FC when the overall degree of automation increases. This is
does not replace the entire CCS, but only the real-time part. mainly because of the increasing need for data storing and
The architecture of fog computing can be represented as communication. The modern tools for data transfer and
a multilevel system (see Sect. 27.2.1.) composed of several storing facilitate performing such functions. The functions
layers [132]. The layers are a) physical and virtualization of vary from one application class to another. For example, in
ground components, b) monitoring of activities and resource one-family houses, they are limited to reading measurements,
services, c) preprocessing which consists of operations, such launching control actions, and recording and communicating
as data analysis, filtering, reconstruction, and trimming, d) consumption data to the energy company. The need for
temporary storage, f) ensuring security, privacy, and integrity, data storing and communication increases in the case
and f) transportation of preprocessed and secured data to the of a region and of an entire city simply because of the
cloud. high number of customers. Customer connections in the
Beside the advantages of fog computing, there are several form of registering consumption, monitoring, reporting,
open problems, key concerns, and challenges. The most sig- accounting, and billing contribute to increasing the function
nificant ones are: a) authentication of end user devices before complexity.
allowing their access to resources, b) secure communication The interactions between consumption and generation of
between the user devices, fog and cloud, c) data integrity, d) energy, and among the consumers, increase while moving
secure data storage, and e) intrusion detection and prevention from one-family houses to the region or city level. Now one
[130, 132]. comes to the area of large-scale complex systems. This calls
Edge computing (EC) represents an extension of cloud for optimization and balancing functions and possibilities
computing towards the source of data and is meant to di- for controlling the energy production. It requires versatile
minish the burden of data flows even further. It consists methods for modeling the processes sometimes with slow
in embedding intelligent controllers with limited processing and varying dynamics, optimization in choosing the best
power and increased security capabilities in order to create compensating capacities, and tools for setting constraints for
peer-to-peer, self-organizing networks [111, 133–135]. consumption. The trend to increasing energy production at
the consumer site is changing this picture.
The amount of data increases radically when moving
27.4 Examples along the horizontal axis of Fig. 27.7. The nature of data is
changing too. In the case of one-family houses, one is mostly
This section includes some examples of large-scale complex dealing with direct process measurements that are filtered and
systems representing monitoring and control in smart Cities used in control. In some cases, they are used in modeling and
and smart Environment. for reporting the consumption. At region and city levels, data
632 F. G. Filip and K. Leiviskä

Management and
Amount of details
Data acquisition, in the models
of data
and communication
Interaction between
production and
Direct consumption of energy
and controls









Fig. 27.7 The change in the role of automation from detached houses to larger units

is more condensed and averaged according to the customers, during the breakfast time or the sauna during the weekends.
customer blocks, and time interval and then, integrated over The outputs are the power demand and its price. Separate
the time period. There are also legal requirements to archive models are needed, if the heat demand or possible own power
data for longer periods. generation (e.g., solar power) is calculated. Emission models
While the amount of data increases, the number of details usually use fixed factors for calculations. In this case, a
in the models decreases. In the case of one-family houses, dynamic model is used. It is working on an hourly base and
relatively detailed physical or hybrid black-box/physical dy- it takes into account the used fuel [139].
namic models are used [136]. In the case of apartment houses What is the role of home automation in the Smart City
or apartment blocks, physical-based experimental models are concept? The data generated at the single house level is
satisfactory for optimization even at the city level [137]. The the cornerstone for designing the large-scale automation at
following paragraphs highlight these two cases. See more on the city level. Its availability and reliability are on a key
smart buildings in Ch.  48. position. Combining the direct measurement data with some
Modeling for home electricity management. The mod- representative index values and integrating it over time as
eling of the electrical demand in buildings can use either the close to the data source as possible would decrease the load
top-down or the bottom-up approach. The top-down approach for data communication. As mentioned before, an increase
views the building as a black box without detailed knowl- in the on-the-site production and its selling to the grid would
edge of users or appliances inside it. It is more suitable for complicate the situation.
studying the general behavior at higher levels. The bottom- Even though the above case refers to electric power, the
up approach helps modeling the electricity consumption of same conclusions hold true also for heat energy in district
individual users in a more detailed way. heating network. This case is considered next from the opti-
Louis et al. [138] give an example of modeling for the mization point of view. Electric grids are considered in detail
electricity analysis in residential homes. Model inputs consist elsewhere in this book (Ch.  47).
of daily appliances (washing machine, electric oven, electric City-level optimization of heat demand in buildings.
heater, etc.) and user profiles that, when summed up, give the Handling peak demand situations is important in large-scale
electricity demand. Converting demand information to eco- district heating networks at the city level. In such situations,
nomic values requires the electricity price and information on the heat demand exceeds the existing production capacity
the state of the electrical grid. and all reserve capacities are in use. This means increased
The simulation starts by generating the events, that is, production costs and a higher environmental load. Dealing
by defining the starting and ending times for using each with the peak load situations by structural means may lead
appliance. This proceeds from weekly and daily levels to to high investment costs related to the production machinery.
hourly levels over the whole simulation period and for each It may also limit the extension of the network with more
appliance. Typical examples are using the coffee machine customers.
27 Infrastructure and Complex Systems Automation 633

Demand Side Management (DSM) is one tool for handling demand, and Tp,k is the penalty for the indoor temperature
the peak demand situations. It was originally used for the getting outside the acceptable limits. The optimization was
electricity networks and was defined as the set of activities subject to three constraints limiting the difference between
that try to change the electricity use by customers in ways the forecasted and optimized heat demand and keeping the
that will lead to desired changes in the load. It is equally heat demand and indoor temperature within the acceptable
applicable also to the district heating networks. limits. The optimization was carried out for over 480 h for
Handling peak load situations requires the forecasting each individual building recursively in slots of 48 h using the
of the heat consumption at the hourly level, preferable by receding horizon approach. During each iteration, the heat
using the adaptive models of the single building while also demand and the indoor temperature were forecasted for 48 h
taking the uncertainties in the weather forecasts into account. and the optimization result of the first hour was kept over the
This has proved to be the bottleneck. Smart meters have control horizon of one hour. These calculations were repeated
mainly solved the problem with lacking of measurements, with one-hour intervals until the results for 480 h were
but the modeling work has proved to be too tedious. Mod- available. The optimization used the pattern search algorithm 27
els for single buildings exist, but only few studies of their from the Global Optimization Toolbox of MATLAB® .
applications on a larger scale exist. The same paper also proposed another cost function that
Hietaharju et al. [137] presented simulation studies us- aims at minimum peak load cutting while using the model
ing easily adaptable models for the indoor temperature and for the indoor temperature. The cost function for peak load
heat demand. They tested the strategy to optimize the heat cutting minimized the difference between the forecasted and
demand and to reduce the peak loads by utilizing buildings the optimized heat demand while simultaneously keeping the
themselves as short-term heat storages. Measured district change in the total heat demand at a minimum [137]
heating data from 201 large buildings (apartment build-
ings, schools, and commercial, public, and office buildings)  N 
was used.  
J= Pf,k − Popt,k  + Pcp,k (t) + Tp,k (t)
Simple recursive discrete-time models predicted the in-  
t=1 t=1
door temperature and heat demand with an accuracy of 5%
and 4%, respectively [140, 141]. It is possible to forecast the
outdoor temperature, but in this case, the measured values Here Pf,k is the forecasted power and Pcp,k is the penalty
were used. The forecasting period was 48 h. Each model for too large changes in the heating power per one hour. There
included four parameters. Their estimates were based on the are two constraints in this case: One is limiting the change in
existing data by using the simulated annealing method [140]. the heating power and the other keeps the optimized power
The models were used in the optimization of the heat demand between 30% and 100% of the forecasted one.
at the city level. The number of free parameters and input In the test with 201 individual buildings, the potential for
variables should not be too high in order to ensure the easy peak load cutting varied depending on the building type and
application of these models to the building stock consisting within building categories, too. The median was 15% and
of hundreds or even thousands of individual buildings. The the maximum 70%. Optimization was done for individual
biggest difficulty in parameter estimation was that the indoor buildings and no advantage was noticed in coupling the op-
temperature was not available for all buildings. Therefore, timization of separate buildings or building groups together.
either the simulated value or the target value was used. The The optimization used the simulated inside temperature of
estimated values for two physical parameters, the thermal the buildings, and better results would follow, if the actual
capacity and heat loss, were presented as the function of the temperatures were available. The most important advantage
volume of the building. of this approach is the ease of modeling. The number of
The objective of the optimization was to minimize the inputs and model parameters is so low that it is possible to op-
variance of the heating power while not increasing the total timize even a large building stock. The parameter estimation
heat demand and keeping the indoor temperature within needs about one week’s measurement data (heating power
acceptable limits. The cost function was [137] and output temperatures). One possible way to improve the
results would be to include the model uncertainty into the
Jk = var Popt,k + Pp,k + Tp,k (t)
t=1 Water Treatment and Distribution Infrastructures
There are a lot of similarities between district heating and
where Popt,k is the optimal heating power during the optimiza- water distributing networks, but from the automation and
tion for period k, N is the number of hours in the optimiza- optimization point of view, they differ in some very important
tion period, Pp,k is the penalty for an increase in total heat respects such as:
634 F. G. Filip and K. Leiviskä

• In water distribution networks, the level of automation on benefits of the system. Application layer also includes public
the consumer side is low and the smart meter is enough applications in addition to user applications.
for measuring the water consumption. This means a low
need for data transfer and ease of automatic reading. The
lowest frequency is usually once per hour. This does not 27.4.2 Environmental Protection
decrease the importance of the measuring accuracy and
necessity to check it, but this takes place at the utility Modern technologies such as IoT joining together distributed
site. On the other hand, a higher level of automation sensors, Internet, and distributed monitoring, alarming, and
is required for monitoring and control at the treatment registering systems contribute a lot to environmental protec-
plants of both drinking water and wastewater and the tion in future Smart Cities [143]. They enable the centralized
requirements related to data communications are higher monitoring of the effects of industrial and traffic emissions
there. and effluents, changing weather conditions, housing and
• In water distribution networks, the role of the water reser- farming, etc., on the quality of air, water, and soil. Disaster
voirs is just as important for the peak level cutting as in forecasting and early warning systems are used in case of nat-
district heating. Water reservoirs and their compensating ural factors such as seismic and volcanic activity, tsunamis,
capacities are easier to measure and handle than in the forest fires, health risks caused by heat, radiation, and so on
above case for district heating. Because the operation of which belong to the area of environmental monitoring. These
the water supply and distribution system bases on forecast- systems can operate with manual samples and analyses,
ing the demand, the future behavior of the water reservoirs automatic analyzers and data loggers, individual point-wise
can be simulated on the basis of these forecasts. measurements, results from large-scale meteorological mod-
• Water security is a complicated problem that includes, els, and even with exceptional findings from some individuals
in addition to ensuring the sufficiency of drinking water, on the field in a crowdsourcing scheme. Data acquisition
also observing the water quality and preventing possible can utilize smart sensors, wireless and wired sensors and
vandalism or cyber threats. networks, and network connections.
• When estimating the costs of the water usage and its effect As a real large-scale complex system, the design of an
on environment, both the production of drinking water and environmental monitoring and protection system requires
the purification of wastewater must be taken into account. methods for the correct decomposition of the large system
The water system as a whole is a large-scale complex and data mining and visualization tools to provide easy-to-
system and the design of its automation follows the design use information for the system users. Li et al. [144] introduce
methods for LSS. a three-level structure: data collection and processing layer,
network layer, and application layer. Their application relies
The smart meter is the basic building block in Smart on Cloud computing. Zhang and Huang [145] propose the use
Water System (SWS). It performs the real-time monitoring of Edge computing and a four-level architecture consisting
of water consumption in the Smart City environment. Smart of Perception layer, Transport layer, Management layer, and
meters are also necessary for detecting possible leaks in the Service layer.
network, building forecasts of the future consumption, and There is a recent review on the use of IoT and sensors in
updating the models used in optimization of the network the smart environment monitoring system [146]. It critically
operation. analyzed 113 papers from various viewpoints: applications
There is a recent review with 109 references considering in agriculture, water, and air monitoring together with the
SWS [142]. It presents the current definitions (SWS is also use of Machine Learning and IoT tools. The authors noticed
called Smart Water Grid and Smart Water Management) and a strong increase in the number of papers published in the
the historical development of SWS. It introduces a new five- domain over the last 10 years. Poor quality of the sensor data
layer architecture of SWS. It looks like the other five-layer (repeatability, reliability) is a serious obstacle in applications.
architecture presented in Sect. 27.3, but there are several As Machine Learning is concerned, more research on han-
functional differences. The layers are named as Instrument, dling big and noisy data is required.
Property, Function, Benefit, and Application. The instrument Another extensive review considered marine environ-
layer includes both physical and cyber instruments. Prop- ments as oceans, water quality, fish farming, coral reefs, and
erty layer ensures the system’s ability to respond to various wave and current monitoring [147]. It referred to various
threats by four properties: automation, resourcefulness, real- sensors and sensor networks, communication systems, and
time functions, and connectivity. Instruments and properties data analysis methods. Biggest challenges were identified
define the functions of the system. They are dealing with with regard to the battery management in wireless systems,
data handling, simulation, planning, and optimization. Ben- standardization in IoT devices and platforms, in computing
efit layer deals with the costs, sustainability, and lifecycle and data storage technologies, and in data analysis.
27 Infrastructure and Complex Systems Automation 635

Table 27.1 Large-scale infrastructure automation examples

Controlled object References
Utility networks
Heating networks in smart cities [148–150]
Electric power grids and gas networks [130, 135, 151–155, 176, 177]
Water networks [19, 44, 154, 155, 156, 178]
Large-scale environment monitoring systems [157, 158, 159, 160, 161]
Transportation systems
Traffic light control [42, 132, 162, 163]
Fleet control [164, 165]
Connected parking systems, automotive, and smart mobility [130, 132, 166]

27.4.3 Other Infrastructure Automation Cases especially in the cases when they are composed of distributed
subsystems and communication links are used. Critical in-
Due to the space limitation, a detailed presentation of other frastructure systems are expected to be available 24 h a
infrastructure automation examples is not possible. Conse- day, 7 days a week. Nevertheless, they occasionally do not
quently, several papers are indicated in Table 27.1, which operate as expected because of various causes such as natural
mainly includes survey papers on automation in different disasters, equipment malfunction, human errors, or malicious
areas of the modern infrastructures. attacks. The economic and societal consequences may be
The interested reader can find, in the volume edited by very high.
Kyriakides and Polycarpou [167], several other examples of Security concerns and open problems have been
critical infrastructure automation solutions deployed in vari- frequently addressed all over Sect. 27.3 of this chapter. In
ous domains, for example, electric power systems, telecom- particular, one can mention the specific cybersecurity issues
munications, water systems, and transportation networks. As for industrial critical infrastructures that are presented in
Brdys [168] notices, such systems are often characterized [173]. Two frequently used security standards (ISO 2701 and
by a spatial and networked structure, multiple objectives, NIST SP 800-53) are described in detail in [174]. Ogie [175]
nonlinearities, and different time scales. In addition, their analyzes cybersecurity incidents on critical infrastructure
operation conditions may be affected by numerous distur- and industrial networks. The author classifies the possible
bances such as various operating ranges and faults in the incidents according to the three criteria:
automation devices (sensors and actuators) and abnormal
functioning of controlled objects themselves. Consequently, • Intent: theft, intended and unintended service disruption,
the automation schemes may vary from genuine distributed sabotage, espionage, accident, and unknown
control to hierarchical solutions. • Method of operation: malware, unauthorized insider (lo-
cal or remote) access, interruption of service, non-cyber-
attack, and unknown
27.5 Design and Security Issues • “Perpetrator” who deliberately launches the attack: lone
hacker, organized group of hackers, vendor, employee,
Designing a control system for a LSS can be viewed as a set unknown, and none
of decisions to be made concerning various aspects, such as:
a) the people to be involved in the project, b) the development Enoch et al. [176] compare various existing security met-
approach adopted: waterfall model of incremental design, rics for networks based on the concept of network reachable
c) selection of ICT products to be deployed, d) evaluation information and propose a composite one for network secu-
procedures and so on [169]. Using Multi-criterion and Multi- rity analytics. Fiedler et al. [177] propose a DSS approach
attribute decision-making (MCDM/MADM) [170] could ef- for investment in cybersecurity. This approach is based on
fectively support the process of choosing the appropriate game theory and combinatorial optimization. Stepanova and
solutions. In [85], a classification of criteria to be used in Zegzhda [178] have studied the IT security evolution and the
selecting ICT is provided. An example of using TOPSIS, usage of control theory in analyzing the large-scale, hetero-
a multiattribute method, for selecting the cloud provider, geneous distributed systems. The authors apply three basic
is presented in [171], and a DSS for selecting a piece of concepts of control theory – feedback, adaptive control, and
software (a database management system) is described in system state prediction – to define the formal representation
[172]. of the security for four types of systems: static, active, adap-
The LSS and their control infrastructures may show var- tive, and dynamic. The principles of control theory, which
ious vulnerabilities and may be affected by various attacks are applied in security assessment, are meant to identify and
636 F. G. Filip and K. Leiviskä

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Computer-Aided Design, Computer-Aided
Engineering, and Visualization 28
Jorge D. Camba, Nathan Hartman, and Gary R. Bertoline

Contents that define the object. Many of today’s modern CAD

28.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641 tools also operate on similar interfaces with similar
geometry creation command sequences that operate
28.2 Product Lifecycle Management in the Digital
Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642 interdependently to control the modeling process. Core
modules include the sketcher, the solid modeling system
28.3 3D Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
itself, the dimensional constraint engine, the feature
28.4 Parametric Solid Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646 manager, and the assembly manager. In most cases, there
28.5 Parametric Geometry Creation Process . . . . . . . . . . . 647 is also a drawing tool, and other modules that interface
with analysis, manufacturing process planning, and
28.6 Electronic Design Automation (EDA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 648
machining. These processes begin with the 3D geometry
28.7 Geometry Automation Mechanisms in the Modern generated by CAD systems in the design process or 3D
CAD Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
models can be created as a separate process.
28.8 User Characteristics Related to CAD Systems . . . . . . 651 The second half of the chapter examines emerging
28.9 Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652 visualization technologies (e.g., augmented and virtual
28.10 Emerging Visualization Technologies:
reality) and their connection to CAD/CAM. We provide
Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653 an overview of the technology, its capabilities and lim-
28.10.1 Augmented Reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654 itations, and how it is used in industrial environments.
28.10.2 Virtual Reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656 Finally, we discuss the challenges that are hindering its
28.11 Conclusions and Emerging Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657 implementation and adoption.
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657

Computer-aided design · Digital product representation ·

Abstract Design intent · Product lifecycle management · Product
This chapter is an overview of computer-aided design data management
(CAD) and computer-aided engineering and includes
elements of computer graphics, visualization, and
emerging visualization technologies. Commercial three-
dimensional (3D) modeling tools are dimension driven, 28.1 Introduction
parametric, feature based, and constraint based. This
means that, when geometry is created, the user specifies Computer-aided design, manufacturing, and engineering
numerical values and requisite geometric conditions for (CAD/CAM/CAE) technologies continue to transform
the elemental dimensional and geometric constraints engineering and technical disciplines in unprecedented ways.
The tools originally used to replace manual drafting just a few
decades ago have evolved into sophisticated design solutions
J. D. Camba () · N. Hartman · G. R. Bertoline
that support the entire product lifecycle with increasingly
School of Engineering Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, powerful levels of automation, simulation, connectivity,
IN, USA and autonomy. The recent advances in CAD/CAM and
e-mail:;; visualization technologies coupled with the development

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 641

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
642 J. D. Camba et al.

and affordability of new hardware such as high-resolution systems engineering and configuration management. Today,
displays, multitouch surfaces, and mixed-reality headsets the global PLM market is dominated by Siemens Teamcenter,
are, once again, changing the engineering landscape, PTC Windchill, and Dassault Systèmes 3DExperience. Other
accelerating product development, and enhancing technical packages include SolidWorks PDM, Autodesk Vault, Fusion
communication. From automotive and aerospace engineering Lifecycle PLM, Aras Innovator, and Arena Solutions.
to civil engineering and construction, and to electronics, While products have varying lifecycle spans, some may
biomedicine, and fashion design, CAD tools are ubiquitous not have a need for maintaining data for extended periods of
across all disciplines and industries. time; however, some industrial sectors, such as aerospace and
In this chapter, we discuss the technology, methods, and defense, have product platforms and programs with lifecycles
practices to build 3D models for engineering applications, measured in decades. Understanding the characteristics of
emphasizing parametric feature-based solid modeling tech- the data needed during these lifecycles is important to both
nology and its corresponding modeling processes. Finally, adequate compliance and to minimizing costs [2, 3]. These
we review emerging trends in product visualization and ex- industry sectors are also two of the most dependent users
amine the state of the art of virtual/augmented/mixed-reality of product lifecycle management (PLM) technologies and
technologies in industry. processes, which by nature promote the use of a 3D model-
based environment and a digital, model-based product defi-
nition. However, the process of creating and maintaining this
28.2 Product Lifecycle Management in the sort of model-based definition is made more difficult by the
Digital Enterprise current state of the art in product definition authoring tools –
their disparate proprietary data formats are incompatible.
The increased usage of digital data and tools throughout There is no homogeneous, monolithic “file” to encompass a
organizations is one effect of the larger digital transforma- model-based definition and the visualization and integration
tion that is sweeping the industrial sector across the globe. within a PLM system is challenging [4, 5]. Moreover, the
Companies are now using machine learning, artificial intel- exchange of digital product data between these different
ligence, and modeling and simulation to better design and authoring and consuming tools is often incorrect, incomplete,
manufacture their products, and to make better business deci- and highly ambiguous. While a corporate directive to migrate
sions. More specifically to product design and manufacturing to a single-vendor PLM toolset may seem expeditious, it is
is the concept of a model-based enterprise (MBE), which highly unlikely and incredibly costly given the organization
is an approach to product design, production, and support and makeup of modern enterprises and their respective sup-
whereby a digital, three-dimensional representation of the ply chains [6, 7].
product serves as the ubiquitous source for information com- Digital, model-based product definition is an enabler for
municated throughout the product’s lifecycle. In the MBE effective communications and capturing of business value
environment, the digital product model serves as a container, throughout the product lifecycle in modern enterprises. As
carrying shape definition (i.e., geometry, PMI, annotations, the digital backbone that supports the modern product data
etc.), behavioral definition (i.e., materials, functional logic, enterprise has been propagated throughout the extended
genealogy, etc.), and contextual attributes (i.e., supply chain, product lifecycle, an obvious medium of communication has
in use, assembly, etc.). Since the information is embedded evolved – the 3D model and its various derivative forms – to
in the 3D model and structured in a manner that is machine support their products. Not only must this channel support
readable, it can be used directly to feed processes such human-to-human communication, but it must also support
as CAM, CNC, and coordinate-measuring machine (CMM) human-to-machine, machine-to-human, and machine-to-
applications, among others. An example of a model with machine communication as well. In a drawing-based
graphic PMI data is illustrated in Fig. 28.1. environment, the drawing itself (particularly when paper
At the core of the digital enterprise is product lifecycle based) contains the relevant product data and serves as a
management, or PLM. Commonly mischaracterized as a trusted information source for those using it. When drawings
software tool or system itself, PLM is actually a process are shared, there is typically little worry about information
leveraged by the integration of enterprise systems to manage being lost due to translation or exchange error in the medium
a product from concept to disposal. The general phases asso- [8–10]. In order to manage a product’s lifecycle, one must
ciated with a product’s lifecycle are illustrated in Fig. 28.2. manage the data lifecycle that accompanies the product.
Modern PLM technologies are designed to operate Naturally, as the complexity of the product increases, so
in multi-CAD environments and interface with other does the volume and complexity of its related data lifecycle.
enterprise systems such as manufacturing execution systems The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial
(MES), extending the system to suppliers and customers, Internet of Things (IIoT), coupled with advances in cyber-
providing cloud-based solutions, and connecting with physical systems and their enabling technologies are fueling
28 Computer-Aided Design, Computer-Aided Engineering, and Visualization 643


Fig. 28.1 CAD model with PMI data. (Source: NIST – MBE PMI Validation and Conformance Testing Project [1])

Service and
Concept Design Manufacturing Disposal

Fig. 28.2 General phases of a product’s lifecycle

the development of new and increasingly more complex specific product configurations must be created and main-
products. In many cases, these physical products become tained to drive manufacturing and coordinate supply chain
sophisticated systems, or systems of systems, that combine processes.
mechanical, electrical, and embedded software components. Change management is a subset of a larger field of study
From a product lifecycle standpoint, being able to organize, called configuration management (CM) that refers to the
track, and effectively manage the vast volumes of highly het- strategies involved in identifying, evaluating, preparing, exe-
erogeneous data associated to a particular aspect of a product cuting, and validating change. Configuration management in-
becomes critical as well as challenging. In these scenarios, volves “applying appropriate processes, resources, and con-
data overlaps due to duplication are common, as the same trols, to establish and maintain consistency between product
system must often be described from different perspectives. configuration information, and the product” [11]. Successful
Data relationships are also common, such as connecting change management depends on robust change processes to
requirements to CAD data to test cases and simulation data. ensure changes are properly executed and formally docu-
Furthermore, handling engineering changes to a product or mented. Change management processes can be centralized,
system, or managing product variability and customization normalized, and to some extent automated, by leveraging the
is even more difficult. Indeed, variability means that variant- strengths of PLM technology. The key elements and tasks
644 J. D. Camba et al.

models may serve different purposes. For example, financial

models are used to guide investment strategies and deter-
mine the behavior of the stock market, physical models
are developed to predict the path and impact of major hur-
ricanes, and graphical models are used in many fields to
visually communicate complex ideas. In a CAD context,
modeling is “the spatial description and placement of ob-
jects, characters, environments and scenes with a computer
system” [12].
Different methods exist to represent and produce 3D com-
puter models. Wireframe models are the oldest and most ba-
sic representation, in which geometry is represented as a col-
lection of vertices connected by edges. Although wireframe
representations are relatively simple and can be processed
and rendered quickly by the computer, they are not realis-
tic (particularly when representing nonpolyhedral geometry)
and can be ambiguous (due to the lack of face information),
which makes their use very limited and unsuitable for even
basic design communication.
Fig. 28.3 Change request form in PTC Windchill Surface models are a type of boundary representation
(B-Rep) where the geometry represents the infinitely thin
“boundary” that separates the inside volume of the object
that describe a change can be captured by the PLM system, from the outside. This “boundary” can be described in differ-
facilitating the implementation and documentation of the ent ways. For example, in a polygonal model, the “boundary”
corresponding processes. An example of a change request is defined by a set of connected flat faces (i.e., polygons),
form in a commercial PLM system (i.e., PTC Windchill) is which are bound by edges, which are further bound by end
shown in Fig. 28.3. vertices, respectively. As a result, the model’s geometry is
The use of embedded software and network connectivity approximated by a mesh of polygons. The finer the mesh,
in modern smart products enables services such as perfor- the higher the resolution of the model.
mance monitoring, predictive maintenance, and on-demand An alternative approach to represent the “boundary” of the
software updates. However, it also means that software li- model is through a series of mathematical equations that gen-
braries, source code, and the related files become key el- erate precise curves and surfaces. A common type of curve
ements in the product configuration and change processes to produce 3D surface models consist of nonuniform rational
which must be managed carefully. Software and hardware B-splines (NURBS). Surface models are created explicitly by
also become tightly coupled, as software must be tested manipulating the properties of the entities (vertices, edges,
against specific hardware configurations to ensure safety, and faces, in the case of a polygonal model; and curves, in the
compliance, and performance. case of a surface model) of the model in 3D space. Surface
A change in processes and skillsets is necessary to support models allow for the representation of complex geometry and
the product data lifecycle. In the sociotechnical system that sophisticated organic shapes, which make them appropriate
surround a product through its lifecycle, product data curators for product visualization and animation applications. How-
not only need to appreciate the functional domain require- ever, information about the physical properties of the object
ments for authoring and consuming product data, but they represented by the model is not available, which makes these
must also understand computing architecture and commu- representations unsuitable for engineering analysis and other
nications mechanisms for dissemination; business processes calculations.
for security and archival of data; and the model data transla- Surface models can be saved to a variety of formats.
tion, validation, and exchange processes for multiple authors Some file formats are exclusive to specific software pack-
and consumers. ages (proprietary formats), while others are portable, which
means they can be exchanged among different programs.
Two common portable formats are “.obj” (short for object)
28.3 3D Modeling introduced by Alias for high-end computer animation and vi-
sual effects productions, and the drawing interchange format
The term “model” refers to any representation of an item, (DXF) developed by Autodesk and widely used to exchange
system, process, or phenomenon. Depending on the type, models between CAD and 3D animation programs.
28 Computer-Aided Design, Computer-Aided Engineering, and Visualization 645

Solid models provide a complete, accurate, unambiguous, Procedural modeling includes a number of techniques to
and topologically valid representation of the object, includ- create 3D models from sets of rules. L-systems, fractals, and
ing its physical properties. These characteristics make solid generative modeling are examples of procedural modeling
models appropriate for a wide range of engineering appli- techniques since they apply algorithms for producing scenes;
cations, including analysis and simulation studies. In fact, for instance, a mountainous terrain model can be produced by
solid models are the core representation technology used in plotting an equation of fractal mathematics that recursively
modern CAD systems to create and manipulate engineering subdivides and displaces a geometric patch.
models. For the past few years, generative modeling has been
Unlike the boundary representation methods described gaining popularity in the research community, particularly
above where only the outside surface of the model is repre- because of its potential applications in design and engineer-
sented, volumetric models use voxels to represent the inside ing. Generative modeling is an iterative process that involves
of an object using a discretely sampled 3D set. Volumetric the automatic generation of geometry by defining a set of
models are common in medical visualization applications, for design goals. The user inputs the criteria and the conditions
example, where MRI or CT scan data are used to capture the desired for these goals, and an algorithm generates a number
internal geometry. of solutions that meet those criteria. These criteria may be
Additional modeling techniques have been developed for related to design performance, materials and manufacturing 28
specific purposes. For example, particle-system modeling is methods, and spatial requirements, among others. The re-
an approach used to represent various phenomena such as sulting geometry is context aware and usually organic in
fire, snow, clouds, smoke, etc. which do not have a stable form, reminiscent of natural lattice structures. Generative
and well-defined shape. Such phenomena would be very design tools can be used for topology optimization [13],
difficult to model with surface or solid modeling techniques exploration of design spaces [14], and as a creative tool to
because they are composed of large amounts of molecule- automatically generate design configurations [15]. An exam-
sized particles rather than discernible surfaces. In particle- ple of the generative design functionality applied to design
system modeling, the animator creates a system of particles, space exploration in a commercial CAD system is shown in
i.e., graphical primitives such as points or lines, and defines Fig. 28.4.
the physical attributes of the particles. These attributes con- When a physical model of an object already exists, it is
trol how the particles move, how they interact with each possible to create a corresponding 3D model using various
other and with the environment, and how they are rendered. digitization methods. Examples of digitization tools include
Dynamics fields can also be used to control the particles’ 3D digitizing pens and laser contour scanners. Each time
motion. the tip of a 3D pen touches the surface of the object to be

Fig. 28.4 Exploration of design alternatives in a commercial CAD system. The designs were produced automatically using generative techniques
646 J. D. Camba et al.

digitized, the location of a point is recorded. In this way it is constraint engine, the feature manager, and the assembly
possible to compile a list of 3D coordinates that represent key manager [18]. In most cases, there is also a drawing tool, and
points on the surface. These points form a point cloud that is other modules that interface with analysis, manufacturing
used by the 3D modeling software to build the corresponding process planning, and machining. The core modules are used
digital mesh, which is often a polygonal surface. In laser in conjunction with each other (or separately as necessary)
contour scanning the physical object is placed on a turntable, to develop a 3D model of the desired product. In so doing,
a laser beam is projected onto its surface, and the distance most modern CAD systems will produce the same kinds of
the beam travels to the object is recorded. After each 360◦ geometry, irrespective of the software interface they possess.
rotation a contour curve is produced and the beam is lowered Many of the modern 3D CAD tools combine constructive
a bit. When all contour curves have been generated, the 3D solid geometry (CSG) and boundary representation (B-rep)
software builds a lofted surface. modeling functionality to form hybrid 3D modeling packages
[16, 18].
Constraint-based CAD tools create a solid model as a
series of features that correspond to operations that would
28.4 Parametric Solid Modeling be used to create the physical object. Features are geometric
abstractions that can be created dependently or independently
Solid models can be created using a number of techniques. of each other with respect to the effects of modifications
Traditionally, solid models used constructive solid geometry made to the geometry. If features are dependent, then an
(CSG), where basic geometric primitives (e.g., cube, sphere, update to the parent feature will affect the child feature. This
cone, cylinder, etc.) are combined using Boolean operators. is known as a parent–child reference, and these references
Three Boolean operations are commonly used: addition or are typically at the heart of most modeling processes per-
union, subtraction, and intersection. The addition opera- formed by the user [18]. The geometry of each feature is
tion combines two solids into a single, unified solid; the controlled by the use of modifiable constraints that allow
subtraction operation takes away from one solid the space for the dynamic update of model geometry as the design
occupied by another solid; and the intersection operation criteria change. When a parent feature is modified, it typically
produces a solid consisting of only the volume shared by two creates a ripple effect that yields changes in the child features.
overlapping solids. Complex geometry is built by combining This is one example of associativity – the fact that design
these Boolean operations sequentially as a tree structure, changes propagate through the geometric database and asso-
where the output of one operation is used as the input for ciated derivatives of the model due to the interrelationships
the next. between model features. This dynamic editing capability is
Traditionally, CSG approaches were efficient for the stor- also reflected in assembly models that are used to document
age of the database. However, due to the inherent limitations the manner in which components of a product interact with
of the primitive shapes, and the difficulty to manipulate each other. Modifications to features contained in a part will
individual surfaces, CSG has evolved into more sophisti- be displayed in the parent part as well as in the assembly
cated approaches such as the ability to create swept solids that contains the part. Any working drawings of the part
on demand where needed, and combine them with existing or assembly will also update to reflect the changes. This is
geometry. another example of associativity.
Today’s 3D modeling tools implement a variety of tech- Feature-based modeling enables a more intuitive approach
nologies. They are dimension driven, parametric, feature to modeling by making design intent explicit and easy to
based, and constraint based. These terms have come to be understand. It also links modeling with engineering and man-
synonymous when describing modern CAD systems [16]. ufacturing. Different classifications of features have been
The term parametric means that, when geometry is created, proposed. Some of them, such as material and analysis fea-
the user specifies numerical values and requisite geomet- tures, are nongeometric. These types of features are useful
ric conditions for the elemental dimensional and geometric for many engineering processes, but not directly relevant to
constraints that define the object; for example, a rectangular 3D CAD modeling.
prism would be defined by parameter dimensions that control CAD systems will often organize features based on their
its height, width, and depth. In addition, many of today’s type. However, there is not a consistent agreed-upon classi-
modern CAD tools also operate on similar interfaces with fication across CAD systems. For example, based on their
similar geometry creation command sequences [17]. Gener- effect on geometry, features can be classified as positive
ally, most constraint-based CAD tools consist of software (features that add new material to the part) and negative
modules that operate interdependently to control the 3D (features that remove material from the part). Some features
modeling process. They include core modules such as the (replication features) are used to replicate existing geometry
sketcher, the solid modeling system itself, the dimensional by creating patterns of existing features in the part, whereas
28 Computer-Aided Design, Computer-Aided Engineering, and Visualization 647

dress-up features add cosmetic and finishing geometry (such

as fillets and rounds).
Based on their functional characteristics, features can be
classified as design features (features which serve a particular
purpose related to the function of the part), form features (fea- 19.05 V
tures that represent certain geometric aspects of a part, with V
no implied functional purpose or manufacturing method), HO
and manufacturing features (geometric characteristics that
result from the application of a specific manufacturing op-
A critical issue in the use of constraint-based CAD tools
is the planning that happens prior to the creation of the model
[16]. This is known as design intent. Much of the power
and utility of constraint-based CAD tools is derived from Fig. 28.5 Sketch geometry created on a plane on a 3D model
the fact that users can edit and redefine part geometry as
opposed to deleting and recreating it. This requires a certain 28
amount of thought with respect to the relationships that will gives a sketch its depth element. This model creation pro-
be established between and within features of a part and cess is illustrated in Fig. 28.5. This automated process of
between components in an assembly. The ways in which the capturing dimensional and parametric information as part of
model will be used in the future and how it could potentially the geometry creation process is what gives modern CAD
be manipulated during design changes are both factors to systems their advantage over traditional engineering drawing
consider when building the model. The manner in which the techniques in terms of return on investment and efficiency of
user expects the CAD model to behave under a given set work. Without this level of automation, CAD systems would
of circumstances, and the effects of that behavior on other be nothing more than an electronic drawing board, with the
portions of the same model or on other models within the user being required to recreate a design from scratch each
assembly, is known as design intent [16, 18]. The eventual time.
use and reuse of the model will have a profound effect on the As the user continues to use the feature creation functions
relationships that are established within the model as well as in the CAD system, the feature list continues to grow. It lists
the types of features that are used to create it, and vice versa. all of the features used to create a model in chronological
order. The creation of features in a particular order also
captures design intent from the user, since the order in which
28.5 Parametric Geometry Creation geometry is created will have a final bearing on the look
Process (and possibly the function) of the object. In most cases, the
feature tree is also the location where the user would go to
In modern constraint-based CAD systems, geometry is cre- consider modifying the order in which the model’s features
ated by using the modules and functionality described above, were created (and rebuilt whenever a change is made to
especially the sketcher, the dimensional constraint engine, the topology of the model). The notion of maintaining the
the solid modeling system, and the feature manager. To create sequence of steps and making it available to the user for
solid geometry, the user considers their design intent and editing the model is known as history-based modeling.
proceeds to make the first feature of the model. The most As a recent alternative approach to history-based para-
common way to create feature geometry within a part file is to metric modeling, the direct modeling paradigm allows users
sketch the main feature’s cross-section on a datum plane (or to create geometry without keeping a log of the modeling
flat planar surface already existing in the part file), dimension sequence or any parent–child relationships between features.
and constrain the sketched profile, and then apply a feature Instead, geometric entities in the model can be manipulated
form to the cross-section. Due to the inherent inaccuracies directly however the designer desires. This type of modeling
of sketching geometric entities on a computer screen with a eliminates parent–child relationships entirely, which may be
mouse, CAD systems typically employ a constraint solver. effective for certain tasks, but it also eliminates the ability to
This portion of the software is responsible for resolving the add design intelligence to and capture design intent within
geometric relationships and general proportions between the the 3D model.
sketched entities and the dimensions that the user applies to As users become more proficient at using a constraint-
them, which is an example of automation in the geometric based CAD system to create geometry, they adopt their
modeling process. The final stage of geometry creation is own mental model for interfacing with the software [19].
typically the application of a feature form, which is what This mental model typically evolves to match the software
648 J. D. Camba et al.

features themselves, and the script for playing back that

knowledge-embedding process is captured within the feature
tware processes
Sof manager as described in Sect. 28.2. It is generally common
knowledge within the modern 3D modeling environment
that a user will likely work with models created by other
Geometry people and vice versa. As such, having a predictable means
creation to include design intent in the geometric model is critical for
the reuse of existing CAD models within an organization.

Design consi

manipulation 28.6 Electronic Design Automation (EDA)



n o
The design of intelligent products and systems that integrate

electrical, mechanical, and software characteristics requires

the integration and interoperability of the various design
and engineering workflows and tools. Traditional mechanical
computer-aided design (MCAD) tools must work together
Fig. 28.6 Expert mental model of modern CAD system operation with electronic computer-aided design (ECAD) systems to
enable a unified approach to design.
Electronic design automation (EDA) refers to the soft-
interface metaphor of the CAD system. In so doing, they ware tools for electrical or electronic computer-aided design
are able to leverage their expertise regarding the operation (ECAD) of electronic systems ranging from printed circuit
of the software to devise highly sophisticated methods for boards (PCBs) to integrated circuits (see Fig. 28.7). EDA can
using the CAD systems. This level of sophistication and work on digital circuits and analog circuits. In this section,
automation by the user is due in some part to the nature of the we focus on EDA tools for digital integrated circuits because
constraint-based CAD tools. It is also what enables the user they are more prominent in the current EDA industry and
to dissect geometric models created by others (or themselves occupy the major portion of the EDA market. For analog and
at a prior time) and reuse them to develop new or modified mixed-signal circuit design automation, readers are referred
designs. Effective use of the tools requires that the user’s own to [20] and [21] for more details. Note that we can only briefly
knowledge base comprised of the conceptual relationships introduce the key techniques in EDA. Interested readers can
regarding the capture of design intent in the geometric model refer to [22–24] for additional information.
and the specific software skills necessary to create geometry The majority of the development effort for CAD tech-
be used. This requires the use of an object–action interface niques is devoted to the design of single-purpose processors
model and metaphor on the part of the user in order to be using semicustom or programmable logic device (PLD) in-
effective. This interface model correlates the objects and tegrated circuit technologies. A typical step-by-step design
actions used in the software with those used in the physical flow is shown in Fig. 28.8.
construction of the object being modeled. If a person is to use The synthesis stage includes behavioral synthesis, RTL
the CAD tool effectively, these two sets of models should synthesis, and logic synthesis. The basic problem of be-
be similar. In relation to the object–action interface model havioral synthesis or high-level synthesis is the mapping of
is the idea of a user’s mental model of the software tool. a behavioral description of a circuit into a cycle-accurate
This mental model is comprised of semantic knowledge of register transfer level (RTL) design consisting of a data path
how the CAD system operates, the relationships between the and a control unit. Designers can skip behavioral synthesis
different modules and commands, and syntactic knowledge and directly write RTL codes for circuit design. This design
that is comprised of specific knowledge about commands and style is facing increasing challenges due to the growing
the interface (Fig. 28.6). complexity of circuit design.
The process of creating 3D geometry in this fashion allows The next step after behavioral synthesis is RTL synthe-
the user to automate the capture of their design intent. Seman- sis. RTL synthesis performs optimizations on the register-
tic and syntactic knowledge are combined once in the initial transfer-level design. Input to an RTL synthesis tool is a Ver-
creation of the model to develop the intended shape of the ilog or VHDL design that includes the number of data path
object being modeled. This encoding of design knowledge components, the binding of operations/variables/transfers to
allows the labor of creating geometry to be stored and used data path components, and a controller that contains the
again when the model is used in the future. This labor storage detailed schedule of computational, input/output (I/O), and
is manifested within the CAD system inside the geometric memory operations.
28 Computer-Aided Design, Computer-Aided Engineering, and Visualization 649


Fig. 28.7 ECAD system for PCB design

Behavioral description

Behavioral RTL Logic

synthesis synthesis synthesis Synthesis
Partitioning Physical
Routing Placement
& floorplan design

Semicustom/ASIC flow PLD flow

GDSII generation Bitstream generation

IC fabrication Bitstream to
program PLD

Fig. 28.8 Typical design flow

Logic synthesis is the task of generating a structural synthesis and perform logic optimization on top of it. Such
view of the logic-level implementation of the design. It can optimizations include both sequential logic optimization and
take the generic Boolean network generated from the RTL combinational logic optimization.
650 J. D. Camba et al.

In terms of physical design, the design stages include Technology computer-aided design (TCAD) is an impor-
partitioning, floorplan, placement, and routing. The input of tant branch in CAD which carries out numeric simulations of
physical design is a circuit netlist, and the output is the layout semiconductor processes and devices. Process TCAD takes
of the circuit. Partitioning and floorplan are optional design a process flow, including essential steps such as ion implan-
stages. They are required only when the circuit is highly tation, diffusion, etching, deposition, lithography, oxidation,
complex. and silicidation, and simulates the active dopant distribu-
Partitioning is usually required for multimillion-gate de- tion, the stress distribution, and the device geometry. Mask
signs. For such a large design, it is not feasible to layout layout is also an input for process simulation. The layout
the entire chip in one step due to the limitation of memory can be selected as a linear cut in a full layout for a two-
and computation resources. Instead, the circuit will be first dimensional simulation or a rectangular cut from the layout
partitioned into subcircuits (blocks), and then these blocks for a three-dimensional simulation. Process TCAD produces
can go through a process called floorplan to set up the a final cross-sectional structure. Such a structure is then
foundation of a good layout. provided to device TCAD for modeling the device electrical
Floorplan will select a good layout alternative for each characteristics. The device characteristics can be used to
block and for the entire chip as well. Floorplan will consider either generate the coefficients of compact device models or
the area and the aspect ratio of the blocks, which can be develop the compact models themselves. These models are
estimated after partitioning. The number of terminals (pins) then used in circuit simulators to model the circuit behavior.
required by each block and the nets used to connect the Because of the detailed physical modeling involved, TCAD
blocks are also known after partitioning. In order to complete is mostly used to aid the design of single devices.
the layout, we need to determine the shape and orientation TCAD has become a critical tool in the development of
of each block and place them on the surface of the layout. next-generation integrated circuit processes and devices. The
These blocks should be placed in such a way as to reduce challenge for TCAD is that the physics and chemistry of
the total area of the circuit. Meanwhile, the pin-to-pin wire fabrication processes are still not well understood. Therefore,
delay needs to be optimized. Floorplan also needs to consider TCAD cannot replace experiments except in very limited
whether there is sufficient routing area between the blocks applications so far. Reference [30] summarizes applications
so that the routing algorithms can complete the routing task of TCAD in four areas:
without experiencing routing congestions.
Placement is a key step in the physical design flow. It • Technology selection: TCAD tools can be used to elim-
deals with the similar problem as floorplan – determining the inate or narrow technology development options prior to
positions of physical objects (logic blocks and/or logic cells) starting experiments.
on the layout surface. The difference is that, in placement, • Process optimization: tune process variables and design
we can deal with a large number of objects (up to millions rules to optimize performance, reliability, cost, and man-
of objects) and the shape of each object is predetermined ufacturability.
and fixed. Therefore, placement is a scaled and restricted • Process control: aid the transfer of a process from one
version of the floorplan problem and is usually applied within facility to another (including from development to man-
regions created during floorplanning. Because of the impor- ufacturing) and serve as reference models for diagnosing
tance of placement, an extensive amount of research has been yield issues and aiding process control in manufacturing.
carried out in the CAD community. Placement algorithms • Design optimization: optimize the circuits for cost, power,
can be mainly categorized into simulated-annealing-based performance, and reliability.
(e.g., [25, 26]), partitioning-based (e.g., CAPO [27]), analyt-
ical (e.g., BonnPlace [28]), and multilevel placement (e.g.,
mPL [29]). 28.7 Geometry Automation Mechanisms
After placement, the routing stage determines the geo- in the Modern CAD Environment
metric layouts of the nets to connect all the logic blocks
and/or logic cells together. Routing is the last step in the Computer-aided design systems are used in many places
design flow before either creating the GDSII (graphic data within a product design environment, but each scenario tends
system II) file for fabrication in the semicustom/ASIC design to have a common element: the need to accurately define
style or generating the bitstream to program the PLD. GDSII the geometry which represents an object. This could be in
is a database file format used as the industry standard for the design engineering phase to depict a product, or during
integrated circuit layout data exchange. The objective of the manufacturing planning stage for the design of a fixture
routing can be reducing the total wire length, minimizing to hold a workpiece. Recently, these CAD systems have
the critical path delay, minimizing power consumption, or been coupled with product data management (PDM) systems
improving manufacturability. to track the ongoing changes through the lifecycle of a
28 Computer-Aided Design, Computer-Aided Engineering, and Visualization 651

product. By so doing, the inherent use of the CAD system table where each row specifies the geometric characteristics
can be tracked, knowledge about the design can be stored, of each model instance. Likewise, they can be defined at
and permissions can be granted to appropriate users of the part level, when building the geometry of a single part, or
system. While the concept of concurrent engineering is not at the assembly level, when building variations of assembly
new, contemporary depictions of that model typically show a models with different components. When used effectively,
CAD system (and often a PDM system) at the center of the part families and configurations can significantly increase
conceptual model, disseminating embedded information for productivity, simplification, and model reuse.
use by the entire product development team throughout the Standard parts and standard libraries are an additional
product lifecycle [16]. mechanism available in CAD to enable automation. Libraries
To use a modern CAD system effectively, one must under- are organized repositories of features and models that can
stand the common inputs and outputs of the system, typically be added to a design, typically by dragging and dropping
in light of a concurrent and distributed design and manufac- the desired item onto the geometry and selecting the desired
turing environment. Input usually takes the form of numerical parameters. Some libraries are fully integrated within the
information regarding size, shape, and orientation of geome- CAD system. Others are custom made, or provided by a
try during the product model creation process. This informa- third-party company. Libraries allow users to create models
tion generally comes directly from the user responsible for and features once and reuse the geometry when needed. An 28
developing the product; however, it is not uncommon to get example of a library of standard parts in a commercial CAD
CAD input data from laser scanning devices used for quality system (i.e., SolidWorks) is shown in Fig. 28.9.
control and inspection, automated scripts for generating seed Finally, geometry automation also exists in the form of
geometry, or translated files from other systems. As with scripting and programming functionality to generate geom-
other types of systems, the quality of the information put into etry through the definition of algorithms. This scenario re-
the system greatly affects the quality of the data coming out quires extensive knowledge of the CAD system’s applica-
of the system. In today’s geographically dispersed product tion programming interface (API), but is particularly helpful
development environment, CAD geometry is often exported when it is necessary to produce geometry with a high degree
from the CAD system is a neutral file format (e.g., IGES or of accuracy and around which exists a fair amount of tribal
STEP) to be shared with other users up and down the supply knowledge and corporate practice. A set of parameters are
chain. Detailed two-dimensional drawings are often derived created that represents corporate knowledge to be embedded
from the 3D model in a semiautomated fashion to document into the geometry to control its shape and behavior and then
the product and to communicate with suppliers. In addition, the CAD system generates the desired geometry based on
3D CAD data is generally shared in an automated way (due user inputs (Figs. 28.10 and 28.11).
to integration between digital systems) with structural and In the example of the airfoil, aerodynamic data has been
manufacturing analysts for testing and process planning. captured by an engineering analyst and input into a CAD
Geometry creation within CAD systems is also automated system using a knowledge capture module of the software.
for certain tasks, especially those of a repetitive nature. These types of modules allow a user to configure the behavior
The use of geometry duplication functions often involves of the CAD system when it is supplied with a certain type of
copying, manipulating, or moving selected entities from one data in the requisite format. This data represents the work of
area to another on a model. This reduces the amount of time the analyst, which is then used to automate the creation of
that it takes a user to create their finished model. However, it the 3D geometry to represent the airfoil. Such techniques are
is critical that the user be mindful of parent–child references replacing the manual geometric modeling tasks performed
as described previously. While these references are elemental by users on designs that require a direct tie to engineering
to the very nature of modern CAD systems, they can make the analysis data, or on those designs where a common geometry
modification and reuse of design geometry tenuous at a later is shared among various design options.
date, thereby negating any positive effects of a user having
copied geometry in an effort to save time.
CAD systems provide specialized automation mecha- 28.8 User Characteristics Related to CAD
nisms to work with part families and configurations. These Systems
mechanisms leverage the fact that many products are slight
variations of the same existing design. Part families and Contemporary CAD systems require a technological knowl-
configuration tools allow users to build a template model for edge base independent of (yet complementary to) normal
a “base part” and define what geometric characteristics will engineering fundamentals. An understanding of design intent
vary between the different model instances in the part family. related to product function and how that is manifested in
Configurations can be created manually, by describing the the creation of geometry to represent the product is critical
parameters of each model, or through a spreadsheet type of [19, 31]. Users require the knowledge of how the various
652 J. D. Camba et al.

Fig. 28.9 Library of standard parts in DS SolidWorks

modules of a CAD systems work and the impact of their requires that users employ their knowledge of engineering
command choices on the usability of geometry downstream fundamentals and the tacit knowledge gathered from their
in the design and manufacturing process. In order to en- environment, in conjunction with technological and strategic
able users to accomplish their tasks when using CAD tools, knowledge of the CAD system’s capabilities, to generate a
training in how to use the system is critical. Not just at a solution to the design problem at hand.
basic level for understanding the commands themselves, but
the development of a community of practice to support the
ongoing integration of user knowledge into organizational
28.9 Visualization
culture and best practices is critical.
Complementary to user training, and one of the reasons
Information visualization is useful in automation not only
for why relevant training is important in the use of CAD
for supervision, control, and decision support, but also for
tools, is for users to develop strategic knowledge in the use of
training. A variety of visualization methods and software are
the design systems. Strategic knowledge is the application of
available, including geographic information systems (GIS)
procedural and factual knowledge in the use of CAD systems
and virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR). Information
directed toward a goal within a specific context [32, 33]. It is
visualization is an essential aspect of any decision-making
through the development of strategic knowledge that users
process. Therefore, it is critical that the information is pre-
are able to effectively utilize the myriad functionality within
sented in a clear, unambiguous, and understandable manner.
modern CAD systems and adapt, transfer, and apply that
A geographic information system is a computer-based
knowledge when migrating to a new CAD system. Nearly all
system for capturing, manipulating, and displaying informa-
commercial CAD systems have similar user interfaces, simi-
tion using digitized maps. Its key characteristic is that every
lar geometry creation techniques, and similar required inputs
digital record has an identified geographical location. This
and optional outputs. Productivity in the use of CAD systems
process, called geocoding, enables automation applications
28 Computer-Aided Design, Computer-Aided Engineering, and Visualization 653

# collect the list of fours

Reverse( _GetPointsBySide: (1, -xdc_StartingPt_TE: –1, $lineNum, $Rstk, $Phi, $slnt)) +
Reverse( _GetPointsBySide: ( xdc_StartingPt_TE: –1, RR_NPT:, $lineNum, $Rstk, $Phi, $slnt));
}; # end Loop Through Sections
}; # end List

(List) -Points_Radial:
If ( -PtOrder: = Sides) Then
For $eachSection In -Points_Section:;
Collect first (nth(1, $eachSection)) Into $LE_SS;
Collect last (nth(1, $eachSection)) Into $SS_TE;
Collect first (nth(3, $eachSection)) Into $TE_PS;
Collect last (nth(3, $eachSection)) Into $PS_LE;
Return Is {$LE_SS, $SS_TE, $TE_PS, $PS_LE}; 28
Else If ( PtOrder: = Wrap) Then
For $eachSection In .Points_Wrap:;
Collect nth( _NSP: + (2 * _NLE:) + 1, $eachSection) Into $PSLEpts;
Collect nth( _NSP:, $eachSection) Into $SSLEpts;
Collect nth((2 * _NSP:) + (2 * _NLE:) , $eachSection) Into $PSTEpts;
Collect nth(1, $eachSection) Into $SSTEpts;
Return Is {$SSLEpts, $SSTEpts, $PSTEpts, $PSLEpts};

Fig. 28.10 User script for automatic geometry generation

for planning and decision-making by mapping visualized technology is finding its way into many stages of the product
information. lifecycle. Today, many modern CAD systems provide inte-
Virtual and augmented reality technologies provide in- grated support for both augmented reality and virtual reality
teractive, computer-generated, three-dimensional imagery to experiences.
users in a variety of modalities that are immersive and/or According to Milgram [34], any experience that involves
blend with reality. Virtual and augmented reality can be a combination of real and/or virtual content can be viewed as
powerful media for communication and collaboration, as a point in a spectrum, as shown in Fig. 28.12. On one end of
well as entertainment and learning. The capabilities of both the spectrum there is the physical reality we experience in our
AR and VR will be discussed in the next section. Table 28.1 daily lives. On the opposite end, there is virtuality, in which
lists examples of visualization applications. the view and experience of reality is completely replaced by
an artificial counterpart. Any experience along this spectrum
can be described as mixed reality, augmented reality, or
28.10 Emerging Visualization Technologies: extended reality. Depending on how much access is given to
Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality the real world or how much virtual content is involved in the
experience, the terminology may vary slightly.
Emerging visualization technologies are drastically changing Virtual/Augmented/Mixed-reality technologies have been
the way 3D models are viewed, shared, and manipulated. used across a wide range of disciplines and industries for
In design and manufacturing environments, these advanced different purposes. Although in many aspects these tech-
visualization technologies enable users to view 3D models nologies are related, each one of them has gone through
in context and in a more natural and intuitive setting, which its own evolution and development. The applications, inter-
has advantages at various levels (particularly operational), action types, limitations, and capabilities enabled by these
when the data can be made accessible and fully integrated technologies also differ. Therefore, it is important to exam-
into the business processes of the organization. As such, the ine them separately. In this section, the technological basis
654 J. D. Camba et al.

Table 28.1 Examples of visualization applications

Application domain Examples of visualization applications
Manufacturing Virtual prototyping and engineering analysis
Training and experimenting
Leading edge Process planning and logistics
Assembly processes
Suction side Ergonomics and virtual simulation
Design Urban planning and architecture
Radial spline
Civil engineering design
Electrical design
Mechanical design
Trailing edge Section splines
Business Advertising and marketing
Presentation in e-commerce, e-business
Presentation of financial information
Science Chemical and biological visualizations
Partial flowpath
Astrophysics phenomena
GIS and surveying
Pressure side Meteorological data visualization for weather
Medicine Physical therapy and recovery
Safety procedures
Interpretation of medical information and
Fig. 28.11 Airfoil geometry generated from script (labels not gener- planning surgeries
ated as part of script) Medical training
Research and Virtual laboratories
of virtual reality, augmented reality, and spatial augmented Representation of complex math and statistical
reality is discussed. We review current advances and trends models
Cultural heritage applications
in VR/AR/MR technologies in the context of computer-
Spatial configurations
aided design and engineering, and examine future research
Learning and Virtual explorations: art and science
directions. entertainment
Virtual reality games
Colocated learning
Learning and educational simulators
28.10.1 Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) refers to the combined experience

Mixed reality
of real and virtual content. AR technologies enable a live
interactive view of our physical world whose elements are
enhanced with virtual imagery. The goal of AR is to enhance
our interactions and experiences with everyday objects and Real Augmented Augmented Virtual
environment reality (AR) virtuality (AV) environment
environments by providing on-site and on-demand informa-
tion about our world. This combination of real and virtual
content can be experienced directly or indirectly. Fig. 28.12 Reality-Virtuality continuum [34]
Indirect augmented reality employs pre-captured and pre-
registered images instead of a live video feed to provide
the blended experience to the user. The approach typically image and overlays the virtual content in the right position
uses a camera, such as a webcam or a phone camera, to with respect to the real scene. The combined scene is then
record the point of view of the user and then superimpose displayed to the user in a computer screen.
computer-generated content. Indirect augmented reality is An alternative method of indirect AR is the “magic lens”
generally low cost compared to other direct-view approaches. or “magic window” approach, in which a device (usually a
A common technique to implement it is through the so-called phone or a tablet) is used as a “window” to the augmented
“magic mirror” paradigm, in which the user experiences world. The user experiences the content by holding the device
the augmented content by looking at a “reflection” in the and moving it around while the AR software updates the
computer screen. In this scenario, a camera located in front of virtual imagery based on the scene the camera is capturing.
the user captures the scene and the AR software processes the Because of the popularity of AR software and the prevalence
28 Computer-Aided Design, Computer-Aided Engineering, and Visualization 655

Fig. 28.13 (a) Indirect augmented reality: “magic mirror” (left) and (b) “magic lens” (right) paradigms [36]

of mobile devices, indirect AR has become a popular and is fully interactive, so users can manipulate the sand and the
affordable method to deliver and experience AR. Companies visualization will update in real time. In addition, the system
have used this technology extensively in marketing cam- can be used to visualize water flow based on the conditions of
paigns, gaming, and entertainment applications. In industrial the terrain. Spatial augmented reality has also been employed
environments, indirect AR applications have been developed in the automotive industry, for example, for in situ support
for remote maintenance, servicing, and training. In educa- of spot welding tasks [38], and in space architecture appli-
tion, several books and technical materials have implemented cations as a mechanism to help mitigate the psychological
indirect AR as a mechanism to supplement written content effects of long-duration spaceflight [39]. Augmented reality
[35]. Examples of indirect augmented reality applications are applications for design education and creative work have also
shown in Fig. 28.13. been proposed [36, 40].
Direct augmented reality is generally experienced via a Registration of the 3D content with the real scene is
wearable see-through headset, which renders the virtual im- required to ensure the user experiences a consistent and
agery in front the user’s eyes. Many commercial headsets are cohesive view of the combined imagery. AR software must
available such as the Microsoft HoloLens or the MagicLeap keep track of the position and orientation of the camera in
1. The 3D cameras integrated in these headsets map the 3D real time and render the correct view of the virtual content.
environment in front of the user in real time. The information The content is dynamically updated as the view of the real
is then used to determine the location where the virtual scene changes.
content needs to be displayed. The most basic method to register the 3D content is by us-
Spatial augmented reality is an alternative type of direct ing fiducial markers. Fiducial markers are physical elements
augmented reality that uses projectors to render virtual con- that can be easily detected and processed by computer vision
tent onto the surfaces of physical objects. This type of expe- algorithms. They are typically black and white images with
rience can be viewed directly without a headset and has been distinctive patterns that can be immediately recognized, as
used extensively in the entertainment industry. For example, shown in Fig. 28.14.
projection mapping technology has been showcased at theme Each marker has an associated digital asset, which is
parks, sports events, and corporate promotional events. It rendered on the screen when the physical marker is detected.
has also been used in museums to enhance the visitor’s Multiple markers can be used at the same time for more
experience. Nonentertainment uses of the technology include interactive and multiuser experiences. When used strate-
the well-known augmented reality sandbox developed by gically, markers enable basic interaction with the content,
the University of California, Davis [37]. The sandbox was such as simulating physical buttons. The action of physically
designed as an interactive visualization tool for surveying, covering and uncovering the marker can be translated to the
topography, and civil engineering applications. It uses a two states of a button, which will trigger the corresponding
projector and a 3D camera – the Microsoft Kinect – to actions. Each action can be connected to a different 3D asset
analyze the shape of the terrain defined by the sand inside or to a different state (e.g., animated) of the same asset.
a physical sandbox and display the corresponding contour Advances in computer vision have enabled the use of more
lines and colors to visualize elevation data. The application sophisticated image-based markers. An image-based marker
656 J. D. Camba et al.

Fig. 28.14 Fiducial markers used in marker-based augmented reality


is a type of fiducial marker that uses images instead of black

and white patterns. Image-based markers are less intrusive
and can be integrated more naturally and inconspicuously Fig. 28.15 CAVE system at EVL, University of Illinois at Chicago
(public domain image)
into physical elements such as books, catalogs, posters, and
user manuals.
In engineering and industrial environments, the use of culate the view. In truly immersive experiences, there is also
AR dates back to the 1990s with the various AR-based auditory, haptic, and tactile feedback when the user interacts
applications developed at Boeing. Since then, many more with the elements of the virtual world. Motion capture (Mo-
applications have been proposed. In fact, many industrial cap) suits enable the real-time capturing and recording of
processes can benefit from the adoption of AR, particularly body movements of the wearer during the VR experience,
in situations where the digital object can be linked to its which are particularly useful in human factors and ergonomic
counterpart in the real world (i.e., the digital twin). However, studies.
many technical challenges remain, which currently hinder its VR can be experienced in different modalities, such as
adoption. One of the most significant ones is the recognition, cave automatic virtual environment (CAVE) systems, power
identification, tracking, and estimation of the position and walls, and individual VR headsets, as shown in Fig. 28.15.
orientation of untextured 3D objects in real time [41]. This In industrial settings, the integration of VR technology with
is relevant as many objects in these environments are made CAD/CAM systems is becoming more prevalent not only
of untextured metallic and/or plastic materials, in some cases during conceptual design but also for detailed 3D modeling,
with highly reflective surfaces. visualization of simulation and analysis processes, and vali-
In addition to the difficulties of identifying and tracking dation and design reviews.
these types of objects, the environments where these ob- The use of visualization technologies in engineering
jects exist present their unique set of challenges. Industrial has evolved from the traditional power walls and complex
settings are intrinsically complex, busy, and often visually CAVE systems used to visualize digital mock-ups (DMUs)
cluttered. Many objects may occlude others, making them and perform ergonomic assessments, to the immersive
only partially visible to the AR devices. Additionally, many environments delivered by head-mounted displays (HMDs)
industrial settings have environmental conditions that are less and high-definition power walls used for design reviews.
than ideal for technology (poor or inconsistent lighting, high The affordability of consumer VR devices has facilitated the
temperatures, gas emissions, hazardous materials, grease, implementation of technology in more areas and stages of
liquids, etc.). the product lifecycle. For example, in manufacturing, VR has
been successfully employed to support plant layout design,
process planning, resource allocation, and training.
28.10.2 Virtual Reality However, there are many challenges that hamper further
implementation. First, importing CAD data into a VR system
Virtual reality (VR) is a visualization technology that fully (which typically runs on some type of game engine tech-
replaces our view of real world with an artificial environment. nology) is not a straightforward process. CAD models must
VR usually implies a stereoscopic real-time first-person view be converted to appropriate formats and optimized, which is
of the environment. The environment is immersive and a time consuming, error prone, and requires significant exper-
tracking system responds to the user’s changes in position tise in computer graphics. In addition, there is currently a
and orientation (at least at the level of head motion) to recal- disconnect between the VR data and the PDM system, which
28 Computer-Aided Design, Computer-Aided Engineering, and Visualization 657

prevents VR from fully integrating into the product lifecycle. simulate design analysis attributes such as fluid and thermal
As a result, when changes are made to the native CAD model, dynamics. Today most CAD systems 3D model files can
the geometry needs to be reconverted and optimized before be converted into a format that can be used as input into
it is sent back to the VR system. Moreover, the conversion popular AR and VR software programs. Many modern CAD
process is unidirectional. Any changes made to a model in systems are beginning to provide native support for some of
the VR environment cannot be automatically transferred back these applications. In the future, it is anticipated that there
to the CAD file. This results in unproductive repetitive tasks will be a tighter integration between CAD and other systems
[42] and potential data inconsistencies [43]. involved in the product lifecycle. CAD vendors will be under
In many scenarios, the complexity, precision, and level greater pressure to partner with large enterprise software
of detail of a CAD model tend to be high. In this regard, companies and become more product lifecycle management
despite the powerful computer hardware and displays avail- (PLM) centric. This will result in CAD and visualization
able today, processing this type of geometry in real time is becoming a part of a larger suite of software tools used in
challenging, especially in a VR experience that is multiuser industry. The rapid development of information technology
or if a large amount of data need to be transferred over and computer graphics technology will impact the hardware
the network to other users with low network speed. These platforms and software development related to CAD, visual-
limitations may have a direct impact on the rendering quality ization, and simulation. This will result in even more feature- 28
and/or the frame rate at which the experience is delivered. rich CAD software programs and capabilities. More powerful
From an ergonomics standpoint, VR headsets are still computer hardware, faster screen refresh rates of large CAD
heavy, bulky, and uncomfortable to wear for long periods models, the ability to collaborate at great distances in real
of time. In some cases, the headsets are tethered, which time, shorter rendering times, and higher-resolution images
significantly constrain the user’s movements in the virtual are a few improvements that will result from the rapid de-
space. In addition, low frame rates and high latencies can velopment of information technology and computer graphics
induce “simulator sickness” which may lead to discomfort, technology. Overall, there is an exciting future for CAD and
dizziness, and nausea. Haptic and tactile feedback is limited, visualization that will result in positive impacts and changes
audio is generally neglected in industrial VR applications, for the many industries and businesses that depend on CAD
and more intuitive user interfaces and interaction mecha- as a part of their day-to-day business.
nisms are needed, particularly when VR is used to create, See additional details on CAD, CAE, and visualization in
manipulate, and edit 3D content. Integration of additional Chapters 13, and 33.
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(2006) 43. Zorriassatine, F., Wykes, C., Parkin, R., Gindy, N.: A survey of vir-
23. Jansen, D. (ed.): The Electronic Design Automation Handbook. tual prototyping techniques for mechanical product development.
Springer, Norwell (2003) Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. B J. Eng. Manuf. 217(4), 513–530 (2003)
24. Alpert, C.J., Mehta, D.P., Sapatnekar, S.S. (eds.): The Handbook
of Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation. CRC, Boca
Raton (2007)
25. Sun, W., Sechen, C.: Efficient and effective placement for very large
circuits. IEEE Trans. CAD Integr. Circuits Syst. 14(3), 349–359
26. Betz, V., Rose, J., Marquardt, A.: Architecture and CAD for Deep-
Submicron FPGAs. Kluwer, Dordrecht (1999)
27. Caldwell, A., Kahng, A.B., Markov, I.: Can recursive bisection pro-
duce routable placements? Proc. IEEE/ACM Des. Autom. Conf.,
477–482 (2000)
28. Brenner, U., Rohe, A.: An effective congestion-driven placement
framework. Proc. Int. Symp. Phys. Des. 387–394 (2002)
29. Chan, T., Cong, J., Kong, T., Shinnerl, J.: Multilevel circuit place-
ment, Chapter 4. In: Cong, J., Shinnerl, J. (eds.) Multilevel Opti-
mization in VLSICAD. Kluwer, Boston 22(4) (2003) Jorge D. Camba is an associate professor of computer graphics tech-
30. Mar, J.: The application of TCAD in industry. Proc. Int. Conf. nology at Purdue University. He holds degrees in computer science
Simul. Semiconduct. Process. Dev. 139–145 (1996) (BS, MS), technology (MS), and systems and engineering management
31. Hartman, N.W.: The development of expertise in the use of (PhD). His research activities focus on 3D model complexity and opti-
constraint-based CAD tools: examining practicing professionals. mization, design automation and reusability, knowledge management,
Eng. Des. Graph. J. 68(2), 14–25 (2004) and immersive environments.
28 Computer-Aided Design, Computer-Aided Engineering, and Visualization 659

Dr. Gary R. Bertoline is the dean of the Purdue Polytechnic Institute

Dr. Nathan Hartman is the Dauch Family Professor of advanced manu- and a distinguished professor of computer graphics technology and
facturing and department head of the Department of Computer Graphics computer and information technology at Purdue University. Gary’s
Technology at Purdue University. Professor Hartman’s research areas research interests are in scientific visualization, interactive immersive
focus on the process and methodology for creating model-based defi- environments, distributed and grid computing, and STEM education. He
nitions; examining the use of the model-based definition in the product has authored numerous papers on engineering and computer graphics,
lifecycle; developing the model-based enterprise; geometry automation; computer-aided design, and visualization research. He has authored and
and data interoperability and reuse. He holds a B.S. in technical graphics coauthored seven textbooks in the areas of computer-aided design and 28
and M.S. in industrial technology from Purdue University and an Ed.D. engineering design graphics.
in technology education, with emphasis in training and development and
cognitive psychology from North Carolina State University.
Safety Warnings for Automation
Mark R. Lehto and Gaurav Nanda

Contents During this discussion, the chapter addresses some of the

29.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661 types of warnings that might be used, along with issues
and challenges related to warning effectiveness. Design
29.2 Warning Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662
recommendations and guidelines are also presented.
29.3 Types of Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664
29.3.1 Static Versus Dynamic Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664
29.3.2 Warning Sensory Modality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665
29.4 Automated Warning Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667 False alarm · Warning system · Material safety data
sheet · Fault tree analysis · American National Standard
29.5 Models of Warning Effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
29.5.1 Warning Effectiveness Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669 Institute
29.5.2 The Warning Compliance Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
29.5.3 Information Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670
29.5.4 Information Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670
29.5.5 The Value of Warning Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671
29.5.6 Team Decision-Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671 29.1 Introduction
29.5.7 Time Pressure and Stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672
29.6 Design Guidelines and Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672 Automated systems have become increasingly prevalent in
29.6.1 Legal Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673 our society, in both our work and personal lives. Automation
29.6.2 Voluntary Safety Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673 involves the execution by a computer (or machine) of a
29.6.3 Design Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674
task that was formerly executed by human operators [1]; for
29.7 Challenges and Emerging Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674 example, automation may be applied to a particular function
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676 in order to complete tasks that humans cannot perform or do
not want to perform, to complete tasks that humans perform
poorly or that incur high workload demands, or to augment
Abstract the capabilities and performance of the human operator [2].
The potential benefits of automation include increased pro-
Automated systems can provide tremendous benefits to
ductivity and quality, greater system safety and reliability,
users; however, there are also potential hazards that users
as well as fewer human errors, injuries, or occupational
must be aware of to safely operate and interact with
illnesses. These benefits follow because some demanding
them. To address this need, safety warnings are often
or dangerous tasks previously performed by the operator
provided to operators and others who might be placed
can be completely eliminated through automation, and many
at risk by the system. This chapter discusses some of
others can be made easier. On the other hand, automation can
the roles safety warnings can play in automated systems.
create new hazards and increase the potential for catastrophic
human errors [3]; for example, in advanced manufacturing
M. R. Lehto () settings, the use of robots and other forms of automation has
School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
IN, USA reduced the need to expose workers to potentially hazardous
e-mail: materials in welding, painting, and other operations, but in
G. Nanda () turn has created a more complex set of maintenance, repair,
School of Engineering Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, and setup tasks, for which human errors can have serious
IN, USA consequences, such as damaging expensive equipment, long

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 661

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
662 M. R. Lehto and G. Nanda

periods of system downtime, production of multiple runs of that completely eliminate the hazard. If such solutions are
defective parts, and even injury or death. technically or economically infeasible, solutions that reduce
As implied by the above example, a key issue is that au- but do not eliminate the hazard should then be considered.
tomation increases the complexity of systems [4]. A second Warnings and other means of changing human behavior,
issue is that the introduction of automation into a system or such as training, education, and supervision, fall in this latter
task does not necessarily remove the human operator from category for obvious reasons. Simply put, these behavior-
the task or system. Instead, the role and responsibilities of oriented approaches will never completely eliminate hu-
the operator change. One common result of automation is that man errors and violations. On the other hand, this is also
operators may go from active participants in a task to passive true for most design solutions. Consequently, warnings are
monitors of the system function [5, 6]. This shift in roles often a necessary supplement to other methods of hazard
from active participation to passive monitoring can reduce control [10].
the operator’s situation awareness and ability to respond There are many ways warnings can be used as a sup-
appropriately to automation failures [7]. Part of the problem plement to other methods of hazard control; for example,
is that the operator may have few opportunities to practice warnings can be included in safety training materials, haz-
their skills because automation failures tend to be rare events. ard communication programs, and within various forms of
Further complicating the issue, system monitoring might be safety propaganda, including safety posters and campaigns,
done from a remote location using one or more displays to educate workers about risks and persuade them to behave
that show the status of many different subsystems. This also safely. Particularly critical procedures include start-up and
can reduce situation awareness, for many different reasons. shut-down procedures, setup procedures, lock-out and tag-
Another common problem is that workload may be too low out procedures during maintenance, testing procedures, di-
during routine operation of the automated system, causing agnosis procedures, programming and teaching procedures,
the operator to become complacent and easily distracted. and numerous procedures specific to particular applications.
Furthermore, designers may assign additional unrelated tasks The focus here is to reduce errors and intentional violations
to operators to make up for the reduced workload due to of safety rules by improving worker knowledge of what the
automation. This again can impair situation awareness, as hazards are and their severity, how to identify and avoid them,
performing these unrelated tasks can draw the operator’s and what to do after exposure. Inexperienced workers are
attention away from the automated system. The need to often the target audience at this stage. Warnings can also be
perform these additional tasks can also contribute to a poten- included in manuals or job performance aids (JPAs), such as
tially disastrous increase in workload in nonroutine situations written procedures, checklists, and instructions. Such warn-
in which the operator has to take over control from the ings usually consist of brief statements that either instruct less
automated system. skilled workers or remind skilled workers to take necessary
Many other aspects of automated systems can make it precautions when performing infrequent maintenance or re-
difficult for operators and others to be adequately aware of pair tasks. This approach can prevent workers from omitting
the hazards they face and how to respond to them [4, 8]. precautions or other critical steps in a task. To increase
To address this issue, safety warnings are often employed in their effectiveness, such warnings are often embedded at the
such systems. This chapter discusses some of the roles safety appropriate stage within step-by-step instructions describing
warnings can play in automated systems, issues related to the how to perform a task. Warning signs, barriers, or markings
effectiveness of warnings, and design recommendations and at appropriate locations can play a similar role; for example, a
guidelines. warning sign placed on a safety barrier or fence surrounding
a robot installation might state that no one except properly
authorized personnel is allowed to enter the area. Placing a
29.2 Warning Roles label on a guard to warn that removing the guard creates a
hazard also illustrates this approach.
Warnings are sometimes viewed as a method of last resort to Warning signals can also serve as a supplement to other
be relied upon when more fundamental solutions to safety safety devices such as interlocks or emergency braking
problems are infeasible. This view corresponds to the so- systems; for example, presence sensing, intrusion warning,
called hierarchy of hazard control, which can be thought and interlock devices are sometimes used in installations of
of as a simple model that prioritizes control methods from robots to sense and react to potentially dangerous workplace
most to least effective. One version of this model proposes conditions [11]. Sensors used in such systems include: (1)
the following sequence: (1) eliminate the hazard, (2) contain pressure-sensitive floor mats, (2) light curtains, (3) end-
or reduce the hazard, (3) contain or control people, (4) effector sensors, (4) ultrasound, capacitive, infrared, and
train or educate people, and (5) warn people [9]. The basic microwave sensing systems, and (5) computer vision. Floor
idea is that designers should first consider design solutions mats and light curtains are used to determine whether
29 Safety Warnings for Automation 663


Fig. 29.1 SICK deTec4 light curtain installed to ensure protection of worker from the rotating table system. (Courtesy of Sick Inc., Minneapolis)

someone has crossed the safety boundary surrounding

the perimeter of the robot. Perimeter penetration will
trigger a warning signal and, in some cases, will cause the
robot to stop. End-effector sensors detect the beginning
of a collision and trigger emergency stops. Ultrasound,
capacitive, infrared, and microwave sensing systems are
used to detect intrusions. Computer vision theoretically can
play a similar role in detecting safety problems.
Figure 29.1 illustrates how a presence sensing system, in
this case a safety light curtain device in an assembly station,
might be installed for point of operation, area, perimeter,
or entry/exit safeguarding [12]. Figure 29.2 illustrates a
safety laser scanner. By reducing or eliminating the need
for physical barriers, such systems make it easier to access
the robot system during setup and maintenance [13]. By
providing early warnings prior to entry of the operator
into the safety zone, such systems can also reduce the
prevalence of nuisance machine shutdowns (Fig. 29.3) Fig. 29.2 Safety laser scanner application. (Courtesy of Sick Inc.,
[12]. Furthermore, such systems can prevent the number Minneapolis) [13]
of accidents by providing warning signals and noises to alert
personnel on the floor (Fig. 29.4) [13]. Modern-day advanced
safety systems are intelligent enough to differentiate a
person’s presence from an object’s presence. For example,
Sick deTec4 light curtain has “mute” functionality which will working in adjacent zones defined by using two Sick deTec
trigger alerts only when a person goes through a light curtain light curtains with mute feature (Fig. 29.5) [14] and safety
boundary, not when an object goes through it. Combination system for semiautomated assembly of electric built using
of such sophisticated and intelligent safety equipment can be a combination of motors safety laser scanner, microScan3,
used to design warning systems enabling safer human-robot deTec4 Core safety light curtain, and a Flexi Soft safety
interaction, such as: robots- and human-operated forklift controller (Fig. 29.6) [15].
664 M. R. Lehto and G. Nanda

Fig. 29.3 C4000 safety light curtain hazardous point protection. Fig. 29.5 Intelligent safety concept for protecting robots. (Courtesy of
(Courtesy of Sick Inc., Minneapolis) [12] Sick Inc., Minneapolis) [14]

Fig. 29.4 Safety laser scanner AGV (automated guided vehicle) appli-
cation. (Courtesy of Sick Inc., Minneapolis) [13]

Fig. 29.6 Safe human-robot collaboration in the final assembly of

electric motors. (Courtesy of Sick Inc., Minneapolis) [15]
29.3 Types of Warnings

Warnings can be of different types based on physical char-

acteristics (e.g., static or dynamic), sensory modality (e.g., 29.3.1 Static Versus Dynamic Warnings
visual, auditory, haptic, or multimodal), and other properties.
The effectiveness of a warning type varies depending on Perhaps the most familiar types of warnings are the visually
the nature of human-automation interactions in a task, as based signs and labels that we encounter everyday whether
discussed in detail in this section. on the road (e.g., slippery when wet), in the workplace (in-
29 Safety Warnings for Automation 665

dustrial warnings such as entanglement hazard – keep clear 29.3.2 Warning Sensory Modality
of moving gears), or on consumer products (e.g., do not take
this medication if you might be pregnant). These signs and Warnings serve to alert users to the presence of a hazard and
labels indicate the presence of a hazard and may also indicate its associated risks. Accordingly, they must readily capture
required or prohibited actions to reduce the associated risks, attention and be easily/quickly understood. The ability of
as well as the potential consequences of failing to comply the warning to capture attention is especially important in
with the warning. This type of warning is static in the sense the case of complex systems, in which an abundance of
that its status does not change over time [16]. However, available information may overload the operator’s limited
as noted by Lehto [17], even these static displays have a attentional resources. When designing a warning system,
dynamic component in that they are noticed at particular it is critical to take into account the context in which the
points in time. In order to increase the likelihood that a static warning will appear; for example, in a noisy construction
warning, such as a sign or label, is received (i.e., noticed, environment, in which workers may be wearing hearing
perceived, and understood) by the user at the appropriate protection, an auditory warning is not likely to be effective.
moment, it should be physically as well as temporally placed Whatever the context, the warning should be designed to
such that using the product requires interaction with the label stand out against any background information (i.e., visual
prior to the introduction of the hazard to the situation; for clutter and ambient noise). Sanderson [25] has provided a
example, Duffy et al. [18] examined the effectiveness of a taxonomy/terminology for thinking about sensory modality
label on an extension cord which stated: “Warning. Electric in terms of whether information is persistent in time; whether 29
shock and fire. Do not plug more than two items into this information delivery is localized, ubiquitous, or personal;
cord.” Interactive labels in which the label was affixed to the whether sensing the information is optional or obligatory;
outlet cover on the female receptacle were found to produce whether the information is socially inclusive; whether mon-
greater compliance than a no-label control condition, and a itoring occurs through sampling, peripheral awareness, or is
tag condition in which the warning label was attached to the interrupt based; and information density (Table 29.1). Next,
extension cord 5 cm above the female receptacle. Other stud- advantages and disadvantages of different modes of warning
ies [19, 20] have found that a warning that interrupts a user’s presentation will be discussed in related terms.
script for interacting with a product increases compliance. A
script consists of a series of temporally ordered actions or Visual Warnings
events which are typical of a user’s interactions with a class The primary challenge in using visual warnings is that the
of objects [21]. user/operator needs to be looking at a specific location in
Additionally, varying the warning’s physical characteris- order to be alerted, or the warning needs to be sufficiently
tics can also increase its conspicuity or noticeability [22]; for salient to cause the operator to reorient their focus toward
example, larger objects are more likely to capture attention the warning. As discussed earlier in the section on static
than smaller objects. Brightness and contrast are also im- warnings, the conspicuity of visually-based signals can be
portant in determining whether an object is discernible from maximized by increasing size, brightness, and contrast [22].
a background. As a specific form of contrast, highlighting Additionally, flashing lights attract attention better than con-
can be used to emphasize different portions of a warning tinuous indicator-type lights (e.g., traffic signals incorporat-
label or sign [23]. Additionally, lighting conditions influence ing a flashing light into the red phase) [22]. Since flash rates
detectability of signs and labels (i.e., reduced contrast). should not be greater than the critical flicker fusion frequency
In contrast to static warnings, dynamic warning systems (≈24 Hz, resulting in the perception of a continuous light),
produce different messages or alerts based on input received or so slow that the on time might be missed, Sanders and
from a sensing system – therefore, they indicate the presence McCormick [26] recommend flash rates of around 10 Hz.
of a hazard that is not normally present [16, 24]. Environ-
mental variables are monitored by a sensor, and an alert is Auditory Warnings
produced if the monitored variables exceed some threshold. Auditory stimuli have a naturally alerting quality and, unlike
The threshold can be changed based on the criticality of po- visual warnings, the user/operator does not have to be ori-
tential consequences – the more trivial the consequences, the ented toward an auditory warning in order to be alerted, that
higher the threshold and, for more serious consequences, the is, auditory warnings are omnidirectional (or ubiquitous in
threshold would be set lower so as to reduce the likelihood of Sanderson’s terminology) [27, 28]. Additionally, localization
missing the critical event. However, the greater the system’s is possible based on cues provided by the difference in time
sensitivity, the greater the likelihood that an alert will be and intensity of the sound waves arriving at the two ears.
generated when there is no hazard present. Ideally, an alert To maximize the likelihood that the auditory warning is
should always be produced when there is a hazard present, effective, the signal should be within the range of about
but never be produced in the absence of a hazard. 800–5000 Hz (the human auditory system is most sensitive
666 M. R. Lehto and G. Nanda

Table 29.1 Contrast between the fundamental properties of visual, auditory, and haptic modalities of information processing. (After Sanderson
Visual Auditory Haptic
Persistent – signal typically persistent in time so Transitory – signal happens in time and Transitory – signal happens in time and
that information about past has same sensory recedes into past: creating persistent recedes into past: creating persistent
status as information about present information or information about past is a information or information about past is a
Localized – can be sensed only from specific design challenge design challenge
locations such as monitors or other projections Ubiquitous – can be sensed from any location Personal – can be sensed only by the person
(eyeballs needed) unless technology is used to create localized whom the display is directed (unless network
Optional – there are proximal physical means qualities or shared)
for completely eliminating signal (eyeballs, Obligatory – there are no proximal physical Obligatory – there are no proximal physical
eyelids, and turn) means for completely eliminating signal means for completely eliminating signal
Moderately socially inclusive – others aware of (unless earplugs block signal) (unless remove device)
signal but need not look at screen Socially inclusive – others always receive Not socially inclusive – others probably
Sampling-based monitoring – temporal sampling signal unless signal is sent only to an earpiece unaware of signal
process needed for coverage of all needed Peripheral monitoring – temporal properties Interrupt-based monitoring – monitoring
variables of process locked into temporal properties of based on interrupts
High information density – many variables and display Low information density – few variables and
relationships can be simultaneously presented Moderate information relationships can be simultaneously
density – several variables and relationships presented
can be simultaneously presented

to frequencies within this range – frequencies contained in will be produced within a noisy background – therefore,
speech; e.g., Coren and Ward [29]) – and should have a tonal intelligibility is a major issue [30]. Additionally, as indicated
quality that is distinct from that of expected environmental earlier, the speech signal unfolds over time and may take
sounds – to help reduce the possibility that it will be masked longer to produce/receive than a simpler nonverbal warning
by those sounds (see Edworthy and Hellier [30] for an in- signal. However, nonverbal signals must somehow encode
depth discussion of auditory warning signals). the urgency of the situation – that is, how quickly a response
is required by the user/operator. Extensive research in the
Verbal Versus Nonverbal Warnings auditory domain indicates that higher-frequency sounds have
Any auditory stimulus, from a simple tone to speech, can a higher perceived urgency than lower-frequency sounds,
serve as an alert as long as it easily attracts attention. How- that increasing the modulation of the amplitude or frequency
ever, the human auditory system is most sensitive to sound of a pulse decreases urgency, that increases in number of
frequencies contained within human speech. Speech warn- harmonics increases perceived urgency, and that spectral
ings have the further advantage of being composed of signals shape also impacts perceived urgency [30, 33, 34]. Edworthy
(i.e., words) which have already been well learned by the et al. [34] found that faster, more repetitive bursts are judged
user/operator. There is a redundancy in the speech signal to be more urgent; regular rhythms are perceived as more
such that, if part of the signal is lost, it can be filled in urgent than syncopated rhythms; bursts that are speeded up
based on the context provided by the remaining sounds [31, are perceived as more urgent than those that stay the same or
32]. However, since speech is a temporally based code that slow down; and the larger the difference between the highest
unfolds over time, it is only physically available for a very and lowest pitched pulse in a burst, the higher the perceived
limited duration. Therefore, earlier portions of a warning urgency.
message must be held in working memory while the remain-
der of the message continues to be processed. As a result, Haptic/Tactile Warnings
working memory may become overloaded and portions of While the visual and auditory channels are most often used
the warning message may be lost. With visually based verbal to present warnings, haptic or tactile warnings are also some-
warnings, on the other hand, there is the option of returning times employed; for example, the improper maneuvering of
to, and rereading, earlier portions of the warning; that is, a jet will cause tactile vibrations to be delivered through the
they persist over time. However, since the eyes must be pilot’s control stick – this alert serves to signal the need
directed toward the warning source, the placement of visually to reorient the control. In the domain of vehicle collision
based warnings is critical so as to minimize the loss of other warnings, Lee et al. [35] examined driver preferences for
potentially critical information (i.e., such that other signals auditory or haptic warning systems as supplements to a
can be processed in peripheral vision). visual warning system. Visual warnings were presented on
While verbal signals have the obvious advantage that a head-down display in conjunction with either an auditory
their meaning is already established, speech warnings require warning or a haptic warning, in the form of a vibrating
the use of recorded, digitized, or synthesized speech which seat. Preference data indicated that drivers found auditory
29 Safety Warnings for Automation 667

warnings to be more annoying and that they would be more attention of users already engaged in a demanding task such
likely to purchase a haptic warning system. as driving.
In the domain of patient monitoring, Ng et al. [36] reported Previous studies have found multimodal presentation of
that a vibrotactile wristband results in a higher identification warnings in form of voice and text to be more effective than
rate for heart rate alarms than does an auditory display. a single modality of either voice or text. Some examples
In Sanderson’s [25] terminology, a haptic alert is discrete, include: better awareness of wet floor at a shopping center in
transitory, has low precision, has obligatory properties, and a field study; higher compliance of personal protective equip-
allows the visual and auditory modalities to continue to mon- ment in a chemical laboratory [27, 28]; and higher compli-
itor other information sources. Therefore, patient monitoring ance with supplementary voice and print warnings with prod-
represents a good use of haptic alarms. Another example of a uct manual during unpacking of a computer disk drive [43].
tactile or haptic warning is the use of rumble strips on the side To summarize, by providing redundant delivery channels, a
of the highway. When a vehicle crosses these strips, vibration multimodal approach helps to ensure that the warning attracts
and noise is created within the vehicle. Some studies have attention, is received (i.e., understood) by the user/operator,
reported that the installation of these strips reduced drift-off and is remembered [44]. Future research should focus on
road accidents by about 70% [37]. further developing relatively underused channels for warning
delivery (i.e., haptic) and using multiple modalities in parallel
in order to increase the attentional and performance capacity
Multimodal Warnings of the user/operator [25]. 29
For the most part, we have focused our discussion on the
use of individual sensory channels for the presentation of
automated warnings. However, research suggests that multi-
modal presentation results in significantly improved warning 29.4 Automated Warning Systems
processing. Selcon et al. [38] examined multimodal cockpit
warnings. These warnings must convey the nature of the Automated warning systems come in many forms, across
problem to the pilot as quickly as possible so that immedi- a wide variety of domain applications including aviation,
ate action can be taken. The warnings studied were visual medicine, process control and manufacturing, automobiles
(presented using pictorials), auditory (presented by voice), or and other surface transportation, military applications, and
both (incorporating visual and auditory components) and de- weather forecasting, among others. Some specific examples
scribed real aircraft warning (high-priority/threat) and cau- of automated systems include collision warning systems and
tion (low-priority/threat) situations. Participants were asked ground proximity warning systems in automobiles and air-
to classify each situation as either warning or caution and craft, respectively. These systems will alert drivers or pilots
then to rate the threat associated with it. Response times when a collision with another vehicle or the ground is likely,
were measured. Depth of understanding was assessed using a so that they can take evasive action. In medicine, anesthe-
measure of situational awareness [39, 40]. Performance was siologists and medical care workers must monitor patients’
faster in the condition incorporating both visual and auditory vitals, sometimes remotely. Similarly, in process control,
components (1.55 s) than in the visual (1.74 s) and auditory such as nuclear power plants, workers must continuously
(3.77 s) conditions and there was some indication that this monitor multiple subsystems to ensure that they are at safe
condition was less demanding and resulted in improved depth and tolerable levels. In these situations, automated alerts can
of understanding as well. be used to inform operators of any significant departures
Sklar and Sarter [41] examined the effectiveness of visual, from normal and acceptable levels, whether in the patients’
tactile, and redundant visual and tactile cues for indicating condition or in plant operation and safety. Automation may
unexpected changes in the status of an automated cockpit be particularly important for complex systems, which may
system. The tactile conditions produced higher detection involve too much information (sometimes referred to as raw
rates and faster response times. Furthermore, provision of data), creating difficulties for operators in finding relevant
tactile feedback and performance of concurrent visual tasks information at the appropriate times. In addition to simply
did not result in any interference suggesting that tactile feed- informing or alerting the human operator, automation can
back may better support human-machine communication in play many different roles, from guiding human information
information-rich domains (see also Ng et al.s [36] findings gathering to taking full control of the system.
reviewed earlier). Ho et al. [42] examined the effectiveness of The role of a warning system varies significantly depend-
unimodal auditory, unimodal vibrotactile, and multisensory ing on its level of automation. For example, in the case of
combined audiotactile warning signals to alert drivers about automobiles, five levels of automation are defined by the
likely rear-end collision while driving. They found that mul- Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) [45], as illustrated
tisensory warning signals were more effective in capturing in Fig. 29.7.
668 M. R. Lehto and G. Nanda

• No automation
• Zero autonomy, driver performs all driving tasks
Level 0

• Driver assistance
Level 1 • Vehicle controlled by driver, but some driving assist feature may be included in the vehicle design

• Partial automation
• Vehicle has combined automated functions such as acceleration and steering but driver must remain engaged with
Level 2 driving task and always monitor the environment

• Conditional automation
• Driver is a necessity but is not required to monitor the environment. Driver must be ready to take control of the vehicle
Level 3 at all time with notice

• High driving automation

Level 4 • Vehicle can perform all driving functions under certain conditions. The driver may have the option to control the vehicle

• Full driving automation

Level 5 • Vehicle can perform all driving functions under all conditions. The driver may have the option to control the vehicle

Fig. 29.7 Different levels of automation in automobiles defined by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) [45]

For each level of automation shown in Fig. 29.5, the role Advanced automated warning systems further help the
of humans and warning systems vary significantly. To model operators by integrating the raw data, drawing inferences,
the human interaction with different levels of automation, and/or generating predictions. Lower levels of automation
various psychological models have been developed. Parasur- may extrapolate current information and predict future status
aman et al. [46] proposed a taxonomy of human-automation (e.g., cockpit predictor displays [55]). Higher levels of au-
interaction according to the psychological human informa- tomation may reduce information from a number of sources
tion processing steps where they are intended to replace into a single hypothesis regarding the state of the world; for
or supplement. This model proposed by Parasuraman et al. example, collision warning systems in automobiles will use
[46] also aligns with other psychological models of situation information regarding the speed of the vehicle ahead, the
awareness (SA) [47, 49] which indicate that automation in intervehicle separation, and the driver’s own velocity (among
early stages of human information processing contributes other potential information) to indicate to the driver when
to the establishment and maintenance of SA [47–49]. Next, a forward collision is likely [56–59]. In general, operators
we discuss the varying role of warning systems for different are quicker to respond to the relevant event when provided
levels of automation. with these alerts. Studies of such automated alerts have been
There has been extensive research into the automated performed in many different domains, including aviation
warning systems that alert users for target detection tasks. [60], process control [61], unmanned aerial vehicle operation
Basic research has reliably demonstrated the capacity for [62], medicine [63], air traffic control [6], and battlefield
visual cues to reduce search times in target search tasks operations [49].
[50]. Applied research has also demonstrated these bene- Some automated warning systems may provide users with
fits in military situations [51, 52], helicopter hazard de- a complete set (or subset) of alternatives from which the
tection [53], aviation and air traffic control [6, 54], and a operator will select which one to execute (whether correct or
number of other domains. These generally positive results no). Higher levels of automation in the warning system may
support the potential value of stage 1 automation in appli- only present the optimal decision or action or may automati-
cations where operators can receive an excessive number cally select the appropriate course of action. At this stage the
of warnings. Example applications might filter the warn- automation will utilize implicit or explicit assumptions about
ings in terms of urgency or limit the warnings to relevant the costs and benefits of different decision outcomes; for
subsystems. example, the ground proximity warning system in aviation –
29 Safety Warnings for Automation 669

a system designed to help avoid aircraft-ground collisions – A complicating issue is that the design of warnings is
will recommend a single maneuver (pull up) to pilots when a polycentric problem [65], that is, the designer will have
the aircraft is in danger of hitting the ground. to balance several conflicting objectives when designing a
Automated warning systems also aid the user in the ex- warning. The most noticeable warning will not necessarily
ecution of the selected action. A low level of automation be the easiest to understand, and so on. As argued by Lehto
may simply provide assistance in the execution of the action [17], this dilemma can be partially resolved by focusing
(e.g., power steering). High levels of automation may take on decision quality as the primary criterion for evaluating
control from the operator; for example, adaptive cruise con- applications of warnings; that is, warnings should be eval-
trol (ACC) systems in automobiles will automatically adjust uated in terms of their effect on the overall quality of the
the vehicle’s headway by speeding up or slowing down in judgments and decisions made by the targeted population
order to maintain the desired separation. In general, one of in their naturalistic environment. This perspective assumes
the ironies of automation is that those systems that incor- that decision quality can be measured by comparing people’s
porate higher stages of automation tend to yield the greatest choices and judgments to those prescribed by some objective
performance in normal situations; however, these also tend to gold standard. In some cases, the gold standard might be
come with the greatest costs in off-normal situations, where prescribed by a normative mathematical model, as expanded
the automated response to the situation is inappropriate or upon below.
erroneous [64].
29.5.2 The Warning Compliance Hypothesis

29.5 Models of Warning Effectiveness The warning compliance hypothesis [66] states that people’s
choices should approximate those obtained by applying the
In this section, we will first introduce some commonly used following optimality criterion:
measures of effectiveness. Attention will then shift to model-
ing perspectives and related research findings which provide If the expected cost of complying with the warning is greater than
the expected cost of not complying, then it is optimal to ignore
guidance as to when, where, and why warnings will be the warning; otherwise, the warning should be followed.
The warning compliance hypothesis is based on statistical
decision theory which holds that a rational decision-maker
should make choices that maximize expected value or utility
29.5.1 Warning Effectiveness Measures [67, 68]. The expected value of choosing an action Ai is
calculated by weighting its consequences Cik over all events
The performance of a warning can be measured in many k, by the probability Pik that the event will occur. More gener-
different ways [24]. The ultimate measure of effectiveness ally, the decision-maker’s preference for a given consequence
is whether a warning reduces the frequency and severity Cik might be defined by a value or utility function V(Cik ),
of human errors and accidents in the real world. However, which transforms consequences into preference values. The
such data is generally unavailable, forcing effectiveness to preference values are then weighted using the same equation.
be evaluated using other measures, sometimes obtained in The expected value of a given action Ai becomes
controlled settings that simulate the conditions under which 
people receive the warning; for example, the effectiveness of EV [Ai ] = Pik V (Cik ) (29.1)
a collision avoidance warning might be assessed by compar- k
ing how quickly subjects using a driving simulator notice and
respond to obstacles with and without the warning system. From this perspective, people who decide to ignore the
For the most part, such measures can be derived from models warning feel that avoiding the typically small cost of com-
of human information processing that describe what must pliance outweighs the large, but relatively unlikely cost of
happen after exposure to the warning, for the warning to be an accident or other potential consequence of not comply-
effective [17, 24]. That is, the human operator must notice ing with the warning. The warning compliance hypothesis
the warning, correctly comprehend its meaning, decide on clearly implies that the effectiveness of warnings might be
the appropriate action, and perform it correctly. Analysis of improved by:
these intervening events can provide substantial guidance
into factors influencing the overall effectiveness of a partic- 1. Reducing the expected cost of compliance
ular warning. 2. Increasing the expected cost of ignoring the warning
670 M. R. Lehto and G. Nanda

Many strategies might be followed to attain these objec- designing systems that reliably provide a warning when a
tives; for example, the expected cost of compliance might be hazard is present. One concern, based on studies of opera-
reduced by modifying the task or equipment so the required tor overreliance upon imperfect automation [1, 54, 76], is
precautionary behavior is easier to perform. The benefit of that this tendency may encourage overreliance on warning
following this strategy is supported by numerous studies systems. Another issue is that this focus on avoiding misses
showing that even a small cost of compliance (i.e., a short de- causes warning systems to provide many false alarms for
lay or inconvenience) can encourage people to ignore warn- each correct identification of the hazard. This tendency has
ings (for reviews see Lehto and Papastavrou [69], Wogalter been found for warning systems across a wide range of
et al. [70], and Miller and Lehto [71]). Some strategies application areas [72, 74].
for reducing the cost of compliance include providing the
warning at the time it is most relevant or more convenient
to respond to. 29.5.4 Information Integration
Increasing the expected cost of ignoring the warning is
another strategy for increasing warning effectiveness sug- As discussed by Edworthy [77] and many others, in real-life
gested by the warning compliance hypothesis. The potential situations people are occasionally faced with choices where
value of this approach is supported by studies indicating they must combine what they already know about a hazard
that people will be more likely to take precautions when with information they obtain from hazard cues and a warning
they believe the danger is present and perceive a significant of some kind. In some cases, this might be a warning sign or
benefit to taking the precaution. This might be done through label. In others, it might be a warning signal or alarm that
supervision and enforcement or other methods of increasing indicates a hazard is present that normally is not there. A
the cost of ignoring the warning. Also, assuming the warning starting point for analyzing how people might integrate the
is sometimes given when it does not need to be followed (i.e., information from the warning with what they already know
a false alarm), the expected cost of ignoring the warning will or have determined from other sources of information is given
increase if the warning is modified in a way that reduces the by Bayes’ rule, which describes how to infer the probability
number of false alarms. This point leads us to the topic of of a given event from one or more pieces of evidence [68].
information quality . Bayes’ rule states that the posterior probability of hypothesis
Hi given that evidence Ej is present, or P(Hi | Ej ), is given by

29.5.3 Information Quality  

  P Ej |Hi
P Hi |Ej =   P (Hi ) (29.2)
In a perfect world, people would be given warnings if, and P Ej
only if, a hazard is present that they are not already aware of.
When warning systems are perfect, the receiver can optimize where P(Hi ) is the probability of the hypothesis being true
performance by simply following the warning when it is prior to obtaining the evidence Ej , and P(Ej | Hi ) is the prob-
provided [72]. Imperfect warning systems, on the other hand, ability of obtaining the evidence Ej given that the hypothesis
force the receiver to decide whether to consult and comply Hi is true. When a receiver is given an imperfect warning, we
with the provided warning. can replace P(Ej | Hi ) in the above equation with P(W | H)
The problem with imperfect warning systems is that they to calculate the probability that the hazard is present after
sometimes provide false alarms or fail to detect the hazard. receiving a warning. That is,
From a short-term perspective, false alarms are often merely
a nuisance to the operator. However, there are also some im-
portant long-run costs, because repeated false alarms shape P (W|H)
P (H|W) = P(H) (29.3)
people’s attitudes and influence their actions. One problem P(W)
is the cry wolf effect which encourages people to ignore (or
mistrust) warnings [73, 74]. Even worse, people may decide where P(H) is the prior probability of the hazard, P(W)
to completely eliminate the nuisance by disconnecting the is the probability of sending a warning, P(W | H) is the
warning system [75]. Misses are also an important issue, probability of sending a warning given the hazard is present,
because people may be exposed to hazards if they are relying and P(H | W) is the probability that the hazard is present after
on the warning system to detect the hazard. Another concern receiving the warning.
is that misses might reduce operator trust in the system [53]. A number of other models have been developed in psy-
Due to the potentially severe consequences of a miss, chology that describe mathematically how people combine
misses are often viewed as automation failures. The designers sources of information. Some examples include social judg-
of warning systems consequently tend to focus heavily on ment theory, policy capturing, multiple cue probability learn-
29 Safety Warnings for Automation 671

ing models, information integration theory, and conjoint mea- calculated using classical signal detection theory (SDT) [87,
surement approaches [17]. From the perspective of warnings 88]. That is, a warning should be given when the likelihood
design, these approaches can be used to check which cues ratio P(E | S)/P(E | N) exceeds the optimal warning threshold
are actually used by people when they make safety-related β, calculated as shown below:
decisions and how this information is integrated. A potential
problem is that research on judgment and decision-making
clearly shows that people integrate information inconsis- 1 − PS cr − ca
β= × (29.4)
tently with the prescriptions of Bayes’ rule in some settings PS ci − cm
[78]; for example, several studies show that people are more
likely to attend to highly salient stimuli. This effect can where
explain the tendency for people to overestimate the likelihood
of highly salient events.
PS The a priori probability of a signal (hazard) being present
One overall conclusion is that significant deviations from
P(E | S) The conditional probability of the evidence given a signal
Bayes’ rule become more likely when people must combine (hazard) is present
evidence in artificial settings where they are not able to fully P(E | N) The conditional probability of the evidence given a signal
exploit their knowledge and cues found in their naturalistic (hazard) is not present
environment [79–81]. This does not mean that people are cr Cost of a correct rejection
unable to make accurate inferences, as emphasized by both ca Cost of a false alarm
Simon and researchers embracing the ecological [82, 83] ci Cost of a correct identification
and naturalistic [84] models of decision-making. In fact, cm Cost of a missed signal
the use of simple heuristics in rich environments can lead
to inferences that are in many cases more accurate than
those made using naive Bayes, or linear, regression [82]. In reality, the problem is more complicated because, as
Unfortunately, many applications of automation place the mentioned earlier, people might consider other sources in
operator in a situation which removes them from the rich addition to a warning when making decisions. The latter
set of naturalistic cues available in less automated settings, situation corresponds to a team decision made by a person
and forces the operator to make inferences from information and warning system working together, as expanded upon
provided on displays. In such situations, it may become below.
difficult for operators to make accurate inferences since they
no longer can rely on simple heuristics or decision rules that
are adapted to particular environments. 29.5.6 Team Decision-Making

The distributed signal detection theoretic (DSDT) model

29.5.5 The Value of Warning Information focuses on how to determine the optimal decision thresholds
of both the warning system and the human operator when
As mentioned earlier, the designers of warning systems tend they work together to make the best possible decision [72].
to focus heavily on designing systems that reliably provide a The proposed approach is based on the distributed signal
warning when a hazard is present, which results in many false detection model [89–93]. The key insight is that a warning
alarms. From a theoretical perspective, it might be better to system and human operator are both decision-makers who
design the warning system so that it is less conservative. That jointly try to make an optimal team decision.
is, a system that occasionally fails to detect the hazard but The DSDT model has many interesting implications and
provides fewer false alarms might improve operator perfor- applications. One is that the warning system and human
mance. From the perspective of warning design, the critical decision-maker should adjust their decision thresholds in a
question is to determine how selective the warning should be way that depends upon what the other is doing. If the warning
to minimize the expected cost to the user as a function of the system uses a low threshold and provides a warning even
number of false alarms and correct identifications made by when there is not much evidence of the hazard, the DSDT
the warning [75, 85, 86]. model shows that the human decision-maker should adjust
Given that costs can be assigned to false alarms and their own threshold in the opposite direction. That is, the
misses, an optimal warning threshold can be calculated that rational human decision-maker will require more evidence
maximizes the expected value of the provided information. If from the environment or other source before complying with
it is assumed that people will simply follow the recommen- the warning. At some point, as the threshold for providing the
dation of a warning system (i.e., the warning system is the warning gets lower, the rational decision-maker will ignore
sole decision-maker) the optimal warning threshold can be the warning completely.
672 M. R. Lehto and G. Nanda

The DSDT model also implies that the warning system cause a noncompensatory rule can be applied more quickly.
should use different thresholds depending upon how the Maule and Hockey [96] also note that people tend to filter out
receiver is performing. If the receiver is disabled or unable low-priority types of information, omit processing informa-
to take their observation from the environment, the warning tion, and accelerate mental activity when they are under time
should take the role of primary decision-maker, and set its pressure.
threshold accordingly to that prescribed in traditional signal The general findings above indicate that warnings may be
detection theory threshold (i.e., the optimal warning thresh- useful when people are under time pressure and stress. People
old β, calculated as shown above in Eq. 29.4). If the decision- in such situations are especially likely to make mistakes.
maker is not responding in an optimal manner when the Consequently, warnings that alert people after they make mis-
warning is or not given, the DSDT model prescribes ways of takes may be useful. A second issue is that people under time
modifying the warning systems threshold; for example, if the pressure will not have a lot of extra time available, so it will
decision-maker is too willing to take the precaution when the become especially important to avoid false alarms. A limited
warning is provided, the warning system should use a stricter amount of research addresses the impact of time stress on
warning threshold. That is, the warning system should require warnings compliance. In particular, a study by Wogalter
more evidence before sending a warning. et al. [70] showed that time pressure reduced compliance
Previous research has observed human behavior to be con- with warnings. Interestingly, subjects performed better in
sistent with the predictions of the DSDT model [72, 94, 95]. both low- and high-stress conditions when the warnings were
For example, a study comparing collision avoidance system placed in the task instructions than on a sign posted nearby.
thresholds showed that using the DSDT threshold resulted The latter result supports the conclusion that warnings which
in significantly improved passing decisions by drivers in a efficiently and quickly transmit their information may be
truck driving simulator compared to using the optimal SDT better when people are under time stress or pressure. In some
warning threshold β (which assumes a single decision-maker situations, this may force the designer to carefully consider
and is calculated as shown above in Eq. 29.4). Drivers also the trade-off between the amount of information provided
changed their own decision thresholds, in the way the DSDT and the need for brevity. Providing more detailed information
model predicted they should, when the warning threshold might improve understanding of the message but actually
changed. Another interesting result was that use of the DSDT reduce effectiveness if processing the message requires too
threshold resulted in either risk-neutral or risk-averse be- much time and attentional effort on the part of the receiver.
havior, while, on the other hand, use of the SDT threshold
resulted in some risk-seeking behavior; that is, people were
more likely to ignore the warning and visual cues indicating
that a car might be coming. Overall, these results suggest that, 29.6 Design Guidelines and Requirements
for familiar decisions such as choosing when to pass, people
can behave nearly optimally. Safety warnings can vary greatly in behavioral objectives,
One of the more interesting aspects of the DSDT model is intended audiences, content, level of detail, format, and mode
that it suggests ways of adjusting the warning threshold, as of presentation. Lehto [98] proposed a model of human
explained above, in response to how the operator is perform- behavior that described four hierarchical levels of operator
ing to improve team performance. This implies that warning performance and suggested suitable warning design for each
systems can improve their effectiveness by monitoring the level based on likely errors and information overload con-
receiver’s behavior and making adjustments based on how siderations associated with each performance level. The four
the receiver responds [94]. levels of performance in decreasing order were: judgement
based, knowledge based, rule based, and skilled based. The
different forms of warning information were: values, sym-
29.5.7 Time Pressure and Stress bols, signs, and signals. Based on the model, values would be
appropriate for judgement-based performance level. Symbols
Time pressure and stress is another important issue in many are most likely to be effective when changing behavior from a
applications of warnings. Reviews of the literature suggest knowledge-based to a rule-based level or a judgement-based
that time pressure often results in poorer task performance level. Signs are likely to be effective at a rule-based level.
and that it can cause shifts between the cognitive strategies Signals are best for guiding needed transitions from a skill-
used in judgment and decision-making situations [96, 97]. based to a rule-based level. Design of adequate warnings
One change is that people show a tendency to shift to non- often require extensive investigations and development ac-
compensatory decision rules. This finding is consistent with tivities involving significant resources and time [99], which
contingency theories of strategy selection. In other words, is beyond the scope of this chapter. Some of the main ap-
this shift may be justified when little time is available, be- proaches and guidelines for warnings are discussed here.
29 Safety Warnings for Automation 673

The first step in the development of warnings is to identify decomposition (SLIM-MAUD) [115]. Based on the system
the hazards to be warned against. This process is guided component failure rates or probabilities, quantitative models
by past experience, codes and regulations, checklists, and such as the systems block diagram or the system fault tree
other sources, and is often organized by separately consid- can be developed showing how system reliability is function-
ering systems and subsystems, and potential malfunctions ally determined by each component. Fault trees and system
at each stage in their life cycles. Numerous complementary block diagrams are both useful for describing the effect of
hazard analysis methods, which also guide the process of component configurations on system reliability. The most
hazard identification, are available [100, 101]. Commonly commonly considered configurations in such analysis are: (1)
used methods include work safety analysis, human error serial systems, (2) parallel systems, and (3) mixed serial and
analysis, failure modes and effects analysis, and fault tree parallel systems.
Work safety analysis (WSA) [102] and human error anal-
ysis (HEA) [103] are related approaches that organize the 29.6.1 Legal Requirements
analysis around tasks rather than system components. This
process involves the initial division of tasks into subtasks. In most industrialized countries, governmental regulations
For each subtask, potential effects of product malfunctions require that certain warnings be provided to workers and
and human errors are then documented, along with the im- others who might be exposed to hazards. The most well-
plemented and the potential countermeasures. In automation known governmental standards in the USA applicable to
applications of automation are the general industry standards
applications, the tasks that would be analyzed fall into the cat-
egories of normal operation, programming, and maintenance. specified by the Occupation Safety and Health Administra-
Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) is a systematic tion (OSHA). Training, container labeling and other forms of
procedure for documenting the effects of system malfunc- warnings, and material data safety sheets are all required el-
tions on reliability and safety [101, 104]. It lists the compo- ements of the OSHA hazard communication standard. Other
nents of a system, their potential failure modes, the likelihood relevant OSHA publications addressing automation are the
and effects of each failure, and both the implemented and the Guidelines for Robotics Safety [116] and the Occupational
potential countermeasures that might be taken to prevent the Safety and Health Technical Manual [117].
failure or its effects. Fault tree analysis (FTA) is a closely re- In the USA, the failure to warn also can be grounds for
lated approach where the approach is top-down analysis that litigation holding manufacturers and others liable for injuries
begins with a malfunction or accident and works downward incurred by workers. In establishing liability, the theory of
to basic events at the bottom of the tree [101]. Computerized negligence considers whether the failure to adequately warn
tools for FTA have made the analysis and construction of is an unreasonable conduct based on (1) the foreseeability of
fault trees more convenient [105–107]. FTA and FMEA are the danger to the manufacturer, (2) the reasonableness of the
complementary tools for documenting sources of reliability assumption that a user would realize the danger, and (3) the
and safety problems, and also help organize efforts to control degree of care that the manufacturer took to inform the user
these problems. The primary shortcoming of both approaches of the danger. The theory of strict liability only requires that
is that the large number of components in many automated the failure to warn caused the injury or loss.
systems imposes a significant practical limitation on the
analysis, that is, the number of event combinations that might 29.6.2 Voluntary Safety Standards
occur is an exponential function of the large number of
components. Applications for complex forms of automation A large set of existing standards provide voluntary recom-
consequently are confined to fairly simplified analyses of mendations regarding the use and design of safety informa-
failures [108]. tion. These standards have been developed by both: (1) in-
Dhillon [109] provides a comprehensive overview of doc- ternational groups, such as the United Nations, the European
uments, data banks, and organizations for obtaining failure Economic Community (EURONORM), the International Or-
data to use in robot reliability analysis. Component relia- ganization for Standardization (ISO), and the International
bilities used in such analysis can be obtained from sources Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and (2) national groups,
such as handbooks [110], data provided by manufacturers such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI),
[111], or past experience. Limited data is also available that the British Standards Institute, the Canadian Standards As-
documents error rates of personnel performing reliability- sociation, the German Institute for Normalization (DIN),
related tasks, such as maintenance [112]. Methods for esti- and the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee. Among
mating human error rates have been developed [113], such consensus standards, those developed by ANSI in the USA
as technique for human error rate prediction (THERP) [114] are of special significance. Some of the ANSI standards
and success likelihood index method-multiattribute utility focusing on safety signs and labels include: (1) ANSI Z535.1-
674 M. R. Lehto and G. Nanda

2006 (R 2011) Safety Color Code; (2) ANSI Z535.2 -2011 There are also standards which specifically address the
Environmental and Facility Safety Signs; (3) ANSI Z535.3 design of automated systems and alerts; for example, the
-2011 Criteria for Safety Symbols; (4) ANSI Z535.4-2011 Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Adminis-
Product Safety Signs and Labels; (5) ANSI Z535.5-2011 tration’s (FAA) Human Factors Design Standard (HFDS)
Accident Prevention Tags; and (6) ANSI Z129.1-2000, Haz- (2003) indicates that alarm systems should alert the user
ardous Industrial Chemicals – Precautionary Labeling. Fur- to the existence of a problem, inform of the priority and
thermore, ANSI has also published a Guide for Developing nature of the problem, guide the user’s initial response, and
Product Information. confirm whether the user’s response corrected the problem.
Warning requirements for automated equipment can also Furthermore, it should be possible to identify the first event
be found in many other standards. The most well-known in a series of alarm events (information valuable in deter-
standard in the USA that addresses automation safety is mining the cause of a problem). Consistent with our earlier
ANSI/RIA R15.06-2012, which was revised in 2013 and is an discussion, the standard suggests that information should be
adoption of the international standards ISO 10218-1 and ISO provided in multiple formats (e.g., visual and auditory) to
10218-2 for industrial robots and robot systems. This stan- improve communication and reduce mental workload, that
dard was first published in 1986 by the Robotics Industries auditory signals be used to draw attention to the location
Association (RIA) and the American National Standards In- of a visual display, and that false alarms should not occur
stitute (ANSI) as ANSI/RIA R15.06, the American National so frequently so as to undermine user trust in the system.
Standard for Industrial Robots and Robot Systems – Safety Additionally, users should be informed of the inevitability
Requirements [118]. ISO 10218 for robots and robotic de- of false alarms (especially in the case of low base rates). A
vices details safety requirements for industrial robots specif- more in-depth discussion of the FAA’s recommendations is
ically. ISO 13482 is focused toward personal care robots beyond the scope of this chapter – for additional information,
that deals with closer human-robot interaction and contact. see the Human Factors Design Standard [121]. Recommen-
ISO/TS 15066 technical specification provides guidance on dations also exist for numerous other applications including
safe operations in a workspace shared by humans and collab- automated cruise control/collision warning systems for com-
orative robots [119]. Several other standards developed by the mercial trucks greater than 10,000 pounds [122] as well as
ANSI are potentially important in automation applications. for horns, backup alarms, and automatic warning devices for
The latter standards address a wide variety of topics such as mobile equipment [123].
machine tool safety, machine guarding, lockout/tagout pro-
cedures, mechanical power transmission, chemical labeling,
material safety data sheets, personal protective equipment, 29.7 Challenges and Emerging Trends
safety markings, workplace signs, and product labels. Other
potentially relevant standards developed by nongovernmen- The preceding sections of this chapter reveal that warnings
tal groups include the National Electric Code, the Life Safety can certainly play an important role in automated systems.
Code, and the UL1740 safety standard for industrial robots In today’s era, where the level of automation in vehicles
and robotics equipment. Also, many companies that use is continuously increasing and highly automated vehicles
or manufacture automated systems will develop their own are being deployed in populated environments [124], in-
guidelines [120]. Companies often start with the ANSI/RIA effective human-automation interaction can lead to serious
R15.06-2012 robot safety standard, and then add detailed consequences such as fatal crashes of highly automated ve-
information relevant to them. hicles [125]. The nature of human-automation interaction
in highly automated vehicles has similar characteristics of
a vigilance task where drivers have to maintain constant
29.6.3 Design Specifications attention over a long period of time and be able to identify
and react to rare and unpredictable hazardous events which
Design specifications can be found in consensus and govern- the automated system is not trained to handle [126]. Studies
mental safety standards specifying how to design (1) mate- [126, 127] examining drivers of highly automated vehicles
rial safety data sheets (MSDS), (2) instructional labels and have found their ability to monitor and detect automation
manuals, (3) safety symbols, and (4) warning signs, labels, failures declines with time due to vigilance decrement, which
and tags. ANSI and other standards organizations provide is a well-studied phenomenon in psychology, described as
very specific recommendations about how to design warning “deterioration in the ability to remain vigilant for critical
signs, labels, and tags. These include, among other factors, signals with time, as indicated by a decline in the rate of
particular signal words and text, color coding schemes, ty- the correct detection of signals” [128]. This human factors
pography, symbols, arrangement, and hazard identification challenge in operating highly automated vehicles can be
[9, 24]. addressed to some extent with the use of effective warning
29 Safety Warnings for Automation 675

systems that can identify potentially hazardous conditions the user is ignoring the provided warnings, a secondary, more
accurately and alert the user in advance by allowing sufficient urgent warning that requires a confirmatory response might
reaction time to take appropriate decision and action in the be given to determine if the user is disabled (i.e., unable
real-world situation [129]. to respond because they are distracted or even sleeping).
One of the more encouraging results is that people often Recent studies have found such alerts about inattention to
tend to behave consistently with the predictions of normative be effective in case of driving a SAE Level-2 (Fig. 29.7)
models of decision-making. From a general perspective, this automobile [133]. Other algorithms might track the perfor-
is true both if people comply with warnings because they mance of particular operators over a longer period and use
believe the hazard is more serious, and if people ignore this data to estimate the skill of the operator or determine
warnings with little diagnostic value or when the cost of the types of information the operator uses to make decisions.
compliance is believed to be high. This result supports the Such tracking might reveal the degree to which the operator
conclusion that normative models can play an important role relies on the warning system. It also might reveal the extent
in suggesting and evaluating design solutions that address to which the other sources of information used by operator
issues such as operator mistrust of warnings, complacency, are redundant or independent of the warning. Chancey et al.
and overreliance on warnings. investigated the link between trust in automation systems
The “paradox of automation” refers to the phenomenon and the compliance-reliance paradigm which is based on
that factors (such as automation reliability, level of automa- operator’s trust in signals and nonsignals provided by the
tion, operator’s trust on system, and complacency poten- system. They found that false alarm rate affected compliance 29
tial) that have a positive impact on performance when the but not reliance and the missed rate affected reliance but
automation is working may undermine performance when not compliance [134]. For successful interaction with auto-
the automation fails. The paradox of automation can be ad- mated systems, it is important that the design parameters of
dressed to some extent by designing effective visual displays automation align well with operator’s system representation.
and warning systems, providing training to reduce compla- People gather information about the automation system they
cency, and enabling better understanding of the logic of are interacting with and adjust their behavior (e.g., calibrating
automated system [130]. Perhaps the most important design reliance on warnings based on false alarm rate) to collaborate
challenge is that of increasing the value of the information with the automation to achieve optimal human-automation
provided by automated warning systems. Doing so would system performance [135].
also address the issue of operator mistrust. There have been Another challenge that has been barely, if it all, addressed
recent studies to model and evaluate interventions to better in most current applications of warning systems is related to
calibrate the driver’s trust on automated vehicles changing the tacit assumption that the perceived costs and benefits of
with experience [131]. An experimental study that examined correct detections, misses, false alarms, and correct rejections
the response of drivers of vehicle with highly reliable but are constant across operators and situations. This assumption
supervised automation for crash or avoidance with conflict is clearly false, because operators will differ in their attitudes
object observed that drivers with higher level of trust in toward risk. Furthermore, the costs and benefits are also
automation system were slower to respond which led to likely to change greatly between situations; for example,
crashing, and drivers with lower level of trust in automation the expected severity of an automobile accident changes,
were quicker to react and were able to avoid the crash [132]. depending on the speed of the vehicle. This issue might be
The most fundamental method of addressing this issue addressed by algorithms based on normative models which
is to develop improved sensor systems that more accurately treat the costs and benefits of correct detections, misses, false
measure important variables that are strongly related to haz- alarms, and correct rejections as random variables which are
ards or other warned against events. Successful implemen- a function of particular operators and situations.
tations of this approach could increase the diagnostic value Many other challenges and areas of opportunity exist for
of the warnings provided by automated warning systems by improving automated warnings; for example, more focus
reducing either false alarms or misses, and hopefully both. might be placed on developing warning systems that are eas-
Given the significant improvements and reduced costs of ier for operators to understand. Such systems might include
sensor technology that have been observed in recent years, capabilities of explaining why the warning is being provided
this strategy seems quite promising. Another promising strat- and how strong the evidence is. Other systems might give
egy for increasing the diagnostic value of the warnings is the user more control over how the warning operates. Such
to develop better algorithms for both integrating information capabilities will help in building trust for warning systems in
from multiple sensors and deciding upon when to provide a highly automated systems such as self-driving automobiles
warning. Such algorithms might include methods of adaptive and increase their customer acceptance and commercial via-
automation that monitor the operator’s behavior and respond bility.
accordingly; for example, if the system detects evidence that See a related Case Study example in Chapter 71.
676 M. R. Lehto and G. Nanda

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130. McBride, S.E., Rogers, W.A., Fisk, A.D.: Understanding human engineering, hazard communication, and decision support systems.
management of automation errors. Theor. Issues Ergon. Sci. 15(6),
545–577 (2014).
131. Khastgir, S., Birrell, S., Dhadyalla, G., Jennings, P.: Calibrating
trust to increase the use of automated systems in a vehicle.
In: Stanton, N., Landry, S., Di Bucchianico, G., Vallicelli, A.
(eds.) Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation. Advances
in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 484. Springer, Cham 29
132. Pipkorn, L., Victor, T.W., Dozza, M., Tivesten, E.: Driver conflict
response during supervised automation: do hands on wheel mat-
ter? Transport. Res. F: Traffic Psychol. Behav. 76, 14–25 (2021)
133. Atwood, J.R., Guo, F., Blanco, M.: Evaluate driver response to
active warning system in level-2 automated vehicles. Accid. Anal.
Prev. 128, 132–138 (2019)
134. Chancey, E.T., Bliss, J.P., Yamani, Y., Handley, H.A.H.: Trust and
the compliance-reliance paradigm: the effects of risk, error bias, Dr. Gaurav Nanda is an assistant professor in the School of Engineering
and reliability on trust and dependence. Hum. Factors. 59(3), 333– Technology at Purdue University. His research interests include applied
345 (2017). machine learning, text mining, and decision support systems in the
135. Sanchez, J., Rogers, W.A., Fisk, A.D., Rovira, E.: Understanding areas of safety, health care, and education. He obtained his Ph.D. in
reliance on automation: effects of error type, error distribution, age industrial engineering and postdoctoral training from Purdue University,
and experience. Theor. Issues Ergon. Sci. 15(2), 134–160 (2014). and his bachelors and masters from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, India. He has also worked in the software industry for
5 years.
Part V
Automation Management
Economic Rationalization of Automation
Projects and Quality of Service 30
José A. Ceroni

Contents for rapid change in structure, as well as in hardware and

software components. Its objective is to quickly adjust
30.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
production capacity and functionality within a part family
30.2 General Economic Rationalization Procedure . . . . . . 684 in response to sudden changes in market or regulatory
30.2.1 General Procedure for Automation Systems Project
Rationalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684 requirements. Reconfigurability of a system is a key factor
30.2.2 Pre-cost-Analysis Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684 affecting automation systems’ economic evaluation due to
30.2.3 Cost-Analysis Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689 the reusability of equipment and software for the service
30.2.4 Considerations of the Economic and manufacturing of multiple products. A new method
Evaluation Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
based on an analytical hierarchy process for project se-
30.3 Alternative Approach to the Rationalization lection is reviewed. A brief discussion on risk and salvage
of Automation Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692
30.3.1 Strategical Justification of Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692
consideration is included, as are emerging aspects needing
30.3.2 Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693 further development in future rationalization techniques.
30.4 Final Additional Considerations in Automation
Rationalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693
30.4.1 Investment Risk Effects on the Minimum Acceptable
Rate of Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693
30.4.2 Equipment Depreciation and Salvage Value Profiles . . . 695
30.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696 Cash flow · Analytical hierarchy process ·
Reconfigurable system · Depreciation schedule ·
30.6 Recommended Additional Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696
Automation project
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697

30.1 Introduction
The future of any investment project is undeniably linked
to its economic rationalization. The chance that a project is
Industry-wide recognition of automation’s contribution to the
realized depends on our ability to demonstrate the benefits
generation of benefits that lay down the creation of products
that it can convey to a company. However, traditional
and services has strongly led to the adoption of advanced au-
investment evaluation must be enhanced and used care-
tomation technologies [1]. Adequate definition and selection
fully in the context of rationalization to reflect adequately
of automation technology offers substantial potential for cost
the characteristics of modern automation systems. Nowa-
savings, increased flexibility, better product consistency, and
days, automation systems often take the form of complex,
higher throughput. Hence, automation technology cannot be
strongly related autonomous systems that are able to op-
justified solely based on traditional economic criteria and is
erate in a coordinated fashion in distributed environments.
at least biased and often wrong. Disregarding consideration
Reconfigurability is the capacity of a system designed
of automation strategic and long-term benefits on company
strategies has often led to failure in adopting it [2–5]. Nowa-
J. A. Ceroni () days, the long-range cost of not automating can turn out to
School of Industrial Engineering, Pontifica Universidad Católica de
Valparaíso, Valparaiso, Chile
be considerably greater than the short-term cost of acquiring
e-mail: automation technology [6].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 683

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
684 J. A. Ceroni

An automation project is the effort of engineering and automation systems is often much more expensive than sim-
other related disciplines for the development of a new in- ple part-specific programs. Traditional economic evaluation
tegrated system able to provide financial, operational, and methods fail to consider benefits from capital reutilization
strategic benefits, avoiding replication of current operational over multiple projects and also disregard strategic benefits
methods and support systems. The automation project should of technology. Upgrade of traditional economic evaluation
make clear the four differences from any other capital equip- methods is required to account for the short-term economic
ment project: and long-term strategic value of investing in reconfigurable
automation technologies to support the evolving production
• Automation provides flexibility in production capabil- requirements of a family of products. In this chapter, the
ity, enabling companies to respond effectively to market traditional economic justification approach to automation
changes, an aspect with clear economic value. system justification is first addressed. A related discussion on
• Automation solutions force users to rethink and system- economic aspects of automation not discussed in this chapter
atically define and integrate the functions of their opera- can be found in Ch.  5. New approaches to automated
tions. This reengineering process creates major economic system justification based on strategic considerations are pre-
benefits. sented next. Finally, a discussion on justification approaches
• Modern automation solutions are reprogrammable and currently being researched for reconfigurable systems is pre-
reusable, with components often having lifecycles longer sented.
than the planned production facility.
• Using automation significantly reduces requirements for
services and related facilities. 30.2 General Economic Rationalization
These differences led to operational benefits that
include: An economic rationalization enables us to compare the finan-
cial benefits expected from a given investment project with
Increased flexibility Elimination of health and safety hazard
alternative use of investment capital. Economic evaluation
Increased productivity Higher precision
measures capital cost plus operating expenses against cash-
Reduced operating costs Ability to run longer shifts
flow benefits estimated for the project. This section describes
Increased product quality Reduced floor space
a general approach to economic rationalization and justifica-
tion of automation system projects.
Time-based competition and mass customization of global
markets are key competitive strategies of present-day manu-
facturing companies [7]. Average product lifecycle in mar-
30.2.1 General Procedure for Automation
ketplaces has changed from years to months for products
Systems Project Rationalization
based on rapidly evolving technologies. This demands agile
collaborative and reconfigurable automated systems, created
The general procedure for rationalization and analysis
through the concept of common manufacturing processes
of automation projects presented here consists of a pre-
organized modularly to allow rapid deployment in alternative
cost-analysis phase, followed by a cost-analysis phase.
Figure 30.1 presents the procedure steps and their sequence.
Justification of reconfigurable automation systems must
The sequence of steps in Fig. 30.1 is reviewed in detail in
necessarily include strategic aspects when comparing them
the rest of this section and an example cost-analysis phase is
with traditional manufacturing systems developed under the
product-centric paradigm. Product-specific systems gener-
ally lack the reconfiguration ability that would allow them
to meet the needs of additional products. Consequently, tra-
ditional systems are typically decommissioned before their 30.2.2 Pre-cost-Analysis Phase
capital cost can be recovered and held in storage until fully
depreciated for tax purposes and sold at salvage value. How- The pre-cost-analysis phase evaluates the automation project
ever, reconfigurability claims for additional investment in feasibility. Feasibility is evaluated in terms of the technical
design, implementation, and operation of the system. It is capability to achieve production capacity and utilization as
estimated that generic system capabilities can increase the estimated in production schedules. The first six steps of
cost of reconfigurable system hardware by as much as 25% the procedure include determining the most suitable man-
over that of a comparable dedicated system. On the other ufacturing method, selecting the tasks to automate, and the
hand, software required to configure and run reconfigurable feasibility assessment of these options (Fig. 30.1). Noneco-
30 Economic Rationalization of Automation Projects and Quality of Service 685

Cost per unit produced ($)
Alternative automated New
Programmable automation
manufacturing methods development
or improve 100
present method Dedicated automation
2.2.2 Fails Develop new
Technical feasibility methods 10
evaluation without Manual
Passes Hold the plan
Selection of tasks to 0.1
automate 102 103 104 105 106
Units per year
Noneconomic and
intangible considerations Fig. 30.2 Comparison of manufacturing methods for different produc-
tion volumes
Determination of costs
and benefits production volumes, ranging from a few tens or hundreds
of products per year per part type to hundreds of thousands
of products per year. Finally, annual production volumes of
Utilization analysis 500,000 or above seem to justify the utilization of dedicated
(hard) automation systems.
Passes Pre-cost-analysis phase Boothroyd et al. [9] have derived specific formulas for
determining the assembly cost (Table 30.1). By using these
2.3.1 formulas, they compare alternative assembly systems such
Period evaluation, depreciation, as the one-operator assembly line, assembly center with two
and tax data requirements
arms, universal assembly center, free-transfer machine with
2.3.2 programmable workheads, and dedicated machine. The last
Project cost analysis three systems are robotics-based automated systems. The
general expression derived by Boothroyd et al. [9] is
Economic evaluation  
Cpr = tpr Wt + ,
2.3.3.a 2.3.3.b 2.3.3.c SQ
Net present Return on Payback
value invested capital period
where: Cpr = unitary assembly cost, tpr = average assembly
time per part, Wt = labor cost per time, W = operator rate
Decision Cost-analysis phase in dollars per second, M  = assembly equipment cost per
time, S = number of shifts, and Q = operator cost in terms
of capital equivalent.
Fig. 30.1 Automation project economic evaluation procedure Parameters and variables in this expression present al-
ternative relationships, depending on the automation and
flexibility of assembly system.
nomic considerations must be studied and all data pertinent Figures 30.3 and 30.4 show the unitary cost for the assem-
to product volumes and operation times gathered. bly systems at varying annual production volumes. It can be
seen that production of multiple products increases costs, by
Alternative Automated Manufacturing Methods approximately 100%, for the assembly center with two arms
Production unit cost at varying production volumes for three and free-transfer machine with programmable workheads,
main alternative manufacturing methods (manual labor, and by 1000% for the dedicated hybrid machine.
flexible automation, and hard automation) are compared in
Fig. 30.2 [8]. Manual labor is usually the most cost-effective Evaluation of Technical Feasibility for Alternative
method for low production volumes; however, reconfigurable Methods
assembly is changing this situation drastically. Flexible, Feasibility of the automation system plan must be reviewed
programmable automation is most effective for medium carefully. It is perfectly possible for an automation project to
686 J. A. Ceroni

Table 30.1 Assembly equipment cost for alternative automation levels

assembly time Labor cost per
Automation level per part time Assembly equipment cost per time
Manual assembly and Kt0 (1 + x) nW/k (n/k)(2CB + Np CC )
Manual assembly with Kt 0 (1 + x) nW/k (n/k)(2CB + Np CC ) + Np (ny + Nd CF )
automated feeding
Dedicated hybrid assembly t + xT 3W [nyCT +(T/t)(ny)CB ] + Np {(ny + Nd )(CF + Cw ) + [ny + (T/2 t)(ny)]CC }
Assembly machine with k(t + xT) 3W (n/k)[CdA +(T/t + 1)CB + Np [(ny + Nd )CM + nCg + (n/k)(T/2 t + 0.5)CC ]
programmable workheads
and automated transfer of
Automated assembly center n(t/2 + xT) 3W 2CdA + Np [CC + nCg + (ny + Nd )CM ]
with two robotic arms
Flexible universal assembly n(t/2 + xT) 3W (2CdA + nyCPF + 2Cug ) + Np CC
machine center
Cpr product unit assembly cost, S number of shifts, Q equivalent cost of operator in terms of capital equivalent, W operator rate in dollars per
second, d degrees of freedom, k number of parts assembled by each operator or programmable workhead, n total number of parts, Np number of
products, Nd number of design changes, CdA cost of a programmable robot or workhead, CB cost of a transfer device per workstation, CC cost
of a work carrier, CF cost of an automatic feeding device, Cg cost of a gripper per part, CM cost of a manually loaded magazine, CPF cost of a
programmable feeder, CS cost of a workstation for a single station assembly, Ct cost of a transfer device per workstation, Cug cost of a universal
gripper, CW cost of a dedicated workhead, T = machine downtime for defective parts, t0 , t 0 machine downtime due to defective parts, t mean time
of assembly for one part, x ratio of faulty parts to acceptable parts, y product styles

Assembly cost per part Cpr /n (US $) Assembly cost per part Cpr /n (US $)
0.5 0.5
Assembly center Assembly center
with two arms Dedicated
with two arms hybrid machine
Free-transfer machine
0.1 0.1 with programmable
Free-transfer machine workheads
Universal with programmable workheads
Operator Operator
0.01 assembly line 0.01 assembly line
50 parts in one assembly (n = 50) 50 parts in one assembly (n = 50)
One product (Np = 1) 20 product (Np = 20) Universal
One style of each product (y = 1) Dedicated One style of each product (y = 1) assembly center
No design changes (Nd = 0) hybrid machine No design changes (Nd = 0)
0.001 0.001
0.01 0.1 1 10 0.01 0.1 1 10
Annual product volume V Annual product volume V
(millions of assemblies per year) (millions of assemblies per year)

Fig. 30.3 Comparison of alternative assembly systems (one product) Fig. 30.4 Comparison of alternative assembly systems (20 products)

have a positive economic evaluation but have problems with

its feasibility. Although this situation may seem strange, it • Can reliability be ensured as a component of the total
must be considered that an automation project is rather com- system?
plex and demands specific operational conditions, far more • Is the system sufficiently staffed and operated by assigned
complex than those in conventional production systems. A engineers and operators?
thorough feasibility review must consider aspects such as • Is it possible to maintain safety and the designed quality
the answers to the following questions in case of automated level?
assembly: • Can inventory and material handling be reduced in the
• Is the product designed for automated assembly? • Are the material-handling systems adequate?
• Is it possible to do the job with the planned procedure and • Can the product be routed in a smooth batch-lot flow
within the given cycle time? operation?
30 Economic Rationalization of Automation Projects and Quality of Service 687

The comprehensive analysis of these aspects of any • Positive impact on company reputation
given automation project is rather cumbersome and prone to • Promotion of technical progress and knowledge creation 30
shortcomings in the full understanding of decision makers in at the company
charge of choosing the best automation proposal. Techniques
such as technology-enabled engagement process (TEEP) Differences among automated solutions (e.g., robots) and
[10–12] are leading the way for providing decision makers other case-specific capitalization equipment also provide nu-
with a submissive environment to perceive through virtual merous intangible benefits, as the following list illustrates:
reality automation components functioning in an integrated
operation. However, operation of the system is not only • Robots are reusable.
visual but also reported as the key performance indicators that • Robots are multipurpose and can be reprogrammed for
will provide the most insightful decision-making appraisal. many different tasks.
This new framework is currently being utilized in education • Because of reprogrammability, robotic systems service
in design training programs [13]. A similar approach, if life can often be three or more times longer than that of
followed in Ref. [14] for proposing a system that uses data fixed (hard) automation devices.
mining, is able to evaluate alternative automation projects in • Tooling costs for robotic systems also tend to be lower ow-
companies. ing to the programming capability around certain physical
Following the feasibility analysis, alternatives are con- constraints.
sidered further in the evaluation. If the plan fails due to • Production startup occurs sooner because of less construc-
lack of feasibility, a search for other type of solutions is tion and tooling constraints.
in order. Alternative solutions may involve the development • Plant modernization can be implemented by eliminating
of new equipment, improvement of proposed equipment, or discontinued automation systems.
development of other manufacturing alternatives.
Determination of Costs and Benefits
Selection of Tasks to Automate Although costs and benefits expected from automation
Selection of tasks for automation is a difficult process. The projects vary according to each particular case being
following five job grouping strategies may assist the determi- analyzed, a general classification of costs can include
nation of tasks to automate: operators’ wages, capital, maintenance, design, and power
costs. However, it must be noted that, while usually wages
• Components of products of the same family decrease at higher levels of automation, the rest of the cost
• Products presently being manufactured in proximity tend to increase. Figure 30.5 shows the behavior of assembly
• Products consisting of similar components that could costs at different automation levels [15]. Consequently,
share part-feeding devices it would be possible to determine the optimal degree of
• Products of similar size, dimensions, weight, and number automation based on the minimum total operational cost of
of components the system.
• Products with simple design possible to manufacture
within a short cycle time

Noneconomic and Intangible Considerations Costs Km ln

Issues related to specific company characteristics, company
Assembly cost
policy, social responsibility, and management policy need
to be addressed both quantitatively and qualitative in the
automation project. Adequate justification of automation sys-
tems needs to consider aspects such as: Capital cost
Personnel cost

• Compliance with the general direction of the company’s

automation strategy
• Satisfaction of equipment and facilities standardization
policies Maintenance and energy cost
• Adequate accommodation of future product model
Degree of automation a op l
changes or production plans
• Improvement of working life quality and workers morale
• Reliability and consistency to achieve and maintain the Fig. 30.5 Assembly costs as functions of the degree of automation in
expected operational results the assembly case
688 J. A. Ceroni

Considering automation’s potential to sustainably deliver cost, because it fosters usability, distribution, and innovation
value to the organization, a useful concept regarding cost and in new applications, for example, fieldbus technology in
expected benefits of automation projects is quality of service manufacturing and building automation. Distributed collabo-
(QoS) [16]. QoS involves issues of cost, affordability, energy, rative engineering, i.e., the control of common work over re-
maintenance, and dependability being delivered by the au- mote sites, is an important topic in cost-oriented automation.
tomated system at a stable rate, according to a service-level Integrated product and process development as a cost-saving
agreement. For the purposes of this chapter, relevant aspects strategy has been partly introduced in industry. However, as
of QoS are cost, affordability, and energy. Cost-effective or Nnaji et al. [20] mention, lack of information from suppli-
cost-oriented automation is part of a strategy called low- ers and working partners, incompleteness and inconsistency
cost automation which covers the life cycle of an automation of product information/knowledge within the collaborating
system with respect to their owners: design, production, op- group, and incapability of processing information/data from
erating, and maintenance, refitting or recycling. Affordable other parties due to the problem of interoperability hamper
automation is another part of the strategy and focuses on effective use. Hence, collaborative design tools are needed
automation or automatic control in small enterprises to en- to improve collaboration among distributed design groups,
hance their competitiveness in manufacturing and service. It enhance knowledge sharing, and assist in better decision-
is directly observable how the cost control aspect of the latter making [21]. (See also Chs.  18 and  19.) Mixed-reality
two strategies contribute to the economic evaluation process concepts could be useful for collaborative distributed work
of alternative automation projects. Despite relative expensive because they address two major issues: seamlessness and
components, the automation system may present low cost enhancing reality. In mixed-reality distributed environments,
with respect to its operation and maintenance. To be utilized information flow can cross the border between reality and
broadly, a new technology must demonstrate tangible and virtuality in an arbitrary bidirectional way. Reality may be
sustainable benefits, be easier to implement and maintain, the continuation of virtuality, or vice versa [22], which pro-
and/or substantially improve performance and efficiency. vides a seamless connection between the two worlds. This
Sometimes a new control method is not pursued due to poor bridging or mixing of reality and virtuality opens up some
usability during operation and troubleshooting in an indus- new perspectives not only for work environments but also
trial environment. Low-cost automation is now established as for learning or training environments [23, 24]. (See also
a strategy to achieve the same performance as sophisticated Chs.  32 and  63.) The changing global context is hav-
automation but with lower costs. The designers of automation ing an impact on local and regional economies, particularly
systems therefore have a cost frame to find solutions. This is on small and medium-sized enterprises. Global integration
a challenge to theory and technology of automatic control, as and international competitive pressures are intensifying at
the main parts of automation projects. Cost aspects are mostly a time when some of the traditional competitive advan-
considered when designing automation systems. However, in tages – such as relatively low labor costs – enjoyed by certain
the end, industry is looking for intelligent solutions and en- countries are vanishing. Energy-saving strategies and also
gineering strategies for saving cost but that nevertheless have individual solutions for reducing energy consumption are
secure, high performance. Field robots in several domains challenging politicians, the public, and researchers. The cost
such as manufacturing plants, buildings, offices, agriculture, aspect is very important. Components of controllers such
and mining are candidates for reducing operation cost. En- as sensors and actuators may be expensive, but one has to
terprise integration and support for networked enterprises are calculate savings in energy costs over a certain period or
considered as cost-saving strategies. Condition monitoring of life cycle of a building or plant. Cost-oriented automation
machines to reduce maintenance cost and avoid downtime of as part of the strategy of low-cost automation considers
machines and equipment, if possible, is also a new challenge, the cost of ownership with respect to the life cycle of the
and promotes e-Maintenance [17] and e-Service [18]. system:
Reliability of low-cost automation is independent of the
grade of automation, i.e., it covers all possible circumstances • Designing
in its field of application. Often it is more suitable to reduce • Implementing
the grade of automation and involve human experience and • Operating
capabilities to bridge the gap between theoretical findings • Reconfiguring
and practical requirements [19]. Low-cost automation also • Maintenance
concerns the implementation of automation systems. This • Recycling
should be as easy as possible and also facilitate maintenance.
Maintenance is very often the crucial point and an important Life cycle assessment of automation projects could be-
cost factor to be considered. Standardization of components come very cumbersome due to the amount of data needed
of automation systems could also be very helpful to reduce to gather and process if the analysis is intended to be as com-
30 Economic Rationalization of Automation Projects and Quality of Service 689

prehensive as possible [25]. Methods to assist this evaluation Table 30.2 Difficult-to-quantify impacts of automation
are available elsewhere in the literature, for example, in Ref. Automation can Automation can 30
[26], an open source tool for modeling and performing the increase/improve/maximize decrease/eliminate/minimize
life cycle assessment of a wide variety of projects is provided, 1. Flexibility 1. Regulatory violations and
being possible to use it for automation projects as well. The 2. Sustainability deviations
3. Resilience 2. Hazardous and unsafe human
research by Yeom et al. [27] presents a life cycle analysis of 4. Quality of service jobs
the robot system for buildings’ exterior painting and can be 5. Convenience 3. Tedious human jobs
used as reference. 6. Plant modernization 4. Safety violations
Components and instruments could be expensive if life 7. Labor skills of employees 5. Accidents and injuries
8. Employee satisfaction 6. Scrap and rework
cycle costs are to decrease. An example is enterprise inte- 9. Methods and operations 7. Errors and conflicts
gration or networked enterprises as production systems that 10. Manufacturing productivity 8. Time for training
are vertically (supply chain) or horizontally and vertically capacity 9. Trainers costs
(network) organized. Cost-effective product and process re- 11. Reaction to market 10. Clerical costs
fluctuations 11. Food costs
alization has to consider several aspects regarding automatic 12. Product quality 12. Dining rooms
control [24]: 13. Business opportunities 13. Restrooms, bathrooms,
14. Market share parking areas
• Virtual manufacturing supporting integrated product and 15. Profitability 14. Burden, direct, and other
16. Competitiveness overhead costs
process development 17. Growth opportunities 15. Manual material handling
• Web-based maintenance (cost reduction with 18. Handling of short product 16. Inventory levels
e-Maintenance systems in manufacturing) lifecycles 17. Scrap and errors
• Small and medium-sized (SME)-oriented agile manufac- 19. Handling of potential labor 18. Time to market
turing 20. Space utility of plant

Agile manufacturing here is understood as the synthesis

of a number of independent enterprises forming a network However, automation may also result in hard-to-quantify
to join their core skills. As mentioned above, life cycle benefits that could improve system performance or help to
management of automation systems is important regarding ameliorate negative impacts in industrial operations. The cor-
cost of ownership. The complete production process has to rect economical assessment of each these intangible factors
be considered with respect to its performance, where main- is required for them to be included in the financial analysis
tenance is the most important driver of cost. Nof et al. [28] in order to discriminate among the automation alternatives.
consider the performance of the complete automation system, Some examples of hard to quantify automation impacts are
which interests the owner in terms of cost, rather than only listed in Table 30.2.
the performance of the control system, i.e., a compromise
between cost of maintenance and cost of downtime of the Utilization Analysis
automation system has to be found. Underutilized automated systems usually cannot be cost-
Questions regarding benefits of automation systems often justified, mainly due to the high initial startup expenses and
arise concerning long-range, unmeasurable effects on eco- low labor savings they result in. Consideration of additional
nomic issues. A few such issues include the impact of the applications or planned future growth are required to drive
automation system on: the potential cost-effectiveness up; however, there are also
additional costs to consider, for example, tooling and feeder
• Product value and price costs associated with new applications.
• Increase of sales volume
• Decrease of production cost
• Decrease of initial investment requirements 30.2.3 Cost-Analysis Phase
• Reduction of products lead time
• Decrease of manufacturing costs This phase of the methodology focuses on detailed cost
• Decrease of inventory costs analysis for investment justification and includes five steps
• Decrease of direct and indirect labor costs (Fig. 30.1). To evaluate economically the automation project
• Decrease of overhead rate installation, the following data are required:
• Full utilization of automated equipment
• Decrease of setup time and cost • Capital investment of the project
• Decrease of material-handling cost • Estimated changes in gross incomes (revenue, sales, and
• Decrease of damage and scrap costs savings) and costs expected from the project
690 J. A. Ceroni

To illustrate the remaining steps of the methodology, an depreciation for year j, T = tax rate (assumed constant),
example will be developed. Installation cost, operation costs, K = project cost (capital expenditure), and Lj = salvage value
and salvage for the example are as given in Table 30.3. in year j.
The net cash flows are given in Table 30.6.
Period Evaluation, Depreciation, and Tax Data
Requirements Net Present Value (NPV)
Before proceeding with the economic evaluation, the eval- Once the cash flows have been determined, the net present
uation period, tax rates, and tax depreciation method must value (NPV) is determined using the equation
be specified. We will consider in the example an evalua-
tion period of 6 years. We will use the US Internal Rev- 
Xj  n
NPV = = Xj (P/F, k, j) ,
enue Service’s Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System
(1 + k) j
(MACRS) for 5 years (Table 30.4). Tax rate considered is
40%. These values are not fixed and can be changed if where Xj = net cash flow for year j, n = number of years of
deemed appropriate. cash flow, k = minimum acceptable rate of return (MARR),
and 1/(1 + k)j = discount factor, usually designated as (P/F,
Project Cost Analysis k, j).
The project cost is as given in Table 30.3 (US$168,000). To With the cash flows of Table 30.6 and k = 25%, the NPV
continue, it is necessary to determine (estimate) the yearly is
changes in operational cost and cost savings (benefits). For
the example, these are as shown in Table 30.5. NPV = −168 000 + 53 640 (P/F, 25, 1)
+ 61 704 (P/F, 25, 2) + · · ·
Economic Rationalization + 78 271 (P/F, 25, 6) = $18 431.
Techniques used for the economic analysis of automation
applications are similar to those for any manufacturing equip- The project is economically acceptable if its NPV is
ment purchase. They are usually based on net present value, positive. Also, a positive NPV indicates that the rate of return
rate of return, or payback (payout) methods. All of these is greater than k.
methods require the determination of the yearly net cash
flows, which are defined as Return on Invested Capital (ROIC)
The ROIC or rate of return is the interest rate that makes the
Xj = (G − C)j − (G − C − D)j (T) − K + Lj , NPV = 0. It is sometimes also referred to as the internal rate
of return (IRR). Mathematically, the ROIC is defined as
where Xj = net cash flow in year j, Gj = gross income (sav-

Xj  n
ings, revenues) for year j, Cj = total costs for year j, Dj = tax 0= = Xj (P/F, i, j) ,
(1 + i)j

Table 30.3 Example data where i = ROIC.

Project costs For this example, the ROIC is determined from the fol-
Machine cost $80,000 lowing expression
Tooling cost $13,000
Software integration $30,000 0 = −168 000 + 53 640 (P/F, i, 1)
Part feeders $20,000 + 61 704 (P/F, i, 2) + · · · + 78 271 (P/F, i, 6) .
Installation cost $25,000
Total $168,000 To solve the previous expression for i, a trial-and-error
Actual realizable salvage $12,000 approach is needed. Assuming 25%, the right-hand side
gives $ 18,431 (NPV calculation) and with 35%, it is $
Table 30.4 MACRS percentages −11,719. Therefore, the ROIC using linear interpolation
Year Percentage is approximately 31%. This ROIC is now compared with
1 20.00 the minimum acceptable rate of return (MARR). In this
2 32.00 example, the MARR is that used for calculating the NPV.
3 19.20 If ROIC ≥ MARR, the project is acceptable; otherwise it is
4 11.52 unacceptable. Consequently, the NPV and the rate-of-return
5 11.52 methods will give the same decision regarding the economic
6 5.76 desirability of a project (investment). It is pointed out that
30 Economic Rationalization of Automation Projects and Quality of Service 691

Table 30.5 Costs and savings (dollars per year)

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 30
Labor savings 70,000 70,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000
Quality savings 22,000 22,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000
Operating costs (increase) (25,000) (25,000) (19,000) (12,000) (12,000) (12,000)

Table 30.6 Net cash flow with project cost of K = 168,000 and uled shutdown tasks. Automation also contributes to reduce
salvage value of L6 = 12,000 impacts (often hard to quantify) due to health, safety, and
End of year Total Ga C Db X environmental issues in production systems.
0 – – – −168,000 Profits could increase due to automation by increasing the
1 92,000 25,000 33,600 53,640 yield of more valuable products. Reduced work-in-process
2 92,000 25,000 53,760 61,704 inventory and waste result in higher revenue per unitary
3 116,000 19,000 32,256 71,102 input to the system. Although higher production yield will
4 116,000 12,000 19,354 70,142 be meaningful only if the additional products can be sold, to-
5 116,000 12,000 19,354 70,142 day’s global markets will surely respond positively to added
6 116,000 12,000 9677 78,271 production capacity.
a These are the sums of labor and quality savings (Table 30.5)
b Computed with the MACRS for each year
Payback (Payout) Period
An alternative method used for economic evaluation of a
the definitions of cash flow and MARR are not independent. project is the payback period (or payout period). The payback
Also, the omission of debt interest in the cash-flow equation period is the number of years required for incoming cash
does not necessarily imply that the initial project cost (capital flows to balance the cash outflows. The payback period (p)
expenditure) is not being financed by some combination of is obtained from the expression
debt and equity capital. When total cash flows are used, the
debt interest is included (approximately) in the definition of 
0= Xj .
MARR as j=0

MARR = ke (1 − c) + kd (1 − T) c, This is one definition of the payback period, although an

alternative definition that employs a discounting procedure
where ke = required return for equity capital, kd = required is most often used in practice. Using the cash flow given in
return for debt capital, T = tax rate, and c = debt ratio of the Table 30.6, the payback equations for 2 years gives
pool of capital used for current capital investments.
It is not uncommon in practice to adjust (increase) ke −168 000 + 53 640 + 61 704 = $ − 52 656
and kd to account for project risk and uncertainties in eco-
nomic conditions. In this case, risk is the combination of the and for 3 years, it is
probability or frequency of occurrence of a defined threat or
opportunity and the magnitude of the consequences of the −168 000 + 53 640 + 61 704 + 71 102 = $18 446.
The effects of automation on ROIC (Fig. 30.6) are doc- Therefore, using linear interpolation, the payback period
umented elsewhere in the literature [29]. The main effects is
of automation can be classified into reduction of capital or
increased profits or, more desirably, both simultaneously. Au- 52 656
tomation may generate investment capital savings in project p=2+ = 2.74 years.
71 102
engineering, procurement costs, purchase price, installation,
configuration, calibration, or project execution. Working cap-
ital requirements may be lowered by reducing raw mate- 30.2.4 Considerations of the Economic
rial (quantity or price), product inventories, spare parts for Evaluation Procedure
equipment, reduced energy and utilities utilization, or in-
creased product yields. Maintenance costs are diminished in The application of the general economic evaluation proce-
automation solutions by reducing unscheduled maintenance, dure and related techniques described previously must take
the number of routine checks, time required for maintenance into consideration the aspects described next. The risk of
tasks, material purchase, and the number and cost of sched- ending with a wrong economic evaluation and therefore an
692 J. A. Ceroni

Increased ROIC

Reduce capital Increase profit

Reduce costs Increase revenue

Increase price Increase production

Reduced: Reduced:
Capital investment Energy and
Increased: capacity
Product, Input, utilities
Production yield Reduced:
WIP Maintenance
Improved: Unscheduled
Inventory Waste
Products quality downtime
Warehouse Staff
Spares Exceptions

Fig. 30.6 Effects of automation on ROIC

incorrect alternative project selection is usually the result of the literature, there are well-documented issues that make
not considering the following aspects: hard to justify and adopt strategic automation technologies
[33]. Additionally, difficulties in justifying integrated au-
• Cash flows are incremental since they represent increases tomation technologies may arise from considering cultural
or decreases resulting directly from the investment alter- and organizational aspects when implementing them. The
native under consideration. success or failure of the implementation depends heavily
• NPV and rate of return are inversely related to the payback on the commitment of all participants involved, people and
period. companies. Such widespread impacts are usually not con-
• Payback period should not be used as a primary selection sidered in traditional economic evaluation methodologies,
criterion since it disregards cash flows generated after it. which normally overlook the need for consensus on the
• Mutually exclusive alternative automation projects should technology to adopt.
be evaluated only by selecting the project with the highest Flexibility is recurrently considered in the literature as a
NPV. Using the highest rate of return is incorrect (see Refs. key benefit related to the implementation of automated sys-
[30–32]). tems [34]. Jönsson et al. [35] analyze the types of flexibility
• Selecting a subset of projects from a group of independent resulting from the operation of automated systems:
projects, in order to consider some restriction, the selec-
tion objective should maximize the NPV of the subset. • Product mix flexibility: having different products using
the same production process at the same time
• Product volume flexibility: set the process for achieving
30.3 Alternative Approach additional or less throughput
to the Rationalization of Automation • Equipment multifunction flexibility: devices do different
Projects production with tool changes
• New product flexibility: change and reprogram of the pro-
30.3.1 Strategical Justification of Automation cess to accommodate products changes or new products

The evaluation analysis described so far in this chapter is Additional frequently reported benefits include improved
financially driven and covers the span of the automation product quality, process resilience and sustainability, shorter
project itself. However, the adoption of automation systems response time, increased product and process consistency,
and its related technology has undeniable strategic and in- lower inventory levels, improved worker safety, effective
tangible benefits surpassing the capabilities of traditional management processes, shorter cycle times and setups, and
economic evaluation methods. Plenty available elsewhere in support for continuous improvement [3–6].
30 Economic Rationalization of Automation Projects and Quality of Service 693

30.3.2 Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) diameter. The consistency ratio of the pairwise comparison
matrix is 0.032 < 0.1, which indicates weights consistency 30
Rarely do automation systems comprise out-of-the-box solu- and validity.
tions. In fact, most automated systems nowadays comprise a The AHP results shown in the previous table are obtained
collection of equipment properly integrated into an effective with a largest Eigenvalue (λmax = 6.201), a consistency ratio
solution. This integration process makes evaluation of alter- (CR = 0.032), a consistency index (CI = 0.040), and a
native solutions by traditional economic evaluation methods random index (RI = 1.24).
more complex, due to the many combinations possible for the Following the application of AHP, PROMETHEE steps
configuration of all available components and the inherent are carried out. The first step comprises the evaluation of
fuzziness of the selection criteria. To assist the equipment five alternative milling machines according to the evaluation
selection process, AHP has been implemented in the form of criteria previously defined. The resulting evaluation matrix is
decision support systems (DSSs) [36]. AHP was developed shown in Table 30.9.
by Saaty [37] as a way to convey the relative importance Next, a preference function (PF) and related thresholds
of a set of activities in a quantitative and qualitative mul- are defined by the decision-making team for each criterion.
ticriteria decision problem. The AHP method is based on PF and thresholds consider features of the milling machines
three principles: the structure of the model [38], comparative and the company’s purchasing policy. Table 30.10 shows
judgment of alternatives and criteria [39], and synthesis of preference functions and their thresholds.
priorities. Despite the wide utilization of AHP, selection of The partial ranking of alternatives is determined according
casting process [40], improvement of human performance to PROMETHEE I, based on the positive and negative flows
in decision-making [41], and improvement of quality-based shown in Table 30.11. The resulting partial ranking is shown
investments [42], the method has shortcomings related to in Fig. 30.9 and reveals that machine 5, machine 2, machine
its inability to handle decision-maker’s uncertainty and im- 4, and machine 1 are preferred over machine 3, and machine
precision in determining values for the pairwise comparison 4 is preferred over machine 1. The partial ranking also shows
process involved. Another difficulty with AHP lies in the fact that machine 5, machine 4, and machine 2 are not compara-
that not every decision-making problem may be cast into a ble, as well as machine 5 and machine 1, and machine 2 and
hierarchical structure. machine 1.
Next, a proposed method implementing AHP is reviewed PROMETHEE II uses the net flow in Table 30.11 to
using a numerical application for computer numerical control compute a complete ranking and identify the best alternative.
(CNC) machine selection. According to the complete ranking, machine 5 is selected as
the best alternative, while the other machines are ranked ac-
The AHP-PROMETHEE Method cordingly as machine 4, machine 2, machine 1, then machine
The preference ranking organization method for enrichment 3 (Fig. 30.10).
evaluation (PROMETHEE) is a multicriteria decision- The geometrical analytic for interactive aid (GAIA) plane
making method developed by Brans et al. [42, 43]. [44] representing the decision (Fig. 30.11) shows that price
Implementation of PROMETHEE requires two types of has a great differentiation power, criteria 1 (price) and 3
information: (1) relative importance (weights of the criteria (power) are conflicting, machine 2 is very good in terms of
considered) and (2) decision-maker’s preference function criterion 3 (power), and machine 3 is very good in terms of
(for comparing the contribution of alternatives in terms of criteria 2 and 4. The vector π (decision axis) represents the
each separate criterion). Weights coefficients are calculated compromise solution (selection must be in this direction).
in this case using AHP. Figure 30.7 presents the various steps
of the AHP-PROMETHEE integration method.
The AHP-PROMETHEE method is applied to a manu- 30.4 Final Additional Considerations
facturing company wanting to purchase a number of milling in Automation Rationalization
machines in order to reduce work-in-process inventory and
replace old equipment [36]. A decision-making team was 30.4.1 Investment Risk Effects
devised and its first task was to determine the five milling on the Minimum Acceptable Rate
machines candidates for the purchasing and six evaluation of Return
criteria: price, weight, power, spindle, diameter, and stroke.
The decision structure is depicted in Fig. 30.8. The next step Capital investment projects involve particular levels of risk,
is for decision team experts to assign weights on a pairwise where risk is an expected measure of project aspects that
basis to decision criteria, as presented in Table 30.7. Results could fail. Including risk into the economical analysis would
from AHP calculations are shown in Table 30.8 and show imply taking into consideration the probabilities of occur-
that the top three criteria for the case are spindle, weight, and rence of each possible scenario, turning the evaluation model
694 J. A. Ceroni

Step 1: Forming decision-making team

Step 2: Determining alternative equipment

Determining the criteria to be used

Step 3:
in evaluation
Stage 1: Data gathering
Step 4: Structuring decision hierarchy

No decision
Step 5:

Step 6: Assigning criteria weights via AHP Structuring decision hierarchy

Approve Stage 2: AHP calculations

No decision
Step 7:

Determining the preference functions

Step 8: and parameters for the criteria

No preference
Step 9:
? Stage 3: PROMETHEE calculations

Step 10: Partial ranking via PROMETHEE I

Step 11: Complete ranking via PROMETHEE II

Step 12: Determining GAIA plane

Step 13: Determining the best equipment Stage 4: Decision making

Fig. 30.7 Steps of AHP-PROMETHEE method

Selection of
the best equipment

Price Weight Power Spindle Diameter Stroke

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3 Machine 4 Machine 5

Fig. 30.8 Decision structure

highly complex. A simpler way to consider risk into the with higher risk levels. Additionally, other considerations
normal economic evaluation is to relate the MARR to project on the automation project characteristics may be related to
risk [45–47], resulting in higher MARR values for projects MARR as well. Consider, for example, the possibility the
30 Economic Rationalization of Automation Projects and Quality of Service 695

proposed equipment to acquire could be utilized in current Table 30.7 Pairwise comparison of criteria and weights
or alternative automation projects, diminishing the potential Criteria Price Weight Power Spindle Diameter Stroke 30
losses from a failed project due to internal or external causes. Price 1.00 0.52 0.62 0.41 0.55 0.59
As a note of caution, higher MARR rates should be Weight 1.93 1.00 2.60 1.21 1.30 2.39
applied only to those components of the proposed automation Power 1.61 0.38 1.00 0.40 0.41 1.64
project exposed to the risk being considered. In such a way, Spindle 2.44 0.83 2.47 1.00 0.40 0.46
the aspects of the automation project under good levels of Diameter 1.80 0.77 2.40 2.49 1.00 2.40
control by the organization should not be altered. Expecting Stroke 1.69 0.42 0.61 2.17 0.42 1.00
higher levels of return from risky decisions, companies could
find a way to force strategic concerns into the automation Table 30.8 AHP results
projects initial configuration. In such scenario, companies Criteria Weights (ω)
will have strong incentives to consider low risk projects with Price 0.090
reconfigurable automation equipment allowing the consider- Weight 0.244
ation of lower MARR rates [48, 49]. Power 0.113
Spindle 0.266
Diameter 0.186
30.4.2 Equipment Depreciation and Salvage Stroke 0.101
Value Profiles
Table 30.9 Evaluation matrix for the milling machine case
Financial evaluation of automation projects is deeply affected Criteria Price Weight Power Spindle Diameter Stroke
by how equipment capital is depreciated during the project Unit US $ kg W Rpm Mm mm
life and estimated project salvage values at the end of the Max/min Min Min Max Max Max Max
project are determined [50–52]. Two alternative depreciating Weight 0.090 0.244 0.113 0.266 0.186 0.101
mechanisms (equipment loss of monetary value within the Machine 1 936 4.8 1300 24,000 12.7 58
company assets) are to be considered: tax and book depre- Machine 2 1265 6.0 2000 21,000 12.7 65
ciation. Tax depreciation methods consists of a systematic Machine 3 680 3.5 900 24,000 8.0 50
mechanism to reduce the capital asset value over time. Be- Machine 4 650 5.2 1600 22,000 12.0 62
Machine 5 580 3.5 1050 25,000 12.0 62
ing depreciation tax-deductible, companies usually seek to
depreciate in the shortest period of time possible, usually
Table 30.10 Preference functions
determined by the country tax code where the company
operates. Careful consideration of tax depreciation is due Preference
when comparing product-specific automation for reconfig-
Criteria type Thresholds
urable systems for cases when the projected product life is q p s
shorter than the tax law depreciation life. In this scenario, Price Level 600 800 –
product-specific systems can be sold and the remaining tax Weight Gaussian – – 4
depreciation would be lost. Alternatively, the reconfigurable Power Level 800 1200 –
system would be decommissioned and kept by the company Spindle Level 20,000 23,000 –
until fully depreciated and then sold. Due to its reconfigura- Diameter Gaussian – – 6
bility, the automation project usually will no shorter than tax Stroke V-shape – 50 –
depreciation period. Tax depreciation terms depend on local q: Indifference threshold (the largest deviation to consider as negligible
tax and accounting conventions disregarding the equipment on that criterion)
operation. Book depreciation schedules are predictions of the p: Preference threshold (the smallest deviation to consider decisive in
the preference of one alternative over another)
equipment realizable salvage value at the end of its useful
s: Gaussian threshold (only used with the Gaussian preference func-
life. Realizable salvage value can be determined based on the tion)
internal asset value for the organization (given its usability
in alternative projects) or by the asset value in the salvage
market. Redeploying automation equipment within the same materials, if usable. Alternatively, if the system is based
company usually results in higher profit values than selling on known modular and reusable components, its value
to third parties. may result comparable to new components. The reusable
Product-specific automation equipment usually has value automation resources inventory of a company will enable
for potential salvage buyers because of its key system it to quickly redeploy such resources into new systems,
components. Custom product and process tooling will have improving its time to market and equipment profitability,
no value for equipment resellers, reducing the salvage to raw among other positive impacts [53].
696 J. A. Ceroni

Table 30.11 PROMETHEE flows

Alternatives Φ+ Φ− Φ
Criterion 3
Machine 1 0.0199 0.0139 0.0061
Machine 2 0.0553 0.0480 0.0073 Machine 3
Machine 1
Machine 3 0.0192 0.0810 −0.0618 Machine 2
Criterion 4
Machine 4 0.0298 0.0130 0.0168
Machine 5 0.0478 0.0163 0.0315 Criterion 2
Machine 5

Machine 4
1 Criterion 6
Machine 5 Criterion 5
Φ+ 0.05 Criterion 1
Φ– 0.02

Fig. 30.11 GAIA decision plane

2 4 5
Machine 4 Machine 1 Machine 3
Φ+ 0.03 Φ+ 0.02 Φ+ 0.02
Φ– 0.01 Φ– 0.01 Φ– 0.08
providing the traditional economic rationalization method-
ology, strategical considerations are included plus a dis-
cussion on current trends of automation systems towards
agility and reconfigurability. These last two aspects of mod-
Machine 2 ern automation systems should be considered altogether with
Φ+ 0.06 the already established collaboration environment present in
Φ– 0.05 modern production and automation systems [21, 22, 28, 50,
57]. Higher focus on extremely complex technical processes
has led production of goods and services into collaborative
Fig. 30.9 PROMETHEE I partial ranking efforts. Therefore, collaboration necessarily should be taken
into account in modern automation economical evaluation.
Quality of service (QoS) is also an important part of the
1 3 5 rationalization efforts of automation projects since it ensures
Machine 5 Machine 2 Machine 3 that automation benefits will be reached in a sustainable
Φ 0.03 Φ 0.01 Φ –0.06 manner [4, 58]. This benefit from QoS also has impact at
strategical level since it establishes organizational guidelines
and policies for achieving automation sustainability, for ex-
2 4
ample, through reconfigurability of automation alternative
Machine 4 Machine 1
projects. Evaluation methods are finally complemented with
Φ 0.02 Φ 0.01
the analytical hierarchy process for covering those situations
where selection criteria are not only economical but consider
other aspects, sometimes conflicting among them.
Fig. 30.10 PROMETHEE II complete ranking

30.5 Conclusions 30.6 Recommended Additional Reading

Although computation of economic performance indicators Readers interested in more detailed published material may
for automation projects is often straightforward, rational- look for the following references:
ization of automation technology is fraught with difficulty Production Economics, Evaluating Costs of Operations in
and many opportunities for long-term improvements are lost Manufacturing and Service Industries, Anoop Desai, Aashi
because purely economic evaluation apparently showed no Mital, June 11, 2018, CRC Press ISBN 9781138033269
direct economic benefit. Modern methods, taking into ac- The Digital Shopfloor: Industrial Automation in the In-
count risks involved in technology implementation or com- dustry 4.0 Era, Editors: Soldatos, John, Lazaro, Oscar, Cava-
parison of complex projects, are emerging to avoid such dini, Franco, 2019, River Publishers Series in Automation,
high-impact mistakes [54–56]. In this chapter, in addition to Control and Robotics, ISSBN 9788770220415
30 Economic Rationalization of Automation Projects and Quality of Service 697

Project Evaluation: Making Investments Succeed, Samset, 17. Chen, Z., Lee, J., Qui, H.: Infotronics technologies and predictive
Knut, 2003, Fagbokforlaget Ed., ISSBN 8251918405 tools for next-generation maintenance systems. In: Proceedings of
the 11th Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manu-
Project Evaluation Explained: Project Management
facturing. Elsevier (2004)
Books Volume 5, Akdeniz, Can, 2015, ISSBN 1518801838 18. Berger, R., Hohwieler, E.: Service platform for web-based services.
Proc. 36th CIRP Int. Semin. Manuf. Syst. Produktionstech. 29,
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Handbook of Automation have been used in this chapter [16]. The overengineering in the German industry. In: Proceedings of the 6th
author sincerely thanks Professor Erbe for the materials used in this IFAC Symposium on Cost Oriented Automation. Elsevier, Oxford
chapter of the handbook. (2002)
20. Nnaji, B.O., Wang, Y., Kim, K.Y.: Cost effective product realiza-
tion. In: Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Cost Oriented
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Reliability, Maintainability, Safety,
and Sustainability 31
Elsayed A. Elsayed

Contents safety are also discussed. The reliability metrics are then
31.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699
extended to include the impact of the system’s failure
due to external hazards on its performance by introducing
31.2 Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
resilience measures. The ability of the system to “absorb”
31.2.1 Non-repairable Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
31.2.2 Repairable Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702 the impact of the hazards and the ability to quickly recover
to its normal performance level are captured in the quan-
31.3 Maintainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703
tification of its resilience.
31.4 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705
31.4.1 Fault-Tree Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705
31.4.2 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706
31.5 Resilience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707 Keywords
31.5.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
31.5.2 Resilience Quantification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708 Reliability of manufacturing systems · Availability ·
31.6 Reliability, Maintainability, Safety, and Resilience
Maintainability · Safety · Resilience quantification ·
(RMSR) Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709 Burn-in testing · Accelerated life testing · Degradation
31.6.1 Resilience Quantifications of Supply modeling
Chain Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710
31.6.2 Degradation Modeling in Manufacturing Systems . . . . . 710
31.6.3 Product Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 712
31.7 Conclusion and Future Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714
31.1 Introduction
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714

The continuous and accelerated rate of developments of new

materials, manufacturing processes, sensors, data acquisition
systems, and software with extensive capabilities have re-
This chapter presents modeling and analysis of the relia- sulted in the introduction of many new products, monitor-
bility, maintainability, safety, and resilience of manufac- ing and control systems, and system automation of many
turing and automation systems and its elements. It serves processes and their functions. One of the most important
as a guide during the design and operation of highly “reli- characteristics of these products and systems is its safety and
able” automation systems. It discusses reliability metrics reliability. Assessing and ensuring the safety and reliability
for both non-repairable and repairable systems. The main- of such complex systems is challenging, and it requires
tainability of the system and methods for its improvements expertise of multidisciplinary teams. In addition, the increase
are presented. The reliability and safety of the systems in cyber threats and natural hazards such as hurricanes, earth-
are intertwined and approaches for the minimization of quakes, fires, and floods have extended the system reliability
the effect of system failures on its production output and concept to include system resilience. Automation systems are
complex systems that require the integration of machines,
sensors, control, software, and safety to provide high relia-
bility and uninterrupted functions over its design life. This
E. A. Elsayed ()
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rutgers chapter provides definitions and methods for estimating and
University, Piscataway, NJ, USA improving systems’ reliability, availability, maintainability,
e-mail: safety, and resilience.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 699

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
700 E. A. Elsayed

31.2 Reliability

The generic reliability term is used loosely to imply the

durability of components, units, or systems. It also implies

Failure rate, h(t)

their expected operational life, availability for use and their
remaining useful lives. However, it is important to quantify
“reliability” so proper actions for improvements can be taken.
Therefore, we classify systems (components, subsystems, 1 2 3
units) as either non-repairable or repairable. Each has differ-
Early life Constant failure Wear out
ent reliability metrics and methods for their estimation. Ex- region rate region region
amples of non-repairable systems include satellites, missiles,
rockets, and disposable products. Examples of repairable T1 T2

systems include: power-distribution network, automation and Time

manufacturing systems, automotives, planes, and most house
appliances. This section introduces definitions and quantifi- Fig. 31.1 Failure rate regions
cation of the reliability metrics of both systems.

product as in the case of most of the rotating (or sliding)

31.2.1 Non-repairable Systems mechanical components such as shafts, brake systems, and
The formal definition of reliability of non-repairable system The reliability of a product or system is estimated based
is the probability that a system, subsystem, component, prod- on its failure rate function which is often expressed by a
uct operates properly for a specified period under design con- probability density function (p.d.f.). This is demonstrated
ditions without failure. It is a metric of the product (system) by considering Region 2 where the failure rate (used
performance [1]. The reliability is therefore a monotonically interchangeably with hazard rate) is constant and is
decreasing function of time and systems (products) are con- expressed as
sidered operating properly until failures occur or when the
reliability reaches an unacceptable specified threshold [1]. h(t) = λ (31.1)
Therefore, the failure-time distributions of the system (and
its components) are important for estimating the system’s where h(t) is the hazard rate function at time t. Since the
reliability. These distributions are obtained through relia- failure rate is constant then the failure times are exponentially
bility testing, failure observations in the field, engineering distributed p.d.f., f (t), given by
experience of similar components, and reliability information
references. The characteristics of the distribution are based f (t) = λe−λt (31.2)
on the components’ failure rate, which is defined as “the
probability that a failure per unit time occurs in a small The probability of failure at time t, F(t) (or cumulative
interval of time given that no failure has occurred prior to distribution function, CDF), is
the beginning of the interval” [1]. In general, the failure rate  t
of a product, piece of equipment, or a system, exhibits the F(t) = f (τ ) dτ (31.3)
well-known bathtub curve shown in Fig. 31.1. The limit of 0
the failure rate as time approaches zero is referred to as
The reliability, probability of survival at time t, is then
the hazard rate. The hazard rate and failure rate are used
obtained as
interchangeably in the reliability engineering field.
There are three failure rate regions as shown in Fig. 31.1.  t
Region 1 is the early life region where the failure rate R(t) = 1 − F(t) = 1 − f (τ ) dτ (31.4)
starts with a high value attributed to poor assembly, material
defects, manufacturing defects, design blunders, and others. Dividing Eq. (31.2) by Eq. (31.3) results in
The manufacturers attempt to “weed out” such early failures
before the release of the product or the system. It is followed f (t) λe−λt
by Region 2 where the failure rate is constant and occurs = −λt = λ = hazard rate (31.5)
R(t) e
randomly during the period T1 − T2 which is common for
most of the electronic products. In Region 3, the failure rate Equations (31.3), (31.4), and (31.5) are the key equations
increases with time due to wear out and degradation of the for the reliability modeling.
31 Reliability, Maintainability, Safety, and Sustainability 701

Back to Fig. 31.1, the hazard rates in Regions 1 and

3 are decreasing and increasing, respectively. One of the 1 g = 0.6
most commonly used expression in practice for modeling g =1
the hazard function (decreasing or increasing) under this
g = 2.2 31

condition is expressed as 0.6
g = 3.2
γ  t γ −1 0.4
h(t) = . (31.6)
θ θ 0.2

This model is referred to as the Weibull Model, and its 0

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
probability density function of the failure-time distribution,
f (t), is given as

γ  t γ −1 −( t )γ Fig. 31.3 The reliability function for different γ and θ = 5000

f (t) = e θ t > 0, (31.7)
θ θ

where θ and γ are positive and are referred to as the char- The parameters of the reliability function are obtained
acteristic life and the shape parameter of the distribution, using failure-time data obtained through actual reliability
respectively. When γ = 1 this f (t) becomes an exponential testing, field data, historical data, or other data sources. The
density. When γ = 2 the density function becomes a Rayleigh data are then analyzed using reliability software, mean rank
distribution (linearly increasing failure rate). Figure 31.2 or median rank models, or probability-distribution fitting
shows the p.d.f. of the Weibull model for different values of approaches [1].
the shape parameter γ . In addition to the failure rate and reliability function,
Other models may be used to describe the failure rate as a the reliability metrics of non-repairable systems include the
function of the operating conditions (temperature, humidity, mean time to failure (MTTF), time to first failure (TTFF),
vibration, shocks, impact loads, volt, current, and others). and mean residual life (MRL). They are estimated using Eqs.
A clear understanding of the failure mechanism and failure (31.3), (31.6), and (31.8) and are expressed as
modes are key to obtain accurate estimates of the unit’s  ∞
reliability function. For example, the reliability function of MTTF = R(t) dt. (31.9)
the Weibull model in Fig. 31.2 is obtained using Eq. (31.4) 0

and is expressed as given in Eq. (31.8). The corresponding

Alternatively, it can be obtained as
reliability graphs are shown in Fig. 31.3.

R(t) = e −( θt )
(31.8) MTTF = t f (t) dt

For the Weibull model

In Fig. 31.3, reliability decreases rapidly as the shape  
parameter increases. 1
MTTF = θ  1 +

where (.) is the incomplete gamma function and its value

0.0005 can be obtained from gamma tables or by using software such
g = 0.6 as Matlab© .
0.0004 g = 3.2
Probability density

g=1 The TTFF is commonly used for one-shot products such

0.0003 g = 2.2 as airbags, missiles, and disposable medical devices. When a
batch of products is released for actual use, the producers are
interested in estimating the time for the first failure from this
0.0001 batch (it is important for recalls of the product or estimating
0 warranty length). Assume a batch of N units is produced and
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 that the failure time distribution is exponential with p.d.f. for
a single unit given by Eq. (31.2), where 1/λ is the design life
of the units. The probability that the first failure occurs in
Fig. 31.2 Weibull density function for different γ and θ = 5000 [t, t + dt] is f1 (t):
702 E. A. Elsayed

 ∞ N−1 In other words,

f1 (t) = Nf (t) f (τ ) dτ
Rs (t) = R1 (t) × R2 (t) × · · · × Rn (t) and the system’s
In other words, it is the probability that a unit fails in n

[t, t + dt] and N − 1 units fail in [t, ∞]. Other characteristics MTTF = 1/ λi .
can then be obtained based on the above expression. Other i
reliability metrics include the mean residual life (MRL),
defined as Similarly, when n components are configured in parallel,
then the system’s reliability is Rs (t) = 1 − (1 − R1 (t))(1 − R2
L(t) = E [T − t|T ≥ t] , t ≥ 0. (31.10) (t)) . . . (1 − Rn (t)) and the system’s MTTF is obtained using
Eq. (31.9) which results in
Indeed, the mean residual life function is the expected
remaining life, T − t, given that the product, component, or

n−1 n

MTTF = − +
a system has survived to time t [2]. It is expressed as λ
i=1 i
λ + λj
i=1 j=i+1 i i=1 j=i+1 k=j+1
 ∞ 1 1
1 − · · · + (−1)n+1 n
L(t) = τ f (τ ) dτ − t (31.11)
R(t) λi + λj + λk
t λi
System Configurations
Systems are composed of subsystems and components that Of course, many systems are configured as networks
are configured to perform required functions. The failure and the estimation of its reliability becomes more complex
rates of the components and their configuration in the sys- especially when the there are many components (nodes) and
tem are considered simultaneously in estimating the overall links in the network. Methods for estimating the reliability
system reliability metrics. The system configuration has a metrics of such complex structures are presented [1, 3, 4].
major impact on its reliability. The configuration of the
system refers to the arrangement and interconnection among
its components to provide the desired function of the system 31.2.2 Repairable Systems
while meeting the required reliability metrics. The most
common and simplest configuration is connecting the com- Repairable systems are those systems that are repaired upon
ponents to form a series system. The components may also failure, such as power distribution networks, communica-
be arranged in parallel to provide redundancy and improve tion networks, computers, airplanes, automobiles, and most
system reliability. Configurations that combine both series household appliances. The reliability metric of such systems
and parallel arrangements are common in series-parallel and is its availability which is defined as “the probability that
parallel series arrangements. In complex configurations, the the system is available for use when requested” [1]. It is
components are arranged to form a network with multiple important to note that availability is one of the key reliability
path between nodes (components) to perform the desired metrics of repairable systems. There are variant definitions of
function and topology of the network such as the case of elec- availability; they include instantaneous availability, steady-
tric power distribution networks and telecommunication net- state availability, mission availability, achieved availability,
works. There are other special configurations such as gamma and others.
networks and k-out-of-n (where a minimum of k components Failures and repairs have a major impact on the system
out of a total n components must operate properly for the availability. Therefore, the availability estimation includes
system to perform its function). Once the system is config- both the failure and repair rates of the system. There are sev-
ured, its reliability needs to be evaluated and compared with eral approaches for availability estimation such as simulation
the expected reliability metric of the system. If it does not modeling of the system failure and repairs, the alternating
meet the requirements, the system is redesigned by changing renewal process, and the Markov process model. The Markov
its configuration, selecting components with different failure process is commonly used under the assumption that both
rates or combinations of both until the system achieves its the failure and repair rates are constant, that is, the failure
reliability goals. This is illustrated for the two most common time and the repair time follow exponential distributions.
configurations: the series and the parallel systems as follows. Both the instantaneous and steady-state availabilities are
Consider a series system consisting of n components each obtained by defining all of the mutually exclusive states of the
has a constant failure rate λi for component i. The reliability system and deriving its state transition equations (from one
of each component is Ri (t) = e−λi t and the system relia- state to another) which are then solved simultaneously. The
bility, (Rs (t), is the product of the components’ reliabilities. availability is then estimated by summing the probabilities of
31 Reliability, Maintainability, Safety, and Sustainability 703

the system being in a working state (up). This is illustrated as where f∗ (s) = w∗ (s), and g∗ (s) are the Laplace transforms

follows. ∞the−stcorresponding density functions, that is, f (s) =
Consider a component that exhibits a constant failure 0 e f (t)dt. It is shown in [1] that the Laplace transform
rate, λ. When the component fails, it is repaired with a of the system availability is expressed as
constant repair rate, μ. We define two mutually exclusive 31

states for the component: State s0 represents the working state 1 − w (s)
A∗ (s) = . (31.18)
of the component, and State s1 represents the nonworking s [1 − w∗ (s)g∗ (s)]
state of the component. Let Pi (t) be the probability that the
component is in State i at time t and Ṗi (t) is its derivative with The Laplace inverse of A∗ (s) results in obtaining the
time. The state-transition equations of the component are instantaneous availability, A(t). Often, a closed-form expres-
sion of the inverse of A∗ (s) is difficult to obtain and numerical
dP0 (t) solutions or approximations become the only alternatives for
= Ṗ0 (t) = −λP0 (t) + μP1 (t) (31.12)
dt obtaining A(t). The steady-state availability, A, is

A = lim A(t) = lim s A∗ (s) (31.19)

t→∞ s→0
dP1 (t)
= Ṗ1 (t) = −μP1 (t) + λP0 (t). (31.13) The alternating renewal process is a general approach
for obtaining the system availability by simply substituting
Solutions of these equations results in the estimation of the Laplace transforms of both the p.d.f. of the failure time
the instantaneous availability of the component as and repair-time distributions in Eq. (31.18). The steady-
state availability is also obtained by using Eq. (31.19), and
μ λ the expected number of renewals during time period tp is
P0 (t) = + e−(λ+μ)t (31.14)
λ+μ λ+μ estimated by obtaining the inverse of the renewal density
expressed in terms of w∗ (s) and g∗ (s) then integrating the
The steady-state availability is obtained by taking the inverse between 0 and tp . The renewal density is
limits of Eq. (31.14) as t → ∞
w∗ (s) g∗ (s)
μ m∗ (s) =
A(t → ∞) = (31.15) 1 − w∗ (s) g∗ (s)
t number of failures in the interval (0, tp ) is
Based on Eq. (31.15), a general steady-state availability of M tp = 0 tp m(t) dt. This can be obtained numerically [5]
systems (units or components) is or using closed form expressions.
The second important reliability metrics of the repairable
MTBF systems is the mean time between failures which is ob-
A(t → ∞) = (31.16)
MTTBF + MTTR tained as follows: consider the alternating-renewal process,
the time to failure is the result of the failure-time density
where MTBF and MTTR are the mean time between failures function w(t), and the system goes under repair for a pe-
and the mean time to repairs, respectively. riod based on the probability-density function of the repair
Markov model is inapplicable when the failure rate and/or time distribution g(t). Once repaired, the system resumes its
repair rate are time dependent and the alternating renewal function until it fails; it is then repaired, and the cycle is
process becomes an alternative approach for estimating the repeated. The mean time between failures is the expected
availability of systems. This process is briefly described as length of time that includes the failure time and repaired time;
follows: consider a repairable system that has a failure-time MTBF = MTTF + MTTR.
distribution with a probability density function, w(t), and a
repair-time distribution with a probability-density function,
g(t). When the system fails, it is repaired and restored to its 31.3 Maintainability
initial working condition (repair may occur immediately or
after a delay). This process of failure and repair is repeated Maintainability is applicable for repairable systems. It is
[1]. We refer to this process as an alternating-renewal pro- defined as the probability of performing a successful repair
cess. We define, f (t), as the density function of the renewal action within a given time under normal operating condition
process, and it is the convolution of w and g. In other words, of the unit under repair. In other words, maintainability
is a measure of the ease with which a device or system
f ∗ (s) = w∗ (s)g∗ (s), (31.17) can be repaired or modified to correct and prevent faults,
704 E. A. Elsayed

anticipate degradation, improve performance, or adapt to a monitored. The degradation measurements are continuously
changed environment. Beyond simple physical accessibility, observed, and the degradation path (relationship between the
it is the ability to reach a component to perform the required “amount” of degradation and time) is updated when new
maintenance task: maintainability should be described [6] observations are obtained and the reliability is estimated
as the characteristic of material design and installation that accordingly, as described later in this chapter. Thus, main-
determines the requirements for maintenance expenditures, tenance and/or replacement decisions are made based on a
including time, manpower, personnel skill, test equipment, predefined threshold of the degradation level. The threshold
technical data, and facilities, to accomplish operational ob- level may be obtained based on physics-of-failure (PoF)
jectives in the user’s operational environment. approach or statistics approach. Accurate determination of
Mathematically, we express maintainability, M(t), as the the threshold level is important since a low level of the
probability of repairing the failed unit before an elapsed threshold results in more frequent maintenance (higher cost
repair time, t, assuming a repair rate, μ(t), and is expressed and less system availability), whereas a high threshold level
as t
results in potential failures of the system before it reaches the
M(t) = 1 − e− 0 μ(τ )dτ (31.20) threshold causing system’s unavailability.
On the other hand prescriptive maintenance extends CBM
When μ(t) is constant with rate μ, then beyond failure prediction and maintenance decisions, it al-
lows the units (machines) to carry out their own decisions
M(t) = 1 − e− 0 μdt
= 1 − e−μt (31.21) based on machine learning, for example, and on-line analysis
of historical observations. It integrates inputs from sensors,
It is important to note that there are different inspection historical data, and current data to carry out its own mainte-
and maintenance approaches that are utilized to improve the nance actions when possible.
overall system’s availability. They include corrective main- In general, in automation environment, sensors can be
tenance (CM) or failure replacement where maintenance and widely implemented for units that exhibit degradation and
repair are performed when failures occur. This is common for can be continuously monitored to obtain accurate predictions
components that exhibit constant failure rates and do not have of the time when the degradation reaches a specified thresh-
degradation indicators to monitor their performance such old level for maintenance and repair.
as the controllers’ circuit boards and display monitors for Integrating these maintenance approaches leads to
examples. This type of maintenance might cause significant e-Maintenance which is an organizational point of view
down time of the manufacturing equipment and interruptions of maintenance. Morel et al. [6] state that “The concept of
of the production output. In this situation, analysis of the e-Maintenance comes from remote maintenance capabilities
historical failure data of such units becomes necessary for coupled with information and communication capabilities.
estimating the number of spares for the components, in- Remote maintenance was first a concept of remote data
spection strategies, and redundancies of critical components. acquisition or consultation. Data are accessible during a
The second maintenance approach is preventive maintenance limited time. In order to realize e-Maintenance objectives
(PM), which is applicable when the system exhibits increas- data storage must be organized to allow flexible access to
ing failure rate (Region 3 in Fig. 31.1). Thus, in an automation historical data.”
environment, PM is performed at prescheduled times that In order to improve remote maintenance, a new concept
minimize the downtime of the equipment and machines or of e-Maintenance emerged at the end of the 1990s. “The
minimizes its cost. Parts and components that may utilize PM e-Maintenance concept integrates cooperation, collaboration,
include rotating and sliding components and cutting tools. On and knowledge-sharing capabilities in order to evolve the
the other hand, PM does not improve the availability of units existing maintenance processes and to try to tend towards
that exhibit constant failure rate (Region 2) due to the memo- new enterprise concepts: extended enterprise, supply-chain
ryless property of the exponential distribution. In this region, management, lean maintenance, distributed support and ex-
we perform failure replacement (replace or maintain the unit pert centers, etc.” (Morel et al. [6]). Recent advances in
only when it fails). The optimal time interval for performing computation, data storage capacity, ease of access to histor-
PM is obtained by minimizing system downtime or cost. ical data, and data exploration methods such as data mining
The advances in sensors technology, image analysis, data and machine learning have accelerated the e-maintenance
acquisition, and data analysis gave rise to the development implementations.
of dynamic maintenance and self-maintenance systems. Lee Morel et al. [6] also state that “e-Maintenance is not
et al. [7] refer to the former as condition-based mainte- based on software functions but on maintenance services that
nance (CBM) or predictive maintenance and the latter as are well-defined, self- contained, and do not depend on the
prescriptive maintenance. CBM is only suitable when there context or state of other services. So, with the advent of
is a degradation indicator for the units or components being service-oriented architectures (SOA) and enterprise service-
31 Reliability, Maintainability, Safety, and Sustainability 705

bus technologies [8], e-Maintenance platforms are easy to FTA considers the probability of event occurrence but
evolve and can provide interoperability, flexibility, adaptabil- does not consider the severity of the event in terms of
ity, and agility. e-Maintenance platforms are a kind of hub losses and associated risk. Therefore, Failure Mode and
for maintenance services based on existing, new, and future Effects Analysis (FMEA) is conducted in parallel to assign
applications.” “weights” to the events (in addition to their probabilities). 31
FMEA is a method for evaluating a process, a system, or
a product to estimate the severity of the failures and their
associated risk, that is, it considers both the frequency of
31.4 Safety
failures (obtained from reliability modeling and failure time
distribution) and the severity of the failure in terms of safety
In general, systems, equipment, and machines experience
and other losses. As the acronym implies, it also deals with
failures, which might cause minor or major interruptions
identifying the failure modes and their effect as discussed
of its functions and/or catastrophic failures that result in
injuries or deaths. Therefore, understanding the physics of
failures, potential failure modes, and effect of the failures on
the operator, machines and products provide the designers
of manufacturing and automation systems with important
information for designing fail-safe systems. Moreover, iden- 31.4.1 Fault-Tree Analysis
tifying potential failure modes and their causes results in
determining the critical components and subsystems and Construction of the fault tree is a logical process. It is usually
implementation of approaches that minimize such failures constructed by a team of experts and professionals in the
(or potential accidents). As presented in the maintainability field of the subject to be analyzed. As stated earlier, the
section, the availability of a wide range of sensors and on- top event is clearly identified and logical gates and events
board control systems makes it possible to design effective are used to construct the tree. The most common gates are
and safe systems. There are many approaches that can be used AND and OR gates [12]. Some gates could be conditional
to determine the criticality of systems’ components. Among or dependent on others. In automation and manufacturing
them are the well-known importance measures commonly system, a top event such as system fails to produce items as
used to quantify the importance of components in terms of specified or a manufacturing cell does not start. This event
their effect on the system’s reliability [9, 10]. could be attributed to either hardware or software failures.
These measures do not necessarily address systems’ safety Then we explore each type of failures to the lowest level
due to failures of its component. However, there are two of the tree and inserting the proper logical gates for every
commonly used approaches to design safety into systems. event. In complex systems, it suggested that they should be
They include Fault Tree Analysis [11] and Failure Mode decomposed to subsystems and each has its own FTA then
and Effects Analysis (FMEA). FTA is widely used and is a the probability of the system top event is obtained using the
requirement safety analysis of critical systems such as nu- probabilities of the top events of each subsystem and the
clear power generation, medical equipment such as comput- associated logical gates.
erized tomography scan (CAT Scan), aerospace industries, For example, a system consists of three components con-
and chemical plants. The main objective of FTA is identify nected in series fails (an undesired event occurs) due to the
the critical components of the system whose failure may failure of the first OR the second OR the third component. In
result in “unsafe” outcome. Therefore, FTA is conducted this case, the logic gate is an OR gate and is represented by
using a graphical presentation of the events and components the symbol shown in Fig. 31.4a; the events are the failures of
or causes that result in the occurrences of the events. It starts the components 1, 2, and 3. Likewise, in a system composed
by defining the top event in the tree (undesired event such as of three components in parallel, the system fails (undesired
radiation leak in a nuclear energy generation) and all potential event) when the first AND, the second AND, and the third
causes that may lead to the occurrence of this event are component fail. In this case, the logic gate is an AND gate
identified. The next level of the tree uses the events or causes and is represented by the symbol shown in Fig. 31.4b. Fault-
of the previous level and identifies the events, components tree diagrams of three-component series and parallel systems
failures and conditions that cause these events. The process are shown in Fig. 31.4c.
continues until the all-potential events and their causes at all More logical gates and their functions are provided in
levels are identified. The probabilities of the occurrence of [13]. The probability of the occurrence of an event in the
events are estimated upward (from the lowest level of the fault-tree diagram is then calculated using probability laws
fault tree) until the probability of the top event is estimated. as exemplified for Fig. 31.5.
Actions are then taken to reduce this probability as described We utilize Eqs. (31.22) and (31.23) to obtain the probabil-
below. ity of events occurring as a result of AND or OR gates.
706 E. A. Elsayed

a) b)


Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 Component 1 Component 2 Component 3

Series system Parallel system

Fig. 31.4 OR and AND gates

where ∧ and ∨ are the AND and OR Boolean operators,

respectively. Therefore,

P(E1) = P(A1 ∧ A2) = P(A1)P(A2)

P(E2) = P(B1 ∨ B2) = P(B1) + P(B2) − P(B1B2)

E1 E2 Thus P(Top) = P(E1 ∨ E2) = P(E1) + P(E2) − P(E1E2).

Other gates may have conditional probabilities and Bayes’
theorem and rule of total probability may be applied.
When the top event represents different undesired safety
events an individual fault-tree diagram for each event is
A1 A2 B1 B2
constructed to ensure that all of the potential safety haz-
ards are investigated and addressed during the design of
the system. It is important to conduct FTA on regular basis
Fig. 31.5 Fault-tree diagram since the reliability and degradation of the components may
introduce new undesired safety concerns. Moreover, updates
of software, hardware, design changes, and the addition of
The probability of either Event A or B occurring (assuming new equipment may cause other top events to occur.
independence) is expressed as

P(A ∨ B) = P(A) + P(B) − P(AB) (31.22) 31.4.2 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis

FMEA is a method for evaluating a process, a system, or a

The probability of Event A and Event B occurring assum-
product to identify potential failures and assess their impacts
ing independence is
on the overall performance and safety of the system in order
to identify the critical components. FMEA methods have
P (A∧) B) = P(A)P(B) (31.23) three general steps [1].
31 Reliability, Maintainability, Safety, and Sustainability 707

Step 1: FMEA begins by identifying all potential failures and loss) which is generally understood as system robustness.
failure modes of the process, product, and system under The system’s ability to adapt to the degraded environment
consideration as discussed in the FTA process. These and still maintain (at least partially) its functionality is inter-
failures are usually based on historical data such as repair preted as system’s adaptive ability. As stated earlier, systems
and warranty data and/or based on the input of experts are classified as non-repairable and repairable. The resilience 31
and professionals in the system being studied. This step of a non-repairable system is the ability of the system to
should be conducted regularly since new failure modes absorb the impact of the hazard while its normal perfor-
may occur. mance does not fall below the non-functional level of the
Step 2: This is a quantification step of the failures (frequency system. Whereas the resilience of the repairable systems, in
and severity). Weights are assigned to the probability of addition to its ability to degrade slowly to the unacceptable
the failure occurrence (based on failure time distribution performance level, is the ability to recover to its normal
or the degradation path of the unit as discussed later in performance level in a short time. These are explained further
this chapter). Weights are also assigned to the severity of in Fig. 31.6. Like reliability, which assumes values between
the failure and its impact on the process (it may cause 0 and 1 inclusive, resilience needs to be quantified in order to
interruptions of the process for a long time or may cause assess the proper counter measures against the hazards during
interruptions for short durations). Finally, probability es- the design and operation phases of the system.
timates for the detection of the failure are obtained. This
quantification step requires extensive discussions with
Subject Matter Experts (SME) and several iterations be-
fore reaching these weights.
Step 3: Assign a score value on a 1–10 scale for the three
attributes in Step 2 and multiply the three scores to obtain P(th)
a Risk Priority Number (RPN). This RPN is used to assign
priorities for component improvements, monitoring, and
repair [1].
Performance measure

31.5 Resilience
Using the methods presented in the previous sections and
the reliability metrics such as reliability, mean time to failure
(MTTF), and failure rate, the system designers gain insights
into the inherent failures of the systems and make appro-
t0 th td
priate decisions that result in improvements of the system’s
reliability, safety, and performance. Apart from the inher-
ent failures, unexpected natural and manmade hazards (e.g.,
earthquakes, hurricanes, flood, physical-attacks, and cyber- P(th)
attacks) account for a large proportion of the interruption of
systems’ expected performance. Indeed, severe hazards may
Performance measure

render repairable systems to be non-repairable such as in the

case of the triple meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear P(tr)
reactor in Japan in 2012 and Chernobyl nuclear power plant
in the Ukraine in 1986. Therefore, systems need to extend
the reliability metrics to include its resilience (a measure of
a system’s ability to absorb the hazards effects and resume
operation at a desired level in a short time).

t0 th td tr

31.5.1 Definition Time

Resilience is defined as the system’s ability to minimize Fig. 31.6 Schematic diagram of the system performance behavior for
the negative impact of the hazards (e.g., system-performance non-repairable systems (a) and repairable systems (b)
708 E. A. Elsayed

31.5.2 Resilience Quantification where 2 (tn ) is the resilience of the system at time tn .
Note, we normalize the time period (td , tr )such that td = 0
Figure 31.6 illustrates system’s resilience behavior. We de- and tr = 1. Resilience during this period reflects the
note P(t) as the system performance at time, t. A system average rate of the system performance improvements
operates with steady-state system performance (under inher- with time.
ent failures) P(t0 ) from time t0 until the occurrence of the
hazard at time th . For a non-repairable system, the system Combining Eqs. (31.24) and (31.25), the resilience of
performance deteriorates to level P(td ) at time td . The level repairable systems at time instant t can then be written as
of deterioration of the system performance and the time shown in Eq. (31.26).
elapses to reach this level are indicatives of the system’s ⎧
resilience. The higher the level of P(td ), and the longer the ⎪

⎪ 1+ 1 P(ti )−P(ti−1 )
th ≤ t < td
time td , the more resilient the system. For a repairable system, ⎪
⎨ n
ti −ti−1

the maintenance and recovery actions start the restorations (tn ) =

until the system reaches a desired performance level P(tr ) ⎪

P(ti )−P(ti−1 )
⎩ 1 (td ) + 1
n ti −ti−1
td < t = tr
at time, tr , where we assume without loss of generality that i=1
P(tr ) ≤ P(t0 ). Higher levels of P(tr ) in a shorter time of tr are (31.26)
indicatives of the resilience of the repairable system.
As shown in Fig. 31.6b, the resilience curve generally A highly resilient system should exhibit low performance
includes two segments: Segment 1 starts from th when the degradation rate, that is, it is expected to take a long time to
hazards occur to the unacceptable performance inflection reach the unacceptable performance level P(td ) in Segment 1
time td . This segment represents the period when no recovery and a short time period to reach an acceptable performance
action is taken and the systems sustain the impact of the level during its recovery in Segment 2.
hazard. Segment 2 starts from time, td , to the current recovery We further derive the overall system resilience s (tn ) as
time, tr . Considering that under most circumstances, system the integral of the two segments over their corresponding
performance data are presented in discrete time instants, we time periods, Eq. (31.27). Considering the computational
denote, ti , as the ith time unit (say, day, hour, etc.) after the efficiency and the difficulty in obtaining an explicit form of
hazard’s occurrence. The explicit form of each segment of the resilience curve, the integral operation in Eq. (31.27) can
the resilience curve is developed as follows [14]: be replaced by the summation of the discrete times of the
integration range.
• For period (th , td ), i.e., Segment 1 (Eq. (31.24)):
s (tn ) =
P(ti ) − P(ti−1 )
n ⎧
1 (tn ) = 1 + th ≤ t < td ⎪ tn 1 P(ti )−P(ti−1 )
n ti − ti−1 ⎪
⎨ th 1 + n dti th < tn < td
ti −ti−1
i=1 i=1
(31.24) ⎪ td tn 1 P(ti )−P(ti−1 )

⎩ th 1 (ti ) dti + td n dti td < tn = tr
ti −ti−1
where 1 (tn ) is the resilience of the system at time tn . Note (31.27)
that in Eq. (31.24), the time, ti , needs to be normalized
w.r.t. period (th , td ) such that th = 0 and td = 1 after Analogous to the average failure rate (AFR) in the reli-
the normalization. In essence, the resilience considers the ability engineering, the average resilience can be used as an
weighted performance decrement per unit time during this effective measure for comparing the resilience of two systems
time period. Clearly, this rate is not necessarily constant, over a period T as shown in Eq. (31.28)
and the average of the performance decrement rate until
time, t, is adopted as presented in Eq. (31.24). Since s (tn )
s (tn ) = (31.28)
P(ti ) ≤ P(ti − 1 ) is always a valid assumption during this T
period, 1 (t) ranges between (0, 1). Note that Eq. (31.24)
is the resilience of non-repairable systems at arbitrary time Note, that since P(th ), P(td ), P(tr ), th , td and tr have dif-
instant, t. ferent units, they need to be normalized. Specifically, the
• For period (td , tr ), that is, Segment 2 (Eq. (31.25)): resilience is built from low level and increases with time;
therefore, the normalization needs to be done within each
P(ti ) − P(ti−1 ) segment. This will always ensure that in Segment 1 the sys-
2 (tn ) = 1 (td ) + td < t = tr tem is losing performance (and resilience), and in Segment
n i=1 ti − ti−1
2 the system is building recovery (resilience) from td = 0
(31.25) onward.
31 Reliability, Maintainability, Safety, and Sustainability 709

31.6 Reliability, Maintainability, Safety, severity and duration. Therefore, resilience quantifications of
and Resilience (RMSR) Engineering these supply chains are essential to minimize the impact of
the interruptions of the manufacturing systems’ operations
RMSR methods for estimating system’s reliability, maintain- as shown in Fig. 31.8.
ability, safety, and resilience are presented in Sects. 31.2, Manufacturing systems also include manufacturing equip- 31
31.3, 31.4, and 31.5. These methods are interrelated in a ment and processes for product manufacturing and the re-
typical automated manufacturing system and together they liability and availability of such equipment are important
constitute system “dependability” as shown in Fig. 31.7. to ensure minimum interruptions of the production output.
Manufacturing systems encompass several interdependent Therefore, reliability modeling is a necessary task that as-
entities starting with the input supply chain of material, sesses the ability of the system to operate without interrup-
parts, equipment, and other resources for product manu- tions. Moreover, the ability of the system to recover (resume
facturing from different vendors (V1, V2, . . . ) and supply production) after failures or events that cause its interruption
chain of the finished and semi-finished products for distribu- need to be assessed (maintainability and resilience).
tions to different users, warehouses, customers, and vendors Likewise, at the process level, the optimal process parame-
(D1, D2, . . . ). Both supply chains are subject to interruptions ters need to be maintained by continuous monitoring and con-
due to natural hazards such as flood, hurricanes, earthquakes, trol. Continuous degradation of the tools and other process
and others as well as man-made hazards such as the introduc- parameters may be modeled to determine their degradation
tion of counterfeit components, cyber-attacks and blockage threshold levels that result in unacceptable products.
of ports, shipping lanes, and labor strikes. In other words, The degradation of the manufacturing equipment and
the supply chains are subject to interruptions in terms of wear out may result in the production of products with
unacceptable quality metrics. Continuous monitoring of the
critical components of the equipment results in condition-
based maintenance strategies that minimize the equipment
downtime and replacement and repair cost. Therefore, the
implementation of condition-based maintenance is essential
in automated manufacturing systems. Finally, the product
reliability and safety need to be continuously monitored and
assessed. Figure 31.8 shows a schematic diagram of the
typical components of automated manufacturing systems,
and the RMSR use in each is demonstrated in the following
Reliability Maintainability Safety Resilience sections.

Fig. 31.7 System dependability

Fig. 31.8 Schematic diagram of

a typical manufacturing system
Resilience modeling Resilience modeling

V2 Manufacturing
Input supply chain Output supply chain D2

equipment, processes

Reliability, maintainability
Reliability and safety
safety and resilience
710 E. A. Elsayed

31.6.1 Resilience Quantifications of Supply Table 31.1 Performance degradation due to supply chain interruptions
Chain Network Day Performance Resilience
1 0.99892499 0.0085562
In this section, we demonstrate the resilience calculations for 2 0.99836931 0.0171219
a supply chain network. The calculations are applicable to 3 0.99756546 0.0085679
components of the manufacturing system. 4 0.9964764 0.0343089
Consider Fig. 31.9, the supply chain network has a steady- 5 0.99504787 0.0429477
state performance indicator of 0.998 at normal operations. 6 0.99318768 0.0516338
When a threat (hazard) occurs at time th the performance 7 0.99081119 0.0603839
degrades to unacceptable level at time td (Day 30) when the . 0.98784861 0.0692172
recovery begins until the performance reaches the stead-state . 0.98432309 0.0781482
level at time tr . Clearly, the rate of performance degradation . 0.98042943 0.0871762
is a function of the supply chain deign (redundancy, for 27 0.87103539 0.2649367
example) and the recovery rate which is a function of the 28 0.86713773 0.2759841
available resources. The loss of performance until time td 29 0.86501332 0.2865427
(Day 30) and the gain of performance until time tr (Day 116) 30 0.86481703 0.2964908
are included in resilience calculation as given by Eq. (31.26) 31 0.86613552 0.4525686
and are shown in Table 31.1. Since supply chain network is 32 0.86879608 0.5301306
33 0.87264202 0.6022163
an integral component of the total manufacturing systems it is
34 0.87731266 0.6623856
incumbent on the designer of such systems to quantify the re-
silience of its supply chain networks and ensure its ability to
absorb the effect of the hazards (threats) and quickly recover
to its steady-state performance. Resilience quantification can
also be considered within the manufacturing systems as in the the manufacturing system. The reliability, maintainability,
case of the configuration of the processing and manufacturing and safety are essential to ensure its proper function with
equipment in such a way that the impact of failures of one minimum or no interruptions. These components may exhibit
or more of the processes does not significantly affect the failures and degradations. We described in Sect. 31.2.1 how
processes output and the quality of its products. reliability is estimated and predicted based on failure data.
In this section, we address one of the critical indicators
of components’ failure, namely the degradation indicator.
Degradation is observed in tool wear, machine and equip-
31.6.2 Degradation Modeling
ment wear out, oils, and fluids degradation (presence of
in Manufacturing Systems
particles, loss of viscosity). In such cases, the degradation
indicator can be continuously monitored and the “degrad-
As shown in Fig. 31.8 the manufacturing processes, equip-
ed” units may be maintained or replaced before failure oc-
ment, and products constitute the main components within
currences. Modeling degradation in order to estimate the
component’s reliability (time to failure, for example) may
be achieved through understanding of the physics-of-failure
Steady-state performance indicator models [15], physics-statistics-based model, or statistics-
1 based models (data-driven). The last approach is more preva-
lent due to the advances in sensors technologies, data collec-
tion, and analysis. Moreover, the approach can be effectively
Performance level

0.9 used in monitoring machines, process parameters, tool wear,

and others as described next.

Degradation Modeling and Reliability Prediction
0.75 There are several stochastic models for categorizing the

th td tr degradation path (cumulative degradation with time). They

Time include gamma process, inverse Gaussian process, modified
inverse Gaussian process, and the Brownian motion process
Fig. 31.9 Performance degradation and recovery of the supply chain
[16]. We describe the Brownian motion process due it wide
network use in many applications.
31 Reliability, Maintainability, Safety, and Sustainability 711

Brownian Motion Degradation Model

A Brownian motion with drift degradation process is the
solution to the following stochastic differential equation with 0.07 μ = 0.081, σ = 0.00181
constant drift μ and diffusion σ coefficients, where X(t) is the
degradation level at time t as given by Eq. (31.29).
0.06 31
0.05 μ = 0.061, σ = 0.00151

dX(t) = μdt + σ dW(t) (31.29)
μ = 0.001,
W(t) is the standard Brownian motion at time t and it is 0.03 σ = 0.00151
normally distributed with mean zero and variance t. Eq.
(31.29) assumes the initial condition X(0) = x0 . By direct
integration, the degradation X(t) is given by Eq. (31.30). 0.01

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
dX(t) = μi dt+ σ dW(t) = X(t) = x0 +μi t+σ W(t)
Fig. 31.10 Brownian motion degradation paths
Since the degradation X(t) is a linear function of a nor-
mally distributed random variable, the degradation also fol-
lows a normal distribution with mean μi t and variance σ 2 t.
The variable Y is normally distributed. Therefore, the
Similarly, the degradation for any increment of time t
likelihood function L is described by Eq. (31.34).
follows a normal distribution with mean μi t and variance
σ 2 t. This is due to the independent increment property of
the standard Brownian motion. The density function for X(t) 
L (μi , σ |y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) = f (yi |μi , σ )
is given by Eq. (31.31). i=1
Let v = σ 2 t and mi = μi (31.33)

1 −(x − x0 − μt)2 L (mi , v|y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) = f (yi |mi , v)
fX(t) (x; t) = √ exp (31.31) i=1
σ 2π t 2σ 2 t
The log-likelihood is given by Eq. (31.34).
The drawback of the standard Brownian motion assump-
tion is that the degradation can assume decreasing values.
Therefore, there is a challenge in the physics interpretation log (L (mi , v|y1 , y2 , . . . , yn )) = log (f (yi |mi , v))
of this model. The geometric Brownian motion model is a i=1
suitable alternative since it is strictly positive process or the = log √2π 1
− (yi −m2v
= − 21 n log (2π )
gamma process model where the degradation is monotoni- (yi −mi )2
cally increasing with time [17, 18]. Typical Brownian motion − 2n log(v) − 2v
degradation paths are shown in Fig. 31.10 for different values
of μ and σ . The parameters μ and σ of a degradation path are
estimated from the degradation data as shown next.
The maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters are
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Brownian obtained by equating the partial derivatives of the log likeli-
Motion Parameters hood with respect to the model parameters to zero. The closed
The property in Eq. (31.32) is applied in order to estimate the form expressions for parameters, μ and σ , are obtained using
parameters of the Brownian motion model. Eq. (31.35).

(yi −m̂i )2
m̂i = yi
v̂ =
Y = X (t + t) − X(t) =   i=1

(μi ) t + σ (W (t + t) − W(t)) ∼ N μi t, σ 2 t m̂i = μ̂i t v̂ = σ̂ t

n n
(31.32) μ̂i = t yi
σ̂ =
2 1 (yi −m̂i )2
n t n
i=1 i=1
712 E. A. Elsayed

Reliability Prediction
The reliability function for a degradation model is defined as 1
the probability of not failing over time for a given degradation μ = 0.061, μ = 0.081, σ = 0.00181
threshold level. In the degradation context, failure implies σ = 0.00151

that the degradation level has crossed the threshold level Df . 0.5 μ = 0.081,
In another context of degradation analysis, a failure could σ = 0.00181
imply that the unit suddenly ceases total functioning and fails
suddenly as we presented in the reliability section of this
chapter or the unit considered failed when the degradation 0 100 200
level reaches the threshold as given in Eq. (31.36). Time
F(t) = P(T ≤ t) = Pr X t; μ, σ 2 ≥ Df (31.36)
Fig. 31.11 Reliability function of three degradation paths
Since X(t)∼Normal(μ t, σ t), therefore the probability of
failure is defined as in Eq.(31.37). manufacturing, the verification of the reliability requirements
  before release. This is accomplished by performing “burn-
Df − μt in” testing, acceptance testing, and accelerated life testing as
F(t) = P(T ≤ t) = 1 −
√ (31.37)
σ t described next.

It is well known that, when the degradation path is linear, Burn-in Testing
the first passage time (failure time), T, of the process to a As shown in Fig. 31.1, the early life region (Region 1) shows
failure threshold level, Df , follows
 the Inverse Gaussian (IG) high failure rate at the release time of the product. This is
distribution [19], IG t; μ, σX2 , with mean time to failure attributed to manufacturing defects, poor assembly, material
(MTTF), Df −x(0)
, and probability density function (p.d.f.) as defects, and others. Burn-in testing is conducted at conditions
given in Eq. (31.38). slightly higher than normal operating conditions to “weed
  out” unacceptable units from production and identify the
  Df − x(0) Df − x(0) − μt causes of the early failures. This in turn increases the mean
IG t; μ, σX2 , Df = √ φ √ ,
σX t3 σX t residual life (MRL) of the released production units and
μ > 0, Df > x(0), minimizes the dead-on-arrival (DOA) units at the end users.
The two parameters of the test are: test conditions (stresses,
temperature, humidity, volt, . . . ) and test duration. Long test
where φ(·) is the p.d.f. of the standard Normal distribution.
times reduce the mean useful life of the units and increase the
The reliability function is given by
cost of the test whereas short test times may be insufficient
  to remove unacceptable units and increase the cost of product
Df − x(0) − μt
R(t) =
√ service after release. Therefore, it is important to determine
σX t
    the optimal test duration as described in the following numer-
−2μ (Df − x(0)) Df − x(0) + μt ical example.
− exp
− √
σX2 σX t Let Cb be the cost per unit time of burn-in, Cf cost of
(31.39) failure in the actual use of units (field use), Cfb cost of failure
during burn-in (Cfb < Cf ), and tb burn-in test period. Assume a
(·) is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) product run of n units to be tested before release and each has
of the standard Normal distribution and x(0) is the initial a reliability function R(t). All units are subjected to burn-in
degradation. testing, and the failed units are analyzed and are not released
Figure 31.11 shows the reliability functions of the degra- to users whereas surviving units are released.
dation paths shown in Fig. 31.10 for a degradation threshold The probability of a failure of a unit during burn-in
of 0.10. These functions are obtained using Eq. (31.39). is (1 − R(tb )), the total cost of failures during burn-in is
n Cfb (1 − R(tb ), and the expected number of failed units in
the field is n R(tb )[1 − R(tb + t)] = n[R(tb ) − R(t + tb )] and
31.6.3 Product Reliability the corresponding expected cost is n Cf [R(tb ) − R(t + tb )]
and the cost of burn-in of the units is Cb n tb . The sum of
One of the major activities in manufacturing systems is ensur- these expected cost elements results in
ing that produced units meet the reliability requirements. This E[TC] = n Cb tb + n cf [R(tb ) − R(t + tb )] + n Cfb (1 − R(tb ))
entails, in addition to the quality engineering activities during and the expected cost per unit is
31 Reliability, Maintainability, Safety, and Sustainability 713

E [C] = Cb tb + Cf [R (tb ) − R(t + tb )] + Cfb (1 − R (tb )) Table 31.2 Partial listing of the expected cost per for different burn-in
(31.40) periods
Burn-in time Expected cost per unit
The optimum burn-in period is obtained by the minimiza- 0.45 $6,583
tion of Eq. (31.40). 0.50 $6,576 31
The Weibull model exhibits a decreasing failure rate re- 0.55 $6,571
gion when the shape parameter γ < 1. Therefore, Eq. (31.40) 0.60 $6,566
0.65 $6,562
for the Weibull model is obtained as shown in Eq. (31.41).
0.70 $6,559
tb +t
γ  0.75 $6,556
−( θb )

E [C] = Cb tb + Cf exp − exp θ
0.80 $6,554
  (31.41) 0.85 $6,552
t γ
−( θb )
+ Cfb 1 − exp 0.90 $6,551
0.95 $6,550
1.00 $6,550
where t is the design life of the unit. 1.05 $6,549
Assume that the manufacturer is interested in conducting 1.10 $6,549
a burn-in test for a product with the following parameters: 1.15 $6,550
θ = 18 000 hours, γ = 0.25, the cost of failure during burn- 1.20 $6,550
in testing Cfb = $1000, the cost per unit of burn-in test 1.25 $6,551
Cb = $150 and the cost of failure during the operational 1.30 $6,552
life (design life) of 1,000,000 h is $9000. Substituting in Eq.
(31.41) yields
t +100000 0.25
−( 18000 )
− b 18000
E [C] = 150 tb + 9000 exp − exp 7000
Expected cost

 tb 0.25 
+ 1000 1 − exp−( 18000 ) (31.42) 6800

Equation (31.42) is solved numerically results in tb = 1
hour, partial listing of the expected cost for different burn- 6600
in periods is shown in Table 31.2 and its plot versus time is 6500
shown in Fig. 31.12. A typical burn-in period ranges from 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
Burn-in period
1 to 48 h for electronic products and longer for electro-
mechanical systems.
Fig. 31.12 Expected cost of burn-in
Accelerated Testing
The significant annual increase in the introduction of new
products coupled with the significant reduction in time from degradation or failure data. However, in many cases the
product design to manufacturing, as well as the ever increas- available number of test units and test duration are extremely
ing customer’s expectation for high reliability and longer limited. This has prompted industry to consider step-stress
warranties have prompted industry to shorten its product test test where the test units are first subjected to a lower stress
duration. In many cases, accelerated life testing (ALT) might level for some time; if no failures or only a small number
be the only viable approach to assess whether the product of failures occur, the stress is increased to a higher level and
meets the expected long-term reliability requirements. In held for another amount of time; the steps are repeated until
ALT experiments, a sample of production units are selected all units fail or a predetermined test time has expired. Usually,
and subjected to stresses (one or more) more severe than step-stress tests yield failures in a much shorter time than
normal operating stress. Failure and/or degradation data are constant-stress tests, but the statistical inference from the data
then used to extrapolate the reliability at normal conditions. is more difficult to make. Moreover, since the test duration is
Traditionally, ALT is conducted under constant stresses short and a large proportion of failures occur at high stress
during the entire test duration. The test results are used to levels far from the design stress level, much extrapolation
extrapolate the product life at normal conditions. In practice, has to be made, which may lead to poor estimation accuracy.
constant-stress tests are easier to carry out but need more test On the other hand, there could be other choices in stress
units and a long time at low stress levels to yield sufficient loadings (e.g., cyclic-stress and ramp-stress) in conducting
714 E. A. Elsayed

ALT experiments. In this section, we present a simple extrap- 31.7 Conclusion and Future Trends
olation approach for predicting reliability at normal operating
conditions using the results from accelerated life testing. The performance of automated manufacturing systems de-
One of the most commonly used extrapolation model pends on its reliability, maintainability, safety, and resilience.
assumes that the accelerated stresses are within the range of As demonstrated in this chapter, these must be fully in-
normal operating conditions and they do not induce different tegrated during the design and operational stages of the
failure mechanisms. It also assumes that the life time scale systems. Reliability ensures that the system and its products
between normal conditions and stress conditions is linear. need to function properly during their design lives, must be
The subscripts s and o refer to stress conditions and normal readily available for use, safe to operate and use, and must
operating conditions, respectively. Since the lives of the be resilient to meet random hazards and threats whether they
units at s and o are linearly proportional, we express this are natural or manmade.
relationship by Eq. (31.43). Advances in sensors and computational resources as well
as the development of data analytics methods and tools
to = Af ts (31.43) present new trends in automation. Systems will be con-
tinuously monitored, and extensive data are acquired and
where Af is the acceleration faction; it is obtained experi- analyzed as soon as new observations are collected. The
mentally by testing samples at three different stress levels systems will identify abnormal behavior, changes in process
and relating their mean lives to the applied stresses. Thus, parameters, predict potential failures and self-correct and
the cumulative distribution function of failure time at normal repair, when possible. Failures and down time of the systems
operating conditions
  is related to CDFat stress testing as will be minimized and the quality of the products will be
Fo (t) = Fs Atf and Ro (t) = Rs Atf . The p.d.f. is the improved. Major challenges will continue to exit due to
derivative of CDF w.r.t. t, thus the wide range of manufacturing processes from traditional
processes to 3D printing and nano-manufacturing. However,
t t t t the pace of the advances in the technological innovations,
fo (t) = fs and ho (t) = hs manufacturing processes, and computational algorithms such
Af Af Af Af
as machine learning will continue to accelerate and will result
The above general relationships are applicable to all fail- in significant and continuous improvements in automated
ure time distributions as shown for the Weibull model next. manufacturing systems.
t − t
Fo (t) = Fs = 1 − e θAf (31.44)
It is noted that the underlying failure-time relationship of
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and γ o = γ s . The p.d.f. at normal operating conditions is 3. Birolini, A.: Reliability Engineering: Theory and Practice.
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γ t − t
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Of course, the design of ALT plans and extrapolation Eng. 142(11), 110805-1–110805-23 (2020)
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Natvig measures of component importance in nonrepairable and
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587 (2006)
Education and Qualification for Control
and Automation 32
Juan Diego Velasquez de Bedout, Bozenna Pasik-Duncan,
and Matthew A. Verleger

Contents areas of knowledge and it is that same level of integration

that control, systems, and automation societies should
32.1 Education for Control and Automation: Its
Influence on Society in the Twenty-First Century . . . 717 pursue. Organizations such as the International Federa-
tion of Automatic Control (IFAC), IEEE Control Sys-
32.2 Automation Education in K-12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719
32.2.1 Systems and Control Education in K-12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719 tems Society (CSS), and the American Automatic Control
32.2.2 Automation in K-12 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720 Council (AACC) have recognized that, to better support
32.3 Control and Automation in Higher Education . . . . . . 720
interdisciplinary work, control education must move well
32.3.1 First-Year College Students: Building an Early beyond isolated courses in upper-division STEM curricula
Understanding of Control Through Modeling Skills . . . 720 to broaden participation and knowledge about controls for
32.3.2 A First Course in Systems and Control Engineering . . . 722 all STEM and non-STEM disciplines and to look at the
32.3.3 Integrating Research, Teaching, and Learning
in Control at a University Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723
entire educational pipeline starting in K-12.
32.3.4 Remote and Virtual Labs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724 This chapter focuses on the importance of education
in control and automation as well as some of the efforts
32.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
and approaches being used to introduce controls within the
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726 educational pipeline from K-12 to higher education insti-
tutions (HEIs). The focus is on innovative approaches to
teaching control and automation while engaging students
Abstract as being major players in the learning process. Student
Control is used in most common devices and systems: cell feedback is an essential input in the continuous adaptation
phones, computer hard drives, automobiles, aircrafts, and of developing teaching techniques and learning new skills,
many more, but it is usually hidden from our view. This and therefore, teaching itself, we believe, needs to be
deep integration means that the control and automation viewed as a control system.
fields span science, technology, engineering, and mathe-
matics (STEM) but lacks oftentimes much needed visibil-
ity. To advance the discipline, we must expand our out-
reach and education efforts. Integrating interdisciplinary Keywords
research, teaching, learning, and outreach at all levels Control education · Holistic modeling · K-12 education ·
of education has become the key for success in other Computational thinking · Remote and virtual labs ·
Teaching · Pipeline programs
J. D. V. de Bedout ()
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
B. Pasik-Duncan 32.1 Education for Control
Department of Mathematics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS,
and Automation: Its Influence
e-mail:; on Society in the Twenty-First Century
M. A. Verleger
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Engineering Fundamentals In 2017, the US National Science Foundation (NSF) an-
Department, Daytona Beach, FL, USA nounced the 10 Big Ideas for Future Investment [1] and
e-mail: has since been financially supporting pioneering work in

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 717

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
718 J. D. V. de Bedout et al.

these areas. These research ideas, such as “Harnessing the education to better meet the needs of students, science, and
Data Revolution,” or the “Future of Work at the Human- society with an eye on the graduates of 2040 [8] and start the
Technology Frontier,” all require expertise from multiple conversation on what that graduate should look like as the
disciplines to come together to address the challenges that world enters new knowledge frontiers. It is imperative that the
societies are facing. For instance, one of the ideas, “Growing control and systems communities continue to advocate and
Convergence Research” is explicitly about expanding our participate in these types of discussions and open societal and
need to conduct interdisciplinary research that stimulates academic forums to bring to the forefront the importance of
discovery and innovation by merging ideas, technologies, these areas of knowledge as the graduate of 2040 is defined.
and methods from diverse areas of knowledge. “The goal In yet another example of the influence of control and
was to motivate dynamic, fundamental, interdisciplinary re- automation in a global context, in “Back to the Future of
search building on a theme that science is strongest when Education: Four OECD Scenarios for Schooling” [9] the
science works together” said Dawn Tilbury, head of the organization showcases how even well-crafted plans can be
NSF Directorate of Engineering in the opening of her talk upended by the uncertainties of the world we live in. For
during the plenary of the National Academy of Sciences example, COVID-19 brought to forefront needs and areas
2020 Symposium [2]. Advances in computing and sensor of attention for the world to better prepare and mitigate, or
development, and systems and control education will have reduce, the effects on pandemics in society. In the case of
a significant role in the interdisciplinary research needed to education, the authors showcase four scenarios (see Table
address and provide solutions to NSF’s 10 Big Ideas for the 32.1) for the future of schooling as we look at the grad-
Future. Similarly, since the release of the Engineer of 2020: uates of 2040, and they are discussed along factors like:
Visions of Engineering in the New Century [3] and Educating teaching workforce, governance, organization and structure,
the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to the etc. When one considers the different scenarios, it behooves
New Century [4], which collectively explored ways to better control and automation societies, working groups, and con-
prepare STEM graduates for an ever-changing world market nected industries to be prepared to collaborate and innovate
and context, the challenges of educating a new society and with its active members (students, teachers, families, and
its needed workforce continue to resonate. The systems and providers) in the different scenarios. Several of the scenarios
control communities need to remain attentive and engaged to presented in Table 32.1 will require significant investments
address the societal needs and reshape curriculums to bring in automation and control to reach larger populations, and
attention to the power of systems, controls, automation, and handle decentralized learning and learn-as-you go models
tools not only in STEM fields but in all areas of knowledge as (they are bolded for ease of illustration).
they become more and more embedded in our everyday lives However, it is not just health crises like COVID-19 that
and way of life. It is a better integration of control and sys- remind the world the need for more robust infrastructure and
tems education in the education systems that will enable us a better educated society to respond to the unforeseen. In the
to provide meaningful solutions to cross-disciplinary efforts OECD report the authors also bring to the reader’s attention
like the 10 Big Ideas for Future Investment and the United a few other shocks that the world might experience in the
Nations Sustainable Development Goals. not-so-distant future. Several of those shocks might be borne
Automatic control has had a broad and rich history [5–7] in control and automation or will require solutions provided
that has permeated many fields of work. At the center of by the control and automation knowledge communities and
control systems are functions that include modeling, iden- they include: cyber war or attacks, Internet and communica-
tification, simulation, planning, decision-making, optimiza- tions disruptions both in undersea fiber cables or satellites,
tion, deterministic, and stochastic adaptation, among others. human-machine interfaces, and artificial intelligence. There-
While the overarching goal of any control system is to aid fore, starting to build pipeline programs for students to be
automation, the successful application of the defining prin- exposed at an early age to automation and control will be key
ciples requires the integration of tools from complimentary to our success on addressing these challenges.
disciplines like electronics, communication, algorithms, sen- Lastly, another reminder of the need and influence on
sors and actuators, as well as real-time computing to name our society of automation and control education comes from
a few. As new discoveries emerge, and its corresponding the world’s existing physical infrastructure. With aging soci-
knowledge communities are built, control and automation eties and infrastructure in many countries around the world,
will very likely play an integral role in continuing to add it is imperative to equip students with the most compre-
to its history of transforming the world. In 2020, a public hensive education that allows them to navigate complex
symposium sponsored by the National Science Foundation problems framed from a systems-of-systems perspective all
and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and while working in a more inclusive society. For instance, the
Medicine attracted participation from academia, government, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) grades every
and industry to discuss the future of undergraduate STEM four years different segments of the US infrastructure to share
32 Education and Qualification for Control and Automation 719

Table 32.1 Four OECD scenarios for the future of schooling (modified from original figure) [9]
Organization and Governance and Challenges for public
OECD scenario Goals and functions structure Teaching workforce geopolitics authorities
Schooling extended Schools as actors in Education monopolies Teachers in Traditional Accommodate diversity
socialization, retain all functions of monopolies with newadministration and ensure quality.
qualification, and school systems economies of scale emphasis on Trade-off between
credentialing and division of tasks
international consensus and
collaboration innovation
Outsourced Fragmentation of Multiple organization Diversity of roles and Schooling systems as Supporting access, fixing
education demand with structures available to status within and players in wider “market” failures.
self-reliant clients individuals outside schools markets Competing with others
looking for flexibility and ensure information
Schools as hubs for Flexible arrangements Schools as hubs of Professional teachers String focus on local Diverse interests and
learning allow personalization multiple local-global as nodes of networks decisions power dynamics. Large
and community resources of flexible expertise Self-organizing units variation in local capacity
involvement configurations in partnerships
Learn-as-you-go Technology Dismantling of school Open market with Global governance of Potential for high
model overwrites traditional as a social institution central role for data and digital interventionism
goals and functions communities of technologies is key (public/private) impacts
practice democracy and individual

with citizens and policymakers investment needs, which in Table 32.2 North America’s infrastructure report card from 2001 to
turn can be extended as human capacity building needs. In 2017 by the American Society of Civil Engineers [11]
2009, Pazik-Duncan and Verleger [10] linked the National Trend
Academies of Engineering report on the vision of the Engi- (since
Area 2001 2009 2017 2001)
neer of 2020 to the needs of STEM graduates to address the
Aviation D D D
upcoming challenges. As seen from Table 32.2, not much has
Bridges C C C+ ↑
changed since then as far as trends go; infrastructure needs
Dams D D D
and its ratings and the workforce needed to provide solutions
Drinking water D D− D ↓
continue to be among the issues requiring attention. Many
Energy D+ D+ D+
of these infrastructure areas will continue to demand highly
Hazardous waster D+ D D+
trained STEM graduates, many in areas in which control Inland waterways D+ D− D ↓
plays a dominant role (i.e., aviation, rail, transit, access to Levees D− D ↑
water, etc.). Ports C+
Public parks C− D+ ↓
Rail C− B ↑
Roads D+ D− D ↓
Schools D− D D+ ↑
32.2 Automation Education in K-12 Solid waste C+ C+ C+
Transit C− D D− ↓
32.2.1 Systems and Control Education in K-12 Wastewater D D− D+ ↑
Overall D+ D D+
Getting students exposed to control theory and automation
early in their educational formation is critical to their de-
velopment and future careers; and therefore, it is imperative In the work by Yadav, Hong, and Stephenson [14], the
to start that exposure early and to connect the concepts to authors highlight the importance and significance of embed-
applications relevant to their context. In the USA includ- ding computational thinking in K-12 and provide insight into
ing the concepts of automation, control theory and the like doing so within the Next Generation Science Standards and
have to often be framed within the context of educational the Common Core Standards Initiative. The authors focus
initiatives like the Next Generation Science Standards [12] their attention on computational thinking as the foundation
and the Common Core Standards Initiative [13] as most for covering topics like algorithms, abstraction, and automa-
school boards and K-12 educators use them as their basis tion and provide examples by which teachers can embed
for covering concepts in all areas of knowledge and meeting the ideas into their content being presented. Computational
testing standards. thinking is defined by the authors as a process by which
720 J. D. V. de Bedout et al.

one breaks down complex problems into more manageable as dire for K-12 teachers as some have painted, in part due
components, going through a sequence of steps to solve the to the need in emerging economies for more educators and
problems, reviewing the solution and how it might transfer the realization that automation can in fact be a benefit for
to other contexts, and finally exploring if a computer can teachers if those benefits are garnered properly and the fact
help find the solution (automation). Finally, the importance of that many of the activities they do do not lend themselves
embedding the concept of computational thinking, and there- to be automated (Fig. 32.1). In India and China, for example,
fore automation, within multiple contexts is brought to the the estimated demand for teachers will grow more than 100%
forefront when one looks at the hesitancy of school boards in from 2016 to 2030 [24]. Automation, particularly aspects
rural communities to embed the concepts often because of the of artificial intelligence, can free educator’s time between
lack of relevance to their communities. However, we might 20% and 40% from routine work using automated tools and
have an opening due to COVID to get rural communities to technologies [25]. This “gained” time can then be used with
embrace the concepts of computational thinking because of students for more meaningful interactions that computers,
the challenges the pandemic placed on educational systems. robots, and artificial intelligence cannot provide.
Another activity that requires the attention of the com-
munity for building pipelines of K-12 students interested
in control and automation, as previously discussed, is to 32.3 Control and Automation in Higher
engage girls (young women) early on with content that is Education
relevant and that addresses their interests. STEM areas are
highly dominated by men and control and automation is a 32.3.1 First-Year College Students: Building
fitting example of how that lack of representation translates an Early Understanding of Control
to academia from students to faculty [15]. There are many Through Modeling Skills
stereotypes regarding the preferences and interests of young
women that need to be addressed [16, 17] and, therefore, Control engineering is functionally dependent on one’s abil-
programs that explore ways to do outreach and are more ity to develop sophisticated system models and while control
inclusive are critical to automation and control educators – engineering tends to focus on applying discipline-specific
a few examples of such programs and their descriptions tools to those models, students need a broader foundational
can be found and accessed online. Some of the initiatives knowledge about models to be successful in their studies and
include: National Girls Collaborative Project [18], Girls Who careers [26, 27]. One approach to building those competen-
Code [19], Million Women Mentors [20], etc. But not all cies is presented by Rodgers and colleagues [28–30], through
efforts require large infrastructure and complex organiza- a holistic modeling perspective (HMP). HMP focuses on
tions. During the 21st IFAC World Conference held in 2020 students’ interactions with all types of models placing a
and virtually hosted by Germany a workshop titled “Girls in strong emphasis on moving beyond simple model creation
Control (GiC)” [21] researchers from Germany and Norway into a deeper understanding of how models can represent
welcomed over 100 girls (10–15 years old) from 20 countries real systems and phenomena. HMP is a perspective on how
to stimulate interest in control and the pursuit of careers in students interact with models; models representing a broader
STEM. Likewise, the Society for Women Engineers (SWE) set of tools and techniques for translating problem complex-
student chapter at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has ity that includes mathematical models, physical models (e.g.,
been leading an annual “Introduce a Girl to Engineering” drawings and prototypes), and computational models (e.g.,
workshop for up to 350 girls in third through fifth grade [22]. simulations, programming – logic tree, concept map, and
flow chart). The goal is to increase students’ awareness and
comfort with engineering as modeling, which should then
32.2.2 Automation in K-12 Education translate into greater skill across a broad range of topics,
including systems and control.
It is not just students that need to be exposed to control and In the authors work, the primary approach to implement-
automation, so do teachers in K-12 settings to gain deeper ing HMP has been through revising the language and activ-
knowledge and to understand how the profession and their ities used in first-year engineering courses. For example, at
qualifications need to evolve. The profession of teaching Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, there are three core
is facing many pressures, among them: (1) the number of courses that have been revised: EGR101 – Introduction to
working hours a week – an average of 50 h per week – a Engineering Design, EGR120 – Introduction to Graphical
number that has grown 3% over the last five years according Communication, and EGR115 – Introduction to Computer
to an OECD survey [23], (2) teacher turnover due to burnout Programming.
and high attrition rates, and (3) the concern of being replaced EGR101 – Introduction to Engineering Design course covers
by robots and artificial intelligence. But the picture is not a multitude of professional skills and introductory material.
32 Education and Qualification for Control and Automation 721


Fig. 32.1 Technical potential for automation across sectors depending on mix of activity types [24]
722 J. D. V. de Bedout et al.

The two required components of the course are teamwork and the daily statistics for an entire year for seven locations. By
ethics training. In redesigning the course, an explicit unit about changing the datasets in this way, the expectation is made that
modeling was added, exploring the various kinds of models and
students’ solutions are meant to be iterated on and evolve over
how modeling is a fundamental design tool. Greater emphasis
was placed on modeling a design for a physical object, iterating time.
on the design to address any underlying issues, and then imple- These changes have caused a meaningful shift in students’
menting it according to their modeled design. A key outcome ability to solve complex modeling problems as compared to
from this course was building familiarity with the language and
students who did not receive the modeling intervention. The
terminology around modeling.
focus on modeling in the first year sets the stage for more
EGR120 – Introduction to Graphical Communications is split advanced courses, including control and systems engineering
into two primary topics: (1) hand sketching and (2) paramet-
ric modeling using CATIA. The revision involved adjusting
courses, building on that familiarity in a meaningful way.
the terminology to emphasize that the work being done is a
form of modeling. Because of the inherent nature of parametric
modeling, few changes were needed to the existing content.
The biggest change was in better demonstrating the potential 32.3.2 A First Course in Systems and Control
interplay between the mathematical/computational models and Engineering
the virtual physical models that students were developing. This
took the form of demonstrating how CATIA has built-in or
add-on toolboxes for visualizing kinematics, conducting finite Control theory appears in most engineering curricula but has
element analysis, and computational fluid dynamics. Emphasis historically come across as dull and purely mathematical. In
was also placed on how each of these three components involves introductory courses we need to inspire and engage students
mathematical and computational modeling as part of their calcu- to see and experience the exciting possibilities that an under-
lation processes.
standing of control enables, so that they are keen to select
EGR115 – Introduction to Computer Programming received the more advanced courses, and yet better, to pursue this area or
most revision. This course is split into two primary topics: (1) work within their careers.
problem-solving and algorithm development and (2) computer
programming in MATLAB. The goal is to teach students how With this in mind, two main international technical com-
to develop mathematical models and then code these models mittees on control education (Control Systems Society –
into MATLAB – making them computational models. This shift CSS and the International Federation of Automatic Control –
required explicitly teaching students mathematical and computa- IFAC) undertook a survey of the global community on what
tional modeling skills by revising and replacing the current topic
about problem-solving and algorithm development. would constitute an ideal first course in control [31]. Perhaps
unsurprisingly, the most important output was an overwhelm-
One key approach in this revision was the introduction of ing consensus that a first course should focus on concepts,
modeling problems. Each term, two problems are given, each case studies, motivation, context, and so forth as shown
with three phases. During the first phase, students develop by the responses in Fig. 32.2. While some mathematical
a written solution to the modeling problem, identifying the depth/rigor is important and needed, students can focus on
inputs and outputs, relevant diagrams, needed theory, neces- these aspects later once their interest and enthusiasm are con-
sary assumptions, working a small test case, and verifying firmed. Furthermore, stimulating industrial case studies and
its accuracy. During the second phase, they develop a pseu- hardware experiments are strongly encouraged to emphasize
docode/flowchart to implement their model, describing not the context and core issues.
only the specific steps and calculations but also their rationale
for taking each step. During the final phase, they translate
their pseudocode into a MATLAB program. Throughout each
phase, the problem evolves, including additional inputs and 50%
larger sample datasets. As an example of the types of prob- 45%
38% Academia Industry
lems being given to students, one problem asks students to 40%
develop a model for selecting wind farm locations. They are 35% 29%
provided with a basic diagram relating wind speed to power 25% 21%
output, with indicators of the speeds necessary for starting a 20% 16% 18%
15% 13%
turbine (cut-in speed), the speed at which peak output power 12%
is given (rated output speed), and the maximum speed, after 3%
5% 1%
which the turbine is locked down for safety reasons (cut- 0%
out speed). In solution phase 1, students are given annual Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
average and peak wind speeds for five locations. In phase agree disagree
2, the dataset is expanded to include average and peak wind
speeds and average temperature and pressure for each month Fig. 32.2 Survey response: focus on concepts, case studies, motiva-
for seven locations. In phase 3, the data is expanded to be tion, and context
32 Education and Qualification for Control and Automation 723

Concepts accepted, the next question instructors might The course attracts junior and senior undergraduate and grad-
ask is what topics and content should be included and how uate students, and leads toward honors theses for undergrad-
should these be delivered? A detailed survey into pedagogical uates, and masters’ and doctoral theses for graduate students.
issues and good practices for content delivery in control The theory of stochastic adaptive control generates many
education is presented in [32] suffice to say that the un- attractive problems for mathematics, engineering, and com-
derstanding of effective learning and teaching approaches is puter science as well as for economics and business students.
always evolving and they need to adopt these new insights. The Math 750 course on stochastic adaptive control was
For example, flipped learning approaches [33, 34] supported developed and designed for students from all STEM fields
by suitable resources are now well accepted and becoming to increase, in a friendly and welcoming way, the general
more common in most STEM courses. One popular example awareness of the importance of control and control technol-
is the potential for remote access laboratories [35] and take- ogy and its cross-disciplinary nature. It requires a very good
home laboratories [36] to give students more freedom to mathematical understanding of real analysis, probability, and
explore and apply their learning on authentic scenarios. Such statistics as well as good computational skills. The diversity
independent learning approaches are increasingly relevant in of students differs from year to year, therefore the way how
a modern digital world and also support wider student skills the course is taught, its content, and illustrative examples of
development. A good course should also include a sizable applications differ too. Some of the major ideas and concepts
amount of self-assessment resources (e.g., computer quizzes of teaching this course are described below and some of the
and software tools) that students can use independently to same techniques have been adopted in other courses such as:
support and self-assess their progress. Moreover, staff should probability, mathematical statistics, and calculus.
include a range of learning outcomes which go beyond the
technical aspects and include professional skills.
In terms of technical content, there has been reasonable Classroom Teaching as a Stochastic Adaptive Control
international consensus over the more important topics to be Problem
included. Aside from authentic case studies and laboratories The classroom with students and their instructor is consid-
to set the scene the following topics are important: (i) first ered as a controlled system. It is stochastic because there is a
principles modeling for a range of systems; (ii) systems lot of randomness in the classroom. A classroom becomes a
dynamics and the quantification of behaviors including sta- scientific laboratory. Information is collected. The students
bility; (iii) performance measures leading to quantification of in the class are unknown to the instructor at the begin-
the weaknesses of open-loop control; (iv) the importance of ning of a semester. They come from different departments
feedback and simple implementations; and (v) an introduc- with different academic backgrounds. The challenge for the
tion to PID tuning. Finally, there was a strong consensus that instructor is to learn about students by collecting relevant
Laplace tools would be appropriate to support much of the course information about them. Too many unknowns in the
above learning as well as software tools for supporting the system make the system unknown, so learning or identifying
simulation aspects. Many important topics are not included the system is a critical issue in teaching as in research.
in this first course description, but it is better with limited
lectures and time to get students to buy into the importance Short Bio as the First Assignment
and prevalence of the topic so they can transition smoothly to One of the best practices for learning about the students
the workplace. A good independent learner who is enthused from the beginning of a semester is to ask them to prepare
and convinced of a topic importance will easily pick up a well-done short bio with information that will help the
further technical content as they need it. instructors find optimal adaptive strategies. The information
should contain student’s family and academic background,
math and science courses taken, any significant recognitions,
32.3.3 Integrating Research, Teaching, motivation for taking this course, short- and long-term goals
and Learning in Control at a University for studying and career, research and real-world problem in-
Level terests, and hobbies and favorite things to do during free time.
These short bios should be revisited by the instructor as a
At the University of Kansas, Math 750 – Stochastic Adaptive semester progresses, and students should have an opportunity
Control, a course developed 30 years ago based on research to update them twice: during the middle and at the end of
initiated in Poland [37] has been adapted regularly according a semester. This method of teaching is called scholarship in
to new developments in stochastic adaptive control area. This teaching. The idea is to treat teaching as a stochastic process
course focuses on innovative methods of teaching stochastic that changes over time, a process with several components
adaptive control with students who represent all science, such as vision, design, data collection, and data analysis, and,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. finally, integrate teaching and learning.
724 J. D. V. de Bedout et al.

C5: Curiosity, Creativity, Connections, Communication, reflections from a talk a student wrote, “Today’s visitor is
and Collaboration: A Key for a Success a fine example of how an engineer should proceed with his
Curiosity is the most important part of learning in this course career and deal with his success. I hope that the inspiration
as it covers many different topics. Students are engaged in I have drawn from the speaker can help fuel some creativity
research discussion through curiosity and creativity. They are for me in my field and motivate me to do my work for the
alert in this course of what they are doing, they ask why things betterment of the world.”
are the way they are, they try different ways to explain to
each other what they observe. They make connections. The Vertical and Horizontal Integration and Peer Tutoring
cross-boundaries nature of stochastic adaptive control, prob- In the courses with a very diverse group of undergraduate and
ability mathematical statistics, or even calculus are exciting graduate students, vertical and horizontal integrations as well
for students. Students love collaboration. They bring their as peer tutoring play crucial roles by building a community of
individual skills while searching for the correct models for learners. Vertical integration incorporates students at differ-
solving problems of the modern real complex world. ent levels in their studying and learning approach. It involves
and engages undergraduate and graduate students. Horizontal
Reviewing Papers Is a Powerful Method to Prepare Stu- integration incorporates students from various disciplines in
dents for Writing a Scientific Project learning and in teaching. Through peer tutoring students be-
In recent years a new practice of reviewing a conference come teachers for their peers. They enthusiastically volunteer
paper has been added to the course, and it has turned to be the to teach the entire class a topic which they learned well or
most effective way of teaching students how to write a scien- which they studied independently. A peer tutoring program
tific project. Students are provided with a sample of very well was created because there were some students who needed
professionally done reviews. Students have done outstanding help, and others who could offer that help. The students build
work. Their reviews are very constructive, detailed, providing not only a community of learners but importantly they are
missing references, providing missing steps in mathematical building lifetime friendships.
proofs, as well as indicating weaknesses in interpretations
of results and in particular graphs, and amazing remarks on Students Who Are Broadly Prepared Have a Higher
editing. Their reviews have led to a significant improvement Chance to Find Attractive Jobs
of the quality of the paper presentation. The Math 750 – Stochastic Adaptive Control course pre-
pares students broadly for studying and for doing research.
Guest Speakers Provide New Perspective It prepares them for new challenges and opportunities of
Guest speakers energize, inspire, and motivate students. the twenty-first century. Students are better prepared to pro-
Former students who took the Stochastic Adaptive Control cess information, work with complex systems, manage large
course or research collaborators are invited as guest datasets using advanced mathematical and statistical meth-
speakers during the middle of a semester to have a ods, and to understand randomness and uncertainties in the
conversation with students and share their industrial or system. Integrating research, learning, and teaching using
academic career experiences. Real-world problems generate the stochastic adaptive control approach described above has
new mathematical problems. Mathematics of finance and demonstrated to be both effective and enjoyable.
mathematics of networks, as well as understanding of the
brain as the most complex system, generate new stochastic
control problems, such as the identification, detection, and 32.3.4 Remote and Virtual Labs
control of stochastic system with a noise modeled by a
fractional Brownian motion. Neurologists, mathematicians, A key tool for solidifying the teaching and understanding of
and engineers from the medical research centers talk about key concepts for students is with laboratories. Laboratories
epilepsy, seizures, and COVID-19. Students discovered provide students the ability to try and apply their learning
amazing creativity and connections of STEM fields. Bringing in a setting that allows them to interact with the system,
research collaborators, especially those from other countries, make mistakes, see results, and learn in an interactive fashion.
to the classroom with good preparation for their visit changes Leaning by doing, a theory first promoted by John Dewey,
students’ perspectives. It opens their eyes, and it awakes their reinforces the significance of learning environments like
imagination and creativity. They see how math and control laboratories to adapt and learn. Remote labs and virtual labs
can be found everywhere and how often it is hidden. They are now part of the pedagogical tools that educators can
see the role of the broad and inspiring vision of control. leverage to help their students reinforce concepts particularly
They find them to be most inspirational and most motivating in STEM fields.
for continuing study of mathematics and engineering to do Virtual and remote labs (VRLs)) have for the last 15–
research in stochastic adaptive control. In a summary of the 20 years been used in academic settings to supplement stu-
32 Education and Qualification for Control and Automation 725

electronics manufacturing, communications and telecommu-

nications, autonomous vehicles and transportation, power
systems and energy, finance, biology, biomedicine, actuarial
sciences, computer and networks, neuroscience and compu-
tational neuroscience, neurology, many biological systems,
and many military systems. Meaningful advancements in
these and other areas are dependent on us to adequately
engage future engineers and scientists in control education
and to foster a curiosity well before they reach a formal
controls course. Readers might want to look at Chs.  54
“Library Automation and Knowledge Sharing” and Ch.  63
Fig. 32.3 Global reach of nanoHUB. Red dots represent lectures “Automation in Education, Training, and Learning Systems”
and tutorials. Yellow dots represent simulation users, and green lines as two chapters that discuss in detail the emerging capabil-
represent collaborations documented by publications citing nanoHUB ities to expand the reach, engagement, and accessibility to
as a resource. (Network for Computational Nanotechnology/Purdue augmenting educational tools and knowledge that are com-
plementary to our discussion on emerging needs. In addition,
readers might also want to read in Ch.  68 “Case Study:
dents learning [35]. Virtual labs have allowed educational Automation Education and Qualification Apprenticeships”
institutions to reach students in many locations as the labs as another related extension to the work described in this
can be accessed anywhere and at any time. They have also chapter.
enabled greater accessibility for students with disabilities In the new era, stochastic control and stochastic systems
and in some settings provides a safer environment for stu- will play an increasingly important role. Not only are they
dents to learn (e.g., manipulation of chemical reactions). used in the traditional fields such as engineering, but also
For instance, Purdue University’s nanoHUB was the first in emerging application areas as financial engineering, eco-
of its kind end-to-end science and engineering cloud that nomics, risk management, mathematical biology, environ-
allows the users to model and simulate for enhanced collab- mental sciences, and social networks, to mention just a few
oration and learning and in turn enable simulation-powered among others. It is well known that good understanding of
curriculums. nanoHUB was launched in 2002 with support randomness in systems is a critical and central issue in all
from the National Science Foundation as a collaboration areas of science. A noise in the systems cannot be disregarded
among six partner universities and its reach is now global as as there are examples showing that a noise can stabilize
seen in Fig. 32.3. Although the work started in 2002 with or destabilize the system. This is particularly important in
nanoHub, Purdue has continued to innovate and lead in the rapidly advanced biomedical and financial engineering areas
development of virtual and online labs. In 2020 to address of applications but also in all areas where measurements carry
the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the College of on errors. Mathematical statistics with good understanding
Engineering was well positioned to provide quality education of randomness in big data, analyzing and modeling data,
to its students during these times. The college had already making properly statistical inferences are all must learn by
started to transition to online and virtual labs to address a students along with programming languages now and for
decades’ growth in undergraduate and graduate education as the next 10 years. Specific topics of central interest include
well as the significant increase in online classes. The push to societal systems, autonomous systems, infectious diseases
bring educational content online or to the cloud like VRLs systems, the brain system, universal access to technology
and massive online courses (MOOCs) was brought to the with its focus on security, privacy, ethics. Data driven science
forefront and gotten more attention and investments due to approaches will lead towards Artificial Intelligence (AI).
the COVID-19 pandemic [38]. Education training curricula for K-12 and beyond need
to respond to all the new challenges described before. As
we look into the emerging future of education one can see
32.4 Conclusions efforts like the Colombia Purdue Partnership, a university-to-
country win-win collaboration as a means to reduce educa-
Control education is at a crossroad. Low-cost computing and tional disparities, provide access to higher education without
sensors, advances in artificial intelligence and big data man- borders, and addressing and providing solutions to local,
agement, and the necessity of interdisciplinary research for glocal, and global challenges including in areas of control
solving modern problems have increased the need for broader and systems. Programs like the Undergraduate Research Ex-
participation and awareness in control education. Control perience that pairs students with mentors at Purdue to work
systems now play critical roles in many fields that include on jointly devised research programs will enable students
726 J. D. V. de Bedout et al.

who are usually limited to their exposure to global programs Acknowledgments We would like to recognize the contributions of
the opportunity to collaboratively work with their advisors John Anthony Rossiter from the University of Sheffield in the UK for
his contribution to courses in systems and control engineering.
to pursue apprenticeship and certification of skills they did
not possess prior to the experience. It is programs like that
which include experiential learning, research internships, that
educators need to leverage to awaken the interest of student
to pursue work in the areas of controls and systems. The 1. NSF – National Science Foundation, “NSF’s 10 Big Ideas – Special
longevity of the control field depends on its continuous Report,” 2017. Accessed 02 Dec 2020. [Online]. Available: https://
success in attracting the most gifted young people to the
profession. Early exposure is the key to that goal. The idea is 2. NAS – National Academy of Sciences, “Grand Challenges in
Science Plenary Talk – Panel 1: Views from Other Initiatives,”
that education is at all levels an inclusive process: It should in- 2020.
tegrate scholarship, teaching, and learning both horizontally nas157/symposium.html (accessed 02 Dec 2020.
and vertically creating a learning experience for students of 3. Clough, G.W.: The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the
all ages, from K-12 to higher education and beyond. New Century. National Academies Press, Washington, DC (2004)
4. Committee on the Engineer of 2020 and National Academy of En-
This year marked the twentieth anniversary of the Ideas gineering: Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering
and Technology Control Systems workshops for middle and Education to the New Century. The National Academies Press,
high school teachers and students, renamed recently as the Washington, DC (2005).
Power, Beauty, and Excitement of Cross-Boundaries Nature 5. Fleming, W.H.: Report of the Panel on Future Directions in Con-
trol Theory: a Mathematical Perspective. Soc. for Industrial and
of Control, a Field that Spans Science, Technology, Engineer- Applied Math. (1988)
ing, and Mathematics (STEM). These workshops are held 6. Murray, R.M.: Control in an Information Rich World: Report of
twice a year in conjunction with the ACC, CDC, and IFAC the Panel on Future Directions in Control, Dynamics, and Systems.
Meetings and Congresses. During the last 20 years, over SIAM (2003)
7. Bittanti, S., Gevers M.: On the dawn and development of control
20,000 middle and high school students and their teachers science in the XX century (2007).
as well as undergraduate students have been reached through 8. Symposium on Imagining the Future of Undergraduate STEM Ed-
our educational activities. Over 225 academic and industry ucation. (ac-
representatives have shared their passion and have given cessed 09 Dec 2021).
9. OECD, Back to the Future of Education. 2020.
inspirational talks at these workshops. The purpose of these 10.1787/178ef527-en.
workshops is to increase awareness among students and 10. Pasik-Duncan, B., Verleger, M.: Education and qualification for
teachers of the importance and cross-disciplinary nature of control and automation. In: Springer Handbook of Automation,
control and systems technology in everyday life. The work- pp. 767–778. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg (2009).
shops show the power of cross-boundaries research and have 11. America’s Infrastructure Report Card 2021 | GPA: C-. https://
been presented to students and teachers in Atlanta, Balti- (accessed 09 Dec 2021).
more, Chicago, Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Maui, New 12. Next Generation Science Standards. https://
Orleans, Orlando, Portland, San Diego, Seattle, St. Louis (accessed 09 Dec 2021).
13. Home | Common Core State Standards Initiative. http://
and Washington DC, Boston, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and (accessed 09 Dec 2021).
have been held in the Czech Republic, Cyprus, South Korea, 14. Yadav, A., Hong, H., Stephenson, C.: Computational thinking for
Poland, Spain, and South Africa. all: pedagogical approaches to embedding 21st century problem
The model of a sustainable outreach partnership among solving in K-12 classrooms. TechTrends. 60(6), 565–568 (2016).
our control communities and the school districts at the places 15. Annaswamy, A.: Women in the IEEE control systems society
where our major conferences are held was established and [President’s Message]. IEEE Control. Syst. 40(5), 8–11 (2020)
subsequently followed by other organizations and societies. 16. Schuster, C., Martiny, S.E.: Not feeling good in STEM: effects of
This outreach partnership has provided a vehicle for demon- stereotype activation and anticipated affect on women’s career aspi-
rations. Sex Roles. 76(1–2), 40–55 (2017).
strating the importance of control. The workshop activities s11199-016-0665-3
include presentations by control systems experts from the 17. Makarova, E., Aeschlimann, B., Herzog, W.: The gender gap in
control community, informal discussions, and the opportu- STEM fields: the impact of the gender stereotype of math and
nity for teachers to meet passionate researchers and educators science on secondary students’ career aspirations. Front. Educ. 4,
60 (2019).
from academia and industry. A discussion on “Plain Talks” 18. National Girls Collaborative Project |. (ac-
was initiated, and this initiative was closely related to the cessed 09 Dec 2021)
outreach efforts. The goal was to develop short and inspi- 19. Girls Who Code | Home. (accessed 09
rational presentations for teachers and students but also for Dec 2021)
20. Million Women Mentors. (ac-
noncontrol engineering communities. cessed 09 Dec 2021)
32 Education and Qualification for Control and Automation 727

21. Girls in Control (GIC) Workshop and Material — IFAC In-

ternational Federation of Automatic Control. https://www.ifac- (ac-
cessed 09 Dec 2021)
22. Igew, Dec. 01, 2021. (accessed 09 Dec 2021)
23. Talis, O.: Results (Volume I): Teachers and School Leaders as
Lifelong Learners. OECD Publishing, Paris (2019)
24. Manyika, J., et al.: A Future That Works: Automation,
Employment, and Productivity. McKinsey Global Institute (2021). 32
Accessed: 09 Dec 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.mckin∼/media/mckinsey/featured%20insights/Digital%20Disru
20works/MGI-A-future-that-works-Executive-summary.ashx Juan Diego Velasquez de Bedout has worked 8 years in international
25. Bryant, J., Heitz, C., Sanghvi, S., Wagle, D.: How artificial intelli- higher education and US-Colombia academic cooperation. Juan is the
gence will impact K-12 teachers. Retrieved May. 12, 2020 (2020) managing director of the Colombia Purdue Partnership in the Office
26. Hazelrigg, G.A.: On the role and use of mathematical models in of Global Partnerships where he manages a portfolio of programs
engineering design. J. Mech. Des. Trans. ASME. 121(3), 336–341 between Purdue’s 10 colleges and over 20 Colombian entities (aca-
(1999). demic, nonacademic, and governmental). His previous positions include
27. Zawojewski, J.S., Diefes-Dux, H.A., Bowman, K.J.: Models and assistant director of TA and Curricular Development in the Center
Modeling in Engineering Education: Designing Experiences for all for Instructional Excellence and most recently managing director of
Students. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam (2008) Strategic Initiatives for the College of Engineering (both positions at
28. Marbouti, F., Rodgers, K.J., Verleger, M.A.: Change in student Purdue). He has authored several refereed journals and conference
understanding of modeling during first year engineering courses. proceedings. Juan has received several awards for teaching at Purdue
In: ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings (2020) University. He holds a Ph.D. in industrial engineering from Purdue
29. Rodgers, K.J., Verleger, M.A., Marbouti, F.: Comparing students’ University.
solutions to an open-ended problem in an introductory program-
ming course with and without explicit modeling interventions. In:
ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings (2020)
30. Rodgers, K.J., McNeil, J.C., Verleger, M.A., Marbouti, F.: Impact
of a modeling intervention in an introductory programming course.
In: American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 126th
Annual Conference and Exposition (2019)
31. Rossiter, A., Serbezov, A., Visioli, A., Žáková, K., Huba, M.: A
survey of international views on a first course in systems and
control for engineering undergraduates. IFAC J. Syst. Control. 13,
100092 (2020).
32. Rossiter, J.A., Pasik-Duncan, B., Dormido, S., Vlacic, L., Jones,
B., Murray, R.: A survey of good practice in control education.
Eur. J. Eng. Educ. 43(6), 801–823 (2018).
03043797.2018.1428530 Bozenna Pasik-Duncan received her Ph.D. and D.Sc. from Mathe-
33. Crouch, C.H., Mazur, E.: Peer instruction: ten years of experience matics Department of Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) in 1978
and results. Am. J. Phys. 69(9), 970–977 (2001) and 1986, respectively. She is currently professor of mathematics,
34. Bishop, J.L., Verleger, M.A.: The flipped classroom: a survey of Chancellor’s Club Teaching Professor, courtesy professor of EECS
the research. In: Paper Presented at the ASEE Annual Conference, and AE, and investigator at ITTC. Her current research interests are
pp. 1–18 (2013) primarily in stochastic adaptive control, data analysis, and stochastic
35. Heradio, R., de la Torre, L., Dormido, S.: Virtual and remote labs in modeling with its applications to finance, insurance, medicine, and
control education: a survey. Annu. Rev. Control. 42, 1–10 (2016). telecommunications. Her other interests include STEM and control engineering education. She has been actively involved in IEEE CSS,
36. Taylor, B., Eastwood, P., Jones, B.L.: Development of a low- AACC, and IFAC in a number of capacities. She is Immediate Past
cost, portable hardware platform for teaching control and systems Global Chair of IEEE WIE and cofounder of CSS Women in Control,
theory. In: IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-Papers Online), vol. Past Chair of AACC, IFAC, and CSS TCs on Control Education, and
10, pp. 208–213 (2013). Immediate Past IFAC TB Member for Education and IFAC Task Force
2039.00009 on Diversity and Inclusion. She is the founder and coordinator of KU
37. Pasik, B.: On Adaptive Control. SGPiS (1986) Mathematics Outreach Program since 1992. She received IEEE Third
38. Bhute, V.J., Inguva, P., Shah, U., Brechtelsbauer, C.: Transforming Millennium Medal, IEEE CSS Distinguished Member Award, and IFAC
traditional teaching laboratories for effective remote delivery— Outstanding Service Award. She is IEEE Life Fellow, IFAC Fellow,
a review. Educ. Chem. Eng. 35, 96–104 (2021). AWM Fellow, and Member of KU Women’s Hall of Fame and IEEE-
10.1016/j.ece.2021.01.008 HKN.
728 J. D. V. de Bedout et al.

Dr. Matthew A. Verleger received his PhD in engineering education

from Purdue University (2010). He is currently a professor of engi-
neering fundamentals at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. His
research interests are in developing educational software to enhance
student learning and exploring how students learn to develop models and
modeling skills. Currently, he is developing the tools to gamify courses
within a standard LMS environment as a means of increasing student
Interoperability and Standards for Automation
François B. Vernadat

Contents mentation, integration, maintenance, and operations. This

chapter combines two parts. First, it defines systems in-
33.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729
teroperability in the context of automation and enterprise
33.2 Interoperability in Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730 integration; reviews relevant interoperability frameworks;
33.2.1 The Need for Integration and Interoperability . . . . . . . . . 730
33.2.2 Systems Interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731 discusses technical, semantic, and organizational dimen-
33.2.3 Enterprise Interoperability sions of interoperability; and presents essential underlying
and Enterprise Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731 technologies. Second, major international standards for
33.3 Integration and Interoperability Frameworks . . . . . . 733 automation projects in small, medium, or large organiza-
33.3.1 Technical Interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734 tions are listed before concluding.
33.3.2 Semantic Interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
33.3.3 Organizational Interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
33.3.4 Technologies for Interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
33.4 Standards for Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 738 Keywords
33.4.1 Standards for Automation Project or System
Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 738 Automated systems · Systems interoperability ·
33.4.2 Standards for Automated Systems Modeling, Enterprise interoperability · Enteprise integration ·
Integration, and Interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740
33.4.3 Standards for E-Commerce and E-Business . . . . . . . . . . 740 Automation standards · ISO · IEC · ANSI · CEN
33.4.4 Standards for Emerging Industry (Including I4.0, IoT, standards
and CPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740
33.4.5 Standards for Industrial Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740
33.4.6 Standards for Industrial Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740
33.4.7 Standards for Industrial and Service Robotics . . . . . . . . 742
33.4.8 Standards on Usability and Human-Computer 33.1 Introduction
Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742
33.5 Overview and Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743 Automation is the art of providing devices, machines, or any
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751 kind of man-made systems with autonomy (i.e., operation
and self-regulation) and even decision-making or collabo-
rative abilities resulting in automated systems, i.e., systems
Abstract acting in and reacting to their environment without signif-
icant human intervention. In simpler terms, “Automation is
Interoperability is an essential characteristic of systems a way for humans to extend the capabilities of their tools
when they have to communicate, cooperate, or collaborate and machines” as stated by Prof. Williams [1]. While initially
within an organization or across organizations, be they extensively applied to manufacturing, industrial, and military
single organizations or networked organizations. Auto- systems, automation is nowadays present in all sectors of
mated systems are subject to interoperability when they human society (e.g., home robotics, automobile industry and
have to work together, i.e., to interoperate. They are also automotive products, aeronautical and space industries, mar-
subject to a number of standards for their design, imple- itime systems, energy power plants, water treatment, medical
equipment and health care systems, agriculture, or financial
F. B. Vernadat ()
systems to name a few) as illustrated in Ch.  1 Automation:
Laboratoire de Génie Informatique, de Production et de Maintenance What It Means to Us Around the World, Definitions, Its
(LGIPM), University of Lorraine, Metz, France Impact and Outlook.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 729

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
730 F. B. Vernadat

Automation has its foundation in automatic control but twins, into decentralized intelligent systems that can sense
also heavily relies on advances in information and communi- and adapt to the environment. In addition to interoperability,
cations technologies (ICT) as well as artificial intelligence both require big data analytics and data mining technologies
(AI) techniques, the best example being robotics develop- to analyze the tremendous amount of data exchanged.
ments. Putting in place automation solutions, be it in private,
Due to the ever-increasing complexity of human society, public, or government sectors, is the subject of automation
automated systems no longer exist in isolation and islands projects. These projects are themselves subject to a number of
of automation become the exception. In many cases, these constraints, best practices, rules, and applicable standards in
systems have to interact within cooperative or collaborative terms of risk management, quality management, environment
environments. For instance, if a bank and an insurance com- regulations, or sustainable development, as well as in terms
pany want to jointly offer real estate loans with life insurance, of design and analysis methods, applicable technologies, or
they have to align their customer data files, agree on loan ac- human-related factors such as safety and man-machine inter-
ceptance conditions and rules, and coordinate respective local action. The role of international standards in these projects
services (e.g., loan request processing, loan approval/refusal, must be stressed because in many cases their application and
insurance condition setting, etc.) into a common business respect facilitate easier communication, smooth collabora-
process to offer a composite service to customers. In other tion, and better interoperability between systems.
words, they have to be integrated and to interoperate. Indeed, The chapter has the mandate to cover both automation
integration and interoperability come into play any time that interoperability and automation standards. It therefore con-
two or more systems need to work together or need to share sists of two parts. First, interoperability in the context of
common information. integrated automated systems is defined, relevant architec-
Industrial automation has been an intensive application tural frameworks are indicated, and the underlying tech-
domain of automation for decades with programmable nologies are discussed from three perspectives (technical,
logic controllers (PLCs), computer numerically controlled application/semantic, and organizational dimensions). Next,
(CNC) machines, flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs), important international standards to be considered for car-
automated guided vehicles (AGVs), industrial robotics, rying out automation projects in small, medium, or large
or computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM). The history organizations are listed. Finally, an overview discussion is
of industrial automation in process industries has been given for concluding.
reviewed by Williams [1] and in Ch.  2 while examples
of applications to process and discrete manufacturing can be
found in chapters throughout this handbook. 33.2 Interoperability in Automation
New trends in automated manufacturing are called smart
manufacturing [2] and Ch.  45 or Industry 4.0 (I4.0) [3], This section concentrates on interoperability aspects of auto-
presented as the fourth revolution in manufacturing (after mated systems in particular but also addresses their integra-
the first revolution on the late eighteenth century based on tion aspects to explain the global context of the problem.
steam power that enabled mechanization, the second revolu-
tion based on electricity power that made mass production
possible in the first half of the twentieth century, and the 33.2.1 The Need for Integration
recent third revolution based on computerization that led and Interoperability
to industrial automation). The term Industry 4.0 has been
introduced in 2011 by the German government as a national Broadly speaking, integration and interoperability aim at
program to boost research and development of the manu- facilitating data/information exchange and collaboration be-
facturing industry [4]. I4.0 is based on intensive digitaliza- tween systems or business entities. A business entity is any
tion, i.e., integration of digital technologies with production part of an organization (such as a work team, an organization
facilities and technologies, altogether forming a so-called unit, a manufacturing plant, an information system such an
cyber-physical system (CPS) that can sense its environment ERP system, a set of business processes, a node in a supply
and quickly respond to changes [5]. While the idea of smart chain, etc.) or the organization itself. It is made of people,
manufacturing is to interconnect all manufacturing resources processes, and/or technologies.
as smart entities (e.g., smart products, smart devices, smart
machines, etc.) to decentralize decision-making and increase Caution The two terms, integration and interoperability, are
agility, the aim of I4.0 is to utilize recent advances in informa- intentionally used in this chapter, but they have their own
tion technologies and the Internet (cloud computing, Internet meaning and are not interchangeable. Integration is about
of Things or IoT, IoS, CPS, big data, etc.) to interconnect making a consistent whole from heterogeneous components,
people, machines, tools, devices, sensors, and their digital while interoperability is about using functionality of another
33 Interoperability and Standards for Automation 731

entity. While integration is the big picture and can apply recommended practice is to base solutions on open standards
to people, organization, processes, or data, interoperabil- and open solutions to avoid such a dependency and to control
ity is specific to systems. While entities can be more or the pain and costs of maintainability.
less integrated (fully, tightly, loosely, or not all), systems
are either interoperable or not (although some authors have
tried to define degrees of interoperability and interoperability 33.2.2 Systems Interoperability
maturity models). Indeed, people are not interoperable but
they can communicate, collaborate, cooperate, or coordinate Interoperability is defined in the Webster dictionary as “the
their actions. Data per se cannot interoperate because they ability of a system to use parts of another system.” In IT
are facts without behavior, but data exchanges can be made terms, it has been defined as the ability of systems to ex- 33
interoperable. change information and use the information that has been
exchanged [10]. From an enterprise engineering point of
The need for systems integration and interoperability re- view, interoperability of enterprise applications has been
sults from the increasing need to interconnect and seam- defined by the EU Athena research project as the ability of a
lessly operate technical, social, and information systems of system to work with other systems without special effort on
different nature and technology, of geographically dispersed the part of their users [11].
enterprises, or of different enterprises working together. It More generally and in systemic terms, interoperability can
also comes from the need to integrate business entities, i.e., be defined as the ability of two or more systems to exchange
remove organizational boundaries between these entities [6]. data, share common information and knowledge, and/or use
This mostly concerns IT systems and software applications functionality of one another to get synergistic gains [6, 12].
but also the internal business processes and services of a For instance, in the context of Industry 4.0, the digital
given enterprise (i.e., intraorganizational integration) as well twin of a product, i.e., a software entity representing the
as cross-organizational business processes spanning partner physical product in the cyber world, must remain connected
companies or enterprise networks (i.e., interorganizational in real time to its physical counterpart in the real world
integration). Part of the need also comes from the emer- to be a faithful digital image of the product while, at the
gence of new organizational structures such as collaborative same time, be able to exchange data with machine tools for
networked organizations (CNOs), the objective of which is its assembly, call functions of the production management
to bring together largely autonomous, geographically dis- system to update its status or get information, and possibly
tributed, and heterogeneous business entities in terms of interact with other products or pieces of equipment.
their operating environment, culture, and goals, that have to This assumes on the part of the ICT infrastructure the abil-
collaborate to better achieve common or compatible goals, ity for systems to send and receive messages (requests or re-
thus jointly generating value, and whose interactions are sponses) or data streams, to call functions or services of other
supported by ICT [7, 8]. The best examples of CNOs are systems, and to provide execution services to orchestrate
extended enterprises, virtual enterprises, or supply chains. operation execution (e.g., workflow engines or enterprise
Finally, since 2000, the need for interoperability has been operating systems [13]). These exchanges can be performed
intensified by the ever-growing development of collaborative in synchronous or asynchronous modes depending on the
e-work, e-business, and e-services and their requirements communication or the collaboration needs. The Internet and
for efficient communication, coordination, cooperation, and the web service technologies, and especially their associ-
collaboration mechanisms ([9]; Ch.  18). ated open standards (TCP/IP, HTTP, and XML as explained
The greatest challenge of integrating enterprise systems in Sect. 33.3.4), have boosted technical development and
or business entities and making them interoperable comes widespread use of systems interoperability in industry as well
from the large number and high heterogeneity of components as in many other sectors of our modern life.
that are subject to be interconnected. When two systems have As already mentioned, interoperability is a specific char-
to talk to each other or interoperate, they have to agree on acteristic of technical systems but it has been extended to the
common message formats, transfer protocols, shared (data) business process and even enterprise levels.
semantics, security and identification aspects, and possibly
on legal aspects. In terms of solution, the major pitfall to
be avoided is building monolithic solutions that may result 33.2.3 Enterprise Interoperability
from dependence on commercial offerings from the same or and Enterprise Integration
preferred suppliers. This would trap users into staying with a
given solution because the costs of conversion become very Enterprise interoperability can be defined as the ability of an
significant barriers, thus denying the users of achieving the enterprise to use information and/or services (i.e., function-
benefits of new technology as it becomes available. Hence, a ality) provided by one or more other enterprises [12, 14].
732 F. B. Vernadat

In other words, enterprise interoperability is the ability and cooperation or collaboration (trust-based transactions
of a business entity of an enterprise, or more generally and timely orchestration of process steps at business
of an organization, to work with business entities of other level) (Fig. 33.1) [6, 15]. The goal is to enhance overall
enterprises or organizations without special effort [11]. The productivity, flexibility, and capacity for the management of
capability to exchange information, interact, or use third- change (i.e., agility). Li and Williams [18] provided a broader
party services both internally or with external stakeholders definition of EI stating that enterprise integration is the
(partners, suppliers, subcontractors, and customers) is a key coordination of all elements including business, processes,
feature in the economic and public sectors, especially to people, and technology of the enterprise(s) working together
facilitate e-business, e-government, e-work, e-services, or in order to achieve the optimal fulfillment of the business
any type of collaborative networked activities. Enterprise mission of that enterprise(s) as defined by the management.
interoperability emerged as an essential feature in enter- Enterprise integration can apply vertically, horizontally, or
prise integration, which itself has been a generalization of end to end within an organization. Vertical integration refers
computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), i.e., integration to integrating a line of business from its top management
in manufacturing enterprises, toward the integration of all down to its tactical planning and operational levels (i.e., along
functions of the enterprise [15]. the control structure). Horizontal integration refers to inte-
Enterprise integration (EI) occurs when there is a need to grating various domains (i.e., business areas) of the enterprise
remove organizational barriers and/or improve interactions or with its partners and market environment (i.e., along the
among people, systems, applications, departments, and com- supplier/consumer chain structure). End-to-end integration
panies (especially in terms of rationalizing and/or fluidifying refers to integrating an entire value chain such as a supply
material, information/decision, and workflows) [6, 15]. The chain.
goal is to create synergy, i.e., the integrated system must offer Integration can range from no integration at all to loosely
more capabilities than the sum of its components. coupled, tightly coupled, up to full system integration. Full
The complexity of EI relies on the fact that enterprises integration means that component systems are no longer dis-
typically comprise hundreds, if not thousands, of applica- tinguishable in the whole system. Tightly coupled integration
tions (be they packaged solutions, custom-built, or legacy means that components are still distinguishable in the whole
systems), some of them being remotely located and sup- but any modification to one of them may have direct impact
porting an even larger number of business processes. Such on others. Loosely coupled integration means that component
environments get even more complicated as companies are systems continue to exist on their own and can still work as
often involved in merger, fusion, acquisition, divestiture, and independent entities of the integrated system.
partnership opportunities. In this context, enterprise interoperability appears to be
Integration of enterprise activities has long been, and often one of the many facets of enterprise integration. Indeed,
still is, considered as a pure IT problem. While it is true that at an integrated family of systems must necessarily comprise
the end of the day the prime challenge of EI is to provide the interoperable components in one form or another while in-
right information to the right place at the right time, business teroperable systems do not necessarily need to be integrated.
integration needs must drive information system integration In fact, enterprise interoperability equates to loosely coupled
and not vice versa. Thus, EI has a strong organizational enterprise integration. It provides two or more business enti-
dimension in addition to its technological dimensions. ties (of the same organization or from different organizations
From a pure IT standpoint, EI mostly means connecting and irrespective of their location) with the ability to exchange
computer systems and IT applications to support business or share information (wherever it is and at any time) and to
process operations. It involves technologies such as enter- use functions or services of one another in a distributed and
prise portals, service-oriented approaches, shared business heterogeneous environment. Interacting component systems
functions with remote method invocation, enterprise service are preserved as they are, can still work on their own, but can
buses, distributed business process management (or work- at the same time interoperate seamlessly. This is the reason
flow engines), and business-to-business (B2B) integration why, although EI provides the broad picture and was studied
[16, 17]. first in the 1990s, emerging from all the efforts made on CIM
From an organizational standpoint, EI is concerned with in the 1980s, enterprise interoperability is receiving more
facilitating information, control, and material flows across attention nowadays because of its greater flexibility and less
organization boundaries by connecting all the necessary monolithic approach.
functions and heterogeneous functional entities (e.g., Putting in place interoperable enterprise systems is essen-
information systems, devices, applications, and people) in tial to achieving enterprise integration with the level of flex-
order to improve the 4Cs: communication (data and in- ibility and agility required by public or private organizations
formation exchanges at physical system level), coordination in order to cope with the need for frequent organizational
(synchronized and oderly interoperation at application level), changes.
33 Interoperability and Standards for Automation 733

A prerequisite for developing integrated or interoperable rized in Sect. 33.3.4 while the initial standardization efforts
enterprise systems is enterprise modeling (EM) [6]. EM have been reviewed in [20] and are summarized in Sect. 33.4.
is the art of developing models (e.g., functional, process,
information, resource, or organizational models) describing
the current or desired structure, behavior, and organization
of business entities that need to work together. EM has been 33.3 Integration and Interoperability
defined as “the art of externalizing knowledge about the Frameworks
enterprise that needs to be shared or adds value to the enter-
prise” [19]. The models should be interpretable by humans Enterprise integration and interoperability frameworks are
made of a set of principles, standards, guidelines, methods,
and computers, be expressed in terms of enterprise modeling 33
languages (EMLs), and be stored in enterprise model repos- and sometimes models that practitioners should apply to put
itories for sharing, reuse, and cleaning (i.e., validation and in place the right components in the proper order to achieve
verification) purposes. integration and interoperability in their organization.
Examples of well-known EMLs are the IDEF suite of An example of EI framework is given by Fig. 33.1. It
languages (IDEF0, IDEF1x, and IDEF3), GRAI, CIMOSA, comes from the computer-integrated manufacturing open
or ARIS languages as well as the set of modeling constructs system architecture (CIMOSA)) that has specifically been
of ISO 19440 or the business process modeling notation designed around 1990 for CIM systems [15]. The framework
(BPMN) for business processes as surveyed by Vernadat defines three integration levels, namely systems integration,
[6, 19]. application/service integration, and business integration, and
As indicated by Fig. 33.1, building interoperable enter- positions different technologies or languages to be used at
prise systems and reaching the successive levels of integra- each level.
tion require building on a number of standards, languages, Other similar architectures or frameworks for enterprise
and technologies. Some of the key technologies are summa- integration exist; for instances, PERA (Purdue enterprise
reference architecture), GIM (GRAI [graphes de résultats

Integration levels
Trust-based transactions
Coordination / CNO, e-Work, e-Business & e-Government stds
cooperation enterprise architectures, enterprise portals, CSCW
BP coordination, ISO 19440, BPMN, EDM/WCM

Application / service

Service orchestration, workflow engines, BPEL

web services, MOM/ESB, service registries, UDDI

Physical system
Communication FTP, SMTP, HTTP / HTTPS, HTML, XML
.Net / J2EE, SOAP / REST, cloud computing
ISO-OSI, TCP/IP, IPv6, ATM, Fast ethernet, fieldbuses

Integration evolution

Fig. 33.1 Enterprise integration levels and related technologies (essen- can be found at (FTP file transfer protocol,
tial technical terms and acronyms appearing in the figure are explained ISO-OSI International Standards Organization Open System Intercon-
in Sect. 33.3.4 of this chapter and more information on each of them nection, J2EE Java to Enterprise Edition, CSCW Computer Supported
Collaborative Work)
734 F. B. Vernadat

et activités interreliés] integrated methodology), or GERAM organizational barriers); and interoperability approaches
(generalized enterprise reference architecture and methodol- regarding the solution to be implemented for removing
ogy). Details on those can be found in [6, 21]. identified barriers (namely, federated, unified, and integrated
Similarly, a number of frameworks have been developed approaches). FEI has been adopted as an international
for interoperability; for instances, LISI, FEI, and EIF. standard under the number ISO 11354-1.
The framework of levels of information systems interoper- The European Interoperability Framework (EIF)) is a
ability (LISI)) has been proposed by an Architecture Working more generic framework jointly developed by the European
Group of the US Department of Defense (on Command, Commission (EC) and the member states of the European
Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveil- Union (EU) to address business and government needs for
lance and Reconnaissance – C4ISR). It defines five levels of information exchange [24]. This framework defines three
interoperability [22]: essential levels (or dimensions) of interoperability, namely
technical, semantic, and organizational from bottom up, as
• Level 0 – isolated systems (manual extraction and integra- depicted by Fig. 33.3. In the new version (2017), a fourth
tion of data) layer has been added to deal with legal aspects, i.e., alignment
• Level 1 – connected interoperability in a peer-to-peer of legal frameworks, policies, or strategies that might hinder
environment interoperability. Because EIF is gaining wide acceptance,
• Level 2 – functional interoperability in a distributed envi- these dimensions are further explained in the next sections.
• Level 3 – domain-based interoperability in an integrated
environment 33.3.1 Technical Interoperability
• Level 4 – enterprise-based interoperability in a universal
environment This dimension covers technical issues or plumbing aspects
of interoperability. It deals with connectivity and is to date
The Framework for Enterprise Interoperability (FEI)) the most developed dimension. It ensures that systems get
[23], developed by the EU Network of Excellence physically connected and that data and messages can be
INTEROP-NOE, is useful to identify different barriers to reliably transferred across systems. It is about linking com-
interoperability and potential approaches to be adopted for puter systems and applications or interconnecting informa-
solving the identified barriers. It is organized as a cubic tion systems by means of so-called middleware components.
structure along three dimensions (Fig. 33.2): interoperability It includes key aspects such as open interfaces, interconnec-
concerns, which represent the different levels of an tion services, data transport, data presentation and exchange,
enterprise where interoperation can take place (namely, accessibility, and security services.
data, service, process, and business levels); interoperability At the very bottom level are network protocols (e.g.,
barriers, which refer to the incompatibilities between two TCP/IP [Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol],
enterprise systems (classified as conceptual, technical, and SOAP [Simple Object Access Protocol], etc.) and on top

approaches European interoperability framework
Unified Organization interoperability
Federated Organisation & process alignment
(BPM; process coordination)
Business Real-world system Real-world system
Process Semantic interoperability
Semantic alignment

Service (Metadata registries, ontologies)

Technical interoperability
Conceptual Organizational Information system Syntax, interaction & transport Information system
(HTTP, SMTP ... over TCP/IP; SOAP)

Fig. 33.2 Framework for Enterprise Interoperability (FEI). (After

[23]) Fig. 33.3 European Interoperability Framework (EIF). (After [24])
33 Interoperability and Standards for Automation 735

transport protocols (e.g., HTTP [Hypertext Transfer Proto- on context and purpose. Semantic annotation uses ontology
col], SMTP [Simple Mail Transfer Protocol], etc.) to ex- information to enrich object description that tells a computer
change data in the form of XML messages. the meanings and relations of the object to be interpreted. It
can for instance be used to bridge the gap between models as
additional information that helps description, discovery, and
33.3.2 Semantic Interoperability composition of data items or web services [28].

This dimension of interoperability concerns semantic align-

ment, i.e., the ability to achieve meaningful exchange and 33.3.3 Organizational Interoperability
sharing of information, and not only data, among indepen- 33
dently developed systems. It is concerned with ensuring that This dimension of interoperability is concerned with defining
the precise meaning of exchanged information is understand- business goals, engineering business processes, and bringing
able by any other application that was not initially developed cooperation or collaboration capabilities to organizations that
for this purpose. wish to exchange information and may have different internal
Semantic interoperability, using encoded domain or ex- structures and processes. Moreover, organizational interop-
pert knowledge, enables systems to interpret, reformat, or erability aims at addressing the requirements of the user
adapt received information (e.g., interpret social security community by making services available, easily identifiable,
code or adapt applicable value-added tax rates depending accessible, and user centric. In other words, it is the ability of
on countries), combine it with other information resources organizations to provide services to each other as well as to
(for instance, apply machining compensation factors in some users or the wider public.
circumstances depending on material hardness, temperature, To achieve organizational interoperability, it is necessary
pressure, or else), or process it in a meaningful manner for to align business processes of cooperating business enti-
the recipient. It is therefore a prerequisite for the front-end ties, define synchronization steps and messages, and de-
(multilingual) delivery of services to users. fine coordination and collaboration mechanisms for interor-
Beyond system interoperability, coordination between ganizational processes. This requires enterprise modeling
systems should also be possible. This means that the different to describe the organization, business process management
systems must be able to provide each other context-aware (BPM) for the modeling analysis, and control of the business
services, i.e., services that can be used in different types of processes, workflow engines for the coordination of the
situations, that they can call oruse to enable the emergence execution of the process steps defined as business services,
of higher-level composite services. trust-based and collaborative tools, and enterprise portals to
Technologies involved at this level include metadata reg- provide user-friendly access to business services and infor-
istries, thesauri, or ontologies to map semantic definitions of mation pages made available to end users.
the same concepts used by the different systems involved. In
IT, an ontology is is defined as “a shared formal specification
of some domain knowledge” [25]. For instance, a circle can 33.3.4 Technologies for Interoperability
be formally defined by its center and radius, themselves
formally defined as a point in space and a strictly positive As illustrated by Figs. 33.1 and 33.3, a certain number
real number, respectively. An ontology is usually expressed of technologies and open standards need to be considered
by means of a set of axioms and predicates in first-order for achieving the three levels of enterprise integration and
logic or formal languages such as knowledge query and interoperability. Essential ones include (from bottom up of
manipulation language (KQML), common logic (CL), now both figures):
an international standard (ISO/IEC 24707:2007), or in the
form of semantic networks or taxonomies, for instance, using 1. TCP/IP: The transmission control protocol over Inter-
Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Web Ontology net Protocol remains the easier-to-use transfer protocol
Language (OWL), the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for web services, mail messages, XML messages, file
Web Ontology Language [26]. transfer, and multimedia data. It is based on the ISO-OSI
Another technology is semantic annotation, or tagging standard for open system interchange (ISO 7498) but
[27]. It consists in adding textual or formal annotations or only uses four layers of the seven-layer structure defined
comments to objects (e.g., information items, data schemata, by ISO-OSI. The only recent evolution is the use of IPv6,
process models, and even web services) to enrich their de- the sixth version of IP, that replaced IPv4 for faster data
scription. These annotations can even refer to an ontological transfer and larger addressing of IP addresses.
definition of the concept at hand in a domain ontology. 2. XML: The extended markup language is a widely used,
The added information can then be interpreted depending standardized tagged language proposed and maintained
736 F. B. Vernadat

by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It has been security mechanisms for the transfer of sensitive data
proposed to be a universal format for structured content and messages but can deal with data encryption.
and data on the web but can indeed be used for any • REST: Representational state transfer is a constrained
computer-based exchange. Its simple and open structure interface architecture often presented as an alternative
has revolutionized data, information, and request/reply to SOAP. REST promotes the use of HTTP and its
exchanges among computer systems because XML mes- basic operations for building large-scale distributed
sages can be handled by virtually any transport protocol systems. In this architecture, the HTTP operations
due to its alphanumeric and platform-independent nature PUT, POST, GET, and DELETE form a standardized,
[29]. constrained interface. These operations are then ap-
3. HTTP/HTTPS: Hypertext transfer: protocol is the set of plied to resources, located by their uniform resource
rules for transferring files (text, graphics, images, sound, locator (URL). REST makes possible to build large
video, and other multimedia files) on the World Wide distributed applications using only these four opera-
Web. HTTP is an application protocol that runs on top of tions [35].
the TCP/IP suite of protocols. Because of its ubiquity it • UDDI: The universal description, discovery, and in-
has become an essential standard for communications. tegration specification is an XML-based registry pro-
HTTP 1.1 is the current version ( posal for worldwide businesses to list their services
Protocols/). HTTPS is the secured version with encryp- offered on the Internet as web services. The goal is to
tion of messages using public and private keys. streamline online transactions by enabling companies
4. Web services and service-oriented architectures (SOAs): to find one another on the web and make their services
Since the year 2000, service-oriented architectures repre- interoperable for e-commerce. UDDI is often com-
sent a new generation of IT system architectures taking pared to a telephone book’s white, yellow, and green
advantage of message-oriented, loosely coupled, asyn- pages. Within a company or within a network of com-
chronous systems as well as web services [30–32]. SOAs panies, a private service registry can be established in
provide business analysts, integration architects, and IT a similar way and format to UDDI in order to manage
developers with a broad and abstract view of applications all shared business and data services used across the
and integration components to be dealt with as encapsu- business units.
lated and reusable high-level services. Web services can 5. Service registries: A service registry is a metadata repos-
be defined as interoperable software objects that can be itory that maintains a common description of all services
assembled over the Internet using standard protocols and registered for the functional domain for which it has been
exchange formats to perform functions or execute busi- set up. Services are described by their name, their owner,
ness processes [31]. They are accessible by the external their service level agreement and quality of service, their
world by their uniform resource locator (URL), they are location, and their access method. It is used by service
described by their interface, and can be implemented in owners to expose their services and by service users to
any computer language. Web services use the following locate services. Commercial products based on UDDI
de facto standards for their implementation: specs are available.
• WSDL: The web service description language is a 6. Message and service buses – MOM/ESB: The key to
contract language used to declare the web service building interoperable enterprise systems and service-
interface and access methods in a universal language oriented architectures that are reliable and scalable is to
using specific description templates [33]. ensure loose coupling among services and applications.
• SOAP: The simple object access protocol is a commu- This can be achieved using message queuing techniques,
nication protocol and a message layout specification and especially message-oriented middleware (MOM)
that defines a uniform way of passing XML-encoded products and their extensions known as enterprise
data between two interacting software entities (for service buses (ESB) [36]. Services and IT applications
instance, web services). It has been designed to be a exchange messages in a neutral format (preferably XML)
simple way to do remote procedure calls (RPCs) over using simple transport protocols (e.g., XML/SOAP
Internet using the GET and POST methods. SOAP on TCP/IP, SMTP, or HTTP). A message-oriented
became a W3C standard in the field of Internet com- middleware is a messaging system that provides the
puting in 2002 (SOAP 1.1) and the current version ability to connect applications in an asynchronous
is SOAP 1.2 [34]. While SOAP 1.1 was based on message exchange fashion using message queues. It
XML 1.0, SOAP 1.2 is based on XML information provides the ability to create and manage message
set (XML Infoset). The XML information set (in- queues, to manage the routing of messages, and to
foset) provides a way to describe an XML document fix priorities of messages. Messages can be delivered
with XML schema definition (XSD). SOAP still lacks according to three basic messaging models:
33 Interoperability and Standards for Automation 737

• Point-to-point model, in which only one consumer user level and one at the workflow system level. These
may receive messages that are sent to a queue by one are:
or more producers • BPMN: The business process modeling notation is a
• Publish and subscribe, in which multiple consumers diagrammatic and semistructured notation that pro-
may register, or subscribe, to receive messages (called vides business analysts with the capability to rep-
topics) from the same message queue resent internal business procedures in a graphical
• Request/reply, which allows reliable bidirectional language [37]. It gives organizations the ability to
communications between two peer systems (using depict and communicate these procedures in a stan-
input queues and output queues) dard manner. Furthermore, the graphical notation fa-
An enterprise service bus goes beyond the capabilities cilitates the description of how collaborations as well 33
of a MOM. It is a standards-based integration plat- as business transactions are performed between or-
form that combines messaging of a MOM, web services, ganizations. This ensures that business participants
data transformation, database access services, intelli- will understand each other’s business and that they
gent routing of messages, and even workflow execution will be able, when necessary, to adjust organization
to reliably connect and coordinate the interaction of process models to new internal and B2B business
significant numbers of diverse applications across an circumstances quickly. The current version is BPMN
extended organization with transactional integrity. It is 2.0.2 and has become a standard (ISO/IEC 19510).
capable of being adopted for any general-purpose inte- • BPEL: The business process execution language is an
gration project and can scale beyond the limits of a hub- XML-based language designed to enable task sharing
and-spoke enterprise application integration broker. Data for a distributed computing environment – even across
transformation is the ability to apply XSLT (extended multiple organizations – using a combination of web
style sheet transformation) (or XML style sheets) to services (BPEL was first named BPEL4WS). It has
XML messages to reformat messages during transport been developed as a de facto standard by the IT
depending on the type of receivers that will consume industry [38]. BPEL specifies the business process
the messages (for instance, the ZIP code is interpreted logic that defines the choreography of interactions
as a separate piece of information for one application between a number of web services as a workflow.
while it is part of a customer address for another one). The BPEL standard defines the structure, tags, and
Intelligent or rule-based routing is the ability to use attributes of an XML document that corresponds to
message properties to route message delivery to different a valid BPEL specification. Conversion mechanisms
queues according to message content. Database services exist to translate BPMN models into BPEL specifica-
simplify access to database systems using SQL (struc- tions so that the corresponding business processes can
tured query language) and Java database connectivity be executed by workflow engines.
(JDBC) or object database connectivity (ODBC). Useful 9. Enterprise portals: Enterprise portals provide a single
enterprise integration patterns to be used in messaging point of access to enterprise information and services
applications can be found in the book by Hohpe and organized as web pages, easily made accessible via a web
Woolf [17], who have thoroughly analyzed and described browser. Services are implemented as web services (also
patterns most commonly used in practice. called portlets) and information contents are stored in
7. Workflow engines: A workflow engine is a software web content managers. Enterprise portals provide a uni-
application that is able to enable and monitor the exe- fied web-based framework for integrating information,
cution of instances of a business process from its model people, and processes across organizational boundaries.
specification (for instance, expressed in the BPEL lan- If the portal is only accessible by the employees of an
guage – see next bullet). It executes a process step enterprise, it is called an intranet. If in addition it can
by step and monitors the state of each process step. be accessed by authorized external people, it is called an
Workflow engines are widely available on the market extranet. If it can be freely accessed by anyone, it is a
place. web portal or public Internet site.
8. BPM: Business process management consists of review- 10. EDM/WCM: Enterprise content management (ECM))
ing, reengineering, and automating business processes of consists in managing unstructured information in elec-
the organization. A business process is a partially ordered tronic form (letters, cont consists in managing unstruc-
sequence of steps. Among the process steps are services tured information in electronic form (letters, contracts,
offered by IT systems, others are activities or tasks. Once invoices, e-mails, miscellaneous electronic documents,
automated, these processes take the form of workflows, photos, films, etc.), as opposed to structured information
i.e., state-transition machines. Two languages can be stored in databases. It includes all of the management
used to model business processes, one at the business and formatting of content published on large-scale
738 F. B. Vernadat

company websites (intranets, extranets, and Internet global competitiveness of US business and the US quality of
websites). Web content management (WCM)) specif- life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus stan-
ically deals with content published on web pages. A dards and conformity assessment systems, and safeguarding
web content management system (WCMS) provides their integrity.
website authoring, collaboration, and administration CEN (European Committee for Standardization)) is
tools that help users with little knowledge of web based in Brussels, Belgium. It is an association that brings
programming languages or markup languages that create together the National Standardization Bodies of 34 European
and manage website contents. Both EDM and WCM countries. It provides a platform for the development of
tools are essential systems to store and manage contents European standards. CEN/TC 310 on advanced automation
presented by enterprise portals. technologies and their applications has been working
since 1990 to ensure the availability of the standards the
European industry needs for integrating and operating the
33.4 Standards for Automation various physical, electronic, software, and human resources
required for automated manufacturing. It works closely with
Standardization is the process of elaborating official docu- ISO/TC 184 and other committees. CEN/ISO documents
ments, i.e., sets of guidelines and standards, on the basis are referenced as EN ISO documents for European
of a large consensus at national or international level on a norms (EN).
specific technical domain, a technology, a methodology or set NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technology))
of procedures, or a body of knowledge. Standards are useful is a US standardization institute founded in 1901 and based in
to public or private organizations, and especially to industry, Gaithersburg, MD. It is now a branch of the US Department
because they provide commonly agreed terminology, rules, of Commerce and is organized in laboratories. The true
and normative information or specifications about proce- central mission of NIST is to enable innovation and indus-
dures, methods, or technical solutions for their design, man- trial competitiveness through standards. Together with ISO
agement, improvement, operations, maintenance, or decom- and ANSI, NIST has significantly contributed to automation
missioning, or those of the products or services they produce standards developments, e.g., automation frameworks, cyber-
or offer. physical system frameworks, risk management framework
The aim of this section is to list major standards applicable (RMF) automation, security automation, etc.
to the design, implementation, and management of auto- The following list of standards is by no means an ex-
mated systems, be they interoperable or not. Standardization haustive presentation. It contains the most popular stan-
organizations producing relevant standards for automation dards relevant for automation projects or automated systems.
domains include ISO, IEC, ANSI, CEN, and NIST. Standards are presented in tabular form and classified by
ISO (International Standardization Organization), based themes, excluding industrial communications and computer
in Geneva, Switzerland, was founded in 1946 and counts 165 networks technologies which are addressed in Ch.  23.
participating countries. Standardization work at ISO is orga- Copies of the standards can be obtained from the respective
nized in technical committees (TCs), each TC being made of website of the responsible organization body (usually with
subcommittees (SCs) comprising working groups (WGs). TC a fee) using the standard identification code indicated in
184 on automation systems and integration is the main ISO the following tables. For each standard, a short description
TC dealing with industrial automation and covering physical extracted from publicly available information on its website
device control (SC 1), industrial and service robotics (SC 2), is proposed.
industrial data (SC 4), and interoperability and integration
technologies (SC 5).
IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), , 33.4.1 Standards for Automation Project
founded in 1906 and also based in Geneva, Switzerland, or System Management
is the world’s leading organization for the preparation
and publication of international standards for all so-called Table 33.1 identifies high level standards relevant for
“electrotechnologies,” i.e., electrical, electronic, and related project managers of automation projects or automated
technologies. ISO and IEC formed the joint technical systems. Indeed, depending on projects, managers must
committee JTC 1 dealing with development of worldwide pay attention to quality management of products, services,
information and communication technology (ICT) standards or processes (ISO 9000), assess and mitigate risks (ISO
for business and consumer applications. 31000), care about environmental responsibilities (ISO
ANSI (American National Standards Institute)) is a pri- 14000) as well as social responsibilities including sustainable
vate, not-for-profit organization founded in 1918 and based development (ISO 26000), guarantee information asset
in Washington, DC, USA. Its mission is to enhance both the security (ISO/IEC 27000), measure and control performance
33 Interoperability and Standards for Automation 739

Table 33.1 Standards for automation project or system management

Standard identification Title Short description Responsible entity
ISO 9000 Family Quality management Proposes a number of quality management principles ISO/TC 176/SC2
including a strong customer focus, the motivation and
implication of top management, the process approach, and
continual improvement. ISO 9001 can be used as the basis for
audit or certification of enterprise processes or services. The
family comprises:
ISO 9000:2015 Quality management systems – Fundamentals
and vocabulary
ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems – Requirements
ISO 9004:2018 Quality management – Quality of an 33
organization – Guidance to achieve sustained success
ISO 14000 Family Environmental management Concerns companies or organizations of any type that require ISO/TC 207
practical tools to manage their environmental responsibilities.
It comprises:
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems –
Requirements with guidance for use
ISO 14004:2016 Environmental management systems –
General guidelines on implementation
ISO 14005:2019 Environmental management systems –
Guidelines for a flexible approach to phased implementation
ISO 14040: 2006 Environmental management – Life cycle
assessment – Principles and framework
ISO 19011:2018 Guidelines for auditing Provides guidance on auditing management systems, including ISO/TC 176/SC3
management systems the principles of auditing, managing an audit program, and
conducting management system audits, as well as guidance on
the evaluation of competence of individuals involved in the
audit process
ISO 22301:2012 Societal security – Business Specifies requirements to plan, establish, implement, operate, ISO/TC 292
continuity management monitor, review, maintain, and continually improve a
systems – Requirements documented management system to protect against, reduce the
likelihood of occurrence, prepare for, respond to, and recover
from disruptive incidents when they arise
ISO 22400 Family Automation systems Specifies an industry-neutral framework for defining, ISO/TC 184/SC5
integration – Key performance composing, exchanging, and using key performance indicators
indicators (KPIs) for (KPIs) for manufacturing operations management, as defined
manufacturing operations in IEC 62264-1 for batch, continuous, and discrete industries.
management It comprises:
ISO 24001:2014 Part 1: Overview, concepts, and terminology
ISO 24002:2014 Part 2: Definitions and descriptions (contains
a selected number of KPIs)
ISO 24010:2018 Part 10: Operational sequence description of
data acquisition
ISO 26000:2010 Guidance on social Is intended to assist organizations in contributing to ISO Technical
responsibility sustainable development; also intended to encourage them to Management Board
go beyond legal compliance, recognizing that compliance with
law is a fundamental duty of any organization and an essential
part of their social responsibility
ISO/IEC 27000 Family Information Technology – Enables organizations of any kind to manage the security of ISO/IEC JTC
Security management assets such as financial information, intellectual property, 1/SC27
employee details, or information entrusted by third parties in
their information systems
ISO 31000:2018 Risk management – Guidelines Provides guidelines and a common approach to managing any ISO/TC 262
kind of risks faced by organizations. The application of these
guidelines can be customized to any organization and its
740 F. B. Vernadat

of manufacturing operations (ISO 22400), ensure business for smart devices and their connection, and the digital factory
continuity of operations (ISO 22301), and carry out audits framework (IEC 62832-1:2016).
or obtain certification for their products, services, or systems
(ISO 19011).
33.4.5 Standards for Industrial Data

33.4.2 Standards for Automated Systems Table 33.5 suggests a list of major standards to be considered
Modeling, Integration, when handling or processing industrial data in automated
and Interoperability systems. They concern data quality and the exchange of
master data (ISO 8000), exchange of product data with the
Table 33.2 summarizes the most important standards ap- STEP format (ISO 10303)), exchange of parts library data
plicable to interoperability or integration projects of en- (ISO 13584), and specification and exchange of manufac-
terprise systems or automation applications. They concern turing process data with the PSL language (ISO 18629).
project managers and business analysts when they have to It also concerns industrial manufacturing management data
plan and organize enterprise/automation system integration as defined in the various parts of the MANDATE standard
or interoperability projects (ISO 15704), assess interoper- (ISO 15531) for which it defines a series of conceptual
ability maturity (ISO 11354-2), define system architecture models (resource model, time model, and flow management
(EN ISO 19439, ISO/IEC 10746), apply enterprise or sys- model).
tem modeling techniques to describe business entities (ISO
14258, ISO 19440, ISO/IEC 15414) or business processes
(ISO/IEC 19150), specify and analyze system design with 33.4.6 Standards for Industrial Automation
Petri nets (ISO/IEC 15909), and put in place interoper-
ability solutions using open systems application integration The sum of standardization efforts in industrial automation
(ISO 15745) or manufacturing software capability profiling is immense. It covers specifications for everything from
(ISO 16100). network communications profiles all the way through to the
tools physically interacting with the products, interoperabil-
ity of devices, or to equipment reliability, safety, or efficiency.
33.4.3 Standards for E-Commerce Therefore, Table 33.6 only provides a list of essential stan-
and E-Business dards for industrial automation as recommended by ANSI
and ISA (the International Society of Automation).
Table 33.3 mentions only three standardization documents, Among this set of documents, we specifically recommend
including one in working draft (WD) status and one stan- reading documents of the ISO/IEC 62264 family (listed first),
dard family (ISO 15000) on ebXML for e-commerce and formerly known as ANSI/ISA-95, which defines a generic
e-business as far as automation is concerned. hierarchical control framework, also called the automation
pyramid, for the management and control of manufacturing
and production systems. The pyramid defines five levels:
33.4.4 Standards for Emerging Industry level 0 at the bottom for production processes with sensors
(Including I4.0, IoT, and CPS) and signals, level 1 for sensing and manipulating using PLCs,
level 2 for monitoring and supervising using supervisory
Table 33.4 indicates a few standards relevant to Industry control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems accessible
4.0/smart manufacturing. Because these are recent and still by means of human-machine interfaces (HMIs), level 3 for
emerging concepts, only a limited number of standards or manufacturing operations management using manufacturing
prestandards can be pointed out. The most important one executive systems (MESs), and level 4 at the top for business
at the moment is the publicly available specification (PAS) planning and management using enterprise resource planning
document about the reference architecture for Industry 4.0 (ERP) systems. Part 3 of the standard also needs considera-
known as RAMI 4.0 (IEC/PAS 63088). For this reason, it is tion as it defines generic activity models of manufacturing
listed first. operations management that enable enterprise systems to
Also included in this category are standards on RFID control system integration.
(ISO/IEC 18000 Series) as used in inventory management, Three other significant and widely used standards are:
Reference Architecture for Service-Oriented Architectures IEC 61131 about programmable logic controllers (PLCs),
(SOA RA) (ISO/IEC 18384:2016), drones (ISO 21384 and ISO 9506 about manufacturing message specification
ISO 21895) to be used to deliver shipments, Internet of (MMS), and ANSI/MTC1.6-2020 about MTConnect, an
Things (IoT) (ISO/IEC 21823 and ISO/IEC TR 30166:2020) ANSI/ISA-95-compliant interoperability solution for data
33 Interoperability and Standards for Automation 741

Table 33.2 Standards for automated systems modeling, integration, and interoperability
Standard identification Title Short description entity
ISO/IEC 10746 Family Information technology – Provides a coordinating framework for the standardization of open ISO/IEC JTC
(known as RM-ODP) Open distributed distributed processing (ODP). This supports distribution, 1/SC 7
processing – Reference interworking, portability, and platform and technology independence.
model It establishes an enterprise architecture framework for the
specification of ODP systems based on five model views (namely
enterprise, information, computational, engineering, and technology
viewpoints). The family comprises:
ISO/IEC 10746-1:1998 Part 1: Overview
ISO/IEC 10746-2:2009 Part 2: Foundations 33
ISO/IEC 10746-3:2009 Part 3: Architecture
ISO/IEC 10746-4:1998 Part 4: Architectural semantics
EN ISO 11354 Family Advanced automation Specifies Framework for Enterprise Interoperability (FEI) that ISO/TC 184/SC5
technologies and their establishes dimensions and viewpoints to address interoperability
applications – barriers, their potential solutions, and the relationships between them,
Requirements for and specifies maturity levels to represent the capability of an
establishing manufacturing enterprise to interoperate with other enterprises. It comprises:
enterprise process ISO 11354-1:2011 Part 1: Framework for Enterprise Interoperability
interoperability ISO 11354-2: 2015 Part 2: Maturity model for assessing enterprise
ISO 14258:1998 Industrial automation Defines general concepts and rules applicable for elaborating ISO/TC 184/SC5
systems – Concepts and enterprise models
rules for enterprise models
ISO/IEC 15414:2015 Information technology – Provides (a) a language (the enterprise language) comprising ISO/IEC JTC
Open distributed concepts, structures, and rules for developing, representing, and 1/SC 7
processing – Reference reasoning about a specification of an open distributed processing
model – Enterprise system from the enterprise viewpoint (as defined in ISO/IEC
language 10746-3); and (b) rules which establish correspondences between the
enterprise language and the other viewpoint languages (defined in
ISO/IEC 10746-3) to ensure the overall consistency of a specification
ISO 15704:2019 Enterprise modeling and Specifies a reference base of concepts and principles for enterprise ISO/TC 184/SC5
architecture – architectures that enable enterprise development, enterprise
Requirements for integration, enterprise interoperability, human understanding, and
enterprise-referencing computer processing. The document further specifies requirements
architectures and for models and languages created for expressing such enterprise
methodologies architectures. It specifies those terms, concepts, and principles
considered necessary to address stakeholder concerns and to carry out
enterprise creation programs as well as any incremental change
projects required by the enterprise throughout the whole life of the
enterprise. The document forms the basis by which enterprise
architecture and modeling standards can be developed or aligned
ISO 15745 Family Industrial automation Defines an application integration framework, i.e., a set of elements
systems and integration – and rules for describing integration models and application
Open systems application interoperability profiles, together with their component profiles
integration framework (process profiles, information exchange profiles, and resource
profiles). It is applicable to industrial automation applications such as
discrete manufacturing, process automation, electronics assembly,
semiconductor fabrication, and wide-area material handling. It may
also be applicable to other automation and control applications such
as utility automation, agriculture, off-road vehicles, medical and
laboratory automation, and public transport systems. It comprises:
ISO 15745-1:2003 Part 1: Generic reference description
ISO 15745-2:2003 Part 2: Reference description for ISO 11898-based
control systems
ISO 15745-3:2003 Part 3: Reference description for IEC 61158-based
control system
ISO 15745-4:2003 Part 4: Reference description for Ethernet-based
control system
742 F. B. Vernadat

Table 33.2 (continued)

Standard identification Title Short description entity
ISO 16100 Family Industrial automationSpecifies a framework, independent of a particular system ISO/TC 184/SC5
systems and integration –
architecture or implementation platform, for the interoperability of a
Manufacturing software
set of software products used in the manufacturing domain and to
capability profiling for
facilitate its integration into a manufacturing application. The full
interoperability framework addresses information exchange models, software object
models, interfaces, services, protocols, capability profiles, and
conformance test methods. It comprises:
ISO 16100-1:2009 Part 1: Framework
ISO 16100-2:2003 Part 2: Profiling methodology
ISO 16100-3:2005 Part 3: Interface services, protocols, and capability
ISO 16100-4:2006 Part 4: Conformance test methods, criteria, and
ISO 16100-5:2009 Part 5: Methodology for profile matching using
multiple capability class structures
ISO/IEC 19150:2013 Information technology – Provides a notation that is readily understandable by all business ISO/IEC JTC 1
(on BPMN) Object Management Group users, from the business analysts that create the initial drafts of the
Business Process Model processes to the technical developers responsible for implementing
and Notation the technology that will perform those processes, and finally to the
business people who will manage and monitor those processes. Based
on BPMN 2.0
EN ISO 19439:2006 Enterprise integration – Specifies a framework based on CIMOSA, PERA, and GERAM ISO/TC 184/SC5
Framework for enterprise conforming to requirements of ISO 15704 made of four model views
modeling (function, information, resource, and organization). It serves as the
basis for further standards for the development of enterprise models
that will be computer-enactable and enable business process
model-based decision support leading to model-based operation,
monitoring, and control
EN ISO 19440:2020 Enterprise integration – Identifies and specifies a set of constructs necessary for modeling ISO/TC 184/SC5
Constructs for enterprise enterprises aspects in conformance with ISO 19439. This document
modeling focuses on, but is not restricted to, engineering and the integration of
manufacturing and related services in the enterprise. The constructs
enable the description of structure and functioning of an enterprise for
use in configuring or implementing in different application domains
ISO/IEC 15909 Family Systems and software Defines a Petri net modeling language or technique, called high-level ISO/IEC JTC 1
engineering – High-level Petri nets, including its syntax and semantics. It provides a reference
Petri nets definition that can be used both within and between organizations to
ensure a common understanding of the technique and of the
specifications written using the technique. The standard also defines
an XML-based transfer format for Petri nets to facilitate the
development and interoperability of Petri net computer support tools.
It comprises:
ISO/IEC 15909:2019 Part 1: Concepts, definitions, and graphical
ISO/IEC 15909:2011 Part 2: Transfer format

exchanges between machine tools and other pieces of facility general characteristics, coordinate systems, effectors,
equipment. mechanical interfaces, or safety requirements.

33.4.7 Standards for Industrial and Service 33.4.8 Standards on Usability

Robotics and Human-Computer Interaction

Many standards apply to industrial and service robots. Table 33.8 provides a nonexhaustive list of useful standards
Table 33.7 gives a limited but useful list for manipulating related to ease of use and interactions between humans and
robots covering aspects such as established vocabulary, computerized systems in automated systems with a focus
33 Interoperability and Standards for Automation 743

Table 33.3 Standards for e-commerce and e-business

Standard identification Title Short description Responsible entity
ISO 10008:2013 Quality management – Provides guidance for planning, designing, developing, ISO/TC 176/SC3
Customer satisfaction – implementing, maintaining, and improving an effective and
Guidelines for efficient business-to-consumer electronic commerce transaction
business-to-consumer system within an organization
electronic commerce
ISO 15000 Family Electronic business Commonly known as e-business XML, or ebXML, it is a family ISO/TC 154
(ebXML) eXtensible Markup of XML-based standards sponsored by OASIS and UN/CEFACT
Language (ebXML) to provide an open, XML-based infrastructure, that enables the
global use of electronic business information in an interoperable, 33
secure, and consistent manner by all trading partners. It currently
ISO/DIS 15000-1: Part 1: Messaging service core specification
ISO/DIS 15000-2: Part 2: Applicability Statement (AS) profile of
ebXML messaging service
ISO 15000-5:2014 Part 5: Core Components Specification (CCS)
ISO/IEC 15944-1:2011 Information Concerns open electronic data interchange (Open-edi) and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32
(Open-edi) technology – Business addresses the fundamental requirements of the commercial and
operational view – Part legal frameworks and their environments on business transactions
1: Operational aspects of commercial data between the participating organizations
of Open-edi for
ISO/WD 32110 Transaction assurance Ongoing work on standardization in the field of transaction ISO/TC 321
in e-commerce assurance in e-commerce-related upstream/downstream processes

on ergonomic requirements (including multimedia systems), e-commerce, e-services, e-work, or e-government). In both
different aspects of man-machine interaction, and usability. cases, the state of the art to face their needs is to implement
XML-based messaging communications and loosely coupled
system interoperation thanks to XML/HTTP or web
services over Internet (TCP/IP). More specifically, electronic
33.5 Overview and Conclusion commerce is a rapidly growing application domain (for web-
based shopping, B2B commerce, e-procurement, electronic
To synthesize, Fig. 33.4, adapted from [39], puts together a payment, EDI, etc.). Dedicated technologies developed for
number of concepts and principles addressed in this chapter this domain include ebXML (electronic business XML –
to draw a comprehensive view of the big picture. In addi- now ISO 15000) for XML electronic data interchange, and
tion, it indicates some of the research challenges that are RosettaNet ( for standard electronic
receiving a lot of attention from different academic com- data exchange in supply chains. In addition, e-work, and
munities in the various domains of enterprise integration, especially teleworking and videoconferencing, is another
interoperability, and networking, when they have to apply application domain that has boomed as an effect of the
to enterprise automation. As illustrated in Sect. 33.4, all COVID-19 crisis in 2020. Regarding Industry 4.0, the
these domains are the subject of extensive standardization needs are going to decouple and primary technologies
efforts to consolidate advances and encourage harmonized used are cyber-physical systems (CPSs), Internet-of-
developments. Things/Internet-of-Services, service-oriented architectures,
Due to the tremendous needs for data/information/ and MOM/ESB internally, while cloud computing, enterprise
knowledge exchange or sharing as well as for the ever- portals, and collaborative platforms are required to support
increasing needs for cooperative or collaborative work interorganization exchanges.
around the world and between organizations, nearly all In terms of trends that can be observed, there has been a
activity sectors are facing integration and interoperability shift from the pure business process paradigm that prevailed
problems, ranging from manufacturing supply chains to until the end of the 1990s to the service orientation paradigm
banking activities, the insurance sector, medical services, since 2000. This puts more emphasis on services interop-
and public or government organizations. erability than on IT systems interoperability or enterprise
Typical recent examples are the manufacturing world application integration than before [40].
on one hand with smart manufacturing/Industry 4.0, and Among the future trends, one can mention the emer-
all kinds of e-activities on the other hand (e.g., e-business, gence of composite services, i.e., services made of services,
744 F. B. Vernadat

Table 33.4 Standards for Industry 4.0

Standard identification Title Short description entity
IEC/PAS 63088:2017 Smart manufacturing – Describes a reference architecture model in the form of a cubic layer IEC/TC 65
(known as RAMI 4.0) Reference architecture model, which shows technical objects (assets) in the form of layers,
model industry 4.0 (RAMIand allows them to be described, tracked over their entire lifetime (or
4.0) “vita”), and assigned to technical and/or organizational hierarchies. It
also describes the structure and function of Industry 4.0 components
as essential parts of the virtual representation of assets
ISO/IEC 18000 Series Information technology – Describes a series of diverse radio frequency identification (RFID) ISO/IEC JTC
(on RFID) Radio frequency technologies, each using a unique frequency range. The series is made 1/SC 31
identification for item of several parts:
management Part 1: Reference architecture and definition of parameters to be
Parts 2 to 7: Parameters for air interface communications for
frequency ranges below 135 KHz, at 13.56 MHz, at 2.45 GHz, at
860 MHz to 960 MHz, and 433 MHz, respectively
Part 6 (ISO/IEC 18000-6) is a large document that has been split into
five parts as follows:
Part 6: Parameters for air interface communications at 860 MHz to
960 MHz General
Part 61: Parameters for air interface communications at 860 MHz to
960 MHz Type A
Part 62: Parameters for air interface communications at 860 MHz to
960 MHz Type B
Part 63: Parameters for air interface communications at 860 MHz to
960 MHz Type C
Part 64: Parameters for air interface communications at 860 MHz to
960 MHz Type D
ISO/IEC 18384:2016 Information technology – Describes a Reference Architecture for SOA Solutions which applies ISO/IEC JTC
Reference Architecture for to functional design, performance, development, deployment, and 1/SC 38
Service-Oriented management of SOA Solutions. It includes a domain-independent
Architecture (SOA RA) – framework, addressing functional requirements and nonfunctional
Part 2: Reference requirements, as well as capabilities and best practices to support
Architecture for SOA those requirements
ISO 21384 Series (for Unmanned aircraft systems Refers to unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) that are widely used in ISO/TC 20/SC
drones) science and technology and specifies the requirements for safe 16
commercial UAS operations. The series, still under development and
approval, comprises:
ISO/DIS 21384-1 Part 1: General specification
ISO/CD 21384-2 Part 2: Product systems
ISO 21384-3:2019 Part 3: Operational procedures
ISO 21384-4:2020 Part 4: Vocabulary
ISO 21895:2020 Categorization and Specifies requirements for the classification and grading of civil ISO/TC 20/SC
classification of civil unmanned aircraft system (UAS). It applies to the industrial 16
unmanned aircraft systems conception, development, design, production, and delivery of civil
ISO/IEC 21823 Family Internet of Things (IoT) – Deals with interoperability as it applies to IoT systems, providing a ISO/IEC JTC
Interoperability for IoT framework for interoperability for IoT systems that enables 1/SC 41
systems peer-to-peer interoperability between separate IoT systems. It
ISO/IEC 21823-1:2019 Part 1: Framework
ISO/IEC 21823-2: 2020 Part 2: Transport interoperability
ISO/IEC TR Internet of Things (IoT) – Technical report that describes: general Industrial IoT (IioT) systems ISO/IEC JTC
30166:2020 Industrial IoT and landscapes which outline characteristics, technical aspects and 1/SC 41
functional as well as nonfunctional elements of the IioT structure, and
a listing of standardizing organizations, consortia, and open-source
communities with work on all aspects on IIoT
IEC 62832-1:2016 Industrial process It is a technical specification (TS) that defines the general principles IEC/TC 65
measurement, control, and of the digital factory framework (DF framework), which is a set of
automation – Digital model elements (DF reference model) and rules for modeling
factory framework – Part 1: production systems
General principles
33 Interoperability and Standards for Automation 745

Table 33.5 Standards for industrial data

Standard identification Title Short description entity
ISO 8000 Series Data quality Is a global set of standards for data quality and enterprise master data ISO/TC 184/SC4
(including critical business information about products, services and
materials, constituents, clients and counterparties, and for certain
immutable transactional and operational records). It describes the
features and defines the requirements for standard exchange of master
data among business partners
ISO 10303 Series Industrial automation Is the standard for the computer-interpretable representation and ISO/TC 184/SC4
(informally known as systems and integration – exchange of product manufacturing information, and especially
STEP) Product data representation product data for the entire product life cycle, using STEP (standard 33
and exchange for the exchange of product data models). STEP can be used to
exchange geometric, dimensioning, tolerancing, or descriptive data
between computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing,
computer-aided engineering, product data management/enterprise
data modeling, and other computer-aided systems. ISO 10303 is
closely related to ISO 13584 (PLIB). ISO 10303 is made of many
parts and many application protocols (APs). Essential ones are:
ISO 10303-1:1994 Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles
ISO 10303-11:2004 Part 11: Description methods: The EXPRESS
language reference manual
ISO 10303 Parts 2x: Implementation methods (STEP-file,
STEP-XML . . . )
ISO 10303 Parts 3x: Conformance testing methodology and
ISO 10303 Parts 4x and 5x: Integrated generic resources
ISO 10303 Parts 1xx: Integrated application resources
AP 201, Explicit draughting. Simple 2D drawing geometry related to
a product. No association, no assembly hierarchy
AP 202, Associative draughting. 2D/3D drawing with association, but
no product structure
AP 203, Configuration-controlled 3D designs of mechanical parts and
AP 204, Mechanical design using boundary representation
AP 214, Core data for automotive mechanical design processes
AP 242, Managed model-based 3D engineering
ISO 13584 Family Industrial automation Is an international standard for the computer-interpretable ISO/TC 184/SC4
(known as PLIB) systems and integration – representation and exchange of parts library data. The objective is to
Parts library provide a neutral mechanism capable of transferring parts library
data, independent of any application that is using a parts library data
system. The nature of this description makes it suitable not only for
the exchange of files containing parts, but also as a basis for
implementing and sharing databases of parts library data
ISO 15531 Family Industrial automation MANDATE addresses the modeling of manufacturing management ISO/TC 184/SC4
(know as MANDATE) systems and integration – data such as: resources management data (resource model),
Industrial manufacturing time-related features (time model), or flow management data in
management data manufacturing (flow management model). MANDATE, in association
with STEP, PLIB, and other ISO/SC 4 (or non-SC 4) standards, may
be used in any software application that addresses manufacturing
management–related information such as resources management data,
flow management data, etc. As such, the standard is intended at
facilitating information exchanges between software applications
such as ERP, manufacturing management software, maintenance
management software, quotation software, etc. MANDATE has been
written in EXPRESS (ISO 10303-11)
ISO 18629 Family (on Industrial automation Defines a process specification language (PSL) aimed at identifying, ISO/TC 184/SC4
PSL) systems and integration – formally defining, and structuring the semantic concepts intrinsic to
Process specification the capture and exchange of process information related to discrete
language manufacturing. PSL is defined as a set of logic terms, specified in an
ontology, used to describe manufacturing, engineering, and business
processes. This family is made of nine parts, among which the most
important are:
ISO 18629-1:2004 Part 1: Overview and basic principles
ISO 18629-11:2005 Part 11: PSL core
ISO 18629-12:2005 Part 12: PSL outer core
746 F. B. Vernadat

Table 33.6 Essential standards for industrial automation

Standard identification Title Short description entity
ISO/IEC 62264 Enterprise control system Is an international standard for developing an automated interface ISO/TC
Family(known as integration between enterprise and control systems, developed to be applied in all 184/SC 5
ANSI/ISA-95 or industries, and in all sorts of processes, like batch processes,
ISA-95) continuous, and repetitive processes. It comprises:
IEC 62264-1:2013 Part 1: Models and terminology
IEC 62264-2:2015 Part 2: Objects and attributes for enterprise control
system integration
IEC 62264-3:2016 Part 3: Activity models of manufacturing
operations management
IEC 62264-4:2016 Pat 4: Activity models of manufacturing
operations management integration
IEC 62264-5:2016 Part 5: Business to manufacturing transactions
ISO 9506 Family Industrial automation Deals with manufacturing messaging specification (MMS) for ISO/TC
(known as MMS) systems – Manufacturing transferring real-time process data and supervisory control 184/SC 5
message specification information between networked devices or computer applications. It
ISO 9506-1:2003 Part 1: Service definition
ISO 9506-2:2003 Part 2: Protocol specification
ISO 11161:2007 Safety of machinery – Specifies the safety requirements for integrated manufacturing ISO/TC 199
Integrated manufacturing systems that incorporate two or more interconnected machines for
systems – Basic specific applications, such as component manufacturing or assembly.
requirements It gives requirements and recommendations for the safe design,
safeguarding, and information for the use of such systems
ISO 13281:1997 Industrial automation Specifies the functional architecture of MAPLE, a manufacturing ISO/TC
(known as MAPLE) systems – Manufacturing automation programming environment. MAPLE is a 184/SC 5
Automation Programming vendor-independent neutral facility for the programming of multiple
Environment (MAPLE) – manufacturing devices and controls. For the programming of
Functional architecture manufacturing devices and controls the following areas will be
supported: Connection between various manufacturing data and
manufacturing application programs; management of several
manufacturing databases; and sharing of manufacturing application
programs and software tools
ISO 20242-1:2005 Industrial automation Provides an overview of the particularities of the international ISO/TC
systems and integration – standard ISO 20242 and its use in the computer-aided testing 184/SC 5
Service interface for testing environment
applications – Part 1:
ISO 23570-1:2005 Industrial automation Specifies the interconnection of elements in the control system of ISO/TC
systems and integration – machine tools and similar large pieces of industrial automation and 184/SC 1
Distributed installation in specifies the interconnection of sensors and actuators with I/O
industrial applications – modules. This specification includes cable types, sizes and sheath
Part 1: Sensors and colors, connector types and contact assignments, and diagnostic
actuators functions appropriate to the sensors and actuators
IEC 61131:2020 Series Programmable controllers Is a set of IEC standard for programmable controllers. It comprises: IEC/TC
IEC 61131-1:2003 Part 1: General information 65/SC 65B
IEC 61131-2:2017 Part 2: Equipment requirements and tests
IEC 61131-3:2013 Part 3: Programming languages
IEC TR 61131-4:2004 Part 4: User guidelines
IEC 61131-5:2000 Part 5: Communications
IEC 61131-6:2012 Part 6: Functional safety
IEC 61131-10:2019 Part 10: PLC open XML exchange format
IEC 61158-1:2019 Industrial communication Specifies the generic concept of fieldbuses. This document presents IEC/TC
networks – Fieldbus an overview and guidance for the IEC 61158 series explaining the 65/SC 65C
specifications – Part 1: structure and content of the IEC 61158 series, relating the structure of
Overview and guidance for the IEC 61158 series to the ISO/IEC 7498-1 OSI Basic Reference
the IEC 61158 and IEC Model and showing how to use parts of the IEC 61158 series in
61784 series combination with the IEC 61784 series
33 Interoperability and Standards for Automation 747

Table 33.6 (continued)

Standard identification Title Short description entity
IEC 61298-1:2008 Process measurement and Specifies general methods and procedures for conducting tests, and IEC/TC
control devices – General reporting on the functional and performance characteristics of process 65/SC 65B
methods and procedures for measurement and control devices
evaluating performance –
Part 1: General
IEC 61508-1:2010 Functional safety of electri- Covers the aspects to be considered when IEC/TC
cal/electronic/programmable electrical/electronic/programmable electronic systems are used to 65/SC 65A
electronic safety-related carry out safety functions 33
systems – Part 1: General
IEC 61784-1:2019 Industrial communication Defines a set of protocol-specific communication profiles based IEC/TC
networks – Profiles Part 1: primarily on the IEC 61158 series, to be used in the design of devices 65/SC 65C
Fieldbus profiles involved in communications in factory manufacturing and process
IEC 61850 Series Communication networks Set of standards for communication networks and systems for power IEC/TC 57
and systems for power utility utility automation – All parts. It is applicable to power utility
automation automation systems and defines the communication between
intelligent electronic devices in such systems
IEC 61987-1:2006 Industrial process Defines a generic structure in which product features of industrial IEC/TC
measurement and control – process measurement and control equipment with analog or digital 65/SC 65E
Data structures and elements output should be arranged, in order to facilitate the understanding of
in process equipment product descriptions when they are transferred from one party to
catalogues – Part 1: another
Measuring equipment with
analog and digital output
IEC 62381:2012 Automation systems in the Defines the procedures and specifications for the Factory Acceptance IEC/TC
process industry – Factory Test (FAT), the Site Acceptance Test (SAT), and the Site Integration 65/SC 65E
Acceptance Test (FAT), Site Test (SIT). These tests are carried out to prove that the automation
Acceptance Test (SAT), and system is in accordance with the specification. The description of
Site Integration Test (SIT) activities given in this standard can be taken as a guideline and
adapted to the specific requirements of the process, plant, or
IEC 62453-1:2016 Field device tool (FDT) Presents an overview and guidance for the IEC 62453 series on field IEC/TC
interface specification – Part device tool (FT) interfaces 65/SC 65E
1: Overview and guidance
ANSI/MTC1.6-2020 MTConnect Standard MTConnect is an open and free of charge data and information ANSI
Version 1.6 exchange standard supporting interoperability between devices,
sensors, and software applications by publishing data over a network.
It is based on a data dictionary of terms describing information
associated with manufacturing operations. The standard also defines a
series of semantic data models that provide a clear and unambiguous
representation of how that information relates to a manufacturing

especially to build hubs of integrated e-services. This need is nological advances (e.g., faster communication networks,
rapidly growing both in business (to combine competencies authentication mechanisms, security issues, electronic signa-
and capabilities of several partners into common services) ture, or multilingual issues).
as well as in government organizations (for instance, pan- At the semantic level, many researchers agree that one
European services offered to EU citizens where a service of the major challenges for integration and interoperability
offered to citizens through a common portal will in fact be remains the semantic unification of concepts, thus hindering
a combination of local services running in member states development of smart systems. There are simply too
in national languages, e.g., application for the blue card or many (often trivial) ontologies around, developed in
European identity card). isolation and ignoring each other, and no common way
At the technical level, integration and interoperability of representing these ontologies, although OWL-S is a de
are still evolving and will continue to evolve with tech- facto standard. Proposed underlying microtheories must be
748 F. B. Vernadat

Table 33.7 Standards for industrial and service robotics

Standard identification Title Short description entity
ISO 8373:2012 Robots and robotic Defines terms used in relation with robots and robotic devices ISO/TC 299
devices – Vocabulary operating in both industrial and nonindustrial environments
ISO 9409-1:2004 Manipulating industrial Defines the main dimensions, designation, and marking for a circular ISO/TC 299
robots – Mechanical plate as mechanical interface. It is intended to ensure the
interfaces – Part 1: Plates exchangeability and to keep the orientation of hand-mounted
ISO 9409-2:2002 Manipulating industrial Defines the main dimensions, designation, and marking for a shaft ISO/TC 299
robots – Mechanical with cylindrical projection as mechanical interface. It is intended to
interfaces – Part 2: Shafts ensure the exchangeability and to keep the orientation of
hand-mounted end-effectors
ISO 9283:1998 Manipulating industrial Is intended to facilitate understanding between users and ISO/TC 299
robots – Performance manufacturers of robots and robot systems, defining the important
criteria and related test performance characteristics, describing how they shall be specified,
methods and recommending how they should be tested
ISO 9787:2013 Robots and robotic Defines and specifies robot coordinate systems. It also provides ISO/TC 299
devices – Coordinate nomenclature, including notations, for the basic robot motions. It is
systems and motion intended to aid in robot alignment, testing, and programming. It
nomenclatures applies to all robots and robotic devices as defined in ISO 8373
ISO 9946:1999 Manipulating industrial Because the number of manipulating industrial robots used in a ISO/TC 299
robots – Presentation of manufacturing environment is constantly increasing and this has
characteristics underlined the need for a standard format for the specification and
presentation of robot characteristics, the document is intended to
assist users and manufacturers in the understanding and comparison
of various types of robots and contains a vocabulary and a format for
the presentation of automatic end-effector exchange systems
EN ISO 10218-1:2011 Robots and robotic Specifies requirements and guidelines for the inherent safe design, ISO/TC 299
devices – Safety protective measures, and information for use of industrial robots. It
requirements for industrial describes basic hazards associated with robots and provides
robots – Part 1: Robots requirements to eliminate, or adequately reduce, the risks associated
with these hazards
EN ISO 10218-2:2011 Robots and robotic Specifies safety requirements for the integration of industrial robots ISO/TC 299
devices – Safety and industrial robot systems as defined in ISO 10218-1, and industrial
requirements for industrial robot cell(s)
robots – Part 2: Robot
systems and integration
ISO 11593:1996 Manipulating industrial Defines terms relevant to automatic end-effector exchange systems ISO/TC 299
robots – Automatic used for manipulating industrial robots. The terms are presented by
end-effector exchange their symbol, unit, definition, and description. The definition includes
systems – Vocabulary and references to existing standards
presentation of
ISO/TR 13309:1995 Manipulating industrial This technical report supplies information on the state of the art of test ISO/TC 299
robots – Informative guide equipment operating principles. Additional information is provided
on test equipment and that describes the applications of current test equipment technology to
metrology methods of ISO 9283
operation for robot
performance evaluation in
accordance with ISO 9283
EN ISO 13482:2014 Robots and robotic Specifies requirements and guidelines for the inherently safe design, ISO/TC 299
devices – Safety protective measures, and information for use of personal care robots,
requirements for personal in particular the following three types of personal care robots: mobile
care robots servant robots, physical assistant robots, and person carrier robots.
These robots typically perform tasks to improve the quality of life of
intended users, irrespective of age or capability
ISO 14539:2000 Manipulating industrial Is one of a series of standards dealing with the requirements of ISO/TC 299
robots – Object handling manipulating industrial robots. This standard provides the vocabulary
with grasp-type grippers – for understanding and planning of object handling and presentation of
Vocabulary and characteristics of grasp-type grippers
presentation of
33 Interoperability and Standards for Automation 749

Table 33.8 Standards on usability and human-computer interaction

Standard identification Title Short description entity
ISO 9241 Family Ergonomic requirements This voluminous standard made of several parts and series provides ISO/TC 159/SC
for office work with visual detailed guidance on the design of user interfaces of interactive 4
display terminals (VDTs) systems. Recommended readings are:
Renamed from 2006 as: ISO 9241-1:1997 Part 1: General introduction
Ergonomics of ISO 9241-2:1992 Part 2: Guidance on task requirements
human-system interaction ISO 9241-11:2018 Part 11: Usability: Definitions and concepts
ISO 9241-20:2008 Part 20: Accessibility guidelines for
information/communication technology (ICT) equipment and services
ISO/TR 9421-100:2010 Part 100: Introduction to standards related to 33
software ergonomics
ISO 9241-171:2008 Part 171: Guidance on software accessibility
(former ISO/TS 16701:2003)
ISO 9241-210:2019 Part 210: Human-centered design for interactive
systems (former ISO 13407:1999)
ISO 9241-220:2019 Part 220: Processes for enabling, executing, and
assessing human-centered design within organizations (former
ISO/TR 18529:2000)
Since 2006, standards documents have been organized in series as
100 series: Software ergonomics
200 series: Human-system interaction processes
300 series: Displays and display-related hardware
400 series: Physical input devices – ergonomics principles
500 series: Workplace ergonomics
600 series: Environment ergonomics
700 series: Application domains – Control rooms
900 series: Tactile and haptic interactions
ISO 13407:1999 Human-centered design Replaced by ISO 9241-210:2019 ISO/TC 159/SC
processes for interactive 4
ISO 14915 Software ergonomics for Provides principles, recommendations, requirements, and guidance ISO/IEC JTC
multimedia user interfaces for the design of multimedia user interfaces with respect to the 1/SC 35
following aspects: design of the organization of the content,
navigation, and media-control issues. It comprises:
ISO 14915-1:2002 Part 1: Design principles and framework
ISO 14915-2:2003 Part 2: Multimedia navigation and control
ISO 14915-3:2002 Part 3: Media selection and combination
ISO/TS 16701:2003 Ergonomics of Replaced by ISO 9241-171:2008 ISO/TC 159/SC
human-system interaction – 4
Guidance on accessibility
for human-computer
ISO/TR 16982:2002 Ergonomics of Provides information for project managers on human-centered ISO/TC 159/SC
human-system interaction – usability methods which can be used for design and evaluation. It 4
Usability methods details the advantages, disadvantages, and other factors relevant to
supporting human-centered using each usability method. It explains the implications of the stage
design of the life cycle and the individual project characteristics for the
selection of usability methods and provides examples of usability
methods in context
ISO/TR 18529:2000 Ergonomics – Ergonomics Replaced by ISO 9241-220:2019 Part 220 ISO/TC 159/SC
of human-system 4
interaction –
Human-centered life cycle
process descriptions
IEC/TR 61997:2001 Guidelines for the user Applies to the design of multimedia equipment such as information IEC/TC 100
interfaces in multimedia and communications equipment or audio-video equipment and
equipment for general systems. The purpose of the guidelines set in this technical report is to
purpose use take note of those inconveniences in the operation of multimedia
equipment observed today, and to specify checkpoints that should be
given primary consideration in the development of good multimedia
products and systems that the general, nonprofessional user can use
with confidence
750 F. B. Vernadat

Domains Theories, models, Research challenges

languages & tools

I4,0, e-Services, e-Work, • Hub of integrated e-Services • Theories of collaboration

collaborative networked Service • CNO reference models
organizations (CNOs) Service • Cyber-physical systems
Service • Formal methods and tools
Service • Empirical studies
Enterprise modeling Service
and reference
models • Enterprise modeling languages (EMLs)
Process • EMLs for enterprise
integration & interoperability
• Ontologies for (networked)
Enterprise enterprise interoperability
• Semantic interoperability

Enterprise and • Reference architectures, Interoperability • Interoperability architectures

system ontologies, and Interoperability
• Interoperability process
approaches Integrated
interoperability functional models Unified
Interoperability classification frameworks
Federated concerns
Business • Model repository
Process classification scheme
Validation and Service

verification of
Conceptual Organizational
enterprise models Technological • Process definition, execution,
• Collaboration Functional model Information model
and tracking
and bio-inspired Refers to

• Process analysis, evaluation,

models and tools Produces and

Enterprise model Ontology1 Ontology n

annotates models
monitoring, and optimization
repositories • Process data mining and
Ontology Annotation
Annotation provider
services visualization

Fig. 33.4 The scope of current challenges in enterprise integration and interoperability (after [39])

aligned, validated, and internationally approved (and may be teleoperations, knowledge sharing and skill-/competency-
standardized) to provide sound foundations to the field, while based hubs of integrated services, etc. The reader should also
(XML-based) standards for ontology representation should see Ch.  18 for related content and other drivers.
be welcome. To date, thanks to advances in Internet computing and
At the organizational level, many techniques and lan- service orientation, enterprise integration and systems inter-
guages exist to capture and represent business processes and operability have become a reality that largely contributes to
services in a satisfactory way from a practitioner’s viewpoint. make enterprises more agile, more collaborative, and more
Recent research trends have concerned the development of interoperable. Enterprise integration and systems interop-
interoperability maturity models with associated metrics to erability are fairly mature at the technical level, and will
assess the level of interoperability of companies and the continue to evolve with progress of new ICT technologies,
development of methodologies for improving enterprise in- but are not yet fully mature at the organizational and more
tegration or interoperability. A major challenge for devel- specifically at the semantic level. There are however some
oping smart interoperable enterprise systems concerns orga- other issues (out of the scope of this chapter) that should
nizational learning and knowledge processing at enterprise be considered. They concern legal issues, confidentiality
level [41]. issues, or linguistic aspects, to name a few, especially in
Anyway, for the years to come, the driving forces impos- the case of international contexts (multinational firms, in-
ing the new development trends will still come from new ternational organizations, or unions of member states). They
business conditions: market globalization in some sectors can have a political dimension and be even harder to solve
versus industrial relocalization in other areas, increased than pure technical or organizational issues mentioned in
communications and electronic activities of all kinds, this chapter.
33 Interoperability and Standards for Automation 751

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752 F. B. Vernadat

François B. Vernadat received his PhD in electrical engineering and

automatic control from University of Clermont, France, in 1981. He has
been a research officer at the National Research Council of Canada in
the 1980s and at the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique
et Automatique in France in the 1990s. He joined the University of
Lorraine at Metz, France, in 1995 as a full professor and founded the
LGIPM research laboratory. His research interests include enterprise
modeling, enterprise architectures, enterprise integration and interop-
erability, information systems design and analysis, and performance
management. He has contributed to seven books and published over
300 papers. He has been a member of IEEE and ACM, has hold several
vice-chairman positions at IFAC, and has been associate or area editor
for many years of Computers in Industry, IJCIM, IJPR, Enterprise
Information Systems, and Computers and Industrial Engineering. In
parallel from 2001 until 2016, he held IT management positions as head
of departments in IT directorates of European institutions in Luxemburg
(first European Commission and then European Court of Auditors).
Automation and Ethics
Micha Hofri

Contents Keywords
34.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 753 Ethical framework · Theory · Model · Conflict analysis ·
34.2 What Is Ethics, and Why Is It Used for Role of ethics in automation design · Automation effect
Automation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754 on society · Automation failure analysis · Artificial
34.3 Dimensions of Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754 intelligence opacity · Internet and communications
34.3.1 Theories of Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755 technology · Code of ethics and professional conduct
34.3.2 Principles of Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 757
34.3.3 Automation Ethical Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758
34.3.4 Automation Failures and Their Ethical Aspects . . . . . . . 758
34.3.5 Artificial Intelligence and Its Ethical Aspects . . . . . . . . . 761
34.4 Protocols for Ethical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 764
34.1 Introduction
34.5 Codes of Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 764
34.6 Online Resources for Ethics of Automation . . . . . . . . 764 Mankind has evolved to be the dominant species in the world.
34.7 Sources for Automation and Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 765
On the way humans have developed technologies that are
changing this world.
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771
A convenient time point for the beginning of our “tech-
nological age” is 1804; that year the first steam locomotive
was built for a railroad in a coal mine in Wales, and the
US Census Bureau estimates that on that year the global
This chapter surveys aspects of automation in technology, population reached one billion, for the first time. It is now
its design, implementation, and usage, as they interact (at end of Summer, 2022) just under eight billion. This
with values that underpin our society and its civilization. growth has required the development of many technologies,
The framework chosen for this survey is that of moral or notably in food production, construction, transportation, and
ethical theories and attitudes. To this avail we describe communications. We now need these technologies; the cur-
several of the ethical theories used currently to anchor rent way much of humanity lives depends on them and on
discussions about values in our society. Several significant many others that provide for needs and wants beyond mere
failures of automatic systems, including a fictional one, subsistence; with time, this dependence is certain to increase
are quarried for ethical insights and lessons. The currently in depth and criticality. On the way to the present, people have
intractable nature of “neural networks” artificial intelli- discovered that these technologies, and their applications,
gence systems trained via machine learning is shown to be have downsides as well. This chapter considers the ways
a moral conundrum. The concepts of code of ethics and of that the balancing is handled. The framework which has
ethical analysis are presented in some detail. been found useful for the needed consideration is that of
ethics, also referred to as morality. Note that “the ethics
of technology” is a topic in numerous publications, where
the actual discussions have little to do with ethics: mostly
they raise worries of technology influence on society, or
M. Hofri ()
report about damage due to technology, and discuss ways to
Department of Computer Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute,
Worcester, MA, USA control and repair these concerns; the discussion is technical
e-mail: or legal (regulatory) rather than ethical; that usage is not

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 753

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
754 M. Hofri

considered in this chapter. It is a sign of the times that many before. Customer complaints would now be answered by
universities have obtained generous grants to build research blaming the machine, “the computer did it.”
centers focusing on this topic. Such centers tend to have brief 6. Automatic irrigation system which is not provided input
lives (probably due to the grant that started them petering on the state of the soil and predictions of precipitation and
out). wastes water/or spaces the watering sessions too sparsely,
The quotation heading the next section suggests an intu- and plants die off.
ition behind the choice of our topic.
In the next section, we give a more detailed description
of the concerns with automatic systems, which can be
ameliorated through a disciplined process of ethical analysis
34.2 What Is Ethics, and Why Is It Used for
of the decision space. The list of examples above where
faulty design led to unanticipated behavior suggests
how much decision-makers could be helped by such
Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration analysis.
and awe …. the starry heavens above me and the moral law
within me. …. I see them before me and connect them imme-
Often failures of automation are assumed to be due to its
diately with the consciousness of my existence. novelty; this need not be the case. Automation came early:
—Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, 1788. The above mentioned beginning of the technical age cited the
use of a steam engine in a locomotive. Such steam engines
As Kant claims, a sense for ethics, a “moral law” in
were even then provided with a centrifugal governor that
his words, is innate to humans. Similar realizations have
regulated the flow of steam to the cylinder and maintained
moved thinkers to analyze this sense in the earliest writings
the engine speed within a prescribed range, automatically.
of mankind [1], going back to Classical Greece. Our moral
Now consider the examples in the list above; how do they
sense is needed, so that we act properly, in ways that this
differ from the early locomotive? They are all computerized
sense approves of, and it lets us then feel we are “doing
systems. As will become evident, in much of the discussion
the right thing.” Humans have other senses, such as vision
of automation, we need hardly distinguish between the terms
and touch, and we have found that they can be enhanced by
“automatic system” and “computer-based system.” Similarly,
instruments, such as a microscope and a thermometer. You
the important distinction in computers between the hardware
may think of the various ethical theories and models that
and the software is rarely material for us.
people have spawned as tools to sharpen our moral sense
It is important to note: the creation and operation of an au-
The most direct answer to the question in the title of this
tomatic system involves several categories of personnel, not
section is to show how easy it is to draw a list of woes,
all necessarily acting or even existing concurrently. Among
scenarios of automatic systems or operations which give rise
those we distinguish designers, implementers, deployment
to undesirable, or even catastrophic results; these would not
teams, maintainers, operators, and possibly more. On another
be the outcomes of “doing the right thing.” This can happen
level there are the owner(s), decision-maker(s), and external
in many and diverse ways:
users (think of an atm), all of them, at different levels of
involvement, stakeholders.
1. Traffic lights that “favor” one road over another inter-
There is a basic question that underlies much of our
secting it, creating large, unneeded delays. A distributed
discussion: does technology carry in and of itself any values,
system of such lights can have even more elaborate failure
or is it value-neutral, and ethical concerns relate to it through
modes, such as the creation of a “red wave” along a main
its embedding in human society? This chapter hews closely
to such an attitude; humans, their needs and wants—that is
2. Airline reservations system open to the Internet makes it
the measure of our ethics concerns. The question is treated in
possible for anyone to discover who flies on a given flight
some detail in [28, Chapter 3].
by using an ordinary Internet search engine.
3. A driverless car which does not allow adequately for
weather conditions.
4. The machines in a printer room of an academic depart-
ment manage the queue of documents to be printed, un- 34.3 Dimensions of Ethics
aware that some of them are confidential (such as tests
for current courses), and the room needs to be monitored The discussion begins with the main kinds of theories of
when these are printed. ethics that have been developed and then presents a list of
5. Automatic assembly machine which manufactures prod- issues or concerns that the personnel connected to automation
ucts inferior to those that humans employees produced needs to take into account.
34 Automation and Ethics 755

34.3.1 Theories of Ethics This list immediately reinforces the statement of Daniel
Dennett above.
The problem is that no ethical system has ever achieved con-
sensus. Ethical systems are completely unlike mathematics or Note We keep to the main flavors; the complete record
science. This is a source of concern. would also mention social contract-based ethical theories,
—Daniel Dennett, Interview with Hari Kunzru, December 17, [3, 5] and rights-based theories [7]. When automation is
considered, these are probably less significant than in other
The concern Dennett raises leads some ethicists to refer contexts.
to ethical frameworks, or systems, as he does, rather than
theories. We use these collective names as equivalent. How
can an ethical issue be addressed? We have an inherent moral Relativistic Ethics Theories
sense, and it is natural for us to appeal to its guidance. It Such theories deny the existence of universal ethics norms [8,
is, however, personal and as such cannot be the basis for Chapter 2]. It came to be considered a valid approach in the
moral principles that are widely accepted, ideally—by all twentieth century only [4]. Ethicists have defined two such
society. What can be the source of authority or persuasion approaches to ethics, with self-explanatory names.
that can back such wide acceptance of an ethical principle? The Subjective Relativism posits that each person makes
Traditionally we recognize three such sources: religion, the moral decisions according to his individual values. The work-
Law, and theories of ethics. We argue that only the last is a ing principle is acceptance that “what is moral for me may not
suitable choice [2, Chapter 2]. be right for you.” While this may be a workable arrangement
Using religion as the basis of ethical decisions has an for a community of sensible people, it is not appropriate as
attractive side; it has been practiced in various forms for a the ethical protocol for managing a technology likely to be
very long time, and for many among us it is invested with novel to many persons or organizations.
the recognition and demands of a higher authority, even a The second type of relativism, cultural relativism, en-
supreme being. However, in the diverse, pluralistic society larges the domain of agreement about moral norms from
we exist, this cannot provide a common source recognized by an individual to a community, which may encompass few
most of the people we consider. In addition, it may be pointed or many individuals; yet similarly, it denies the need for
out that automation systems exist at a societal level that is agreement among such groups. The same difficulty holds:
not addressed well by most religious moral teachings. This since the technologies we consider are expected to transcend
cannot be an adequate basis. No more than we can appeal to any particular culture, its design and operation cannot be held
the code of Hammurabi to order our lives. hostage to any such local set of norms.
Can the legal system provide us the support we need There is even a third view, sometimes called “ethical
to determine the ethical value of actions? Unlike religious egoism,” which defines the good and the bad actions or issues
teachings it is recognized as impersonal, it is not subject as those that advance or, conversely, harm the interests of
to disputations, and it is quite explicit. There are difficul- a person. In such a view, any issue which neither abets nor
ties in using it as source of consensus. It is not uniform harms the person has no moral dimension. Such thinking
across national borders (and in several ways even across is commonly associated with the author Ayn Rand; it is
state borders within the United States). The main reason not better than the relativistic formulations for our concern.
we hesitate to see it as our source of moral authority is the David Oderberg is quoted in [17], saying that relative ethics
incongruity: not all that is moral is legal; not all that is legal ultimately dissolves into moral nihilism.
is moral. For example, till the 1860s slavery was legal in Albert Einstein observed “Relativity applies to physics,
the United States; conversely, in many states, due to public not ethics….”
health concerns, restaurants may not give charity kitchens
their surplus prepared food. What is morally acceptable by
society changes with time, and so does legislation, but their Consequence-Based Ethics Theories
changes are rarely well-synchronized. We look now at theories that judge an action moral to the
What theories of ethics are at our disposal? A readable extent that it leads to the increase of the happiness of the
survey of the area is provided by Michael Sandel in [6]. Over most people. This is the way it was offered in the eighteenth
time, several types have been proposed: and nineteenth centuries by its founders, Jeremy Bentham
(1748–1832) and John Stuart Mill (1806–1873), [2, 9]. The
1. Relativistic ethics frameworks underlying idea is attractive, but its application requires at-
2. Consequence-based ethics theories tention, to avoid unacceptable outcomes. A known example
3. Duty-based ethics theories suggests that if a society enslaves 1% of the population,
4. Character-based ethics theories making them produce desirable products and services for the
756 M. Hofri

rest and improving their quality of life, many more people Kant had a second string to his bow; his conviction that
would experience greater happiness, swamping the suffering while the moral law is an essential difference between hu-
of the few, making it qualify as a highly ethical act! mans and all other beings, there is another difference, our
Nevertheless, this approach has found much favor and has ability to reason and be rational. Hence, he stated, moral
been modified in several ways, to improve its usability. While decisions need to be reached by rational analysis of the
happiness is desirable by all people, comparing happiness situation at hand and judging which moral rules or principles
levels provided by different acts is not easy, arguably im- apply. Moral analysis, like the mathematical kind, needs a
possible, and has been typically replaced by quantifying the basis. In mathematics the need is provided by axioms, and for
merit, often by equivalent sums of money. Economists that the moral variety, Kant formulated similar primary directives,
have been using it found that a more flexible application is for which he coined the term categorical imperative. Kant has
possible introducing the concept of utility function, to rep- provided a few versions of this basis, in several of his books,
resent the merit of decisions [10]. Consequently, a common as his theories developed. The two most often used for such
name for this approach is utilitarianism. analysis are on their face quite different.
Unlike the relativistic approaches to ethics, utilitarianism
is factual and objective and allows decision-makers to explain
Kant’s categorical imperatives
and justify their decisions. Yet another important develop-
First The only valid moral rules, at any time, are such that can
ment of the theory emerged as it was realized that there is be universal moral laws
merit in avoiding the need to conduct a complete analysis for Second Act so that you always treat yourself and other people as
each situation which needs an ethical decision, if we adopt ends in themselves, and never as only means to an end [8]
rule-utilitarianism, which calls on us to formulate rules of
action by analyzing their utility, rules that would allow us a
simpler decision-making, by finding for a pending action the A more direct reformulation of the first imperative states that
rule that would provide us guidance for it. you should only act on moral rules that you can imagine ev-
It has been observed that much of the merit of utilitarian- eryone else following, at any suitable time, without deriving
ism is that its application requires a systematic, exhaustive, a logical contradiction [6]. The second imperative is based on
prudential, and objective analysis of the decision space that Kant’s special view of humans.
is relevant to the act, or rule under consideration, as the While Kant’s duty-based moral theories have achieved
case may be, guaranteeing, to the extent possible, that the much acclaim, applying them can run into difficulties, es-
decision-makers understand the context of the decision and pecially when the decision-maker is faced with competing
are in command of the facts available. duties. Resolving the difficulty calls for ranking different
duties, which is usually a fraught procedure. Kant already
Duty-Based Ethics Theories considered duties that can be primary and secondary, and
Immanuel Kant, the German philosopher, claimed, as seen subsequent treatments went much further than we wish to
when Sect. 34.2 was introduced, that his consciousness is follow in the current discussion. The names of Benjamin
tied up with a moral law. Throughout his work he struggled Constant [11] and David Ross are relevant here [12].
to reconcile this fact with his conviction that morality of To conclude this brief exposition, let us quote one more
action must ultimately be grounded in the duty that speaks statement of Kant that exhibits his standards: “In law, a man
to the action, which mainly springs from the obligations is guilty when he violates the rights of another. In ethics he
that humans have to each other, but never in the possible is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.”
consequence of the actions taken. He refused to tie ethics
to the promotion of happiness in any form, explaining in Character-Based Ethics Theories
his Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics that it is so, The approach to ethics described as character-based is the
“…because happiness is not an ideal of reason, but of the oldest among those we consider, following the writings by
imagination,” and noting further that performing a duty may Plato and Aristotle, more than two millenia ago. Similar
be unpleasant or even lead to a result which is undesirable tracks were laid in oriental traditions by Confucius and later
from certain points of view. (Could this observation have Mencius; the latter was a contemporary of Aristotle. Another
led to George B. Shaw, acute social critic that he was, to term applied to it is virtue ethics, since in this approach it is
observe “An Englishman thinks he is moral when he is only the acting person and his virtues, rather than the action (or
uncomfortable,” in Man and Superman, Act 3, 1903?). But the decision about it), which is at the center of attention, and
‘duty calls,’ and this call is supreme. The term deontics or accordingly neither the consequences of actions nor duties
deontology is used to describe such theories. (A traditional that may compel them are considered. The virtuous man is
view states that justice flows from three sciences: economics; described as the person who, at the right time, does the right
deontics, study of duty; and juridics, study of law). act, for the right reason. The “right reason” is culture appro-
34 Automation and Ethics 757

priate. In pre-platonic times, for example, physical prowess neighbor; this is the whole law. The rest is commentary on
was prized; in our time tolerance may be claimed to have it; go, study.” Cognate forms can be found in Muslim and
a similar significance or in a different vein—high scholarly Confucian writings.
achievement, from which the right actions follow. Societies can disagree in surprising ways. Ancient Greeks
Over the last several decades, numerous ethicists have believed that revenge is sanctioned by the gods (and dis-
seen the consequentialist and duty-based approaches as ob- charged by Nemesis). It provides a unifying basis to many
scuring the importance of living the moral life, acquiring of the classical tragedies of Greek theater. Hence, it was said,
moral education, with ethical and emotional family and com- “to seek revenge is rational.” Kant, indeed, elevated the role
munity relationships; virtue ethics appears as a way to attend of reason to a main tool of ethical analysis, yet he would not
to these missing components. What sets apart this view of have approved.
ethics is that it is not based on inculcating a theory, or Reason may encounter further hindrances: “It is useless
learning principles, but on practicing the ethical behavior. It to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never
is a process of growth, with the aim for the person to get reasoned into” (Jonathan Swift, 1721), in A Letter to a Young 34
to a stage where doing the correct action, adopting honest Gentleman…. Many have expressed this sentiment since. “As
behavior, becomes a part of his or her nature and that doing they were not reasoned up, they cannot be reasoned down”
so will feel good and become a character trait. (Fisher Ames).
We argue for our preference of this approach when consid- Here is a scattering of others; most can be seen as pertain-
ering decisions about speculative situations, where deontic ing to one of the frameworks discussed above. Several have
rules may be hard to apply, and consequentialist analyses known first formulators:
encounter numerous unknowns. Automation practice may
“Any tool can be used for good or bad.”
often give rise to just such situations.
“If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it”
A shortcoming recognized for this approach is that the
(Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, second century ad).
tight view of the actor as an individual does not lend it for
“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom” (Thomas
easy use by institutions, including agencies of government.
Yet such an agency is a human institution, and distinguishable
“There cannot any one moral rule be proposed whereof a man
people create its actions.
may not justly demand a reason” (John Locke, 1690).
It must be clear that the distinction between these frame-
“Integrity has no need of rules” (Albert Camus).
works, or theories, is not a moral one but a matter of what a
“Practice what you preach” (After Dean Rusk).
person values at a given situation. Looking at healthcare sys-
“Even the most rational approach to ethics is defenseless
tem, and at regional transportation control, arguably should
if there isn’t the will to do what is right” (Alexander
lead to different types of argumentation.
“Ethical axioms are found and tested not very differently
from the axioms of science. Truth is what stands the test
34.3.2 Principles of Ethics
of experience ” (Albert Einstein, 1950).
“No moral system can rest solely on authority” (A. J.
The theories above display how thinking about morality
over time has become codified in a variety of formal ways,
“Morality is the custom of one’s country, and the current
exhibiting deep differences, tied to cultural and personal
feeling of one’s peers” (Samuel Butler, 1900).
moral values. Cultures have found other ways to preserve
“The needs of a society determines its ethics” (Maya An-
and display the reactions of thoughtful people to the ethical
conundrums life throws at us at every turn: they have created
“There can be no final truth in ethics any more than in
ethical proverbs or maxims.
physics, until the last man has had his experience and has
There is the classic Golden Rule, “do unto others as you
said his say” (William James, 1896).
would have them do unto you.” It has been attributed to
“Science, by itself, cannot supply us with an ethic” (Bertrand
many people, going back thousands of years, and is found
Russel, 1950).
in the teachings of most religions. It encapsulates the ethic of
reciprocity, a basic sense of justice. (This exposition would be
remiss if it did not mention the demurral of George Bernard
Asimov’s Laws of Robotics—Consideration
Shaw, who objected to this rule, observing that your and the
In 1940 Isaac Asimov, a professor of chemistry and also a
others’ taste or preferences may well differ.) The negative
very prolific science and science-fiction writer, invented three
form of this adage is not as common. Hillel the Elder, a
laws designed to constrain (very advanced) robots so they
Jewish scholar living in the first century bc, is quoted in the
operate ethically [13].
Talmud: “That which is hateful to you, do not do to your
758 M. Hofri

First Law A robot may not injure a human being or, through This could be due to any of the personnel bringing the sys-
inaction, allow a human being to come to harm tem to operation. The ethical concerns that automation raises
Second Law A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings can be parsed as follows (some overlap of the categories is
except where such orders would conflict with the First inherent):
Third Law A robot must protect its own existence as long as such
protection does not conflict with the First or Second 1. Viewing the system as a software-based operation raises
Law the issues known as those of any information processing
operation [8, 17, 39]; we remind the reader that some of
those are correctness of operation, privacy and safety of
The laws were included in a collection of science-fiction users and operators, data security, intellectual property
short stories, and they appeared plausible. The stories, how- integrity, maintainability, and fairness.
ever, for the most part were designed to display a variety 2. Concerns due to the physical actions associated with
of situations which were not captured adequately by the the functions of the automation. These include safety
laws, mostly due to their informal language. A subsequent of personnel, integrity of the physical plant (including
collection of stories [14] continued this demonstration. products), acceptable wear and tear, and conservation of
Remarkably, even though these laws were merely a liter- input and process materials.
ary device—included in a book considered a low-brow genre, 3. Intellectual property issues that are unrelated to the soft-
with stories that mostly displayed modes of their failure— ware, in particular, ensuring the validity of agreements
the laws captured wide attention, of a variety of other writers needed to use patented or copyrighted material. Also the
and also scholars in machine ethics [15, 16]. It soon became applications to protect patented material created in the
obvious that the laws are inadequate in many ways for design of the system, including devices and methods of
the purpose intended; we referred to their informal, even operation.
sloppy language, but a deeper difficulty is their adversarial 4. Issues that arise during system design. These include
formulation. It would make a robot that adheres to them a beyond all those above the need to ensure that the sys-
strictly deontological-ethics device, an approach which is not tem achieves its purposes, at the desired level of quality,
satisfactory on its own, as mentioned. The two papers just ref- subject to budgetary constraints, and satisfies subsidiary
erenced describe some of these inadequacies in depth. While requirements, such as accessibility and physical security
there have been many attempts to extend or convert these laws of the system, and satisfies relevant electrical and building
to a working design (one of them by Asimov himself, in [14]), codes.
the consensus appears to be that no adequate extensions exist; 5. AI & ethics—artificial intelligence gives rise to issues
this is probably due to the unhappy fact that we do not have that are unique to it and differ from other software-based
currently a sufficient understanding of the possible nature(s) systems. It is considered in Sect. 34.3.5.
of advanced General Artificial Intelligence (GAI) devices.
An interesting initiative to clarify the situation is due to the Note on Verification and Validation This topic is of such
authors of the “2017 Montreal Declaration for a Responsible importance in the development of automated systems that
Development of AI” [26]. They produced a genuine attempt omitting it, or not using its full potential, amounts to acting
to corral the ethical issues in the development of automatic unethically. The same consideration prompted us to include
systems. The web page shows the principles only; the pdf this note. Discussing it however is beyond the mandate of
document it points to has a thoughtful expansion of these this chapter. It has generated by now an enormous corpus
principles. How successful is this recent attempt? It remains of sources: books, software tools, journals, conference pro-
to be seen. ceedings, and blogs. For reference we suggest the relevant
current standard, “1012-2016—IEEE Standard for System,
Software, and Hardware Verification and Validation” [29],
and a collection of articles specific to an industry or tech-
34.3.3 Automation Ethical Concerns nique [30].

As explained above, ethical concerns arise when engineers

design systems whose operation may lead to improper out- 34.3.4 Automation Failures and Their Ethical
comes, regardless of their actual nature. Of particular interest Aspects
are failure modes which should have been avoided during the
system design phase, since there are now powerful design Several automation systems with unfortunate stories are pre-
verification tools. sented. Why tell such sorry tales? Rumor has it that the way
34 Automation and Ethics 759

of people, engineers included, to mend their erring ways is The authors of [18], who are, respectively, a researcher
complex, and often the cues need to be multiple and pitched in maritime human factors and an academician who is very
right: to fit the context of a narrative, that will send a lesson prolific about safety and automation, argue that the answer to
home. We now show a few; indeed, they are very different ineffective automation is not more automation, due to human
from each other! behavior, so long as humans are kept in the control loop—
and while they do not say so explicitly, they do not seem to
Royal Majesty Grounding, 1995 consider any alternatives viable.
The cruise ship Royal Majesty (rm) left St. George’s in
Bermuda bound for Boston at 12:00 noon on June 9, 1995, Boeing 737 Max Grounding, 2019
and ran aground just east of the island of Nantucket at 22:25 Boeing announced the 737 Max, fourth generation of its very
the next day [21]. None of the over 1000 passengers were popular 737 series, in August 2011 and had the first 737-
injured; repairs and lost income amounted to $7 million [18]. 8 enter service in May 2017. (The 737 Max was offered
The rm was equipped with an automatic navigation sys- in several configurations 737-7, 737-8, 737-200, 737-9, and 34
tem consisting of two main components, a gps receiver and a 737-10. By December 2019 Boeing had 4932 orders and
Navigation and Command System (nacos), an autopilot that delivered 387 planes of the series [Boeing press releases].)
controls the ship steering to the desired destination. There Nearly half a million flights later, on October 29, 2018, Lion
are a few subsidiary subsystems, such as a gyrocompass, for Air Flight 610 crashed, and on March 10, 2019, Ethiopian
azimuth, Doppler log for speed, radar, Loran-C, an alternative Airlines Flight 302 crashed. Not one of the 346 passengers
location system, and more. However, the bridge personnel and crew on the two flights survived. A rate of four crashes
referred almost exclusively to the nacos display. At the time per million flights is very high for the industry, and there were
of this trip, the ship has been in service for 3 years, and the consequences beyond the loss of life.
crew came to trust the ship’s instrumentation. The US FAA grounded all 737 Max planes on March 13,
The accident has several component-reasons, as is the 2019, as did similar agencies in other countries. At the time of
rule; the immediate technical problem was the rupture of writing (November 2020), the plane has just been re-certified,
the cable from the gps antenna to its receiver that happened with first flight expected early next year. The monetary cost
within an hour of departure, for a reason unknown. As a to Boeing so far is close to $20 billion.
result the receiver changed to dead-reckoning mode, using Is there an automation-design story behind this tale, which
compass and log. Its display shows its status in much smaller is extreme in several ways? Indeed, there is. The 737 se-
letters than the position reading, as dr, instead of the usual ries was introduced in 1967: a narrow-body plane, with
sol (Satellite on Line)—none of the crew noticed it till the the attraction (for airlines) of requiring only two pilots in
grounding. When the ship was equipped, the gps and nacos the cockpit. As time passed and customer needs changed,
were provided by different manufacturers and used some- Boeing introduced more planes in the series, larger, higher
what different communications standards. The following is capacity, with larger engines, yet maintained the “airframe
from [18]: type,” which means that a pilot licensed to fly on one of
Due to these differing standards and versions, valid position data the series can fly all the others. For the airlines, no need
and invalid dr data sent from the gps to the nacos were both to train the pilots on simulator, or for re-certification test
“labelled” with the same code (gp). The installers of the bridge flights, means significant savings—and since Boeing was in
equipment were not told, nor did they expect, that position data hot competition with Airbus, the European manufacturer, an
(gp-labelled) sent to the nacos would be anything but valid
position data. The designers of the nacos expected that if invalid important marketing feature. The 737 Max was the largest of
data were received it would have another format. Due to this the series, and in particular, its engines were so large that
misunderstanding the gps used the same “data label” for valid to maintain the shape of the plane, the engines needed to
and invalid data, and thus the autopilot could not distinguish be moved forward, beyond the wing, and positioned higher,
between them. Since the nacos could not detect that the gps-
provided data was invalid the ship sailed on an autopilot that so that they protruded above the wing (Figure 2 in [19]).
was using estimated positions until a few minutes before the This changed the aerodynamics of the plane compared with
grounding. its predecessors in the series; when power is applied, most
planes tend to raise their nose, and this was much more
That is all that was needed: an immediate cause, a broken
pronounced in the 737Ṁax.
cable, and building errors, incompatible communications
Autopilots in planes have been used for a long time:
protocols and a device which exhibited unusual status un-
Sperry corporation introduced it as early as 1912 (we note
obtrusively. The contribution of human nature is here: a
that auto-piloting a plane is much simpler than achieving this
crew, which included experienced professionals, that has
in a car, on land, since the “lanes” are assigned by air traffic
been lulled to complacency, by the automation that has
controllers and are non-intersecting). To have pilots feel the
worked flawlessly for 3 years.
760 M. Hofri

plane is still a 737, Boeing introduced stealthily a software computer interface. The software inherited some modules
function, mcas, into the autopilot computers, that would that were used in the earlier models but was much enhanced.
prevent the plane from increasing its angle-of-attack (AoA) One of the principal changes in this last stage was that
too much: this can cause aerodynamic stall at low speeds. The several safety measures that were before implemented by
mcas in that case moves the tail elevators to direct the nose hardware interlocks were replaced by software controls. This
down; this is done with considerable force. The mcas relied led to a simpler, smaller machine and cheaper to manufacture.
on an AoA sensor mounted on the outside of the cockpit. Between 1985 and 1987, 4 machines, of the 11 installed then
This is a fragile device, often damaged, and when activated in Canada and the United States, suffered several incidents
in error causes the plane to descend abruptly. After the Lion where patients were treated with overdoses of radiation. Four
Air crash, Boeing distributed to the airline instructions how patients died, and several others carried radiation damage for
pilots can recover from this state; they needed to complete the rest of their lives.
the process—pulling the plug on the mcas and the elevator The report by Nancy Leveson [22] gives a detailed sur-
motors and moving them manually to the correct position— vey of the machine structure, the software architecture, and
within 4 seconds. The Ethiopian Airlines crew knew of the these incidents, as well as of the resulting interactions of
procedure, but apparently did not complete it in time. AECL with the FDA and similar Canadian agencies. Careful
Boeing could pull this off since the FAA had relinquished analyses revealed that previous safety evaluations ignored
most of its certification oversight to the company team of the software entirely! They assumed it would operate as
Designated Engineer Representatives (DER). These expe- expected. When the software was put to thorough analysis,
rienced, veteran engineers were under pressure from the a plethora of defects was revealed; some of them were found
management to get the plane certified early. Not only was to have been inherited from Therac-20, where they caused
the mcas barely mentioned in the operation manual, it was no recorded damage, presumably due to the hardware pre-
not mentioned at all in the documentation provided to the ventive measures it carried. Some software errors were minor
FAA [19]. mistakes, never noticed before. A notable one was a 1-byte
Multiple investigations by the US Congress, Transporta- flag that was tested before the beam was turned on and had
tion Department, FBI, FAA, and NTSB (and comparable to be zero for the operation to continue and the beam to be
agencies in other countries) faulted Boeing on an array of activated. That flag was incremented by one whenever the
issues. This is entirely unlike the ship grounding: a mix of readiness tests failed. Since the tests were run continually,
greed, hubris, disdain of authorities, snubbing of law and pro- while the machine reacted to commands that required phys-
fessional responsibility, and callousness toward customers ical arrangement of components—an activity that took up to
and passengers were combined to a revolting outcome. Au- 8 seconds—and while the computer in question, a dec pdp
tomation was introduced to hide the deviation of the 737Max 11, was slow, it still performed the testing that the machine
from the 737 airframe type. As detailed in [19], it failed is set up correctly hundreds of times during such a hardware
because it was poorly and “optimistically” designed. reconfiguration. The 1-byte flag cycled through 0 every 256
tests; if at that instant its status was queried, a go-ahead would
Therac-25 Linear Accelerator, 1980s result, regardless of the actual situation.
Radiation therapy is one of the common methods to treat While this flaw is trivial to repair (just set the flag to
cancer patients (the same treatment is occasionally also used one, when the status was not ready—as AECL did, later),
to destroy non-cancerous tissue). A linear accelerator, like it is a symptom of a different and deeper problem: poor
Therac-25, is a device that can provide it, producing a high- comprehension of the software operations. The basic soft-
energy beam directed at the target tissue. The Therac-25 ware activity consisted of a cycle of tasks, re-initiated by a
is a dual mode machine. Its basic operation is to create a clock-interrupt every 100 milliseconds. Several of those tasks
narrow beam of electrons, tunable in the energy range 5– used shared variables to coordinate activities and modified
25MeV. The beam can be either sculpted by an array of them as needed. In cases where the tasks did not complete
magnets and directed to the target or be used (when at top within the renewal interval (0.1sec), they were interrupted,
energy) to generate a beam of X-rays, which penetrate more occasionally left in inconsistent state, and restarted. It is
deeply into the patient’s body. The Therac-25, manufactured impossible to predict the erroneous results that may then
by AECL of Canada in the 1980s, followed a series of earlier occur….
accelerators, Therac-6 and Therac-20 [8, §8.5]. This last In summer 1985 the FDA had AECL recall the machine
version introduced several advances in the accelerator itself; and introduced some modifications, but lethal incidents con-
yet for the purpose of our discussion, the main difference was tinued. In February 1987 the FDA had AECL recall the
that it was entirely software-controlled. All the interaction machine and stop its usage. Several iterations between the
between operator and machine was via a keyboard-driven FDA and AECL during that year resulted in several changes
34 Automation and Ethics 761

to the software and installation of hardware enhancements. may be the same—it is mentioned as a body that enforces
No further accidents ensued. and rarely changes policies.
Some of the software errors that were revealed are em- Forster mentions in passing some measures, presumably
barrassing, when viewed with modern understanding of real- put in place by the Central Committee, that we would find
time, multi-threaded software. AECL did not use any of intolerable. Space is assigned, rather than selected; some
the operating systems available at the time, but rolled its form of eugenics maintained; freedom of movement limited.
own [22]. May we assume such mistakes would not occur in Values could change too, he suggests, and describe how
current software? Probably not. Unfortunately, the half-life originality is deprecated.
of basic software errors is near infinity. Maintenance of the Machine is mentioned as a set of rote
Yet times have changed. A significant effort has been ex- tasks that were performed, as time went on, with less and less
pended on software development environments and method- understanding. It is said no one really knew much about its
ologies and later on tools for software verification and val- operation and stated that nobody understood it as a whole.
idation. While in systems as complex as the one we now The machine was built with a “mending apparatus,” which 34
discussed, involving hardware of a variety of types, software also protected it from attacks. The place of the Machine in
components prepared separately, and user operations, this the world view of the population was such that the phrase
will always be a scene that involved art and mathematics, “the Machine stops” was meaningless to most, when used
much improvement has been achieved. by one of its denizens. Yet as the Machine started failing,
The publicly available information about the Therac-25 interruptions during the streaming of music, or bad food
debacle shows AECL as a negligent, callous, unresponsive, delivered, the people learned to live with it and expected the
and quite irresponsible company [22]. No personal informa- machine to heal itself. The deterioration is relatively quick,
tion is known to identify the internal processes that led to and the entire system crumbles, as various operations fail.
this turn of events. The company is now out of the business The story was an impressive tour de force by the author at
of medical devices. the time, yet we can see it as an account of the demise of a
society who trusted its engineers, but did not understand the
nature of engineered systems, the need for maintenance—
The Machine Stops [20] not just of the machinery but also of the connection and
Here we encounter a different kettle of fish. It is an imag- interaction, between the machine and the population—so
ined automatic system; implied though it is quite vividly that a dynamic develops, in which the routine operation of
portrayed, yet it is fictional, brought to us as a short story, the Machine depends on human intervention. It is a riveting
by the master story-teller Edward M. Forster, who published exercise for the reader to imagine what circumstances forced
it in 1910, likely influenced by interactions with his friend that society underground and made them choose such a
H.G. Wells, and conversation about the tale the latter wrote Machine as their solution, an improbable duress? Possibly
“The Time Machine,” published in 1895, and described in it global warming getting out of hand… ? And why were the in-
the insufferable morlocks, living underground. terfaces needed to keep the system alive so poorly designed?
In Forster’s tale the entire world population lives in war- (Naturally, because Forster was not an expert in systems
rens underground. All their needs are provided by a system engineering and none was available for him to consult.)
called “the Machine.” When the story begins, we are led Would our current society have done better if such extreme
to understand this has been the state of affairs for a long pressure were forced on us? With technology much evolved
time; durations are vague, but the people take the machine beyond what was available, or even imaginable in 1910,
for granted, and many, including the story protagonist, begin could our solution be similarly superior to that Machine
to regard it as deity. The surface of the earth is abandoned, and our engineering skills up to it? Designing for long-term
considered deadly. Communications technology is presented survival is unlike any challenges humans have faced… !
as we know it in the twenty-first century, with Internet
capabilities, all mediated by the Machine. Although Forster
witnessed none of that, he was in company with people who 34.3.5 Artificial Intelligence and Its Ethical
could so fantasize already. A very effective transportation Aspects
system covers the earth, but it is viewed as a relic and only
lightly used; whatever a person needs, it is brought to her As the internet and increased computing power have facilitated
individual room. Forster adds a large number of hints at the the accumulation and analysis of vast data, unprecedented vistas
ways of the society, which suggest much societal engineering for human understanding have emerged … . [We may have]
prepared the population as the Machine was developed— generated a potentially dominating technology in search of a
guiding philosophy.
our focus all along is the Machine. A “Committee of the —Henry A. Kissinger: How the Enlightenment Ends, 2018,
Machine” exists, also called “Central Committee;” the two [27].
762 M. Hofri

Artificial intelligence (AI) was declared in 1956 as the why, any of their decisions was reached, and the system
“next big field” in computer science and kept exactly this owners (its users), as well as its developers, cannot do so
designation for better than half a century. The field was not either—such systems function as black boxes. The concept
idle: multiple techniques were developed, such as genetic of a subsystem which is a black box is commonplace, dating
algorithms and Bayesian networks or simulated annealing; to middle of the twentieth century; the traditional black box
various vogues had their day, such as enormous world on- refers to a mere transfer function, which can be used with no
tologies or expert systems, but successes were narrow and far need to know its operational details. It is however coupled
between. The situation started changing in the first decade of with the understanding that if the need for the details arises,
the twenty-first century, with the growth and then explosion the box can be opened and inspected and any information
of machine learning. The growth was facilitated by the signif- about its internals be available. That is not the case with the
icant, continuing decline in costs of computer power and data neural network machine: it is an opaque classifier of clumps
storage space, on one hand, and by the enormous growth of of data—a classification which may be put to further use, in
data available on the Internet, from blogs to social networks a following part of an algorithm—but it is not responsive to
to databases of many government agencies and corporations any attempt to probe it for enlightenment about its modus
who conduct their business in cyberspace, on the other hand. operandi, which includes its successes, as well as the failures.
AI continued to employ a variety of techniques, but soon If it is wished, its internal structure and the weights associated
machine learning (ML), based on (artificial) neural networks, with each node and other elements can be listed, but this
became the much-preferred paradigm. When Kissinger, an sheds no light or provides a meaningful explanation. This was
experienced historian and statesman, was perchance exposed not the case with previous generations of AI, which can be
to these facts, followed by dialogues with technically aware described as rule-based; their operations can be explained, at
colleagues, he was moved to write [27], where the above any required depth; but alas, they were not as capable!
instructive quotation is found. What the (neural) network This property is alarming for three reasons beyond the
learns may be seen as the ability to classify items—which can chill it casts (nobody likes to be thwarted in this way):
be, for example, strings of characters or images—and decide
whether a given item belongs to a specified class; with much (a) Brittleness: Even an excellent ML classifier, is reliable
ingenuity this capability has been leveraged to any number on a part of its possible input space only, a part which
of applications, from driving a car to recognizing faces in a is effectively impossible to determine there is no guar-
crowd. antee the system responds correctly, in any particular
While most of the ethical attention raised by AI is similar case, and in fact such systems are notorious for being
to that which any software modality entails, AI, especially its occasionally derailed, by trivial features in their input
recent developments—machine learning and deep learning— [31]. Researchers have found many ways of tricking
merits a special note, as more and more areas in our life such systems, by changing subtly the system input—in
and affairs and the automatic tools we build are impacted a manner that is unobtrusive to humans—yet entirely
by it. In this it is not different from other theory-rich ar- confused the system responses. It is considered open to
eas of computer science, such as database management or hackers to “game” and twiddle the systems at will. Since
compilation—but unlike those, little in the theory of AI is there is no understanding, there is no defense.
currently settled. The recent survey [25] provides detailed (b) Bias: The selection of data used to train the system
summary and a wealth of references. In Sect. 34.3.2 we pre- affects, naturally, the way different characteristics of the
sented the three “laws” of robotics invented by Isaac Asimov input get translated to outcomes. A voice recognition
and referred briefly to their inadequacy to prevent a robot system can be more likely to misunderstand speech in
from making wrong moves. The 2017 Montreal declaration a regional accent it was not trained with, and thereby not
for a responsible development of artificial intelligence [26] provide the desired service or help. A loan-application
can be seen as a careful, disciplined “call to arms,” for this scanner program in a bank is likely to mishandle an
difficult task. It replaces those three laws by ten principles, application of a person with unusual life trajectory. Just
which are further developed into several directives each. as the AI cannot be asked to verify its response, the opac-
ity means the impossibility of critiquing or appealing
Opacity of Machine Learning AI effectively the system determinations. This type of AI
There is a special property of AI systems developed by systems especially the extremely large “deep learning”
training a neural network; even as such systems are shown kind, which is discussed further below. Different sys-
to be very proficient, in a remarkable range of fields and tem architectures, training regimes, and approximation
applications, where they provide a wealth of good or useful criteria are attempted. Some observers of the scene are
decisions—they cannot provide an explanation of how, and confident the opacity can be dissolved in some manner,
34 Automation and Ethics 763

maybe by added complexity; others see this AI approach benefits of letting GPT-3 write about itself outweigh the
as doomed, due to its being “Brittle, Greedy, Opaque, and risks. However, we recommend that any such writing be
Shallow,” and their progress likely to hit a wall any time closely monitored by researchers in order to mitigate any
soon. Even our vocabulary for cognitive processes does potential negative consequences.”
not fit well such AI systems. One result is the difficulty of One of the developments based on GPT-3 was DALL-
pursuing any ethical analysis of such systems—they are E, now followed by DALL-E 2. The tokens these programs
opaque! Is there hope that rule-based AI can be combined generate are pixels rather than words. They create images
with the neural network-based recognizer, making its instead of text when prompted by verbal cues. They can draw
responses explicable? The difficulty seems similar to and paint in any style which was digitally available when their
comprehending the deep learning AI directly. It is an input was collected, and do it very effectively; they can also
open question—which is pursued with great vigor. produce photo-realistic images.
(c) Errors in input: Only recently have researchers turned The ethical implications of unleashing such systems are
to examine the quality of the labeling in several of the of a different order than anything we have witnessed or 34
most popular labeled datasets used to train and test such described before, for two main reasons, and both pertain to
networks [33]; the results were surprising. They found issues of automation:
that labeling errors averaged 3.4% of the data set items.
They also found that the impact on the performance over (a) These tools automate activities hitherto considered the
test-sets was more nuanced and depended on the model domain of high-order human creativity as suggested by
used and the size of the training set. the quotation of Margaret Atwood. Their release was
received with howls of protest by artists and others who
A word after a word after a word, is power are affronted by the perceived loss of human excep-
—Margaret Atwood.
tionality. These denunciations were quite similar to the
Recently a particular type of large Deep Learning model reactions two centuries earlier, when the invention of
was introduced by several companies, generally called photography alarmed painters and art lovers. Interest-
Large Language Model. The most famous, probably since ingly, that invention drove painters to develop, and art-
it came first, in 2020, is GPT-3, the third in a sequence of lovers to appreciate, a large number of new styles, genres,
Generative Pre-trained Transformers, created by OpenAI in materials, and techniques, as ways to distinguish their
San Francisco. Its native purpose is to generate text when creations from the “mechanical” ones.
given a prompt, producing one token (a word, usually) at a (b) The purpose of the designer of any automation tool has
time, recursively. For its input the creators collected texts been to create a system with certain properties. The so-
amounting to 175 billion tokens (by skimming the web, called “world models” described here were designed to
and adding digitized books); a measure of its complexity is have specific capabilities — generate scads of tokens,
indicated by the size of its context, its “status descriptor,” emulating the ways they are seen to be used by humans.
that determines the generated output: it is a 2048-token-long The properties of the tools, or rather, their output, were
string. not designed for: they are emergent, not yet known, and
The generated text is usually of a high, human-created the task of the engineer is then to discover them, rather
quality. While clearly ‘there is no there there,’ in such a text than verify the existence of any target behavior. The
beyond the initial prompt (which can be as short as a word), properties then need to be evaluated; the questions to be
people have reported that they enjoyed reading the output, asked are about the potential of such output, possibly in
finding it of substance, interest, etc. Note: Because this type large quantity with such properties, to benefit or harm
of automata is currently under feverish development, the society. Such analyses are analogous to the work of
main reference recommended is the Wikipedia article “GPT- biologists who investigate the nature of novel creatures
3.” It is likely to be kept current, and lists many of the original caught in the wild, or sometimes grown in the lab by a
sources. process akin to genetic engineering.
This model has already found numerous uses, leading
to serious questions, such as about the (im)possibility to From the point of view of public platforms (social media,
trust the authenticity of the claimed authorship of submitted open blogs) such systems would be seen as content-creators,
written work, such as essays, in any imaginable context. A on par with humans. Users of the media can even have au-
recent article describes getting GPT-3 to write a scientific tomata of this type post their output without prior inspection.
paper about itself, [41], with minimal tweaks by humans. A question of ethical, and possibly legal, nature that needs to
GPT-3 ends the paper (which as of this writing, September be settled is whether to require such postings to be marked as
2022, is still in review) with “Overall, we believe that the of other-than-human source?
764 M. Hofri

34.4 Protocols for Ethical Analysis often used are code of behavior and code of conduct). There
are several roles, or functions of such a code, internal and
external to the professional society:
You’re not going to find an exceptionless rule …Sometimes there
isn’t an answer in the moral domain, and sometimes we have to
agree to disagree, and come together and arrive at a good solution • Inspire the members to professionalism
about what we will live with. • Educate about the profession (both the members and
—Patricia Churchland, [32].
The knowledge of ethical principles, coupled with the • Guide professional actions
understanding of ethical theories and their relation to our • Inform about accountability (both the members and
society, does not yet mean that whenever we need to make society)
a decision that has an ethical dimension, it is immediately • Provide enforcement information (for the licensed profes-
available. The application of this knowledge to a specific case sions)
at hand requires what has been called ethical protocols or
more fully—as the section is named. There is a very large The code needs to be read by the professionals as they find
literature about these protocols; see, for example [34, 35]. their place in the profession. Appendix A exhibits the code of
As Maner says in [34], numerous protocols have been ethics for software engineers. It was prepared by a joint com-
prepared, reflecting the different domains which were the mittee of the ACM and the Computer Society of the IEEE,
areas of concern of the protocol designers. We show now the two major organizations for computing professionals in
a skeletal protocol and defer to Appendix B a much more the United States. A survey and an interesting evaluation
detailed one, adapted form [36]. Each is seen as a sequence of the impact of the code of ethics of the ACM, which is
of questions or tasks: similar to the Software Engineering code in Appendix A, are
at [37]. Most engineering societies adapted for their needs the
1. What is the question? What needs to be decided? Code of Conduct of the National Academy of Engineering,
2. Who are the stakeholders? available at [38].
3. What are the conflicting issues? The code of conduct of ifac, International Federation of
4. Which values are involved? Automatic Control, also provided in Appendix A, is starkly
5. How are stakeholders, issues, and values related? different, since ifac has no individuals as members, but
6. What (effective) actions exist? Which of them are avail- national member organizations; also, other control-oriented
able to us? organizations can be affiliates, and those organizations are
7. Are the following ethical tests satisfied by the actions we the immediate audience of the code.
(a) Does it conflict with accepted principles? (Ten com-
mandments, criminal law …) 34.6 Online Resources for Ethics of
(b) Is it in agreement with the Golden Rule? Automation
(c) Does it agree with the Rule of Universality (what if
everyone acted this way?) If it is not on the ’net, it does not exist.
(d) Does it agree with the Rule of Consistency (what if we —Street scuttlebutt.
always acted this way?) The street needs not be taken too literally, yet the claim
(e) Does it agree with the Rules of Disclosure (what if our expresses much that is true. In addition to the “specialized”
action is known to everybody?) sites in the list below, each of the professional societies
(f) Does it satisfy the Rule of Best Outcome? that touches on automation has parts of its website which
deal with professional ethics: acm, ieee, asee, ifac, and the
Question 7 invokes nearly all decision aids we saw in this arching societies aaas and aaes. Online is where we shall
chapter. find which is new, and in the field of automation, “new” is
a key word. The list below is a rich one, but while they all
are active at the time of writing, many (most?) web sites
34.5 Codes of Ethics are short-lived species; you may need to look for more. Use
links in those sources, to delve farther and deeper, using your
Nearly all professional societies create and advertise a code favorite web search engine. Finally, the Stanford Encyclo-
of ethics adapted to the profession in question (other terms pedia of Philosophy, SEP, is impressive in its selection and
34 Automation and Ethics 765

quality of ethics-related entries. The Internet Encyclopedia Appendix A: Code of Ethics Examples
of Philosophy, IEP, has a more practical mien and is highly
recommended as well. Software Engineering Code of Ethics and
Professional Practice Global software industry
advocate This code is maintained on the site of the ACM at SE The Risks Digest; an ACM CODE (
moderated forum engineering-code/). Center for Information Security Short Version
at Purdue Univ Bulletin board of the DHS PREAMBLE Center for research in The short version of the code summarizes aspirations at
professional ethics a high level of abstraction. The clauses that are included A privacy rights clearing house
in the full version give examples and details of how these Stanford Encyclopedia of aspirations change the way we act as software engineering
professionals. Without the aspirations, the details can become Internet Encyclopedia of
Philosophy legalistic and tedious; without the details, the aspirations can Center for ethics, society, and become high sounding but empty; together, the aspirations
computing at the Univ. of and the details form a cohesive code.
Michigan Software engineers shall commit themselves to making Multiple centers for computing the analysis, specification, design, development, testing, and
informationethics/ ethics reseach at Northeastern maintenance of software a beneficial and respected profes-
sion. In accordance with their commitment to the health,
https://www.nationalacademies. Responsible Computing research
org/our-work/responsible- at the national academies safety, and welfare of the public, software engineers shall
computing-research-ethics- adhere to the following Eight Principles:
1. Public A roster of organizations for
Software engineers shall act consistently with the public
10-organizations-leading-the- ethical AI research
way-in-ethical-ai interest.
2. Client and employer
Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best
interests of their client and employer, consistent with the
public interest.
34.7 Sources for Automation and Ethics 3. Product
Software engineers shall ensure that their products and
Comments About Sources for This Chapter related modifications meet the highest professional stan-
The bibliography lists as usual the specific publications dards possible.
which have been used in preparing this chapter, in order of 4. Judgment
citation. We wish to draw attention to three sources. One is Software engineers shall maintain integrity and indepen-
available online, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy; dence in their professional judgment.
some of its articles recur in the bibliography. The articles 5. Management
are by recognized authorities and are revised for currency Software engineering managers and leaders shall sub-
every several (5 to 10) years. Its editors take a remarkably scribe to and promote an ethical approach to the manage-
expansive view of their domain, possibly of eighteenth- ment of software development and maintenance.
century vintage, and include many articles relevant to the 6. Profession
questions we consider, for example, [28]. Software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputa-
Two other sources are print books [39,40] and anthologies tion of the profession consistent with the public interest.
of wide-ranging articles, many of which deal with topics that 7. Colleagues
are important to the interactions of ethics with automation. Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their
They are not new, appearing in 1995 and 2011, respectively, colleagues.
yet remain very much of interest. 8. Self
766 M. Hofri

Software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning ence software engineers to consider broadly who is affected
regarding the practice of their profession and shall pro- by their work; to examine if they and their colleagues are
mote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession. treating other human beings with due respect; to consider
how the public, if reasonably well informed, would view
——————————————————— their decisions; to analyze how the least empowered will be
Full Version affected by their decisions; and to consider whether their acts
would be judged worthy of the ideal professional working as
a software engineer. In all these judgments, concern for the
Computers have a central and growing role in commerce, in-
health, safety, and welfare of the public is primary; that is,
dustry, government, medicine, education, entertainment, and
the “Public Interest” is central to this Code.
society at large. Software engineers are those who contribute
The dynamic and demanding context of software engi-
by direct participation or by teaching, to the analysis, specifi-
neering requires a code that is adaptable and relevant to
cation, design, development, certification, maintenance, and
new situations as they occur. However, even in this gener-
testing of software systems. Because of their roles in devel-
ality, the Code provides support for software engineers and
oping software systems, software engineers have significant
managers of software engineers who need to take positive
opportunities to do good or cause harm, to enable others to do
action in a specific case by documenting the ethical stance
good or cause harm, or to influence others to do good or cause
of the profession. The Code provides an ethical foundation
harm. To ensure, as much as possible, that their efforts will be
to which individuals within teams and the team as a whole
used for good, software engineers must commit themselves
can appeal. The Code helps to define those actions that are
to making software engineering a beneficial and respected
ethically improper to request of a software engineer or teams
profession. In accordance with that commitment, software
of software engineers.
engineers shall adhere to the following Code of Ethics and
The Code is not simply for adjudicating the nature of
Professional Practice.
questionable acts; it also has an important educational func-
The Code contains eight Principles related to the behavior
tion. As this Code expresses the consensus of the profession
of and decisions made by professional software engineers, in-
on ethical issues, it is a means to educate both the public
cluding practitioners, educators, managers, supervisors, and
and aspiring professionals about the ethical obligations of all
policy-makers, as well as trainees and students of the pro-
software engineers.
fession. The Principles identify the ethically responsible re-
lationships in which individuals, groups, and organizations Principles
participate and the primary obligations within these rela- Principle 1: Public
tionships. The Clauses of each Principle are illustrations Software engineers shall act consistently with the public
of some of the obligations included in these relationships. interest. In particular, software engineers shall, as appropri-
These obligations are founded in the software engineer’s ate:
humanity, in special care owed to people affected by the
work of software engineers and in the unique elements of the 1.01. Accept full responsibility for their own work.
practice of software engineering. The Code prescribes these 1.02. Moderate the interests of the software engineer, the
as obligations of anyone claiming to be or aspiring to be a employer, the client, and the users with the public
software engineer. good.
It is not intended that the individual parts of the Code be 1.03. Approve software only if they have a well-founded be-
used in isolation to justify errors of omission or commission. lief that it is safe, meets specifications, passes appropri-
The list of Principles and Clauses is not exhaustive. The ate tests, and does not diminish quality of life, diminish
Clauses should not be read as separating the acceptable from privacy, or harm the environment. The ultimate effect
the unacceptable in professional conduct in all practical situ- of the work should be to the public good.
ations. The Code is not a simple ethical algorithm that gener- 1.04. Disclose to appropriate persons or authorities any ac-
ates ethical decisions. In some situations, standards may be in tual or potential danger to the user, the public, or
tension with each other or with standards from other sources. the environment, that they reasonably believe to be
These situations require the software engineer to use ethical associated with software or related documents.
judgment to act in a manner which is most consistent with the 1.05. Cooperate in efforts to address matters of grave public
spirit of the Code of Ethics and Professional Practice, given concern caused by software, its installation, mainte-
the circumstances. nance, support, or documentation.
Ethical tensions can best be addressed by thoughtful con- 1.06. Be fair and avoid deception in all statements, par-
sideration of fundamental principles, rather than blind re- ticularly public ones, concerning software or related
liance on detailed regulations. These Principles should influ- documents, methods, and tools.
34 Automation and Ethics 767

1.07. Consider issues of physical disabilities, allocation of 3.02. Ensure proper and achievable goals and objectives for
resources, economic disadvantage, and other factors any project on which they work or propose.
that can diminish access to the benefits of software. 3.03. Identify, define, and address ethical, economic, cul-
1.08. Be encouraged to volunteer professional skills to good tural, legal, and environmental issues related to work
causes and to contribute to public education concern- projects.
ing the discipline. 3.04. Ensure that they are qualified for any project on which
they work or propose to work, by an appropriate com-
Principle 2: Client and employer
bination of education, training, and experience.
Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best
3.05. Ensure that an appropriate method is used for any
interests of their client and employer, consistent with the
project on which they work or propose to work.
public interest. In particular, software engineers shall, as
3.06. Work to follow professional standards, when available,
that are most appropriate for the task at hand, departing
2.01. Provide service in their areas of competence, being from these only when ethically or technically justified. 34
honest and forthright about any limitations of their 3.07. Strive to fully understand the specifications for soft-
experience and education. ware on which they work.
2.02. Not knowingly use software that is obtained or retained 3.08. Ensure that specifications for software on which they
either illegally or unethically. work have been well documented, satisfy the users’
2.03. Use the property of a client or employer only in ways requirements, and have the appropriate approvals.
properly authorized and with the client’s or employer’s 3.09. Ensure realistic quantitative estimates of cost, schedul-
knowledge and consent. ing, personnel, quality, and outcomes on any project
2.04. Ensure that any document upon which they rely has on which they work or propose to work and provide an
been approved, when required, by someone authorized uncertainty assessment of these estimates.
to approve it. 3.10. Ensure adequate testing, debugging, and review of
2.05. Keep private any confidential information gained in software and related documents on which they work.
their professional work, where such confidentiality is 3.11. Ensure adequate documentation, including significant
consistent with the public interest and consistent with problems discovered and solutions adopted, for any
the law. project on which they work.
2.06. Identify, document, collect evidence, and report to the 3.12. Work to develop software and related documents that
client or the employer promptly if, in their opinion, respect the privacy of those who will be affected by that
a project is likely to fail, to prove too expensive, to software.
violate intellectual property law, or otherwise to be 3.13. Be careful to use only accurate data derived by ethical
problematic. and lawful means and use it only in ways properly
2.07. Identify, document, and report significant issues of authorized.
social concern, of which they are aware, in software 3.14. Maintain the integrity of data, being sensitive to out-
or related documents, to the employer or the client. dated or flawed occurrences.
2.08. Accept no outside work detrimental to the work they 3.15. Treat all forms of software maintenance with the same
perform for their primary employer. professionalism as new development.
2.09. Promote no interest adverse to their employer or client,
unless a higher ethical concern is being compromised; Principle 4: Judgment
in that case, inform the employer or another appropri- Software engineers shall maintain integrity and indepen-
ate authority of the ethical concern. dence in their professional judgment. In particular, software
Principle 3: Product engineers shall, as appropriate:
Software engineers shall ensure that their products and re-
lated modifications meet the highest professional standards 4.01. Temper all technical judgments by the need to support
possible. In particular, software engineers shall, as appropri- and maintain human values.
ate: 4.02. Only endorse documents either prepared under their
supervision or within their areas of competence and
3.01. Strive for high quality, acceptable cost, and a reason- with which they are in agreement.
able schedule, ensuring significant tradeoffs are clear 4.03. Maintain professional objectivity with respect to any
to and accepted by the employer and the client and are software or related documents they are asked to evalu-
available for consideration by the user and the public. ate.
768 M. Hofri

4.04. Not engage in deceptive financial practices such as Software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputation
bribery, double billing, or other improper financial of the profession consistent with the public interest. In par-
practices. ticular, software engineers shall, as appropriate:
4.05. Disclose to all concerned parties those conflicts of
interest that cannot reasonably be avoided or escaped. 6.01. Help develop an organizational environment favorable
4.06. Refuse to participate, as members or advisors, in a to acting ethically.
private, governmental, or professional body concerned 6.02. Promote public knowledge of software engineering.
with software-related issues, in which they, their em- 6.03. Extend software engineering knowledge by appropri-
ployers, or their clients have undisclosed potential ate participation in professional organizations, meet-
conflicts of interest. ings, and publications.
6.04. Support, as members of a profession, other software
Principle 5: Management engineers striving to follow this Code.
Software engineering managers and leaders shall subscribe 6.05. Not promote their own interest at the expense of the
to and promote an ethical approach to the management of profession, client, or employer.
software development and maintenance. In particular, those 6.06. Obey all laws governing their work, unless, in excep-
managing or leading software engineers shall, as appropri- tional circumstances; such compliance is inconsistent
ate: with the public interest.
6.07. Be accurate in stating the characteristics of software
5.01. Ensure good management for any project on which on which they work, avoiding not only false claims
they work, including effective procedures for promo- but also claims that might reasonably be supposed
tion of quality and reduction of risk. to be speculative, vacuous, deceptive, misleading, or
5.02. Ensure that software engineers are informed of stan- doubtful.
dards before being held to them. 6.08. Take responsibility for detecting, correcting, and re-
5.03. Ensure that software engineers know the employer’s porting errors in software and associated documents on
policies and procedures for protecting passwords, files, which they work.
and information that is confidential to the employer or 6.09. Ensure that clients, employers, and supervisors know
confidential to others. of the software engineer’s commitment to this Code
5.04. Assign work only after taking into account appropriate of ethics and the subsequent ramifications of such
contributions of education and experience tempered commitment.
with a desire to further that education and experience. 6.10. Avoid associations with businesses and organizations
5.05. Ensure realistic quantitative estimates of cost, schedul- which are in conflict with this Code.
ing, personnel, quality, and outcomes on any project on 6.11. Recognize that violations of this Code are inconsistent
which they work or propose to work, and provide an with being a professional software engineer.
uncertainty assessment of these estimates. 6.12. Express concerns to the people involved when signifi-
5.06. Attract potential software engineers only by full and cant violations of this Code are detected unless this is
accurate description of the conditions of employment. impossible, counter-productive, or dangerous.
5.07. Offer fair and just remuneration. 6.13. Report significant violations of this Code to appro-
5.08. Not unjustly prevent someone from taking a position priate authorities when it is clear that consultation
for which that person is suitably qualified. with people involved in these significant violations is
5.09. Ensure that there is a fair agreement concerning own- impossible, counter-productive, or dangerous.
ership of any software, processes, research, writing, or
other intellectual property to which a software engineer Principle 7: Colleagues
has contributed. Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their
5.10. Provide for due process in hearing charges of violation colleagues. In particular, software engineers shall, as appro-
of an employer’s policy or of this Code. priate:
5.11. Not ask a software engineer to do anything inconsistent
with this Code. 7.01. Encourage colleagues to adhere to this Code.
5.12. Not punish anyone for expressing ethical concerns 7.02. Assist colleagues in professional development.
about a project. 7.03. Credit fully the work of others and refrain from taking
undue credit.
Principle 6: Profession 7.04. Review the work of others in an objective, candid, and
properly documented way.
34 Automation and Ethics 769

7.05. Give a fair hearing to the opinions, concerns, or com- Manuel J. Norman, Douglas Phillips, Peter Ron Prinzivalli,
plaints of a colleague. Patrick Sullivan, John Weckert, Vivian Weil, S. Weisband,
7.06. Assist colleagues in being fully aware of current stan- and Laurie Honour Werth
dard work practices including policies and procedures ©1999 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engi-
for protecting passwords, files and other confidential neers, Inc. and the Association for Computing Machinery,
information, and security measures in general. Inc.
7.07. Not unfairly intervene in the career of any colleague; This Code may be published without permission as long as it
however, concern for the employer, the client, or public is not changed in any way and it carries the copyright notice.
interest may compel software engineers, in good faith,
to question the competence of a colleague.
7.08. In situations outside of their own areas of competence, International Federation of Automatic
call upon the opinions of other professionals who have Control—Code of Conduct
competence in that area. 34
IFAC recognizes its role as a worldwide federation for
Principle 8: Self promoting automatic control for the benefit of humankind.
Software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning re- In agreement with and in implementation of the approved
garding the practice of their profession and shall promote an IFAC—Mission and Vision—this document summarizes
ethical approach to the practice of the profession. In particu- the commitment and obligation of IFAC to maintain ethical
lar, software engineers shall continually endeavor to: and professional standards in its academic and industrial
activities. All activities within IFAC as well as volunteers
8.01. Further their knowledge of developments in the anal- acting on behalf of or for IFAC are to act in accordance with
ysis, specification, design, development, maintenance, this Code of Conduct.
and testing of software and related documents, together
with the management of the development process. 1. Honesty and Integrity
8.02. Improve their ability to create safe, reliable, and useful Activities conducted by IFAC shall always be fair, honest,
quality software at reasonable cost and within a rea- transparent, and in accordance with the IFAC—Mission and
sonable time. Vision. That is, their main goal is to contribute to the promo-
8.03. Improve their ability to produce accurate, informative, tion of the science and technology of control in the broadest
and well-written documentation. sense. IFAC disapproves any actions which are in conflict
8.04. Improve their understanding of the software and re- with existing laws, are motivated by criminal intentions, or
lated documents on which they work and of the envi- include scientifically dishonest practices such as plagiarism,
ronment in which they will be used. infringement, or falsification of results. IFAC will not only
8.05. Improve their knowledge of relevant standards and the retaliate against any person who reports violations of this
law governing the software and related documents on principle but rather encourage such reporting.
which they work.
8.06. Improve their knowledge of this Code, its interpreta- 2. Excellence and Relevance
tion, and its application to their work. IFAC recognizes its responsibility to promote the science and
8.07. Not give unfair treatment to anyone because of any technology of automatic control through technical meetings,
irrelevant prejudices. publications, and other means consistent with the goals and
8.08. Not influence others to undertake any action that in- values defined in the IFAC—Mission and Vision. Further,
volves a breach of this Code. IFAC has the responsibility to be a trusted source of publica-
8.09. Recognize that personal violations of this Code are in- tion material on automatic control renowned for its technical
consistent with being a professional software engineer. excellence. IFAC acknowledges its professional obligation
toward employees, volunteers, cooperating or member orga-
This Code was developed by the IEEE-CS/ACM joint nizations and companies, and further partners.
task force on Software Engineering Ethics and Professional
Practices (SEEPP): 3. Sustainability
Executive Committee: Donald Gotterbarn (Chair), Keith A major challenge in future automatic control is the devel-
Miller, and Simon Rogerson opment of modern techniques which reduce the ecological
Members: Steve Barber, Peter Barnes, Ilene Burnstein, damage caused by technology to a minimum. IFAC acknowl-
Michael Davis, Amr El-Kadi, N. Ben Fairweather, Milton edges this fact and contributes to a solution by promoting the
Fulghum, N. Jayaram, Tom Jewett, Mark Kanko, Ernie importance of automatic control and its impact on the society
Kallman, Duncan Langford, Joyce Currie Little, Ed Mechler, and by advancing the knowledge in automatic control and
770 M. Hofri

its applications. IFAC disapproves any actions which are in 3. Identify the affected parties.
conflict with the above philosophy, in particular those which • Identify all stakeholders, and then determine:
have a negative impact on the environment. • Who are the primary or direct stakeholders?
• Who are the secondary or indirect stakeholders?
4. Diversity and Inclusivity • Why are they stakeholders for the issue?
IFAC is a diverse, global organization with the goal to create • Perspective-taking—try to see the situation through the
a fruitful environment for people from different cultures eyes of those affected; interview them if possible.
dealing with automatic control in theory and practical appli- 4. Identify the consequences of possible actions.
cations. People shall be treated fairly, respectfully, and their • Think about potential positive and negative conse-
human rights shall be protected. IFAC is committed to the quences for affected parties by the decision. Focus on
highest principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion without primary stakeholders initially.
boundaries. IFAC disapproves of any harassment, bullying, • Estimate the magnitude of the consequences and the
or discrimination. probability that the consequences will happen.
• Short-term vs. long-term consequences—will decision
5. Compliance of Laws be valid over time.
The purpose of any action conducted by IFAC is to further • Broader systemic consequences—tied to symbolic and
the goals defined in IFAC’s constitution and consequences secrecy as follows
thereof. Activities on behalf of IFAC cannot be in conflict • Symbolic consequences—each decision sends a mes-
with ethical principles or laws existing in countries where sage.
IFAC operates. This includes but is not limited to any form • Secrecy consequences—what are the consequences if
of bribery, corruption, or fraud. IFAC disapproves unethi- the decision or action becomes public?
cal or illegal business practices which restrain competition • Did you consider relevant cognitive barriers/biases?
such as price fixing or other kinds of market manipulation. • Consider what your decision would be based only on
Conflicts of interest are to be prevented if possible and consequences—then move on and see if it is similar
revealed immediately whenever they occur. IFAC assures given other considerations.
the protection of confidential information belonging to its 1. Identify the relevant principles, rights, and justice is-
member organizations and further partners. sues.
• Obligations should be thought of in terms of principles
and rights involved:
Appendix B: Steps of the Ethical (A) What obligations are created because of particular
Decision-Making ethical principles you might use in the situation?
Examples: Do no harm; do unto others as you
The following has been closely adapted from [36]. would have them do unto you; do what you would
While the process is presented here as a sequence of have anyone in your position do in the given
actions, in practice the decision-maker may have to return to context.
an earlier stage and fill up details the need for was revealed (B) What obligations are created because of the
later: specific rights of the stakeholders? What rights
are more basic vs. secondary in nature? Which
1. Gather all relevant facts. help protect an individual’s basic autonomy? What
• Don’t jump to conclusions without the facts. types of rights are involved—negative or positive?
• Questions to ask: Who, what, where, when, how, and (C) What concepts of justice (fairness) are relevant—
why. However, facts may be difficult to find because of distributive or procedural justice?
the uncertainty often found around ethical issues. • Did you consider any relevant cognitive barri-
• Some facts are not available. ers/biases? Formulate the appropriate decision or
• Assemble as many facts as possible before proceeding. action based solely on the above analysis of these
• Clarify what assumptions you are making! obligations.
2. Define the ethical issue(s) 2. Consider your character and integrity
• Don’t jump to solutions without first identifying the • Consider what your relevant community members
ethical issue(s) in the situation. would consider to be the kind of decision that an
• Define the ethical basis for the issue you want to focus individual of integrity would make in this situation.
on. • What specific virtues are relevant in the situation?
• There may be multiple ethical issues—focus on one
major one at a time.
34 Automation and Ethics 771

• Disclosure rule—what would you do if various media 5. D’Agostino, F., Gaus, G., Thrasher, J.: Contemporary Approaches
channels reported your action and everyone was to read to the Social Contract, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
(Fall 2019 Edition). Edward N. Zalta (ed.). SEP
6. Sandel, M.J.: Justice: What Is the Right Things to Do. Farrar, Straus
• Think about how your decision will be remembered and Giroux, New York (2009)
when you are gone. 7. de Mori, B.: What moral theory for human rights? Naturalization
• Did you consider any relevant cognitive biases/barriers? vs. denaturalization. Etica e Politica 2(1) (2000)
8. Quinn, M.J.: Ethics for the Information Age, 7th edn. Pearson
• What decision would you come to based solely on
Education Inc. (2017)
character considerations? 9. Sinnott-Armstrong, W.: Consequentialism, The Stanford Encyclo-
3. Think creatively about potential actions. pedia of Philosophy (Summer 2019 Edition). Edward N. Zalta (ed.).
• Be sure you have not been unnecessarily forced into a SEP
10. Gilboa, I.: Theory of Decision Under Uncertainty. Cambridge
corner. University Press, Cambridge (2009)
• You may have some choices or alternatives that have 11. Benton, R.J.: Political expediency and lying: Kant vs Benjamin
not been considered. constant. J. Hist. Ideas 43(1), 135–144 (1982) 34
• If you have come up with solutions “a” and “b,” try to 12. Ross, D.: The Right and the Good. Oxford University press (1930)
13. Asimov, I.: I, Robot. Doubleday, New York (1950)
brainstorm, and come up with a “c” solution that might
14. Asimov, I.: The Rest of the Robots. Doubleday, New York (1964)
satisfy the interests of the primary parties involved in 15. Clarke, R.: Asimov’s laws of robotics: Implications for information
the situation. technology. IEEE Computer 26(12), 53–61 (1993), and 27(1), 57–
4. Check your gut. 66 (1994). Reprinted as Chapter 15 in [40]
16. Anderson, S.L.: The Unacceptability of Asimov’s Three Laws of
• Even though the prior steps have argued for a highly robotics as a Basis for Machine Ethics, Chapter 16 in [40]
rational process, it is always good to check your moral 17. Spinello, R.A.: Cybernetics: Morality and Law in Cyberspace.
sense, as observed by Kant. Jones & Bartlett Learning, Burlington, Massachusetts (2021)
• Intuition is gaining credibility as a source for good 18. Lützhöft, M.H., Dekker, S.W.A.: On your watch: Automation on
the bridge. J. Navigat. 55, 83–96 (2002)
decision-making; feeling something is not “right” is a
19. Travis, G.: How the Boeing 737 Max disaster looks to a software
useful trigger. developer. IEEE Spectrum (18 April 2019), 19:49 gmt
—Particularly relevant if you have a lot of experience 20. Forster, A.M.: The Machine Stops. In: (the final chapter) [39]
in the area and are considered an expert decision- (1910)
21. NTSB.: Grounding of the Panamanian Passenger Ship Royal
Majesty on Rose and Crown Shoal near Nantucket Massachusetts,
5. Decide on your course of action, and prepare responses to June 10, 1995. (NTSB/MAR-97/01). National Transportation
those who may oppose your position. Safety Board, Washington DC (1997)
• Consider potential actions based on the consequences, 22. Nancy, L.: Safeware: System Safety and Computers. Appendix A:
Medical Devices: The Therac-25. Addison-Wesley (1995). This
obligations, and character approaches.
report is separately available at Leveson
• Do you come up with similar answers from the differ- 23. Baase, S.: A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for
ent perspectives? Computing Technology, 4th edn. Pearson, Boston (2013)
• Do your obligations and character help you evaluate the 24. International Federation of Robotics (IFR).: World Robotics 2020
consequentialist preferred action?
25. Müller, V.C.: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, The
• How can you protect the rights of those involved (or Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2020 Edition). Ed-
your own character) while still maximizing the overall ward N. Zalta (ed.). SEP
good for all of the stakeholders? 26.
declaration Montreal Declaration for a responsible development of
• What arguments are most compelling to you to justify
AI, 2017
the action ethically? How will you respond to those 27.
with opposing viewpoints? kissinger-ai-could-mean-the-end-of-human-history/559124/
Henry Kissinger: How the Enlightenment Ends, The Atlantic, June
28. Franssen, M., Lokhorst, G.-J., van de Poel, I.: Philosophy of
References Technology, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2018
Edition). Edward N. Zalta (ed.). SEP
1. Sayre-McCord, G.: Metaethics, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Phi- 29. IEEE Standard for System, Software, and Hardware Verifica-
losophy (Summer 2014 Edition). Edward N. Zalta (ed.). SEP tion and Validation.: In: IEEE Std 1012-2016 (Revision of IEEE
2. Tavani, H.: Ethics and Technology, 3rd edn. Wiley, Hoboken NJ Std 1012-2012/ Incorporates IEEE Std 1012-2016/Cor1-2017),
(2011) pp.1–260, 29 Sept. 2017.
3. Cudd, A., Eftekhari, S.: Contractarianism, The Stanford Encyclo- 8055462
pedia of Philosophy (Winter 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), 30. Leitner, A., Daniel, W., Javier, I.-G. (eds.): Validation and Verifi-
SEP cation of Automated Systems, Results of the ENABLE-S3 Project
4. Gowans, C.: Moral Relativism, The Stanford Encyclopedia of (Springer, 2020)
Philosophy (Summer 2019 Edition). Edward N. Zalta (ed.). SEP 31. Heaven, D.: Why deep-learning AIs are so easy to fool. Nature 574,
163–166 (2019).
772 M. Hofri

32. Churchland, P.: The biology of ethics. The Chronicle of Higher

Education (June 12, 2011). Available at Rule Breaker
33. Northcutt, C.G., Athalye, A., Mueller, J.: Pervasive Label Er-
rors in Test Sets Destabilize Machine Learning Benchmarks.
arXiv:2103.14749v2[stat.ML]. Summarised by Kyle Wiggers,
MIT study finds ‘systematic’ labeling errors in popular AI bench-
mark datasets. VentureBeat
34. Maner, W.: Heuristic methods for computer ethics. Metaphilosophy
33(3), 339–365 (2002). Available at Maner
35. Liffick, B.W.: Analyzing ethical scenarios. Ethicomp. J. 1 (2004)
36. May, D.R.: Steps of the Ethical Decision–Making Process. Ac-
cessed at, November 24, 2020
37. Peslak, A.R.: A review of the impact of ACM code of conduct on Micha Hofri earned his first two degrees in the department of Physics,
information technology moral judgment and intent. J. Comput. Inf. at the Technion (IIT) in Haifa, Israel. For his PhD he climbed to a
Syst. 47(3), 1–10 (2007) higher hill in the same campus, for the department of management
38. NAE Code of and industrial engineering. His dissertation, for the D.Sc. degree in In-
Conduct dustrial engineering and Operations Research, concerned performance
39. Johnson, D.G., Nissenbaum, H. (eds.): Computers, Ethics & Social evaluation of computer systems. He has been on the faculty at the
Values. Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, NJ (1995) Technion, Purdue, University of Houston and Rice, and came to WPI
40. Anderson, M., Anderson, S.L. (eds.): Machine Ethics. Cambridge as the CS department chairman. He has taught several different courses
University Press, New York, NY (2011) about operating systems, analysis of algorithms, probability and com-
41. Thunström, A.O., We Asked gpt-3 to Write an Academic Paper binatorics in computing; and more recently about the societal impact of
about Itself- Then We tried to Get It Published. Scientific American, computing and communications. Professor emeritus Hofri continues to
327(3), September (2022) offer this recent course. His latest book Algorithmics of Nonuniformity:
Tools and Paradigms, authored with Hosam Mahmoud, was published
in 2019 by CRC Press.
Part VI
Industrial Automation
Machine Tool Automation
Keiichi Shirase and Susumu Fujii

35.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775
Numerical control (NC) is one of the greatest innovations
35.2 The Advent of the NC Machine Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777
35.2.1 From Hand Tool to Powered Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777 in the achievement of machine tool automation in manu-
35.2.2 Copy Milling Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778 facturing. In this chapter, first a history of the development
35.2.3 NC Machine Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778 up to the advent of NC machine tools is briefly reviewed
35.3 Development of Machining Center and Turning (Sect. 35.2). Then the machining centers and the turning
Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 779 centers are described with their key modules and inte-
35.3.1 Machining Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 779 gration into flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) and
35.3.2 Turning Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780
35.3.3 Fully Automated Machining: FMS and FMC . . . . . . . . . 781
flexible manufacturing cells (FMC) in Sect. 35.3. NC part
programming is described from manual programming to
35.4 NC Part Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 782
the computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) system in Sect.
35.4.1 Manual Part Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 782
35.4.2 Computer-Assisted Part Programming: APT 35.4. In Sects. 35.5, 35.6, and 35.7, following the tech-
and EXAPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783 nical innovations in the advanced hardware and software
35.4.3 CAM-Assisted Part Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784 systems of NC machine tools, future control systems for
35.5 Technical Innovation in NC Machine Tools . . . . . . . . 784 intelligent CNC machine tools are presented.
35.5.1 Functional and Structural Innovation by Multitasking
and Multiaxis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784 Keywords
35.5.2 Innovation in Control Systems Toward Intelligent CNC
Machine Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785 Machine tool · Computer numerical control · Flexible
35.5.3 Current Technologies of Advanced manufacturing system · Computer numerical control
CNC Machine Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 786
35.5.4 Autonomous and Intelligent Machine Tool . . . . . . . . . . . 789 machine tool · Numerical control program
35.5.5 Advanced Intelligent Technology for Machine Tools . . . 794
35.6 Metal Additive Manufacturing Machines or Metal
3D Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 796
35.6.1 Rapid Growth of Additive Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . 796
35.6.2 Laser Additive Manufacturing Machine Using Powder
35.1 Introduction
Bed Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 799
35.6.3 Five-Axis Milling Machining Center Combining Numerical control (NC) is one of the greatest innovations
Directed Energy Deposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 in the achievement of machine tool automation in manufac-
35.7 Key Technologies for Future Intelligent Machine turing. Machine tools have expanded their performance and
Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 ability since the era of the Industrial Revolution; however
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 802 all machine tools were operated manually until the birth of
the NC machine tool in 1952. Numerical control enabled
control of the motion and sequence of machining operations
with high accuracy and repeatability. In the 1960s, computers
K. Shirase () added even greater flexibility and reliability of machining op-
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan erations. These machine tools which had computer numerical
control were called CNC machine tools. A machining center,
S. Fujii () which is a highly automated NC milling machine performing
Kobe University, Kobe, Japan

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 775

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
776 K. Shirase and S. Fujii

multiple milling operations, was developed to realize process In the past five decades, NC machine tools have become
integration as well as machining automation in 1958. A turn- more sophisticated to achieve higher accuracy and faster
ing center, which is a highly automated NC lathe performing machining operation with greater flexibility. Certainly, the
multiple turning operations, was also developed. These ma- conventional NC control system can perform sophisticated
chine tools contributed to realize the flexible manufacturing motion control but not cutting process control. This means
system (FMS), which had been proposed during the mid- that further intelligence of NC control system is still required
1960s. FMS aims to perform automatic machining operations to achieve more sophisticated process control. In the near
unaided by human operators to machine various parts. future, all machine tools will have advanced functions for
The automatically programmed tool (APT) is the most process planning, tool-path generation, cutting process mon-
important computer-assisted part programming language and itoring, cutting process prediction, self-monitoring, failure
was first used to generate part programs in production around prediction, etc. Information technology (IT) will be the key
1960. The extended subset of APT (EXAPT) was devel- issue to realize these advanced functions. The paradigm
oped to add functions such as setting of cutting conditions, is evolving from the concept of autonomy to yield next-
selection of cutting tool, and operation planning besides generation NC machine tools for sophisticated manufactur-
the functions of APT. Another pioneering NC programming ing systems.
language, COMPACT II, was developed by Manufacturing Machine tools have expanded their performance and abil-
Data Systems Inc. (MDSI) in 1967. Technologies developed ities as shown in Fig. 35.1. The first innovation took place
beyond APT and EXAPT were succeeded by computer- during the era of the Industrial Revolution. Most conventional
aided manufacturing (CAM). CAM provides interactive part machine tools, such as lathes and milling machines, have
programming with a visual and graphical environment and been developed since the Industrial Revolution. High-speed
saves significant programming time and effort for part pro- machining, high-precision machining, and high productivity
gramming. For example, COMPACT II has evolved into have been achieved by these modern machine tools to realize
open CNC software, which enables integration of off-the- mass production.
shelf hardware and software technologies. NC languages The second innovation was numerical control (NC). A
have also been integrated with computer-aided design (CAD) prototype machine was demonstrated at MIT in 1952. The
and CAM systems. accuracy and repeatability of NC machine tools became far

The first innovation


Machine tools • High speed

• High precision
Analog control/mechanical control • High productivity
The second innovation
pre-instructed by NC programs

NC machine tools • Motion control

• Multi tasks/multi functions
instructed by in-process planning and decision

Digital control • System

(servo, actuator, sensor)
Automatic operation

NC machine tools • Cutting process control

with adaptive control • Feedback of cutting process

Digital control with AC

Autonomous operation

(performance function/constraint conditions)

The third innovation

• Artificial intelligence

NC machine tools • Knowledge/knowhow
• Learning/evolution
Digital control with AC
(machining strategy/decision making)

Fig. 35.1 Evolution of machine tools toward the intelligent machine for the future
35 Machine Tool Automation 777

better than those of manually operated machine tools. NC

is a key concept to realize programmable automation. The 35
principle of NC is to control the motion and sequence of ma-
chining operations. Computer numerical control (CNC) was
introduced, and computer technology replaced the hardware
control circuit boards on NC, greatly increasing the reliability
and functionality of NC. The most important functionality to
be realized was adaptive control (AC). In order to improve
the productivity of the machining process and the qual-
ity of machined surfaces, several AC systems for real-time
adjustment of cutting parameters have been proposed and
developed [1].
As mentioned above, machine tools have evolved through
advances in hardware and control technologies. However,
the machining operations are fully dominated by the pre-
determined NC commands, and conventional machine tools Fig. 35.2 Wilkinson’s boring machine (1775)
are not generally allowed to change the machining sequence
or the cutting conditions during machining operations. This
means that conventional NC machine tools are allowed to
perform only automatic machining operations that are pre-
instructed by NC programs.
In order to realize an intelligent machine tool for the
future, some innovative technical breakthroughs are required.
An intelligent machine tool should be good at learning,
understanding, and thinking in a logical way about the cutting
process and machining operation, and no NC commands will
be required to instruct machining operations as an intelligent Fig. 35.3 Maudsley’s screw-cutting lathe with mechanized tool car-
riage (1800)
machine tool thinks about machining operations and adapts
the cutting processes itself. This means that an intelligent
machine tool can perform autonomous operations that are the mechanical tool carriage equipped with a screw allowed
instructed by in-process planning made by the tool itself. precise repetition of machined shapes. Precise repetition
Information technology (IT) will be the key issue to realize of machined shape is an important requirement to produce
this third innovation. many of the component parts for mass production. Therefore,
Maudsley’s screw-cutting lathe became a prototype of lathes.
Whitney’s milling machine (Fig. 35.4) is believed to be
35.2 The Advent of the NC Machine Tool the first successful milling machine used for cutting plane
of metal parts. However, it appears that Whitney’s milling
35.2.1 From Hand Tool to Powered Machine machine was made after Whitney’s death. Whitney’s milling
machine was designed to manufacture interchangeable mus-
It is well known that John Wilkinson’s boring machine ket parts. Interchangeable parts require high-precision ma-
(Fig. 35.2) was able to machine a high-accuracy cylinder to chine tools to make exact shapes.
build Watt’s steam engine. The performance of steam engines Fitch’s turret lathe (Fig. 35.5) was the first automatic turret
was improved drastically by the high-accuracy cylinder. With lathe. Turret lathes were used to produce complex-shaped
the spread of steam engines, machine tools changed from cylindrical parts that required several operating sequences
hand tools to powered machines, and metal cutting became and tools. Also, turret lathes can perform automatic machin-
widespread to achieve modern industrialization. During ing with a single setup and can achieve high productivity.
the era of the Industrial Revolution, most conventional High productivity is an important requirement to produce
machine tools, such as lathes and milling machines, were many of the component parts for mass production.
developed. As mentioned above, the most important modern machine
Maudsley’s screw-cutting lathe with mechanized tool car- tools required to realize mass production were developed
riage (Fig. 35.3) was a great invention which was able to ma- during the era of the Industrial Revolution. Also high-speed
chine high-accuracy screw threads. The screw-cutting lathe machining, high-precision machining, and high productivity
was developed to machine screw threads accurately; however had been achieved by these modern machine tools.
778 K. Shirase and S. Fujii

Fig. 35.6 A copy milling machine

Fig. 35.4 Whitney’s milling machine (1818)

simultaneously. In some copy milling machines the ratio
between the motion of the tracer and the cutting tool can
be changed to machine shapes that are similar to the master
Copy milling machines were widely used to machine
molds and dies which were difficult to generate with simple
tool paths, until CAD/CAM systems became widespread
to generate NC programs freely for machining three-
dimensional freeform shapes.

35.2.3 NC Machine Tools

The first prototype NC machine tool, shown in Fig. 35.7,

was demonstrated at the MIT in 1952. The name numerical
control was given to the machine tool, as it was controlled
numerically. It is well known that numerical control was
required to develop more efficient manufacturing methods
for modern aircraft, as aircraft components became more
Fig. 35.5 Fitch’s turret lathe (1845)
complex and required more machining. The accuracy, re-
peatability, and productivity of NC machine tools became far
35.2.2 Copy Milling Machine better than those of machine tools operated manually.
The concept of numerical control is very important and
A copy milling machine, also called a tracer milling machine innovative for programmable automation, in which the mo-
or a profiling milling machine, can duplicate freeform ge- tions of machine tools are controlled or instructed by a
ometry represented by a master model for making molds, program containing coded alphanumeric data. According
dies, and other shaped cavities and forms. A probe tracing to the concept of numerical control, machining operation
the model contour is controlled to follow a three-dimensional becomes programmable, and machining shape is changeable.
master model, and the cutting tool follows the path taken by The concept of the flexible manufacturing system (FMS)
the tracer to machine the desired shape. Usually, a tracing mentioned later required the prior development of numerical
probe is fed by a human operator, and the motion of the control.
tracer is converted to the motion of the tool by hydraulic or A program to control NC machine tools is called a part
electronic mechanisms. The motion in Fig. 35.6 shows an program, and the importance of a part program was recog-
example of copy milling. In this case, three spindle heads nized from the beginning of NC machine tools. In particular,
or three cutting tools follow the path taken by the tracer the definition for machining shapes of more complex parts is
35 Machine Tool Automation 779


Fig. 35.7 The first NC machine tool, which was demonstrated at MIT
in 1952
Fig. 35.8 Machining center, equipped with an ATC. (Courtesy of
Makino Milling Machine Co. Ltd.)
difficult by manual operation. Therefore, a part programming
language, APT, was developed at MIT to realize computer-
assisted part programming.
Recently, CNC has become widespread, and in most cases
the term NC is used synonymously with CNC. Originally,
CNC corresponded to an NC system operated by an internal
computer, which realized storage of part programs, editing of
part programs, manual data input (MDI), and so on. The latest
CNC tools allow generation of a part program interactively
by a machine operator and avoid machine crash caused by a
missing part program. High-speed and high-accuracy control
of machine tools to realize highly automated machining
operation requires the latest central processing unit (CPU) to
perform high-speed data processing for several functions.

35.3 Development of Machining Center Fig. 35.9 Horizontal machining center. (Courtesy of Yamazaki Mazak
and Turning Center Corp.)

35.3.1 Machining Center

machining centers, respectively. Most horizontal machining
A machining center is a highly automated NC milling ma- centers have a rotary table to index the machined part at
chine that performs multiple machining operations such as some specific angle relative to the cutting tool. A horizontal
end milling, drilling, and tapping. It was developed to realize machining center which has a rotary table can machine the
process integration as well as machining automation, in 1958. four vertical faces of boxed workpieces in single setup with
Figure 35.8 shows an early machining center equipped with minimal human assistance. Therefore, a horizontal machin-
an automatic tool changer (ATC). Most machining centers ing center is widely used in an automated shop floor with a
are equipped with an ATC and an automatic pallet changer loading and unloading system for workpieces to realize ma-
(APC) to perform multiple cutting operations in a single chining automation. On the other hand, a vertical machining
machine setup and to reduce nonproductive time in the whole center is widely used in a die and mold machine shop. In a
machining cycle. vertical machining center, the cutting tool can machine only
Machining centers are classified into horizontal and ver- the top surface of boxed workpieces, but it is easy for human
tical types according to the orientation of the spindle axis. operators to understand tool motion relative to the machined
Figures 35.9 and 35.10 show typical horizontal and vertical part.
780 K. Shirase and S. Fujii

Fig. 35.10 Vertical machining center. (Courtesy of Yamazaki Mazak


Automatic Tool Changer (ATC)

ATC stands for automatic tool changer, which permits load- Fig. 35.11 ATC: automatic tool changer. (Courtesy of Yamazaki
ing and unloading of cutting tools from one machining oper- Mazak Corp.)
ation to the next. The ATC is designed to exchange cutting
tools between the spindle and a tool magazine, which can
store more than 20 tools. The large capacity of the tool
magazine allows a variety of workpieces to be machined.
Additionally, higher tool-change speed and reliability are
required to achieve a fast machining cycle. Figure 35.11
shows an example of a twin-arm-type ATC driven by a cam
mechanism to ensure reliable high-speed tool change.

Automatic Pallet Changer (APC)

APC stands for automatic pallet changer, which permits load-
ing and unloading of workpieces for machining automation.
Most horizontal machining centers have two pallet tables to
exchange the parts before and after machining automatically.
Figure 35.12 shows an example of an APC. The operator
can be unloading the finished part and loading the next part
on one pallet, while the machining center is processing the
current part on another pallet.
Fig. 35.12 APC: automatic pallet changer. (Courtesy of Yamazaki
Mazak Corp.)
35.3.2 Turning Center

A turning center is a highly automated NC lathe to perform the machining operations of the workpiece is carried out on
multiple turning operations. Figure 35.13 shows a typical one spindle, and then the second half of the machining op-
turning center. Changing of cutting tools is performed by erations is carried out on another spindle, without unloading
a turret tool changer which can hold about ten turning and and loading of the workpiece. This reduces production time.
milling tools. Therefore, a turning center enables not only
turning operations but also milling operations such as end Turret Tool Changer
milling, drilling, and tapping in a single machine setup. Some Fig. 35.14 shows a tool turret with 12 cutting tools. A suitable
turning centers have two spindles and two or more turret tool cutting tool for the target machining operation is indexed
changers to complete all machining operations of cylindrical automatically under numerical control for continuous ma-
parts in a single machine setup. In this case, the first half of chining operations. The most sophisticated turning centers
35 Machine Tool Automation 781


Fig. 35.13 Turning center or CNC lathe. (Courtesy of Yamazaki

Mazak Corp.)

Fig. 35.15 Flexible manufacturing system. (Courtesy of Yamazaki

Mazak Corp.)

centers, one conveyor, one load/unload station, and a central

computer that controls and manages the components of the
No manufacturing system can be completely flexible.
FMSs are typically used for mid-volume and mid-variety
production. An FMS is designed to machine parts within
a range of style, sizes, and processes, and its degree of
flexibility is limited. Additionally, the machining shape is
changeable through the part programs that control the NC
machine tools, and the part programs required for every shape
to be machined have to be prepared before the machining
operation. Therefore a new shape that needs a part program
is not acceptable in conventional FMSs, which is why a
third innovation of machine tools is required to achieve
Fig. 35.14 Tool turret in turning center. (Courtesy of Yamazaki Mazak autonomous machining operations instead of automatic ma-
Corp.) chining operations to achieve true FMS.
An FMS consists of several NC machine tools such as
machining centers and turning centers, material-handling
have tool monitoring systems which check tool length and or loading/unloading systems such as industrial robots and
diameter for automatic tool alignment and sense tool wear pallet changer, conveyer systems such as conveyors and
for automatic tool changing. automated guided vehicles (AGV), and storage systems. Ad-
ditionally, an FMS has a central computer to coordinate all
of the activities of the FMS, and all hardware components
35.3.3 Fully Automated Machining: FMS of the FMS generally have their own microcomputer for
and FMC control. The central computer downloads NC part programs
and controls the material-handling system, conveyer system,
Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) storage system, management of materials and cutting tools,
The concept of the flexible manufacturing system (FMS) was etc.
proposed during the mid-1960s. It aims to perform automatic Human operators play important roles in FMSs, perform-
machining operations unaided by human operators to ma- ing the following tasks:
chine various parts. Machining centers are key components
of the FMS for flexible machining operations. Figure 35.15 1. Loading/unloading parts at loading/unloading stations
shows a typical FMS, which consists of five machining 2. Changing and setting of cutting tools
782 K. Shirase and S. Fujii

3. NC part programming who is familiar with the metal cutting process to define the
4. Maintenance of hardware components points, lines, and surfaces of the workpiece and to generate
5. Operation of the computer system the alphanumerical data. The most important NC part pro-
gramming techniques are summarized as follows:
These tasks are indispensable to manage the FMS success-
fully. 1. Manual part programming
2. Computer-assisted part programming – APT and EXAPT
Flexible Manufacturing Cell (FMC) 3. CAM-assisted part programming
Basically, FMSs are large systems to realize manufacturing
automation for mid-volume and mid-variety production. In
some cases, small systems are applicable to realize manu- 35.4.1 Manual Part Programming
facturing automation. The term flexible manufacturing cell
(FMC) is used to represent small systems or compact cells This is the simplest way to generate a part program. Basic
of FMSs. Usually, the number of machine tools included in numeric data and alphanumeric codes are entered manually
a FMC is three or fewer. One can consider that an FMS is a into the NC controller. The simplest command example is
large manufacturing system composed of several FMCs. shown as follows:

35.4 NC Part Programming N0010 M03 S1000 F100 EOB

N0020 G00 X20.000 Y50.000 EOB
The task of programming to operate machine tools automat- N0030 Z20.000 EOB
ically is called NC part programming because the program N0040 G01 Z – 20.000 EOB
is prepared for a part to be machined. NC part programming
requires the programmer to be familiar with both the cutting
processes and programming procedures. The NC part pro- Each code in the statement has a meaning to define a ma-
gram includes the detailed commands to control the positions chining operation. The “N” code shows the sequence number
and motion of the machine tool. In numerical control, the of the statement. The “M” code and the following two-digit
three linear axes (x, y, z) of the Cartesian coordinate system number define miscellaneous functions; “M03” means to
are used to specify cutting tool positions, and three rotational spindle on with clockwise rotation. The “S” code defines
axes (a, b, c) are used to specify the cutting tool postures. In the spindle speed; “S1000” means that the spindle speed
turning operations, the position of the cutting tool is defined is 1000 rpm. The “F” code defines the feed speed; “F100”
in the x–z plane for cylindrical parts, as shown in Fig. 35.16a. means that the feed is 100 mm/min. “EOB” stands for “end of
In milling operations, the position of the cutting tool is block” and shows the end of the statement. The “G” code and
defined by the x-, y-, and z-axes for cuboid parts, as shown in the following two-digit number define preparatory functions;
Fig. 35.16b. “G00” means rapid positioning by point-to-point control. The
Numerical control realizes programmable automation of “X” and “Y” codes indicate the x- and y-coordinates. The
machining. The mechanical actions or motions of the cutting cutting tool moves rapidly to the position x = 20 mm and
tool relative to the workpiece and the control sequence of the y = 50 mm with the second statement. Then, the cutting
machine tool equipments are coded by alphanumerical data tool moves rapidly again to the position z = 20 mm with the
in a program. NC part programming requires a programmer third statement. “G01” means linear positioning at controlled
feed speed. Then the cutting tool moves with the feed speed,
defined by “F100” in this example, to position z = −20 mm.
+z The positioning control can be classified into two types,
a) b)
+c +y (1) point-to-point control and (2) continuous path control.
“G00” is a positioning command for point-to-point control.
This command only identifies the next position required at
+z –x +x
which a subsequent machining operation such as drilling is
performed. The path to get to the position is not considered in
–y point-to-point control. On the other hand, the path to get to
–z the position is controlled simultaneously in more than one
axis to follow a line or circle in continuous path control.
Fig. 35.16 Coordinate systems in numerical control. (a) Cylindrical “G01” is a positioning command for linear interpolation.
part for turning; (b) cuboid part for milling “G02” and “G03” are positioning commands for circular
35 Machine Tool Automation 783

interpolation. These commands permit the generation of two- where LN1 is the line that goes through points (20, 20) and
dimensional curves or three-dimensional surfaces by turning (20, 70); LN2 is the line that goes from point (20, 70) at 75◦ to 35
or milling. LN1; LN3 is the line that goes from point (40, 20) at 45◦ to the
horizontal line; LN4 is the line that goes through points (20,
20) and (40, 20); and CIR is the circle tangent to lines LN2
35.4.2 Computer-Assisted Part Programming: and LN3 with radius 10. Most part shapes can be described
APT and EXAPT using these APT statements.
On the other hand, tool motions are specified by the
Automatically programmed tools is the most important following APT statements:
computer-assisted part programming language and was first
used to generate part programs in production around 1960.
EXAPT contains additional functions such as setting of TLLFT, GOLFT/LN1, PAST, LN2
cutting conditions, selection of cutting tool, and operation GORGT/LN2, TANTO, CIR
planning besides the functions of APT. APT provides two
steps to generate part programs: (1) definition of part
geometry and (2) specification of tool motion and operation
sequence. An example program list is shown in Fig. 35.17. where “TLLFT, GOLFT/LN1” indicates that the tool posi-
The following APT statements define the contour of the part tions left (TLLFT) of the line LN1, goes left (GOLFT), and
geometry based on basic geometric elements such as points, moves along the line LN1. “PAST, LN2” indicates that the
lines, and circles: tool moves until past (PAST) the line LN2. “GORGT/LN2”
indicates that the tool goes right (GORGT) and moves along
the line LN2. “TANTO, CIR” indicates that the tool moves
LN1 = LINE/20, 20, 20, 70
until tangent to (TANTO) the circle CIR. GOFWD/CIR
LN2 = LINE/(POINT/20, 70), ATANGL, 75, LN1 indicates that the tool goes forward (GOFWD) and moves
LN3 = LINE/(POINT/40, 20), ATANGL, 45 along the circle CIR. “TANTO, LN3” indicates that the tool
LN4 = LINE/20, 20, 40, 20
moves until tangent to the line LN3.
Additional APT statements are prepared to define feed
speed, spindle speed, tool size, and tolerances of tool paths.
The APT program completed by the part programmer is


$$ Comment GORGT/LN2, TANTO, CIR Tool motion
MACHINE/F 240, 2 Selection of post processor GOFWD/CIR, TANTO, LN3 Tool motion
CLPRT GOFWD/LN3, PAST, LN4 Tool motion
OUTTOL/0.002 Outer tolerance GORGT/LN4, PAST, LN1 Tool motion
INTOL/0.002 Inner tolerance
CUTTER/10 $$ FLAT END MILL DIA=10mm Cutting tool FEDRAT/FO2 Feed rate
$$ DEFINITION Definition of geometry GODLTA/0, 0, 10 Tool motion
LN1=LINE/20, 20, 20, 70 SPINDL/OFF Spindle off
LN2=LINE/(POINT/20, 70), ATANGL, 75, LN1 COOLNT/OFF Coolant off
LN3=LINE/(POINT/40, 20), ATANGL, 45 FEDRAT/FO1 Feed rate
LN4=LINE/20, 20, 40, 20 GOTO/SETPT Tool motion
XYPL=PLANE/0, 0, 1, 0 $$ XYPLANE $$
SETPT=POINT/-10, -10, 10 PRINT/3, ALL Y
Print out
$$ MOTION Motion of machine tool FINI End statement
FROM/SETPT Start point
GODLTA/20, 20, -5 Tool motion 60 LN2
SPINDL/ON Spindle on CIR
COOLNT/ON Coolant on 40
FEDRATE/FO2 Feed rate 20
GO/TO, LN1, TO, XYPL, TO, LN4 Tool motion
0 X
0 20 40 60 80

Fig. 35.17 Example program list in APT

784 K. Shirase and S. Fujii

translated by the computer to the cutter location (CL) data,

which consists of all the geometry and cutter location infor-
mation required to machine the part. This process is called
main processing or preprocessing to generate NC commands.
The CL data is converted to the part program, which is
understood by the NC machine tool controller. This process
is called postprocessing to add NC commands to specify
feed speed, spindle speed, and auxiliary functions for the
machining operation.

35.4.3 CAM-Assisted Part Programming

CAM systems grew based on technologies relating to APT

and EXAPT. Originally, CAM stood for computer-aided
manufacturing and was used as a general term for computer
software to assist all operations while realizing manufac-
Fig. 35.18 Milling and turning integrated machine tool. (Courtesy of
turing. However, CAM is now used to indicate computer Yamazaki Mazak Corp.)
software to assist part programming in a narrow sense.
The biggest difference between part programming as-
sisted by APT and CAM is usability. Part programming 1. Reduction of production time
assisted by APT is based on batch processing. Therefore, 2. Improved machining accuracy
many programming errors are not detected until the end of 3. Reduction of floor space and initial cost
computer processing. On the other hand, part programming
assisted by CAM is interactive-mode processing with a visual As the high performance of these machine tools was
and graphical environment. It therefore becomes easy to accepted, the configuration became more and more compli-
complete a part program after repeated trial and error using cated. Multispindles and multiturrets are integrated to per-
visual verification. Additionally, close cooperation between form multitasks simultaneously. The machine tool shown in
CAD and CAM offers a significant benefit in terms of part Fig. 35.18 has two spindles: one milling spindle with four
programming. The geometrical data for each part designed by axes and one turret with two axes. Increasing the complexity
CAD are available for automatic tool-path generation, such of these machine tools causes the risk of machine crashes
as surface profiling, contouring, and pocket milling, in CAM during machining operation and requires careful part pro-
through software routines. This saves significant program- gramming to avoid machine crashes.
ming time and effort for part programming. Recently, some
simulation technologies have become available to verify part Five-Axis Machining Center
programs free from machining trouble. Optimization of feed Multiaxis machining centers are expanding in practical ap-
speed and detection of machine crash are two major func- plications rapidly. The multiaxis machining center is ap-
tions for part program verification. These functions also save plied to generate a workpiece with complex geometry with
significant production lead time. a single machine setup. In particular, five-axis machining
centers have become popular for machining aircraft parts and
complicated surfaces such as dies and molds. A typical five-
35.5 Technical Innovation in NC Machine axis machining center is shown in Fig. 35.19. Benefits to the
Tools use of multiaxis machining centers are as follows:

35.5.1 Functional and Structural Innovation 1. Reduction of preparation time

by Multitasking and Multiaxis 2. Reduction of production time
3. Improved machining accuracy
Turning and Milling Integrated Machine Tool
Recently, a turning and milling integrated machine tool has
been developed as a sophisticated turning center. It also has Parallel Kinematic Machine Tool
a rotating cutting tool which can perform milling operation A parallel kinematic machine tool is classified as a multiaxis
besides turning operation, as shown in Fig. 35.18. The bene- machine tool. In the past years, parallel kinematic machine
fits of the use of turning and milling integrated machine tools tools (PKM) have been studied with interest for their
are as follows: advantages of high stiffness, low inertia, high accuracy,
35 Machine Tool Automation 785


Fig. 35.19 Five-axis machining center. (Courtesy of Mori Seiki Co.


and high-speed capability. Okuma Corporation in Japan

developed the parallel mechanism machine tool COSMO
CENTER PM-600 shown in Fig. 35.20. This machine
tool achieves high-speed and high-degrees-of-freedom
machining operation for practical products. Also, high-speed
milling of a free surface is shown in Fig. 35.20.

Ultraprecision Machine Tool

Recently, ultraprecision machining technology has expe-
rienced major advances in machine design, performance,
and productivity. Ultraprecision machining was successfully
adopted for the manufacture of computer memory disks
used in hard disk drives (HDD) and also photoreflector
components used in photocopiers and printers. These
applications require extremely high geometrical accuracies
and form deviations in combination with supersmooth
The FANUC ROBONANO α-0iB is shown in Fig. 35.21
as an example of a five-axis ultraprecision machine tool.
Fig. 35.20 Parallel kinematic machining center. (Courtesy of
Nanometer servo-control technologies and air-bearing tech-
OKUMA Corp.)
nologies are combined to realize an ultraprecision machine
tool. This machine provides various machining methods for
mass production with nanometer precision in the fields of op-
tical electronics, semiconductor, medical, and biotechnology.

35.5.2 Innovation in Control Systems Toward
Intelligent CNC Machine Tools Cross groove
V-angle : 90°
Pitch : 0.3 µm
The framework of future intelligent CNC machine tools Height : 0.15 µm
is summarized in Fig. 35.22. A conventional CNC control Material : Ni-P plate
system has two major levels: the servo control (level 1
in Fig. 35.22) and the interpolator (level 2) for the axial
Fig. 35.21 Ultraprecision machine tool. (Courtesy of Fanuc Ltd.)
motion control of machine tools. Certainly, the conventional
CNC control system can achieve highly sophisticated motion
control, but it cannot achieve sophisticated cutting process and 4 in Fig. 35.22, are required for a future intelligent CNC
control. Two additional levels of control hierarchy, levels 3 control system to achieve more sophisticated process control.
786 K. Shirase and S. Fujii

Future intelligent CNC machine tools with adaptive and process control

Current CNC machine tools with/without adaptive control


Computer CNC controller Actuator Machine tool

• Process planning • Tool path • Relative motion

• Cutting conditions • Servo-amplifier Cutting process
• Tool path between tool and
• Servo-motor
generation • Tool position workpiece
• Ball screw
(CAPP, CAM) • Tool velocity • Cutting operation

• Cutting force
Servo-control (Level 1) • Temperature
Database • Vibration
Interpolation (Level 2)
• Noise
Cutting process information (Level 3)
• Machining accuracy
Cutting results (Level 4) • Surface roughness
• Knowledge
• Knowhow • Tool condition
• Skill : Key issues for future intelligent CNC machine tools

Fig. 35.22 Framework of intelligent machine tools (CAPP – computer-aided process planning)

Machining operations by conventional CNC machine 35.5.3 Current Technologies of Advanced

tools are generally dominated by NC programs, and only CNC Machine Tools
feed speed can be adapted. For sophisticated cutting
process control, dynamic adaptation of cutting parameters is Open Architecture Control
indispensable. The adaptive control (AC) scheme is assigned The concept of open architecture control (OAC) was pro-
at a higher level (level 3) of the control hierarchy, enabling posed in the early 1990s. The main aim of OAC was easy
intelligent process monitoring, which can detect machining implementation and integration of customer-specific controls
state independently of cutting conditions and machining by means of open interfaces and configuration methods in
operation. a vender-neutral standardized environment [2]. It provides
Level 4 in Fig. 35.22 is usually regarded as a super- the methods and utilities for integrating user-specific require-
visory level that receives feedback from measurements of ments, and it is required to implement several intelligent
the finished part. A reasonable index to evaluate the cutting control applications for process monitoring and control.
results and a reasonable strategy to improve cutting results Altintas has developed a user-friendly, reconfigurable, and
are required at this level. For this purpose, the utilization of modular toolkit called the open real-time operating system
knowledge, know-how, and skill related to machining oper- (ORTS). ORTS has several intelligent machining modules,
ations has to be considered. Effective utilization of feedback as shown in Fig. 35.23. It can be used for the development
information regarding the cutting results is very important. of real-time signal processing, motion, and process control
Additionally, an autonomous process planning strategy, applications. A sample tool-path generation using quintic
which can generate a flexible and adaptive working plan, is spline interpolation for high-speed machining is described as
required as a function of intelligent CNC machine tools. It an application, and a sample cutting force control has also
must be responsive and adaptive to unpredictable changes, been demonstrated [3].
such as job delay, job insertion, and machine breakdown on Mori and Yamazaki developed an open servo-control sys-
machining shop floors. In order to generate the operation plan tem for an intelligent CNC machine tool to minimize the en-
autonomously, several planning and information processing gineering task required for implementing custom intelligent
functions are needed. Operation planning, cutting tool selec- control functions. The conceptual design of this system is
tion, cutting parameters assignment, and tool-path generation shown in Fig. 35.24. The software model reference adaptive
for each machining operation are required at the machine control was implemented as a custom intelligent function,
level. Product data analysis and machining feature recogni- and a feasibility study was conducted to show the effective-
tion are important issues as part of information processing. ness of the open servo control [4]. Open architecture control
35 Machine Tool Automation 787

PC/Windows NT-ORTS 35
- Man machine, communication, CAD/CAM functions, ...

DSP-board 1 DSP-board n
Motion control module Intelligent machining
Tacho generator NC-code decoding module
and encoder
Interpolation - Sensor data collection
Motor DSP - Linear, circular, spline, ... - Filtering
Axis control functions - Adaptive control
- PID, PPC, CCC, - Tool wear monitoring
I/O board ZPETC, ... - Tool breakage detection
Sensor functions - Chatter avoidance
- Velocity, torque, - Thermal deformation
Servo- position, force, ... compensation
Motor power I/O
amplifier - Probing
Velocity feedback box MT operating functions - Manipulate machine tool
Position feedback - Fedd, speed, offsets, ... operating functions

Fig. 35.23 Application of ORTS on the design of CNC and ma- PID, proportional-integral-derivative controller; PPC, pole placement
chining process monitoring. (After [3]) (DSP, digital signal proces- controller; CCC, cross-coupling controller; ZPETC, zero-phase error
sor; FFT, fast Fourier transform; FRF, frequency response function; tracking controller; I/O, input/output; MT, machine tool)

Conventional CNC control logic unit

CNC non-real-time processing section
CNC real-time motion control section

NC Program
program decode Multiaxis Postprocess
and interpolator accel/decel
control Position Velocity Current
Display analysis control
control control control control

Display NC Analised Interpolated Servo- Position Axis servo-control

data program results results control command parameters and data
data timing
Accl./dcl. flag Accl./dcl.
Dual port memory (RAM) parameters data

Intelligent control engine Custom non-real-time execution section

Custom real-time execution section

Intelligent control application

Fig. 35.24 Conceptual design of open servo system. (After [4])

will reach the level of maturity required to replace current be easy to implement with the CNC controller. Machining
CNC controllers in the near future. The custom intelligent performance in terms of higher accuracy and productivity
control functions required for an intelligent machine tool will will thereby be enhanced.
788 K. Shirase and S. Fujii

Feedback of Cutting Information operators and gathers machining information. Machining

Yamazaki proposed TRUE-CNC as a future-oriented CNC process sequence, cutting conditions, machining time, and
controller. (TRUE-CNC was named after the following key- machining features are detected automatically and stored in
words: T, transparent, transportable, transplantable; R, reviv- the machining know-how database [7], which is then used to
able; U, user-reconfigurable; and E, evolving.) The system generate new operation plans.
consists of an information service, quality control and diag- Mitsuishi developed a CAD/CAM mutual information
nosis, monitoring, control, analysis, and planning sections, feedback machining system which has capabilities for cutting
as shown in Fig. 35.25 [5]. TRUE-CNC allows the operator state monitoring, adaptive control, and learning. The sys-
to achieve maximum productivity and highest quality for tem consists of a CAD system, a database, and a real-time
machined parts in a given environment with autonomous controller, as shown in Fig. 35.26 [8]. The CNC machine
capture of machining operation proficiency and machining tool equipped with a six-axis force sensor was controlled to
know-how. The autonomous coordinate measurement plan- obtain the stability lobe diagram. Cutting parameters, such
ning (ACMP) system is a component of TRUE-CNC and as depth of cut, spindle speed, and feed speed, are modified
enhances the operability of coordinate measuring machines dynamically according to the sequence for finding stable
(CMMs). The ACMP generates probe paths autonomously cutting states, and the stability lobe diagram is obtained
for in-line measurement of machined parts [6]. Inspection autonomously. The stability lobe diagram is then used to
results or measurement data are utilized to evaluate the determine chatter-free cutting conditions. Furthermore, Mit-
machining process to be finished and to assist in the decision- suishi proposed a networked remote manufacturing system
making process for new operation planning. The autonomous which provides remote operating and monitoring [9]. The
machining process analyzer (AMPA) system is also a compo- system demonstrated the capability to transmit the machining
nent of TRUE-CNC. In order to retrieve knowledge, know- state in real time to the operator who is located far from the
how, and skill related to machining operations, the AMPA machine tool. The operator can modify the cutting conditions
analyzes NC programs coded by experienced machining in real time depending on the machining state monitored.

Planning section Analysis section Control section Monitoring section

Blank shape Operation
Selected Selected Workpiece Real-time machining In-process Machining
tools jigs orientation procedure list simul. & machining & quick environment
1. Fix workpiece condition optimization dynamic recognition
2. Setup tools calibration
Process & operation 3. Measure tools
planning General-
Real-time machine purpose robot
CNC Tool motion dynamics control
Product mode Resource Machining program data simul. & process
database know-how optimization
Machine tool database
Tool wear
spec. data Operation recognition
sequence Main CNC
record control
tool data
Available jigs Tool Monitoring
& fixture file utilization Process analyzer system
record Autonomous
CAD based Result & measurement
Cutting database generator Machining General-
design database planning purpose robot
condition process
Machining record system
history Progressive
Machining Autonomous
Product quality element product model
control record
Machined capture
Inspection workpiece system
Product mode
Quality control & #1 Hole X Y Z r
Evolving information
machining process
provision &
consultation service

Report Recommendation QC & diagnosis section

Information service section

Fig. 35.25 Architecture of TRUE-CNC. (After [5])

35 Machine Tool Automation 789

CAD system Database 35

Design 3-Dimensional information Experimentally obtained
specification modeler stability lobe diagram
Geometrical Geometrical of database
information for information (depth of cut,
a mechanical part to be machined spindle speed)
Tool path generation Machining Machining
with machining condition efficiency
condition information determination evaluation
Depth of cut,
spindle speed
and feed speed
NC data
Real-time controller
Depth of cut,
NC data interpreter actual spindle speed
and actual feed speed
Tool path, initial spindle
speed and initial feed speed
Real-time machining
condition controller

Override value
Modified spindle speed Machining
and modified feed speed state judgement

Multiaxis force
Machining center information

Fig. 35.26 Software system configuration of open architecture CNC. (After [8])

Five-Axis Control cutting conditions, such as depth of cut and stepover, are
Most commercial CAM systems are not sufficient to gen- given by the machining commands in the NC programs;
erate suitable cutter location (CL) data for five-axis control they are not generally allowed to be changed during machin-
machining. The CL data must be adequately generated and ing operations. Therefore NC programs must be adequately
verified to avoid tool collision with the workpiece, fixture, prepared and verified in advance, which requires extensive
and machine tool. In general, five-axis control machining has amounts of time and effort. Moreover, NC programs with
the advantage of enabling arbitrary tool posture, but it makes fixed commands are not responsive to unpredictable changes,
it difficult to find a suitable tool posture for a machining strat- such as job delay, job insertion, and machine breakdown
egy without tool collision. Morishige and Takeuchi applied found on machining shop floors.
the concept of C-space to generate tool-collision-free CL data Shirase proposed a new architecture to control the cutting
for five-axis control [10, 11]. The two-dimensional C-space process autonomously without NC programs. Figure 35.29
is used to represent the relation between the tool posture shows the conceptual structure of autonomous and intelligent
and the collision area, as shown in Fig. 35.27. Also, three- machine tools (AIMac). AIMac consists of four functional
dimensional C-space is used to generate the most suitable modules called management, strategy, prediction, and obser-
CL data which satisfy the machining strategy, smooth tool vation. All functional modules are connected with each other
movement, good surface roughness, and so on. Experimen- to share cutting information.
tal five-axis-control collision-free machining was performed
successfully, as shown in Fig. 35.28. Digital Copy Milling for Real-Time Tool-Path
A technique called digital copy milling has been developed to
35.5.4 Autonomous and Intelligent Machine control a CNC machine tool directly. The digital copy milling
Tool system can generate tool paths in real time based on the
principle of traditional copy milling. In digital copy milling,
The whole machining operation of conventional CNC ma- a tracing probe and a master model in traditional copy milling
chine tools is predetermined by NC programs. Once the are represented by three-dimensional (3D) virtual models in
790 K. Shirase and S. Fujii

q Collision
Collision Tool
surface radius

Collision-free tool posture

Surface to coordinate
be machined system

S Boundary of definition area

f (limit of inclination angle)

q P

f= S f= 0
q= 0 f= 2S
Free area


f 3 S Fig. 35.28 Five-axis control machining. (After [11])


Flexible Process and Operation Planning System

Fig. 35.27 Configuration space to define tool posture. (After [11])
A flexible process and operation planning system has been
developed to generate cutting parameters dynamically for
machining operation. The system can generate the production
a computer. A virtual tracing probe is simulated to follow plan from the total removal volume (TRV). The TRV is
a virtual master model, and cutter locations are generated extracted from the initial and finished shapes of the prod-
dynamically according to the motion of the virtual tracing uct and is divided into machining primitives or machining
probe in real time. In the digital copy milling, cutter loca- features. The flexible process and operation planning sys-
tions are generated autonomously, and an NC machine tool tem can generate cutting parameters according to the ma-
can be instructed to perform milling operation without NC chining features detected. Figure 35.32 shows the operation
programs. Additionally, not only stepover but also radial and sequence and cutting tools to be used. Cutting parameters
axial depths of cut can be modified, as shown in Fig. 35.30. are determined for the experimental machining shape. The
Also, digital copy milling can generate new tool paths to digital copy milling system can generate the tool paths or
avoid cutting problems and change the machining sequence CL data dynamically according to these results and perform
during operation [12]. the autonomous milling operation without requiring any NC
Furthermore, the capability for in-process cutting param- program.
eters modification was demonstrated, as shown in Fig. 35.31
[13]. Real-time tool-path generation and the monitored actual Adaptive Control Using Virtual Milling
milling are shown in the lower-left corner and the upper-right Simulation
corner of this figure. The monitored cutting torque, adapted In this adaptive control, the predicted cutting force is
feed rate, and radial and axial depths of cut are shown in the used to control the milling process. For this purpose,
lower-right corner of this figure. The cutting parameters can two functions are required as shown in Fig. 35.33 [15].
be modified dynamically to maintain the cutting load. Real-time instruction to change cutting conditions is one
35 Machine Tool Automation 791

Workpiece model/CAD data Design 35

machining data

Raw material

Planning Machining sequence Database

Process Tool list Face T1 generation
Pocket T2, T3 Resource Machining
--- --- --- knowhow
OP 1 Hole T5, T6, T7 Database
Machine tool data Machining feature maintenance
OP 2 ---, T2, ---, T5, --- Step T2, T4 Tool data Cutting condition


Real time process stimulation

Machining process
Strategy Cutting force Observation
Machining error
Cutting condition Chatter vibration Process diagnosis
maintenance Cutting temperature Machining status
Depth of cut Tool wear, etc. Machining trouble
Stepover (chatter vibration,
Feed rate tool breakage), etc.
Spindle speed

Tool path generation Real machining
Feed rate
Spindle speed
Spindle load
CL data Cutting force
Tool wear, etc.

Fig. 35.29 Conceptual structure of AIMac

function. The digital copy milling system mentioned above Figure 35.35 shows the details of the changes in the cutting
can achieve real-time instruction. Real-time cutting force torque and tool feed rate on the first and third loops within
prediction is another function. The virtual milling simulator five loops of tool paths when adaptive control is performed.
can achieve real-time cutting force prediction and eliminate From the experimental results, the predicted cutting torque
cutting force measurement. The virtual milling simulator has good agreement with the measurement one to show the
consists of machining shape simulator and cutting force effectivity of using the predicted cutting torque for adaptive
simulator. control. In addition, between I and J in the first loop, the
Figure 35.34 [15] shows the experimental verification of predicted cutting torque is within the upper and lower limits
this adaptive control. The left column of this figure shows of desired torque except for the transient state at the begin-
tool paths generated by the digital copy milling system and ning and end of milling operation, and the tool feed speed
a photo of the experimental milling operation. The right is kept constant. On the other hand, between K and L in the
column of this figure shows collaboration between the virtual third loop, the predicted cutting torque changes from zero to
milling simulator and the digital copy milling system. The exceeding the upper limit of desired torque, and it can be seen
virtual milling simulator calculates the changing shape of the that the tool feed speed is controlled appropriately according
material and predicts cutting force and torque, and the digital to the increase or decrease of the predicted cutting torque.
copy milling system generates tool paths that reflect the in- The time required to complete whole milling operation
structed feed speed, simultaneously. Adaptive control based was 6 min and 31 s with adaptive control, about 25% re-
on the predicted cutting force or torque can be performed duction from 8 min and 42 s required for without adaptive
successfully. control.
792 K. Shirase and S. Fujii

Machining Error Correction Based on Predicted

a) b) Machining Error in Milling Operation
Change of stepover
Recent improvements in computer performance have been
remarkable, and the extremely complicated and sophisti-
cated simulation of cutting force and machining error in end
milling operation has been performed.

Change of
cutting depth

c) d)
Change of stepover

Change of cutting depth

Cutting torque (N mm)

Fig. 35.30 Example of real-time tool-path generation. (a) Bilateral Feed rate (mm/min)
zigzag paths; (b) contouring paths; (c) change of stepover; (d) change 650
of cutting depth Cutting depth (mm)
RD 4 AD 2.7

Fig. 35.31 Adaptive milling on AIMac

Face mill Ø 80 mm End mill Ø 10 mm End mill Ø 16 mm End mill Ø 10 mm

Scanning-line mode Contour-line mode Scanning-line mode Scanning-line mode
S = 1000 rpm, F = 230 mm/min S = 2450 rpm, F = 346 mm/min S = 1680 rpm, F = 241 mm/min S = 2450 rpm, F = 346 mm/min
RD = 8 mm, AD = 5 mm RD = 1.6 mm, AD = 3.8 mm RD = 4.5 mm, AD = 2.1 mm RD = 1.6 mm, AD = 3.8 mm
Face Closed pocket Open pocket Closed slot

1 2 3 4
End mill Ø 10 mm End mill Ø 6 mm End mill Ø 6 mm Ball end mill Ø 10 mm
Scanning-line mode Scanning-line mode Scanning-line mode Scanning-line mode
S = 2450 rpm, F = 346 mm/min S = 3539 rpm, F = 413 mm/min S = 3539 rpm, F = 413 mm/min S = 2580 rpm, F = 335 mm/min
RD = 1.6 mm, AD = 3.8 mm RD = 1.2 mm, AD = 2.1 mm RD = 1.2 mm, AD = 2.1 mm RD = 1.3 mm, AD = 3.2 mm
Closed slot Closed slot Open slot Free form

5 6 7 8
Center drill Ø 3 mm Drill Ø 10 mm Raw material shape Finished shape
Drilling mode Drilling mode

S = 1154 rpm, F = 232 mm/min S = 848 rpm, F = 180 mm/min

Blind hole Blind hole 38 33

100 100
60 60
9 10

Fig. 35.32 Results of machining process planning on AIMac

35 Machine Tool Automation 793

For example, in an instantaneous force with static deflec- relationships of the actual uncut chip thickness that changes
tion feedback model, the elastic deformation of the tool or by elastic deformation, the cutting force that changes by 35
tool holder caused by the cutting force can be calculated, the actual uncut chip thickness, and the elastic deformation
and the changing of actual uncut chip thickness is calculated that changes by the cutting force are calculated without any
exactly. Unlike an instantaneous rigid force model, the three contradiction. The predicted milling surface calculated in
this way and the measured milling surface are shown in
Fig. 35.36. The graph shows the machining error correspond-
ing to the cross section of the central part of the milling
surface. In this example, it can be seen that the tool is
deformed toward the workpiece and the workpiece was cut
Real time Cutting force Since the machining error can be predicted exactly in
instruction (Measured)
consideration of the tool deformation, the machining error
Machine tool Difficult to refer
can be eliminated by correcting the tool position and posture
in practical during machining operation using a five-axis control machine
tool. Since the tool position and posture during machining
Virtual milling simulator operation can be known from the machining error simulation
Cutting force described above, the offset and inclination of the tool from
TCP can be corrected as shown in Fig. 35.37. However, if
Digital copy milling the offset and inclination are corrected, the actual uncut chip
thickness will change, the cutting force will change, and the
machining error will also change. Therefore, it is necessary
to perform iterated calculations to determine the offset and
Fig. 35.33 Adaptive control based on predicted cutting force
inclination where the machining error closes to zero.

Virtual milling simulator Digital copy milling

Tool paths
Predicted cutting force Predicted cutting torque
Cutting force (N)

Torque (Nmm)

200 2,000
100 1,500
–100 1,000
–200 500
–300 0.5 rotation 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Time (s)
Tool rotation angle (deg.)
Instructed feed speed
Predicted cutting force 1,600
400 1,400
Feed rate (mm/min)

300 1,200
Cutting force (N)

200 1,000
100 800
–200 400
–300 5 rotations
Experimental milling 129.7 129.8 129.9 130 130.1 130.2 130.3 130.4 130
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 35.34 Verification of adaptive control milling

794 K. Shirase and S. Fujii

I Measured torque Upper desired torque J K Measured torque Upper desired torque L
Predicted torque Lower desired torque Predicted torque Lower desired torque
3.0 st
3 rd loop in 5 loops

Torque (Nm)
Torque (Nm)

1 loop in 5 loops
2.0 2.0
1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
Time (s) Time (s)

Feed speed (mm/min)

Feed speed (mm/min)

1200 1200
Max. Max.
900 900
600 600
Increase Decrease Increase
300 Constant 300
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 .5 1 1 .5 2 2 .5 3 3 .5 4 4 .5 5 5.5
Time (s) Time (s)

I 1st loop J K 3rd loop L

Without control With control

Machining time 8 min 42 s 6 min 31 s
Ave. cutting torque 0.988 Nm 1.02 Nm

About 25 % machining time reduction

Fig. 35.35 Measured and predicted cutting torque, feed speed in adaptive control milling

Also the graph shows a comparison of the measured machin-

Work material: C3604 ing errors without and with correction. From this result, it
z Tool: )6 Square endmill
Cutting direction: Up cut can be seen that the over-cut machining error is corrected
Spindle speed: 2000 rpm very well.
Tool feed speed: 480 mm/min
Radial depth of cut: 2 mm
7 mm

Axial depth of cut: 5 mm

x 0.0
10 mm 1.0
Total axial position (mm)

3 mm Predicted 35.5.5 Advanced Intelligent Technology for

Predicted milling surface error
Machine Tools

Advanced Thermal Deformation Compensation

Machining accuracy of the workpiece changes significantly
due to ambient temperatures around the machine tool, heat
generated by the machine tool itself, and heat generated in
Over cut machining operation. The latest machine tools are equipped
Measured milling surface –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0.0 0.2 with the advanced thermal deformation compensation to
Machining error (mm) achieve higher machining accuracy under temperature
changes in normal factory environments.
For the effective thermal deformation compensation, the
Fig. 35.36 Predicted and measured milling surface and machining
error [16] machine tools are designed with simple construction which
generates predictable deformation without torsion or tilting
deformation. Thermal deformation caused by changes in
A machining experiment was conducted to verify the room temperature and frequent changes in spindle speed
effectiveness of this machining error correction method. The is controlled by highly accurate compensation technology
experimental results are shown in Fig. 35.38. In this figure, regardless of wet or dry cutting. The advanced thermal de-
the two simulation results of the milling surface when the formation compensation can provide excellent dimensional
tool offset and inclination are not corrected and corrected. stability against the thermal deformation.
35 Machine Tool Automation 795


Zm Ym
Zc TCPm Zc TCPm Xm
Yc Xm Yc
Offset Actual tool position Offset Actual tool inclination
TCPc Xc caused by TCPc Xc caused by
Tool command tool deflection Tool command tool deflection
position position

Zm Ym
Zc TCPm Xm
Inclination Actual tool position and inclination
Zm Offset caused by tool deflection

New TCPc
Corrected tool position and inclination

Fig. 35.37 Correction of tool position and inclination to eliminate machining error [17]

formation compensation, while the bottom plot illustrates the

Work material: C3604 same characteristic with thermal deformation compensation.
z Tool: )6 Square endmill
Cutting direction: Up cut The advanced thermal deformation compensation provides
Spindle speed: 2000 rpm
Tool feed speed: 480 mm/min
excellent dimensional stability within 4 μm both when
Radial depth of cut: 2 mm spindle speed is constant and when it changes frequently.
7 mm

Axial depth of cut: 5 mm

x This capability helps improve productivity by allowing
y high-accuracy machining without warm-up operation of
10 mm
Total axial position (mm)

3 mm
Without correction
correction Optimum Spindle Speed Control for Free Chatter
z 2.0
After Vibration
correction Cost reduction – shorter cycle times and higher productivity –
is required continuously in machining operation. However,
7 mm

x 4.0 decision of cutting conditions which brings the best perfor-

y mance of the machine and cutting tool capabilities is quite
10 mm 5.0
Over cut difficult for the machine operators. Especially, decision of
3 mm −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 optimum spindle speed for free chatter vibration requires
After correction
Machining error (mm) skillful technique.
The optimum spindle speed control system measures chat-
ter vibration by built-in sensors and automatically changes
Fig. 35.38 Experimental verification to eliminate machining error [17]
spindle speed to the optimum spindle speed. In addition, this
system provides advanced graphics of the optimal cutting
conditions as shown in Fig. 35.40. A stability lobe to show
Figure 35.39 illustrates the relationship between the chatter characteristics is analyzed, and advanced graphics
spindle speed and spindle thermal displacement. The top plot represent effective alternatives to suppress chatter vibra-
illustrates spindle thermal deformation without thermal de- tion throughout the low to high spindle speed zones. This
796 K. Shirase and S. Fujii

Typical thermal deformation compensation

15 µm

Spindle thermal displacement

Advanced thermal deformation compensation

2 µm 4 µm

10 µm
Spindle speed

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (hours)

Fig. 35.39 Effect of advanced thermal deformation compensation. (Courtesy of OKUMA Corp.)

curacy. Therefore, geometric error compensation in five-axis

machines is indispensable to achieve higher accuracy in five-
axis machining. The automatic geometric error compensation
system measures geometric error automatically using a touch
probe and datum sphere, and 11 types of geometric errors as
shown in Fig. 35.42 can be compensated automatically based
on measurement results.
Stable Figure 35.43 shows the effect of automatic geometric error
compensation in five-axis machines. In this experimental
milling operation, indexed machining from multiple direc-
Spindle speed
tions, in which cutting tool or machine table is tilted to
various angle, was performed. Before the geometric error
compensation, the maximum step height in the machined
surfaces is 12 μm. After the geometric error compensation,
Fig. 35.40 Recommendation of optimal spindle speed to suppress the maximum step height becomes 3 μm, and on most
chatter vibration. (Courtesy of OKUMA Corp.)
adjacent machined surfaces, there will be no step height.
This result shows that geometric error compensation in five-
navigation can be used to achieve shorter cycle times and axis machines is quite important to achieve high-accuracy
higher productivity effectively. machining.
Figure 35.41 shows the effect of chatter suppression
to improve productivity and surface quality in milling
operation. When chatter vibration is detected at a spindle 35.6 Metal Additive Manufacturing
speed of 11,000 min−1 , the spindle speed is increased to Machines or Metal 3D Printers
16,225 min−1 , which is represented by the optimum spindle
speed control system. The chatter vibration was suppressed 35.6.1 Rapid Growth of Additive
and the surface quality of the workpiece was improved. Manufacturing
Moreover, increased spindle speed is translated into a higher
feed rate, and 1.5 times higher productivity was achieved. Additive manufacturing (AM) technology became a hot topic
in 2013. AM is known as 3D printing which uses computer-
Automatic Geometric Error Compensation aided design to build objects layer by layer. AM contrasts
in Five-Axis Machines with traditional manufacturing, which removes unwanted
In five-axis machining, 13 types of geometric errors such as excess from a solid piece of material, often metal. Originally,
misalignment of a rotary axis greatly affect machining ac- AM was called rapid prototyping which achieves short-end
35 Machine Tool Automation 797

Spindle speed: 11,000 min−1 Spindle speed: 16,225 min−1 35

Feedrate: 2,200 mm/min Feedrate: 3,200 mm/min
Chatter No chatter

Spindle speed Spindle speed

Chatter sound
Optimum speed pressure Optimum speed
Chatter sound

Fig. 35.41 Effect of chatter suppression in milling operation. (Courtesy of OKUMA Corp.)

Rotary axis misalignment between linear axes

A-axis center A-axis center C-axis center C-axis center
Y error Z error X error Y error
perpendicularity perpendicularity
Rotary axis tilt errors


perpendicularity perpendicularity perpendicularity perpendicularity perpendicularity

Fig. 35.42 11 types geometric errors for automatic compensation. (Courtesy of OKUMA Corp.)
798 K. Shirase and S. Fujii

Before geometric After geometric

error compensation error compensation

−6 +5 −1 +1
Indexed machining 0 −5 0 0
from multiple directions −7 −1
−3 −6 0 0 −1 0 0 0
0 0
−3 −2 +5 −2 −1 0 0 −1
5 −2
−3 +5 −2 0
0 −4 0 −1

Min. to Max. 12 Pm Min. to Max. 3 Pm

Fig. 35.43 Effect of automatic geometric error compensation. (Courtesy of OKUMA Corp.)

to functional models that can be used for functional tests

a) and to actual parts that are used only once, such as parts for
competition vehicles. In addition, practical products such as
Money spent billions of $

medical implants that can withstand long-term use have come
1.00 to be manufactured by additional manufacturing technology.
0.80 New equipment, technologies, and materials in AM are driv-
0.60 ing down the costs of building parts, devices, and products
0.40 in industries such as aerospace, medicine, automotive, and
0.20 more.
0.00 AM is classified into seven categories by the ASTM

standard and stipulates more detailed construction methods.


Year Seven categories in AM are as follows:

2500 A. Vat photopolymerization (VP)
B. Powder bed fusion (PBF)
AM systems numbers

C. Binder jetting (BJ)
1500 D. Sheet lamination (SL)
E. Material extrusion (ME)
F. Material jetting (MJ)
500 G. Directed energy deposition (DED)
Vat photopolymerization (VP) method is the first AM

method called rapid prototyping proposed in 1980. Metal

forming methods using metal powder include the powder
bed fusion (PBF) method and the directed energy deposition
Fig. 35.44 Growth of additive manufacturing. (a) Money spent on (DED) method. Metal AM or metal 3D printing has grate
final part production by AM worldwide. (b) Sales of AM system for benefit for complex and high-value parts to reduce material
metal parts. (Source: Wohlers Report 2020)
and weight of product. In case of turboprop engines, there
are examples of reducing more than 800 traditional parts to
12 metal AM parts and more than 300 conventional parts to
period to develop a prototype in the 1990s. However, the 7 metal AM parts.
applications were limited due to processing performance, Rapid growth of AM can be realized by money spent on
material properties, and production cost that allow for only final part production by AM shown in Fig. 35.44. Also, sales
prototyping. of metal AM systems have increased in recent year shown in
On the other hand, in Europe and the United States, Fig. 35.44.
applications have gradually expanded from simple models
35 Machine Tool Automation 799

35.6.2 Laser Additive Manufacturing Machine sufficient for mechanical parts. Therefore, a hybrid metal 3D
Using Powder Bed Fusion printer, which includes metal laser sintering using a laser 35
beam to melt powder and high-speed, high-precision milling
Powder bed fusion (PBF) includes direct metal laser melt- operation, had been proposed in 2002.
ing (DMLM), direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), electron The LUMEX series made by Matsuura Machinery Corp.
beam melting (EBM), selective laser sintering (SLS), selec- is the world’s first hybrid metal 3D printer. In this ma-
tive thermal sintering (SHS), and so on. Various powder bed chine, metal laser processing and high-speed, high-precision
fusions (PBFs) use electron beam, laser, or thermal printing milling operation are repeated to build up complex-shaped
head to melt or partially melt a fine layer of material to build parts with satisfactory machining accuracy and surface finish
parts. comparable to machining centers, surpassing the capability
The LASERTEC 30 SLM made by DMG Mori Co., Ltd. of conventional metal 3D printers. As shown in Fig. 35.46,
is a powder bed additive manufacturing machine. In this both dimensional accuracy and surface roughness are quite
machine, metal powders are built up layer by layer and selec- improved caused by high-speed, high-precision milling op-
tively melted by laser shown in Fig. 35.45. It is most suited for eration.
creating complex-shaped parts which are difficult to cut. For A hybrid metal 3D printer can make deep ribs in a single
example several impellers are built up simultaneously shown process without EDMs and inner free form channels which
in Fig. 35.45. are difficult to form in conventional postprocess machining.
However, dimensional accuracy and surface roughness This feature is suitable for mold manufacturing for injection
of products built up by powder bed fusion (PBF) are not molding.

LASERTEC 30 SLM Recoating of metal powder layer

Final products on platform Laser melting of metal powder

Fig. 35.45 AM with selective laser melting. (Courtesy of DMG Mori Co., Ltd.)
800 K. Shirase and S. Fujii

LUMEX Avance-25

Only laser processing Both laser processing and machining

Dimensional accuracy: approx. ± 0.1 mm Dimensional accuracy: approx. ± 0.025 mm
Surface roughness: approx. Rz 50 µm Surface roughness: approx. Rz 10 µm

Fig. 35.46 The world’s first hybrid metal 3D printer. (Courtesy of Matsuura Machinery Corp.)

35.6.3 Five-Axis Milling Machining Center

Combining Directed Energy Deposition
35.7 Key Technologies for Future
Intelligent Machine Tool
Direct energy deposition can use various materials including
Several architectures and technologies have been proposed
ceramics, metals, and polymers. A laser, electric arc, or
and investigated as mentioned in the previous sections. How-
electron beam gun mounted on the arm melts wire, filament
ever, they are not yet mature enough to be widely applied
material, or powder horizontally and stacks the material
in practice, and the achievements of these technologies are
by moving the bed vertically. However, built-up shapes are
limited to specific cases.
limited by the three-axis control of the arm and table; a hybrid
Achievements of key technologies for future intelligent
with a five-axis machine tool was devised to increase the
machine tools are summarized in Fig. 35.48. Process and
degree of freedom of built-up shapes.
machining quality control will become more important
The LASERTEC 65 DED hybrid is a hybrid solution that
than adaptive control. Dynamic tool-path generation and
incorporates the additive manufacturing function into a five-
in-process cutting parameters modification are required
axis machining center. Combining directed energy deposition
to realize flexible machining operation for process and
and milling operation on one machine is shown in Fig. 35.47.
machining quality control. Additionally, intelligent process
The LASERTEC 65 DED hybrid demonstrates outstanding
monitoring is needed to evaluate the cutting process and
performance in various applications, such as machining of
machining quality for process and machining quality control.
complex-shaped parts and repair or coating on parts for
A reasonable strategy to control the cutting process and a
corrosive wear protection.
35 Machine Tool Automation 801


LASERTEC 65 DED hybrid AM by direct energy deposition

AM by directed energy deposition 5-axis machining to finish shape

Fig. 35.47 Five-axis machining center with direct energy deposition. (Courtesy of DMG Mori Co., Ltd.)

Key technologies Conceptual >>>>> Confirmed >>>>> Practical

Motion control
Adaptive control
Process and quality control
Monitoring (sensing)
Intelligent process monitoring
Open architecture concept
Process planning
Operation planning
Utilization of knowhow
Learning of knowhow
Network communication
Distributed computing

Fig. 35.48 Achievements of key technologies for future intelligent machine tools
802 K. Shirase and S. Fujii

reasonable index to evaluate machining quality are required. 13. Shirase, K., Nakamoto, K., Arai, E., Moriwaki, T.: Digital copy
It is therefore necessary to consider utilization and learning milling – autonomous milling process control without an NC
program. Robot. Comput. Integr. Manuf. 21(4–5), 312–317 (2005)
of knowledge, know-how, and skill regarding machining
14. Moriwaki, T., Shirase, K.: Intelligent machine tools: current status
operations. and evolutional architecture. Int. J. Manuf. Technol. Manag. 9(3/4),
A process planning strategy with which one can generate 204–218 (2006)
flexible and adaptive working plans is required. An operation 15. Shirase, K.: CAM-CNC integration for innovative intelligent ma-
chine tool. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
planning strategy is also required to determine the cutting
Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21 Century (LEM21), A01 (2015)
tool and parameters. Product data analysis and machining 16. Nishida, I., Okumura, R., Sato, R., Shirase, K.: Cutting force and
feature recognition are important issues in order to generate finish surface simulation of end milling operation in consideration
operation plans autonomously. of static tool deflection by using voxel model. In: Proceedings of the
8th CIRP Conference of High Performance Cutting (HPC 2018),
Sections 35.5.2, 35.5.3, “Open Architecture Control,”
ID139 (2018)
“Feedback of Cutting Information,” “Five-Axis Control,” 17. Nishida, I., Shirase, K.: Machining error correction based on pre-
35.5.4, “Digital Copy Milling for Real-Time Tool-Path dicted machining error caused by elastic deflection of tool system.
Generation,” “Flexible Process and Operation Planning J. Jpn. Soc. Precis. Eng. 85(1), 91–97 (2019) (in Japanese)
System,” and 35.7 are quoted from [14].

Further Reading
Altintas, Y.: Manufacturing Automation: Metal Cutting Mechanics,
Machine Tool Vibrations, and CNC Design. 2nd edn., Cambridge
1. Koren, Y.: Control of machine tools. ASME J. Manuf. Sci. Eng.
University Press, Cambridge (2000)
119, 749–755 (1997)
Altintas, Y.: Manufacturing Automation: Metal Cutting Mechanics,
2. Pritschow, G., Altintas, Y., Jovane, F., Koren, Y., Mitsuishi, M.,
Machine Tool Vibrations, and CNC Design. 2nd edn., Cambridge
Takata, S., Brussel, H., Weck, M., Yamazaki, K.: Open controller
University Press, Cambridge (2000)
architecture – past, present and future. Ann. CIRP. 50(2), 463–470
Bollinger, J.G., Duffie, N.A.: Computer Control of Machines and
Processes. Addison-Wesley, Boston (1988)
3. Altintas, Y., Erol, N.A.: Open architecture modular tool kit for
Black, J.T., Kosher, R.A.: DeGarmo’s Materials and Processes in
motion and machining process control. Ann. CIRP. 47(1), 295–300
Manufacturing. Wiley, 13th edn., New York (2020)
Evans, K.: Programming of CNC Machines. Industrial, New York
4. Mori, M., Yamazaki, K., Fujishima, M., Liu, J., Furukawa, N.:
A study on development of an open servo system for intelligent
Gibson, I., Rosen, D., Stucker, B., Khorasani, M.: Additive Manufac-
control of a CNC machine tool. Ann. CIRP. 50(1), 247–250 (2001)
turing Technologies. Springer (2021)
5. Yamazaki, K., Hanaki, Y., Mori, Y., Tezuka, K.: Autonomously
Groover, M.P.: Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials,
proficient CNC controller for high performance machine tool based
Processes, and Systems, 7th Edn. Wiley, New York (2019)
on an open architecture concept. Ann. CIRP. 46(1), 275–278 (1997)
Ito, Y.: Modular Design for Machine Tools. McGraw-Hill, New York
6. Ng, H., Liu, J., Yamazaki, K., Nakanishi, K., Tezuka, K., Lee,
S.: Autonomous coordinate measurement planning with work-in-
Ito, Y.: Theory and Practice in Machining Systems, Springer (2017)
process measurement for TRUE-CNC. Ann. CIRP. 47(1), 455–458
Joashi, P.H.: Machine Tools Handbook: Design and Operation,
McGraw-Hill (2009)
7. Yan, X., Yamazaki, K., Liu, J.: Extraction of milling know-how
John, K.-H., Tiegelkamp, M.: IEC 61131-3: Programming Industrial
from NC programs through reverse engineering. Int. J. Prod. Res.
Automation Systems. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg (2013)
38(11), 2443–2457 (2000)
Krar, S.: Technology of Machine Tools 8th Edn., McGraw-Hill Higher
8. Mitsuishi, M., Nagao, T., Okabe, H., Hashiguchi, M., Tanaka, K.:
Education, (2017)
An open architecture CNC CAD-CAM machining system with
Marinescu, I.D., Ispas, C., Boboc, D.: Handbook of Machine Tool
data-base sharing and mutual information feedback. Ann. CIRP.
Analysis. CRC, Boca Raton (2002)
46(1), 269–274 (1997)
Niebel, B.W., Draper, A.B., Wysk, R.A.: Modern Manufacturing Pro-
9. Mitsuishi, M., Nagao, T.: Networked manufacturing with reality
cess Engineering. McGraw-Hill, London (1989)
sensation for technology transfer. Ann. CIRP. 48(1), 409–412
Thyer, G.E.: Computer Numerical Control of Machine Tools.
Butterworth-Heinemann, London (1991)
10. Morishige, K., Takeuchi, Y., Kase, K.: Tool path generation using
Thyer, G.E.: Computer Numerical Control of Machine Tools. 2nd Edn.
C-space for 5-axis control machining. ASME J. Manuf. Sci. Eng.
Butterworth-Heinemann, London (2014)
121, 144–149 (1999)
Wang, L., Gao, R.X.: Condition Monitoring and Control for Intelligent
11. Morishige, K., Takeuchi, Y.: Strategic tool attitude determination
Manufacturing. Springer (2005)
for five-axis control machining based on configuration space. CIRP
Wionzek, K.-H.: Numerically Controlled Machine Tools as a Special
J. Manuf. Syst. 31(3), 247–252 (2003)
Case of Automation. Didaktischer Dienst, Berlin (1982)
12. Shirase, K., Kondo, T., Okamoto, M., Wakamatsu, H., Arai, E.:
Wohlers Report: Wohlers Associates (2020)
Trial of NC programless milling for a basic autonomous CNC ma-
chine tool. In: Proceedings of the 2000 JAPAN-USA Symposium
on Flexible Automation (JUSFA2000), pp. 507–513 (2000)
35 Machine Tool Automation 803


Professor Shirase received a Master of Engineering from Kobe Uni-

Professor Fujii received a Master of Engineering from Kyoto Univer-
versity and joined Kanazawa University as a research associate in 1984.
sity and a PhD from University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1967 and
He received a Dr. Eng. from Kobe University in 1989. He became an
1971, respectively. He is a professor emeritus of Kobe University. His
associate professor in 1995 at Kanazawa University and in 1996 at
research interests include automation of manufacturing systems and
Osaka University. Since 2003, he is a professor of Kobe University. His
system simulation and production management and control. He has
research interests are mainly in autonomous machine tool and intelligent
been an honorary member of the Institute of Systems, Control and
CAD/CAM systems. He has been fellows of the Japan Society for
Information Engineers and the Society of Precision Engineering and
Mechanical Engineers and the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.
fellows of Operations Research Society of Japan.
Digital Manufacturing Systems
Chi Fai Cheung, Ka Man Lee, Pai Zheng, and Wing Bun Lee

Contents smart manufacturing (SM) systems, and industrial Inter-

36.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805 net of Things (IIoT). The associated technologies, their
key techniques, and current research work are highlighted.
36.2 Digital Manufacturing Based
on Virtual Manufacturing and Smart
In addition, the social and technological obstacles in the
Manufacturing Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 806 development of a VM system and SM system and an
36.2.1 Virtual Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 806 IIoT-based manufacturing process automation system and
36.2.2 Smart Manufacturing Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807 some practical application case studies of digital manu-
36.2.3 Digital Manufacturing by Industrial Internet of Things
(IIoT)-Based Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810
facturing are also discussed.
36.2.4 Case Studies of Digital Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813
36.2.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824
Digital manufacturing · Smart manufacturing · Virtual
manufacturing · Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
Abstract automation · Radio frequency identification (RFID) ·
Industry 4.0
Advances in the Internet, communication technologies,
and computation power have accelerated the cycle of new
product development as well as supply chain efficiency
in an unprecedented manner. Digital technology provides 36.1 Introduction
not only an important means for the optimization of pro-
duction efficiency through simulations prior to the start of The industrial world is undergoing profound changes as
actual operations but also facilitates manufacturing pro- the information age unfolds [1]. The competitive advan-
cess automation through efficient and effective automatic tage in manufacturing has shifted from the mass produc-
tracking of production data from the flow of materials, tion paradigm to one that is based on fast responsiveness
finished goods, and people to the movement of equip- and on flexibility [2]. The scope of digital manufacturing
ment and assets in the value chain. There are two major includes manifesting physical parts directly from 3D CAD
applications of digital technology in manufacturing. The files or data, using additive manufacturing technologies such
first deals with the modeling, simulation, and visualization as 3D printing, rapid prototyping from smart manufacturing
of manufacturing systems, and the second deals with (SM) models, and the use of industrial Internet of Things
the automatic “acquisition, retrieval, and processing of (IIoT) for supporting manufacturing process optimization
manufacturing data used in the supply chain.” This chapter and resources planning. To achieve the integration, digital
summarizes the state of the art of digital manufacturing manufacturing, which covers all the engineering functions,
which is based on virtual manufacturing (VM) systems, the information flow, and the precise characteristics of a
manufacturing system, is needed. Manufacturing enterprises
digitize manufacturing information and accelerate their man-
ufacturing innovation to improve their competitive edge in
C. F. Cheung () · K. M. Lee · P. Zheng · W. B. Lee the global market.
Behaviour and Knowledge Engineering Research Centre, Department
of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic There are two major applications of digital technology
University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong in manufacturing which include SM dealing with the arti-
e-mail: ficial intelligence, modeling, simulation, and visualization

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 805

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
806 C. F. Cheung et al.

of manufacturing systems, while the other is related to the tion. A VM system produces digital information to facilitate
automation of the manufacturing process dealing with the physical manufacturing processes. The concept, significance,
acquisition, retrieval, and processing of manufacturing data and key techniques of VM were addressed by Lawrence
in the supply chain. In this chapter, the state of the art of Associate Inc. [3], while the contribution and achievements
digital manufacturing based on SM and IIoT is reviewed. of VM were reviewed by Shukla [4].
The concept and benefits of SM and IIoT are presented As mentioned by Kimura [5], a typical VM system con-
together with the associated technologies, the key techniques, sists of a manufacturing resource model, a manufacturing
and current research. Moreover, the social and technological environment model, a product model, and a virtual proto-
obstacles in the development of an SM system and an IIoT- typing model. Onosato and Iwata [6] developed the concept
based manufacturing process automation system are dis- of a VM system, and Kimura [5] described the product
cussed with some practical application case studies of digital and process model of a VM system. Based on the concept and
manufacturing at the end of the chapter. the model, Iwata et al. [7] proposed a general modeling and
simulation architecture for a VM system. Gausemeier et al.
[8] has developed a cyberbike VM system for the real-time
36.2 Digital Manufacturing Based simulation of an enterprise that produces bicycles. With the
on Virtual Manufacturing and Smart use of a VM system, people can observe the information that
Manufacturing Systems is equivalent to a real manufacturing environment in a virtual
environment [9, 10].
36.2.1 Virtual Manufacturing A conceptual view of a VM system according to Kimura
[5] is shown in Fig. 36.1. The manufacturing activities and
Digital manufacturing based on virtual manufacturing (VM) processes are modeled before, and sometimes in parallel
integrates manufacturing activities dealing with models and with, the operations in the real world. Interaction between
simulations, instead of objects and their operations in the real the virtual and real worlds is accomplished by continuous
world. This provides a digital tool for the optimization of monitoring of the performance of the VM system. Since
the efficiency and effectiveness of the manufacturing process a VM model is based on real manufacturing facilities and
through simulations prior to actual operation and produc- processes, it provides realistic information about the product

Virtual world

Manufacturing environment model

Product Virtual Manufacturing

model prototyping resource model
and model
Engineering activity
Task organization

Product Manufacturing Production

design preparation management

Prototype and product Manufacturing resources

Manufacturing environment

Real world

Fig. 36.1 Conceptual view of a virtual manufacturing system. (After Kimura et al. [5])
36 Digital Manufacturing Systems 807

and its manufacturing processes and also allows for their (vii) Verification and evaluation: Technologies including
evaluation and validation. Since no physical conversion of standards of evaluation, decision tools, and evaluation
materials into products is involved in VM, this helps to methods are needed to ensure the output from the VM
enhance production flexibility and reduce the cost of produc- system is equivalent to that from the RM system.
tion as the cost for making the physical prototypes can be 36
reduced. The development of VM demands multidisciplinary
knowledge and technologies as follows: 36.2.2 Smart Manufacturing Systems
(i) Visualization technologies: VM makes use of computer Information and communication technology (ICT) is evolv-
graphic interfaces to display highly accurate, easily un- ing, and many disruptive technologies, including cloud com-
derstandable, and acceptable input and output informa- puting, Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics, and ar-
tion for the user. This involves advanced visualization tificial intelligence, have emerged. These technologies make
technologies including image processing, augmented the ICT to be smart and capable of addressing current chal-
reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), multimedia, design lenges, such as increasingly customized requirements, im-
of graphic interfaces, animation, etc. proved quality, and reduced time to market [11]. An increas-
(ii) Technologies for building a VM environment: A com- ing number of sensors are used in equipment (e.g., machine
puterized environment for VM includes hardware and tools) to enable it to self-sense, self-act, and communicate
software for the computer, modeling and simulation of with one another [12]. With the use of these technologies,
the information flow, the interface between the real and real-time production data can be obtained and shared to fa-
the virtual environment, etc. This needs the research cilitate rapid and accurate decision-making. The connection
and development of devices for VM operational envi- of physical manufacturing equipment and devices over the
ronment, interface and control between the VM system Internet together with big data analytics in the digital world
and the real manufacturing (RM) system, information (e.g., the cloud) has resulted in the emergence of a revolution-
and knowledge integration and acquisition, etc. ary means of production named cyber-physical production
(iii) Information-integrated infrastructure: This refers systems (CPPSs). CPPSs are a materialization of the general
to the hardware and software for supporting the concept cyber-physical systems (CPS) in the manufactur-
models and the sharing of resources, information, and ing environment. The interconnection and interoperability
communication technologies (ICT) among dispersed of CPS entities in manufacturing shop floors together with
enterprises. analytics and knowledge learning methodology provide an
(iv) Methods of information presentation: The information intelligent decision support system [13]. The widespread
about product design and manufacturing processes and application of CPS (or CPPS) has ushered in the Industry
related solid objects are represented using different data 4.0 [14].
formats, languages, and data structure so as to achieve Although extensive effort has been done to make man-
the data sharing in the information system. There is a ufacturing systems digitalized and smart, smart manufac-
need for advanced technologies for 3D geometrical rep- turing systems do not have a widely accepted definition.
resentation, knowledge-based system description, rule- According to Industry 4.0, CPPSs can be regarded as smart
based system description, customer-orientated expert manufacturing systems. CPPSs comprise smart machines,
systems, feature-based modeling and physical process warehousing systems, and production facilities that have
description, etc. been developed digitally and feature end-to-end ICT-based
(v) Model formulation and reengineering: Various tech- integration from inbound logistics to production, marketing,
nologies, including model exchange, model manage- outbound logistics, and service [13]. Smart manufacturing
ment, model structure, data exchange, etc., are em- systems can generally be defined as fully integrated and
ployed to define, develop, and establish methods and collaborative manufacturing systems that respond in real time
techniques for realizing the functions and interrelation- to meet the changing demands and conditions in factories
ships among various models in the VM system. and supply networks and satisfy varying customer needs [15].
(vi) Modeling and simulation: This involves the processes Key enabling technologies for smart manufacturing systems
and methods used to mimic the real world on the com- include CPS, IoT, Internet of services (IoS), cloud-based
puter. Research on the technologies related to dispersed solutions, artificial intelligence (AI), and big data analytics.
network modeling, continuous system modeling, model Meanwhile, in line with the prevailing implementation of
databases and its management optimization analysis, CPS, the next-generation human-in-the-loop manufacturing
validation of simulation results, development of sim- system was brought up, which is known as the human-
ulation tools, and software packaging technique are cyber-physical system (HCPS) [16]. It is defined as “a kind
indispensable. of composite intelligent system comprising humans, cyber
808 C. F. Cheung et al.

systems, and physical systems with the aim of achieving The Industry 4.0 concept in the manufacturing sector
specific goals at an optimized level” [17]. In this type of covers a wide range of applications from product design to
digital manufacturing context, human-machine is integrated logistics. The role of mechatronics, a basic concept in manu-
in a collaborative and cyber-physical integrated manner, such facturing system design, has been modified to suit CPS [34].
as AR-assisted machining process monitoring [18], industrial Smart product design based on customized requirements
robot inspection [19], human-robot collaborative assembly that target individualized products has been proposed [35].
[20], etc. It not only helps to enhance the efficiency and pro- Predictive maintenance [36] and its application in machine
ductivity of the modern manufacturing process with optimal health prognosis are popular topics in Industry 4.0-based CPS
human and machine engagement (e.g., the high flexibility [37]. Machine Tools 4.0 as the next generation of machine
of human body and high efficiency of robot arms) [21] but tools has been introduced in machining sites [38]. Energy
also mitigates the workload (e.g., lifting heavy things) and Management 4.0 has also been proposed for decision-based
improves the physical well-being of human operators (e.g., energy data and has transformed energy monitoring systems
dangerous/extreme working conditions) [22]. into autonomous systems with self-optimized energy use
With the rapid advancement of cyber-physical systems, [39]. Moreover, the implication of Industry 4.0 technologies
digital twin (DT) is gaining increasing attention owing to its on logistic systems has been investigated [40].
great capabilities to realize Industry 4.0. Enterprises from Figure 36.2 presents a framework of Industry 4.0 smart
different fields are taking advantages of its ability to sim- manufacturing systems. The horizontal axis shows typical
ulate real-time working conditions and perform intelligent issues in Industry 4.0, including smart design, smart machin-
decision-making, where a cost-effective solution can be de- ing, smart monitoring, smart control, smart scheduling, and
livered to meet individual stakeholder demands. As DT tech- industrial applications, which are the focus of this work. The
nology becomes more sophisticated [23], described it as vertical axis shows issues in another dimension of Industry
one of the strategic important directions for manufacturing 4.0 ranging from sensor and actuator deployment to data
enterprises to progress. Designed to improve manufacturing collection, data analysis, and decision-making. In Industry
efficiency, DT is a digital duplication of entities with real- 4.0, data acquisition and analysis are the main sources of the
time two-way communication enabled between the cyber smartness of activities shown on the horizontal axis.
and physical spaces [24]. By providing a means to monitor,
optimize, and forecast processes, DT is envisioned by [25] (i) Smart design: Traditional design has been transformed to
as an approach for continuous improvement toward human become smart due to the rapid development of new tech-
well-being and quality of life. The maturity of this technology nologies including virtual reality (VR) and augmented
has also attracted attention from a wide range of industries, reality (AR). Hybrid prototyping using VR techniques
including healthcare and urban planning. City planners, as- has been incorporated to additive manufacturing. Design
sisted by DT technology, are able to interact with a data- software (e.g., CAD/CAM) can now interact with smart
rich city simulation, laying the foundation for a smart city physical prototype systems in real time via 3D printing
as seen in the case of Singapore [26]. Gartner, a prominent integrated with CPS and AR [41]. As a result, engineer-
global research and advisory firm, describes DT as one of the ing changes and physical realizations could be integrated
top ten strategic technology trends in 2019 [27]. Meanwhile, to achieve a smart design paradigm.
Grand View Research forecasts the DT market to grow to (ii) Smart machining: In Industry 4.0, smart machining can
USD $27.06 billion by 2025, an approximate tenfold increase be achieved with the aid of smart robots and other types
from USD $2.26 billion back in 2017 [28]. of smart objects that can sense and interact with one an-
With the capability of DT technology, Industry 4.0 is no other in real time [42]. For example, CPS-enabled smart
longer a “future trend,” and many leading organizations have machine tools can capture real-time data and transfer
made it the center of their strategic agenda. For instance, them to a cloud-based central system so that machine
with DT simulations and optimized decision-making, new tools and their twined services can be synchronized to
insights can be obtained to produce smart products with self- provide smart manufacturing solutions. Moreover, self-
awareness [29]. Enterprises that are able to capitalize on optimization control systems provide in-process quality
this will benefit from the competitive advantages that are control and eliminate the need for post-process quality
available to early adopters [30]. [31] described an enormous inspection [43].
range of benefits ranging from product design and verifi- (iii) Smart monitoring: Monitoring is an important aspect
cation, product life cycle monitoring, to shop floor design, in the operation, maintenance, and optimal scheduling
optimizing manufacturing processes and maintenance. [32, of Industry 4.0 manufacturing systems [44]. The
33] pointed out the role of DT technology in making smart widespread deployment of various sensors has made
machine tools via optimal decision support and machine smart monitoring possible. For example, data on various
health awareness analysis. manufacturing objects, such as temperature, electricity
36 Digital Manufacturing Systems 809

Big data-driven

Data-driven (real-
time) scheduling 36
Data-driven Data-driven Data-driven (real- Data-driven (real- (e.g., data-driven
design machining time) monitoring time) control modeling and
Big data

Design data Monitoring data Machining data Control data Scheduling data
analysis analysis analysis analysis analysis

Design data Monitoring data Machining data Control data Scheduling data
collection collection collection collection collection

Sensor and actuator

oriented sensor

Design-oriented Monitoring- (e.g., temperature,

force, pressure sensor and
sensor oriented sensor
sensors) and actuator
deployment deployment
actuator deployment

Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart

design monitoring machining control scheduling

Fig. 36.2 A framework of smart manufacturing systems

consumption, vibrations, and speed, can be obtained advanced decision architecture can be used to perform
in real time. Smart monitoring provides not only a smart scheduling. For example, distributed smart models
graphical visualization of these data but also alerts that utilize a hierarchical interactive architecture can
when abnormality occurs in machines or tools [45, be used for reliable real-time scheduling and execution
46]. CPS and IoT are key technologies that enable [51]. Production behavior and procedures can be carried
smart monitoring in Industry 4.0 smart manufacturing out automatically and effectively because of the well-
systems. established structures and services. With the aid of data
(iv) Smart control: In Industry 4.0, high-resolution, adaptive input mechanisms, the output resolutions are fed back to
production control (i.e., smart control) can be achieved the parties involved in different ways [52].
by developing cyber-physical production control sys-
tems [47]. Smart control is mainly executed to manage Vertically, several key challenges are summarized as fol-
various smart machines or tools physically through a lows:
cloud-enabled platform [48]. End users can switch off a
machine or robot via their smartphones [49]. Decisions (i) Smart design and manufacturing: Research at this level
can then be timely reflected in frontline manufactur- encompasses smart design, smart prototyping, smart
ing sites, such as robot-based assembly lines or smart controllers, and smart sensors [53, 54]. Real-time con-
machines [50]. trol and monitoring support the realization of smart man-
(v) Smart scheduling: Smart scheduling mainly utilizes ad- ufacturing [55]. Supporting technologies include IoT,
vanced models and algorithms to draw information from STEPNC, 3D printing, industrial robotics, and wireless
data acquired by sensors. Data-driven techniques and communication [56].
810 C. F. Cheung et al.

(ii) Smart decision-making: Smart decision-making is at the The rapid increase in the use of IoT technology in the
center of Industry 4.0. The ultimate goal of deploying retail industry has been driven by major players such as Cisco
widespread sensors is to achieve smart decision-making Systems Inc., IBM Corporation, General Electric Company,
through comprehensive data collection. The realization and Siemens AG. Cisco, one of the world’s network hardware
of smart decision-making requires real-time information and software provider, has provided IoT devices and network
sharing and collaboration [57]. Big data and its analytics and implementing new business solution in manufacturing,
play an important role in smart decision-making tasks, wholesale, and retail industry. The aim of the IoT appli-
such as data-driven modeling and data-enabled predic- cations is to connect the devices, facilities, and people by
tive maintenance [58]. Many technologies, including providing resilient wireless mesh. It can help to improve
CPS, big data analytics, cloud computing, modeling, agility to support production needs and maximize the uptime
and simulation, contribute to the realization of smart through leveraging data collected in the shop floor.
decision-making [59–61]. GE implemented industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) for
(iii) Big data analytics: CPS and IIoT-based manufacturing predictive analysis. Sensors help to collect the data of ma-
systems involve the generation of vast amounts of data in chine or equipment status, and those data can be sent via
Industry 4.0 [62], and big data analytics is crucial for the network for further analysis so as realize the machine life
design and operations of manufacturing systems [63]. cycle. Apart from predicting machine breakdown so as to
For example, by using the big data analytics approach, improve the overall equipment effectiveness, IIoT can realize
a holistic framework for data-driven risk assessment the dangerous working condition so as alert the worker to
for industrial manufacturing systems has been presented evacuate earlier. Another main benefit of IIoT is location
based on real-time data [64]. Such a topic has been tracking such that the equipment and tools can be located
widely reported to support production optimization and quickly and it can greatly reduce the request and searching
manufacturing CPS visualization [65–67]. time. Those applications mentioned above demonstrate how
(iv) Industrial implementations: Industrial applications are IoT can revamp the industry and provide new customer
the ultimate aim of Industry 4.0. Almost all industries, experiences. With better sensor and 5G network and the
including manufacturing, agriculture, information and release of IoT open platforms, it is likely that IIoT will be
media, service, logistics, and transportation, can bene- widely adopted across various industries.
fit from the new industrial revolution. Many new op- The use of radio frequency identification (RFID) as a
portunities will be available for industrial parties [68]. type of IoT enables real-time visibility and increases process-
Companies may focus on their core business values or ing efficiency of shop floor manufacturing data. RFID also
challenges, which could be upgraded or addressed with supports information flow in process-linked applications.
Industry 4.0-enabled solutions. Moreover, it can help to minimize the need for reworking,
improve efficiency, reduce line stoppages, and replenish just-
in-time materials on the production line. RFID can assist in
automating assembly line processes and thus reduce labor
36.2.3 Digital Manufacturing by Industrial and cost and minimize errors on the plant floor. The integra-
Internet of Things (IIoT)-Based tion of RFID with various manufacturing systems is still a
Automation challenge to many corporations. As most large retailers will
gradually demand the use of RFID in the goods from their
Another major application of digital manufacturing deals suppliers, this creates both pressure and the opportunity for
with the automatic acquisition and processing of manufac- SMEs to adopt this technology in their logistics operations
turing data in the supply chain. This is due to the fact that and extended it to the control of their manufacturing process.
the keen competition in global manufacturing has rekindled Some previous work [70] discussed the point that RFID can
the interest for lean manufacturing, in reducing inventory and be more cost-effective in bridging the gap between automa-
efficiency in production control. There has been worldwide tion and information flow by providing better traceability and
a growing interest in the use of Internet of Things (IoT) to reliability on the shop floor.
digitalize the manufacturing information so as to automate Traditional shop floor control in a production environment
the manufacturing process. As technical problems are slowly although computerized still requires manual input of shop
being overcome and the cost of using IoT is decreasing, IoT is floor data to various systems such as the ERP for produc-
becoming popular in the manufacturing industries. Accord- tion planning and scheduling. Such data includes product
ing to the published report of Fortune Business Insights, IoT characteristics, labor, machinery, equipment utilization, and
in manufacturing size is at USD27.76 billion in 2018 and inspection records. Companies such as Lockheed Martin,
is projected to reach USD136.83 billion by 2026, thereby Raytheon, Boeing [71], and Bell helicopter have installed
exhibiting CARGR of 22.1% within 2019–2026 [69]. lean data-capture software and technologies and are in the
36 Digital Manufacturing Systems 811

process of converting barcodes to RFID. Honeywell was • Lack of integration of manufacturing with the supply
using barcodes to collect data related to part histories, in- chain
ventories, billing, and sharing data with its clients and is • Lack of real-time shop floor data for predictive analysis
accelerating its plan to switch from barcodes to RFID. The and for decision support
use of RFID has several advantages over barcodes as tags • Lack of a common data model for all operational applica- 36
that contain microchips that can store as well as transmit tions
dynamic data have a fast response, do not require line of • Inability to sense and analyze inputs ranging from the
sight, and possess high security. RFID offers greater scope factory floor to the supply chain
for the automation of data capture for manufacturing pro- • Ineffective integration links between manufacturing pro-
cess control. In recent years, the cost of the RFID tags is cess automation and enterprise IT applications
continuously decreasing [72, 73], while the data capability • Inability to provide intelligent recommendations and di-
is increasing which makes the practical applications of the rectives to targeted decision points for quick action
RFID technology in manufacturing automation economically
feasible. In light of the above, this chapter presents a review of
For manufacturers, it is increasingly important to design the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)-based manufacturing
and integrate RFID information into various enterprise ap- process automation system (MPAS), which embraces hetero-
plication software packages and to solve connectivity issues geneous technologies including RFID that can be applied in
related to plant floor and warehousing. Real-time manufac- the manufacturing process environment with the objective
turing process automation is dependent on the principle of to enhance digital manufacturing at the level of automation
closed-loop automation that sense, decide, and respond from across the enterprise and throughout the value chain. The pro-
automation to plant and enterprise operations. For example, posed IIoT-based manufacturing process automation system
pharmaceutical manufacturer [74] makes use of RFID to aims to address those deficiencies.
trace the route or history taken by an individual product at
multiple locations along the production line. This allows the Key RFID Technologies
pharmaceutical manufacturer easily to trace all final products RFID is an advanced automatic identification technology,
that might have been affected by any production miscarriage. which makes use of radio frequency signals to capture data
An aerospace company named Nordam Group uses RFID to remotely from tags within reading range [78, 79]. The basic
track its high-cost molds. Through the use of RFID tags, they principle of RFID, i.e., the reflection of power as the method
save the cost of real-time tool tracking. With growing empha- of communication, was first described in 1948. One of the
sis on real-time responsiveness, manufacturers are seeking to first applications of RFID technology was “identify friend or
control more effectively the production processes in real time foe” (IFF) detection deployed by the British Royal Air Force
in order to eliminate waste and boost throughput. The desire during World War II. The IFF system allowed radar operators
to extend supply chain execution dispatching within plant and pilots to automatically distinguish between friendly and
makes closed-loop automation an imperative. The inability to enemy aircraft using radio frequency (RF) signals. The main
achieve true closed-loop manufacturing process automation objective was to prevent “friendly fire” and to aid the effec-
presents one of the biggest barriers to successful real-time tive interception of enemy aircraft. The radio frequency is
operation strategies. Critical elements that support manufac- the critical factor for the type of application an RFID system
turing process automation include the following: is best suited for. Basically, the radio frequencies can be
classified as shown in Table 36.1.
• Dynamic IT systems to support high mix, variable envi- A typical RFID system contains several components in-
ronments cluding an RFID tag, which is the identification device at-
• Dynamic modeling, monitoring, and management of man- tached to the item to be tracked, and an RFID reader and
ufacturing resources antenna, which are devices that can recognize the presence
• Real-time synchronization between activities in the of- of RFID tags and read the information stored on them. After
fices, manufacturing plant, and supply chain receiving the information, in order to process the transmis-
• Visibility into the real-time status of production resources sion of information between the reader and other applica-
tions, RFID middleware is needed, which is software that
Although some previous studies [75–77] have shown that facilitates the communication between the system and the
RFID technology has the potential to address the above prob- RFID devices. Figure 36.3 shows a typical RFID system to
lems and has great potential for supporting manufacturing illustrate how the pieces fit together.
automation, critical deficiencies in the current systems in As shown in Fig. 36.3, RF tags are devices that contain
keeping track of processes under changing conditions include identification and other information that can be communi-
the following: cated to a reader from a distance. The tag comprises a simple
812 C. F. Cheung et al.

Table 36.1 Comparison of RFID frequency band and their respective applications
Frequency Approximate read range Data speed Cost of tags Applications
Low frequency, LF (125 kHz) <5 cm (Passive) Low High Animal identification
Access control
High frequency, HF (13.56 MHz) 10 cm – 1 m (Passive) Low to moderate Medium to low Smart cards
Ultra high frequency, UHF (433, 3 m – 7 m (Passive) Moderate to high Low Logistics and supply chain
868–928 MHz) Pallet and case tracking
Baggage tracking
Microwave (2.45 & 5.8 GHz) 10 m – 15 m (Passive) High High Electronic Toll Collection (ETC)
20 m – 40 m (Active) Container tracking

Enterprise application
Client computer RFID reader RFID antenna RFID tag
and RFID middleware

Fig. 36.3 Infrastructure for an RFID system

silicon microchip attached to a small flat aerial which is interfaces. RFID middleware is software that lies between
mounted on a substrate. RFID tags (see Fig. 36.4) can be the readers and data collection systems. It is used to collect
divided into three main types with respect to the source of and filter data from readers. It can transfer those useful data,
energy used to power them: which are filtered, to the data collection system. For the latest
application, the RFID handheld reader shown in Fig. 36.4b
(i) Active tags use a battery to power the tag transmitter and provides a more convenient tool for operator to scan the tags.
receiver to broadcast their own signals to readers within
the life of batteries. This allows them to communicate Applications of RFID in Digital Manufacturing
over distances of several meters. Manufacturing process automation relies heavily on efficient
(ii) Semi-passive tags have built-in batteries to power the and effective automatic tracking assets during manufactur-
chip’s circuitry, resist interference, and circumvent a ing. The tracked assets include physical assets such as equip-
lack of power from the reader signal due to long dis- ment, raw materials, work in progress (WIP), finished goods,
tance. They are different from active tags in that they etc. Efficient automatic tracking of assets is beneficial for
only transmit data at the time a response is received. manufacturers. One of the major challenges for manufac-
(iii) Passive tags derive their power from the field generated turers today is the management of their moveable assets.
by the reader without having an active transmitter to Managing assets includes activities such as locating assets,
transfer the information stored. tracking status, and keeping history of flow information. If
the location of an asset is not effectively located, workers are
The reader is called an interrogator which sends and required to spend much time searching for it, which results
receives RF data to and from the tag via antennas. As shown in increased process costs. As a result, manufacturers are
in Fig. 36.4a, the reader contains a transmitter, a receiver, and turning to RFID to investigate whether they can use it to
a microprocessor. The reader unit also contains an antenna bring the benefits of managing assets individually, real-time
as part of the entire system. The antennas broadcast the RF location tracking of assets, better information accuracy, and
signals generated by the reader and receive responses from automation, into their business operations.
tags within range. The data acquired by the readers is then Examples can be found in the garment industry [75]. The
passed to a host computer, which may run specialist RFID manufacturer ties the RFID tags to the bundles and sends
software or middleware to filter the data and route the data to them to the sewing workstation. At each process station,
the correct application, to be processed into useful informa- the data stored in the RFID tag is captured. The real-time
tion. Middleware refers to the software that lies between two status of the WIP can be automatically captured during the
36 Digital Manufacturing Systems 813

a) b)
1 2 3 4


5 7 8
1. Badge
2. Button
3. Cloth tag
4. Card
5. Glass bead
6. Key fob
7. Label
8. Wristband

Fig. 36.4 (a) Samples of different types of tags and (b) RFID handheld reader

manufacturing process. It is also interesting to note that

Boeing and Airbus are moving forward and have created
an RFID strategy for airplane manufacturing [71, 79], as a
component to meet US Department of Defense mandates.
The RFID tags are attached to removable parts of the airplane
to aid the control of maintenance programs. In the present
study, four major areas of RFID in manufacturing process
automation are introduced.

36.2.4 Case Studies of Digital Manufacturing

Design of Assembly Line and Processes for Motor

Assembly (Kaz (Far East) Ltd., Formerly Fig. 36.5 Virtual assembly station for assembling a motor
Honeywell Consumer Product (HK) Ltd.)
Kaz (Far East) Limited (formerly Honeywell Consumer
Product (HK) Ltd.) is a multinational manufacturing and optimum utilization of resources through modeling and
company. Its corporate headquarters, design, sales offices, simulation. The feasibility of the assembly process plan (see
and production plants are widely dispersed in Europe, North Fig. 36.6) can be evaluated prior to the actual production.
America, and Asia, as are its key suppliers and customers. As a result, the time and cost of setting up new assembly
The company was involved in the seasonal products business operations can be significantly reduced.
which includes home comfort products (Fig. 36.5).
The company possesses a number of assembly lines and Virtual Manufacturing of Precision Optical
clusters for assembling the motors for the products. Con- Products
ventionally, the production team was essentially empowered The conventional approach to the design and the manufacture
to use their own judgment in deciding “what, when, and of precision optical products is based on a trial and error
how much” to set up the assembly lines, based on their method. The optical product is designed using computer-
own experience. The optimal efficiency, throughput rate, and aided optics design software as shown in Fig. 36.7. A lens
quality for new assembly lines can only be obtained through prototype is then made by either direct machining or injection
iterative trial operations and process refinement. This is not molding from a test mold insert machined by ultraprecision
only time-consuming but also costly. With the use of the machining. Quality tests are conducted on the prototype
VM approach, Kaz can investigate the assembly processes lenses or mold inserts. It should be noted that the design,
814 C. F. Cheung et al.

prototyping, and evaluation processes are iterative until a real-time monitoring and control of the 3D printing process
satisfactory mock-up is found. This is expensive and time- [33] as shown in Fig. 36.9. The chosen 3D printer, ANET A8,
consuming; it also creates a bottleneck for the overall process is a Prusa i3 clone that operates on the RepRap platform. The
flow. ANET A8 is also an entry-level 3D printer with basic func-
As shown in Fig. 36.8, a virtual manufacturing (VM) tionalities such as printing from a micro SD card or through
system [80–84] is developed by electronically representing USB serial communication. The open nature of ANET A8
the activities of optic design and ultraprecision diamond allows easy customization and upgradations. Initially, the
turning of precision optical products. An interaction between stock firmware present in the 3D printer’s motherboard was
the cyber and physical worlds is accomplished by the VM replaced by Marlin, a widely used open-source firmware that
system which allows the feasibility of an optical product supports additional functionalities such as multiple screen
design and a manufacturing process plan to be evaluated prior output, sensor, nozzle additions, etc. The 3D printer makes
to the actual production. It avoids the need for conducting use of an RS232 serial interface for data transmission. A
expensive production trials and physical prototyping. Raspberry Pi, connected in serial communication with the 3D
printer, acts as the data extraction and consolidation module,
acting as an infrastructure that bridges the physical world
Digital Twin-Enabled Smart 3D Printing
with the cyberspace.
A case study of digital twin-enabled 3D printer is imple-
A back-end python software has been developed to com-
mented with two-way communication established to allow
municate with the 3D printer via serial communication. The
software requests and receives encapsulated data from the
3D printer five times per second, translates them into useful
information, and writes the data to a temporary file. Another
program simultaneously uploads the data to the cloud server.
In control mode, the program downloads the data from the
server, and the data is read and translated into G-code (3D
printers work on G-code), and the commands are passed
over to the physical printer. On the other side, a digital
twin application program interface (API) in the form of a
standalone application has been developed in Visual C# using
WPF App and. Net framework 4.5 in Visual Studio to act
as the bridge between the three digital twin models. By
referencing the libraries and SDK of the respective programs,
the API can interact with and add additional functionalities
to the programs. The API references the libraries and SDK
of the program it interacts with and can be used to add any
sort of additional functionalities to the programs. The API
Fig. 36.6 Feasibility evaluation for assembly process for motor

a) b)

Fig. 36.7 (a) Precision optical products and (b) their computer-aided optics design
36 Digital Manufacturing Systems 815


simulates the
functions of a
a) Design of the virtual raw stock b) Compiling the NC program
real control
panel and
generates the
Virtual program for
machining real
system machining
simulates the system
response of the (physical
real machining system)
system (physical
system) d) Simulation of the machining process c) Setting the parameters of the virtual

Fig. 36.8 Graphical illustration of the virtual manufacturing system for the manufacture of precision optical products


Raspberry Pi 3B as data
extraction and Laptop - Interaction device
consolidation module

Digital twin Digital twin API Latest data

storage for

Physical 3D Digital twin established in the Interactive digital twin

printer cyberspace interface

Fig. 36.9 A digital twin-enabled smart 3D printer with real-time monitoring and control capabilities

acts as a command center for the three digital twin models i.e., control mode or monitor mode, and assigns the priority
that reside within three different environments and ensures either to the digital system or the physical system, respec-
smooth information flow across them as and when required. tively. The API also downloads raw data from the storage
The API overwatches the operating mode of the digital twin, server and uploads processed information to the server.
816 C. F. Cheung et al.

IIoT-Based Cyber-Physical System for Physical tedious manual operations. Since most manufacturing pro-
Asset Management cesses were related to the requested equipment, late arrival
A physical asset management (PAM) program involves the of equipment lowered the overall efficiency of the company,
tracking of physical assets such as expensive machinery and which in turn impacted on the company’s profit margin. Also,
equipment, as well as returnable items such as containers as the transfer records were entered into a database after a
and pallets. Across industries and regions, PAM is a ma- long verification process, the timeliness of the information
jor concern in the manufacturing industry. PAM includes was questionable. Worse, due to inevitable human errors, the
engineering activities, as well as the adoption of a variety database records were incomplete and inaccurate. Common
of approaches to maintenances such as reliability-centered discrepancies included asset locations, utilization, and his-
maintenance, multi-skills, total productive maintenance, and tory of maintenance and repair. As a result, equipment could
hazard and operability studies [85]. Manufacturing enter- not be repaired in a timely fashion and some was even lost.
prises that have better PAM systems usually excel when To improve the overall efficiency and increase the visibil-
compared to their counterparts in terms of utilization of assets ity of physical assets an industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)-
in manufacturing. However, many organizations today still based cyber-physical system is proposed to enable indoor
face significant challenges in relation to tracking the location, position. Indoor positioning system (IPS) was developed to
quantity, condition, and maintenance and depreciation status locate machine and equipment inside the factory using radio
of their fixed assets. waves, magnetic fields, acoustic signals, or other sensory
Traditionally, a popular approach is to track fixed assets by information collected by mobile device. In the project, iBea-
utilizing the serially numbered asset tags, such as barcodes, con, which is a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device, was
for easy and accurate reading. This process is often per- used. The iBeacon receivers were installed on the ceiling
formed by scanning a barcode on a physical asset ID tag that of the building, and iBeacon transponder is installed on the
has been affixed to the asset. However, PAM may also involve machines. The proposed IPS provides proximity location for
a physical asset ID tag with a human-readable number only the machine so the management in asset control center can
that is documented manually. The barcode approach has its realize which machine is located in which story and which
limitations though, e.g., lack of automation and inability to zone as shown in Fig. 36.10.
provide real-time tracking. Location is determined mathematically by approximating
To increase the utilization rate of movable equipment, signal propagation by figuring out the angles and/or dis-
manufacturing enterprises usually adopt a fluid approach to tance. With inverse trigonometry such as trilateration (dis-
the composition of production lines. Movable equipment is tance from anchors) or triangulation (angle to anchor), loca-
shared across lines for some non-bottleneck procedures. Pre- tion of machines can be determined. Figure 36.11 shows the
viously, applications for transfer of physical assets required grid distribution of iBeacon receivers. The iBeacon transpon-

iBeacon iBeacon
receiver transponder

M-01 M-03

iBeacon 1/F

M-01 M-02 2/F M-03 Touchscreen

display Asset
control M-01
center M-02

M-04 M-05 M-06 M-07 M-08

Fig. 36.10 Adoption of iBeacon for asset control

36 Digital Manufacturing Systems 817


13.5m m 36

Fig. 36.11 Grid layout of shop floor

Leo Paper Group is involved to validate the concept of

the proposed CPS. Further study on system integration and
line 1 migration from existing factories to smart factories should be
Asset: M-01 conducted so as to realize the next industrial paradigm shift.
M-02 As Leo Paper Group production plants are over 5.7 million
M-03 Pro d u c tion square feet, asset tracking and tracing are a great challenge.
M-04 li n e 1
To track and trace the huge amount of asset, the beacon
technology was used to enable indoor positioning. In the
past, Leo Paper has difficulty to track the asset real-time
location, and there is lack of data to conduct utilization
M-01 M-02 M-03 M-04 analysis.
This new method has enabled equipment or required parts
and subassemblies to arrive promptly and has increased the
Fig. 36.12 Production line reconfiguration with different machines utilization of important and valuable physical assets for the
company. This system automatically tracks the transfer of
physical assets and greatly reduces the processing time of
ders are matched to a relative coordinate, and received sig- equipment transfer. With the data transfer between the system
nal strength indicator (RSSI) values are transferred to a and Bluetooth beacon devices being in real time, information
value for distance using power law model. With the col- about physical assets can be captured. These data are then
lected data, the position can be estimated by using coordinate presented in the IIoT-based CPS in a systematic way as
calculation. shown in Fig. 36.13. The system provides the ability to track
This study aims to conduct a research regarding industrial and trace the status of equipment, issue equipment transfer
data analytics and design a CPS with the integration of orders, and provide reports for asset utilization analysis. As
various existing and proprietary data analytics systems based a result, location and utilization of equipment can be easily
on the utilization of machine in multi-production line so identified using visual diagrams that help in maintenance
that the modules can be reconfigurable and interchangeable planning and repair scheduling.
based on different machine combination (see Fig. 36.12). Re- The IIoT-based CPS has significant impact on the “smart”
searchers and practitioners designed a new IIoT-based CPS to track and trace of the asset by virtue of its capabilities to
handle industrial informatics regarding location, sensor, and progressively introduce workflow analysis to support rele-
unstructured data for big data mining. vant activities for smart factory. In particular, this system
818 C. F. Cheung et al.

Fig. 36.13 User interface for indicating the indoor position

is characterized by the inclusion of IIoT, CPS, and IPS be updated to the top management to provide real-time in-
technologies which can streamline the production operations formation on the robotic warehouse. An overview of the
and decision-making. smart robotic warehouse management system based on IIoT
technology is shown in Fig. 36.14.
Smart Robotic Warehouse Management The system provides different warehouse operation
This smart robotic warehouse management system redefines modes, selection strategies, and restoring strategies for users
the business model and enables a change from labor-intensive to choose from. They allow the users to conveniently adjust
operation to unmanned operation. The warehouse operator the configuration according to their own needs and optimize
is no longer bound by tedious searching for specific items the overall efficiency of the warehouse. The development of
on the order. Instead, he simply waits at the workstation for advanced algorithms and optimization technologies allows
the items delivered by the warehouse mobile robot for quick the system to efficiently do batches of tasks in a short period
replenishing and picking. of time. While reducing the manpower gap in the order
When there is a new pickup order, the warehouse system fulfilment center, the system can effectively optimize the use
searches for saved location information about the storage of space, energy, and other resources to improve the safety
rack containing the required items and then sends the infor- of the warehouse. Compared to other automation products
mation to the cloud robot control system. The robot control on the market, this smart robotic warehouse management
system then sends signals over the wireless communication system is more flexible in terms of installation and requires
network and directs the warehouse mobile robot to go to less investment in infrastructure. The system can adapt to a
the designated storage rack. When the warehouse mobile variety of facility layouts and is easy to scale up.
robot arrives at the target storage rack, it lifts the storage As the brain of the entire project system, the smart robotic
rack and transports the storage rack containing the required warehouse management system is mainly responsible for
item to the picking and replenishing workstation for further data management, real-time operation, control of warehouse
processing. With the help of an infrastructure with warehouse mobile robots’ cooperation, monitoring the operation process
mobile robots and picking and replenishment workstations, of the entire warehouse, and simulating the data collected
warehouse operators can easily pick and replenish goods during the order completion process. The system makes
to complete orders. All order completions and warehouse use of the robot-as-a-service (RaaS) model that integrates
mobile robot monitoring and performance information will warehouse mobile robot as a service and not only as products
36 Digital Manufacturing Systems 819

Main components

Autonomous mobile robot

Transport to workstation Arrive the location & lift

& pick the required item the designated storage rack

Mobile storage rack

Picking and replenishment

Control the robot to the workstation
designated storage rack

Receive new order &

search for item location
Send signal to cloud Smart swarm robots control system
robot control system

Fig. 36.14 Overview of the smart robotic warehouse management system based on IIoT technologies

into the cloud computing environment. The cloud network is located in the Science Park and consists of a warehouse, a
connects the robot control system and the warehouse mobile front desk, and a back-end operation space. It covers an area
robots. The cloud network allows communication and data of about 5000 square feet and is equipped with 95 storage
exchange over the wireless infrastructure. The RaaS model racks (25 of which are used for express delivery and others
provides a highly adaptable robotic solution to meet users’ for storage purposes) and 3 smart mobile robots. Each robot
needs. RaaS effectively delivers consistently quality services can carry up to 500 KG. Given such facility configuration,
and flexibly adjusts service levels to respond to changes the center can test two functional applications, namely, the
in service demand. The core of the whole system covers provision of smart storage cabinets and the self-service parcel
five aspects: swarm intelligence, robot algorithm based on pickup.
resource utilization, storage rack redeployment arrangements When there is a new waybill, the warehouse mobile robot
based on on-demand allocation, shortest path search based on searches for location information about the storage rack
efficiency improvement, and intelligent collision avoidance containing the required goods and then sends it to the cloud-
mechanism based on security and warehouse simulator for based robot control system. The system coordinates various
robot based on simulation reference. tasks to warehouse mobile robots. When a task is assigned,
Refer to the user interface of the smart robotic warehouse the warehouse mobile robot will transfer the designated
management system (Fig. 36.15); it provides the overall storage rack from its original location to the workstation
picture of the warehouse. The real-time locations of robots, within the specified delivery window along the route set by
workstations, and racks are clearly shown in the system. the system. Once the put-away or pickup tasks are finished at
There are various types of racks for different purposes based workstation, the mobile robot moves from workstation to the
on the size of items, storage period, usage frequency, etc. For specified storage area as shown in Fig. 36.16. The robotic
example, for type A rank, it may store the items that will be control system then uses artificial intelligence to issue the
retrieved months later, so most of the type A ranks are placed shortest path and navigates the warehouse mobile robot to the
away from the workstation. designated storage rack via a smart collision avoidance mech-
The trial site was the RobEX Centre, Hong Kong’s first anism. The warehouse mobile robot then lifts the storage rack
fully automated unmanned smart warehouse, which is the and delivers it to the designated workstation. The warehouse
result of the joint efforts of RV, a cooperating partner for operator waiting at the workstation picks the goods according
this project, and the Hong Kong Science Park. The center to the picking indicator to complete the order. During idle
820 C. F. Cheung et al.

Fig. 36.15 User interface of smart robotic warehouse management system

Fig. 36.17 Administrator remotely controls and monitors the robot via
cloud-based system

Fig. 36.16 Warehouse mobile robot lifts a storage rack underneath and
transfers to workstation for order picking During peak hours, robots can have division of labor to
improve work efficiency. If space is limited, a multi-deep
storage warehouse strategy can be adopted to increase space
time, the system rearranges the position of the storage racks usage. Combined adoption of multiple strategies caters to the
according to history and the outbound information about the needs of individualized development in modern industry and
next few days, so that the orders can be completed more helps logistics providers seize market opportunities ahead of
quickly the next day. The center is equipped with cloud smart others. This management system focuses on better use of
communication technology and a monitoring system shown warehouse space and manpower. The dependence on manual
in Fig. 36.17 for administrators to monitor the operations of labor is reduced, and the efficiency of logistical operations is
the warehouse. enhanced. The completion of this project helps the logistics
36 Digital Manufacturing Systems 821

industry to shift its focus to production projects with high Figure 36.18 shows the architecture of an RFID-based
added value, thus achieving the support for the establishment ISCIS which is basically divided into platform tiers. The
of the reindustrialization notion. In addition, this project system consists of the application of RFID tags to generate
also laid a solid foundation for the future research into the the data within the supply chain network. Data from the
applications of robots. RFID tags is scanned by readers and synchronized with the 36
internal information systems. The RFID-based ISCIS enables
the different partners in the supply chain to share real-time
RFID-Based Intra-supply Chain Information information.
System for Global Production Networks
The trend toward the establishment of a global produc- (i) Data acquisition tier – The data from the operational
tion network in the manufacturing industry poses some new level on the textile supply chain are captured by RFID
challenges to information interchange. For example, some technology. RFID readers are installed in the ware-
components of a product may be produced in one country, houses of the textile and apparel manufacturers and at
some part of the product may be outsourced and made in a the retailers. Tags are placed either at the pallet level
second country, and the final assembly of the finished product or the item level, depending on the stage in the supply
may be done in a third country before being ultimately sold chain. At the level of the individual item of merchandise,
somewhere else. However, apart from the obvious need for it is difficult to achieve 100% reading accuracy with
collaboration, the problems of data integration and informa- RFID tags. However, it is already technically feasible
tion sharing within the supply chain are challenging. There- to track RFID tags at the pallet or carton level. As the
fore, an RFID-based intra-supply chain information system raw materials progress through the stages of WIP to the
(ISCIS) is much needed in order to streamline the supply finished goods, the tagging level changes from the pallet
chain activities and form an intra-supply chain network. level to the carton level and finally to the item level.

Other inter-supply chain

partners information network


Intra-supply chain information flow

chain data
Local IS Local IS Local IS

systems tier

Reader Tagged beam Reader Tagged beam Reader Tagged beam

Wool buying Dyeing Spinning

Physical materials flow

Fig. 36.18 Architecture of RFID-based ISCIS

822 C. F. Cheung et al.

(ii) Information systems tier – This integrates the RFID- To realize the capability of the RFID-enabled RFID-based
based information systems with the internal information ISCIS, a case study was conducted in a reference site in the
systems of the different supply chain partners such as textile industry named Novetex. Novetex Spinners Limited
enterprise resources planning (ERP) systems. The most was established in 1976 and, employing over 2000 people, is
successful new business models are probably those that now recognized as the world’s largest single site woolen spin-
can integrate information technology into all activities ner. As part of the Novel Group, Novetex has its headquarters
of the enterprise-wide value chain. in Hong Kong and a factory located in Zhuhai, Southern
(iii) Intra-supply chain data integration platform – China. The factory houses 4 spinning mills, a dyeing mill, and
Fig. 36.19 shows how the supply chain information 51 production lines resulting in an annual capacity of 7.5 mil-
is shared and integrated with the different supply chain lion kilograms of high-quality yarn. Novetex has recognized
parties. On this platform, an integrated information the need to be a truly global supplier, and it has invested
system is built to enable the supply chain partners to in offices and agents worldwide to offer customers the most
upload the information from the chain. As discussed efficient service possible. The trend toward the establishment
before, the RFID gateway can act as a check-in of a global production network in the textile industry poses
and checkout system and synchronize the internal some new challenges to Novetex. For example, fibers might
information systems without delay. Supply chain be produced in one country, spun to yield yarns in a second
partners can select the information to be shared, country, woven into fabrics in a third, and sewn into clothing
and the information will be stored in a centralized in yet another one, before being ultimately sold somewhere
database. else.
(iv) Web-based platform – On this platform, a web-based Novetex has traditionally used pen-and-paper-based ware-
information sharing portal is built so that supply chain house management processes. The recording of the inven-
partners can retrieve related supply chain information. tory, storage, order picking, packaging, and stocktaking pro-
Intra-supply chain partners can use the web browser cesses were heavily dependent on the efficiency of the ware-
to search for information about the chain. The pro- house operators. The operators used their own judgment and
duction status, the supplier’s inventory level, the de- perceptions to decide how, when, and where to store the
livery status, and retail sales data can be displayed goods. This heavy reliance on paper work and on a human
on the web-based platform. The above platforms help input to update the inventory data inevitably leads to data
an intra-supply chain company to obtain data on their inaccuracy. This in turn may affect the company decisions on
operations and provide an interface permitting them to inventory replenishment, inventory control, and the first in,
share information. To facilitate the intra-supply chain first out (FIFO) order picking process. A heavy reliance on
collaboration, different optimization technologies, such pen-and-paper-based warehouse management processes has
as intelligent agent and data mining, can be used to limited the operational efficiency in inventory replenishment,
analyze these data. inventory control, and the FIFO order picking process of

Fiber production Fiber dyeing Yarn spinning Knitting and finishing Retail
Pallet level Pallet level Carton level Carton and item Item level

Reader Reader Reader Reader Reader

Fig. 36.19 Information sharing along the supply chain

36 Digital Manufacturing Systems 823

Novetex. These issues become more complex in the era of shops. WIP items and drawings transported to the work-
the global production network. shop are required to pass through the gateway, and the
As a result, the company has implemented an RFID- tag information of the arrival item is automatically tracked
enabled ISCIS. The outcomes of the implementation of the when it is pulled through the gateway. Figure 36.20b shows
system were positive in terms of increased stock visibility the setup for the RFID-based process. The process is de- 36
and data accuracy. The textile manufacturer can synchronize signed in such a way as to capture the machining status
the inventory status with the ERP software without any delay. of the WIP items accurately and automatically. The result
The attachment of an RFID tag on each bundle of goods of the trial implementation shows that the management of
facilitates the identification and visualization of items. The the company can accurately plan the job allocation during
storing location of the items can be easily identified and the production process through automatic and accurate cap-
retrieved from the ERP system. Order picking and stock turing and tracking of the information related to the flow,
relocation would become easier for the warehouse. the location, and processing status of the WIP items. The
visibility of the WIP information can be significantly en-
hanced, and this makes manufacturing process automation
RFID-Based Work-in-Progress Tracking possible.
RFID-based solutions have been used for a decade in manu-
facturing. Its applications in a manufacturing enterprise are
usually the tracking of parts during manufacture and the
tracking of assembled items, i.e., work in progress (WIP).
36.2.5 Conclusion
As a result, efficiency can be increased while entry errors
Digital manufacturing through smart manufacturing and real-
and manpower are saved. For WIP tracking, the tags can be
time tracking of production data in the supply chain has
attached to products as they are being assembled or created
led to improved accuracy of information, reduction of hu-
along the production line [86]. The status of the product
man errors, and automation of business operations. This
can be updated as it progresses along the production line
chapter presents a study of digital manufacturing which
via RFID readers placed above and below its path [87].
covers the computer simulation of manufacturing processes
According to Hedgepeth [88], the history or route taken by
through virtual manufacturing and smart manufacturing sys-
an individual product can be ascertained from data stored
tems for the manufacturing process automation based on real-
on tags attached to the item, by installing RFID readers at
time and online capture of Internet of Things (IoT) data
single or multiple locations along the production line. As a
from the movement of materials, people, equipment, and
result, the location as well as the flow history of any item
assets in the production value chain. Various case studies
can be recorded in the manufacturer’s database. To realize
are shown which involve virtual assembly, virtual manufac-
the advantages of RFID-enabled WIP tracking, a case study
turing system, digital twin-enabled smart 3D printing, IIoT-
was conducted in a precision mold manufacturing company
based cyber-physical system for physical asset management,
named Nypro Tool Hong Kong Ltd.
smart robotic warehouse management, RFID-based work-in-
Nypro Tool Hong Kong Ltd. is a precision injection mold
progress tracking, and the management of a global produc-
manufacturer which provides high-quality molding tools,
tion network.
globally. Since the company provides products with a wide
Digital manufacturing has gone beyond the graphical sim-
variety, WIP items need to be transported to different work-
ulation of product and process design and has accelerated the
shops for various processes such as machining, heat treat-
product development cycle and deepens the level of customer
ment, quality check, etc. Each of the items is accompanied by
interaction in the preproduction phase of products. Combined
its unique drawing so that operators can refer to its required
with the growing demand for the industrial Internet of Things
operations. Currently, Nypro is using barcode system to
(IIoT) technology in the automatic capture, tracking, and
monitor the flow of WIP items within the plants. For every
processing of the huge amount of data in the production
processing operation of the WIP items, the status of the
of goods and services, digital manufacturing is going to
process must be captured manually so that management can
revolutionize the way in which the supply chain is managed.
check the follow-up information of WIP through the database
It will also greatly change the behavior of global producers
system. However, the manual process induces a lot of human
and consumers.
errors and is time-consuming. The application of RFID in
WIP tracking is believed to be able to automate the tracking
Acknowledgments The authors would like to express their sincere
process and reduce the number of errors. thanks to the Research Committee of The Hong Kong Polytechnic
As shown in Fig. 36.20a, the location tracking process, University (project code: G-UABL, ZDAR, ZM31). See also 89 and
RFID gateways are set up at the entrance of the work- Chs.  17,  28,  40,  45 and  63.
824 C. F. Cheung et al.



A WIP item is pulled to “START” status is


Finished processing Pull the on-truck scanner “END” status is

trolley to the machine automatically captured!!

b) WIP location and process tracking

File folder
RFID reader/
antenna c) Configuration of the RFID system
77 cm

65 cm 50 cm

Parking area

77 cm

RFID tag

70 cm
55 cm

Fig. 36.20 RFID-based location tracking and process status tracking for WIP application

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Application Management, Network, Management), By Software 88. Hedgepeth, W.O.: RFID Metrics: Decision Making Tools for To-
& Service(Software Solution and Services), By Application day’s Supply Chains. CRC, Boca Raton (2006)
(Predictive Maintenance, Asset Tracking and Management, 89. Banerjee, P.P.: Virtual Reality and Automation. Ch. 15 in Springer
Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Real-time Workforce Handbook of Automation, Springer, Nof, S.Y. (Ed.) Cham, Switzer-
Tracking and Management, Emergency and Incident Management land, pp. 269–278 (2009)
36 Digital Manufacturing Systems 827


Prof. C. F. Cheung, Benny obtained his BEng in manufacturing en- Dr. Pai Zheng is currently an assistant professor in the Department of
gineering from Hong Kong Polytechnic in 1993 and MPhil and PhD Industrial and Systems Engineering, at The Hong Kong Polytechnic
degrees in industrial and systems engineering from The Hong Kong University, China. Before this, he has been a research fellow in the
Polytechnic University in 1996 and 2000, respectively. Currently, he is Delta-NTU Corporate Laboratory for Cyber-Physical Systems, in the
a chair professor, director of State Key Laboratory of Ultra-precision School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, at Nanyang Technolog-
Machining Technology and the laboratory-in-charge of Knowledge So- ical University (NTU) from Jan. 2018 to Sep. 2019. His research interest
lutions Laboratory in Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering includes smart product-service systems, data-driven engineering design,
of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research in knowledge and manufacturing servitization and has published 40 SCI-indexed
and technology management encompasses a broad-based research of journal papers in these fields (including 6 ESI ones). He received his
methods and tools built on a basis of information processing, knowledge dual BS degrees in engineering from Huazhong University of Science
elicitation, product service systems, and artificial intelligence technolo- and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 2010; MS degree in mechanical
gies for supporting the management of knowledge and technology for engineering from Beihang University, Beijing, China, in 2013; and
enterprises from various industries such as manufacturing, public utility, PhD degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Auckland,
social service, etc. Up to present, he has authored and co-authored more Auckland, New Zealand, in 2017. He is a member of ASME (2017–),
than 250 refereed journal papers including more than 180 Science Ci- IEEE (2017–), and CMES (2018–) and serves as the editorial board
tation Indexed (SCI)-/Social Science Citation Indexed (SSCI)-refereed member for the journal of Advanced Engineering Informatics and
journal papers. Prof. Cheung has received many research prizes and referee for several high-impact international journals in the manufac-
awards such as Joseph Whitworth Prize 2010 by the Manufacturing In- turing/industrial engineering field.
dustrial Division of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE),
UK, in 2011, a gold medal in the 44th International Exhibition of Inven-
tions, New Techniques and Products in Geneva, Switzerland, in 2016,
winner of the IET Innovation Award for Manufacturing Technology in
2017, etc.

Prof. W. B. Lee received his Master of Technology from Brunel Univer-

sity in 1976 and doctorate from the University of Hong Kong in 1986.
He is emeritus professor of Department of Industrial and Systems Engi-
neering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests
include advanced manufacturing technology, materials processing, and
Dr. Ka Man Lee is currently an associate professor in the Department knowledge management.
of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Hong Kong. She is the program leader of BSc(Hons) Enter-
prise Engineering with Management. She obtained her PhD and BEng
degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her main re-
search areas include industrial engineering, enterprise resource planning
(ERP), logistics and supply chain management, industrial Internet of
Things (IIoT), wireless sensor and actuator network (WSAN), cloud
computing, and big data analytics. As of now, Dr. Lee has published
over 130 articles in various international journals and seminars. She was
awarded silver medal in the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions
of Geneva in 2019 and Outstanding Paper Award of Emerald Network
Awards in 2019. Dr. Lee also serves as the lab-in-charge of PolyU’s
Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory.
Flexible and Precision Assembly
Brian Carlisle

Contents with the robots’ sensors enables robots to assemble parts

37.1 Flexible and Precision Assembly Automation . . . . . . . 829
and components with precision that exceeds their own
motion precision. A truly flexible assembly system would
37.2 Collaborative Assembly Robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830
enable precision assembly, include flexible part feeding,
37.3 Feeding Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831 grasping, and fixturing, as well as a variety of mating and
37.4 Grasping Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833 fastening processes that can be quickly added or deleted
without costly engineering. There is a limited science base
37.5 Flexible Fixturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
for how to design flexible assembly systems in a manner
37.6 Aligning Small Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835 that will yield predictable and reliable throughputs. The
37.7 Fastening Small Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836 emergence of geometric modeling systems (as part of
37.8 Assembly Automation Software Architecture . . . . . . 836 CAD) has enabled work in geometric reasoning in the past
few years. Geometric models have been applied in areas
37.9 Conclusion, Challenges, and Emerging Trends . . . . . 839
such as machine vision for object recognition, design,
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839 and throughput analysis of flexible part feeders, dynamic
simulation of assembly stations and assembly lines. Still
lacking are useful techniques for automatic model gen-
Abstract eration, planning, error representation, error prevention
Recently a major trend in flexible and precision assembly (avoidance), and error recovery. Future software architec-
automation, and in automation in general, has been in tures for flexible and precision automation should include
robots that can safely work next to people. Increasingly, geometric modeling and reasoning capabilities to support
as part of collaborative automation, such robots are also autonomous, sensor-driven systems.
designed to collaborate as teams with other robots. These
intelligent machines are called cobots, or collaborative Keywords
robots, and are reducing the cost and time to install robots Assembly automation software · Assembly system ·
in many applications. Flexible and precision assembly Cobot · Collaborative assembly · Collaborative robots ·
refers to an assembly system that can build multiple simi- Fastening · Fixture design · Flexible fixture · Grasping ·
lar products with little or no reconfiguration of the assem- Machine vision · Part feeder
bly system. It can serve as a model for some of the emerg-
ing applications in flexible and precision automation. Pre-
cision assembly implies assembly with precise motions
and operations. Recently, machine learning interacting 37.1 Flexible and Precision Assembly

Flexible and precision assembly automation is used in many

industries such as electronics, medical products, and automo-
tive, ranging in scale from disk drive assembly to automo-
B. Carlisle () tive body assembly. The ubiquitous yardstick for a flexible
Brooks Automation, Livermore, CA, USA assembly system is the human. While dedicated machines
e-mail: can far exceed the speed of a human for certain applications,

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 829

S. Y. Nof (ed.), Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks,
830 B. Carlisle

for example, circuit board assembly, there is no automation cobots on assembly operations and on assembly line: in
system than can assemble a hard disk drive one day and 1996 the first assist device was installed in Fort Wayne,
an automobile fuel injector the next day. In terms of preci- Indiana, truck assembly plant to install the HVAC system
sion, however, modern automation can accomplish precision and to assemble the front dash structural panel [2]; in
requirements, both in the assembly operations and in the 1998, the first cobot was installed for the front door
assembled product that far exceed the human abilities. disassembly and assembly of doors on a Buick, during
Flexibility implies variability in motions, material han- off and on process pre- and post-painting; General Motors
dling, processes, and handling carriable components and as- introduced a Fanuc collaborative robot in 2015 to aid a
sembled products. A flexible assembly system must present, human in picking 35 kg tires from a pallet and installing
grasp, mate, and attach parts to each other. It may also them in automobile trunks [3].
perform quality tests during these processes. In order to be • The second category refers to robots that can work au-
useful, it must compare favorably in terms of development tonomously next to humans, or with humans, in the same
cost and product assembly cost with manual alternatives. To workspace and never injure the humans, even if they bump
date, automatic assembly has only been justified for applica- into them [4]. The collaboration of robots and humans
tions where volumes exceed tens of thousands of assemblies leverages their respective abilities in flexibility and in
per year, though this may be changing with the introduction precision (Fig. 37.1). This category of collaborative robots
of collaborative robots, as they may be installed in point typically handles payloads less than 10 kg. As payloads
applications, instead of entire lines. increase, the robot must slow down when in proximity to
Precision is defined [1] as the closeness of agreement a human, in order to limit dynamic collision forces. For
between a series of individual measurements, values, or re- very light payloads on the order of 1 kg or less, some of
sults. For assembly, precision describes how well the process these new collaborative robots can move at tool speeds up
is capable of producing assembled products with identical, to 2 meters per second and bump into a person without
repeatable properties, such as product dimensions, its shape, injury. Robots moving 10 kg payloads may be limited
surface finish, color, weight, etc. to tool speeds of a 200–300 millimeters per second near
Key capabilities in sensing, modeling, reasoning, manip- people.
ulation, and planning are essential for flexibility and for
precision in assembly and in automation in general. But they In 2016 ISO-TS 15066 “Robots and Robotic Devices –
are still in their infancy for automated systems. The following Collaborative Robots” was published. This technical speci-
discussion of flexible automation for assembly illustrates fication listed the collision forces that various parts of the
the current state of the art. Further advances in flexible and human body can withstand without injury. It has been a
precision automation will require machine control software major enabler for market acceptance and growth for collab-
architectures that can integrate complex motion control, real- orative robots. In 2018 RIA TR15.806 “Testing Methods for
time sensing, 3D modeling, 3D model generation from sensor Power and Force Limited Collaborative Applications” was
data, automatic motion planning from task-level goals, and published with details on how to test collaborative robots.
means to represent errors, prevent errors, and recover from A major economic factor in the justification of collabora-
errors. tive robots is the ability for these robots to perform a task at

37.2 Collaborative Assembly Robots

“Collaborative robots,” sometimes also referred to as

“cobots,” fall into two broad categories, both of which are
increasingly used in assembly:

• One category is human-guided lifting aids, where the

“cobot” supports the weight of a heavy object while a
person guides the object into a desired position. These
devices emerged in the 1980s in a simple form, typically
pneumatically powered 1 or 2 degree of freedom lifting
devices. More recently, full 6 or 7 degree of freedom
robots have been employed for these applications. Assem-
bly is one of the most common application of collaborative Fig. 37.1 A precise automation collaborative robot in a life sciences
robots. In the 1990s, General Motors pioneered several laboratory. (Courtesy Ginko Labs)
37 Flexible and Precision Assembly 831

least as quickly as a human, while remaining safe in the event two at a time, while a manufacturer learns how to best use
of a collision. The collision force for a robot is determined by them. This approach lowers the initial investment required,
its kinetic energy, or ½ mv2 . The effective mass at the robot for example, installing a robot station for $50,000 instead of
tool is composed of three elements: the payload, the robot an entire automated line for say, $1 million. This lowers risk
inertia transformed to a point mass at the tool, and the drive and eases acceptance of robots.
train inertias transformed to a point mass at the tool. This last Collaborative robots that cannot injure people are much
factor, drive train inertia, is often overlooked when designing less threatening to workers on the floor and as a result
collaborative robots, but the reflected drive train inertia seen are much better accepted by people who are working near
as a point mass at the tool can be many times larger than the them [5].
payload mass. This is because for many robots very high- Finally, collaborative robots can be set up not to injure
ratio speed reducers are used, for example, 100:1. The motor other equipment in the facility. In some applications, for
rotor, brake, and high-speed input inertias are multiplied example, laboratory automation, an instrument may cost
by the square of this ratio, or in this example, 10,000:1. $500,000 and have a small tray that extends to receive a
For a SCARA robot (selective compliance assembly robot test tube or plastic tray. Early efforts to automate these
arm) with a 2 kg payload mass, the reflected motor inertias applications with powerful industrial robots often resulted in
seen at the tool radius of 500 mm can be 14 kg. Thus, the serious damage to very expensive equipment.
reflected drive train inertias can dominate the kinetic energy In summary, collaborative robots are making assembly
for lower payload robots using high-ratio drive trains and automation and automation in general safer and simpler to
cause very high collision forces for relatively light payloads. justify, lowering the risk of trying out robots and making
Some collaborative robot manufacturers are using low ratio automated factories much less threatening to people.
belt drives or even direct-drive motors to address this design
In 2019 collaborative robots were forecasted by Interact 37.3 Feeding Parts
Analysis to grow to 30% of the total robot market by 2027,
with a compound annual growth rate of 60%. Pick and place, Assembly requires picking up parts, orienting them, and
assembly, and material handling are forecast to grow to 75% fastening them together. In almost all automatic assembly
of collaborative robot applications, with 60% of applications systems in production today, parts are oriented and located
handling less than 5 kg. by some means before the assembly system picks them up.
This emerging trend of designing robots that are safe In fact, it should be recognized that orientation has value; if
around people is replacing the trend from 2000 to 2020 of part orientation is lost, it costs money to restore it. Due to this
making robots go as fast as possible. There are very few requirement for pre-oriented parts, most automatic assembly
applications that really need cycle times of 300 milliseconds, systems only deal with small parts, typically parts less than
whereas there are many opportunities to install robots that 10 cm3 in volume. Traditional small part feeders include
can work at human speeds in the same workspace as people. indexing tape feeders (Fig. 37.2), tray feeders, tube feeders,
Also, since robot power is proportional to the square of cycle Gel-Pak (a sticky film in a round frame for semiconductor
time, decreasing cycle time from 600 to 300 ms required 4 parts) feeders, and vibratory bowl feeders (Fig. 37.3). Each
times as much power. There is an increasing appreciation of of these feeders is typically limited to a fairly narrow class
using power wisely in our factories. of parts. For example, tape feeders are sized to the width of
There are several benefits besides safety due to the emer- a part; a 3-mm-wide tape cannot feed a 25-mm-wide part.
gence of collaborative robots. Robots that could injure people Tape and tray systems have several disadvantages in addition
had to be protected by safety screening, which if opened to their cost: they are not space efficient for shipping, as parts
would stop the production line and often require a lengthy are stored at a low density, and the packing material can
restart process. And since with traditional robots the robots add several cents each to part cost. Larger parts are almost
could not work next to people, typically an entire production universally transported on pallets, or in boxes or bins, and
line had to be automated. This meant that a great deal are at best only partially oriented.
of engineering was often required to automate applications The development of machine vision systems has begun
which a person could perform easily but are very difficult to change this situation (Fig. 37.4). Useful machine vision
for a robot, for example, installing wires, picking parts from systems began to emerge in the 1980s. Early systems that
bins, squeezing flexible parts into place, etc. The advent of could recognize the silhouette of a part in two dimensions
collaborative robots allows robots to be used for simpler jobs cost $50,000 to $100,000. Today, you can buy 2D vision
which they can perform easily and reliably and for people systems for a few thousand dollars, and the price continues
to continue to work on the line for the more difficult jobs. to drop rapidly. 3D vision systems are developed for part
This also allows the robots to be added incrementally, one or recognition from random positions and for guiding robots for
832 B. Carlisle


Imaging electronics Modem

Imaging electronics Network

Camera Camera Computer I/O

Lighting Lighting
Lens Lens Software

Fig. 37.2 Sticky tape part feeder. (Courtesy Pelican Packaging Inc.)

Fig. 37.4 Machine vision system. (Courtesy High-Tech Digital, Inc.)

a) b)

Fig. 37.3 Bowl part feeder. (Courtesy Pelican Packaging Inc.)

Fig. 37.5 Flexible part feeders: (a) Adept technology [7]; (b) Flexfac-
tory [8]
picking identified parts. They are being installed in factories
to guide robots in the acquisition of large heavy parts from
pallets and bins [6].
Predicting the throughput of this type of feeder requires
Vision systems are allowing the development of part feed-
predicting the probability that a part will come to rest in
ers that can separate parts from bulk, inspect the parts for cer-
a desired stable state (will not topple or roll) when it is
tain critical dimensions, and guide a robot or other automatic
separated from the other parts. To accomplish it, a method for
assembly machine to reliably acquire the part.
predicting the distribution of stable states from part geometry
Several such part feeders are shown below (Fig. 37.5).
was developed [9]. Part geometries can be complex, and the
These feeders utilize either conveyors or vibratory plates
distribution of stable states may not be obvious. The part
to separate parts from bulk and advance them under a ma-
illustrated below, from a plastic camera, has 12 stable states,
chine vision system, which then determines if the part is in an
of which 4 are shown. Goldberg et al. developed an algorithm
orientation that can be picked up by the assembly machine.
that could predict the distribution of these 12 stable states
If not, parts are usually recirculated, since it takes a lot of
from a CAD model of the part (Fig. 37.6).
time to pick them up and hand them off to a part reorienting
The ability to simulate feeder throughput from an analysis
mechanism and then regrasp them. These feeders can handle
of part geometry is an example of using modeling and geo-
a wide variety of part sizes and geometries without changing
metric reasoning to help design a flexible assembly system.
the feeder. In fact, this class of feeder is increasingly being
It is desirable to be able to generate both 2D and 3D vision
accepted in applications where parts are changed daily or
recognition algorithms directly from CAD models of parts.
several times a day.
37 Flexible and Precision Assembly 833


Fig. 37.6 Four of 12 stable states for a complex part. (Source: [9])

While this sounds simple for the case of 2D parts, to date, for most very small parts, machine vision is used to refine the
the author is not aware of any commercially available vision position of the part in the gripper after it has been grasped.
systems that offer this capability. Real-world challenges from In order to maintain a stable grasp of a part, the part should
lighting, reflections, shadowing, lens and parallax distortion, be uniquely constrained, with gripper mechanical tolerances
camera and lens geometry, etc. combine to make this a chal- considered. For example, a two-finger gripper with an oppos-
lenging task. The task becomes more challenging when 3D ing V groove in each finger would appear to locate a round
vision is considered. Robust models that consider the above part. However, if the fingers are not perfectly aligned, the
factors need to be developed and extensive algorithm testing part in fact will roll between parallel plates of the opposite
done to ensure reliable real-world vision system performance V grooves. For this example, one V groove opposite a flat
from CAD-generated algorithms. finger would be a better solution.
In summary, recent advances in machine vision are al- In a similar manner, attempting to grasp a prismatic part
lowing large parts to be picked directly from bins and small with two flat fingers is a bad idea. Any slight variation in
parts to be picked from mechanisms that separate them parallelism of the part or fingers will result in a poor grasp
under a camera. More recently, machine learning has been that may not resist acceleration or part mating forces. In this
applied to assist in locating parts for picking them from case three pads to define a plane on one finger and a single
heaps [10, 11]. These advances allow assembly systems to pad to press the part against this plane on the opposing finger
be quickly changed over to new products without designing is a better solution and can handle draft angle on parts, finger
and installing new part feeders. splay, and other tolerances.
These simple examples illustrate the more general con-
cept of planning and achieving stable grasp in multiple di-
mensions – and resisting slip and torque in the dimensions
37.4 Grasping Parts important to the process.
In the popular image of a service robot, the robot performs
In today’s commercial assembly systems, almost 100% of a wide range of menial tasks, perhaps cooking and serving
part grasping is done by either a vacuum cup or a two-finger dinner, cleaning up after the kids, or dusting the shelves.
gripper with custom fingers designed for the particular part to Within the next few years, it is likely machine vision technol-
be grasped. Even for systems with the vision-based flexible ogy will develop to the point where, given explicit models of
part feeders described above, if we change parts, we must objects, a robot could pick up a large variety of objects from
change the part gripper. Part pickup strategies are gener- an unstructured environment. However, this will be possible
ated by explicit manual training or programming. Obstacle only if it can grasp

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