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Everyday English ‘p logues. Match them to the Introductions & Greetings ‘Listen and read the headings. Tony: Excuse me. Are you Sally? Sally: Yes, 1am, Tony: Hi. I'm your new neighbour, Tony, Tony Hay. Sally: Oh, hello, Tony. Nice to meet you. Tony: Nice to meet you, too, Role playing When you act out a dialogue you need to sound natural. Try using gestures and appropriate intonation. 3 Use the useful language below to act out dialogues for the situations (1-3). + Great * Im fine, (thanks), verything? §— | © rmOK How’sit going? | * Not bad Hella! I'm + Sosa B Jane: Hello, Patrick. How are you? Patrick: Hi, Jane. Not bad. And you? Jane: I'm OK. Patrick, this is Lucy. She's my friend from ‘America. 7 Hice to meet you Patrick: Pleased to meet you, Lucy. ae + Hittin Lucy: Pleased to meet you too, Thisis > Hallet I'm Patrick. + Oh him +See you Tater Greetinas/Saying goodbye See you tomorrov 2. Listen to and read Take cae. the exchanges (1-4) Which are greetings? Which are goodbyes? Which dialogue(s) match(es) the You see your friend in the street. Greet him/her, 2 Sally is a new student at your school. Introduce yourself and your friend to her picture? 3 The school day is over. Say goodbye to your friend. 1 A: Bye, Tom. See you | 3 A: Hello, Laura. How arc Pronunciation: /0//3/ 2 Lee you A, listen and tick (V). Then 8: Bye, Peter. See you. B: I'm OK, Helen. And —- 2A: Good morning, Paul you , A: So-so, rer Hows it going? = mother! r 8: Not bad, Mary. And | 4 A: Goodbye, Ted. Have ie LS you? a nice evening. fehanks frenth A: I'm fine, thanks. B: You too, Alex. Goodbye. 13

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