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PASSAGES 1 UNIT 5A - Party talk

1. Who is Pete talking to at the party?

A) Liz Morton

B) Tom Morton

C) Sheryl

D) Meg

2. Why does Pete need to leave the conversation with Liz?

A) He has to apply for a job.

B) His friend is leaving the party.

C) He wants to dance.

D) He has to turn off the radio.

3. What job has Pete applied for?

A) A chef

B) A radio DJ

C) A teaching job overseas

D) A town planner

4. What does Harry prefer not to do?

A) Listen to old-fashioned music

B) Dance

C) Cook

D) Go overseas

5. What does Jim think about the music from back in the day compared to now?

A) It was better back then.

B) It's just different styles.

C) There's no talent today.

D) It's all about the image now.

6. Which type of music has Jim been listening to?

A) Classical

B) Jazz

C) Hip-hop

D) Pop

7. What does Samantha compliment at the event?

A) The dancing

B) The radio music

C) The stuffed grape leaves

D) The hip-hop music

8. Who is known for being a great cook?

A) Pete

B) Jim

C) George

D) Harry

9. Why does Jenny think Lynn married George?

A) Because of his job

B) Because he can cook

C) Because he listens to good music

D) Because he dances well

10. What does Samantha's husband plan to do?

A) Leave the party early

B) Start a cooking class

C) Apply for a job overseas

D) Turn off the radio

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