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桃園高級中等學校 111 學年度第 1 學期 期末考 高一英文科 答案

第一部分:聽力測驗 (每題 1 分,共 10 分)
1-5 D C B C A 6-10 A D A C B
第二部分:字詞與文法選擇 (每題 1 分,共 15 分)
11-15 B A C B D 16-20 A C B A A 21-25 D B C B A
第三部分:克漏字選擇 (每題 1 分,共 22 分)
26-31 C B B A D D 32-37 C B C A A C 38-42 C B C B D 43-47 BDCAC
第四部分:文意選填 (每題 1 分,共 13 分)
48-52 B/E/C/D/A 53-60 AB/AD/E/B/D ; AC/C/A
第五部分:篇章結構 (每題 1.5 分,共 6 分)
61-64 A D C B
第六部分:素養題 (每題 2 分,共 6 分)
65-67 BBC

第六部分:素養題 (每個答案 2 分,共 4 分)
68. (1) perfectionism (2) self-improvement

第七部分:文意字彙 (每題 1 分,共 12 分)

69. helmets 70. protected 71. barely 72. goods
73. strategy 74. visible 75. profitable 76. clever
77. destructive 78. innocence 79. violence 80. contrast

第八部分:翻譯填空 (每題 1 分,共 12 分)

81. (1) light (2) up

82. (1) look (2) forward (3) to

83. (1) within (2) reach

84. (1) on (2) impulse

85. (1) opinion (2) pollutes

86. (1) detailed

Part 1: Picture Questions (2%)
Look at each picture and answer the question.

(D) 1. What is the boy pointing at? (12 Unit 6) #9

(A) A long steam train.
(B) Something flying in the sky.
(C) A group of wild animals.
(D) Something that transports passengers.

(C) 2. What do we know about the woman? (1 Unit 3) #4

(A) She’s jumping into the water.
(B) She’s an animal lover.
(C) She’s sipping her drink.
(D) She’s a talented singer.

Part 2: Best Response Questions (2%)

Listen to the question or statement and choose the best response.

(B) 3. Who is going to organize the party? (12 Unit 8) #13

(A) All students in school can go.
(B) Johnson will plan everything.
(C) You can bring a friend along.
(D) They forgot to invite Mandy.

(C) 4. Physical contact with the animals is not allowed. (12 Unit 11) #17
(A) Yeah. Looking at them may make them angry.
(B) Right. Don’t make loud noises around them.
(C) True. Touching them is against the rules.
(D) Yes. Turn off the flash on your camera.

Part 3: Conversation Questions (3%)

Listen to each conversation and answer the question.

(A) 5. F: I really need some coffee to wake me up. (12 Unit 13) #19
M: Why? Did you stay up late last night?
F: Yeah, working on a problem.
M: So did you find the solution?
Q: What is the man asking the woman?
(A) If she found the answer.
(B) If she can make him a cup of coffee.
(C) If she found the problem.

(D) If she was late to work this morning.

(A) 6. M: Let’s go to Tokyo this weekend. (1 Unit 1) #2

F: It might be hard to find a hotel now.
M: It’s OK. I have a property there.
F: Really? That makes things easier.
Q: What does the man say about Tokyo?
(A) He has a house there.
(B) He will find a hotel.
(C) He can’t go this weekend.
(D) He has never been there before.

(D) 7. M: I heard the boss is going to fire Jenny. (1 Unit 2) #4

F: What? Where did you hear this?
M: Oh, a little bird told me.
F: Come on! Who’s your source?
Q: What does the woman want to know?
(A) Where Jenny is now.
(B) Why the boss got angry.
(C) If Jenny really quit.
(D) Who told the man the news.

Part 4: Short Talk Questions (3%)

Listen to the following paragraphs and answer the questions.

Lady Gaga is an award-winning singer, musician, actress, and fashion icon. She seems to have it all. However,
there has been no shortage of challenges on her path to fame. Born Stefani Germanotta, Lada Gaga wrote her
first song at 13 and started performing music onstage a year later. But in high school she was bullied for her
looks and her dream of becoming a star. After dropping out of college to pursue a career in music, she became
popular among the New York club scene. Her first album was The Fame, and two of the songs from that album,
“Just Dance” and “Poker Face,” rose to number one on the charts. Other songs like “Bad Romance” and
“Telephone” have topped the charts and made Gaga the undoubted Queen of Pop.
(延伸自 12 Unit 2)

(A) 8. What was Lady Gaga’s experience like in high school?

(A) She was treated badly because she wanted to become famous.
(B) She received a lot of support from her peers and teachers.
(C) She was admired for the way she looked.
(D) She was praised for doing great in school.

(C) 9. Why did Lady Gaga drop out of college?

(A) She had already become famous in New York.
(B) She was asked to perform in clubs in New York.
(C) She wanted to focus on her music career.
(D) She could not keep up with her studies.

(B) 10. Which best sums up the main point of the passage?
(A) Lady Gaga’s first album is the best work she has done.
(B) Lady Gaga’s life is a story of struggle and success.
(C) Lady Gaga is a better singer than an actress.
(D) Lady Gaga is more than just a pretty face.

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