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Identification Terms: Know the who/what/when/where/ why it is important for Quizzes and Exams

Chapters 1 and 2
Aztec Iroquois Confederation Maize

Smallpox Three sisters farming Columbian Exchange

Encomienda Mestizos Pope’s Rebellion

Christopher Columbus Reconquista Creoles

Hacienda Repartimiento System Black Legend

Pueblo Revolt Metis Borderland

Patroons Hernan Cortes Jesuits

Matrilineal Conquistadores

Jamestown John Smith John Rolfe

House of Burgesses Spanish Armada Virginia Company

Act of Toleration Anglo-Powhatan Wars Anne Hutchinson

Mayflower Compact Pequot Wars John Winthrop

Roger Williams Anglican Church Roanoke

Headright System Puritans Pilgrims

Half-way Covenant Maryland Act of Toleration Quakers

Massachusetts General Court Pocahontas Indentured Servants

Predestination Tobacco Walter Raleigh

Chapters 3 and 4
Indentured Servants Headright system King Philip’s War

Bacon’s Rebellion Triangular Trade Puritan

Predestination Half-Way Covenant Pennsylvania

Quakers Metacom Mercantilism

Navigation Act Glorious Revolution Salem Witch Trials

Dominion of New England Iroquois Confederation William Penn

Enumerated Goods Blue Laws Nathaniel Bacon

William Berkeley Chesapeake Carolinas

Leisler’s Rebellion Anglican

Salutary Neglect Deism Seven Year’s War

French and Indian War Albany Congress Pontiac’s Rebellion

Proclamation of 1763 Middle Passage 1st Great Awakening

Jonathan Edwards George Whitfield Enlightenment

Georgia Stono Rebellion Zenger Trial

Atlantic Slave Trade Middle Passage Yeoman Farmers

Albany Plan of Union

Chapters 5, 6 and 7
Stamp Act Sons of Liberty Boston Massacre

Samuel Adams Boston Tea Party Coercive Acts

Thomas Jefferson Common Sense Declaration of Independence

George Washington Saratoga Benedict Arnold

Yorktown Treaty of Paris Writs of Assistance

Abigail Adams Republican Motherhood Virtual Representation

Sugar Act “no taxation without representation” Committees of Correspondence

Regulators Crispus Attucks Bunker Hill

Intolerable Acts Continental Congress Lexington and Concord

Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation Hessians Republic

Suffrage Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom The Wealth of Nations

Loyalists Abolition Coverture

The Crisis Samuel Adams James Otis

Thomas Jefferson Olive Branch Petition Patrick Henry

Tea Act Declaratory Act Quebec Act

Phyllis Wheatley Daniel Shays Civil Nationalism

Senate House Constitutional Conventions

Somerset Case African Slave Trade Electoral College

Articles of Confederation Northwest Ordinance Shays’s Rebellion

Constitutional Convention Great Compromise Federalists

Anti-Federalists Bill of Rights Land Ordinance of 1785

Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan Federalism

Three-Fifths Clause Checks and Balances Separation of Powers

The Federalist Papers Treaty of Greenville Alexander Hamilton

John Jay James Madison Gradual Emancipation

Annuity Notes on the State of Virginia Letters from an American Farmer

Chapters 8 and 9
Hamilton’s Financial Plan Bank of the United States Republicans

French Revolution Jay’s Treaty Whiskey Rebellion

Pinckney’s Treaty Washington’s Farewell Address XYZ Affair

Alien and Sedition Acts Kentucky and Virginia Revolution Bank of the United States

Federalists Revolution of 1800 Haitian Revolution

Gabriel’s Rebellion Lewis and Clark Aaron Burr

John Marshall Judicial Review 12th Amendment

Democratic-Republicans Quasi War

Marybury v. Madison John Marshall Barbary Pirates

Louisiana Purchase Impressment Embargo of 1807

War of 1812 Tecumseh Andrew Jackson

New Orleans Treaty of Ghent Hartford Convention

Erie Canal Samuel Morse Eli Whitney

Lowell System Cult of Domesticity Irish Immigrants

Nativism 2nd Great Awakening Mormons

Burned over District Transcendentalists Cult of Domesticity

Steamboats Cotton Kingdom Mill Girls

Gibbons v Ogden Commonwealth v Hunt Manifest Destiny

Individualism Family Wage Samuel Slater

John Deere Thoreau John Jacob Astor

Brigham Young Factory System Roger Taney

Emerson Market Revolution Charles Finney

Cyrus McCormick Robert Fulton

Chapters 10 and 11
Era of Good Feelings Clay’s American System Adams-Onis Treaty

Missouri Compromise McCulloch v. Maryland Gibbons v. Ogden

Monroe Doctrine Corrupt Bargain Peggy Eaton

Spoils System Whig Party Nullification

John Calhoun Force Bill Trail of Tears

Worcester v. Georgia Nicholas Biddle Pet Banks

Franchise Tariff of 1816 Panic of 1819

Tariff of Abomination N.C. Exposition and Protest Webster-Hayne Debate

Nullification Crisis Indian Removal Act Bank War

Soft Money Hard Money Panic of 1837

Specie Circular Andrew Jackson Henry Clay

Compromise of 1820 William Henry Harrison Election of 1824

Martin Van Buren Election of 1840 Daniel Webster

John Tyler Tippecanoe and Tyler Too Log Cabin and Hard Cider

Era of Good Feelings Upper South Lower South

Harriett Beecher Stowe Plantation Denmark Vesey

Nat Turner Gag Resolution Peculiar Institution

Antebellum “Cotton is King” Fugitive Slave Act

Underground Railroad Harriet Tubman the Amistad

Mason-Dixon Line George Fitzhugh Solomon Northup

Israel Hill Frederick Douglas John Q. Adams

Chapters 12 and 13
Temperance Nathanial Hawthorne Shakers

Horace Mann Dorothea Dix Utopian Communities

William Lloyd Garrison Frederick Douglas Harriet Tubman

Oneidas Brook Farm New Harmony

Perfectionism Common School American Colonization Soc.

Moral Suasion Uncle Tom’s Cabin Gag Rule

Woman’s Suffrage Feminism Liberty Party

Lucretia Mott Sojourner Truth Ann Lee

Liberia Declaration of Sentiments Horace Mann

The Liberator Seneca Falls Grimke Sisters

John Noyes Burned Over District Asylums

Manifest Destiny Texas Independence James Polk

Oregon Mexican-American War Spot Resolution

Bear Flag Republic Zachary Taylor Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

Wilmot Proviso Popular Sovereignty California Gold Rush

Compromise of 1850 Stephen Douglas Kansas-Nebraska Act

John Brown Charles Sumner Dred Scott v. Sandford

Panic of 1857 Freeport Doctrine Election of 1860

Gadsden Purchase Millard Fillmore Matthew Perry

Free Soil Party Fugitive Slave Act Popular Sovereignty

Know-Nothing Party Nativists “Bleeding Kansas”

Lincoln-Douglas Debate Harper’s Ferry Fort Sumter

Compromise of 1850 Roger Taney Election of 1844

Manifest Destiny Preston Brooks William Walker

Secession Panic of 1853 Election of 1840

Ostend Manifesto Henry Clay

Chapters 14 and 15
Jefferson Davis Robert E. Lee Ulysses S. Grant

Anaconda Plan Trent Affair Emancipation Proclamation

13th Amendment Clara Barton Radical Republicans

Vicksburg Gettysburg Sherman’s March

Bull Run Antietam Homestead Act

Sea Island Experiment 10% Plan of Reconstruction Wade-Davis Bill

Appomattox Courthouse Greenbacks 54th Massachusetts

Clement Vallandigham Copperheads War Bonds

Anaconda Plan American Women’s Suffrage Association Lucretia Mott

Freedman’s Bureau Andrew Johnson Black Codes

14th Amendment 15th Amendment Carpetbaggers

Credit Mobilier Scandal Compromise of 1877 Sharecroppers

Redeemers Radical Republicans Crop Lein

Civil Rights Bill of 1866 Reconstruction Act (Radical) Tenure of Office Act

Impeachment Scalawags Ku Klux Klan

Enforcement Acts Civil Rights Act of 1875 Credit Mobilier

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