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History – Quarter Test Study Guide

These are the possible terms/concepts that will be on your test finals week. You may write as many notes as you can fit
on a 3x5” note card that will be provided to you by me. You may use the front and back of the note card I gave you
ONLY. Any deviation from this will result in a “0” F on your test. You will receive 10 points extra credit for filling
both sides up completely. Your test will be worth 100 points (50 questions – 2 points each)

Puritans Colonization Tanios Columbian Exchange

Triangular Trade Bacons Rebellion Pequot War Roanoke

Plymouth Salem Jamestown Middle Passage

Indentured Servant London Company Joint Stock Companies

Stamp Act Common Sense First Continental Congress

Proclamation of 1763 Writs of Assistance Concord Yorktown

Albany Plan of Union Executive Branch Legislative Branch War of 1812

Judicial Branch 10th Amendment French and Indian War Minutemen

Reserved Powers Delegated Powers Federalists Anti-federalists

Republic Bill of Rights Articles of Confederation Saratoga

Intolerable Acts Constitutional Convention Great Compromise

Checks and Balances Declaration of Independence Iroquois League

Boston Massacre Seven Years War Treaty of Paris James Madison

John Adams Thomas Jefferson Alexander Hamilton King George III

Judiciary Act of 1789 Judiciary Act of 1801 Bank of the United States

Cabinet Strict Construction Loose construction Whiskey Rebellion Battle of New Orleans

Two-Party System Democratic-Republicans Neutrality Proclamation

Jays Treaty Pinckney’s Treaty Alien and Sedition Acts Embargo Act

Impressment Virginia and Kentucky Resolution Lewis and Clark Expedition

Louisiana Purchase Judicial Review Embargo Act Treaty of Ghent

Outcome of the French and Indian War (Seven Years War) for the following nations: Spain, France, Brittan

Main crops of Export in the British Colonies (corn, tobacco)

Conditions of the Triangular Trade (Europe, Africa, Americas and Slave trade)

Formation and differences of the two-party system in early American Politics.

Be able to locate the following on a map:

Mississippi River Louisiana Purchase Appalachian Mts. Ohio River Boston Philadelphia

New Orleans Baltimore Washington D.C. New York City Massachusetts

Virginia Ohio Route taken by Louis and Clark

Second Great Awakening Reform Era Horace Mann Manifest Destiny Entrepreneur

Temperance Movement Dorthea Dix Transcendentalist Movement Santa Fe Trail

Henry David Thoreau Utopian Movement Great Irish Famine Oregon Trail

Push-pull model of immigration Nativism tenements Mormon Trail James K. Polk

Wage earners urban working class labor movement gold rush California Trail

Martin Van Buren cult of domesticity reform societies Butterfield Trail Pony Express

Seneca Falls convention Elizabeth Cady Stanton Lucretia Mott Stephen F. Austin Alamo

Free blacks Nat Turner Underground Railroad Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

Harriet Tubman Abolition Movement William Lloyd Garrison Texas Revolution Sam Houston

Frederick Douglass Republic of Texas John Tyler Zachary Taylor Mexican-American War

Stephen Kearny Republic of California Bear Flag Revolt Winfield Scott Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Mexican Cession Battle of Antietam Battle of Spotsylvania Battle of the Wilderness

Battle of Chancellorsville Battle of Atlanta Popular Sovereignty Emancipation Proclamation

habeas corpus Battle of Gettysburg Pickets Charge First Battle of Bull Run General Lee

Jefferson Davis James K. Polk Thirteenth Amendment Embargo George McClellan

Battle of Shiloh Kansas-Nebraska Act free-soilers Republican Party nativism

Compromise of 1850 radical Fugitive Slave Act Bleeding Kansas John Brown Ulysses S. Grant

Pottawatomie Massacre Abraham Lincoln Lincoln-Douglas debates Freeport Doctrine ironclads

Confederate States of America Martial Law Anaconda Plan boarder states Stonewall Jackson

Infantry Calvary casualties freedmen conscription emancipation William Tecumseh Sherman

Sacramento Trail Mormon Trail Oregon Trail Santa Fe Trail California Trail Butterfield Trail

Be able to locate the following on a map:

Missouri Compromise Line Confederate States of America Union States

New Mexico Territory Oregon Trail Mexican Cession

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