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Honorable chair, fellow delegates, and valued guests;

Signed in Strasbourg, France, the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to
Automatic Processing of Personal Data was officially established by the Council of Europe.
This convention was pronounced the first to establish direct rules and boundaries on the idea of
privacy and digital freedom. The implementation of protective rules against the sabotaging of
personal data and national data that may alter decisions and ideas rules as a fundamental law in
the constitution of any nation, including that of France. The French Republic defends the rights
of the personal privacy of each and every citizen of its territory, while holding individuals who
go against such boundaries accountable. The French Republic supports the privacy of all
citizens and will continue to discourage excessive social media use by prohibiting it in places
where it should not be, such as schools, where education may be harmed by the use of
unnecessary media platforms. We invite all nations present to join with France in the protection
of privacy, media usage, and the regulation of privacy violations committed with terrorist or
violent intentions.


Honorable Chair, Esteemed delegates. The delegate of the French Republic is delighted to be
part of the human rights conference on the rights to education in rural areas.

The French educational system is marked by an increasing access to education, from the old
regime to the present day. As recalled by Gauthier and LOWGENBOWL (2012), “education in
rural areas is, like its entire environment, marked by the extent, sometimes long distances,
remoteness of urban central areas, decision-making and funding bodies.”. The fight for decent
rural education in France is not motivated by a lack of determination on the part of the country,
but rather by the harsh rural conditions. The French Republic believes in universal educational
access for all, and in order to bring such expectations to their actual levels, much work is needed.
We have aided said cause by Ensuring continued access to learning and smooth educational
pathways, Collecting, disseminating and improving the use of information about students, and
Harnessing wider support and engagement at local and central level. The French Republic seeks
the attention of all nations present, pushing them to emphasise the importance of general
education, which includes rural education. Thank you.

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