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[31/03 2:15 PM] RINALYN AYHON


                  Write a concept paper about the different global corporations. Write or print in A4 size
coupon. Choose you group member compose of 6 member in each group.
                   The following are the content of your concept paper.

 background of the corporation/ History

 Attributes,
 Related issues,
 Development

Coca-Cola was founded in 1886 in Atlanta by a pharmacist, John S. Pemberton (1831–88), at his
Pemberton Chemical Company. The term "coca cola" was given by Pembertons’ bookkeeper, Frank
Robinson. Pemerton's main ingredients in his drink are cocaine from the coca leaf and caffeine rich
kola nuts; the cocaine was removed as an ingredient in 1903. In 1892, Coca-Cola became an
American corporation, and it is today primarily engaged in the manufacture and sale of syrup and
concentrate for Coca-Cola, a sweetened carbonated beverage. The company also produces and sells
other soft drinks and citrus beverages. Mr. Pemberton then sold his syrup to local soda fountains,
and, with advertising, the drink became phenomenally successful. Furthermore, in 1899, Coca-Cola
signed the first agreement to become an independent bottling company. By 1891, another Atlanta
pharmacist, Asa Griggs Candler (1851–1929), had secured complete ownership of the business, and
the company continued to grow and have more sales. With more than 2,800 products available in
more than 200 countries, they are considered the largest manufacturer and distributor around the
world. In the early 2000s.

COCA-COLA ATTRIBUTES In terms of the beverage sector, the Coca-Cola Company's distribution
system is unquestionably among the greatest in the world. One cannot overstate how important its
growth strategy and market emphasis are. Despite the fact that there are other beverage brands in the
market, the Coca-Cola name still stands out and has achieved great success in the market. What are
the elements that led to its success, then? While achieving brand success may appear simple, doing
so requires constant growth and success. These are the key attributes that helped Coca-Cola maintain
its prominent position in the beverage industry. According to Victor Elendu (2022), there are five
attributes that helped sustain the growth of iconic brand—Coca-Cola. The first in the list is its vision.
The vision statement of The Coca-Cola Company has a significant impact on the company's
requirements for attaining the sustainability of a qualitative growth strategy. But basic growth drivers
are at the core of its vision. They consist of: People, Partners, Portfolio, Profit, Planet, and
Productivity. The company has been producing cutting-edge, notable, interesting, and distinctive
marketing campaigns for more than 130 years. The brand identity of Coca-Cola has solidified its
position in the minds and hearts of consumers at all levels and across generations. Second is wariness
of changes. As we all know, change is a universal constant. Big changes that are expected to happen
seem to terrify marketers and brand owners in general. There will always be concern that these
adjustments may lead to a declining return. It is crucial to be cautious about changes because the
choices made during such changes have the power to elevate or degrade the brand.Knowing that
mistakes were made in the past that occasionally hampered the company's expansion may come as a
shock given the outstanding success the Coca-Cola brand has so far had. The corporation had to
endure a horrible shift in branding and drink flavor compared to its competitors in order to
effectively meet client demands. As a result, when considering rebranding or restructuring, careful
consideration is advised. Coca-Cola subscribed to this aspect, which undoubtedly contributed to the
company's continued success. The third one is maximizing the brand's power. Because the strength of
its brand has been maximized, the Coca-Cola company's growth continues to thrive over time.
Instead of focusing on the company's products, they were able to concentrate on creating a brand.
Due to their "my product, my pride" mentality, the majority of brands in the modern business world
are still very fragile and on the point of collapse. Your product or service is futile without a strong
brand. The Coca-Cola company has been successful in shifting consumer attention away from its
product and onto its brand, idea, and experience. Fourth is the consistency. Everyone will surely
agree that the Coca-Cola company maintains consistency in all aspects of its operations. Regardless
of how many clients they have acquired, they continue to raise awareness and develop innovative
marketing strategies to draw in both current and potential customers. With the launch of a new brand
logo and product package, they continue to uphold their mission of bringing joy and refreshing life to
those who taste it. The last one is value. Coca-Cola's ability to hold true on its values as a brand has
contributed to its capacity to sustain growth. Since its inception, it has been supported by optimistic
thoughts and a resolve to produce the bright intended outcome. Coca-Cola remains a timeless brand.
Moreover, according to Coca-Cola company, themselves, "The Coca-Cola brand represents qualities
such as caring, sharing, connecting, integrity and excellence. Our culture mirrors those attributes. To
put it simply: we are the brand." In addition, when it comes to brand attributes (collection of
distinctive fundamentals and characteristics that distinguish the physical, character, and personality
traits of the brand in the marketplace and in the minds of the consumers), the top three positive
attributes associated with the coca cola brand are bubbly, cosmopolitan and palatable. The top three
negative attributes associated with the coca cola brand are overpriced, wimpy and deceptive (H.
Roth, 2021). References:

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