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Zamfara Journal of Politics and Development | Vol. 3 No.

3 | December 2022



Salisu Salisu Shuaibu, Zuhra Aminu Yar Gaya & Ummusalama Yusha’u Shu’aibu
Kano State College of Education and Preliminary Studies (KASCEPS)

Abstract Key words: Climate Change, Paris

The study is designed to examine the impact Agreement, Climate Change Policy,
of Nigeria’s participation in Paris agreement National environmental Policy.
towards climate change, which has become
global in both its cause and effect and poses Introduction
the most complex global policy problem.
The weight of scientific evidence indicates
Climate change is defined as some
observable variations in the climate system that human-induced global climate change is
that is attributable to human activities. This occurring and is having biophysical, social,
study uses secondary sources obtained from economic and political impacts at local,
government agencies and data submitted by national, regional and global scales. It is
Nigeria to the United Nations framework likely to become more severe over the
convention on climate change (UNFCCC), coming decades. Like many developing
intergovernmental panel on climate change
countries, climate change has become a
(IPCC), academic researches and recent
submission on adaptation and mitigation as major threat to the attainment of sustainable
part of Nigeria’s nationally determined human development in Nigeria. Climate
contribution (NDC) to examine the impact of change is global in both its cause and effect
Nigeria participation in the Paris agreement. dimensions. As climate change is really a
The research adopted liberalism as it collective action problem, there is a built-in
theoretical framework due to it assumption compulsion for addressing the root causes
that nations benefits from cooperation in an
atmosphere of peace and harmony. It uses through international cooperation.
evidence based facts; to discover that Nigeria
The complexity in understanding the
will truly benefits from Paris agreement in
achieving a low-carbon economy, increased international political economy of climate
agricultural productivity, which will help change is reflected in its temporal, spatial and
Nigeria to join a next wave of global climate conceptual dimensions. It is a stock rather
actions. Recommendations were made which than a flow pollution problem. Historical
include: Strengthening national capacity at emissions from industrial countries are
the Federal, State and Local Government mixing with today’s rapidly growing
levels to plan and respond effectively to
emissions from the developing countries. The
climate change policies.
impacts will manifest themselves fully in the
decades to come, and future generations are

Zamfara Journal of Politics and Development | Vol. 3 No. 3 | December 2022

likely to suffer the most; yet scientists already significant commitments to address climate
attribute the trend of increased magnitude, change. Countries responsible for 97 percent
frequency and severity of climate disasters of of global emissions have already pledged
recent years to climate change (IPCC 2012). their Nationally Determined Contributions
The main creators of the problem are the rich (NDCs) for how they will address climate
industrial countries, which are likely to suffer change. Countries will revisit their current
less; while the poor, such as Nigeria with the pledges by 2020 and, ideally, strengthen their
least contribution to the problem, will suffer emissions reduction targets for 2030. The
the most. The phenomenon of climate change Paris Agreement includes a stronger
is staring everyone in the face, and actions to transparency and accountability system for
handle its impacts have become far more all countries—requiring reporting on
critical than before. It is thus becoming an greenhouse gas inventories and projections
issue of grave significance. It is as described that are subject to a technical expert review
by the United Nations General Secretary “a and a multilateral examination. Countries
clear and present danger.” The United will continue to provide climate finance to
Nations Framework Convention on Climate help the most vulnerable adapt to climate
Change (UNFCCC) recognizes adaptation as change and build low-carbon economies.
a critical option that countries should pursue While the Paris Agreement does not “solve”
to reduce the impacts of the change. At its climate change, it allows us to start the next
17th session, the Conference of the Parties wave of global climate actions, creating a
(COP) to the Convention acknowledged that virtuous cycle for more aggressive action in
national adaptation planning can enable all the decades to come (OECD 2015).
developing countries to assess their
vulnerabilities, mainstream climate change In Paris on December 12, 2015, countries
risks, and address their adaptation needs. adopted an international agreement to
address climate change that requires deeper
emissions reduction commitments from all
countries—developed and developing.
Therefore, the central aim and focus of the Countries responsible for 97 percent of
study is to expand research on climate change global emissions submitted their climate
policies, particularly international agreement commitments prior to the conference. These
dimensions, which has not been covered commitments have been enshrined in over
particularly with reference to Paris 160 countries with domestic ratification,
agreement; and how such signatories into acceptance, or approval. The agreement
such agreements will benefits Nigeria in contains provisions to hold countries
particular. accountable to their commitments and
Internationalization of Climate Change mobilize greater investments to assist
through Paris Agreement developing countries in building low-carbon,
climate resilient economies. Encouragingly,
The Paris Agreement requires all countries— businesses, investors, states, provinces,
developed and developing—to make cities, financial institutions, and others have

Zamfara Journal of Politics and Development | Vol. 3 No. 3 | December 2022

also pledged actions to help governments greenhouse gas intensity targets). The 192
implement the agreement and even exceed countries responsible for more than 97
their commitments. (UNFCCC 2015). percent of the world’s climate pollution have
announced specific reduction plans also
The Key Elements of Paris Agreement known as Nationally Determined
The agreement in Paris was built on the Contributions (NDCs) The Paris Agreement
foundations of the United Nations entered into force on November 4, 2016, one
Framework Convention on Climate Change month after 55 parties representing 55
(UNFCCC) and the Copenhagen and Cancun percent of global emissions joined. To date,
Agreements. This new agreement has set 160 parties have formally joined the
countries’ minimum obligations, Agreement (UNFCCC 2015).
implemented mechanisms to spur additional
Assessing the Agreement Drive for
action in developing countries, supported the
Improved actions in the Years to come
most vulnerable countries in addressing
climate change, and established systems to Countries will need to re-visit their current
hold countries to their commitments. The pledges by 2020 and, ideally, strengthen their
Paris Agreement will be strengthened over 2030 targets because they discovered that
time using its solid framework (UNFCCC they can achieve more aggressive action than
2015). they envisioned at this moment. This will
start a process in which countries outline their
New Emission Reduction Target for Paris
next set of commitments every five years—
Agreement Signatories
setting a framework for continuously
Countries responsible for more than 80 ratcheting down emissions over time toward
percent of global greenhouse gas emissions a long-term target of emissions neutrality.
made specific commitments to reduce their Beginning in 2018 and every five years
emissions by 2020 as a part of the thereafter, countries will have a chance to
Copenhagen and Cancun agreements. The take stock of the aggregate effort of all
Paris Agreement includes commitments that national pledges to determine whether the
go beyond 2020, reflecting a greater level of world is on a path to keep the global average
ambition than in the previous commitments. temperature to well under a 2 degrees Celsius
Countries’ emissions reduction commitments rise from pre-industrial levels. This is one of
reflect their different levels of development the most critical outcomes of the Paris
and capabilities. For example, the United Agreement—a solid process for reassessing
States and European Union have committed and deepening emissions reduction
to economy-wide emissions reduction targets commitments every five years s (UNFCCC
(e.g., cuts below 2005 levels), whereas 2015).
developing countries and emerging
economies have committed to targets that
reflect their level of development and historic
contribution to climate change (e.g.,

Zamfara Journal of Politics and Development | Vol. 3 No. 3 | December 2022

The Process of Tracking Level of Process agreed to help mobilize $100 billion by 2020
and Commitment of Members through public and private financing to assist
developing countries in reducing emissions
The Paris Agreement includes a stronger and adapting to climate change. These
transparency and accountability system that investments help spur additional global
holds governments accountable to their action on climate change and help countries
commitments. The new transparency regime address its devastating impacts.
is legally binding, and applies to all countries.
Countries must report their greenhouse gas The Paris Agreement further catalyzes action
inventories and progress towards their and implementation over time, as developed
emissions reduction targets every two years. countries have agreed to continue the existing
The reports will also require reporting on collective mobilization commitment on
adaptation and will provide assistance to finance ($100 billion annually), through
developing countries that need help to 2025. And prior to 2025, developed countries
improve their reporting. These national level would set a new collective quantified goal of
reports will be subject to an independent mobilizing at least $100 billion for climate
“technical expert review.” Countries will finance. Other countries are encouraged to
then be subject to a “multilateral also help mobilize finance. To provide
examination” to consider progress toward predictability on climate finance, developed
their targets. These strengthened tools will countries will communicate every two years
shine a spotlight on whether countries are on projected levels of public climate finance
following through with their commitments as for developing countries, while developing
we will have publicly available and regular countries will report on climate finance on a
opportunities to track progress. These voluntary basis. Regular updates send a
transparency and accountability tools will be signal for where low-carbon investments can
aided by the powerful domestic motivation to be made, and the resources available to help
follow through on their new commitments, the most vulnerable communities adapt to
since countries have realized that acting on climate change (Environmental Resources
climate change is in their own national Management, 2017).
interest (Henson, 2014).
Assessing the Prospects and the Possibility
Assistance to Developing Countries of Achieving Climate Change through
towards Adapting to Climate Change Paris Agreement

In Copenhagen, countries agreed to establish Since the 2009 Copenhagen Accord, nations
the multilateral Green Climate Fund (GCF) have rolled up their sleeves and implemented
to help mobilize funding in developing domestic actions to move toward low-carbon
countries to reduce emissions and adapt to the economies, including renewable energy
impacts of climate change. Nearly $11 billion targets, cap-and-trade programs, and sector-
has been pledged to the GCF from 31 specific policies. For example, more than 160
countries, including a $3 billion pledge from countries now have renewable energy targets
the United States. In addition, countries and policies. China has just announced a new

Zamfara Journal of Politics and Development | Vol. 3 No. 3 | December 2022

set of domestic actions including plans for a it. It will spur countries to undertake even
national cap-and-trade program, and climate deeper cuts before 2030 and mobilize
policies have been adopted in the vast resources to help countries implement even
majority of the world’s major economies. stronger domestic reforms. Aggressive
Countries have realized that it is in their own climate targets are still within reach if
interest to cut their carbon pollution. They countries enact a virtuous cycle of ever more
have concluded that, far from destroying the aggressive climate action as outlined in the
economy, domestic climate action produces Paris Agreement. Now that we have the first
real benefits for their citizens, including new global climate agreement with commitments
jobs, reduced poverty, and lower mortality from all countries, it is time to roll up our
rates. And as natural disasters increase in sleeves to ensure future cycles of climate
frequency and intensity, they have seen that commitments can become more and more
not addressing climate change has real and ambitious over time.
lasting consequences.
Climate Change
While the Paris Agreement may not eradicate
climate change challenges, it puts us much Climate change refers to any change in
closer to a safer trajectory and highlights the climate over time, whether due to natural
path forward, Before the Copenhagen variability or as a result of human activity and
Accord, we were potentially headed for an is widely recognized as the most serious
increase in global average temperatures of 5 environmental threat facing our planet today.
degrees Celsius (9 degrees Fahrenheit) above According to IPCC (2007), the changes in
pre-industrial levels by 2100. The climate are attributed directly or indirectly to
commitments from the Copenhagen Accord human activities and alter the composition of
were estimated to bring this temperature the global atmosphere over comparable time
increase down to 3.6 degrees Celsius (6.5 periods. These changes occur due to
degrees Fahrenheit). The commitments variations in different climate parameters
submitted in advance of the Paris climate such as cloud cover, precipitation,
summit put us on a path to a 2.7 degrees temperature and vapor pressure, etc (Federal
Celsius (4.9 degrees Fahrenheit) temperature Ministry of Environment, 2003).
rise by the end of the century, closer to the 2 Although there are still debates among
degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) goal scholars with regard to whether climate
UNFCCC 2015). change is induced by anthropogenic activities
The Paris Agreement will now allow us to or is as a result of natural climate variability,
start the next wave of global climate actions. the balance of scientific opinion is that
This agreement ensures that the national changes in the composition of the atmosphere
pledges are the floor—not the ceiling— of are attributed to human activities that lead to
ambition. It will have five-year reviews under global warming (IPCC, 2001; 2007; 2014).
a single global transparency system with However, the IPCC report (2014) argues that
flexibility for developing countries that need the total anthropogenic GHG emissions have

Zamfara Journal of Politics and Development | Vol. 3 No. 3 | December 2022

continued to increase from 1970 to 2010, these lines, some argue that without funding
with the highest amount noted between 2000 for adaptation, which is in an article of Paris
and 2010. The report further notes that the agreement, many vulnerable developing
release of CO2 into the atmosphere from the countries might not remain viable partners in
burning of fossil fuels and industrial trade and investment. Further, climate-
activities contributed about 78% of the total induced migration may engender conflicts
GHG emissions from 1970 to 2010, with a within and across regions. With this
similar increase from the period 2000 to 2010 understanding, adaptation funding is viewed
(IPCC; 2001pp 640; 2007 pp 639). The rising as inducing developing countries to go for
temperatures heat the land mass and the mitigation (OECD, 2015). Self-interest
surrounding oceans, causing increases in dictates that industrial countries should
surface temperatures and changes in provide funding for adaptation.
precipitation, which are important drivers of
global climate change. Whilst the trends and This theory is relevant to this study in view
patterns of climate change projections are of the voluntary nature and spirit of
generally consistent, they are subject to international cooperation to tackle Climate
varying degrees of uncertainty due to change challenges which led to Paris
limitations in measurements and knowledge agreement declaration. Because liberal
of the interactivity between earth systems theorists are optimistic about ability of
(Adesina et al. 2010). diplomacy in solving problems, It
accentuates mutual benefits and international
Methodology cooperation and role of international
organizations and nongovernmental actors
This research design is documentary type. for shaping state preferences and policy
The design and nature or type of this Study choices such as the one formulated by
will be conducted through the use of official nations, like Paris agreement which is focus
documents from relevant areas of the study as of this study hence this theory is relevant base
the source of information. Furthermore, the on it prepositions as outlined under the
research will relied on secondary data to be theory. The theory is relevant as its capable
generated from relevant sources such as of explaining and understanding global
journals, reports, empirical studies, and climate change politics, particularly given its
relevant reports from Federal ministries, assumptions about which domestic
departments and agencies on climate change, institutions, interests and practices are key
and some relevant international agencies with issues of international relations that attracts
focus on global climate change. global interest in key environmental and
Theoretical Framework climate change policies such as Paris
agreement that notably and increasingly
This paper adopts liberalism as it theoretical focused on attempts to influence domestic
framework in this study. The theory argue practices, policies and policy-making
that nations benefit from cooperation in an processes in what is referred as nationally
atmosphere of peace and harmony. Along

Zamfara Journal of Politics and Development | Vol. 3 No. 3 | December 2022

determined contribution (NDC) in the Paris process of global economies to low carbon
agreement. development Pathways.

The impact of Nigeria participation in The President said the Summit would prove
Paris Agreement for Climate Change beneficial and instrumental in galvanizing
Policy high-level political support for the
implementation of the Paris Agreement and it
the benefits of Nigeria’s participation in the is as well as inviting more countries and
Paris agreement it has been observed in that stakeholders to take more climate-oriented
regards as expressed by President responsibilities. President Buhari told world
Muhammadu Buhari, on January 2021 to the leaders that Nigeria was one of the most
international community of Nigeria’s vulnerable nations, and it had started
preparedness to galvanize relevant undertaking major environmentally sound
stakeholders for climate action, and readiness and climate-friendly programs while treading
to support regional, continental and global the path of sustainability.
multilateral processes for the attainment of
the objectives of the Paris Agreement. He said, “We are expeditiously implementing
Speaking at a Virtual Leaders Summit on programmes that stimulate gradual transition
Climate change, the President said the fight away from the use of wood stoves to
to redress the impact was the responsibility of kerosene, Liquefied Natural Gas, biogas, and
all countries and stakeholders, congratulating electricity. The immediate effects include
President Joe Biden of the United States who healthy competition among private sector
organized the virtual submit for renewed players leading to higher productivity,
interest in the Paris Agreement (Federal employment, and faster service delivery. In
Republic of Nigeria, 2021). the Agriculture production and supply chain
sector, we are targeting improved efficiency
It has also been realized concerning the and productivity through the provision of
benefits of Nigeria participation as evident accurate and timely weather forecasting to
not only in the above assertion and farmers, supply of drought tolerant and early
commitment by the president bounding maturing crop varieties, and promoting
Nigeria to the agreement but due to fact that empowerment towards the diversification of
the issue of Climate Change has taken the sources of livelihoods.
front burner globally, as its effects can be
seen and felt all around us; ranging from Beyond ending gas flaring by 2030, the oil
increased atmospheric temperature to and gas sector has undertaken steps for
irregular rainfall patterns as well as sea-level diversification; risk management system;
rise owing to the melting of glacial ice. In the insurance hedging; research and
face of these challenges, the president development and emergency/crisis planning.
believed In addition to bringing about “The President further said that the overall
abundant green economic opportunities to the outcome of the highlighted actions had
Nigerian economy, the Paris agreement will translated into food supply livelihoods,
further complements the larger transition reduced poverty, decreased vulnerability to

Zamfara Journal of Politics and Development | Vol. 3 No. 3 | December 2022

health challenges, and higher quality of life. stagnation; low-carbon sectors have been
He said, “Nigeria will benefits from this shown to grow faster than the wider
Circular Economy and Sustainable economy. Financing these efforts will be a
Production and Consumption models in order challenge but there are many climate funds
to expedite the attainment of the long-term dedicated to pursuing mitigation and
goals of the Paris Agreement.” adaptation in developing countries that were
established under the Kyoto Protocol and
Climate action has suffered from the myopia Paris Agreement. Designing policies and
of political leadership globally, and Nigeria projects that satisfy the eligibility criteria for
is no exception. Security, health and these funds will provide access to much-
governance challenges are viewed as more needed financing.
imminent and having more potential for
devastation. However, the above has outlined According to Oduwu (2017, many of the
that while climate change effects are gradual; Nigeria &#39) commitments are conditional
the impacts of climate change will be more upon receiving adequate financial, technical
widespread and will have detrimental and capacity building support from other
socioeconomic and health consequences. signatories, but the Paris Agreement will also
provide opportunities for Nigeria to harness
Underpinning the effective implementation its huge resource potential to achieve the
of the solutions discussed is the collection targets of the Sustainable Development
and use of good quality data. Accurate Goals. Addressing climate change in Nigeria
population data and reliable forecasts are in line with nationally determined
critical to understanding how the energy contributions, will create significant market
infrastructure should be developed. opportunities on the continent, especially for
Developing a sector-by-sector inventory of the private sector and institutional investors.
the GHG emitters is necessary for reliable It will also assist in direct benefits which are
carbon accounting. A better understanding of refers to avoided climate change impacts, in
site-specific solar insolation and winds both monetary and physical terms, from
speeds will aid the selection of optimal sites climate change mitigation and adaptation
for renewable energy projects. Field trials on action. According to OECD 2015 reports,
crop production in local ecosystems will with an abundance of solar, wind, and
highlight the crops that are most vulnerable geothermal resources,
to the changing climate and identify areas of
research focus. Nigeria already have a comparative
advantage in renewables. The falling costs of
Together, these developments can be the green technologies provide a propitious
foundation of technological and policy moment to be on the delivery end of the new
innovation that can realize low-carbon energy revolution. Beyond the energy sector,
growth in Nigeria. The sectors that will be food and land use systems—including the
developed as a result (renewable energy, agriculture and
waste management, and research) will help to
alleviate unemployment and economic

Zamfara Journal of Politics and Development | Vol. 3 No. 3 | December 2022

forestry sectors—are integral to Nigeria’s possible to promote and actualize the

economy, accounting for 70 percent of strategies for limiting and adapting to the
livelihoods and almost one-quarter of the impacts of climate change in Nigeria and
country's GDP. In fact, new business globally provided cost-effective and
opportunities in sustainable food and land use sustainable collaboration between
systems could deliver $3billion annually to governments, development partners and
the country. These opportunities, stakeholders which can be assured for
mitigating the consequences of incessant
which includes forest ecosystem services and climate change on the environment and the
restoration of degraded land, and increased livelihoods of all.
agricultural yields, enhanced supply chain
efficiency, improvements and enhanced
5.4 Recommendation
capacity. Technical and financial support to
Nigeria could help Nigeria also to benefits
This study points to the fact that Nigeria
needs to adopt a more comprehensive and
enhancing farmers’ resilience, water coordinated approach to the issues of climate
availability, and livelihoods. Such change within its national development
sustainable food and context than what currently obtains in order
to achieve its goal and objectives of joining
land use approaches can deliver multiple co- Paris agreement. The following
benefits, from reducing rural poverty, to recommendations are suggested:

food security and improving population

health, to protecting and regenerating natural
1. Finalizing a National Climate Change
Policy and Response Strategy for the
2. Finalizing and launching the National
Strategic Climate Change Trust Fund;
3. Significant national efforts are
Climate change is an adverse environmental needed to ensure that climate change
phenomenon that is causing enormous concerns are properly integrated into
concern all over the world. It refers to some the country’s development plan
anomalies in the climate system that is a which currently constitutes the
result of human activities. Nigeria is facing country’s blueprint for sustainable
enormous Climate change which propelled it rapid socio-economic development.
to join international community to participate 4. Commissioning an extensive study
in Paris agreement. It is expected that the for an up-to-date GHHG emission
Paris agreements will be milestone as it is

Zamfara Journal of Politics and Development | Vol. 3 No. 3 | December 2022

profile, projection and mitigation Adesina, F.A., T. Odekunle, M. Balarabe, A.

strategies; Dami, L. Bulus, M. Ambio & N.
5. Undertaking detailed costing of Gworgor, (2010). An Assessment of
Vulnerability, Impact and Adaptation
adaptation initiatives for planning
to Climate Change in Nigeria –
purposes; Report prepared for the Second
6. Developing and implementing a well- National Communication on Climate
formulated action plan and process Change.
for the mainstreaming of climate
DFID (Department for International
change into national development
Development), 2009 to the UNFCC.
plans, (2003). Impact of Climate Change on
7. Strengthening national capacity at the Nigeria’s Economy. Federal
Federal, State and Local Government Government of Nigeria: First
levels to plan and respond effectively National Communication
to climate change impacts, with
Environmental Resources Management
evidence-based and well-researched (ERM) (2002). Predicted Impact of
information. Global Climate Change on Poverty
8. There should be more proactive and the Sustainable Achievement of
measures in dealing with the the Millennium Development Goals.
problems of climate change. The non- Report Prepared for DFID by
governmental organization should Environmental Resources
form pressure groups to challenge
government on the issue of European Trade Union Confederation
enforcement of environmental laws (ETUC) (2009). Study on Climate
especially to arrest those who set Change and Employment.
bushes on fire. Federal Republic of Nigeria. (2018). First
9. Climate change is not to be left to biennial update report (BUR1) of the
government alone. We should start Federal Republic of Nigeria under
with the kind of energy we consume the United Nations Framework
in our private homes. The type of Convention on Climate Change
electric bulbs we use in the house; we
should also use vehicles that do not eports/Documents/218354_Nigeria-
emit black smokes, we should engage BUR1-1-
in tree planting by making sure that Nigeria%20BUR1_Final%20(2).pdf
each one tree that is cut is replaced. viewed on December 27, 2021
Federal Ministry of Environment. (2018).
Third National Communication to the
Adebulugbe, A. (2003). Inventory of United Nations Framework
Greenhouse Gases for Selected Convention on Climate Change
Sectors in Nigeria. Technical Report (UNFCCC), Final Draft
submitted to the Federal Ministry of

Zamfara Journal of Politics and Development | Vol. 3 No. 3 | December 2022

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Guide to Climate Change, London: Climate Change (UNFCCC) (2011),
AMS Books publication Report of the Conference of the
Parties on its Seventeenth Session,
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Vulnerability. Contribution of 11, 2011), FCCC/CP/2011/9/Add.1,
Working Group I of the Mar 15, available at
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Change to the Third Assessment cop17/eng/09a01.pdf, viewed on
Report of IPCC. London: Cambridge December 20, 2015.
University Press.
World Bank, (2002). The Environment and
Odogwu, G (2017) “Contradiction in the Millennium Development Goals.
Nigeria’s Nationally Washington D.C.: The World Bank.
Determined Contributions”
Punch (2-11-2017), at
contribution/&get ;( accessed
OECD (2015). Climate Finance in 2013-14
and the USD 100 Billion Goal, a
report by the Organisation for
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Development (OECD) in
collaboration with Climate Policy
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PACJA (PanAfrican Climate Justice
Alliance) (2009). The Economic Cost
of Climate Change in Africa.
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