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Topic Collocations – Email and the Internet

Level Upper-Intermediate to Advanced
Time 45 minutes
Aim To revise and extend noun/verb collocations to do with
email and the Internet
Language Verb/noun collocations, e.g. surf the Internet
Materials 1 set of verb cards, cut up, per group
1 game board per group
1 rule sheet per group NEW
1 counter per learner 8th
1 dice per group Edition
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 8th Edition, especially
the ‘Email and the Internet’ Topic Collocations box on page 494.

TASK 1  Introduction/warmer  (10 minutes)

Write up the following nouns on the board:
a website a blog spam a web browser
an email a firewall a virus the Internet
Ask the class to think of verbs that often go with each noun, and do the first one
with them as an example, for example, you can create/design/launch/visit/check/
update a website. Allow the learners a few minutes to do the same for the other
nouns, either as pair work or on their own. Learners can check the meanings of the
words in the dictionary if necessary. Have a short feedback session to check learners’
answers, and write any unfamiliar vocabulary items on the board.

TASK 2  Collocations game  (30 minutes)

1 Divide the class into groups of 3 or 4.
2 Give each group a set of verb cards, a game board and a dice. Give each learner in
the group a counter.
3 Explain the game, and give each group a copy of the rule sheet.
4 Start play and monitor. Refer, or direct learners, to the Topic Collocation box as
necessary. Topic Collocation boxes in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th
Edition list many of the most frequently encountered collocations in a particular
field or topic. Of course other collocations are possible, and these should be allowed
in the gamelin
Grammar as long as they are reasonably typical. ‘I searched my inbox’ is okay.
‘I visited my inbox’ is grammatically possible but probably too unusual to allow.
n discussion about what exactly constitutes a good collocation is
quite healthy, and should be encouraged.
Word Skills lin

Topic lin PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2010

Lesson lin

5 Groups that finish early can use the collocations box to make a few survey
questions to ask the rest of the class, for example, ‘How many hours a week do
you spend surfing the Internet?’, or ‘What should you do if you detect a virus on
your computer?’ If time allows, hold a brief feedback session when everybody has
finished in order to answer these questions together.

Extension activity
Ask learners, in pairs or individually, to create a short exercise to revise the collocations,
for example, matching sentence halves such as:

The program detected a virus on my computer.

How often do you check your email?
You can download a podcast of the show.
They exchanged email addresses.

Ask learners to swap their exercises with another pair for completion.

Grammar lin

Vocabulary lin

Word Skills lin

Topic lin PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2010

Lesson lin

Topic Collocations – Email and the Internet

Collocations game – Rules
To start:
Shuffle the verb cards and deal them out. Each person in the group should have the
same number of cards. Everybody begins at the ‘start’ square.
To move forwards:
Take it in turns to throw the dice, and move forwards the same number of squares to
a square with a noun (or a ‘?’) on it.
To make a collocation:
Look at your verb cards and see if you have a verb that goes with the noun on the
square. If you have a verb that goes with the noun, make a sentence containing the
collocation. For example, if you land on the ‘an email’ square and one of your verb
emanate 494 2 ~ sb to m
cards is ‘write’, you can make a sentence such as ‘I wrote an email to my sister’. If you qualities d

land on a ‘?’ you can choose any noun you want, whetherA itcomputers
is on connected
the board orinnot
together a network: to send a mes-
from decay
sage by email 2 k [C, U] a message sent by email a WRITING serve it d e
and make a sentence with one of your verb cards. B TUTOR page WT26 emAbankA
S verb k [T, I] to send a message to sb by email: ~ (sb) Patrick
or earth m
If you can make a sentence: C
emailed me yesterday. x ~ sth (to sb) I’ll email the documents
to her. x ~ sb sth I’ll email her the documents.
or stone tha
Get rid of the verb card that you used to make the railroad
sentence. Let the next person take their turn. D Collocations emAbargo
S noun ( pl. -o
Email and the Internet
If you can’t make a sentence: E Email
other coun
sth) an emb
Move back to the previous square with a ‘?’ on it. embargo a

Keep your verb card. Let the next person take F S

receive/get/open an email
write/send/answer/forward/delete an email
lift an emb
S verb (emAb
S check/read/access your email goed) ~ st
their turn. G S

block/filter (out) junk/spam/unsolicited email
exchange email addresses
There have
Winning the game:
H S open/check your inbox
junk mail fills/floods/clogs your inbox
emAbark M
get onto a s
The first person to reach the ‘finish’ square, or the

have/set up an email account and watche


first person to use up all of their verb cards, is S open/send/contain an attachment the troops
S sign up for/receive email alerts
the winner. hours.
J Connecting to the Internet p emLb
new or diff
S use/access/log onto the Internet/the Web

go online/on the Internet
have a high-speed/dial-up/broadband/wireless
1 k to mak
(Internet) connection
S access/connect to/locate the server in a social
S use/open/close/launch a/your web browser life embarr
kissing him

browse/surf/search/scour the Internet/the Web
send/contain/spread/detect a (computer/email) virus
do sth It em
dor at night
S update your anti-virus software sb: The spe
S install/use/configure a firewall prime minis
accept/enable/block/delete cookies
O Using the Internet 1 k (of a
ashamed, e
visit/check a website/an Internet site/sb’s blog
P embarrasse

S create/design/launch a website/social networking site embarrasse

S start/write/post/read a blog her height. x

update your blog/a website
be in/meet sb in/go into/enter an Internet chat room
of attention
to consult

Grammar lin
download/upload music/software/a song/a podcast/ ashamed

a file/a copy of sth money; in a

S share information/data/files emAbarAr
S 1 k makin
Vocabulary lin
S post a comment/message on a website/an online
message board/a web forum/an internet chat room barrassing
stream video/audio/music/content over the Internet barrassing f
Extract from new Oxford AdvancedT

join/participate in/visit/provide a (web-based/web/ incidents. x

Word Skills lin

2 k causin
Learner’s Dictionary 8th edition online/Internet/discussion) forum
likely to pr
U S generate/increase/monitor Internet traffic
d emAbarAr
Topic lin V emAanAate MLem@neIt/ verb ~ sth ( formal ) to produce or
He emanates© Oxford
show sth: power University Press 2010
and confidence. 1 k [U] shy
d emAanAation MKem@LneISn/ noun [C, U] embarrasse

Lesson lin
W p Lemanate from sth to come from sth or somewhere
s issue from: The sound of loud music emanated from
that. x I’m g
of having to

Collocations game – Verb Cards

visit check design

launch start write

read update block

use configure open

close delete accept

enable receive get

send install forward

Grammar lin
Vocabulary lin
search download
Word Skills lin

Topic lin PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2010

Lesson lin
Collocations game – Game Board

the a
internet website

? ? an

? your
email inbox


a web
browser cookies

? music
a file

Grammar lin START

a blog
? a virus

Vocabulary lin

Word Skills lin

Topic lin PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2010

Lesson lin

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