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Question :

Which among the philosophies of education do you find most influential in your life as an
educator? Expound by using the course materials of the week.

Answer :

I'm actually confused about what to answer to this question, because my profession is not a
teacher. So of course I don't have experience educating students. But I will still try to answer it
according to what I see and feel as a student and as a parent for my children.
As a religious person, and I am a Muslim, of course the pattern of educating children/students is
based on the philosophy of Islamic education. In my daily activities, I try to set an example and
teach the rules of ethics that are in accordance with Islam. I also try to introduce my children to
the rules of Islam from an early age so that they can practice them in their daily lives, so that
they can get to know their God from an early age. By providing religious lessons and knowledge
early so that it can be a guide for him in his next life.

Besides that, progressivism is also very good to be applied in the learning process.
Progressivism changes the practice of democratic authoritarian education to be more respectful
of the potential and abilities of children, and encourages the implementation of learning that
involves more students. The philosophy of progressivism focuses on improving learners' abilities
through experience, self-reliance, and others. That way students are free to choose education
according to their interests and talents.

Prihadi,Singgih. 2013.Blended Learning: Teori dan Praktek dalam Pembelajaran Geografi.

Surakarta: Yuma Pustaka
Djamaluddin,Ahdar.2014. Filsafat Pendidikan

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