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0 Method

Qualitative research aimed to collect information in an in depth approach about

the human behavior and the reasons that govern it. The researchers used this kind of

research to obtain first hand data from the participants so as to create a rational and

sound conclusions and recommendations for the study.

Also, the qualitative research method was employed to explore the common

difficulties in number concept of children with dyscalculia. Qualitative research produced

more in-depth and comprehensive information. It also uses subjective information and

participant observation to describe the context or the natural setting and it seeks a wide

understanding of the entire condition (Baxter & Jack, 2008).

The research participants are the Special Education Teachers who are

experienced enough to share their experiences and their knowledge about the children

with dyscalculia they handled at school. The participants are 10 Special Education

Teachers who are experienced enough in handling children with dyscalculia ranging in

age in their early thirties to late forties. Children with this dyscalculia are delay in

counting. These children have a condition that affects their ability to acquire

mathematical skills. These learners may have difficulty understanding simple number

concepts, lack an intuitive grasp of numbers, and have problems learning number facts

and procedures. Five to seven year-old children with this condition show less

understanding of basic counting principles than their peers. They are also delay in using

counting strategies for addition. They tend to keep using inefficient strategies for

calculating addition facts much longer than their peers (Butterworth, 2010).
The researchers used a structured interview with questionnaire and examining the

documents to explore the common difficulties in number concept of children with

dyscalculia and show the teaching strategies for children with dyscalculia.

A structured interview includes a set of questions that the researcher formulated

beforehand. This is used as the main data-gathering instrument for the study. The

Interview and questionnaires will provide the researchers a full view and understanding

of the participants’ experiences and views. The researchers also used the unstructured

interviews that allow the researchers and participants to simply talk with each other and

share information in an informal atmosphere.

Questionnaire is one of the instruments used by the researcher to the

participants with the interview that follows. The large number of teachers in special

education, the considerable number of researchers and various possible responses

made the questionnaire necessarily structured. The questionnaire is printed and the

researcher used one questionnaire for each participants.

Lastly, the researchers used the examining the documents. The examining the

documents have always been an important component of the study. Documents refer to

all kinds of written literatures and studies. This instrument is used to the whole paper in

order to know the result of the study and to know the causes of difficulties of children

with dyscalculia in number concepts.

The researchers used the primary and secondary sources of data. On one hand,

the primary data came from the interviews that were administered among the
participants. On the other hand, the secondary data came from books and published

articles on the internet. This was gathered in order to develop with a valid and reliable

research paper.

The researchers gather data through the use of the qualitative instruments such

as structured interview, questionnaire and the examining the documents. The

researchers gathered data through review of related literature and studies conducted by

different authors. They formulated a questionnaire and conducted an interview with the


The researchers provided authorization letters to each participant to have a

necessary interview about children with dyscalculia before the day of the interview. The

researchers started last April 27, 2015 until May 8, 2015, a two weeks interview to

gather the data about common difficulties of children with dyscalculia and to distinguish

the causes of the difficulties and teaching strategies found by the researchers in the

secondary data. After considering the difficulties that may affect the child with specific

learning disability in dyscalculia, the researchers formulated the instruments to be use

to serve as a guide for the researchers to explore the common difficulties in number

concepts of children with dyscalculia.

The researchers used both structured and unstructured interview that served as

the main tool for data gathering. Another is structured questionnaire; questionnaires are

given to a specific number of special education teachers. Questionnaires helped the

researchers to fill in the needed information in the research.

The researchers used interview as a tool in gathering data. In most instances the

researchers started the questions with the topic indicated above. Here is the list of

questions that were employed and extended in the interview questionnaires with the


1. What do you think is/are the cause/s of the child’s disability?

2. Does the child find particular difficulties with mathematical concepts such as:
a. Recalling Numbers?
b. Adding Numbers?
c. Omitting Numbers?
d. Reversing or Substituting Numbers?
3. What kind of extra help does a child with dyscalculia need? What kinds of
support have been most helpful to you?
4. What are the strategies that are most effective in teaching children with
dyscalculia in:
a. Recalling Numbers?
b. Adding Numbers?
c. Omitting Numbers?
d. Reversing or Substituting Numbers?

Though provided with structured interview questions, the researchers encourage

the participants to share whatever they felt was appropriate.

In analyzing the data, examining the documents are conducted by the

researchers. The researchers also examined all the questions asked in the paper which

were answered by the participants. In this area it helped the researchers to have the

result of the study and to know the common difficulties, causes and teaching strategies

for children with dyscalculia in number concepts.

The researchers take necessary considerations in respecting the rights of the

participants. The researchers make sure that the participants have full knowledge about

the objectives of the study. The research paper does not contain any degrading,

discriminating or any other indecent language that can offend the participants nor the

readers. Furthermore, the questions asked was designed to gather information that is

related to the research alone.

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