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Ghassan Ahmad Lazzuardy – 14010121190050

Final Examination of European Studies

Lecturer: Wijayanto, Ph.D.

Class: 24

1. Why did the first world war happen? Which countries were involved? How did it end?
How many victims? What lessons can be learned from it?

The continent of twentieth century Europe, in its own development, had political dynamics and
conflicts between individual powers that made large-scale war possible. It is said that the last
time European countries came into major conflict with each other was the Napoleonic Wars,
the last of which took place in 1815, after which the continent experienced peace, known as
the Age of Peace that followed. This is known from the Congress of Vienna in 1815. This peace
allowed Europeans to take advantage of a century of peace on the continent by expanding their
influence around the world, as Britain and France did on different continents.

In this post-Napoleon world, there are informal treaties recognizing the five great powers of
Europe: the French Empire, the British Empire, the Russian Empire, the Austrian Empire, and
the Kingdom of Prussia. Then, at the end of the 19th century, the newly unified Kingdom of
Italy joined this alliance of great powers, while Japan and the United States also merged into
non-European countries, taking the title World Powers.

Entire eras have equated with the rarity of major conflict between powers, and there are ways
in which conflict between different parties can occur within national boundaries. But this
silence was shattered by the World War which was the culmination of shocking news for the
entire continent of Europe given the sheer scale of the conflict.

How this era itself was marked by how the British state was able to influence world politics,
military and economics to dominate world politics and how at that time it managed to rule over
33,700,000 Km2 and 458,000,000 inhabitants, or a quarter of the earth's total area and one-
fifth of the world's population. At that time, England was called "The Kingdom where The Sun
Never Sets". Because its territory stretches all over the world, and the sun always shines on the
territory of the British Empire.
The period before World War II, which began after the Franco-Prussian War of 1871 and ended
with the outbreak of World War I in 1914, is known in France as the Belle Epoque (the beautiful
period). The era itself was marked by optimism, regional peace, economic prosperity, and great
innovations in technology, science and culture. In contrast to the horrors of World War I, Paris
became a cultural center that came to be called the "Golden Age".

With the end of the Franco-Prussian War in 1877 in Central and Western Europe, tensions
began to rise. Tensions between the French and German governments remained strong after
the Alsace-Lorraine region was taken by Germany in 1871, but conferences, such as the Berlin
Conference of 1878 and the Berlin-Congo Conference, were used to mediate disputes between
European countries. 1884 Berlin Conference in Congo. Algeria in 1906. For many Europeans
who lived during the Belle Epoque era, high-end businessmen were able to travel to many
Western European countries without a passport and even live outside with minimal
bureaucratic restrictions. That changed when World War I broke out around the world.

Between 1897 and 1914, when the arms race between European countries began, tensions
themselves began to develop in a big way on the European continent. This is also related to the
massive expansion of colonialism known as neo-imperialism. An example of this new style of
colonialism itself is the European expansion into Africa known as The Scramble for Africa.

The emergence of nationalist ideas on the European continent itself became a critical issue,
because the nationalism of individual ethnic groups threatened multinational empires such as
the Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary. Serbia is one of the most nationalist countries in the
Balkans. The successful liberation of Serbia and the expansion of the country through the two
Balkan Wars (1912-1913) prompted Serbian nationalists to target Archduke Franz Ferdinand,
successor to the Austrian Emperor, to begin focusing on the liberation of Austro-Slav Hungary.
Franz Josef is about to conduct a military inspection in Sarajevo, Bosnia.

On 28 June 1914 at 11:15 am in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia, Franz Ferdinand and his wife
Sophie were shot by the Bosnian Serb Gavrilo Princip. The assassination was also used by
Austro-Hungarian officials to humiliate Serbia and expand Austro-Hungarian influence in the
Balkans. An ultimatum to Serbia followed, followed by a declaration of war on Serbia, using
Germany as a deterrent to Russian intervention. On July 28, Austria-Hungary declared war on
Serbia, establishing peace among the European countries, but soon split.

Which countries are involved in the Entente, such as France, United Kingdom, Russia, Serbia,
Belgium, Japan, Italy, United States of America and Romania. Meanwhile, in the center are
Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. This country is also located in
various parts of the world such as Europe, Africa, Middle East, Pacific Islands, and China.

In terms of deaths alone, of the 60 million military personnel recruited from 1914 to 1918, 8
million died, 7 million were permanently disabled, and 15 million were seriously injured.
Germany alone lost 15.1% of its male population, Austria-Hungary by 17.1% and France by

World War I ended with the victory of the Triple Entente and the defeat of the Triple Alliance.
This was further aided by the entry of the United States, which gave the emerging powers an
edge in terms of industrial capacity, population, and access to Germany and natural resources.
World War I was resolved by signing peace treaties, including the Treaty of Versailles. This
agreement was made on June 28, 1919. The terms of the Versailles Agreement are as follows:

1. Germany ceded Erzas-Lotaringen to France and Eupen-Malmedy to Belgium,

2. Gdansk and its surroundings become independent cities under the League of Nations,
3. Germany lost all its colonies and was handed over to England. France and Japan,
4. Germany paid her 132 billion gold mark war damages to the Allies,
5. German army reduced (up to 100,000 soldiers), and
6. The German territories west of the Rhine were occupied by the Allies for fifteen years
as security.

Then, in 1918, when Germany ran out of resources and support for the war dwindled, the Axis
powers surrendered, and World War I ended.

The lesson to be learned from World War I is that war only created suffering and destruction,
and it severely disrupted the development of civilizations around the world, is now highly
respected worldwide in all aspects such as economy, society, technology, and politics.

2. Why did the second world war happen? Which countries were involved? How did it
end? How many victims? What lessons can be learned from it?

World War 2 itself has a complicated background, considering that World War 2 itself was a
consequence of World War 1. Germany's defeat in World War 1 and the consequences of the
Treaty of Versailles cost Germany 65,000 km2 and 7 million inhabitants and had to make many
economic and political concessions which then sparked outrage within the German public.
Therefore, radicalism arose throughout Europe. And that was exacerbated by the fall of the
world economy in the 1930s which was called The Great Depression, which then led to the rise
of fascism in various countries around the world, such as in Germany, Japan, and Italy. Due to
the rise of fascism, ultranationalism was born which desired territorial expansion in each of
these countries, such as Lebensraum in Germany and Hakko Ichiu in Japan.

And this is getting exacerbated by the growing understanding of the idea of ultranationalism
which exalts the country and considers other countries. This can be seen from how Germany
and Japan look down on ethnic groups different from them, which they treat badly. This
influenced how they treated their minorities during World War 2.

The failure of the international system that functions to maintain world peace with institutions
such as the League of Nations in exercising firmness will resolve disputes and maintain peace
between countries in the world. How did the League of Nations fail to prevent Japan from
invading China or Italy's invasion of Ethiopia, which were considered weak points that could
be used by other countries to commit aggression against other countries considering that the
League of Nations would not do anything to prevent it.

In this context itself, the world is indeed very prone to falling into another big war, considering
the growing militarism in various countries around the world and the economic crisis that
followed were some of the factors behind World War 2 to break out.

The sequence of events before World War 2 itself was triggered by the Japanese invasion of
China in 1936 after the Marco Polo bridge incident, this was then followed by the outbreak of
war on the European continent with the German invasion of Poland in 1939 which then led to
World War 2.

The parties participating in World War 2 were divided into two blocks, namely the Allied block
and the Axis block. The allied block itself is divided into countries that joined before the Pearl
Harbor attack with countries that joined after the Pearl Harbor attack, countries that joined
before the Pearl Harbor attack itself consisted of Britain, France, Poland, Belgium, the
Netherlands and countries that joined after the Pearl Harbor attack consisted of United States
of America. While the countries from the axis itself consist of Germany, Italy, Japan, Thailand,
Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria.

In its own war, the impact of World War 2 itself was enormous and brought devastation around
the world. 60,000,000 people died in World War 2 which is more than any other war. The
majority of those killed themselves were civilians, and they were scattered around the world.
Almost all families around the world feel the effects of war, those who are lucky not to lose
their loved ones still have to feel the effects of war in other aspects.

Many big cities around the world such as Berlin, Tokyo, Dresden, Warsaw, Nanking were
reduced to rubble. All industrialized countries except the United States ended the war with a
large number of industries destroyed by the war. Poland reported that 30 percent of the
buildings were destroyed by the war, Yugoslavia reported 20.7 percent of the buildings
destroyed by the war, and Germany itself experienced the destruction of about 39 percent of
all the buildings. 21 million people are registered as refugees and half of them are homeless
who have been deported from their homeland to do forced labour. The streets of Europe were
flooded with refugees from 1945 to 1946 with more than 5 million Soviet Union prisoners of
war and 8 million German citizens fleeing to their respective countries. Death from mass
starvation is also a result of war, this can be seen from the mass famines in India, Indonesia,
Eastern Europe which resulted in victims that were as significant as the casualties from military
battles between nations.

The end of World War 2 itself stems from the defeats of Germany and Japan on various fronts,
and how they lost both industrial and population capabilities to giants like the Soviet Union,
the United States and the British Empire. Germany's failure to destroy the Soviet Union in
Operation Barbarossa and Japan's defeat of America in the Midway battle allowed the two
allied countries to mobilize totally against their defenses which made Japan and Germany
overwhelmed by the forces of the allies, who began to experience defeat from 1943 to 1944
where Germany began to be pressured by the Soviet Union from the East and the Western
Allies from Italy, and was increasingly pressured by the Western Allies landing in Normandy
in June 1944 which succeeded in driving the Germans out of France and the Bagration
operation in the East which expelled the Germans from Central and Eastern Europe, which
increasingly destroyed Germany finally officially surrendered on May 9, 1945. The same thing
happened to Japan which was pressured from all directions, both from the Pacific by the United
States and mainland Asia by Britain and China, with Japan's defeat in various areas such as the
Philippines and the Pacific Islands. and then the destruction of k Japanese cities either from
intensive bombardment from the allies or atomic bombs made Japan finally surrender on
August 15, 1945.
The lessons learned from World War 2 itself are how the devastation of war itself can impact
the lives of every individual around the world, how and the ego of a nation can create extensive
destruction for many people, and how peace must be fully established, so that war with the
scale of the destruction like this will not happen again.

3. How did World War I and II then affect the face of Europe today? How did it inspire
the formation of the European Union? How did it inspire the discovery of Human
Rights? How did it influence the notion of the welfare state? How did it influence the
ideology that is conveyed in the slogan "make love but not make war!"?

The first and second world wars had a very painful impact. Brings various damage both mental
and material damage. This shows that at one time in human life there was an assumption that
war was a natural thing, this was caused by the ability to think that was experienced by humans
over time. And of course, after understanding the various consequences of choices in the event
of war, it will certainly raise the belief and awareness that everyone has the right to life that
arises through human rights and a human right should not be taken away. This thought was felt
by some European people after experiencing the various impacts of the first world war and the
second world war. Various efforts were made to fight for human rights that were taken away
during the war, especially the various acts of genocide that occurred, starting from the
formation of the European Union as a form of European unity after the second world war and
aimed at helping countries in the European region rise. The European Union was formed to
enforce the free market so as to achieve economic activity to help countries in the European
region rise from the darkness of war. In a free market all economic resources must move freely,
there are no barriers by national boundaries.

The role of the European Union for member states is reflected through the subordinate
institutions of the European Union as well as the role of the institutions themselves. In brief,
EU institutions include:

a. The European Parliament acts as a representative of EU citizens and is directly elected

by the citizens/society. The European Parliament is one of three important/core
institutions in the European Union.
b. The Council of Ministers of the European Union, including the three important
institutions in the European Union, acts as the government representative of each of the
member states. The presidency on this council is elected on a rotating basis.
c. The European Commission represents the interests of the European Union as a whole
and is included in the three important institutions of the European Union.

These three important institutions make policies or legal rules that are implemented by the
entire European Union. With the following order or structure, the European Commission
proposes interests or forms of new legal rules which will later be approved by the European
Parliament and the Council of European Ministers which will later be applied and implemented
in EU member states.

d. The Court of the European Union oversees the operation of the rule of law in the
member states of the European Union
e. The European Union Audit Institute functions to regulate and carry out financial
records or audits of tax payments to ensure the use of funds.
f. The European Central Bank carries out the responsibility of formulating monetary
policy in Europe
g. The European External Action Service (EEAS) assists with security policy affairs as
well as foreign affairs.
h. The Social and Economic Committee functions as a representation of various
communities in Europe such as workers, farmers and consumers who collect various
aspirations for the purposes of discussion in Parliament, the Council of Ministers, and
the European Commission.
i. Regional committees function as representatives of regional authorities and regional
authorities in the European region.
j. The European Investment Bank functions and is responsible for investment projects to
assist small businesses through European investment funds.
k. The European Ombudsman tasked with overseeing all forms of maladministration
among European Union institutions.
l. European data protection watchdog, as a form of protection for privately owned data
belonging to the people of EU member states
m. The European Union Publication Office assists the publication and documentation of
various details of activities carried out by institutions and bodies belonging to the
European Union.
n. The European Union Personnel Recruitment Office assists in the recruitment of
members or staff/employees to assist with various matters needed in the European
o. European School of Administration assists in the training of EU staff.
p. Special Agencies and Decentralization Agencies assists in dealing with various
technical, scientific and management tasks.

The efforts to form the European Union after experiencing various impacts as a result of the
first and second world wars show that there is awareness among countries in the European
region which is reflected in efforts not to repeat the same mistakes. The European Union is not
only targeting its economic policy needs, but also areas covering security, politics, social,
culture, and others. The European Union also plays an important role in guarding and
supervising the borders of EU member states and non-European countries through the various
efforts mentioned above to maintain peace and be oriented towards the welfare of its people.
This is further strengthened by the idea of "make love not make war". Because maintaining
peace is very difficult, so extra efforts are needed to maintain a state of calm without causing
major conflicts that lead to war.

4. What is the concept of "welfare state", what is the history of this idea and its
implementation in Europe? Do you think this idea is already in our constitution?
How is it implemented in Indonesia? Have we successfully implemented it, and why?

The concept of a welfare state or welfare state is a system that is intertwined between elements
in governance in which various models of government are created to ensure that people can
live above a level with a certain quality of life. The concept of a welfare state uses social
security tools or often called social safety nets, with concepts and devices that have been
designed by the government so that people can meet basic needs such as clothing, food, shelter,
health, pensions, work accidents and education. In essence, in the social welfare framework,
the state or nation must ensure that all countries can live above other prosperity. In order to be
able to build an integrated social security system, it must be built on a two-point relationship
between rights and obligations. In principle, rights include what can be obtained by the
community or citizens to get social protection, justice and legal protection, participate in the
life of the country. Meanwhile, the obligation in principle is that citizens or the public must
pay taxes, defend the country, and obey the laws and norms that apply. Within the framework
(network) of welfare, people's welfare can be obtained through a complementary system from
various parties that support each other, namely the government, the family, the market and non-
market sectors (such as associations, NGOs, mass organizations, or professional
organizations). The Nordic model is an example of an integrated reception model in which
social protection governance has great power. The Nordic model has three basic pillars, namely
economic governance, public welfare, and organized work. Between the three basic pillars one
with the other there is an attachment that can build the running of a concept with integrated

This concept emerged because to guarantee the people or society to be able to live with
guaranteed quality. And to be able to build an integrated concept, the government designed a
social security device system by prioritizing basic needs. The concept of the Welfare State in
Europe started in Germany in the 19th century to be precise. At that time, Germany, led by a
Conservative Chancellor who did not want socialist parties to gather strength, began to apply
the concept of the welfare state in Germany. In this case, Germany is referred to as a social
country because that country provides a guarantee where the guarantee is in the form of health
insurance and other social guarantees to workers in that country. In the 19th century, the
conditions for workers in Germany looked deplorable because the German capitalists really
exploited the workers and did not provide any welfare at all. This causes workers to be unable
to access their welfare rights such as health rights and house rent. Therefore, the German
government gave the concept of service in the form of the Welfare State to the workers. The
concept of German service to workers was later adopted by several other European countries
such as England, Denmark, and Finland. The concept of the welfare state is a concept of the
welfare state which was originally developed in Europe which was initiated by Jeremi Betham.
In Jeremi Betham's opinion, the government as the representative of the state must create
policies that make people happy. In detail, there are several models of the welfare state that
have developed, especially in the originating countries of this concept, namely countries in
Europe and America. The concept of the Welfare State that is most visible and capable is
through social insurance. This is reflected through the various insurances received in various
European countries through the taxes that have been paid.

In its own implementation, Indonesia is a country that adheres to the concept of a state that
adopts the concept of a Welfare State, and this can clearly be seen from the general explanation
of the 1945 Constitution, which can be examined in its entirety which is the 1945 Constitution
and it can also be concluded that Indonesia is The Welfare State is constitutional and has the
intention of advancing and realizing social justice for all citizens. The elements of the
formulation of the 1945 Constitution at the opening stated that the Indonesian state was formed
".... To protect the entire Indonesian nation and all of Indonesia's bloodshed and also to promote
public welfare, educate the nation's life, and participate in carrying out world order... based on
[the then the Pancasila text appears] … social justice for the entire Indonesian people.

However, in its own implementation, Indonesia is still very far from implementing Welfare
State policies. The application of the welfare state is felt to be lacking when applied in
Indonesia, because there are many forms of policies that are considered detrimental and only
prioritize the interests of the authorities, or in terms of academics it is usually referred to as
consolidation of the oligarchy. Under conditions on the ground, the economic gap in Indonesia
itself is very lame. The report noted that during the 2001-2021 period as much as 50% of
Indonesia's population only owned less than 5% of the national household wealth (total
household wealth). Meanwhile, another 10% of the population owned 60% of national
household wealth during the same period.

5. Write down what is your impression of the teaching style of the European Studies class
during the second half of the semester? What things in the materials and teaching
patterns impressed you the most that you might not find in other classes? Give
suggestions how the material and delivery style can be improved so that it is more

In studying European Studies with Mas Wija himself, I learned many things that are sometimes
not found in books or knowledge that is in ordinary lectures, for example how Mas Wija
explained about his experience at Leiden University in the Netherlands and how the systematics
of learning in Europe very different from Indonesia, which in my opinion shows how successful
the Dutch were in the field of education, where Indonesia has a lot to learn. How can learning
from Mas Wija himself be carried out in a relaxed, flexible manner, and also facilitate
interaction between lecturers and students, which creates a lively discussion space and provides
a lot of interesting knowledge.

What about the lessons that Mas Wija teaches, not only in the European context, but also in the
world because of how Europeans influence how the world works now, how the system that
Europe spreads throughout the world can be applied intensively and well cared for. How in
terms of culture, religion, political system, education and many other things, the European
nation gave a lot of heritage to the world which is still very relevant for us to continue to inherit.
How did the Dutch people shape how Indonesia is now with the understanding they have in
Europe in many ways, for example by forming old cities in Semarang, Jakarta or Bandung
which are now used as historical places that have incalculable value for the Indonesian people.
How about we study the dynamics that exist on the European continent, we also learn about
our nation and the dynamics that exist in Europe itself, we can use it as an observer on how
Indonesia should act or absorb the good and stay away from the bad of something.

In studying European studies, there are several obstacles in learning. First, how about my own
learning about some things that are difficult to understand from Mas Wija explanation, which
then makes me have to study the material on my own. How the learning that is taught
sometimes makes me confused and lacks understanding in exploring the material, which makes
me have to understand this material on my own. Then, how can self-taught material have
complexity in which we as students have to look for more references in understanding the
material being taught, in my opinion this is very good considering that students take the
initiative in studying a material deeper and more complex in an effort to analyze it.

How did the lesson that Mas Wija taught me think that it was very good in understanding the
dynamics and complexities of the European continent. How Europe manages a system of
government, dealing with past trauma in moving forward and then getting better, is what the
Indonesian people should set a good example of in running a system well. Indonesia which is
as diverse and united as the European nation can now implement a system of unity, how can a
country in Europe implement its policies well in implementing a concept of its own policy,
how are the policies implemented by countries in Europe themselves implementing policies
that suit the needs of their people in an effort to solve problems that exist in society and also in
an effort to promote prosperity for the community compared to other things. How the
knowledge learned in studying the dynamics in Europe is a good thing in how we can reflect it
to our own nation for a better future.

6. Do you believe that you can set foot in Europe one day? What opportunities can you
try to make that dream come true while in college? What opportunities can you try
to make that dream come true after graduating from college?

I really believe that one day I will set foot in Europe, be it Western, Eastern, Central, North or
South Europe. On my own journey I wanted to visit several cities in Europe, such as Budapest,
Milan, Turin, Lyon, Geneva, and Munich. How to travel in Europe and understand the
complexities and dynamics in it make Europe one of my list of places I want to visit. Europe
with its lifestyle and culture is very interesting. How I wish to broaden my horizons by studying
a society that is far different from the society in which I live. By then understanding Europeans
I can understand how they live, their thoughts, how they understand the world, and also the
journey of success and progress from Europeans that I can emulate.

Some of the opportunities that I can use to achieve my goal of going to the European continent
are through education such as through scholarships or through the tourist route with many
tourism services aiming for Europe or with the backpacker method which is more economical
in funds. Traveling within the continent of Europe itself is something that I crave considering
it can develop a very interesting horizon to look at. How I want to cycle in the Netherlands, try
the food in Frankfurt, watch football in England, sunbathe in Spain, play in the snow in
Norway, and also walking down along Lake Brienz in Switzerland. how many things can be
done in Europe and also because Europe is also very easy to access as a whole with minimal
barriers between countries, which makes it easier to travel and live in Europe.

I can do the opportunity to go to Europe myself by conducting business visits and also through
the business or work that I will carry out in the future. In carrying out this myself, I hope that
I can expand my business or work relations to Europe, bearing in mind the many opportunities
and potentials that can be exploited in the European Union market, which can thus expand my
business or work. In this case myself, I hope I can develop myself on the European continent,
which is seen to be able to develop me better than in Indonesia because there are many
opportunities and perspectives that cannot be obtained in Indonesia.

How can I make my dream come true myself, when I'm in college I will try to get a scholarship
that gives me the opportunity to study in mainland Europe, such as with IISMA, by then
perfecting my language skills, be it in English, Dutch, or German. By developing this ability,
I hope I will become some of the lucky ones to come to Europe with the aim of pursuing an
education. If the context is when I'm already working, I will try to develop my business to the
European continent by conducting visits. That way, I can make visits to European countries
which can be used as market targets. How can my business develop through access to good
markets? effective and also potentially given the size of the European Union's population of
450 million people. I hope that with some of my efforts to validate myself to set foot on
European soil, it can be achieved which will later become a reality and I can bring my parents
with me to Europe.

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