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Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 4 (2018) 369e376

Research Article
Epidemiological study evaluating the impact of front door duct slot
of a combined domestic sewererainwater drainage system on
children health in Kirkuk, 2017
Asal A. Tawfeeq a,*, Saif Al-Deen M. Taher b
Medical Laboratory Techniques Department, Technical College of Kirkuk, Northern Technical University, Kirkuk, Iraq
Engineering Unit, Technical College of Kirkuk, Northern Technical University, Kirkuk, Iraq
Received 9 February 2018; revised 11 September 2018; accepted 11 September 2018
Available online 15 October 2018


Total of eight districts within Kirkuk city were selected for investigating the effect of combined sewererainwater streams on
children health during the period from August 2017 to the end of January 2018. Selected districts were sub-divided into two study
cohorts (A and B) according to their sewer drainage systems and the total of (160) children living at the study cohorts at the age of
(1e5) years were volunteered as the study population and were monitored for infections by subjecting them to a specific ques-
tionnaire. Analysis of the results obtained after six months of surveillance showed a significant increase (p < 0.05) in disease
incidence among the children of cohort-A in recording (1482) infection cases compared to only (593) infection cases were recorded
amongst children of cohort-B. On the other hand, a significant increase (p < 0.05) in disease incidence was noticed in the two study
cohorts (A and B) during hot seasons with a significant increase (p < 0.05) in the disease incidence shown by children of cohort-A
compared to the recorded infection cases in cohort-B. As a consequence, a number of air samples were taken from different lo-
cations and distances above the front door duct slots of the study cohort-A regions and were subjected to a number of microbi-
ological assays where results of Gram's staining indicated the isolation of different bacterial strains mainly of the
Enterobacteriaceae strains. Further microbiological diagnosis of the isolates revealed the dominance of Escherichia coli and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains within the isolates. Besides, the significant decrease in rainfall and the accumulation of solid
wastes in the streams all together had possibly increased the emission of pathogenic bacteria within sewer gases discharged through
the front door rainwater duct slots which probably led to the increase in diseases incidence recorded among children of the study
© 2018 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of University of Kerbala. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Keywords: Epidemiological study; Combined sewererainwater systems; Domestic sewer; Children health; Kirkuk 2017

1. Introduction

The presence of drains in the streets was known since

the early Mesopotamian Empire in Iraq (ca. 4000e2500
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.A. Tawfeeq). BC) [1]. While, systematic construction of pipelines and
Peer review under responsibility of University of Kerbala. ducts began at the end of the 19th century in Romania, in
2405-609X/© 2018 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of University of Kerbala. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license (
370 A.A. Tawfeeq, S.A.-D.M. Taher / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 4 (2018) 369e376

a number of cities where they built water supply systems Table 1

and sewage networks where after the year 1910, they had Materials used in the study.
started building wastewater treatment plants [2]. Then, Materials Company Country
many communities in different counties have separated Autoclave Sakura Japan
their sewer systems for wastewater collection from the API® 20 E Kit BIOMERIUX USA
rainwater streams [3,4]. In Iraq, sewer collection and Culture media Himedia India
Disposable Petri dishes Himedia India
treatment facilities were only available in a few large Gram's Stain Kit Himedia India
cities and coverage was substantially lower than potable Incubator Memmert Germany
where it served only about 8 percent of the population [5]. Light microscope Optika Italy
Moreover, after the year 1991, Health and sanitary sectors pH- meter Sartorius Germany
in Iraq had declined considerably due to aging infra- Refrigerator Beko Turkey
Safety cabinet Daihan Labtech. Korea
structure, poorly maintained equipment, leaking water Sensitive balance Sartorius Germany
and sewer networks [5e7]. Therefore, Iraq's National
Development Strategy placed water supply and sanitation
at the top of the government's priorities, starting with (1e5) years old, living within the selected eight districts and
rehabilitation of the existing sewerage networks [5,6]. were similar in (weight, personal hygiene, drinking water
Besides, in Kirkuk city, a project was proposed during supply, food hygiene and living conditions). They were
different in sanitation systems of sewer drainage in their houses
2012 in certain districts which was designed to replace
only. Children were subjected to a questionnaire specifically
the old sewerage and to construct a number of rainwater
designed for this study (mentioned in Section during
networks [6]. However, since the majority of water and the period from August 2017 until the end of January 2018.
sewage projects in Iraq have been awarded to private
construction and contracting companies; thus, certain Selection of indicators of exposure. Study districts
regions in Kirkuk city had overpassed the newly con- were sub-divided into two study cohorts as shown in Table 2
structed rainwater networks and used them for the according to their sewage drainage systems where each
drainage of domestic sewer [8]. Alongside, a number of cohort involved four regions as follows:
earlier studies had recorded an increase in many infec-
tious diseases in Iraq generally and Kirkuk city specif-  Study Cohort “A” (n ¼ 4); included those regions uti-
ically in last few years which remain major cause of lizing rainwater streams for the drainage of houses
morbidity and mortality among children [9,10]. sewage with front door duct slot.
Therefore, this study was suggested in order to  Study Cohort “B” (n ¼ 4); included those regions
draining their sewage directly into sewer system (local or
inspect the epidemiological prevalence of diseases
among children living in regions with different sewer
drainage systems and to evaluate the impact of dis-
charging domestic sewer within rainwater streams on Collection of the study data. All of the study chil-
the health of children living nearby the duct slots of the dren were subjected to a questionnaire specifically designed
combined drainage system of their houses. for this study with the following questions: Date, Name, Age,
Gender, Residence, Presence of “rainwater duct slot” in front
of the house, Type of infection, Frequency of infections.
2. Materials and methods
Children were monitored during the extended
2.1. Materials period from August 2017 to the end of January 2018
and results were analyzed at the individual level and
Materials used throughout the study are all sum- were represented in tables and figures.
marized in Table 1.
Table 2
2.2. Methods Kirkuk city regions involved in the study sub-divided into cohorts and
the total number of children being monitored according to the study.
2.2.1. The study protocol Study cohort-A Child/house Study cohort-B Child/house
Methods mentioned in the study protocol were 1st of March (Athar) 20 Almas 20
following the techniques cited in Ref. [11] as follows. Al Wasty 20 Arafa 20
1st of June (Huzairan) 20 Bagdad Road 20 Selection of the study population. Total of (160) Al Qadissiya 20 Raheem Awa 20
Total 80 Total 80
children were volunteered in this study ranging in age between
A.A. Tawfeeq, S.A.-D.M. Taher / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 4 (2018) 369e376 371

2.2.2. Measurements of exposure and disease status 3. An association was proposed between the likelihood of
developing the disease in the study cohort-A in relative Preparation of culture media. Three types of culture to the given data.
media (Nutrient agar, MacConkey and blood agar) were all 4. Results were plotted in figures and tables after statistical
used for the collection of air samples during the study and analysis.
were prepared according to the instructions supplied by the
manufacturing company (Himedia/India), spread onto petri 2.2.4. Statistical analysis
dishes and were incubated at 37  C overnight before sample Data from the study were analyzed using T-test by
collection. using SPSS program Ver.10 for Windows. A p value of
<0.05 was considered indicative of a statistically sig- Sample collection nificant difference.

1. Total of (240) air samples were collected from the study 3. Results and discussion
cohort-A regions considering different heights of (5 cm,
30 cm, 1 m) from the area above the rainwater duct slot
and were cultivated directly onto the agar plates with
Domestic sewer management was always considered
different types of culture media. as an efficacious element in consolidating a healthy
2. Cultivated plates were transported immediately to the society through the creation of the suitable environment
laboratory where they were incubated at 37  C for 24 h. for sewer drainage [13]. Therefore, Kirkuk Sewer
3. Next day, cultured plates were examined for any growth Directionate had conducted a project in 2012 to resolve
and results were recorded. the problems of lack and aging sewer systems in the city
4. Bacterial colonies grown on culture plates were further where in the 2013 this project was awarded by the
examined by Gram's staining. Kirkuk Government to (PALKANA Company for
5. The same procedure was repeated with (100) air samples Construction) in order to construct (The Wasty Rain-
collected from the regions of study cohort-B at different water System) [14]. But, the absence of new projects for
wastewater treatment since 1986 in most of Kirkuk
6. Results were recorded in tables and were compared.
province had led many regions in Kirkuk city to illegally
combine their domestic sewer drainage alongside with Gram's staining. This procedure was followed after
the protocol supplied by the manufacturing company Kit the rainwater network of their districts [6]. Conse-
(Himedia/India) and results were recorded after slide exami- quently, an increased burden of infections and diseases
nation under a 100 objective of a light microscope where the among small children and infants was observed in those
bacterial isolates that were stained with deep violet to blue districts which combined their drainage in the last few
were considered as Gram-positive and the bacterial isolates years [10,15,16]; leading probably to the conviction
which stained with pink to red were considered as Gram- that, combining domestic sewererainwater streams
negative bacteria. Then, slides were photographed. might distress the health of children living nearby. Thus,
this study was suggested aimed to address that convic- Analytical profile index system for identification of
tion through the following objectives.
Enterobacteriaceae using (API 20 E kit). This procedure was
followed according to the methodology supplied by the
manufacturing company (API® 20 E Kit/BIOMERIUX/USA) 3.1. Selection of the study population
and strips were recorded by referring to “Reading Table”
where strains were identified with the numerical profile [12]. Eight different districts in Kirkuk city were selected
according to the utilized sewer system and were
2.2.3. Analysis of the relationship between exposure and divided into two cohorts (A and B); where all of the
disease incidence houses in the study cohort-A investigated had a rain-
This procedure was implemented specifically for water duct slot in the front of the houses resembled in
this investigation as follows: - Fig. 1. However, many families living in cohort-A re-
gions had refused to cooperate due to their illegal
1. The basic measures of disease incidence rate in each pop- bypassing on the rainwater network.
ulation were described through the estimation of the (the
number of new cases of disease per unit of person-time).
3.2. Selection of exposure indicator
2. The differences between the two study cohorts (A and B)
in the disease incidence rate were measured in order to
estimate the magnitude of an association between As a result, only twenty children from each region
exposure and disease. of the two cohorts were volunteered as they matched
372 A.A. Tawfeeq, S.A.-D.M. Taher / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 4 (2018) 369e376

Table 3
Diseases incidence per child according to the comparison between
children of study cohort-A and study cohort-B in Kirkuk city during
the period of the study.
Study cohort “A” Disease Study Disease
incidence/child cohort “B” incidence/child
1st of March 367 Almas 120
Al Wasty 388 Arafa 125
1st of June 402 Bagdad Road 231
Al Qadissiya 325 Raheem Awa 117
Total 1482 Total 593

It was noticed in the above figure, a significant in-

Fig. 1. A house in the 1st of March (Athar) region in Kirkuk city
with combined SewereRainwater drainage stream showing a front crease (p < 0.05) in diseases incidence during summer
door rainwater duct slot as the red arrow shows. and autumn seasons while, a non-statistically signifi-
cant decrease (p > 0.05) was recorded in the beginning
the criteria of a questionnaire specifically designed for of winter in the regions of the two study cohorts with
this study. Each child from each group was monitored the reference to the increased causalities among the
for the incidence of infections during the period of the children in cohort-A regions. The same results were
study and results are shown in Table 3. obtained by Refs. [15,16] where they declared a sea-
Careful examination of this table, showed a signif- sonal distribution of infections in Kirkuk city within
icant increase (p < 0.05) in disease incidence in about the years 2009e2016 including different parasitic,
(889) infection cases among study cohort-A children bacterial and fungal infections that increased in sum-
during six months of the study compared with the mer and autumn whilst a slight decrease was encoun-
disease incidence recorded among the study cohort-B tered in winter.
children. In other words, results revealed that, chil- The most probable explanation of disease incidence
dren living in regions from the study cohort-A had increase might be probably due to the emission of
manifested sickness for about three times per month in sewer gas from the rainwater duct slot (Fig. 3) con-
comparison to the children from the study cohort-B taining pathogenic microorganisms as Refs. [13,17]
regions where they had recorded a single infection had indicated that, domestic wastewater could in-
per month during the period of the study. crease the environmental problems by increasing the
Besides, most of the infectious cases manifested by pollution of rivers and groundwater. However, there
the study cohort-A children included sever cases of were no previous studies carried out in Kirkuk city for
diarrhea, urinary tract infection, scabies and whooping the evaluation of the impact of the combined domestic
cough where regions of (1st of June e Huzairan and Al sewer erainwater duct slot neither on health nor on the
Wasty) which had demonstrated the highest recurrence environment.
of these diseases followed by (1st of March e Athar
and Al Qadissiya) regions where all of the houses 3.3. Measurement of exposure
investigated processed a front door duct slot of com-
bined rainwateresewer drainage resembled in Fig. 3. In order to proof the postulation that, the combined
The obtained results however, came in agreement domestic sewererainwater duct slot in front of houses
with the remarks of Refs. [7,15,16] were they had had gas emissions included pathogenic microorgan-
pointed out that, the unhygienic sanitary practices in isms. The total of (240) air samples were taken from
certain Iraqi regions led to the alarming increase in the three different distances within cohort-A regions as
water-borne diseases especially among infants and shown in Fig. 3 and were immediately cultivated on a
children under five years old. culture media.
Furthermore, another comparison was also executed Likewise, air samples were also collected from
which included disease prevalence according to cohort-B regions and as a result, the total of (340) air
different seasons in the regions of the study and results samples were examined for bacterial growth where air
are displayed in Fig. 2. samples collected from eighty rainwater duct slots from
A.A. Tawfeeq, S.A.-D.M. Taher / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 4 (2018) 369e376 373

Fig. 2. Diseases prevalence according to seasons in comparison with the study cohorts-A and B Kirkuk city during the period of the study; where;
red columns refer to the study cohort-A and blue columns refer to the study cohort-B.

different locations within the study cohort-A regions 3.4. Analysis of the relationship between exposure
were positive for mixed bacterial colonies whilst few and disease
separated colonies on culture media and Fig. 4 showed
the results obtained from air samples cultivation on Isolation and diagnosis of pathogenic bacterial
different media. strains from most of air samples collected from cohort-
Isolated bacterial colonies were examined micro- A regions probably indicated sever contamination of
scopically and results are shown in Fig. 5. the air surrounding the front door duct slots. However,
Most of the isolated bacterial colonies were Gram's one of the most probable explanation was the elevated
negative Enterobacteriaceae. Thus, they were further gas emission from the rainwater duct slots overloaded
investigated by subjecting them to the (Analytical with pathogenic bacteria. Though, the increase in gas
Profile Index System for Identification of Enterobac- emission through duct slots might be due to several
teriaceae using API 20 E Kit) where most of the col- reasons.
onies were identified as strains of Escherichia coli and First: the differences in pipe materials, diameter,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa as shown in Fig. 6. depth and slope between pipelines used for rainwater
However, these results came in agreement with the drainage and the domestic sewer drainage systems
results obtained by the researches of Refs. [5,13,16] [18]. However, a more detailed explanation declared in
where they declared that, about 40% of children Table 4.
attending health centers suffered from gastrointestinal The attentive examination of this table showed
infections where bad sanitary conditions had the re- many differences in the design details between rain-
sponsibility of 25% of death cases in Iraq. water and sewer pipelines which included differences
in the pipe material; where materials such as (plastic or
polyvinyl chloride (PVC)) is used as rainwater pipe-
lines. While, sewer pipelines were mainly made from
(Ferrous or ductile concrete) in order to maintain the
flow of heavy water [19].
On the other hand, the difference in the approximate
depth between both of the pipelines (e.g. 1e2.5 m for
rainwater pipes and at least 3 m for the sewer pipes
encountered in Table 4) also had added another burden on
the capacity of the rainwater pipelines where those pipes
are always subjected to traffic bearing loads and proper
embedment gives them strength in performance [20].
Fig. 3. Front door duct slot where samples were taken from three Moreover, slope variation among the two types of
locations for each sample (5 cm, 30 cm and 1 m) above the duct slot pipelines encountered in Table 4 the slope of rainwater
within the study cohort-A in Kirkuk city during the period of the pipelines beer maximum flow velocity of (0.7 m/s),
374 A.A. Tawfeeq, S.A.-D.M. Taher / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 4 (2018) 369e376

Fig. 4. Examples of bacterial colonies grown on different culture media from atmosphere samples taken from front door duct slot of study cohort-
A regions under investigation in Kirkuk city.

Second: the second factor that probably stands

behind the increase in gas emission from the rainwater
duct slots was the significant decrease of rainfall in
Kirkuk city during the last couple of years as the re-
ports of (The Iraqi Meteorological Organization and
Seismology of Kirkuk province) had declared [6]. This
decrease had led to the accumulation of solid waste in
the rainwater pipes alongside with the elevated tem-
perature (over 60  C) during summer season had all
increased the evaporation rate inside the pipes which
was probably the reason behind the foul smell emitted
Fig. 5. Gram's staining of a bacterial culture grown on MacConkey from the rainwater duct slots mentioned by the citizens
agar at 37  C for 24 h showing Gram's negative rods examined under of the study cohort-A.
(100) of a light microscope for an air sample taken from (1 m)
However, these explanations came in agreement
distance above a front door duct slot of combined domestic sew-
ererainwater network in Kirkuk city. with the results of Refs. [15,16] in conjunction with the
results obtained previously in this study and presented
whereas, sewer pipelines were designed to beer over in Fig. 2 where a significant increase in disease prev-
(0.9 m/s) in order to prevent solid accumulation alence was encountered in cohort-A regions in the hot
[19e21]. seasons.
Thus, the drainage of sewer water using the rain- On the other hand, other same reports had shown
water streams had led to the accumulation of solid that, most of the gastrointestinal cases of children
debris and clogging the pipes which eventually caused admitted to hospitals occur during heavy rainfalls
streets to fall as remarked in Fig. 7. whilst the combined sewererainwater systems can

Fig. 6. Examples of Bacterial colonies grown on different culture media from atmosphere samples taken from front door duct slot of cohort-A
regions under investigation in Kirkuk city.
A.A. Tawfeeq, S.A.-D.M. Taher / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 4 (2018) 369e376 375

Table 4
Design details of sewerage and rainwater pipes utilized in Kirkuk city.
Drainage Pipe Pipe Approximate Slope Flow velocity (m/s)
system material diameter (mm) depth (m)
Rainwater PVC plastic 300 1e2.5 2e3 cm/pipe 0.7
Depending on the design
Sewerage Ferrous 300e1200 3 Minimum slopes for pipes 0.4e0.9
Ductile (3e4 cm/m) length depending
Concrete on pipe material
Source: Kirkuk Sewer Directionate 2015.

Fig. 7. Street falls in rainwater stream in one of the areas under study.

become overloaded, and water utilities discharge the domestic sewer into rainwater streams had increased
excess sewer overflows suggesting that, the rainwater the presence of floating debris which led to the
duct slot might probably have been a source for impairment of the transferring pipes and eventually to
infection with pathogenic bacteria [22e24]. street fall.
The same differences were also pointed out by Refs.
[25,26] where the sewerage system in Sulaimania city 5. Recommendations
was also classified under the combined type that
collected two types of run-offs (domestic sewer and 1. It is important that the Directorate of municipality
rainwater) with the same design problem. to develop a realistic strategic plan and feasibility
No previous study was encountered in this context studies for projects to be implemented in order to
which concerned in studying the epidemiological ef- reduce gaps in service standards, leading to better
fect of combining sewer and rainwater streams not in services in order to save the drain for rain.
Kirkuk city and neither in Iraq. 2. More researches are needed in this context to face
environmental pollution sources in order to
4. Conclusions decrease the financial burdens for communities due
to cleanup expenses and emergency repairs.
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