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Rasmussen, B., 2005. Evidence for pervasive petroleum genera-

tion and migration in 3.2 and 2.63 Ga shales. Geology, 33, RAMAN MICROSCOPY (CONFOCAL)
Rasmussen, B., Glover, J. E., and Foster, C. B., 1993. Polymerisa- Jan Toporski1, Thomas Dieing1, Christine Heim2
tion of hydrocarbons by radioactive minerals in sedimentary 1
Wissenschaftliche Instrumente und Technologie GmbH,
rocks: diagenetic and economic significance, In Landais, P.
(ed.), Bitumens in Ore Deposits. Berlin: Springer, pp. 490–509. Ulm, Germany
Savary, V., and Pagel, M., 1997. The effects of water radiolysis on University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
local redox conditions in the Oklo, Gabon, natural fission
reactors 10 and 16. Geochimica Cosmochimca Acta, 61, Synonyms
Confocal Raman imaging (CRI)
Cross-references Definition
Biosignatures in Rocks
Carbon (Organic, Degradation) Confocal Raman microscopy (CRM) is a nondestructive
Extreme Environments analytical technique that merges Raman spectroscopy
Hydrogen and confocal microscopy for the visualization of molecu-
Ores, Microbial Precipitation and Oxidation lar information over a defined sample area.
Origin of Life
Raman spectroscopy is well suited for studies in mineral-
RADIOLARIA ogy and petrography, as it provides nondestructive
mineral identification fast and with high specificity. In addi-
tion, Raman spectroscopy allows the characterization of
Volker Thiel complex organic materials, which makes it particularly use-
University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany ful in biogeoscience applications (Hild et al., 2008). This
technique has long been applied in geosciences, for exam-
Radiolaria are planktonic marine protozoa showing unicel- ple, for the identification and characterization of minerals,
lular organization and heterotrophic mode of nutrition. or in the observation of mineral phase transitions in high
They build tests varying in shape from simple scattered and ultra-high pressure/temperature experiments. In most
spicules to highly ornated geometric-shaped shells (Adl cases, measurements have been carried out in a micro-
et al., 2005). Sizes usually range from hundredths to tenths Raman set up, i.e., information was obtained from single
of millimeters. The tests are made from opal (hydrated sil- or multiple points of interest on a sample. This way, little
ica), some from silica and organic material, and some from detail on the spatial distribution and association of compo-
strontium sulphate. The name “Radiolaria” derives from the nents or mineral phases, or chemical variation could be
marked radial skeletal spines that characterize many spe- observed, even though this information may contribute sig-
cies. Radiolarians are known from the very beginning of nificantly to the understanding of a sample’s complexity.
the Paleozoic (early Cambrian of the Yangtze Platform; By means of CRM, such sample characteristics can be
Braun et al., 2007). They are important index fossils evaluated from large scale scans in the centimeter range
and may significantly contribute to marine silica-rich sedi- to the finest detail with sub-micron resolution. Modern
ments. Radiolarian cherts (radiolarites), a variety of chert confocal Raman microscopes allow for such measure-
(see entry Cherts) composed of radiolarian remains, indi- ments with very high sensitivity and spatial as well as
cate deep water deposition at depths below which siliceous spectral resolution. CRM is a tool that not only provides
sediments are stable, but carbonates are dissolved. See entry complementary information to data obtained by e.g., elec-
“Protozoa (Heterotroph, Eukaryotic)” for further reading. tron microprobe (EMP), energy dispersive x-ray analysis
(EDX), or secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). In
Bibliography addition to the quantitative and semiquantitative elemental
and/or isotopic data acquired by these techniques, CRM
Adl, S. M., Simpson, A. G. B., Farmer, M. A., Anderson, R. A., contributes the visualization of the distribution for molec-
Anderson, O. R., Barta, J. R., Bowser, S. S., Brugerolle, G.,
Fensome, R. A., Fredericq, S., James, T. Y., Karpov, S., Kugrens, ular information over a defined sample area. Furthermore,
P., Krug, J., Lane, C. E., Lewis, L. A., Lodge, J., Lynn, D. H., considering that most geomaterials are transparent from
Mann, D. G., McCourt, R. M., Mendoza, L., Moestrup, Ø., the UV (NUV) to VIS and NIR to some degree, this infor-
Mozley-Standrisge, S. E., Nerad, T. A., Shearer, C. A., Smirnov, mation can be obtained three dimensionally due to the
A. V., Spiegel, F. W., and Taylor, M. F. J. R., 2005. The new confocal set-up of the microscopes. The following discus-
higher level classification of eukaryotes with emphasis on the sion provides background information and examples that
taxonomy of protists. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 52,
399–451. shall serve to highlight some key analytical features of this
Braun, A., Chen, J., Waloszek, D., Maas, A., 2007. First Early Cam- technique for applications in geosciences. A recent and
brian Radiolaria. Geological Society, London, Special Publica- comprehensive summary on the application of CRM in
tions, 286, 143–149. Geoscience can be found in Fries and Steele (2010).

Principles of confocal Raman microscopy Theory

CRM essentially merges two techniques into one. First, The following section shall provide some basic descrip-
Raman spectroscopy, which allows nondestructive chem- tions and definitions relevant to Raman spectroscopy.
ical analysis; secondly, Confocal microscopy which Readers interested in a detailed theoretical background
allows the user to examine samples with diffraction- are referred to Ibach and Lüth (2003).
limited resolution as well as to obtain three-dimensional In quantum mechanics, the scattering process between
information from the sample. The theory behind these a photon and a molecule is described as an excitation of
two techniques will be explained in the following sections, a molecule to a virtual state lower in energy than a real
followed by an illustration of how images with chemical electronic state and the (nearly immediate) de-excitation.
sensitivity can be obtained using this combination of The lifetime of the virtual state is extremely short and
techniques. can be calculated by the Heisenberg uncertainty relation:

Raman spectroscopy Dt  DE  (1)
When light of a certain wavelength interacts with
a molecule, most photons are elastically scattered and With typical photon energies of 1–2 eV, the lifetime of the
therefore have the same energy as the incident photons. excited state is only about 10–15 s. After this extremely
However, a very small fraction (approximately 1 in 106– short time, the molecule falls back either to the vibrational
107 photons) is in elastically scattered, which means that ground state or to an excited state (Figure 1). When the ini-
the energy of the scattered photon is different than the tial and final states are identical, the process is called Ray-
energy of the incident photon. leigh scattering.
This is called the “Raman effect”, and it was discovered If the initial state is the ground and the final state
by Sir Chandrasekhara Raman in 1928 (Raman, 1928; a higher vibrational level, the process is called Stokes scat-
Raman and Krishnan, 1928). Unlike today, he used tering, if the initial state is energetically higher than the
a filtered beam of sunlight as an excitation source and final state, this is referred to as Anti-Stokes scattering.
his eye as a detector for the frequency shifted light. This The difference in energy between the incident and the
was long before the development of the first laser by Raman scattered photon is equal to the energy of
Maiman in 1960. Raman was awarded the Nobel Prize a vibration quantum of the scattering molecule. A plot of
in 1930 for this discovery. The theory behind the Raman intensity of scattered light versus energy difference is
effect was derived five years earlier by Smekal (1923). called a Raman spectrum.
The tremendous importance of the Raman effect lies in The position of a Raman line is usually given in relative
the fact that the energy shift between the exciting and wavenumbers (1/cm), which is the energy shift relative to
the Raman scattered photon is caused by the excitation the excitation line:
(or annihilation) of a molecular vibration. This energy
shift is thus characteristic and therefore a fingerprint for 1 1
the type and coordination of the molecules involved in n¼  (2)
the scattering process. lincident lscattered

Raman Microscopy (Confocal), Figure 1 Energy level diagram for Raman scattering.

Raman Microscopy (Confocal), Figure 2 Typical Raman


lincident and lscattered are the wavelengths of the incident

and Raman scattered photons, respectively.
As can be seen in Figure 2, a typical Raman spectrum is
symmetric to the Rayleigh line and the Anti-Stokes lines
are lower in intensity than the Stokes shifted lines.
From classical scattering theory, one finds that the Raman Microscopy (Confocal), Figure 3 Principal setup of
intensity I of scattered light is proportional to the 4th power a confocal microscope.
of the excitation frequency
can reach the detector, which greatly increases image con-
I / n4 (3) trast and with the proper selection of pinhole size, slightly
Exciting a sample with blue light at 400 nm would there- increases resolution (max. gain in resolution: factor 2).
fore give a 16 times higher Raman signal than using red As can be seen from Figure 3, light originating from
light at 800 nm. The problem of using blue (or UV) planes other than the focal plane will be out of focus at
excitation light, however, is fluorescence. Many samples the pinhole. Therefore, its contribution to the detected sig-
show fluorescence when they are excited with blue light nal is strongly reduced. Additionally, by changing the dis-
and Raman emissions are extremely weak compared tance between the objective and the sample, the focal
to fluorescence. If a sample shows significant fluores- plane is moved within the sample thus allowing depth pro-
cence, obtaining a Raman spectrum is usually impossible filing or even 3D imaging (Wilson, 1990).
because the fluorescence background covers the Raman
signal. In the red (or even IR) region of the spectrum, fluo- Pinhole size
rescence is usually not a problem, but the excitation inten- The choice of the pinhole size is important because on one
sity must be much higher (I / n4). Another problem is that hand the signal should be as high as possible, while on the
Silicon detectors cannot be used above 1100 nm (band other hand the image should be as confocal as possible
gap energy of Si: 1.12 eV). Other IR detectors (such as (highest depth resolution). To take full advantage of the
InGaAs) show much more thermal and readout noise than lateral and depth resolution possible with confocal micros-
silicon and photon counting detectors with low dark count copy, the size of the pinhole should be adjusted and opti-
rates are not available yet. In real experiments one must mized. To obtain the highest lateral resolution, the pinhole
always find a compromise between detection efficiency size should be below vP = 0.5. (The variable n describes
and excitation power. the position in optical
ffi coordinates and can be derived from
v ¼ 2p
l x2 þ y2 sin a. Here l is the excitation wavelength, x
Confocal microscopy and y the sample coordinates in the focal plane and a half of
Confocal microscopy allows the user to obtain three- the aperture angle. vP is the radius of the pinhole in optical
dimensional information from the sample. It requires coordinates when assuming a magnification of 1.) How-
a point source (usually a laser), which is focused onto ever, at this point the transmission through the pinhole is
the sample. The reflected light (Rayleigh, Raman, fluores- only 5% of the scattered intensity. In practice, the pinhole
cence) is collected with the same objective and focused size can be up to vP = 4 without significantly changing depth
through a pinhole at the front of the detector (Figure 3). resolution and up to vP = 2 without significantly changing
This ensures that only light from the image focal plane lateral resolution. It can be shown that if vP > 4, the

resolution of at least a conventional microscope remains. Resolution

This is due to the fact that for a large detector the resolution For sample scanning systems, the magnification printed
is always determined by the diameter of the excitation on the objective used is of minor importance. The maxi-
laser spot. Only the depth resolution (and therefore contrast mum scan range achievable by the sample scanner deter-
for a thick sample) is lost in this case. In most cases, mines the maximum image size, independent of the
a pinhole size of vP = 2.5 is a good compromise since good magnification of the objective. The more important prop-
depth resolution is maintained while >75% of the light still erty of the objective is the numerical aperture, which
reaches the detector (see Figure 4). together with the excitation wavelength determines the lat-
For the experiment, the relation eral resolution of the objective. The magnification is only
important for the choice of the pinhole size.
M pd0 The maximum resolution of a classical microscope is
NA vP l given by the Rayleigh criterion
should be fulfilled, where M is the magnification, d0 the 0:61l
diameter of the pinhole, and NA the numerical aperture Dx ¼ (5)
of the objective. The left side of this equation is defined
by the objective and the beam path and the right side where Dx is the smallest distance between two point
by the wavelength, the pinhole size itself and vP. If, for objects that will appear separated in the image plane, l is
example, an objective with a magnification of 100 and the wavelength of the excitation light, and NA is the
a numerical aperture of 0.9 is used at a wavelength of numerical aperture of the microscope objective. In this
532 nm the optimum pinhole size would be 50 μm for case, the image of two point objects will appear just
maximum depth resolution and 10 μm for maximum lat- seperated (Figure 5).
eral resolution.
In actual experiments, one usually has to find a
compromise between the highest resolution and collec- Confocal Raman microscopy
tion efficiency. This is very important in CRM because Instrumentation considerations
Raman is an extremely weak effect. If a very small pin- When combining confocal microscopy and Raman spec-
hole is used, the collection efficiency is strongly reduced troscopy the main challenge is the low signal intensity.
(Figure 4). As mentioned earlier, only one in about 106 –107 photons
This graphic shows the intensity on the detector as is frequency shifted by the Raman effect. Thus the number
a function of pinhole size, normalized to the total intensity of photons reaching the detector is far less than is the case
in the image plane. One can see that the collection effi- for confocal or fluorescence microscopy. The two obvious
ciency is about 75% for maximum depth resolution
(vP = 2.5), but only 6% for maximum lateral resolution
(vP = 0.5).
Using the appropriate pinhole size, it is therefore
always possible to obtain maximum depth resolution.

Raman Microscopy (Confocal), Figure 4 Collection efficiency Raman Microscopy (Confocal), Figure 5 The intensity
as a function of the pinhole size normalized to the total power in distribution of two point sources which are separated by the
the image plane. Rayleigh criterion.

changes would be to increase the laser power and to Czerny-Turner spectrometers only have a transmission
increase the integration time. However, there are limita- of about 30% at this wavelength.
tions to these possibilities as shown below: Efficiency of the detector (CCD): Back-illuminated CCD
(a) Laser power: If a power of only 1 mW from a 532 nm cameras show a quantum efficiency (QE) of >90% over
laser is focused diffraction limited using a 100 air the entire spectral range of interest for 532 nm excitation.
objective with a NA of 0.9, the power density in the Deep depletion back-illuminated CCD cameras, on the
illuminated spot is approximately 106 W/cm². These other hand, show a QE of >90% for 785 nm excitation.
levels are only possible because a single point is illu- As a comparison, front-illuminated CCD cameras do not
minated and the heat effectively dissipates in three exceed 55% quantum efficiency at any wavelength.
dimensions. Nevertheless, the maximum laser power Additionally, the dark current of the cameras needs to
on the sample is therefore typically in the range of be minimized, which is achieved through efficient Peltier
1–20 mW. cooling.
(b) Integration time: Increasing the integration time will The readout noise is another limiting factor for small
increase the signal to noise ratio significantly. How- signals. As the analog to digital (A/D) converter of all
ever, when CRM or mapping is applied, in which an cameras will add at least 5–10 electrons read-out noise
image is produced by recording a spectrum at every to the signal, any signal below approximately 5 electrons
image pixel, the integration time per spectrum needs will be lost in the noise. Additionally, the faster the A/D
to be kept to a minimum. An integration time of only converter is operating, the higher the read-out noise
1 s per spectrum will, when recording an image of will be. Electron-multiplying CCD (EM-CCD) cameras
128  128 pixels, result in a total acquisition time can be used to overcome this problem. With these
of about 4.5 h, which is an inconvenient time-span cameras, the signal is amplified before the A/D conver-
for routine application. sion, allowing the detection of even single photons
and reducing the necessary integration time down to
Therefore, a system for CRM must be capable of obtaining milliseconds.
the Raman spectra with an acceptable signal-to-noise
ration in less than 50–100 ms. There are several parts of Principle of operation
a confocal Raman microscope which should be optimized Confocal Raman microscopes generally provide a variety
in order to allow such rapid data acquisition. These will be of modes of operations. The most common are listed
discussed in the following: below:
Laser power: As described above, the maximum laser Collection of Raman spectra at selected sample areas
power is limited and will heavily depend on the destruc- (single spectrum): Single Raman spectra can be collected
tion and alteration threshold of the sample used. at user-selectable sample areas with integration times
Collection efficiency of the objective: Using objectives ranging from ms to hours. The position of the collected
with high numerical apertures maximizes the collection spectrum can normally be fully controlled in 3D.
efficiency since light from a larger solid angle is collected. A stable and precise positioning system must be included
Throughput of the microscope: In order to enhance the in the instrument to ensure that the point of interest will
throughput of the microscope, the components used remain fixed under the excitation focus. This is very
within the beam path should be optimized and if possible important when spectra with longer integration times
minimized since every passive optical element introduces for the best quality and signal to noise ratio are to be
losses to the signal. obtained from extremely small sample volumes. For
Efficiency of the grating: Highly efficient gratings with example, using an oil immersion objective (NA 1.4) with
the correct blazing angle for the excitation wavelength a 532 nm laser and the proper pinhole size allows the sam-
should be used. As an example: a grating blazed at ple volume to be as small as 230  230  550 nm.
500 nm will have an absolute efficiency of >60% up to Collection of time series of Raman spectra at selected
3000 rel.1/cm when using a 532 nm laser. Using the same sample areas (time spectrum): With this mode, time series
grating with a 785 nm laser will cause the efficiency to of Raman spectra can be obtained to analyze dynamic
drop to about 30% at 3000 rel.1/cm. The correct grating sample properties. Thousands of spectra can be obtained
blazed at 750 nm, however, shows an efficiency >60% over time and analyzed with integration times ranging
up to 3000 rel.1/cm when used with the 785 nm laser. from ms to tens of seconds.
Efficiency of the spectrometer: There are a variety of spec- Raman spectral imaging: In the Raman spectral imaging
trometers available on the market. While mirror-based mode, the sample is moved in X and Y and a full Raman
spectrometers can generally be used over a wide spectral spectrum is obtained at every pixel measured. From these
range, lens-based spectrometers often show a higher data sets images of, e.g., the integrated intensity of various
throughput in the spectral range they are designed for. bands can be generated. This is illustrated in the following
Some lens-based spectrometers show a transmission at example.
532 nm of >60%. Spectrometers using a combination of A drill core section from the Äspö Hard Rock Labora-
lenses and prisms or mirrors generaly have a significantly tory, Sweden, was studied using the large area scan mode
lower throughput. Commercially available mirror-based CRM, aiming to characterize secondary fracture fillings in

a 1.8–1.4 billion years old diorite. The rock sample was Other spectra of the same scan show the characteristic fea-
obtained from 450 m below the surface (kindly provided tures of calcite or fluorite (Figure 6d). Using these, the cal-
by SKB, Swedish nuclear fuel and waste management). cite (Figure 6b) and fluorite (Figure 6c) images can be
This sample was examined with a 532 nm laser and generated by using additional integral filters for the
a 50 air objective (NA 0.55). The scan range was marked regions. Other features of the spectra such as the
8000 μm in X and 2000 μm in Y with 800  200 points width of peaks or their position can also be evaluated by
resolution. Each spectrum was integrated for 36 ms. applying the corresponding filters.
Figure 6 shows the characteristic spectra of calcite, fluorite Further evaluation of the data allows the averaging of
and quartz found in the sample. Integrating over, for similar spectra (for which a cluster analysis is often used)
example, the area marked in green in Figure 6d results in and the subtraction of, for example, pure spectra from
a single value for each of the 160,000 spectra. These spec- mixed spectra to extract the spectra of the various compo-
tra can be displayed as a color-coded image as shown in nents (spectral de-mixing). These spectra can then be used
Figure 6a for quartz. Here, brighter values indicate with the basis analysis, where each of the spectra recorded
a higher integrated intensity of the quartz peak and the dis- are fitted with a linear combination of the basis spectra.
tribution of quartz can thus be obtained from this image. The result of such an analysis is one image for each basis

Raman Microscopy (Confocal), Figure 6 Spectra (d) and spectral images of quartz (a), calcite (b) and fluorite (c) recorded from the
diorite (a) and the fracture fillings (b and c). The data were recorded with a WITec alpha500R confocal Raman microscope.

Raman Microscopy (Confocal), Figure 7 DE-mixed and averaged spectra of the various components in the diorite and the adjacent
fracture minerals with the combined image on the left.

Raman Microscopy (Confocal), Figure 8 Variations in the quartz phases due to changes in the crystallographic orientation, the
crystallinity, and the minerals.

spectra which can then be combined to generate a false Summary

color image showing the distribution of all components CRM is a nondestructive analytical technique that merges
(Figure 7). Raman spectroscopy and confocal microscopy for the
The color-coded Raman image and corresponding visualization of molecular information over a defined
spectra in Figure 7 allow for the general assignment of sample area. The technique makes use of the Raman effect
mineral phases and their gross distribution over the (Raman, 1928), i.e., the energy shift between exciting and
scanned area. In addition to the mineralogical context scattered photons which is caused by the excitation (or
information, organic components were identified, spec- annihilation) of a molecular vibration. This energy shift
trally characterized and located, trapped between two gen- is characteristic and therefore a fingerprint for the type
erations of fracture fillings (the hydrothermal fluorite and and coordination of the molecules involved. By means
low temperature calcite, Tullborg et al., 2008; Wallin and of CRM, the spatial distribution and association of compo-
Petermann, 1999). This information allowed to infer at nents in the sample, including organics as well as min-
which point in time a “deep biosphere” (see entry “Terres- erals, can be evaluated from large scale scans in the
trial Deep Biosphere”) was active within these rocks. centimeter range to the finest detail with submicron reso-
Cluster analysis of the data set revealed discrete areas of lution. This way, CRM may contribute significantly to
variation in the mineral phases (Figure 8). This is exempli- the understanding of a sample’s chemical composition,
fied by the quartz phase where four distinct regions were and complexity, in geological and geobiological studies.
identified based on variations in relative peak intensity.
Plotting regions of equal intensities of the quartz line at Bibliography
ca. 200 cm1 shows discrete regions in the sample Fries, M., and Steele, A., 2010. Raman spectroscopy and confocal
corresponding to each of the identified spectra. Raman imaging in mineralogy and petrography. In Dieing, T.,
Quartz was selected as an example to highlight the fea- Hollricher, O., and Toporski, J. (eds.), Confocal Raman Micros-
sibility of color-coded Raman imaging to locate changes copy, Heidelberg: Springer.
of different mineral phases. These changes can likely be Hild, S., Marti, O., and Ziegler, A., 2008. Spatial distribution of cal-
cite and amorphous calcium carbonate in the cuticle of the terres-
attributed to different levels of crystallinity and crystal ori- trial crustaceans Porcellio scaber and Armadillidium vulgare.
entation. It is noteworthy that the discrete phase colored Journal of Structural Biology, 142, 100–108.
green only occurs at the interface with the plagioclase Ibach, H., and Lüth, H., 2003. Solid State Physics. An Introduction
minerals, which can be attributed to a secondary phase to Principles of Materials Science, Berlin: Springer.
due to the alteration and phase changes of the plagioclases. Raman, C., 1928. A new radiation. Indian Journal of Physics, 2,
Since SiO2-phases play an important role in biominer- 387.
Raman, C., and Krishnan, K., 1928. A new type of secondary radi-
aliation, this example highlights the potential benefits con- ation. Nature, 121, 501.
focal Raman imaging may provide in understanding the Smekal, A. G., 1923. Zur Quantentheorie der Dispersion, Naturwis-
processes and dynamics involved in these processes. senschaften, 11, 873–875.

Tullborg, E.-L., Drake, H., Sandström, B., 2008. Palaeohy-

drogeology: A method based on fracture mineral studies.
Applied Geochemistry, 23, 1881–1897.
Wallin, B., and Peterman, Z., 1999. Calcite fracture fillings as indi-
cators of palaeohydrology at Laxemar at the Äspö Hard Rock
Laboratory, southern Sweden. Applied Chemistry, 14, 953–962.
Wilson, T., 1990. Confocal Microscopy, London: Academic.

Biosignatures in Rocks
Terrestrial Deep Biosphere


Beda A. Hofmann
Natural History Museum Bern, Bern, Switzerland

Bleaching haloes; Fish eyes; Radioactive concretions; Reduction Spheroids, Figure 1 Reduction spheroids in Triassic
Radioactive nodules; Reduction mottling; Reduction red bed (marly dolomite), Chinle Formation, Paradox Valley,
spots; Reduktionshöfe Colorado, USA. These reduction spheroids are strongly enriched
in V, Cr, and Au. Diameter of larger reduction spheroid is 8 cm.

Reduction spheroids are small-scale (diameter: few milli- Pb-depleted haloes indicates late diagenetic ages
meters to maximum about 20 cm) spheroidal bleached (Hofmann, 1990; Hofmann and Frei, 1996). Reduction
features in red-bed sediments characterized by the absence spheroids often occur in large numbers in red beds and
of hematite and often containing a mineralized core can constitute up to several vol% of the rock. Based on
(center, Figure 1). Reduction spheroids result from local textural evidence, such as fracture-bound occurrences
chemical reduction of ferric iron and other elements. Host and mass-balance calculations (Hofmann, 1991), reduc-
rocks are marine and continental red beds and, more tion spheroids cannot be due to detrital organic-rich parti-
rarely, altered, hematite-stained crystalline rocks. cles. Instead, the formation must be due to locally
Reduction spheroids have been described from many catalyzed redox reactions between a mobile reductant
occurrences in red beds of widely variable age worldwide: and oxidants. The presence of isotopically light sulfides
Proterozoic of Canada (Tanton, 1948); Cambro-Silurian in some cores (Hofmann, 1991), indicating diagenetic sul-
marine red beds of the NE USA (Beutner and Charles, fate reduction, as well as the need for a local catalyst,
1985); Devonian continental red beds of Scotland strongly favors a microbiological origin of reduction
(Parnell, 1985); Carboniferous continental red beds of spheroids. Reductants may be mobile hydrocarbons or
New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Canada (Dyck and molecular hydrogen resulting from the radiolysis of pore
McCorkell, 1983); Permian continental red beds of Ger- water (Hofmann, 1992). The formation of reduction spots
many (Eichhoff and Reineck, 1952; Mempel, 1960; is most likely due to chemolithotrophic communities.
Schreiter, 1930), Switzerland (Hofmann, 1990, 1991), Kerogen-like organic matter is occasionally present at
Southwest England (Harrison, 1970; Perutz, 1940), and some localities (Curiale et al., 1983; Parnell, 1985) but is
Cretaceous radiolarian cherts of Oman (Hofmann, 1991). lacking at many other occurrences (Hofmann, 1993).
Reduction spheroids characteristically consist of
a spheroidal volume of rock from which hematite pigment
has been dissolved. Central dark cores often display pro- Conclusion
nounced concentric zonation. The cores are strongly Reduction spheroids are very common in red-bed
enriched in numerous redox-sensitive elements (dominant sediments, and there are strong indications for an origin
V, but also U, Se, As, Ni, Co, Cu, Ag, Au, PGE, and due to redox reactions between a mobile reductant
others). The dominant mineral in reduction spheroid cores and oxidized elements locally catalyzed by microbial
is the vanadium mica roscoelite KV2AlSi3O10(OH)2. Ura- activity. Reduction spheroids are thus easily visible
ninite is another very common mineral, leading to an often features resulting from redox processes catalyzed by
increased radioactivity of reduction spheroids (Figure 2). a deep biosphere of sediments, and represent a type of
Arsenides of Ni, Co, and Cu are also quite com- biosignature that may also be present in oxidized rocks
mon. Radiometric dating of roscoelite, uraninite, and on Mars. Reduction spheroids contain small-scale

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