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Queen's niversit!

Dept" of Mec#anical and Materials $n%ineerin%

MECH 341 Fluid Mechanics II

Compressible flows - Introduction Darko Matovic, 2012

Class objectives:
Identify when are the flows compressible Classify flows according to Mach number Derive speed of sound from first principles Make distinction between adiabatic and isentropic flow Derive Mach relations for adiabatic flow Derive Isentropic pressure and density relations

Compressible flows around us:

Punctured tire pray painting !ullets "#plosions IC engine intake$e#haust% knocking Compressed air jet & cleaning

'lows according to Mach number:

Incompressible ubsonic -ransonic upersonic 0ipersonic Ma ( )*+ )*+ ( Ma ( )*, )*, ( Ma ( .*/ .*/ ( Ma ( +*) +*) ( Ma

Compressible flows

Compressible flows re1uire

Continuity e1uation Momentum e1uation "nergy e1uation "1uation of state

2ew relations:
Mach 2umber: pecific&0eat 3atio: "1uation of state 4perfect gas5:

U Ma = a cp k= cv p = R T R =c p c v

a speed of sound U velocity cp sp* heat at const* pressure cv sp* heat at const* volume p pressure R gas constant T 6 temperature density

a= k R T

R cv= k .

kR c p= k c v= k .

Characteristic values for air:

c p =.)); 8 / kg 9 c v =7.= 8 / kg 9
R = c p c v = /,7 8 /( kg 9 )
>t standard conditions:

cp k = =.*< cv

=.*/ kg / m ; T = /:+*.; 9 ; a =+<+*/ m / s

2ote: ?nits for R and c in the te#tbook are m/$4s/ 95 which is e1uivalent to 8$4kg 95% but less intuitive*

peed of ound 4propagation speed

for small pressure disturbances5
&ave interior

-his is a .D problem Continuity across the wave:

AC = A C V V =C V C

p T V =C

p p T T V =C V

Momentum conservation along x:

pA p p A = A C C V C

V out V i n F x=m

p p = C V. Combining: C = .


p = C V and p= C V p C = .

-he result indicates that the wave propagation is faster for strong disturbances 4large 5% i.e. e#plosion waves* 'or sound waves p )* then a /= In order to determine the derivative 4slope5% we need to know what kind of process is this* @iven that there is no net heat e#change% it ought to be an adiabatic process* ince the density change is also infinitesimal it is also an isentropic flow* -hus:
p a=

./ /

p = k


p 'or perfect gas: a= k = k RT

Internal energy change: "nthalpy change:

u / u .=c v T / T .

h / h . = c p T / T .

!ut if we take into account that specific heats depend on temperature% then

u / u .= c v dT
. /


h / h.= c p dT

Isentropic Process
"ntropy change is obtained from Introducing

dh = c p dT
/ /


T ds= dh dp / p = R T

dT dp ds = c p T R p . . .
'or constant specific heat% these can be integrated to yield

T/ p/ T/ / s/ s.= c p ln R ln = c v ln R ln . T. p. T. p/ T = p. T .

'or isentropic 4constant entropy5 process%

s.= s / * -hen

/ = .

k / k .

>diabatic and Isentropic teady 'low

>pplying energy e1uation for .D flow:
V/ h. . g / V/ / = h g . / /

! " visc

Ae can neglect viscous work% heat e#change and elevation 4potential5 energy* -hen the .D energy e1uation reduces to: V/ h = h)= const where h) is the stagnation entha#p$. entha#p$ / V/ c p T =c p T ) / where T) is the stagnation temperature.

Mach number relations for adiabatic flow 4isentropic or notB5

V/ dividing c p T = c p T ) by c p T / T) V/ kR a/ . = % and using c p T = T= we arrive at /cpT T k . k .
/ T) k . V = . T / a/


T) k . =. Ma / T / a) T ) = a T


./ /

= .

k . Ma / /


since a T . / /

Mach number relations for isentropic flow 4must be adiabatic% tooB5

?sing isentropic relations T) k . =. Ma / T /

p/ / T/ = = . p. T.
k / k .

k k .


4from previous slide5

k . Ma /


p) T = p T

k ) k .

= .

) T = T

. ) k .

= .

k . Ma /

. / k .

Must also be isentropic'

Critical values 4at MaC.*)5

Dalues at critical point% where Mach number is e1ual to one 4sonic conditions5 are of special importance for compressible flow calculations* 'or that reason% we mark these values by an asterisk:
p / = p ) k .

T / = T ) k .

k k .

/ = ) k . / a = a) k .

/k V =a = kRT = RT) k . 'or air 4k C .*<5 these ratios have the following values: E pE TE aE =)*;/,+ ; = )*=++: ; =)*,+++ ; =)*:./: p) T) a) )

./ /

. k . .//

Isentropic flow tables

Do not confuse A (nozzle area) with a (sound speed)!

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