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BMJ 2018;362:k3641 doi: 10.1136/bmj.

k3641 (Published 29 August 2018) Page 1 of 2



Stateless: the Rohingya refugees one year on

Declan Murphy

In the past year nearly a million people have fled northern The charity is calling for a redoubling of efforts to find solutions
Rakhine province in Myanmar for the safety of neighbouring to their plight. It warns that their statelessness must be tackled
Bangladesh. Around 900 000 of the refugees are now enduring urgently to allow them access to basic healthcare, education,
cramped and unhygienic lives in camps, such as Balukhali, left, and protection. Kolovos said, “The reality is that hundreds of
in Cox’s Bazar. The coastal town has become the world’s largest thousands of Rohingya have been displaced in Bangladesh and
refugee camp. elsewhere for decades, and it may be decades until they can
Since the exodus of the Rohingya people began, Médecins Sans safely return to Myanmar, if ever.
Frontières (MSF) has treated 656 200 refugees in its clinics. “The scale and scope of the suffering merits a much more robust
Whereas once the majority of patients needed treatment for response—locally, regionally, and globally. Pressure must,
violence related injuries, now the charity’s doctors are dealing meanwhile, continue to be exerted on the government of
largely with diarrhoeal disease, created and exacerbated by Myanmar to halt its campaign against the Rohingya.”
living conditions in the camps. A UN report has called for top military figures in Myanmar to
Pavlo Kolovos, MSF’s head of mission in Bangladesh, said, “It be investigated for genocide and crimes against humanity.1 It
is unacceptable that watery diarrhoea remains one of the biggest is the UN’s strongest condemnation so far of violence against
health issues we see in the camps. The infrastructure to meet Rohingya Muslims.
even the most basic needs of the population is still not in place.”
1 Human Rights Council. Report of the independent international fact-finding mission on
Many of the refugees MSF staff speak to are very anxious about Myanmar. 24 Aug 2018.
the future. Made stateless by Myanmar and denied formal legal Myanmar/A_HRC_39_64.pdf.

status by their host country, the refugees are in legal limbo. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already
granted under a licence) please go to

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BMJ 2018;362:k3641 doi: 10.1136/bmj.k3641 (Published 29 August 2018) Page 2 of 2



[Image: Dalila Mahdawi/MSF]

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