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Depression: An Integration of TA and

Psychodynamic Concepts

Raman Kapur

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Concepts, Transactional Analysis Journal, 17:2, 29-34, DOI: 10.1177/036215378701700206

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Depression: An Integration of TA
and Psychodynamic Concepts
Raman Kapur

Abstract people were encouraged to seek gratjfication

This article integrates TA and psychody- through using the dominant other as an in-
namic concepts in order to provide a fuller termediary to reward any activity (Bemporad,
understanding of depression. The major 1977). For example, impressive educational
issues in treating mild and severe depression achievements are hotly pursued to gain ap-
are reviewed, and a longitudinal view of the proval from the dominant other. This parent-
psychotherapeutic treatment of depression is child interaction has been called a bargain rela-
presented. tionship; depressed persons deny themselves
autonomous gratification in return for accep-
tance by the dominant other. Later they often
Introduction attempt to reestablish this pattern with unwit-
Depression is one of the most common forms ting transference objects, including therapists.
of psychopathology; its treatment encompasses Upon closer examination, the personality
traditional pharmacological interventions as structure of depressed persons reveals the
well as psychotherapeutic approaches. This underlying passivity characteristic of their day-
paper focuses on the latter by integrating con- to-day functioning (Brown, 1977; Cameron,
cepts from TA, psychodynamic psychotherapy, 1963). Semrad (Rako & Mazer, 1980)
and Arieti and Bemporads' (1978) model of describes this as "getting someone else to do
severe and mild depression in order to arrive something they're not doing ... " (p. 151).
at a clinically oriented model of depression. From a TA perspective, a structural analysis
reveals several characteristics. The Parent ego
The Dynamics of Depression states of depressed individuals exhibit several
I'm trying to be someone else fundamental flaws (Loomis & Landsman,
To fit in where I can 1980, 1981). Their high external Critical Parent
I've done this for so many years allows them to externalize responsibility for
I don't know who I am. distress. This occurs through criticizing signifi-
This poem by a client highlights the dynamic cant others and perceiving them as betraying
of the dominant other identified by Arieti and the depressed person's trust. For example, a
Bemporad (1976) in which depressed in- 40-year-old mildly depressed nurse often
dividuals live, not for themselves but for others, remarked that it was pointless to trust others
most often a spouse, less frequently a mother, since they constantly disappointed her. This
a lover, an adult child, a sister, or a father. dysfunctional Parent ego state is further im-
(Although this pattern predominates, other paired by a high internal Critical Parent which
depressed persons live for an inaccessible aim ensures that unreasonable personal standards
called the dominant goal.) As children, these and expectations are firmly established. Thus,
each time the person fails, he or she feels guil-
I wish to thank Charles Hand, Gill Ingram, and Chris ty and more depressed. This feature of the
Hodkinson of the Student Counselling Centre. University
of Ulster, North Ireland. for providing me with opportunities
Parent ego state is often referred to by
to develop my interests in TA and psychodynamic psychoanalytic theorists as the harsh or severe
psychotherapy. superego (Bellak, 1981).

Vol. 17. No.2. April 1987 29


The imbalance in depressed persons' Nurtur- The following sections of this paper outline
ing Parent ego states ensures that they take care a longitudinal view of the treatment of clinical
of others to their own neglect, a relationship depression in which traditional TA and psycho-
strategy with an often masochistic flavor. They dynamic concepts are integrated into the
feel unable to love and take care of themselves, "dominant other" model of depression.
and the self-image is of being all-bad.
The depressed person's dysfunctional Adult Initial Phase of Treatment
promotes considerable ambivalence (Benedek, Effective psychotherapy depends on the
1975) and conveys a feeling of frustration to therapist making successful contact with clients.
the therapist, who is often invited to cathect his The foundations laid during this initial stage
or her own Adult to defuse this ambivalence. often dictate the strength and structure of the
The Child ego state performs functions im- emotional growth which occurs at later stages.
portant for maintaining the painful status quo. Depressed clients are often reluctant to make
In particular, the intensity of the helpless therapeutic contact, and initial therapist trans-
Adapted Child invites rescuing from others, actions need to contain what Loomis and
and the therapist often ends up enacting roles Landsman term realistic Nurturing Parent
in the Drama Triangle (Karpman, 1968). (1981). However, the negative effect of offer-
Depressed persons who are unable to find ing a heavy Nurturing Parent with no Adult
authentic ways of dealing with relationships messages is that depressed clients may feel that
often resort to powerful Adapted Child the ideal and fantasied dependency now exists.
maneuvers when venturing out of their fragile Arieti (1978) suggests similar transactions in
shells. The Adapted Child is used as a way of which the therapist is compassionate, although
hurting back those perceived to be the cause not in such a manner that clients can interpret
of the person's distress. There is rarely a it as an acknowledgment of their helplessness.
healthy expression of Free Child energy; the Arieti suggests the therapist initiate by saying,
predominant emotion of anger tends to be turn- "Most probably you do not know why you are
ed both inward and outward in an unhealthy depressed. But in my professional work I have
way (Birnbaum, 1976), the latter being dis- found without exception that there are reasons
placed on to significant others. The Free Child for every depression. The depression does not
remains neglected and starved for strokes. come out of the blue. The anguish and suffer-
To deal with the inevitable rejection and ing stem from sources that a person like you,
damaged self-esteem that results from these at a certain period of his life, cannot find out
maladaptive relationship strategies, depressed himself. He needs help." (p. 37-38)
people tend to become dependent on others and Cathexis of some degree of Adult from
to use these relationships as sources of nar- clients allows the therapist to formulate a
cissistic nutrients; that is, they demand love and therapeutic contract. All escape hatches
reassurance from others (Bellak, 1981). Denial, (Holloway, 1977) must be closed by a thorough
the primary defense mechanism used by examination of the contract since clients are in-
depressed people to manage anxiety (Bellak, evitably apprehensive about proposed changes.
1981), prevents premature exploration of the However, contract agreement is often pragma-
more unconscious reasons behind the person's tically dictated by the intensity of the depres-
distress. sion; severely depressed clients will be very
In terms of differential diagnosis, the inten- passive in the face of any commitment. As with
sification of one or more behaviors in a client all aspects of treatment planning, evaluation is
may lead the clinician to question the diagnosis required on an individual basis.
of depression. It is important to note that mak- One of the primary unconscious aims of
ing a clear differentiation between depression depressed clients during this initial stage of
and borderline states is required to ensure suc- treatment is to maintain a high level of depen-
cessful treatment, and failing to do so can lead dence on the therapist, with little or no change
to considerable resistance (Weiner, 1982). The in how they see themselves or significant
psychoanalytic work of Kernberg (1975, 1980) others. At this point the Schiff model of sym-
covers in greater detail the assessment of biosis (Schiff & Schiff, 1971) is useful for clari-
borderline conditions. fying the mechanisms clients use to maintain

30 Transactional Analysis Journal


this dependency. Using Arieti and Bemporad' s ance reveals the games these clients use. They
terminology, the therapist now becomes the attempt to maintain their passivity by function-
dominant third in addition to the client and the ing only from Child. Their apparent unwill-
dominant other. As the therapeutic relationship ingness to trust the therapist can be understood
develops, clients come to rely on the therapist's within the context of the total therapeutic rela-
Parent and Adult to take care of and think for tionship, i.e., the transference and counter-
. them, thus looking after their Child needs. transference (Chessick, 1977). In the face of
As the therapeutic relationship progresses, this resistance, no attempt is made at this stage
transference develops in which the therapist is of treatment to explore the reasons behind their
perceived as another authority figure in the distress; rather the goal is developing a thera-
client's life. Defenses and resistances may be peutic alliance (Bugental, 1978).
activated to combat what clients see as further
intrusion and penetration into their lives. Since Middle Phase of Treatment
their previous experience with authority figures This phase of the work can be called-the work
has been inevitably characterized by hurt and phase because during it clients begin to under-
disappointment, depressed clients go through stand the reasons behind their distress. Its
a period of resistance while they assess the risk length depends on the severity of the depres-
in trusting yet another authority figure. sion, and can range from six months in mild
Resistance is a defense expressed in the trans- cases to three years in more severe ones. The
ference (Singer, 1970; Watchel, 1982), and following paragraphs outline the major themes
consequently the therapist must be sensitive to at this stage of treatment, focusing on the
the individual anxieties of depressed individuals transference, the easing of resistance, therapeu-
as well as to any potentially unhealthy coun- tic technique, countertransference issues, fac-
tertransference. tors influencing outcome, and the fundamen-
Resistance in depressed clients is character- tal shift depressed clients must make before
ized by the games "Yes But," "Kick Me," they can begin taking care of themselves.
and "Wooden Leg" among others (Birnbaum, During the first phase of treatment, depressed
1976; Breen, 1977; Kemp, 1977). Clients resist clients see the therapist as possessing the
change because it involves taking significant features of the real-life dominant other. The
risks, and they have usually made an internal therapist's task is to shift to maintain a more
decision based on previous experience: "Once flexible position than the real-life dominant
bitten, twice shy." They exhibit what Schmale other so that the original transference can be
and Engel (1975) term the conservation- resolved. The therapist becomes what Arieti
withdrawal reaction, i.e., they become inac- and Bemporad call the significant third (1978),
tive and disengage from an environment that a person who is able to share experiences with
they perceive as no longer providing the needed clients without aiming for control or domina-
nutrients, security, or comfort. As one client tion. In relation to symbiotic processes, clients
wrote: shift from the passive role to cathecting Parent
But I speak not only with anger and and Adult with simultaneous disengagement of
pain Adapted Child maneuvers. However, this con-
But with a passion and joy and a tinues to be a delicate stage for these clients,
mind that is sane and the therapist needs to allow them time to
I speak to tell you it's not only bad develop their full resources under the emotional
It brings love and tenderness and umbrella of the therapist's Parent and Adult.
emotions are glad A potent therapist who provides permission and
Love is a window filled with gleam- protection is important at this stage (Crossman,
ing glass 1966).
It's also a chamber filled with a dead- Resistance is considerably dissolved during
ly gas. this middle stage of treatment; games lessen and
Thus, overall the first phase of treatment is discounts and redefinitions become minimal.
characterized by a healthy Nurturing Parent The duration and intensity of temporary resist-
from the therapist along with a focus on resist- ances are dictated by the emotional issues under
ance to change. Verbal analysis of the resist- consideration. Clients are allowed to under-

Vol. 17, No.2, April 1987 31


stand themselves at a mutually agreeable pace. shells, any change, regardless of how small,
This phase is characterized by what Fried requires reinforcement from the therapist.
(1980) calls the backward pulls and forward To overcome an immediate suicide crisis at
pushes of psychotherapy. this stage of treatment, a no-suicide contract
The therapist is now in a strategic position (Goulding & Goulding, 1978; Steiner, 1974)
to search for the reasons why clients are dis- is made with the depressed client and residen-
tressed. Early script issues surround the ''I'm tial facilities are offered if that is practical.
Not OK" basic position are explored, and in- However, even with these precautions, there
junctions are carefully examined. Goulding and are instances in which a severely depressed
Goulding (1979) identified several injunctions client will perform the final script payoff and
common to depressed patients, including Don't take his or her own life. Therefore, the therapist
Be, Don't Be Close, Don't Trust, Don't Be must be clear about issues of personal respon-
You, Don't Feel, and Don't Make It. The focus sibility; this requires an ongoing review of the
of the therapy thus becomes encouraging clients therapist's own grandiose rescue fantasies and
to make new decisions about how they see a realization that he or she cannot rescue all
themselves based on new information available clients (Pfeffer, 1984).
to their Adult ego states. The two factors that have most bearing on
The type of therapeutic technique used to the severity of a depression relate to the client's
facilitate these new internal decisions depends early childhood experience and the previous
on the severity of the presenting depression. treatment history. Clients suffering from severe
The redecision techniques developed by the parental rejection and abuse in childhood tend
Gouldings (1978, 1979) are more appropriate to reject therapeutic parenting because it is ex-
for mildly depressed clients who maintain perienced as intrusive and harmful. In addition,
relatively good psychological functioning. the type and length of prior treatment can
Since their cognitive functioning is not significantly impact the success of current
significantly impaired, they can become active therapy. Pilkonis, Imber, Lewis, and Rubin-
and interested in understanding themselves. In sky (1984) demonstrate that a long history of
contrast, severely depressed clients suffer from treatment and an increased duration of the
marked cognitive impairment with associated presenting problem are reliable indicators of
low psychological functioning. They are less poor outcome for psychotherapy.
motivated to change, and thus require an in- During the middle phase of therapy clients
tervention that gently encourages them to make often question the validity of self-love and ex-
new decisions about how they see themselves press the fear that concern for themselves could
(Kapur, Ramage, & Walker, 1986). With these be interpreted as selfishness. Eric Fromm
clients, Steiner's (1974) suggestion of break- (1967) discusses this issue in detail: A lack of
ing down the existing stroke economy to allow self-love and an exaggerated concern for others
them to receive and give strokes is effective in often implies a devaluation of oneself. Giving
dissolving their destructive injunctions. The clients permission to love and take care of
most useful therapeutic tools with this popula- themselves is often one of the most important
tion are positive stroking in conjunction with and significant moves in therapy with depressed
interpretations about why they have such clients. As a transferential parent the therapist
unhealthy self-concepts. should encourage clients to make this radical
With both mild and severely depressed shift because it forms the basis for future emo-
clients, the most crucial feeling for the therapist tional growth. As Fromm (1967) writes, "The
to deal with is his or her response to the client's affirmation of one's own life, happiness, free-
suicidal tendencies. The therapist must be alert dom is rooted in one's capacity to love, i.e.,
to his or her own rational and irrational coun- in care, respect, responsibility, and knowledge.
tertransference and use such material maximal- If an individual is able to love productively, he
ly to resolve the situation. When faced with loves himself too; if he can love only others,
suicidal behavior, the therapist should transfuse he cannot love at all." (p. 130)
clients with hope and possibilities for change In summary, the main work at this stage of
(Lesse, 1975). As these clients are encouraged therapy is exploring the historical reasons for
to come out of their fragile but safe emotional the client's distress. Parental injunctions are

32 Transactional Analysis Journal


examined and new decisions made about how relationships. They no longer adhere to
clients see themselves and others. As a unrealistic expectations and can relinquish the
transferential parent in the significantthird rela- power of their previous helpless behavior.
tionship the therapist encourages clients to look
after themselves and gives them permission to Conclusion
deal with relationships differently. As this hap- Psychotherapeutic treatment of depressed
pens the transference is dissolved and clients clients requires a radical change in their
perceive the therapist without distortions from psychological make-up. There must be a shift
the past. in their assumptions about themselves and the
world in which they live (Frank, 1974). This
Final Phase of Treatment involves new decisions about their perceptions
A major goal in treating depressed clients is of themsleves and others and accepting respon-
to foster awareness of those past events that sibility and authority for their own lives.
crippled them emotionally and thus restricted Krishnamurti (1971) describes this eloquently
their options for dealing with relationships. when he writes on suffering:
This requires an optimally functioning Adult The shedding of the past all the time
with a nurturing and permission-giving Parent. when you see yourself is the freedom
Clients are encouraged to deal with relation- from the past. Sorrow ends only when
ships in ways that allow their Child needs to there is the light of understanding,
be met, not abused. and this light is not only lit by one
One of the most significant changes de- experience or by one flash of
pressed clients experience is in their ability to understanding; this understanding is
listen to themselves to find out what they real- lighting itself all the time .. . . The
ly want from relationships. The internal Nur- understanding of yourself is the end-
turing Parent and Free Child now work ing of sorrow. (p. 109)
together, the former taking care of the latter's The message inherent in the psychotherapy
needs for warmth, security, and emotional of depression is that life is worth living. As
comfort. A new channel of communication ex- therapists, our concern is for how our clients
ists between these ego states. Clients no longer can best recover from past and currently in-
need to engage in potentially masochistic rela- flicted emotional injuries. By offering an in-
tionships with others in order to receive tegration of concepts from various therapeutic
gratification. Rather, they can function in- models, the author echoes Krishnamurti's state-
dependently and obtain pleasure through their ment that' 'truth is a pathless land, and you can-
own efforts. not approach it by any path whatsoever, by any
Often, when clients reach the final stage of religion, by any sect" (public comment, August
treatment they radically reverse previous pat- 3, 1929, Ommen, Holland). In the therapeutic
terns of dealing with relationships, i.e., by endeavor, "cure" can be viewed as a pathless
moving from submissive to dominant. This can land which cannot be approached along any
create many difficulties, and they need support specific or predetermined path. Through offer-
for finding a balance in how they deal with rela- ing our clients different instruments to heal their
tionships. Careful Adult appraisal of the situa- wounds, we respect their individuality and in-
tion and refined decision making are required crease the chances of success in psychotherapy.
in order to arrive at what could be described
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34 Transactional Analysis Journal

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