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The Case of Lies

In the wake of recent Robberies the Government is under

great pressure . Detectives all around the World are trying
to decipher the clues and every Single one of them seems
to be puzzled . The World needs a Hero.
You have been called up to take the Job. And you have
requested to solve all the Parts of Cases alone ,to stop the
leak of Information to any suspects.

A total of 3 Robbers are on a Run. You have been called to

Catch them as soon as possible. Everyone trusts you to
solve this case on your own . With everyone’s eyes on you ,
You will have to catch them before they Run away again.

You have to First start by knowing their name and then the
location of the next robbery. So that you catch them Red
Handed there.

The First Criminal is Youngest of them all. He started with

small Cyber Crimes since a very young Age . The Robbery of
Black Diamond which Shocked everyone around the World
, had him as the main Mastermind behind it.
You try to find about his History. He is interested in ancient
Paintings of Italy, Greece etc. But soon through an
Unknown Source you get the address of his previous Home.
You go there and find that there is a computer hidden
somewhere. Next thing you try is to Log into it. But Alas! it
is Password Protected.

One important thing, that people don’t know about him but
you do is that he has a weak memory. So to remember his
own Password he wrote something in a small paper and hid
it below the keyboard.

It goes Like This-

1. The Password might be my Name, though not sure.
2. If B= 25 and F= 21, then my Password in Coded
Language might be-

Everyone tried but gave up, you are the last hope. Crack
the Password and go to the next-

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