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Assignment 18/04/2021, 19:28

Dentists: Writing Course

Task 5 Case Notes: Return to: Writing

Task 5 !
Bernard Miller



Read the case notes and complete the writing task that follows.


You are a dentist in a private practice. Your patient has been attending your

clinic over the past 4 months following a car accident.

Today's date: 21/08/2019

Patient Details:

Name: Bernard Miller

DOB: 31/12/1970

Reason for Presenting: Car accident- Fractured front teeth

Dental History: Good oral hygiene – 6/12 scale and clean

Fillings 26, 46, 47

No extractions

Medical History: GP Dr John Ackers Ph 3749 2487


Medication - Noten 4mg daily, Ventolin inhaler

PRN Page 1 of 4
Assignment 18/04/2021, 19:28

Family History: Married - Wife Sally - 3 children

Profession Accountant


21/04/2019 Car accident (2 hrs before)- Fractured front


Accident Details: Patient was sitting on a passenger seat. His

wife was driving and stopped suddenly. Not
wearing seat belt. No other head trauma, no
memory loss.

Orthopanogram (OPGand periapical

radiographs taken: alveolar bone intact, small
fragment in the upper lip.

Wound Examination: Cuts and bruises of the lips and cheek. Tooth
fragment found in upper lip. Sutures required.

Management: Injectable Lidocaine (1%), saline for irrigation

using a syringe with an attached 19-gauge
needle, irrigation volumes of 50 to 100 ml per
cm of laceration length, debridement to
remove devitalized tissue with scalpel to
facilitate improved wound closure. Primary
wound closure with sutures.

Referral to the patient’s GP for Tetanus

diphtheria vaccine (Td) and evaluation of
healing process.

Dental Examination:

Tooth 11 mesio-distal fracture, middle third length of

tooth. Pulp exposure less 1 mm, Subluxation,

pathological mobility grade 2, hemorrhage
from periodontium

Tooth 21 mesio-distal fracture, occlusal third, near

pulpal exposure 1-2 mm of the pulp,
subluxation, pathological mobility grade 2.

Tooth 22 mesial edge of tooth missing, 2 mm in width. Page 2 of 4
Assignment 18/04/2021, 19:28

Treatment of fractured
Calcium hydroxide dressing to 11,21

Polishing edges

Composite restoration 11, 21, 22

Treatment record:

10/05/2019 11, 21, 22 PA x-rays; no changes in the bone

No changes in the colour. No Mobility

Cold test negative, percussion test positive

8/08/2019 Percussion test positive

Pus exudation from periodontal pocket

Periodontal assessment: probing depth 11 M 12

mm, 21D 10 mm

Methylene blue colouring for detection of

vertical fracture on 11 and 21

PA X-rays. Impression for P/ immediate


21/08/2019 Extract 11, 21

Fit upper denture

Plan: Refer to Oral Surgeon

Request placement implants for 11, 21.


Using the information in the case notes, write a letter requesting

implants to oral surgeon, Cheyne Bartholemew, 128 George Street,

Brisbane 4001. Include relevant history.

In your answer

Expand the relevant case notes into complete sentences.

Do not use note form.
Use letter format. Page 3 of 4
Assignment 18/04/2021, 19:28

The body of your letter should be approximately 180~200 words.

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Grading status Graded

Last modified Sunday, 20 September 2020, 8:03 PM

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◀ Task 4 Model Task 5 Model

Letter: Paul Letter: Bernard
Beattie Miller ▶︎

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