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Sonny Boy Pascual and Jerson Zamudio

What is stylistics? (definitions)

-a sub-discipline of linguistics that is concerned with the systematic analysis of style in language and how
this can vary according to such factors as genre, context, historical period and author

(crystal and davy 1969: 9 leech 2008: 54)

What is the origin of stylistics?

-the term “stylistics” originated from the greek “stylos” and latin “stulys”, meaning a pointed stick sharp
at one end and flat on the other, used for waxing plates.

-the word stylistics was firstly attested in oxford english dictionary (1882) in the meaning “ the science of
literary style, the study of stylistic features”

-stylistics then is a sub-discipline which grew up in the second half of the twentieth century: its
beginning in Anglo-American criticism are usually traced back to the publication of the books.

Who use/created the stylistics?

-Roger Flower (essays on style in language)

-Donald Freeman (linguistics and literary style)

-Geoffrey Leech (a linguistic guide to english poetry)

-Thomas Sebeok (style in language)

-these books are collections of articles. Some of which were either : conference papers of articles
published in journals. Perhaps the most influential article is : (closing statement : linguistics and poetics)
by Roman Jacobson who is an important figure who contributed in the development of stylistics.

-in the 20th century stylistics can be seen as a logical extension of moves within literary criticism to
concentrate on studying texts rather than authors. While in 19 th century literary criticism concentrated
on the authors and the text-based criticism of the two British critics Richards and William Empson who
rejected that approach and replaced it with the other approached called practical criticism.

(Practical Criticism) – concentrates on the literary texts themselves, and how readers were affected by
those texts. In addition, practical criticism is matched by similar critical movement in the USA called New

(New Criticism) – is based on the description of literary works as independent aesthetic objects.

How stylistics apply?

-in Filipino cultures, unknowingly, we apply stylistics in our language. Even in advertisements, we an see
that stylistics is applied.
Examples :

-petal attraction (flower shop)

-ken afford (eatery)

-felix the cut (barbershop)

Summa cum laundry (laundry shop)

-unli subo (eat all you can)

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