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Prophet Ibrahim AS’S Sacrifice

Pleased with her strength and faith in Him, Allah (s.w.t) sent some Arab travelers to Makkah and
saw birds flying over Al-Marwa. They saw Hajira and her son and asked her if they could join
her. She agreed. The place changed, and the travelers became residents
around the Zam Zam water. There were fruits, and the place became alive. 

One day Prophet Ibrahim dreamt that he was sacrificing his son, who is now a grown-up. The
next night, Allah (s.w.t) showed him the same dream. He then walked the desert to tell his son
about his dream, and Ismail As told his dad to fulfill Allah (s.w.t)’s command. When Ibrahim As
took his knife, the devil came to stop them and not to fulfill Allah’s order. They chased him
away and moved to Mount Arafat to do the sacrifice. 

Prophet Ibrahim (AS) placed Ismail’s forehead on the ground. At that moment, Allah (s.w.t) sent
down a sheep instead of Ismail for fulfilling his command. When Prophet Ibrahim As and Sarah
were very old, the angels as humans. He welcomed them as guests and offered them a roasted
calf. However, they did not have any food. The angels announced to him that he was going to
have a son. 

By then, Ismail (AS) was already married, and his mother, Hajira, had died. The Prophet Ibrahim
(AS) came to visit Ismail (AS), and his wife was ungrateful about Allah (s.w.t)’s blessings and
complained to her father-in-law. The latter then sent a secret message asking Ismail (AS) to
divorce his wife as he knew he was not good for her. Ismail obeyed his father and married
another one. When Ibrahim (AS) came to revisit his son, he was happy that he was married to a
kind lady.

Allah (s.w.t) ordered Ibrahim (AS) to build a house for worship. He then went to his son, Ismail,
for some help. They both set the Ka’aba’s foundation using a rock from Heaven. Today, this
rock is found in the core of the Ka’aba, known as the black stone. They started to build it, and
when the walls became high, Ismail brought a stone for his father, who stood over it. This stone
was called the Makkah-e-Ibrahim. The Ka’aba was finished, and everyone worshipped
there. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) lived for 175 years, and when he died, he was buried in Hebron. 

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