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When I think about my sister, the first thing that comes to my mind is lightstick, goods, and posters

about her idols. She had spent all her money and time to collect them for many years, and they were
very meaningful to her. The lightstick, posters, and goods were displayed on the shelf and walls in our

The memory of them was etched on my heart, which happened 3 years ago. That was a beautiful day,
with a good mood, I started with my favorites: cleaning my room while singing my favorite songs and
dancing. I had folded the blanket and then cleaned from the shelf to the floor very carefully. I moved the
lightstick to the bed, used a duster to make sure the shelf squeaky clean. Unfortunately, I carelessly
touched the lightstick, it slipped from the bed and fell onto the floor. I was afraid because I knew how
significant it was to my sister. When she went home, I had hesitated for a while before telling her the
truth. It was the first time I had seen her cry so much like that. At that moment, I felt very guilty due to
her silence. A few days later, she and I didn’t talk with each other. Because I knew it was my fault, I
apologized to her and promised that I would buy her a new one if I had enough money. Surprisingly, she
apologized for not being nice to me.

Currently, when both she and I are mature, I understand that she cared more about my feeling than
about her valuable things. That makes me love her more and I always know that family is the most
meaningful piece of my life

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