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Motivational Activity:

- The norms governing my behavior in cyberspace depends on my

purpose. When I am answering or sending emails, it is important that
I’d be professional and polite especially when I’m responding to the
instructor or to someone belonging in the College. Another thing is
when I’m on social media. It is always important to me to think
before posting or sharing anything. This is to prevent conflict between
other social media users and to maintain etiquette on social media. I
also join groups only based on my interest and interact with people
who has the same interests like me. Lastly, when I am online gaming,
I only invite my friends because that is where I can comfortably be
myself without having to be polite or professional at all times.
I am familiar with these norms since I am often on my computer
since nowadays, we are on digital age and we oftentimes
communicate through gadgets and internet mails and messages.
If I don’t follow these norms, I would be criticized by my
professors, or I would be misjudged by the people on social media.
Following basic etiquette on cyberspace is important to prevent these
sanctions. It is crucial to control and guide my behavior, to establish
structure and predictability in social interactions, and to interpret and
comprehend one another's behavior.
In addition, the norms that are considered mores are those that
violates morals such as cyberbullying and those considered folkways
are those that are considered as informal or rude such as impolitely
responding to an email, or posting fake news on social media.

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