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Good afternoon, my name is Pham Tran Nhu Y.

Today, I'm going to check on myself in

Speaking 4.
For me, I think I did a good job of posture. On the contrary, I feel dissatisfied with the
way I raise my voice, and lower my tone when presenting, aka voice influence.
First, I learned more about standing when giving presentations. In the past, I didn't pay
attention to my posture when giving presentations. But after learning through Speaking 4,
I practiced and edited my posture when presenting to everyone.
As for voice influence, although I have been guided by the instructor, I have not been
able to improve well. Because when I gave a presentation, I became nervous and forgot
to adjust my voice.
In conclusion, I consider myself somewhat well done as well as somewhat in need of
improvement. First, I had a better, more professional posture when it came to
presentations. However, I haven't applied voice influence in my presentations much.
I will improve the skills I am not good at as well as continue to promote the skills I have
done well in Speaking 4. Thank you for your listening.

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