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Welland North Trails Connection Open House Column1

Question Answer
Will the information from this be presented or made available to Green,
Waterway, and Active Transportation Advisory Committees? Thanks again We will share with all committees mentioned, and with the accessibility
for this presentation, everyone advisory committee. Thanks!
What are the short-, medium-, and long-term goals time frames
respectively? For the CTS the timeframes were 5, 10 and 20 years respectively.
Why are you boarding people's homes and not doing a straight through We are looking for feedback from the community about the optimal
pathway? alignment
Will this info be made available to Green, Waterway, and Active
Transportation Advisory Committees, or any other pertinent municipal Great idea - we will consult with those committees and at the very least
advisory committees? send information about the project to them for consideration.
Given the existing limestone trail through Jennifer Park (Hilda area) wears
down pretty regularly, how frequently will the limestone be topped up or Typically you want to see screenings topped up every 2-3 years
refreshed? depending on wear and drainage.

With a path already between Willowlanding and Jefferson, why add one The main reason is that the trail between Willowlanding and Jefferson
between Jackson and Madison? has no connectivity, nor options for connectivity, to the west of Lancaster.
I hear you talking a lot about taking trees and vegitation away, Are you going
to re-add more vegitation and trees for privacy? Page drive is a very busy Part of the grant application included the addition of vegetation, so yes,
street. we will be looking to add more vegetation as it gets constructed.
why are you surrounding the park and so close to people's property lines? We're still in the early stages and are open to adjusting alignment.
that water retention pond is wet 30+ weeks a year. Thanks
The funding allocated for these trails through the federal Active
Transportation Fund was specific to these trails and this proposed
alignment. Investing in Trails throughout the City of Welland is identified
Residents in other areas of our city are requesting pathways and are being as a strategic priority for the City, as outlined in the Council-approved
ingnored Community Trails Strategy.
The process for appealing a council approved decision would be a 2/3
How can we go about appealing this? majority vote to reconsider.
A sidewalk or other type of active transportation facility on Quaker Road
is outside the scope of this project, but is being considered by the City in
Perhaps a sidewalk on Quaker? connection with other projects.
When will Hansler road be extended to the Welland Recreational Canal
pathway? Right now all Merritt Meadows and Towpath Village residents
can't easily access the pathway even though it's a few hundred meters from
our houses. There is also now a gate at Grisdale Rd and Towpath Rd. that
blocks access from our neighbourhoods to the pathway completely. That would come with the proposed Northern Reach development.
Trails designed with adequate below-grade materials to facilitate
drainage in fact drain better than the grounds around it. Using elements
I have concerns that my basement will flood if my backyard cannot drain like culverts, drainage tiles and clearstone materials (similar to a larger
into the park with a trail across it. gravel) helps to move water through. Drainage is a key concern and
How will you properly address drainage? consideration for a project like this.
Why do we need the boxlike trail area near Wellandvale? Why not cut across We are looking for feedback from the community about the optimal
the middle of the park? alignment
We're looking to design the Trail to a 5% grade shelved along the slope.
What is the expected grade or slope of the trail down to the Community We want to minimize that slope as much as possible, but may exceed 5%
Boathouse area as that is a pretty steep slope? if necessary.
I live in the Trelawn area and am in favour of the trail. It would be nice to
access the park without walking through a swamp Thanks for your feedback.
This looks great! Especially improving access to the canal trail to avoid
needing to use Woodlawn. Thanks for your feedback.
My yard is not fenced. I have a beautiful view of the park, which is why we We are looking for feedback from the community about the optimal
built out house there. Why do you want to put the path where it will invade alignment. Evidence from multiple studies, including a recent study by
our privacy and lower my property value? The trail could easily be moved the Conference Board of Canada, demonstrates that proximity to Trails
further into the park provides a net increase in property values.
We are looking for feedback from the community about the optimal
The trail system is good - just not the design as presented. alignment and design
Yes unfortunately that's what I'm worried about...if our taxes are paying for
this, I would love for the trails to be accessible in all weather and not
unusable due to the poor if they will fix that, then great We're definitely looking to enhance drainage as much as possible.
What is the expected timing for construction of the Hilda Street trails - Ideally all the trails would be constructed at the same time to maximize
Spring 2024? efficiency. It depends on permitting and process.
How far away will the trail be from property fence lines off Page Drive Still to be determined.
When I spoke to Mr. Axiak on Aug. 1, he mentioned that an environmental
assessment and site survey still needed to be conducted. The Welland
Tribune on august. 4th said: A bullet point on the page said the trails are
being designed to minimize the impact on trees and other vegetation in the
area, but some minor trees may need to be removed, as well as invasive and
large trees, some of which may be infected with Emerald Ash Borer.
“It also said environmental studies are included in this project”. So which is
it? Do environmental studies still have to be done or have they been done? The focus of environmental studies is on the drain behind Gretel Place
Where can we find these environmental reports?Has the City of Welland and the Woodlot north of Lancaster Drive - those are the areas that would
done any environmental impact studies on sensitive critically endangered meet NPCA and City requirements. We will also be reviewing species at
species in the areas they plan to construct new trails? risk in the area. Environmental studies have yet to be completed.
Concerned about proper drainage in our back yard Thanks for your comment. Trails will be designed to enhance drainage.
The NPCA has been informed of the project and has reviewed the
Mr. VanDerVeen said there is a laundry list of requirements from the NPCA? preliminary alignment. Their requirements are to provide a scoped
Where can we see this list and the NPCA report? environmental assessment of the drain behind Gretel Place.
Our sump pump empties into the park as we had permission to do this If you do have a sump pump or pipes / lines that are going out, please let
during the build. Do you guarantee an extension of the piping to be us know where so that we can have extra care embedded in the
extended to the other side of the trail without backing up? construction plan.

Please clearly outline the next steps after this session? Get the area
surveyed. Environmental studies, open bid to contractors
-When are the environmental assessments being done, site survey?
-does council have to approve anything going forward? What is the process
for final approval? When can we expect development of this trail to start? Timelines will be communicated as the project progresses.
Who is going to maintain this trail? City does not maintain the land between
Jackson and Madison now. Us as landowners have to cut the grass The City would be maintaining the trails and this would elevate those
otherwise it would never get done. areas to a higher priority for maintenance.
I will be honest, I don't like it at all. I understand that it is not my property,
but when buying my home on Jackson, I loved the idea of privacy. I feel this
will be invasive and have spoken to most of the residents on my street and
we all agree. Thanks for your feedback.
Seems like most of the hurdles in this plan seem to be at the eastern portion Funding agreements require the project to be completed prior to the end
of the proposed trails and connecting to the canal lands? Would it make of 2026, and to achieve efficiencies in the design and construction the
more sense to start there and move West to ensure the plan is viable? objective is to construct all aspects of the project concurrently.
Two trees between Jackson and Madison are home to a pair of Falcons and Trees will not be removed unless absolutely necessary. The willow tree
an owl. What happens to them? mentioned is not scheduled for removal.
Can all of us see this feedback as it is added (to the Engage Welland mapping Yes, residents can see all feedback added to the mapping tool on the
tool)? EngageWelland page.
Why run the trail down between Madison and Jackson Courts when there is A sidewalk or other type of active transportation facility on Quaker Road
Quaker Road that could use a sidewalk therefore integrate with the path is outside the scope of this project, but is being considered by the City in
instead. connection with other projects.
I live in this area, and I’m supportive. It would be nice tbe able to connect to
the canal walking/bike trail w/out going along busy streets like Woodlawn -
are you planning to do this. Yes, that is certainly the goal of this project!
There is an access pathway to the park beside my house. Is it reasonable to
add more public access across my backyard?
The drainage of this laneway is very poor. Water pools 6 feet up the lane at
the park end. How are you going to improve drainage as this lane links up
with the trail? Thanks for your feedback
In the Community Trails document it states in section 7.3.3.
Providing good visibility by having routes pass through well-used public
Provide the ability to find and obtain help: Signage that tells users where
they are along the trail system;
Provide “escape” routes from isolated areas at regular intervals;
Maintain sight lines and sight distances that are appropriately open to allow
good visibility by users;
Provide trailhead parking in highly visible areas;
Minimize routing close to features that create hiding places such as breaks in
building facades, stairwells, dense shrubs and fences;
Design underpasses and bridges so that users can see the end of the feature
as well as the area beyond
Signs near entrances to isolated areas can be used to inform users that the
area is isolated and suggest alternative routes;
Adequate lighting or lit ‘refuge locations’ where users can reach a safe place.
How is the area between Cedar Park and Whiteoak safe??? What will the These are design considerations that could be accomodated as details are
City of Welland do to guarantee the per confirmed.
What about fencing? Will City pay for fencing? This would be decided once alignment is confirmed.
According to the Public Information #1 document, we are currently in the
Phase 2 Develop and Evaluate Alternative Solutions stage of the plan. Will That alternative proposed would need to be refined through the active
the city consider the the proposal sent by Mr. Reid Hodgson on Aug. 15th as transportation fund, which is unlikely to be able to proceed, but those
an alternative to the proposed trails? Yes or No? opportunities will be reviewed.
Has there been a cost analysis done for additional staff and equipment
needed to maintain the trails once they are operational and yearly upkeep of
said trails? According to the SWOT analysis this was something identified as
a threat— “Staff resource capacity is a challenge to the implementation of
any new programs – staff are largely already operating at or above capacity,
so additional work will require additional staffing resources to ensure its This will be included in the final details, but the addition of staff is
success. something that the Community Trails Strategy also mentioned.
Thank you for taking us through the presentation.

Concerns around the Stormwater Management Facility north of the Trelawn

park, touching Wellandwale Dr. The circular loop may not solve for the the
perpetual water retention and flooding in that area during rains, and cause
inconvenience to the pedestrians using the trail and to the residents as well.

Can we move the loop out of this facility and connect Wellandwale Drive This is definitely something we can consider. We want to make sure that
directly to the Trelawn park using existing side walks? connection meets the needs of the residents while also providing
connectivity to key destinations.
Why not directly connect the pathways? That is objective of this project.
Crushed limestone trails can provide a high-quality, AODA compliant
People with mobility issues don't usually use limestone pathways facility.
I paid extra to have a home built on Jackson because of the green space and Thanks for your feedback. We will be reviewing the elevation changes
privacy. This green space often rises more than 10 feet on either side. when we are evaluating alignment.
Thanks for your answers, guys. I have more specific questions that may be
better asked and answered in Green Committee, as I would also be
requesting information about natural asset management, which I'm unsure
can be answered here and now. Thanks very much for your responses to my
questions so far. Thanks!
Quaker is a very difficult road to bike on - narrow and ditches and fast traffic. A sidewalk or other type of active transportation facility on Quaker Road
A sidewalk would be useful for walkers. But bikes would interfere - and is outside the scope of this project, but is being considered by the City in
prhaps we need both pathway & sidewalk connection with other projects.
What will happen with these guys. After the clearing of towpath there's not The animals you're showing here are animals that are well accustomed to
a lot of green space left in the area human habitation. Nocturnal animals such, foxes, raccoons, skunks and
coyotes will continue to occupy these spaces regardless of what types of trails are installed.
How are you going to actually access the canal lands through the dykes?
These paths could be for no reason if they do not end at the canal path. Also The canal lands east of Hilda St will be accessed with a trail shelved into
the paths are disjointed and do not provide a clear walking path to the canal the slope. The canal trail access on lands owned by the Northern Reach
lands. And we have to cross Niagara Street in a random place??? development will be determined through their design process.
You can extend the laneways from the streets and put the path further into
the park. Why has this not been considered? That is something that will be considered.
Why destroy land between Jackson Court and Madison Court with numerous Currently there is no formal, maintained path connecting Niagara Street
wildlife habitats when there’s an existing path the connects Niagara Street to Lancaster Drive. All crossings will be designed to be consistent with
to Lancaster already? What type of safety precautions will be in place to best practices related to trail crossing design per Ontario Traffic Manual
cross roads such as Niagara street and across Lancaster? Book 15 on Pedestrian Facility Design.
It would be nice to see Carolinian species for the vegetation rehab.
component. Those will absolutely be included in vegetation planning for the project.

Trails are one of the most frequently cited amenities that are valued by
residents once they are installed. While we understand that the residents
today may not want to see changes to how they are accessing and using
City-owned lands, we are confident that these connections to key
amenities in the community, especially to the Welland Canal through the
Why would you think the residents would use this path when a petition was Northern Reach development, will be seen as a significant asset in the
submitted clearly indicating this path is not welcome? future by all residents of Welland, including those who live in these areas.
Peer-reviewed research has shown that Trails reduce crime by providing a
How are we as homeowners on Jackson and Madison going to be protected more formalized public space with additional 'eyes on the street'.
against crime and theft? The path next to Bridgewater is often a site for With regards to restricting access to your property, the construction of
needles as is Lancaster Park. What is stopping people from entering onto fencing on private property is the responsibility of individual
my property? homeowners, regardless of what types of facilities are abutting them.
Our goal is to come in on budget for this project. We have built in a
What amount was provided for the grant and if you go over budget, will contingency to help ensure we achieve this. The amount from the
taxpayers be paying the difference? Federal Government is $1,005,000.
The loop behind Wellandvale and Page is actually a water retention pond. A
first generation water retention area and not a green space as per the
reports when the development was designed. Thanks for that context.
The Community Trails Strategy provided opportunities for consultation
through the Engage Welland site, virtual open houses (all engagement
was conducted virtually due to the timing of the project) and through
Why were we residents not informed about this plan before the 2022 staff reports to City Council.
approval by city hall? Our first notices was when our neighbour brought us A staff report recommending the pursuit of federal funding was moved in
the petition. We have had no opportunity to provide our input until now conjunction with the Community Trails strategy and was approved
when it appears it is too late. unanimously by consent at City Council in February 2022.
With this path crossing Lancaster, will there be some kind of crosswalk? All crossings will be designed in accordance with current best practices,
People typically drive fast down that street. and we will endeavour to enhance crossing safety as much as possible.
City parks and trails are meant for passive use, and motorized vehicles,
such as ATVs, can cause damage to the natural state of the areas and pose
dangers to those using these areas on foot. To reduce likelihood of ATVs
and other motorized uses, access barriers will be included at key points
along the trail to deter motorized users.

Per City of Welland by-law 2000-175, users of motorized vehicles on City

Trails face a $500 fine for the first offence with subsequent offences
carrying a $1,000 fine.

The by-law states that vehicle means the following: automobile,

motorcycle, motor-assisted bicycle, scooter, trail bike, dune buggy, mini-
bike, go-cart, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, all-terrain vehicle
What is going to be done to prevent ATV/snowmobiles from racing up and (ATV), motorized snow vehicle, and any other vehicle drawn, propelled,
down the paths in residental areas? or driven by a power whatsoever.
why not utilize the city funding towards upgrading the play ground and the
awful state of the baseball diamond. Also use groomed and lit sidewalks Thank you for your feedback. The federal funding is provided through the
that are basically within 70 to 80 feet from the proposed trails ( Cedar Park, Federal Active Transportation Fund, and would not be eligible to be used
Whiteoak, Page Drive, Wellandvale) for playgrounds of baseball diamonds.
A sidewalk or other type of active transportation facility on Quaker Road
is outside the scope of this project, but is being considered by the City in
Why hasn't a trail along Quaker Rd been considered? connection with other projects.
Would the money not be better suited to make Quaker Road to the school This would be outside the scope of the current project, and may risk
more safe for students and parent alike. losing the funding.
While none of these trails impacts me with regards to privacy, one of my
main concerns is always safety. Is there going to be lighting installed along
any of these pathways? (Although that also may impact those bodering the Lighting may be considered, but would not be a priority for the types of
trails.) trails that are being proposed here.
The design and construction of these trails was approved by a City Council
vote authorizing the City to enter into an agreement with the Federal
Government to access the funding from the City's successful Federal
Active Transportation Fund grant. At the present time we are engaging
How can we appeal this as taxpayers? with the community to understand concerns to find solutions.
The final design of these details will be done in consultation with
residents. Native vegetation can support the creation of privacy barriers,
but at this time the City is not able to provide details about the types of
privacy measures that may be considered until the preferred alignment
How does the City of Welland plan to protect the privacy of the property for the Trails have been finalized.
owners along the new paths the city plans to implement? The corridors in question are man-made drainage ditches, but all
Is the city planning to protect natural wildlife corridors affected by the city's measures will be taken to ensure that wildlife habitat is preserved where
plans to implement new trails? possible.
City Council voted unanimously to approve the pursuit of the Federal
Why were we not informed about this before the grant was applied for so Active Transportation funding concurrent to the approval of the
we could provide our displeasure with the idea. Community Trails Strategy in February 2022.

Why does the City of Welland feel they do not have to consider the wishes The City of Welland is committed to providing excellent services and high
of the tax paying property owners that will be affected by these plans to quality public spaces for residents, visitors and temporary residents of the
implement trails for people who do not live here, or reside here temporarily, City alike to create a more vibrant, prosperous and welcoming
in Welland and do not contribute financially to the City of Welland's viability? community.
Does the City realize that the quality of the proposed limestone path is an
inadequate substrate for a person in a wheelchair to be utilizing safely and Crushed limestone trails can provide a high-quality, AODA compliant
comfortably? facility. These trails also provide a good surface for cycling, especially
when properly compacted and maintained. The trails proposed are
Does the City realize that a path made of limestone is a mediocre consistent with the City of Welland's approved trails designs per the
infrastructure for bicyclists and would not encourage bicycling over driving? Community Trails Strategy.
I don't see the need for the path behind Gretel place. The path from towpath
park has a great sidewalk through Gretel place. your purposed path is in a
flood zone with lots of mosquitoes Thank you for your feedback.
Why does the City feel it needs to put a path in the green space between 2 We will be refining prefered alignment as the project continues. The
streets when we already have well established travel in the form of roads in this area do not have sufficient width to accommodate on-street
sidewalks and possible street/bike lanes in such close proximity? bike lanes.
A sidewalk or other type of active transportation facility on Quaker Road
is outside the scop of this project, but is being considered by the City in
Can we put a trail down quaker to niagara instead? connection with other projects.
One of the trees is an extremely large willow tree. That is where the Owl is Thanks for flagging. That tree would be retained unless there is absolutely
nesting. no way to navigate around it.
I agree that the trail is a good idea. I don't agree that it should be so close to We are looking for feedback from the community about the optimal
backyards. Do you plan to poll those backing onto the park? alignment
The final design of the trails will be developed with the goal of minimizing
tree removal, and will include an ecology review of the area to ensure
you are not sure what the trees that contains wildlife are and you are that any species at risk are noted and protected through construction.
moving forward Any tree removals will comply with the MBCA.
A sidewalk or other type of active transportation facility on Quaker Road
is outside the scop of this project, but is being considered by the City in
I second a trail on quaker street. There is no sidewalk and it's a busy road connection with other projects.
What is the expected added maintenance costs for this trail annually and Operational costs will be considered once the trails have been
have those additional costs been approved by council? commissioned.
Trail design standards can support drainage and reduce erosion through
the use of various materials, construction techniques and installation of
What about along the houses on page? That area is also soaked 80% of the below-grade elements which will all be considered as the final alignment
year is selected.
The goal of the North Welland Trails Connection project is to create linear
connections from Niagara College in the west through the existing City-
owned lands abutting the drainage ditch, which will connect to proposed
trails through the Northern Reach development and provide seamless
connectivity to the Welland Canal Trail. This development is proceeding
through the Planning process, with trail connections being integrated as it

When completed, this trail connection will provide a direct off-road path
that connects key destinations within the City, including employment and
Am I to understand that this pathway will be completed without a definite commercial areas along Niagara Street, Niagara College and the Welland
plan to actually access the canal path at a huge cost to the taxpayers? Canal Trail.
given the significant length of these trails, it will imply a fair bit of Enhancing maintenance and servicing of trails is included in the City's
maintenance over the 3 seasons including clearing encroaching brush and plans moving forward. Enhanced maintenance including maintenance of
overhanging branches and paying for garbage collection for any addiitonal vegetation and amenities as well as additional waste collection visits will
bins added along the paths. be accomodated through future operational budgets.
Zehr's is private property. Do you think Zehr's will be happy accepting Conversations with the managers of the Zehr's property have been
liability for people trying to get to Niagara St. ? initiated and will continue throughout this project.
The goal of the North Welland Trails Connection project is to create linear
connections from Niagara College in the west through the existing City-
owned lands abutting the drainage ditch, which will connect to proposed
trails through the Northern Reach development and provide seamless
connectivity to the Welland Canal Trail. This development is proceeding
through the Planning process, with trail connections being integrated as it
Yes - connectivity to the canal lands should be well thought out. The canal
paths are well used, and as I said now difficult to access by foot or bike by When completed, this trail connection will provide a direct off-road path
those West of it. And I don’t like using the sidewalk along Woodlawn to that connects key destinations within the City, including employment and
access these paths on bike - but to bicycle along Woodlawn and the exit commercial areas along Niagara Street, Niagara College and the Welland
from the 406 on the road is to take too big a risk. Canal Trail.
Sorry didnt mean to say cutting across the facility, but avoiding the facility
altogether. Happy to assist with additional information to help inform the We are looking for feedback from the community about the optimal
design. Thanks alignment
An alternate route to Niagara street is directly from the Trelawn park as it
avoids the stormwater facility, and also provides trailers direct access to
grocery stores (Zehrs) and other amenities, as compared to the existing
schema that links the train to the dealerships instead.

Something to really consider :) Thanks for this feedback.

You keep referring to Niagara College yet to access new trail they have to
walk further than now to access vs roads they have used for 30 years to
access Niagara St and beyond….and this is all for students , minimal local
residents and taxpayers use will occur, stop using the college as reason for
trails Thank you for your feedback
I walked the proposed area with staff, suggested the pathway from behind
zehrs to the top end of Royal Oak Dr and a pathway thru the outfield of the
seldom used and by young ones only, ball field to the entrance of Trelawn Pk
on Page Dr the rest are not necessary and not wanted ... why are the Thank you for your feedback. These alignment notes have been added for
taxpayers and residents of the area being ignored consideration.
The existing trail behind Jefferson Court / Willowlanding Court cannot be
extended to the west, so it is not a viable alternative for an east-west
connection through this area.
Connections in North Welland were identified as one of the highest
priority actions within the Community Trails Strategy
Why is there a need to impact so many people when there already exists a (
path behind Jefferson Court and Willowlanding Court that makes the most 900) based on future developments and the desire to create additional
sense to tie into the canal??? What volume of people does your study connectivity to the Welland Canal Trails. These trails will provide options
show will be using this path that you need 3 access points to the canal inside for people walking, cycling and wheeling to connect to major destinations
approximately 1 KM???? Can you provide the study number on the within the City, adhering to the City’s broader goals of Enhancing
volume we can expect? I am sure you have a study identifying this Connectivity and Reinforcing Welland’s position as the Trails Centre of
ESSENTIAL NEED path!!!!! Niagara Region.
The design and construction of these trails was approved by a City Council
vote authorizing the City to enter into an agreement with the Federal
Government to access the funding from the City's successful Federal
Active Transportation Fund grant. A City Council vote to revisit a decision
would require a 2/3 majority vote. Returning the funding from the federal
government is an available option should the City pursue this course of
Is there any chance this project could be cancelled as so many are clearly action, but the City would be responsible for all costs incurred related to
against is??? this project to date.
It is very clear that many of us bordering trelawn parklands and the creek The design and placement of vegetation adjacent to the Trail can support
are not happy about this as it invades our privacy and welcomes members of the provision of privacy for residents. Numerous studies have shown that
the public very close to our homes. Is there anything you are considering to the installation of multi-use trails have either a positive impact on crime
make this safer for us residents that are directly affected in these aspects to rates or have no impacts, primarily due to a higher sense of ‘eyes on the
keep our yards safe? street’ which creates a more visible public space.
I think there’s lots of sidewalks in the Cedar Park, Whiteoak, Page Dr. area. I
walk those all the time.
Likely - a loop around the park could be modified - but some path that goes
N - S in that park and somehow goes over the swale - maybe a small bridge,
and access to the streets to the N. ( I think there’s a short path you could
connect to) would be useful. Thank you for your feedback
This area is a man-made drainage ditch and is not subject to
environmental review, however the project will take into account review
What about a scoped environmnet impact statement for the area between of the area from a tree preservation perspective to ensure that
Cedar park and Whiteoak??? construction and operations of the trail limits impact as feasible.
City Council makes many decisions each year guided by City Staff and
long-term planning documents. All City Council meeting agendas are
posted on the City's website, and all City Council meetings are open to
Why does the Council get to apply for a Government Grant for something the public for residents to make their voices heard regarding City
that the residents don't get to vote on or have any input? processes.
All of the paths appear to be a direct routes that connect area’s to each
other that make sense - - while the 2 behind Page Drive circle the grounds
as walking paths for seniors to walk in circles? While there are no other
walking circles in any of the other areas. All of these home owners paid
premiums for their lots and although the connectivity is important - I don’t The goal of these loops was to provide an easy-to-access recreational
feel like the City has considered the potential negative impact on house walking loop for people with low mobility and to enhance the quality of
values having the paths up close and personal to rear yards when the paths the green space within that park. Based on the feedback received and the
could take a more direct route to the next neighbourhood without impacting information provided, we will review the feasibility of that alignment,
almost every property that currently has no rear neighbours. especially in light of the drainage concerns that have been identified.
As the City continues to grow, investing in amenities like trails on City-
owned property is part of the long-term strategic priorities for the City of
Welland. Investments like these trails bring added value to the
community by enhancing the offerings for recreation and transportation
for residents and visitors alike. Maintenance and operational concerns
such as mowing and garbage removal are routine City activities which are
a core component of the types of services the provide value to residents
and enhance the quality of life in Welland. These types of investments
reflect the City's desire to improve its offerings to residents.
The other concerns raised here are covered in other responses within this
document, but bear repeating.
Peer-reviewed research has shown that Trails reduce crime by providing a
more formalized public space with additional 'eyes on the street'. Using
native vegetation to provide additional privacy to homeowners is a
common practice when developing trails in Ontario.
All species identified through preliminary assessments of the sites are
species that are evolved to cohabitate with humans. These nocturnal
animals will be unaffected by the new trail in the area.
Tree preservation is a key priority for this project. The aim is to ensure
that the trail is constructed in a manner that avoids any significant tree
Connections on Quaker Road and behind Willowlanding Court do not
provide a high-quality experience for people walking, cycling or wheeling.
So, what I'm gathering here- CONS: upsetting residents, spending money, Quaker Road currently has large stretches without sidewalks, and the
maintenance, garbage, safety concerns, endangered species, affecting connection behind Willowlanding Court ends at Lancaster Drive, with no
trees... PROS: an eventual tie in to walkway towards the canal when you option to continue west.
already have Quaker and Willowlanding?
Peer-reviewed research has shown that Trails reduce crime by providing a
The Mayor clearly stated that it is a security and privacy issue for residents more formalized public space with additional 'eyes on the street'. Using
and I’m not hearing anything addressing those concerns other than planting native vegetation to provide additional privacy to homeowners is a
some shrubs…that is not addressing these issues common practice when developing trails in Ontario.
There is a NPCA guideline that establishes a buffer along a waterway and
they have recommended that be used however the city has said because of
the lack of width in the Cedar Park/ Whiteoak they can’t provide a buffer so The NPCA has received initial alignments from the City and has confirmed
they are choosing to proceed knowing they not following the guideline so that they have no concerns. These routes lie within man-made drainage
already that’s demonstrates a privacy and security issue channels with the primary purpose of managing runoff in this area.
I hope they don’t take away the present informal trail to Zehrs!!! for We may be looking to connect the trail to the parking lot given the
heaven’s sake, get a walking - biking life. feedback we've received.
Will there be notification when the environmental assessment on Gretel
Place will be? Yes, we will advise residents when these documents are available.
I'd love to have access to a trail from my backyard. Those who do have this
(for example in Fonthill along the Steve Bauer Trail) seem to like it. Thanks for this feedback.
Photos shown during the presentation represented a similar condition to
the proposed trail, with houses abutting the trail on one side and a
drainage ditch abutting the trail on the other side. Across the drainage
ditch there are additional homes, similar to the proposed design here. In
addition, the distances shown in the photos during the presentation are
Given that your photos of existing examples seemed to always represent significantly lower than the proposed distances between the trail and
pathways that only had a home on one side rather than both. The distances properties for this trail - most of the trails shown during the presentation
did not even come close to representing the intrusive path you are are under 3m from property lines as compared to a minimum of 5m for
presenting. I would love for you to address that. the proposed trail here.
A sidewalk or other type of active transportation facility on Quaker Road
is outside the scop of this project, but is being considered by the City in
use it to put a pathway down quaker to niagara connection with other projects.
I’d like to see accessibilty from the canal paths to the Steve Baur trail and
Harold Black Park in Fonthill.
Quaker might be hard to deal with - must have been planned a long time ago
before it was such a fast thru-way. the Community Trails Strategy sets that vision out.
Alternate solutions: Devlop the trail NOrth of Quaker Road in the area of
future growth that links to the canalan lands. Map 9 in the Transportaiton
Master Plan study in Yellow, Medium term goal.
2). See the plan sent by Mr. Reid Hodgson (sent to Mr. Axiak, Councillors and
3). Develop the trail through and around Treelawn Park so that people can
use this to connect to Niagara Street. Many people already use this to get to
Niagara Street.
4) Eliminate the path between Cedar Park and Whiteoak because there are
already many roads and sidewalks that lead to the areas outlined. Thank you for this feedback.
Did the City consider how this path from Niagara College has the very real Peer-reviewed research has shown that Trails reduce crime by providing a
potential of becoming a student party pathway to a party park on weekends more formalized public space with additional 'eyes on the street'. Using
and evenings which would intensify all the safety/privacy issues of existing native vegetation to provide additional privacy to homeowners is a
nearby homeowners? common practice when developing trails in Ontario.
Lancaster is bad, and counciil turned down safety measures Thanks for flagging the traffic issues on Lancaster.
Are you considering a pedestrian bridge from the Welland canel trail to That is in the Community Trails Strategy but is outside the scope of this
Merritt Island park? Maybe by the 406? project.
What structure will be in place to connect Treelawn Park to the water
reteion area North of it? As per the photos sent after the late July rain, this
structure would be very costly and a limesone path would erode within The final design of this connection will be determined when the prefered
minutes alignment is finalized, but will likely be a culvert crossing.
F.Y.I. We have seen foxes, coyotes, badgers. etc a lot on the greenbelt Thank you. Those animals are used to human cohabitation and a trail will
behind my house on Cedar Park Drive. have minimal impacts on their ability to thrive.
I really think you need to try and minimize the direct impact on home
owners back yards as this current plan impacts close to 150 homes ( Cedar
park has walk way and a path adds no benefit & Page drive park can create a
connectivity path without impacting every single home owner who backs Thank you for your feedback. As the final alignment is determined all
onto the park efforts will be taken to minimize the impacts on existing residents.

Well, if a path could avoid fast & narrow streets like Lancaster & Quaker, not
to mention a major thoroughfare like Woodlawn - that would be great. And
unfortunately these were never designed with good pedestrian or bicycle in
mind. So now the planners are dealing with something after the fact. Agreed. Those streets are difficult to retrofit.
if the berm is used what comes of the existing trees and shrubs that form a A path could be build up in elevation adjacent to the berm without
barrier to the development requiring removal of high quality vegetation.

You’ve got a good point about going from Trelawn Park to Niagara - more
intentionally. Right now there are many informal ways to get there, such as
thru the Zehrs parking lot or traveling along the new road behind MT Bellies - The objective of the project is to improve that connectivity as much as
that subdivision is not yet built. Maybe there’s an opportunity to do it right. possible.
The CTS has quite a bit of consultation around it. The funding applications
I follow the city on facebook and I do not see any communications about this emerged from the strategy as these were high-feasibility trails using City-
until it was too late for us to appeal it owned lands.
Will the session recording be posted online? Yes
In keeping with the AODA, I believe a webinar/info session should also take
place in-person as there were some people who could not attend tonight, as Thanks Lorraine - we will consider how we can continue the dialogue with
it was done online and they are not computer-savvy. residents.
If anyone has to drop off at 8pm. I appreciate everyone joining the session
tonight and providing feedback to the project team and city staff. Bryan
Green (Ward 4) Thank you. We'll continue to receive and address feedback.
So I have done some extensive research in all the documents that pertain to
these trails. Although I do support community connections throughout
Welland and particularly connect to the canal lands, by putting the
Whiteoak/Cedar park section you are contradicting many sections of the
documents. I think you need to rethink this area especially beacuse of safety
concerns. As a female, I would NEVER walk back there and Im sure others These types of trails are primarily intended for daytime use, and their
would not either. Section 7.3.3 in the Community Trails document lists design and consideration of amenities aligns with the proposed trails
several things to consider when developing a safe trail. Would you have types as defined in the Community Trails Strategy. Depending on usage
your daughters, wives, sister, neices walk that part of the trail. Is this once installed, lighting and other safety features may be considered for
wasting money???? future enhancements.
The path shown south of the Travelodge and the alignment shown along
Maybe that path behing the travelodge is not as necessary - it’s pretty close Lancaster are options under consideration. Only one of the two shown
to the path just a bit further down there are planned for implementation.
You mentioned that this is the engagement stage and you would take the
feedback under review and review the plans. What is the timeline and
feedback we can expect on the updated plan? Likely fall 2023
There is already a path going into Treelawn Park. Why do you have to put a
trail beside a home and ditch that floods regularly? Why not just align the
Treelawn park using the existing pathway into it. Thanks for this feedback - we will consider that alignment
When will this plan be ammended and where will we be able to see it? Likely fall 2023
The loops are not affecting connectivity, but invading so many homes. Also
the 3 meter span trails are wide, and reduce the green area of the trelawn
park effectively. The blue lines on google maps are very thin and do not
accurately show much green space will be reduced given the large span of Thank you for this feedback. The lines on the mapping provided with
the trails. Hence the loops should be reconsidered :) aerial photography are 2.5-3m wide.
Using the N. end of Niagara College a bit better to path things in the W. is a
good idea. It doesn’t impact homeowners and avoids a bit of quaker. How to Thank you for your feedback. We will review this alignment and consider
continue that … well, I’m glad that’s not my problem. how it might be integrated into future plans
How many people on call? There were a total of 54 unique viewers for the Webinar
Quaker Road would require significant improvements in order to
accommodate a sidewalk or other active transportation facilities.
Currently it features a rural cross-section with culverts and ditches, which
would need to be upgraded to an urbanized cross-section with below-
Regarding putting a walkway along Quaker Road, I personally requested this ground stormwater management to accomodate any infrastructure
back about 20 years ago to the City of Welland Engineer, Dave Tsang. I was improvements. These types of improvements are beyond the scope of
told at the time that there was no possibility for this. Why not? this project.

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