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Received March 27, 2021, accepted April 8, 2021, date of publication April 12, 2021, date of current version

April 21, 2021.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3072592

Close Band Spacing Pentaband Frequency

Selective Surfaces Based on Concentric Ring Slots
1 Division de Ingenieria Electrica, Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City 04510, Mexico
2 Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad Autonoma de Campeche, Campeche 24085, Mexico
Corresponding author: Jose I. Martinez-Lopez (
This work was supported in part by the Programa de Apoyos a Proyectos de Investigacion e Innovacion Tecnologica de la Direccion
General de Asuntos del Personal Academico (DGAPA PAPIIT) under Grant IA104921, Grant IN118719, Grant IN118620, and Grant

ABSTRACT This paper presents a polarization insensitive frequency selective surface (FSS) based on
concentric ring slots with five closely spaced passbands. The proposed FSS unit cell contains five ring slots
coupled with a supplementary innermost ring slot. The close band response within the first five transmission
bands is achieved by the influence of the modified geometry obtained with the inclusion of the sixth ring
slot. This added ring slot causes the appearance of a stopband, due to the conductive ring between the fifth
and the sixth ring apertures, and a passband produced inherently by the sixth ring aperture. The effect of
the additional stopband and passband in the FSS response has been investigated in the paper. Full-wave
simulations reveal that a modified geometry with proper sizes effectively enables the close band response
of the pentaband FSS. To validate the proposed approach, a 729-element penta-bandpass FSS prototype
operating at millimeter-wave frequencies has been designed, fabricated, and tested. Experimental results in
a free-space measurement setup indicate resonances at f1 = 26.7, f2 = 29.8, f3 = 33.6, f4 = 38.1, and f5 =
44.2 GHz, with resonant frequency ratios of f2 /f1 = 1.12, f3 /f2 = 1.13, f4 /f3 = 1.13, and f5 /f4 = 1.16. This
FSS demonstrates an extremely low ratio of the highest and the lowest resonant frequencies (f5 /f1 = 1.66) for
a penta-band operation. This polarization insensitive FSS demonstrates good performance at oblique angular
incidence for elevation angles up to 45◦ .

INDEX TERMS Frequency selective surfaces, multiband operation, closely spaced bands, ring slot

I. INTRODUCTION that operate at various nearby operating bands as well as

Frequency selective surfaces (FSS) are periodic arrays, com- systems that use more than one band in concurrent mode.
monly in two dimensions, that are composed of geometric Due to the requirement for the efficient use of the radioelec-
elements such as patches or slots that are typically printed on tric spectrum, frequency band allocations of these wireless
a dielectric substrate. FSSs can exhibit band stop or band pass communication systems are closely spaced, therefore, the
characteristics, or a combination of both. FSS are regularly problem of electromagnetic compatibility arises when these
utilized in different applications such as filters, polarizers, multifrequency and multistandard systems operate in con-
radomes, absorbers, and antennas interfaces [1], [2]. With the tiguous locations producing elevated levels of electromag-
fast expansion of modern communication systems, multiband netic interference (EMI). These systems can benefit from
communications offer the required flexibility to operate mul- multiband FSSs with closely spaced transmission bands that
tifrequency and multistandard applications simultaneously. provide adequate band isolation to prevent EMI between
The recent research in multiband FSS has been motivated by the systems or subsystems that operate in nearby located
the coexistence of different wireless communication systems frequency bands. Therefore, multi-bandpass FSS can be
effectively used to shield places, systems or circuits from
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and unwanted radio frequency (RF) signals while enabling the
approving it for publication was Chinmoy Saha . transmission of the desired signals.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
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L. Martinez-Lopez et al.: Close Band Spacing Pentaband FSSs Based on Concentric Ring Slots

It is worth mentioning some applications of the multi-

bandpass FSS such as preventing EMI between radar and
satellite communication antennas [3], electromagnetic archi-
tecture of buildings [4], [5], band isolation in systems
operating in concurrent mode [6], and coupling reduction
between multiband Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)
antennas [7], [8].
Traditionally, the combination of different resonators
within the unit cell has been widely used to obtain a multi-
band FSS. However, for bands that required to be closely
spaced, this approach inherently suffers from a strong mutual
coupling between adjacent resonators due to the proximity
FIGURE 1. FSS based on multi concentric ring slots.
of the strong electromagnetic fields occurring at resonances.
Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a mutual coupling
reduction mechanism to achieve the required close band minimum adjacent band ratio of 1.12, and an extremely low
response. Different combinations of ring loop geometries ratio of the highest and the lowest resonant frequency (f5 /f1 =
(metal patches and apertures) can be used to obtain a small 1.66) for a penta-bandpass FSS operation.
separation between adjacent bands. However, as the distance This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the oper-
of the contiguous loops becomes closer, the main effect of ation principle of the proposed FSS is presented, including
this proximity is the increase of the mutual coupling causing a study of the impact of the supplementary ring slot on the
a large separation in frequency between their resonances. This performance of the FSS. A design procedure of the proposed
outcome makes the close band design challenging to achieve. penta-bandpass FSS, and simulated results based on a full-
Consequently, it is required that the geometry of the ring wave method and an equivalent circuit model are presented
loops be modified to ensure a significant reduction of the in Section III. Section IV presents the fabrication process of
mutual coupling. a finite size FSS prototype demonstrator, as well as the exper-
By applying several techniques in the closely spaced multi- imental setup for the free space characterization to obtain the
band FSS design, the performance of the multiband FSS has measured results. Finally, the conclusions are presented in
been successfully improved. Initially, these techniques were Section V.
used for dual band systems [9]–[16] and later were applied to
designs with more than two bands. II. FSS BASED ON MULTI CONCENTRIC RING
Different multiband closely spaced FSS have been SLOT RESONATORS
reported in the literature with three [17]–[23] and four FSSs act as spatial filters for incident electromagnetic waves.
bands [24]–[26]. Recently, some penta-band designs with The geometry and dimensions of the constitutive elements,
closely located bands have been investigated. In [27], five as well as the array’s lattice and period, allow the transmission
stopbands are achieved using an adjacent loop interconnec- (aperture type) or reflection (patch type) of the incoming
tion technique plus an arrow-shaped ring in the outermost electromagnetic wave (Fig. 1).
loop. Next, a penta-bandstop FSS is obtained using different
shapes of modified squared rings [28]. Later, a two-layer A. MULTIBAND FSS BASED ON CONCENTRIC
penta-bandstop FSS using five metallic structures, —two RING SLOT RESONATORS
at one side of the dielectric and three on its other side—, Ring slots (or complementary rings) have been used as consti-
was reported in [29]. More recently, a five stopband FSS, tutive elements in FSS design due to their intrinsic advantages
described in [30], is obtained by means of combining differ- such as the ability of handling different types of polarizations
ent loop geometries such as circles and squares in the unit and the good stability for oblique angular incidence. Due to
cell. the symmetry with respect of the x- and y- axes of the unit cell
In this paper, a penta-bandpass FSS based on concentric geometry, this FSS element is polarization insensitive and can
ring slot resonators is presented. Further to the previous be used for linear or circularly polarized waves. The transmis-
efforts reported in the literature, this work proposes a novel sion resonance of a single ring slot occurs when its medium
mechanism to enable the close band response by adding a circumference is approximately equal to the wavelength λ.
supplementary innermost ring slot that resonates beyond the The electric field is stored at the ring’s aperture, while the
operating frequencies of the FSS. However, the appearance of magnetic field is due to the electric currents that flow in the
a transmission zero produced by the conductive ring between metal part of the unit cell.
the fifth and the sixth ring apertures forces the first five Next, one can consider the case of concentric ring slots
resonances to be closely located. The improvement in the to obtain a multifrequency resonant unit cell. First, one can
multiband FSS response with closely located resonances is consider the case of a FSS unit cell of period equal to 3.5 mm
verified in simulation and in measurements with a fabri- with two concentric ring slots printed on a dielectric substrate
cated FSS prototype. This approach demonstrates the lowest with dielectric permittivity of 2.2 and thickness of 0.127 mm.

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L. Martinez-Lopez et al.: Close Band Spacing Pentaband FSSs Based on Concentric Ring Slots

FIGURE 2. Simulated transmission coefficient magnitude for FSS unit FIGURE 3. Simulated transmission coefficient magnitude for different FSS
cells with two concentric ring slots. The outermost ring slot is fixed and unit cells with concentric ring slots.
the innermost is varied.

The medium radius of the external ring slot is fixed at 1.5 mm However, one can noticed a reduction of its bandwidth when
and the medium radius ri of the internal ring is varied to the distance with the inner ring slot is smaller. Therefore,
1.36 mm, 1.22 mm, 1.08 mm, and 0.94 mm with the aim the frequency null obtained with the narrow metal ring in
of evaluating the effect of the separation between these two between the two rings ensures the reduction of the bandwidth
ring slots. The slot width is 0.06 mm for all ring slots. of the first resonator. On the other hand, the -3 dB fractional
The scattering of the linearly polarized normally-incident bandwidths of the second bandpass corresponding to the
plane wave on an infinite FSS was calculated. The solver in inner ring slots are 29.8 %, 23.9 %, 18.9 %, and 14.3 % for ri
frequency-domain within CST Studio Suite was utilized to equal to 1.36, 1.22, 1.08, and 0.94 mm, respectively.
calculate the scattering parameters of the FSS. Fig. 2 shows For comparison purposes, the scattering of FSS unit cells
the transmission coefficient magnitude |S21 | of the analyzed with five ring slots are plotted to observe the effect in
unit cells. One can observe for the case of the unit cell with frequency shifting and selectivity. Note that when the five
two ring slots that the resonances for the inner ring slot occur concentric rings are analyzed, the resonant frequencies cor-
approximately at the frequencies fi predicted for the case of a responding to ring slots with medium radii of r1 , r2 , r3 , and
single ring slot: r4 , shifted downward to 26.05, 29.22, 32.81, and 37.5 GHz,
c respectively, except for the resonance of the ring slot with r5
fi = √ , (1) that shifts upward to 48.83 GHz. Also, the -3 dB fractional
2πri εeff
bandwidths of the first four resonances reduces to 13.4 %,
where c is the speed of light in vacuum, and εeff is the 5.41 %, 5.69 %, and 5.89 %. Therefore, the close separa-
substrate’s dielectric effective electric permittivity that can be tion between the first four resonances is achieved. However,
approximated by [31]: the highest band does not meet the characteristics to be con-
  sidered part of the closely spaced band response as both the
εeff = εr + (εr − 1) , (2) ratio f5 /f4 and the -3 dB fractional bandwidth of the highest
(ex )N resonance increases to 1.30 and 35.4%, respectively.
where x =10 h/b, being h the substrate dielectric thickness, Next, one can analyze the mutual coupling of concentric
b is the period of the unit cell, and N = 1.3 is a curve fitting ring slots in FSS unit cells with two, three, four and five
factor. The resonances of the innermost ring slot resonators closely packed ring slots. In this case, ring slots with constant
are 31.98, 36.26, 41.16 and 47.16 GHz for the ring slots with widths of 0.06 mm and medium radii of 1.5, 1.36, 1.22,
widths of 0.06 mm, and medium radii of 1.36, 1.22, 1.08, and 1.08, and 0.94 mm are analyzed. The outermost ring slot is
0.94 mm, respectively. The appearance of stopbands can be fixed (r1 = 1.5 mm), and the inner ring slots are added to
observed due to the metal ring in between of the two ring obtain four different FSS unit cells. The magnitudes of the
apertures. The central frequencies of the stopbands depend transmission coefficients for these multi-ring unit cells are
on the medium radii and the widths of the conductive rings shown in Fig. 3, and a summary of the results are presented
formed between the two ring slots. It is also acceptable to use in Table 1.
the approximation given by (1) and (2) to obtain initial values Note that the upper frequency band (obtained by the inner-
of the stopband frequencies. However, the full wave method most ring slot) for the four analyzed unit cells show the same
will provide more accurate values. As the medium radius of pattern. The adjacent band ratio with respect to its contiguous
the outer ring slot is fixed, the resonant frequency of the first lower band increases, and its -3 dB fractional bandwidth
passband slightly changes when the inner ring slot is varied. also increases. It can be inferred from these results that the

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L. Martinez-Lopez et al.: Close Band Spacing Pentaband FSSs Based on Concentric Ring Slots

TABLE 1. Summary of the simulated multiband FSS results.

FIGURE 5. Simulated transmission coefficient magnitude of the

pentaband FSS. Effect of the supplementary ring slot in the penta-band
FSS response.

causing a shift in the self-resonant frequencies. Next, we can

analyze the effect of adding a sixth ring slot in the innermost
part of the unit cell. Then, seven FSS unit cells with a sixth
ring slot with different sizes R6a-R6g are evaluated to observe
the influence of the parametric variation of the innermost
ring slot (medium radius and slot width). Fig. 5 shows the
transmission coefficient magnitudes of the above-mentioned
FIGURE 4. Geometry of the proposed pentaband FSS unit cell.
unit cells. The transmission coefficient magnitude of the FSS
without the sixth ring is also plotted for comparison.
addition of a supplementary ring slot that resonates beyond From the computed results summarized in Table 2, one
the operating multiband frequencies can produce the desired can observe that for the FSS unit cell with five ring slots
effect of shifting downward the resonant frequency as well the separation between the fifth and the fourth resonance
as reducing the bandwidth of the preceding resonators. This (f5 /f4 = 1.30) is larger than the separation for other con-
assumption is analyzed in the next subsection for the case of tiguous bands. It can be observed that the addition of a sixth
a pentaband FSS. ring slot allows the fifth resonant frequency to shift backward
to reduce the separation with respect of the fourth resonant
B. FSS BASED ON CONCENTRIC RING SLOT RESONATORS frequency as well as the reduction of the fifth fractional
WITH SUPPLEMENTARY RING SLOT bandwidth (f5 /f4 = 1.16 for R6g). It is also observed that
The proposed pentaband FSS consists of six concentric cir- the additional resonance appears far beyond with respect to
cular ring slots with medium radius ri and slot width of wi the highest operating frequency of the penta-band FSS (>
whose centers coincide with the nodes of a squared lattice 60 GHz for R6g). The frequency and bandwidth of the sixth
with period b. The geometry of the multiband FSS unit cell passband can be tuned by adjusting the medium radius r6 and
is shown in Fig. 4. However, due to the mutual coupling width w6 of the sixth ring slot.
between the neighboring rings, the resulting resonances and The electric field and surface currents of the fifth ring
bandwidths of each band of the entire system of six res- slot at resonance are analyzed to reveal the effect of the
onators change with respect to the case of single uncoupled supplementary sixth ring slot in the FSS response. Fig. 6(a)
resonators. shows the electric field intensity for the case of the FSS unit
Initially, to reveal the coupling in the closely packed res- cell with five ring slots at the resonant frequency of 48.8 GHz,
onators, one can consider that the FSS unit cell contains only while Fig. 6(b) shows the field for the FSS unit cell with
the five outermost ring slots. Therefore, a unit cell with a six ring slots (ring slot R6e from Table 2 ) at the resonant
period of 3.5 mm containing five ring slots with medium frequency of 43.6 GHz. On the other hand, Fig. 7(a) shows the
radii of 1.50, 1.36, 1.22, 1.08, and 0.94 mm, with slot width surface current streamlines for the FSS unit cell with five ring
of 0.06 mm on a dielectric substrate (dielectric permittivity of slots at 48.8 GHz, while Fig. 7(b) shows the surface currents
2.2 and thickness of 0.127 mm) is analyzed. The magnitude for the FSS unit cell with six ring slots (ring slot R6e from
of the transmission coefficient |S21 | is shown in Fig. 5 (black Table 2 ) at 43.6 GHz. It is observed that the electric field and
solid line). The ring slots in the unit cell enable the appearance surface current intensities are higher at the fifth resonance for
of five resonances. However, due to the proximity of the ring the case of the unit cell with the supplementary ring slot. This
slots, the mutual coupling between adjacent slots is strong, effect allows a slight increase in the capacitance, but mainly a

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L. Martinez-Lopez et al.: Close Band Spacing Pentaband FSSs Based on Concentric Ring Slots

TABLE 2. Effect of the supplementary ring slot in the penta-bandpass FSS


FIGURE 7. Surface currents of the pentaband FSS. (a) Unit cell with five
rings at the fifth resonance (48.8 GHz), and (b) modified unit cell with a
supplementary ring slot at the fifth resonance (43.6 GHz), and
(c) modified unit cell with a supplementary ring slot at the transmission
zero (57.9 GHz).
FIGURE 6. Electric field intensity of the pentaband FSS at the fifth
resonance. (a) Unit cell with five rings (48.8 GHz), and (b) modified unit
cell with a supplementary ring slot (43.6 GHz). investigated and closed-form expressions to calculate the cir-
cuit parameters are provided in [32]. However, these expres-
large increase in the fifth resonator’s inductance. Therefore, sions are difficult to extend for a unit cell with six concentric
a reduction of the fifth resonance is achieved, enabling the ring slots due to the complexity of the geometry, and most
close band spacing with respect to the fourth resonance. important, because of the strong mutual coupling due to the
As observed in the surface currents plots, this increase in close spacing between rings. Therefore, one can consider the
the inductance can be explained by the change of the unit simplified circuit model for the six concentric ring slot FSS
cell FSS’s inner geometry. For the five ring slots the inner for the case of the incident wave with y- polarization taking
section is a large circular metal patch, representing a low into account the mutual coupling between contiguous ring
inductance value, meawhile the proposed unit cell comprises slots. The capacitances Ci are due to the electric field stored
the combination of a metal ring, a ring slot, and a small at the annular windows, and the inductances Lli and Lri are
circular metal patch in the center. Thus, the narrow metal ring due to the electric currents that flow at the left and right part
contributes to the high value of the inductance. On the other of the metal rings, respectively. Inductances Ll7 and Lr7 are
hand, Fig. 7(c) shows the surface currents at transmission zero used to model the inner metal left and right parts of the inner
produced by the metal ring. This additional transmission zero circular patch, respectively. Mutual inductances Mli,i+1 and
allows the reduction of the fifth resonant frequency. Mri,i+1 consider the mutual coupling between adjacent metal
rings, where i is the index to identify the i-th resonator. Due to
C. EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT MODEL FOR FSS BASED ON the symmetry of the unit cell with respect to the x- axis, one
CONCENTRIC RING SLOTS can simplify the circuit model by analyzing only one half of
Equivalent circuit models (ECMs) for FSS based on a single the unit cell as shown in Fig. 8(a), and because of the zero
ring slot as well as two concentric ring slots have been value of the electric field Ex at y = 0, one can introduce

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L. Martinez-Lopez et al.: Close Band Spacing Pentaband FSSs Based on Concentric Ring Slots

TABLE 3. Resonant frequencies and scaling factor.

ADS Keysight can be used to obtain the values of Mi,i+1 and

Ri that enable the ECM to fit the resonant frequencies and the
insertion loss at resonances, respectively.


A FSS with five resonant frequencies closely spaced based
on concentric ring slots operating at Ka and V bands was
designed. The FSS ring slots are printed on a dielectric sub-
strate with a thickness of 0.127 mm (εr = 2.2, tan δ =
The sizes of the ring slots within the unit cell (medium
radii and slot widths) were optimized with the help of the
frequency-domain solver within CST Studio Suite to decrease
reflections inside the passbands. The sizes of the sixth ring
FIGURE 8. Equivalent circuit model of the multi-bandpass FSS.
slot were adjusted to reduce the band ratio f5 /f4 and to set f6
far away from the pentaband operating frequency. Therefore,
a ground along this axis. Due to the symmetry with respect after the optimization, insertion loss in the five passbands are
to the y- axis, both left and right inductances of the circuit minimized and isolation in the rejection bands maximized.
model can be consolidated as shown in Fig. 8(b), where Li The sizes of the optimized unit cell are given by b = 3.5 mm;
is the equivalent of the parallel connection of inductances Lli medium radii of r1 = 1.49 mm, r2 = 1.325 mm, r3 =
and Lri , and Mi,i+1 is the equivalent mutual inductance of the 1.19 mm, r4 = 1.055 mm, r5 = 0.93 mm, and r6 = 0.465 mm.
parallel connection of Mli,i+1 and Mri,i+1 . The value Mi,i+1 The widths of the ring slots are given by w1 = 0.12 mm, w2 =
is given by the well-known equation: 0.05 mm, w3 = 0.06 mm, w4 = 0.05 mm, w5 = 0.06 mm,
Mi,i+1 = ki,i+1 Li Li+1 ,
(3) and w6 = 0.73 mm. The resonant frequencies as well as the
scaling factors are given in Table 3 .
where ki,i+1 is the coupling coefficient between inductances The parameters Li and Ci of the ECM are given by L1 =
Li and Li+1 . The characteristic impedance of the circuit is 0.490 nH, C1 = 61.8 fF, L2 = 0.249 nH, C2 = 94.5 fF,
Z0 /2, where Z0 = 377  is the free-space impedance, TLsus L3 = 0.188 nH, C3 = 116 fF, L4 = 0.124 nH, C4 = 122 fF,
is the transmission line used to model the substrate, with L5 = 0.091 nH, C5 = 154 fF, and L6 = 0.046 nH, and
characteristic impedance of ZL and electric length of EL , and C6 = 84.8 fF. For this analyzed case, these values can be
Ri are used to model the losses in the FSS unit cell. The ECM fairly approximated by the empirical equations that consider
of the FSS unit cell containing six nested RLC resonators the medium radii (in mm) and the slot widths (in mm) of the
connected in series is presented in Fig. 8(b). ring slots:
As analyzed in Section II.A, the effect of the frequency q
Li = 80ri3 1 + 18wi ri

shifting due to the mutual coupling between closely packed [nH], and (5)
concentric ring slots is not negligible, therefore, a scaling  . q
factor γi is used to determine the reduction of the resonant Ci = 88 ri2 + 80

1 + 20wi ri [pF]. (6)
frequency fi of each FSS unit cell containing a single ring
slot, with respect to the resonant frequencies f0i of the FSS Finally, the remaining parameters of the ECM were
unit cell with the six concentric ring slot resonators. extracted using the circuit optimizer within ADS: L7 =
f0i = γi fi (4) 0.121 nH, R1 = 6.0 k, R2 = 5.5 k, R3 = 4.2 k,
R4 = 2.2 k, R5 = 1.8 k, R6 = 1.2 k, k1,2 = 0.28,
The values of Li and Ci can be obtained by fitting the curves k2,3 = 0.42, k3,4 = 0.32, k4,5 = 0.30, k5,6 = 0.22, and k6,7 =
of each FSS unit cell containing one ring slot resonator. Next, 0.02. The characteristic impedance of the transmission line
these values can be initially used in the ECM for the six is 127.1  with an electrical length of 6.8◦ at 30 GHz. The
concentric ring slot ECM. Then, the circuit optimizer within simulated magnitudes of the transmission coefficient |S21 | of

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L. Martinez-Lopez et al.: Close Band Spacing Pentaband FSSs Based on Concentric Ring Slots

FIGURE 11. Photograph of the fabricated FSS.

loss tangent of 0.0009. The fabrication process is based on a

FIGURE 9. Simulated transmission coefficient magnitude of the standard photolithography process by wet chemical etching.
optimized FSS. Comparison the full-wave method and the ECM.
The sizes of the ring slots, the array lattice, and the period
of the unit cell of the fabricated FSS are the same as the
ones of the optimized unit cell FSS described in Section III.
Due to the high resolution required in the fabrication pro-
cess, the copper cladding of the microwave-friendly sub-
strate, originally of 17 µm, was reduced to 12 µm to prevent
undercutting in the metal rings. With this microfabrication
step, fabrication errors lower that 10 µm in the geometry
features were achieved. The fabricated penta-bandpass FSS
prototype is shown in Fig. 11. As the FSS was fabricated on
a thin dielectric substrate, two acrylic frames were utilized to
provide mechanical stability.

The fabricated penta-bandpass FSS was tested to validate the
proposed approach. A free space quasi-optic measurement
setup shown in Fig. 12(a), containing two scalar corrugated
conical horn antennas connected to a vector network analyzer
FIGURE 10. Simulated transmission coefficient magnitude of the (VNA), two Teflon hyperbolic lenses and the FSS prototype
optimized FSS for different incident elevation angles.
mounted on a rotating stage, was used to characterize the
fabricated FSS. The scheme of the measurement setup is
the optimized FSS obtained with the full-wave solver and the shown on Fig. 12(b).
ECM are plotted in Fig. 9. The transmitting antenna is a scalar horn of 20 mm aper-
The scattering of the linearly polarized wave with oblique ture diameter and 16.7 dBi gain at 36.5 GHz. The effective
angular incidence is also analyzed. Fig. 10 shows the mag- aperture diameter of the transmitting horn is 18 mm due to
nitudes of the transmission coefficients for elevation angles the tapering of the electric intensity field distribution at the
up to 50◦ . A good stability is observed for the intermediate horn aperture. The lower limit of the far field zone for this
passbands for angles up to 50◦ , while for the lowest and horn is 91 mm at the frequency of 42 GHz. A spherical wave
highest passbands a moderate deviation is observed for angles radiated by the transmitting horn has been transformed to a
up to 40◦ . quasi-plane wave by a hyperbolic Teflon lens A (Fig. 12(b))
of 90 mm diameter and 90 mm-focal length. This quasi-plane
IV. FSS FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION wave propagates toward lens B. The distance between plane
A. FSS FABRICATION surfaces of the lenses A and B is 750 mm. A second hyperbolic
To validate the computed results, a FSS protype with 27 × 27 Teflon lens B of 90 mm diameter and 270 mm focal length
elements and dimensions of 11 cm × 11 cm was fabricated has been used to focus the electromagnetic radiation at the
and experimentally verified. The 729 -element prototype surface of the rotating FSS situated at the distance of 160 mm
was fabricated on a microwave friendly substrate Rogers from lens B. This lens has been installed at the aperture of
5880 substrate with εr = 2.2, thickness of 127 µm, and the Styrofoam screen lined with aluminum foil. As a result,

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L. Martinez-Lopez et al.: Close Band Spacing Pentaband FSSs Based on Concentric Ring Slots

FIGURE 13. Simulated distribution of the electromagnetic power density

at 36.5 GHz for the illumination of the FSS prototype by the focusing
lens B.

The phase centers of the transmitting and receiving horns

have been aligned at the height of 570 mm over the laboratory
bench to avoid reflections. Then transmitting and receiving
horns have been connected to the calibrated VNA using
circular-to-rectangular waveguide adapters and coaxial-to-
rectangular waveguide adapters.
Special measures have been taken to eliminate the effect
of the multiple reflections between lenses A and B. These
FIGURE 12. Free space measurement setup. a) Photograph, and
b) schematic diagram indicating distances between components. multiple reflections cause ±0.35 dB ripple on the measured
|S21 | curves. The distance between the ripple minimums on
the frequency axis is about 0.2 GHz, clearly indicating that
an illuminated spot is obtained at the center of the FSS. The this ripple resulted from the interference between the directly
FSS rotation permits to ensure different incident elevation transmitted wave and the wave that has arrived after travel-
angles θ as it is shown on Fig. 12(b). ing an additional distance of approximately 1500 mm. This
The time domain solver within CST Studio Suite has been distance is equal to the doubled distance between lenses A
used to estimate the focusing of the electromagnetic power and B. Thus, the time gating within VNA time domain option
density at the center of the FSS. Plane wave propagating in the has been used to suppress the effect of the interfering wave
negative z-direction has been assumed as the excitation source that arrives to the receiving horn after consecutive reflections
for the dielectric lens B. Simulated distribution of the elec- between lens B and lens A. This measure also ensures addi-
tromagnetic power density at 36.5 GHz is shown in Fig. 13. tional suppression of the weak interfering waves caused by
This distribution corresponds to the well-known Gaussian reflections from the laboratory windows and walls.
beam. According to the simulated results, the diameter of the a coefficient is measured with-
In the first instance, the S21
electromagnetic power density spot defined at -10 dB level, out the FSS prototype. Then, the FSS is installed and S21
changes from 40.4 mm at 27 GHz to 26.9 mm at 40 GHz. measured for the different FSS rotation angles. The FSS
Simulated results also have confirmed that the front of the transmission coefficient S21 is then calculated dividing the
p a for each rotation
incident wave is nearly parallel to the FSS surface for the magnitude of S21 by the magnitude of S21
case of θ equal to 0◦ . Therefore, the illumination of the FSS angle.
borders is negligible considering that the spot diameter is The measured results for incident elevation angles up to
substantially smaller than the transversal size of the fabri- 45◦ are shown in Fig. 14. The comparison of the simulated
cated FSS in the entire frequency band. The Gaussian beam results obtained with the full-wave solver and the measured
approach has been used to avoid the diffraction effects at the results for normal and oblique incidence of the incoming
FSS borders [33, 34]. Then, the transmitted wave through wave is shown in Fig. 15.
the FSS is received by a scalar horn of 55 mm aperture The measured penta-bandpass FSS shows five transmis-
diameter and 23.1 dBi gain at 36.5 GHz. This horn is situated sion bands located at 26.7, 29.8, 33.6, 38.1 and 44.2 GHz
at 1080 mm from the FSS. The lower limit of the far-field with -3 dB fractional bandwidths of 9.1 %, 3.9 %, 4.8 %,
zone for the receiving horn is 700 mm at 42 GHz considering 4.9 %, and 7.8 %, respectively. Four isolation bands within
electric field tapering at the horn aperture. The relatively the operating penta-bandpass operation of the FSS with
high gain of the receiving horn permits to suppress weak isolation levels better than 15 dB are observed. The fre-
reflections from the laboratory walls and windows. quency range of these rejection bands are 27.91-28.24 GHz,

VOLUME 9, 2021 57893

L. Martinez-Lopez et al.: Close Band Spacing Pentaband FSSs Based on Concentric Ring Slots

TABLE 4. Summary of the measured pentaband FSS results at normal


TABLE 5. Summary and comparison of the recent pentaband FSS.

FIGURE 14. Measured transmission coefficient magnitude of the

fabricated pentaband FSS for different incident elevation angles in the
free space measurement setup.

frequencies [35]. An acceptable agreement between simu-

lated and measured results is observed. A summary of the
proposed penta-bandpass FSS results is given in Table 4 .
Finally, a comparison of the results obtained in this work
with published ones in the literature for similar pentaband
FSSs is given in Table 5 .

A multiband FSS with five closely spaced resonances based
on concentric ring slots with reduced mutual coupling was
designed, fabricated, and experimentally verified.
The supplementary innermost ring slot in the FSS unit cell
geometry was useful to reduce the band separation between
the ring slot resonances while increasing the band selectivity
to achieve the close band spacing. It can also be seen as the
sixth ring slot produces a sixth passband, which pushes the
fifth passband to a lower frequency. A full-wave solver was
used to obtain the transmission characteristics of the unit cell,
while an equivalent circuit model, with a parameter extraction
FIGURE 15. Measured and simulated transmission coefficient magnitude method was proposed. To validate the numerical simulations,
of the penta-bandpass FSS for different incident elevation angles.
a FSS prototype was fabricated and characterized in a free
space measurement setup. Five transmission bands with cen-
31.15-31.66 GHz, 35.40-36.01 GHz, and 40.36-41.11 GHz ter frequencies of 26.7, 29.8, 33.6, 38.1 and 44.2 GHz were
for normal incidence. The stability for oblique angular inci- obtained, with band ratios of 1.12, 1.13, 1.13, and 1.16.
dence of the measured FSS is good for angles up to 45◦ . An extremely low ratio of the highest to the lowest resonant
The relatively higher loss in the lower frequency bands frequency of the penta-bandpass FSS of 1.66 was achieved
is believed to originate from the early increment of dissipa- with the proposed approach. Satisfactory FSS response for
tive loss observed in PCB printed resonators at microwave oblique angular incidence was observed for elevation angles

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L. Martinez-Lopez et al.: Close Band Spacing Pentaband FSSs Based on Concentric Ring Slots

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VOLUME 9, 2021 57895

L. Martinez-Lopez et al.: Close Band Spacing Pentaband FSSs Based on Concentric Ring Slots


Mexico City, Mexico. She received the B.S. Veracruz, Mexico. He received the B.S. degree
degree in computer engineering and the M.Eng. in electronics engineering from the Technological
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Institute of Veracruz, in 2009, and the M.Eng.
the National Autonomous University of Mexico and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
(UNAM), Mexico City, in 2004, 2007, and 2013, the National Autonomous University of Mexico
respectively. Since 2013, she has been a Pro- (UNAM), Mexico City, in 2014 and 2018, respec-
fessor with the School of Engineering, UNAM. tively. Since 2019, he has been a Professor with the
Her current research interests include frequency School of Engineering, Autonomous University of
selective surfaces, micro-electromechanical sys- Campeche (UAC). His current research interests
tems (MEMS), antenna arrays, and microwave circuits. include frequency selective surfaces, metasurfaces, antenna arrays, and
microwave circuits.

ALEXANDER E. MARTYNYUK was born in Kiev,

Ukraine. He received the M.Sc. degree in radio
engineering and the Ph.D. degree from the Kiev
Polytechnic Institute, Kiev, in 1988 and 1993,
respectively. From 1988 to 1995, he was with
the Faculty of Radio Engineering, Kiev Poly-
technic Institute. Since 1995, he has been with
the National Autonomous University of Mexico
(UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico, where he is cur-
rently a Professor with the School of Engineer-
ing. His research interests include microwave and millimeter-wave devices,
antenna arrays, and millimeter-wave communications.


was born in Mexico City, Mexico. He received
the B.S., M.Eng., and Ph.D. degrees in electri-
JORGE RODRIGUEZ-CUEVAS was born in cal engineering from the National Autonomous
Mexico City, Mexico. He received the B.S., University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City,
M.Eng., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineer- in 1994, 1998, and 2005, respectively. In 2006, he
ing from the National Autonomous University of was with Schlumberger Technology Corporation,
Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, in 1987, 1995, and Sugar Land, TX, USA, where he was developing
2003, respectively. In 2003, he completed special- antennas for deep induction array tools for the oil
ized studies in microelectromechanical systems industry. In 2009, he was a Visiting Scholar with
(MEMS) at UNAM and the United States-Mexico the Electroscience Laboratory, The Ohio State University (OSU), Columbus,
Foundation for Science (FUMEC), Mexico City. OH, USA. He is currently a Professor of electrical engineering with UNAM.
Since 1987, he has been with the Electronics Engi- He is also on a sabbatical leave as a Visiting Scholar with the Nonlinear RF
neering Department, UNAM, where he is currently a Professor engaged Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ECE-OSU.
in research and teaching on telecommunication circuits and systems. His His current research interests include antenna arrays, frequency selective
current research interests include phased arrays, RF MEMS, and microwave surfaces, and microwave and millimeter-wave circuits.
and millimeter-wave circuits.

57896 VOLUME 9, 2021

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