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Project Schedule

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External and internal factors can affect the project schedule, and the project manager

should have a broad view of both. Factors like resources, costs, and deliverables are some of the

internal elements that should be included in a project plan. The manager must ascertain that there

are enough resources and that the supply of materials can be relied on to avoid inconveniences

during project execution. Suppliers must be accountable to ensure no delay of materials and

other equipment resources required. The project's cost should also be determined to provide the

money allocated or budgeted for the project is enough and can run the entire project without

having to stop the project to look for funds. Enterprise environmental factors are another

important area that project managers should closely examine (Patanakul et al., 2016). Although

the project team does not control the EEFS, they can affect the project's schedule.

External factors like political stability, government regulations, taxation, inflation, market

conditions, and consumer trends, among many others, must be considered to avoid the project's

delay. Political stability is a key factor when planning for a project schedule because no

developments or projects can run in a chaotic environment. The area where the project is taking

place must bebe peaceful to ensure that project teams work well without interruptions. Taxes,

inflation, and government regulations must also be considered since they can change during

project execution (Atkinson & Ward, 2006). The project manager should be aware of what to do

if such factors arise before the completion of the project. Further, the trends of the consumers

may change and even market conditions, affecting the project schedule. A project schedule

requires a significant blue print for it to run smoothly without any interruptions because there are

so many factors that may affect project completion, including the Acts of God.


Patanakul, P., Kwak, Y. H., Zwikael, O., & Liu, M. (2016). What impacts the performance of

large-scale government projects? International journal of project management, 34(3), 452-466.

Atkinson, R., Crawford, L., & Ward, S. (2006). Fundamental uncertainties in projects and the

scope of project management. International journal of project management, 24(8), 687-698.

Response 1

Hi, for a project to start successfully, it requires a significant planning of resources and

tasks that will take place in every stage. There are so many factors that can impact project

schedules that a project manager must consider. Cost, the availability of materials, deliverables,

product and quality standards, risk tolerance, state regulations, taxation, and inflation are some of

the elements that can significantly impact project schedules. Taxes keep on changing, which

sometimes results in inflation while still executing a project, and that can affect project

completion. Resources must be available and enough to sustain the project because a project can

be very expensive sometimes, depending on the type of project. Other important factors include

political stability since politics can have a significant impact on project schedules. Bad politics,

for example, can make the project to delay or even stop completely. Peace in project

management is an important factor to consider because the project team must feel secure to carry

out their duties effectively.

Response 2

Hello, basically, a project schedule may be affected by so many factors, thus why a

project entails a great blue print. Project schedule may be impacted by social, political,

technological, and environmental factors. For instance, technology is very dynamic, and some

advancements may crop up in the middle of the project that would require adjustments for the

project to be relevant in the market. If such a factor had been omitted from the project schedule,

it could impact it negatively. Taxes and inflations are always changing and could affect projects

taking a long duration. Things like market trends may also be a big concern to project schedule

because, for example, when launching a new product, you need to be certain that the products

you are offering to the market match with customer's demand. if the demand for the new product

shifts, then the organization is going to incur great losses, and that project will have failed .

Additionally, the cost, reliability of suppliers, and deliverables can affect the project schedule

because all resources must be available for a project to run successfully.

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