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Class 8th Unit 1 Revision

1. Complete the story. Put the verbs in brackets into 2. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
the past simple or the past continuous tense.
1) I were having dinner when the lights went out.
One wet afternoon in September, Danny Spencer I was having dinner when the lights went out.
was sitting (sit) in his room. He
was studying (study) for a test. His parents 2) Zsófi was walking the street when she saw a dog.
were (be) at work and his sister, Alice, ----
was (be) at school. He 5_____________
3) Tánya opened the door and was leaving the house.
(be) hungry, but it 6 _____________
was raining (rain) heavily, so
Tánya opened the door and left the house.
he 7 _____________
didn't want (not want) to go to the shops.
He 8 _____________
decided (decide) to cook some chips. He 4) We were watch TV when my uncle phoned.
9 _____________
put (put) some oil in a saucepan on the We were watching TV when my uncle phoned.
cooker and 10 _____________
lit (light) the gas. Then
5) While he washed the car, it started raining.
the telephone 11 _____________
rang (ring), so Danny
went (go) to answer it. While he _____________________________________________
While he was washing the car, it started raining.
was talking (talk) on the phone, the oil 6) When they saw the lion, they were running away.
suddenly 14 _____________
caught (catch) fire. When When they saw the lion, they ran away.
Danny 15 _____________
smelt (smell) the smoke, he
ran (run) back to the kitchen. But as 7) What was they doing when you arrived?
he 17 _____________
was going (go) into the kitchen, he _____________________________________________
What were they doing when you arrived?
tripped (trip) on the leg of a chair and
8) My parents were coming to England from Italy in 1975.
hit (hit) his head on a cupboard …
My parents came to England from Italy in 1975.

3. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or 4. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use
past continuous of the verbs in brackets. the past simple or past continuous.

1) When she ________________________

saw the 1) We _______________
were sleeping heard
when we _______________ a
spider, she ran out of the room. (see) noise outside. [sleep / hear]
2) ________________________
Was it raining when you got up 2) He ____________
had breakfast and then he ____________
this morning? (it/rain) to work. [have / go]
3) I ________________________
had an accident 3) What _______________when
were you doing they _______________?
when I was cycling home last night. (have) [you do / arrive]
4) My dad ________________________
fell asleep 4) She _______________a
found copper axe when she
when he was watching the film on TV. (fall) _______________in
was walking the forest. [walk / find]
5) She ________________________
was sitting in a café 5) I _______________TV
wasn't watching when my friend
when I called her. (sit) _______________me.
phoned [not watch / phone]
Was Barbara cooking
6) My parents ________________________
weren’t sleeping 6) _______________when the fire _______________?
when I got home. (not sleep) [Barbara cook / start]
7) He ________________________
broke his arm when 7) People _____________
didn’t use copper ten thousand years ago.
he was playing rugby. (break) They _____________tools
made from stone. [not use / make]
8) 8. We ________________________
were having a 8) We were _______________the
getting on bus when we
barbecue when it started to rain. (have) _______________the
saw accident. [get on / see]
5. One of the sentences is incorrect. Identify the 6. Rewrite the sentences using the words provided.
incorrect sentence and write it correctly.
1) That horse isn’t fast enough. (slow)
A. Did you use to walk to school? The horse is too slow.
B. He used to work in a garage.
2) That boy is too young. (old)
C. They didn’t used to eat meat.
That boy isn’t old enough.
They didn’t use to eat meat.
A. Did she use to live here? 3) This coffee is too weak. (strong)
B. I didn’t use to work hard.
This coffee isn’t strong enough.
C. He used to go shopping last weekend.
4) These jeans aren’t loose enough. (tight)
He went shopping last weekend.
A. She used to wear high-heeled shoes. ___________________________________________
These jeans are too tight.
B. When did you use to start piano lessons?
5) The film is too late for children. (early)
C. They used to have copper axes.
When did you start piano lessons?
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________
The film isn’t early enough for children.

A. People didn’t use to have TVs in the 1950s. 6) This bag isn’t light enough. (heavy)
B. We used to go to the seaside every summer.
C. Did you use to get this watch for your ___________________________________________
This bag is too heavy.
birthday? 7) That computer isn’t cheap enough. (expensive)
Did you get this watch for your birthday? ___________________________________________
That computer is too expensive.

A. We use to get up early when we were young. 8) Your skirt is too short. (long)
B. Where did you use to spend your holidays? Your skirt isn’t long enough.
C. I didn’t use to understand English at all.
We used to get up early when we were young. 7. Complete the sentences. Use too or enough.
1. My old computer isn’t fast _______.
A. He used to be a taxi driver before he became
2. I can’t get these jeans on. They’re _______
too tight.
an actor.
B. They didn’t used to go to the cinema. 3. These shoes aren’t big _______.
C. Did you use to have your own office?
4. Those boots are _______
too expensive.
They didn’t use to go to the cinema.
5. The sleeves of this shirt aren’t long _______.
A. I used to drink milk, but I don’t drink now 6. The coat isn’t long _______.
B. Did you see Charlie last week?
C. They didn’t use to watch a DVD last night. 7. I can’t reach that book. I’m _______
too short.

They didn’t watch a DVD last night. 8. These heels are _______
too high.
8. Complete the sentences. Write enough or too.
A. We never use to go to football matches.
1) This book is _______
too boring.
B. Did you use to wear glasses?
C. There used to be a hotel next to the bank. 2) My sister isn’t old _______
enough to stay on her own.
We never used to go to football matches. 3) It is _______
too late to go out now.

A. We never use to go to football matches. 4) The blue shirt isn’t loose enough
B. Did you use to wear glasses? 5) That car is too
---- expensive. I _______ buy it.
C. There used to be a hotel next to the bank.
6) The sleeves of this shirt are _______
too short.
We never used to go to football matches.
7) This house is _______
too small for us.

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