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*Attention Grabber
Good day. I wanted to start off with
*Audience Relevance
Now that several COVID-19 vaccines
are available, it is time to bypass the
*Main Point
Vaccines are just made for some
months and its effectivity mat be
compromised. More than that, clinical
trials are not guaranteed to be exact.
Now, we’ll talk about the cons of
having a vaccine.

* Body

1. Con: The Side Effects

The primary con to receiving the
vaccine is the fact that there is the
potential for side effects. Examples of
such side effects include headaches,
slight fever, pain, swelling, and
fatigue. It will be more problematic
you’re considered as one of the
persons having comorbidities.
Though uncommon, it is even possible
that these side effects will lead to
1. Con: The Side Effects
There are almost twelve vaccines that
were endorsed around the world and
the most widely used here in the
Philippines are: Pfizer, Moderna,
AstraZeneca, Janssen, Sinopharm, and

Bad Contents and Side Effects:


2. Con: The Issue against Legal

Immunity for Manufacturers
*Legal and Ethical Issues of Having
Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)
- According to Senator Franklin Drilon,
COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers are
immune from suits for claims arising
out of the administration of the
COVID-19 vaccine. This is quiet
alarming since they can escape the
liability when there is a problem.
3. Con: The Vaccination Might Not
Protect Against Variants

Sadly, several variants of the

coronavirus are emerging across the
According to Jeanne Noble, MD, an
associate professor of emergency
medicine at the University of
California, San Francisco, there will be
new variants are
4. Con: The Long-term Impact of the
Vaccine is Unknown
There is no way to tell if the vaccine
has a long-term impact on human
health as it was created within the
past nine months. It is quite possible
there will be a long-term negative
impact stemming from the virus years
or even decades down the line yet we
will not know about it until it occurs.

Reports on deaths due to vaccines

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