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Name: Eslam Fares Mohamed

Unequal access: We must not give the same powers to the manager, the
employee, and the client, for example. We must give the manager the power to
manage the system, and we must give the employee a power that fits his job only,
and we must give the files to clients and they are read-only.

Freedom of speech and censorship: Both employees and customers have the
right to express freedom of opinion but appropriately.

Acceptable use: They are policies that the company puts to determine
what is acceptable and what is not acceptable for example in Facebook
when we create an account on it sends you a list of usage policy and if
you do not do that it gives you a band for your account for a period of

Ethical hacking (white hack and grey hack): You may have taken the
wrong idea of the hacker but there are hackers who do not penetrate
or threaten the data but help increase the security of the system by
filling the security holes of the system

Privacy is isolating information that belongs to its owner from others and it is not
ethical to violate privacy and We must not give the password and email to
anyone and maintain the privacy of the company's information.

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